#i have no idea what lotan looks like lol
abyssal-wonders · 10 months
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levi doodles <3
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misc-obeyme · 20 days
Hey cc
So in the vampire pop quiz I think it was Dia who said something very interesting "looks like they are fixated on mc because mc is the manifestation of their desires" now that did align well with my effort to understand why would all 7 of them be this obsessed lol
Anyway in my head mc goes like guys that's just my idea of how a proper human should be lol pretty sure if any other human ended up here who kinda like hot demons you all would be obsessed about that human too
Anyway, can I request a drabble about this kind of mc not insecure, just not understanding why mc deserving all this attention
Barb would be interesting to drabble about this since it took him sooooo looooong to open up to mc a bit
happy to see you are still having fun with Barbs thirst trap 😎
Hi there, 🐆 anon! I apologize for the delay on this - it's been taking me a little longer than I anticipated to get through the drabble requests...
Augh the Barbatos shower picture is going to be the death of me, I swear. I'm still thinking about a nsfw drabble based on one of his lines lkasdfkjfj it's a problem, I swear.
Anyway, here's a Barb drabble with MC not getting why the demons are obsessed with them! I thought it was a cute little scenario. And Barb is just being super romantic as always lol. I can't help it, I am but a humble fluff writer.
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Barbatos could see it on your face - a subtle expression that the others might not pick up on. It told him the story of how you were trying your best to hide your own confusion. It was something that happened every time one of the brothers complimented you, when they fought over you, when they expressed this need to always be near you. A slight furrow of your brow, the tiniest downturn of your lips, the fleeting uncertainty that flashed through your eyes.
Ever since your first day in the Devildom, Barbatos had seen this look. He was always watching you. The more he did, the more it became clear to him that you didn't understand why everyone seemed to think there was something special about you.
Perhaps he waited too long. Perhaps he should have mentioned it to you sooner. But you didn't seem distressed. All he ever saw was bafflement. So he let it be for quite some time. Until he finally found himself alone with you when it displayed itself.
Barbatos had been pouring you a cup of tea as he heard about the brothers' latest antics. You were telling him that they had been arguing over who got to work with you on an upcoming school project.
"And then Levi got involved and I had to calm everybody down before Lotan was summoned," you said.
You were looking down at the table, your mind clearly elsewhere, when that expression flashed across your face.
Barbatos put down the teapot. "Does it make you uncomfortable, MC? When they argue over you this way?"
You met his eyes, seemingly startled by his question. "No," you said. "It's a little silly, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable. Why do you ask?"
"It's only that I've noticed the look of confusion you sometimes have in moments like these," Barbatos said. "As if there's something that troubles you about it."
You frowned in thought for a moment. "I guess I just don't understand why they care so much? Why do they think I deserve this much attention? I just act like a regular human would. Why are they so… obsessed?"
Barbatos chuckled. "Do you truly not see? This is exactly what makes you so fascinating."
"I don't know what you mean," you said.
"Despite being a totally unique individual, you still believe you are ordinary," Barbatos said gently. "I have been alive for a long time, MC. I have met many humans. No two are alike. You are not 'regular' because there is no such thing. You are yourself and that is why we love you."
Barbatos was pleased to see that confused look replaced by a soft blush. "You…?" you couldn't finish your question.
Barbatos took your hand and kissed the back of it. "Indeed," he said. "Even I have fallen under your spell. I will remind you of how special you are for the rest of your life if I must."
You laughed, a little taken aback. "I don't think that's going to be necessary."
Barbatos only smiled, your hand still clasped in his. He was content to see such a soft and sweet expression on your face, a glint of happiness in your eyes. Despite what you said, if he ever did see that confusion there again, he would do everything he could to bring your smile back instead.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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Things they have to search up because of Mc
the only reason he searches anything up
is because the internet gave you stupid ideas again
he will also go the extra mile to search up the site get you banned for a while and then take all your devices away… again
also R.I.P if any of them are RAD students and gave you those ideas (whether it was an accident or not)
“MC! This is the second time you nearly burned down the House of Lamentation again”
“in my defence I was left unsupervised”
yeah you´re on house arrest again
you told him about an urban legend that you know
and it seemed it spooked him so much that he immediately had to look it up
“Oi! Human I know you were just trying to scare me”
“what else did you think I was trying?”
