#i hate living in this house. I swear to y’all once my next birthday hits i’m fucking out of here. I’m done being a caged animal on display
flippedorbit · 2 years
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Touring Days
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Summary: Ashton goes on tour
A/N: Y’all ready for this?
Word Count: 1.9k
And away, and away we go!
Four months. That’s how long Ashton was going to be away for tour. Four months that would be over before they could ever blink is what they told themselves. He’d be home before they knew it.
It was a reality Vanessa had been aware of when she started dating Ashton. Much like she came with the package deal that was her kids, his package deal had been his job. Yet, in their year long relationship, they had been lucky. If he had left at all, it had been for a week tops to do a few short gigs.
But the giant suitcase packed tightly on their bedroom floor didn’t sit right with them, no matter the reassurances they whispered against each other’s skin as they held each other tight in a sea of blankets.
Three weeks. Ashton had been gone three weeks. Three weeks of coffee dates through the phone, and daily messages sent back and forth. Tour was great, but he missed them. Everything was going okay back home, but they missed him too. More promises that he would be home soon. More assurances that everything was fine and not to worry about them. Excited talks about how they couldn’t wait to see each other at the LA show and unspoken words about how they wished it could be more.
Vanessa wandered aimlessly around the house. With Bailey now old enough to be with Finn, every other week just dragged on. Thankfully it was Saturday, so she’d have both her babies soon enough. But without the kids and without Ashton’s music, the quiet was suffocating. She felt a ping of empathy wondering if this was how Finn had always felt, drowning in silence.
“You okay?” Finn asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah.”
“Never knew silence could be so loud, huh?”
“It’s like I don’t know what to do with myself. Like my identity is tied to the kids, to him, to you. Like I don’t know who I am without you guys. And I hate how pathetic that is. I was a person before all of this. How did you find the person you used to be?”
Finn shrugged. “I didn’t. I didn’t want to be him. My kids are the best parts of who I am. There’s nothing wrong with being tied to people, Ness. But I started with doing things I remember I liked doing. Like remember how I used to surf?”
“Oh, you loved to surf,” she remembered fondly.
“Yeah. So I do that too. I make time for the old hobbies I let go by the wayside. When was the last time you painted?”
“Oh, god…” She paused as she thought about it. “Far too long.”
Finn chuckled. “Sounds like you should fix that.”
The next day, she did. With Bailey down for her morning nap, Vanessa broke out her box with all her painting supplies. “Momma?” Mason questioned as she set up in the backyard.
“We’re gonna paint, sweet boy,” she chirped happily at him. “You want to paint?” She dipped a paint brush in paint and swiped a small stroke across the canvas. “See? Like that.”
She handed the brush to Mason who copied her movements. “Momma!” he told her excitedly, pointing at his brushstroke.
“Good job, sweet boy! Keep going.”
They painted together for a good while until Mason set his paintbrush down with a sad, “Papa…”
“I know, sweet boy. I miss him too.”
He pointed at the ground with a longing sigh.
“Basement?” she guessed. “You wanna go play with your instruments?”
He nodded.
“Okay. Let’s clean up and we’ll go play.”
The moment they were down in the basement, Mason headed straight for the little drum set Ashton had put together for his birthday. 
Mason flip flopped back and forth between his drum kit and the guitar he had also gotten for his birthday for the better part of a half hour, while Vanessa recorded every second, wishing desperately that Ashton was here to share the moment with her in real time.
When they made their way back upstairs to retrieve Bailey from her nap, she sent Ashton the video captioned “We miss Papa.”
She barely had time to pick up Bailey before her phone was ringing. “Hi, love,” she answered quickly, already feeling better as Ashton’s face appeared on her phone screen.
“Hey,” he sniffed.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. Everything’s fine. I just got your video so I figured I’d call.”
“Papa?” Mason asked, recognizing Ashton’s voice.
“Yes, sweet boy,” Vanessa told him, bringing down the phone so Ashton and Mason could see each other.
“Papa!” Mason cried in excitement, grabbing for the phone.
“Mase!” Ashton matched the enthusiasm.
Vanessa let them talk with each other which was really just Ashton asking Mason questions and getting varied versions of “Papa,” as a response, as she got Bailey changed. “Let me see, Momma, Mase,” Ashton directed once Vanessa was situated on the couch in the living room with both kids.
“Hi, love,” Vanessa said again when she took the phone from Mason.
“Hi, baby.”
“We miss you.”
