ramona-ratguider · 4 years
hi!! slightly urgent question. i want to charge a bunch of crystals and sigils at midnight tonight so i’ll have good energy in 2020. however, i’ll be still be high at that time and i want to know if that would affect the charging in any way? sorry if that’s a silly question haha. thank you x
So sorry for getting to you late, I have actually found that doing a lot of my workings under the influence of psychedelics or Marijuana helps enhance my ability to connect with my workings. A lot of Shamans and Medicine men and women used to inhale the smoke of herbs during ritual to connect with ancestors and so on. Will do a bit more digging and maybe do a post on it. 
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ramona-ratguider · 4 years
New Posts Soon!
Hi guys! Sorry for being away for a brief period. I will get to all the readings and asks soon! Also there is some new content coming!
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Things to do on Midsummer
Northern Hemisphere : 21st June
Southern Hemisphere : 22 December
Outdoor celebrations with family and friends.
Circle dancing 
Torchlight processions 
Witnessing the rising and zenith of the sun
Bathing in healing waters 
Ritual enactment of the fertilization of the Flower Bride
Ritual enactment of the marriage of heaven and earth
Acknowledgment of the seasonal triumph of vegetation
The battle of light and dark, Oak King and Holly King 
It is the traditional time for weddings and handfastings, should any couple wish to marry 
Love magic
Herb magic 
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
I love your blog, it’s beautiful and I love your witchy posts 🖤🖤 keep it up ✨
Thank you so much for the love <3 I appreciate it so much ;* 
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Scandinavian Folklore - Charms
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1. If you're following after someone who is riding on a road, and you want to have his horse become lame so that he won't overcome you, take a nail and pierce it into the ground where the horse has trod (specifically it’s hoof-print).The nail should be from a coffin.
2. So that you will never lose a court case, take the tongue of an otter and put it in your right shoe under your bare foot, when you go to court.
3. To hit any target with a shotgun. Take the first feather in the wing of a cuckoo and chop up the cuckoo while the heart is warm, then stick the feather into the heart and put it together in a linen cloth. Put Rosmarinus officinalis into the cloth with the heart and hang it on a kettle hook over a stove for 9 24-hour days. Then take it down and tie it on your right arm.
4. To shoot and hit the target take bat's blood and apply it to the bullet or the shotgun.
5. To shoot with accuracy. Take a hoopoe bird and take the heart out of it and the tongue and carry it with you.
6. So that no wolf can do you any harm, say "Cristus est nattus, lapus est capttus intt nina Dnus"
7. Good for hunting. Take the blood out of your right hand and make a powder from it and mix it with the shotgun powder.
8. To shoot whatever you want. Take the heart and the liver of a bat, put it under the lead when you shoot bullets or shot, then you'll hit whatever you see.
9.  He who takes the eyes of a hoopoe bird makes a person agreeable to strangers. If one carries them about the throat over the chest to a trial, then all enemies with become good again.
10. When one boils a raven's egg, which you then put back into the nest, and they then go to lie on it again, then they'll fetch a stone, with which he will touch the egg. Then it will immediately become raw again. If one takes this stone and then puts a laurel leaf under it and then has it set in a ring, and the goldsmith shall make an oath, that he will say nothing about it if he doesn't want to die; and that ring is good if one is bound in iron chains or some other imprisonment: if one touches it with this ring, then he is free again. Whoever has this stone in his mouth, he can understand the language of birds
11. So that everyone will be fond of you. Take a stone that is found in a swallow's nest and carry it with you
12. Take the root of an Artemesia vulgaris plant and carry it on you, then no one is able to slander you.
13. How one obtains a swallow-stone. Take a swallow chick out of the nest and stab out its eye, and tie it in a silk thread around its throat and put him back into the nest. On the third day, go back there again, then you will get three stones, one white and one black and one red. When one has the white stone in one's mouth, then he'll neither hunger nor thirst; if the black stone is in his  mouth, then all women will be crazy about him; and if he has the red stone in his mouth and he kisses a virgin, then she'll fall in love with him over all others. The one who has the red stone with him cannot be harmed by anything.
14. To melt a steel binding between your hands. Take the root of the wolfberry, Atropa Belladonna, and tie it under your right arm.
15. If someone has done you ill, to know who did it. Buy some oregano spice {Origanum vulgare) at the pharmacy, tie it under the right arm and go to bed to sleep, then you'll see the one who has done you wrong.
16. So that the lady folk will lift up their skirts. Take the blood of a young hare and smear it on the candle there where they're inside.