“how dare you Mc?!”
he get´s insulted that you would just scare him like that
the funniest thing is that this isn´t even the first time you did this
it actually happens quiet often
simply because it´s really funny that Mammon get´s scared so easily
“you´re trying to tell me there is even more Anime in the Human world then in the Devildom lol yeah sure Normie whatever you say”
“look it up yourself Levi”
he did and he is so envious of you
“why do you Normies have so much more anime!?”
this will get so funny watching him get mad over something like this
until he threatens to summon Lotan
“Levi no! it takes ages to clean up the House of Lamentation!”
“I don´t care, Lo-!”
“Lucifer! Levi wants to summon Lotan for nothing again!”
“Mc you snitch!”
yeah he´s getting hung from the ceiling
and you get treats for stopping him :)
you told him about the many cat videos in the Human world internet
and now he spends all his time to get in the Human world internet
“Satan you have been sitting here for a day”
“I need cats!!!”
“telling you about this was a mistake”
yeah you pretty much had to beg Lucifer to allow both of you to get in to the Human world
if that doesn´t work you just have to sneak him out
or sneak a cats in the House of Lamentation
whatever would be easier
but if Satan doesn´t get his cats
who knows what could happen
you just told him about scam beauty products
better hope he isn´t using any because he will fight you on it actually working
and this will make him want to actually try it out
“Asmo I´m telling you that´s just snake oil”
“how dare you insult my snake oil”
“wait you´re actually using snake oil?”
“it´s more like snake blood from a specific type in the Devildom but still”
great now you have to search something up
and yeah that is a thing in the Devildom and has been proven to work
huh who would have thought
you just told him about interesting food facts
“oh yeah there are some candies that have bugs on them and there´s also a type of ant that´s supposed to taste really nice”
“Mc let´s go to the Human world”
“you do know we aren´t allowed to anymore”
remembers what they did last time “oh yeah I forgot”
great now you made him curious and hungry
he will actually see if he can order those candies or the ants
and now he will find even more weird Human food
and get´s even hungrier
great work Mc now he got so hungry he emptied the kitchen again :(
I don´t think Belphie would do anything
you could just tell this dude about the most fucked up thing you know and he would just be to tired to process it
“I heard that someone got brutally dismembered by a hell bunny”
Belphie half asleep “that´s nice Mc”
and after he wakes up he just forgets everything
maybe he would look something up if you would tell him while he´s awake
but even then it´s usually stuff that´s supposed to help him fall asleep
he pretty much looks everything up that you tell him about the Human world
sees a machine that they don´t have in the Devildom?
“Mcccc!? what is that!?”
yes instead of waiting he also just screams and hopes you can hear him
if not he either looks for you or sends you a bunch of messages
“Diavolo you do know I can´t tell you what you´re looking for if I don´t know what you mean, right?”
“oh I knew I forgot something”
after he sends you a picture you either explain what it is or just tell him the name
this can also happen multiple times a day
it´s quiet exhausting
you tell him there´s a good chance rat and mice are hiding in the castle
he doesn´t believe you
“I mean it wouldn´t be so far fetched you did tell me the mice and rats down here are smarter they know you want to kill them they don´t want to die so they just hide or shortly leave”
“Mc this is a completely stupid thought”
he may say this is stupid but who got so scared they had to look it up?
It sure as hell wasn´t Mc
and Mc was right the rats and mice in hell are smart enough to do that
Barbatos now lives in constant fear
honestly I have no idea what Mc could say which would make Solomon go “yeah I´m curious let´s look that up”
if anything it will be the opposite
Solomon will just tell you some weird magic fact and you have to actually look it up to find out if he´s just fucking with you or telling the truth
“Mc did you know some magical plant species are just like massive venus fly traps which could easily devour a human?” “I don´t even know what you´re talking about Solomon” “:)” “don´t tell me you want to find one” “:)” “if you try to sacrifice me to some plant I will find a way to murder you”
the language from the “young kids” (which coming from him could be anything) or litrally any internet slang
he will just over hear you tell Levi he´s a Simp or anything else and he will just stand there going ????
let´s be honest Simeon would either need help from Solomon or Luke or he would just search it in a book
figuring out the computer is even worse for him
just don´t help him out
either explain to him the jokes
or just search it up for him
believe me you do not want to teach him how to work a computer
it´s Fuck or any kind of swear word (especially if it´s another language)
Simeon is going to kill you
and Solomon will just laugh at the situation
R.I.P Mc if you´re lucky your Simps will save you (you aren´t lucky enough)
or you can hide long enough in the House of Lamentation until Simeon either gives up or maybe forgives you
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Y'know that phrase "Eat the rich"? Well the brother(minus Mammon), the new dateables, and Luke would all be considered rich in a way. So what if they heard the MC talking to a friend and they said it. Who would get it 'n take it as a joke then who wouldn't, and how would they react towards it?
