#i have no explanation for this btw i just thought it would be kinda funny
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there are many benefits of having couple more additional hands
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cheeseceli · 6 months
Kisses marks on their skzoo
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Pairing: Ot8 skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reaction
Request: how would BF!SKZ react to seeing a kiss mark on their SKZoo?
Warnings: hyunjin and Felix can be read as low-key suggestive but it wasn't the intention? Reader gets teased in most of those
A/n: this picture of Lee know😭😭 btw I have a feeling that some things here are extremely cringe or extremely good I'm so so sorry in advance | taglist: @yuyubeans
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Bang Chan
Oh my God
I hope you're ready to be teased for months
I can see him smirking at the moment he sees wolfchan with a kiss mark on its forehead
Will laugh a little bit because he actually thinks you're the cutest for that
Will come to you and suddenly wrap you in a back hug and kiss your shoulder with little to no explanation
"Y'know, next time you miss me you can just come to me and kiss me in person."
Lee Know
Contrary to popular belief, I think he'd be the shy one here lmao
He has no idea on how he should react
Just laughs a bit with that panic voice he has and hopes you won't come for him
If that happens more than once though, he won't be under the initial shock anymore
So now you can prepare yourself for all the teasing
"I need to level up my boyfriend game if you preferred to kiss a plushie over me twice now."
Side eyes the dwaekki
Demand kisses immediately
Why on earth are you kissing a plushie when you literally have a boyfriend next to you??
Who is always more than willing to kiss you any time??
The audacity I swear
"I don't care if it looked cute, you could've been kissing me all this time instead."
He's not exactly teasing
He's kinda lightly joking around
At first he was being dramatic about how you don't love him anymore and that's why you are replacing him with jinniret
But once you start to get flustered he switches up
Chuckles about how he finds you lovely
"You can make up by kissing me with that same lipstick of yours, what you think?"
The only scenario you have some sort of advantage
Because when I tell you that he's stressing it's because he IS
You ask him why he's acting all weird and then he's stuttering about how everything is alright
Will try to play it cool so you don't notice the reason behind all of this is his skzoo having a very red kiss mark on its cheek
"Kiss? What do you mean kiss? I have no idea what you're talking about. Pay attention to the movie Y/n."
I believe this is the worst case
He'd have no mercy upon you
But he wouldn't be joking around or trying to tease you
He would be flustering you
Will kiss you until he takes your breath away and then will proceed to move his kisses to your neck
"What is wrong? I thought you wanted kisses?"
You've created a monster
Lmao he will never shut up about this
Deep down he thought it was cute how you liked him that much
But he really didn't want to lose the opportunity to mess up with you (affectionately)
"Minnie, I miss you. Don't you wanna come over?"
"Is the skzoo not doing justice to me?"
"Suddenly I don't miss you anymore."
Now this one is kinda funny
He will tease you so much about this
But it's so subtle that you don't even know what he's talking about
He seems to be pretty entertained though
"Oh it seems that you didn't miss me that much this time." - he says a few days later, while he holds the now clean skzoo in his hands and you have no idea why he's laughing so much.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday to Seb, and Seb only.
+ some explanations
I realized as I was making this, some of the little stuff probably only makes sense to me, and maybe people who have been following me for a while atp. So I wanted to explain some of the little details I included cause I really love them!!
First of all, I wanted to incude my original sketch for this(from like 5 hours ago lmfao), bcs I find it sooooo cute. Look at him!! Little guy!
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I. Fernando's Gift
This is of course a reference to the Fernando teddy bear, but more specifically to the vettonso comic with the bear I drew a while ago. As you can see from my sketch, this is the first gift I came up, which I'm pretty happy about!! It's always so cute to me no matter its form. Though...I don't think teddy bears existed yet in the early 1700s, but Fernando found a way, okay? I like to think Fernando is all gruff in the beginning, but gives Seb this or something similar and remarks "to keep you company when I'm back in Spain," and then he has to pretend he has food poisoning rather than living with having said something so sappy.
II. Mark's Gift
I don't think this is really a reference to any specific post of mine. Dog!Mark is just an important Mark characterization in general, but especially in boy king au where he is really reduced to the status of dog by virtue of his upbringing and vocation. He definitely plays this off as wanting Seb to get another hunting dog(something he advocates for often. Seb knows it's entirely self motivated but loves to humor him bcs its cute to see how much he loves dogs. Well Seb loves dogs too, one dog in particular-)
III. Jenson's Gift
AAAAHHHH I'm so proud of this one bcs of how many leves there are to it!! I couldn't for the life of me think of what Jense would gift him but then I remembered I characterize him as horse obsessed(read: ye olde carfucker.) So this is basically the ye olde version of him getting Seb ultra detailed minatures of his cars. HOWEVER this is also a callback to one of my favorite posts I've ever made, back when I translated Seb's car names into Latin. So it was fun to actually get to canonize that in a way. ALSO! BTW! Those horses are specifically Lipizzans, which are a very iconic horse breed in the Habsburg Empire and Vienna specifically. A horse breed sought after by the Habsburgs for both war but also riding schools, and they still remain as the breed of horse trained in Vienna's Spanish Riding School today. The emperor Seb is based on comissioned the school's main riding hall, and his portrait still hangs above where the riders enter. So I thought that was a fun little easter egg to include!
Also the characterization in this is so funny. I guess I'd consider them a polycule, like they're a unit and all have interesting relationships between each other. But one of the main focuses is the kinda love triangle between sebmarknando. Like Mark and Fernando constantly fighting for Seb'cs undivided affection and attention. But as per usual, Jenson, who is on the sidelines, swoops in effortlessly with the most perfect gift ever. I feel like he understands and gets along with Seb the best out of the three, but just doesn't want to deal with such a complicated thing so he's satisfied being a bit distant(he secretly takes a lot of joy one-upping the other two. It's impossible to not crave your ruler's attention, no?)
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ody-my-ssey · 9 days
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Oh would you look at that,saying I won’t end it soon made me end it soon,guess I am like that.
Well telemachus Desing as I saw the last one exploded(7-8 likes im famous) I really don’t know if I archived the idea of “looking younger yet not like a child” Which is kinda my own iffy but not really when it’s about telemachus Designs I mean I still sleep at night and like I’m not really bothered after all ik I’m not better and each one can design him how they want and doesn’t mean some obscure meaning.
It’s that personally I feel he is pretty babied? Look ik he is a fictional character you know and saying “baby boy baby” doesn’t mean you see him as a toddler but this days I felt it affected negatively this fandom…with certain ship,you know…
Yes I will ramble about my thoughts of the Antinous x telemachus ship,I lied to you all(jk)
So ok I wanna ramble but if you wanna jump this just scroll down until you can see the notes.
Ok so before anything if it helps you in your day. I don’t personally ship em like at the point of making ship art but it appeals me
I also can understand why ppl can not like it and I respect it but I don’t respect the massive pearl clutching reaction,like I really don’t.
And look I’m not going to tell you bullyng is bad (it is) because other,more famous and eloquent artists and users alredy told you that
I’m not eloquent just a rambler so please can I know why there was such a fuss for what is basically a good guy x bad guy ship?
It’s not more complicated is scenically that.
What is telemachus? A good guy.
What is Antinous? A bad guy.
And yes,yes ik the lyrics ik he said those things about penelope and yes I gasped but we can understand that when ppl ships these two isn’t because of that? Like I hope we all agree those two sentences aren’t cool or good but we have to re learn the concept of “indulgent shipping”
Wich idk if the name exists but my explanation is: those ships that aren’t meant to appeal canon and you wouldn’t like or accept if they were canon but just for the characters or the vibes/dynamic you would ship.
In resume. I know that these two wouldn’t work canonically,I don’t want them to be canon but I absolutely would see the appeal of drawing em idk wall pinning scene because its literally just enemies tension and we don’t have to think about the canon because the ship itself couldn’t be canon,yet doesn’t mean is worse or pointless it’s just shipping.
