#i have a soft spot for characters who dont shut up and are funny.
lizaluvsthis · 5 months
To where you needed an alternative title, "Boopkins needs some Rizz"
Person: Hey L- *gets crushed by a piano*
HGG OKAY.... SO... first off I just WOKE up. And our usual spot again is that the coffee shop keeps appearing in the episodes.
(Cough- Brewing Romance is still on the line so when you keep seeing the coffee shop getting shown by the episodes, you'll be darned to not stop thinking about Brewing Romance...)
Three and kaizo are shown, which made it very clear that some of us headcanon three as an uncle and kaizo as the nephew XD
So boopkins has a date with this famous girl and three helps boopkins get his rizz in order to achieve his restaurant getting popular.
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TELL ME THIS IS A COINCIDENCEEEEE *shakes the person who put it there on purpose*
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I noticed the igloo...
... LUKE- LUKEEEEEEE????????????
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There is just no way... @shygirl4991 SHAY... SHAYYYYYYY?????? THEY KNOW.... THEY'VE SEEN...
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Thus... the western hat worn by four still remains there...
I somehow found this one very interesting, I mean- I wouldnt be a shock if it's miku already. Since somehow it's boopkins, and the girl he'd been the one to date are something from fictional stuffs. I never guessed miku but I guessed that it was some anime related.
Then we get- to see this...its a side to side comparisson of how four and three act alot like this when they needed something.
Here comes the begging strategy... so if you put two and two together, they ended up giving them what they wanted with the same "fine" to make that person shut up.
This also leads to how three is never that much aware that his actions in public is drawn attention that he is less destructful and is in his soft side.
Like how he did the same in SMG4 during that time before they both got stuck on an elevator? Three gave him a chance to stop his whining ass. Like he didn't even argue or straight up complained to the blue man, he just basically gave him what he wanted.
This portrays the same thing Miku does as she goes back and returns to the date she has with boopkins.
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It'd be a shock if I were to say I weren't that much very cultured on anime stuff but Umaru used to be my favorite childhood show.
Its funny that miku has interests on being a fan of other animes since again- miku is a vocaloid character who sings songs out on public.
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When boopkins gave out his moral lesson about "just you being you" and "you dont have to change who you are even tho you're not that much of a gigachad" or sh-t
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Because we have three- WHO IS DEFINITELY DONE WITH HIS CRAP- I wouldn't be suprised to this honestly- we already know how SMG3 reacts when boopkins is there, and even with those comments about how he has beef with him about "boopkins bein a loser, he really thinks he's part of the crew"
We pretty much understand how Three isn't a much fan on fiction anime stuff or is even a weeb. Just by looks of Boopkins, he's the one who shows as an openly hearted and a very generous, loyal, kindest creature to have.
But three thinks it's a sh-t because no one else is perfect and that this doesnt matter too much at all to him since EVERYONE is broken enough already.
Which defines him as the emo person in question:
"What the hell is the meaning of life, when you know nothing ever changes shit with where we all still suffered?"
Three is just so desparate enough to run his business and would literally want its popularity get expanded for newcomers to try and welcome themselves from the cafe, mostly enough he'd do anything and EVERYTHING with this power.
That calls out for another hyperfixation.
I never have much to say in this but I somehow found the episode a bit on the neutral side between good or bad-
The episode is... well.... i dunno- interesting, but somehow with attempts on making boopkins "uncharacterize" himself to be a rizzler is weird, but this definitely shows why boopkins doesnt have that kind of rizz SMG3 has.
... *suddenly remembers SMG4 singing that gyatt to rizzler song*
A-anyway- again- my point stands out that Three definitely haz rizz, and Four definitely is lying to the fact that he says he 'doesnt' during the elevator episode.
I'd think about wanting to put Three on a rizz attempt on four still XD (people are gonna go crazy on this)
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legendarybelmont · 1 year
To reciprocate, a four-whammy: Hector, Isaac, Barok and Klimt for the character bingo <3 (and Isaactor if you want to lmao)
oh wow another four whammy. luckily for you im physically incapable of shutting up
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first of all, hector! he is very neat! in a similar category for me as sypha i think, which is "very awesome but i dont think about them too hard" however i have read all your thoughts on him and they are also cool so i will label him Good Character. no need to explain lack of fandom trust on the cod boys (thats what flanderisation is for also, netflix)
i find funny the idea of him being sort of like trevors unwilling sidekick in dynamic, forcibly added to the friend group after curse of darkness and sadly unable to escape 😔
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isaac! i also dont think about him very hard but he is a fun villain and hilariously down bad for dracula so definitely carrying the underrated cv villain scene. also he sweeps netflix isaac, obviously. what a chad tbh i can get behind an unapologetic manwhore of such a calibre
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barok... i STILL need to replay tgaa but barok is so fucking cool!! hes tied with godot for my favourite prosecutor (godot being my favourite main series aa character) and i love his silly ass courtroom animations... also I LOVE FLAWED CHARACTERS YES KING BE OBVIOUSLY IMPERFECT AND IN NEED OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT GO GET THAT CHARACTER ARC!!! literally did nothing wrong except for all the racism ig but once again WOOO FLAWED CHARACTERS
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KLIMT YAAAAY I LOVE KLIMT HES MY FAVOURITE TGAA CHARACTER (she says about the character who died 10 years before the games and has only implications, words from others and a will for his personality). i love him so much hes such a failgirl i think he deserved to commit even more murder honestly. also the fact that everyone was completely willing to believe he fucking ate a ring just straight up. how obviously insane was he. how bad was he at acting like he wasnt violently unstable... also my soft spot for prequel generation tier characters helps place him high in my books (you know, like mia and diego / girouette mmzx / etc etc, that kind of character)
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isaactor i dont have many thoughts on that could go in the bingo so i straight up just did isaac/trevor instead. im sorry
ISAAC/TREVOR not actually something i ship, because i instead prefer to use all of the material to further my trevor angst agenda (im simply built different u know). BUT i can absolutely see why people like it + the obvious implications for it, + maybe if i read it and it was well written i would get on board...
- hot in theory is a question mark because im not actually attracted to men but i can see why someone who is would find it hot, hypothetically?
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scramble-crossing · 11 months
for the Ntwewy ask game-- 5, 10, 20!
