#i hate drawing bangs mainly because of how they cover the face and can make the expression harder to read
sabziesart · 4 months
Bangs? Bangs.
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nosebleedclub · 4 years
The Dark Suburb
((Posting again because the original post on June 11th, 2017 6:09pm is no longer available due to me deleting and re-making this blog.))
This is a compilation post of Nosebleed Club prompts from 2015-16 revolving around the concept of “the dark suburb.” 
Family Melodrama
something is wearing your mother
oh god his intestines strung up on the christmas tree
your dog’s body all over the house
banging on cellar doors
a creaking sound in your dead sister’s bedroom
warriors with spears and shields painted on the dining room ceiling of a violent family’s mansion
a woman in an expensive coat and an expensive car headed to her nephew’s funeral
coming home to a completely alien mother
getting a doberman on christmas morning that won’t let you leave the house
the reason your parents fled the city to live in the suburbs
summers in palermo where your father was looking for something
mother’s breakdown in the supermarket
the supernatural car you and your twin got for your 16th birthday
parents strangely and deeply interested in the boyfriend you brought home
a mom urging her son to quit basketball; she senses something is not right
all the holes - dozens of them - your mother dug in your backyard
grandparents hiding the reason your parents are away during your winter holiday break
your best friend doesn’t want to go to your house anymore
grandpa’s ghost followed us into the new house
dad hates her bc she killed her twin in the womb and then her mother
Do I Love You?
your boyfriend’s basketball shorts, his boy-aroma, his ghost between your legs when you watch the video of his last game
girls kissing in a gas station convenience store and a third recording them on snapchat
the boy you like drawing flowers on your ap biology practice test when you switch tests with him to grade
walking across a supermarket parking lot by yourself thinking of a boy you love
red mouth
girlfriend scrubbing the blood off her arms in the bathtub
in a tiny white house in florida, sitting on a beer-can-covered counter, legs spread apart, a boy between them
in a drug-induced haze i left home for his semi truck
he never fucked me without his ski mask on
a girl and a girl and claw marks on the door“don’t ever take me back”
The Occult
the incantation that annihilated a whole suburb
a body that drags other bodies into an oven
the witches gathering in the red lake
inhuman sacrifice
dogs gathered at the edge of town refusing to cross the boundary to the outside
a 10 year old girl with memories of a serial killing spree that occurred when her parents were children
white shirts hanging on branches all over the woods
the town of three-eyed children
arrows raining down on a soccer field
feeding time
mysterious scratch marks on your back
a fairy ring in the field where your sister disappeared
just throw it in the back
we found the body but not the head
clearing in the forest where police found a blessed severed head
jar of baby teeth as evidence
children dressed as angels at the crime scene
seeing a face you thought you buried ten years ago at the supermarket
half a fraternity frozen under a lake
fbi agents rolling into a tiny town in appalachia
a severed arm among the hydrangeas
young men howling on the bridge one year after the murder
police cars prowling through your neighborhood, one after another - watching this from your bedroom window
Teen Dream
getting whipped by a towel in the locker room
best friend making the varsity tennis team
taking a shot of vodka in the bathroom after second period
boy gets a boner during gym class
“i’ll be like helicase i’ll unzip them genes (jeans)”
drunkenly reciting the quadratic equation
fear-mongering homecoming queen
track star died in a car accident
dead bodies photography club
“sorry i fucked up here’s some ice cream” “i’m lactose intolerant you douche”
article about demonic possession in the school newspaper
last pool party before summer ends & her hand on your thigh in your dad’s sports car
the first day back from summer vacation & someone in your friend group brings the whole #squad starbucks
a bonfire, lana del rey & drake blasting, the moon
weekend road trips to the ocean
walking around on the track alone, contemplating some philosophical concept you read about on tumblr the night before
coming out to someone completely random - a junior varsity basketball player
the last homecoming dance
lying on the track at your high school after sunset
getting picked up really early in the morning to go on a spontaneous weekend road trip
the sunday after the homecoming dance where you’re kinda tired kinda still energetic from the night before
inside a fast food restaurant drinking milkshakes eating fries until it closes
chill basement party where there’s white balloons gold confetti / glitter two girls who love each other kissing
sitting in the backseat your parents occupying the front of the car you look out the window you see the rural countryside crawl by
pool pizza party at night simple pleasures like that
on the bleachers during a powderpuff football game
sweating so much you might as well have been swimming it would be embarrassing but all the other boys are sweaty too
lost in the suburbs at like 5am and the world is still pale blue
lost in the city at 5pm the sun sinks its head behind skyscrapers
fights on the lawn of an all boys private school
applying makeup the morning after a breakup
huge friend group made up of oracles + boys’ swim team + legendary heroes + valedictorian
aesthetic blogging on a sunday afternoon just chillin in your bedroom
feeling like you could be something big if you work hard enough at it
getting psychoanalyzed by your teachers and parents and extended family
school bathroom pale blue tiles
a dream with damien hirst-esque elements
sleepover at your friend’s villa and you’re the only one awake
looking out at a black sea from your dead cousin’s bedroom window, seeing a light in the distance
funeral mass
chill that runs down your friends’ spines when you enter the classroom the morning after they tried to kill you
the sickness that spreads through the high school
sometimes i was a body in a dump sometimes i was a saint
he said he’d snapchat my burning body to all his friends
my body was evidence she was trying to get rid of
poison disguised as an eighteen year old
a world war between us
first: “super rich kids” by frank ocean
fast cars flecked with blood
girls who know you won’t be prosecuted if you’re young and rich and pretty enough
snapchat of a boy with red eyes and a glass of dom perignon with the text IS MY LIFE FUCKING REAL
snapchat of a girl’s dad’s black amex with the words MONEY CAN’T BUY HAPPINESS BUT IT GETS CLOSE
taking your middle-class friends out to nice restaurants but knowing they’re with you mainly for the money
“dude i know you’re only a year older than me but sometimes i think of you as my sugar daddy”
traveling to punta del este to find yourself but losing yourself instead
identifying heavily with the versace logo
an imperial bedroom and all one feels is the weight of all that empty space
“even my funeral has to be luxurious”
Hometown Visions
three dead owls on the side of the road
trees bare, houses barren
lanterns lit up on the dirt road at night
moths in a forgotten shed
a dusty old attic filled with dead rats and flies
seeing half your face in a splintered mirror. washing machine making dangerous sounds
midwest: watching a tornado funnel form from a window that won’t shut all the way
grass in the yard growing tall
girls carrying stray cats home
a cellar door swinging open and a man you never wanted to see ever again stepping through it, into the light
snake skins and insect carapaces organized on a torn mattress
a lovely place god abandoned
bat-filled house at the end of the street
a girl crawling out of a burning car
birds in jars
Hide & Seek
not being able to find anyone in a dark forest because they actually left you and it was just a cruel prank
person seeking you is something much worse than what you thought they were
being trapped in your hiding space & no one can find you no matter how loud you call for help
hiding in your friend’s house and finding evidence of a vile crime their parents committed
finding half of your friend
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keichanz · 4 years
Koi No Yokan | 11
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Well, shit. Now Inuyasha felt like a giant asshole for making her relive those painful memories and he grimaced, ears flattening into his hair as he looked away. Fuck, but what sort of uncaring, despicable bastard did you have to be to sell your own damned niece to a brothel? And sending a young boy hours, possibly days away, from the only blood relative he had left? Inuyasha silently vowed if he ever met the lowly creatures who displayed such selfishness, he’d—
…Okay he didn’t know what he’d do, but he’d think of something. Because that was just wrong and he knew if his parents ever heard such a tale, they’d agree with him.
She suddenly stood up, drawing him from his thoughts, and he watched her open the window before dumping the water out of it. She busied herself with tidying up the room, setting the basket of medical supplies by the door to take care of tomorrow, and it was obvious she was trying to distract herself from her own thoughts.
“I’m sorry,” Inuyasha blurted and she paused to glance at him, her expression inquisitive. “For, uh, what happened. And it probably wasn’t easy, uh, saying all that.”
A fleeting look of surprise crossed her features and then they softened into a smile. She wandered over to perch on the end of the bed, though she angled her body toward him.
“Thank you,” she said sincerely. “And it’s okay. It…actually felt good to get all of that off my chest. I hadn’t told anyone all of the details since it happened and it feels like I can breathe a little easier, you know?” She shrugged. “I only gave Sen a watered-down explanation so not even she knows everything.”
Then she smiled at him and it was so genuine, so bright and sincere that Inuyasha felt his face go warm.
“So thank you for listening to me,” she said, gratitude in those great blue eyes of hers.
“I, uh, y-you’re welcome?”
Inuyasha wanted to groan and cover his face because seriously? Jesus Christ.
Instead he cleared his throat and tried to distract her and himself from his awkwardness by saying, “Uh, you and Sen. Seem pretty close.”
She smiled again and crawled to the head of the bed before propping her back against the thin headboard and wrapping her arms around her knees. She stared at her feet for a minute, collecting her thoughts, and Inuyasha took the opportunity to scoot back until he was leaning against the headboard as well. Even though she was a small thing, there still wasn’t much room on the bed for two people so his thigh brushed her feet, but she didn’t seem to mind so he didn’t give it much thought.
“Sen is my friend and the only one I can trust,” she admitted. “None of the other girls made an effort to be nice or even pretended to be. My first night here, she tried to tell me to run, to flee in the middle of the night. She wanted to protect me from this place, but like a fool I didn’t and now…”
She sighed and idly played with the gauzy material of her dress.
Inuyasha digested that in silence before asking, “Why didn’t you?”
Kagome shook her head. “I was scared. I had nowhere else to go. No money, nothing to my name but the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet, and now I don’t even have those. I’m pretty sure Madam Kirina burned them. So now…I have nothing. What other choice did I have but to stay?”
Inuyasha’s jaw tightened and he looked away, glaring ahead at nothing in particular. As much as he hated to admit it, staying here had probably been the smartest thing for her to do with no money or nowhere else to go. Someone as delicate as her would get eaten alive out there, either by the harsh realities of a cruel world, or by hungry demons looking for their next meal.
“Anyway,” she continued with a sigh and his ear flicked toward her. “Sen has done her best to protect me from interested men and Madam Kirina, always making up excuses for me so I wouldn’t have to, er, entertain. I hid in the kitchens when I could with the pretext of preparing the guests’ something to eat. This time though, I guess…I guess she got tired of me hiding and, well…”
She trailed off but she didn’t need to finish. Inuyasha had witnessed the exchange between them, recalling clearly the brothel owner’s harsh words. He was well aware of the unfairness of it all and found himself wishing he could do something, anything to help, but then had to chastise himself because he was being ridiculous. There was nothing he could do. She was an escort now, property of this brothel and its cruel owner. After he left tomorrow morning it was unlikely he’d ever see her again.
Still, though, a part of him couldn’t help but feel a little guilty since he and his group of men were responsible for how things had gone tonight for her. Okay, Miroku was mainly responsible, but semantics. Granted, even if they hadn’t shown up, things still might have gone the same way because frankly Madam Kirina was a bitch, but there was no way of telling, so Inuyasha didn’t dwell on it.
He had to accept there was nothing he could do, and move on.
“How’s your arm?” she asked, pulling him away from his musings for what felt like the nth time that night.
Inuyasha flexed his arm, a little surprised the sting he’d felt before had diminished almost entirely.
“S’fine,” he answered, giving a shrug. “Hardly stings anymore. You’re pretty good at that. Treatin’ injuries, I mean.”
The girl smiled and gave a sheepish shrug, but her face flushed in delight.
“My parents were doctors,” she explained. “I liked to help take care of the patients and I picked up a thing or two.”
“It’s a useful skill to have.” Inuyasha grunted before sliding off the bed and stretching. Damn, that bed was small.
She said nothing in response and he glanced at the girl—
Inuyasha inwardly sighed. He really needed to stop calling her that.
“You got a name?” he asked, taking a step back and leaning against the wall as he crossed his arms.
She blinked, evidently having not expected that. Then she smiled.
“Ka—” She cut herself, remembering Sen’s advice about false names. Something about protecting yourself, and it was pretty sound advice. She tried again, saying the first word that came to mind.
“Um, K-Koi.” She flushed. “My name is Koi.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrows rose into his bangs at the unusual name, but then remembered where they were and figured it was probably an alias. A smart move, even if she had nothing to fear from him. But it was good to get into the habit, so he didn’t call her out on it.
“C-can you tell me your name, please?” she asked and at his perplexed look, her flush deepened and she hastened to explain, “You’re the only person aside from Sen whose shown me any kindness in a very long time. If it’s alright with you, I’d…like to know the name of the man responsible for giving me a good memory amongst all the bad. Please.”
Inuyasha said nothing at first as he studied her. Amber eyes took in her earnest expression, the small, hopeful smile curling her lips, and beautiful midnight eyes gazing at him with such unabashed admiration it made him slightly uncomfortable.
“Sha,” he replied at length, inclining his head. Even if she didn’t recognize him, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to give out his real identity just to be on the safe side. “And I wouldn’t exactly call it kindness. I was just doing what any sensible man would do, Koi.”
