#i have 17 characters one day i'll post all of them
cosminyu · 4 months
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everyone give Emyr a kissie, she deserves it (ɔ˘ ³ ˘)♥
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Hey! I was wondering. Does it still counts as plagiarism if one of your ideas gets tweaked, but the premise and even the character's motivation and personality remains the same in the story, although is with another name? (Not even the name if honest.)
How could I protect my work from this? More important, is there any way or it is possible to protect ideas? Or the protection only applies for the work itself?
Thanks in advance!
Tweaked Ideas and Plagiarism
Premises and ideas can't be protected. It's how the premise and ideas are executed that matters. One of my favorite examples of this is The Vampire Diaries vs Twilight. Premise-wise, they're almost identical...
🗸 17-year old "non-magical" girl protagonist 🗸 (she's actually secretly magical... sort of...) 🗸 Protagonist has parental issues 🗸 Mystical small town setting 🗸 Protagonist unaware of town's supernatural undercurrent 🗸 Protagonist meets hot "born-in-a-prior-century" vampire at school 🗸 His senses allow him to identify her among all other students 🗸 They fall in love 🗸 She gets sucked into supernatural shenanigans 🗸 She finds out she has friends who are secretly supernatural 🗸 Dangerous ancient council creates more shenanigans 🗸 Eventually she becomes a vampire
It looks bad on paper, but it's the myriad differences that make these stories completely unique. First, Bella is the polar opposite of Elena in terms of personality and situation. Bella's parents are alive but immature, Elena's parents died in a tragic accident. Bella moved to Forks to live with her father, Elena grew up in Mystic Falls. Edward was born in 1901, Stefan was born in 1846 (TV, 1490 books.) Edward has a big adoptive family. Stefan has his brother. Edward can't read Bella's mind, Stefan can read Elena's mind. Bella's supernatural friends are wolf shifters who are part of the local Indigenous tribe; Elena's supernatural friends include a werewolf, witch, and a vampire hunter. Bella can shield her mind from mind readers, Elena is a doppelgänger. Bella and friends fight an ancient council of vampires who micromanage the vampire world, Elena and friends fight a town council made up of anti-vampire humans.
The point is, the actual stories are very, very different despite the similarities in premise.
Now, I will say that if the premise is genuinely the same, and the character has the same appearance, personality, and even a similar name, that's a bit concerning. If you take a brutally honest look at the two works and find more similarities than differences, it's possible this person did over borrow. The problem is there may not be much you can do about it, but it depends on the situation. If you're both published but you published first, it's something you can take up with your agent or publisher, or if you don't have one, you can contact a copyright lawyer to explore your options. It's costly, however. If you can't afford this option, you can contact them and ask them to take it down, but they're not obligated to. Outside of that, there isn't much you can do.
There honestly isn't much you can do to protect yourself from plagiarism. It's part of the risk we take in putting our work out there. Again, if you're agented, have a publisher, or can hire a copyright attorney, you may find you have some legal recourse, especially if the plagiarism is glaring and they're making money off what they stole. Otherwise, you just have to grin and bear it. But the truth is, given the wealth of stories being published every day, plagiarism isn't that common of an occurrence. (Although, it's increasing now somewhat with the advent of AI...)
And I'll tell you, the harsh reality is you may feel like a work is so similar to yours it must be an intentional rip-off, but our brains have a way of making mountains out of molehills when it comes to spotting similarities. Nine out of ten times it's just not as similar as you think it is.
Other relevant posts:
Similarities vs Plagiarism Plagiarism vs Reference vs Inspiration Beta Reader Sees Similarity with Existing Character Does My Book/Story Already Exist Taking Inspiration from Another Story’s Premise Afraid of Ideas Being Stolen or Copied Once Shared Afraid of Plagiarism Accusation
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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desceros · 1 month
i open up my tumblr to get my daily dose of turtle content after an excruciating day and immediately SPAT out my tea seeing what was happening in the rottmnt tumblr community like?? oh my god thats WILD
i presume you're referring to the dragon situation which is. well. it sure is fucking something i'll tell you that.
it's my understanding that she's currently being told she didn't do anything wrong which. ok. i'm going to need people to understand something. there are two big reasons to Why this is Such a Huge Fucking Deal.
interacting, sexually, with adults (which dragon lied about her age to do) is harmful for kids. it puts them directly into explicitly sexual places, which while Mostly Safe, do harbor some people who will latch onto vulnerable people. kids don't have a lot of the real-world experience that adults have that allow them to Spot these asshats and avoid them. kids like validation. they like feeling cool, wanted. and groomers know how to spot people that like these things and give it to them. christ, there are a lot of Adults that get this part wrong. (comprehensive sex education can reduce the chances of this happening, but considering the state of that for children being less than robust, it's safe to assume Most kids aren't being taught the sighs of a proper, actual predator and not 'dude in a white van with some candy.')
interacting, sexually, with kids, can get adults into a MASSIVE amount of trouble. there is no recourse for this. it ruins your reputation, it puts you on a fucking List, it can get you jail time, it destroys your ability to get housing or a job, etc.
so yes. this was all bad because a kid was doing sex stuff. but for everyone who i've seen saying "ohhh we all looked at smut and stuff when we were teenagers, she didn't do anything wrong", yes, she did. because she INTERACTED WITH ADULTS ABOUT IT. yes, we all know that teenagers read smut. we all know that you can click onto someone's blog. frankly, in my opinion, there's never going to be a way to stop that. but having that teenager come into adult spaces and TALK to adults, SEND them asks, POST erotic art, SEND THAT LEWD ART TO ADULTS, DO EROTIC ROLEPLAY WITH OTHER ADULTS, is beyond the pale. that's not "a teenager reading smut like we all did." that's a minor violating the trust and consent of adults who have said they don't want to interact with minors.
i want you to imagine a scenario where we have someone we Know is a liar. she says she's 17 in two months. but is she? she's lied about it before. but let's say we believe her this time. let's say we trust her when she says she's 18 now. we start letting her interact again. we talk about erotica with her again. except oops she's still not 18, she's 16 and her mommy just checked on her blog and sees she's talking about porn with adults. or she hears a headcanon she doesn't like and decides to narc on that adult for sexting with a child. or one of her friends decides they don't like how i talk to people, so they say something.
do you see the problem? sure, the kid is in danger. but so is the adult. the adult who thought they were interacting with another adult, but because that kid lied, now they're the one in trouble. oh, and fun fact, there is typically no recourse against the kid in this scenario. the adult's life is ruined, and the kid gets to walk away.
there are very few adult-only spaces left on the internet. we put up signs on our blogs that say "we talk about sex. minors do not interact." because we want these spaces for ourselves. it's so disrespectful and childish and stupid and selfish and bratty for kids to think "oh, i'm adult enough for that, actually" or "well everyone i'm following is an adult, but they all say minors don't interact, so i'll just lie and say i'm an adult, heehee." it reveals a lack of character and regard for others that disgusts me. it tells me that you don't care about my wishes, you will do whatever you want to get what you want. i did not consent to speak with a child. it's vile behavior, and people who can't comprehend why the adults here are so upset because "oh you don't owe anyone your age, we all read smut as kids, what's the big deal, it's totally fine" are clearly not using any amount of critical thinking because they learned that their favorite artist is a minor and they don't want to rock the boat and lose access to it which, by the way, maybe think about what that says about you.
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sukinapan · 8 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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strawberrylabs · 8 months
Strawberry's Whumptober masterlist!
warning!! some of these post will contain gore, death, mental distress and other themes that may be disturbing to some readers! Please pay attention to they tags on each post and read with caution!
note: These will be 'x reader' posts because as this is an 'x reader' blog. Most if not all characters will be genshin characters simply because I know them better. If you have a character you want with a certain prompt, feel free to request it and I will write it when I get to it
if I am late some days please rest assured the fics will be uploaded eventually!
PRONOUNS: majority of my works will have no pronouns or gendered terms used for reader, if they are used they will be gender neutral or they/them. If you'd prefer she/her or he/him, there will be a link on the gn fics for both other options. If there is a specific set of pronouns you want me to use, i can edit upload another version with those pronouns, just let me know<3
Update (17th of Oct): whumptober is being put in hold temporarily, some things are going on and I can't really write atm. Everything will eventually be written by the end of October! Just a little delayed is all. Please be patient<3
Day 1: "how many fingers am I holding up?" with Albedo from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 2: "They don't care about you" with Alhaitham from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 3: "Make it stop" with Xiao from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 4: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" with Beidou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 5: Debris with Wanderer from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 6: Made to watch with Kaveh from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 7: "Can you hear me?" with Kokomi from Genshin impacy [Here!]
Day 8: "It's all for nothing" with Abyss!Aether from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 9: "You're a liar" with Brother!Kaeya (and brother!Diluc) from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave" with brother!Bennet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 11: "No one will find you" with Cyno from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 12: "I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?" with Freminet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 13: "I don't feel so good" with Tighnari from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 14: "Just hold on" with Heizou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 15: "I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself" with Ayato from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 16: "Don't go where I can't follow" with Lyney from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 17: "Leave me alone!" with brother!Mika from Genshin impact [On hold]
Day 18: Blindfold/tortured for information with Venti from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 19: "I'll take one final step, all you have to do is make me" with Ningguang from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 20: "You will regret touching them"/found family with Siblings!Bennet, Razor and Fischl from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 21: "Don't move" with Kazuha from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 22: "Watch out!" with Neuvillette from Genshin impact [in prohress]
Day 23: "Who's there?" with Childe from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 24: Neglect with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 25: "They're not breathing!" with Cyno from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 26: "You look awful" with sibling!Chongyun from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 27: "Let me see" with Xiao from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 28: "You'll have to go through me" with Lynette from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 29: "I only sink deeper the deeper I think" with Baizhu from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 30: "It's ok to say 'I'm not ok'" with Lyney from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 31: "Take it easy" with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
If there are prompts you want to see with certain characters send a request and ill write something for them and add it to the masterlist<3
masterlist will be updated as I make the posts!
last update: 14th of october 2023, 10:53pm (AEST)
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My experience with Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii after dark/KiramekiCookie
I have to get this out of my system because I'm deadass tired of watching this person wander around as if they're innocent when they aren't, and I'm also annoyed because of people not noticing what this person does behind the scenes because it now takes one quick Google Search using the prompt "Luca Wii Sports" to go down the rabbit hole. This is about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii.
Lemme begin with the minor stuff. So you know how Lumii has a massive grudge against me because of most of, if not all the stuff I drew in my DeviantArt account? Almost everything there was drawn when I was a FUCKING MINOR. I am 20 years old as we speak, and most of the drawings Lumii mentions happened BEFORE MY 18TH BIRTHDAY on the 1st of December, 2021, and I'll admit, during most of that time, I was a dumbass, immature, and an edgelord. I then stopped posting anything bloody and/or revealing but continued to post harmless drawings before my 18th birthday happened. October 11th of last year was when I stopped posting on that account all together because I found out that DeviantArt was blaming Hamas and Hamas only for the Palestinian deaths and making it as if the Israel military didn't do a thing to innocent lives in Palestine after Hamas attacked.
Next, we have them making me look like an asshole for shipping Luca with Abby (The one shipart I made of the two apparently traumatized them). Back when I was 17, I decided to draw Abby and Luca, two Miis I'm not a fan of, nor close to, as a couple because I thought shipping the two was a good idea. I then posted the finished product on the 23rd of January, 2021. The drawing was not meant to traumatize anyone. It was JUST. SHIP. ART. OF. ABBY. &. LUCA. The only bad thing about that drawing was that I shoved my opinion of the two Miis down people's throats in the description by asking how the hell do people like them because to me, they're just not fun to play against at all, and even then, it was drawn three to four years ago, and I don't even ship the two anymore. I ship Abby with Wii U Barbara now. Mate, I didn't even know Lumii EXISTED back then, let alone know they had a massive love for Luca.
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Next, there's the clear as day hipocrisy that people have yet to notice somehow. So you know how Lumii has "Opinion Bashers" on their DNI list, right? On that same list, they also have people that hate, despise, even dislike Luca, instantly making them a hypocrite because they said they don't want to interact with people who just cannot tolerate others having a different opinion while also saying that if you think Luca is not a good Mii, you're instantly on their shit list. Also, they said no exceptions, meaning you can be the nicest person in the world, but if you dislike Luca, go fuck yourself.
I have several friends that like Luca a lot, some of which are here on Tumblr. I do not like Luca. We get along perfectly fine. I don't understand why they feel like Luca haters and Luca lovers can't co-exist when they clearly can. Just don't be an ass to others when it comes to what you think of the character, mate.
Lastly, we have the fact that they cannot take criticism. They said criticism is prohibited on their DeviantArt profile, which means that you can say anything positive about their art, but if you say anything negative, then nope. Get out. Oh, I'm so sorry I gave you a harmless critique that was just saying what I didn't like and how you can improve. I apologize.
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Seriously tho, how sensitive can you be to the point where you prohibit people from critiquing your work? Or is it that they can't criticize you? Or is it both?
Now we go to the bigger stuff, starting with the TRANSPHOBIA ACCUSATIONS and obvious delusion. They said, and I quote "please shut the fuck up for calling him "Lucapoopa", "Boring", "Annoying", "Scum" and "Tedious" for the love of fucking god, he's fucking overhated and y'all are too harsh and transphobic at him, fucking hell".
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Luca is not canonically trans. Don't even say he is because of unused data because I did my research, and the only unused data he has is facial hair related. Don't get me wrong, Luca being trans is a HC that I'm completely fine with. If you want to headcanon him as trans, fine by me. Trans rights all the way, mate. Don't fucking call people transphobic just for disliking Luca tho! Luca is not canonically trans, and even if he was, bold of Lumii to assume that someone that hates Luca hates him because he's trans. He appears as an opponent in three games and there's a chance that he might piss you off in all three.
How delusional do you have to be to see someone hate a character that isn't trans outside of your HC and go "Oh, they're transphobic"?
Next, there's fullblown insensitivity. I decided to check on DeviantArt for something, and I get a DM from someone. We had a chat about Lumii, and in that chat, they showed this...
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Can you spot the insensitive part? Here, I'll make it easier for ya.
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I'm completely fine with people giving dark backstories to Miis in their HC, but there's a line, and you crossed it. Can we not do rape related headcanons, please? I feel like that should go without saying because, oh, I dunno, that shit is OBVIOUSLY IN BAD TASTE!