5. Top 3 boss fights
3. Big Fucking Monkey. Or whatever that boss from W1D2 is called. It's not a particularly interesting or memorable boss, but I have a soft spot for it. I love W1 very very much and it holds a special place in my heart, and because I started with neo, BFM was one of my first twewy boss fights ever and I just found everything about it so charming, from the goofiness of getting to it via Rindo pounding his chest and screaming to the cute battle dialogue (Sho: My advice? Don't get caught -> said as Fret is is being shaken like a baby rattle). Gives me the warm and fuzzies yknow.
2. Leo Cantus. Ngl the first time I ever fought him I was wincing so hard. I was SO SAD that my beloved cat bastard had finally shown up after I'd pined after him for two weeks just so that I could beat him into the pavement. But since then I have grown as a person and as a Sho fan. Now I think beating him up is extremely funny.
1. Motoi. I love everything about this fight. The silly little pose he does with his laptop and his salute. The fact that he has the gall to start a GoFundMe when he can't even wreck a hoard of children on his own. The awkward little scattering of the two pathetic Purehearts he managed to call in before I shut him down. Beautiful. Also I'm not good at games and it's easy.
10. Who has the biggest glow-up with their Neo design? + Who wore it worst?
Uzuki. Uzuki beyond even a shred of doubt. Although it feels a little like cheating because anything would've topped that first design. But I also think that her redesign, out of everyone's, best reflects the growth she underwent in the three year period between og twewy and neo. She's the character who most visibly "grew up" and I think that means a lot for how immature she acted when she was younger. She's finally come into herself as an adult and a leader, and her suit reflects that.
Also, I like to think that her suit is a bit tight and stiff in early neo, but becomes more disheveled as the weeks wear on until she finally loosens her collar and rolls up her sleeves when it's time to put aside her pride and save Shibuya. Symbolism.
As for the worst...I'd say Shiki. I like her colours and I don't actually mind that she's not decked out in Gatto Nero because I think it's funnier that way, but there's something just slightly off about it. A smidge too plain. I think it's the shirt dress.
20. Did you have any theories that turned out to be true? Which do you wish came true?
LONG SUFFERING SIGH. I dont normally theorize. I'm usually just along for the ride. But when it came to neo I really thought I had it figured out. I've talked about this before in a post that's...somewhere now, but my main theory was that the big climax of the game would be a final Scramble Slam between the Shibuya and Shinjuku Reapers for the fate of the city. AND IM STILL MAD THAT DIDNT HAPPEN!! You introduce a TURF WAR sidemission in a story about OUTSIDERS TAKING OVER CONTROL OF THE PROTAGONIST'S TOWN and you NEVER make that relevant to the actual plotline??? Hello????
I also thought that Sho would be involved in it somehow. I was fresh out of the anime with Hanekoma saying that he'd banked on Sho's affection for Shibuya as a backup in case Neku failed, so I'd assumed he would pissed about the Shinjuku Reapers encroaching on his territory. But that never gets brought up. Ever. That could have been a fun NEW thing for him to do instead of the Same Old Shit As Always but I guess that's fine too. It's fine.
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*throws this across the room at a high speed* HEY @giant-tiny-squid WE GOT A GIFT FOR YOU >:D
(also @mcyt-gt-events bc we need that one too)
okay so like. we had so much trouble deciding which of your prompts to do. seriously it's not even funny we love both of these so much! we ended up settling on this one, though; After all the manhunts, Dream and the hunters need a bit of a vacation, so they decide to take a break. However, after a mishap where someone ends up shrunk (you decide who ;)), the vacation turns into a journey to keep the shrunken person (or people, if you wanna shrink multiple) safe and return them back to their normal size
this. ended up being less of a vacation for the hunters than they previously thought :)
dream was still worried abt them though, he did what he did to keep them safe but his instincts started acting up 😔
also just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this community for unintentionally giving us the motivation to write for it again. seriously we probably wouldn't have joined this event without realizing that “hey, we’re not alone, other people do enjoy this content.”
thank you, everyone. seriously. sorry for the sappy shit we just wanted to say that hsbfjdf
CHARACTERS USED: (we wanted to add this bit for which set of hunters we’re using!) G!Dream with T!Sapnap and George (the classic >:))
TW’s: Safe/soft noms (we couldn't help it lmfao), mouthplay, unintentional fearplay (these two just come with the pred!dream package tho), swearing
Word Count: 1315!
We hope you enjoy it!~
(again, noms under the cut!!! dont like dont read, but we dont wanna hear it if you decide to read it <3)
This was bad.
This was really bad.
Dream, Sapnap, and George had decided “Hey! Let’s take a break from the manhunts, just as a little vacation,” but it seemed the gods above had other plans. Currently, the trio was back to back in a cave, surrounded by mobs. “I knew we should’ve brought weapons with us...” “You guys would’ve tried to kill me!” “Guys, please just shut up, we don’t have time to deal with this!” George interrupted Sapnap and Dream’s bickering, cracking his knuckles. “We’re getting out of here, even if it means a fistfight.” “That’s a horrible idea, but it might work. Don’t get yourselves killed,” Dream muttered, before throwing a punch at a zombie approaching him, his eyes narrowing as he heard the cackle of a witch. That’s when he heard a splash potion being thrown. 
Dream rolled out of the way just before the potion could hit him, his eyes widening as it caught Sapnap and George in the chaos. “Sap, George, no!” Dream tensed as he realized he couldn’t see the hunters when the dust settled, looking around before noticing the mobs approaching an empty spot on the ground. He fought his way through them, diving down and scooping Sapnap and George up- both of the hunters now being tiny- before any mobs could get to them, his pupils narrowing into slits as a rush of instincts began to cloud his senses.
Sapnap couldn’t hold back a cry of fear as giant hands wrapped around him and George, squirming slightly before he realized it was just Dream who had picked them up, taking a sharp breath as he reminded himself that they had a truce. He looked up, his heart rate quickening as he noticed Dream’s slitted pupils. “He’s running on instincts-” Sapnap looked over at George, who shared his fearful expression. “Oh gods- You don’t mean-” George trailed off as Sapnap nodded quickly, yelping out as he was lifted. “George, NO!” Sapnap shouted as he looked up to see George squirming as he was held in front of Dream’s mouth, his eyes widening as he watched his friend get slipped inside. 
George squirmed and struggled as he was lifted towards Dream’s mouth, yelping out in shock as he was slipped inside. He grimaced, squirming more as Dream’s tongue wrapped around him to prevent him from escaping. “DREAM! Snap out of it!” George shouted, sputtering as his friend’s tongue swiped across his face. George paled as he felt his legs slip into Dream’s throat as the comparatively giant man began to swallow him, struggling in an attempt to get out, reaching out to try and grab on to something as Dream swallowed again. George’s eyes widened as he felt a hand meet his, barely able to catch Sapnap’s eyes before he had to jam his own eyes shut, being dragged further into Dream’s body.