And I’m surprised that concept wasn’t even mentioned not all ships have to be canonically appealing or meant to “pinkwash” the actions but you can make them not exist in the context of the ship.
So I’m sorry but the reaction was too much more with a ship that it’s basically seen in all fandoms and try and shame ppl for drawing stuff that is even cute just because for some reason people can’t just mindlessly ship two adults that don’t get along it’s not something that at large is going to benefit you nor anyone, because if,epic is your first fandom im glad for you it’s a pretty cool fandom to be in but having such reactions for ships with dynamics of evil x good or bad guy x good guy when like I said both are in an acceptable age,shipping em doesn’t mean you think the bad guy is not bad or justified you just don’t think about it cuz it’s not meant to work canonically.
So it’s ok not liking it,it’s ok voicing your dislike with your friends or circle but it’s not reason of making a big deal and less harass
(Aside from the other thing the artist did but I accept the apology if you don’t I won’t force you I’m just talking about the ship itself)
If you wanna voice any opinion please do it with respect,thanks
(Also I don’t count ao3 as the mayority ik the kind..stuff of there is )
(Btw do you realize how i made you all think i was going to talk about the "infantilizing" issue but then i never mentioned it? Yeah,have a wonderful day.)
Still don’t take my whole antithesis crap as shipping it was just me finding funny these two being the oposite in desing
Other than that I can’t explain more than what there is.
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gossipgirloff1 · 2 months
I didn’t understand how Max could bag Dilara, for real hahahaha no hating btw, he just screams awkward to me. ///
I think they were kind of "set up" by Marko. A few years ago, the dutch and german press said that Max and Dilara met through Helmut Marko and his connection with the Swarovski family. Dilara is cousins with sisters Paulina and Victoria Swarovski (Dilara and the sisters have been estranged since 2019, allegedly because Paulina had hit on Max while he was dating Dilara), and the Swarovski family is very close to Marko. Marko introduced Max and Dilara at the beginning of summer 2017, when Max visited Helmut at his house in Austria. The Swarovski family was there too, and Marko thought Max and Dilara would make a good match. Max and Dilara started out as friends and only started dating months later. Before that, Max was seen with several women after his break up with that swedish driver, and just before he started dating Dilara there was a rumor that he was after a dutch model called Joelle, but then she said in an interview that she had nothing with him nor she wanted to (lol). Marko once said that he prefers his drivers to be in serious relationships because he thinks it helps them stay focused on work because the drivers won't be distracted by a "crazy life". Max was sleeping around between 2016 and 2017, almost every non-racing weekend he was seen at some party, had his name linked to about 5 or 6 different women, and there was a rumor that RBR wanted more focus from him, so >MAYBE< Marko introduced him to Dilara so that Max could calm down from his "crazy life" and focus more on work, lol. Max deadass won the first race after he started dating Dilara - Malaysia 2017 (not saying she was the reason, lol, just the coincidence is funny).
A gossip unrelated but still kinda related to the topic: Victoria Swarovski now dates the Red Bull's heir, and again allegedly Marko was the connection.
Sorry for the long ass message, but I think a lot of anons here are new fans and haven't experienced this older gossip, so it's best to add as much context as possible, lol.
P.S.: I ain't claiming Marko chose a girlfriend for Max, lol. Rather he was just a "cupid".
Thank you for the explanation anon ❤️
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unsat-and-strange · 6 months
oh yeah hey btw car doodles because the creations and consequences au is living in my brain
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kinda id? more explanation of thoughts, let me know if y'all want a real image id
fae lyf fae lyf fae lyf I have decided they have wings and their wings were stained black from soot for years after the war (its only after a few years at the castle Tim and Bertie realize oh their wings arent black anymore wait do fae wings change colors oh wait it's because of all the fire and smoke and stuff oh shit)
Marius climbing in the window :) my silly, I love him
head chef and chief interrogator raphaella la cognizi looking absolutely menacing (is she about to cut some tomatoes or some tendons? it's up to you!) (sidenote what if before she came to the castle she was trying to dissect some corpses for better understanding of anatomy so that y'know medical understanding could be better but people weren't fans of her um desecrating the dead so she had to dip out)
I had the idea of kettle ashes being able to express themself via a genie type steam projection? idk thought it would be fun and also easier for any artists out there
fae carmilla fae carmilla fae carmilla I just think she's neat and I think it's funny if she's somehow connected to like everyone's backstory just a tiny bit
carmilla and nastya, I think they must have been pretty close. carmilla didn't want nastya to take the blame for the curse, but nastya knew jonny needed a stable relationship with carmilla more than one with her (as much as either situation sucked)
ivy design? my thoughts are either an advisor or the castle librarian, her little crown thing is enchanted to enhance her memory
lyf and ashes judging you (pre and post curse versions). you cannot tell me they didn't have gossip sessions about everyone in the castle. they absolutely did.
@rocksanddeadflowers @blazeismyname I'm begging y'all to keep coming up with ideas for me to draw because this is the least art block I've had in so so long and I adore this au
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sunflowericescribbles · 4 months
Dirty Dancing AU for Hazbin Hotel - more thoughts
Lmao I´m just rewatching it and I was right:
Charlie should be Baby - she would go to the peace corps xD
Also still hilarious to think of Al as Johnny, because "you are only allowed to entertain guests, don´t fuck around", not in the literal sense, but more in the "can´t keep his mouth shut to rile up the rich assholes" way XD (and potentially murdering one or two of them xD)
[btw, no I would not ship Al & Charlie, but theoretically, I think this setting could also work for this pairing, I guess^^]
And holy shit I forgot how flexible the dancers were o.o
You know what? Make it Chaggie, with Charlie oggling Vaggie dancing with Al, who just can´t tone it down and has to claim the whole dance floor to show off on the first night in the dining hall xD The only little problem I would see is that there might be too much body contact for Al´s liking in these dance scenes XD (He´s a professional with Vaggie, because she´s a professional, too, but everyone else would never get the chance to lay a hand on him outside of his work hours - more time to rile up the guests, specifically Lucifer, I guess XD)
The "melon walk" will never not be funny for me - don´t ask me why, but I quite like that scene as she´s casually taking a melon to help and then just gives it back to let the poor guy struggle because she almost didn´t get her way xD
Omg Charlie is so Baby... Lucifer would do the same and just give her the money if she asked for it without explanation. Yea, Lucifer fits in that father role, she´s daddy´s girl and he trusts her. He doesn´t trust the staff, which kinda tracks, too... and him being a doctor works well, too xD
One thing I would maybe change: let Al have an accident or get into a fight and wounded (and of course claims it´s not serious, but can´t properly dance or rather lift her up, he only gets patched up poorly), so Vaggie has to train Charlie for the upcoming performance. (let´s ignore the gender roles, at least for dancing, ok? - Charlie is the perfect height, strong enough & looks good in a suit)
Or not changing it and let get Vaggie in said trouble, Al teaching Charlie and mess around with the dynamics xD
Sorry for rambling, it just comes to my mind that I never really paid much attention to Baby´s and Penny´s interactions, but it´s really sweet how Baby cares about her even though she doesn´t really know her. She never thinks bad of her, the only thing she envies her for are her dancing skills. She´s not jealous of her relationship with Johnny, she supports her decision, even going so far a giving her financial support. Even though Penny tells Johnny to not get involved with her, I can understand where she comes from, because she´s seen how all the other rich women before treated him.
Anyway, forgot how much I love that movie and the father-daughter relationship still gets to me. Same with Charlie and Lucifer.