Lastly, there's something I cannot show here because if I do, I'm going to get in trouble... It has to do with porn...
Lumii has a total of three accounts that I bumped into while looking at Luca images on Google that have porn of Miis on them. They have a Newgrounds account (KiramekiCookie), which has two drawings of Luca porn, a Bluesky account (Lumii after dark), which has twelve, and a Twitter/X account with the same name, which not only has porn of Luca, but of other Miis too... AND THERE'S AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF IT, MOST OF IT BEING LUCA PORN! TELL ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED WITH OUT TELLING ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED!
I make YOU uncomfortable, Lumii? I make YOU uncomfortable?! You drew Luca laying eggs, you drew a worrying amount of Luca porn, and yet you have the AUDACITY to say I make YOU uncomfortable when you're obviously worse, you fucking hypocrite?! You drew art that is bound to make several people uncomfortable the moment they see it on the THREE ACCOUNTS you have, you falsely accuse people of transphobia, you obssess over Luca an unhealthy and uncomfortable amount, and yet I'M the one in the wrong because I drew ship art of Luca and Abby and art that has blood on it years ago?! I don't get your logic!
BTW, for those who say that this could've been resolved privately, it couldn't because Lumii has blocked me on DeviantArt, and they also blocked me on an old Tumblr account of theirs too, meaning that talking to them was out of the fucking question. They CLEARLY did not want to talk it out. They just wanted to avoid me entirely while also antagonize me for shit I did years ago that wasn't even that bad compared to the crap they did.
Lumii, if you manage to see this, which I know you will because I know you have a Discord and I know someone's gonna send a screenshot to you on there... All of this could've been avoided had you just been a better person.
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yahoodarling · 5 months
Ayato/Thoma x SelfAware Gn Reader part 1 6.5k words
General warnings (not all themes are present in this post): yandere themes, mentions of suicide(in theory and enacted) and major spoilers for Inazumas quest line including character stories. 
Author note here: I understand the narrative style of this fic is going to be a little bit different than usual. This fic highlights a lot of internal thoughts and justifications so the description of things isn't as ‘fluid’ as normal. I hope you enjoy it anyway.  I want to post this as a ‘teaser’ of sorts but mainly to see how it gets received. The next update would be the completed fic. I see it potentially reaching 17/20k words but if people don't like the style then i'll just have to see. 
It's disgusting. It is discomfort incarnate to have such foresight into the fate of the world and yet be bound to its own laws of destiny, especially when what you were sure was to take place is altered. You no longer have any ground of understanding except the uncanny feeling that things are not as they should be, to be so similar and yet be so changed. You knew things will end up alright, as long as you do not interfere then Inazumas political warfare will reach a peaceful end and it did. You watched, noted those ‘special’ to the world, those who have a story, a life, a reason and you took the responsibility of not getting involved and it worked. You became an npc, avoided any confrontation with those deemed ‘special’, avoided any influence in the ‘plot’, watched as a hero came, a nation saved and a people newly united. It worked. Your foresight was correct yet… things changed. With no base to rely on, how were you to know what the ‘future’ must be, how were you to know what to avoid, who to avoid and what minor choice may change a future?
The hero has left, gone to Sumeru you guess, no, you know, you know the hero leaves for a new nation but so has your foresight and with that comes the change.
The one day gathering supplies, one day speaking to a fellow npc to fill some sort of social need, one day being in the ‘dark’ and you've caused a spark.
“Oh Aoi, good morning to you!”
He didn't speak to you, it was directed to the npc shopkeep you were chatting with and yet it grabbed your attention. Thoma is ‘special’, Thoma is relevant and so he must be avoided and you failed. 
Thoma spoke of how lovely the nights have been, of the soft whistles of sea, even to npcs Thoma was a gentleman starting conversation. He then noted how ‘unique’ your eyes are, a depth to them hes never seen before. That comment frightened you, made you rush to leave, to stop the change. Quickly you felt a hand on your shoulder,
“Please excuse my rudeness but how about we have a stroll? I know its unfair of me to ask a stranger such a thing but… you remind me of a home away from home, if you would grant me such a pleasure that is.” he ended with a chuckle.
You have been so realistic up to this point, so good at avoiding ‘change’ but you have a heart and knew all too well that whatever feeling Thoma is experiencing is something important to him. You have a heart and so you accept.
A single light hearted stroll became a weekly meet at the shop front, ‘coincidentally’, which became a personal relationship which became a friend. It's alright though, Thomas is a social guy, he's close with many npcs who never impacted the ‘plot’, you can be one such npc, that's fine. Change is fine. 
It's not fine. Meeting with Thoma you eventually met with other ‘special’ individuals you knew by name before they even knew of your existence. It's a weird feeling to know a person before getting to meet them, all the private details, their worries, their joys and yet to remain oblivious.
“A formal greeting from the Kamisato Clan, I am glad to see Thoma has a new friend. Do treat him well, sadly I must make short of this meet.” and the man who is most likely the most influential to whatever ‘plot’ is to come of Inazuma greeted. Kamisato Ayato was amongst your top ‘DO NOT ENGAGE’ list other than the archon herself and yet somehow naive bliss and a VERY convincing plea(almost suspiciously good) from Thoma to have lunch by the beaches near the residence of the Kamisato Clan lead you right into his ‘life’.
You have no ‘life’, you are meant to have no ‘life’, no value or effect and yet by each interaction with those deemed ‘special’ by the world your plans crumble.
Ayato then promptly bowed and walked out the residents gate, a body guard joining him as he started his track along the path you had just taken towards the city.
“ah right, he has that meeting. A pity, if his schedule was more open id have asked for him to join us.” Thoma turned to you with a quick hesitant smile, “he's really not as imposing as you may think he is. ah well… maybe he still is but just in a different way then what the people expect. If you'd like, maybe I could let you know when my lord and I are doing something casual, if you would be comfortable with that of course.  I forget just how intimidating the idea of being casual with a clan lord can be to someone who doesn't know him as well as I do.”
“Thank you for the offer Thoma but i'd like it if we just kept it the two of us. You are right, the idea is a little frightening right now.” 
You knew what Thoma meant by all that, he means that Ayato is a genuine person underneath his political mask. Ayato is a brother, a friend and a man caring for those deemed under his protection and to those lucky enough to see under his mask they may be met with the unlucky fate of becoming a target to his mischievous nature. 
Still, the idea of getting involved with someone so influential is nauseating even if just for something ‘casual' as Thoma has in mind. In truth you shouldn't even be here, here near the Kamisato Clan, here near someone like Thoma, here in Teyvat in the first place. You shouldn't be here. 
“I see, that's expected haha.” Thoma smiled at you wildly, reaffirmed at the idea of something going on in his mind (if only knowing what said idea was was as easy as opening a character profile and reading a line directly out of his thoughts) “Well we are still here for a good time. Let me get that blanket and pillows for the beach quickly. You are going to love it!” Thoma quickly skipped into the yard of the clans walls while you waited outside and watched as the npcs you recognized pattered around the area. 
That one person at the commission board, you had forgotten his name by now after fulfilling Inazumas reputation months ago. There was the old lady sweeping in the yard, what did she comment on again? … … it never came to you, it was all forgetful anyway. 
A sudden feeling of envy hit you. They were forgetful, oh how lovely that would be to ease your nerves. To know that each day the sun rises you can follow your coded script without fear of altering the fate of the very universe by the time the sun goes down. Wow, you've messed up haha. 
Thoma returned quickly as promised, a blanket and two pillows clutched under one arm as a basket was held in another but probably most heavy of all was the giant smile on his face, wrinkling his cheeks with a sense of genuine happiness. No wonder you messed up, it would be impossible to say no to him. It's all his fault and yet you felt you could never put the blame on him. 
“Well, sorry to have starved you of your lunch for so long, we are nearly there and I can't wait to see your reaction.” Thoma then lead you through a short path of the surrounding forest and down towards the beach. 
Perhaps your recollection of the game isn't accurate, you could have sworn a group of enemies should be nearby the beach here but all along the coast line was just gentle laps of the waves apon white sand. Thoma layed out the blanket with little worries evident on his face, he placed both pillows down then removed his shoes, each unclad foot stepping on the blanket to avoid spreading sand all over it, you promptly did the same, sitting down and placing the basket you had down next to his. 
“This place is lovely at any time of the day but especially during sunset, I would have asked for you to join then but I feared it would make things inconvenient for you but still, spending the afternoon here is just lovely nonetheless.” he criss crossed his legs and then beamed at you.
“Come on then, don't keep me waiting, i'm dying to try out one of your baked goods.”
Right. One of the first things you did when you realized you were now living in the game was (panic, cry, internally scream in confusion as to how this has happened and if your world will keep on going and you aren't in it) actually to set up an identity for yourself. Running around and claiming to have come from another world and how you somehow know very personal details of select people and the future fate of the nation would lead to either your banishment or a future altered and possibly worse where peace was not founded, the resistance killed off and the entire plot of the ‘game’ thrown off. Not a good idea. Instead you tried to incorporate yourself into the ‘npc lifestyle’ as quickly as possible. You came up with a backstory that befit this world, you are a failed Sumeru scholar who has come to Inazuma to lead a new simple life outside of your failures. (In truth you stole inspiration for the backstory from some npc you think was on Sangonomiya Island.) It makes sense, people you tell won't  ask you more about your past details in fear of being insensitive and Sumeru scholars are sometimes brought to Inazuma. You explained your (fake) predicament to a shop vendor who referenced you to the local baker who took you on. Now you bake goods behind the walls, don't face any customers and have a very npc-like backstory and job. You set yourself up well which was helped by all the knowledge you have of this world. Too bad you messed up all that work and are sat in front of someone ‘special’. Maybe you can salvage the situation, maybe it's not as bad as you think it is, you only have ‘maybes’ which isn't helpful since you had a ‘definitely’ to rely on before Inazumas ‘quest’ was finished by the hero. 
You just smile at Thoma and reach your basket. “I made some simple bread rolls and brought some butter and jam but I also made some black sesame biscuits before leaving work. Thanks again for convincing my boss to let me off early today, things get busy there.”
“Not a problem, I don't often take days off either but I think I just needed a break today and imagined it would be a nice chance to get to know you more. How about you pass me one of your rolls in exchange for a serving of okonomiyaki? Sorry it's probably cold by now but should still be good.” He reached into his basket taking out some wooden containers as well as some cloths, likely for cleaning any spillages, and handed you one with you exchanging and giving him a roll and butter from your pack. 
You both nibbled at each other's creations, the bread rolls were still slightly warm on the inside since you had baked them before leaving, which Thoma commented on how lovely it is with the butter. The okonomiyaki you took pieces out of was cold but packed with various spices and toppings which really highlighted Thomas skills. 
“I just love that we can do this!” Thoma announced after his last bite. “I love getting to make and share things with friends, it's touching the combined effort put into it as well as the delicious outcome we get to enjoy. Haha, my lord and I do a similar thing but its outcome is not as enjoyable as warmed bread and butter, if anything it's concerning haha. Remember how earlier I said how he can be a little intimidating, our little cook outs are one such example. I really have to steel myself for those.” he chuckled and then leaned down on his elbows.
Once again, what he's trying to explain is something you already know of but need to act oblivious to. You have to convince yourself to be unaware and yet need to be aware enough to avoid ‘changing’ anything, this task has grown rather wearing but is essential to keep up your act. 
“Oh? How could cooking together turn out so threatening? You two are close though.”
He laughed
“It's because we are close that he feels he can torment me with his cooking. I swear, i'm surprised i haven't kneeled over and died yet. Worst part is he knows its tomenting, it's the best part to him! Agh- i've had so many of my own treats i've made be ruined by whatever his plan is. Haha, its amusing to look back on but just so daunting in the moment. When I said we could do something ‘casual’ with him I do not mean having one of these cook outs haha, I could never subject you to that.” 
The nature of the conversation stayed light hearted, you both exchanging from your baskets while sharing stories or light hearted moments, you had altered your side of things a little, you spoke truth of personal events but under the filter to fit with your backstory, that way lies couldn't catch up with you or forgetting lots of little made up details. The outing was rather pressuring in concept, so much could go wrong since you are involved, but in reality it was very nice. You had kept yourself back a lot when it comes to building relationships with the people around you in fear of your influence potentially changing something important but you are still human and still have social needs but even people like your boss, coworkers and the shop vendors you chat with in passing never fit what it meant to have a friend, to have someone to sit next to and simply have a good time with. 
Maybe you've been in this world for too long, you fear you may slip into making a ‘normal’ life here now that you've had a taste of what it means to ‘live’.
The sun started moving, waves became more rash upon the shore and the signs of the afternoon turning to evening became evident. You started packing up your basket and containers, lightly chatting on with Thoma about the seaside. To the side you heard footsteps and Thoma sat himself up straight to look at the oncomer. 
“Oh! Done with the meeting my lord?”
Your hand slipped in fright, the container lid clattering as you tried to put it with its matching box. Shit, why is he here? Shouldn't Ayato be too busy? Isn't that one of his whole character points? Not once was ‘strolls on the beach’ mentioned in any of his character lines. You looked up and smiled at him in greeting, your face tugged up tensely and trying very hard to look at ease. You decided it would be easier to let Thoma handle him and just got back to packing your things away. 
“Good evening to you too,” he chuckled softly and shifted his gloves, “the meet is done without any problems. When I got back home I wondered if you were still out here, seems I was right. I can now also fix a prominent mistake of mine.”
Even though you tried your hardest to avoid eye contact and look busy it's not like you had mountains to put away, you were left empty handed with a pair of well polished shoes in front of you, their sheen contrasted with the speaks of sand now defiling them. You took a breath in and looked up properly to meet his gaze. 
“I do apologize for being so rash earlier, I would have liked a proper introduction. As you can surmise i am Ayato, Thoma has mentioned of you before and I am glad to have the honor of meeting you in person.” he smiled in greeting, no doubt he would have offered a hand or a bow if you both were at the same height but for now a smile would do. 
“Right, it is truly an honour Lord Ayato. Thank you for extending your welcome to me.” you bowed slightly.
He laughed slightly, deeply amused. 
“Do just call me Ayato in private like this and last I recall, yes my property is in the area but that doesn't warrant me the entire beach side. In truth I have not welcomed you at all.” 