Sapnap grimaced as he struggled to turn himself around, gripping George’s hand as he tried to pull his friend back out of Dream’s throat, yelping when he was pulled down as well. He muttered a curse under his breath as he neared Dream’s esophagus, aiming a kick at the back of his throat and grinning as he caused Dream to cough George back up a bit, moving to wrap his arms around him. “We’re gonna be okay, I know we will.” Sapnap couldn’t explain why he felt that way about the situation. Of course, that didn’t stop the instinctual fear he felt as he and George were swallowed down, pressed against each other without a means of escape as they were trapped in the crushing grip of Dream’s throat.
Dream couldn’t help but purr at the struggles of the hunters as he swallowed them, perched above the gang of mobs below him, tracing the forms of Sapnap and George as they slid down his throat. Once the two disappeared behind his collarbone, he moved to quickly craft the best sword he could- which was unfortunately just a stone one. His purrs deepened as he felt Sapnap and George slip into his stomach, the fog of instincts clouding his senses preventing him from registering their fear as he slowly made his way down from the pillar he’d made, attacking spiders when they approached and using his shield to block skeletons from shooting him down. 
George squirmed as he and Sapnap were swallowed by Dream, muttering something unintelligible as he tried to press himself away from Sapnap. It was too dark, he was only faintly able to see a soft glow from Sapnap’s eyes, before having to close his eyes as they entered a tighter space, continuing to struggle. It wasn’t long before the two passed Dream’s heart and lungs. George could faintly hear the growls and gurgles from his friend’s stomach somewhere below them, groaning quietly as he leaned into Sapnap.
Sapnap muttered a curse under his breath as he heard Dream purring once he and George had slipped into his stomach, ramming himself into one of the walls with a shout. “DREAM! Let us out!” He winced as he heard a loud gurgle from the organ around him and George, snarling under his breath. “Sap- It’s not gonna work- We’re just gonna have to wait until he thinks it’s safe.” “It’s gonna take FOREVER for that to happen! You know that!” Sapnap huffed, crossing his arms as he reluctantly leaned into one of the plush walls.
Dream snarled as an arrow hit him in the shoulder, whipping around to kill the skeleton that had fired it before he continued to push through the crowd of mobs, slashing them out of the way with a sword as he neared the cave exit. He muttered a few curses under his breath as he noticed the setting sun just outside of the cave, his eyes widening as the cave began to shake, spotting the loosening rocks above the entrance. Dream closed his eyes, the world appearing to slow as a green aura flared to life around him, before he ran to the exit of the cave, sliding under some falling rocks just before they could land on him. He opened his eyes as the aura faded from around him, starting to run towards where he and the others had built a base in the distance.
George yelped as a faint green glow shined from the walls of Dream’s stomach, pressing himself against Sapnap, who let out an annoyed huff. “George, we’re fine, quit worrying so much.” “Why is it glowing?! Dream!? What the hell are you doing out there?!” George shouted as the area around him and Sapnap shifted, sputtering as slime got into his mouth. “Ewwwww… I got the stomach goop in my mouth…” He groaned, doing what he did best and complaining, making Sapnap roll his eyes. 
“Stop complaining, he’ll let us out soon… I hope…” Sapnap muttered the last part, before growling as the area around them tensed up, pressing against him and George. “Gross…” He heard George mumble the word, tensing as he was suddenly pushed upwards, going back up Dream’s throat before landing in his hand, George following soon after. “Oh my gods, finally! That lasted way too long!” 
Dream laughed quietly at Sapnap’s complaining, before sighing as he put the two down on a cloth. “I’m… Really sorry. I didn’t know what else to do and then my instincts kinda just… Took over.” He muttered, glancing away from the two. “... It’s better than being dead, I guess.” Dream looked back over at George, chuckling at that. “I’ll go get you guys some milk- It’s not gonna be safe having you two this small.” He murmured, before standing and walking over to a chest.
“... So we’re gonna agree not to mention this to Bad, right?-” “If either of you mentions it to him, I’ll do it again.” “Okay, okay, we won’t say anything!”
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Recent Reads -- May 12, 2019
It turns out that I start to feel itchy if I don’t do a round-up of my various one-off recs every few months or so? Though there are some new recs on this list too (helloooo, Lix Storm). As usual, it’s a multifandom mix--DGHDA, Harry Potter, The Hour, and just a bit of Sherlock and The History Boys. Recs under the cut, so you don’t have to scroll unless you want to :)  Enjoy!
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency I'm So Queer I Can't Even Think Straight (But To Be Fair, You're Not Helping) - @dont-offend-the-bees - 2.2k, T, Dirk/Todd "'His mind was buzzing, his heart pounding, his lips tingling, even now five, ten, however many minutes later. But if nothing else, he’d got past the phase of the whole holy shit Dirk just kissed me thing going round and round in his head, stuck in there like a bad song. But holy shit Dirk just kissed him.' In which Todd shows his hand, and Dirk takes a leap." So funny and charming that I’m almost mad about it? The Comic happened, we all lost our minds, and Bees was there with fic on the SAME DAY.
A Thousand Butterflies Can't Be Wrong, (But I Think I Might Be.) - electricteatime | @kieren-fucking-walker - 6.2k, G, Dirk/Todd "It’s a lot, he knows it’s a lot, and he almost wishes he’d stopped to think about his answer before just blurting his feelings all over the place. But then he supposes he’s always been a little like that, and it hardly makes sense to change that now. If Todd feels the same he already knows what he’s signing up for. If. For two small letters, it really is a big word." OF COURSE post-s2 Dirk thinks that Todd and Farah will be together and leave him, because historically, that's how things go for him...bless his heart and his inability to cope with Todd's eyebrows.
Leave What's Heavy Behind - electricteatime - 5k, G, Dirk/Todd "A semi-poetic semi-character study of one Todd Brotzman, the lies he tells himself, and the truths Dirk Gently knows." So beautifully, painfully REAL?!? I may never stop having feelings about this fic.
song for the heartsick (better days are near) - embraidery - WIP, T, Bart & Suzie Boreton "Suzie Boreton, rescued from death at the hands of the Mage's goons by the dirtiest woman she's ever seen in her life, faces a question: would she like to go on a road trip with her savior? No, Suzie thinks, but when she opens her mouth, Yes comes out. And so begins the weirdest road trip ever." This is such a fascinating premise, I can't wait to see where it goes.