“I miss you guys too. So fuckin’ much.” He wiped at his face and sniffed. “Fuck, it’s so stupid. I’ve gone on so many tours and said so many goodbyes, but this… I’ve never wanted to come home more in my life. Like this is fuckin’ killing me…”
“Ash…” she pouted. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sent you the video.”
“No,” he rushed. “No, I’m glad you did. The guys are gonna love watching him play when I show them later. I just wish I could be there with you guys. Or have you here with us.”
“We’ll see you in LA, love,” she reminded both of them.
“Yeah, I know. Just wish it could be for longer than just the day.”
“Maybe it could be?” she suggested hopefully. “Maybe we could travel with you guys for a bit?”
“Would you?” Ashton asked, trying to keep his excitement at bay. “Like meet us in San Diego, and stay with us through San Francisco?”
“Yeah!” she agreed. “Like that. That would be fun.”
By the time they ended the call so he could go do sound check, both of them were buzzing with excitement at the prospect of getting to spend longer than a short afternoon with each other.
Are you sure you’re fine with this?” Vanessa asked for what felt like the millionth time. She was packing up the rented minivan to drive down to San Diego with Y/N and Lily to meet up the guys on tour. While Finn had more than happily agreed that Vanessa should take both kids to see Ashton on tour, she still felt bad that the week she would be gone was cutting into what would have been Finn’s week. 
“Ness, for the millionth time, it’s fine,” Finn told her as he helped buckle Mason into his seat. “I’ll see you guys in two days for the LA show. Now, drive safe, text me when you get there, and tell the guys I said hi.”
“If you change your mind…”
“Ness, I swear to God if you don’t get in that car and drive, I’m driving you myself. Y/N, a little help, here?”
The other woman held up her hands defensively. “She’s a mom, Finn. We’re wired to worry.”
“Yeah, about the kids, not the exes. I’m a grown ass man who’s been living on his own for over a year. I’ll be fine, Ness.”
“Oh my God, woman… what?”
“Go on a date when I’m gone, yeah?”
Finn playfully shook Vanessa’s head in his hands. “Go!”
“Alright, alright…” she huffed.
A drive that should have taken two hours at most, took closer to five between the toddlers whining that they had to go to the bathroom and Bailey fussing every fifty or so miles.
“Papa!” Mason called out, immediately thrashing in his seat while Lily cried out for Luke in a similar fashion when they finally pulled up to where the guys were staying, and found Ashton and Luke waiting for them with Calum and Michael. “Momma!” Mason yelled in frustration.
“Patience, sweet boy,” Vanessa told him as she got out of the van and opened the back door to help him down. She was just as excited to see Ashton as Mason was. And the sooner Mason stopped squirming so she could get him out…
“Papa!” Mason called again as his feet hit pavement, running full speed at Ashton.
“Mase!” Ashton crouched down, a huge grin on his face as he swooped the boy into his arms. He jogged over to Vanessa who put Bailey on her hip. “There’s my girls!” Ashton greeted, wrapping Vanessa and Bailey into him with Mason. “Fuck, I’ve missed you guys.”
“We’ve missed you too,” she croaked back, a little surprised at the crack in her voice and the tear rolling down her cheek.
“I’ll be home the week after you guys leave,” Ashton reassured, his voice low in her ear as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“No, I know,” Vanessa sniffed. “It’s just…”
“Harder than you thought? Yeah, I know. C’mon, let’s get you guys inside.”
“Yes! And Mason can show you guys his new trick. Luke’s gonna love it.”
“New trick?”
“We’ve been working on names. He can say everybody’s now. Although I’m not sure if he’s saying ‘Luke’ or ‘Duke’ but still. It’s really cool.”
Ashton smiled at the boy in his arms. “You can say everyone’s names? Good job, bud! Who’s that?” he asked, started out simple by pointing at Michael.
“And who’s that?” He pointed at Calum.
“That’s right!” Calum praised, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“Who am I, Mase?” Luke asked.
“Uke!” Mason told him while Lily answered, “Dada.”
“That’s my boy,” Ashton beamed with pride.
“Papa,” Mason said, nuzzling his face into Ashton’s chest.
“I missed and love you too, Mase.”
The fans were pressed frantically against the barriers, excitement lacing every movement. Vanessa tightened her grip on Mason’s hand, but he angrily let go, pushing his small body in front of her, a scowl on his face. “Baie,” he whispered, putting as much menace into the name as he could muster.
