#i have more dumps regarding hyrule castle
somer-writes · 6 months
Please lore dump about your fic. Please 🥺
YES FUCK!!!! ok so i really want to talk about ordon-hyrule!!
so we know there are 4 light spirits, 3 of which are named after the goddesses (lanayru, eldin, faron) and a fourth which is ordona. SO i think this could mean that ordon was (a) not commonly subscribed to the hylian faith and (b) independent from hyrule. hylians specifically have pointed ears to hear the goddess but ordon is exclusively populated by humans (which we do see both in hyrule proper).
therefore h/c is that ordon was brought into hyrule within the current dynasty of the royal family (likely preceding king harkinian since rusl lives in ordon but we know that he's from hyrule originally.
the current dynasty has overseen civil wars (since at least time's birth per the manga) and imperialism (hyrule absorbing ordon, death mt, and the zora domain)
Fun Facts!!
-> ordon is both the province/territory and the name of Ordon Village. for political logistics the crown declared ordon village (the closest to the border) the capital.
-> ordon has no centralized government and is instead a series of scattered farming villages with local mayors who convene cyclically from village to village. ordonian fashion is commonplace but the style of knot used to tie the sash is a good tip off on which village an ordonian comes from
-> ordonians are largely spiritual. no central power, no central religion. most of them don't worship hylia as a goddess but instead treat her as a regional deity of hyrule. they instead offer prayers/offerings to river/forest/etc spirits
-> ordon and hyrule share a common tongue (with some dialect/accent inconsistencies) but ordon's written language came long after hyrule's. ordon has a largely oral tradition (folk tales are extremely important to passing down their history). ordon's common alphabet has a few quirks. ch/sh are written using the same symbol, rather than a 'w' they use 'vv', 'll' is common in place of a y or ie.
-> ordon is not difficult to get to but the easiest way is the long way. ordonians don't typically venture into hyrule but their crops/wool are so valuable that merchants come to the province for them. ordonians usually trade for stock rather than purchase. it's likely sera spent some time in hyrule or set up the shop as a savvy way to attract merchants
-> hylians look down on ordonians as being "simple folk" mostly for their accents and how simple ordonian dress seems (although sash tying is something most hylians can't do properly)
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♥️ Zelink Sketch + Headcanon Dump ♥️
(Part 1)
Yes. I know I have already posted something for Valentine's Day. No one can stop me. So here's some sloppy sketches!
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BoTW/ToTK Zelink is one of my favorite versions of the ship. They and SS Zelink are the most likely to have gotten together after the story, and they just have been through so much together! Not to mention a certain lyric in Kass's song regarding Zelda's power... Here are some little headcanons I have for them. :)
• Considering the state of Hyrule Castle, Link has let Zelda stay in his home in Hateno Village. She reveals it was his house to begin with, which likely resulted in a lot of frustrated rambling from Link that he had to buy his own house back...
• Zelda has frequent night terrors that she is still with the Calamity, holding it back as she replays the deaths of her loved ones in the back of her mind. When this occurs, Link usually is awake anyway and goes to comfort her. Although he has his memories returned, sometimes he finds it difficult to find the right words since he feels like a different person entirely.
• Despite Link's outward change in demeanor and the worry it initially would bring to her, Zelda realizes he's still the same Link that died in her arms. The only difference now is he no longer has such a heavy burden on his shoulders. And with that being the case, she's quite happy for him.
• Zelda spent a lot of time thinking about what the Deku Tree told her when she returned the Master Sword to its pedestal. Perhaps she's waiting for the right time to say what was on her mind... Or perhaps she already has?
• Zelda is a bit too... Experimental with cooking elixirs. Link encourages this, even if it makes him die a little inside whenever she makes dubious food instead. He'll eat it anyway.
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The duo that accidentally got themselves for eternity. Whether they realize it or not, they doomed themselves to always meet again regardless of how they may part. This would probably make them overjoyed, though, if it weren't for all the suffering their new destinies may come with. Some more headcanons:
• Link likes to carve little wooden statuettes for Zelda on special occasions, and she likes to sew things for him. Perhaps she's made him a crimson cloak like the Chosen Hero in the manga by Akira Himekawa?
• Zelda may sometimes have trouble keeping a grasp on herself with suddenly having all of Hylia's lifetime in the depths of her memories. Link never says it directly, but he takes every action to remind her that she's still their Zelda.