To sleep, perchance to dream - @flightinflame - 2.4k, G, Mona & friends "Mona is sick, and loses control of her abilities. She tries to hide it, but it becomes too much to ignore." This is? So soft?! And also quirky, and playful, and just plain heartwarming.
the intricacies of triangulation - reptilianraven | @actualbird - WIP, T, Farah/Dirk/Todd "'Todd. Us. Us and Todd. We need a plan for this,' Farah says. Or the one where Dirk and Farah get together (they’re surprised about it as well) and try their best to get Todd to date the both of them in the most roundabout ways possible." In just one chapter this fic had me HOWLING with laughter.
or make a home - reptilianraven - 6.6k, T, Dirk/Todd "Or Todd’s adventures in dating Dirk Gently, the mundanities of which unsurprisingly turning out to not be very mundane at all (featuring, among other things: intergalactic wormholes, regular periods of lying down on the floor, and several annoying habits that concern toothpaste and toothbrushes.)" With a combination of absurd humor and honest emotion, this fic absolutely nails the joys (and annoyances) of loving/supporting/living with another person.
put that baby back where it came from, or so help me - reptilianraven - 7.6k, T, Dirk/Todd "A case drops a telekinetic baby into the agency’s care and Dirk feels...overwhelmed whenever he sees Todd competently, wonderfully, lovingly taking care of a child." Tropey and ridiculous, but in the BEST WAY. My favorite line in this fic is ALL of them.
Though Your Breath Racks Your Ribs and You Throb with Pain; There's a Juice on My Lips for Each Purple Stain - @sexycoinkidicks - 7.4k, E, Dirk/Todd "In which Dirk shows Todd where it hurts. Angsty emotional smut, based loosely on a scene from the play Kiss of the Spider Woman (VERY loosely- no prior knowledge needed!)" Claustrophobic sadness and Extreme Emotional Intensity, with a slight edge of hope.
An Interlude; or, Compulsory Heterosexuality Made Me Do It - @teacupsandcyanide & @gallantrejoinder, - 1.6k, G, Farah & Todd "Farah and Todd did, in fact, make out while on the run. They also both realised some very important things about themselves. But not the things you might expect." Todd and Farah are glorious disasters, and I love them <3 This fic made me giggle from start to finish.
The Situation - teacupsandcyanide - 8.5k, M, Dirk/Todd "Todd raises his eyebrows at him. 'You gotta admit. We would get into this … situation.' 'What, the situation where we flee from the weekly hired goons into a badly aging knock-off of the Ritz, get shut in an empty room with no escape, and find ourselves compelled to make loud, gratuitous sex noises in order to put the aforementioned lackeys off the scent?'" In which Dirk and Todd have wildly different interpretations of Dirk's "coming out," and the only thing preventing them from getting together was their inability to have an honest damn conversation. Sensual and full of Big Emotions, as is only fitting for these two.
The Butterfly Effect (Love Is Love Is Love Is Love) - teacupsandcyanide - 7.2k, T, Dirk/Todd "Dirk kisses his best friend on their balcony in front of the Pride Parade. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Things escalate wildly into identity issues, old hang-ups, anguished declarations of love, and inopportune sabotage of the situation by their tiny bastard cat." This fic left me an incoherent, keysmashing mess. I might have actually clutched at my own heart after reading it.
Harry Potter Midday, Midnight - @aryastark-valarmorghulis - 8.5k, T, Remus/Sirius "During the summer of 1976, between fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts (and after The Prank), Remus goes outside the Lupin's cottage and he finds a big, black dog in his garden..." The character voice in this fic is so authentically teenager-y; Remus is so deep in his own head. I also enjoyed all of the sensory details, which create such a vivid image of the Lupin home, and the feel of a summer's day (and night).
Aural Gratification - birdsofshore - 10.9k, E, Harry/Draco "Harry's not gay – he just likes listening to exciting stories about Aurors. It's not his fault that the narrator's voice is so smooth, so expressive... and really rather hot." I know I’m waaaaay late to the party on this one (as I often am with Drarry fics), but worth it. As a person who listens to audiobooks for both fun and profit, I could not resist it :)
Letting Go - LuminousGloom - 6.1k, E, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Kingsley, Remus/OMC "A number of lusty, intimate encounters. Although for Remus, it's really only ever been about one person. And it's never quite right, until it's right." I love that each of Remus’ encounters is not only distinct and sexy, but also that each highlights different facets of him: forthright, secretive, curious, ashamed, conflicted, joyful, soft, rough, broken, and (eventually) unbroken.
like tea and knitwear - @songofwizardry - 2.4k, G, Remus/Sirius "There are probably easier and faster ways of showing one's affection than learning how to knit so one can make the object of said affections a jumper. Fortunately, Sirius has never been fond of picking the easy route." As soft and warm as a hand-knit jumper, but with just enough snarky humor that it still feels Marauders-y.
Sky Full of Song - @writcraft, read by semperfiona - 2k, 13min, T, Harry/Draco "Draco turns up at Harry's birthday party unexpectedly and Harry takes a leap of faith."  A wonderful blend of angst and humor and realistically messy emotions.
The History Boys Don't you know you're life itself? - Philipa_Moss - 5.5k, M, Scripps/Posner “Dakin thinks you’ll get bored of me,” Posner says, out of the blue, and Scripps says, automatic and habitual, “He doesn’t.” This fic feels so perfectly lived-in--all of the relationships (partnerships, friendships, whatever) are well-worn, complex, and shaped by choices in a way that rings true to life, and to the characters.
The Hour (Guess who watched all of The Hour this winter and was left wishing that there was another series entirely about Lix Storm?)
The Small Hours - deathorthetoypiano - 1k, T, Lix/Bel "Lix stayed at Freddie's funeral, despite her instincts - and old habits - telling her to leave. She stayed for Bel, because she might need rescuing or a shoulder to cry on, someone to make sure she was alright, or at least as alright as she could be, given the situation." A quiet, bittersweet coda.
My thought is not changeable - @lbmisscharlie - 1.5k, E, Lix/Bel "Freddie will return – sometime – he must – and Bel is never aimless when Freddie’s around, not like she is now, eyes intent on Lix’s mouth and one stockinged foot rubbing uncertainly against her calf and their smallest fingers just touching where their palms are braced on the floor." Sharp poignancy and tons of sensory--a perfect stolen moment.