Thoma sighed slightly, “My lord please don't tease them so readily, I would like to eventually re invite them here but I can't do that if you've scared them away.”
“Of course, maybe then I can truly offer my welcome and they may join us to tea in the confines of the clan.”
Thoma sighed again at the slight continuation of Ayato's mischief. You took the opportunity of their exchange as an opening and stood up.
“Thank you for the food today Thoma and for bringing me to such a lovely place. I'll get going before it gets too late.”
“Oh, let me walk you back then.”
You shook your head in defiance, “No need, I know the way and it doesn't make sense for you to walk all the way just to have to return. Bringing me here was amazing in itself.”
You turned to Ayato and bowed again, less in respect and more so to keep away from eye contact. 
“Thank you again Lord Ayato. Stay well.” and quickly you make your way off the sands of the beach and towards the trek back home into the outer city. 
Thoma and Ayato stayed still, simply watching you go in silence until you were out of eyesight. It was Ayato that broke the silence.
“You are sure they do not carry any ill intent?” he said monotonously, still looking at the spot you disappeared to.
“I am sure. They are a decent person and I double checked, they don't have a past linked to any organization. Sure they are rather anxious, I see it often, a little skittish at times and slightly paranoid but it's not at the prospect of the clan. Haha, if you've taught me anything it's to be aware of people's intentions, if anything they are trying to run away rather than to get close. I can assure you, they don't have an agenda against the clan.”
Ayato breathed out, then turned himself to properly look at Thoma, his face relieved. “If that's your judgment it must be true then.”
An odd moment of silence spread between the two of them on the beach, both looking out as the sky took on warmer hues of yellow and orange clashing with its deeper blues. 
“You've been coming here a lot more recently and to have invited a friend here as well, has your mind been on your homeland?”
Thoma chuckled and leaned back out on the blanket, now dusted with sand and corners crinkled after the day's events, “I have. Thinking about the mountains of Mondstadt and all the memories just out there across the ocean. It's not in a sad sense, not at all, it's just that recently-,” he paused, looking away from the ocean and down to his lap, slightly gnawing on his lip in thought, “recently i've felt more… connected with myself. It's a nice feeling if not slightly concerning. I feel i'm getting to know myself better but it also just clearly shows how much i have yet to discover.” He sighed, closed his eyes and fully laid down on his back. 
Ayato looked down on his friend, doing as he does best and figuring out just what was going on in his mind, his feelings, the reasons for such feelings and the potential catalysts that brought them about. He kneeled down onto the blanket beside his friend, form straight from a lifetime of practice. 
“Does your new friend have anything to do with it?” he asks only to be met with silence, Ayato doesn't need an answer, he already knows it's true but just why that is so is still unknown.
“It isn't that you have fallen for them have you? I didn't think of you as one for love to occur after a reasonably short time.”
Thoma opened his eyes languidly and responded this time.
“I don't think it is love. Not yet but… i'd say i've definitely fallen for them haha, in whatever way that is i'm not sure but it feels… unbridled in nature.” he closed his eyes once more and shook his head at his own emotions. He tugged on a smile and relieved himself of his weighing thoughts, “So i'd appreciate it if you don't chase them away okay? I look forward to figuring out what's going on with both myself and with them.”
Ayato nodded wordlessly, not needing to disturb the quiet with a response.
“Ayato, did you notice the look in their eyes? It truly just- it just instantly made me feel like i was reliving my home town but also… not. It was familiar but also so foreign.”
“I hadn't gotten a good look at them in truth. They seemed rather determined in keeping their eyesight on anything but me.”
Thoma nodded in acknowledgement, “Makes sense. I do hope they warm up to the idea of the three of us doing something together eventually. Haha, once they've settled their nerves they are very comforting to talk with, I think you'd like them.”
Comfortable silence stretched along the two, the shades of yellow and orange in the sky deepening to reds and purples. 
In time Ayato stood up, no doubt with the intent of work to finish. He turned to leave before side glancing at Thoma. 
“The nobushi that often occupy these beaches, you've disposed of them correct?”
“Did it just this morning to make sure the beach was safe for today as well as to clear out the threat they bring.”
Ayato sighed in annoyance. 
“I still can't understand how those ruffians believe they outwit us, thinking being close to the clan means they may spot our vulnerabilities.” he shook his head slightly, like the ‘danger’ the oathless samurai possessed was nothing but a pesky fly. 
He then made his way back to the clan home leaving Thoma to steep in his own thoughts. 
It was after this interaction that you decided to cut things down. At first you imagined Thoma to be the safest ‘special’ person to come across, given how social he is and loved by many you could become a face in the crowd while also tending to your social needs and appeasing Thoma who, and you still wonder why, wanted to get closer to you. Following the path you've taken recently, of course you were wrong, infact Thoma should have been on that list of ‘DO NOT ENGAGE’ for the very reason you thought it was safe to, he's social. Very quickly you had realized in your time meeting with him that he would smile and wave to many walking by, one such instance was panic inducing when you noticed Yoimiya come over to greet him. Before she had fully skipped up to the both of you you had promptly dismissed yourself and ran back to the confines of your walls to avoid meeting someone so ‘special’. 
This was Thomas' problem, he is the network that is connected to so many ‘characters’ that by staying by his side means undoubtedly meeting with the others. Today's incident was clearly that, you met Ayato, you were right there at the clan bordering the line of stepping into the grounds of one of the most impactful places of Inazuma and it was Thoma that had convinced you to do so. You had been too lenient on your rules recently, too selfish. You don't follow these rules you've written up for yourself because you want to but because you know it's for the better of the future and altering such a future because you can't stay inline is selfish to every being in Teyvat that could possibly be influenced by your choices. 
To live means to influence your environment, to live means to leave an impression that proves your existence. You wish for nothing right now other than to ‘die’, be void of life and find comfort in that, to finally release the stress of what it means to have all this information of the world and not belong in it but you are still human, you have needs to fulfill and ‘dying’ is not one of them. 
It was time to cut Thoma off, it hurt because you knew it would hurt him but it would be better this way. That night you closed your eyes to rest, determined on your new path but gut wrenching in a myriad of emotions, fear, pressure, uncertainty, sadness. You haven't slept well ever since coming to this world and that night was no different. You fell asleep cursing the ground you walk on, cursing the details that swamped your mind, cursing your very existence and the trouble it causes to both this world and yourself. 
Seperating yourself from Thoma was simple, firstly you changed your shopping time, no longer ‘coincidentally’ meeting with him like you had these last few weeks. Secondly, you asked your boss for more work, that way you have an excuse. You aren't a ‘bad guy’ for just leaving Thoma, no its because work has been busy and you just don't have the time. This system worked, you hadn't stumbled on him while in the city and the few times he did come to your workplace you simply told him that you were busy and needed to get back to work. This system went on for weeks and was perfect for devoiding your existence of ‘live’, which yes was depressive, you could feel yourself go mad at the amount of work you put on yourself and lack of outlet, but it worked. The extra work did help with the issue of mora as well (the value of mora being confusing ingame where how a single egg was 400 mora and yet 1 mora is represented as a single coin but you realized quickly it was just the ingame market system) which lightened the financial strain a little. You worked from early mornings to late nights, arms dead by the end of the day. In truth you know it isn't a healthy cycle, often coming home and skipping meals just to bathe and sleep, but it was necessary. 
Inazumas rains soaked the land, luckily no thunder was present but the trek from the city to nearby village was still made difficult in the wet weather. Your eyes focusing and unfocusing, legs on autodrive walking you towards a particular customer of your workplace who the boss is very fond of. The old lady you were delivering to had been coming to the bakery for years but in her age can no longer make the walk to the city. Your boss found it mandatory to provide for such a loyal customer and so your weekly walk to deliver her breads was on the way. 
In the rain was silence, just the sound of your wet shoes on the mud and the rhythmic clank of the wooden box you carried and its latch. The world began to blur, shapes and colours combining as the rain obscure your vision and the melody of your steps, the rain's patter and the wooden latch soothed your mind. Peaceful, a sleepwalk yet not unconscious. 
Peace is never retained. 
“Look, a stray lamb. Ha! The rain brings fortune indeed.” a swallowed out voice but a few steps away from you got you out of your daze. A wandering samurai, perhaps 3 all together, walked from the side of the path towards you from the river. If this had been ingame the confrontation would be nothing more but an annoyance, 4 ‘characters’ to choose from to easily snuff them out or the option to just run away until they gave up chase. In reality this confrontation means little less than a deathly denouement. Heavily armed, well trained men with seemingly no morals and a thirst for sick entertainment against a human bering no vision, a basket of bread and a fatigued body leaves little wonder as to how this will end. Panic arose at the realization, the very human phenomenon of ‘fight or flight’ kicking in, and as a baby bird strives to the air you push off your feet, adrenaline quickly awakening your senses and urged your body to a change of direction and just as a fledgling's first flight you fall. Hard. Your mind may have awoken but your body had not caught the message, instead you lay your head in the dirt, all motive diminished, just your sad existence lay bare for a bunch of hostile mobs, stupid coding of copy paste enemies, to take your life. In all honesty this is perfect, you wish to retain as accurate to an npc life as possible? What better way than to die a meaningless death. That brought enough comfort to you to allow yourself to close your eyes (disregarding the other factors such as shock, exhaustion and most likely a concussion from the fall)
Perhaps a few of your questions will be answered now, if you die here will you reawaken into your own world? Will the months of lifetime in this fictitious game be nothing but a dream or will you truly die and merely sink into the mud as nothing more than a mistake upon this world? Neither as it seems the feeling of the rain pelting on your body ended, the sounds of swords being drawn and clashing washed away and your head, though still paining, layed on something far more welcoming than wet earth. 
“Are you regaining consciousness then?” you feel hands lean your body up, a hand moving you face side to side prompting your eyes to open. They are met with the analytically eyes of Ayato still looking over your features for whatever wear and tear you may have gathered. 
“To have fallen so gracefully in such a life threatening moment, truly your abilities are unmatched to any I have seen before. I am surprised you garner such mud and bruising, I had expected you to be dressed in only the most comfortable of clothing by the way you so effortlessly went to rest.” Oh for fucks sake-
You properly awaken, now relying on your own balance to stay sitting upright and Ayato moving his hands away only to have his eyes peering closer to you. You swipe at your face, lumps of mud clinging to your hand in turn. You heave a sigh just to gather yourself for a moment before speaking. 
“What happened? Why would you be here if it means I'm not dead? Ah- sorry,” you jumped into accusations before even giving thanks, not suspicious in the slightest, “my head is still sore. Sorry, I must thank you for rescuing me, I would be dead if not for you.” 
Ayato hummed and nodded his head. “To answer your question, I was on my way to the city before the rain started, not wanting to get wet I waited here under this shelter until I saw you stumble right into that group of noboshira and now we are sat here. As for your apology, it's accepted, you are welcome.” 
Why was he acting like this? Mischievous sure but with a slight hint of pride or cockiness in vulgar terms. Sure he's a noble but usually he adores the ‘polite lord’ act rather than ‘cocky aristocrat’. His attitude reminded you of how he interacts with those he deems ‘close’ rather than a stranger he's met only once. Yes you are close with Thoma which may influence how he sees you but surely not to the extent of you two being ‘close’ in turn. 
And still you must play the fool, be gracious and oblivious like you could never tell between his mask and his true face. 
“Thank you so much Lord Ayato, truly you've saved my life.” 
You stand to bow, to leave but he holds your wrist at the movement.
“Do not move so hastily now, the rain is still ongoing and I would not like to see a recurrence of you laying in the mud, no matter how amusing the first time may have been. Do sit back down.”
No denying that, no matter how much you wanted to make distance between the two of you, trying to run away would only cause more problems. You sit back down on the bench, a rickety structure just outside the village with hardly enough space for two. 
You look to the ground at your feet, watching as rain drops just a few inches away. Ayato sighs, made clear you have no intent of starting a conversation. Perhaps his political side kicks back in, going blunt and straight to the point. 
“You have been avoiding Thoma these last weeks, he's become distressed at the idea he's done something wrong.” you do not reply. 
“Is it because of my involvement? I understand you may be pressured by our difference in class but both Thoma and I have made it clear that should not be a problem when in private so why is it you fear me? I have seen those intimidated by my title but your anxiety runs deeper than that. I personally don't care as much but if it distracts your relation with Thoma then I suggest it should be dealt with.”
This questioning is unnerving, it is tearing right to the point where the only truth is to reveal the true origin of your situation. That cannot happen so you reply with what you usually do, not exactly a lie but a truth wrapped along with missing context. 
You fake a sigh, “My Lord I am… I am an introverted person by nature. When Thoma approached me I- I accepted his conversations not to be rude and i do genuinely enjoy being with him but i- he's a social person, I knew he was and it was uncomfortable for me to get involved but I tried it's just the moment I met with someone such as yourself, someone so… powerful I realized just how large his social circle is. I can't keep it up, being with him means being with others and I cant handle that.” it was the truth, yes you played it up a bit but hopefully it's an explanation Ayato would accept. 
“So you do not consider your friendship special enough to warrant such efforts?” 
“No!” you lift your head to him, for once properly looking at him, “It is, he is special, he is special beyond your understanding it's just that… I don't fit in, I don't belong by his side and meeting you and others just proves that.”
Ayato looked at you for a moment, seemingly lost in your words, perhaps not understanding the phrasing you used but he quickly morphed back into his usual laid back but self assured look.
“Was that your decision to make?” He let out a soft huff of air and looked forward to the oncoming rain. Why did he wish to avoid the rain? Given his character trailer where he casually accepts it, his skills being water based and summoning quite literal rain not to mention the casual manner his attacks have him kneeling right into it, how could he act so off put by walking along when the storm was hardly harsh, a summer spray in truth, you wouldn't have accepted going on this delivery if the weather was any worse.
“It's comforting. Something I can appreciate both from a distance and up close. Water has a tendency of being both stubborn and flexible, it moves as it wishes and chips away at that it deems in its way. When in motion it is hard to stop, when stagnate it proves hard to move.” 
Ayato turned back to you, eyes alight with something more than just his blue hues, they appeared with a sheen, not from the gloss of tears but of something you couldn't exactly tell what it embodied. Without a character profile to read it actually is very hard to tell what goes on in his mind. 
