#my friends noticed and were like hey crisp you good??? and i was like YEAH MHM IM AS FINE AS APOLLO
almightycrisprat · 5 months
i hate benchball i hate benchball i hate benchball i hate benchball *wheeze* WITHOUT YOU THERES NOTHING FOR ME TO DO CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE TOO ITS COMING THROUGH IT MAKES MEE FEEL BRAND NEW
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
another ficlet from the same verse as i’m sorry, christofern 🪴
Eddie unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt. He couldn’t breathe. The waiter was sneering down at him—at his piercings, tattoos, fingernails blackened with polish and chipping. He didn’t belong at this fine establishment, and it was noticeable to everyone.
The piano man was going to town playing a Beethoven Sonata near their table, and Eddie was this close to shoving him off the bench and showing him how to play some real fucking music.
But Steve was also sitting across from him, looking suave with his hair combed back like an old Hollywood movie star. He was beaming at Eddie, and Eddie was helpless to it.
Even if the menu was giving him a goddamn heart attack, and he was trying not to keel over behind it as Steve ordered the lobster bisque—to start.
Eddie ordered the garden salad.
Steve gave him a weird look. “You sure that's what you want? I thought you didn't like salad.”
“I’m sure,” Eddie said. The salad wouldn't demolish his wallet like any of the things that actually sounded good. “I’m turning over a new leaf. Eating healthier.”
“Uh-huh. You’re already as skinny as a string bean. I don't think you need to eat healthier. You probably need to eat more."
“No can do. I’ve become a slut for vegetables.” Eddie grinned. It was maniacal. “Can't resist a big, juicy cucumber in my mouth.”
The waiter left, looking deeply disturbed, and Steve kicked him under the table, blushing. “Eddie! Jesus.”
“What? Can't a man freely express his joy for deepthroating gourds?”
Steve choked on his water, putting the glass down hastily as he coughed. “You’re such a…” He didn't finish that sentence, but Eddie could fill in the blank.
Their first course came, and Eddie pretended to like his salad.
“Yeah, you really look like you're into that,” Steve said, stirring his soup.
Eddie swallowed hard. “It’s absolutely succulent, Steven, thank you.”
He absolutely hated it. The slimy vinaigrette, too.
“Oh, man. Look at that string of pearls,” Steve said, letting it go as he pointed over Eddie’s shoulder. “I’d like one of those.”
Usually, Eddie was the one lacking manners. “Kinda rude to point at people, baby.”
Also, pearls? Eddie was going to be in the red right after this dinner. He hoped Steve wasn’t expecting those any time soon.
Steve laughed, dropping his hand on the table. “No, I’m not. Look.”
Eddie turned in his chair, then groaned in realization when he saw what was hanging from the ceiling.
Steve wasn’t pointing at some woman wearing a pearl necklace. He was geeking out over a fucking plant. Even in public, he was a devoted plant daddy.
“We can get you one of those,” Eddie told him. Steve wanted a pearl plant? Done.
Steve leaned back in his seat, assessing him with his warm brown gaze. Eddie tried not to squirm. “What?”
“You don't like it here.”
Eddie balked. “I like it fine—” he started, then deflated a little under Steve’s skeptical eyebrow quirk. “Okay, I don't like it here. But you do, right?”
“It actually kinda reminds me of my parents.” Steve’s nose wrinkled. “I just wanted to have a good time with you and treat you to something special, but it backfired on me.”
Oh. Hell.
“Hey, it didn't backfire, sweetheart,” Eddie told him, voice low. His hand twitched. He wanted to reach across the table for Steve’s but knew he couldn’t—especially not here. Here, they were no more than friends.
“You wanna ditch and go get a pizza?” Steve asked, nails scratching along the crisp white tablecloth like he was thinking the same thing. “We can catch the next creature feature at the drive-in. Eat on the hood of my car?”
Eddie sighed, feeling his entire self relax. “Oh fuck yes, please. Let’s go.”
They grinned at each other and got up, slinging on their coats. They paid for their half-eaten meals. Neither of them tipped the snooty waiter.
Steve caught his hand in the parking lot as they walked to his car. It was risky, but the walk was less than a minute. They linked fingers.
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joelalorian · 6 months
Fall Into Me - Chapter Three: No Mirror for Monsters
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapter Warnings: Mature, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings, confusion, and self doubt. Joel goes on a date but not with you. Two idiots falling and pining for each other. Lotta swearing, because, yeah, I like it. Reader has long enough hair for a ponytail and likes comfy clothes. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used by her dad.
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Thank you for reading this little tale! I did not expect all the love - my heart is fit to burst over all the wonderful comments and reblogs!
Chapter Two | Main Masterlist
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“Good morning, Millers!” you greeted as you let yourself into their house the following morning. Nearing late October, it was a beautiful day outside and the crisp morning air made you happy. It would heat up later, but for now you were enjoying the comfort of a beloved hoodie and yoga pants.
“Hi darlin’,” Joel replied with a lot less enthusiasm as he leaned against the kitchen doorframe. Still nursing his first cup of coffee, his sparkling personality hadn’t kicked in yet. “Sarah’s just gettin’ dressed. Want some coffee?”
“Nah, don’t drink the stuff. Smells good, but the taste is just…” You scrunched up your nose, at a loss for the right word to describe how utterly disgusting you found the taste of coffee. You moved through the house to join him in the kitchen.
Turning back to the counter with a chuckle, Joel poured himself another cup and shrugged. “There’s no accounting for taste, I guess. More for me, then.”
“There’s the silver lining!” you teased. “So, you guys have any big plans this weekend?”
“Nah, should be qui—Oh shit, I almost forgot!” Joel closed his eyes, bumping a fist against his forehead. His gaze was shuttered when it met yours again. “Would you mind watching Sarah on Saturday evening?”
“Yeah, sure. I don’t have any plans, so I’m happy to hang with the nugget. You got a hot date or something?” You meant it as a joke, but the way Joel winced clued you in. Your face fell at his next words, and you hoped he didn’t notice.
“Uh, yeah. Tommy set it up.” Joel drained the rest of his cup, tossing it into the sink, and ran an anxious hand through his curls. “First one in a while, ya know.”
No, you didn’t know. But it wasn’t really your business, was it? Sarah’s arrival in the kitchen saved you from having to say anything else as the little girl launched herself at you.
“Hey nugget,” you said, wrapping your arms around her little body as she clung to your waist. Despite your best efforts, your greeting lacked your prior enthusiasm. You could feel the heavy weight of Joel’s gaze on you like a laser, but you refused to look in his direction. “You ready to go?”
“Uh huh, I already ate breakfast,” Sarah said proudly, spinning to hug her father. “Bye Dad, love you.”
You turned away, already heading for the door as Joel pulled her in for a bear hug, feeling your heart constrict at how much they loved each other. You didn’t bother to say goodbye.
Joel had a date.
A date who wasn’t you.
Man, that fucking sucked.
Could you blame the guy, though? He was still young and handsome, hardworking and responsible to a fault. And, most of all, he didn’t know that you harbored growing feelings for him. Nor could he ever find out, you reminded yourself, not when your dad was his best friend.
The ride to drop Sarah off was full of silence, your mind weighed down with thoughts of Joel and the valiant effort of trying to convince yourself to stop thinking about him. Coming out of the fog as you moved up in the school drop-off line, you wished Sarah a good day and watched as she bounced up the steps into the building. You envied that sweet obliviousness of youth.
Driving away from the school, anxiety started to kick in. The thought of going back to your house to sit alone as the four walls closed in on you made your stomach churn. You drove around for an hour, no real destination in mind, and ended up at Peace District Park. With nothing much else to do, you walked the trails of the urban oasis and let nature work its magic in calming your nerves.
It worked.
As you sat on a bench watching songbirds flutter around the flora, you texted one of your best friends from high school who still lived in the area. You needed a girl’s night out.
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Distractions were dangerous in his line of work, but Joel struggled to get his mind to focus all morning. He fixated on the way your face fell and your entire demeanor changed when he mentioned the date, like you were disappointed, hurt even. But that couldn’t be, could it?
There was no way you felt something for him. Was there?
Joel went over and over every interaction between you two since the day you met, trying to see if he was reading into things too much. He wasn’t the most observant guy, he knew that well enough, but there were moments when he’d catch you gazing at him with this look of wonder in your eyes… that had to mean something. Right?
Fuck. He was really bad at this stuff. So out of practice and lacking confidence.
Maybe he just imagined it all. Maybe you had something else on your mind and didn’t give a shit about someone like him going on a date.
What could he do about it if you liked him anyway? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, what did it matter. You were JB’s daughter and Sarah’s babysitter, nothing more and nothing less.
Joel’s mind continued to cycle through the same thoughts all day, until he smashed his thumb with a hammer because he was so distracted. Pissed off and in pain, he called it a day a couple hours early, leaving Tommy in charge of the site. He needed to get home and put some ice on his thumb.
By some cosmic coincidence, he arrived home at the same time as you and Sarah. He couldn’t hide his thumb from your eagle eyes as the three of you entered the house.
“Jesus Christ, Joel!” you hissed, trying not to swear in front of Sarah, your delicate hand already reaching for his larger, dirtier one. “What happened to your thumb?”
“It got in the way of a hammer,” Joel mumbled, doing his best not to wince as you gently prodded at the swollen digit. He also did his best to ignore the softness of your skin and the warmth of your touch on him, wishing you would touch him everywhere. “You don’t have to fuss, darlin’. It just needs some ice.”
“Oh, hush up, you. Go wash your hands then sit down and relax, I’ll get you some ice and aspirin to help with the swelling. You’re lucky it’s not broken!”
“Bossy lil’ thing, aren’t you,” he grumbled, doing exactly as you ordered once his boots were kicked off to the side of the foyer. Sarah nestled against him on the couch once he sat, fussing over his thumb just as much as you did. His lips quirked upwards at the thought that it meant you both cared about him.
You returned minutes later with a bag of frozen peas, two white pills, and a bottle of cold beer in hand. “Take these,” you directed, offering him the pills and beer. Once he swallowed, you placed the bag on his hand, carefully adjusting it to wrap around his thumb. Your teeth bit into your bottom lip as you concentrated on not hurting him and he nearly groaned as an ache built up in his belly at the sight.
“Thank you, darlin’,” Joel said, voice deep and husky before clearing his throat. His eyes clocked your movements as you stood up straight and your eyes widened when they met his half-lidded gaze. He catalogued the moment to add to the growing list of moments between the two of you that hinted at something deeper, something more lingering in the air.
You waved off his thanks and headed back to the kitchen, calling over your shoulder, “I’ll make some dinner for your two before I leave.”
He wanted to follow you, to let you know he wanted you to stay for dinner, and maybe watch a movie with him and Sarah afterwards, but Sarah’s sweet little voice distracted him.
“Will you help me with my homework, Daddy?” She peered up at him with eyes that matched his own and his heart swelled with love.
“Of course, my little nugget. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
They worked on math problems until you called them for dinner, Joel relieved at the break. An exceptionally bright girl, Sarah didn’t really need his help, but she enjoyed it when he tried. Math made his head hurt, a headache starting to build between his eyes. The headache grew at the sight of only two plates full of spaghetti on the table.
“You’re not eating?” Sarah’s voice squeaked, making her dissatisfaction clear. Turning to him as you shook your head, she added, “Daddy! Tell her she can stay!”
Joel’s mouth barely opened before snapping shut again. You were already speaking, cutting off whatever he would have said.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, nugget. I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Sarah’s disappointment broke his heart, and Joel felt helpless.
“You sure you can’t stay? I thought maybe we could watch a Disney movie after.” He looked at you with unmasked hope in his eyes. He wanted you to stay even more than his daughter did, but he couldn’t tell you that.
Something flashed in your eyes but disappeared before Joel could figure out what it was. “Sorry, I have plans with a friend and I can’t stay. You two enjoy the movie without me,” you said with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’ll come by at 4:30 tomorrow, okay?”
Joel nodded, cringing at the reminder of his date, and watched you leave with a pang of disappointment rivalling Sarah’s.
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Emily never changed. She was still the prettiest girl in the room and funny as hell, lifting your mood just like she did back in high school. The pair of you sat at a swanky bar downtown, catching up like you never missed any time together. You stayed in touch a bit over the years, but the distance and different priorities led to your friendship taking a back seat to everything else. Now that you were back, it was easy to dive right back into that unbreakable bond the two of you always shared and pick up where you left off.
You didn’t realize how much you missed that bond until now.
The bar filled with the typical Friday night after work crowd as the two of you sipped at your drinks and rehashed the past few years. Soon, the conversation moved to your current love life – or, more accurately, your complete lack of one.
“So, you seeing anyone lately?” Emily asked, signaling to the bartender that you were ready for another round. “Last I heard, you were with that dude… what was his name? The one that would gaslight you and always insisted your tears were weaponized when he made you cry.”
“Yeah, Tom. That asshole. I wasted too much time on him not knowing any better, but we broke up about a year and a half ago, thank God.” You cringed at the thought of all the emotional damage you had to overcome after that one. You worked hard on finding yourself again after that disaster. “No, I’m not seeing anyone.”
Ever the receptive one, Emily picked up something in your tone that you couldn’t hide. Tilting her head curiously, clocking your movements with her sharp eyes, she continued, “But there’s someone who caught your eye? Do tell!”
Without hesitation, you launched into a long-winded explanation of how you met Joel and how you’re now a mess over the guy.
“Dad’s best friend, huh? When did you become such a cliché?” Emily teased, her shoulder gently bumping yours. “He sounds dreamy, though!”
“I am not a cliché! We don’t all get to all get to marry our high school sweetheart because we met ‘the one’ when we were 15. Talk about a cliché!” You cackled, drawing the attention of two men in suits a few seats down from you, but you ignored them.
“Alright, alright,” Emily mock surrendered. “Back to dad’s best friend. What is the problem? The JB I remember is a cool guy who wouldn’t have a problem with you dating his friend, not when said friend is only a bit older than you and such a good guy.”
That caught you by surprise. “You really think my dad would be okay with it?”
Emily shrugged. “I mean, I haven’t talked to your dad in years, but I remember him being a pretty reasonable guy and he always wanted the best for you. Why wouldn’t he want you to be with someone responsible and caring like this Joel guy?”
You nodded thoughtfully, your teeth worrying your plump bottom lip. “Even if my dad was cool with it, there’s the fact that Joel is not interested. He’s going on a date tomorrow, for fuck’s sake.”
After a moment of consideration, Emily asked, “Does he do that often? Date, I mean.”
You shook your head, fingers dancing absentmindedly along the edge of the bar. “Apparently not. He said it’s the first one in a long time.”
Emily’s eyes narrowed. “And you don’t find the timing suspicious?”
That caught you off guard, your eyes darting to hers. “Should I?”
Shoulders shrugging beneath long layers of dark hair, Emily hummed. “Maybe? From what you just told me about your interactions, I find it interesting that he’s suddenly going on a date. Makes me think he has feelings and he’s struggling with them just like you are.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that.” You blew off her observations, you couldn’t afford to start having hope now when he was going on a date tomorrow. Instead, you changed the subject. “So, how are you and Ed doing?”
The rest of the night passed in a blur of conversation and mixed drinks with the occasional interruption from a few brave men hitting on you. It crossed your mind to flirt with one or two of them, but you were having too much fun catching up with Emily and blew each of them off. Before you knew it, the hour was late and Emily’s husband, Ed, picked you both up to make sure you got home safe.
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“What the hell am I doing?” Joel asked his reflection as he tried on his fourth shirt from his closet. He wasn’t looking forward to this date at all, his mind a mess between feeling guilty about leaving Sarah, the confusing mix of emotions revolving around you, and his complete lack of confidence.
Torn between trying too hard and not trying at all, he huffed in frustration, ripping the buttons of the shirt open before tossing it onto the growing pile of discarded clothes on his bed.
He had no business going on a date. What had he been thinking when he agreed to go?
Joel slumped onto his bed in defeat, his right fist coming up to bump against his forehead. How could he ever think that going on a date would get his mind off you? Not to mention, he felt like a dick for asking you to watch Sarah while he went on said date.
God, he really wasn’t good with this kind of shit.
A glance at the clock got him moving. You were due to arrive shortly, and he had to pick Annica up for a 5:30 reservation Tommy insisted he make. There was no room to dilly dally.
Another glance through his closet and Joel settled on a blue flannel and dark jeans, paired with newer black boots. Best to just be himself, he thought. Using a bit of gel, he pushed his curls back from his face. His beard was freshly trimmed, and he ran his truck through the car wash earlier in the day.
“That’s as good as it’s gonna get,” he said to his reflection before leaving his bedroom, the doorbell ringing as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Joel opened the door to find you standing there, your feet shifting uncertainly. You looked tired, yet beautiful as always and he gulped. “Hey, why didn’t you just come in? You have a key.”
“Hey Joel,” you greeted with a shrug, your voice quiet. Your eyes scanned from his head down to his feet like you were drinking him in. “Just didn’t feel right, I guess.”