This is probably one of the dumbest asks I've done, so feel free to ignore this lol
Ahahha this is not dumb at all, honey! This is something I'd definitely love to read and laugh at.
Thank you so much for this. Hope I can do this justice :) This is a bit shorter than I usually write I'm so sorry
(And for all of you other lovely people who have also requested, please forgive me for the delays. My college is freaking BOMBARDING me with assignments! So please be patient with me
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MC: *over phone* They did what?!
Friend: Yes I kid you not, they raised the prices again!
MC: As if the taxes weren't high enough already?!
Friend: I know right?! Like we won't be able to eat fast food either!!
MC: *screaming* Oh hell no. If they don't let us eat what we want, we'll freaking eat them. Eat the damn rich!
Meanwhile, the rest of the group overhearing from the next room...
What in Diavolo's name was that?
What do you mean by that?
MC what is the meaning of this?
You aren't supposed to eat people just because they are rich MC that's not proper
4 hour lecture if you don't explain it to him immediately.
Goldie? Who is she? I don't know her!
MC I lost the last bet I swear I'm completely broke right now MC
Will you accept Grimm instead? Wait I have none
Wait doesn't that mean he's safe?
Yaay I'm not rich! Wait..that's not something to brag about
Help the confused boy out
Lol MC eats rich people?
Wait is he considered rich?
*looks around at all his expensive merchandise nervously* Uhhh MC ... don't get the wrong idea...
Oh no.. isn't snake meat a delicacy in the human world?
Reassure the poor snek boi that you won't eat him else he might summon Lotan
Laughs at his brother's reactions
Don't worry MC I've read this phrase in books
Tell my brothers? Why ? This is so much fun
Just look at Lucifer's horrified face
Well done MC
Mischievous catboi is enjoying this way too much
Eek MC eats other other humans? Just cause they are rich?
That doesn't pretty at all MC. And neither healthy
Why not just take their stuff and leave?
Wait are you planning to eat him too? This is completely different from what he imagined!
Someone calm this boy down before his skin breaks out
Eat? Eat what? The rich?
Is that some kinda salami snack flavored dish? He wants to try it too!
Wait what do you mean it's other humans? Humans eat each other?
Wait he did try to eat Asmo once accidentally cause he smelled like strawberries and cream (blame the perfume)
Sweet baby boy don't let him normalize this!
I knew humans were evil in the head but to this extent-
Eating their own kind? Well that makes his job easier then
He didn't even need to try and destroy humanity, they are doing it to themselves
Just gotta make sure MC doesn't get eaten
Will probably whine in disappointment when you tell him
Ah money issues in the human world again?
Humans and their unstable economy what a bother
Also laughs at everyone's reaction
Fuels the chaos. Yes it's true, he once ate a whole merchant because he refused to lower the price on some magical stones
Winks at you as you shake your head in annoyance
Damnit MCShady you're making it worse!
Also secretly well versed in human knowledge
Secretly chuckles at everyone's reaction
Eating another human? My my it would take a long time to get the whole thing marinated and cooked-
Whispers to Diavolo what it actually means
Barbatos now is not the time is to be cheeky!
Confused on the outside, panicking on the inside
Is this something that humans do?
He's basically the richest guy in Devildom, is MC going to want to eat him? Surely not?!
What about Solomon? How rich is he?
If humans eat other humans, it was a good idea to put them in different houses!
Barbatos, calm the frazzled Prince of Hell down
Hides behind Simeon in horror
Simeon are we rich? Are we going to be eaten too?
Humans can't eat angels can't they?!
I thought MC was sweet and harmless!
He's on the verge of tears, hurry up and tell him!
Oh no what are they overpricing this time MC?