“Such waters remind me of you. So stubborn in some label you've put yourself under and yet so quick to wash away when it is threatened. You call such a label as being ‘introverted’ but I imagine it's something more isn't it? Perhaps it is insensitive of me to get into, from Thoma I hear you've had an unfortunate past in your time as a scholar and the depths of your reason may lay there but if you truly wish to integrate into a life in Inazuma then avoiding the people you come across, myself and especially Thoma, all under the pretext of being ‘introverted’, then you will find your burdens much heavier.”
In a very storylike fashion the rains seemed to ease, droplets turning to drizzle. Ayato stood up and readjusted his coat cuffs, “At the very least explain to Thoma your reasons, I did not exaggerate when I said he has become distraught.” 
You stood in turn, head buzzing but no longer in the previous pain. You nodded to Ayato, your anxieties haven't shown any actual proof and yet you hurt someone who has shown nothing but kindness and acceptance to you, it is wrong. 
“I will, you are right.”
Ayato offered his hand to you for a hand shake, both as an untold promise to explain yourself to Thoma and as a simple goodbye gesture, you shook it with a strong resolve. 
“I look forward to hearing more about you in the future. Do keep yourself well and avoid potential naps in the mud, it's not the most comfortable of places.” he smiled at you with a cheeky glint of amusement before turning his back and walking to the direction of the city. 
You sat back down on the bench, intent on waiting out the remaining drizzle, and leaned against its wooden pillars. It's all so conflicting, when you try to do right for this world you hurt and confuse those around you, if you try to appease the people around you you risk threatening their future. You bare a cursed mind of information, a cursed existence upon this plane, it isn't right to affect others by the curse you bare but it also isn't right to devoid someone so giving as Thoma.  You sit and contemplate until the drizzle gives way, your carry box placed by your feet filled with breads untouched by dirt and still awaiting their destination. 
Ayato strolls along the path to the city, it is not his usual reasoning for taking the trip but still a reason worth doing so. Along his path all threats had been eliminated, you should arrive just fine but it wasn't that which plagued his mind, rather it was a soft sense of amusement, a sense of glee that left him softly chuckling to himself. He adjusted the cuffs of his gloves, a sign to his Shuumatsuban in hiding that they are to leave him for a moment, once the soft shuffling of unseen ninja pass he turns is view to your direction, the distance hindering the sight, he needed a moment to himself, to gather all possible elements at play to give reason to his unspoken questions. 
“As expected, Thoma was right, they do hold some degree of depth.”.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 5 months
I post over 50 random polls a week, all in the name of some good fun. Requests Closed Please stick to the rules. All polls are queued, so if you did make a request, it may take a few days for them to be posted, but the queue is also frequently shuffled, so I can't give an exact timeline
Propaganda is welcomed. However, please be respectful.
Request Rules
It must include both the character name and show name (please make sure names are spelled correctly or at least close enough that Google can figure it out)
It must be a matchup, for example, between character A and character B from the X and Y shows. Don't just send me a random list of characters
Characters must either be assumed to be adults or high schoolers in the story or canonically confirmed to be over the age of 15. Absolutely no one under that age. Now that means minors can and probably will be matched up against each other and against 18+ characters. Please don't come at me about that choice. These characters are fictional. You can't hurt them, and a blog like this isn't going to normalize preying on minors. YES, it's wrong in real life, but anime teenagers are not normal teenagers. I literally just finished an anime about an assassin trying to get back to his wife. He was 16 and had a wife. I swore he was at least 20, but sometimes anime ages don't make sense. Please don't start anything, or I will start blocking. But for those of you who don't want to participate in those polls, I will tag them with #minor poll so you can block all polls that have confirmed 15-17-year-old characters. So if you have a problem with this decision, block the tag and don't participate. Don't start crap. Now, that does mean please, in your request, say there is a 15-17-year-old so I can add the special tag for the sake of everyone that doesn't want to participate in these polls
To clarify, if they started the series at 14 and ended the series at 16, they will still qualify for my polls
Characters must be from a manga, anime, or anime-like show. Right now, no characters from webtoons, webcomics, mechs, or sentient weapons. No strictly video game characters. Not sure if the show counts here. Is it a list of cartoons and anime-like shows and if can they be requested before you ask
Up to 5 regular matchups or 1 Six Way Poll per request. A lot of people have been ignoring this. So quit doing it. Your request will be deleted moving forward if you go over the max.
You can request up to Six-Way polls.
Please limit your request to two asks a day during the duration of requests being open that's up to 10 matchups. Let's let everyone request polls
Please format your request in a way that's easily legible, I am very dyslexic, and I have shared multiple examples of good request formats. You can find them easily. If your post is illegible to me, I will give you a chance to resubmit it in a better format, and then it will be deleted. Look under the tag #requests example if you want to know how to format your request so it's easily legible to me
If you don't follow the rules, and submit an underage character It will be deleted
Rematches are allowed if you feel like your character was wronged or victim of recency bias but the original poll must be over. That's one of the advantages of not doing a tournament and just doing random polls for fun
Not required but recommended if you want your poll to end up in the queue faster putting their age in the submission saves me time and will probably make your poll end up in the queue faster. Especially if there's a 15-17-year-old so I know to put the special tag
Also recommended but not required. You could submit photos along with your request. This is especially for people who have super specific photo requests. You just did half the work for me and as long as it's not fan art because I would need that artist permission to use it, I'll use it. And again because you just did half the work for me. So, your poll will more likely end up in the queue faster. Now if you do submit photos, please make sure both photos share The same orientation they either both got to be landscape or portrait for formatting reasons.
And if you send photos please no photo links. They are unreliable. They frequently do not work. And because I try to only use official photos, I do not accept links to Facebook or Pinterest for photos
If you have any questions or even want an example of a wonderful request that makes my life easier, please look under the tags, #not a poll #ask #request rules #poll requests #request questions & #requests example. See if your question was answered there. If not, shoot me an ask and I will add it to the ever-growing list of posts under those tags
Polls that contain spoilers relating to any fandom will be marked with the tag #spoiler poll so you can go ahead and block it now
If you request polls anonymously you probably won't get a response unless I make an announcement that says I emptied out the request box and everything's in the queue. And honestly, there's a chance your poll might be posted before I do that. The only other way you will get a response is if there is an issue like I can't find a photos because the show came out 2 weeks ago so you should try again in a month when there's actual photos on the wiki or something
However, if you don't request anonymously, I can always just respond privately to your requests telling you that it's in the queue
If you are curious about my observations of fandom behaviors and trends, you can always look under the #poll analysis tag because I read every tag and comment. That has also led to the nicknames and funny tags post series, where I collect all the funny nicknames and tags related to multiple fandoms into a series of posts, which you can find under the #nicknames and funny tags. Plus, sociology was my favorite class in college. So I have made some observations and documented them or other curious people viewing pleasure
I also host the weekly series Fandoms vs. Illiteracy, where I publish one of the many essays people send me, thinking I should ban characters for whatever stupid reason they can come up with. However, this also leads to many discussions about fandoms and media literacy, another tag. I recommend you check it out.
My other weekly series is Defend Your Blurbo. A weekly series discussing how some people can find (insert Blurbo of the week) attractive?
Fandom Jail, aka the Wall of Shame
All fandoms listed below are serving their jail sentence due to bad behavior. Here are the dates of when you can expect to see polls from these fandoms again
Dungeon Meshi: in jail until June 26th due to frequently harassing the mod
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: in jail till July 6th also for harassing the mod
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mynameisnotsoda · 3 months
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Technically Corvid is still a part of an au, i really like everyone's designs so i guess its just like a weird little au that are also kinda ocs?? Idk. Im still tagging it as the animatronicfication au and using the other ccs names but im completely separating wilbur from Corvid.
The one that probably changed the most is simp LMAO i just went back to his old design that was inspired by Luna (@starrixle's transfem simpbur turned oc) and Spencer is such a fitting name in my mind i literally can not imagine him with a different name *bwomp*
Also I'm working on refs for the other characters associated with the respective critters! I wanna finish them all and dump them into one post and I'll link it here when I'm done.
Before we go into individual characters i want to say that this is absolutely Minecraft. Like. The world is built off of Minecraft lore yk !!!! The overworld will still be called the overworld but it's basically just earth, with more magic and humanoid species! Along with supernatural creatures and cryptids n stuff :D also with more advanced tech considering Corvid exists pFF
Spencer for the most part kinda was like he is in canon or whatever. She used to lean more towards incel ideology because she was REALLY insecure and uncomfortable with herself for the longest time. Despite that, Spencer and Adrianne (egirl) started dating when they were 17, his unhealthy obsession with her was only fueled by her unhealthy attachment to him. They needed each other and it wasn't good for either of them. Spencer had developed horrible separation anxiety which only made things worse. Over time Adrianne became suffocated by his constant neediness, overwhelming insecurity, short temper and lack of contribution to household chores. It pained her to leave, but things needed to change. It wasn't until the breakup that Spencer met Shepard, who was his first irl friend in a long time. They met when they were around 22/23, at first Spencer just used Shepard as a distraction from Adrianne, especially since he was surprised that they wanted to even be his friend in the first place. But after a while he genuinely started to enjoy their company, plus they offered him really good advice and helped him through a gender/sexuality crisis. Eventually they became partners! Maybe not romantically, as they're both aromantic, but life partners nonetheless.
OH and i did make Spencer white/Salvadoran. Her mom is the first generation from immigrant parents while her dad is British; And her dad's younger brother is Adam's dad! He's also an ex-christian, he left due to religious trauma and moved to America to escape his family hA
Spencer's also a no sabo kid LMAO (he knows some words/phrases but other than that he cant speak Spanish to save his life)
ALSO ALSO. Oh my god i could talk about Spence all day LMAO but i made him a werewolf !!!! Hes SOO jealous of Adam because she wanted the cat genes but instead got bitten and turned into a werewolf as a teenager. She's done a pretty good job at hiding it from her family so Shepard's the only one who knows.
I already dumped everything about Adam into that other post, so I don't really have much else to add. HOWEVER !! Him and Spence are cousins now :3 Adam doesn't get to meet Spencer in person until he moves to America with Charlie & co, but he does follow her socials with his secret accounts that his parents don't know about. The only reason they know they're cousins is because Spencer's dad told her so and she reached out! Much to the dismay of Adam's parents but they've secretly kept in touch online.
Keith's pretty much stayed the same apart from a slight design revamp. Although I've made him a little older since originally i made him look young. But then I decided hes a dad so i started drawing him older for the asks pFF he also has a hooked nose now! In case it's not obvious. Keith got married to Jean VERY young, they were maybe 17/18 in human years. It was an arranged marriage and their only goal was to have an heir to the throne. Well they did, they had two kids, the eldest being a boy named Lune and the youngest being a girl named Sunny, who's the would be heir. Until Jean took both the kids and left. It was completely unprompted and left everyone in the kingdom confused, especially Keith. Sure, they had a loveless marriage and maybe he was insufferable at times, but he wanted to make it work if not for the kids then for the kingdom! But its been almost a year since she left, he's lost hope in ever finding her. Keith desperately wants his kids back, not because Sunny is the rightful heir— though that is part of it—but he loves them both dearly. He misses them the most.
Wilfred has pretty much stayed the same as well! I did give him a grey tshirt and darker hair to further distance his design from wilbur though. Hes just as unhinged and immoral as he used to be !!!! Nothing has changed aside from appearance actually.
Tobi also pretty much stayed the same except for its now got an orange jumper and lighter brown hair pFF although i do now have a story for him! Tobi was found by Alejandro in a storage auction, he managed to sell a lot of pretty valuable things from there but Tobi stood out, obviously, so he kept it. Alejandro is a travel vlogger and lives in an RV with his friends: Tomas, Philip and Charles. His friends just call him Alex. Anyway, they go from town to town trying local food, visiting tourists traps and vlogging the journey! While doing that they also try to find out how to get Tobi's memories back and possibly turn him human again, if they even can. So far they haven't had much luck but maybe one day...
Corvid was created as the backup singer and lead guitarist of the first all animatronic band! Brought to you by Beloved Entertainment! The other members include lead singer Ranboo Beloved, keytarist Tommy Raccoon, and bassist James Tomcat. Located in Ranboo's Mega Pizzaplex, the only location in the world (so far). Corvid adopts a showman personality while on stage, hes charismatic and such a heartthrob, very popular with the ladies. Off stage he's very calm and soft spoken, he's rather shy but still manages to be a flirt and a tease. Lightly poking fun at his bandmates, coworkers and even guests at times. He's definitely a fan favorite for a reason!
This was so fun to write and i cant wait to share more !!!! Stay tuned !!!!!!
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thereaperisabitch · 5 months
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My Joel Miller fics recs from 2023
I’ve planned to do this since before Christmas, but life caught me up, so that's why I'm here rushing to finishing this before the reveillon party. 2023 was a very tough year for me, in different ways, and this stories were my refuge and my balm during good times and bad times, so this was the way I found to honor all these incredible authors who made my life better this year.
To the authors: you guys are the most amazing and sweet people ever, I know that I'm not active as other readers and I don't reblog your works enough - and I'm sorry for that, I wish I could shower you with the praises you guys deserve.
Hope this will make up for all the comments and reblogs that I haven't give.
And to the readers who find this recs: most of these stories are series and most of them has age gap and are Joel Miller x fem/afab!reader. I won't put warnings from each fic because it would be a too long post, so click the link and read the author's warnings in each before you start to read - I'm afraid to get into fandoms because of people who give shit to authors, so please, don't be this kind of person.
Someday I'll make a part 2 of other stories that caught me up this year.
That all being said, thank you @morning-star-joy @hier--soir @frannyzooey @joelsgreys @fuckyeahdindjarin @the-ginger-hedge-witch @eupheme @bageldaddy @covetyou @theidiotwhowritesthings @atinylittlepain @imtryingmybeskar @ezrasbirdie
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A stranger's heart without a home (complete)
Summary: A one night stand that later becomes a secret affair – or masterpiece of literature – all the poets and great writers ran so Doni could walk.
This is my favorite fic of all times, forever! I read and re-read it so much that I can’t even count how many times I’ve had read it, it’s my 100% comfort fic. Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope, and the way @morning-star-joy developed here it’s perfection in the most pure way.
It’s Joel on his Jackson era and it’s a perfect character development from both sides, how to people who prefer to deal things on their own learn to rely on someone else.
