#i have a felt succulent garden with little clay figurines in it
enbies-and-felonies · 3 years
this is Cassini
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this is Huygens
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They’re both moon cactuses and named after the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn. Cassini was the orbiting probe, and Huygens landed on Titan.
This is Mo, who is made of paper and was acquired from a craft fair, but is still cherished and has almost been watered several times.
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This is Queezle, who lives in a skull-shaped pot because my grandma went “oh Aelan likes weird shit, I’ll get hyr a succulent in a skull planter”
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Here they are all together as one big nonbinary family because they’re my plants and we have zero gender in this household.
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I love them, but my object permanence is terrble and I usually keep the curtain closed on their window, so it’s a good thing they’re all succulents or fake and can survive on me watering them when I remember that I have them.
they're MOON cactuses and they're named after SPACE things- ajshbdfjdsbhf i LOVE that /gen
also nonbinary plants are where it's AT fhjdbf, i want to get some plants of my ownnnn
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Different types of witches
To start off this post I am going to clarify that as a witch you don’t need to label yourself in order to be a witch. Witches are as diverse as they come and I simply enjoy posts like this because it is fun, I enjoy the aesthetics and sometimes when setting up altars or holding a ritual it is satisfying to stick to a particular theme with your attire and decor.
Here is everything I could find on the different types of “witch aesthetics”
Traditional witch
Witches following the Old Path or the traditions of old witchcraft. This is one of my favourites, I get the feeling of long layered cloaks, melted down candles in a barely lit cottage, herbs hang up from the ceiling to dry. Witches following this path tend to take a look at a lot of historically know witches and their stories, their rumoured practices and follow in their footsteps.
Sea witch
Witches whose practice is linked strongly to the ocean. They usually use aquatic creatures, plants, beach sand and salt water religiously in their practice. Using Neptune and Poseidon to lead their workings. Doing spells associated with a lot of folklore surrounding the ocean (mermaids, sirens and otherworldly sea beasts).
Kitchen witch
My grandmother was the closest thing to a kitchen witch I have ever seen to a kitchen witch. Hovered over a crock-pot, humming beautiful melodies and stirring with the utmost focus. These witches can work a healing spell into homemade bread and a hex into a bowl of soup. Lovely cooks as well, good luck trying to figure out what is in that wonderful smelling pasta. This path is also similar to Hearth witchcraft.
Hedge witch
This is the one path I know very little about, but am dying to figure out. These witches work in what is know as the “Otherworld” and in order to reach it you must jump over the “hedge”. Working with spirits and creatures from the Otherworld.
Elemental witch
Witches on these path base their practice on the four elements : earth, air, fire and water. They will use the elements in every spell working, ritual and craft they do.
Ceremonial witch
These witches will not do simple spells or magic without the full workings of a ceremony. This is a very sophisticated path and witches on this path tend to be very anal about the set up of any ritual or spell work. Great detail is put into the moon phase, time of ritual and they ensure the working is carried out in a specific, step-by-step manner.
Green witch
Witches with strong ties to plants. I myself have never had much of a green thumb, as much as I try to keep my house full of beautiful plants I can never seem to keep them alive. My housemate has more skill with this. Trust these witches to be caught whispering to their succulents, using their plants to heal loved ones and being happiest when lying on the grass surrounded by daisies.
Hereditary witch
These witches come from a line of witches, raised in a household where witchcraft is practiced or are simply born with gifts and abilities that run in the family (in my case it skips a generation and one woman of every second generation inherits the ability). You don’t need to be born into it in order to practice the craft, but it sure helps.
Cosmic witch
These witches focus their practice on the cosmos. The stars, planets and in some cases even extraterrestrial beings. Spells performed by these witches usually follow the alignment of the stars, the planets and the moon and sun. So much knowledge can be generated from the universe and these types of witches are almost otherworldly. Focuses on astronomy and astrology are common.
Secular witch
These witches still practice the craft as any other witch would, but remove the aspect of deity or a higher power from their practice. Their work is in most cases not very spiritual, but rather practical.
Solitary witch
Not much to this type of witch, other than they don’t work in covens or do any work with other witches. They prefer to work alone.
Eclectic witch
A witch not limited to a particular practice or belief system, but rather incorporates them all or a select few into their practice. I myself like to mix and match in my workings so I could consider myself eclectic in broader terms.
African witch
This is a bit of an umbrella term as their are so many types of magic done within the traditional African community. The one crucial note to take is that in order to maintain the balance one does have to be of African descent in order to label oneself and African witch.
Ancestral witch
A witch who solely works with ancestors and no other spirits or otherworldy beings. These witches either work with their own ancestors or other historical ancestors that they feel strong connections to.
Animal witch
These witches tend to work mostly with animals, whether it be live animals, skins, bones or other remains, They normally have a really strong bond with living animals and in some cases animal spirits. This is the type of witch who gifts shiny things to the local crows and builds an army of loyal crow subjects.
