#i have so many unhinged screenshots about this au
hyunnieshannie · 9 months
Suspended | KSM
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🖤: Seungmin x AFAB Reader 🖊️: 10k 🖼️: Check out the Mood Board! 🚨: Teacher AU, unprotected sex, use of sextoys, bdsm themes - rope play/impact play/blindfolds/handcuffs, choking, edging (so much edging i practically edged myself while writing the smut-K), cumming multiple times, pet names (angel/pup & sir), sexual harassment in the workplace, use of light system (reader uses: yellow), crying (from overwhelming amounts of pleasure *wink wonk*), corruption kink if you squint - methinks that's it, if we missed anything please let us know- If you think we proofread this, no we didn't - M ♡: I hope you all know this took us SEVEN MONTHS to write- WHY did it take us Seven months? WHO KNOWS?? But it did. LIKE LOOK AT THIS SCREENSHOT THAT WAS WHEN WE STARTED THIS. anyways We hope you enjoy our little teacher Seungmin one shot. Please Reblog and let us know what you thought <3
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There's something both satisfying and annoying about teaching and shaping the young minds of the new generation. Sure, you’re someone who most kids look up to. You have the honor of making an impact on their lives. Maybe they'll remember you in the future, maybe not. Either way, you're ultimately the one who helped prepare them for life outside of these high school walls you teach within. As much as you revel in this fact now, high school was a place you never wanted to return to. Within the walls of the high school live rowdy, unhinged, chaotic minds mixed with a splash of calm, put-together minds; and that only explains the student body. 
The staff on the other hand, well they’re on another level of unhinged and chaotic, though somehow put together enough to be able to contain themselves and careful to never unleash those thoughts on another member of staff- for obvious reasons. Sexual harassment claims, being fired over the smallest of flirting, let alone the fact that if anything escalated beyond such, you could expect the cops to parade you through the halls, with the curious eyes of the students all watching as you’re taken away. In any case, it was always best to stay away from any sort of relationship with a coworker. No matter what. 
Students, on the other side of the spectrum, never hid their relationships. You couldn’t count how many times you’d found students making out against their hallway lockers, running off to do god-knows-what in the staircase at the back of the school- or worse, when you’d be called to explain why student A and student B are being suspended, after being caught having sex in the washroom. Unfortunately for you, today was one of those days. 
The two students sitting directly in front of you seemed to show zero hint of remorse,  for, quite literally, being caught in the act during the middle of second period. Could they really not wait until after classes? It wasn’t until both sets of parents had filed into the room that the students began to look embarrassed. “Welcome,” you sighed as you arose from your seat to shake the parents' hands. They were agitated, clearly disappointed and rightfully so. You didn’t get too graphic about the details of the suspension, as the printed notice would detail everything anyway. The parents read over everything carefully.
The father of student A scowled at his son. “I’m sorry for the actions of my son,” He muttered, as he ripped his son from the chair he sat on. “This is beyond unacceptable and we will make sure he has learned his lesson.” Their verbal assault launched as your student was dragged through the somewhat empty school and you just barely caught the words "embarrassment" and "disgrace" as their voices faded down the halls. Student B sat quietly as she watched her mother read through the printout. Signing her name and passing the flimsy sheet of paper to her daughter to sign, in acknowledgement for her wrongdoings, they spoke not a word, but the anger radiating from them was enough indication that she would receive a thorough talking once out of the eyes of the school's principal and yourself. 
It was, undoubtedly, one of the longest days of the year. Not that there was any reasonable explanation, such as a time change or anything. No- it was simply just a day full of students who had decided that this particular day would be the best to ‘act up’. You often wondered why students who were caught by you seemed to think they would magically get away with their actions. Why your students lacked basic respect for you until the moment you smacked down the hammer, clearly marking the line between friendship and an authority figure. Sure, you’re one of the younger teachers in the school, but none of the others seemed to have this issue with their students. Hell, even the two students from just now thought they were merely getting a slap on the wrist for their actions- never expecting you to follow through with your threat of calling their parents in. Did they truly not expect you to do so? Could they really have thought you’d just speak to them, and tell them a small ‘Don’t do it again’? 