“Ok?” Confused, he waited for you to explain, but you kept your mouth shut. Something was off with you. He wondered if something happened last night – you said you had plans, had it been a date of your own? His heart skipped a beat as he shook his head clear. “Well, come on in. You doin’ alright, darlin’?”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed back causing Joel’s brows to pull into a frown as you followed him into the house. “You look nice. Ready for your date?”
Was it just him or did it seem like asking that question pained you? What the fuck was wrong with him? Shaking his head free of thoughts like that, he blushed. “Oh, uh, thanks. As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” After a beat, he added, “I’m kinda nervous, actually.”
Joel watched your eyes soften at that. “You shouldn’t be. Any woman would be lucky to go on a date with you.”
Including you? he wondered. There was a wistfulness to your voice that shattered him, leaving him ready to ditch his date and stay there with you and Sarah. “Hey, I, um—”
“You’re here! Finally! Come on, I want to show you something!” Sarah sprinted into the living room, grabbing your hand, and stealing your attention before Joel could finish his sentence. Maybe that was a good thing. God only knows what was about to come out of his mouth.
“Slow down, nugget! I’m coming,” you laughed as the young girl dragged you toward the stairs. It was the first smile of yours Joel glimpsed since you arrived, and his heart beat heavy in his chest when you turned to speak to him over your shoulder, your broad smile dimming with your next words. “Have fun tonight, Joel. You deserve a nice night out.”
“Thanks, darlin’,” he replied, the words heavy in his mouth. Clearing his throat, he called out, “Be good, Sarah! I ordered pizza for you both, should be here soon.”
“I always am, Dad! Love you!” Sarah yelled down the stairs, her attention already focused on whatever she wanted to show you.
“Love you, too.” Joel continued staring up the stairs long after the two of you were out of sight, a sense of yearning knotted deep in his chest. Forcing himself to look away, he grabbed his keys and headed for the door, once again asking himself why the hell he agreed to this date in the first place.
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“Can we go see it tonight? Please?” Sarah gazed up at you with her dark eyes widened like a baby cow and you were powerless. How did Joel ever tell this precious, sweet girl ‘no’? It was impossible.
“Let’s see what the showtimes are first. We can’t be out too late.” Scanning the movie listing Sarah pulled up on her tablet, you found the showtimes for the latest kid friendly adventure movie she wanted to see. “There’s one at 6:30. We can totally do that one and still have you home for bedtime. Sound good?”
“Yes! Can we get popcorn?”
“Of course! No trip to the movies is complete without popcorn.”
The two of you ate some pizza before getting ready to go. You liked getting there early enough to find your seats and see the trailers before the movie started. Texting Joel on your way out the door to let him know you were taking Sarah out, the two of you climbed into your car.
The movie theater was busy as usual for a Saturday evening, but you found a good parking spot beneath a light post not far from the entrance. There were lines for tickets and concessions leaving you relieved at arriving early. With tickets in hand, you led Sarah to the shortest of lines in front of the concessions counter. That’s when you saw them.
A tall blonde with big hair and legs for days, wearing tight fitting jeans like a second skin and yapping away while walking closely with a taller man with broad shoulders and curly, dark hair. The man’s sleeves were rolled up, his left hand placed low on the woman’s back, gently guiding her as she gripped a bucket of popcorn and a fountain drink. Another fountain drink was clutched in the man’s right hand. As if he felt the searing heat of your jealous gaze, the man turned, and your stomach plummeted.
Joel’s dark umber eyes met yours in surprise, his hand dropping from the woman’s back as he watched your face fall. He looked uncertain, like he didn’t know whether to carry on with his date or rush to your side. His eyes darted to find Sarah standing at your side, her focus on the snacks displayed within the glass counter. Forcing a half smile to your face, you dipped your head in greeting and turned to move forward, your attention refocusing as it was your turn to plan an order. All the while, your mind raced with thoughts of Joel and his date. Knowing that he wouldn’t want to introduce his daughter on a first date, you never told Sarah that you saw him.
Handing the bucket of popcorn to Sarah, you said, “Careful now. I’ll grab napkins and carry our drinks.” You led the way past the concessions toward the designated theater, which was, thankfully, on the other side of the building from where Joel and his date had been heading.
You phone buzzed in your pocket once you and Sarah were seated – in the middle of the aisle, at Sarah’s insistence, because you’d have the best view. It was a text from Joel.
JM: Sorry darlin’ just saw your text. Hope you and Sarah enjoy your movie.
Torn between responding or just leaving him on read, you went with a third option and gave his message a thumbs up before shoving the phone deep into your pocket. Minutes later, you relented with a sigh, pulling the phone back out to respond a little kindlier.
You: Thanks. I didn’t know you were taking your date to the movies or we would have gone somewhere else.
Bubbles appeared as he was typing, but you didn’t want to see what else he had to say. Silencing your phone, you shoved it back into your pocket.
You were distracted the entire movie, staring blankly at the large screen as you over-analyzed every detail about Joel’s date. She was closer to his age, maybe even a bit older, with big, perky boobs and a pretty face covered with a thick layer of makeup. Her hairstyle fit the old quote, “the bigger the hair, the closer to God” and likely took her an hour or more to style. She made an effort, that’s what seemed to matter. Meanwhile, you sat in the theater with your hair scraped back into a messy ponytail and wearing worn jeans and a hoodie. You felt like a child compared to Joel’s date.
Part of you wanted to hate her for having all the features that Joel apparently found attractive, but you couldn’t. It wasn’t her fault the man you were pining over wasn’t the least bit interested in you.
Finally, the credits rolled, and you pretended to have paid attention to the movie as you listened to Sarah gushing over it for the entire ride back to the Miller house and in the moments between brushing her teeth and tucking her into bed.
The living room couch was particularly comfortable when you sat on it, your body settling into the pillowy cushions with a sigh as you stretched across it. Staring at the ceiling, eyes blinking tiredly, you wondered when Joel would be home, both eager for and dreading his arrival. Still mortified over nearly crashing his date and self-conscious about not fitting the mold of what he found attractive, you wondered what you’d even say to him when he walked through the door.
The pull of sleep too strong to fight, you submitted to the emotional exhaustion, dozing off until a gentle shake of your shoulder caused you to stir.
“Darlin’, go sleep in the spare room,” Joel murmured as you blinked your eyes open.
It took you a moment to come back to your senses, your body following his orders before your brain kicked back to life. He stepped back as you got up, one strong hand reaching out to hold you steady as you wobbled. You met his eyes as the haze of sleep began to clear. He gazed at you with such a soft look you trembled.
“You okay there?” he asked with a quiet laugh and your eyes flicked down to his mouth, catching the glint of something on his cheek, just above his beard. Focusing on that spot, it became clearer. A very distinct lipstick mark. He wasn’t even bothering to hide it.
Wrenching yourself from his gentle grasp, you slipped on your shoes and pulled your keys from your pocket.
Joel watched your every move, confused and clearly not wanting you to leave. “Hey, where are you going? Just take the spare room. You’re still half asleep.”
Shaking your head, you avoided looking at him. “Nah, Imma head home. G’night Joel, see ya Monday,” you said, turning your back on him as you headed for the door. Unable to help yourself as you wrenched the front door open, you added, “Might wanna go clean your face off.”
“What?” his baffled question echoed behind you as the door closed.
Taglist: @mellymbee@untamedheart81@anoverwhelmingdin@runningmom94@leilanixx@pedropascalfan221@lovelyjess69 @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @tammythr @lulawantmula @islacharlotte @allyourfavesinoneblog @lover-of-books-and-tea @pedropascalsbbg @ashleyfilm @brittmb115
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater…
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Pairing: azriel x reader, the ic, lucien and elain, and helion mentioned
Summary: angst, no happy ending for him, a bit ooc azriel bc he’s an absolute ass in this. also I can’t make elain the villain bc I love her. bittersweet ending, cassian and feyre being the most wonderul people ever. some swearing, like a tiiiiiny nsfw scene, like it barely counts, but i’ll warn you anyways.
Author’s note: yeah, this was inspired by heather, so definitely listen to it while reading💔 i just think this was the perfect day👀 never again am i writing angst, plus i might have been a bit dramatic when said this was gut-wrenching, i don’t think this was very angsty, just a bit tragic. but i hate angst so any angst is gut-wrenching in my eyes🤷🏽‍♀️ also there’s no revenge better than rising above…
Word count: 6,5 k words
If you see any grammar errors or spelling mistakes, no you didn’t ❤️
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"Y/n, I practically hear your teeth chattering. Here, wear this." Azriel removed his sweater, passing it to you with a hint of concern in his eyes. You bit the inside of your lip to keep from smiling, he was always so thoughtful and observant. It was on of the reasons you fell in love with him.
"It's okay, Az, you'll freeze." You attempted to return the warm clothes, but he firmly pushed them back, fixing you with a stare that left no argument.
"I won't freeze. You know I'm used to this weather. Bet you miss your old home right about now." He alluded to your home court, The Day Court where the sun always shines, and standing on the balcony on a crisp December morning doesn't make your fingers feel like they'll fall off.
You arrived in Velaris to assist with document translations, given your expertise. Your services were in high demand across various courts. And initially, a month-long stay extended to two, then three. Eventually, enchanted by Velaris and its people, you asked Helion if you could make it your permanent home. The support of your friends added to the whole experience.
You slid into Azriel's warm sweater, feeling its comforting embrace. The fabric whispered tales of comfort and safety, an unspoken promise against the biting cold. As you adjusted to the newfound warmth, your heart felt a different heat—one that spoke against the unspoken feelings you had towards him. The subtle scent of his cologne lingered, intertwining with the softness of the fabric, creating a scent that seemed to make your heart flutter twice as hard. In that moment, you couldn't help but let the warmth of the sweater mirror the warmth within you.
“ Feel better?” You nodded, avoiding his eyes in fear that he’d be able to see the emotions portrayed on your face.
“ Thanks, Az. For the sweater and all. It’s really warm.”
The corner of his lips twitched as his eyes remained on you, “Keep it. It looks better on you than it ever did me anyways.”
He grabbed your hand before you could respond and walked back in, closing the balcony doors. Stuck between friends and something more, you felt lost. Wanting to confess your feelings to Azriel but scared it could mess things up, you were torn. The shared laughs felt like good friends, but those lingering looks sparked a longing for more. Balancing this act, you wrestled with risking the friendship for a shot at something deeper. In the middle of all this, you were standing there, not sure which way to go.
As you hesitated walking further with him, Azriel noticed you stopped walking and furrowed his brow. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
You wanted to tell Azriel how you felt, but doubts held you back. As you looked at him, the sweater felt heavy with unsaid words. You wondered if it's better to say what's on your mind or keep it to yourself. Fear answered for you as you shook your head and gave him a reassuring smile.
Later that day, during dinner, Azriel asked you to meet him in the upstairs library while your friends were distracted, to which you accepted, head spinning at the possibilities.
In the quiet sanctuary of the library, the air thick with unreadable energy, Azriel's eyes met yours. Without a word, he closed the distance and gently pressed his lips to yours, a silent acceptance of the feelings that had lingered in the unspoken spaces between you. The unexpected kiss marked a sweet transition between friendship and the uncharted territory of something more.
For over a year, you and Azriel kept things under wraps, not really calling it a relationship. It was a secret, a kind of unspoken understanding. The stolen moments and shared looks formed the backbone of whatever it was between you. You regularly fell in each other’s beds and spent intimate moments together. There was however one specific night you’d always cherish.
You were in his bed, cuddling after he gave you yet another amazing time. Your legs were h thrown over his hips as you occasionally kissed his plushy lips. He held you tighter and ran his hand under your sweater. His eyes were lidded as he whispered intimately,
“ This sweater looks so fucking good on you, please never take it off. I’ve never given anything to another woman, but there’s something special about you. I love it when you wear it, like a reminder that you’re mine. No one else will wear it.” He pulled you closer and kissed your neck and collarbones. His hot breath made yours hitch as he fondled with your stiffened nipples.
Your attempt to come up with a response faltered as he brushed over another sensitive area, prompting a moan to escape your lips.
But as time passed, the lack of clarity started to wear on you. The hidden nature of it all was both a source of comfort and frustration. You yearned for more, a real relationship, a label to put on what you had with Azriel.
But with the war and Feyre's sisters entering the scene, everything got complicated. Your attention got scattered, and the chaos made the unspoken thing with Azriel less of a priority for a while.
After the traumatic and bloody war, you tried to seek Azriel for comfort, but he busied himself with Elain. His focus seemed to be on her, making it hard to find a moment to reconnect. The situation left you feeling unsure about where things stood between you two.
As the days went by, you noticed Elain entering Azriel's world completely, capturing his attention in a way that left you filled with jealousy and pit growing in your stomach. Her presence became a subtle intrusion, and the shared moments that were once exclusively yours now seemed to be scattered between you and her. The laughter and conversations, once intimate, now carried a different tone, a rushed tone to hurry away to Elain. A pang of jealousy crept into your heart, and the undefined nature of your connection with Azriel began to feel more fragile. The fear of losing him to someone else tugged at your emotions, leaving you questioning the unspoken relationship you had shared for so long.
You couldn’t even blame him. Elain was a sight for sore eyes, a beautiful girl with an even more beautiful soul. She had only treated you with kindness, giving you thoughtfull Solstice gifts and advice when needed.
You couldn’t justifiably be mad at her.
You’d pick her over you too.
Maybe you should just face your problems head on and ask him for some advice to break the newfound ice. His grunts were heard as he punched cassians face, getting some blood on his knuckles. Approaching him in the training pit, you hoped he wouldn’t dismiss you. “ Hey, Az, can we talk?”
Looking at you with an unreadable expression, he sharply replied, “Yeah, sure, quick. What's up?”
You tentatively asked, noticing his mood, “ Um, you wanna go for a walk? I haven’t seen you for a while. Also, we’re supposed to meet tonight, are you still up for it?”
He glanced around, eyes searching for an out, “Can it wait? I've got something I need to take care of.”
You felt dismissed as he didn’t even address what you mentioned and used whatever power you had left and asked, “ I just thought-“
"Look, I'll catch up with you later, alright? But yeah, I guess i’ll meet you tonight." After Azriel quickly walked off, you felt a sting from his unintentional rudeness. He had been acting like this for a while now and they way he hurriedly accepted your offer was making you feel like a second choice. But why? You did want to meet him and he did say yes, so why in the mother’s name did this feel so…?
Trying to shake it off, you found a quiet spot to gather your thoughts. Doubts crept in, making you wonder if his abrupt exit meant something more. Left alone with unanswered questions, you thought about having a straightforward talk about where you stand in his life.
“Hey, you okay? What was that about?” Cassian’s tone was so gentle and inviting and it almost made you spill everything right there, but he already had his own issues and problems with Nesta so you didn’t want to burden him further.
"It was nothing. I, uh, I'll see you later, Cas." You hastily departed, your eyes stinging with impending tears.
He was late. Again. This had happened seceral times before and despite agreeing to see him tonight, his prolonged absence weighed on you. Feeling a bit pathetic, you rose from your armchair and slipped under the covers, opting for a deep, dreamless sleep.
As war flashbacks filled your mind, and a suffocating panic took hold in the middle of the night, leaving you sweating. You threw of your sheets, gasping as you made your way to door. Desperate, you rushed to find Azriel, your heart beating louder than the echoing footsteps in the quiet hallways. You hoped to find comfort, a break from your horrors, as you hurried along.
Turning a corner, the world shattered around you. Azriel and Elain stood in an embrace, lost in a kiss that felt like a thousand daggers piercing your chest. The air in your lungs disappeared , replaced by a crushing weight that threatened to swallow you whole. Time was lost as you grappled with the horrible realization that the sanctuary you sought was crumbling before your eyes.
Your Azriel wasn’t yours anymore.
Your Azriel wasn’t ever truly yours, a taunting voice spewed in your head
Quietly, your broken heart mirrored the shattered moonlight, pain etched into you, stranded in heartbreak's silent hallway where quiet screamed louder than war's echoes.
He had chosen to be with Elain even though he promised you he’d see you.
Your heart was in your throat as you went downstairs for breakfast. The memory of Azriel shoving his tounge down Elains throat was still so fresh and it made something in you ache.
The dining room buzzed with the voices of friends and family as you dropped into a chair between Feyre and Lucien, saving space for more seats in front of you. Glancing to the right from your plate, you noticed Lucien, as he cut into his eggs. Oddly, you hadn't known he was back, despite being good friends. Ever since he learned about his father, he'd been curious about your old home in the day court, where his father ruled. You two became fast friends, and you promised to take him on an exclusive trip there anytime he wanted.
“ Hey, Lucien. How was your trip and when did you come back, I didn’t hear you enter yesterday.”
Yeah because you probably cried yourself to sleep, maybe that’s why.
He flashed his charming smile, tilting his head with playful eyes. "Missed me, Y/n?" he teased, laughing as you playfully punched his arm. Only he would crack jokes so early in the morning.
Deciding to tease him back, you couldn't resist digging into the details of his trip to the continent. You never got tired of his adventures, loving how he narrated them with grace and humor, making you feel like you were right there with him.
