#i have a loooot to this actually its wild
victheclown · 7 months
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Stationary Locked
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An AU where Olly strives for more than just getting rid of all Toads.... And where he will use any means to achieve this.
(Story and Explanations under cut. Mind the tags for any potentially uspetting content, I'll try to tag it best I can.)
Stationary Locked starts very normal, like the actual game, with the only difference at the very beginning seemingly that Olivia gets folded a little later on. We will get to her later though....
Olly had put his original plan into motion. He was going to refold everything, getting rid of those who he believes wronged him, folding the world to his own mercy... And he was going to create his own Legionary to help him with this, using the tools of this own creator. And so, the Legion of Stationary came to be, brought to life and tasked with guarding the streamers. He knew someone would be coming for him soon. And he was not going to make it easy for him to get to him.
Shortly after he made the Mushroom Kingdom's castle his own, he folded who would be his knight, the one to follow him and his orders until the end... Olivia. Folding her with equal rage to make sure she UNDERSTOOD her task and would not back out. She was tasked to bring him paper beings, which would be refolded for his own army. And she did as she was told. She had no choice really - this was what she was made for herself. And a knight should follow their kings orders after all.
It was all going by plan. But it didn't feel like enough. He... Wanted more. Getting back at those Toads wasn't enough, he wanted the world to fold and bend before his mercy, He didn't just want to be a king... He wanted to be an emperor to all that paper had ever known.
... And when he noticed approaching threats, his trust in his Legion began to falter. Would they truly be up to their task? With how... Laughably not serious some of them were about this? No, this wasn't going to end the way he wanted, all because they failed to do their task properly, failed to use their powers to its fullest.
So what do you do when you don't have faith in your Legion? But you couldn't possibly get rid of them either, because even if incompetent, they still HAD power... Power that could be used through other means...
... Through his own means.
Using his only Legionary he knew would follow his orders to a letter - a Stapler - he crafted origami cages, one for each. And to make extra sure they wouldn't try to defy their own fate... The Stapler was tasked with reinforcing these cages. They would not be escaping this on his watch. They were his Legion, and he was going to bring out the fullest potential in them, and he was free to do so.
And once all preparations were said and done... He paid them all a visit. One by one.
Most of them hadn't had a single clue what was coming for them. A single deadly pierce of the sword was enough to force them into their Stationary Forms. That would make it most convenient to keep them around.
It was easy... Up until the end. By the last two, they have started to cast suspicion around their missing teammates already. And it seems at least his Lieutenant was able to prove some bit of competence... He figured out fast what his plan was, and for the sake of his team, his Legion, his friends... He could not let it keep going. And even if it meant going against his creator, and his very duty.... He was going to fight.
Because after all... Scissors always beats paper... Right?
... It was a single stupid mistake that caused him to not pay attention to his incoming attack. And then, it was all over. That was the last of them. With the Legion back in his hands, he instead put Folded Soldiers to the task of protecting the streamers. To any visiting adventurers, these areas now just felt... Off, and like someone else was supposed to be here. Now it was just... Something that was there, but no longer felt right. Something was missing.
But by this point, our Emperor had found that these Stationaries were indeed capable of so much more... But that also HE was capable of so much more. And it was as simple as magically linking himself to them... To simply fold into their form, to use their powers that way. It was so easy, but he felt so... Powerful. And the Legion was doing great too, encased in their new homes... If you watched closely, upon every use of one of their powers, it looks like cracks would form on the Stationary... But it wasn't concerning. Not concerning for Olly to rethink this at least.
They had their place now, with their Emperor, who would put their powers to good use, and put an end to whoever would try and oppose their new ruler.
The time for a new world, with a new ruler, using new tactics... Starts now.
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fakirchan · 1 year
I’m 👀👀 about your thoughts on a tutu movie
After writing all this and looking back on it I realize I don't suggest much of an actual plot and more or less just what could've been and how it could've worked, I'll have to give actual plots for a possible movie some more thought lol
If you take it's basic concept, Princess Tutu is similar to Cardcaptor Sakura (you don't have to have seen it to understand, I'll explain) in the way that it's about a young girl suddenly being thrust into the position of a magical girl with the goal of retrieving something; for Sakura it's Clow cards, for Tutu it's Mytho's heart shards. After retrieving all of the cards and shards, respectfully, they both go against great forces.
Where I'm going with this - CCS had 2 movies IIRC, and they're set up in the way that you don't have to watch them to understand the show. They followed the same idea with the same characters but were one-off concepts and the events in the movies were not later mentioned in the show. This was also common for other anime movies at the time (90s-00s) too, many such examples of that. For CCS, the idea was that she just found an additional card that was not mentioned in the show. Basically what I'm getting at here is that they aren't incredibly canon but still exist nonetheless, and how canon they are can be debated
So my simple idea for a Princess Tutu movie is Tutu finding another random heart shard that isn't mentioned in the original anime itself. Given how things like curiosity are treated as emotions (and how Mytho has like.... multiple sad emotions returned to him i.e. loneliess and sorrow), there's lots of room for us to be creative with what heart shard she is after, since we aren't just limited to a single happy/angry/sad emotion basis. We can go wild with this one
Now if we were actually still in 02/03, in-between season 1 and season 2 would've been perfect for the movie to air. Season 2 actually aired relatively soon after the first season (IIRC season 1 ended on Nov. 08 2002 and season 2 began Nov. 15 2002 in Japan) so that's not a loooot of time but regardless, this would've been a good point for the movie because it marks the beginnng stages of the turning point for Ahiru and Fakir's relationship, and also marks the beginning stages of when we see Mytho's corruption / Raven Mytho). The movie could've had some additional bonding and funtiemz between Ahiru and Fakir - and perhaps some additional character development for them both / one of them or another chapter like Rue or Mytho himself (actually I just thought, the movie could use its time to create more relationships too, like fleshing out Rue and Fakir's relationship, which doesn't happen in the actual anime, etc so on and so forth)
Now for the actual plot... well, I confess I'm not entirely sure, lol. The anime is super creative and really goes in some unexpected directions (at least when I first watched it, I was NOT anticipating things like Fakir turning into a tree for a hot minute) so that also leaves a lot to the imagination and endless possibilities... I'm thinking maybe something unexpected, like how the final heart shards were in the town's own towers or how Tutu's amulet was a shard. Maybe a heart shard at the academy or some other location you wouldn't really think of (again just given PTUTU's directions, you can get super creative with this, I'm just trying to think here)
If you do read all of this and have an idea I would love to actually hear it lol. I'll have to add on when I think about an actual idea a little more ! I hope this was interesting to read
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #230: THE LAST FAREWELL!
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April, 1983
“Yellowjacket no more!”
Aw, dang! Hank got raptured!
Captain America, Thor, and Hawkeye is a weird collection of characters to be staring forlornly at the empty Yellowjacket uniform.
Thor hasn’t really expressed much about the Yellowjacket situation in comparison. You think they could squeeze Wasp into the shot. Just her ex-husband is all. She’s just the team leader is all.
Put Wasp on the cover, you cowards.
So last times on Avengers: Hank Pym got himself kicked out of the Avengers and out of his marriage and pretty much deserved it. He was tricked into committing treason by his arch-nemesis Egghead and sent to jail. He sat in jail for, like, a really long time. The wheels really spun on the arc.
He was kicked out of the Avengers/walked before he could be kicked out in #213. He was arrested at the end of issue #217. His trial was in issue #228.
He was kidnapped from his trial by the Masters of Evil. Then in #229, he turned the tables on them all in quite a satisfying manner and slugged Egghead in the egg head.
Then Hawkeye manslaughtered him. He’s dead.
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Hawkeye arrowed the science gun to stop Egghead from shooting Hank in the back and then the science gun backfired and microwaved that egg.