As you meandered through the empty halls of the school, you wondered why you had even taken up this job. You had barely finished your degree and mostly hoped to be working with children of elementary age. Children, though energetic and clumsy, still seemed like less work than a class full of twenty-eight, moody teenagers all in the age range of fifteen to sixteen. Somehow an elementary school still seemed like it would have more order than this mess of a high school. You know the curriculum, you’re a good teacher- Credit where credit is due, and surely you deserved it. When your students did in fact listen- instead of making snarky remarks about you that they thought you wouldn’t hear- they would pass tests and exams with flying colors. So what was it you were doing oh-so-wrong to deserve passing comments such as ‘Can I get your number?’  or the boy's new favorite ‘Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?’
The moment you reached the faculty room, you threw yourself on the couch face first, thinking you were completely alone as you’d seen no one when you walked in, you let out the loudest scream your lungs could manage into one of the throw pillows. “WHY” you wailed, allowing the pillow to muffle your desperate cries for answers. 
“Rough day?” a voice says with a light chuckle. Slowly you lift your head to see another staff member standing alone by the coffee maker. You drop your head in embarrassment as you have now learned, you were indeed not alone when you let out that blood-curdling scream. “Miss. Y/L/N. Are you alright?” He said as he approached you. Leave it to one bad day, for you to not be fully aware of your surroundings and to let out such a scream in front of the ‘most perfect’ teacher this school has ever had. He’s a very intelligent man, there has never been a problem that he couldn’t fix. He’s polite, well-spoken and could practically substitute for any teacher in the school. He had a teaching degree, as well as a few others that he had picked up ‘for fun’. Not only was he all of that and more, but of course he also happened to be around your age, perfect. He made everyone else, including senior staff, look like they had done nothing productive with themselves. You let out a soft laugh into the pillow, as the realization that he had caught you in a mental war finally began to sink in. 
“Mr. Kim,” you say as you hastily sit up to save what little pride you had left. To be laying on the couch would be one thing- but the way you were planted with your head buried in a pillow was another. How embarrassing. “What are you still doing here? It’s well past school hours.” He smirks as he lifts his coffee cup in the air as if to say ‘Cheers’ 
“Had a few tests to grade,” he chuckles, bringing his mug to his lips and taking a sip of the steaming coffee. Your gaze settles on his hands wrapped around the mug, the mug looking small in his hands. You watch as he sips on the liquid and swallows it, making his Adam's apple bob up and down again. God, he’s stupidly beautiful. “And how about yourself Miss. Y/L/N, what are you doing here well past school hours?” He repeats the words back to you, raising a brow in a teasing manner. 
“Caught two students again,” you sigh, “I can’t even think of one good reason for them to be doing such things in the washroom, during school hours much less.” You slump further into the couch, rubbing your temples in annoyance. 
“You tend to draw the short straw every time huh?” Seungmin chuckles as he sips some more of his coffee. He keeps his eyes trained on you as you close your eyes, rubbing your head. He smirks to himself as he approaches you cautiously. 
“Unfortunately.” You groan, rubbing your hands over your face and leaning forward, elbows resting on your knees. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” He pulls a chair up as he gets closer, swiftly shifting the chair so he can sit on it backwards, taking another sip of his damn coffee. Fuck, the bare minimum and its too motherfucking sexy. 
“Don’t you have papers to grade?” You eye him unsure if you really want to waste his time complaining if he has more important things to do. You’re also not entirely sure you want to talk about the whole thing anyway. 
“They can wait, you on the other hand look stressed.” 
“I don’t know Mr. Kim, I think it’s a bit beyond stress if you ask me.” You sigh again. “I think- I’m just tired and frustrated?” 