17 To get the strength of 3 men. Take the root of Artemisia vulgaris and saffron and spread it all over your arms. 
18. So that no horse will throw you, then yell these words: "Astulis Astula Cosso forottis." Take a tongue of a young swallow, that hasn't been out of the nest yet, and put it under your tongue when you kiss a virgin so that your tongue goes into her mouth, then she'll not let go of you until she's had her way with you.
19. Another: take an otter's tongue with arsenic and carry it with you, then you will have favor with highborn men and others. 
20. To give to a horse to eat, so that no other horse can outrun him, Eberroot dug up on Bartholomew's day is good. If you eat it yourself, then no other will be able to outrun you. 
22. Tie a raven's tongue on the middle finger, as he lies and sleeps, then he will reveal all his secrets to you. 
23. Artemisia root, carry it around your neck, then no poisonous creature can harm you. 
24. The one who puts the powder of that root over their door, no harm will befall that house. 
25. The one who carries a hoopoe bird's tongue on themselves, will have no harm befall him, and all his enemies will like him.
26. The one who wants to ride out, should hang Verbena officinalis around the horse's neck, then he won't become tired. 
27. To make oneself invisible. Go before Saint Jakob's day to an anthill and pour warm water on it, then they'll all run out, and look into it and go a little bit away, and then return and seek in it, then you'll find a stone that has three colors; you should have that with you. 
28. Take an egg between 11 and 12 o'clock and put it in an anthill, and when you go back again, then you'll find a stone: you should take that with you. To get a virgin to lift her skirts. Take bat's blood and put it into a linen cloth, and when you are sitting with her, then light it on fire, then it'll work. 
29. To get the strength of 9 men. Take a heart of a wolf, 2 of a fox and 3 of a dog and sew them in place on the left side. 
30. To know where money is. Write these words on virgin paper: D. + . + . 8 . X . 3: d d U: W. 6. X. V. Z.
31. Take an old hen and clean it well and boil it together with oxmeat in a new pot. When it is cooked, take a new wooden plate and put it together with the oxmeat on it and bury it all deep in the earth at a fork in the road, and put another plate over it, so it is quite tight, so that no earth will come between, and let it sit for 9 days - it should be arranged so that it will be a Monday when it will be dug up again - then there will have been three spirits with it that ate it up: the first having replaced it with a table cloth, the second with a mirror and the third with a dice-piece. The table cloth when one spreads it on the table, means that one will have food enough; in the mirror one can see what is happening in the whole world; the dice-piece one can throw as much as one wants and never lose. One of these three things you should leave behind. 
32. To make yourself invisible. Shoot a raven on Maundy Thursday and take the tongue and tie it to the right arm. 
33. If one is captured, to get free. If one is in a stock or in irons, then they'll loosen and not harm one. Have these words on you: allb. +. Fellea +. ieyiga +:nex +. FanstiG + gennt + Sebortt + G + S + ff + ScHutAueG. 
34. So that no one will outrun you. Take quickroot and tie it under your right toe.
35. So that a horse can't throw you, then yell these words in his ear: "Alius as aba ara via capel."
36. So that no one can defeat you when you argue your case, and so that they will all escape. So that if one is preparing to go to court, then one won't lose. When the sun goes into the sign of Taurus, then seek a viper, that is a snake, and take the skin off it and burn it to a powder and carry it around your throat. It has virtue. It should be taken during the first 5 days when the sun is in the sign of Taurus: all of this should be done. If one has that powder, then when one argues, then no one can defeat him. And if it lies in a house where no one knows about it other than he, then no one can remain inside it. Third, when one has to go to court, put it into your shoes, so that it lies under your bare feet, then one won't lose. 
37. If you drink Rute water each morning on an empty stomach, then your eyes will become so clear that you will be able to see the stars in heaven during the daytime. 
38. To release a lock. Notice when the frog is out. Grab hold of it and put it in a glass and put a stone on it. Then there'll come a spirit and he will have an herb and hold it before the glass. With this it will burst asunder. If one holds it in front of a lock, then it will release and open.
39. To make a couple become enemies. Take an egg and boil it hard and write both of their names on it and cut the egg right in two and give the one half to a dog and the other to a cat. 
40. Take hare's blood and apply it to a haystraw and put it in a virgin's bed, then she won't give up until you go to bed with her. 