He paused. That had sounded weird, but he…kind of…liked it? What the fuck.
Kagome shrugged, an easy smile on her face, pleased he’d given her his name. “Perhaps, but there aren’t many of those around here, at least in my experience.”
Her smile turned wry as she looked away and Inuyasha felt stupid. Duh. Of course she wouldn’t have met any sensible men. She lived in a motherfucking brothel, for chrissakes.
“Yeah,” he grumbled, grimacing. “I s’pose you’re right.” He didn’t sound too happy about that, either.
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powerwordsleep · 4 years
Sasuke Retsuden (Unoffical English Translation)
Here’s the next installment! Enjoy~
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official translation and was not made for profit or distribution. This translation was fan-made and done for purely enjoyment and translation practice purposes. I do not own the rights to NARUTO or any of the related materials.
Prologue | Chapter 2
Chapter 1
With his fangs still in the man’s body, Menō landed without making a sound. He suddenly opened his mouth and dropped the man he held in his mouth to the ground.
He tried to crawl away, but Menō kicked him, sending him sprawling. He stabbed the claws on his foot into the man’s shoulders and started dragging him away slowly. He finally stopped when he reached the middle of the yard then opened his mouth, dripping red with blood, and took a bite out of the man’s right shoulder.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The man shrieked, his body contorting in pain.
Menō ripped at his flesh, and the blood dripping from the wound mixed with the steady stream pouring from his stomach, quickly forming a puddle of red on the earth. Making a fast meal out of the man’s head and chest would be enjoyable. Menō instead flipped the man’s body around and started to eat the shallow flesh of his hips. He pulled at the thin fibers of muscle, and the man cried out, his face pressed into the ground, sand filling his mouth.
Menō took his time tasting the man’s flesh and blood. He had purposefully dragged the deserter’s body to the middle of the courtyard where the other prisoners could witness his meal. It was a warning—this is what will become of you if you try to run.
“Eugh! I’m still alive! Please!”
The other prisoners watched from a distance, a grimace on their faces and pickaxes resting on their shoulders. Menō teared at the flesh like he was playing with it. When he finally got to the organs and the drip drip drip of blood could be heard from afar, the man’s scream faded out until they could no longer be heard.
“Well, that’s about it for Nogema. Quickly, back to your stations.” At the sound of the low voice from behind them, all the prisoners froze at once.
A slender man wearing silver-rimmed glasses slowly emerged from the building.
The director of the Tartar Astronomy Research Institute. Zansur. The person in charge of this place and Menō’s master.
“If you don’t move quickly Menō will make you his dessert.”
Although Zansur’s voice was light, there was an underlying intimidation to it; the prisoners paled at his joke. From within the sea of prisoners scattering to their various work stations, Sasuke observed Menō in secret.
Menō swung his large, long tail, using it to keep balance as he bent over, his head lost in the soft flesh and blood in the belly of the corpse. The hard skin covering his head was stained red with blood, the yellow pupil of his eyes shining brightly.
A carnivorous prison guard who faithfully obeyed Zansur—that was Menō.
A huge, bipedal lizard covered in thick skin, with nail-shaped fangs and sharp claws. When standing he was 80 centimeters in height, but if you measured from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, he was no less than two meters. What’s terrifying was the strength of his legs. Sprouting from under his torso are two horrible, spring-like legs that can move ten meters in a single leap.
This place was not a prison. The patrols did not keep watch over the prisoners 24 hours a day like guards should. There were no locks on their living quarters nor on any of the buildings' entrances. Nevertheless, the prisoners living here followed the rules obediently—because of Menō.
As long as there was Menō, who watched over the grounds authoritatively and showed no mercy in eating those who break the rules alive, then rarely would there be anyone who would dare try to escape.
The prisoners’ job at the Astronomy Research Institute was mainly digging up dirt. Using farming tools, they were tasked with scraping up the frost covered soil. If they came across a large rock or hard clumps of earth, they had to carefully dig it up and remove it. And repeat.
It seemed that the work was necessary in order to build the foundation for a giant telescope, but the longtime prisoners said that for close to a year they’ve been forced to do this work endlessly.
“Ugh, it’s cold.”
Working next to him was Jiji, who was currently standing with his pickaxe resting against his hip, furiously rubbing his hands together. The mornings were particularly cold. The temperatures were low enough to freeze snot before it fell from their noses to the ground.
“Aren’t you cold, Sasuke?”
“Yes.” He answered honestly. Sasuke rubbed his hand against the handle of his pickaxe and warmed them up with the friction. He was used to working under harsh conditions, but cold is cold.
“Ugh, I hate it here... Why did they build the Astronomy Research Institute in such a cold place? The snow already melted a while ago. At this rate I’m going to end up freezing to death. Well, actually, after seeing that guy get eaten this morning, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to freeze to death in my sleep.”
Did Jiji ever get tired of this monotonous work? He certainly never tired of speaking.
Jiji was a fellow prisoner and Sasuke’s cellmate. He was locked up on charges of stealing food because he had none. His sentence was a minimum of six months. Since they were about the same age and both in good physical condition, they were assigned to the same work division and were often paired together.
Jiji rubbed his reddened nose and then suddenly let out a yelp.
“Shit, I hurt myself. Ah, but this is lucky! Now I can go to the doctor’s office.”
“What’s so great about the doctor’s office?”
“Didn’t you hear? There’s a newly arrived lady doctor. Word on the street is she’s beautiful and kind.”
He chuckled and added, “And she’s single. No significant other.”
This caused Sasuke to look up from his work. “How do you know she’s single?”
“Because she isn’t wearing a ring.”
A ring?
Jiji noticed the blank look on Sasuke’s face and continued. “Oh yeah, you’re not from around here. It’s Redaku custom for people to exchange rings when they get married. If you wear a ring on the second to last finger of your left hand, that means you’re married. That lady doctor isn’t wearing a ring, so—ah, shit. The patrols.”
Noticing the approaching guards, Jiji cut his explanation short. He picked up his pickaxe, the blade worn and chipped, and set about diligently hammering away at earth, as was his duty. The patrols came up to watch this, swinging around their batons while walking by, scowling at Jiji. They did not, however, try to meet Sasuke’s eyes. They were afraid of him. Once the guards continued on their way, Jiji discarded his tool once more and let out the pent up breath he’d be holding.
“Ugh. Fuck this shit, I hate it here.”
Sasuke shared the sentiment. He let out a sigh and turned to look behind him. The Tartar Astronomy Research Institute sat quietly atop a desolate mountain range. Built 1,000 meters above sea level, it was a fierce stone prison. It is said that the Rokudō Sennin himself stayed at this place. He was supposed to have collected documents here. That was the reason Sasuke came here.
Naruto was suffering from an illness back in the Land of Fire. Sasuke was here to gather the documents the Rokudō Sennin collected for Naruto. That was his sole purpose. Being unable to do anything else at such a time was frustrating. Right now Naruto’s illness was getting worse with each passing second—
“What’s wrong with you? You’re making a scary face.” Jiji’s voice cut through his thoughts. His cellmate’s eyes stared curiously at him from beneath the shadow of his bangs.
“It’s nothing.”
“Really? You had a really serious look on your face.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Sasuke dexterously picked up his pickaxe with his arm, signaling the end of the conversation.
After dinner Sasuke returned to his cell. As his hand touched the iron bars, he was greeted by a cut-off scream.
There in the middle of the cell, a gangly and petite man was lying prostrate on the floor. It was one of Sasuke’s three cellmates, Penzira. Jiji sat opposite him, legs crossed. Between the two men was a bowl with dice rolling around inside it.
“Jiji, you bastard! It’s snake eyes!”
“Heh, my bad. I’ll just take that cig, then.” Jiji snickered and pulled the cigarette on the floor towards him. It seemed that they were playing Cee-lo.
Although many prisoners become obsessed with gambling in a life of imprisonment without other forms of entertainment, Penzira has been an addict since well before. He loved playing dirty and doing underhanded tricks, but a series of successive losses earned him a pile of debt, and he got caught in multiple false marriage scams in attempts to pay it off. He had a minimum one year sentence.
Penzira noticed Sasuke. “Ah, Sasuke. Come play Cee-lo with us!” He shook the dice in the bowl incessantly.
“I’ll pass.”
“What’s up with you? So unpleasant.” Penzira frowned in disappointment and then turned his attention to the corner of the room. “Ganno! What’re you doing? Stop drawing pictures or whatever and get over here already!” He called out to Ganno, the third cellmate.
In the corner of the room squatting like a chicken on its eggs was Ganno, his back to Penzira. “Now’s no good.” He replied curtly.
Ganno, in his late sixties, was the oldest man in the cell. He was painting the loose skin on the nape of his skin completely red with paint.
“Are you still doing that? Aren’t you tired of it yet?”
“Don’t talk to me. I’ve almost completed an important part.”
It was one month ago that Ganno suddenly exclaimed, “I’ve found something great!” while out during his work shift, and returned to the cell with his pockets stuffed with red and brown rocks. Starting the next day Ganno would smash the rocks together, every morning and evening, not caring how raw his hands became. Over the course of five days the rocks were all crushed. Next he peeled off the skin from the soles of his feet. Then, he asked his friends in charge of the kitchen if he could borrow an open stove, and he used it before and after every meal for two hours; in total, he boiled the skin for close to 30 hours. Those around Ganno questioned his sanity when they saw the blood soaked bandages wrapped around his feet, but the man himself looked perfectly happy.
A broth of melted skin and a reddish brown powder made from painstakingly crushed rocks.
It was the day Sasuke arrived that Ganno finally had these two materials. While the others went to hurriedly greet the newcomer, Ganno began to mix both ingredients on top of pine leaves. Sasuke was struck breathless as he saw his cellmate completely absorbed in a task he didn’t understand.
The dull, reddish brown powder increased in viscosity when mixed with the both, and it transformed into a glossier color. After kneading the mixture for a few minutes, he completed the Kamain’s rock paint. It was a vivid red like Japanese plums. Every night since then Ganno has enjoyed painting, using pine leaves as a brush and his toenails as a canvas.
“Anyway, I’ll get rid of it before the inventory check next week.” Jiji was exasperated by this response and turned his back on the diligently working man, telling him the nail art didn’t suit him. “That’s why I’m hurrying. I’m already on my pinky finger,” replied Ganno. His voice was always cheerful.
A minimum sentence of 17 years in prison for treason against the nation. Ganno claimed his crime was painting a portrait for an aristocrat who opposed the Prime Minister. His father was also a painter, but he became obsessed and always had a paintbrush in hand, neither liking nor disliking what he painted.
A drawing that took one week to paint, done with a brush that took three weeks to make. Sasuke didn’t quite understand why Ganno would want to complete something that he would have to get rid of in a week, but any entertainment was important here.
The prisoners share what is basically a six-mat tatami room among four people. In such a confined space, adults breaking out in a fight was natural; beating each other until they were bloody and senseless was an everyday occurrence. In such an environment, Sasuke’s cell was comparatively peaceful. They weren’t exactly friendly, but so far no problems had arisen.
Ganno was absorbed in his art, and both Jiji and Penzira were upset at their dice rolls. Sasuke was gazing absentmindedly at the moon until it was time for lights out. This was what usually went on in the cell each evening.
“Yo, Sasuke, you should play too!”
“We’ll let you have the first go.” After each turn Jiji and Penzira would invite the lonesome Sasuke to play.
“No thanks,” came his short reply. He heard a faint noise and turned his gaze to the window that faced out into the courtyard. The white, illuminating light of the moon was blocked for a moment by a shadow. It was probably Menō out in the grounds. There was something about Menō that bothered Sasuke. If he were to do some research, now would be the perfect time.
“I’ve changed my mind.” Sasuke stood up and seated himself across from Penzira. “I’m your opponent now.”
“What, really? Hell yeah!”
“I don’t have cigarettes, so can I bet on something else?” Sasuke asked, reaching into his pocket and pretending to pull something out. He focused his chakra into his fingers, and using a simple Earth Style jutsu, activated the elements in the soil, arranging the atoms until they smoothed out and crystallized.
Rolling around in his palm was a red stone. It was a large ruby about the size of a cherry.
“Huh? Is that a jewel? Is that real?”
“No way, it can’t be. It’s probably glass or something.”
Jiji and Penzira inspected the jewel closely. Sasuke neither confirmed nor denied, but the jewel in his hand was certainly physically the real deal. Unfortunately, it was man-made.
“A pretty glass jewel, huh… we could take it and then melt it down in a fire and smoke it. That would be fun, yeah?”
“You don’t have any cigarettes left to bet on, I took everything you had last game. Bet on your meal duty.”
Sasuke picked up the bowl. “We don’t need cigarettes, and you don’t need to swap your meal duties. Instead, I want you to do me a favor.”
“A favor?”
“I’ll explain afterwards.” He placed the bowl on the tatami and grabbed three dice. He faced Penzira and asked, “What’s the best roll?”
“Of course you don’t know the rules. It’s snake eyes. You gotta get three digits.”
“Alright then, I’ll roll that.”
Jiji and Penzira looked at him. Even Ganno stopped working on his hand in order to watch Sasuke.