Light gathered in you - lbmisscharlie - 1.4k, E, Lix/Bel "Bel looks at her, sidelong. Her lashes are long, mascaraed dark, and her mouth coral pink. “I did wonder,” she says. “If you were – a Sapphist.” She says the archaic word so delicately that Lix has to laugh, which makes Bel pink up and drop her gaze. “I’m – not fussy,” Lix says. She shifts her weight just so, her forearm brushing Bel’s elbow. Bel doesn’t look up, but takes a breath, lifts her glass to her mouth, and swallows her wine down." Everything about this--tone, dialogue, dynamics--feels spot-on.
The Most Marvellous Place to Get Lost - peninsulam - 8.5k, E, Lix/Bel "It is late spring in Tangier, and Bel feels as far from home as she has been in her life." Gorgeous, poignant, evocative. You know, just generally breathtaking.
Immoral Support - @thisbluespirit - 420 words, T, Lix/Bel "Bel winds up where she always does after a bad day; in the safest place she knows..." This is lovely, and manages to nail their dynamic in fewer than 500 words.
I'd like to explore you - rainbowsuomi - 604 words, unrated, Lix & Bel "Lix’s mind is already somewhere else when Bel tells her to think about it and exits the office, picturing herself in front of the camera, describing bars where girls had their hair cropped and styled with grease, smoking cigars and slipping their hands, elegant, long and white, under flowing, frilly skirts, caressing stockings and corrupting young ladies." A beautifully characterized slice of life (and Lix’s history).
Sherlock Roads, Not Shrouds - verdant_fire | @viridiandecisions - 3.4k, T, John/Sherlock "He's perfectly happy to live out the rest of his life in monastic devotion, feeding John and loving John and provoking John just enough to distract him from what Sherlock did to their kitchen table." Lovely and lyrical and heartfelt (without getting treacly).
Further fic recs | Fic bookmarks
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botseeksbot · 5 years
sorry 4 a lot lol but spy/heavy/sniper/soldier
im just gonna answer all of them here bc bruce repeated the same characters other people sent me but ty everyone who sent one ily
also read more bc i fucking cant shut up
favorite thing about them
ghfkldjshkj i have a soft spot for trying dads :pensive: also he’s so fucking funny and i love how he talks ?? he’s such a fucking asshole but also he’s like sweet when he needs to be [like to Miss Pauling in the comics and when Scout was dying. also just the whole thing he says to Scout when he thinks hes dying makes me so fucking emo i fucking love one dad]
least favorite thing about them
ok real i like never get angrier playing in game than when im constantly being backstabbed by spies / my shit it getting sapped [but playing engie makes me so aggressive to begin w gfdghlksdhg] . about his actual character though ? uh . IDK REALLY LKJGHLKSJG 
favorite line
god he’s so fucking funny sometimes but really the whole speech he gives to scout in the comics when scout’s dying . also whatever he tells that baby in the smissmas comic is good . thats a dad !
i was gonna try to pick out my fave buddies for him but i was really just listing all of the rest of the mercs glkhfdsjk but if i must limit myself Miss Pauling and Scout [his lesbian daughter and gay son]
SNIPERSPY ! close second is . literally like everyone else except pyro [and obvs anything deplorable]
ok ignoring anything deplorable [including Pyro] . uhhh nothing rly . Spy ships are good
random headcanon
his first name is Léon ! and he’s in stealth abt being trans except to Sniper [obvs], Scout, Medic [Medic knows bc hes . the medic], and Heavy . also he learns tht he actually likes doing “dad” stuff with Scout [and Miss Pauling] through doing stupid shit with both of them . he also enjoys singing [and gets drunk during the holidays to sing holiday songs + play the piano] . also he’s half Japanese + wears colored contacts [bc i’ll die the day i give any of the mercs natural blue eyes]
unpopular opinion
UH idk many opinions about Spy bc i try to avoid most fandom spaces [despite running a discord server kjglhl] but i think . most of the time he’s overhyped [along with the other skinny white characters frm tf2] and theres a lot more interesting characters 
song i associate with them
fuck idk man Love by Of Monsters and Men or Killer Queen by Queen
favorite picture of them
im not looking for anything new ths is just what i have saved .
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favorite thing about them
sweet giant russian man . also a bear [thank god] . also i love his family ?? and he’s just a cool dude ?? what’s not to love GOD I LOVE HEAVY
least favorite thing about them
not enough fan content for him :[
favorite line
he doesnt talk much but tht one line where he’s like “in russia, if hand is sick, you cut of hand, etc” tht ones so funny lkfdshlkjh i love heavy 
again literally everyone all the mercs are best friends =__=
again nothing weird [Scout or Pyro and obviously Miss Pauling]
random headcanon
autistic legend . he’s really bad at reading the room / people’s feelings and he feels bad about it sometimes . really bad at displaying emotions too . also in stealth about being trans [only out to Medic and Spy] . he smokes with Spy when he’s stressed and doesn’t drink that often . also one of the neater mercs [he was the oldest sibling !!] and had one of the cleanest rooms on base .
unpopular opinion
heavy is NOT just Medic’s bear boyfriend PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give him more solo content @ the fandom . also he’s trans and theres like no art of it even tho he’s like . trans man legend.
song i associate with them
lemon boy - cavetown  .  shrug .
favorite picture of them
idk HOW i dont have ANY pics saved of Heavy besides pride icons but here you go 
favorite thing about them
stinky australian man . he has such creepy voice lines lgkjlkj . what is not to love  ? also sexy . 
least favorite thing about them
stinky . and creepy voice lines gkldhlkjds NO i love sniper sm again what is there not to love
favorite line
god his voice lines are so fucking good . all of them .