Ashton laughed and picked up the boy, while Vanessa told him, “It’s okay, sweet boy. These are Papa’s friends. Do you want to say hi?”
He shook his head, reaching out to grab Bailey’s hand. “Baie.”
“Bailey’s fine, bud,” Ashton said.
Still, the scowl remained on Mason’s face while the fans cooed over how cute Ashton and Luke’s family were. The scowl didn’t come off his face until sound check was over and they were all safely backstage. “See?” Vanessa said, gesturing about the room. “No people. Just us.”
“Baie,” he responded, making grabby hands for his sister.
“Yes, you can hold her.”
“Me too?” Lily asked softly with big soft eyes.
Vanessa laughed. “Yes, you can hold her too, sweet girl. Here, watch how Mase holds her, and then you can have a turn.”
Lily watched intently while Mason held his sister. “Baie, Baie, Baie,” the both sang softly to the baby, Mason shifting closer to Lily so both of them could hold Bailey together.
“She’ll make one hell of a big sister some day,” Vanessa commented to Y/N as all the adults watched the three small children with soft smiles.
“Who better to learn from than the world’s best big brother?”
“I’m really glad you guys are here,” Ashton murmured as they got settled in for the night after the show. The kids had been out for close to an hour, and the adults were slowly making their own way to turning in for the night.
“I’m really glad we’re here too.”
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.”
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@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @boomerash​​ @teenwolfss24​​ @karajaynetoday​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @cashtonisruiningmylife​
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shesadramaqueen · 6 years
i really hate to be pushy and ask for pieces of writing, but would you mind writing something (headcanons or an imagine) about what life as freddie’s teenage best friend and later girlfriend/wife would be like? like interactions at home, on tour, or at nights out. and how the rest of the boys feel about you. thanks a ton!! (also - don’t get me wrong - i know Freddie was totally gay and not bi; i’m just love him a lot that’s all) thank you very much!! :)
A/N: Hey love, don’t worry you’re not being pushy, I’m more than glad to write this for you! Hope you enjoy! Also sorry if there are any mistakes y’all were interested in this @fuckoffitsfreddiemercury​ @sail-away-sweet-shishter​ @terrified-aesthetic​👀
Warnings: violence, alcohol, implied rape attempt, swearing
Freddie Headcanons
When you first met
When you first met Freddie, you thought he was an angel that came straight up from heaven
You were walking home one night and three guys wouldn’t stop following you
When they cornered you and you thought the inevitable was going to happen after no one answered your cries of help, he appeared
His black hair danced over his shoulders when he threw the first punch
And without much effort, he knocked two of them out and at least broke two ribs from the one left, who ran away
You stared at him, unsure of how to feel about the man in front of you
His cheekbones and jawline were sharp, his brows were furrowed and you could see the fire behind his eyes while he was fighting the other men, so fiercely yet so elegantlly
When he looked at you though, all his features softened
“Are you okay, darling?” he approached you cautiously and gave you a warm and reassuring smile
And while it was the most unique smile you had ever seen, it also felt oddly familiar
You jumped on his arms and cried on his shoulder without a second doubt
He was just a random stranger back then, but something about him made you feel like home
You somehow felt like you could trust that nameless stranger with your life
He hugged you while he whispered calming words
He eventually walked you to your house
A lingering look was shared between you both before parting ways
Your friendhsip
After that horrendous night, you met him again
You couldn’t get him out of your head
So when you saw him once again you decided it was destiny
You were looking around the Kensington Market when you found a specific market stall that called your attention
The clothes were something completely out of the ordinary, and so you approached it, curious
What really struck you was the voice you could hear from in between the fabrics as you walked closer
Your jaw completely dropped when you were next to the stall
It was the man who saved you some nights ago who was singing loudly and doing extravant movements to himself while doing so
And every note that came out of his mouth sent goosebumps to the wholeness of your body
“You!” you said, which you regretted at the instant, as he stopped singing to turn around and look at you
A glimpse of light appeared in his eyes when he recoginzed you
“Oh, darling! It’s you! How are you?” he rushed to come to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, which felt like something completely natural
Even if it was the second time you had seen each other in your life
You chatted for what seemed to be a while, which actually were hours
You learned that his name was Freddie Bulsara, that he studying graphic art and design at Ealing Art College and that he was part of a band he had joined just a month ago called Queen
The conversation never seemed to die but you eventually had to go
So you both exchanged numbers
From that day, your friendship had grown and you were inseparable
Freddie had become your rock and viceversa
You eventually moved into an apartment that was two buildings away from his
And the sight of you both without each other was rare
Half of each others wardrobe was on each others places, as practically you lived together
You were so tactile and all the time you were all over each other
You barely ever used your real names, as pet names seemed more reasonable for some reason
And he became the person you trusted the most with only few months of knowing him
Meeting the boys
The rest of the band absolutely adores you
You meet them just a few months after you had become Fred’s friend, on one of their first gigs
It was at a small pub and not a lot of people were there
But you knew they were going to go far in their musical career, despite only seeing them perform 3 songs
You honestly were sceptical, even if Freddie preached his band as “the best musicians he’d ever met”
Or at least he’d always say that about the guitarist and the drummer, as he never was quite fond of the different bassits that came and left eventually
But just a week ago, they found someone who seemed to ‘be the one’
His name was John, and Fred would not shut up about him
“I swear, love. He is a genious. He plays the bass like it’s his sixth limb!”