Sasuke channeled his chakra to his closed fist. The moment he rolled the dice, an imperceptible force guided them. With a clatter, the wooden dice rolled around inside the bowl.
Seeing three red dots lined up, Penzira’s mouth fell open. Like Sasuke had said, he, of course, rolled snake eyes. While Jiji and Genno were also sitting there stunned, Sasuke leisurely stood up.
“Looks like I win.”
“Rolling snake eyes right after saying you will—there ain’t luck like that. That was cheating!” Jiji smacked Penzira on the shoulder, ignoring his whine of protest.
“I told you to give up!”
When gambling with prisoners, cheating was a common occurrence. The unspoken rule here was if you don’t catch someone in the act of cheating, then it doesn’t count.
“You promised me a favor, Penzira.”
“... I can’t do anything too difficult.”
“Relax, it’s not bad.” Sasuke said and stood, heading for the door. “I’m going for a walk. When the patrols come around, cover for me.”
Penzira thought he was joking and laughed, but when he noticed Sasuke’s serious expression he followed after him, flustered. During the downtime before bed, you were free to do as you liked as long you stayed in the cells. The second you stepped foot out of your cell, you were breaking the rules.
“This is crazy! It’ll be obvious that someone is missing, how am I supposed to cover for you?”
“Stuff my futon.”
“Oh, we’ll just deceive the guards, is that it? They’re not children!” Penzira followed him out the door, complaining all the while.
“Sasuke!” Jiji called after him through the iron bars. “You get it, right? If you’re caught breaking the rules, you’ll be sent to receive punishment before you can offer up any excuses. If it’s Menō who finds you, he’ll eat you alive, no questions asked.”
“I’ll be back soon,” Sasuke replied calmly.
“That’s not the issue...” Penzira moaned.
Within the grounds of the Tartar Astronomy Research Institute, there were two buildings located on the east and west end of the courtyard. Located on the west end was the multi-purpose building that housed the prisoners, which looked like it had been hastily put together with some branches that had been lying around. Opposite that, on the east end, was the headquarters of the institute.
Prisoners were forbidden from entering this building, but Sasuke held no such reservations as he boldly walked through the front door.
When he took his first step into the entryway, he was greeted by thick, fur-lined carpet. The headquarters was a completely different world from the barracks. It had been renovated since the Tartar era, and now was a magnificent brick building that resembled a royal palace. There seemed to be four stories above ground, and based on this country’s architectural standards, it was fairly large.
While the prisoners were forced to cry themselves to sleep on hard stone floors wrapped up in their thin futons, here the hallways, stairwells, and of course the rooms themselves were lined wall to wall with plush carpet. Thanks to the stucco-lined brick exterior, the building was naturally free from any cold drafts, and the guards’ rooms all had large fireplaces with which to heat their quarters. The difference was like walking on a cloud, compared to the barracks which would sometimes have icicles hanging inside the rooms during the snowy season.
As he walked through the corridors of the building, Sasuke would hide himself in rooms and attach himself to the ceiling whenever he heard the guards approaching on their patrols. But he purposely wasn’t masking his chakra presence, because of that giant lizard—it was to alert Menō. Since he couldn’t use words with his reptilian opponent, he planned on manipulating him with genjutsu to see if he could obtain any new information that way.
Menō surpassed other reptiles in terms of reflexes, speed, and power. No matter how you looked at it, Menō was a summon. Since he obeyed Zansur’s every command, there was a high chance that he was the one who gave Menō his powers. Originally, this country had no shinobi, but he’d heard that the Prime Minister had gathered rogue ninja here for a war.
It was likely that Zansur was a shinobi and he had summoned Menō using Kuchiyose, and now the two were connected via his chakra.
But a summon was not supposed to last this long. Menō was constantly stalking around the institute, morning and evening, keeping watch over the prisoners. That would mean Zansur was using Kuchiyose for at least 20 hours each day. That was way too long. Did Zansur have chakra reserves that large? Or perhaps the basic structure of this Kuchiyose technique was different from those passed down in the Land of Fire—
Tap tap. From down the corridor came the sound of nails hitting the floor.
Sasuke came to a halt, and met a pair of yellow eyes floating in the dark. Sidling out of the darkness came of the form of Menō.
“So you came.”
Sasuke raised his eyelids and focused his chakra to his eyes.
The Sharingan.
A red eye with three spinning black pinwheels met Menō’s gaze. He instantly activated his doujutsu, and dragged Menō into a genjutsu—or he intended to.
Menō vaulted off the floor and leaped towards Sasuke. Sharp claws raked at Sasuke from the side and managed to cut off a lock of Sasuke’s hair.
Did the genjutsu not work?
Sasuke fended off the attack from Menō, and backed up until he hit the wall, then came to a stop. Winding up like a spring, Menō gathered strength in his legs before leaping forward, closing the distance between him and Sasuke in an instant. The pair of yellow eyes met his once again, but it had the same result. The genjutsu didn’t work.
As Menō thrust a fist towards him, Sasuke suddenly ducked down beneath his chest. He shoved him with the palm of his hand while his leg swept Menō’s feet out from under him. The sound of the floor cracking could be heard under Menō’s now prone form, and Sasuke ceased his attack. Leaving behind traces of a fight for the director and others to discover was dangerous. It made no sense, especially after all the trouble he went through to come here undetected.
Sasuke used the brief moment of reprieve to put some distance between them, when Menō’s eyes suddenly snapped open. Using his long tail like a whip, he threw himself at Sasuke and landed directly behind him. Sasuke barely dodged the hit, one that could’ve cost him his life.
He’s fast!
Sasuke used a Water Style jutsu to create a make-shift kunai out of ice, and wielding it, slashed at the sharp claws that were honing in on him then severed them from their fingertips. Without flinching, Menō continued his advance, and Sasuke continued slashing his way up the lizard’s torso.
“Gyah!” Menō let out a high-pitched scream and landed roughly on the ground. Yellow fluid poured out from a large, open wound in his stomach.
Sasuke regretted the move instantly, but it was too late.
Menō staggered, then rushed to jump out a nearby window. When he came to the wall he smashed into it, toppling part of it over, and lept down into the courtyard below. He made a run for it at full speed, the yellow liquid drenching his body as it continued to spill out from his wound.
Sasuke bit his lip and dropped his gaze down to the palm of his hand, where a terrible sensation lingered. That last attack he landed with his kunai went deep. It was very likely a fatal wound.
The next day as Sasuke was looking out into the courtyard from his usual seat in the cafeteria, he spotted a familiar long tail swaying to and fro, and his eyes widened in shock.
You’re being foolish. It can’t be.
As if feeling his eyes on him, Menō faced Sasuke and met his gaze. However, as though he had no memory of the events from the night before, he huffed and quickly turned away.
Menō is alive.
Although he had suffered lasting damage, his body showed no signs of injury. Sasuke had no idea what this could mean. It was like he needed to get his eyes checked.
“So you’re the one who raised a hand against Menō. Number 487.” A voice abruptly came from behind him.
Sasuke had been waiting to initiate direct contact with him, but if he had revealed himself, then there was no point in hiding now. Besides, there were some things he wanted to ask him as well.
Sasuke activated his Sharingan as he turned around to face him. His eyes bled into red, and three pinwheels spun in his iris as he met Zansur’s gaze.
In the next moment—Sasuke sucked in a breath.
He only noticed it for the first time with his Sharingan. Behind the silver-rimmed frames of Zansur’s glasses were glass eyes.
“Your eyes…”
“Yes, yes, very good,” Zansur squinted at him, and the corner of his mouth lifted up in a smirk as he laughed. “You’re very keen. Every day my underlings can barely look at me, so no one else has noticed.”
Zansur reached out his arm and touched the windowsill behind Sasuke. His eyes moved naturally, and seemed to have good vision no matter where he looked. However, no matter how many times Sasuke checked to confirm, Zansur’s left and right eyes were definitely made of pure glass.
Zansur leaned in close and whispered in Sasuke’s ear. “It seems that you can use some ninjutsu… I’ll remember that.” The fake eye on the left made one full revolution in his eye socket, moving as if it were a living creature.
“It’ll take more than one measly ninja to take Menō away from me.”
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softsweetsuffering · 3 years
Has an ability to mimic or amplify abilities/powers of others, as well as telekinesis
Was previously part of a group of people who also had abilities, however after mistreatment and other issues within the group, he left.
He's got a good wealth behind him.
Extremely gentle
Handsome ;)
Loves photography
Has lavender hair
Respects all
'Secretly' Plays violin
Lowkey a sugardaddy
Hamrish Benat:
Has four eyes!
Pink and blonde hair
He loves parkour (as in climbing buildings and leaping around in gyms)
Has PTSD (There are two AUS of which I default as to how he obtained it)
Ready to deck a bitch
Trained nurse
Loves teddy bears and fuzzy pink socks.
Also goes by Hami/Hayden
Andy peters:
Strong, kind.
The quiet Big Type, doesn't always talk, but his heart is in good places.
Wishes he could do more
Buff + Tall
Wears a pair of dogtags.
Has red streaks in his hair for the fun of it
Is extremely brotherly to Adrian
is friends with Hami
Adrian Géarán:
Nervous Malnutritioned anxiety filled tired mess
Has emotionally linked fire abilities (does not like having them)
likes to make little robots!
Easily bullied
Missing an arm
Struggles with normal life
Blames himself for Andys death
Looks unintentionally vaguely like Fry from Futurama
Leader of a summer camp for kiddos
Huge fan of the outdoors
Loves to garden
Red head with freckles
Good build, a little on the below-average male height
Likes to hike
Loves kids
Strong but pacifistic
Great smile
Surprisingly a little shy around other adults
Himbo energy
Douglas Connelly:
Just a regular chubby guy
His chub is only important because this man gives some of the best hugs, he's like a marshmallow
He is outwardly confident about his size, even if it sometimes worries him internally
He loves music, loves to groove in the kitchen while making snacks
Always open for roommates and new friends (one of his roommates is a hot bartender called Donovan)
A bit awkward but he tries his best.
Bunny hybrid (ears :3)
White hair
Likes to wear denim jackets
Fast runner
Has had experience working in the force
Izekiel Iris:
Bruised and abused in a facility
Was turned from human into A being of made of Paint (Useful? no. Fun? yes. Rainbow blood anyone?)
Loves painting
Easily anxious
Loves to draw on his own arms
Matthew Libelle:
Aka Matty Very delayed development wise as well as Autistic
Very much a texture lad, soft blankets are his thing.
Doesn't like loud sounds ( who does honestly).
Tries his hardest to function normally but it's hard.
Watermelon colours are his fav. Green hoodie is his fav.
Has watermelon pink hair.
Eldritch bab
Was cursed by a group of guys who were messing with magics they didn't understand
Did in fact murder said group of guys and is traumatised by the idea he has become a monster
hears voices
Has Tendrils that have burst out of his back
Has the ability to move from this realm to the Eldritch planes and back. (is terrified of said planes)
Doesn't have a home
Black curly hair- frizzy- shimmers like Slick oil
Shy type kinda, tall Pale. cold.
Kinda wishes he could just go back to normal.
Would really like to eat some fresh warm bread.
Rowan maverick
Was abandoned as a teen
Also known as Rogue/Red.
Lost some of their tongues making them mute
Trained Assassin.
Previously part of a cult
Addict to painkillers (Caused by the mental issues from the cult and the loss of tongue.)
Bad with Physical affection
Could use a friend
Cop/Ex Cop.
Laid off after an incident
Has a pubby called Otis
Likes the occasional beer
Dad energy
Issac Merewen
Was previously a Teacher - grade 11/12s
Kidnapped and kept Drugged the hell up.
Was given the new name: Jess/Jack. AKA The Jester
Now has Amnesia problems .(Anomic aphasia)
Was stored Cramped in box.
Needs glasses. (Long sighted. Cant see Infront of him for shit without glasses. He specifically likes round ones :3)
Natrually Blonde
He was very inspired by the Chitty Chitty bang bang scene, “Doll on a music box”.
- He naturally has two different coloured eyes :D
-He likes podcast n occasionally audiobooks. Its good for learning/remembering words, and way easier than straining his eyes. Although it is upsetting occasionally when he can remember more of a book/podcast he’s into more than real words or real-life things.
Tyrone Li
Wise, Patient, caring.
Brown tattoos wind up his hips and torso, curling around his chest around his heart, and around his back, flaring at his neck.
Loves plants and flora
Sex lost meaning when he was younger. He wants true intimacy again but he wants to find the right person..
Glamors hide the following features:
Tail, brown that gradients into Green, Leaf like tip.
Horns, curled. (green tipped :0)
Glamors break usually after a certain period of time regardless of feeding, however, during bad situations/fight the body may unglamour to reserve the last of its energy.
Basically immortal but can die (Reincarnations)
Not a pacifist, but not instantly into violence
He was blessed by the Heart of the Ocean (Shes wonderful <3)
Can control water, can do minor healing with water
Can make water bubble/ boil when angry
Glowy veins when powers are active
He has had many many lives
Soft..caring..Doesnt remember alot of his past..
Doesn't know how many times hes died
Doesn't have alot of family or friends
Goes on many adventures
Elio Solren.
