#they are not okay
victheclown · 7 months
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Stationary Locked
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An AU where Olly strives for more than just getting rid of all Toads.... And where he will use any means to achieve this.
(Story and Explanations under cut. Mind the tags for any potentially uspetting content, I'll try to tag it best I can.)
Stationary Locked starts very normal, like the actual game, with the only difference at the very beginning seemingly that Olivia gets folded a little later on. We will get to her later though....
Olly had put his original plan into motion. He was going to refold everything, getting rid of those who he believes wronged him, folding the world to his own mercy... And he was going to create his own Legionary to help him with this, using the tools of this own creator. And so, the Legion of Stationary came to be, brought to life and tasked with guarding the streamers. He knew someone would be coming for him soon. And he was not going to make it easy for him to get to him.
Shortly after he made the Mushroom Kingdom's castle his own, he folded who would be his knight, the one to follow him and his orders until the end... Olivia. Folding her with equal rage to make sure she UNDERSTOOD her task and would not back out. She was tasked to bring him paper beings, which would be refolded for his own army. And she did as she was told. She had no choice really - this was what she was made for herself. And a knight should follow their kings orders after all.
It was all going by plan. But it didn't feel like enough. He... Wanted more. Getting back at those Toads wasn't enough, he wanted the world to fold and bend before his mercy, He didn't just want to be a king... He wanted to be an emperor to all that paper had ever known.
... And when he noticed approaching threats, his trust in his Legion began to falter. Would they truly be up to their task? With how... Laughably not serious some of them were about this? No, this wasn't going to end the way he wanted, all because they failed to do their task properly, failed to use their powers to its fullest.
So what do you do when you don't have faith in your Legion? But you couldn't possibly get rid of them either, because even if incompetent, they still HAD power... Power that could be used through other means...
... Through his own means.
Using his only Legionary he knew would follow his orders to a letter - a Stapler - he crafted origami cages, one for each. And to make extra sure they wouldn't try to defy their own fate... The Stapler was tasked with reinforcing these cages. They would not be escaping this on his watch. They were his Legion, and he was going to bring out the fullest potential in them, and he was free to do so.
And once all preparations were said and done... He paid them all a visit. One by one.
Most of them hadn't had a single clue what was coming for them. A single deadly pierce of the sword was enough to force them into their Stationary Forms. That would make it most convenient to keep them around.
It was easy... Up until the end. By the last two, they have started to cast suspicion around their missing teammates already. And it seems at least his Lieutenant was able to prove some bit of competence... He figured out fast what his plan was, and for the sake of his team, his Legion, his friends... He could not let it keep going. And even if it meant going against his creator, and his very duty.... He was going to fight.
Because after all... Scissors always beats paper... Right?
... It was a single stupid mistake that caused him to not pay attention to his incoming attack. And then, it was all over. That was the last of them. With the Legion back in his hands, he instead put Folded Soldiers to the task of protecting the streamers. To any visiting adventurers, these areas now just felt... Off, and like someone else was supposed to be here. Now it was just... Something that was there, but no longer felt right. Something was missing.
But by this point, our Emperor had found that these Stationaries were indeed capable of so much more... But that also HE was capable of so much more. And it was as simple as magically linking himself to them... To simply fold into their form, to use their powers that way. It was so easy, but he felt so... Powerful. And the Legion was doing great too, encased in their new homes... If you watched closely, upon every use of one of their powers, it looks like cracks would form on the Stationary... But it wasn't concerning. Not concerning for Olly to rethink this at least.
They had their place now, with their Emperor, who would put their powers to good use, and put an end to whoever would try and oppose their new ruler.
The time for a new world, with a new ruler, using new tactics... Starts now.
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notquitedeadpod · 7 months
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 year
Draw the little dead people in your computer
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This is Team H3-LP, AKA the StoryBots living in MY computer. You see, my computer is physically broken but still works really well, so my sister and I thought, what would the StoryBots living in there look like?
Since my computer is less then okay, I thought it would be funny if it’s practically the apocalypse in there. Because I have a lot of viruses in my computer lmao.
Bios and world lore below
Team H3-LP is one of the Helper Teams during The Great War. The war is StoryBots vs. A virus that has spread through the computer. This war was caused by The Breakout, which little information is known about it. One of the main point of TGW is The Screen Split. Half of the facility was broken apart, leaving a black void in-between them.
All hope was lost until The Monitor was added. The Monitor was a monitor that was installed in the computer, giving the StoryBots a crazy advantage with more StoryBots and the Virus Police. The Virus Police are groups of StoryBots that were trained to exterminate viruses. Their actions worked and the remaining viruses went into hiding.
Computer StoryBots are kinda rude to Monitor StoryBots, because they had an easy life. MonitorBots are more optimistic and we’re sent to repair the facility. ComputerBots have been fight to survive every since The Breakout happened, which gave them a pessimistic outlook on life.
The war practically broke the facility, which split every department. Every team in The Great War is a mismatch of various StoryBots from different departments.
The characters:
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So yeah, they’re a little quirky 🤗🤗
If you guys like this world and characters I might or might not open an ask blog with them I don’t knoww
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opinions on michael being a nasty little freak? a hideous disgrace to society? thoughts? prayers even?
That is the correct view of him
He's a goddamn weirdo. Without my Charlie my Michael would probably cry on the floor forever. He hates his body he hates the way he is he hates that he wasted the little bit of life he had he just hates everything
Except when Charlie is around and they're watching a movie together then life is good. Charlie and his cat are literally the only 2 things in the universe that will probably ever love him or treat him like a person. So he puts as much effort into loving them back
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delusionalblfan · 1 year
Punch me hard so I start caring about something else and stop feeling this much and this hard about Ray and Sand. Please. I'm not okay.
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mary-saccharine · 2 years
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very old drawing but I fixed stuff
dumb name lol dkdkzkzk aaa
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allhailthepandicorn · 7 months
being a teenager is weird because you can't AVOID the unnecessary stress/trauma, but you also can't deal with it. So basically high school is a bunch of people pretending they're okay when they aren't and the one who pretends the best wins nothing but tricking other people. If okay were a place nobody in a high school would be there. Everyone would be so far from it the curvature of the Earth obscures the view.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
Oliver stuck his hand in a pot of chili while it was still boiling(??)
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calmboyl · 1 year
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sassenach082 · 2 years
could we possibly get the next chapter this week?
My work life has completely combusted, blasted apart, shattered into a million pieces, you could even say. It's been super fun (sarcasm)
Wouldn't expect it soon, nonnie, I'm so exhausted when I get home I mostly eat and then pass out
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charlescherie · 2 years
the way i saw the vid from rica's twt and the first thing i saw was THIS .............
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spoodercat · 1 year
No other experience is quite like going to an amusement park 2~3 hours away and your friend saying that she wants to be pissed on by a stone gargoyle
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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inkskinned · 4 months
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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dredsina · 4 months
Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.
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mintjaan · 2 months
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When you choose "I'm bald" on a poll this is what you're saying
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