• Link confessed his love to Zelda on the statue after they decided to remain in the surface, using a similar buildup that she did while they were riding on their loftwings at the beginning of SS.
• All of the Links and Zeldas after them are reincarnated forms of them in some way. This headcanon is also why I ship these two at every given opportunity. They will always reunite to save Hyrule, no matter what- but they will also reunite to find each other once again.
• Groose accidentally third-wheels a lot but they just allow it and let him hang around. They're all buddies, after all.
• Sometimes, they'll just sit outside and Link will listen to Zelda sing. Occasionally, he'll borrow her harp and play along with her song.
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I know they aren't canon in the Child Timeline, but I can't help but love OoT Zelink. I like to imagine that somewhere in the LoZ universe, there's a timeline where Link refuses to be sent back in time and rather chooses to help restore Hyrule without leaving the one he saved behind. Usually, when I draw OoT Zelink, it's under this context. HCs:
• Link actually had a minor crush on Zelda during the events of OoT. They were just little kids, after all, so of course he found himself wanting to impress the princess when they met.
• After losing her own father to Ganondorf, Zelda is quick to comfort Link when he finally confides in her that the Deku Tree was like a father to him and the Kokiri before he withered. Some days, it is easy to think about what they lost and feel remorseful. But even so, they know they must carry on in hopes that the future for those after them is a brighter one.
• Link was going to return the Ocarina of Time, but Zelda let him keep it. Some days, when they aren't busy with restoration efforts, they'll play a duet. Zelda has even taught him some more songs.
• Zelda will occasionally teach Link the combat that was taught to her by Impa, usually techniques unique to the Sheikah Tribe. He finds himself struggling to be as agile, but he's trying. He thinks her skill is pretty admirable, at least.
• Neither is exactly talkative, but they aren't silent either. They balance each other out well in that way.
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The children!!! Telink is adorable in my opinion, even if the pair may not be as outwardly affectionate as some of their counterparts. These little pirates are also super fun to draw! I already have a ton of headcanons with these two mentioned in a previous post, but here are some others:
• After the events of Phantom Hourglass, Link is a bit more cautious with going to explore random stuff they find. He respects Tetra's leadership, but he doesn't want to get her hurt (or turned to stone) again.
• Tetra tends to pick on Link, but every so often will soften up. Link hardly ever notices the shift, as this is just how the two are. They bug each other, sure, but they're the other's closest friend and trust each other more than anything.
• Link has convinced Tetra to stop stealing from innocent people, since it's a bad influence on Aryll when she's around. Tetra sort of made fun of him for it, at first, poking at him for not wanting to upset his grandma. However, she... Went with it, anyway, since he sort of had a point. They only steal from their enemies now!
• They have an ongoing arm-wrestling competition and rematches will start spontaneously and without warning. The victor changes so often that the rest of the crew has started betting on who will win at a given time.
• Tetra and the crew increasingly visits Outset Island more and more because they all think Link's grandma is really nice and they're all deprived of parental figures. This is nice and all, but every time they leave they find out Tetra has helped Aryll sneak into the ship (at Aryll's request) and they have to turn back around so nobody gets worried that she vanished. Tetra doesn't intend for Aryll to stick around, she just finds it funny.
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Another personal favorite of mine, Spirit Tracks! These two are hard NOT to ship, with how much you can see them bonding over the course of the game. And the fact Link blushes almost every time she makes contact with him.
• These two are one of those pairs who very clearly have mutual feelings for each other, but no one can ever tell if they're actually together or even aware of these feelings.
• Link, while conducting, will occasionally drift off into daydreams about the next time him and Zelda will get to go on their own little adventure (although preferably not one with the world at stake this time). Alfonzo usually has to make him snap out of it and pay attention to the railroad.
• They like to make time to see each other, but if they can't in a given week for any reason they'll send letters to one another. Link's a little less literate than Zelda, but she manages to read his handwriting decently enough.
• Zelda is really affectionate. She's quick to high-fives, hugs, that sort of thing. Link doesn't mind, but he gets as pink as a rose quite often. Everyone finds him to be rather see-through.
• At Zelda's request, Link has begun teaching her to properly use a sword like she did as a Phantom.
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
Inspiration, Illusions, and Other Inconveniences 👀👀
Thanks for the ask, @louwhose, too! I'm very, very happy that you ask, since I'm planning to finally go back to this story soon!