Nickname: Sunshine
Good lad.
Is a shapeshifter Dealt with being told he was happy and always upbeat. People leaving or ignoring him whenever he wasn't started building this sense of need to be happy all the time for others.
Lots of struggles with self image. Being perfect. Appeasing everyone. Poor self body love/self body image.
Is scared about The hate from humans about shifters. The jealousy and fear about them being able to hide behind other faces.
Smiles to hide the pain
Punk/hipster vibes
Intricate golden tattoos
Doesn't open up easily
Doesn't like to admit to being in pain
AKA Corey
Owl lad!
Bright yellow piercing eyes. But is totally blind. (Face scars)
Loves music.
Plays the uke.. hums..sings sometimes.
Big wings- like barn owl.
Likes to perch in trees
Jeremey Caulfield
Winter baby
Was left bleeding in the snow at some point
Father Lovely old man (John)
Mother died (Ellie)
Birthday December 23h
Blue eyes
Black hair
Box boy
Red hair
Real sweetheart
Really needs more dev ; ;
Loves tofu n chicken
Stubborn af
Kicks ass!
Has Sass
Wears binders/sports bras for Lotsa running n such
Black hair big messy pigtails
Dark brown eyes.
Has a navy bear sleeps with it ‘doesn't care’ about it but does
Gymnast/kickboxing. Bandages around hands
Loved swinging bars since being a kiddo
Participates in Underground fight ring to make easy money
Sleeps on just a mattress
Has a laptop for study work but she's slowly giving up on bothering.
(She's not one originally but Werewolf Jules is one of my fav things)
Part mole, part orphan
Lives underground
Very light-sensitive
Is colourblind
Absolute nerd
loves tinkering with things
is scared of humans
very foggy memories of his parents.
Leilah/ Lei
Can make/control shadows.
Owns a Magic skull(Speaks to it)
Lives in the woods
Wears a skull to spook off people from her woods
Has Tattoos that are shadow/absorb shadows
Kinda bad at maintaining friendships
Emotionally Distant
Wears a cloak.
Bao Ketsuyki
Blood magic bab
East Asian.
Pink/red medium length hair
Big pretty red flower scar from blood magic use on her shoulder/ back.
Little bit foolish, little bit reckless.
Has almost died a few times from her magic use.
Oran Audun
Plays Guitar
Writes in journal, occasionally song lyrics, occasionally little messy ink drawings.
Easy to aggravate (On edge) however is trying to learn how to meditate and be calmer
Covered head to toe in scars but still tries to find confidence in himself. He doesn't find it unattractive, but he feels like others have no need to witness his scars.
loves wearing leather/fabric wrist bracelets
Unwelcome hands have used his body as a research object
Very very against physical contact, needs to break into it.
Social worker works mainly with kids.
Has a Shy guy tattoo.
His family consists of a Good ma, younger sister, and super baby brother
Dad died but dad was good.
Dirty blonde hair, kinda messy
Short, 5’
Socks the pupper is his helpful lil buddy (hes so round and white and fluffy)
Super dad vibes.
a hockey player n gymnast.
His mother died when he was about 9.
has an older brother who is a bit of a big jock type
quite protective and caring of his two much younger siblings.
ended up in a nasty scuffle though at some point during his more competitive years in Hockey
This leads to following his passion for Gym
Pole vault, the rings, trampoline.
Still plays hockey among mates or strangers on the weekends in the cold months tho
Ends up taking a position as a gym teacher for kids after taking a childhood course since he was so good at it.
actually a really sweet guy
Soft but likes his sport and jokes.
He can hold his own somewhat more than he appears.
has blue tips/stripes in his blonde hair.
He often wears varsity jackets or baseball tees. As well as a couple other sport wear shirts. (A. Good few are from his bro ofc. Free merch)
He's short but he's got a fairly decent build on him.
He's got a surprisingly good tackle if you aren't careful. And a good grip strength.
but everyone calls him Noah.
Works at a Boba tea cafe..
likes to surf.
has an Epic board.
Back and shoulders all littered with lines and tic tac toe-like scars.
he's the type to brush off any questions and change topic while smiling. But not super bubbly. Just. Go lucky.
has a few friends who like to hang out at the cafe
Was in a surfing accident that involved a lot of rocks.
4’8 Soft. Short.
Ready to protect.
Loves to bake!!!
Smells like a vanilla cupcake most of the time
Isn't afraid to fight although isn't trained
likes Yoga ( and yoga pants)
Needs glasses but doesn't wear them (tsk tsk, unless tryign to read recipes)
Dyes hair silver/white
Snake hybrid can transform his lower half from human legs to tail
Also has fangs, and therefore venom
He's got a lot of sass
Can be a bit of an asshole but soft around the right people
Isn't used to kindness
doesn't cry easily
Steals food
Mac Hiato
Also known as Caf
Very Grumpy.
Very often has bags under his eyes.
Hoodie is life
Insomnia has serious trouble sleeping.
Has nightmares of strangulation
Occasionally sufferers sleep paralysis
Scared of dark- night lights
Owns a mouse called Bean
Does freelancing webdesgisn/coding as job.
Sits like a gay.
Lives on coffee
Minorly Lactose intolerant
Has One bad eye
Her dad's a mechanic and used to bring her to work all the time
dead mum: which affected her ability to emote.
Works part time at the garage
Dad likes to bring gifts on their small catch-ups that happen every once in a while.
Sheeee. Suffers a bit of resting bitch face.
she's kinda stunted emotionally because she was raised by her dad, who, isn't great with emotions himself being a man's man and all.
She's very much a tomboy gal. Doesn't exactly get dressed up. because she finds it tiresome and not "her".
Also if she did/does have friends the nickname Nemo 100% crops up because it's sadly alll too fitting but also kinda sweet.
She's actually really into cars and mechanics. Which is one of the few good reasons her dad and her are close.
She's hard to get to know, very quiet. And if you're someone who dominates the conversation she won't speak up much, but you'll be surprised to how much she's listened.
Just because she looks tired and done doesn't actually mean she feels that way.
Samson (Lemonade boi)
His name is Samson, but he prefers Sun/Sunny. (Other more affectionate nicknames include Lemondrop and Sunflower.)
He really likes going out to markets and stuff like that, little stalls or knick knack shops to find the odd kinda items.
He also really likes wandering big forests. (Hes got some o that fae energy) He collects various cool stones/rocks/plants from some of them. He also has some small vials from waterfalls and ponds he’s encountered)
He wants to practice magic to become a witch! He loves the candles and rocks and other cool things that come with the craft. (He inherited things from his father)
He really likes loose fitting shirts too, like flowy things, ones with sleeves that drape past your fingers, or has extra fabric on the bottom that dangle down past hips. (Sometimes they come from the ladies section just because they’re softer and have more variety. Others from op shops and other niche little stores.)
He bought a cologne from a witch that looks cursed but the only curse is that it makes the one who puts it on smell like citrus..so not much of curse. (The bottle looks fuckin neato tho)
He looves fizzy drinks. Doesn’t mind his alcohol either, however it takes a surprising amount to get him on his ass despite looking like a serious lightweight.
He’s pretty average in build, bit of muscle in his arms, some fat on his thighs. Slight pouch of a tum (cause no ones flat and thats unrealistic :<)
He’s about 5′4. So not tall, but not the shortest of the short.
He kinda likes to backpack about. Not staying in places long if they get boring. Which means he is kinda jack of all trades when it comes to work, offering to fix things for pay, lots of casual work doing various things.(One of his favorites was helping a little old lady run a paint shop.)
He occasionally snorts when he laughs and tries not to.
He has his ears pierced, and he has a little yellow gemed stud in his nose.
The ring around his neck he found in the middle of a patch of mushrooms.
He has a couple other tattoos. One of them is of bubbles up his wrist :3 He also has some stars on his ankle, and a sunflower on one of his fingers on his left hand.
He’s not super in to gardening but he does have his lemon tree. He also wants to grow some mandarins
His eyes look silver in a lot of lights, but occasionally there’s some strange hints of yellow, and other times blue.
He has freckles!!!! that look alot like bubbles ;)
He has a twin brother called Fraser.
Scrunches his nose
Hides his laughter behind his hand
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gamz2311 · 5 years
Lights Out- An Adam SacklerxReader One-Shot
Written for @kylosupremeimagines and the Valentine’s Day Fic Exchange. I hope you enjoy it! Happy Valentine’s day!!!
Warnings: Cursing
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“Adam, we have got to go grocery shopping.” Y/N shouted from the tiny kitchen apartment that she shared with her roommate Adam Sackler. 
“Oh fuck that.” Adam responded from the other room where he was… building something? She couldn’t really tell- all she knew was that it was loud and very annoying. 
“I’ve done the grocery shopping every week for the past three months, it’s your turn!” She said, the annoyance with her roommate clear in her voice. Suddenly the loud banging sound stopped and Adam appeared in the doorway. 
“I know and you’re so good at it. You know if I go I’m getting yogurt and beer. Yogurt and beer only.” He said, giving her a face that she already knew she couldn’t say no to. 
“Alright. Fine.” She said rolling her eyes.
“Kid, this is why you are my best friend and the best roommate.” Adam said gripping her waist with a friendly squeeze. As much as she wanted to stay irritated with him, she knew it wouldn’t last long. She could feel the smile spreading across her face as she looked at Adam. 
Y/N had known Adam almost all of her life. They had done community theatre together as kids and by the time they were teenagers, they were practically inseparable. When Adam left to move to the city, they had stayed in contact, seeing each other when he came home to visit. She had never thought about moving to the city, content with her life in the small town she loved. 
However, that had all changed when she found herself at a crossroads. Her boyfriend of 2 years had dumped her, her job had become monotonous and boring, and most of her family had moved out of the area. One night she called Adam, mainly to complain, when he quickly shut her down.
“If you are so unhappy then do something about it.” He said, leaving her speechless and annoyed.
“What?” Her voice came through the phone harshly and quickly. 
“I said if you are so fucking unhappy then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!” He made sure to over emphasize the last few words to really hit his point home. “Your boyfriend was an asshole, also- told you on that one. You’ve always hated your job, and everyone has moved away because where we grew up suckssss.” Y/N sat there on the phone speechless. She knew he was right, but there was no way she was going to admit it. 
“It’s not that simple, Adam.” She started before he interrupted her again.  
“Yes it fucking is. Stop being so dramatic. Want a change? Move to the city. Hell, move in with me. I could definitely use help with the rent.” His response was so blunt that it threw her for a second. 
“Are you serious?” The tone in her voice quickly changed with her response. 
“Hell yeah. It would be fun to be roommates.” And just like that- Y/N found herself leaving the life she had always known to move in with her lifelong friend. It was very surprising to her how easily she adjusted to living in the city. She found a job she liked quickly and settled into the bustling city life. Adam was a great resource, letting her know what she needed to do and what was essential to avoid. 
Being roommates with Adam wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be. Sure, he did random, loud projects at all hours of the night and brought home women pretty frequently, but overall he was respectful of her space and made her feel safe. 
There was really only one weird thing that came from “being roommates” and that was this weird tension that had developed between them. They had fun and things were great, but there seemed to be this draw, some invisible tether that made her want to be close to him. Sure, she had a crush on him as a kid but it was childish and she knew it could never develop into anything. However, there was something about living in these tight quarters, sharing so many domestic moments that made her almost feel those stirrings of desire and love deep inside. 
“So, when are you going shopping? I’m starved.” He said, as she rolled her eyes and slugged him in the shoulder.
“I’ll go tomorrow, ok?” Falling onto the couch, she looked up at him. “Wait, why would you only buy yogurt and beer? You don’t even drink!” 
“See, that's how absolutely shitty I am at shopping kid.” Shrugging, he left the room and within minutes and started his loud project again. “By the way,” he yelled over the jarring sounds of metal hitting wood. “I’m going out with Hannah tonight. Some party at one of her stupid friend’s house.”
“I thought you two weren’t together anymore.” Y/N yelled back, feeling jealousy settle deep in her stomach. 
“We aren’t, but you know…” He started to say, before he was interrupted. 
“I get it. You can stop there.” She knew he was going to say that they still fuck around, and she just couldn’t stomach hearing it again. Making her way to her room, she fell back on the bed. Having no plans of her own, she decided to spend the evening doing what she loves: watching Chris Evans movies and eating the chocolate she had hidden in her bedside drawer so Adam couldn’t get to it. 
She was halfway through Gifted when suddenly the electricity went out. Scrambling out of bed, she grabbed her cellphone.
“Adam? Are you still here?” Y/N called out. Her door had been shut and Adam didn’t always tell her when he was leaving. 
“I’m here! What the fuck happened?” Adam said. She could hear his steps coming closer to her but she still couldn’t see him even with the glow of her cell phone. Within moments he was beside her, his face illuminated by the phone. A towel was wrapped low around his waist as he had clearly just gotten out of the shower. Water glistened off his chest and she could feel her cheeks start to redden. 
“I have no clue.” Her response was quick, trying to move past the moment of temporary awkwardness. They looked at each other for a minute before she turned to her phone, looking for information. He watched as the look of shock spread across her face. “Apparently the whole city is out! Look at this picture of Times Square.” He peered over to her phone screen. 
