#i have since realised that say its a flame is also important and imapctful because fire is so important to humans
rosefires20 · 4 months
This week with the QSMP reminded me of this ramble I wrote last year thinking about Technoblade so I thought I'd share it because it really does attempt to describe my thoughts and feelings quite well.
Little Flame
I dont know how to put it but life feels like holding a little star or flame and protecting it with all you got.
Some days there is no wind. No threats.
Some days fuel is added and it glows brightly.
Some days it's given just a smidge darker. Or it rains.
But it's always there. You might not remember it constantly but it's always there.
There are certain things that will remind you of the little flame you are holding and how precious and important it is. How much you could just sink into staring at it.
When I'm proud of other people it's because they are showing me their own flame/star. Showing me a vulnerable and deep side of them and its the coolest and most important thing to me.
I get to enjoy this little light in the world because people decided to share anything with me.
I think it also works with legacies too. When I think of Technoblade and his impact on the world, its a little flame that I cradle in my hands and time stops for just a moment. I'm so damn glad he existed at all. I'm glad he even remotely decided to share anything with his viewers. He was fighting until the very end when he needed to put down his sword and rest finally. Now we are left with a flame that burns brightly with his legacy and its our job to ensure it never dies or goes out.
It also applies to changing. The flame is always there. It never goes away. Maybe it smolders because rain poured on it but it's never gone. And flames fluctuate. You are constantly adding and even taking more and more. You have the room to change because you are still you.
The strongest people are the people that maintain their flame to the best of their ability. No matter what you've gone through, you are still here despite everything. You are still a flame burning.
I have even more respect for people that are willing to share their flame with others. It opens the possibility to rain or lack of oxygen or lack of fuel but if you are still burning afterwards, then you are strong. You made it.
Even more are people who share their fuel and fire to help someone else's flame. Giving just enough to restart the bright flame.
This metaphor makes me have so much value for life and the people around me. As well as just my own life. It's nice to think about my little flame that is still burning and fluctuating and changing. It's the most me I will ever be. And it will exist forever. I also love passing fuel and fire to other people because my flame does burn so brightly. I want to be blinded by how strong every flame is.
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