This makes Hank’s victory a little bittersweet for him.
Hank Pym: “I defeated the Masters of Evil single-handed... but more than anything, I wanted to bring Egghead to justice. He was a thorn in my side for so many years. I was never able to defeat him for long, not when I was Ant-Man... and not even after I became Giant-Man! He bedeviled me in every identity I assumed. He did me the greatest wrong when I was Yellowjacket. I’d already ruined my Avengers career, when he tricked me into committing a federal crime!”
Hawkeye too is set to thinking by what happened. Maybe humming a bit of Bohemian Rhapsody to himself too.
Hawkeye: “This is unreal! I’ve never killed a man before! I never planned on anything like this happening! Yeah, but I can’t feel sorry for Egghead! If anyone deserved this, he did! My brother Barney bought the farm, stopping Egghead from killing the Avengers. And if I hadn’t acted when I did, Hank Pym would be dead! If I had to do it again... I would!”
Hawkeye: ‘Eh, fuck ‘em!’
But Hank laments that with Egghead dead, so goes his chance of proving his innocence by turning him over to the law.
Hank Pym: “Egghead was always getting away from me, Hawkeye. It’s almost as if he’s pulled the ultimate escape!”
Fun fact: There doesn’t seem to be an Ultimate Egghead! Why would there need to be? Even more than in the 616, Ultimate Hank Pym is by far his own worst enemy.
Hawkeye basically tells Hank to buck up and that there’s basically incriminating evidence lying all over the place.
He doesn’t say it but even Egghead’s dead deceased corpse is kind of like evidence. Evidence that he wasn’t dead until recently.
Captain Marvel shows up because someone finally came looking for Hawkeye.
Hank is surprised, much like others have been that this is Captain Marvel. He knew the old guy, the super saiyan. And I guess he didn’t hear there was a new one.
Hawkeye: “We’ve had a few changes since you went in the slammer, Hank. C.M. is an Avenger in training.”
Huh. Captain Marvel doesn’t even react to the dead body. Then again, there’s a lot of bodies lying all around the place.
And while Hawkeye is introducing the new Captain Marvel to Hank, one of those bodies stirs.
Moonstone has regained consciousness and assesses the situation. She could blast Hank, Captain Marvel, and Hawkeye with her coherent light pew pew but that’d just weaken her.
Like in the previous issue, Moonstone is one of the few supervillains who knows when to fold ‘em.
So she decides to skeedaddle while the getting is good but whoops.
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Getting wasn’t good.
The rest of the Avengers have shown up and cornered her while she was pondering.
So Moonstone decides ‘eh fuck it’ and promises to spill all the beans if it gets her a lighter sentence.
So days later, the mostly off-screen trial of Hank Pym finally ends.
A loooot of new evidence suddenly popping up led the prosecution to withdraw all charges.
The lead prosecution witness, Trish Starr, suddenly reversing her testimony after putting on Tony Stark’s magical mental-scan helmet kind of tanked the case, really.
Wait, they really did just admit the use of the helmet in the trial when its new, unsubstantiated technology whose inventor disappeared?
Damn, I knew the Marvel legal system was wild (considering comic books as legal documents as explored in Dan Slott’s run on the character) but still!
Although it makes sense. Egghead got Trish to incriminate Hank by using the bionic arm to alter her memories. The helmet Tony invented undoes that kind of alteration. This connects the dots quite reasonably. Glad Stern was paying attention when preparing to finish this arc.
Moonstone and Beetle confirming that Egghead was using Hank as a tool also helps.
In fact, not only did the prosecution drop all their charges, the judge also dismissed all the charges. Which feels redundant? I dunno much about law, really. Just the She-Hulk version of law. Which, again, uses comic books as legal documents.
Apparently happening at around the same time, Hawkeye also had his day in court.
Literally a day.
It wasn’t a trial, just a hearing to investigate whether he was guilty of wrong-doing in the death of Egghead.
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Newsman with a newsplan: “Though he was threatened with contempt-of-court charges a number of times -- Hawkeye was found innocent of any wrong-doing in the death of Dr. Elihas Starr -- the self-styled Egghead.”
Yeah, I bet Hawkeye was threatened with contempt-of-court a bunch. And I bet you anything that at least one of the times he rejoined with “No, you’re out of order! This whole damn courtroom is out of order!”
And then the judge probably just sighed.
I mean, look at that unbelievable Hawkeye in the bottom left panel.
Anyway, I think Stern must have felt a little pent up having to start his Avengers run finishing off someone else’s story, especially having to devote a recap issue to it since the plot had been interspersed with fill-ins.
Because in the middle of concluding this arc, he throws in two plot beats that I have to assume are to set up stuff of his own.
A day after the trial, the Beetle is being escorted to a cell in a Western Pennsylvanian federal maximum security prison when he bumps into another prisoner.
What neither the Beetle or the guard notices is that the bump to “Sam Smithers” has peeled off some skin on his arm and revealed THAT HE IS ACTUALLY MADE OF WOOD!
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Suspect possibly a living puppet.
And elsewhere but samewhen, IN SPACE, specifically on Saturn’s moon Titan, Thanos’ brother Eros is basically complaining about being bored.
When Captain Mar-vell died of having a lot of cancer, he asked Eros to look after Mar-vell’s... uh... -google- robot girlfriend?? Elysius.
Eventual mom to Genis and Phyla-Vells.
Soooooo, Eros has done as Mar-vell’s deathbed wish was and spent an agonizing several consecutive months hanging out in Titan’s beautiful inside forests and just having a real hard time caring about one thing for such a long period of time.
I’m not even being unfair to him.
Eros: “This is the first time in ages that I’ve spent so many consecutive months on Titan! I have ever been a wanderer! I’ve sought out adventure across the wide cosmos. Frankly, I have known romance on more worlds than most sentient beings could imagine. That’s part of the problem. Our friendship has been wonderful, but I’m having a hard time adjusting to it. My previous relationships have all been of a fleeting nature.”
‘Look its not you, its me’ except for attempting to dump someone as a friend, instead of romantically.
Not dump, even. He just kind of wants to ditch her and is asking in a roundabout way if she’s emotionally stable enough to ditch.
She goes, yeah sure, go off and have fun. And maybe she’s getting tired of his company too.
Elysius: “Look... you’ve been a great comfort to me these last few months, but now I need to be alone for a while with my thoughts.”
Geez, how clingy has he been this whole time while desperately wanting to be anywhere else?
Anyway, since she’s fine with him fucking off, he does fuck off. Right to the Hall of Science.
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Where Eros’ dad is like ‘oh ffs’ when Eros tells him that he needs to use the LIVING COMPUTER Isaac to look up planets with the highest adventure potential.
Mentor of Titan is a man deeply disappointed in both of his sons for very different reasons.
Anyway, would you really be surprised if I told you that Earth was in the Top 3 planets in known space for adventure?
You wouldn’t, right?
Meanwhile, back at the plot, Hank Pym is on a boat with Trish Starr.
She wants to apologize for that time she incriminated him but Hank isn’t going to blame her for being as much a pawn in Egghead’s scheme as he was.
Trish: “Yes, uncle was like that all of his life. I think he really enjoyed using people.”
And she remembers the first time they met in Marvel Feature #5, where Egghead tried to drain her mind to power his machines. Because. Batteries hadn’t been invented? Because he’s just not happy unless he’s screwing over someone else?
Second one sounds likeliest.
She also remembers the time he car bombed her car but siphoned out most of the gas first.
Trish: “He didn’t want to kill me... only maim me. Nice guy, my uncle.”
Yeah. Its stories like that why its only Trish and Hank also Fred Sloan on a boat at Egghead’s funeral. Yeah, by the way, this is basically Egghead’s funeral.
Fred is only here for Trish.