“Oh damn.” He said in his low, slow voice. “Well it looks like you are stuck with me for the night. I’m not leaving in this mess. I can only imagine how fucking crazy its going to be out there.” He shrugged. “Can I borrow your phone to get to my room so I can put clothes on?”
“Where is yours?” Y/N asked. Adam didn’t really answer, just shrugged. She followed him into his room and handed him her phone. 
“Now- no peeking.” Adam joked and again Y/N was glad that the lack of electricity covered the blush that was now spreading across her body. She rolled her eyes and turned to face the doorway. Within moments he was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. He handed her back her phone and they stood there. 
“So- what are we going to do?” He asked. 
“Uh- I have a few candles in my room. We could light those in the living room so I can save my phone battery.” She skeptically suggested. Adam seemed to approve of the plan, so within 30 minutes the living room was lit up with candles and the two of them were relaxing on the couch. 
“So…” Y/N said.
“So what?” Adam responded.
“What do you want to do?”
“Well sitting here in silence fucking sucks, lets play a game or something?” He said.
“A game? How old are we?” She teased, elbowing his side. 
“Oh, you prefer the silence? Then by all means let's continue…” He said, stretching his legs out in front of him and closing his eyes. 
“I was teasing! What game do you want to play?” She sat criss-cross on the couch so she could face him. 
“Truth or dare.” He said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. 
“We aren’t in 9th grade…” She started to say before he interrupted her. 
“You already played the “we are too old to play games” joke- come on- just do it.” 
“Alright, alright.” She said as he turned to face her. They started playing truth or dare, keeping things simple. Before long they were cracking each other up trying to be as goofy as possible. As the night went on they would play truth or dare off and on, their truth and dares getting more and more bold. She couldn’t tell if she was just imagining it, but it seemed like Adam was moving closer and closer to her. His truths and dares seemed to be more risque, making the moment seem more and more intimate. However, it was impossible for things to be too serious with Adam around. 
“I dare you to flash the window.” Adam said.
“Easy!” Y/N responded, turning towards the window and raising her shirt. 
“Very nice, you’ve gotten much better at this game since high school.” Adam teased, placing a hand on her leg as she sat back down. “Remember that night at Claire’s house?” 
“Oh god. I’ve tried really hard to forget that night.” Y/N put her hands on her face, covering her clear embarrassment.
“I haven’t. That night was very interesting.” Adam said with a laugh.
“Yes it was. At least the parts I can remember. Ugh, I’ve never been that sick before in my life.” Y/N said, leaning her head against Adam’s shoulder. “What a crazy night.” She expected Adam to make some retort about how idiotic she looked that night but Adam was silent. “Earth to Adam?” 
“How much do you remember?” He asked
“Huh?” She responded. 
“Remember how we made out that night?” Adam said.
“Oh my gosh. As much as I have tried- no I have not forgotten that night.” She said with a laugh. 
“Hey- why are you trying to forget? I’m a great kisser!” He said, faking offense.
“We were drunk and in Claire’s older brother’s closet.” She retorted back. “It smelled like gym shorts.” 
“Is that all you remember?” Adam said, and Y/N almost felt like he moved a bit closer to her on the couch, his hand sliding up her thigh. 
“I mean the smell was pretty overpowering…” She laughed. Somehow her response seemed meek, like she wasn’t sure exactly what to say. 
“Why was that the only time we made out? We’ve been friends for so long, you think it would have happened again.” Adam said, making Y/N feel like the wind had been knocked out of her. 
“I don’t know.” She said quickly. “Hey, I’m starved, you want a snack?” Y/N went to stand up, but Adam’s hand kept her in place.
“You already know we don’t have any snacks, so why are you trying to leave? Does this make you feel uncomfortable?” He leaned closer to her, the space between them disappearing. 
“Uh.. I, I mean- no of course not. We are friends, we can talk about making out. That's not weird, like come on, no big deal. I mean…”  She started, feeling the warmth of his skin as he slid his arms around her. They sat in silence for a moment, the tension between them growing exponentially. 
“Truth or dare?” Adam said, sitting close enough to her that she could feel his breath as he spoke. 
“What?” Y/N said, almost feeling breathless as her senses felt overwhelmed. 
“Just answer. Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” She whispered. Adam didn’t really answer, instead he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers, wordlessly daring her to kiss him back. 
She did, intensely and passionately. It was like all the tension that had been hanging around them since she had moved in had exploded. They clung to each other, exploring each other’s mouths. It wasn’t long before she felt herself starting to giggle against his lips. 
“What's so funny, kid?” He asked, giving her a look. 
“I just can’t believe that happened. We aren’t even drunk. This is so crazy.” She said through a laugh. 
“Sometimes the things that are the most crazy seem to make the most sense?” He said with a shrug, before pressing his lips against her again. She allowed herself to be over taken by him, his mouth on hers, his hands feeling like they were touching every part of her.
Honestly, she wasn’t sure what this meant, and she didn’t really care. She was going to enjoy every moment of having him this close. She couldn’t help but think that she had never thought power outages were romantic, but this night was surprising her in more ways than one. 
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squishymochisoo · 6 years
a punch and a dive || swimmer!bang chan
genre : college au, boxer!y/n, swimmer!chan, little brother!jisung, fluff, angst
pairing : bang chan x reader
words : 3.5 k
sypnosis : you were the boxing’s team captain. you were so good at everything except one thing. swimming. you hated the water. so when you were forced to take part in the school’s swimming competition for annual sports week, what do you do?
thump thump thump
 your heart banged against your rib cage. you took in a deep breath whilst closing your eyes. wiping the sweat dripping down your face.
 it was now or never
you panted vigorously staring down your opponent on the other side of the boxing ring. your opponent threw a combination of punches at you. the several punches aimed towards you. you moved your hand covering your face to block the intense punch. you threw a counterpunch back.
 you were so tired – you couldn’t take this anymore. if the game didn’t end soon, you would be the one getting knocked out.
you needed to win this.
 your opponent staggered back from the force of your counterpunch. you threw a continuous streams of jabs before swinging your left leg towards your opponent, catching her off guard.
it was a quick end to the game from there on
 you dropped to the floor of the ring, panting.
 you did it
 you fucking did it. you won the championship.
 god you hated boxing sometimes but today you loved this god damn sport.
  ~            ~            ~
 “you seriously gonna keep boxing?” jisung raised his eyebrows at you.
“aren’t you my brother, shouldn’t you be supporting me?” you scoffed as you folded your arms.
“yea but no offence you’re notthatgood” jisung whispered the last of the sentence, his eyes looking at anywhere but you.
“it’s just that you haven’t won any games –“ jisung started softly. you huffed.
“and just because i keep losing doesn’t mean i should be giving up on my dreams” you finished the sentence for him.
“but you got seriously hurt last night. i am not letting you get back in the ring.” jisung demanded looking at you bruises that started forming on your face.
 you sighed.
“sungie, trust me on this. i trust and support you on your music please do the same for me.” you pleaded. you couldn’t care less when everyone bailed and gave up on you. but not jisung. not your little brother. the both of you were always there for each other and you couldn’t imagine a single minute that the two of you didn’t have each other’s back.
jisung paused and bit his lip looking at you.
“fine, but don’t ever die on me. and for goodness sake, just please stop getting hurt.” you laughed.
“i’ll try sungie”
 ~            ~   ��        ~
 “y/n! how does it feel to win the championship?” a camera got pushed in your face. you let out a breath – almost a laughter.
“it’s unbelievable” you smiled so wide, that your cheeks started to hurt.
you just still couldn’t believe it.
the one thing you’ve been chasing after for almost of many years, right before your eyes. it was just so surreal. you started out a nobody in this sport.
but you got this far
 “y/n! i’m so proud of you!” your coach pulled you aside and hugged you. you squealed in his shoulder.
“i did it!” you hugged him tighter.
“i’m sure your brother is going to want to know about this” coach said as he handed you your phone. you instantly snatched it dialling your brother’s number.
you excitedly waited as the ringtone played waiting for your brother to pick up.
your excitement slowly dropped as the call went to voicemail. you didn’t blame him, it was finals week for him. he was probably studying hard or making music.
come to think of it, you haven’t seen him in so long. besides training and school you didn’t have time for anything else.
you missed him – you felt guilty, you were supposed to be there for each other, but it felt like you haven’t been there for him recently.
 you picked up your duffle bag and started walking.
“y/n! where are you going?” your coach called after you. you glanced back at him holding the trophy you won.
 “i’m going home”
 ~            ~            ~
 you turned the key and opened the door to the apartment you and jisung share. the apartment wasn’t that far away from campus for the both of you.
you stepped in to find jisung asleep on the couch in the living room. you smiled softly- noticing the book that laid on his chest. and the mess of paper that laid on the table.
 “jisung” you whispered lightly shaking him awake.
“jisung!” you little brother twitched turning his body to face you.
“hmmm” he responded clearly still half asleep.
“wake up! go to sleep on your bed” you pinched his arm.
“ow!” jisung jumped up in surprise grabbing the part of his arm which you pinched. upon looking at you, his eyes widened.
“y/n!” his arms instantly wrapping around you.
“i’ve missed you so much” his voice muffled. your arms wrapped around your brother.
 “and i’ve missed you too”
“so you’re telling me! you knocked out that women, just like that?” jisung gaped at you. you nodded excitedly telling him all the details of the last match.
“what about you? how’s 3racha going?” you asked stuffing the burger in your mouth.
 “it’s great! we got a gig at this place last week, and they loved us!” watching jisung animatedly talk about something his passionate in made you smile brightly.
“you know, i’ve never met these guys that you talk about so much” you mentioned.
“you’ll love them! changbin hyung is your age!”
“they go to the same college?” you asked intrigued.
 “yea! changbin hyung is a music major and you probably know chan hyung, he’s the captain of the swim team” you ‘ahh’ed.
“well you better get some sleep. we both have school tomorrow” you sighed.
  ~            ~            ~
 you panted as you jogged around in the stadium.
“y/n can we stop after this r- ugh round” a voice sounded behind you. you laughed as you jogged on the spot maintaining the pace. you looked behind you to see the rest of your team out of breath and some lagging behind.
“this is only the ninth round! we have one more!” you raised your eyebrows at your vice-captain.
“y/n! we are a boxing team not the track team” hyunjin pouted. you rolled your eyes.
“fine! go wash up – we still have training tomorrow!” you shooed off the rest of your team.
you sighed at you sat on the side of the tracks, your best friends, hyunijn and seungmin following suit.
 “you know, i know you have been soft on them with training while i was away.” you gave a pointed look at hyunjin.
“i did not!” hyunjin looked back at you with eyes unnecessarily large.
“sure – let’s both pretend you didn’t just make the team run five laps.” you scoffed.
“you wouldn’t be able to proof it!” hyunjin stuck his tongue out at you.
 “seungmin sent me a text saying you did” you shrugged. hyunjin smacked seungmin on the back.
“you did what?” hyunjin shouted pushing seungmin.
“eh exposing you to y/n is always worth it.” hyunjin pouted once more.
 “get to the showers guys! hyunjin we have a meeting with all the captains in 40 minutes!” you stood up walking to the showers.
 ~            ~            ~
 “so what is this meeting about?” minho the volleyball team captain asked looking at the group of captains from all different types of sport in a single room.
“the annual sports week is coming up.” you mentioned pointing to the board where it wrote ‘ANNUAL SPORTS WEEK MEETING’.
minho gave you a pointed look before forcing out a laugh.
“so what’s the plan this year?”
“do a festival like every year?” woojin, captain of the taekwondo team asked.
“shouldn’t we change it up this year?” hyunjin interjected. the rest of the room nodded along agreeing to the suggestion.
 “yea but what change?” yeri, captain of the track team asked confused.
“how about we do a swap.” you suggested, mainly thinking out loud.
“a what?”
 “well each team changes a sport for the week and competes with the real team at the end of the week.”
“that sounds really interesting” chan, captain of the swimming team mentioned.
“we can pick each team’s sport by drawing lots!” minho suggested.
  “you know i can’t believe you’re the only one who brought their vice-captain! i felt so out of place” hyunjin whispered harshly to you. you playfully pushed his shoulder.
“you’re basically the captain of the team. they love you more than me.” you smiled.
“but they really admire yo-“ hyunjin was cut off by woojin’s voice.
 “alright time to take our pick!” each captain started picking their sport one by one. minho of course picking up boxing.
you stepped forward and reached your hand in the box for the piece of paper that determined your team’s fate during sports week.
 you stared at the paper on your hand. reading the words that was scribbled messily on the paper.
 ~            ~            ~
 you hurriedly left the room, pulling hyunjin in tow. seungmin who was waiting for you outside of the meeting room ran to catch up with the two of you.
“what y/n? what sport did we get?” hyunjin asked matching his pace with your strides.
“sport? what are you talking about?” seungmin questioned confused with was the plan was for the annual sports week.
“every team is going to be doing a new sport for the week and we challenge the real team at the end of the week.”