SNIPER SCOUT BABY ! but really him w the rest of the mercs is good
SNIPERSPY . but again everyone else is good too . DemoSniper ?? very good .
random headcanon
he likes walking around a lot !! cant sit still very well . always smells like the outdoors [though not always in the best way .] can sleep almost anywhere . also not really good at picking up social cues but can wing it . cant socialize for very long periods of time without getting tired . really affectionate to people who know him . can catch any animal with his bare hands . sunglasses make it harder to see [esp in the base] but he wont admit it . really self reliant . has a lot of weird talents he just picked up while he was growing up . also he’s maori bc fuck canon .
unpopular opinion
THAT MAN IS NOT 30 YEARS OLD AND ALSO SPEEDINGBULLET IS SHIT . also like i said abt spy overhyped bc he’s white twink .
song i associate with them
UH vagabonds - misterwives or the wanderer - dion dimucci or rose colored boy - paramore 
favorite picture of them
idk if i have it saved but theres that one sexy panel frm the comic
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i just have ths edit but u get it . sexy .
favorite thing about them
STUPID RACCOON MAN !!!! he’s so fucking funny and i love him so much he’s so sweet .
least favorite thing about them
UH not popular enough and some of his voice lines are dumb
favorite line
literally everything Soldier says is comedy gold esp the comics w Merasmus  
again literally anyone
DEMOSOLDIER !! and also his 2nd boyfriend is Merasmus . soldier has two hands
soldier/engie makes me wanna die 
random headcanon
he’s really as dumb as rocks but has a heart of gold . he’s smart in where it counts [THE HEART] . he likes helping people even if he fucks up . he collects different things but eventually gets bored of it and moves onto something else . kinda shy about his appearance ?? hence the helmet . one of the more outspoken mercs, he’s not afraid to speak up if someone needs him to . doesnt understand any of Medic/Engie/Demo’s inventions/work but he admires them for it anyway . a beacon of joy for the base . they all love soldier even if he gets violent accidentally 
unpopular opinion
HELMETPARTY IS NOT GOOD . idk much else about what the fanbase thinks of him
song i associate with them
god im running out of songs frm character playlists i made months ago tht arent tf2 related at all but We All Die Young - The Decemberists or Buzzcut Season - Lorde
favorite picture of them
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pyro - bruce sent me another ask w pyro on it but im lazy so im doing it here
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
??????????? idk people hate pyro a lot for gameplay reasons but i could never be angry :]
favorite line
all of pyro’s lines are good esp the ones where it has multiple interpretations 
ENGIE !! THATS HIS DAD !! also Scout . and really the rest of the mercs
none . 
really anything except ig Scout . engiepyro ? exceptionally bad imo
random headcanon
the youngest of the mercs !! self conscious about his appearance . looks up to Spy bc MASK BUDDIES . gnc nb trans man [he/they pronouns] . sees engie as a dad figure and uses the muffledness of his speech to call him “dad” sometimes >:] !!  really affectionate . doesnt have many talents besides setting things on fire but willing to learn any . hates talking about his past . has the worst sleep schedule out of the mercs [medic being a close 2nd] . speaking of medic, medic is the only one who knows what he looks like [secret buddies !!] . also calls spy “dad” sometimes .
unpopular opinion
im so fucking sorry i dont know how to play pyro besides wm1 but also i really dont give a shit if other people do it . let people play however they want . 
song i associate with them
little pistol - mother mother / machine - misterwives / lost boy - ruth b 
favorite picture of them
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8 notes · View notes
textsacc · 4 years
prompt: i write all these stupid love songs about you and then i tear them from my journal and hide them away in a box with your name on the lid. maybe one day you’ll hear them. (unsenttextsuggestion)
its cute how she thinks she can hide things from me, yozora thinks as she mulls over the contents of the box. there's a scatter of ripped paper around her on the floor as she rummages through more litter in the container. it's painted black and gold, with a crescent sticker stuck on its lid. her kashiwazaki overlord was never one to stand by marking things with subtly.
of course she would've noticed it. her eyes ran through words on scrap pieces. the prose -- it's cute. like, sickly sweet kind of cute. some of the words come off sharper and aggressive, but in them yozora can still see the tenderness, light and pure and radiant, just as similar to the owner of the notes herself. she snorts at one, trying not to notice her flushed complexion as she stuffs it back in the box. it wasnt the first time she'd seen them; sometimes she’d liken herself to visit them, when she needed a bit of self-love in the quiet and dreary afternoons, her ego stretched thin by her mind’s loathing behaviour. needless to say, this definitely wouldn't be her last, either. yozora had already found herself addicted to her companion’s love.
haste made for waste, yozora tells herself, collecting the scatter and putting them back where they’d belonged. she only had so much time before her secret admirer got back, after all. lovely, she imagines, unable to help herself from stopping the compliment slipping through as her friend's image naturally came to mind. box in two hands, a slide stores the blonde's secret collection away, tucked neatly in a shelf found underneath her bedroom’s window sill. yozora’s delicate work made it seem as untouched and unremoved as it originally appeared to be. now all she had to do was soothe her burning cheeks, and everything would return to normal.
it was almost unfair how sincere her lyrics were. each rip torn at the papers' seams were unexpectedly fortunate, the lines yozora would craft from shifting them around forming neatly, new poetry crafted from fragments of another. something told yozora that her instructions were premeditated, but her gut instinct told her otherwise; after all, sena would never be this careful, the bumbling beast.
stupid cute idiot, she thinks, revising her friend's script again. she would know where the pieces would go, if she tried to pay attention to them. ink bled through paper, and remnants remained on their edges, blotted and broken. but it was way more fun to piece the phrases together to create something dastardly new. when she found herself done, it would be like a cacophony of memories, of all the times sena went through the song writing process, coming up with words and dreams that yozora herself could never admit to sharing. a symphonious torture, yes, that was what it would become, and a mischievous warm smile made its way to her lips. she was only lucky that her carefulness had gotten her this far in the past -- now, though, as she copied the words one by one into her book, she would have all the time in the world to peruse them to her own delight.
to say that her plan made her face red was... an understatement, now, in another frame of mind. after running through her notes line by line, a project she’d tended to almost every evening by now, yozora was surprised she couldn't even look the blonde in the face anymore. shed always had a problem with eye contact, that much she found herself sure, but even the best of her tricks couldnt help her as she’d turn her eyes away, even from the vague sight of her friend.
"you're acting really weird lately," sena observes one night at dinner. yozora thinks its funny how she’s invited to eat with the family unlike their previous servants. sort of like a housewife. "is everything alright? you know you can tell me anything on your mind."
yozora refuses. it was much too personal for them and for her. "it's none of your business," and she bites her tongue before she could say 'meat', glancing carefully at her love’s father. pegasus was never fond of that nickname, even though she thought it suited her princess just fine. "--but thank you." of course, she had to observe her manners. "i appreciate the offer."
a useless whimper, the girl puffing up her cheeks in retaliation. yozora fought the urge to smile.
the most recent entry, the most recent scatter of paper. she couldnt seriously have wrote that, could she? yozora could hardly believe it.
earlier, she'd made the mistake of matching them as the author had intended, before mixing them into pile. and just entertaining the possibility of those four lines, intent after another, was enough to send her under the covers even hours later, when her eyes weren't focused on pieces ahead of her. so brash, so unrestrained. wanting. yearning. how bashful it reduced her to, as her mind hummed over the words again, a repetitive melody she couldn't simply get rid of. she was only lucky sena rested upstairs and fell asleep early before she could be bothered to hunt for the servant today, as yozora holed herself up in her own little room. she needed isolation, she decides, foreseeing herself blushing red again, with equal intensity in the future. 
if she was to continue her own project like this, she had to ensure more moments of privacy for herself.
no knocks, just the door opening. yozora counts her lucky stars (just one, and she was right in front of her) that she hadn't been singing just yet, merely playing a few chords. "i’m here to listen," sena announces, a cheeky smile on her face (too cute). her butler shifts her eyes away from the room's entrance, but scooches closer to the wall; a mistake, as it gives her friend some space on the bed to sit on.
