#im a historian and mythology nerd
rosefires20 · 4 months
This week with the QSMP reminded me of this ramble I wrote last year thinking about Technoblade so I thought I'd share it because it really does attempt to describe my thoughts and feelings quite well.
Little Flame
I dont know how to put it but life feels like holding a little star or flame and protecting it with all you got.
Some days there is no wind. No threats.
Some days fuel is added and it glows brightly.
Some days it's given just a smidge darker. Or it rains.
But it's always there. You might not remember it constantly but it's always there.
There are certain things that will remind you of the little flame you are holding and how precious and important it is. How much you could just sink into staring at it.
When I'm proud of other people it's because they are showing me their own flame/star. Showing me a vulnerable and deep side of them and its the coolest and most important thing to me.
I get to enjoy this little light in the world because people decided to share anything with me.
I think it also works with legacies too. When I think of Technoblade and his impact on the world, its a little flame that I cradle in my hands and time stops for just a moment. I'm so damn glad he existed at all. I'm glad he even remotely decided to share anything with his viewers. He was fighting until the very end when he needed to put down his sword and rest finally. Now we are left with a flame that burns brightly with his legacy and its our job to ensure it never dies or goes out.
It also applies to changing. The flame is always there. It never goes away. Maybe it smolders because rain poured on it but it's never gone. And flames fluctuate. You are constantly adding and even taking more and more. You have the room to change because you are still you.
The strongest people are the people that maintain their flame to the best of their ability. No matter what you've gone through, you are still here despite everything. You are still a flame burning.
I have even more respect for people that are willing to share their flame with others. It opens the possibility to rain or lack of oxygen or lack of fuel but if you are still burning afterwards, then you are strong. You made it.
Even more are people who share their fuel and fire to help someone else's flame. Giving just enough to restart the bright flame.
This metaphor makes me have so much value for life and the people around me. As well as just my own life. It's nice to think about my little flame that is still burning and fluctuating and changing. It's the most me I will ever be. And it will exist forever. I also love passing fuel and fire to other people because my flame does burn so brightly. I want to be blinded by how strong every flame is.
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Also it's so funny how there's some references to Star Wars in MHA like the train station being called Tatooine and the beach being Dagoba(h) so like...I wonder if it's canonically a movie/show series in this world or if they revere it as something like ancient greek mythology?? So much so that they name landmarks after it?? 😂😂😂
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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warnings: banishment, scars (lokis mythology scars to be exact so sutchers around the mouth and burn scars on his face), odin being a dick, lying, swearing
AN: im starting a new story. this one is based in the magnus chase world where the norse gods are real and come to earth to hook up with the people there. often resulting in demigods. so hello from your resident historian and norse mythology nerd cuz this is gonna be heavy in myth with a touch of mcu (i cant leave tom Hiddleston out of something loki). enjoy.
“How dare you Loki!” odin roared. ”You have gotten up to your tricks for the last time! As punishment,” Loki flinched below Odin. His face still stung and he could almost feel the venom still dripping on his face. His wrists felt lighter than they ever had tied spread out below the snake. ”Ah. Nervous are you Loki? Don’t worry. This punishment will be more permanent and lesson filled than the last one. Seeing as the last punishment did not teach you anything about getting up to your tricks, this time you will not be coming back. As All-Father, I hereby banish you to Midgard. You will have enough power to blend in and make yourself scarce. I do not want to see or hear mention of you ever again.”
“I guess this is good bye then.” Loki laughed as he felt himself thrown into the Bifrost. Colors swirled around him as he fell through the sky. Loki landed in the middle of a field. Groaning, he sat up and looked around. ”Fenway. Great.” standing up, Loki brushed himself off. ”Back in Boston.” Looking down at himself, Loki waved his hand and smirked as his clothes changed. Black skinny jeans, a dark green t-shirt, a black leather jacket and dark green converse replaced his normal Asgardian attire. He waved his hand again but nothing happened. Frowning, Loki tried again to teleport himself to Randolph’s mansion. Again nothing happened. Muttering under his breath, Loki made his way out of the stadium. When he reached the gate, he looked around before climbing over it. Once his feet touched the sidewalk on the other side, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a car window. ”Fuck.” he growled.