Humans and their constant inflation, it never ends does it? No wonder you resent the rich
Covers his mouth to hide his laughter at everyone's reaction
Luke, you don't need to hide behind me like this
Godamnit Simeon, help your son!
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revirushifaa · 3 years
Brothers' children go to school for the first time
This has humor fluff and little angst(or I believe so in Levi's part lol)
*He knows his daughter has to go to school, can't keep her homeschooled, as much as he's against the idea of separating himself from his child, but after some convinving from Diavolo about enrolling Lucille and the other children in the new RAD Kindergarten that he has built as an addition, he finally relents.
*He's still bitter about it, Lucille has spent her first five years with him. Let's not mention that Lucifer is very possessive father and the idea of sharing his daughter with another teacher that he doesn't know, doesn't work well with him.
*He crouches down in one knee to see Lucille eye to eye, when they finally arrive the kindergarten, sighing.
"Lucille, today you will be going to school. It will be only for a short time and we will see each other again during the middle day... so if you want to cry-"
"Goodbye, Papa. I'm ready to go to my class."
*The small demoness cuts off her father and gives him a quick hug before she carries her lunch box and her backpack all proudly to her class.
*There she goes. His pride and joy walking inside the door... why does he feel his eyes wet? Is he crying?! No way! No. Prideful demon regains his composture and stands up proud.
"Be a good girl. I love you."
*The other brothers have to see Lucifer all restless and jittery back at the House of Lamentation, thinking that Lucille might finally be crying for him and that needs to be there for her. No parent likes to be away from their child for so much.
*When Lucille gets back, bombards her with questions about how her day was, if other children made her cry, he'll go personally tomorrow there and will teach them a lesson. He's not lying there. So Lucille has to deal with a very helicopter dad the rest of the day.
*What? Why should his little son go to school so young?! He's so against it will fight whoever tries to separate him from HIS son. But Lucifer buds in and explains him that it's not a choice he should make, his son needs education outside home. So he has no other choice but to accept the fact that he has to be away from Junior.
"Junior, I didn't want this to happen. But son, you must go there for a few hours... we must separate for a bit. But don't worry, daddy will get you the biggest ice cream after school!"
"D-Daddy, I must go from you?"
*Dear gosh, when Junior's eyes start to well up with tears at being away from his father, Mammon loses it and holds his boy tightly possessively.
"No. No. NO. No, son. You and I will go to the casino and get ice cream together-"
*Of course Lucifer won't allow that, he understand the feeling of emptiness without a child, but he has to make sure Mammon doesn't actually make Junior skip school.
*Junior is taken away by the nannies of the kindergarten, as he sees his daddy for the last time(at least for the next few hours) with tears in his eyes.
"Bye-bye, Daddy...."
*Lucifer now has to hold a wailing Mammon who struggles to get to his little boy as he sees him being led inside the classroom. It surely will be a long day because Mammon is crying so hard and trying to get Junior back. In the end he hangs Mammon up from the ceiling to prevent him from going to the kindergarten until the calsses are done. Then he's let down and when Junior comes running to him, he picks him up and holds him back protectively, sobbing.
"O-oh, Junior, o-oh, my son!"
*If you think this dad will accept by choice to let his daughter go away from him, then you're so wrong. Oh ho, in his demon form he threatens to summon Lotan forward while he holds Leviosa in arms.
"Don't think I will leave my daughter to strangers. She IS MY daughter!"
*Of course after a threat from Lucifer to throw his mangas and games, along with consoles in the fireplace to watch them burn, he quickly wises up and ighs in defeat, his little daughter has to go from him.
"I'm so sorry, 'Osa... you have to go to school."
"N-o-o-o-ooo! I don't wanna, I don't wanna, Daddy!"
*Oh sweet Rurichan, he's not prepared to see his little one cling from him and crying loudly. He sniffles and cries with Leviosa as he hugs them to his chest.
"I a-also don't wanna leave you, 'Osa!"
*The both of them throw a scene and everyone's watching at them cry and lament their departure. Lucifer has to forcefully detach Leviosa from Levi, handing her over to a nanny and apologizing for the scandal. He has to hug Levi tightly and try to reassure him that he'll see his child again in a few hours.