This is going to be a fiction writer!Zelda/artist!Link story. It's a modern AU where both have a blog.
They’re both unaware of their respective online personalities, mainly because they don’t speak in real life thanks to their strained Princess/Bodyguard relationship.
Zelda rewrites the old legends into fictional (and explicit *cough, cough*) novels and shares them on her blog. Link is like everyone else in Castle Town intrigued by the stories and starts to make fanart for them. They begin chatting and start to fall for each other. In their real life, things get slowly better, too, very much better actually until Link does something that... Well. You'll see!
This story is relatively complicated to explain but easy to read, so don't worry if it's confusing now. I work with some betas to make sure everything makes sense in the end!
I've shared snippets here and here. I think there are some more buried in the wip Wednesday tag. I have 8 chapters finished so far and I'm aiming for... 20? Something like that.
Another snippet under the cut!
'You're late.'
The short message popped open as soon as the blog feature marked him as "online". 
'Oh,' he typed hastily, 'Have we left the state of friendly greetings and went directly to grumpy spouses?'
'Haha, no. I was just wondering if you finally got sick of me.'
'Never.' The answer nearly typed itself.  'Did overtime and just got out of the shower. Weird day, tbh.'
'As in?'
Well. He couldn't tell her that he had accompanied the Princess of Hyrule to an old hotel in Castle Town where she took dozens of pictures only to directly leave again. He didn't even try to understand what that was about — she was safe, she did nothing risky and if her idea of freedom was taking the subway to a forgotten corner of Castle Town to take pictures, he wouldn't question that. Not his place, as always.
He still had neglected his duty and that was no small slip, but the suspicions ghosting through his mind when he followed her to the rooms had been so, so much worse. At least she hadn’t dragged him into something illegal or… dingy on top of the misery of breaking his vows. And who knew, maybe he was in luck and she had enough after the little adventure?
'Just… well. My employer is very strict about a lot of things and I had a conflicting task. But no worries, everything is fine now.'
'Ok? If you wanna talk…'
'Thanks, really, but it's all good.'
Link leaned back, poking his fork into his microwave curry. A moment of silence had become more and more comfortable over the last few weeks between them. He didn't fear the conversation would abruptly end anymore.
Of course, she would offer to listen. It was weird — he did have some workmates he got along well with, Pipit, Groose to name some, but their relationship was quite casual. His old friends from before he left for Castle Town were far away and he was bad at staying in touch. Both his working hours and the confidentiality rules weren't doing him any favors in this regard, so having someone openly care about him was something he didn’t realize he missed. Maybe he would open up to her one day, without details and names, but for now, he didn’t want to dump his worries on her. 
'What about you?'
'Ah. Spent the day with my family who was as annoying as always. But!'
She took a break and Link grinned while he ogled the screen. She liked to do that, but she was a writer, after all, dramatic breaks and cliffhangers were her specialties. 
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you just get to parade war criminals around the garrison with no other security? no wonder hyrule is so messed up
You think I don’t know how fucked politics are? HelloooOooOoo? That’s the whole reason we have our little deal—an arrangement which frankly, you all haven’t exactly been upholding well, Arcadius.
It’s not our fault my dad’s better than you at everything.
Shut your trap, kid. This beef’s been blowing in the wind before your pops even knew how to spell “Captain.” Please. The only REAL merit he has on me is a fancy rich daddy and better suck up personality, ay Larc?
Don’t call me that.
Let’s not be distant now, I get it! High and mighty castle life sucked balls, so now you all wanna do your own thing, sure, sure. New gal on the throne, new kingdom, rich get richer, free get free-er, legends get more legend-er.
I believe the word you’re looking for is “legendary.”
Oh thanks for the offer but I’m lactose intolerant.
But anyway, let me tell you why you’re all doomed in this little arrangement—You’re never gonna actually accomplish your mission, here. You won’t convince these soldiers to join your cause. You can’t rally these folks against the king, much less bring them over to Kakariko or wherever the princess is chilling.
How did—?
And the reason is the same as why Arcy here is worshiped for taking a dump. This garrison is full of the loyalist, most courageous, stubbornest, stupidest sons of bitches out there. They stick with their friends and partners, their kings and legends, and they hold the stories and perceptions of these heroes in the highest regard. It's a perfect little army. No one at top can sink. Hardly anyone below rises.