 “what? that sounds ridiculous! wouldn’t the actual team win? who came up with such a stup-“ seungmin started, seeing a flaw in the plan. you stopped walking and turned to seungmin raising your eyebrows. hyunjin who was behind you was signalling for seungmin to stop talking – hoping that he could take a hint.
“oh. you came up with the idea huh y/n”
“you’re right this is a stupid plan! let’s change it!” you turned back hoping to walk back to the room filled with captains and hoping that they’d agree with you once more.
“no no no no no, it’s not a stupid plan” hyunjin pulled your wrists.
“the team who wins at a sport that’s not their wins a thousand dollars for the team fund and bragging rights” hyunjin told seungmin. seungmin wasn’t the first to have brought up this point.
 “so which sport did we get then” seungmin asked looking at hyunjin.
“i’m as clueless as you are.”
 you shoved the paper in hyunjin hands before walking away.
 “are you serious y/n?” you heard seungmin shout after you.
“out of all the sports in this university, you picked the one you couldn’t do?” your two best friends ran after you. your eyes widened as you pushed your hands to their mouths.
 “shut the fuck up!” you whispered harshly – not wanting everyone to know you couldn’t swim.
 ~            ~            ~
 “how was school?” jisung asked from the kitchen as you stepped through the door. you sighed loudly.
“you wouldn’t believe it” you said exasperatedly as you went into the living room.
“guess what sport i chose for sports annua-“ you stopped short as you glanced at the group of boys sitting in your living room.
“oh hi”
“y/n! this is changbin and chan” jisung interrupted introducing the three of you.
“nice to meet you changbin!” you smiled softly shaking his hand.
“you’re not gonna say the same to chan?” jisung asked scoffing at what he thinks is your showing favouritism.
 “sungie i saw him an hour ago”
“oh right the both of you had a captains meeting”
“you’re a captain?” changbin asked. jisung nodded excitedly pulling him to where you kept your trophies.
“look y/n is really good at boxing!” jisung pointed showing you off. you chuckled walking to your room.
 “well it was nice meeting you, changbin. but i knackered and in need of sleep” you uttered. before you could leave chan’s voice called after you.
“wait! what sport did you get?” he asked looking at you.
you bit your lip before answering not wanting to talk about the annual sports week now.
 ~            ~            ~
 “i don’t understand why i have to compete in the competition too!” you exasperated slamming your hand down on the table.
“maybe because you’re the captain?” seungmin brought up.
“yea and who’s gonna teach the volleyball team how to throw a punch?”
“y/n they agreed on a schedule” hyunjin sighed.
“but i can’t swim!” you softly hit your head against the table.
“then maybe you should learn?” seungmin boredly responded.
“then everyone’s going to know that i can’t swim!”
“sure but – not everyone is good at everything y/n. i’m sure you suck at table tennis or even volleyball too” hyunjin added. you gave him a look.
“hyunjin, you know i love you and i mean the best when i say this, but you really suck at comforting people” you slapped his back.
 “just ask chan, i’m sure he’d be glad to teach you” hyunjin responded grabbing his shoulder in pain.
“like he isn’t busy with the swim team, his music and school already”
‘he’s probably sleep-deprived already’ you thought
 “just ask him”
 ~            ~            ~
 and so you did.
“chan can i talk to you?” you called after him in the hallway when you saw him outside the school’s swimming pool.
“what is it?” chan asked with his towel around his neck and goggles in his hair.
“i need a favour.” you muttered a little embarrassed with what you were going to ask him.
 “couldyouteachmehowtoswim” you mumbled hoping he’d understand what you were trying to say.
“what?” he laughed confused.
“could you teach me how to swim?” you asked more confidently but still wanting the ground to swallow you whole.
“you can’t swim?” chan questioned, obviously not knowing what else to say. you blushed.
“shhh! don’t say it so loud!” you hushed him. you still had pride. chan raised his eyebrows.
“really? you’ll teach me?” you asked bewildered that he would spend some time just teaching you how to swim.
 “yea i will”
 ~            ~            ~
 “y/n! you’ll have to let go of the side of the pool sooner or later!” chan mentioned from beside you.
“i choose later!” you huffed.
“i’ll hold you!”
“don’t lie to me! i want a float!” you negotiated.
“fine! but only for today!” chan gave in to you. how couldn’t he when you were pouting begging him to hand you the float.
 “chan! no don’t let go!” you screamed as your hand furiously tried to hold onto him. your hands splashing the water – blinding your line of vision. chan threw the float away to the side of the pool.
you were scared
the fear of drowning was all you could think of.
 “don’t worry i got you” chan calmly stated as you felt his arms around you. your legs went around him instantly not wanting to let him go.
“well i would usually wait until we’re dating first” chan started as he realized he was carrying you.
your eyes widened
 “shut up chan”
 ~            ~            ~
 you sighed out loudly as you slammed the door of the apartment. you were exhausted from training to the boxing team to learning how to swim to finals. not to mention sports week is in seven days after christmas in two days.
“so you and chan huh” jisung started as you walked into the living room.
“what do you mean?” you laughed.
“well i know he’s been teaching how to swim.”
“yea and?” you cackled.
“then why were the both of you at the café this afternoon?” jisung smirked.
 “shut it!”
 ~            ~            ~
 “hey y/n”
“hmm?” the both of you were taking a break from swimming or trying to swim in your case.
“what are you doing for christmas tomorrow?” chan asked. you glanced at him.
“nothing much, jisung and i usually just stay in. how about you?”
“well i usually celebrate alone.”
“if you’d like you could come over” you offered. you knew how sad it was to celebrate alone.
 “actually i’d love that”
 “now we better get back to swimming.”
“why!” you whined, getting tired of being in the water.
“sports week is next week! plus i can’t train you all week next week, you have to train minho’s team on how to punch.”
“ugh fine”
 ~            ~            ~
 “jisung get the door” you shouted from your room as you heard the knock on your apartment door.
 “chan? what are you doing here?” you heard jisung call out.
“y/n invited me, merry christmas!”
“my sister invited you ey” jisung teased.
“shut it han jisung” you playfully kicked his shin.
 you were glad you invited chan around for christmas. it was definitely a change of scene at the three of you joking together and laughing.
you always felt out of place during the holidays. everyone was always with their family and all you had was jisung – not that you’re complaining. he was more than you could ever ask for. but there was always this nagging feeling in your heart.
you were fine with the fact that your family left you when you started doing boxing professionally but you somehow made jisung choose between siding between you and your parents without you realizing it. and of course, jisung chose you – but how happy would he be right now if you didn’t mess the family up? you made jisung give up everything when he chose you.
you made a decision that changed everything.
 “hey, you okay?” chan asked as he sat beside you. you nodded slowly the cold winter air leaving goose bumps on your skin.
“jisung told me how you get during the holidays” chan started.
“he wanted me to remind you that he wouldn’t trade you for the world and that supporting you was the best decision he ever made.”
“yea?” you replied feeling all emotional suddenly.
“why couldn’t that little sap tell me himself?” you forced out a small laugh.
 “because that little sap hates seeing you cry”
“i do not cry!” as you wiped the side of your eyes, trying to stop you from crying.
“i just want a family for the holidays-“ you added.
“well- there’s you, jisung, seungmin, hyunjin and me” chan looked up at you- smiling. you blushed unknowningly as his eyes stared into yours.
“you?” you whispered. chan nodded.
 “and changbin too” chan laughed. you leaned into his warmth as he wrapped his arms around you.
you never wanted him to let go – you wanted to live in his warmth and have him smile at you every day.
 ~            ~            ~
 “don’t lag behind!” you shouted at the volleyball team. it was monday, the start of the annual sports week.
“don’t be so tough on them” hyunjin piped in.
“nah i say give them a taste of their own medicine. didn’t someone from the volley team complain about the boxing team being soft?” seungmin started
you looked at the team of volleyball players in front of you – most of them complaining. you raised your eyebrows shocked at how these sportsmen were acting.
“i don’t give a shit if minho doesn’t train you this hard, you’re in the boxing team now – so you’re going to train like one.”
 well, to sum up the sports week, you trained the volleyball team like crazy and the swimming team didn’t cut your team some slack either.
 ~            ~            ~
 “seriously y/n?” hyunjin expressed. you rolled your eyes.
“yes! since i have no chance of winning against the swim team, you should win!” you pointed out.
“why me?” hyunjin whined.
“because vice-captain, we need that thousand dollars for the team!” this time it was hyunjin’s turn to roll his eyes at you.
 you stared at the pool in front of you, nervous. this was it. you were going to swim for real. all those trainings with chan lead up to this very moment.
as you heard the whistle blew, you dived into the water. you struggled to keep up at first but started matching the pace of the other swimmers.
 you were doing it
 you were swimming – competing with other swimmers who were so much better than you.
 you glanced at the score board, removing your goggles. you smiled looking at the results.
 you were more than happy
 “why are you happy! you placed 5th!” seungmin shouted at you from benches.
“5th is quite high” you added.
“out of six people!” hyunjin laughed.
“i mean i just learnt how to swim cut me some slack here!”
 “chan!” you called out, running up to him. before he had time to turn back you hugged his back as tightly as you could.
“what was that for?” chan asked surprised at your sudden affection.
“thank you for teaching me how to swim” you giggled into his back- finally letting him go so that he could face you.
 “anything for you, y/n”
 “hey chan?” you voiced out, your voice so soft it was almost unheard.
 before you could even comprehend what you were doing to leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. leaving him blushing like mad.
 “i like you a lot”
“funny – i like you a lot too”
i don’t know anything about boxing and i also wrote this unnecessarily long, and badly written. not that proud of it so i might take it down soon. but 
hope you enjoy it and leave me some love or feedback or anything! 
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
Please, can I have a 10, a 25 and Kim Seokjin (BTS), in a horrorish romance? Thank youuuuuuu!
of course my babeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💖
Bias: Seokjin from BTS
Prompt(s): #10 “Mmm, I appreciated that little murmuring you did in my ear.” “….That wasn’t me.” + #25 “Do you think keeping your eyes shut will keep you safe?”
Genre: Ηorror/Supernatural/PG-15
Warnings: Violence/Blood
Words: 2.5k
“Y/N, come on! I don’t like this place, it gives me the creeps!” your best friend Lucy whines as she rubs her arms in an attempt to warm herself up.
You roll your eyes at her childish fear as you keep going further into the abandoned mansion. “Relax, Luce, it’s just a house. No one’s been inside it for years…”
“And for good reason!” Lucy interjects as if scolding you, “I mean look at this place, it’s a miracle it hasn’t collapsed yet!”
Your eyes rake the lobby, Lucy’s voice like static at the back of your mind as you find yourself more interested in the contents of this house than your friend’s constant whining.
It’s clear the house has been abandoned for several years, mainly, from the lack of electricity and modern devices. The hardwood floors creak with each step you take, the worn-out carpets one step away from being ruined completely but their patterns are intricate, details well thought and you can’t help but wonder what kind of person used to live here. 
They must have been rich, that’s for sure. But who were they? Did they live alone? Did they have a family? Was this place once upon a time full of life or was it some recluse’s escape from society?
“God, this is crazy, even for me…” Lucy mumbles as she still follows you.
You suppose that’s true. Out of the two of you, Lucy is the wild one and you’re the reliable, more responsible one. While you were little Lucy would always drag you countless times in one of her adventures, unwillingly might you add just to come home hours later with cuts, bruises and a bunch of lies to feed to your parents.
Things didn’t exactly change when you were older, you still had to cover for Lucy. Only those times it wasn’t to parents but to other boys Lucy had dallied with and needed an escape from afterwards.
But you didn’t mind.
Okay, actually some times you did mind but that’s what friends are for. And Lucy has been there for you whenever you needed her and you wouldn’t change her for the world.
Although right now, her continuous nagging gets on your nerves.
“Seriously, what’s so great about this house?” Lucy shivers unwillingly, “This place is a dump…”
You don’t know how to respond to that actually. 
Technically, yes, you were the one that wanted to visit the old mansion at the outskirts of town but to be honest you never quite understood that dire urge deep in your belly to step foot into this house. You found yourself drawn to it every time you passed by with your car as if the building itself was calling you. As if it knew you belonged there, among the old furniture and dusty carpets. 
Of course, you know that doesn’t make any sense. 
But still, you couldn’t stop yourself from wanting, needing to come here at least once. To put your imagination to rest about the contents of this house.
Your steps bring you in front of the staircase, leading to the upper floor and you raise your head upwards. The next level is swallowed by darkness, hiding its secrets and all logic flies out the window when you turn to Lucy and say-.
“I wanna go upstairs.”
Lucy’s head snaps in your direction, eyes wide as if she cannot believe what she’s hearing.
“Are you nuts?! No, absolutely not. I won’t let you!”
You sigh, tired of your friend’s constant unsupportive behavior. “I didn’t ask you to come upstairs, I can go by myself well enough! Quit being such a scaredy-cat.”
Lucy lets out an exhausted breath, “It’s not about it being scary, okay? This house is most probably hundreds of years old! What if you go upstairs the floor collapses?!” she explains and you must admit she has a point.
Your answer dies in your throat as you ponder this. She could be right; after all the house doesn’t seem to be in top condition; it could crumble any minute.