Hank reacts to Fred so I wondered if he’s important in some way or if Hank recognized him but I checked the wiki and his main importance seems to be... this issue? So I don’t know why Hank reacts to the guy.
So Fred is just here for Trish. Trish is here out of duty, since she was Egghead’s only known family. And Hank is also only here out of duty but more archnemesis ‘can’t believe that asshole is dead and I don’t even get to feel good about it’ duty. I assume.
Hank even gets the honor (?) of laying Egghead to rest. By dumping his ashes into New York harbor.
Mostly because it doesn’t seem like Trish wants to?
So Hank quotes some Mark Twain and dumps the ashes.
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Hank Pym: “‘Death... the only immortal who treats us all alike, whose pity and whose peace and whose refuge are for all -- the soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved.’ Farewell, Egghead.”
Trish: “It’s awful to say this -- but I can’t find it in myself to be sorry. I think I’m glad he’s dead.”
And that’s Egghead’s legacy. Mourned by no one. And his death is only not cheered because the only people that cared feel shitty about feeling glad he’s dead.
ANYWAY, there’s some other loose ends to tie up.
So Hank takes a taxi to the Avengers Mansion and I guess finally explicitly explains why the mansion has seemed to change positions over time?
Hank Pym: “I never thought I’d be coming here again. The place has certainly changed since the day Jan and I met here with Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk to draft the Avengers charter and by-laws. And I still recall the time Iron Man and Thor moved the mansion back from the street to give us more privacy. What a project that was!”
Sounds like a heck of a noodle incident, Hank.
... Why just Thor and Iron Man? Did they... did they literally just shove the mansion back from the street? ... There’s... basements and caves under there. How does that work? That seems like a massive architectural project.
Hank, pls, I need to know more details. You can’t just drop that information and casually stroll away. HANK!
Captain Marvel meets Hank at the door and escorts him inside, captain marveling at how calm Hank is despite everything he’s been through.
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Hank shows up to the Avengers meeting and-
Oh god, She-Hulk looks like she wants to punch the suppressed emotions right out of Jan. She-Hulk, pls.
So, Wasp is super formal, calling Hank Dr. Pym and telling him that they want to use the mento-scan helmet to see if he was under outside influence when he did all the very bad things he did.
All of the Avengers are harboring their own concerns.
She-Hulk: “I’ve read legal briefs that were more informal! She’s cool on the surface, but inside -- ! Jannie, why are you doing this to yourself?!”
Are you guys already at the cute nickname stage of your friendship or is that just the way She-Hulk be?
Cap is worried that this is rough on Jan but that she’s doing what she needs to do as the Avengers chairwoman. But he’s more worried about the absence of Iron Man who is still missing and who ignored three calls to assemble.
Thor is just internally like ‘just do the helmet, my dude.’
Hawkeye is literally biting his lip at the tension.
Hawkeye: “Jan divorced Hank after his last breakdown. If we find out that he wasn’t to blame, what’s it gonna do to the both of ‘em? I hate this! That stupid court hearing was a breeze in comparison.”
Huh, Hawkeye has a point. Even if outside influence is proven, its not as straightforward as Jan and Hank instantly getting back together, no harm no foul. There was harm. And the problems with their relationship were deeper than one incident. But it would also create this possible expectation that they should get back together because the specific incident wasn’t Hank’s fault.
And Captain Marvel is still looking at this from an outsiders’ perspective.
Captain Marvel: “They’re really hurting over this... all of them! They all care so very, very much. If I ever become a fully active Avenger, I pray that I can live up to their example.”
So Hank very calmly agrees to use the helmet. But...
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Hank Pym: “Sorry... no outside influences. It would have changed a lot of things if there had been, wouldn’t it? But no, I made my own mistakes... and I have to live with them.”
Thiiiiis was the best decision for the story arc. It may seem, in retrospect, the worst decision in the long run, but I can respect the story for standing by what it has done and standing by the growth Hank has had as a result of everything that happened.
I think a lot of more modern marvel comics have gone a little wild with letting the heroes do all kinds of dubious things and also die because it can be easily undone. It was a Skrull, they were being mind-controlled, it was an AU Nazi version of them created by a cosmic cube child. Or by giving the hero some big redemptive moment like Iron Man wiping his mind to make up for doing Civil War. Or Iron Man dying to make up for Civil War 2. You can explore whatever scenarios you want without worrying about dealing with the consequences long-term.
But in this era of Marvel, they were concerned with the long-term. Not to say that there weren’t cop-outs back in this day too. But since books were expected to keep going indefinitely instead of being cancelled and relaunched, there’s less of a sense of ‘this thing is only here to play with for a little while.’ If you wrote a thing, another writer was expected to follow up on it.
And I miss that a little.
So not giving a cop-out bullshit thing that undoes Hank’s actions was bad in the long run for his image as a character. But that’s a long way from now problem, exacerbated by writers like Chuck Austin and Mark Millar who wanted to wallow in it.
For an arc where Hank fell from grace and proved himself again, taking ownership of what a garbage fire his life can be was necessary.
One among many reasons I probably won’t like the Crossing when I get to it, haha.
With Hank’s actions proven as being Hank’s actions, Hank says there’s one more loose end that he wants to help tie off.
He wants to participate as witness when the Avengers hold a court of inquiry for Hawkeye killing Egghead.
This comes as an absolute surprise to Hawkeye, who I guess never read the bylaws. Which honestly, is very in-character for him.
But it being brought up, he insists that all he has to do is enter the findings of the state judge and be done with it.
Hank insists he participate though.
Hank Pym: “Hawkeye is faced with charges because he acted in my defense. It’s only right that I act in his.”
So, the Avengers go to the first floor library, which is apparently the court of inquiry room. I feel like we’re suddenly getting a lot of details about the layout of the Avengers Mansion in recent issues.
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So Wasp convenes the court all formal style, so formal style that Hawkeye thinks that stickler Cap(tain America) couldn’t have done a better job. The purpose of the court of inquiry is to determine the validity of the charge of “unreasonable use of deadly force” and determine what if any proper disciplinary action should be taken.
I think Hawkeye is annoyed at having to go through with this (read the bylaws, my dude) because when Wasp asks if he has anything to add to his claim of innocence of the charge, he says he already gave the court copies of the court transcript that cleared him of the same charge, but also decides to speechify a little, because he wasn’t accused of contempt of court enough today.
Hawkeye: “I have already given the chair copies of the transcript of a hearing of the state courts... a hearing which found me not guilty of the same charge. And I have something else to say as well!”
“I don’t deny that my actions caused the death of Egghead. But in no way did I use undue force! I found Hank Pym in mortal danger, and I used the necessary means to save him... period. After all, we are supposed to be the Avengers, right?”
Luckily for Hawkeye, the Avengers are more willing to put up with him than a state court so Jan just goes ‘ok, noted.’
Captain Marvel also has a minor change of heart on Hawkeye. I don’t think we’ve gotten her in-depth feelings on him before (although he did get pissy about her joining the team, we didn’t see her response to that) but she’s impressed because she thought he had more wind than conviction but is seeing that isn’t so. And she’s also impressed by Serious Mode Jan who she thought was kind of flighty.
Captain Monica Marvel seeing all kinds of new sides of the Avengers lately.
Also, this isn’t important and you won’t be able to see what I mean unless I included more caps than I wanted to, but in the panel establishing the court of inquiry, Monica is just standing off to the side. But in the next panel she appears in, she’s moved over to sit on a couch instead.
I think its a framing thing but its still kind of funny to imagine her going ‘wait why am I standing up’ and heading for the comfy couch.
With Hawkeye’s statement given, Wasp invites Hank Pym to speak his piece.
And Hank gets up and gives an entirely unnecessary but probably appreciated defense of Hawkeye.