“His sixth limb…? Wouldn’t it be his fifth?” to which he just wiggled his eyebrows at you
You smacked him when you got what he meant
Even if he talked wonders about each one of them, you didn’t quite believe someone could match the potential of Freddie’s voice without being shadowed by it
But you were completely wrong
“I told you so!” he exclaimed as soon as he saw your face when you went backstage and you rolled your eyes with a smile
You talked with the band and they grew fond of you rather quickly
You connected instanly
You loved to talk with Brian about the cosmos and you loved to listen to him talk and soak you with any kind of information and fun facts about space he had
“Finally someone smart!” he claimed when you matched his enthusiasm about science and the unknown
You chuckled slightly, but the rest just glared at him
Roger’s charm and yours blended perfectly
You both were big flirts, and you could have entire conversations of only that
Neither of you really had intentions with each other though
“I’m lost, can you give me directions to your heart?” he said some minutes after meeting you with a smirk
You could see in his eyes that the only thing he was looking for by saying those words, was to make you flustrated
You knew he was used to having girls in the palm of his hand and Freddie had warned you about him
So before the latter one could smack the blond’s head for the comment, you answered with the same cockiness
“Only if you can give me the ones to your room” he stared at you and blinked a couple times, taken aback, before bursting out laughing
“I like this one” he told Fred, and you smiled contemtptly
And you seemed to know what to say and how to smile to get John out of his shell
“Freddie told me you were a god when playing bass but… that was another level” he looked at you and smiled softly, his cheeks slighlty blushed “Can you explain to me how one builds the core of a song with only four strings?”
He seemed to like your question, as he started explaining into detail how important and underrated bass was in the music world
“I could teach you a bit someday” he said with more confidence than he had at the beggining and you nodded eagerly, grinning widely
They always asked about you when you weren’t there
You honestly wondered if they wanted you to come because they liked you or because you always brought them some homemade bakery you did
But you didn’t care
It was like you were another member of the band, and all of them were overprotective of you
They loved having you in the studio, as your presence seemed to calm things down and slow the constant banter
You had the final vote when there was a discussion about what should be done
And you knew how to calm each one of them down when one of them felt at the verge of exploding
They always joked about you and Freddie being together
“How did Fred even manage to get someone as good as Y/N?”
“Fuck off, Roger” you both said at the same time when you were cuddling on the studio once
You thanked the stars Freddie couldn’t see how your cheeks flushed lightly because of the position you were in
First kiss
You didn’t know how it happened really
You came home one afternoon completely exhausted from work
All you wanted to do was sleep, not caring about anything else in the world
And that’s what you did, you got inside your bed and doozed off the second your head hit the pillow
You got woken up partially when you heard your front door get open
You furrowed your brows slightly, your eyes still closed, trying to figure out if that was part of your dream or real life
All your doubts were cleared up when you heard a loud “GUESS WHO’S HERE, MY DARLING” which made you jump
His face changed from a one of pure joy to one of mild fear when he came inside the room and saw you
He knew how much you hated being woken up and what was your mood when that happened
“What the fuck, Fred” you simply said with a raspy voice
“I’m sorry, dear!” He was quick to apologise “I didn’t mean to wake you up”
You sighed and got out of bed “Why are you here?” You asked dryly
His face got back to the one he brought when he got inside the house “it’s a surprise!”
You quirked your eyebrows “Surprise? It’s not my birthday”
He laughed “Every occasion is an opportunity to celebrate, love!”