So you could present any old famed knight or captain on their doorstep as a fucking disgraced prisoner, they’d all still try to find a way to twist it all into something that better fits the tales.
If you can’t even break ‘em from a captain, imagine trying to do it with a king.
YES! Incredible input, Rodent, I honestly couldn't have said it better.
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octavowo · 5 years
okay its die time A.K.A. I talk about the horrible cursed thing that’s been taking up my drawing paper these past few months
I think the best place to start with this is at the very beginning. Like what led up to this.
So, I am actually very active on Amino as well. It’s kind of been one of my main channels in terms of where I dump my OC crap among other things. And one of the places I’m most active is the Breath of the Wild community. I’ve been on there for a long time, was on staff for a brief period before I stepped down due to irl things and am still in contact with my fellow mods. Usually if they need an extra opinion on something they ask me, and I tend to be in the know when it comes to upcoming challenges.
And for the unaware, Linksonas are a thing. Versions of Link based on how people play BOTW. So a challenge was being made in the same vein, but it was just for sonas in general, either more OC-like or based on a canon character.
On top of this, while this is a community for BOTW, content from other Zelda games is allowed as well. Which was great for me because I seemed to be one of like. Six people on the entirety of Amino that gave half a shit about Cadence of Hyrule. I had also recently changed my user to Octavo and revamped my profile. And was playing this game constantly because it was the middle of July, I had been unable to get myself a job or something to occupy my time because I had stayed for a summer session at school for credits, which left me with not much to do besides draw and play a shit ton of CoH. I currently have 90+ hours on the game and there are only 2 games I’ve played for more time, one of which I have a feeling it’ll be surpassing soon.
If you haven’t already caught on to where this is going, I’ll be blunt: I thought I was being funny and made this shithead as a joke:
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He wasn’t even my entry for the challenge. He was going to be like a bonus. My brain, being both extremely bored and having way too many ideas basically went “haha so you know that sona challenge well your username is Octavo so make a sona based on him”. Which would have been perfectly fine. Until I went and gave him a name and realized about five days later that I kind of really liked him. Also his design is kind of uncreative but I honestly didn’t entirely know what I was doing and ended up playing it very safe. And yes, he wears 3 inch heels because he hates the fact that he’s short.
His name is Larghetta and he is an intelligent, highly unlikeable bastard with zero filter for anyone. He legitimately has more enemies that want him dead than I can count.
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He’s also kind of an example of what could happen if Octavo used his freaking brain instead of just getting angry and doing dumb shit. Don’t get me wrong: its the same dumbass plan, but the way I have it for Larghetta is that he tried to warn them, but was brushed off and as a result he was like “well fuck it i’ll do it myself”. Cue the rest of the game. He spends a lot of his time getting peeved at everyone for ignoring him/not taking him seriously. And probably cleaning the castle because he lowkey has nothing better to do and is an absolute neat freak.
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Once he gets the everliving crap beat out of him and loses the lute, he actually stops for a moment and considers things before asking Link, Zelda and Cadence for help, as opposed to storming off and getting his ass kicked by the pig. His magic absolutely stinks and he is by NO means a strong guy. Its decent for like. Getting him out of hairy situations but without the Golden Lute? The most he can do to someone is give them a concussion or deafen them. Larghetta is very aware of this fact and really doesn’t want to die so that’s why he asks. The group’s cooperation with him is kind of tenuous at best? Like he’s being very honest about the situation but he’s also a raging asshole that gets on people’s nerves. Namely Cadence—both of them really don’t like each other.
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Tbh from there I’ve just been taking him and putting him places because he’s kind of fun. People actually let their OCs interact with him for some godforsaken reason, but usually with the understanding that it’s. Highly unlikely that that Larghetta will like their character or even be nice to them. So, there’s three groups regarding him in a sense: the people who like him, the people who don’t like him or are afraid of him, and the people who think they like him (I’ve dealt with a few people who didn’t seem to understand that he’s an insensitive, opinionated fuckwad and just looked at him and went “hes small and therefore babey owo”). It’s been fun. Idk take more doodles?
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And that just about covers this guy. I’m. Not really sure what to say. I enjoy him. He was a joke that got out of hand. But yeah. Larghetta. Take him.
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Some Breath of The Wild Sequel Thoughts and Theories
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the Breath of The Wild Sequel it’s like I desperately have to solve whatever was happening in that first look trailer.