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wheeler-fan · 3 months
Hiii! Sorry if I sound weird or disrespectful in some way, I was curious if it’s a common experience for you as a mileven shipper to go on byler tag just to try to understand their point of view. Like you go “ahh byler shippers make no sense, I wonder what are their thoughts on that scene/dialogue/etc” and then read some theories to understand them better. For example I am a byler and anti-mileven which means I completely don’t get this ship so I sometimes scroll through mileven tag or blogs to see “what are you guys on” (w/o negative tone)😭basically learning more abt mileven. Cause sometimes I see anti-byler posts where author obvi doesn’t even know what there’re talking abt and same thing with some anti-mileven ones. In my country there’s a popular phrase “know your enemy in the face”, it basically means you can’t hate anything not knowing what it is and I actually think that’s really important, some ppl should take notes lol, sorry for yapping. I’m not texting you specifically bc I have a beef with you or anything, I actually love your blog cause your posts (even tho I disagree ofc) are valid. I’m sure you cook such wonderful meals for your community and honestly? Keep going!! (I’ll read your stuff too 😼)I tried to make this ask anonymous but can’t find the button on the tablet so you can come at me if you need😭
heyyy, good question but it depends
usually i just text random byler shippers (or friends that ship byler but I don't have much of them so if you're a byler shipper and we're moots it actually means that you're super cool 😭😭😭) and ask them about their point of view
tbh i don't spend much time on tumblr bc i hate to see what people are doing to my fav character here (mike) and also i kinda feel like byler on tumblr is like a new reddie fanfic version 💀 emo boy and a sensitive little baby🥰🥰 I'm sorry 😭
I read a lot of byler theories mainly because of Mike, and usually they don't make sense to me, but honestly I found theories that were really good even though I ship Mileven
tbh for me byler would make way more sense if not the fact that there's only one season left and mike doesn't even know that will isn't straight - actually will haven't done a coming out even to his mom yet😭😭 i just feel like there's not enough time for all of this sorry guys
but i get why people ship it and even if that doesn't make much sense to me- if u want to ship them u can like it's not that deep it's just a fictional ship, the only thing i ask for- don't talk shit about my ship to make yours more valid please
also, even if I'm reading byler theories for fun to talk about them later with my mileven moots I'm trying to keep it for myself, i don't want to talk shit about byler cuz i don't want people to do the same to my ship. Like i get that we share a character but we don't have to kill ourselves 😭 just focus on your own ship..
answering ur question: I'm not searching for an explanation on tumblr or sth bc the explanation will be like : mike and will wear green so byler endgame 😝
i just ask an actual byler on pv so i can understand something better which is actually funny cuz i can randomly text someone and be like: hey I'm a mileven shipper but i wanted to ask, can u explain the birthdaygate to me? and i will get a whole paragraph about it😭 (btw thanks to the random byler that explained it to me before ross posted will byers on ig)
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 1 year
Legend of the Dragon S1 Ep 1-13 Watch and Rewrite
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I have gone down a rabbit hole by watching a random show from early 2000s (think Liberty's Kids, Sherlock Holmes 22nd Century kind of channel) that is clearly trying to jump on the Xiolin Showdown/Avatar the Lat Airbender and admittedly, it's mediocre but I'm just fascinated by its potential so my writer brain has a loooot of thoughts.
You can find the whole series on youtube if you want to watch before reading cuz this has spoilers.
Here's the plot: The show starts when the previous Golden Dragon has passed on to the afterlife and Ang and Ling Leung, seventeen-year-old fraternal twins, born in the year of the Dragon, are next in line for the Golden Dragon powerband and use of its mystical abilities to defend the mortal world from evil. Ang doesn’t believe he will become the Golden Dragon, as Ling is the best fighter at the Dragon Dojo.
Ling is positive that she will become the Golden Dragon. However, when Master Chin Ho calls upon the power of the Golden Dragon to choose who will be the next Golden Dragon, it chooses Ang. Humiliated and furious, Ling storms out of the temple and is tempted by the dark and evil power of the Shadow Dragon. From then on, Ang is forced to fight his twin sister.
First, the general
Alright, the animation style, let’s face it it’s not the best. But after seeing 80s shows, it’s not the worst. It’s just very dated. It’s a weird combination of some shots are really good, and some just look like bad flash animation yet you can also see the detail in the fight choreography. It’s weird. 
Speaking of fight choreography, the show is just in loooove with doing slow motion shots multiple times in each fight. Like it’s supposed to be epic but since it’s used all the time, I think they’re just padding the air time. And since the speeches are generic, I have fast forward through it unless a shot literally particular interesting or seems to be delivering meaningful conversation between Ang and Ling. 
That or it’s trying to mimic old Kung fu movies with the over the top yelling (gets grating after awhile tbh especially from Ling), people suddenly flying (just assume everyone has the power to fly) and the slow motion. 
As for the powers, each temple guardian has a magic armband that gives them powers related to their zodiac like turning into the animal plus extra like Bengali has super claw rips, the snake guardian turns into a shapeshifting, size changing cobra, the ram has power over avalanches etc. 
Which makes the powers of the dragons disappointing as they display generic fire blasts. I mean if it’s the top guardian, you should put a little something special into the power like flame breath and turning into a literal dragon! So I would give the dragons a power upgrade stat. 
Btw, besides the generic power blasts, each dragon has a voice upgrade. Ang gets a manly hero voice while gets sexy villainess voice. It’s kinda funny because it’s just so unexpected. No explanation for why these teenagers suddenly sound like adults or why that’s part of their transformations, it’s just there. 
As for the dialogue, the show has some spark when it allows the characters to show their personalities with humorous lines that make them distinct but it is also hampered by generic hero speech tropes (like in a fight it’s more about “Incoming” “I know the real you is in there” etc. if you’re going to do the tropes, at least make it specific to your character). Like the animation, it has good potential but also limited. 
Now to the real meat of the show the characters: Like the summary says, the two mains are Ang and Ling who are suddenly on opposite sides due to Ling’s insistence that she deserves to be the golden dragon. 
The first scene brilliantly sets up their personalities with them sparring. Ling dominates the fight with aggressive, offensive moves but Ang manages to outmaneuver her with observation and subtly. When Ang teases her about forgetting Master Chin’s lesson on using your opponents’ leverage, Ling nearly hits him again in anger over losing. 
Foreshadowing. . . Totally 
Ang is set up as the more laid back of the two. Into video games and movies, while Ling has been eagerly awaiting the day to be the temple guardian her entire life. 
As Master Chin invites to the temple, the show further demonstrates their differences and sets up Ang as the real candidate for Golden Dragon. Ling is consumed with getting the prestigious position, focusing on the power she will gain. Ang rightly points out, there’s a lot of responsibility to it too but that’s not interesting to Ling. She will rule, it’s a given, because she earned the spot. 
And so Ling’s pride goeth before fall. 
It’s only natural since Ling represents the yin which is feminine and dark and Ang is the yang, masculine and light (as if the name wasn’t enough of a clue). 
Ling may have memorized the teaching/learned all the moves, Ang is the one who has taken the education/teachings to heart and put them into practice. 
Ling tries to take the armband even when Master Chin tells her it’s not a mistake but it electrocutes her and when he assures her that her real destiny is to support the Golden Dragon and teach the next generation like he did, she blows up and directs all her anger at poor Ang who doesn’t even want the position. 
Anyway, I’ll go into my thoughts about what I thought about the split in the episode discussion but from therein, Ang maintains a typical protagonist personality when one is suddenly the chosen one. He is upbeat but sometimes he gets lazy, he doubts his capabilities, he delivers a few noble speeches.
Even though he’s a bit generic, he’s still relatable and a good protagonist to follow. It helps that his relationship with his twin brings out his flaws. Like his optimistic belief that she’ll regain her common sense and stop trying to take his position as Golden Dragon.
Despite her many actions on the contrary, he still believes she can be good again even though no one else does. In fact, he gets very defensive when others call her evil or psychotic (no matter how accurate a descriptor). He’s just a very loyal person and will do anything to protect his friends.
I still think that he needs a different name if only because Ang is too on the nose for symbolizing Yang. And the other famous Aang from A:TLA. If you’re gonna take the name, it’s gonna bring up unfair comparisons to that masterpiece. Do you really wanna be known as “the other Ang”?