Hank Pym: “Ladies and gentlemen... I have not always been on the friendliest of terms with Hawkeye. Point of fact, we nearly came to blows a number of times... back in the days when I was an Avenger. But in all the time I’ve known him, Hawkeye has never used undue force.”
“I realize that this inquiry is little more than a formality. I have no doubt that you will find in his behalf. He did, as he said, act only in my defense. Unlike my own recent case before you, there is not the slightest hint of misconduct or negligence. The only thing Hawkeye is guilty of is being a good Avenger.”
“When I last spoke before this body, at my court-martial, I was not in a rational state of mind. I was unfit to be an Avenger. You wisely expelled me. I never expected to speak before you again. And now, I can think of no finer final statement than this... It has been my sincere honor to have known Hawkeye’s fellowship... as it has to have known yours.”
Okay. So. Half a defense of Hawkeye. And half... just a general good-bye and a demonstration that he actually does know how to deliver a defense at a court-martial. Cool.
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I imagine if he had a mic, he would have dropped it.
Probably not, actually. Hank isn’t that exact blend of cool and inconsiderate for a mic drop.
Jarvis intercepts Hank on his way out and asks that he come with him to the second floor study. Jarvis has taken the liberty of gathering up the personal items Hank just kind of left in the mansion and packing them for him.
One suitcase has a bunch of Hank’s clothes that he had stashed in the mansion over the years. Including some wacky ties for wacky tie Fridays and a shirt that Hank had just plumb lost.
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The other suitcase is a spare Yellowjacket outfit. In case Hank ever needs it.
Then Hank and Jarvis shake hands, Hank thanking Jarvis for everything that he’s done for him and the Avengers. He asks Jarvis to take care of himself because he knows he doesn’t have to ask him to take care of the Avengers.
This is a very touching scene. Its so touching that Jarvis excuses himself to go get misty eyed.
This is a Jarvis appreciation blog because I appreciate Jarvis as well.
Then, as Hank heads back down the staircase, he is intercepted by Thor, Captain America, and Hawkeye.
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Yeah, the court of inquiry resolved off-screen because of how forgone a conclusion it was.
The three Avengers basically fall all over themselves to pat Hank on the back. Hank actually looks somewhat panicked by the positive affirmation.
That’s some mixture of funny and sad that I can’t identify.
Hawkeye tells Hank how much he appreciated his unnecessary defense. Thor clasps Hank’s shoulder and tells him he’s a class act, but in Thor-y words. And Cap extends an offer for whatever the Avengers can do to help Hank get back on his feet.
Hank thanks him for the offer but he’s already received an offer from a small research foundation in the Midwest.
Seems like getting exonerated of a treason charge is the best resume of all. That and Hank’s actual impressive resume.
But Cap has some stuff to work out re: Hank because he starts off on the stuff he put on the back burner back in that Ghost Rider issue.
Cap(tain America): “Hank... I know Iron Man would agree, if he were here, that we’re all sorry about the way things worked out. We should have realized the pressures you’d been under, prior to your breakdown. I was group leader at the time! I should have -- !”
Hank Pym: “Hold it right there, Cap! What I did, I did to myself! If I could have admitted that my problems existed... If I’d been willing to open up to you folks... Well, ‘if’ can be a big word sometimes. The fact of the matter is, I screwed up. And you did the only thing you could do! I don’t blame any of you.”
Hank has boarded the personal responsibility train and goddammit he’s riding it to the end of the line!
Good for him. Good clarity for the arc to have in its last issue.
But having started to slightly shout at the Avengers that he’s taking responsibility dammit! (he looks a bit pissed when he’s responding to Cap) Hank awkwardly excuses himself.
Cap tries to stop Hank from leaving because he has reached the bargaining stage of grief, I guess.
Cap: “Hank, wait! It doesn’t have to end like this! We could make a special amendment to the by-laws! We could reinstate you as an Avenger! You could be a special reservist -- !”
Hank: “Thanks, Cap. But no thanks. Trying to play super hero was the biggest mistake I ever made with my life! I was only fooling myself in ever thinking otherwise. But if you ever really think you might need a Yellowjacket again some day...”
He hands Cap the Yellowjacket suitcase.
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Hank: “... Here! All you need is a good man and what’s in this case!”
I would hope, anyway. It’s going to be awkward if he opens it up later and its full of wacky ties.
The funny thing, although not really funny ha ha, is that Yellowjacket is the one codename of Hank’s that never really catches on outside of him.
You have multiple Ant-Men, a couple Goliaths, at least one other Giant-Man. There was a second Yellowjacket, eventually. But she didn’t make a big splash.
Despite Hank’s attempt here to pass the torch, Yellowjacket is a codename that remains inextricably tied to him. Which might be the problem. If there were another, more successful or at least more endearing Yellowjacket, Hank’s infamy in the role would not stand out so much.
She-Hulk and Captain Marvel try next to intercept Hank. They don’t know him very well but they wanted to say their goodbyes too, despite not really knowing him that well.
Its the thought that definitely counts, probably.
But Hawkeye has some social awareness for a change and draws their attention to Wasp who is hanging back, but who clearly wants to talk to Hank.
So the rest of the Avengers quickly vacate to let Hank and Jan finally have closure. Or re-closure. “I want a divorce and to never see you again” is a kind of closure.
The situation has changed, however.
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They both try to apologize to each other and then laugh at the awkwardness.
Hank: “Janet van Dyne, you are one in a million! After all that I put you through, you want to tell me that you’re sorry?”
Wasp: “I think we both made some mistakes along the way, but there were some good times... weren’t there?”
Hank: “Yes. But you can’t base a marriage on just a few good times. I fell for the young lady who reminded me of my first wife... and you thought you’d found the strong, silent hero. But I was never that strong, Jan. You know that now.”
Wasp: “Uh-huh.”
Damn, his prison time really did bring Hank a lot of clarity. That or the pile of therapists Tony kept throwing at him.
Hank also kind of talks over Jan here. Or at least steers the conversation. I don’t know what Jan would have said because Hank tells her that they both have other lives to lead and tells her to take care of herself.
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Maybe its for the best, if, like Cap, she was going to try to shoulder all the blame for Hank’s bad decisions.
Hank walks out the door and finds Trish and Fred from the boat waiting to give him a ride to the airport. And then he is gone.
Like in the final image of the COURT-MARTIAL issue, Jan watches at the window.
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“The last time Henry Pym left these walls, Janet felt like crying... but couldn’t find any tears. Today, at last, she has found the tears... for her former husband... for her team... for herself. Today, there is pain and remorse and release. There will be time enough for joy and hope tomorrow.”
Emotional catharsis can be like that.
In that the book kept going ‘Jan is really holding her emotions in and that’s probably not overall great for her’ its good that she can let it out now.
Kind of laughing at Captain Marvel and She-Hulk who only recently just met Jan being the ones going there there while the men she has known for years are just awkwardly standing in the background.
And that’s the fall and rise of Hank Pym. Apparently collected in trade as The Trial of Yellowjacket, which is a decent enough name too.
Overall, a good arc. That is kind of hampered by the need for filler and a writer change near the end. But honestly, Stern catches the ball and runs with it. He concludes the arc just as good as Shooter would’ve.
This arc is all kinds of iconic for Hank, although, unfortunately, most people are only aware of the beginning and maybe have a hazy understanding of what the ending does.
Although. This is a really good send-off for Hank. A really, really good send-off that would have worked best if he did like he said and quit superheroing forever.
That’s not to be, obviously, not in a perpetual narrative machine like Marvel. But it feels like it could have been and maybe should have been the last word on his character.
I enjoy Hank in Busiek’s Avengers and in Avengers Academy. And also, conceptually, Hank telling Reed “it’s on, bitch.” I very don’t enjoy Ultimate Hank Pym. So its a balancing act. The perfect exit for the character vs but I like some stuff when they brought him back.