“Tired and frustrated, heavy combination.” he nods in understanding. “I feel as if catching students in the act isn’t what’s making you so tired and confused though.” 
“No, I mean yes- but not really.” You admit and Seungmin gives you a questioning look. You again sigh, “It’s the disrespect I receive, Mr. Kim. It’s overwhelming, and to be quite frank - annoying.” 
“I mean yes, doing such a thing on school grounds is disrespectful, but I wouldn’t take it personally Miss. Y/L/N.” Seungmin says as he takes another sip from his mug. 
“I don’t take that kind of thing personally Mr. Kim,” you laugh lightly. “I am genuinely constantly disrespected by my students, your students - at some points it feels like it’s the whole school.” You sigh in defeat. Seungmin is now sitting up straighter, he’s got a look of surprise. He seems genuinely confused at your statement. 
“How have they been disrespecting you?” He asks in concern. He desperately needs to know what the fuck the students have been saying about you. “Have they said something to you? Done something? Anything my students have done Miss. Y/L/N, I must know in order to speak to them accordingly.” You let out a light chuckle, shaking your head, and resting your chin on your palms. 
“Where do I start Mr. Kim? Would you like the comments on my body or should I tell you which students have attempted at grabbing my-” You stop yourself before finishing that thought, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “In all honesty Mr. Kim, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Perhaps after this year, I’ll resign.” At this point, you are so done with this school and you are so ready to quit and leave this school, it isn't doing your mental health any justice. As you are contemplating your future, Seungmin is reeling, he doesn't understand how his students have been saying such horrible things to you.  
“You can’t resign Y/N-” Seungmin says quickly, almost jumping out of his chair. He shocks himself from his sudden outburst, clearing his throat and smoothing his tie. Why would he drop the niceties? “I mean-” He runs his hand through his hair. “Miss. Y/L/N, the school would suffer a great loss if you were to resign.”
“How do you figure Mr. Kim?” you give him a questioning look. You truthfully thought that no one would really miss you, so why is he so adamant that you stay?
“Well, for one your students tend to have the highest grades in the school, which is no easy task.” He looks around the room as if to find the answer to your question written on the walls. “And from what I have always seen, all of our students absolutely adore you. The staff loves you, and I’m sure you’re on track for a few awards this year as well.” 
“You flatter me, but is it worth the verbal harassment from the students?” 
“You never told me what they’d been saying,” Seungmin mumbles through the pout of his lips. Fuck, I’m not strong enough for this. 
“The comments are different every day, from asking me on dates to calling me” you gesture air quotes, “Mommy. In the middle of class.” Seungmin’s jaw basically drops to the floor in complete shock. 
“Have-” he says cautiously as he picks his jaw up off the floor. “Have any of my boys said these things? If they have, I’d like names Y/N. Truthfully I’d like the names of all the boys who’ve made such inappropriate comments. ” He says sweetly but his jaw is set in anger, you can tell by the vein that is pulsing on his neck. 
“Mr. Kim-” 
“Please, call me Seungmin. I don’t see why we insist on speaking to each other as if we were students.” He smiles kindly at you.
“Seungmin.” Fuck, his name is so pretty. “It would be easier to list off the names of those who do not make such comments.” Seungmin looks immensely disgusted. 
Since the evening you spent speaking to Seungmin, he had begun loitering in your hallway. In the mornings, as students raced to get to class on time he would stand at your classroom door next to you, greeting students as they came in. During the lunch period, he would make his way into your classroom, and insist on spending the time with you- and if he had any sort of free period, he would keep a close watch on your class- well out of both you and the student's sight. 
He wanted to see with his own eyes, his students acting out. He wanted to be able to hear the disgusting comments himself. He thought surely it wouldn’t happen every day, right? Wrong. On the first day, he had heard the alleged Mommy comment at least four times. On the second day, he watched as a student attempted to smack your ass, only for you to turn around instantly and scold him yourself before sending him to class right after. 