Odin hadn’t healed his scars. Hesitantly, Loki ran a hand over the small puncture wounds lining both sides of his mouth. He supposed he could leave two and try to pierce his lip with what the Midgardians called snakebites. It would be true to his nature he supposed. Glancing around again, Loki ran his finger over the scars and watched them disappear. He smiled at his reflection before his eyes were dragged up to his nose. The wounds there stared back at him. With a sigh, he did the same to those scars. With a glance at the people around him, Loki made a hard decision. The last time he had been here, everyone had different styles of hair. Now it seemed everyone had short hair. It didn’t matter the gender, short hair was the new trend. Grudgingly walking down the street, Loki felt his pockets, hoping that at least he would have some money to pay for things. There was a wallet in his back pocket but when he opened it, there was nothing in it. “Damn.” Standing in front of the hair salon, Loki thought over his options. He could trick them but without his full powers, he couldn’t do much more than glamours. He could just say forget it and just do a glamour on his hair. Or he could forget the whole thing and learn to live as a Midgardian with long hair. After all, he would probably be more comfortable that way when he felt like a woman. A small bell dragged him out of his thoughts. He spun around quickly, mentally preparing himself for a fight. What he didn’t expect was to see someone standing in the doorway looking at him with kindness.
“I’m sorry. I uh noticed you standing out here for a while and uh is there any way I can help you out?” Loki starred at me. “I figured you didn’t exactly have money and I know that my friend will work for free if you have a good excuse.” I gulped as I looked at the man in front of me. ”Which I’m sure you do. I’m just saying because it seems like you need or rather want a hair cut.” The man sighed as he nodded and walked through the door I held open.
“I do. Thank you.” I smiled at him as he walked in. As he passed me, I couldn’t help but notice he was a little taller than me. There seemed to be this undeniable pull to him that I couldn’t explain. ”It’s been a while since I had one. Are you sure your friend wouldn’t mind doing it for free?”
“Course she would. It gives her practice and besides not everyone can afford everything all the time. Sometimes we just need a little help with the things that need to get done.” I shrugged as I ushered the man over to my friend’s chair. ”I’m (Y/N) by the way.” I held my hand out for him to shake. He took it and gently squeezed it as we shook hands.
“I’m Loki.” I smiled at him.
“Like the god?” I asked, a blush creeping up my neck. He nodded, eyes clear but something hid just behind them. “That’s cool. I really like Norse myth and all that. Marvel really helped me get into it.” Loki finally smiled back and it was his turn to blush a little.
”Thank you.” he let go of my hand as my friend walked over.
“(Y/N), who is this?” she asked.
“Sarah, this is Loki. He needs a hair cut but,” I trailed off. Sarah nodded in understanding.
“Then a hair cut he’ll get.” she smiled at the two of us and made a small motion between me and him. I shook my head at her, a small scowl on my face. She shrugged and smirked at me as she ushered Loki to a chair. ”(Y/N) has a habit of finding those in need and getting them the help they need. Anything that happens to you and you don’t know how to handle, come here and find them.” As I went back to the counter, I shot Sarah a glare. I knew what she was insinuating. She was discreetly trying to set me up with this new and handsome customer. Sarah left me alone the entire time he was getting his hair cut.
“Don’t worry about it.” I said when he went to the register. Loki smiled politely at me and nodded.
“Hopefully we’ll meet again (Y/N).” He said with a smile. He offered me his hand and when I put my hand in his, Loki leaned down and kissed it. Sarah watched our interactions from her spot. Looking back over at her once Loki had left, I knew that I wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“Shut up.” I pointed at her before cleaning up the area. Sarah put her hands up.
“All I’m saying is there is a hot guy out there with the name of a Norse God that seems to like you in some capacity. And,” Sarah raised an eyebrow at me. ”if I’m not mistaken, it is the Norse God that you are obsessed with. So why not take the chance?” I rolled my eyes and continued cleaning up. “All I’m saying is take a chance (Y/N). This might be good for you.” I sighed and nodded.
“If I ever see him again and he wants to take that chance as well, I’ll do it.” Sarah gasped.
“(Y/N).” she whispered. I looked up at her.
“What now?” I groaned. She pointed at the window at the front of the store.
“I think he still needs your help.” I turned around and let out a sigh as I took in Loki standing awkwardly in front of the store again. “(Y/N), he needs you. If this isn’t fate I don’t know what is. Go. That’s the end of your shift. ” With a nod, I walked over to the door and opened it for him again.
“Hi.” I breathed out as I joined him on the sidewalk. “Sarah noticed you out here. Is there anything else I can help with?” Loki bit his bottom lip as he nodded.
“This sounds odd I know. I was supposed to stay with family but that didn’t quite work out. They aren’t too…pleased to see me. I’m not quite sure where I can go…” Loki trailed off. He played with the zipper on his sleeve. ”Sarah said if I needed anything I could come here and find you.” His eyes finally met mine. I nodded.
“You need somewhere to stay.” I said. A million reasons why this was a bad idea flooded my brain. ”I need somewhere to stay.” The way Loki agreed with me clicked my only solution into place.
“My shift just finished. I’ll give you a ride.” I started towards my car parked on the side of the building. Loki jumped into action and quickly caught up with me.
“Where are you taking me?” I turned to look up at him.
“You can stay on my couch.”
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