After this, Stern gets to move on to his own material. Which he already planted the seeds for in this issue.
That’s a pun.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because of my bad puns. Also like and reblog, if you like to reblog.
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guardiantempest · 5 years
Learning With Manga: Riyo’s Udon Servants
Y’know, for a gag manga, Riyo has put in a lot of thought obscuring his Servant’s identities and giving out only hints throughout the comic’s run. The first three Servants (Rider, Assassin and Berserker) had their biographies spelled out in the print bookbut not their actual names (not that it’s needed, the hints were big enough).
I’m saying Udon Servants because they were apparently made by mixing Udon dough with Grail mud.
Due to the ridiculous amount of images, I’ve added a cut.
EDIT: I posted this without the cut. Oops. EDIT 2: Changed some wordings
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Okay, pastel-colored bunnygirl. No specific identity tied to a rabbit (that I know of) so her appearance is a red herring. Could be anyone at this point.
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Passion for filmmaking. There are a lot of influential movie people throughout history from old to new. At least the set equipment implies a director.
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Severe hatred of Thomas Edison? Well, I guess that narrows it down to more old-timey directors. Back in his time he screwed over a lot of people, including many foreign filmmakers by plagiarizing their works.
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A Trip to the Moon? There’s only one director who has that in his repertoire and that is Georges Méliès. That probably explains her outfit as a the rather-tangential nod to moon rabbits. Her Noble Phantasm is apparently a loooot of her film reels...made out of very volatile nitrate (which destroys Chaldea in the process). She also references older films like Purple Noon when chatting with Olga.
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Okay, woman with a gun, presumably with lingerie? Perhaps she’s a secret agent, or a modernized take on those assassin seductresses. Throughout the comic she’s shown to be adept with information gathering.
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Definitely affiliated with spycraft. I don’t know any woman involved in such line of work (the one female secret agent I know is Nancy Wake, who isn’t). However this is Fate and genderswaps can be a thing. That O&C provides a pretty big hint to her identity. According to Google, it can stand for “Official and Confidential” affiliated with the one and only J. Edgar Hoover. Y’know, now that her identity is revealed in that tweet above, the comic’s art style makes it vague whether she’s really a genderswap or just crossdressing. Yes, the FBI did have a brief history of crossdressing to catch perps. Too bad her Noble Phantasm is practically useless to those who don’t care about keeping secrets.
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It’s kinda funny how Riyo gives all his Servants personality quirks, like Melies’ seething hatred to Edison and occasional lapses to violent solutions. I guess this quirk is meant to be more “gap moe”, kinda like that Yakuza househusband? It’s really endearing. Still, I think Olga scored a keeper. In a standard Grail War she can be pretty useful if deployed correctly (and maybe easier to work with than Mata Hari).
I like her suit, I hope it’s one of her ascensions.
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Woah, she big. There are a lot of significant giants in mythology, and her modernized appearance provides less hints than expected. She ate Nursery Rhyme several pages later and becomes a mainstay in the Children’s Kingdom.
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Keep in mind this is before All the Statesmen event on JP, but that blue ox(?) is a clear indicator to who she is: Paul Bunyan, North American folklore figure. This doesn’t come off as a surprise to us since we already had said event spelling it out for us. Unlike her murderous portrayal in the comic though, in-game she’s a total sweetheart who just wants to help...by terraforming any wild terrain in the name of civilization.
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We first see Lancer impaling Gudako in a comic. The folks in the livestream joked that she’s genderswapped Van Helsing. It seems to make sense, showing that spike. But they clarified that it was a joke so that’s out of the window.
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Something of value? She’s referring to fossils. What about the lightning? It’s a reference to her real life counterpart who survived a lightning strike. That’s right, this woman is Mary Anning! A servant who’s not a genderbend this time!
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Totally a raging lesbian. I’m not sure if that’s historical, a reference to a recent biopic, or merely a personality quirk. Maybe it’s an extrapolation to her network of women. One of her skills (Sea Lily Charisma) does let her attract women to help her out. Her canine companion is very cute, at least.
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She does have a point. As a Lancer she wields giant prehistoric fish. From the speculation I saw on Reddit, I think it might be a reference to a manga/doujin of her being a mage and can summon living counterparts of her fossil. Her Noble Phantasm wasn’t showed because she got tag-teamed by two Sabers before she got to use it.
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A cowgirl! There are quite a few notable wild west legends like Billy the Kid. This one looks like she has animal ears, or just really weird hair. Using a rope and lasso is indicative of “generic cowgirl”, for a Heroic Spirit to wield it means she must be known for using it.
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Coyotes, huh? That pretty confirms it: this cowgirl Archer is Pecos Bill, raised by coyotes and most famous for lassoing a tornado (then riding it). According to the print book, one of her personal skills is Rodeo, which allows her to ride something and not fall off (but it’s in no way similar to the Riding skill). Yeah, being raised by coyotes pretty much translates to coyote animal ears...and feral instincts.
I remember reading on Reddit that one of Bill’s feats is shooting down stars, so that might be why she’s an Archer. Riyo sure is drawing from a lot of western influences.
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Well this is a curveball. The very distinct attire should narrow it down though I don’t know which culture seems most appropriate. While there are more than a few pregnant women in mythologies, the comic clarifies that the real Servant is the unborn baby and the mother is just tagging along.
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Well, that’s certainly something. I remember reading somewhere that back in the old ages, saunas are used instead of hospitals for childbirth in snowy regions of Europe. The unborn Servant has a Courtship skill that causes him to hit on almost every female he comes across.
There are a lot of guesses for his identity, one of which is Väinämöinen. A demigod who spent a very long time in the womb, can speak while in there, and was born an old man. The evidence feels shaky and debate rages on.
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Jesus Christ, Jeanne, what are you doing?! I just added this page because it’s hilarious.
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Mouse maids! A miracle that they survived getting chopped up into bits! It’s rather vague on who they are, guesses include the Rolling Riceball (which is just Benienma’s story) and Ratatouille, funnily enough. Most of their appearances so far is just pandering for Gudako (giving Onigiri, enabling the WiFi, providing Dakimakuras) as an effect of one of their Personal Skills (Servitude).
Their profile says that this isn’t their true form (maybe as a consequence of getting turned to noodles). Their Territory Creation should allow them to make a dreamland and provide anything, but for now all they can make is a good-enough kitchen and onigiri.
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Another Personal Skill is Reproduction, which allows them to rapidly increase their numbers when left alone. Nonstop. This can get out of hand fast. People in the comment section were speculating various rat-related myths, primarily ones with a swarm theme.
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Although it seems the rats are up to something.
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Well that’s terrifying. A guy on Reddit assumed that the mice is connected to Raigo, the accursed monk. I thought it was a very dark take on a folklore/fairy tale, something about mice fattening up someone to eat them.
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Okay, the mallet and the sack is definitely a clue. Apparently that represents Daikokuten, who is frequently portrayed with mice near him. I understand what they were trying to do. All this time they were trying to build up for their true power. A god of good fortune and/or prosperity is not to be messed with, especially if he’s currently incarnating RIyo Gudako as a pseudo-servant.
I think their Modus Operandi is pretty horrifying, yet also makes sense. A Master cannot simply summon a god under normal circumstances but summoning its herald(s) who, in turn, will make way for their patron deity seems totally fair.