Disgusted, was an understatement. Seungmin was livid. How could the students be this sick? He wondered. He would not allow this to continue. On the third day, he had finally had enough. After hearing passing comments about you in his own classroom, he’d immediately excused himself and marched his way down to the principal's office. 
“Sir,” Seungmin says as he enters the principal’s office. He’s fuming, barely holding himself together. 
“Mr. Kim, how can I help you?” The principal asks from his chair, motioning for Seungmin to enter the room.
“It seems we have an issue.” 
“Miss. Y/L/N, and our students,” Seungmin announces, expecting the principal to be concerned, however, that wasn’t really the case.
“Ahh, Miss. Y/L/N again?” The principal tuts. Seungmin is shocked. Again? What does that mean? Has she already brought up the issue? 
“Ah, so you’ve heard-” Seungmin sighs calmly, and the principal nods. “To be absolutely truthful with you sir, this sort of behavior is absolutely-” The principal cuts him off before he finishes. 
“I don’t see why she’s so dramatic, I’ll have to have another talk with her.” The principal announces, picking up his office phone to get a hold of you.
“I’m sorry sir?” Seungmin asks, confused. Why would he have a talk with you?
“I don’t see why a woman like her would wear such clothes and later complain about boys being boys.” The principal sighs in annoyance. “I mean one look at her and any man would want a piece.” Seungmin wraps his hands in a tight fist at his side. He really wishes he didn't walk into this room.
“Sir, that is wildly inappropriate to say about a member of staff.” Seungmin seethes. This is not how a supervisor should be treating a subordinate, this isn't how you should treat another human being, especially one that is trying to do her job. How can someone have the audacity to say that openly? “She is-”
“A woman, Mr. Kim. She is a woman, and women, especially women like her, should dress according to their bodies. Wearing such tight clothing around boys who are barely getting their hormones in check is just asking for-” 
“She wears dress pants, sir? She is always professional in her clothing. I don’t see how this constitutes harassment.” The principal attempts to interrupt but Seungmin continues. “To say a woman is ‘asking’ for sexual harassment from students, or men in general for what they wear is absurd. It is her body, she may do with it as she pleases so as long as it is school appropriate. She is not asking for anything but the bare minimum!” The principal rolls his eyes at Seungmin’s statement. “She deserves the respect any of the other teachers receive!” 
“Well, she isn’t like the other teachers now is she?” 
“What does that mean sir.” He fists his hands even tighter if that was even humanly possible. 
“She’s different- she’s more of a looker. Please, Mr. Kim, don’t act like you don’t know what I mean. The entirety of the faculty knows you’ve had the same thoughts as the rest of us.” Seungmin can feel his blood boiling, if he could, he would launch himself at the principal and punch him out for the shit that was coming out of his mouth. The principal admitted to thinking of you grossly and has now accused him of the same. Sure, he had thought you beautiful, intelligent, and funny but to mentally undress you was something he never did. No. He respected you far too much for that. 
“I do not appreciate you painting me as a predator.” Seungmin grits his teeth, tightening his jaw. 
“Seungmin, go back to your class. There are more important things to deal with.” The principal waves him off in annoyance. “I should have gotten rid of that woman after the third time she brought this issue up, if it was so bad she would have changed her appearance.” 
“Her looks should never have been a problem in the first place!” Seungmin yells at the steaming pile of shit in front of him. “How dare you speak about her as if she was nothing more than some sort of-” he struggles to find the right word. “Doll!” 
“Mr. Kim.” the principal warns in annoyance.
“She is much more than that! An intelligent woman who has put up with this for far too long! If you do not wish to punish the students for their actions sir, I will have no choice but to email the board.” Seungmin glares at the principal. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. 