But still, there’s something that pulls your attention to the top floor, that drags you forward to investigate, to explore, to find out what it is that’s making you so damn interested in this house.
“For once, you’re the logical one…” you mumble, eyeing up the stairs, already sure your friend is gonna hate you for this.
You hear the chuckle and satisfaction in Lucy’s voice when she says “Glad you could finally see that. Now, I think it’s time for us to- Wait, Y/N! Y/N!!”
But it’s too late as you run up the stairs, ignoring your friend’s calls of your name as you step foot onto the first floor.
You stop, deciding at the last minute to be at least a bit cautious while stepping into this. Your steps are light and airy as you walk down the corridor and Lucy’s voice, currently cursing at you, fades out quickly.
The carpeting from downstairs expands over this corridor as well, numerous portraits being covered by white sheets on the walls, the tapestry ripped apart at the seams. Dust is gathered on top of the sheets, down on the corners of the walls, as well as flying through the air. Up here the air is colder, no doubt due to broken windows you guess. A shiver runs down your spine and you wrap your arms around you to warm yourself when you see a slightly ajar door to your right.
Another chill rattles your bones. It must be the wind. 
You step closer, hair on ends and heart beating irregularly as if it’s trying to climb out of your throat. For some reason, you dread to open that door but at the same time, your body trembles in anticipation. A slight breeze creaks the door open a little wider and you find your hand moving on its own, growing closer to the doorknob, itching to touch it and push the door open when-.
Get out.
Your hand freezes mid-air, eyes wide as you feel your body shaking. Another chill travels down your spine, sending goosebumps over your skin when another breeze closes the door shut.
You jump on your spot, drawing your hand back immediately while frantically looking around for…
You don’t know. Did you hear right? Was someone else in the house? Or maybe it was Lucy.
“Lucy, did you come upstairs?” you shout out loud, suddenly feeling uncomfortable being alone in this part of the house.
“What?” the sound of her voice is distant and you already know her answer before she replies “No, I’m still downstairs.”
You stare at the floor confused. “But I thought I heard…” you mumble to yourself before taking a shaky breath.
Okay. Okay. Maybe you imagined it. It could have been the wind.
“Um, Y/N, I don’t mean to interrupt whatever you’re doing up there, but… You might want to see this…” Lucy’s worried voice reappears and you wonder what might have happened when you climb down the stairs, admittedly a bit relieved to leave that corridor.
You find Lucy in the center of the living room. staring up the wall at some portrait you can’t quite see from this angle. Her face looks shocked and almost… afraid. You quickly go close to her.
“Luce, what is it…?”  you begin to ask, only for your voice to drop silent as you rest your eyes at the painting she’s looking at.
Because there upon the wall, dressed in what only could be described as a 19th-century outfit is a very familiar person.
“What the hell…?” Lucy mutters almost to herself as she takes a step back.
You, on the other hand, are frozen, legs stuck to the floor, unable to move, unable to take your eyes away from the painting. What is going on? That woman… she clearly looks like you. But you’ve never been into this house. And it’s been abandoned for so many years, how could your face be in a painting from the 19th-century?!
“I don’t understand…” you mumble, brows knitted in a frown as you take a step back. The face on the painting, your face, stares back at you, gazes through the pigments and varnish as if to tell you this is where you belong. This is where you should have been all along.
“Okay, this is nuts. I don’t care if you’re not done exploring yet, we’re leaving,” Lucy’s authoritative voice reaches your ears and she drags your hand forward, towards the front door.
“Also, I appreciated that little murmuring you did in my ear. Really mature,” her voice is full of sarcasm but you stop on your tracks as soon as she says this.
She turns to look at you, her forehead puckered. “What?”
“….That wasn’t me,” you whisper.
All blood drains from her face. Her eyes freeze on you, wide and terrified and for once you can’t find it in you to mock her.
Because you know she’s not making this up. Because you heard it too.
“We need to leave. Now,” she states, voice steady as a rock as she makes way to the open front door.
But then the door shuts closed with a bang.
And the mansion is swallowed by darkness.
“Y/N? Y-Y/N w-where are you?!” Lucy’s trembling voice comes from somewhere to your left and you stretch your arms forward in a pathetic attempt to find her.
“Luce, I’m right here, don’t go anywhere!” you yell to her taking smalls steps towards her voice, or where you think her voice came from.
But the darkness doesn’t allow you to do much and you trip, palms finding the floor as you feel your heartbeat quickening with every second that passes.
And then you hear a scream.
“LUCY!” you yell at the top of your lungs, as the screaming continues. Lucy’s pleading cries resonate through the entire house and your vision blurs by the tears that gather in your eyes.
You feel useless, the feeling of helplessness overwhelming you as you can’t find the will to stand from the floor. What are you gonna do?
It’s only when the scream reappears for a second time that you figure it out. Lucy’s voice travels around the house but it comes from upstairs.
You wipe your tears quickly, standing on your feet and rush up the stairs. You feel your heart at your throat as you climb the stairs urgently, wishing for Lucy to be safe.
The corridor seems infinite now, while Lucy’s cries of help resurface but this is the thing that helps you find out where she is.
But as you’re about to rush to her side, another voice reaches your ears.
“Do you think keeping your eyes shut will keep you safe?”
The voice is male, deep, taunting and resentful but also alluring. Sounding like voluptuous velvet, like a siren’s song that calls you to its deep waters to drown.
“You’ve come to my house willingly… And I’m hungry.”
You shake your head, ignoring the deep timbre of this voice or the growl at the end of its sentence as you find the door wide open.
Your steps are careful and silent as you walk into the room, the one you didn’t get to go in before. It’s a bedroom, expensive fabrics decorating the floor and walls, and a massive bed claims the center of it. Where Lucy lies immobile as a man, right about your age, looms over her neck.
You manage to conceal the gasp that was about to leave your lips as Lucy’s panicked eyes find yours. You put a finger over your lips to silence her, to not alert the man on top of her as you grab a candelabra from a table nearby.
Inhale, exhale. You need to do this.
One careful step after the other you get closer and closer to Lucy and the unknown man. You’ve paid him no attention but as you get closer you can see clearly that his face is hidden in the juncture of Lucy’s neck. And he’s kissing- wait.
No, he isn’t kissing her.
Instead, he’s…
This time you can’t control the gasp that escapes you.
And it all happens in a flash.
The man retracts his fangs from Lucy’s neck and Lucy whimpers in pain. You yell for her to run as you swing the candelabra to the man’s head but his hand is quicker.
Instead, it grabs your hand and the candelabra and throws you against the nearest wall.
Your head hits the wall with a thud, numbing your senses as your hair falls in front of your face from the force of the throw. The man stands up, or you think he does due to your blurry vision and another figure, Lucy, climbs on his back to stop him. But he throws her against the wall on the opposite side of the room where she remains unconscious.
“No…” you manage to get out, your voice weak as you try to stand up only to fall to the floor once more. Your hand moves to the pocket of your jeans to fish out your phone only to realize the battery has run out.
The man is closer now, his feet right in front of you and he crouches down to your level.
You close your eyes stubbornly, heavy breaths escaping your lungs, wishing you never stepped foot into this house.
His hand nears your face. And it moves your hair aside.
That’s it, you think. This is how it ends.
But as you wait for the sting of his fangs… you realize it never comes.
So you open your eyes.
In front of you stands a young man, probably around your age and you have two words to describe him.
Incredibly handsome.
His skin looks pale, soft, in direct contrast with his jet black hair that falls into his eyes. Those are glowing red and if you didn’t see his fangs merely seconds ago you would’ve sworn you were dreaming.
The man is devastatingly beautiful and you can’t take your eyes away from him.
Soon you realize his eyes look weird.
Besides the fact they’re glowing red.
They look at you full with awe, bewilderment and… relief.
You can’t help but be confused by that but for some reason… he looks oddly familiar. You’re certain you haven’t seen him before but… something tells you you should remember him.
You should know who he is.
His voice breaks the silence.
It’s just a whisper. A simple word carried through a whisper.
And yet.
And yet.
Something within you awakens. And it swallows you whole. Overwhelms you. Takes over you.
But now you remember.
It’s just a whisper. A name carried through a whisper.
And yet it says everything.
Seokjin’s hand flies to your cheek and caresses it tenderly. You lean in, basking in the feeling of his skin on you after so many years.
“Finally. You’re finally back.” his voice is shaking as he rests his forehead on yours.
Your hand cups his cheek.
“I’m here my love. And I will never abandon you again.”
Never again.
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that4amkick · 7 years
Shut up, Richie
Here’s my entirely too late secret valentine for  @tozier-reddie!
Word count: 2,326
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris
February 11th
Stan had always hated valentines day. In his eyes it was just a capitalistic scheme to make everyone either feel obligated to be nice to their significant other for a day, or become aware of how alone they are. Stan had always been the latter.
He was reminded of this when he was at the grocery store; the entire store was covered in heart decorations with signs pointing to their temporary sections of cheap flowers and chocolates, hoping to make a penny off of someone who loves their partner, but not enough to go to an actual flower shop.
The reason Stan was at the store is because his roommate Richie had mistakenly left the fridge door ajar, and all their food had gone bad. Sometimes Stan wasn’t sure if Richie was really just that oblivious, or if he got a kick out of messing with Stan. A few weeks ago Stan had woken up to the fire alarm blaring because Richie had gotten distracted by his video game while making mac n cheese, so the water completely boiled down and the pasta started to burn. They had to throw the entire pot away after.
Stan was always confused about how he felt about Richie. One minute he’d be scolding him for being a complete dumbass, and the next he’d be sitting on the couch with him feeling happier than anything else. Richie was starting to feel like home. A dysfunctional home.
Once Stan had gotten all the groceries he needed, he made his way up to the checkout line. The cashier, who couldn’t have been younger than 50, began talking to him as she scanned his items. “Ooo this is a lot of nice food. You have a special dinner planned for your valentine?”
“Nope. Just food for me and my roommate.”
“Oh. Well that’s nice.” Stan felt an awkward tension between the two, as they avoided eye contact for the rest of the transaction.
Stan did not want to make multiple trips getting all the groceries inside once he made it back to the apartment. So, he had three or four bags in each hand, and when he reached the door he realized he had no way of opening it without putting everything down again. Not wanting to do that, he began kicking the door, trying not to tumble down with all the groceries in his hands. “Richie it’s me! I know your home, I saw your truck.” He stood there for what felt like hours before he started pounding on the door again. “Richie I swear to fucking god.” Stan shouts mostly just to himself.
After a while he gives up and sets the groceries down with a loud huff escaping his mouth. Once he gets the door open, he sees a folded up piece of paper lying a few inches past the threshold reading “Stanley.” As he’s picking it up, he hears the distant sound of music playing, and he aggressively throws the groceries on the kitchen counter, he marches his way to Richie’s door.
Richie is sitting on his bed doing something on his laptop, mindlessly singing along to the music. He looks up, seeing Stan glaring at him. “I’ve been banging on the door for five minutes trying to have you help me get in.”
“Oh, sorry man, I was just- hey what you got in your hand there Stanley?” Richie smirks as he excitedly gets off his bed and walking over to his roommate.
“I don’t know, I think someone slid it under the door.” Richie grabs it out of Stan’s hand. “Hey! Give it back.” Richie doesn’t reply as he turns around, dodging Stan’s arm desperately trying to get it back.
“Oooo a secret valentine. Are you going to BE their valentine Stanley?” Richie only ever called him by his full name; it both infuriated Stan and made him feel special at the same time.
“What are you talking about?” Stan takes it back from Richie, looking down at the note.
There was a drawing of a bumblebee, followed by the words Will you bee my valentine? Written in cursive. Stan’s cheeks turn pink, having no idea who the note could be from. “Stanley's got a secret admirer.” Richie says with a grin plastered on his face.
“Shut up, Richie.” Stan says before heading to his own room, a smile forming on his face once he’s turned away from his roommate.
February 12th
Friday classes were always the worst. Sometimes if you’re lucky, you won’t have any classes on Friday, but if you’re stan you have one Friday class that’s also at 8 am. The entire class period all he can think about is how much he regrets taking a class on environmental policy (A/N a real class I almost took), and how much he wishes he was still cozied up in bed. Once the clock hits 9:30 dictating class is over, Stan is the first to shoot up out of chair and make a break for the door. If he was lucky he could make it out the parking lot before it got crowded.
On the drive home Stan is wishing that there will be another note on the floor when he gets home, but has low hopes. For one it wasn’t even 10 am yet, and two, he had no idea of knowing if he would even get another. And to no surprise, when he gets home he finds to not surprise, that there is no paper lying past the threshold. With that, he goes to his room and flops down on the bed, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.
“Stanley...Stanley...STANLEY” Stan slowly opens his eyes, seeing Richie trying to shake him awake. He looks at the clock and sees it reads 11:47.
“Richie, I told you to never wake me up, so this better be good.”
“Your knight in shining armor has returned!”
“What in the hell are you talking abou-” He looks at Richie’s hand and sees a piece of paper in it with a black footprint on it, presumably from Richie stepping on it. Richie extends his arm, and Stan takes the paper out of it. There was another drawing, this time of a peach. You’re as sweet as a peach.