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canardroublard · 5 years
A non-exhaustive list of academic-ish articles on film theory that I’d love to write but probably won’t get around to:
Alita: Battle Angel, Avatar, Aliens, Terminator, James Cameron’s broader filmography, and the separation of the self from the body (aka what the hell is this guy’s deal. I need to know)
Alita: Battle Angel, “Strong Female Characters” and how the cure to cinematic misogyny is not having a woman punch people (why we need to deconstruct story structures which promote or condone misogyny and toxic masculinity, rather than simply centering a woman in these story structures)
A related, or possibly the same essay, Alita Battle Angel vs Wonder Woman 2017, or how to write a naïve character without depriving her of agency
And finally, Alita Battle Angel is racist, mostly in typical ways that should be apparent to anyone with decent critical thinking skills, but I could probably circle back to my first topic (separation of self from the body) specifically as it relates to Mahershala Ali’s character and get into some meaty stuff there
The Man From UNCLE as a film which consistently subverts gender tropes and stereotypes, especially surrounding masculinity and the expectations for the male action movie lead, and why this may have contributed to its poor performance with reviewers
Beasts of the Southern Wild - I don’t have any firm theses on this yet, it’s been a few years since I’ve watched it so I’d have to refresh my memory, but probably lots that could be said about the magical realism aspects of the film, and of course racism and classism
Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, and why this film does everything that A Star is Born tried to do, but does it way better and much more interestingly and didn’t make me feel like I’d wasted 2 hours of my life
The Handmaiden - A loooot to talk about here. Power dynamics between Japan and its neighbouring countries (obviously Korea, in this specific case, but that dynamic has parallels within the region) as played out on a personal level, fetishization of queer women (not saying that’s what the movie does, I’d have to rewatch and dig into it more to get a thesis on that). Oh and I am FASCINATED by this film’s use of gaze. And how gaze interacts with architecture and space.
The Circle - Yes, that Emma Watson/Tom Hanks tech company film. It was spectacularly unsuccessful as a film, a story, or really as anything, and I want to deconstruct why it sucked so bad
A non-exhaustive list of other films I’d write about in no particular order
The Favourite
Romeo + Juliet
Wes Anderson I like your films but you are kinda a misogynist (yeah let’s just cover his whole filmography because why not)
Widows (race, relationships, misogyny, and the messy intersection between those three things. Also women’s platonic relationships)
The Red Turtle and why I, a lover of animation, fucking hated it (spoiler: because the male main character, who admittedly has been having a bad time lately but that isn’t a valid excuse imho, acts like a dick and is rewarded for it)
The Beguiled (gaze, power dynamics)
The Florida Project
Annihilation (admittedly first I’d have to understand this mindfuck of a film before writing about it, but if I could get there I’m sure there’s lots to be said)
The Fall (not the Gillian Anderson tv show, the Lee Pace movie)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri (idk if I’d get much further than “it’s racist” but if I were really motivated I might be able to deconstruct that a bit further) Update: wrote the “it’s racist” post. HERE
Dunkirk and perpetuating the myth of White History
Atomic Blonde
Tomb Raider (2018) and why it is at best “two-steps-forward-one-step-back” to give a white woman no romance in a story if by doing so you deprive characters of colour, namely a Chinese man and iirc a black woman, the opportunity to be romantic interests/leads
Beauty and the Beast (Emma Watson version) it’s almost impressive how this film goes out of its way to subvert its own marketing department’s attempts to make it sound feminist
Their Finest - something something war something lesbianism (I’d have to watch this again)
London Road - yes I know no one else saw this film. Even I can concede that “musical about a series of horrific serial killings” is a difficult sell to most people. But it’s a good film. Watch it. There’s lots to talk about here
Home (Dreamworks) which has a surprising amount to say about colonialism for a children’s film
Boy, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, absent parents and the struggle of self-determination for boys coming of age. Or, portrayals of boyhood in the filmography of Taika Waititi
Kill Bill , Strong Female Characters” and how the cure to cinematic misogyny is not having a woman punch people and JFC these films are misogynistic
Anna Karenina is unadaptable as a film so please stop trying to make that happen, everyone, because by trying to cram it into a 2-3 hour movie everyone drops the Levin/Kitty story and without that you lose literally half of the actual story of the book
ETA (29/03/2019) wrote a post at least touching on the basics about racism in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri so I’m crossing that off the list for now.
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moonlightchn · 3 years
R/ Ok ok, so my name does start with R. Since you’ve been so good to me how about this: I’ll give you my name by the end of the week. Is that a deal? The reason for the secrecy? Well, yes, in a way I wanted to remain anonymous because I’m, as you said, well known. But also I just wanted to present a striped down version of myself while putting everything else aside. To make a connection with the raw version of me to see if we click, if that makes sense. LIKE A WORM! I will put in the effort, I promise. Just don’t eat me? Frogs eat worms, don’t they? You could’ve picked a different analogy ㅋㅋ Don’t say that about yourself. I know someone that’s vibing with your energy *cough* me *cough* So please don’t change or tone yourself down. At least not with me.
You have one?! MR. PICKLE! What a fitting name! He really does look like one, that’s so clever. Will he get any bigger? How long have you had him? What’s he eat? Does he get lonely on his own? Do frogs need a companion to be happy? I have so many questions maybe I should save them for another time.
Ok let me sweeten the deal: I’ll give you my name and possibly come out of hiding by the end of the week. Unless you figure out who I am before then. My day has been good so far! I actually have an off day from radio so I’ve been messing around in my studio on a song. It’s alright! Don’t get yourself in a panic ㅠㅠ I eat, drink, and sleep very well! Maybe too much but that’s not what you asked. WATER PRESSURE!? Yes it is all good! No need to fret. Let me ask you those same questions though. Are you taking care too? I gotta run but I’ll be back soon~ 🎧
OWO YES YOUR NAME PLEASEEEE AAAAA EEEEEE !!!!! I WANNA KNOW UWUWUWUWU wait whats the end of the week tomorrow or Sunday 👁👁👁 ILL WAIT ITS OK EEEEE ILL KNOWWWW UWUUU mmmm yes that's ok makes sense, like a blind date 😌😌😌 do you think we've clicked tho? 👀👉🏻👈🏻 JDHDJSJS ANYWORMS frogs eat a loooot of bugs not just WORMS. I think pickle likes locusts the best but I needa cut them in half if they're too big because he's a little silly. I'll train him to eat better 🙄😤 oh? cough you seem to need soup cough EEEEEE IM JOKIN I'm glad you vibin with me... hehe 🥺🙈 EEEEE YES HES A CUTE PICKLE OK HESR ME OUT he's still baby he's a few months old but my bestie got him for me last month for Christmas!!!! so hes just around 30 or 40 grams right now? and he fits in my palm BUT HE CAN GROW UO TO 20 CM CAN YOU BELIEVE!!!! MR PICKLE GONNA BE SO BIGGGG IM SO EXCITED he loves locusts at the moment but as he grows up bigger he can start eating bigger preys too he's a small horned frog and did yoy know they can eat small mice 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️ WILD EEEEEE they're actually v territorial and lonely they don't like friends 😳😳😳 YIU CAN ASK ALL YOU WANT WEEEEE I LOVE THAT!!! oh coming out of HIDING EVEN? IS IT MY BDAY GOOD SIR? EEEEEEE IM SO EXCITED NOWWW I CAN HAVE YOU MEET MR PICKLE IF I KNOW WHO YOU ARE DONT YOU WANNA 🥺🥺🥺 GASP ARE YOU A MUSICIAN TOO??? A PRODUCER??? chan is a producer he doesn't let me close to his consoles because I dropped my juice on them once 🧃🧃🧃 it was v tragic ngl JWJSJWJSJ good good!!! you have to take good care to be all strong and handsome and give fun shows eat well and drink water to cleanse 😌😌😌 I'm doing all good too!!! I have tons of free time and I went grocery shopping- well I didn't GO go but I did online! so they coming today and I'll have CHICKEN WEEEEEE my water pressure is also 100/10 I love that for me because I remember once I showered on my friends house and his pressure was so bad I showered again at home purely out of shower spite JWBEJEBDJD mmmm I don't know what I could ask today 😅 is there anything you wanna share 👀👀👀
0 notes
harocat · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 16, 26
2- Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.: So I’m going to leave out Victuuri since it’s my current OTP. In that case, it’s probably: Zelgadis/Amelia (Slayers), Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha), and USUK (Hetalia). I chose those because I spent the most time in those fandoms out of all of my fandoms, and because of that, they were all really, really influential to my experiences and preferences. I got into ZelAme in early 2000, and it was my first big ship period. I wrote a lot of (bad lol) fic for it, and I think it shaped many of my preferences from then on out. I actually got back into it in around 2013 out of the blue, and I was really active again in the (tiny by that time, of course), Slayers fandom on tumblr. I finally finished reading the novels and met a lot of really great people, most of them who I still talk to and follow. 