You started at him, not knowing what to say
“C'mon!” He rushed you “Get changed! I’ll help you pick the outfit; you want to look glamourous”
He managed to make you both look like the fanciest you’d ever been and you loved him for it
And you hoped he didn’t get to spot the blush that had appeared on your face when you saw him appear from the spare room where he changed his clothes away
He took you to the most extravagant and expensive-looking restraurant in town and you gasped
“Freddie! A glass of water in here will cost you more than buying the Buckingham Palace! You can’t possibly afford this.”
He just linked his arm with yours and simply said “Don’t worry, dear. I got everything under control”
You had the most amazing dinner ever, as he asked for practically everything that was listed on the menu
There were only three things that crossed your mind though
How was he going to pay all of that
What was the occasion that you were celebrating
And how good he looked
You tried to ignore the latter one, shaking those thoughts away as you always did
You wouldn’t let a silly crush ruin your friendship
You were pretty tipsy when you finished the meal, so when Fred asked you to wait outside for him while he payed, you didn’t question him even if it looked like a weird thing to do, when you could just wait for him
He came out of the restaurant with a quick pace and a michevious smile
And a wave of realization hit you when he suddenly took your hand and started running, dragging you with him
“Freddie, you utter-” was the only thing you could manage to say in between breaths when you finally stopped in an open field
When you both normalized your breathing, you hit his arm
“You didn’t fucking pay?!” you exclaimed but you couln’t hide your smile
He just looked at you before bursting out in laughter
His laugh was the most marvelous thing you had ever heard and it always made butterflies fly in your stomach
But it was also deadly contagious, and you joined him seconds after
You looked at each others eyes when the laugh started to die out and only chuckles came out
You coulnd’t help but admire his face, the moonlight illuminating his face and making his eyes shine made him look ethereal
He suddenly leaned in and he kissed you, his lips pressing over yours softly but confidently
Before you had time to react, he pulled away with a soft smile
“You asked what we were celebrating” you nodded slightly, baffeled
“Well, the answer is that we are celebrating a change” he didn’t let you ask what he meant as he continued
“Y/N, I like you, as more than friends. I have for a while but I only noticed a few days ago” he looked away “I decided it was best to tell you. Because I’d rather lose you following my heart even if it hurts than to hide my true feelings”
He looked at you once again, meeting your wide eyes “We celebrated our last night as friends, for good or for bad” he said and you didn’t seem to find a hint of fear in his voice
“Oh just shut up with all your deep crap and kiss me”
Living together
You decided to move in together short after getting into a relationship
It didn’t seem rushed for either of you, as you already kind of lived together before, it’s just that now it was official
You found yourself doing almost everything as Freddie was completely useless with domestic tasks
But you didn’t mind and you appreciated that he always made an effort to try and help you
If you were all lovey-dovey before, now it was sickening
Cuddling, holding hands, hugging, linking arms, resting one of your heads on each other’s shoulder
The affection was constant and the boys always complained about it
“I will literally puke on this instant”
“Oh shut it, Brian. You’re just jelaous”
About that, the band was always around, so it was like having 4 roomates
You absolutely loved that
The flat was never quiet and music could always be heard around
And it would come from everywhere and anywhere: records, Freddie singing, the boys composing and even you humming and singing sometimes
Freddie absolutely adores when you sing and encourages you to do it
But you feel so ashamed because you’re intimidated to sing in front of Freddie fucking Mercury
But sometimes you will join him when he sings or you will hum when cooking and all he can do is stare at you in complete adoration
Which makes you flush deeply
You will do the most dramatic catwalks at home when you buy clothes
And you generally both end up on the floor, you because you always trip over something and he laughs so hard at you he ends up rolling on the floor
Sometimes when Freddie is blocked with his lyric writing, he will follow you around in silence
Because sometimes you will just say something that makes his eyes light up
“Yes! That’s brilliant!” he’d say before kissing your cheek and you’d chuckle
Fights were never something that happened frequently
Sure you still argued but it generally never was something big
When those happened though, it was so dramatic and messy
But no matter how angry you were at each other, you’d never make him sleep alone and he’d never walk out and disappear, because you know how anxious these would make each other feel
And you wouldn’t ever wonder about hurting each other on purpose
Your favourite activity to do together is to snuzzle on the sofa with a cup of tea and watch a musical
You had probably too many cats living in one flat
But neither of you cared
On tour
You sometimes went on tours with him
You worked as a writer, so you could adapt to that, but you actually preferred staying at home
You missed each other dearly obviously
And he sometimes shed a tear on stage thinking about you
You never stayed all those months without seeing him though, as you took flights to see him perform and stay with him a couple days
You never knew when you were going to take the next flight
Freddie just sent the tickets whenever he pleased so you always had to have a suitcase ready
You always gave him something that would remind him of you while you were away from each other
Pictures, pieces of writing, cute notes, mixtapes with songs that remineded you of him or him of you or sometimes even you singing those, whatever
But you had a rule about these gifts
He had to open them the night after the first performance he did
You knew he always followed the rule, because he always had to call you excitedly
“You made this, darling? I absolutely adore it!”