"Yeah, so what if I missed you? I enjoy having you around, Luc. But seriously, spill. Did you take down any monsters? Save any damsels in distress?"
Lucien chuckled, leaning in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, I did fight off a swarm of overeager pigeons. Does that count as saving the day or just a triumph against feathery creatures?" he quipped, his laughter infectious.
You howled at the thought of a flock of birds surrounding your friend, pecking at him while he irritatingly tries to remove them.
The room fell silent as Azriel walked in with Elain, and your laughter faded.
A mix of hot and cold flashes hit you as you saw Elain wearing your sweater.
The sweater Azriel gave you a year ago—the one that meant a lot to you.
The one you had grown to love and was a reminder of what could be.
The one that cemented your feelings for him.
He gave it to Elain.
The one he was kissing last night.
The one he swapped you with and then got irritated when you tried to approach him.
The one who was mated to the seething male next to you.
The weight of everyone's stares bore down on you as Elain and Azriel took their seats in front of you and Lucien. Feyre and Cassian's eyes felt like lasers on the side of your head as you couldn't look away from your sweater now worn by Elain. Confusion gnawed at you – you'd tossed it into the laundry basket, yet there she was, flaunting it. The fact that Azriel didn't seem to care only added to the bewilderment, even when he knew what it meant to you. Irritation sparked in you as you got ready to chew him out, because who the hell wears something that doesn’t belong to them. And maybe Elain didn’t know but Azriel sure as hell did and you had enough of whatever bullshit this was. But before you were able to speak up, Feyre beat you to it.
“Elain, where did you get that sweater? I’m pretty sure it’s y/n’s.” Everyone looked back at Elain as red colored her cheeks, she meekly looked at you as she sputtered her explanation.
“ I hope it’s okay y/n, I didn’t know it was yours. I was in the laundry room with Azriel and I got… Well I, I um, got dirty, so he handed me this shirt and told me it was okay but I should’ve asked. Do you want it back?”
Numbness was all you could describe what you felt like. There was no way to miss the insinuation. They fucked and he gave her your sweater to wear after. And she didn’t even know it was yours, so you didn’t blame her. You found a new level of respect for Lucien, because you weren’t even mated to Azriel and you felt all this pain. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt.
Not having the energy for this you gave her a sweet smile and said something that made Azriel’s eyes stay on you the rest of the meal.
“No worries, Elain. The shirt means nothing to me. Keep it. It looks better on you than it ever did on me, anyway.”
You casually picked up your fork, trying to eat away the tension that lingered in the air. Throughout the meal, Lucien remained tense next to you, his mate leaning against the shadowsinger, his arm around her. The gesture practically shouting that he didn't care about Elain's mate sitting across from him, much to Rhysand's dismay.
"Lucien, I'm full. Do you want to accompany me to town? There are a few things I need to get, and I could use some help carrying them." You extended your hand, and he took it, ever the gentleman, placing it so you held onto his arm with a smile.
Reaching the pathway to the town square, the open nature felt like a breath of fresh air. Despite you and Lucien being able to winnow, a walk through the cold December morning seemed necessary to clear your head. Glancing at Lucien, you sensed a shared need for clarity. Unable to contain it any longer, you decided to spill everything, the weight of unspoken words demanding release.
“I’ll be honest, I suspected something along those lines. I mean you weren’t being subtle about it. But the sweater threw me off.”
“Oh, I suppose our subtlety is not relevant anymore. Lucien, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and hold you in high regard. Feel free to share anything; I'm here to listen. I can't even fathom how hard it must be when you're mated.”
His sad laughter echoed, tugging at your heartstrings, confirming that it wasn't an easy situation. As he opened up, every word he shared made perfect sense, resonating with what you were feeling.
After wandering around The Rainbow, sipping hot chocolates, and sharing your thoughts, you headed home. However, upon your return to The House, you were greeted by a pacing and visibly upset Azriel. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked at Lucien who looked just as confused as you. Azriels pacing came to a halt as he quickly made his way over to you.
“ Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere. Why where you out with him?” Hot fury coarsed through your veins as you snapped at his tone. Just who the hell did he think he was?
“Where I am and who I'm with isn't your concern. Now excuse me, I'm going to my room. Lucien, I'll see you around. Thank you for your help.” You stood on your toes, giving Lucien a kiss on the cheek, and then briskly walked to your room, leaving Azriel with his thoughts. Though he certainly didn’t think very long as his footsteps inched closer behind you.
Azriel stood before you with a tense expression. “Why were you with Lucien?” he demanded, his eyes searching for answers.
As much as you missed him and ached for him, there wasn’t a single planet where you’d let him disrespect you and then demand answers like some jealous boyfriend. Anger took over as you stood tall and laid everything for him.
“Listen, I don’t know what you think you’re doing but you can’t talk to me like that. Lucien is a good male, you should know, your fucking his mate and he hasn’t murdered you yet.”
His face was back to it’s neutral state, the state of the shadowsinger and spymaster of the night court. He stepped closer, jaw tight as he spewed words that made your blood boil.
“I don’t want to see you around Lucien again. I don’t care that you’re friends because it looks like you want to fuck him. You belong to me and I don’t share.”
The possessiveness normally would’ve turned you on as it once did when a male tried to hit on you a few months ago. But this just made you want to punch him clean across his face.
“Azriel, I’m not sure you’re hearing me. I may see whoever I want because you’re not my father or mate or anything. And I’m not a thing, I do not belong to you so I will do whatever pleases me.” You stepped closer, interrupting whatever he was about to say.
“Unless you’re actually disturbed, then you’re capable of understanding that you’ve chosen Elain, you’ve neglected me and have chosen her. I don’t blame you, the heart wants what it wants. But atleast grow a pair and say it to my fucking face. How dare you come to me and demand I stop seeing my friend?”
“ Y/n, let me just-”
“ No, i’m saying what I’m going to say then me and you never have to talk unless it’s absolutely necessary.” The last bit of anger you had, fired up the question you had been asking yourself for a while.
“Why did you give her my sweater when you said you’d never give it to anyone. Why would you ever give her what’s mine? From my laundry basket? Are you truly heartless or just plain stupid? And why do you care about what im doing? You’ve made it clear we’re over.” You swallowed back your tears, determination winning over the burning behind your eyes, no fucking way would you cry in front of him.
His words devoid of any sense of emotion rattled you. He ignored everything you said as he gave his stupid answer.
“First of all, it’s just polyester. You’re acting like a child over a shirt. And you’re my mate, so I think I get some say in who you see.” As if his words triggered something, an obnoxious golden thread snapped itse in your chest. The weight of it heavy with sadness and betrayal.
He looked bored and uninterested as he stared you down. “I’ve always wanted a mated and when you first arrived, the bond snapped into place, hence why I fucked you for over a year. And I almost told you about it but then Elain came along and I realized I love her more than I want a mate. You know, The Mother is cruel, she should’ve just made me and her mates so we could’ve skipped this ugly little moment. Oh well-”
A grunt escapes as he staggered back from your punch. That arrogant, hypocritical piece of shit knew you were his mate, he knew it every single time he bedded you, he knew it when you cried and laughed, he knew it when you told him how much you wanted one.
He knew and he didn’t care.
A whirlwind of emotions hit you as the bond intensified. A headache crept in as you turned away and left in silence, your head filling with questions.
How could you face him without the urge to punch again? Did Elain know all this? Did anyone? How could you stay here without wanting to kill him? And why was your face wet?
You halted, a trembling hand reaching for your face. Tears flowed, and a humorless, empty laugh escaped you. You hurried back to your room, sobs breaking through. Collapsing onto the bed, waves of sadness, heartbreak, and betrayal overwhelmed you.
You stayed in your room, wallowing in self-pity for the next few days without eating or seeing anyone. The House put several plates of food on the table next to you but you just felt nauseous. Your friends had reached out and tried to talk to you only to be met with your silence, it speaking loud enough for them to understand you didn’t want to see anyone.
A knock made you snap your head up as the person persisted. Irritation sparked in you as the knocks kept up. Letting out a sound of annoyance you got up, letting your legs get adjusted from the days of not using them, before strutting over and throwing the door open only to be met with by Cassian and Feyre.
“ Oh, what are you doing here, I think I’ve made myself very clear. I’m really not inte the mood for this.” You sensed an intervention and there couldn’t possibly be a worse time. They ignored you, much to your dismay, and just stepped in and plopped down on one of the plush sofas that decorated your room.
“ Y/n, we haven’t seen you for almost a week. I’ve accepted you don’t want to see anyone but i’m starting to get really worried. Please know that whatever’s burdening you doesn’t have to weigh on your shoulders alone. We’re here for you and if you don’t want to talk to us then maybe Azriel? I know you like each other and have some connection.” Your stomach dropped when she mentioned his name.
"No, absolutely not Azriel. I never want to see that lying son of a bitch ever." They appeared alarmed and confused since you always spoke highly of him. Feyre and Cassian were the only ones aware of the true nature of your relationship with him. They had supported you, and were the only ones shocked about the sweater Elain wore, knowing its significance to you.
"What do you mean? What did he do?" They rose to give you a hug, noticing your eyes glossing over. Sitting on either side of you, they held you as you poured out the details. In the safety of your friends’ embrace, you told the painful details of Azriel's betrayal. The room echoed with the weight of your emotions as they listened, offering comfort and understanding.
"I feel so stupid. I know he's my mate, but I still feel betrayed. He made it clear we were just sleeping together, but there were so many mixed signals, and I just... I don't know. I have no anger left; I honestly don't care anymore. And I know it's not Elain's fault because she doesn't know we're mates, but I'm afraid I'll hurt her if I see her near Azriel. Gods, I really admire Lucien. I wonder how he's gone this long without breaking down." You shook your head as you looked to them. Their expression was laced with sadness and anger towards the spymaster.
“ I’ll kick his ass today at training, I’m so sorry honey.” Cassian was filled with conflict and anger at his dear friend being put through this. And Feyre didn’t look better as she glared at the door as if Azriel might suddenly appear. They were finally both mated and could imagine the pain of their mate doing something like this.
“ Y/n, do you want to come with me and stay at the River House? Maybe some time away from him will do you good. Lucien is also staying there and he has been down lately too. I’ve talked to him and your situations are very similar. Maybe you should talk to him.” Feyre held your hand, her voice gentle as she gave you a smile when you nodded, accepting the offer.
Cassian walked over to your closet and packed you a bag of clothes while Feyre led you to your vanity and brushed through your hair. She pulled it into one of the simpler styles you usually went for. You went onto the bathroom and took a quick shower. Cassian knocked softly and handed you a change of clothes. You felt an overwhelming gratitude for your friends caring nature as tears welled up in your eyes. They approached with laughter, and it sparked a genuine smile from you. Gods, you loved your friends.
Azriel flew back to The House after spending the day with Elain and dropping her off outside the River House. Though he loved Elain, she hadn’t reciprocated his feelings and it grated his nerves. He threw away a perfectly good mate. She should be loving him back too. As he entered The House, the unusual silence struck him. Cassian and Nesta’s typical noise was absent, and the absence of any sound from you heightened his worry. Azriel anxiously opened doors and searched every corner, looking for any sign of anyone.
He remembered that it was Sunday, the day of their usual family dinner. He let out a sigh of relief and changed before flying to the estate.
Your wineglass paused mid-air as Azriel walked in, placing a kiss on Elain's shoulder. She glanced at Lucien, subtly distancing herself. Despite her evident discomfort, Azriel nonchalantly put his arm around her. You felt bad for Elain. Maybe she wasn’t feeling Azriel anymore but didn’t have the heart to tell him.
A snarl ripped you from your thoughts as Lucien stood up looking murderous. Elain looked up at him with a hint of relief as Azriel simply pulled her closer and stared at him, face unreadable.
“Get your arm off her before I kill you.” Luciens voice came out gritted and you instinctively moved away a bit, not daring to get too close to the seething male witnessing his mate feel uncomfortable. Lucien was a levelheaded male and it took a lot for him to get really angry, so anyone with half a brain knew not to tread to closely. Rhysand next to him, stood up aswell, sensing that there probably would be a fight, ready to intervene.
“You’re going to kill me? I’d like to see you try.”
That was definitely the wrong thing to say because Elain frowned and pushed his arm away, making her way over to Lucien, calming him down by grabbing his hand shyly. He still held eye contact with Azriel, slightly smiling as Azriel grew angry.
“Don’t lay your hands on her again. If i ever see you making her uncomfortable, I’ll hang you with your own insides.” Elain looked at him with wide eyes and dragged him further down the table.
“Okay, what the actual fuck? What is going on and why are you looking at y/n like that?” Rhysand’s voice broke whatever trance was going on. Your interest peaked as your eyes slid over to Azriel’s only to find them filled with his usual boredom mixed with anger.
You let out a laugh, not being able to stop as you thought about how ridiculous he was being.
“ Well, let’s see. Azriel is my mate and he kept it hidden from me since the day I met him. Oh, and we fucked around for a year or so before he became a dick and started ignoring me, stopped coming to our planned meetings and I finally understood it was because of Elain. But I don’t blame her, I blame him. Hmm… what else? Right! He knew about us being mated and wished he was mated to her instead, and look how that turned out. The one you left me for doesn’t even want you anymore Azriel, how does that make you feel, mate?”
You bit out the last words with poison as you gave him a half smirk. Elain approached you, as everyone soaked up the information. She held your hands in her shaking ones and looked at you with a pained expression.
“ Y/n, please believe me, I didn’t know you two were seeing each other, let alone were mates. He told me you were just friends and nothing more. Had I known, I wouldn’t have ever been with him. And if i’m honest I thought i wanted to be with him, but I want to get to know my mate.” Before she could ramble on you pulled her into a hug, feeling bad for her. She hadn’t know and still apologized.
“Elain, I assure you, I don't hold any blame towards you. I'm happy you want to get to know Lucien. Trust me, he's genuinely funny and nice when he's not being a sarcastic ass.” Laughter filled the air as you and Elain shared a moment, lightening the mood.
You let her go as she got closer to Lucien. No matter how much you wanted to seek your mate out for comfort, you couldn’t let it happen. You knew there was only one thing left.
“ Azriel, I reject the bond. I don’t know how I can ever be with you after this. Not only did you lie to me, you lied to everyone. I’m never going to trust you completely and I think we need to work on ourselves. But it won’t be with each other.” With that you turned on your heel and left for your room, leaving behind a shattered bond and pleading a mate.
Azriel's three-month-long begging for a second chance haunted you, likely triggered by witnessing Elain and Lucien's kiss in the courtyard. While you were happy for them, a lingering sadness stayed you, realizing you would never experience a shared bond. Azriel had robbed you of the beauty of a mating bond, and forgiveness felt out of the question. Suffocated by him, you made your way to Feyre and Rhysand's office, ready to ask the dreaded question that had lingered within you for a while.
“ Come in!” Feyre’s gentle voice probed you to open the door as you slithered in. They both looked at you with caution. After breaking the bond, you had been bedridden for three weeks. The physical and mental toll it took on you was overwhelming and some days you questioned your decision. But then you remembered what led you here and just powered through.
“ Guys, I promise I feel much better, so please no more mother-henning. Especially you Rhys.” Feyre let out an amused giggle as Rhys just narrowed his eyes in mock irritation. The weight of what you had to say hung heavy on your shoulders, but you knew they'd support you. Opting for honesty, you decided to rip off the bandaid.
“ I want to move back to the Day Court. I love it here but I miss my home, my siblings, my parents, my friends. I wasn’t supposed to stay this long and even though I love velaris, I can’t live here so close to… him. Not only that but I’ve been sending letters to Helion and he is very eager to meet Lucien and has asked me to check if he wants to come.” You decided to drop the last bomb, asking them for a huge favor.
“I also wanted to see if you could erase my memories of Azriel. Not everything, just the whole fiasco. I genuinely want to move on, and I feel like I won't be able to if I keep dwelling on it. Believe me, I've tried to avoid him and the situation for the past months, but the thoughts still linger.”
They were silent for a moment, likely speaking to each other through their mind. You met their saddened eyes as they nodded.
“I'm sorry you feel this way, Y/n. I genuinely wanted you to feel at home here, but of course we won't force you to stay. We'll erase the memories, but only if you promise to visit someday. Perhaps even let us come to you? I've heard the Day Court's sun is not to be played with, almost rivaling the Summer Court.” You giggled and nodded at Rhysand's words, tears streaming down your face – a mix of happiness and sadness. Overwhelmed with emotions, you embraced them as they gave you a big hug, one of the last you realized.
You surveyed your now empty room, memories of passionate moments and heartfelt kisses with Azriel lingering in the air. It felt like a distant past, a different life, a different version of you. Shouldering your bag, you descended the stairs. Rhysand had winnowed all your belongings back to your old quarters in Helion's palace. Lucien and Elain, already packed, awaited you at the breakfast table. It was time to share one last meal as residents of this house.