*When school's over, Levi practically zooms over and snatches away Leviosa from the nanny and hugs her protectively, checking her all around and threatening to summon Lotan forward to destroy this school if harm was placed upon his daughter. After the first day, Lucifer has to take Leviosa himself to school and keep Levi locked in his room because dear Diavolo, he always threathens to pull Lotan to it.
*Sending Sandy to school when he, himself can teach her all what he knows. Stupid. Utter stupidity, he's more wrathful and dangerous.
"I'm not sending Sandy away, Lucifer. You cannot make me."
*After a confrontation between Satan and Lucifer, in the end Lucifer wins and Satan reluctantly accepts to take his daughter to school. Still thinking this idea is stupid, he doesn't want strangers to teach his child when he knows everything to pepper her little smart brain instead of another demon.
"Listen to me, Sandy, today you have to go to school and stay away from me for a little while... be good and don't let other brats bully you. You can beat them up-"
*Of course that wasn't a good advice to give a child. So Satan just let Sandy walk calmly to her class. She was like Lucille who didn't start crying when being led to the classroom, the two of them are really mature for their ages.
*Satan reads the whole morning, but can't help but wonder what his daughter is doing at this time and if he should go check. Absolutely goes to check on her, when Lucifer is busy with holding crying Levi tightly.
"Dad? What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you and how you were doing, is it enjoyable or boring?"
"I like it. I can read more here!"
*Pleased with her answer, Satan nods at her with a gentle smile and pats her head, letting her back to class. Stays for the reminder of the school day and gets Sandy with him to the library to get a new book.
*Well school is handy when he wants to go to party and can't take his son with him. So with no problem he accepts this and enrolls Cosmo in school with his brothers and their kids.
*Dresses Cosmo in the most elegant and fashionable clothes, so he can be the star of the classroom.
"You look fabulous, my son! Surely you will be the star, don't stop saying that you're the most beautiful! No other child can measure up to your own beauty."
*Cosmo's as narcissistic as his dad so he smiles brightly when he's praised and told this stuff.
"Of course, Daddy dear, I am beautiful just like you and nobody else will match to me. I am the king of beauty!"
*Asmo is really sure about it and hugs his son goodbye. At least Lucifer didn't have to intervene and make Asmo let Cosmo go inside. Asmo goes to party and finds out that this is a party where parents and kids can go but Cosmo was left behind in school, so he sulks the whole party, realizing that he misses his son quite a lot.
*First party that he isn't enjoying at all, checks his D.D.D every second and wonders how his boy is doing. When it is time to get Cosmo back he runs to the kindergarten and sees him covered in golden star stickers.
"See, Daddy dear? I told you I'm beautiful and the teacher gave me all these stickers!"
"Good job, son! I'm so proud of you!"
*Sad face. He has to be apart from his little Berith. He doesn't objects and goes with a grim look on his face, holding his boy's hand to the entrance of the school.
"My son, I have to leave you here. Go learn and make new friends."
"Are you ok, Daddy?"
*Berith isn't the one who cries at being away, Beel is crying and wiping at his eyes for he doesn't really wants to say goodbye to his boy and leave him here.
"Yes... I will be. I just don't want to go away from you...."
"Oh, Daddy, it'll be only for a bit."
*Berith hugs his father for abit, but Beel keeps hugging him for more minutes than he's expected too. Until Lucifer gently tells him that he should let Berith go and he obliges, much to his oldest brother's relief. Berith takes his huge lunch box full with lots of food with him going inside his class.
*Beel is left with sadness as he returns home and isn't even hungry, doesn't feel the same when his boy isn't with him, so he sighs. Belphie, comforts him with reassurances that he'll see Berith soon enough.
*When seeing his boy again, he's happy again and takes Berith to McDevil's to get a huge burger and many other food.
*Well, is he's honest with himself, he loves his twins but he also likes to sleep all morning, so school really is useful in this case. He agrees with not much reluctance.
*It's pretty early in the morning, he's trying his best to not doze off as he walks his twins to the school entrance. He's too sleepy that his words tangle alltogether and he ends up saying something different from what he actually meant to say.
"*yawn* Alright boys... remember this: Drink your school... stay in sleep, don't do milk.... and get eight hours of drugs..."