Ling is arrogant, aggressive, entitled, not self aware at all. . . Pretty much a good villainess in the making. I feel like the show (so far) needs to work in more positive traits as to justify Ang’s intense belief in her ability to be good again. 
But she does make a good foil to Ang, easily countering him in battle and thinking ahead of him. Plus she makes a good snarky Shego to Zodiac Master’s Dr. Drakken, introducing such ideas as hacking Ang’s phone to track down other armbands and temples or to ambush him. 
I’ll discuss more about how to improve her characterization in the episodes below. 
Which brings me to the antagonist, the Zodiac Master. He’s a pretty generic villain, wanting to gain all the armbands so he overpower the Golden Dragon and achieve power all for himself. 
And. . That’s it. I know it’s a kid’s show but this was around the same time as Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego and Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century, surely they can work in more backstory and motivation than just power for power’s sake. Like how did he even get power? Was he a former guardian, does he relate to Ling in not getting what he “earned” so he is taking it all by force? He needs more, which I’ll get to below. 
I’d also improve his powers which are generic power blasts (seriously why give the secondary guardians cooler powers than the protagonist and antagonists?). He does demonstrate life force draining in one episode which I think he should utilize more to make him a more dangerous threat. 
But between him and Ling, he’s the Dr. Drakken if Dr. Drakken was more evilly competent and took himself way too seriously. 
Master Chin, the teacher of the dojo and all the guardians is another generic (maybe even stereotypical?) wise master character delivering vague wisdom and a sometimes humorous old man line. I also wish he had more of a backstory and developed a more fatherly guardian ie. Uncle Iroh from A:TLA 
Bengali is the Tiger guardian and friend of the twins. It doesn’t say how long but one must assume they grew up together and she’s a little older since she’s been guardian for awhile (seriously this show needs to work on giving people backstories!). 
She’s kinda generic too. She’s a good friend, sometimes teases, sometimes is the voice of wisdom, will go along with the others hijinks, delivers quips during battle. She’s similar to Ang in that she focuses more on the spiritual side of being guardian rather than martial. She also has feelings for him (okay not yet but it’s obvious as the only non related, reoccurring female, she’s gonna be a love interest, let’s not kid ourselves). 
If I had to improve her, I would give more of a backstory on her feelings as being Tiger guardian. Since everyone seems to be an orphan in the show, maybe something about how being a guardian gives her a community, gives her a purpose in life, the spiritualism allows her to find acceptance in the face of so many unknowns of her origins, gave her confidence. 
According to wiki, Tiger personalities are passionate, stubborn, generous, and with a strong sense of justice. She can provide some contrast to Ang as believing things are black and white in Ling’s case and she needs to deliver the hand of justice to eliminate the threat Zodiac Master and his sister pose. If you have the whole Chinese zodiac, lean into it.
Xuan Chi is the Monkey guardian and is exactly what you would expect. At least with western depictions of monkeys, he’s a goofy jokester. Raised in the jungle, Xuan Chi isn’t quite used to civilization and is mainly there to serve comic relief. I think kids would like him even though his one note monkey jokes can get annoying after while. Luckily, he is more than one note as he provides common sense to Ang when the latter continues to ideally believe his sister can change or tries to take short cuts of his guardian training. I like their burgeoning friendship. 
Xuan Chi also has some mistakes in his past like the fact that he came to the dojo seeking help when thieves stole his armband. He doesn’t have powers like the others but his martial arts and tree swinging (and bananas) skills keep people off balance, providing dynamic fights. The loss of his armband provides some depth as he struggles with the humiliation and shame of failing his duty as guardian, revealing the insecure teen behind the happy face. 
Now the first half of the season:
Alright I described most of the first episode up to Ang getting the armband at which point, Ling blows up and the Zodiac Master appears with samurai goons to kidnap Master Chin. This gives the show an excuse to show Ang’s powered up Golden Dragon transformation and save the day. Ends with Ling swearing that no matter what, she’ll take that armband from Ang and become the golden dragon herself. 
First thing I would change is Ling’s reaction, vowing vengeance and all that. She acts more like a frenemy than a twin sister. She shows no care for her brother, and is so willing to hurt him for her supposedly “earned” position. There’s no connection between them and makes it hard to see why Ang would continue to root for her redemption and familial bond when Ling feels nothing on her end. 
So I would change her reaction to her, still being angry, but trying to calm down and say that she’ll try to support him and teach him better cuz he’s still the baby brother. 
Episode 2: Here, Ang goes with Master Chin to the dojo with Xuan Chi who came seeking help to retrieve his stolen armband. That will be saved for another episode as Ang is concerned with the sibling rift. Ling goes to the cliff side to calm down and the Zodiac Master appears to preposition her. Together, they can team up and steal the other armbands so they can eventually overpower the Golden Dragon. 
She hesitates for like 3 seconds because she knows he’s evil but damn her resentment makes her easily give in to his proposal. He gives her the shadow dragon armband (basically evil twin, I mean yin powers), she shows up at the dojo, transformed and drunk on the dark side. Ang eventually defeats her, and kicks off the whole series arc. 
The major change I would make here is to continue to make Ling less psychopathic. Have her totally refuse Zodiac Master’s offer because he’s everything she's been trained to fight against. She may not be the golden dragon but she has honor!
Zodiac Master would reveal his backstory-he used to be a teacher alongside Master Chin, training future guardians and warriors. But he grew weary over the years of watching guardians make foolish mistakes. He, with all his wisdom and experience should be the one with the power, he wouldn’t make those stupid mistakes. He knows better than all. So he struck out on his own and got the yin armbands (which corrupted him and so his original good albeit arrogant intentions have disappeared. Now he’s all about the power) 
Ling refuses and returns to the dojo. The Zodiac Master vs Ang/Xuan Chin/Ling fight would happen and after several bad mistakes, Ang would triumph. 
Ling wouldn't be able to appreciate Ang’s eventual victory through his out of the box smarts. All she would focus on is his mistakes and how, if she had been the Golden Dragon as she was supposed, she would have defeated the Zodiac Master with decisiveness. She would have defeated him once and for all, she wouldn’t have let him escape. She should be the Golden Dragon and if only she had the chance, had the armband, she could prove it. 
So she goes to Zodiac Master and accepts the offer, becoming the shadow dragon and the dark side seeps into her. 
Eye on the Tiger, Hero Worship, Terra Unfirma, Master of Sarcasm: All are good episodes, introducing other guardians, have Ang put his training and teachings into practice, some generic hijinks like “Don’t meet your heroes” “What being a hero/warrior really means” “Appearances are deceiving” etc. 
Although I must admit Hero Worship is really dumb in Zodiac Master believing a regular movie actor is an actual warrior even after Ling tells him Wang Lee is just a lame actor her brother worships, he still kidnaps the guy, convinced that Wang Lee is capable of teaching any martial arts to Ang when it’s the other way around. I do enjoy the Drakken/Shego vibes. 
Eye on the Tiger feels a lot like filler even as it shows Bengail’s Tiger guardian prowess. It was more focused on the fight scenes than character interactions or dialogue. Here, I would add more emphasis on Bengail’s friendship with the twins and the characters realizing “oh shit, Ling is serious about being a bad guy.” It does show Ling being not a total psychopath as she refuses to kill Bengali (just fight her and knock her out and steal from her but not kill) 
Terra Unfirma was fine though I wanted more ox guardian action. I liked Zodiac Master’s idea to combine the ram and dog armbands even if it put him over his head and Ang had to help him out in the end. 
Master of Sarcasm was the best. Not just because I liked sarcasm but because of the location change. Ang and Xuan Chi travel to Vietnam to learn discipline from Shoong (unbeknownst to them, he’s the pig guardian though his surroundings should provide a huuuge clue). He was a lot like a gruffer, tougher Master Piando. So enjoyable. 
Temple of Changes was disappointing. After failing in his training because he wants to hang out at the movies and do normal stuff, Master Chin tells Ang it’s time to go to the temple of changes as all the golden dragons before him have done. There he goes through some trippy sequences and fights a dark samurai before emerging victorious and more confident in his abilities. 