After announcing the news, Lucien and Elain asked if they could join you, insisting on the top-class tour of the court you had promised him. Delighted, you agreed, more than happy to bring your friends along as you all headed back home.
The table was filled with your friends as you shared one last meal, Azriel's seat empty as he was out on a mission. Unable to face him in fear of lingering emotions, you insisted on leaving while he was away.
Feyre stood at the head of the table, a mix of emotions visible in her eyes. She cleared her throat, capturing everyone's attention.
“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for Y/n, Lucien, and Elain. Though farewells are always bittersweet, we must embrace change and growth. Y/n, you've been a cherished member of our court and a life-long friend, and while your path diverges, our bonds remain unbroken. Never forget that you will always have a home here.”
She smiled warmly, addressing each one individually, “Lucien, my first and dear fae friend, Elain, my kind older sister, your presence has brought joy to our home. The Day Court awaits, and I have no doubt that your light will shine brightly there.”
She raised her glass, “To new beginnings, may your paths be lit by the stars that connect us all. Safe travels, my friends.”
The room echoed with the clinking of glasses, a heartfelt farewell lingering in the air.
After tearful goodbyes, Feyre and Rhysand exchanged a glance, understanding the weight of your request. Pulling you aside, Feyre spoke softly, “Are you ready for this?"
You nodded, feeling Rhysand place a gentle hand on your forehead as Feyre held the back of your head. Together, they wove their magic, erasing the memories of Azriel and the pain attached to them. As the magic settled, you blinked, a new easiness in your eyes.
Rhys offered a reassuring smile, “May this bring you peace on your journey, Y/n.” You gave them a final hug, walking back to Lucien and Elain and winnowed back to your home.
At Helion's annual grand ball, you moved through the crowd, the vibrant atmosphere alive with laughter and music. You glanced around as you spotted your friends.
Approaching your dear friends, you hugged and greeted all of your friends, updating them about your life as you heared the uptade of theirs. Then, unexpectedly, you found yourself face to face with Azriel. His expression revealed a mix of confusion and curiosity. This was the first time you had met him simce you moved. Your friends told you that he was often gone on long missions, only staying briefly to report to Feyre and Rhysand before heading back out. Unbeknownst to you, your friends had slowly decreased their conversations and meetings with Azriel and he was now more of an employee than a friend. They loved both of you but there was no way to just let him back in as a dear friend after what he did.
“Hi, Azriel. It’s been a while. How’s everything going?”
He nodded, "Indeed. I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here."
You chuckled, “Really? I mean it is my home after all. Why is it shocking?”
Azriel furrowed his brows, "I thought... after everything, you hated me."
Your eyes widened in confusion, “Hate? I don’t know what you mean, Azriel. Why would I hate you? You’re a dear friend of mine.”
Realization dawned in Azriel's eyes, “Your memories...” But before he could continue, Rhysand pulled him away.
Azriel's realization hit him hard. The weight of the moment pressed upon him, and he felt a deep sense of remorse. Seeing you free from the memories, both good and bad, brought a profound ache.
He swallowed hard, the truth settling heavily in his chest. He had caused so much pain that you chose to erase him from your mind. A sickness crept over him, the regret of his actions piercing through as he watched you move through the ball, blissfully unaware of the history you once shared. Surrounded by the festive atmosphere, he felt a deep loss and the haunting echo of an irreversible mistake.
You looked happier and healthier than you had ever been. Deciding to not disturb the peace you created, he simply disappeared into his shadows, seeking out their comfort as he always had.
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fredwkong · 1 year
Himbo Maker: Aaron
Aaron could admit to himself that he had always been a nerd. He was smart enough that he had skipped grades through high school and sailed through his degree. Now he was working as a civil engineer. He wore a solid colour button up shirt, corduroy pants, and tighty whities every day, just because he found them comfortable.
As an engineer, Aaron had more than a bit of the tech nerd in him, and he wasn’t immune to the AI craze. When all of his friends on an online forum started raving about some new AI chatbot, Aaron was curious.
Him-br.AI was marketed as an AI chatbot that helped you to make big changes in your life. It appeared to be some kind of self-help assistance bot. Aaron signed up for the free trial and loaded up a chatroom. He didn’t notice that, since he was on the free trial, he didn’t get to decide what the bot would help him to change. After a few seconds of loading, he received his first message from the bot.
Himbo_mkr: Hey bro, what’s up?
Eng-boy: Uh, hi. What’s up?
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I had a sick workout, huhuhu. My muscles are all pumped up and covered in sweat. Hot, right?
Aaron couldn’t deny that did sound hot. His dick chubbed up in his corduroys. This bot sounded a bit like an idiot, but it wasn’t like he was real. Aaron could play along and get off. Tons of guys were probably doing it.
Eng-boy: That does sound hot! Since you’re so sweaty, you’ve probably got a lot of musk coming off your body, right?
Himbo_mkr: Yeah, bro! My hot pits, crotch, and asscrack give off a totally rancid stench, lmao. It gets me hard knowing that I smell like such a man.
It was a bit surprising that a bot could talk about getting hard, Aaron thought, but by now he was getting too into it. He rubbed his bulge through his pants and typed another message.
Eng-boy: Sounds like you’re a pretty dumb muscle bro, huh?
Himbo_mkr: Bruh, I’m a himbo, of course I am! You’re not the sharpest knife either, lol.
Aaron was a bit offended, but then he thought back, and he decided that the bot was kind of right. He wasn’t, like, a dummy, but he wasn’t valedictorian, either. He’d had a solid B average, which had gotten him an okay engineering degree. So he was stuck in a dead-end permits office, whatever. The money was good.
Eng-boy: Guess you’re right, haha. I always thought I could have been smarter.
Himbo_mkr: Bro, why? You’re a proud bro. Brains are, like, your lowest priority, huhuhu.
For an instant, Aaron felt light-headed. He was no… bro, right? But as he looked around the room, it seemed like that was true. His engineering degree was surrounded by pics of himself and his bros partying at school. There weren’t any fantasy novels on his shelf, just gay porn magazines. The sheets on his bed weren’t crisp and fresh, but kind of a sweaty mess.
Aaron scratched under his skinny armpit and sniffed the mild scent he gave off. He had to wear the cords and the button up for work, but he was definitely a bro, through and through, despite his skinny physique. He was kind of a dumbass, but he was good enough at his job, even though dealing with shipments wasn’t exactly what an engineer should be doing.
Eng-bro: Of course, bro. When I’m off the clock, I’m all for the bros. Who needs smarts?
Himbo_mkr: Exactly, bro! Dumb bros like us have no inhibitions and we’re worry free!
Aaron was properly jacking his hard, if average, cock now. He was feeling warm and horny, and thinking about how big this himbo bro’s ass must be. He vaguely remembered something about a bot or something, but he didn’t care.
Eng-bro: I wanna play with your big muscle tits and asscheeks, bro.
Himbo_mkr: That’s so like you, bro. I bet you’re sweating like a pig, too. Your shirt’s probably covered in musky sweat stains.
Aaron looked down and chuckled. The himbo was right again! His button up shirt was soaked through and translucent, showing off his skinny chest. He had yellowing pit stains that were totally dripping with salty, musky sweat.
His whole room stank from all his sweat. In spite of his nerdy stature, Aaron had always had overproductive sweat glands. He’d given up on controlling it in high school, instead choosing to embrace his natural musk. These days, he cultivated it.
Sweat-bro: You know it, bro. Bet you wish you were here to peel it off me, bro.
Himbo_mkr: Strip, bro! Your thick, dumb chest muscles are probably too big for a button-up, anyway.
Aaron started unbuttoning his shirt. It was hard, with his thick, sweat- and pre-slicked fingers. After a moment, he gave up and ripped the shirt open, chuckling, “Huhu, Superman!” as he did. As he peeled the soaked fabric off his skin, it felt like Aaron was seeing his massive pecs for the first time. They were perfectly rounded with big, dark nipples. He rubbed a hand over his sexy musclegut, too.
Himbo_mkr: Don’t forget those giant arms of yours, either.
Aaron paused in the action of licking the sweat off his peaked, solid bicep. He was such a dumbass sometimes, he’d totally forgotten he was in a chat! Hopefully this bro wasn’t too mad.
Sweat-bro: Dude, I gotta take off these cords, they’re getting smelly from all the pre and shit.
Himbo_mkr: Don’t forget to take off your underwear, too, bro! You don’t want it to snap around that dumptruck ass of yours.
It took Aaron several seconds and lying down on his bed to pull off his corduroy pants and tighty whities. The closure was too complicated for his dumb bro brain to figure out, plus his huge ass and thick thighs had been crammed in there like sausage meat. Huhu, sausage. Once he was naked, he started jacking again, his little dick almost invisible in his huge hand. He moaned so loud in his deep, dumb voice that he missed the next notification.
Himbo_mkr: Yeah, jack that big Korean cock. Don’t forget to pay attention to your big bull balls and slutty hole, too.
All the blemishes and acne scars on Aaron’s skin vanished as his skin smoothed out and lightened. His hair turned black and straightened out. His pubes darkened too, growing out into a real forest along to frame his dick and balls. He grunted and groaned even more as he tugged on his balls. He started to bounce his big, jiggly ass up and down to better feel the huge plug filling up his hungry asshole.
Himbo_mkr: You’re wearing a white tank, right, bro? And those slutty little jean shorts are around your ankles with your musky jockstrap as you jerk. And those big, smelly feet of yours. You’re wearing your Converse, right?
As a musky Asian himbo, Aaron always wore a sweat-soaked white tank, which showed off his bulky pec shelf and protruding musclegut. His favourite pair of booty shorts were down around his ankles, along with the jockstrap he’d worn today. Aaron swung his legs into the air to get better access to his hole, showing off his boat-like white high-tops, which were stained with sweat because he never wore socks.
While Aaron kept on jacking off on his unwashed, cum-crusted sheets in his messy, musky room, the Him-br.AI chatroom closed itself. Another window opened an instant later, starting up a video stream. Now anyone on the internet could see Aaron, the dumb, sweaty Korean himbo, pleasure himself and lick up his musk. For a fee, they could even control the size and vibrations of his plug to pleasure his slutty himbo hole.
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Idea with assistance from a bot of my own creation. EDIT: Format inspired by Codename: Bear_mkr by @biggerchanger . Thanks to @imsrtman​ for catching that.
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i-love-ptv · 3 months
(Coco) Nuts For You 𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
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Coconuts n cuteness with your lovely JJ
Fluff! + One sexual innuendo ;)
(Not proofread I fear..)
Wc: 583
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An: Hi Babies!!!! I’ve missed you all so so much! Sorry for the long break, but I think it was def needed for me. Here’s this small fic so I can get back into the groove of things! xx
feedback is always appreciated <33
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“Hey J?” You murmur.
“Ya know, I’ve been thinking…”
“Oh, well that’s never good, is it?” He sasses heartily.
“Shut up. It’s basically been scientifically proven that i’m smarter than you,” you say while giving a slight kick to his shin under the table.
JJ chuckles, “Whatever helps you sleep at night cupcake, now what were you saying?”
“Oh right! I was thinkin’, if you were a fruit, you’d totally be a coconut!” You say with glee, with a sense of urgency.
“…Yeah? And why’s that baby?” He asks as he pops another fry into his mouth; his voice filled with amusement while he slightly tilts his head to the side in a puppy-like manner.
You hold your index finger in the air, signaling for him to ‘hold on’ while you sip on your crisp coke.
“Well I dunno, I just think it fits you. I mean, coconuts are hard ‘n tough on the outside, but they’re so, so sweet on the inside, ya know?!” You say as you reach over and grab one of his fries in his basket.
You continue shortly, “Like they’re kinda hard to open at first, takes you a ‘lil to get it, but it’s worth it at the end.” You finish, with a shy glance up to the blonde.
“…..Or maybe it’s jus’ cause you have a big ass head.” You say through snickers, which turn into full-blown laugh when you watch disbelief wash over your boyfriend’s face.
“Oh, you little-” He cuts his shout off quickly, noticing a few other customers in The Wreck looking over; some with a snarl.
This only makes you both giggle louder. Whenever you were with JJ, it felt as if nothing mattered, as if you were both in your own little world, together. Being with the boy made you stop caring about what others thought of you, it wasn’t easy persay, and you’ll always thank JJ for helping you get out of your shell.
“Way to ruin the moment, and you know what, I’m gonna ignore what you just said. That just may be the corniest thing you’ve ever said, hun.”
“Shush, you. It’s not a bad thing,” you mumble out.
“I’m glad that you’re comfortable enough with me to let your guard down, to let me care for you like you deserve.” You say softly, as you link your pinkies together over the wooden table.
JJ displays a full smile after this, letting his canines show brightly.
“I think you’d be a peach,” he says with a smirk as he fixes his red backwards cap.
“Oh yeah? Why?” You say with a similar look, a hint of mischief in your eyes.
“It’s ‘cause your butt is like two round peaches together. Or maybe a watermelon, ya know, cause I love your sweet taste, if you catch my drift.” JJ says as he releases laughter that could fill the room alone.
“Jesus Christ JJ! God, I think you’re the one ruining the moment now!” You screech out, as you throw his fries at his face, in a way to somehow silence him before you get a complaint from your shared friend Kiara.
JJ’s head is tilted back while his hands rest on his stomach. You peer at him over your glass, and wonder how you got so lucky.
You don’t know what god you somehow pleased, but you’ll endlessly be grateful for them allowing you to wiggle your way into JJ’s heart.
No matter what, it’ll always just be the two of you, in your own little world, together.
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kairiscorner · 8 months
pt. 1
💭 in which you meet one of your high school classmates at your favorite cafe.
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the relaxing ambiance at this cozy little cafe by the corner down your street was simply a treasure to you, it wasn't that crowded, the staff were pretty friendly, and they brewed your drinks and served your favorite pastries just the way you liked them. indeed, this crisp morning was just... a perfect blend of calm, serene, and—surprising.
when you arrived by the counter to pick up your order, you noticed someone familiar ordering. the minute he turned around to meet your gaze, his dark purple eyes widened; instinctively, he put his hand up to the side of his face, not to disrespect you or say that he didn't want to see you, he just... he didn't really comb his hair this morning, nor did he plan on meeting you of all people today. "choso?" you recalled his name, with him flinching at the fact you remember who he is.
he slowly lowered his hand and moved out of line, still keeping his distance form you, though. "ah, hey..." he muttered out, unable to make eye contact with you out of embarrassment. you gave him a small smile and closed the distance between you two, complimenting his effortlessly put together look, including the barely tamed bedhead. he chuckled under his breath, which morphed into a sigh as he ran his veiny hand through his light brown hair. "had i known i'd meet you today, i'd've made smarter fashion choices." he murmured, making you laugh, which made his face burn up in embarrassment.
you invited him to sit at your table to just talk if he wanted, and he shyly accepted your invitation. after combing his hair in the cafe's restroom and receiving his order, you reminisced how you once did the same gesture for him in high school—offering you a seat at his secluded table, away from the crowds, in the corner of the cafeteria. he always took the seat next to the trashcans, offering you the best side of the otherwise neglected and shabby table.
choso sipped at his frappe, his mind wandering as he began to recall and remember all those moments during lunch time with you. "yeah, i... i'm sorry i couldn't really get you any of the good tables, not like with those popular kids that'd invite you to all the great hangout places around and outside of school." "no! no, you have nothing to be sorry for. if anything... it was those moments where it was just us two, a couple of awkward teens behind the whole crowd, just being in our own little world together that made my high school life memorable. thank you, cho." you declared, expressing your gratitude for his subtle gestures of hospitality and concern for you.
once again, choso's cheeks burned up at your thanks, and at the mention of his nickname that you constantly called him back then after you both became friends. he turned away from you, biting at his straw, a sneaky red hue tinting at his cheeks. "don't mention it." he mumbled, making you giggle under your breath at how adorable choso was. his habits of acting flustered really stayed the same, and you felt more and more attached to this man the more you meet him.
"uh... can we do this again? y'know, meet at this cafe, um, talk, and... i dunno, do whatever you wanna do together afterwards." he offered, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do to make this conversation seem less desperate for him to see you again next time on his part. you raised your eyebrows, and your lips curled into a soft grin. "of course! same time next week?" "ah y-yeah, same time next week." he told you with a nod.
"then it's settled..." you confirmed, a childish little smile on your face as you extended your raised pinky finger out to him. "i trust you'll seal this with one of my binding vows?" you chuckled, making choso break out into a smile and shaking his head lightly. he relented, and wrapped his pinky finger around yours; your 'binding vows' of pinky promises were unbreakable.
the morning hadn't even fully begun for the man, but... choso's already looking forward to the rest of it, and for next week, right here, at the same booth at this very cafe, for him to see you and be with you all over again, having that same moment that feels like a gentle fire in his cheeks, that feels like the calm after a storm, like being in a field full of new, fresh grass—like being a lovesick, edgy teenage boy whose world revolved around that one special someone, for even just one moment, when everything feels perfect and right.
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ryva · 1 year
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GN! Reader - No Pronouns Used
TW: cussing (obv), smooching, and generally just a bunch of stupid fluff with some bakusquad shenanigans!