Talking about calls, he contacted you almost everyday, and sometimes even more than once a day
You were always happy to hear his voice through the phone
When he got back from the tour, he always was extra clingy to “make up the time I’ve lost without my other half!”
And he sure made up the time in every way possible
Nights out
You don’t go out with him too much
Most times he goes out after gigs or at private parties you can’t attend because they’re exclusive for musicians or such
And honestly you were alright because you liked going out but not too much
Also not going out while he did meant drunk Fred, and you found that adorable
When you do go out with him, though, you have the time of your life
Freddie generally is shy and gentle
But he becomes his flamboyant self that he is on stage with just a couple shots
He will do crazy dares and blush because of the alcohol and will always make you laugh until you cry and will say the most sappy stuff
No matter where you went to party, he manages to chat up the owner in charge and make the place a karaoke bar
So he will just stand up on a table and start singing the first thing that comes to his head to you
Even if he can’t remember half of the lyrics as he’s too drunk
It always makes you blush but nevertheless, you’re the one who cheers the loudest
When you have to go somewhere important and fancy though, you guys take it to another level
You always wear matching outfits that are outrageous but also so sophisticated
You always end up turning heads around
You always are on the main topic of conversation no matter what the even was about
And you both absolutely adored having that attention
You always eventually went somewhere more private where you definitely should not be to do things that you should definitely not do
The proposal
He proposed to you one night on stage on one of the biggest Queen gigs ever
Even if you were slightly pissed at him for actually making you get on stage, you actually ended up staying for a few songs, joining the boys and dancing around
You didn’t know he was going to pop the question, but you definitely knew he was up to something
“I’d like to dedicate this song to the love of my life, Y/N, who is here with us tonight. This one we’ve never played before, so I’d appreciate if you stayed silent, darlings!” t
This made you frown
It wasn’t the first time he had dedicated a song to you, but he never directly mentioned you and defninitely had never said that you were there. Also, a new song?
“This one is called Our Last Night As Lovers”
Then he started singing with Brian on the acoustic guitar, you couldn’t believe your ears
Turns out he had written a song specifically for that night
The most beautiful ballad you’d ever heard that reduced you to a mess of tears with every single line
When he finished the song, he looked backstage with a nervous grin
“Love, will you please join us for a minute?”
You were reluctant, but you eventually went, the crowd going completely wild
Your hands flyed to your open mouth when he dropped into one knee
“Y/N, you’re the love of my life. I can’t imagine a life without you. You’re my best friend, my rock, the one I love and trust. I am madly in love with you and I’d love to be with you until the end of time” tears welled up in your eyes when he pulled out a red velve box from one of his pockets
Inside sat the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen
Gold with a shiny, big diamond
“So, my dear Y/N, will you marry me?”
You forgot how to talk, so you just nodded agressively and threw yourself on him to hug him, which caused you both to fall into the floor
You were both giggling when he helped you slide the ring in your finger and you couldn’t stop the tears from coming from your eyes
He looked at you in the most loving way while he cleaned your stained cheeks with his thumb, and you leaned in to kiss him passionately
There was no way the crowd could become louder than it already was, but neither of you noticed, too focused on each other
Only a while later is when you noticed the inside of the ring was engraved
It read the current date next to “Our Last Night As Lovers”
A simple sentece that was sad without conext, but that made you the happiest you’d ever been
“Celebrating a change…” you murmured to yourself holding the ring close to your heart, remembering the night of your first kiss
It kind of felt like a deja-vú, the ecstatic feeling flowing through your veins once again
The only thing you knew for certain, is that your love for each other knew no boundaries
And that was the only thing you needed
DISCLAIMER: this was done for fun so please don’t make any drama about Freddie’s sexuality. Thank you!
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