I also highly recommend But you know the killer doesn't understand, which it’s on-going Joel x fem! Reader also post-Outbreak in Jackson, but it’s different and addicting as ASHWAH.
A Lover’s Pinch (on-going)
Summary: a one night stand (do I have a pattern?) at the bar turns to be so much more when you discover that your fling it’s your professor at university.
The professor x student trope might be cliché for some, and by the very brief summary that I wrote above may sound like Pretty Little Liars, but @hier--soir works with those elements and creates something beyond amazing, it is like contemplate a work of art at a museum, but much better.
I’m very much obsessed with this story, that’s why I reread it with more and more frequency.
Can’t even mention the references in this story – it’s truly enriching, it makes all better, truly.
Plus: the playlist it’s amazing!!!!
Short Days, Long Nights (on-going)
Summary: Remnants of a band travelers, you and Joel find a cabin in the woods - what would be the problem with staying?
I’m crazy about this one, it’s my true love and it had 3 or 4 chapters when I started and now we’re heading to chapter 17, blessed be @frannyzooey for sustaining us with this preciosity for so long.
I'm a sucker for when there's one character (Joel) reluctant for his feelings, and if the story was only about this, I would be perfectly glad too with, too. BUT Kelli it's a genius, an amazing writer, giving me all that I didn't even knew I wanted.
It's fluff, with smut from the highest quality - with some tense moments, wich turns everything more addicting.
A Safe Haven (on-going)
Summary: Joel's quickly drawn to the vet of Jackson - even knowing she's married. Will this affair thrive? Or there's more underneath of the vet's story? (Jesus Christ, I’m so sorry for this lame summary, but I refuse to copy from your masterlist and I’m also rushing to finishing this rec today).
I was bought on the infidelity trope and the drama that comes with it. It would still be a nice story, but @joelsgreys it’s so much fucking talented that she wrote the most beautiful thing ever!
It has tooth roting fluff, drenching panties smut and heartstopping angst! All perfectly written and balanced.
I also love how Ellie it's also a crucial character for the couple's history and I really adore how she's attached to Peach.
Special mention to Fall Into Temptation and Strawberry, that lived rent free in my mind since I've read those.
Seams (on-going)
Summary: Joel pays visit to Jackson's seamstress after a trouble with his too-tight jeans – and it's only heaven from that on, won't say more.
Now I call @fuckyeahdindjarin ✨Queen of the Build Up✨ and that's because the way Cee builds up the sexual tension between characters it's undescribable.
Cee is such an excellent writer, not only in Seams but on other stories too she's gives a rich description of details that makes the reading flow better, it's like knowing you looking at gem stone.
Breakout (complete)
Summary: Boxer!Joel AU when he has to train a fuckboy who happens to date a sweet little thing.
Well I'm a fan from @the-ginger-hedge-witch for a while, she wrote one of the best Javier Peña fics ever (which turned into a book and that's fucking A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!) and other amazing stories, but this one got me hooked so bad.
Clearly I have a pattern because I LOVE when there is an obstacle for the characters to stay together, in this case, a relationship (I already spoiled that her boyfriend sucks, but I don't think it's spoils the story development) and Ren just atests she's a wonderful writer - now book writer, blessed be her 🙏🏻
And the idea of Joel using his fists it's already apealing, am I right?
I also recommend Friendly Fire, that I love just for knowing that in this, Ren envisioned an Aries character for reader - but also the premise of the story is great, too.
In The Woods Somewhere (complete)
Summary: living alone in a cabin at the apocalypse gets less dull when a teenager appears with a handsome injured man.
I've read this since a while, but it marked me. @eupheme created such tenderness between the characters - they know he and Ellie can't stay, which makes the affair even more apealling.
I’ll know It when I see it (on-going)
Summary: Joel as a porn star in its golden era who meets Lucky, a rising star in porn - chemestry goes beyond the cameras.
@bageldaddy deserves all the shout out forever because this here it's golden. They're both are porn stars and I could be hot just for this, but of course there's feelings involved - and the way they struggle to fight against these it's what makes this story even more perfect. Shout out to the one shot Sundown, as well, it’s completely wonderful.
Something wretched about this (complete)
Summary: Joel Miller it's a self appointed pharmacist in the QZ, and fucks you when you don't have how to pay for your father's medicine
Whoring yourself for meds sounds bad? In this story it's hot af! It's filthy, each chapter explores different sexual practices and it's THE. BEST. THING. IN. THE. WORLD!!!
@covetyou it's the most blessed being for writing a perfection like this, seriously. I loved every single chapter of this, loved Joel being an asshole and a slut. I can't tell enough how much joy this story has brought me. And lo it's better than Santa, because she provides christmas gifts for the nice and naughty, with Freeze-thaw (smut with fluff) and Baubles (smut with FILTH) - I can't die before I try the balldo, I didn't even knew this, didn't think that this could be possible - but happily it is, and this one shot it's perfect in every aspect.
Take Care of You (on-going)
Summary: Joel it's a sugar daddy in this AU and appears in your life to make all better 👀 He doesn't charges for the sexual part of the arrangement, but he's irresistible - so what will you do?
The ideia of a sugar daddy it's extremely appealing to me because that's all I wanted, you know? Some rich hot guy telling me I don't need to work and paying everything to me - that's living! Okay jk, but I started reading this when things caught up badly at work, so it was a sweet refuge.
@theidiotwhowritesthings it's the perfect writer! It's the perfect slow burn that makes you thirst for more and more!
Apothecary (complete)
Summary: Summary: Joel falls in love with the "witch" from Jackson and it has its perks and struggles.
I LOVE Practical Magic, it's one of my favorites witch movies so to read something inspired on that it's great -but @atinylittlepain it's such a wonderful, talented, amazing writer - so we were all blessed with this masterpiece.
It has fluff, angst, smut - stupid people being scared about what they don't understand and etc. It's very sweet, Joel also doesn't understands about her, but can't help being drawn. And Ellie it's a natural, their relationship here, how they grow to be a family ... it's utterly sweet. Special mention to Only Lovers Left Alive (another movie that I LOVE),  The Heyloft and the masterpiece Down to The Ankles (it's perfection and it's inspired in Bones and All, other film that I truly love).
Come home (on-going)
Summary: when you've lost everything and everyone, you reach to Jackson - and meets a ruggedly handsome who you can't help being drawn to.
I've read this for a while, as well, but I still think about this story often. It's a slow burn - which I love (in case you haven't noticed from the stories listed above) - and it's so sweet, the blossom of a friendship that turns to more, their relationship with Ellie ... It's been a while since it was uptaded and I hope @imtryingmybeskar it's okay, because this story it's lovely and I really wish to see and ending for them.
I'm gonna just summarize that it's a threesome with Joel and Frankie Morales from Triple Frontier, that's it - if that ain't reason enough for you to read, idk man.
I didn't even knew that I wanted it, that I needed it - until I read it. I find threesomes hot af, but I don't tend to enjoy when it's with characters that I love too deeply - don't ask me why - but in THIS ONE, GOD FUCKING DAAAAAMN!
It has filth, of course, but there's also fluff - which I find inevitable when it's about Frankie. In the chapter Here, especially, @ezrasbirdie builds perfectly of the struggles that I imagine for a threeway relationship, reading it was sad, hot and lovely.
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Hope all the links work, 'cause I don't have time to check now 🙃
Sorry if my comments felt weird, if I forgot to mention something, as I've said above, I intend to make a part 2 of recs someday soon (hopefully).
I wish everyone a happy new year 🎆🥂🎇
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prinz-vassago · 11 months
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Ok I'm so obsessed with "Dai Nippon Gothic" and Suehiro Maruo's artwork and manga, I ended up getting a lot of inspiration from that to continue Akumu's mistery lore. I'm doing characters for the secret occult club investigating her death. They're called "Mugen no Kagi" (夢幻の鍵) or just "Fantastic Dream Key". I'll post the other members during the week bc I think each one deserves a post only about them, so here's the first one: Gou Kurogane
His backstory may contain some extreme/disturbing topics, be warned:
Gou is a 17 y.o teenager who is part of the secret occult club that investigates the entity Akumu. He is fascinated by death in every way. Coming from a traditional family and a lineage of samurais who served the Shogun, he follows a strict code of honor since he was a child. His family has a strange tradition of preserving the corpses of men who brought honor to the family in a sacred room in the house. His dream is to bring honor and die heroically in the war to have his body mummified alongside his ancestors, keeping the illusion that "war is honorable" due to his family tradition and the nationalist education given by the schools during the Showa period. He constantly has the job of serving food to the corpses and taking care of them as if they were alive.
Gou's father divorced his mother when Gou was very young and lost himself in alcoholism and prostitutes. Because of that he rarely sees his father and was raised most of the time by his older brother, who has a toxic and abusive relationship with him. Gou's brother is an imperial soldier, and constantly puts pressure on him, saying that "he will never bring honor to the family". Even though he gets excellent grades and being very good at swordsmanship, his brother invalidates his success, and nothing ever seems to be enough to please him. Although, Gou greatly admires his brother's position in the army, and dreams of becoming a soldier just like him and is deeply ashamed of his father and has vowed not to end up like him.
Despite all the problems and oddities, he is a very respectful and modest person in public, which makes people see him as someone exemplary in society and they don't even imagine his creepy side.
All this fascination with death made him start looking for more answers in black magic, and so he joined the secret occult club. Out of all entities and Yokai, he has the most interest in vengeful ghosts (like the Yurei type of ghost) and the Gashadokuro (giant skeletons made of the skulls of people who died in the battlefield). He is constantly desecrating warriors' graves and taking their skulls in the hopes of one day summoning a Gashadokuro. He doesn't usually work with curses and tends to focus more on summoning disturbed spirits and finding definitive ways to invoke each one of them, recording everything in his summoning notebook. He believes he can free Akumu's spirit and find out what happened to her.
*I don't condone the japanese imperial army and their actions nor the act of desecrating graves/disturbing the dead. The character is just inserted in this specific moment in history. Take his attitudes and traumas as a critique of how nationalism and extreme traditions affect people's minds in the worst way and how war is romanticized by some people.
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archer-kacey · 2 months
Secrets of the Machine (Bendysplaining)
(Full disclosure: both of the computers I have access to WILL NOT TRIGGER THE LIGHTNING CUTSCENE therefore making B:SOTM unplayable for me! Watched a couple walkthroughs to get the gist of things. I found ONE easter egg on my own lol.)
Secrets of the Machine is so out of place to me, seeming almost unpolished. I'll give it a fair shake and go over the pros and cons, but if you want a short Bendy game to play, PLEASE play Boris and the Dark Survival, not this.
This very important bird that makes me well up inside with a positive emotion.
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Ragtime Guffie. Cute character that I feel has a charm similar to the original Bendy cast. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this guy walking around in BATIM back in the day.
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This screenshot I can use for memes:
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This ONE scene/"jumpscare" was executed well:
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The Goofy ahh can dispenser laugh
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My personal favorite, this random ass arrow outside that you can follow into the darkness for about a minute until you're spat back out by the entrance arch (useless):
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And last but not least, the inclusion of Gaskette and an insanely niche nod to Nightmare Run?
FIrst off, Gaskette looks killer (pun intended):
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And secondly, there are at least a couple hands around the map that open and close when you click them in a very similar fashion to a hand that could be found on the menu of Nightmare Run. I was actually excited about this! (Why they didn't they just go full ham with the Nightmare Run characters for this game?)
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The first glaring issue I have is *checks watch* the FOUR Bendy advertisements thrown into the game??? What???
I'm not mad about hyping people up, but it is............LAZY?? What was the point of this? These ALL could've been Tweets!!
In fact, Lone Wolf's Announcement nearly WAS a Tweet!!
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I would feel differently if the presentation was better, but you literally throw a can at some flippable....plates(?) around a screen at random and get still images. I understand that this game is meant to be small like BATDS, but BATDS was more polished, more fun, and didn't throw four adverts in as gameplay/easter eggs.
This is also gives me a Bad Feeling because if you're willing to make your smaller content into a glorified advertisement, what are you going to do with your mainline games? How are you going to treat your content? Are you going to let things cook or serve it to us raw?
Riley's story itself is fine. Not amazing, not awful. Riley's parents die in a car accident when she's six. She starts drawing disturbing content, and the school counselor catches wind of this and brings it up to her guardian. Riley goes to work for JDS at the same age as Buddy (17), and is subsequently fired for drawing more disturbing material pertaining to the accident.
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While it sounds cliché, the way it was presented in-game was fine. There are obviously things that could be improved, but the point here isn't the story itself.
Let me ask the audience of this post a question.
Where the hell is Lacie Benton?
Or, more broadly, why aren't M+M fleshing out characters that have been with us since *checks watch* 2017?
I'm struggling not to start doing the Macarena, because adding new characters and slowly abandoning the old ones works in direct contrast with "caring about the lore", AKA what this franchise was built on, and it's something M+M like to bring up. When you remove that backbone, everything else falls apart. When you neglect the old characters, you're neglecting the heart of the franchise.
Riley having her story isolated to one game seems to be a blessing in disguise, I'll admit. However, this is ALL just BATIM: Red Flags. Disappointed, but not surprised. Scared for the future of this franchise, but trying to stay optimistic.
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vickyvicarious · 1 month
Who's Read What in Dracula? Masterpost
This is a little self-assigned project to try and keep track of who has read (as well as written) what documents, and, importantly, when they do so. Last year I spent some time thinking about this and it informed some of my thoughts about specific characters' perspectives and actions in interesting ways. So I thought it could be a neat resource to have for others!
I'm going to update this in time with the novel, so there won't be any spoilers. This post is going to be a master reference, with links to each individual character's posts. I originally wanted to do this as a series of graphs for each character, with color-coded bars for each document they've read, but I'm not savvy enough to figure out a non-confusing way to do so, especially given the number of different authors/documents. Instead, I'm going to have a separate post for each character, and just have the info in written form there. Here are the links to each of those, in order of introduction:
Jonathan Harker
Mina Murray
Lucy Westenra
Jack Seward
Quincey Morris
Arthur Holmwood
Some housekeeping notes: Obviously, each character will have read their own writing. I'm not going to update day-by-day for any such things. Instead, I'll only update whenever they access new information by someone else, or begin what I'm counting as a new document.
Most of the time, we know for a fact when characters get access to a new document. However, there are a few exceptions. I have my theories, but I will mark them as speculative whenever that label applies.