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“COME ON YOU GUYS!!! I WANNA BEAT THIS MAZE FIRST!! WE’VE LOST SO MANY TIMES!!! THIS IS OUR FINAL CHANCE!!!!”  Denki whined, already at the entrance to the corn maze, while you, Bakugou, Mina, Sero and Kirishima were only just stepping foot out of the car. 
“YEAH, YEAH, DONT BE SO FUCKIN IMPATIENT, SPARKPLUG!!” Bakugou roared back, slamming his driver’s side door shut, and trotting in the back of the pack of friends, you next to him. 
“C’mon bakubro! Where’s that competitive spirit?” Kirishima said, “It’s the final opportunity for the UA bakusquad to win in this maze!!“, pumping his fist into the air. 
“Its fuckin’ cold out here, I don’t exactly want to be wandering out in a field in the middle of fuckin’ fall for no good reason.” Bakugou said, tucking his nose back into his scarf, shoving his hands in the pockets of his black coat a little harder in annoyance. 
Giggling at his childish pout, Mina Piped up, “Psh- whatever, we’re excited and gonna win!!” She shouted, hooking an arm and hanging around Sero’s neck who gave a firm nod. 
“Fuckin- whatever…” Bakugou grumped, scanning around the entrance to the maze. 
“well, I think we can do it,” you said, smiling “at least one of us can”
"That's the spirit!!" Mina encouraged, pumping the group up. 
You giggled as the group ran into the maze, barely making an effort to make any method or strategy in “figuring out” the maze. Leaving you and your boyfriend, Katsuki, to lazily travel behind them. You both make little effort to actually figure out the maze either, rather making it a nice fall walk. 
“I'm surprised you’re not more competitive about this, babe,” you said, nudging him playfully.
“Surprisingly I don’t wanna run around like some maniac in a buncha grass when its too fuckin’ cold for my quirk to work and, not to mention, I could easily just blast over this whole damn thing and see the way out,” he rants, “But racoon eyes says ‘that’s cheating.’” 
“Well it technically is cheating,” you retort, chuckling when he gives you a glare that could kill a small animal. 
Through your conversation of banter (and him not understanding why you love this dumb season), you hadn’t noticed you’d walked yourselves into quite an ending. Scanning around, the green and orange decaying leaves around you seemed to stretch down quite a while behind your path, with a wall of foliage right in front of you.
“Dead end,” you say to him, staring up at the top of the barrier, “I can’t even hear anybody…” 
“Can’t hear anybody eh?” Katsuki turns to you with a wolfish grin, leaning towards you with a blush, not just from the cold, hoping for some affection.
You kiss him on his upper cheek, ”you know they can probably see us right now, right?” 
“Nah, I haven’t seen any cameras, and sensei Aizawa knows this shit by now,” he smirks, capturing you by the lips, making you giggle. 
You hook your arms around his neck and deepen into the kiss, letting yourself melt into the warm comparison of his lips to the crisp air. One hand on your hip with other on your jaw, keeping you in place.
Katsuki gripped your hip tighter and went to rest his arm on the wall of leaves behind your head-
when his arm fell through
you both toppled over and faded through the faux bush, Katsuki twisting so you land on top of him, and landing on the cold, hard ground on the other side.
The both of you get your bearings only to see the out to the maze, the ending. the ending was a fucking false wall. you both get up, (katsuki picking you up and placing you back down) and get your bearings, seeing a banner between two wooden pillars with the word 'end' plastered on.
"are. you. fucking. kiddin'. me?" katsuki spat, "that's gotta be some sort of cheating?!"
You giggled "Hey, but we won, right?" nudging him in the side with your elbow
He grunted in annoyance but affirmative and sat on on of the hay bales next to the right pillar, you joining him.
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it was maybe an hour later when Kaminari fell through the wall, leading the rest of the group to figure it out, and for them to playfully berate you for not telling them sooner and splitting off from the group. you just laughed while Katsuki asked if they could go back to the dorms now.
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shuchu · 1 year
im not even a kyo stan but like 😳 imagining the trope where childhood friends get seperated for a while and when they reuinte again, person a is shocked at how much person b has changed and now person a is confused and flustered around person b 🥺
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ different but familiar ₊˚ෆ
character(s): kyo kaneko
note: gn!reader ; fluff ; not proof read!
a/n: oh gosh i haven't written a proper fic in ages... i apologise if this is sloppy ;w; but hey, my first kyo fic o_o despite being a kyomie for a while now lol oops. i actually really enjoyed writing this, it made me feel all soft and warm on the inside hehe. this kinda ended on a cliffhanger, let me know if you guys want a part two!! thank you anon for the idea!! enjoy lovelies ♡
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art credit
you were on your way to the coffee shop nearby to get your coffee before heading to work. you take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air as you walk through a carpet of leaves, hearing them crunch beneath your feet. you swing open the door and hear the little jingle of the bell before the delicious smell of freshly baked pastries mixed with the fragrant scent of coffee wafts towards your nose. a faint smile graces your features as you walk towards the counter to order.
"hi what can i get for you today?" the cheerful cashier asks.
"i'll have an oat milk cappuccino with 2 shots of espresso as well as a croissant please." you respond, giving the cashier a friendly smile.
"will that be all?"
"yep! thank you!"
just as you were about to pull out your card to pay, you see someone reach forward to tap their card on the machine. you turn to your left to see who it was. a guy with light blue hair smiles at you and says, "my treat."
as you walked over to the collection counter with him, you were trying to figure out why this guy looked so familiar. did you know him?
and then it hit you...your eyes widened as you looked at him
he turned towards you with a soft chuckle, "took you long enough."
"oh my gosh...i haven't seen you in..." your voice falters as you try to recall the number of years
"thirteen years." he says as he looks at you with a small smile
"oh wow...it's been that long huh? how've you been? i hope mr. and mrs. kaneko have been well."
"oh yeah i've been busy, got a job that literally takes up all of my time. my parents are doing good though, thank you for asking about them."
"so...what brings you back to our quaint little town?"
"well...my mom and dad wanted to meet some old friends and catch up with them. i've been working tirelessly for months without a break so i decided..."
kyo's voice drifts off, melting together with the background ambiance of the coffee shop as you stare shamelessly at him, noticing the changes in his appearance since you last saw him.
oh wow, when did he get his ear pierced? his face changed a lot...it's a lot more defined now. also, he shot up so much what the heck?! i was taller than him when we were kids...that's so unfair, why do guys get so much taller after puberty...wait, was he always this handsome...?
"hey...hey y/n...are you done checking me out?" kyo's voice gets clearer again as you snap out of your thoughts. you feel your cheeks heat up after getting caught staring at him and because of the close proximity between the both of you. he leaned in to get your attention and now both of your faces were just a few inches apart.
you avert your gaze to compose yourself and mumble, "i wasn't checking you out..."
he leans back and chuckles, "uh huh...so tell me what i said then." he teases, a smirk evident on his face.
you stay silent because obviously you didn't hear what he said, he chuckles and flicks your forehead gently, "you haven't changed a bit, always spacing out."
you move your hand to rub the spot he flicked with a pout, "quit it, you're still as annoying as you were back then." you giggle after and he laughs too. it felt nice to joke around with him again. your heart swells with happiness, you've missed him — more than you thought you did.
the barista calls out your name and you go to grab your order.
"i'm assuming you're headed off to work now, where do you work by the way?"
"oh it's just 3 blocks down, that massive office building?"
"oh yeah, i know which one you're talking about. what time do you get off work?"
"oh perfect, i'll see you then. we need to have a proper catchup. dinner's on me too." he says with a boyish grin.
"no that's okay, i can-"
"nuh uh uh, no can do. um...i'm sure you have to start walking, it's almost 9am. you don't wanna be late to work do you?" he says as he places his hands on your shoulders and swivels you around to face the direction of your office.
you click your tongue and start walking, turning your head back to respond to him, "we'll see mr kaneko. i'll have my card ready this time."
"byeee! good luck at work! i'll see you at 6!" he calls out as he waves at you
you wave too and turn back around with a sappy smile on your face, your cheeks flushed. well that's something to motivate me to get through work today
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zerokrox-blog · 7 months
Hello I have an oddly specific request for a fanfic.
Ok so picture it. Its an autumn morning, leaves orange and brown. The scent of pumpkin spice is in the air. Steve goes for his morning cup and blushes when he sees a handsome rocker with a cup of black coffee, chugging off a hangover from H-E-double stirrer sticks. The understaffed barista begs him to take the man his chocolate cake pop and Steve agrees. They talk and Eddie asks him on a 2nd date. (Him counting this as their first)
Lol like I said, oddly specific but hey, what can I say, I think it would be interesting.
Steve always went for a run every morning at the same time, around 6:30am so that he could go to his favorite coffee shop right as it opens. Steve loved the place, it was a small family-owned cafe with the best coffee in town. It opened up last year. He liked the staff, the decor everything about the place was perfect.
Steve hummed as he laced his shoes, grabbed his phone, he did some stretching first and set off on a run.
The crisp autumn air keeping him cool, and the leaves on their trees, in reds, golds and yellows made his heart sing in tune with his steps. He ran along the trail he normally did, through the park, and then down the main street, towards the coffee shop. He hummed along to his music and kept a steady pace.
As he drew closer to the store's location he slowed his run, keeping himself in a light job.
Once at the store, Steve, now walking, opened the door, calling out a cheerful, "hello!" as he moved inside.
He moved confidently closer to the front desk where his favorite worker, an older man named Even, turned to give him a bright smile.
"Steve! Hello! How was your run?"
Steve started to speak, but then came to a full stop. There was a something new today. Or rather a someone new. There was an absolutely gorgeous man on the left side of the front counter waiting for his coffee, Gareth another worker, was making for him. He seemed dead on his feet, face rather pale. Steve took him in, before awkwardly clearing his throat and went over to Even to put in his order.
Even gave him a Look. He lowered his voice, "he is a pretty man, huh? He is Gareth's friend."
Steve hummed, before breaking out in a bright smile when the man glanced at him, he then turned back to Even and asked for his usual. The man sat down at a table to drink his black coffee.
Once his order was ready, he moved to a table and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man's eyes follow him.
He sat down at the table beside the man, who turned towards him, and took a sip of his coffee. "My name is Eddie, what's your name?" the man's..Eddie's voice was stunning.
He finished his sip, "Steve, do you come here often?" He internally facepalmed at the unintended pick-up line he used.
Eddie smirked, "nah pretty boy, this is my first time here. But I needed a pick-me-up. Gareth is my friend and I knew I could get a good drink here."
Steve and Eddie ended chatting for a while as they finished their drink.
It was a good time, at some point Steve realized he was sharing a table with Eddie. They talked about everything. It took Steve almost an hour and half to realize that he was behind schedule. He worked from home, but it closer to nine, which was when he started.
He frowned at his phone, thinking.
Eddie noticed the look on his face. "can I get your number, so we can set up a second date?" he asked.
Steve stared at him, "a second date? what about the first one?"
Eddie laughed, "I'd say this was a pretty good first date, no? We talked and got to know each other."
Steve grinned back at him, warmth filling his chest, "yeah, this was a good first date. Here," he held out his phone, "put in your number and send yourself a text. I would love to set up a second date."
Eddie did so, a small smile on his face. At the front counter, Gareth and Even watched them. Gareth turned to Even, "we were right. They fit each other very well. But let's not say anything until they get more serious. I want to see if they can figure out that we set them on purpose." Even cackled, he had no intention of saying a word. Besides, "I better be best man at their wedding."
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r-i-03-17 · 3 months
Hey everybody, I'm back. I haven't done one of these in a while and I was bored so I said why not I'm making another Yasammy headcanon.
WARNING: This isn't going to be like my other headcanons with individual points, but more like a short story, and this story is going to have IMPLIED THINGS, but it's not gonna be any worse than any of my other headcanons. This might not be everyone's cup of tea,and that's ok, I can make more wholesome headcanons if people want them,but the point of these, at least for me, is to portray these characters as real adults, and as such they do and talk about adult things,but I'll always give a warning on some of my more mature headcanons so people don't have to read them if they don't want to. Read the rest of my headcanons if you want, but I hope you enjoy this one.
It was a crisp and warm morning in Texas at Sammy and Yaz's small ranch home, the sun was rising, the roosters crowing, and the fresh air blowing through an open window in the kitchen. Yazmina Fadoula, co-owner of the ranch and fiance to the owner Sammy Gutierrez, woke up at 7:30 like she did every morning, to find her friend Brooklyn, sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, looking exhausted.
Y: Hey, what are you doing up so early? I don't usually see you until 10:00 am?
B: Couldn't sleep, too much noise. I tried putting a pillow over my head, but the humidity was too much, so I decided to just stay up.
Y: Oh, Koda wasn't bothering you was he? (Koda is Sammy's Rottweiler).
Y: He's usually pretty quiet on his crate, but sometimes he gets worked up and wh.....
B: It wasn't the dog that was making the noise Yaz, it was you two.
Y: US? You mean me and Sammy? What were we......... 😳.
B: Yeah, you guys got a lock for your door, but couldn't soundproof the walls? Don't get me wrong, romance is good for a relationship, and I'm happy for you guys, but you always seem to do this when I'm around, idk if you forget I'm here or what?
Yaz was now thoroughly embarrassed, not only for being "caught in the act" if that's the phrase you want to use, but that Brooklyn didn't get any sleep because of it. Brooklyn noticing the embarrassment, and feeling a little guilty, tried to be comforting.
B: Hey, sorry for bringing it up, what you two do in your room isn't my business, and I shouldn't really complain.
Y: No, no don't apologize. We should be more considerate, to be honest me and Sammy are so comfortable around you, that most of the time we forget you're here. Like we never do that when my mom visits, I guess cause we're afraid of being caught, but with you I guess it's just not as worrying, idk why? Like you're the only one that's ever walked in on us, yet all we did was get a lock.
Brooklyn felt a little weird but also a little endeared about what Yaz said to her, like it was a little awkward, but it also felt nice that Yaz, the definitely more shy and reserved of the group, had been this open with her, especially about something as sensitive and personal as what they were discussing.
B: I appreciate that Yaz, a little weirded out, but glad that you trust me enough to be open about something personal, that means a lot.
Yaz smiled at her and threw on her baseball cap and grabbed the truck keys, while calling Koda to take him in the vehicle with her.
B: Where are you going?
Y: Off to talk to a buddy about soundproofing the walls, might as well since I'm going to work later anyways.
Brooklyn looked at the girl getting ready to walk out the door, and noticed a purple-ish mark on the back of her neck, about the size of a baseball.
B: Looks like Sammy really did a number on you, considering the size of the hickey on your neck.
Y: You think that's bad, wait until Sammy gets up, besides I'll just put my hair down and nobody will know the difference.
Yaz left and about half an hour later Sammy came out, and the entire back of her neck was basically one giant bruise, and it took Brooklyn every ounce of self control to not laugh while Sammy was talking to her. Her short hair covering nothing like Yaz had the luxury to. Luckily Sammy worked from home and didn't have to go anywhere, and that was a blessing and a curse while Brooklyn explained the conversation her and Yaz had earlier, and where Yaz had driven off to.
That was the last time Brooklyn had stayed at the ranch before she died, it was a bitter blow for the entire group, but for Yaz it hit especially hard. So when nobody was around, Sammy inside cooking or sleeping, Yaz would go out on the porch at night, and cry. She would cry for her lost friend, and laugh in the middle of the sobbing thinking about the memories, the last time she stayed at the cabin (the story above) being one of her favorites. Yaz did this for a while in secret until Sammy and Koda caught her one night, both of them seeming to know exactly what was wrong. Sammy holding her and rubbing her back, and Koda laying his huge head on Yaz's lap so she could pet him. Mourning they're passed friend, but growing slightly closer together.
Hope you enjoyed it, see y'all soon
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
Discourse is Dead FT Yuju
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Author’s motes: made a pivot point and I kinda like it way more.
The air was crisp the sun was shining on a new day and Riku was getting ready for the day when the Iron Banner horn could be heard. Riku sighed he wasn’t fond of Iron Banner but was ready to help Yel due to his over-eager promise. So he puts on his titan armor and goes to the tower to register.
As per his usual routine, he gets in early, hoping to be the rush of other combatants. However, unusually a familiar face is there to greet him.
“Lady Efrideet?” Riku says confused. Lady Efrideet smiles at the young awoken and then notices his armor. She approached him
“What’s this Tanuki?”
“Um, my armor?”
“No where are your robes? You are a warlock?”
“Would you believe me when I say the last few weeks have been kinda crazy?”
“It doesn’t explain why you’re pretending to be a titan.”
Riku sighed as he went through the entire story of how the traveler changed his light in the pale heart to stave off the witness from creating the final shape. When he finished lady Efrideet nodded and then asked,
“So why are you still a titan then?”
Riku was unsure how to really process that. Lady Efrideet smiled as she watched him ponder her words. Deciding the simpler approach she said
“Tell you what, if you can beat me right now I'll drop my questions and let you go on with your day. If you can't I want you to go put your “correct” armor back on.” she watched as Riku furrowed his brow until she said the magic words.