41. Tie a rabbit's foot to your right arm, then no dog will bark at you. 
42. So that you get what you ask for, then carry these words with you: + Los + pastor + avB 1 C. 
43. So that you are liked by everyone, then carry these words with you: pnu Sanilo Pro C Sanctus: Pro. 
44. So that no one is your enemy. Have these words with you: M. G. C. B. y. Jn nomino Pattris: et Fyly. x et. Spiritus amenque eta gramatam. 
45. If a wife runs away from her the husband, then take her right shoe and put it in smoldering coals. As long as the shoe smolders, then she'll have no peace until she comes back to him again.
46. Take a needle with which a corpse was sewn into a burial shroud, and stick into the underside of the table where you are sitting and playing cards, then you'll win. 
47. Carry a 'galdevedh '20 as it is called in German, put it in your right shoe, then you'll win at cards. 
48. If you want the strength of 9 men, then carry on your left side a wolfs heart or a fox's heart or a dog's heart. 
49. Take the heart a thrush, that is a small edible bird, and put it under one's head, then he'll tell you what he knows; or put it underneath you. 
50. Take a pea and put it on a frog. Stick out its left eye, and put the pea in its place. Bury it and then the pea itself will grow, and the peas that grow on that plant, if you take one of them and put it under your tongue, then you're invisible, as long as it remains there. 
In my personal craft I don’t like to hurt any living thing, these are mostly for interests sake and I hope you take it as the same, but to each their own.
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
🌸 Fairy lore 🌸
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Fairies often try to extinguish Midsummer bonfires via whirlwind, but can be stopped if fire is thrown at them.
Leaping through the Midsummer bonfire protects one from fairies.
Driving cattle through the embers of the bonfire with protect them from them from the attention of evil spirits.
In order to escape the chase of fairies, cross a stream of running water.
Carry rue in your pocket to ward off evil fairies.
If you are being pixie-led or troubled by fairies, turn your clothes inside out to confuse them and then make a run for it.
If your companion is being dragged into a fairy circle, throw in one of your gloves and they will disperse giving your companion time to escape.
Scatter flax on you floor to keep fairies out of your bedroom.
When confronted by fairies show them any form of iron and they should vanish as they are terrified of iron. Lore says to keep a knife or nail in your pocket or under your pillow at night.
Hanging a Hag Stone above your door frame will keep evil fairies at bay.
Rowan wood tied into a cross with red thread will protect the hearth when hung up somewhere high.
A besom placed beside the fireplace will stop fairies from coming down chimneys.
Burying a Witch Bottle in front of your doorstep will also provide protection from pesky fairies.
Oatmeal sprinkled on clothes or carried in pockets will keep bad fairies at bay.
 St. John’s wart prevents fairies from carrying you off while you sleep.
Mulberry trees in the gardens will keep away evil fairies. Dancing counterclockwise around a Mulberry tree at Midsummer will also aid in this 
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Different Types of Wood for Wands
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Alder - Support, foundation, magical beginnings, fire and water magic 
Apple - An apple wand is used for love magic, for rituals designed to establish contact with the Otherworld, for initiation, and for fertility rituals 
Ash - The ash is a great conductor of magical force, traditionally used for witches' broomsticks, druids' wands, and cunning men's staffs; the use of the ash wand connects the magician to all three realms, and when using an ash wand he or she acts within all three 
Aspen - The aspen is used to invoke magical shields, for protection, and for healing 
Bay - The bay tree is associated with the sun god and his powers of protection, healing, and divination; a bay wand may be used in all these rituals 
Beech - The beech tree is associated with written knowledge; use a beech wand for spells and rituals concerning such knowledge, and in the consecration of written talismans 
Birch - The birch is a tree of fertility, but is also a powerful magical force in rituals of purification and the banishment of negativity
Blackthorn - A blackthorn wand can be used for great good or great ill; it is a powerful magical protection, but also an instrument of cursing, used anciently to invoke the Wild Hunt to carry off the soul of an enemy 
Bramble - Healing 
Buckthorn - Healing Cypress-Rites for the dead, crossing the gates of the underworld 
Elder - Rites of the crone goddess, rites of Samhain and winter, fairy contact, healing, and summoning spirits 
Elm - Rites of the Goddess, feminine magic 
Hawthorn - Protection, invoking a psychic shield, fairy contact, the rite of Beltane, and Goddess magic 
Hazel - A good general-purpose wand, some say this is the most efficacious of all wands; a hazel wand is sometimes called the wishing rod 
Holly - Rites of male magic, warrior magic, protection from negative forces Ivy-Binding magic, protection from psychic attack Juniper-For warding off the evil eye, exorcism 
Linden - Feminine power and rites of the Goddess 
Maple - Handfastings, rituals of celebration 
Mistletoe - Rites of healing, luck, and good fortune 
Oak - Rites of protection, general-purpose magic, Midsummer, divination, fairy contact, Otherworld magic 
Pine - Gaining knowledge, fire magic, illumination 
Poplar - Divination 
Rowan - Protection, divination Service 
Tree - Protection, or as an all-purpose wand
Spindle Tree - Spinning and weaving magic, creating magic, Goddess magic 
Whitebeam - Earth magic 
Willow - Bardic magic, healing, Goddess magic, feminine magic, rebirth, purification 
Yew - Initiation, funeral rites
*Credit to original author - If anyone knows who it is please let me know 
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Voodoo Veves
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V-1 Accomplish Tasks - Helps complete any work or undertaking 
V-2 Attract Love - Inspires affection and devotion from loved ones 
V-3 Destroy Addictions - Helps control alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc. 