Art witch
These witches are spewing with talent and creativity. Whether working spells into their beautiful oil paintings, clay figurines or embroidery. They will work healing magic into handmade jewellery and bindings into beautiful portraits.
Augury witch
Witches who interpret omens and symbols. They don’t exactly foresee the future, but more so to guide certain paths or receive messages from the other realms or higher powers.
Celtic witch
Witches who base their practice on Celtic magic, mythology and Celtic deities. These witches work with beings like fairies, gnomes and other beings from Celtic folklore. Normally quite into earth magic as well.
Chaos witch
A witch who’s practice is exactly that, chaotic. No common structure is used and this path is all about using whatever seems appropriate in the moment, even if it is contradictory to previous practice. Most unorganized of all the witches.
Crystal witch
A witch who uses crystals and gems strongly in their practice. This witch knows the properties of every crystal and stone and has quite a vast collection.
Divination witch
A witch who’s practice focuses solely on divination. Usually works with tarot cards, scrying and/or any other methods on divination. Use it to foretell the future, receive messages from other realms and the list goes on.
Earth witch
Similar to the ‘Green witch’ but broader. These witches use plants, stones, animals and other earthly elements in their practice. The hippies of the witch community. Almost always barefoot and getting lost in a forest somewhere. Most likely an environmentalist.
Flower witch
A witch who’s practice surrounds flowers more specifically than plants. Colourful gardens, always smells beautiful and will most likely make you a flower crown in spellwork. They know the properties of most local flowers and cast circles using daisies.
Hearth witch
A hearth witch’s practice revolves around their home, it’s very similar to kitchen witchcraft. They incorporate their spellwork into domestic activities within their household (like cleaning and cooking). When in a hearth witch’s house, you can almost immediately feel it.
Lunar witch
These witches use the moon and all her associate deities within their practice. The phase of the moon, moon water, moonstone, everything moon will make this witch. Guaranteed night owl, they draw all their magic from the moon itself.
Music witch
A music witch will use songs instead of spells in their craft. Incantations are songs they wrote themselves, songs they grew up with and even (similar to pop culture witches) mainstream media. They have a playlist for every ritual, celebration and find a way to incorporate music into all their workings. A music witch’s voice or instrument is their power.
Tech witch
Tech witches use modern technology within ritual and practice. Uses coding for spellwork and relies heavily on their devices. Utilizes mobile applications built for witches. Personally, tech witchcraft never worked for me because I found it to break and interrupt my energy lines, let me know if you are a tech witch how you overcome this.
Alexandrian witch
This is actually a path of Wicca, founded by Alex Sanders. It is very similar to Gardnerian Wicca and is highly ceremonial. This practice focuses on the relationship between the Wiccan God and Goddess.
Not exactly witches, but based on the practice I felt it fitting. In Shamanism, contact is made with the spirit-world to heal the sick, commune with the spirits and ancestors, and in some cultures even escort the dead to the afterlife. This is normally a very indigenous practice and in my opinion the knowledge of true Shamanism can only be passed down from another Shaman.
Gardnerian witch
Another path of Wicca, named after Gerald Gardner. This is the earliest known created tradition of Wicca. In order to be considered Gardnerian one does need to be initiated into a Gardnerian coven, covens within these traditions are known for their secrecy. They celebrate the Wiccan God and Goddess and follow the Wiccan Rede.
Water witch
Similar to the sea witch, but some of these witches find themselves inland, far from the ocean and thus draw their power from streams, lakes and rivers. Thus adapting their path to follow the deities of these smaller bodies of water, and even work with animals and plants that are associated with these.
Air witch
These witches work with tools associated with the element air. Incense, feathers, the wind. Some witches base the elements they work with solely on their birth element (mine being Air as I am an Aquarius, but I have never practiced solely with air myself.) others just feel more drawn to a single element.
Fire witch
Witches taking the path of fire are considered the rebels of the Elemental Witches. Same as the others, they work with all the tools associated with Fire.
Pop culture witch
These are witches who use the elements of fiction and other pop culture in their practice. Following sample spells from movies like The Craft or creating their own spell from a scene from a movie not even remotely about witchcraft. This is not just limited to movies, but also pop songs; taking the lyrics and using them in spells or replacing the lyrics with spells. This is another one I am not too fond of myself, but I do like to see how other witches incorporate pop culture into their magic.
Forest witch
These witches spend all their time practicing the craft within the forest. Gathering their tools within her, holding rituals within her. These witches are incredibly drawn to the forest and draw their energy from within the forest.
Swamp witch
Same as the forest witch, but swamp.
Desert witch
Same as the swamp witch, but desert
Weather witch
My personal favourite, the weather witch uses weather to draw her energies or in some cases is able to actually manipulate the weather. These witches use things like storm water and other such tools in their craft.
These are just the few I could think of. If you know of any more please message me and I will update it. :)
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