“If you win I'll give you food.”Riku’s mind fog cleared and he agreed hastily.
After Riku's crushing loss to Lady Efrideet, he found himself in his Warlock robes again, per her conditions of the duel. As much as he wanted to resent her, he knew deep down she was right—he wasn't "tough enough" to be a true Titan. So he donned his robes and his bond once again.
While walking through the Tower, Ikora caught sight of him and smiled.
"It's good to see one of my proteges back to their roots," she said happily.
"Begrudgingly," Riku replied.
"Don't say that," Ikora chided gently. "The Traveler placed you under my care because you are wise and discerning, able to see through the world's secrets and mysteries. Don't feel less worthy just because you lack the pauldrons and 'power' of a Titan."
"I thought I was called to be a Titan," Riku admitted. "During the fights with the witness and my journey through the pale heart, I was granted a Titan's power and couldn't access my Warlock ones at all. I accessed the Sol Hammer and Twilight's Arsenal. I felt at peace. it felt right."
Ikora shook her head. "Ah, but I watched you as a titan. you lacked the keen sight and strength that you have had. You played it safe and slow. You often would hesitate. A true Titan wouldn't have that hesitation. Look at Saint-14 and Shaxx—they embody the Titan spirit through and through. You aren't a Titan, and that's perfectly fine. The Traveler gave you the Light of a Titan to overcome the Witness, but your Light is naturally attuned to a Warlock. Let your recent experiences refine you, not hold you back." as Ikora spoke Riku knew she was right but didn't have to like it.
After his chat with Ikora, Riku headed to Iron Banner to fulfill Yel's request for help with her first trial weekend. He managed to assemble a team consisting of Soup (Titan), Hyeju (Titan), himself (Warlock), Yel (Warlock), Minjeong (Hunter), and Asimov-1 (Hunter). Hyeju and Yel were surprised to see Riku in his Warlock robes.
“So, no more Titan cosplay?” Soup teased.
Riku rolled his eyes. “It wasn't cosplay, and you know that, Soup.”
Soup let out a light chuckle. “Yeah, still funny though.”
Riku sighed, feeling the weight of his transition. “Yeah, I guess.”
Asimov-1, slightly annoyed, turned to his two friends. “Hey guys, let’s get ready for today.”
Riku put on his Skybreaker's helm, trying to focus on the task ahead. The battle began, and a familiar melody started to play in his mind. He took out the Tarrabah and initiated his hunt.
Like a beast uncaged, Riku tore through the competition. His first elimination came when a Hunter on the opposing team got too cocky and hit him with a shotgun. Out of proper range, the pellets scattered harmlessly, allowing Riku to unload a full magazine of the ravenous beast into the Hunter. His next four eliminations targeted the three weakest members of the enemy team, whom he stalked relentlessly. When his team did see him, all they saw was a blur of bullets and fire. But in his fervor, Riku was far from perfect. He often found himself out of position, leading to four knockouts. Thankfully, his team carried their weight, making up for his mistakes and earning a close win. Riku ended up in the middle of the scoreboard with 18 eliminations and 6 knockouts, while Yel and Asimov topped the board with 24 eliminations and 3 knockouts (Yel) and 22 eliminations and 4 knockouts (Asimov).
Yel was unaccustomed to seeing Riku so feral and aggressive; it frightened her. Here, her mentor was little more than a caged animal. It made her question if he should be her mentor, but she couldn’t deny his skill or wisdom. The following matches were more of the same, with Yel watching as Riku fought with increasing savagery and cunning.
After the first day of Iron Banner, Riku found a quiet corner to nurse his headache with an ice pack. Lady Efrideet approached him with a knowing smile, mirroring how she first met the Awoken Warlock.
“I saw some of your matches,” Lady Efrideet said, smiling. “While I still don’t agree with your methods, you were radiant.”
“No, I wasn’t, and you know it, Lady Efrideet,” Riku responded tersely, pressing the ice pack harder against his temple.
Lady Efrideet grinned, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and affection. “You’re right, you were you, and that is more important. Also, that robe you wore into combat—is that new?”
Riku shrugged, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him. “Kinda. It was a significantly better roll than I had, so I’m using it more.”
“Oh, okay. What’s it called? It suits you more than the Sunbracers,” Lady Efrideet retorted, her tone teasing yet gentle.
“Well, I told you the Sunbracers was a matter of practicality, not attunement. To answer your question, though, the robes are called 'The Mantle of Battle Harmony.'”
Lady Efrideet nodded before noticing Riku's disdainful expression. “Are you still upset over this morning?” she asked, her tone shifting from playful to concerned.
"Yes. I wasn't expecting consecration not to work. Nor was I expecting everything to just be weird,” Riku admitted, frustration seeping into his voice.
"Spoken like a true Warlock,” Lady Efrideet observed. “Relying on your abilities and combat in an intricate dance. You see if you were truly a Titan..."
“Can you stop, Efrideet? I have a lot on my mind, and I don’t want to think about it all that much. Especially with my headache,” Riku drawled out, his patience wearing thin.
Lady Efrideet smiled before leaving, “Okay then, Tanuki, I will leave you alone.”
A flash of recognition went off in Riku's mind. “Wait, that reminds me. I do have one question. Why is it that everyone else sees me as a bear, and you see me as a Raccoon Dog?”
Lady Efrideet smirked. “Oh, so you finally looked up what a Tanuki is?”
Riku nodded, his curiosity piqued.
“Good. Well, now I have a new homework assignment for you. Look up Tanukis and their significance.”
Riku groaned. “Oh come on, I hate homework. Just tell me. Who knows when the next time I’ll see you.”
“Nope. You are my student, and I would be a bad teacher if I gave you the answer,” Lady Efrideet said firmly.
Riku's resentment and frustration got the better of him. He thought he left games and riddles behind with the death of the Witness, so he snapped at Efrideet, “Efrideet, please don’t do this. Just tell me, please. It’s been a long day, and I want to rest.”
"You don’t understand. You don’t get to have the easy route because then you won’t care. Everything I have taught you has stuck more than it has with Ikora because I gave you the skeleton, not an answer. You are as strong as you are right now because your knowledge and wisdom were earned, not granted. You are wizened, and for those who you will teach, you will need to continue to learn and master,” Lady Efrideet explained, her tone now serious and commanding.
Riku sighed, realizing the truth in her words. “Fine. I’ll look it up. But you better have some good explanations ready for me when I see you next.”
Lady Efrideet chuckled, her demeanor softening. “Deal. And remember, Riku, you are more than your doubts and frustrations. Embrace who you are, fully.” Riku groaned as he got up. Lady Efrideet laughed and said, “Bye hun stay safe,” Riku groaned.
Hours later, Riku arrived at Miso’s shop. He waited for two and a half hours, then another hour. After three and a half hours, Miso approached him. Riku maintained a blank expression, but his fists were clenched tightly.
“Hey Riku, are you okay? Where’s Yel?” Miso asked. Riku ran his tongue over his teeth, paid the bill, and left without a word. When he got back home, he covered his face and silently sobbed. Sashimi watched dejectedly as her Guardian continued to hurt.
The next day, Asimov-1 asked Miso-1 if he could fill in for Riku. Miso-1 agreed, confused as to why Riku didn’t show. He was thankful not to be the only new face. Hyeju had asked her other Titan friend, Hayoung, to help, and she showed up ready to play. When he got there, he realized why. Yel.
Miso-1 approached Yel, who gave him a bright smile. “Hey Yel, where were you yesterday? Riku waited for you for three and a half hours.”
“Well, he’s been weird the last few days,” Yel said. Joshua (Soup) and Asimov looked at her, confused. Yel noticed their expressions.
“What? You saw him yesterday; he was deranged,” Yel defended herself. Miso-1 looked at her, puzzled.
“One of his epithets is ‘the ravenous beast who hunted gods,’” he responded, but before anything else could be said, Iron Banner started.
While this was going on, Riku arrived at the Tower’s library and decided to look up all the terms and ideas Lady Efrideet had exposed him to.
“Hey Sashimi, where would books about Tanukis be located?”
Sashimi scoured her records and then came up with an answer. “Information about Tanuki can be found in quadrant four of the library.” Riku sighed before beginning his ten-minute trek to section four. It took him another seventeen minutes to find the books about Tanukis, but most weren’t in English, so he asked Sashimi where books that could translate the symbols would be.
“Section two,” she said. Riku sighed again as he began another ten-minute trek. When he arrived, it took him another thirteen minutes to find translation books.
After that, he spent the next hour studying. What he gathered was that Tanuki were animals that looked like raccoons but were not related to raccoons at all and were popular in Japanese folklore. Riku sighed when he realized that Lady Efrideet would ask him more, so he got back up and went to section two where books about Danuki should be. When Riku returned to his seat twenty-three minutes later, he threw his head back and groaned, seeing his books had been moved. So he went through the entire process again.
Thirty-five minutes later, he was back to studying. He learned that Danuki were trickster spirits driven by an insatiable desire for freedom. They were highly social creatures who enjoyed spending time with others, could shapeshift, change the form of other things, and were masters of disguise and humor. Their most defining personality trait was their willingness to do anything to win any wager. No stakes were too small, and every bet was life or death. They hated losing but would do so graciously, reveling in victory and fun but could be vicious and cutthroat.
Another thing that stood out was the almost constant comparison to fox spirits in the same folklore. As Riku studied, his brow furrowed. While he understood the info, it made little sense, or maybe that was all the walking back and forth. He decided to leave after that, not wanting to do any more walking. He wiped his face with his hands before leaving the library. On his way home, he decided to stop by Miso-1’s shop for food. It was usually dead around this time. He walked in to see Eunha and Yel along with many of his other friends. They all looked at him when he opened the door. Riku slowly closed the door, and before they could follow him, went to his ship and flew into orbit before heading to do several Dares of Eternity.
Over the next few weeks, Riku made it his mission to not speak to anyone. He didn’t pick up calls, answer fireteam invites—the whole shebang. He didn’t even speak to his Ghost, but Sashimi could see he was suffering.
The only reason this stopped was because Lady Efrideet found out. She knew his routine better than anyone else, so on his way to finally perfecting the craftable Outbreak, Lady Efrideet cornered him along with her other student, Yuju.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Lady Efrideet asked.
“Oh, hi, Efrideet. Hi, Yuju.”
Yuju looked at Riku, confused. “Wait, how do you know my name?” she asked, her eyes narrowing in worry.
“Um, you are Eunha's friend. We met during the Vow of the Disciple raid.” Yuju's head reared back as she remembered. The human Titan stared at the Awoken, surprised.
“You have a good memory,” she complimented. Riku bashfully shrugged, making Yuju giggle. Lady Efrideet smiled as her plan moved along.
“Hey, so Yuju needs help getting Stoicism. Can you help her?” Lady Efrideet asked. Riku scowled, his gaze turning to Yuju, and then he slowly started nodding.
“Great,” she said, pushing Yuju closer to Riku. Before she could leave, Riku asked her about Tanukis.
“I thought I told you to…” Before she could finish, Riku interjected.
“Tanuki is a raccoon/dog-like animal from Golden Age Japan, where numerous folklore legends are based. They are typically harmless animals to humans and, once domesticated, make fantastic pets. They are foragers behaviorally and typically live to a median age of ten years, accounting for differences in lifestyle. They are smaller than the general raccoon dog found in other portions of Asia. The Danuki is the folklore spirit equivalent of the Tanuki in Japanese folklore, known for its mischievous and jovial nature. They possess several powers, with the key one being shapeshifting. They are also typically harmless to humans and love to play games with them to satiate their fathomless appetite for novelty and challenge. The most famous of the Danuki is named Danzaborou and has several stories of his exploits throughout Japan,” Riku droned, unbroken. Lady Efrideet was impressed.
"I guess you did your homework, and then some," Lady Efrideet replied. Yuju began laughing profusely at Riku's recital while Lady Efrideet tried to piece together what to say next.
"Yes, now why did you compare me to that?" Riku asked, confused.
Lady Efrideet looked at the Warlock and saw the pain in his eyes. Something was troubling him. So she threw him a bone this time.
"When I found you as a fledgling guardian, you reveled in your power. Which was fine, I believe all Warlocks do, even the more spiritual ones. But I could see the wear that being a Warlock brings. That playful joy was replaced by an annoyed sense of duty. You gave up on understanding who you are and became what others needed, as evidenced by your almost crutch-like use of Well of Radiance and The Divinity. I think the Traveler gave you the power of the Titan to reset you and let you be who you are at heart," Lady Efrideet explained.
Riku looked at her, confused, asking, "And what is that?"
"A trickster god with an insatiable appetite for victory," Lady Efrideet said.
Riku shrugged as he nodded in understanding before giving a thumbs up and turning to Yuju. For the first time, his spirits were slightly higher than before.
“Come on, Coyote, we’ve got work to do.” Yuju turned to Lady Efrideet with a surprised smirk, who nodded. She turned back to Riku, who was heading to his ship.
“How did you know Lady Efrideet called me that?” Yuju asked.
“Because she does things symmetrically. If I’m a trickster spirit, that makes you one too,” Riku replied, not missing a beat. Both Lady Efrideet and Yuju made a mental note to never underestimate Riku and his perception. After Lady Efrideet left, Yuju followed Riku. Curious about the Titan, Riku started asking her about herself.
“So, what’s your story, Yuju?” Yuju was a little taken aback and nervous.
“Why do you want to know?” she snapped. Riku stopped, turned around, and tilted his head to scowl at her.
“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. I’m not used to being around others. I usually fly solo, and I’ve known the group I usually fight with since I was brought back.”
Riku nodded as he listened intently to Yuju. As she watched him, her shoulders and arms relaxed the tension they carried. “Oh, interesting. You don’t see too many mass rebirths. When were you brought back?”
Yuju’s eyes looked up as she remembered. “Right after ‘we’ dealt with the House of Wolves,” she said.
Riku nodded and responded, “Oh, okay. Neat. I was raised right before the Red War, but didn’t make a name for myself until we discovered Stasis.” Yuju smiled as she listened to the Warlock speak. She felt an odd sense of connection to him as a fellow student of Lady Efrideet.
"Oh, wait, that means you saw Lord Saladin rebuild the Iron Lords," Yuju replied.
"Kinda. I was just starting when the young wolf had already garnered an insane reputation. I was just a no-name new light," Riku said.
"Well, you are certainly not that anymore. Eunha has told me all about the Chimera with the bottomless appetite for adventure and conquest," Yuju responded.
"Oh, you know Eunha," Riku said, displaying interest but guarding himself intensely.
"Yeah, we used to raid a lot together, but we have kinda fallen out of raiding. Now Eunha mostly works with Umji and SinB, as you already know," Yuju explained.
Riku nodded back. As they talked, they found themselves moving closer to each other. Yuju crossed her arms and tilted her head with intrigue. She stared into the Warlock’s eyes and found warmth and compassion, but also an intense burning rage. She knew Warlocks came in three typical flavors: deep scholars who studied the arcane and the rest of the world, high priests who took their spiritual journey too seriously, or the emotional maelstroms who were guided by their hearts and passions. At first, she thought he was a scholar, but Yuju was starting to realize there was more to this magic man than met the eye.
As they got to their ships, Yuju decided to be straightforward and charge right to her most pressing question.
“Hey Riku, a few weeks ago, I heard from a friend who helped Yel in Iron Banner, and when someone mentioned you, Yel freaked out. Why?” Yuju asked.
Yuju watched as Riku winced. It saddened her. He seemed so kind, and the question seemed to physically hurt him, but she stood firm, confident in her choice.
“I can’t confirm this because we haven’t talked in many weeks, but I’m almost positive it’s how she saw me fight in Iron Banner,” he answered.
Yuju furrowed her brow as she processed what Riku said. “Wait?”
Riku nodded, his face making an exaggerated expression. “Yep. She had never seen me fight. She only watched me teach.”
Yuju reeled back, confused. “Wait, huh? Why would she have an issue with that?”
Riku shrugged. “Human perception is weird.”
Yuju looked at him, intrigued, before she asked, “Well, now I’ve got to ask, how do you fight?”
Riku squinted at Yuju. He understood her question but was confused about how to respond.
“My favorite exotics are Tarrabah, the Heart of Inmost Light, and the Mantle of Battle Harmony. What does that tell you about my fighting style?” he said.
“Aggressive solar ability spam,” Yuju answered flatly. Riku laughed with her and nodded. She smiled and chuckled as the duo got to their ships.
They flew to the Pale Heart to do the mission. As they pushed through, Riku got to see Yuju in action. She was smooth. While not as balls-to-the-wall as him, her skill with making shots and keeping her profile low made her an excellent Guardian. Had he not known any better, he would have mistaken her for a Hunter with her impressive level of marksmanship.