In fact, I also still talk to some of the people I met in the Slayers fandom in the early 2000s. Because it coincided with my first convention experiences, I met a lot of them in real life and am still in contact with them. 
After that, I got into Inuyasha like everyone else in the world and was super into InuKag. I did A LOT in this fandom and was really active in it for about six years. In the last few years I’d participate in other fandoms as well, but I always had one foot in the Inuyasha fandom. 
The Inuyasha fandom was my first time experiencing a really huge fandom. Though Slayers was decently big in the early 2000s, it had nothing on Inuyasha, which was ridiculously large. It was also, to this day, probably the most toxic fandom I’ve ever been in. The ship wars and character bashing were like nothing I’ve ever seen, and fans were constantly harassed and basically had the 2005 version of ‘doxxed’ done to them (including myself and some close friends). 
But I did love the series a lot (even when the manga started going downhill), and the dynamic of the pairing was very appealing to me. I think this is the first time I started really delving deep and analyzing a canon; characters, dynamics, etc. I wrote a loooot of meta for this series. 
I don’t still know as many people from the IY fandom, but I think it’s because it WAS so toxic. Also I was always so unnerved, even back then, by how many fans were so, so obsessed with Inuyasha and Kagome’s sex lives. They’re kids!! Yet half of fandom was adults who would just not shut up about it and about how sexy Inuyasha (who was fifteen before the end of the manga, mind), was. 
I do have several people I met through it though that I still talk to though, including @regularcelery who spends like a month visiting our place every year, and @of-rassilon who after fourteen years we are FINALLY going to meet later this year. 
Lastly is USUK from Hetalia. Believe it or not, despite the fandom’s bad reputation, this was so much more laid back an experience than Inuyasha. This was the fandom I was probably the closest to a BNF (lol) in. @abarero and I ran the livejournal community, which had upwards of about 8K members at its peak. We did a TON of projects, and one time the members of the comm were even sweet enough to organize this huge fan book full of fanart, fic, and letters from them and send it to us as a gift. We still have it and treasure it. 
I also wrote a very popular fic that I was quite fond of, called You Can’t Take the Sky from Me, which was wild to me because I’d only had one fic before that I would argue was legitimately popular, and it’s a fic I’d grown to hate pretty quickly after writing it (an Inuyasha fic, and not for any reason but… it was bad). It was nice to have people like something I worked hard on and that I also really loved. People were so good with feedback during the time LJ was really big, and they always gave such wonderful comments. 
Basically, even when the fandom was really rotten, there were a lot of very nice, supportive people there for us so we were okay. I’d never written near as much fic for a pairing as I did for them. 
USUK was the first m/m pairing I was ever really into. I don’t know exactly what drew me to them (the potential of their dynamic, the history between them, the way they really just… clicked?? IDK). I had shipped other m/m pairings before, but never to the point it was THE otp. 
So yeah, there’s that answer. 
3- What’s your current OTP?: VICTUURI of course. ❤️❤️
4- What’s your current NOTP?: Yuuri///Yurio and Victor///Yurio. 
16- Talk about a ship you initially disliked.: This is hard. I’m generally either neutral on a ship then start to like it, or I just dislike it/like it from early on. ‘Dislike’ might be a strong word, but I remember being really wary and having sort of negative feelings toward Mari/Moe in Samurai Flamenco at first. Moe was so devoted, but Mari was really flippant and rather uncaring, and it felt like a really unhealthy, unbalanced dynamic. But then the series had character arcs that actually addressed these issues and solved them, so yay for that. By the end of the series I really liked the ship. 
26- Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?: I think I definitely have things that ping me, but they tend to be more in characters than ships. That being said, ‘home as a person, not a place’, is something that ALWAYS gets me in ships. Bickering to a degree can be cute, but sometimes a ship is so combative that it’s hard to see any actual fondness between the two, and that’s a turnoff for me. It’s vague, but I just like chemistry and compatibility and pairings where I think the two will be genuinely happy together. /shrug 
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rosenmarille · 7 years
rosenmarille’s embroidery tutorial
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hey anon you made my entire week and i love you
Let me preface this by saying that I’m in no way an expert and I’ve literally only been doing this for less than a month, so most of what I do is making it up as I go along. hopefully you find my tips helpful though!! <3
I wasnt sure which part you wanted to know about so i made a rundown of everything from start to end
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1) List of things you’ll need:
Embroidery frame (I just went to the nearest crafts store and got them in two sizes. Theyre quite cheap and sometimes also come in plastic or different shapes)
Fabric (the less stretchy the better, though if youre planning to decorate clothing I think it really depends on how determined you are. what ive got here is some leftover polyester fabric from cosplay and other sewing projects. you can even sew different pieces together if one isnt big enough for the frame but in that case you need to iron the sewed piece flat or else it will be very difficult to keep straight and neat)
Embroidery yarn (see pic) (theres two types, and ive only used pearl yarn (top) so far but the other one allows for more precision since you can pick how many strands of yarn you need)
Needle (see pic) (properly pointy, not like the crappy one above. I mainly use that for crochet things because it actually bends and that’s NOT what you want here)
Scissors and a pencil
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2) Sketch: Pick an image of what you want to do. I’ve found that at first, practicing with basic shapes and colours is a lot easier to get used to the whole thing, it helps give you a feel of how the yarn ends up looking stitched to the fabric. So far I almost only did screenshots, and I didn’t have to draw something up myself. In mobs case, I based it off a doodle I did in class and added a little colour to it 
3) Pick fabric and yarn: That’s mainly up to you, depends on what youre going for, but as a fair warning, very light fabric colours will show the stitches and leftover yarn from behind, so you need to tuck them behind the main body of your embroidery later on
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4) Apply to fabric: 2 ways, both pretty much self explanatory, only heres where the stretchiness of the fabric comes into play. As you can see ive developed a fool proof technique, ive had tape stuck to the top of my laptop for weeks now, im not about to waste it? (use more than one tape, this is an old pic i took because the concept was hilarious in the moment) Pro tip: don’t draw your sketch on paper advertising dnd game sets because youre gonna have a hard time seeing the pattern through everything and youll curse yourself for doing that instead of paying attention in class  Pro tip 2: dark fabrics demand a white colour pencil, you literally wont be able to see anything else
5) Stitches: heres a LINK to the page I use to find all the different stitches I could possibly use. Practice makes perfect, i spent about two hours trying each of these out on an irrelevant piece of fabric to see how theyd work and how difficult they are, and still use that bit as ref to consider how a stitch would look on my current piece. Of these, ive only used about three in my finished broids, since theyre mostly for decorative things I think. Don’t let that stop you though, get creative and use the things im too lazy to incorporate!! (ill be using these terms for the rest of the tutorial, so if you dont know a word its probably in there)
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6) Outlines/shading: Start by outlining your sketch with a few backstitches to get a feel for where everything needs to be. If theres shading then itd be useful to do those lines in the other colour already, or youre going to have to fix all that later and itll be a huge pain and make you want to stop altogether. It happens
Im not sure if that’s how its supposed to work but I fill in the shades first, it gives me a good sense of what direction the main colour stitches need to go to make it look dynamic.