This was disappointing as Ang’s big test was fighting himself. Like literally fighting himself with very few psychologically painful taunts of his inadequacies. There was no reckoning with his destiny vs his wants. 
So I would change this with a poignant flashback to Ang’s past. A few months ago to be exact where Ang is playing a game on his phone while Ling spars with Bengali. In the present, he thinks about his new role and his past certainty with his future. He had thought that Ling was sure to be the golden dragon so he didn’t apply himself with the same intensity. He thought he would teach others like Master Chin. That he’d be able to travel, go to university, be able to hang out with his friends without responsibilities and new foes. Now he’ll be bound to the temple, always on alert for evil and he isn’t even as formidable of a warrior as his sister was. Why him?
So the temple would have him face these questions. Since Ling wants the armband so bad, why not give it to her? Why hang onto it? Because of destiny? Does he want this destiny? Is he capable of being a good guardian? Can he actually become better than he is? 
So the temple would force him to really think about why he chooses to stay in this role that he never asked for, ultimately deciding that he is doing it because he wants to. He wants to protect his community, his friends. He believes there needs to be a golden dragon in the world. He’s accomplished so much already, he can do more and he wants to improve, inserting some of the lessons Master Chin has taught him. 
Mindbender is another semi disappointing episode with a good premise that doesn’t go as far as it could. It’s Chinese New Years and everyone is celebrating new beginnings. Ang hopes that will include Ling coming back to her senses which everyone rolls their eyes and warn him that Ling won’t change, he needs to give up the idea. Zodiac Master attacks, setting up a distraction for Ling to sneak into the temple and ambush Ang when he goes to recharge his armband. In the midst of battle, Ang gets knocked out with amnesia and Ling sees the opportunity to trick him into giving her the armband. 
Predictably, it nearly works but Ang’s memories come back and he changes to the right side at the last minute. Also, in the episode, Ling should do a better job of convincing Ang she’s the real golden dragon if she doesn't get impatient and transform into the shadow dragon so they can escape the cave they’re trapped him. That was just so dumb. 
To make it more dramatic, the plot will go as shown up till the amnesia. Ling tricking Ang will have more weight as she references their past relationship (including a cute beach flashback), she is imbuing it with truth. She has always looked out for her brother, she protects him, she cares for him. She wants him on her side as always. And here, one can tell she means it even as she’s angling for him to give her the armband. Again, this will make her look like she has actual emotion instead of a manipulative psycho. 
Ang will regain his memories in time with the help of his friends, and defeat the Zodiac Master and Ling. Only their face off will end with Ang deciding to officially cut off all hope that Ling can be redeemed. He is too hurt that she was willing to manipulate their twinship, to corrupt their happy memories. She’s gone too far. 
Episode ends with Xuan Chi, Bengali, Master Chin and Ang having a fun New Years meal with Ang appreciating his new family. 
But there’s a flashback to his previous happy new year with Ling and Master Chin. Flashback ends to Ling sitting alone at the cliff side, staring at her locket with their baby picture. As fireworks bloom overhead, she decisively closes the locket and walks away, a tear running down one cheek. 
Chow Chow is yet another interesting episode that could do more with its ending. 
It all starts when the Zodiac Master is trying to resurrect the original dak Emperor of Yin, and tries to use Ling to do it by allowing the Emperor to drain her life force. Well, Ling isn't going out that way and realizing the danger she's in, tries to contact her brother for help. But the Zodiac Master intercepts the email and goes to ambush him, making it seem like it had been a trap all along. 
Now I like that idea, and the subsequent execution where Ang does the smart thing and hides his armband before getting subdued by the Zodiac Master in battle which enrages him when he realizes that Ang is useless. 
And Ling makes it much more difficult when Ang accuses her of setting him up and she gets all defensive that he doesn't believe her. I mean, girl, you have set up plenty of times before, you can't blame him. 
Nonetheless, when Zodiac Master threatens to suck her life force, Ang gives in and agrees to show where he hid the armband.
And while all this is happening, Ang's friends have teamed up with the dog guardian, Chow Chow to literally sniff out where he's been kidnapped. I just find these specific guardian traits/powers super fun. It also comes to an entertaining battle where Xuan Chi grabs ahold of the dragon armband and temporarily becomes the Golden Dragon. 
Cool but brings a few plot holes to why did it reject Ling if Xuan Chi can just take it? Does it only repel evil? Then why don't the other armbands repel Zodiac Master when he steals them?
In the end, there's a big fight and Ling returns to Zodiac master despite him trying to kill her just hours ago, proving how stubborn she is about holding a grudge against a brother who has only tried to help her. While Ang realizes she was telling the truth and admits that he wishes he could give up on her, he's sad to admit he just can't. 
So I would change the ending a bit. After Mindbender, Ang won't have any trust for Ling so when he gets her email, he just straight up assumes it's a trap. The plot will go on as expected only Ling will be taken aback by the fact that Ang was prepared for the betrayal and doesn't believe her. He just wants to learn what the Zodiac Master is planning. The life force draining will still take place as well as the battle. 
But the reason Ling stays with the Zodiac Master despite him trying to kill her will be because she sees that Ang doesn't trust her and she is totally alone. So she convinces herself that because this night turned out fine, she can handle it. She never needed Ang's help even if he had offered it. She'll show him and she will show that backstabbing Zodiac Master, furthering her evil descent.  
Monkey Mission was a very fun episode, giving Xuan Chi more depth than I ever thought he would get. For one thing, apparently he has PTSD-esque nightmares of losing his armband. You see, he didn’t just lost a fight to some temple robbers, they held him down and electrocuted him. No wonder he has nightmares! 
But now, he has a clue of where the thieves are going. They’re auctioning it and other temple items off like any good temple robber and Zodiac Master is on call to steal it back. 
Why doesn't he just buy the armband since his civilian disguise looks like he’s the head of a majorly rich corporation, I don’t know, but I guess he’s cheap. 
Anyway, it was a bit of Indiana Jones and a bit of a regular martial arts movie with three separate acts and gave Xuan Chi a chance to shine and prove to himself that he’s an honorable warrior even as it leaves off with a cliffhanger of the armband going missing again. 
The Emperor of Darkest Yin was an episode that felt like a filler with Ang and Xuan Chi disobeying Master Chin's warnings that teaming up with Zodiac Master's vengeful ex-partner. This ex partner calls himself the Master of Red Chi whose powerful blasts mostly make up for his incompetent combat skills. 
I liked the message, "When you  try to use the force of evil, it is evil that ends up using you," and it plays it straight with Master Red Chi double crossing them for another of Zodiac Master's traps as well as the twist ending. 
But it felt riddled with holes like why doesn't the Red Chi Master not have a name? Where did he learn red chi? Can anyone else learn or was he just born with it? His story was very vague and felt like it could have been expanded to add to the magical lore of the show.
The fight in the Hong Kong docks also felt silly with the Zodiac Master's entire samurai army in view. 
Like is this like Marvel New York? Are the people used to samurais and bombs in their harbor? Isn't this supposed to be a secret mystical battle? Just the concepts of what is secret and what is normal in this world is unclear? 
I would have kept the use your enemy concept but have Ang try to outwit his sister, the way she has been doing the previous episodes and throw in the Red Chi Master for the red herring (this was unintentional, I semi swear).
The Last Dragon- I actually have no complaints with this episode. It was solid story wise, revealing that the previous Golden Dragon was the twin’s father who had Master Chin erase their memories to protect him from their enemies. Of course, Ling is dumbly manipulated to turn her rightful anger toward Zodiac Master for murdering her father to being furious at her father for “abandoning” them. 
But the show actually pulls through and has her realize the truth thanks to Ang and of course, a cheesy flashback. 
And then they team up to fight the Zodiac Master! 