So here’s a brain dump of things I’ve been thinking of. A lot of this I’m saying is kinda a lot of little theories, but make of it what you will.
Also this is may be quite long…
Brain Dump 1:
So at the moment I’m assuming that the Ancient Barbarian Tribe is closely associated, if not the same as the Zonai Tribe. Note that the Ancient Barbarian Tribe are from the Faron region and the Zonai Ruins are also found in the Faron region. The Zonai Tribe were also said to worship a dragon which is likely to be Farosh due to the region, and of the other dragons Farosh is associated with courage.
The Zonai Ruins also show structures of animals which symbolise different parts of the Triforce, pointing out that dragons in general represent courage, and boars/pigs represent power. (Should also mention that they have structures of owls which represent wisdom, but this won’t be my focus since I feel that the other two have been more prominent for the tribe(s), or for what I’ve seen at least)
But I’ll talk more about this later.
Brain Dump 2:
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Just a random thing, this kinda looks like those long structures are Guardian legs haha. I guess this could sorta be linked to the idea that Guardians are stored in the pillars that once rested beneath Hyrule Castle (which we know have risen from the ground now), given that this place we see is in fact underneath Hyrule Castle.
Anyway, this overall structure also kinda reminds me of
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this one, and it may be the Ancient Barbarian Tribe’s/Zonai Tribe’s own sort of Shrine of Resurrection?
Brain Dump 3:
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As amazing as it would be that this hand could be associated with the Twili (would totally love to see Midna again!!!), it sorta does seem to have Aztec-like designs on it which we also see on Zonai structures. Could be a bit of a stretch though if no one else sees it.
Also wanna raise the idea that the hand is green, commonly associated with courage within TLoZ games.
Brain Dump 4:
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The Barbarian helm kinda reminds me of Ganon with the red hair and the horns. Particularly OoT Ganon. This one could be a stretch, probably just from thinking about the teaser trailer too much and trying to make sense of it.
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Also OoT Phantom Ganon rode a horse and wielded a trident and we also see a figure wielding a trident and riding a horse in the paintings on the wall in the teaser video.
Bringing these brain dumps together:
I think the symbolism of the colours could be quite important. Honestly, I don’t think the green hand is bad and when we see Link’s hand turn green in the teaser trailer it could be to do with the Triforce of Courage.
I personally had interpreted the teaser trailer as the green hand (courage) preventing the red malice (power) emanating from the body, presumably Ganondorf, to spread further. We also see Link’s hand turn the same green. Maybe he obtains some sort of power from the green hand. Maybe this is Link truly awakening his powers, just like we had seen Zelda do before.
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As for the stuff about the Ancient Barbarian Tribe and the Zonai Tribe, this is what is making myself confused. Assuming they are the same, why would they appear to largely worship dragons (once again noting that they represent courage), yet also pigs/boars (also noting again that they represent power) as seen by an entire armour set (Barbarian Armour) being created possibly with this animal in mind?
Honestly, I don’t have an overarching theory of this, but for the moment, I do believe that the chosen hero we see in the tapestry depicting The Legend of the Calamity 10,000 years ago is Ganondorf (I mean not just the reddish hair colour but that’s definitely a Gerudo nose too!), and this could be part of the plot of the Breath of The Wild Sequel as I think we would have to learn things that went wrong with the Ancient Barbarian Tribe/Zonai Tribe. Perhaps there was confusion and conflict between tribe members in regard to the Triforce of Courage and the Triforce of Power that caused a rift in their relations and led to their downfall? Maybe the Ancient Barbarian Tribe are a small group who were once of the Zonai Tribe but established themselves due to different values, similar to how the Yiga were once Sheikah?
Obviously, there are flaws with all this but just some thoughts.
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somer-writes · 6 months
I'm curious about your headcannons regarding Dusk (Twilight Princess Zelda) 👀
hello anon!
i have a post where i dumped a bunch so copy-pasting from there:
okay super huge lore dump incoming XD (mix of game/manga/hc). basically shes very smart, pretty, and deadly with a sword:
-> dusk has the triforce of wisdom, a vast pool of mana for spell casting, and prophetic visions. she can also see spirits
-> she was trained/tortured by the sages as a child. her training was brutal and cruel but she is extremely adept with her powers and knows the weight of them as a result. she was often locked in dark chambers at the arbiter's grounds to continuously cultivate light magic and went weeks sometimes without seeing another person. she has a fear of bugs and rats as a result.