V-4 Cause Insanity - Place in foe's clothes to bring on mental confusion 
V-5 Collect Debts - Draws money owed the possessor 
V-6 Conjure Spirits - Permits safe contact with those in the other world 
V-7 Endows Sexuality - Makes others helpless to resist the owner's advances 
V-8 Destroys Plots - Frees oneself from the tricks and deceit of others 
V-9 Exorcise Demons - Rid body and mind of evil spirits and influences 
V-10 Find a Good Job - Carry when looking for employment 
V-11 Force Proposals of Marriage - Entices reluctant suitors to speak 
V-12 Gain Favors - Cause others to make decisions for your good 
V-13 Gambling Luck - Increases one's chances of winning at games 
V-14 Legal Matters - Gain sympathy in court appearances 
V-15 Love Wanga - Increases man's potency and woman's passion 
V-16 Renews Life - Neutralizes and removes the effects of past mistakes 
V-17 Overcome Worry - Wipes out fear and installs self-confidence 
V-18 Peaceful Home - Lends harmony and tranquility to turbulent situations 
V-19 Power - Delivers vitality, energy, and strength as needed 
V-20 Protect Goods - Guards one from being robbed or molested 
V-21 Reverse Evil - Turns back harm toward the sender 
V-22 Self Hypnosis - Enables one to change their destiny at will 
V-23 Sexual Potency - Adds passion to all sexual adventures 
V-24 Transfer Affections - Place between lovers to cause their separation 
V-25 Worldly Goods - Attracts food, money, clothing, as they are needed
V-26 Win Back a Lover - Pulls toward the possessor those who have strayed 
V-27 Wisdom and Knowledge - Helpful in passing tests and examinations 
V-28 Witch Doctor's Sign - Identified those with the power to cure and heal
Source : Anna Riva
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Hi! Thank you so much for this. I am actually reading the Lesser Key of Solomon at the moment myself. I appreciate the feedback and will delete my original post and leave this up instead as :) if you have any more recommendations for me on the subject please do let me know. 
Also thank you for not turning this into a personal attack haha!
White Magic Seals
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Amdusias - Can grant a familiar to assist in any secret mission one may wish performed. Can inspire music, and cause trees to become barren of fruit or even to fall to the ground.
Amon - Reconciles enemies, causes love to flourish, and tells what is to happen in the future. 
Amy - Shows the way to hidden treasure, fortune, and wealth. Can teach astrology to the petitioner who asks.
Astaroth - Teaches any scientific subject, causes one to have prophetic dreams or visions about the future, and gives insight into the unknown.
Bael - Gives the needed wisdom to assist one in making the correct decision when faced with seemingly insurmountable problems.
Balam - Confers wit, humor and mental ability to those who ask.
Barbatos - Brings any two persons together in friendship, smoothes out all misunderstandings, and soothes hurt feelings. This spirit’s seal is only usable under the sign of Sagittarius, Nov. 23 to Dec. 22.
Beleth - Brings the spirit of love between any two persons. A favorite of maidens awaiting a proposal.
Belial - Helps one get ahead on the job or to gain a higher position. Brings praise and favors from others, even from one’s foes.
Berith - Causes men to rise to high places and receive honors. Can change any metal into gold. Answers queries about future happenings.
Botis - Gives assistance on important decisions, bolsters courage, protects one from being hurt by the hatred or envy of others, and helps toward easing tensions in the home.
Buer - Cures illness and disease magically, discourages drunkenness, provides knowledge of logic and philosophy.