"what're you playing?"
"nothing of importance," yozora shrugs off, not meeting sena's gaze, pretending to retune her instrument. she wondered if the girl would buy into her lie, turning the knob only slightly in her fib. but it didn't seem that way when she’d given her pet a good glance, the star’s brilliant beam shining back in her face.
yozora swallows a breath, looking up. "don't you have some studying to do? a game to get back to?"
the servant notices her momentary slip up, and for a moment yozora debates keeping herself still like a frightened animal. instead, she rolls her eyes, and that gets their conversation to pass over the mistake.
"ah, but the new title that came out earlier today--"
good. sena's attention had been grabbed. "it was just way shorter than i thought it was going to be! what a let down. and they didn't even include a cg for cecilia, but they put in two more for lisa?!"
the princess huffs and folds her arms. for a moment, yozora wondered how lovely it would be to pull her in close for comfort.
"oh no," she replied, resting on her guitar, words dripping with sarcasm. "its not like cecilia's the main character, or that she hasn’t been in any other title before or anything, thus having more screen time than any other character in the series." a miracle, it was, that she remembered the series elements at all.
"are you kidding me?"
her friend's eyes come alive with untold fury. yozora secretly wanted more. 
"that should give them more reason to put more scenes with her in it! being in several games shows exactly how much we the fans like her!" by the sheets, sena pulls her fingers into a fist. "those cowards! i’d already gone to their forums and gave them a piece of my mind, though!"
"and so you're here to bother me instead?"
so long as she herself was being cold, the servant figured, it would be in due time before her mistress would leave her undisturbed.
"of course! i wouldn't want to miss what my best friend was up to these days!"
ugh. best friend.
"sorry, i dont know who that is," yozora mocks, wrist flapped off-handedly. "maybe you should check another room, for once. you'll find someone there."
"that's so mean!" (the telltale pout from sena. what a look.) "why cant you just take the compliment i give you?"
her sideways glance appears more sly and dark than she'd wanted it, but the facade was entirely calculated; so yozora wouldn't be caught under scrutiny blushing like a lovestruck schoolgirl. that sinister aura was to mask her fluster. "you talk like its a privilege to be your friend."
"it is one!"
"more like a burden. come see me after you've grown up enough to take care of yourself."
of course, her servitude had always been a sore spot for sena, on the account that she wouldn't be seen as independent enough in the household. no, she didn't need to be to begin with, but now there was a reason for the star to hold some guilt. because it was yozora behind those duties now.
"i can do it just fine, thank you very much."
"you say that but you sure aren't showing it, meat," the butler remarks with a straightened back, fingers flicking at her guitar's strings. a strum. "try that again when you've found something else to do."
it turns out to be enough.
with a "hmph" and a toss of her hair (a soft wave of starlight, so pretty) sena gets off the bed and leaves.
wonderful. it would've been a perfect exit, except she forgot to close the door behind her.
not that yozora minded getting up and chasing her beloved’s footsteps to shut it.
so, that song. that rearranged poem of scraps abandoned and hidden and lost.
singing it had proved almost too tough to bear.
no matter how yozora found herself rearranging the letters, folding her notes' pages in half in an attempted rewrite, the thought of her unlikely confession had always bubbled up in a swarm up in her chest, bursting painfully against her lungs. and in those moments of frustration, she'd wanted to scream to the world in one chorus of finality, a head-spinning moment where she'd forget all her admirer's intentions behind it, just so she could put her emotions past herself, and wave off the project for having completed it so.
she couldn't, of course, without actually performing the piece live in front of her. a recording would be too insincere, and living through those seconds again in an editor was a nightmare that yozora had opted to spare herself from. it had to be done live, she persuaded herself, even after rational convincing just prior minutes before. at any moment now, her mistress would--
--footsteps trailed towards the entrance. then, the door swung open.
the concert hall was but sena's bedroom, and the guitarist had been unprepared to perform for an audience of just one. of course, changed out from her butler's outfit, the blonde did wonder what her best friend, off-duty, was doing in her room.
"yozora? what--"
the fingers the girl had on her strings were slow in shifting, underlining the tautness within its player.
"i-i was getting ready for something," yozora replies, finally turning around to greet her listener with a reddened face. there was no way for the star to have missed the guitar in her hands, cradled in a comforting hold in the girl's arms, and her digits never leaves its surface when she gestures towards the corridor using a shift of her head. "close the door behind you. i-it's not like this was meant for anybody else..."
in absolute curiosity and confusion, sena complied.
there had been a small space in her mistress' bedroom where a beanbag had been set aside. and though yozora often frequented it during her short breaks or moments of respite with her friend, so too would sena take advantage of its cushion just once, the duo shifting from the center of the room over to an open corner.
"o-okay, so what's this about...?"
"w-well, i..."
it was in a stammer that the vocalist lost her words. and in duress, she defaulted to some lines familiar, lines that would put her back into gear with the delivery of her performance.
after all, she couldn't afford to be worried about her lyrics, stolen as they were sorted through. not now.