-> only child. her mother died when she was a teenager. her father dies shortly before the events of twilight princess and at the time of the game, she is not yet coronated as queen
-> she's extremely fond of animals but especially birds
-> she likes flowers a lot too but doesn't have the time to garden herself so she dictates which plants grow in her gardens. she uses different gardens for different things (tea, medicine, butterflies, etc.)
-> she's extremely confident and assertive, but she's also soft spoken. she doesn't raise her voice often and when she does it means serious business
-> she's very kind and grateful for her castle staff. she's known to use her spies to figure out if her staff is doing well so she can take care of them properly.
-> dusk is an incredible swordsman. she took up dueling as a teenager when working through her mother's death and bc of her talent, was secretly taught combat by the guard captain. dusk doesn't fight to win in the annual sword tournie anymore but she will fight the winner (and always wins with her skill). in the question of would she beat link, i think not bc link has more true battle experience, picked up combat training earlier, and will fight dirty. dusk is a classy lady, she will not spit in her opponents eye
-> dusk is also a very good archer and better with a bow than link
-> the current court (post game) is extremely loyal to dusk and her reign is the most stable since the dynasty's establishment. she is extremely confident in her advisors and often delegates decisions to the appropriate council. she currently oversees a very prosperous time for hyrule with stable loyalty from the annexed territories
-> dusk keeps a spy network which has never been smoked out. she knows everything that happens in her kingdom
-> due to her upbringing dusk maintains a strict reputation as a very cold, very poised and regal lady. she's beloved by the people pre and post game and they see her as more of a guardian and direct vessel of hylia than a queen in hyrule proper. she's known for her beauty, swordsmanship, and wits
-> due to her upbringing, dusk really hates imprisoning criminals. instead she gives them what they need to do well as law abiding citizens. because of her reign, crime is at an all time low. when people do need imprisoned, they are kept in a small section of the rebuilt dungeon and treated fairly well.
-> she is technically the high priestess of the temple of hylia, but her light magic is so strong that she doesnt wield it lightly. just as dark magic can poison people, so too can light magic. dusk appointed a high temple priestess to oversee the church in her place. she acts as the high priestess ceremonially
-> dusk is extremely well read and an extraordinary historian. she especially loves legends/myths. she knows hylian, goron, and zora history and is slowly learning ordonian history (although most of it isn't written down). she relies on auru to tutor her in gerudo history and warfare as an adult.
-> she speaks hylian, very formal goron, and very formal zora. she can read gerudo and link teaches her ordonian slang.
-> dusk is close friends with all of the resistance. she's known auru since she was a child. he also tutored her but was kind. he knew of the sages methods and did tell the king and queen, but they trusted the sages judgment for cultivating their daughters power. auru often interfered with the sages by leaving the princess supplies or lights in the arbiters grounds
-> dusk is working on getting a written record of ordonian history. shes put the project in shads hands bc hes so close with link.
-> during the fight with ganondorf, dusks body was puppeted. she is unaware of this and link has yet to tell her. while she was puppeted, link had to injure her. the largest of these is a large slash across her chest. it crosses from right armpit to left collarbone and left a dark scar. she wears dresses with necklines which specifically show the scar as a sort of visual oath to her people. she has an inkling that theres more to the story than suffering the wound in the fight with ganon
-> the day of light is an annual festival celebrating the kingdoms freedom from the twilight. on that day, many girls use makeup to wear scars like dusks. a lot of children have dusk and twilight dolls. in place of crowns, girls wear flowers
-> dusk is a few years older than link. in part bc she has no surviving family, she sees link as a younger brother. she tries not to dote on him too much, but the court often complains shes too easy on him when he breaks decorum. dusk is the only hylian noble link shows any respect for. they are close friends even if he does avoid her (currently).
-> dusk is extremely good at chess. its one of the few things she can get link to be himself over when she soundly beats him.
-> she writes to link often. usually about nothing bc hes one of the only people she can just "chat" with. she keeps a room prepared for him at the castle at all times just in case
-> dusk is extremely kind to children. the orphanage in castle town is her personal project and she visits often. she does not allow kids in the castle for their own safety
if theres anything specific you want to know or anything lmk! dusk is my favorite zelda and i really see her as the sort that would lead the vanguard. shes a very active monarch.
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