*Beliel and Beleth grin and nod yes at their father, walking inside the classroom. Lucifer frowns deeply, that's not what Belphie meant to say, so he has to go after those little rascals as quickly as possible and explain to them that their father was just too sleepy to speak coherently.
*Belphie just sleeps throughout the time the twins are in school, not really waking or getting sad because they're away. And before he knows, his twins are napping next to him as Beel has brought them to him, knowing Belphie would still be sleeing to get them himself.
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oops-i-wrote-it · 3 years
Did someone say school sports headcanons?
No? That's fine, but I'm gonna write them anyway! Here are my headcanons for the characters in a sporting event! It's a three-way tournament between schools partaking in the exchange program! For the sake of fairness, all use of magic and extra limbs such as tails, wings, etc are banned.
Man's competitive, we all know. If someone loses, he'll act like it's fine, and make his classic snide remarks. But it's eating him up inside.
He's not a cheater... But he's not above a nudge here and there in the wrong direction. Lucifer? Lucifer Morningstar? Tripping up a member of the opposing team? Of course not, he's simply having some difficulty breaking these new shoes in and misplaced a foot or two. He would never.
Cheers so loud, but only during the most intense moments, or when he knows the team needs it. He could be silent one moment and out of his seat yelling the next. He's so damn proud of you, and can't contain himself when you score a point for the team.
He loves it. He loves it so much. Banned from soliciting bets, but finds a workaround every time. May or may not have a hand in skewing the odds in his favour.
He's the kid that acts like he's in the Olympics every sports lesson, of course he's having the time of his life! He's competitive sure, but nowhere near as much as the others. He's just having a great time all round. He'll sulk if his team loses, but it won't be for long, since he signed himself up for everything he could.
Cheers the loudest for MC, it's borderline distracting. He's determined to drown all cheers for the other team out, and isn't above heckling the other team's players. He wants you to win so bad, and he's gonna be so proud of you regardless of the outcome!
Ew. Outdoors. But cheering for MC? ... he'll make an exception. He's got a lot of excitement to give, but he'll need some warming up first.
He's forced to sign up for something, and complains all the way there. He could be using this time to watch anime! But once the adrenaline and the first taste of victory hits... That's where the envy kicks in. His team better win, cause he is going to sulk so hard if they don't.
He's so ready to cheer everyone on. He comes armed and ready with so many ideas, and knows the score. He brings emergency water bottles, first aid kits, snacks, dude goes to concerts, he knows the drill! Screams your name so loud, and is so close to summoning Lotan to sabotage the other team.
Oh, you wanna talk competitive? He's the avatar of wrath. He all but invented competitive. He goes full balls with everything he signed up for, and god forbid anyone on the other team sets even a toe out of line, cause he will yell at the referee.
He might not give off a sporty vibe but he's ready to give it his all. He plays fair, but that's not gonna stop him from blowing up when he gets too into it. Needs several breaks, but his face softens when he sees MC. He's so determined to get that win for you, and make you proud.
When cheering for his team, he's never in his seat. He's almost backseat coaching at this point. He's gonna be so proud of you, win or lose, he's so fired up! But it's in a good way
There's no way in hell he isn't cheer captain I mean look at him. He signs up for one or two of the other sports, but all his energy is going into cheer, and of course he loves the attention.
He might not be in the thick of the actual game, but he's a damn good distraction, even when he's banned from using his charming powers. It's not his fault if he's so gorgeous the other team can't help but state at him! What do you mean "You're not allowed to customize the uniform"?
He's so excited to cheer everyone on! He has signs prepared and everything! Nothing will stop this man from hugging you and kissing every inch of your face once you're back from the game, he just LOVES watching you in action!
Man's built like a brick shithouse and plays competitively on the reg, he can unnerve the other team with a single look. But he's so excited he finally gets to take part in a game alongside everyone else!
The fairest player, sticks to all the rules, and will often pull his own teammates back, and ensures they're kept in line. He's the captain of numerous sports teams, he knows how to deal with them.
He's in so many of the events he's not often cheering other people on... But because he's in so many of the events he knows exactly how to motivate the team, and leads everyone in the cheers. He's so proud of you, and is making plans to treat you to a meal out afterwards a week in advance.
Ew, sports. Ugh, fine. If he has to. He signs up for the least exerting role, and that's IT. He plays fair, but only because he knows it'll upset Beel if he doesn't.