It’s a temporary truce but I enjoyed that it touched on my previous complaints that Ang was the only one acting like they had a familial bond. Also Ling was less hostile psychopath and demonstrated she may have some good after all. Also them as kids were cute. I would just change the animation of the last scene because it looked less like a hug in the moonlight between twins but the beginning of something else between not siblings. . . so ew.
Spy Hard was also a fun episode. As you might guess, it’s a James Bond parody! Well a parody if James Bond had mystical possession and martial arts powers. Okay, it doesn’t really follow any James Bond movie plot but the Rooster guardian,Lo Wang has a Sean Connery voice which is delightful to listen to. Ang learns a bit about thinking before acting which I’m pretty sure he learned before but I didn’t care since I was enjoying Sean- I mean Lo so much. 
Also, Ling continues to return to her roots by fighting against Zodiac Master again. While she was originally down for the whole possessing the dragon temple, she’s not in it for corrupting the Golden Dragon temple’s spirit with the darkest yin. If she’s going to steal the Golden Dragon, she’s going to do it honorably! 
So yay? She’s not quite on Ang’s side but she’s not the Zodiac Master’s idiotic puppet either. And Ang trying to do an awkward fist bump was surprisingly endearing even if Ling didn’t reciprocate. You could tell she kinda wanted. 
So yeah, as I write this down, I can see that it’s really starting to improve as the season goes on and I’m excited to see what the second half of the season does. 
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Gus Gus!! I can't remember if I asked you this or if we've discussed it but I'd love to know or re-learn it again lol.
What's your favorite movie and why? It can be any medium, live action or animated! *but bonus points if it's animated jk hehe...maybe lol*
I'll do you one better, I'll tell you all of my favourite animated movies because honestly I can't pick only one AND SORRY I TOOK TOO LONG TO ANSWER I went completely nuts with this btw.
The Tigger Movie
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This movie, this fucking movie, because of this movie and Winnie Pooh in general I love the found family trope. That need of Tigger to find his family, all the others jumping in to help him and then trying to cheer him up, and then him realizing that his family has been there right in front of him all this time, his relationships with Roo and Rabbit mean everything to me, the acting and animation YOU COULD FEEL TIGGER'S SORROW, Tigger is my favourite character and this movie fucked me up emotionally and I love it so much.
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Lilo and Stitch
OHANA MEANS FAMILY. FAMILY MEANS NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND OR FORGOTTEN. It has aliens, complex but loving family dynamics (with found famiy mixed into it), great fucking music (I knew all the dances) and it's beautiful. I've watched every single bit of media related to Lilo and Stitch, every movie and the tv series, and I love it all, but the first movie is so very special to me. The movie kinda grew up with me in a way, because when I was younger I related a lot with Lilo, but then I started relating so much with Nani, mostly because I'm the oldest sibling. Also Jumba and Pleakley are married I will die on this hill.
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The Iron Giant
He wanted to be like Superman and he WAS he really was. I haven't seen this movie in a while now, I should rewatch it, but the friendship the kid and the robot had is something beautiful, and just all the humanity and care and love he experienced, he showed all of that way more than most of the humans from that movie. IT'S ART.
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Ice Age
The first one specifically, the second one is really cool too but the others are kinda meh to me. Anyway I had this movie on vhs and I watched it so so many times, I know most of the movie by heart. And hey we have a beautiful found damily dynamic yet again!!! How Manny, Sid and Diego's friendship and companionship evolves as the movie progresses is awesome, Sid is fucking hilarious, Manny is a mood, I had a bit of a crush on Diego I'll be honest, and you really feel for all of them. And Scrat is Scrat, an absolute delight to witness.
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The Spongebob movie (the first one ever created)
Just like with Ice Age, I know basically all the dialogue all the songs, I would watch this again and again with my little brother (this time on cd) it never gets old man. No thoughts only SpongeBob.
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Over the Hedge
I have the soundtrack for this movie in my playlist, enough said. THIS MOVIE IS EVERYTHING, AND AGAIN FOUND FUCKING FAMILY. I'm realising with this list that I like that trope more than I thought, idk what that says about me. Hammy is my favourite guy, he's my little guy he can do no wrong whatsoever. And Stella the skunk is the character ever we love her in this house.
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Shrek (the whole fucking saga)
There's no need for explanation here. Might be one of the best animated movie saga out there let's be honest here. AGAIN I have seen these movies so many times I know everything about them but I still enjoy the absolute fuck out of them.
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Aardman Animations
Chicken Run, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Flushed Away, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!...AMAZING FILMS ALL OF THEM. I know not ALL of them are stop motion/claymation, some are computer animated, but because of these movies (and Laika's of course) my love for this animation medium began, and I could not be more thankful for that.
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Monster House
My love for horror increased 100% after this movie, it's funny, it's spooky, it gets sad as hell, it has a great plot twist???? What more do you need.
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Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings are my favourites from Laika, but all their other movies are gems as well. Coraline, I don't know if I can completely express why I like it, it's a classic and it's so ingrained in myself after so many years, I can't not love it. Kubo and the Two Strings is a movie I watched much recently, last year I think, and I love it so much, the way it's animated is absolutely stunning it's a beautiful piece of art (much like all of Laika's work) and the story and characters are so lovely. Like I said before, seeing Laika's animations, seeing how much work and love is put into these films made me love stop motion so much and inspired me to become an animator.
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Meet the Robinsons
THIS MOVIE MAKES ME SOB UNCONTROLLABLY. That part when Lewis sees his bio mom leave him at the orphanage???? The ending???? The message???? FUCK AHHHH. I'm a mess every time I watch this movie. Everything about it is, lovely oh so lovely, the characters we meet, the story, how we put the pieces of the puzzle together as the story goes, Goob kills me man (also he's literally me for real) I just, this movie means a lot to me. "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Reading that and hearing the ending song absolutely DESTROYS ME.
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HONORARY MENTIONS (that everyone should check out btw)
Emperor's New Groove and Kronk's New Groove, Road to el Dorado, Treasure Planet, Monsters Inc, Ponyo (and every other Studio Ghibli movie), Song of the Sea (and all other movies made by Cartoon Saloon because they are top tier, absolutely incredible movies), Megamind, The Lego Batman Movie, Manuelita (argentinian animated movie), every fricking 90s/00s Scooby Doo animated movie, Chicken Little, Brother Bear (the first one, the second one is kinda meh to me personally), Sword in the Stone, Klaus, Bolt, Spiderman into/across the spider-verse movies, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs.
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lilylamps · 8 months
seapunk headcanons with long winded unnecessary explanations!!!
whwtegeahsh sorry if this is incoherent!!! (as always!!) i just like talking a lot!!!!! will be making a part two!!! cuz im,,,
-mayumi is a picky eater (like extremely picky)(AND THE INLY READON IS BECAUSE I AM AND IM PROJECTING)
- AND HOBIE IS NOT he is a firm believer in not wasting food because i’m like 98% sure he used to be homeless??? so i think he has a fear of not having enough food or starving or something idfk,,,!!,
- anyways he eats her unwanted food because she’s always like heyghehehUGHHHHHH 🙁🙁 when eating food she don’t like cuz texture and taste and UGH
- basically the olive theory
- he also eats her bread crusts cuz she doesn’t like bread crusts cuz she thinks they’re disgusting and inferior /hj?!?!!?!,,,
- he has this small habit of being protective over her BUT NOT IN LIKE AN ARGHHH ALPHA MALE 🐺🐺🐺‼️‼️TYPE OF WAY
- she’s just like kinda,,, clumsy
- so he does this thing where he’s helping her not like do anything stupid w/o her noticing
- like for example they’re standing near a railing watching stars she gets rlly excited cuz she sees a shooting star and leaning over the railing a bit to much for his liking, so he just like safely hovers his hand subtly over her back incase she falls
- or if she’s about to bump into something he gently moves her out the way or she’s abt to trip and he pulls her back by her collar softly because cuz she has no thoughts behind her eyes and is equivalent to a baby with no consciousness (JOKING but not rlly tbh she’s just fucking,,, stupid???? she’s very unaware even w her spider sense bru her spider sense is like the only reason she hasn’t been hit by an on coming car)
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^^ them probably btw it’s so funny i love them
- hobie who loves aggressively and softly simultaneously????