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7) Fill in mains: This is where all those handy dandy stitches from that library probably wont help you too much if you want to do something relatively simple. Ive only used normal satin stitches to fill in colour so far, though what the link doesn’t mention is that it wastes a shitton of yarn. Yarn is expensive, so what you can do is come up for point 3 not back next to 1 but instead next to 2. Warning: that does warp the way the yarn lies though, so use that one accordingly (for example: I do Not use it when doing small delicate places, or things that need to be detailed in general)
Mob was fairly simple as far as that went since i didnt add a lot of pattern, but ritsu is a little more complicated. Like i said earlier, adding shade before the main colour helps because now i know where the folds in his clothes are and how the fabric would bend to accommodate it.
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8) Add details (like faces!):
Again, here I cant tell you exactly how you need to stitch to get everything looking good, just try to follow the way a face has its dynamics. Is it a long face, make lots of long vertical stitches, is it a round one, try to stick to the edges (but don’t spiral)
Facial features are a little more difficult because its hard to make a round nub or dots for pupils on something very small but its better to try 5 times and get it right the 6th instead of leaving the 1st try (i took ritsus entire face apart at least 3 times and t b q h i still think it doesnt look good but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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9) Background: Get real fancy on that shit, heres where you can try out those cool rose shaped stitches from up there in the link, go wild lol
10) Lastly: PATIENCE
I cant stress this enough, this WILL take a loooot of time, the first ritsu I did took me a literal week, while the second one took me roughly four hours in total (and that was a rather simple design). 
Accept the fact that it wont look as good as you imagined it. That may sound harsh but for me that’s been my main issue, imagining how a string would lie exactly and then looking on in disgust when that doesn’t work out. You’re not drawing, the medium doesn’t exactly translate, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Try to figure out what methods work best for embroidery exclusively. 
Don’t be afraid to undo, be careful about it though. I use those big scissors and it’s a bad idea, don’t do that. Unpicking from the back to save the yarn also works but it gets difficult (and at some point impossible) once the strands start getting woven together on their own
And there you have it, a finished piece of embroidery!! 
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You can now either hang it up in its frame and cut away the excess fabric at the sides or tie it around a piece of cardboard like so. it’s a little hard to get right at first but practice amiright
I hope i could be of help!! if you have any more questions feel free to come to my ask anytime!! ^^ <33 
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chronicrow · 7 years
holy shit.... you are... evil???((jk I love you))HERE WE GO1) When was your first kiss?Like a few months ago haha 2) How old are you? 153) Three places you want to travel?Paris, Alaska( to see the Iditarod ), and Hawaii 4) A language I wish I could speak?Italian! It just seems like such a fun language 5) Favorite makeup brands?Wet n’ Wild because they’re cruelty- free and also really cheap! And for the price, they’re not bad quality either 6) Indoors or outdoors?Outdoors. Because. Plants. 7) Do you play any instruments?Unfortunately  no, I used to play the flute and that’s pretty much it8) Favorite songs at the moment?The other side of Paradise- glass animals Smells like content - the booksIt’s okay, I wouldn’t remember me either- Crywank 9) Favorite songs for life?Creep- radioheadRainbow connectionhow big how blue how beautiful- florence + the machine 10) Zodiac sign?leo!11) The beach or the pool?if its a smaller, secluded pool I’d choose that, otherwise the beach but only very early in the morning and late at night ...can you tell I like to stay away from ppl lol12) What’s your most popular post?I honestly don’t know, maybe one of my earlier art posts?13) Books or movies?Books. Every. time. 14) Manga or anime?I’m not much into either but I’ve read only like 1 manga so I’d haveta say anime15) Favorite movies? Most of the Star Wars movies, Howl’s moving castle, It’s a wonderful life, Coraline16) Favorite books?Coraline again, the princess bride, All the bright places17) Favorite manga?uhhmmm skip18) Favorite anime?Madoka Magica 19) Favorite subject?English, I have  pretty rad teacher 20) Any pets?My lovely cat and my chinchilla! (who hates me)21) When and why did you start your blog?about a year ago, because I was honestly just bored and I was fandom trash, and a cringy child 22) Ideal weather?Rainstorm in summertime!!bonus if there’s lighting and thunder, or v strong winds 23) Four words that describe you?A Failure At Life 24) Stressors? school in general, large crowds, too much noise, drama, too much light, pitch dark in a somewhat large space 25) Favorite kind of music?Depressing but chill 26)  Favorite brands of candy?Skittles bc they’re gay, dubble bubble gum, Hershey's dark chocolate, sour patch kids 27) A card game you’re good at?uhm. I don’t know many so Go Fish bc I won’t hesitate to turn on a binch 28) Do you eat breakfast?oh hell yea29) Turn ons?being Loved and Supported30) Turn offs? awkwardness31) how do you relax?I doodle stupid shit, eat cereal, go on netflix, scroll through aesthetic photos 32) A popular book you haven’t read yet?The Fault in our stars... I’m honestly just too stubborn to read it lol 33) Do you like sweaters?OH HELL YEA34) Do you drink tea or coffee?I drink a loooot of tea so35) An instrument I wish I could play?guitar for sure. it’s just. so cool??36) have you ever laughed so hard you cried?For sure 36) A new feature you wish tumblr had?side blogs that weren’t screwy and post on the wrong blog 90% of the time 37) Favorite blogs?@sapphiccosmology, @thestorieswelltell, @angelballato, @washedsmudges, @areafivefootone38) Favorite mean girls quote? Boo, you whore39) what color are your nails rn?natural40) Have you ever been confessed to?quite a lot, actually 41) Have you ever had a crush on someone?yep42)  Do you take naps?I think I’m just. physically incapable of it so no43) the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?o b s e s s e d over a “crush” in 7th grade, it was real weird, I never talked to him but I cried at his pic in the yearbook lol 44) Do you like sushi?I love sushi!!!45) where do you want to be right now?In the aquarium 46) Do you wear glasses?nope47) favorite flavors of ice cream?black cherry, mint choc. chip, cookie dough 
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glutamines · 7 years
biyomon replied to your post “if you like those songs.......YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO LARC EN CIEL THEYRE...”
i never really got into v kei honestly i appreciate it though…i’ve listened to the gazette a little bit and i’ve seen a lot of malice mizer videos cuz i like Gackt a lot. i’ve also read a loooot about x japan but not really listened to their music i just think they’re super interesting (and technically laruku got their start as visual kei but it wasn’t really the metal side of the movement so idk how much you would have listened to them anyhow
I TRULY DONT HAVE A FAV i love hyde he was the first member i learned about and then i was a tetsuya stan because he. throws bananas into the crowd during performances. then i was a ken stan cuz i watched a lot of interviews with him and he’s hilarious…then i was a yukihiro stan cuz he’s really under-appreciated and i relate to him a lil…….LONG STORY SHORT THEYRE ALL GREAT I just mostly talk about hyde bc there’s a lot of content for him cuz he’s so popular also today is his birthday! 
I LOVE GACKT SO MUCH fuck, thats also probably why gakupo is my absolute favourite vocaloid...... that and hes Purple...... i was absolutely into the edgy metal shit and wild fashion which is probably why ive heard of l’arc but never actually listened to them in depth, i appreciate their aesthetic tho; its a more hip ojii-san style now esp the guy with the facial hair ghdgfhsg
TESTUYA IS OFFICIALLY MY FAV but why?? why bananas of all things? (king of all fruits maybe but it sure would fucking hurt to be whacked on the head by one), a quick google search revealed that ken is the facial hair old man but that only makes my classification of him as a cool old man stronger
THIS IS A GOOD CONVERSATION, your l’arc reblogs and commentary are endearing and its nice to talk with you about your interest/our common knowledge of visual kei!!
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