Bune - Helps acquire wealth, provides sophistication and worldly wisdom, grants facility of speech and a flair with words.
Cimeies - Makes all who ask bold of heart, firm of spirit, and heroic in battle. Teaches literature, and finds anything that is lost.
Eligos - Grants favors in court cases and legal affairs, creates love, attracts business and financial success.
Foras - Can make one wise, witty, and wealthy. Restores lost property, teaches logic, and the virtues of stones and plants.
Forneus - Can teach all arts, sciences, and language. Can make one’s enemies love him, and protects him from evil doers.
Furcas - Brings peace of mind and dispels fear and timidity. Also can teach philosophy and other sciences.
Gaap - Causes love or hate, tells the future, and can have one transported instantaneously to wherever he desires.
Gremory - Causes one to be beloved by women (and is the only spirit who appears in the form of a woman). Knows past, present, and future, and will lead to hidden gold and treasure.
Gusion - Can grant position, bring honors, and make those who are unliked beloved by all with whom they come in contact.
Ipos - Endows wit and courage. Helps one retain friends and make new ones. Has knowledge of the past and the future.
Marax - Will provide a familiar to assist the magician. Gives knowledge in the magical uses of stones and herbs, teaches astrology.
Marbas - Gives great wisdom and knowledge. Answers questions about secret, hidden, or stolen things. Can cause or cure disease.
Marchosias - Assists in any kind of fight, argument, or battle.
Naberius - Teaches logic, rhetoric, and helps one regain lost honors, prestige, or possessions.
Orias - Induces enemies to favor the petitioner. Can change men into any shape. Helps gain respect and positions of esteem.
Orobas - Answers questions, and gives one the power to control and dominate others. Suppresses slander or gossip and makes one secure from the persecution of evil spirits or vindictive foes.
Phenex - Obeys every order. Specialty is poetry and letters.
Sallos - Causes love between the sexes, arousing desire, stimulating one’s passions, and encouraging fidelity to one’s mate.
Stolas - Knows all of the stars, plants, and stones.
Valac - Tells where treasures may be found and can lead one toward a good job, a sympathetic friend, or a lucky number.
Vapula - He can assist one in passing tests and examinations, and in conversing intelligently on almost any subject.
Vassago - Can tell of the past and future, and find anything that has been misplaced, lost, hidden, or stolen.
Vuat - Can make one beloved of woman, create friendships, and insure esteem. Knows all, and can turn time to suit himself.
Zepar - Can make any woman love any man, or compel any man to love any woman. He can also change the shape of people as desired.
Source : Anna Riva - Secrets of Magical Seals
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
must a woman be “beautiful”? is it not enough that she shake her fist at God and commit acts of heresy in the name of hedonism and lunar madness
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Black Magic Seals
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Agares - Provides knowledge of all tongues, brings back runaways or can prevent desertion, can cause earthquakes, and bring about the downfall of important men causing them to lose their position, public honor, and respect of others.
Aim - He spreads destruction by means of fire. Also teaches cunning and shrewdness, and will answer questions of things unknown.
Alloces - A warrior who may be sent to revenge yourself from secret enemies.
Andras - Very destructive, he can bring ruin to an enemy in the twinkling of an eye, causing him financial havoc and personal despair.
Andrealphus - Can transform humans into birds at will. Also teaches mathematics.
Andromalius - Knows all—recovers lost articles, finds money, and reveals any secret plots of intrigues planned against the possessor.
Asmoday - Confers invisibility, answers any questions, and enables the petitioner to know the innermost thoughts of those he meets.
Bathin - Transports one from one place to another at the speed of light by supernatural means. Tells the virtues of all stones and herbs.
Bifrons - Can move corpses magically, and coerce spirits of the dead to assist the magician or answer inquiries. Is capable of enlightening one on astrology, mathematics, herbs, and stones.
Camio - Will teach the tongues of all animals so that they may be understood, and can also reveal the mysteries and secrets of the other worlds.
Corcell - Produces great noises, confusion, and indecisiveness in one's foes. Gives knowledge of geometry, art, literature, history.
Dantalion - Produces hallucinations in others if requested, influencing the minds of men against their will and without their knowledge. He can reveal the innermost thoughts and desires of others.
Decarabia - Knows all pertaining to the powers of plants and stones.
Focator - Causes winds to blow, ships to sink, and death by drowning.
Furfur - Bestows love of battle, causes thunder and lightning, and can reveal the secret thoughts of others.