I break up documents based on chunks of information and have assigned titles to them as such. The labels may change as time goes by as needed to avoid spoilers. I also try to add in dates, but for any longer accounts it will just be a range of dates rather than every entry.
Below the cut is a list of all the documents, in order of appearance, with dates. I'm using color-coding for all the main authors, which will match the colors used in individual character posts. This too will be updated over time, so no worries about spoilers here either. Unless, of course, you don't want to know if someone who has only written once before will go on to write often... in that case, don't look below.
Castle Dracula Diary (3 May-?) - Jonathan Harker
Invitation to Castle Dracula (3 May) - Count Dracula
Letter to Innkeeper (4 May) - Count Dracula *
Letter to Dracula (5 May) - Mr. Hawkins *
Letters to Lucy (9 May, 17 May?*) - Mina Murray
Letter to Mina (2/3 May?) - Jonathan Harker *
Letters to Mina (11 May?, 24 May) - Lucy Westenra
Dictated Letters Home (11 May, 19 May) - Jonathan Harker *
Letters to Various Solicitors (11 May) - Count Dracula *
Phonograph Diary (25 May-?) - Jack Seward
Letter to Art (25 May) - Quincey Morris
Telegram to Quincey (26 May) - Arthur Holmwood
Intercepted Letters Home (28 May) - Jonathan Harker *
* We know these documents exist, but never get to read them (or in one case, only get a brief excerpt) as they aren't added to the record. Sometimes some of the main characters do get to read them, but not always.
Question marks after a date denote uncertainty, though they're all likely written within a few days of the tentative one listed. When after a dash they mark an incomplete document.
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memyselfandmya · 1 month
17 days until JWCT
please excuse any mistakes within this post, i'm in severe pain and a little but delulu but I don't want to miss a day of my little countdown
So the theory I have today is very much a stretch and relying a lot on context that we don't necesarily have. On the Dino Times post we got the other day, Sammy says, "We don't have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff!" and on the next one, Yaz says, "I've been going through a lot of anxiety since coming back, and Sammy's been there constantly. I want to show her I can be the strong person she sees in me."
So here's my theory: what if Yaz was feeling as if she was holding Sammy back with all of her anxiety and ptsd from nublar and so she broke it off with Sammy between then and the events of JWCT?? It's very much in her character to feel like a burden to people whenever she can't be "useful" so it'd still be in character.
Now, obviously, this is assuming a lot of stuff and I could be totally wrong. For all I know, they could still be going strong together. I just like taking small little details and running with them.
You'd probably think I hate Yasammy but I swear I'm a die-hard fan and if they aren't endgame, I'll riot. I just like seeing sapphic angst sometimes that ends with them overcoming said angst. Call me a masochist.
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coconut-dreamz · 1 year
you belong with me- neteyam sully
characters: modern! neteyam (18) x f!reader (18), kiri sully (17) , tsireya (17) , lo'ak sully (17), ao'nung (18), neytiri and jake sully
warnings: its a little angsty i suppose, kissing
word count: 8.7k
genre: modern au, highschool au, kinda fluffy ish, kinda angsty ish
a/n: this is my first time posting i hope it doesn't completely suck ! based off you belong with me by taylor swift if you couldn't tell from the title. the ending kinda sucks and i lowkey hate it but, i hope you all enjoy !! <333
i was laying on neteyam's floor while he was sprawled out on his bed, the both of us were scrolling on our phones, sending each other tiktoks. "i don't understand how you two call this hanging out. you're not even talking to each other." mr. sully, er, jake states from the doorway. "we are talking," i pipe up, putting my phone down looking up at the older man. he walks in and takes a seat at the edge of the bed. "kids these days," he says to no one in particular. 
this makes me and neteyam look at each other with matching grins on our faces. "your mom sent me up here to tell you two to come help set up for dinner. i assume you'll be staying over again y/n?" jake asks with a look towards me, all i do is nod and smile. the sully's know me so well, probably better than my own parents at this point. "soon enough your parents are gonna have to start sending me a check for how much i feed you." jake jokes with a smile, "i'll let them know." i return the smile, the three of us head out of neteyam's room. he and i walk down the stairs as jake continues down the hall to get the other sully kids. 
the two of us make our way to the kitchen where neytiri was chopping up some lettuce, for one of her salads no doubt. neytiri was currently in her almond mom era and the house was now and ingredient only house. though, that didn't stop lo'ak from having a large stash of takis and hot cheetos under his bed. neytiri would have a heart attack no doubt if she were ever to step into the warzone he called his bedroom.  jake had once called lo'ak's room worse than anything he had seen before, and that was a lot coming from a literal marine.
neteyam walks ahead and stops on the other side of the kitchen island, facing his mom. "hey mom, what can we help you with?" neteyam asks, always the golden child. "one of you can set the table and the other can help me mix the salad dressing." i make a move towards the counter and begin grabbing the vinegar and olive oil, not wanting to set the table. "ugh, you devil." neteyam mutters out when i beat him there. i stick my tongue out and point towards the table he had to now set. "why is it always the two of us helping? you have three other children mom." neteyam complains to his mother. "tuk is too young, and you know how the other two are." all neteyam does is sigh in response. 
he was well aware of how lazy kiri and lo'ak were when it came to helping with dinner. all those two wanted to do was come down and eat and then go back to their rooms. "is spider here?" he asks his mother, the two of us had been in his room for hours, totally unaware of anything going on outside of the four walls of his room. "unfortunately, you know how he follows kiri around like a lost dog," his mother responds, her distaste for the young boy was evident. all i could do was chuckle as i added a little more honey to the vinaigrette. soon, the salad is tossed together, the table is set and the other sully kids come running down the stairs at the scent of the finished dinner. 
after dinner is finished i gather my things from neteyam's room and make my way to the front door. as i'm putting my shoes on, mr sully stops me. "you're not sleeping over?' he questions from the couch in the living room. "no, not tonight. my parents complained that they haven't seen me all week. so, i'm going to sleep at home tonight. but, i'll be back in the morning mr sully. don't you worry, can't get rid of me that easily!" i tease with a grin which he returns. i hug neteyam and he opens the door for me. "bye neteyam, call me." "bye y/n text me when you're home," he responds with a gentle smile. "bye mr sully, bye mrs sully!" i shout as i open their front door. "it's just jake and neytiri!" jake shouts back before the door shuts. 
i enter my car that had it's own spot in the sullys' huge driveway. before i can shift my car into reverse, i get a call from neteyam. "was waiting a few minutes for me to get home too much for you?" i tease after hitting accept. i pull my car out of the driveway and start driving towards my house. "yes, it was. it's so boring without you here. we haven't spent a night apart all week." he complains with a groan, i could tell he had just flopped on his bed. "you should've come to spend the night at my house then, if you just can't live without me." i tease him some more. "but your bed isn't as comfy as mine." he continues to complain. "i don't know why that matters, i make you sleep on the floor anyways. my bed hasn't fit the two of us since you were well below 6 feet." i mention making a left turn. 
"hmm, you're right. maybe i should enjoy a night where i get my whole bed to myself. haven't had that in awhile." "whatever neteyam, shouldn't you be showering? it's past your usual showering time." i hear some shuffling on the other end, he's probably gonna shower now since i mentioned it. i open my garage door and slowly enter, i park the car and turn it off. "i'm home now." i notify him, walking into the house and taking off my shoes. judging by the darkness of the house, i can tell my parents have gone to bed early. "i'm glad. i do need to shower now. i'll text you when i'm done." "later," i bid him goodbye before he ends the call. i decide i should shower too, finally being able to shower in a girl bathroom. 
kiri, tsireya and i were at the mall together, shopping for back to school clothes. "tsireya, what about this?" kiri suggests, holding up a green baby tee. "hmm, it's cute! but, green isn't really my color. it'd look great on y/n though!" tsireya exclaims after examining the shirt. kiri shows it to me and i decide that tsireya was right and take it from kiri. the three of us continue to look through the racks of clothing inside the store. "ugh, i'm pooped. that was a lot of shopping." kiri announces as she collapse in the backseat of tsireya's jeep. "me too, i do all my shopping online these days. i forgot how much work shopping in store is." i agree with kiri, we had only been shopping for an hour or two. 
tsireya drives us to the nearby smoothie bowl place. we all sit down at a table outside with our bowls, ready to catch up and gossip. "who are you guys planning on going to homecoming with next month?" kiri asks as she takes a big bite of her bowl. "well, obviously lo'ak is gonna take tsireya and spider is gonna take you." i answer in a teasing tone, this causes the two girls to blush. "what about you y/n? is neteyam gonna take you?" tsireya asks with a grin. the two girls were always going on about how me and neteyam were totally in love with each other and were gonna get married and have a million babies together. "i mean we'll probably go as friends. we go as friends every year" i answer with a shrug of my shoulders. 
it was true, neteyam and i had been each other's homecoming and prom date since freshman year. "well of course he's gonna take you! but maybe this year he'll finally confess that he's madly in love with you." kiri exclaims with excitement and a hint of dramatics. i take a bite of the smoothie bowl that had now began to melt in the summer heat. "i don't know what you two are going on about. neteyam and i are nothing but friends. we've been friends since we were in diapers." i deflect their accusations that we were madly in love with each other, i look down at my bowl. "c'mon what best friends sleep over in each others BEDS every night and spend every moment together." tsireya points out, she did have a point. but there was nothing romantic going on between us, we were just best friends. "i haven't slept over or even hung out with him this week." i argue, trying to make a case against them. 
i look back down at my bowl and played around with its contents. "that's only because he has football camp this week. otherwise you wouldn't be here being interrogated by us, you'd most definitely be in his room with him right now!" kiri brings up the real reason we hadn't spent anytime together this week. and she was 100% right. whenever neteyam had his training camps i would spend my time with the girls instead. "fine, you're right. can we talk about something else now? did you know your brother has yet another girlfriend?" i relent before looking over at tsireya, the question directed towards her.
soon enough it was the week before school started, which meant that football camp was over. i texted neteyam, hoping to finally spend some time with him. i reread the text over and over again. date? he was going on a date? with who? he didn't tell me he was talking to anyone. i text the group chat with kiri and tsireya to invite them to the gym with me, i really needed to go now. i pull up to the sully's house and text kiri that i was here. i scrolled through my phone waiting for her to come out. she climbs into the passenger seat and i quickly pull out, trying to avoid seeing neteyam. 
i turn left and exit the neighborhood, speeding up. "kiri, did you know your brother is going on a date today?" i question her, looking straight ahead. "i mean lo'ak and tsireya go on a date like everyday, it's nothing new." she answers as she continues texting. "no, not lo'ak. neteyam. he told me he was going on a brunch date with someone." i explain as i stop at a red light, finally looking over at her. a look of shock washes over her previously neutral face. "what?! with who?" she shouts, putting down her phone immediately to look at me. "i don't know, but i asked him to go to the gym with me this morning but he said he was going on a brunch date. i didn't even know he was talking to anyone..." i say the last sentence quietly, looking forward again, noticing the light was now green. kiri notices the sadness in my eyes and puts her hand on my right shoulder, rubbing it calmingly. "oh, honey." is all she can say with a look of pity in her eyes. 
i shake it off and give her a small smile, "it's okay, we're just friends anyways." i pull up to tsireya's driveway and she makes her way out from the house. "hey guys!" she greets us with a warm smile. "woah, what happened? the vibes are off." she immediately notices and points out the sad environment that engulfed my car. "neteyam is going on a date with some girl." kiri explains and tsireya immediately understands and gives me a look similar to the one kiri gave me. the rest of the ride to the gym is relatively quiet, except for the music coming from the speakers. 
the gym session was exceptionally hard today. i had went a lot harder than i usually did, needing to let out the emotions i was feeling after hearing the news about neteyam's date. i had spent many years denying it, but i think i really did have feelings for neteyam. too little too late it seems. now, that he's dating someone else. after the gym we decide to go to the nearby brunch spot. we walk into the place and immediately i notice in the corner is neteyam, and georgia. oh, georgia. the girls notice shortly after i do and grab me and bring me to the side. "are you sure you wanna eat here?" tsireya asks with a sympathetic look on her face. "actually, i'm not that hungry. let's just get smoothie bowls." kiri suggests and i simply nod. the three of us leave and walk down the street to the smoothie bowl place.
i just go through the motions, my thought were running. why was neteyam on a date with georgia. he knew how i felt about her. he was my best friend, he knew me better than anyone in the world. how could he do this? after all she had put me through in middle school, how could he go on a date with her? i asked myself. what was so great about georgia? was she better than me? why wasn't that me sitting in that booth with neteyam laughing at his dumb jokes, why was it her? "y/n? are you good hun?" kiri asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face. she literally snapped me out of my thoughts. "huh? oh, yeah, i guess." i answer quietly, not looking up at either one of them. i can't finish my smoothie bowl, not having an appetite after seeing that. 
we're not there for much longer before i drop the girls off. "here, give this to ao'nung. i don't want it anymore, i know he likes them," i hand tsireya the smoothie bowl i had gotten, she takes it and gives me a hug and a soft smile before leaving the car. "do you want me to come over? we can watch rom coms together?" kiri suggests as we leave tsireya's driveway. "maybe tomorrow, i just wanna wallow in self pity for a little today." i answer and kiri just nods with a smile. i drop kiri off, "tell tuk i said hi," and kiri nods before giving me a hug and leaving the car. i make sure she gets inside before i head home.
once i arrive home, i change into pjs and collapse on the bed. it was time to wallow in self-pity. i laid in bed watching grey's anatomy all day and i guess at some point i fell asleep because next thing i know, i'm getting a phone call. i pick it up and hit answer, not bothering to look at the caller id. "hello?" i answer groggily. "y/n! i've been trying to text you. i thought we were gonna go to the gym together." neteyam's concerned voice fills the silence of my bedroom. 
huh, i guess it must've been morning. i didn't even realize i was sleeping for that long. "oh, right. sorry, kiri and tsireya went a little too hard yesterday so i passed out. i guess i forgot." i answer, sitting up. "no worries, i just thought you were dead cause you're always on your phone. i thought it was weird you weren't responding. but are you still up to go to the gym with me?" he asks his voice now calmer since it was confirmed i wasn't dead. i contemplate the idea of going to the gym and seeing neteyam, "hmm, naur. i'm sore from yesterday. another time." i answer him, he sighs in response. "fine, let's get lunch then. i feel like we haven't seen each other in forever." at this i smile. 