Surprisingly good at it. He's picked up a fair bit from Beel, and actually enjoys himself a little, though he's loathe to admit it. He takes up a keeper/catcher type of role and stops a lot of points being scored by the other team, even though he'd much rather sleep on the field.
He cheers the loudest for Beel, he knows how important this stuff is for him. He'll cheer for you too, I guess... (Lol he's out of his seat and yelling for you)
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cerealmonster15 · 3 years
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fhdsfkjsdkgjfkdljgv. jfksdlfjklsjel. dont look at me im going to huddle under the readmore to babble about obey me mcs lol ummmm 🏃‍♀️
okay so. so obey me right. fdskjlfjkl whenever im playing, i get like, three general Vibes for the type of answers you more or less are given to choose from and. and so i have had vague ideas of characters based off if you like, leaned real far into a specific answering pattern [i made ocs and i dont know how to phrase it like a regular person WHAT EVER ANYWAY]
they dont have names so rn they are simply. letters lol, and also just rough concepts i was havin fun with who knows if ill change em or even ever draw them again lol but ANY WAY!!!
A - when u play the game and u try to be nice to everyone, you date everyone, you love everyone!!!! theyre a soft pal, shaped like a friend and what have you, also kinda combined with the more stressy panicky vibes of “oh god.i just want everyone to get along. i love u all dearly. plz behave tho. also lets hold hands” lovable!! woo!!!! A probably gets along with the exchanged students the best, and then other “teddy bear” types like diavolo and beel. overall  loves everyone tho, there are no true “favorites” in A’s eyes. thinks levi’s henry fish is adorable.
B. i just think it’s so fucking funny that like, hypothetically, you could be playing this game, this otome dating game where u date characters, and just fuckin turn down every advance that comes your way the entire time and theyll still fall in love with u LOL. B is the mc that’s down there like 😒 send me home. what am i doing after school? i have 2 study. leave me be. stop causing problems or else 🔪 master of curving advances, married to the friend zone? who knows, maybe theres some secret fondness under there for some people, but they dont let it show. real sick of getting dragged into everyones petty drama and not a fan of all the excessive attention. thought the side characters were cooler before they also started competing for their attention l o l. probably eggs on the others when theyre bullying each other bc “everyone ive met here is kind of a bastard and could use some humbling ♥” B’s tolerance for company wavers on the daily, honestly everyone mostly stresses them out. maybe gets along with barbatos the most, because hes the most reserved, but watch your step, pal. they also like to enable luke’s desire to take down lucifer when lucifer’s getting on their nerves. does not like cerebrus.
C. u know that dancing little guys sticker in the chat feature? that’s C’s general vibe. the ??? MC, the one that’s kind of an airhead sometimes, and a bit impulsive. will often go for the funniest course of action, likes to keep things interesting and entertaining, doesnt matter if it’s efficient or makes sense. a real JOKESTER that likes to keep people on their toes. may or may not be romantically interested in someone, no one can really tell bc of their wildly mixed signals. C’s definitely vibing with asmo and mammon’s wild boy energies, and makes guest appearances with the anti lucifer league when they’re scheming something exciting. Definitely enables Solomon’s weird experiments and will not stop him when he’s entering a kitchen; probably sits by and watches the process from start to finish like a little scientist observing the wizard in his natural habitat. definitely an enabler of Diavolo’s wack event ideas lol.also: lotan’s biggest fan. absolutely HYPED when levi summons lotan because it’s always an absolute disaster after, and also lotan is cool
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dumbassgoddess · 4 years
Okay, this is my first post in AWHILE, but a girl need INPUT!
Fanfiction idea? College AU?
So, hear me out! I have an idea about a College AU, but I need opinions, and coincidentally, none of my friends are into Obey Me!
The basis is that it takes place in a reality where everyone’s a human. But there’s three high ranking and rival Universities;
Devildom University, a University with a ruthless curriculum, and possibly the oddest courses.
Celestial University, a University devoted to their Holy Father and his works.
And Worldly University ( Name Pending ), a University in which only the most academically gifted or talented get in.
After YEARS of rivalry, the three Universities struck a deal for an exchange program. They do a nice little switch of students and lo and behold! You’re at Devildom University! And oh, how you get lucky! You, of course, get greeted by the Student Union, which contains possibly the cutest guys you could even imagine! But here’s the kicker! They need a new Student Government Secretary! And, you graciously offer your service.