- it’s versus the most wettest sloppiest biggest kisses and cuteness aggression about mc vs speaking to her gently and giving her the most whipped and gentle love struck look known to man kind whenever she’s not looking and little smooches
- they’re both equally as clingy,,, heueuegg but she gets embarrassed abt PDA cuz she’s,,, shyyeyeye,,,, so she tries to holding back???,?, but he does NOT cuz he has no decorum and doesn’t give a FUCK
- he rlly loves her cheeks thighs and tummy hehehrhryry (AGAIN NOT IN A WEIRD WAYYSYSY UGH)
- he just
- really likes how soft they are
- they’re so chubby he loves them!!
- they’re like pillows,,, ehehueue like wheneber he gets a chance to lay on her tummy or thighs he just SHNOREEEEEE MIIMIMIMIMIMIMI
- she is emotionally sensitive and fragile and hell???????????? BUT BUT BUT she has a weirdly high pain tolerance (might me a spidey thing idk yet)
- like she gets stab from a villain and she’s like ????? ow???? (NOT ACTUALLY it still hurts but she not like,, bawling from it,,, she’s more like why would u do that 🙁)
- but as soon as someone yells at her in a negative way she’s just
- 🙁
- ☹️
- 😔
- she is really emotionally unstable though cuz she??? doesn’t know how to deal w bad feelings???? SHE OVER THINKS A LOT
- yk the stupid fucking things cats do to get their owners attention by head butting them
-that’s her
-but real gentle
- just head buttin his arm or back or chest for attention
- also she’s kinda bad at like asking for things
- so she just communicates with really sad frowns and pouting and whining and heyehrhrhrhrhehhehe
- this man is so fucking whipped for her
- and she is TOOOO
- this little shit (mayumi) CANNOT sleep w/o him because we all know her sleep schedule is shit and is fucked and is bad bad bad bad and she can only sleep w him or some kind of remnant of him
- BY REMNANT i mean like something that at least fuckin uhhrhr smells like him or something
- like she steals his band tees, vests, jackets, etc to sleep w or use as a pillow case cuz everything abt him is a sleeping aid for her
- and then he has to do like a shake down every two weeks because he’s somehow missing all his clothes!!! and so she has to surrender a whole closet of his clothes!!!!! (which i think she’d do anyways to like, rejuvenate the smell?? IDK YK WHAT IM SAYING) but summary she’s a little sneaky sneakster that steals his clotheshshd
-and i WOULD like to think she has a diy hobie build a bear of him,,, cuz im, crineg and i think stuffiesdj dedicated to s/o’s are cute 😖 like ik this bitch would buy fabric for this build a bear a make its own vest boots etc etc for it
- she also hides it religiously cuz she knows she will get flamed by him
- think i made a doodble of this a couple days ago but ummmnndhdb she likes singing him to sleep and he likes it too cuz he thinks he voice is nice and soft compared to the music he normalieyy listens too ifs just veryyr soft spoken
-def sings him to sleep if he has like spiderman nightmares and like kisses his tears away (if buddy even has any idk 🦅)
- it’s definitely the same other way around like he’d play her songs she likes on his old ass guitar (mayb his like, first one) and just comfort her or smthing
- ummm, their sleeping arrangement sucks balls
- CUZ ONE HOBIE IS STUPID AND BRITISH AND A FOOL so he cannotjr handle the hot when he’s sleeping ESPECIALLY IN HER UNIVERSE SHE ITS ALWAYS SWEATY AND HUMID (it’s literally just the philippines)
-so one always wakes up frigid cold and shaking or the other wakes up at 3 am with a dry mouth in a hot sweat
- but they tend to take naps/sleeps(?) in hobies universe cuz for hobie it’s genuinely hell for him on her earth he’s burning he’s screaming he is NOT ballin
um!!! anyways!!!
lub u guys ☺️
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I kinda wonder how chapter 4 was supposed to be originally, because what we got wasn't exactly... Good.
(btw possible TW for describing what getting tased is actually like? Idk if anyone needs it but better safe than sorry)
Like, ignoring the fact that Linuj changed plans last minute in order to not accidentally copy another fangan and he ended up copying THH instead, but the plan we got had to dumb down Nikei to Iroha levels of stupid in order to even work, and this all stems from The Damn Taser.
I have so many grievances with that single piece of evidence it's not even funny.
First of all, why the fuck would Nikei even get it programmed into the VR in the first place? The only use he gets of it is that he makes himself pass out in order to make Yuki panic and attack Shinji. Now here's the question: why would he even think that actually passing out was a good idea???
Nikei is not stupid, the chapter 4 daily life is literally him playing everyone like fiddles, how could he think that leaving himself defenseless right next to a (supposed) corpse was a good idea? The explanation as to why he did that is that Linuj needed him to be unconscious or Sora's little plan couldn't have possibly worked, but Nikei has no real reason to want to use it.
And then he passes out with the taser in his hand and somehow when Sora goes to pick him up to stab Shinji with his hand she doesn't notice it? And when he finally wakes up he just. Leaves it there? He forgets the one, singular piece of evidence which would fuck him over? I mean, we needed to find it or we wouldn't have been able to solve the mystery behind him being actually passed out, but it's still pretty stupid of him to just leave it there.
And then there's the misuse of the taser itself, which I am not necessarily surprised considering how the media usually portrays people getting tased, but to make a long story short: the damn thing would have activated all of Nikei's pain receptors, and he would have remained conscious the entire time.
Realistically, he would have flopped down on his knees, screaming in pain, a nice accompaniment to the sizzling of the taser itself, and best case scenario, he would have passed out from the pain. Which isn't keeping in mind the fact that not only was Nikei tased on the neck, but he tased himself and, thus, would have not been able to stop the current of electricity and it would have kept going until it most likely would have killed him. But let's pretend that his Heavenly Luck saved his ass on that last part.
And one has to wonder how Yuki could have seen that spectacle and thought that Shinji had... Shot him? I understand that he was panicking already and wouldn't have been keeping a close eye on the details, but it's pretty hard to misunderstand whatever Nikei was doing.
TL;DR the taser was a stupid addition and I hate it so much
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hello darling!
Honestly confessing your feelings/not knowing how to do it if at all is such an uncomfortable situation and so painful sometimes. Wednesday could torture me and I'd prefer it to confessing. (Please abduct me Wednesday)
Wednesday not threatening you as much as others equals her practically saying "I like you, we are friends".
Lol I love that Wednesdays first thought to everything is murder. Lowkey same, people cam be so annoying 🙄
Oooh R isn't scared by Wednesday and even kinda enjoys torture facts. Two psychopaths have found each other!
A poem is a genius idea to confess to Wednesday. She's a great writer so if she doesn't appreciate it, nothing will ever impress her.
"After the 27th trashed page" are we talking about R here or was that you trying to come up with the poem? 😜
OMG A PUPPY!!! WE GOT A GOLDIE PUPPY!!! This is the best story ever! Well after the Thing pranks of course. But a puppy!
Yess we dognapped the puppy. That's exactly what I would do. Well done R! Wednesday will be thrilled 😂
Yoko, I love you girlie but let R take the puppy home in peace.
"I'm pregnant" BITCH WTF?? THATS THE BEST YOU COULD COME UP WITH?? Holy shit that was funny and just so stupid. At first I was gasping at my phone and then laughing. I love slightly dumb characters.
A beautiful and poetic name. Let's hear it! ...Choklit. I... I'm speechless. If R thinks THAT is poetic and beautiful then maybe writing poems isn't the correct thing to do...