my feelings for him might be one sided, but at least he felt the same way about being separated. "sure! as long as you pay." i tease with a smile. "you know i always do," he sighs with a fake annoyed tone, but i could hear the smile in his voice. "alright sounds good, are you driving or should i?" i ask him, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom to get ready. "i'll drive, i don't like the speed at which you drive." he answers with a laugh. "hey, i drive at a normal speed."i defend myself with a scoff. "normal for a demon maybe. i'll see you in 20 okay?" "okay, bye nete." i bid him goodbye with a gentle smile, "bye, love." he ends the call, my heart was beating out of my chest. i loved it when he called me love. 
i quickly get to work, brushing my teeth, washing my face and doing skincare. i apply a little bit of makeup and throw on random casual outfit, before long i hear the honk of a familiar horn. i make my way down the stairs and slip on some shoes before walking out the front and get into his car. "hey nete, long time no see!" i greet with a hug which he returns. ah, his hugs were always the best. "hey, what do you wanna get for lunch?" he asks looking at me, waiting for a response. "hmm, anything's fine. you can choose, surprise me." i respond to him before turning and putting on the seatbelt. 
neteyam just nods in response and begins to drive off towards the restaurant he had in mind. we pull up to our favorite restaurant, the one we always went to together. "you read my mind." i comment as i unbuckle the seat belt and climb out the car. he opens the door for me and we both head in. the hostess recognizes us, immediately bringing us to a table by the window, the one we always sat at. 
we didn't even need to look at the menu at this point, we'd tried everything on the menu by now. after the waitress takes our orders, i put my hands on the table and look at neteyam. "so, what's new?" i ask, leaning my head in my head. "not much, i just had football camp. and that was hell, but it always is. it was my last one, so it was bittersweet. it's hard to believe we're entering our senior year now." he breathes out a gentle smile on his face as he looked at me. 
he looked so beautiful, the sun shone on his face so perfectly. how did i not realize just how in love with him i was before. "yeah, it's crazy. in just a month is our last homecoming ever." i state, and then it really hits me. this was my last year with neteyam, who knows where we're gonna go to school next year. he probably has like a million offers from d1 schools for countless sports, not to mention he was so smart. it was likely we weren't gonna go to school together or even close to each other.
neteyam notices the change in my features, this concerns him. "what's wrong? what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" neteyam voices his concern for me. "i was just thinking about how next year we're gonna be in college and how we don't know if we'll be going to the same school or not." i explain to him, sadness overcoming me. "what if we're not as close as we are now?" i continue, looking up at him hoping to find some reassurance. "don't even worry about that. we will always be close. you're my best friend, i'd be lost without you by my side. i'm not gonna let the fact that we won't be living down the street from each other change that." he laughs, grabbing my hand and holding it. this causes a wave of calm to wash over me. 
i felt a lot better knowing he wouldn't let us drift apart no matter how far away we are physically. "wow, i feel a lot better now. is there anything else new with you?" a smile makes its way onto my face. "uh, yeah actually. i have a girlfriend now." neteyam lets out, a little apprehensively. "wow, that sounds so weird. i have a girlfriend. i guess i hadn't said that out loud yet." hearing this, my smile falters. i try to keep it up as not to let neteyam notice, but he's too preoccupied thinking about his new girlfriend to notice. "that's great! is it the date you had yesterday?" i ask with fake enthusiasm.
so much for feeling better i guess. "yeah, it's georgia. you remember georgia right?" he asks all of a sudden unaware of my history with that state and how she bullied me all throughout middle school. how could he forget what she did to me? i cried to him every single day back then. maybe he got tackled a couple times too many during camp. "oh yeah! when'd you start dating?" i ask all these questions i didn't really want to know the answer to. "i officially asked her yesterday, but we went on a few dates the past few weeks." why didn't he tell me about any of this? were we not as close as i thought we were? i told him everything, and i thought he would do the same. 
neteyam picks at his food with a lovesick grin on his face. how disgusting. "i don't know how to ask her to homecoming. i want to make it special, it's senior year after all." it feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over me. oh, i guess now that he's dating her that means we won't be going together then. the rest of the meal goes by in a blur, neteyam is too busy gushing over his new girlfriend to notice my unusual quietness. but i guess that was for the best, i really didn't want to talk after hearing that. "do you wanna come over?" neteyam asks as we climb into his jeep. "i have plans with kiri and tsireya so can you drop me off at tsireya's?" i ask with a fake smile. they were coming over so they can help me wallow in more self-pity. he just nods in response and starts heading in the direction of her house. 
i see that kiri's car was already parked in the driveway when we pull up. i bid neteyam goodbye and head in, not giving him our usual hug. i open the front door and see that the two girls had been busy while i was gone. they had built a pillow fort in the living room and had an enormous pile of snacks inside of it. "wow, you guys sure outdid yourselves." i let out a gasp of surprise at the sight. "how was lunch?" kiri asks as she greets me with a hug. "it was fine until he told me that he and georgia are dating now. so much for being homecoming dates all through high school." i answer with a large sigh, climbing into the fort. 
a look of shock washes over the two girls faces. "what ?! he's dating a state?" tsireya exclaims in shock. we always referred to georgia as the state instead of saying her name. "yeah, and all of lunch he was asking me ideas on how to ask her to go to homecoming with him." i add. "wow, the audacity of men." kiri responds after hearing that. "it's whatever, let's just watch romcoms and eat snacks." i dismiss the conversation and grab the remote.
halfway through our third rom com the front door opens and waltzing in is ao'nung. "woah, you guys built a pillow fort. oh no, who got dumped?" ao'nung knew our tradition well. whenever a boy did one of us dirty we'd build a pillow fort and do what we were currently doing. "nobody technically." i pipe up, poking my head out from the fort.  i motion for him to crawl in and join us. "what does that mean? spill." ao'nung commands as he grabs the hot cheeto bag. "it's neteyam." kiri answers his question. 
immediately, ao'nung understands and faces towards me, giving me a comforting hug. "it's stupid, it's not like the two of us were together anyways." i bring up, fighting back tears. "just because you weren't together doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid. it sucks when someone you love is with someone else. especially when they belong with you instead." ao'nung comforts me. "who are you and what did you do to my brother?" tsireya accuses and points her finger at him. 
ao'nung just glares at his younger sister. "i can be wise ya know." he defends himself, crossing his arms. "wait, why are you home so early? i thought you were out with olivia?" i ask ao'nung. "haha, right. well, i broke up with her." he answers sheepishly, looking away from us. "again? this is like your third girlfriend this month!" kiri exclaims in surprise mixed with disgust. "you're such a womanizer ao'nung. can't believe i'm related to you." tsireya insults him. he puts his hands up in defense. "hey! i'm not a womanizer. i don't sleep with them, i just kiss them at most. it's just none of them are the one. i thought natalie was the one, but we all know how well that turned out." ao'nung lets out, now crestfallen. 
i immediately hug him in comfort, just like how he had done for me not too long ago. natalie was his ex girlfriend, the only one he actually loved. they had been together since freshman year. they had only recently broken up a few months ago when he had walked in on her making out with one of ao'nung's teammates. "hey! you two should go to homecoming together then! you are both fresh out of a date after all." kiri suggest, acting like it was the idea of the century. "
i slowly come around to the idea, i look up at ao'nung to try and gauge his reaction. "i'm down if you are." he responds with a gentle grin. "alright, looks like we've got ourselves a date." i joke making him chuckle. "i'll let you know what color i'm wearing so we can match." 
i was studying in the living room when my dad sat down next to me. "hey, why hasn't y/n been around lately? did you two get into a fight or something?" he questions me, i look up from my textbook at him. "why do you miss her? but no, we're not fighting or anything. georgia just doesn't like when i spend time alone with her so i don't ask y/n to come over anymore." i explain to him, a weird look appears on his face. "i hope you're smart enough to realize that maybe you shouldn't date someone who doesn't let you hang out with your best friend." is all he says before he gets up and leaves. that was weird.
i go back to my homework before i get a text message. it was georgia, she was asking if i'd come with her to the mall. deciding i could finish my homework later i put my stuff away. "bye mom, bye dad, i'm going out. i'll be home by 8!" i yell before leaving . i pick georgia up and we head to the mall. she wanted to go prom dress shopping. i was sitting in a chair at the third dress shop we'd gone to. "what do you think?" georgia asks walking out in a blue satin dress. wow, she looked amazing. "babe, you look gorgeous." i mutter out, i was awestricken by her beauty. 
loud laughter breaks my focus on her, i look over to where the sound was coming from. when i lay my eyes on the people laughing, i do a double take. it was y/n and ao'nung. what were they doing here together? i didn't know that they were close enough to hang out alone. "i think you'd look hot in this one!" ao'nung exclaims holding up a neon green dress.
at the sight of it y/n starts laughing even harder and he soon joins. "neteyam." georgia calls my name and i bring my focus back on her. "what are you looking at nete?" she asks, looking in the direction y/n and ao'nung previously were. "i was just looking at those dresses over there, i think you'd look really good in the red corset one." i divert her attention to the dresses instead of the two people looking at them. 
georgia walks and picks up the red dress, "wow, this is so pretty neteyam! you have a good eye. i'll be right back." she smiles and retreats into the dressing room to try on the dress. i look over to where y/n and ao'nung were but they had gone somewhere else.
eventually, georgia chose a faded blue corset dress, which i paid for. i didn't realize i had also signed up to pay for her shoes and accessories too, but it seemed to make her really happy, so i obliged. i dropped georgia off at her house after we had gotten dinner and went home. 
upon entering through the front door, i saw my parents sitting at the kitchen island. it seemed that they were waiting for me to get home. "neteyam, come here." my mom says calmly, oh no. i must be in deep shit if she was talking so calmly. "am i in trouble?" i question as i take a seat across from where my dad was standing. "no, but we were just wondering why you spent around $200 today. and why you've spent a total of $500 this month now. you're not usually a big spender." my dad questions me, i avoid eye contact. 
i think the three of us knew the reason as to why i was spending so much lately. "you need to stop spending so much on your so called girlfriend, you're gonna bleed your account dry at this rate." my mom instructs me. "are you her sugar daddy or her boyfriend? because right now it looks more like the former." my dad states, crossing his arms. "but didn't you spend a lot on mom when you first started dating?" i try to argue back. man, was that a mistake. a look of coldness washes over my dad's face, "the difference between us was that i could afford to spend a lot on your mom and it wasn't this much in this little time." he explains calmly, "just stop spending so much on her neteyam. if she really liked you, she wouldn't make you spend so much on her. i don't like this girl much." my mom states, looking me dead in the eyes. 
her comment angers me, does she think that georgia is using me? she would never. she was so sweet and showered me in love and affection and i just wanted to show her how much i cared by buying her things occasionally, but i didn't want to fight with my parents so i relented. "okay, i'll stop buying her things all the time. am i good to go?" my parents nod and i make my way up the stairs towards my room. 
it had been weeks since i'd talked to neteyam, he practically ditched me once school started. despite the fact that we were practically in every class together he never uttered a word to me. he had ditched me to sit with georgia and her friends at lunch, so i was left to sit with kiri, tsireya, lo'ak, spider, rotxo and ao'nung. 
oh ao'nung. things had begun developing between the two of us since we decided to go to homecoming together. he replaced the empty space neteyam left and i replaced natalie's space. we weren't using each other, but it was nice to have each other's company. we had become best of friends, we'd never realized how similar we were before.
we both were too preoccupied with other people to notice before. ao'nung had began to call each other our platonic soulmate. there was nothing romantic between us, but he completed me in a way nobody else had. not even neteyam. he was like my soul brother, and i his soul sister. 
not only did neteyam ditch our friend group but he also decided to ditch our homecoming group in favor of his new girlfriend's. but it would've made for an awkward night if he brought her to our group, none of us really liked her. which would have made for a really uncomfortable night for her. she was like the hailey bieber to my selena gomez, at least that's what tsireya and kiri kept saying. 
according to the other two sully siblings, neteyam had changed a lot since the two had started dating. his grades were slipping and he was staying out later and going to more parties because of georgia. their parents were getting more and more annoyed with neteyam due to this. 
i wonder how jake and neytiri were. i hope they're well, i haven't seen them in awhile. this was all due to the fact that i stopped coming over to the sully house. i didn't want to run into neteyam and that state. so, we had started going to tsireya and ao'nung's house to hang out.
it was monday of homecoming week, which meant that they were announcing the homecoming court at lunch today. of the 10 senior boys, two of them were neteyam and ao'nung. this wasn't a surprise to anyone, the two were practically on every sports team and due to this they were quite popular. georgia, unfortunately, was also one of the candidates for queen. it was a wonder how she had so many friends considering she was very much a mean girl. the biggest surprise was that they had voted me onto the court too. 
by no means did i consider myself popular. i was quite reserved and kept to myself and my small group of friends. but i must have been due to the fact that i was on the tennis team with kiri and on the swim team with tsireya during the winter months. i supposed i had spent a lot of time underestimating myself. 
friday had come a lot quicker than anticipated, that meant it was the day of the homecoming game. in the past, i'd gone to every one of neteyam's home games and worn his jersey. this season was different, i still went to every game with kiri and tsireya, but instead of wearing neteyam's jersey i wore ao'nung's. this did cause many people to speculate that he and i were dating. it definitely didn't help that he and i spent a lot of time together now.
the crowd erupted in cheers as ao'nung ran into the end zone and started doing a celebration end. i had to admit, ao'nung was one of the best tight ends. he always managed to get a touchdown. neteyam was a great quarterback and the duo worked really well together. there wasn't a throw ao'nung couldn't catch. the two had scored a lot of points for the team that resulted in the team winning every game so far this season. 
the game ended fairly quickly, the other team managed to only score once against our school. the school rushes the field and i run towards ao'nung and tackled him with a hug. "great job, nung." i whisper into his ear. he spins me around all of a sudden and i start screaming in joy. being with ao'nung really brought out my inner child. with him, it felt like i was the only person in the world. 