“I will be putting you on suspension, Mr. Kim. Think about what you really want to do here. Go. I’ll have someone cover your class. Get out of my sight.” Seungmin leaves the office in a huff, walking aggressively back as he internally thinks about how he will absolutely fuck that mans career. He walks past your class and you notice that he's pissed, you race out to see him.
“Mr. Kim!” Seungmin stops in his tracks and looks at you. You let the door close to your classroom behind you to have a more private conversation with him. His attitude changed when he saw you but he was still tense. You notice his knuckles are white, his hands tightly fisted at his sides. “Will I see you for lunch again?” 
“No.” He says angrily. He never misses lunch with you. Why is this time different? What made him so angry? 
“Are you alright Mr. Kim?” You ask cautiously. He looks around the hallway and sighs. 
“Miss. Y/L/N, it seems in attempting to do what was right, I have been suspended. My apologies, but I will not be staying for lunch.” 
“Suspended?! For what?!” You yelp in shock. Seungmin is the most perfect teacher at this school, how in the world did he get suspended?
“It seems harassment in this school goes unpunished.” You look at him confused. What the hell is he talking about? “I will also be considering my position here. Perhaps I will join you in resigning.” You’re stupidly confused. What brought all of this up? Did he say something about the harassment you faced daily?  You should have warned him that you brought this issue up to the principal in the past only to be ignored every single time. 
“Mr. Kim, I’m- I’m so sorry. I should have told you not to bring it up-” you stutter as you’re finding it increasingly difficult to look him in the eyes for feeling guilty that your problem had caused him to be suspended. He shouldn't be suspended. 
“Y/N.” Seungmin sighs and softly brushes his hand against yours to gain your attention again. “It’s not your fault that the people who are supposed to stand by your side haven’t. My suspension only opened my eyes to the massive flaw we have within the school. I intend to either fix it or remove myself from the equation.” Seungmin bows to you lightly and walks away, thinking about every way he could get the principal fired. He would have to email the school board. You stand in the hallway completely flabbergasted by what just happened. The bell rings stealing your attention from him, as you turn back to call for him, he’s gone.
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You hear a knock at your door. You quickly run into your bathroom to make sure you look presentable after slaving over dinner prep. You run to the door and open it quickly. Seungmin is standing there dressed casually, not in his usual slacks and button-downs, with a bottle of wine in his hand. You beam a smile at him. “Welcome!” You motion for him to enter your home. 
“Thank you,” he smiles back. The atmosphere in the apartment is so heavy with awkwardness. He looks down at his hands and realizes he still has the bottle of wine in his hands. “Oh, I- uh, brought this for you- I mean us,” he says as he holds the bottle out for you. You take it with a small thank you and make your way to the kitchen. This is the first time the two of you have hung out outside of work so it’s bound to be a little awkward… right? You can't help but sneak glances at him. He looks handsome even in mundane clothes. He stares at all the food you prepared in awe, “Seriously, you didn’t have to do all of this?” 
“I felt like it,” you chuckle lightly. You’re incredibly nervous for him to taste your food. You very rarely cook for anyone and especially since it’s him you kind of went a little overboard. “Anyways, sit or-”
“Where’s your corkscrew?” He asks politely as he makes his way into your kitchen. “I find a bit of wine is always a welcomed relaxant.” You laugh and point to the drawer. You take out a few wine glasses while he struggles to pull the cork out of the bottle, making the both of you laugh, and breaking some of the unnecessary tension. You both sit down to enjoy the meal and the wine, the conversations flowing smoothly. 
“Oh please Mr. Kim-” you laugh, your cheeks tinted pink from drinking so much. Seungmin’s mind is reeling, he thinks you’re absolutely adorable, but in a corruptible way. Wait, did I just think that? Do I want to corrupt her?? No… I’d be no better than those fuckers at school… but she looks so pretty right now, her eyes glossed over, cheeks pink… fuck.
“I told you, call me Seungmin, we’re not in school,” he chuckles lightly, helping you out of the chair at the table and taking your hand to lead you to the couch.