Glasya-Labolas - Can cause murder and death, make men invisible. He knows all ancient wisdom and occult secrets, can teach all sciences.
Haagenti - A powerful alchemist who can change any metal into gold, and water into wine.
Halphas -  Causes wars, punishes sinners, and can make those who have wronged the magician suffer the tortures of the damned.
Haures - Protects the magician against other spirits. Knows all secrets and will bring harm to one's foes.
Leraie - Causes wounds not to heal, starts battles. He can be persuaded to break up rival's love affairs and even marriages.
Malphas - It is claimed that he helped Solomon build many things. Causes anything to be made by magical forces.
Murmur - Causes souls of the dead to appear and answer any questions the petitioner may ask. Also teaches philosophy.
Ose - Transforms the petitioner into any form he desires. Will bring delusions and insanity to others if asked, and the person affected will not be aware that he has been changed.
Paimon - Confers upon the magician the power to influence and control those he wishes to subjugate. Will produce familiars to serve the possessor, and can bring any honor desired upon one.
Purson - Tells past and future, reads the thoughts of others and conveys the message to the possessor.
Raum -  Creates love and reconciles enemies. Can also demolish a reputation, destroy property, and will steal money to bring to the possessor.
Ronove - Teaches languages, and humbles an enemy who does not show partiality toward the petitioner.
Sabnock - Can cause wounds not to heal, arguments to inflame, and turn a small dispute into a full-scale battle. He controls military camps and protects soldiers.
Samiginia - Gives account of the dead souls that died in sin, and teaches all liberal sciences.
Seere - Controls time to suit himself and the wishes of the sorcerer who calls upon him. Can cause things to happen instantly magically.
Shax - Can cause one to become deaf, dumb, or blind. Will steal money or possessions, and can lead the way to almost any hidden things or stolen goods. Can create a familiar to assist the owner.
Sitri - The Prince of love and lust. Will cause any man to love a woman, or any woman to desire a man. Compels women to display themselves in the nude to the one who calls him. 
Valefor - In charge of occult medicine, curing all ills magically. Can make a man skilled with his hands and sharp with his brains. Can change men into animals at will.
Vepar - Controls the sea. Can cause storms, death, and disaster.
Vine - The only spirit which will tell a magician the identity of other sorcerers and witches. Knows ail secrets and can destroy the enemy or defend the magician against the attacks of others.
Zagan - Can change liquids—water into wine, wine into blood. He can bring to one's mind the humor and wit in all happenings.
*Please don’t dabble in darker magic unless you are well protected and have done your research.
Source : Anna Riva - Secrets of Magical Seals
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
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A Beginner’s Guide to Spells & Potions
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
Elder Futhark Runes
First Aett
Feoh - Cattle, wealth, money, a fee, beginnings, formation, creativity 
Ur - Wild ox, untamed strength, perseverance, healing 
Thorn - Thorn, magical protection, a protective barrier, Thor, creative energy 
As - Mouth, god, divine power, divine breath, stability 
Rad - A journey, wheel, motion, riding, moving forward 
Ken - Torch fire, knowledge, illumination 
Gyfu - Gifts, talent, partnerships, balance 
Wynn - Joy, success, prosperity, harmony
Second Aett
Haegl - Hail, formation, binding magic 
Nyd - Need, necessity, binding magic, constraint 
Is - Ice, immutability, binding magic, static time, delays 
Jera - Harvest, completion in the proper season, the natural order is maintained 
Eoh - Yew, bow, defense, sacrifice 
Peorth - Dice cup, secret, divination, fate 
Elhaz - Elk, power in defense, protection 
Sigel - The sun, lightning flash, light, success, victory, happiness
Third Aett
Tyr - The god Tyr, justice, sword, power 
Beorc - Birch, growth, fertility, purification 
Ehwaz - Horse, change, transformation, movement, bonds, partnerships, travel 
Man - A man or woman, a human being 
Lagu - Water, fluidity, the flow of life, accepting the ebb and flow, increase and decrease 
Ing - God of fertility, expansion 
Odal Inheritance, possessions, home, material wealth, connections with family 
Dag - Day, light, illumination, balance of polarities, protection from harm
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
I stray away from Tumblr drama and I will block you if you try to call me out on actual bullshit - the term “black magic” is definitely not racist so don’t try and throw an argument because I outwitted you by trying to say it is. Thank you.
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
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You just left me on the shelf pt. 2
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
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credit to “All Monsters Are Human” - Facebook
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ramona-ratguider · 5 years
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Jeska Hearne (@lobsterandswan)
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