"s-shut up and listen."
a gentle chord. fumbling of fingers on nylon, and a pacing of steps against the carpet, on the spot.
with one short breath, yozora parts her lips and allows the melody to flow through her, keeping her gaze shortsighted. vision blurred, the world spinning; it was how she imagined the leak of her emotions to feel, the room growing warmer with each sway of her torso, each swing of her head to one corner, then the next. her heart and her tempo were racing in unequal measures, the girl drawing out each line, keeping in mind to uphold the adagio of a ballad. 
and all the while, she didn’t have to wonder if she was the only one burning up in embarassment. body language was all the performer needed to read with her star kept within sight; raised cheeks, lips hidden behind a fold of her palm, each major fidget was enough of a signal to yozora that, at the very least, her audience was captivated.
for those few minutes, the girl decides, that was all she had to be.
she doesn’t trip up on her lines as she once expected from herself. there’s something in her performance she falls back upon, hours of practice culminated in a single moment, supporting each harmonious line, every tremble of her chords in her throat as she forces notes through second by second. it gets easier the further she performs, and the moon finds herself smiling after a minute, somehow registering the majesty of her craft while she’s delivering it to its intended receipient. it’s cute. like, a sickly sweet kind of cute. her love nearly overflows as she churns out the lyrics, slow, smooth and simple, bubbles of joy tucked away at the back of her mouth, near threatening to rise and take over her words as giggles had she chosen to stop. that realization of how silly, how foolish, how honest and vulnerable her song and dance was making her-- it could’ve swallowed her up whole in midst of her performance.
but yozora is made of tougher material, and with a gentle tap and piviot of her feet upon wool, she stops, with one final hum and a prayer for her success behind closed eyes. there’s nothing but the sound of her guitar strings reverberating in the air for a few seconds; it’s only when the wait for a response gets too much to bear that the girl opens her eyes, to finally put sena into focus, sena, right, the love she was confessing to, the one she couldn’t pay attention to this whole time--
the world stops for a moment when their eyes meet, faces awash with crimson and heat. neither of them move, still as statues save for a couple of blinks. yozora is out of words -- she’d already used all of them in the song, eaten up every other resource of her brain to keep herself functioning in that heart-pounding, adrenaline-rushed moment -- and her grip relaxing on her instrument is a beckon for her other to say something, something.
her response comes in a lean backwards, into the bean bag, bloating it up to hold her when yozora can’t. there is a mix of fear, shock, joy and anger all at once in those eyes, eyes that the girl can’t help but continue looking into, despite the fact that she’d wanted so desperately to look away in that moment, just as she often did in most others. the words take sena another moment to form, and they trickle out as a whisper, “when... when did you find them?”
and the guitarist didn’t need to be asked twice about the star’s secret stash. “i’ve known of it for a while,” she replies, finally tearing her eyes off her admirer. there’s something lodged in her throat as she continues to speak, yozora trying not to stutter over her words. “h-honestly, you should try to hide that box better. it was easy to find it while i was cleaning up your room, you know?”
“the-- the curtains should’ve hid it...” 
a low murmur, one that yozora barely catches. when sena rises, takes a few step to draw close to her servant, that drum beat grows louder in the performer’s ears. she spots a wavering frown from the blonde and a burning visage to match. delicate fingers, fragile and soft rest on the woodwork of the guitar, and they nearly meet yozora’s tight grips. she fights to steady her breathing, just as she sees her star struggling to justify her sudden approach.
“a-anyway, y-you sung them all wrong...! i-i honestly don’t know how you managed to jumble them up so bad, a-and the melody’s completely off-- the line delivery and everything--”
there was a part of yozora that had wanted to argue back, mention the amount of effort that she’d spent piecing together the broken puzzle pieces, solving a jigsaw that didn’t need to be solved. and on most days, in most circumstances, she would’ve opted for such a retort. but the graze of skin against her own and the trembles, the quaking from her mistress -- was sena offering to deliver the songs in their most primal nature, as she had originally intended? 
that clamouring for her guitar seemed to be telling. it’s nearly violent the way yozora thrusts the part of entertainer onto her confessed, restraint audible from the way she hisses out her challenge, trying not to trip on language, “t-then you show me, i-if you want to pick at my creative genius that much.”
“m-mm,” sena responds, taking the instrument in tow, agitation simmering down to a quiet. “j-just watch.”
yozora shifts, retreats, almost hastens her steps as she makes her way to the throne of the audience. and sena checks the scale on the instrument, humming anxiously and pacing on the spot --
the moon wonders, after taking her seat, if that had been exactly how she’d looked just a few moments ago. she contemplates this while avoiding bringing to light that memory itself, leaning forward, watching her other prepare herself.
she doesn’t have expectations, didn’t come in with any the moment she stepped into the room. but listening to her star’s opening lines, it was difficult to say that yozora had been entranced by the confession. sure, a poet her mistress might’ve been, pen marked on paper, but when vocalized paired with a shaken melody, something felt off about the performance. in a way that was telling it needed refinement. in the same way her mistress had always been raw, pure, unabashedly passionate.
it takes the girl everything just to stop herself from laughing, realizing the truth of that adorable personality shining through against all things.
the way her angel, too, had opted to block out the world with a shut of her eyelids. static movements where yozora herself had gone with the flow, felt free -- no doubt lived in her head that it was like watching an amateur’s performance right before their debut, but even then she couldn’t fault her star for her unbridledness. it had been in the spur of the moment that she decided to forge an act together, after all. and line by line, yozora starts to put the pieces together once again, in a different order this time, each keynote with its phrase once disassembled now under reorganization in her memory as she listens. against her fingertips, she feels it, the soft texture of ripped edges worn from handling. a smile graces her face as she tunes in.
though her amusement had subsided, her embarassment -- and heartwarmth -- had not.
only when the last of the songs were complete did it strike yozora as odd, how they practically traded confessions and left themselves devoid of proper confirmation, of responses. it was enough for her expression to wry, eyes trying to match her near-lover’s own if only to convey this perplexity in the moment. when sena finally resumes her sights, yozora makes deer caught in headlights out of her.
“w-wh-what is it? j-just so you know, i-i’m not performing them again...”
the star might as well have been the sun by now, glowing so bright with feelings said -- yet bond unconfirmed. she breaks their matching gazes, throwing her own to the side, clutching the guitar with noticable effort in her embarassment. it almost brings yozora to smile again, as she rises, pacing forward; that instrument was hers, and she was to collect it, but she had something else she’d wanted to see if she could retrieve in that moment.
footsteps slow to a shuffle. folded arms. her heated visage was only reflecting her centerfold. 
“y-your delivery could use some work, in my opinion.”
“b-but more importantly,” yozora hurries, and puts her hands on sena’s, if only to stop the rebuttals she knows would follow had she hesitated. their traded fevers only worked to dizzy the girl moreso than she already felt faint, the servant taking steady breaths in lieu of her mistress’ fraying composure. “-- t-that just means...”
“-- ...”
though a silence persisted between them, it was past a few seconds that sena nods, pulling her gaze up from the carpet. a hum. 
“y-yeah. i... i love you too, yozora.”
now it’s the moon’s turn to tremble, finally falling, humbled by her beloved careful and precious words.
“... i-- i love you too. ...meat.”
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