#i have many thoughts about them
pyrecryptid · 1 year
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inspired by @alexxuun 's dreamling show × comic swap! Here's my own take on it 💜
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cerealforkart · 9 months
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Pirate AU! They are not surviving the Grand Line
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illconceiveddesigns · 3 months
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What if they kissed hard
Over the bar counter or something
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confusion-est · 3 months
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Lamentation of Reila/Death of Vinushka
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damniteggs · 4 months
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an AU for my AU where old man Leo comes back to the present with Casey and meets grad student Charlie at the physical therapist’s office.
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ptr-sqloint · 10 months
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a robot standing in the rain :)
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desolate-flame · 9 months
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the normallest men in fiction
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sisaloofafump · 6 months
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I won’t hide my truth any longer. They should be a couple.
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the-phantom-author · 1 month
hello, could we pls get more poly will and caroline, loved the first headcanon so so much🥺
More poly Will and Caroline!!!
Dates come in a wide variety.
You have your more fancy ones, expensive dinners, movie premieres, and things of that caliber. Especially as one on one dates, Will leaning more towards the movie premieres and Caroline the dinners.
Groups dates being more experience centered. Stand up shows, dance classes, hikes with picnics, and rock hounding together.
Having moments of insecurity. Because, they've been together for going on 7 years at this point, but Will's the best at verbal reassurance, and Caroline's great at physical reassurance
Will is always going to invite you to go to the gym with him. Whether it's from him wanting to actually exercise with you or him just wanting you to ogle at him while he's exercising.
They both are willing to spend an unreasonable amount on your art. They also tell there friends that the price is more than you'd actually charge (they know their friends can more than afford it).
You very slowly take over their place. It starts with you buying a plant one day when your spending the night at theirs, and you forget to bring it back to your apartment. They just move it to a table and it lives there from them on. This happens often until their place is taken over by the plants you buy and forget about.
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jeyuwuso · 10 months
Sami x Jey and Kevin x Jimmy exist on opposite ends of the ship spectrum
Sami x Jey:
"I'm cold." "Here's my coat, babe!"
Love PDA, never not holding hands, always cuddling and giving little smooches
Cute, personal pet names
Always going out of their way to do nice things for each other - romantic date nights, thoughtful gifts, a horse-drawn carriage and a five-star meal
Horny on main
Snuggles and breakfast in bed
Would die for each other
Kevin x Jimmy
"I'm cold." "Well damn, I don't control the weather!"
Fist bumps only. Every time Kevin so much as hugs Jimmy in public, he gets flustered
"Hey, dumbass"
Constant little gestures - shows saved to watch together, memes, a favorite candy bar tossed in with the rest of the groceries
Can barely talk about their sex life when they're alone
Sex is just a shit-talking contest
Making out and horror movies on the couch
Would kill for each other
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jeonghoneyss · 2 years
brief qinter thing
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edit: FORGOT TO MENTION THIS IS ABOUT “see? i’m your destiny” don’t know how i could have forgotten the most important thing but. yeah
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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Animated Dungeons and Daddies Superhero movie that doesn’t actually exist but I watched Spiderverse on new episode day and had a really vivid dream about it part 4, it’s Lincoln!
[Scary] [Taylor] [Normal]
Backstory under the cut
Lincoln Li-Wilson would like to go home please, thank you. Unfortunately, to the distress of absolutely everyone, Lincoln Li-Wilson has always been... weird. After a narrow brush with a cat his dads got to be his friend, Grant and Marco decided it would be safest for everyone involved if Lincoln were to stay home and away from living things that might upset him and get destroyed. And Lincoln was happy to spend every day hanging out with his dads... until he wasn’t. Playing soccer by yourself gets old after a while, all Lincoln wanted to do was find a nearby park and maybe a friend willing to play with him, no superheroics involved. Unfortunately, even something that simple turns out to be impossible for poor Link... Or something like that.
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Just to further damn Jekyll to little-detail-symbolisms hell
I firmly believe that he had much darker, thicker locks on the interior of his regular brown hair. Every day, he’d cut it if it dare get too long. The hair was curly, blackish in color. It’d curl around his ears like sinister ram horns if left unchecked. He styles his hair overall to be neat, mostly slicked back.
Eddie keeps it unruly, wild, and unabashedly himself. Never daring to tamper with the hair Jekyll had been cutting away all those years. Cutting him(self) away. Eddie keeps both colors in disarray, scattered across his wild mane of hair in stripes and curls. Years of repression, but he could never escape his roots.
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crimzoncrow · 1 year
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lil doodle of the boys!! jon declares every new pokemon he sees his favorite, except for two that he decides are his mortal enemies. he boos every time damian runs into one of them
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hangesextra · 1 year
George & Flo give off dating in secret vibes. They aren't into PDA or anything and keep to themselves. To the public eye, they seem like good friends, but little does the public know they're actually together. Their dates are super lowkey, especially with Flo trying to hide from DEPREC and anyone else going after Relic Hunters. The dates consist of George giving Flo some licorice and then going to small, almost run-down restaurants near the Thames. Everyone thinks they're simply best friends. But only they (& the rest of l&Co obviously; Barnes probably knows as well) know the truth.
Although that being said, not much touching or any of that happens when they're alone. George doesn't really seem to like touch, and Flo respects that. They have a balance, though, sometimes after rough jobs, George will cuddle with Flo. She puts him at peace. Sometimes Flo wants a kiss or something, George will kiss her. For the most part, though, they prefer quality time together. George and his research and Flo doing what Relic Hunters do. It's always nice, in their opinion.
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hydrachea · 2 months
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Siobhan said "your drink reflects what you're feeling on the inside" and I took it to heart. I think my Trailblazer still longs for the companions she forgot.
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