“This guy obviously doesn’t know you at all, because you’re about as sweet as my ass.” Stan rolls his eyes as Richie lets out a chuckle “I’ll let you sleep now Stan the Man, and let you do what you please.” Richie winks as he heads out of the room.
“Shut up, Richie.” Stan holds the paper to his chest as he closes his eyes.
February 13th
To day Stan got wasted last night would be an understatement. All of his friends came over to he and Richie’s place, each bringing their own bottle of poison. The last thing Stan remembers was Beverly betting him be couldn’t chug have a bottle of whiskey, but Stan blacked out before he found out the answer. He woke up to a splitting headache and the feeling of razor blades in his stomach. The light from his window was hurting his eyes so much that he had to put sunglasses on. And even though it was nearly three pm, there was a chance he could still be tipsy.
When he walked out of his room, Richie was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. “Well good morning princess.” He says through a mouthful of food, and Stan simply growns in response. He looks over at the living room, seeing what had to have been the majority of the clothes he was wearing last night. Stan usually just sleeps in his underwear, so he wasn’t surprised when he woke up with no clothes on.
“Oh God...what happened last night.”
Richie began to smirk. “Check snapchat, we were all posting videos last night.” Stan quickly gets out his phone, and with each snap he sees the more he wants to die. The first was Mike’s, which consisted mostly of zoom in shots of the weird expressions all the Losers had when they were incapacitated. Ben’s was just him snapping the movie they were hardly watching, saying odd drunken comments about it. Bill always had issues being able to even hold his phone while drunk, so his story was only of the beginning of the party, mainly of the large amount of drinks they had. Richie hadn’t posted anything, as Bev always took his phone from him due to his inclination to text his exs. Eddie got flirty with everyone, and his consisted of selfies of him with everyone, especially Richie. He always was on top of Richie, giving him sloppy kisses on the cheek and things of that nature. It always made Stan want to throw up and he didn’t know why.
Beverly’s story was the worst. She was always one to post the entire night, and that’s where Stan pieced most of the events together. There was a 30 second video of Stan chugging that bottle of whiskey, victoriously holding the bottle above his head as everyone cheered before he threw smashed the glass on the ground. Next was a series of videos of his arm around Richie’s neck as the two sang Africa at the top of their lungs. There were some videos of Bill and Mike having a beer chugging contest, then some of Stan taking off all his clothes, whining about how the room was too hot. Eddie followed suit, and the two were lying on the ground beside one another in their underwear.
Finally he checked his own story, and he felt his heart sink to his feet. While most of it was drunken selfies, the last snap was a rather long video of Richie and Eddie making out as the room cheered them on. Stan felt tears prick the corner of his eyes.
He put his head in his hands as Richie began speaking with a mouth still full of food. “You seemed to enjoy the night a lot.” Stan here’s something slam beside him, and he looks up, ringing in his ears. “Here, maybe this will help cure the hangover from hell you must be having. Richie set a piece of paper beside him that has Stan’s name on the front. He had almost completely forgotten about his secret valentine. He unfolded the paper, seeing a drawing of a cat, and it read you are the cat’s meow. “It was nice seeing you with so little clothes on last night, it was like dinner and a show.”
“Shut up, Richie.” Stan gets up to go back to his room and try to suppress how the video of Richie and Eddie made him feel.
February 14th
Stan was easily having the worst day of his life. First, he didn’t wake up to his alarm clock in the morning. Second, his car keys were nowhere to be found, making him even later and he missed his first class. Third, it was pouring rain and he slipped on his way to class, getting his legs and backside soaked. Fourth, since he was running so late, he missed breakfast didn’t bring a lunch and so he was starving. Fifth, when he got back to his car, he realized he was out of gas. Richie was the only other of the Losers who had a car, and Stan called him seven times before giving up. Sixth, he had to walk a mile and a half home in the rain, and forgot to grab his headphones that morning.
Finally, once he reached the front door, he’d also forgotten his house key. His head falls on the door, and he starts to cry. It was valentine's day, and he spent it walking home soaking wet and with mud covering his shoes. He bangs on the door in the hope Richie will hear, but he has low hope considering he didn’t even answer his calls. “Richie…” he calls out, his knocks getting softer with each one.
He hears shuffling from inside and Richie opens the door, breathing somewhat heavy. “Oh my God, Stanley!” he says sincerely as he pulls his roommate inside. When Stanley steps inside, his breath is taken away. The living room is perfectly clean, and there are multiple vases of flowers across it, with rose petals on the floor. What Christmas lights line all the walls, giving the room a light glow. A candle is lit, but it is being covered up by the scent of sweet potatoes cooking in the oven. “I’m so sorry I didn’t answer my phone. I was a little...busy.” Richie says, his voice shaking.
Stan was speechless, but he also has no idea what was going on. “Richie, what is all of this?” He asks, looking around in awe. Richie couldn’t keep eye contact, and has his hands in his pockets as he rocks back and forth. He pulls a wrinkled paper out of his pocket and hands it to Stan, his hand shaking. Stan opens it, seeing a drawing of a heart, you give me a boner in my heart. “I don’t get it. Did you find another no-” that’s when it all clicks. There are very few people besides the Losers than know where Stan lives, but Stan always thought Richie had a thing with Eddie. “But...what about Eddie?”
Richie chuckles, “I love Eddie, but there’s never been anything serious there Stan.” Richie had called him Stan, which meant he had to have been being serious. “I mean, I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same,” Richie rambles. “I just thought because we both seem so happy when we talk and I see how you react when I talk to other guys, oh God did i read everything wrong and ruin-”
“Shut up, Richie.” Stan says before pulling Richie down to kiss him.
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slaivetanaka · 8 years
slaive character chart (it long)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Slaive Tanaka Reason or meaning of name: uh when i was 13 i made him and he was born into slavery so he just rolled with it when he broke out the storys dumb i gotta redo it lmao// or change his name Character’s nickname: Kitten Reason for nickname: bc hes a catboy what do you want from me.... Birth date: January 13th Physical appearance Age: 20 How old do they appear: 20 Weight: variable, current story hes a shape shifter so it depends on his mood but hes like never skinny. id say 140 pounds ish? at least. hes usually got a lil chub Height: 5 feet Body build: pear shaped, nice hips, thighs n booty Shape of face: quite round with it getting more pointed towards his chin but not by much Eye color: his right eye is always colored but his left eye is a slightly dark red Glasses or contacts: he wears glasses to be cute sometimes lol Skin tone: pale, like almost grossly pale Distinguishing marks: a mole under his left eye, stretch marks on the back of his thighs and his butt and his hips, and patchy scars on the back of his neck Predominant features: he has really sultry and soft lips so he has a nice smile. his skin is also super soft and squishy Hair color: black Type of hair: silky and only slightly thick. not very textured but he mooses the back to make it spike slightly like sasuke hair Hairstyle: bangs cover his right eye, behind where his ears would be is mused to be fluffier and slightly spiked Voice: very very sweet, but not childish or naiive sounding. feminine, relatively normal, maybe a little high pitched. intonation is slightly motherly, cracks when he gets nervous/excited Overall attractiveness: hes hot lets face it. hes pretty attractive! Physical disabilities: i mean hes a clumsy ditz but nothing like a disability besides his right eye going slowly blind being behind his hair Usual fashion of dress: at home - off the shoulder shirts/dresses, never wears pants at home. out n about casual - flowy dresses, stockings, cute socks, bibs (those are like the shorts overalls). out n about tryin too hard - he wears lolita sometimes lmao so like sweet lolita with lots of accessories and hair clips and ribbons
Favorite outfit: off the shoulder sweater dress with noooo pants and cute thigh highs Jewelry or accessories: he wears a red fleece collar with a gold tag with an S on it Personality Good personality traits: Kind, Generous, Perceptive, Motherly, Loyal, Determined, Studious. Bad personality traits: Overly generous, Naiive, Stubborn, Ditzy, Overzealous, Blunt Mood character is most often in: Peppy! Sense of humor: jyushimatsu makes him laugh... and things like shitty tumblr memes... Character’s greatest joy in life: his dead mom :) Character’s greatest fear: losing his little brother Why? why?????? uh because thats his lil baby brother hes 8 years younger than him he loves him  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? uh losing his brother lmao hes all he lives for Character is most at ease when: he’s in the bath with hot cocoa and candles lit Most ill at ease when: he’s forced into new situations with no warning Enraged when: someone harasses someone else or his baby brother is hurt Depressed or sad when: he thinks about his mom or on just bad days Priorities: taking care of his brother and gaining enough money to live without worry Life philosophy: Do unto others as you want done unto you If granted one wish, it would be: To be filthy stinkin’ rich Why? He would want his mom back, but knows she passed because she was sick, so he wants to focus on keeping his brother and himself safe and well taken care of Character’s soft spot: his broooother, animals Is this soft spot obvious to others? oh yeah aaaabsolutely Greatest strength: his determination, physical strength, and flexibility Greatest vulnerability or weakness: being deceived, pretty people, kids (he cant be mean to ppl hes attracted to or that remind him of his brother lol) Biggest regret: not spending more time with his mom Minor regret: not knowing what to do about his brother was being bullied Biggest accomplishment: getting an apartment for his brother and himself Minor accomplishment: getting hired at a maid cafe lmao Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: when he was little he couldnt understand why his bits were different from his moms and he cried about it, when he failed baking, when he went to a garden and tried to feed the ducks and was surrounded by them and had to be rescued by a group of strangers Why? uh bc its embarrassing lmao Character’s darkest secret: shhh thats private its a secret Does anyone else know? nope not a soul Goals Drives and motivations: mainly his brother Immediate goals: keeping he and his brother fed Long term goals: moving up in an art industry and becoming famous How the character plans to accomplish these goals: he has a few friends who are in college courses for art so he talks to them about it a lot to improve himself How other characters will be affected: he and his brother will be better off! Past Hometown: super countryside japan Type of childhood: difficult but happy Pets: none but he wants tons of pets First memory: smelling his moms pancakes early in the morning Most important childhood memory: learning to make those pancakes with his mom Why: he eats em all the time and it reminds him of her Childhood hero: his mommmmm Dream job: being an artist Education: none Religion: none Finances: self sufficient farm life lol Present Current location: outskirts of kyoto city Currently living with: his brother Pets: none Religion: none Occupation: maid cafe worker/chef Finances: uh i dont know what this means hha Family Mother: Karen Relationship with her: he loves her so much Father: none Relationship with him: none Siblings: Karin Relationship with them: he adores him, he was adopted and named after his mom Spouse: none :c Relationship with them: none Children: none Relationship with them: none Other important family members: Grandpa, Karen’s mom, who was like his dad but too old to do much.  Favorites Color: Red Least favorite color: None, but if he had to choose then green Music: J-pop, happy music, kikuo Food: mom’s pancakes, hearty soups and pastas, chocolate Literature: ehhh none Form of entertainment: drawing Expressions: Never give up, Do unto others as you want done unto you Mode of transportation: Biking Most prized possession: His collar Habits Hobbies: Drawing, singing, cooking/baking, biking around town Plays a musical instrument? Flute, piano, violin Plays a sport? nope How he/she would spend a rainy day: Huddled under a kotatsu with Karin drinking warm drinks Spending habits: junk food and clothes Smokes: No Drinks: Rarely Other drugs: No What do they do too much of? eat.. junk,... food.... What do they do too little of? socialize Extremely skilled at: baking Extremely unskilled at: sports Nervous tics: biting his lips, his ears lowering, tail twitching, shaking his leg Usual body posture: slouched and tired at home, but straight and hands together in public, arms are relaxed around friends tho but he stands very straight Mannerisms: playing with the bangs on the left side of his head, rubbing his arm with the other hand, blinking a bit too often, rocking on his feet or when he sits Peculiarities: uhhh i have no idea Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing Confident or unsure of themself? Unsure Animal lover? ABSOLUTELY Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: “Needs to be better, better, better” One word the character would use to describe self: “Cute!” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: PARAGRAPH UGH “About me? Well, I’m pretty hard working, and I like to think I’m nice! But you can always be nicer, yknow? I’m happy to meet new people and try new things but only when I have help doing so, haha. I work at a maid cafe with a lot of cute, sweet girls, they’re really nice! Oh, but I’m supposed to describe myself, um... I like sweets? I’m very flexible! And I love spending time with my brother! Nice to meet you!”
What does the character consider their best personality trait? “Perceptiveness!” What does the character consider their worst personality trait? “Stubbornness...” What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? “My thighs or my lips!” What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? “My stretch marks, they make my skin feel uneven...” How does the character think others perceive them: “A weirdo probably~” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “I want to be stronger!” Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Anxious but optimistic Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Not if they’re friends, but if they’re coworkers or strangers he might Person character most hates: his birth parents Best friend(s): Karin! Love interest(s): n/a Person character goes to for advice: :’) he prays Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Karin!! Person character feels shy or awkward around: anyone he finds attractive Person character openly admires: Karin~ Person character secretly admires: n/a Most important person in character’s life before story starts: uh his mom After story starts: Karin
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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