When the pair reached the final battle of the mission, Yuju watched as Riku gave himself fully to the battle harmony. She watched with an amused smirk as he sang a song called "God of Fire" while he fought. Despite him screaming the lyrics like a madman, she found herself endeared to him more. As she saw through the veneer of scary words and terrifying symbolism to see him having fun with her, it made her feel good to have an ally to fight with for a change. After the mission, both guardians chose peace and grabbed their earned loot. Yuju smiled
"I got exactly what I wanted Hoil, Arm. What roll did you get?" She asked giddy
Riku responded with a sigh before answering with a feigned dejected tone, "I only got the best roll for me with HOIL, and Mantle." as he spoke he raised his intonation and enthusiasm Yuju smirked and said,
"I think this will be the beginning of a very fun friendship,"
Riku feeling bold responded, "Hell yeah, but please don't blame me if fall for you though you're very pretty,"
Yuju paused then she laughed. Riku stood worried before Yuju said,
"God I love a man who knows what he wants and goes for it."
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anteroom-of-death · 6 months
Teacher's Pet part 16
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Synopsis: The reader feels off after last night’s activities. She starts to flounder a bit, and she meets another cautionary tale. What?
A/n: I'm so so so sorry that this took so long. Life has happened, so yay! But here's Gwen! Yay! To all who read this, rhank you so much! And to my mutual, you are the best.
Needless to say, you woke up sore. The kind of sore it would take you a little while to get out of bed for. Your usual jolt out of sleep happened, but it was stopped by the Time Lord's vice grip on your body. He seemed to be still asleep. His hearts thrumming in a rhythm of four lulling you out of you usual first moments of anxiety you always suffered from upon waking.
You could feel every bite and thrust of the night before. He was like an animal in heat. The way he acted felt quite literally couldn’t be described as any way but in rut.
Did Time Lords have mating schedules? You knew the gender thing was a bit murky. But did they have a mating schedule? You didn’t know if a hybrid of human and Time Lord was possible…
Or if the morning-after pill would work.
You silently begged your IUD to put in the work.
Plus, would the abortion clinic be able to deal with it? Or would you have to break your own rules and go off planet to some space clinic to deal with that?
Your singular heart raced in it’s cage.
You pushed some of these truly silly thoughts aside.
A dark, but nice thought of you knocked up with his kid entered your brain. Maybe you’d look good pregnant…and if it were his kid?
You swallowed and laughed at yourself, You must really be in a committed relationship of you had domestic bliss coming to your mind. Derailing your plans and solid oaths…
You felt mentally changed too. It was difficult to put your finger on it, maybe it was his possessiveness of you in the act. Or the fact that he was changing his entire lifestyle to suit you. Sometimes felt…distinctively off.
Not that you minded. Change was good.
But it lay there as surely as you did, covered in bruises and muscles still shaking to their core. An inexplicable feeling, a haunting sensation.
You laid next to him quietly. Unable to break the moment where it stood. The moment was not half bad in itself.
You noticed the hearts behind you start to speed up. You turned your body gently in the hold and saw his eyes gazed up at you.
“How long have you been up?” You questioned.
It was satisfactory enough for you.
“Hey, do you really have to meet with this woman? We can play hooky and I don’t know…get a Chinese and sit by the river.” You tempted. You didn’t want to leave his side at all. You felt the urge to curl into his ribcage and stay there. In that bed. Indefinitely.
“I have to do my job…” His lashes caught on themselves as he rolled his eyes.
“Fair enough.” You replied as you thought about the money you personally were missing out on. You’d feel it in the middle of the next term when you couldn’t even afford a packet of crisps and a cheap beer to take the edge off.
Yet alone cigarettes and cheap lingerie…
“Yeah…” You didn’t push.
“Free to come with me, my fawn.” He tightened his grip on you as he nestled his face in your hair, pushing his forehead to yours.
“You mentioned some person from another organization? What’s her deal?” Curiosity threatened…
“Oh, yes. Gwen Cooper-Williams. She was a part of this organization funded by the monarchy. To investigate and harvest alien technology and be off the books about it. Was started because Victoria and I had some issues. My old friend…” The word friend seemed to hiss its way out of his teeth. Lots of baggage there, you noted. “Took over the Cardiff branch. Was trying to reform it from the inside in my honor. She was his second-in-command. Everyone died. Except them.”
You felt grim. Death followed the Doctor like that kilo that you kept gaining and losing did.
However, the grimy thought swept itself away with the blink of those perfect eyes and the warmth of the bed you shared. He might have been cooler than you in body temperature, but the blankets and your warm, human body made it a comfortable furnace…
The horrors of the Doctor’s ever-widening world were getting bigger, but you weren’t reacting how you probably should be.
More differences.
“I think she may be bringing her family…A real family affair.”
“Like Mary J. Blige?” You tried a little bit of banter.
“Maybe…that sounds familiar. But I can’t place it…” He mused, seemingly inhaling your exhale.
“Of course. “
You found yourself having to leave the warm pile of blankets and him, his alarm on a watch announced itself.
You let out a puff of air as you pouted. He got out of bed and you crinkled the bedding around your neck and tucked your chin over it.
“You can come with me or get out.” He bribed against your petulance.
“Fine!” You made a show of it as you got out of bed. By the time you had resigned yourself to being officially ‘up’, he was mostly dressed.
“Humans, you really are a bunch of kids at times.” He observed as he zipped up his hoodie and went for his blazer.
“Weird thing to say to someone you actively sleep with.” You shot back as you crouched over your suitcase and started picking through the clothes.
“Well, I am hundreds of years older than you, aren’t I, my darling fawn.” He pet your hair and traced his way down to stroke the underside of your throat. You liked the sensation and how it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Mmmm, yeah.” You leaned into it as he took his other hand and glided it through your hair. You halted your search for a pair of fresh underwear and a top.
“Be good and I’ll get you permanent clearance here.” He jokingly chided.
“Okay…” You sighed as you didn’t really want clearance, but it was a nice offer anyhow.
You got up and started to dress yourself. Nothing too special, just an old tee-shirt and jeans, you didn’t know what all the day entailed, so you went for easy everything. You thanked your lucky stars you had a nice jacket tucked away for any night time casual excursions.
You went into the bathroom and did your normal skincare and some basic make-up, and to cover up the love bites he gave you. With all that, you kept your hair down.
These were no ones business, you felt.
“I knew a person, she needed three mirrors to do her make-up.” He placed his right hand in the air and moved it about to elaborate that.
“I mean…it helps.” You shrugged as you finished up sticking on a coat of lip gloss.
“She had an abnormally round face.”
He offered you the crook of his arm and you grabbed your purse.
You met the head of UNIT, Petronella and some others you couldn’t recall, and some soldiers in the entrance as some very attractive middle-aged woman with dark brown, almost black hair and green eyes walked in. She wore a utilitarian leather jacket and a pair of combat boots. She held a laptop bag and a messenger bag was slung over her shoulder.
Her freckles were captivating…
She was accompanied by a slightly-heavy set man, a young teen girl and a preteen boy. The man had a big rucksack on and had a laptop bag as well.
“Oy! You’re Kate?” She walked up to Kate Stewart and offered to shake her hand.
“Yes, pleased to finally meet you, Missus Cooper-Williams. I trust your trip up from Porth Colmon was pleasant.” Kate went in with a degree of professionalism that went over the head of both you and this Gwen character.
“I got a note from Martha Jones to wish you well…” Kate added on.
“I’ll send her an email.” The woman’s Welsh accent trilled delightfully through your skull.
You felt yourself grow several shades of embarrassed.
“I’m the Doctor.” Your obviously-there boyfriend motioned over, offering himself into the fray.
You stood by and felt your cheeks burn as she stared at him. You felt like you didn’t belong. You knew you probably did. You felt entitled to belong here.
“You look…familiar? Why do I know you?” Gwen took a look at him, a haunted expression seemed to catch in her throat as she hitched her breath out of her lungs.
“I’ve been told my face is unforgettable.” He smiled and swished his fingers up over.
“I’ll figure it out.”
“You do that.”
The professionals took over and ushered everyone into a basement digital archive.
You made yourself useful and got everyone’s tea and coffee order and went to the small coffee station in the corner.
“I take it you’re the new Jack and Martha? A new Rose?” Gwen said as she took her tea out of your hand.
“I guess?” You felt a pang of something, jealously perhaps. More of that sinking that you felt at the botched Narcotic Another meeting for companions.
However, the minute these emotions took hold, you felt yourself being washed in a wave of self-reassurance. You were different, you were his fawn. His favorite.
It felt off, but you sighed in relief.
“When you get thrown out, yeah, Torchwood may be now gone. But my sofa is open. He dumped Jack in a bad place far from home.” She whispered. “If you get dumped in the past, here on Earth, here's all my addresses. Tell me you’re a friend of Jack. I’ll retcon myself obviously. But if it’s in the future…” She quickly scribbled down some addresses and slid them into your pants’ pocket.
You looked over, a stabbing in your eyes at your Doctor, who was shredding wires to optimize intake, sonic screwdriver wedged into his mouth.
You felt yourself start to shake, but more of your brain started talking at you. It told you that he’d never do that to you, and didn’t you recall that you never would go into space, let alone go back in time. It was a warm, cloying feeling, not unlike the blankets that you so unwillingly left that morning.
You inhaled and the sigh of relief came up again.
You were his favorite little fawn, after all!
You sat back and let everyone go about. The children were engrossed on their phones.
You still felt off, and you worried maybe your IUD got slightly dislodged after last night’s activities.
Could you get pregnant if that happened? You couldn’t recall reading that in the unholy ream of paper that was included in its placement.
You stared at them. Pondering what would happen if you were getting pregnant as you sat there. What if you couldn’t get rid of a half-human, half-Time Lord fetus? Were you prepared for motherhood?
You had so much life and plans for the future.
A future that was already disrupted, but you were still going to have one.
A baby, regardless of species, would ruin that…
Could you be a good parent? Did you have that in you? The Doctor had parenting experience. He mentioned a granddaughter. You didn’t know how good of one he was. You didn’t know that. You couldn’t…
You shook yourself mentally by your shoulders. You clearly were losing it. You had to snap out of it.
Good lord! Was this you in a healthy relationship? Sappy and soft? Thinking of total domesticity?
A side of you you’ve never met…
It was all reasonably quick in the end. The entire operation wrapped up as quickly as it had started.
“I’d recommend you to a few museums for your children…” You heard Kate say to Gwen and Rhys. (You had heard Gwen say his name quite a few times in the last hour and a half.)
“No, we’re going back to Wales. Quick trip to this dump you call our capital, go back.” Gwen said. No love clearly lost there!
The Doctor snickered.
As she left, she shot one final look at you. It seemed imploring. Then one final, baffled look at the Doctor.
She took her menagerie and vanished into the busy streets.
Apparently the Doctor was needed at meetings, and you were given the afternoon off. You got a reassuring kiss and told to have fun. London was free for you to use and abuse.
You took it. You needed the fresh air. A quick, real-life reality check. Away from whatever BBC-level, sci-fi bullshit your life had become.
You found yourself fiddling with your necklaces and adjusting them against the bruises on your neck and shoulders. The shirt you were wearing wasn’t a good enough barrier, but it was good enough for now.
You found yourself in some park near a Tesco Superstore and holding a coffee from a near-by café you hardly remembered ordering. It was growing cold.
You broke down, fully embarrassed about the day. Not only how useless you felt, but how you were so sick with love that you weren’t even able to have yourself a sense of worry.
You felt weak.
You would have usually tried to buck yourself up, to make yourself and your ego take precautions against this. But it didn’t come. All you could think about was him. His everything down to the way his toes were shaped.
You felt like without him you’d physically fall into shards.
Truly, relationships weren’t for you.
But you dare not do anything.
You loved him too much.
You made a note to go see your gynecologist and perhaps get a therapist.
You started to light up a cigarette but you gazed up at the sky as it burnt itself up.
You got a text from him wondering where you were. You shared your location. He was on his way.
Suddenly, all your apprehension and agony of the situation vanished. He was coming here! He was coming for you! He was going to join you! Your Doctor was coming to spend the rest of the day with you on this park bench! He’d never desert you or let you go away from him!
You fought to get yourself under control, you may be sickeningly in love, but you were in public…
You sipped your ice-cold, formerly-hot coffee and waited for him to join you.
Thus, he did.
He slid up besides you and looked out across the park.
“So what did you do?” He asked in earnest.
You felt instantly clear-headed and in a less pensive mood. “Just this, went on the Tube. Wandered. I don’t want to be a tourist.”
“Yeah, you blend right in.” He trilled, you took it for sarcasm.
You shrugged and exaggerated your hands. Your ring on your left index finger lightly clicked off the side of the bench as you slid it back down at rest.
“What’s something you wish you could do? Anything in the whole of the city! Name one thing and it’s yours…” He revved himself up.
He wrapped a finger in your hair and curled it in to the base of your skull as he went to stroke your jaw slightly and repeatedly.
It sent a shiver down your spine and pleasure to your core. It made you throb a tad.
Here you were, coming undone, in public. Children were around! So were dogs! Not an optimal place…
But nonetheless, you felt a heavy pull in your gut as you leaned your jaw up and felt the sky beam a ray of sun onto you. His fingers felt next to glorious as they stroked you and the entwined finger anchored his entire hand on you. The way his thumb was swiping over your lips was absolutely criminal. The skin on your lower lip was prickling and getting more sensitive with every sweep. Your moan was slight and reverberated throughout his thumb. You parted your lips in hope that he’d place it inside your mouth.
“This feels nice. Can we do this?” You cooed.
“Maybe later.” He used his entwined finger to pull your head up and kiss you and untangling himself from your head.
You dwelled on his ask of you for a moment before you whipped out your phone to consult your list you made previously in preparation.
“Gunnersbury Park Museum? The Natural History Museum? I’ve got a lot of cafés and little record stores and book shops listed. But you could chose…I mean. You could probably correct the exhibits if they’re wrong.” You let out a nervous laugh and mocked his age lovingly.
“I’m not allowed in the Natural History Museum.” He shook his head and bull-frogged his cheeks. “Yes, it was this particular body. No, I’m not risking it.”
You bit your lips together and started shredding bits of skin off with your front teeth.
“Of course.”
He looked over at your list, an eyebrow cautiously raised. The Doctor tapped at one of your ideas.
“Kew Gardens is relatively near here. We can go there.”
“After you, then.” You smiled and got up, offering in the crook of your arm.
His face was unreadable, but inched towards amused. At least that was your interpretation. Sometimes faces were tricky for you, but this man was no exception. Often it seemed like he was human enough to interpret things at face value, sometimes things felt like maybe faces worked differently where he was from.
As if you didn’t feel like enough of a freak…
But he understood you always. Even when you didn’t understand you, yourself. Which came in handy, all things considered. Most people seemed to interpret your words and actions differently than intended. But not him, not the Doctor.
It was almost like he was inside your brain.
Maybe that was a perk of dating an ancient alien who had been around the block. He’d already been domesticated.
Whatever it was, you’d take it!
As he took your arm and you headed out to Kew Gardens, you felt positively swept away.
Over eight billion people on the planet, and who knew how many more out in that big, mad universe he traveled.
And here he was, with you!
How lucky you were.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
ᵢcₑ Cᵣₑₐₘ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦.
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏ ᴋɪᴅꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ᴍᴇᴛᴋᴀʏɪɴᴀ ᴋɪᴅꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: past bullying, sunburns, skin pealing, eating ice cream with friends.
A/N: I've been thinking a lot about ice cream and also because I wanted to write something with a human reader introducing ice cream to the Metkayina kids.
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Living with the Metkayina wasn't so bad, at first it was difficult being allows to stay, specially since the Sully's had brought you, a human, but everything turned out fine. There was some issues in the past involving Ao'nung and his friends, but everything was now good. You, The Sully's and the Metkayina trio had become friends, you wished that Spider was with you guys.
That day had been a hot one, you weren't so used to the reef weather like you were in the forest. You had to put on a lot of sunscreen so that you wouldn't burn to a crisp. Sunburns were a pain and you hated when your skin would peal, you learned the hard way to always apply on sunscreen.
Once you were done applying sunscreen on your skin, you noticed a cooler that was around where the food was normally placed. You had brought it with you because Norm and Max had made a cooler that could keep cold and frozen stuff stay cold. It was a dumb little project and it was your goodbye gift of some kind. You went over and opened it, the cold air hit you in the face, it was refreshing. There was water battles that were stuck in the ice, and not only that, but there was popsicles.
You had taken them from the lab since who knows how long you'll be able to go back. You took as many as you could since you liked the sea salt flavored ice cream. Then you got an idea, why not share them with the others, there was a lot and if you run out, you can always make some out of fruits. You got 8 popsicles and went off to find the group.
The group had been were the pools were, that had become there spot and would hang there majority of the time. They were all talking amongst each other, until Tuk saw you. "It's y/n" she said, then everyone looked at you approaching, but they noticed you didn't come empty handed. "Hey, sorry I took for ever." You greeted them but Tuk's eyes had been on your arms that were busy.