Who the hell is Edgar?? Poe poe poe... (Eurovision Song Contest reference. My impulse control is also non existed. Sorry to all Americans who don't get this amazing reference)
Personal failure as a poet. How come when you come up with such poetic names like Choklit??
Lol more exercise. I feel called out again... My small dog can outrun me too.
Ha, I knew it! LOL The werewolf line!! That was savage and utterly hilarious!!! Even Wednesday thinks so.
Choklit is the best wingman ever!
...a few lines above I said I like a slightly dumb character. That's me. Hi. I didn't understand a word Wednesday was saying about the poem. Wtf is a masculine or feminine rhyme?? I really know nothing about poetry...
Wednesday said yes!!! The poem was a success 🙌
For Wednesday I would also use the hell out of Google to impress her. Well done!!
i have no experience confessing to a crush but that shit seems so stressful 😭😭 (“please abduct me wednesday” is killing me btw) but a poem seems like a terrible way to do it idk. maybe that’s just cause i can’t write one well LMAO. and yes!!! a goldie! one of the three breeds i know of<3
the way “i’m pregnant” was just the first thing i thought of while writing SJSHSJ. i meant to change it but i guess it’s a good thing i didn’t 🙏 and yeah choklit is….a name!!! lol. the eurovision song reference was everything btw. that song was a Bop.
pls i had to read so many article and explanations about all those poetry terms (besides alliteration) because my stupid ass was just not comprehending it…poetry is so much more complex than i thought it was, respect to the poetry girlies bc i’m never touching this stuff again 😭🤚
thank you for reading‼️ your reactions are everything<333
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cult-of-dollbabies · 2 years
Plz trash talk season 2 i would love to see u ramble. Also hi hope ur ok
This is what I wrote in drafts and it is literally my thoughts so sorry if it's kinda scrambled, these aren't all of them either so, expect reblogs. (I'm as ok as I can be, thanks :)
I keep mentioning how Not Scary I think it is bc Brad said it scared him, and i took his word for, there are some things that are disturbing but not much struck me as particularly scary. I think the only thing that came close to that was the woods decorated with chucky parts, and it was mostly the sound effects that did it for me. this season kinda fell into seed of chucky territory and while I love seed for what it is I really wish they didn't go in that direction, I hoped it'd feel more like curse, going back to darker roots and such. One thing I loved about chuckys character was how funny he can be but cold and threatening as well, (see: curse following seed) and since I imagine all the chuckies vary, sillier versions of him wouldn't be too out of pocket.. however, I couldn't take any of them seriously, at all. Aside from "good chucky".. for five seconds.
There were some interesting things introduced, the thing with good chucky and how he was so easily brainwashed, (i have an explanation for this in my rewrite) if he was faking the whole time or not, i think theres some sound evidence that suggest he wasnt, at least for a while, but then that concept was dropped so quickly, same with the colonel. The colonel sounded like a larger threat, and he kinda was.. mostly to other chuckies, but he never had the chance to cause harm to anyone in the school when he finally showed up, and again the whole thing was dropped just like that. (you could not have convinced me an otherwise normal chucky was doing all that btw) ultimately he was just some apocalypse now reference with no real significance, which is hella disappointing. buff chucky was fucking ridiculous, i hate him and i did NOT need to see his grippers, thank you very much. chucky "prime" was absolutely not the first, the fact they've used that for nicachucky makes me think they've somehow forgotten scarface, who was actually the first, if they were gonna use that language why not bring him back? they seem to really like making callbacks to previous movies so why not bring back the most iconic look? the reveal of his stitched face in curse was so good, still one of my favorite chucky scenes, missed opportunity to bring back the "there is no god" line as well.
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iwantabatlleaxe · 18 days
I have a bad habit of insulting my dad (shit guy) through what sound like compliments no, not the comedy way.
The other day I was talking to him and my sister and my dad said he would never stop smoking and that his health would be shit for it, resulting in an early death.
I replied with "you should try vaping", which made my sister correct me as that is more dangerous.
They thought I was trying to come up with a healthier alternative.
I meant it as an insult.
He once (the day before the other story) said that he'd die young from not exercising and that he was already feeling the effects.
"I have more six years to me." He said.
"Do you?" I sound worried.
"More, but six years I can enjoy." Explanation.
"... do you?" Doubtful tone.
OH MY GOD this is like a narrative coming full circle, when I was a kid I'd beg for him to stop, hide his boxes, ask for nicotine stickers to other ppl, but after 21 years of egocentric bs I'm just agreeing when he talks pity on himself
As a matter of fact, talking to my dad is similar to those tense political meetings in media where we both know each other's plans but say things just vague enough not be called out.
Funny thing is that when his "plan" didn't work (reduce child support under the percentage determined by law without breaking contract via having my consent) he went for the THROAT.
Alright this is just a vent now.
But man. It was satisfying.
He talked shit about my mom, she never paid anything blah blah, that stuff.
He was lying! Plus he once refused to pay school materials! He's a prosecutor! He gets 30x the minimum wage! Always did, always will!
He complains about his debts (that he wants to leave for moá) when he spend his father's savings on prostitutes and plastic surgeryfor his wife!
Well, one whore who cost literally my college tuition.
No shade for sex workers, btw, but it's a little strange for his wife to be boasting about how much they spend on their third (who's my age btw!) To refuse to pay child support.
He also talked about how I abandoned them when my grandma died.
I spend her last week there, me and my mother HELPED him with medical decisions, and he didn't tell me about her death so I couldn't make it to the funeral.
My sister found out via her manicures ig.
Oh, and I'm not allowed inside their home because I didn't let the third come to my graduation. It's how he sees it.
I didn't allow my stepmother come (for reasonsTM) (plus the girl is MY AGE. It would be kinda okay if he didn't have the habit of dating his 20/23 yo subordinates.)
Anyways. I hope he stops going to the clubs I go to. And I hope he and my stepmother rot together because what the fuck is that
I've seen all kinds of violence between them (more than you'd imagine! Yes including sexual! On her part! She also said her friend should be thankful if she ever got raped!) So... you can guess how it affected me growing up.
Anyways. I hope they die.
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my flight keeps getting fucking delayed im gonna.
anyways im watching the new of here's my liveblog:
ohhh nick having bad timing is gonna be a theme this ep i see
oooohhhh its raysand domesticity hours
mew and top continue to pull stepford wives-esque "couples stuff"
once again im getting "typical BL couple" from them and i think it's intentional
sand...honestly i think he would be so annoying irl. pretentious starving-artist guy. also he cant fucking sing yet he still tries to and thinks he can build a career out of this? honey no. and has the worst hot-topic punk fashion sense and 2014-era hipster music taste. sorry boo.
where the hell are they shopping
finished warching on my phone so i couldnt liveblog. shh concentrating on remembering what i thought. things that jumped out at me:
ok what are the Metaphors in top and mew always having dates with some form of sensory separation (lazer tag=dark room, silent disco=dark, can't hear each other, blind dinner(which btw. what the hell.)=can't see eachother
trying to suss out top and mew's Deal is having me doing Kombucha Girl faces on loop.
the scene of sand and ray at the concert is hilariously framed they are like towering over everyone
i Did Not Like ray sitting on that ledge
nick saying boston "deserves" revenge porn for being a slut 🚩🚨🚩🚨🚩🚨 viewers and characters alike have been urging Nick to get away from Boston but it just keeps getting reinforced that it should really be the other way around...
sooo many interruptions this ep.
NOT THE I LOVE YOUS OH JESUS. oh no. this IS the worst couple you know. the ones you gotta just sit and watch even though they make you physically nauseous.
these actors may be pretty good at drunk acting but im sorry i dont think any of you have been stoned before (also kinda funny in thai dramas weed is just "drug that makes you giggly and horny")
boston continues to be the world's biggest ass. any actual news?
heartbroken sand 🥺
overall: nothing huge happened this ep it felt like? seemed kinda fillery. guess we got some punches in. more of that next week it seems.
oh i forgot. i was rolling on the floor at sand's explanation of his name omg
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