ao'nung set me back on the ground and swept his sweaty hair off his forehead. "i need to shower and get my stuff first but i'll be back soon. wait for me?" he asks and i just nod with a smile on my face. i find kiri and tsireya and the three of us wait by the entrance for the boys. i spot ao'nung leaving the locker rooms in a fresh set of clothes with his duffle bag hanging off his shoulder. he approaches us and greets us, "the guys invited me to a party at one of the guys, wanna go?" he asks me, i consider it for a little before deciding against it. "no, i'm not really in the mood for a party tonight. i have to get ready tomorrow and i don't wanna oversleep." i answer him. 
he nods, "sounds good, i don't think i'll go either. you guys are getting ready at our house right?" he asks the three of us, we all nod in response. "yeah, we're gonna sleepover and get ready together." kiri answers his question. "ooh sleepover? can i join?" ao'nung asks all excited. "of course ao'nung." i answer with a chuckle at his response. "let's get some food before we head home. i'm starving." ao'nung complains grabbing his stomach to emphasize his point. "okay, sounds good. me and kiri are gonna wait for spider and lo'ak. you two should head there first and get a table, we'll meet you guys there." tsireya suggests to me and ao'nung. "alright see you guys soon." i answer and ao'nung head towards his truck. he opens the passenger seat for me before tossing his gear into the truck bed and climbing into the driver's side. he starts the car and we head towards the local burger place.
the girls and i had spent all morning and afternoon getting ready for homecoming. i was feeling a little sad since it was the last time i'd be going to homecoming, especially with the two girls. the eight of us were in a greenhouse downtown taking homecoming pictures. all of our parents were here taking pictures for us. "wow, you look great y/n. you're all grown up now. not the little girl neteyam would play in the mud with." jake says with a sad smile on his face, realizing how we had all grown up now. "thanks jake, but don't worry i'll never grow out of eating all the food in your house." i joke and he laughs. "ma jake, we need to go. we have to get to neteyam's to take pictures of him." neytiri interrupts. "bye jake, bye neytiri, see you soon." i give the couple a hug, "you look so beautiful," neytiri whispers into my ear and giving me a squeeze before letting go.
ronal insists on taking about a million pictures of ao'nung and i together in our matching outfits. along with about a billion pictures of us with tsireya and lo'ak. "i can't believe my babies are so old now." tonowari holds back tears as he watches the four of us posing together. "keep it together dad, you're embarrassing me." ao'nung says through closed teeth and a big grin on his face. tonowari wipes a couple tears away as the four of us switch poses. 
after our pictures we headed to dinner at a hibachi restaurant. we laughed our asses off seeing rotxo fall out of his chair trying to catch the shrimp. we had finished dinner and arrived at the venue. ao'nung immediately drags me to the dance floor to dance with him. shortly after, the rest of our group joins us and we spend two hours just dancing and screaming the words to the songs being played. the music stops and the principal calls our attention to the front stage. "attention everyone, it's time to crown our homecoming queen and king along with the prince and princess. so can the homecoming court please come up on stage?" 
ao'nung leads me up front to the stage and we line up with the 18 other seniors. i see neteyam and georgia standing on the other side of the stage. "alright, first up is our homecoming prince and princess. this year's homecoming prince is..." there is a drum roll before the principal opens the envelope and announces into the microphone "ao'nung mato," he gives me a smile before he walks up from his place and the previous homecoming prince puts the little crown on him. after his crowning the principal continues, "the homecoming princess is georgia williams!" she makes her way to the center with a grin on her stupid face as people clap for her. 
after things settle down mr. kalina opens the homecoming king envelope "your homecoming king is neteyam sully!" the crowd erupts into cheers as he makes his way down front and center. the large crown was placed on top neteyam's neatly styled hair and the sash is draped around him. there is once again a drum roll as mr. kalina opens the final envelope. "please welcome your homecoming queen y/n l/n!" shock overcomes my body, i did not expect that. i freeze in place and the girl next to me gives me a little nudge and i make my way towards the space next to neteyam. the previous queen places the crown on my head followed by the homecoming queen sash. the crowd applauds for what feels like forever. 
mr. kalina speaks into the microphone one more time, "now, for the traditional homecoming king and queen dance," everyone else leaves the stage except for me and neteyam and a slow dance begins to play. i'm a little apprehensive but neteyam pulls me close and puts his hand on my waist and grabs my other hand. 
i pull y/n close as we begin to slow dance, i could see the fury on georgia face out of the corner of my eye as she watched us dance. i knew how badly she wanted for us to win king and queen. she talked about it constantly, i was beginning to think that's why we had started dating in the first place. i realized that y/n and georgia were wearing the same dress. before, i thought it look amazing on georgia, but now seeing it on y/n i realized that it was made for her. she looked ethereal in it underneath the twinkling lights. "you look gorgeous tonight love," i whisper into her ear. "your girlfriend is right there, you probably shouldn't be saying that to me." y/n responds to the compliment.
i spin her around before returning to our previous position, "she might be my girlfriend, but she's not who i love." i whisper into her ear again. this seems to set her off because as soon as the song ends and we walk off stage, she storms off and ao'nung follows after her. i was about to follow her when georgia grabbed my arm. "c'mon neteyam, let's go." georgia commands trying to pull me the opposite direction. "let go georgia," i argue, trying to take my arm away from her. "what do you mean? where are you trying to go?" she questions with a confused look on her angry face. "after y/n," i simply answer, wrestling my arm free from her and chasing after y/n. 
i leave the main event room and follow her and ao'nung out to the parking lot. "y/n wait! can we talk for a moment?" i yell out as i finally catch up to the two. "i don't think she wants to talk to you man," ao'nung intercepts, putting a hand on my chest to stop me from approaching her. "this is between me and her, so you should step away," i respond throwing his hand off me. "hey man i don't want any trouble, but i don't think she wants to talk to you right now," he continues, putting his hands up in surrender. "she can talk for herself, ao'nung." i argue, trying to push him out of the way. "it's okay ao'nung." she says stepping towards us. 
he looks at her and she just nods at him, "alright let me know if you need anything then." he says to her before going back into the dance. "what do you want neteyam?" she asks, clearly tired. "i want you," i answer, taking a step towards her. she takes a step back, "you're being selfish neteyam. you can't decide all of a sudden that you want me and you want to be together. you're literally dating the girl who made my life miserable! do you not remember how i'd come crying to you everyday in middle school?" she shouts at me, anger evident on her face. 
"how can you call yourself my best friend if you literally ditched me the second you got together with her? and now all of a sudden you come and say you want me? how selfish could you possibly be? i honestly misjudged you neteyam, because i would never do this to you. i would never hurt you the way you hurt me. i've loved you for years, you can't just decide all of a sudden that you love me too and you want to be together after you stomped on my heart and treated me like shit for the past month and a half. yet, despite the way you've treated me lately i am still so hopelessly and irrevocably in love with you. i'm angry at you because it should've been me, you belong with me." i was shocked by the way she yelled at me. "just leave me alone neteyam," she states, her tone was a lot softer than previously. and with that, she walks back into the event center.
i stand there, staring at where she had disappear for what felt like forever. i see someone wearing the blue dress walk up and i look up, hoping it was y/n. it was just georgia, great. "neteyam, how could you just leave me in there like that?" she shouts, it seemed that she was raging. "don't you get it? we're over. i'm tired of how you walk over me and force me out of my comfort zone against my will." i explain to her as gently as i could, but i was angry. "but i love you!" she proclaims, desperation evident in her voice. "no, you don't. this entire time you've been in love with the idea of me, not who i am. you don't even know the first thing about me. you just wanted to be with me because you wanted to be an it couple. and i'm tired of being used. bye georgia, have a good life." i finish, walking towards my car, not sparing her a glance. 
i was exhausted, both physically and emotionally and i just wanted to go home. i turn the car on, not even bothering to turn any music on and head home. the house was dark when i got home. i throw my keys in the bowl by the door and take my shoes off. i quietly walk up to my room.
 the hallway light turns on, blinding me a little and my dad's tired voice calls out "neteyam? is that you?" "what are you doing back? i thought you were sleeping over at a friend’s?" he questions looking up and down at me. "i just wanted to shower and go to bed." i answer simply. "ah, i see you won king. that's nice son." he smiles, patting me on the back. "yeah, georgia didn't get queen and she's really upset about it, but i broke up with her so it's not my problem anymore. you and mom were right." i hated to admit that, but it was true. 
instead of having a smug look on his face like he usually does when i admit he was right, he just gave me a sympathetic look. "hey, it's alright. there'll be other girls, ones who won't use you." he reassures me with a hug. "i know, but i just want y/n. though, after our fight it seems like that won't be happening ever." i sigh, a dejected look appears on my face. "just give her a couple days but then apologize to her. not a shitty one, but a heartfelt one that let's her know how you feel." "but what if she's mad at me for the rest of our lives." "c'mon now, she's never been able to stay mad at you for more than a few days. you should head to bed now, it's late."
it had been a few days since the whole homecoming ordeal and things had settled down. news had spread that neteyam dumped georgia at homecoming and she was quite miserable now. i didn't wanna say i was glad to see it, but i definitely wasn't upset by it. things had returned to a more normal state, i had even gone to the sully's house a couple times. tuk had gotten upset with me for not coming to see her much recently. 
i had seen neteyam a few times, but he was giving me space. it was very welcomed at first, but now i wish he'd talk to me. i hate to admit it, but i missed my best friend. while ao'nung was amazing and caring, he wasn't neteyam. and as much as i wanted to hate neteyam for how he'd treated me, the heart wants what it wants, and my heart definitely wants neteyam. i had finally decided enough was enough and stormed into neteyam's room after school one day. he jumped up from his seat at his desk at the suddenness of my actions.
he recomposed himself and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "i still stand by what i said on saturday, but i can't deny it anymore. i want you back in my life. what you did was shitty, but i get it. she was your first real girlfriend and you were blinded by your love for her or whatever." i blurt out, "but if you apologize to me right now, i promise i'll accept it and we can go back to being friends." i finish, taking a seat on his bed, across from him. 
"i'm sorry y/n, i shouldn't have let georgia come between us. i shouldn't have even dated her in the first place considering how she made your life miserable and never and apologized or acknowledge what she did was shitty. i'm a shit best friend and honestly, you shouldn't accept my apology. but i'll spend the rest of my life making up for my mistake or for however long you'll have me in your life." at his words i began tearing up, 
"oh no, don't cry. i hate it when you cry, especially when it's my fault. come here pretty girl. i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. but i love you okay? and i'll make it up to you with a million chipotle burrito bowls." he embraces me and rubs my back to soothe me. man, i really missed this. 
admittedly, ao'nung's hugs were great, but they weren't neteyam's. neteyam's hugs were superior, truly the best hugs known to mankind. "i forgive you neteyam." i whisper into his ear. "i love you, i'm in love with you." neteyam utters quietly. hearing his confession my heart soars. i pull back from the hug and look at him,"i love you," i respond with a gentle smile. he returns the smile and hugs me once again, more aggressively this time. 
we pull back and spend a few moments looking at each other. slowly, neteyam starts to lean in. "are we about to kiss right now?" i ask quietly right before our lips touch. once he registers what i asked him, he bursts out laughing. "what?" i ask annoyed that he was laughing. "you're so goofy," is all he says before he leans in again. our lips meet there weren't fireworks, but it just felt like everything in the world had aligned. it felt like everything was perfect and i felt at peace. 
this wasn't the first time we had kissed, but it was not going to be the last. we pull apart and we're both panting a little. "you've gotten a better than when we kissed that one time in 7th grade." i joke, playing with my hands a little. he just laughs and leans back in, capturing my lips once again. "ewwwwww! mom! dad! neteyam and y/n are kissing!" tuk walks in and immediately starts blabbing. "tuk!" neteyam yells and runs off after her. i just sit there and laugh at the situation. i guess things were going to be alright after all.
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kybercrystals94 · 10 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
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1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 75
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 92,568
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, Star Wars (mostly Bad Batch); however, I've written for a lot of TV shows over the years. (I prefer TV shows over movies simply because I can get to know the characters better and have a better feel for them when writing)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Unconventionally Easy (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - a pre-Order 66 story about a mission gone awry for the Batch. 2. I Miss You (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Echo finds an unexpected message from a brother. 3. Regroup (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Tech and Omega have to leave Hunter and Wrecker behind when a job for Cid goes sideways. 4. Just Sit With Me (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - A Cadet Batch fic featuring young Crosshair and Tech. 5. Resilient (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Echo struggles with his PTSD.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's one of my favorite parts of writing fan fiction!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This one is really hard since I did Whumptober and Febuwhump and Angstpril 😅 I'd have to say maybe Haunting Failures or Sick Day (although my readers would probably choose different ones).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably the Stardust Conspiracy or Detail Work.
8. Do you get hate on fics? In other fandoms, I have...I have yet to experience hate in this fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't read or write or watch it...not my thing.
10. Do you ever write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't really written any...but I did kinda play with the idea of writing a Psych and Bones crossover 😂 I was gonna call it The Psychic in the Capital.
11. ?? (there was no question for #11...so I'll just say....nothing, I guess)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I am aware of, but that would be so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of! I wrote Where Fears Are Born & When Fears Are Faced as companion pieces of @just-here-with-my-thoughts' fic Phobia. And then @just-here-with-my-thoughts wrote a couple cute companion pieces for The Stardust Conspiracy! (Find the Stardust collection here!)
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Kanan and Hera 🥰😭
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Mmmmm...I don't know. Any WIPs I have chapters posted for I have plans to finish...the ones slowly dying in my folder, however...😅
There's a Fives Survives AU I've been writing where he's actually the one who finds and rescues Omega from Kamino that I would really like to see through.
16. What are your writing strengths? I love character studies, so I feel like that really helps my writing!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I hate writing action scenes...and I tend to lean heavily on dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? The only time I've used "another language" in a fic is when I have clones use Mando'a words...but they don't usually use full sentences.
19. First fandom you wrote for? When I was an early teen I wrote for the Disney show Pair of Kings. 😂 However, I think I deleted the story after a couple of days...the first fandom I stuck to for a bit of time and still have stories floating around out there was Bonanza.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Basically any story I've written with the boys as cadets. They All Fall Down is probably one of my favorites, just because it reminds me so much of growing up with siblings. I also loved writing the Stardust Conspiracy.
Thank you for tagging me, @the-little-moment! This was so fun!!
Is it possible to tag all my moots?? Because I wanna see all your answers...(**cough**cough**if you've read this far, consider yourself TAGGED)
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