"Is that what I think you have?" She asked, now shaking with excitement. "Yup." You said then handed her an ice cream, she snatched it from your hand and began to attempt in opening the wrapper, she asked Neteyam for his help since she wasn't able to open hers. "What is that?" Tsireya asked, now curious. You were basically now handing the ice cream out to everyone. "It's ice cream, it's an earth thing." You said, while you opened the packet and put the rapper in the pocket of your shorts.
"Try it, it's good." Lo'ak said while he was eating his. Everyone was now eating the ice cream. "It's salty, but I like it, also the fact that is cold." Rotxo pointed out while biting onto the frozen treat. "Yeah, but it makes my teeth feel weird when you bite it." Ao'nung commented. "So, I'm assuming you liked it?" you asked, the Metkayina kids, in which they nodded. Tuk was the first one to finish hers. "Done!" she yelled out while showing the little stick in her hand. "Y/n did I win?" she asked, you looked at the little stick for a moment. "Sorry Tuk, not this time." You said sadly, and saw how she looked down at the stick with small words on it. "No fair, I wanted another." She said, then Neteyam handed his popsicle to her. "Here you can have mine." He said kindly, Tuk then took the ice cream and thanked him.
Everyone was now done, but they looked at the wooden stick with letters on them. "What is this?" Rotxo asked while looking at the stick. "Oh, its like some kind of game, when you're done with your ice cream and your stick has words that say you either won or lose, if you win you get another ice cream." You explain. "What does mine say?" Ao'nung asked and you looked at his stick. "You lost, you don't get another ice cream." You said, this made him pout like child. "What about me?" Tsireya asked, now you looked at her stick. "Cool, you won another ice cream." You said, seen how her face lit up. "Did I also win?" Rotxo asked. You looked at his stick as well. "Yup!" you said. He seemed also happy about the idea of getting another ice cream.
"Hey about me!" Lo'ak asked, showing you his stick. "Nah, you didn't win." You said, making him groan. "UGh! Every time!" He whined while Kiri showed you hers. "I won" she said, you looked at hers "yeah, you did." You said, seen that she gave Lo'ak a smug grin, making him glare at her.
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rootedinrevisions · 17 days
One of Them Girls: Part 14
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After laying in bed together for another half hour, you and Tyler decided you should probably get up. Tyler excused himself to take a quick shower, flashing you a grin as he grabbed a fresh towel and headed toward your bathroom. You watched him disappear down the hallway, the sound of running water soon filling the apartment. Smiling to yourself, you decided to make your way downstairs to grab some coffee.
As you entered the kitchen, the familiar aroma of brewing coffee greeted you. Your roommate was already there, leaning against the counter with her own mug in hand.
"Morning," you greeted, moving to pour yourself a cup.
"Morning," she replied with a smile. "How was your date last night?"
You took a sip of your coffee, savoring the warmth before answering. "It was really nice. Tyler planned this whole fancy dinner, but we ended up ditching it for a diner with burgers and fries."
Your roommate chuckled. "Sounds like a good time."
"It was," you agreed, though you left out the more intimate details—the way Tyler had looked at you like you were the only person in the world, the easy laughter you'd shared, and how the evening had ended with a lingering kiss that left you breathless.
The conversation flowed easily, but you noticed a hint of something on your roommate's face, a trace of hesitation. Sensing the shift, you tilted your head slightly. "Everything okay?"
She let out a small sigh, her fingers tracing the rim of her mug. "Actually, there's something I need to tell you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What's up?"
"I've been offered a promotion," she began, her voice careful. "It's a great opportunity, but the thing is... it's in a different city. I'll be relocating next month."
The news hit you like a cold gust of wind. "Next month?"
She nodded, her expression apologetic. "Yeah, I didn't want to spring it on you like this, but I couldn't keep it from you any longer."
You swallowed, trying to process the information. "I'm really happy for you, I am. But... what am I going to do? The rent here is too much for me to handle on my own."
"I know," she said softly. "I wish there was something I could do to help."
The reality of the situation began to settle in, heavy and unavoidable. The small town you lived in didn't have many options, and the thought of uprooting your life added to the uncertainty swirling in your mind. "I guess I'll have to start looking for a new place... or maybe even consider some bigger changes."
Your roommate placed a comforting hand on your arm. "Whatever you decide, you know I'm here for you."
You nodded, offering her a grateful smile. "Thanks."
The conversation left you feeling a mix of emotions—happy for your friend, but also anxious about your own future. Needing some fresh air, you took your coffee and stepped out onto the porch. The morning was crisp, the sun just beginning to warm the day. You leaned against the railing, staring out at the quiet street as thoughts raced through your mind.
The sound of the screen door creaking open caught your attention, and you turned to see Tyler stepping out, his hair damp from the shower, a relaxed smile on his face.
"Hey," he greeted, crossing the porch to join you. "Everything okay?"
You gave a small nod, though your thoughts were still scattered. "Yeah, just... processing some news."
Tyler leaned against the railing beside you, his arm brushing yours. "What's going on?"
You took a deep breath, turning to face him. "My roommate just told me she's relocating for work. She's moving out next month."
Tyler's expression softened with understanding. "And that leaves you in a bit of a bind?"
"Yeah," you admitted, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I can't afford the rent here on my own, and there aren't many places available in town. I'm not sure what I'm going to do."
Tyler reached out, gently rubbing your back in a comforting gesture. "Have you thought about what you want to do next?"
"I've been thinking about going back to school," you confessed, the words spilling out almost before you could stop them. "Maybe enrolling in a journalism program, really pursuing something I'm passionate about. But I don't know where to start."
Tyler's eyes lit up with interest. "That's a great idea. You'd be amazing at that."
You smiled, feeling a bit of the weight lift. "You think so?"
"Absolutely," he said, his voice steady with conviction. "If that's what you want to do, you should go for it. I'll support you every step of the way."
The sincerity in his words touched you deeply, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest. "Thank you, Tyler. That means a lot to me."
He gave you a reassuring smile, his hand moving to hold yours. "You don't have to figure it all out right now. Just know that whatever you decide, I'm here for you."
You nodded, feeling more at ease with him by your side. "I know. And I'm so glad you're here."
Tyler squeezed your hand gently. "So am I. We'll figure this out together."
As you stood there on the porch, hand in hand, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. The future might be uncertain, but with Tyler's unwavering support, you knew you could face whatever came your way.
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sillyromance · 8 months
Hello! I don’t know if you know this character well enough, but I’ll try my best. Can you please make some kind of scenario with G1 Sunstreaker?
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm very sorry that completing this has taken so much time... But, finally, I've come up with an idea for the writing. Perhaps, it has turned out too fluffy...
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy!
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Not alone.
- Y/n!
You turned – your eyes locked on the lemon-yellow frame of Sunstreaker. Your big autobot friend had just returned from the mission: his crimson brother was somewhere nearby too since you could hear his loud crispy voice; he was buzzing annoyingly like a big bug in a child's fist. Definitely, boasting again… If there was a battle, those two inevitably found themselves right in the middle of it – and none of the twins was shy to show off, talking about their victories and crazy adventures. Though, that time it seemed like one of the young heroes decided to spend some time with a little human instead…
- Hi, pal! How’s it goin’? – You tried to make your voice sound in the most optimistic way possible, though a careful listener would easily recognise you pretended.
- We’ve fried some ‘cons, obviously! You should have seen how their armor got covered with that appetizing crisp! – He went down on his knee, his blue optics looking attentively in your eyes. – A usual day, really… But I see there’s somethin’ wrong. Mind to tell me?
- It's nothing. Well... I don’t know. It’s not that important. – Your gaze avoided his, your hands going back and forth, rubbing your hips and leaving long white stripes on the jeans.
There were many other bots around. Optimus, Ironhide, First Aid… Of course, they were very compassionate and understanding - but you didn’t want to talk about your problems while it was so crowded. As for Sunny, you felt grateful for being cared about, especially if it was someone who usually cared about himself more than about anyone else… Still, such stuff were not for everyone to know…
There were many things going wrong in your life lately. It would be hard to count them all… However, it didn’t mean you would let yourself act like a baby and cry on a random shoulder – no matter fleshy or steely. The bots and people working with them had a lot of things to do. Decepticons never lost a chance to cause even a tiny trouble – though, honestly, usually it was a complete disaster. It was a war… There was no time for being weak. The world wouldn’t save itself.
Sunstreaker titled his helm on a side and smiled softly.
- I thought of a ride around the base… I wondered if you'd like to join me, huh? I doubt you will reject such a cool guy like me.
- Sure not, Sunny. – You couldn’t help but smirked teasingly at his charming behaviour. - Though, I’m afraid to burn down like those ‘cons. It’s getting kinda hot around here, haven't you noticed?
He laughed lightheartedly, you accompanied him. Then he turned into his vehicle mode. Getting in the car, you heard Wheeljack calling for you two:
- Hey, guys! Where are you going?
- Oh, doc! It's just a little ride!
- Don’t you remember, Streaker – you and Sideswipe are helping me in the lab this evenin’!
- Don’t worry, doc! You know, you can count on us!
- Yeah… I don't think so after the previous time I…
- Whatever, bye!
Before the inventor could say anything else, the Lamborghini drove off the place at full speed, heading to the exit.
Evening air was refreshing; it carried soothing scents of warm sand and wild flowers. Rubby-gold clouds swam in the peach sky; tired ochre sun was slightly touching the edge of the horizon. The bot was silent. It was a little bit surprising, though you was grateful. You didn’t want to chat at that moment.
Looking at the rocky, orange landscape, you sighed with satisfaction. That was exactly that you needed. Noisy and humid atmosphere of the base tired you up; Sunstreaker saw this perfectly at the very minute he spotted you on that corner. He knew you well enough. You two didn’t waste much time on long preludes at the first meeting and got along just fine. The more you hanged out together, the closer you became. So, you quickly reached the point when friends start reading each other’s minds.
He was enjoying your presence, your body lying conveniently on his cushy seats and your hands touching the steering wheel. Though you weren't a cybotronian, you were one of the most important souls in the world for him – after his beloved brother, of course. And your low spirit concerned him much. He really wanted to speak to you there and then, however, he saw it wasn’t a good moment. Well, you would be at your secret place soon anyways – there he would ask…
After one-two kilometers he slowed down and pulled over to the side road which soon made its way upwards a sloping hill. There were much more plants than before; slim and dry trunks of acacias surrounded you, throwing long lavender shades at the car and the passenger inside. Endless blue sea of the heavens was broken into pieces of rainbow glass with thin, blooming brunches. The bot stopped; you hopped out and ran forward to a long pink cliff looming behind the trees. Sunstreaker followed, already on his feet too.
The cliff was a good spot for relaxation. It was calm, quiet, peaceful; a colorful blooming plain and a small bunch of the trees created a beautiful, almost wild landscape. Everywhere you could see was a domain of prairie. Though, downwards, there was a small town in a valley; the streetlights always switched on pretty early, they looked like fireflies sitting on the ancient eastern carpet. At that moment they were shining too – tiny stars floating in the violet air. Tough stone was drowning in plants; yellow grass tickled your bare ankles. The grove on the left rustled softly in the coming twilights; wide waves were walking over the fields.
- So… Now, we are alone. – The bot began, looking at the transparent, smoky moon starting its way above the world. – Maybe, now could you tell me?
You shrugged your shoulders, then looked at your boots – a tiny ant was running around your foot helplessly. You took a long stalk and helped the insect down on the ground.
- I don’t know. It’s… a lot.
The bot chuckled.
- I’m all audio sensors.
- Since when have you become so thoughtful, buddy?
- Since I’ve known you!
- Really? Ok, ok…
You were talking till the sun sat and the sky got covered in its cute glittering freckles. The wind rose; it was already chilly, almost cold. Thin summer shirt wasn’t able to protect you from the cooling night weather. You rubbed your forearms, trying to regain warmth; Sunstreaker glanced at your shivering figure, worried.
- Are you cold, little one? – He asked.
- Yeah… A bit. I think, it would be better for us to return.
- Agreed… - He responded, transforming…
At base everyone had been sleeping when you came. Trying not to wake the comrades up (especially, Wheeljack), you sneaked inside and turned into one of the corridors, heading to your quarters.
- Are you sure you’ll be all right on your own? – Your friend kneeled and let you climb on his large flat palm. His optics were gleaming softly in the darkness.
- Are there any other options? – You smiled.
- Well… - His voice became shaky. – I could… take you with me…
- It would be uncomfortable for both of us, don’t you think?
He thought for a minute or two, then turned to you, expression of his faceplate showing a mix of hope and... embarrassment?!
- Actually, I have an idea… But I don’t know if you…
- Just say it out loud, boy.
He took a deep “breath”, stabilizing his systems.
- I could… I could put you in my fuel tank. So, you would be safe while sleeping and… not alone as well.
You heart skipped a beat.
- Wait, wait, wait… But transformers’ fueltanks work in the same way human stomachs do, don’t they?
- Still, we can’t process organic materials, remember?
He had a point. You exhaled.
- Right… Nevertheless, it sounds so crazy…
- I understand. So... It’s your choice.
You rubbed your chin, considering the offer. On one hand, you were about to be swallowed(!) alive by a metal titan and spend a whole night inside him without any guaranties that something wouldn’t go wrong. But at the same time, he was your best friend; you could trust him. After all, that all was just a matter of trust.
You met his gaze once again - the bot waited for your decision, though you could see the flames of impatience jumping in his optics.
- I… I don’t mind. I know you won’t hurt me.
You could tell he was happy to hear that; tension released the bot’s figure, he grinned joyfully like a big cat.
- Wow! Thank you, Y/N! I swear it's gonna be the best experience possible for you!
- Fine, big guy! Let’s get it over with…
He opened the door of the room he and his brother were sharing. Sideswipe was snoring peacefully on his berth; he didn’t notice neither of you and didn’t hear how Sunstreaker closed the door and lied on his own bed.
- Shhhh… - He whispered as he saw you trying to say something. – He won’t bother us. Sides won’t open his optics even if the skies crack on two.
You giggled. But the bot’s faceplate suddenly went sober.
- Are you still sure?
You nodded confidently.
- Perfect… If anything scares you, just call for me - I'll stop and let you out. Don’t be shy, Ok?
- Ok.
- Good… Now, please, hold still…
His grip tightened a little as you were lifted to his opening mouth. Your feet were laid on something wet and warm – it wrapped around them, coating you in heavy, slick slime. Tingles ran down your spine as you realized it was his glossa tasting you, and the slime was the drool coaxing your limbs, preparing you for… for the way down. Sunstreaker’s throat produced a silent moan of pleasure – it seemed he liked your flavor! Huh… You couldn’t help but blushed, thinking about you being such a tasty tiny candy.
Meanwhile, the bot very gently pushed you further, to the pharynx. Your hands finally met with the pulsing, smooth tongue which leaned to them eagerly, then slipped behind you back. The servo loosened up; now you were in the bot’s mouth entirely, being held by his long, plushie glossa. Misty, hot air filled your lungs; it was too dark to see, but you could feel your toes wriggling in the open space – the awaiting entrance of the esophagus. Streams of oily saliva vanished in that black hole with loud, delicious sounds of gulps. At first, they frightened you; instinctively, you grabbed the flesh of your improvised bed and made an attempt to crawl away from the danger. However, the very minute you did that, the swallows faded. Sunstreacker froze still, granting you a chance to stop – undoubtedly, it would disappoint him, but he didn’t want to startle his human friend. You took a big breath and forced yourself to calm down. There was nothing that would mean harm to you. The mech wouldn’t hurt you - he loved you! You went through so many things together – undeniably, he was reckless sometimes, but he wouldn’t do anything that would lead to death of those he valued the most.
Hesitantly, you patted the glossa – it licked your cheek playfully, comforting, then bend over, letting you slide back to the throat. Powerful metal muscles contracted around your ankles and tugged you in the comforting embrace of the esophagus.
Trembling, the bot outlined a small round bulge on his neck with his digit as you were fully pulled inside his throat. He swallowed hard, yet carefully, sending your warm, fragile body further down his huge tough body. The mech could still sense you wriggle, moving deeper and deeper inside beneath his chest plates. Some more slow seconds – and you arrived at your destination, being dropped into whining chamber of the alien “stomach”, making a nice little bulge on Sunstreaker’s abdomen.
His servo leisurely traced your path and stayed on the lump, massaging it slightly. Inside, it was gurgly and wet, but cozily warm and soft. You felt your friend’s indecisive caresses and pressed your hand against a thick grey wall permeated with long thin energon cables from the bottom to the top.
- How are you, Y/N? Is it OK?
- Yes, Sunny, it is. Don’t worry so much! You did great, by the way…
- Oh… That’s good to hear, I guess… You too.
- Thanks…
It was awkward to have a conversation in that position, so neither of you said a word anymore. You rested against the plump bumps of the fueltank rubbing at you lovingly; soothing quiet sparkbeat and dim light coming from the walls as well as gentle growling sounds and warmth made its work – your eyelids soon grew heavy, you yawned and snuggled into the squishy metal.
- Sweet dreams, Sunny.
The bot curled up around you, hugging his growling, full middle.
- Same for you, dear.
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