Here’s the breakdown: ( Surnames are assigned nicknames, or alternative names used throughout their history and lore )
Diavlo Deuce || 26 — Student Government President. Son of Devildom University President. Doctorate in Political Science. Eighth year in College. Second Year Doctorate.
Lucifer Belial || 23 || June 06 — Student Government Vice-President. Older brother to Satan. Masters of Management. Minors in Buisness. Sixth year in College. Second Year Masters.
Mammon Plutus || 21 || September 10 — Student Government Treasurer. Bachelors of Economics. Third Year.
Barbatos Earle || 23 — Student Government Events Chair. Masters of Life Science. Fifth year in College. First year Masters.
Asmodeus Ashmedai || 22 || May 15 — Student Government Communications Chair. Bachelors of Physical Sociology. Fourth Year. Aspiring Sexologist.
Leviathan Lotan || 21 || April 09 — Student Government Webmaster. Bachelors in Computer Science. Third Year.
Satan Belial || 19 || October 20 — Student Government Historian. Younger sibling to Lucifer. Bachelors of History. Minors of Linguistics and Minors of Ancient History. Fourth Year. Should be a first year. Got into College very early.
YOU! || 18 — NEW Student Government Secretary. First Year. Transfer student. Transferred after 1st Semester. (?)
Beelzebub Ba’al || 19 || March 11 — Student Government Peace Officer. Twin brother to Belphegor. Bachelors of Culinary Arts. Second Year.
Belphegor Ba’al || 19 || March 11 — Student Government Welfare Officer. Twin brother to Beelzebub. Bachelors of General Studies. Second Year.
** Now in this reality, they’re not all related, minus the twins and Lucifer and Satan. I thought it would be more convenient that way, and explain most of why none of them look alike. Since in the game they were created, not born, there’s no real blood relation. **
The main place of happenings is the Student Center, where the Student Government really carries out their tasks and meetings, and the dorms. Devildom University is probably a seemingly lawless land where there’s a lot of parties. Too many parties. Unless Lucifer steps in and shuts that shit down.
So far I don’t know how to include the angels, or Solomon, and i’m not sure on what do to with the dorm systems. Maybe Student Government has their own floor? Not sure lol.
Comments, questions, and concerns greatly appreciated. 🥺
This is going to be my first ever fan-fiction, and a gal has been thinking about this idea for like a week straight.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Hi, I've been thinking about the game, and I was playing the older lessons, when I realised that Lotan is the same as Leviathan, so this got me searching, and I found that there was supposed to be 2 Leviathans, one female and 1 male, but God killed one of the leviathans as God did not like that idea.
So Lotan (bear with me) could be either Levi's "female companion" or his pet
Hi, anon!
Okay, I wasn't sure what you meant about Lotan being the same as Leviathan, but I realized I've never bothered to look up Lotan's origin. And according to a brief internet search, you are correct. Lotan is a sea serpent/sea monster from older sources that eventually became Leviathan in later ones. Things I didn't know!
I also saw something about the two leviathans! Another thing I didn't know! Of course God killed the female leviathan 'cause he was like oh oops don't want these things to procreate and destroy the world lol.
So the idea here is that Lotan is technically the same as Leviathan in that they're both sea serpents and maybe Lotan is the female counterpart to the male Leviathan?
While I was under the impression that Lotan was male, that doesn't necessarily need to be the case. You could certainly write a story or just have the headcanon that Lotan is female and is meant to be Levi's companion in that way. I think the game is going for more of a pet situation, though not quite in the same way as the Henrys. More like Lotan is usually on his own out in the wild, but Levi can both summon him and just hang out with him. Though this might be different between the OG and Nightbringer. I seem to have a memory of a Devilgram where Levi takes MC to the beach to play with Lotan, but that might've been from the OG. Because in Nightbringer, we see him summon Lotan for the first time.
Anyway, I'm not sure how Levi would react if he found out he had a female companion in the form of a sea serpent. Because I don't think Lotan has a more human like form?
Now I'm just imagining Lotan getting sick or something and Levi taking him to the Devildom vet and the vet just being like ah yes she just has some standard illness nothing to worry about. And Levi's like she?!?!
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