“Sorry, old habits,” you frown. “I’m sorry you got suspended… because of me.” You sniffle a little as you finish your sentence. He was the only person who treated you decently at that hell hole, of course, you’re upset he's gone. And he’s also the only eye candy at that school and you can no longer ogle over him from down the hall.
“Hey, I told you, I got suspended because I couldn't keep my mouth shut about what was going on at the school. It was in no way your fault.” He said softly as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, wiping away a single tear that ran down your cheek.
“I just feel like I didn’t do enough to make it up to you,” you say softly as you play with the hem of his shirt. He watches your hands carefully, studying the curve of your fingers, wondering what they’d feel wrapped around his- no- stop. Don’t think like that… Seungmin quickly shakes the thought out of his head, but he couldn’t help but admire you. So sweet, so sickeningly innocent. The way you look up at him with those eyes, like a siren beckoning him to kiss you, god how badly he wanted to kiss you, touch you, make you, his- only his. 
He shouldn’t be thinking these things, he shouldn’t want you as badly as he does but as he looks at you- shying away from him all he can think about is how he could ruin that innocence you seem to unknowingly have, he wants to hear the sinful noises he just knows you’d be capable of making at his command. Fuck-  oh fuck, the ways he could ruin you. I really am no better than the rest of them… 
“Well, there is something that we could do to make it up to both of us,” he said carefully, tracing his fingers over your knuckles, a shiver running down your spine.
“What do you have to make up for?” you ask softly, looking at his eyes for the first time since you sat on the couch. His pupils have blown out, a slight blush to his cheeks, his ears red.
“For the thoughts, I’ve been having all night,” he admits, ghosting his fingers further up your forearm, tracing over every blemish on your skin.
“O-oh? What k-kind of thoughts?” you ask shyly as another shiver runs down your spine from his gentle touches.
“I’ve been thinking about how much I want to corrupt you, how I want to wrap you up in a bow like a fucking Christmas present begging to be opened, how I want to see you writhe beneath me as I fuck you hard and rough until you’re screaming my name.” 
You moan at his words as he rests his hands on your thighs, gripping them tightly in his hands. “What… what’s been stopping you?” You close your eyes as he massages your thighs, slowly running his fingers up under the hem of your skirt.
“I…” Seungmin pauses as he slowly removes his hands from your legs, suddenly feeling guilty at his actions. “I don’t want you to think I’m just another sleazy guy.” You immediately shake your head vigorously.
“I don’t think you're sleazy. At all.” You say, shocked at the confidence in your voice. “I… you’re the only person that has stood up for me… cared about me.” You trace your fingers over his knuckles. “And…” you’re not sure if it was the atmosphere or the alcohol that gave you the confidence but you blurted out without even a second thought, “I also think you’re incredibly handsome, Seungmin.”
Without a second further, Seungmin lunges forward and crashes his lips to yours in a hot, wet, steamy kiss. He licks into your mouth and quickly dominates the kiss, guiding you to match his rhythm. His hands glide further up your legs, under your skirt again and his fingers brush along the gusset of your panties. 
“Already so wet for me, angel?”
You whine into his mouth and grip the hem of his shirt tighter, trying to pull him closer to you. He wraps his hands around your wrists and yanks them away from him as he smirks into the kiss. 
“When did I say you could touch, angel?” He asks darkly, his tone firm, demanding. He held your hands down to your sides as he peppered kisses along your jaw. “Be a good girl and stay still for me.” You felt your body shiver and a high whine escaped your lips. You wiggled slightly, the need between your legs growing to be unbearable.
“Stop moving or I’m going to have to tie you down, angel.” Seungmin teases but pauses at the immediate blush that flashed across your cheeks.  “Oh, you like that don’t you.” Seungmin chuckles as he bites at your chin. “I don’t have anything to tie you up, angel, maybe next time.”
You squirm underneath him, desperate to get his attention since your words seemed to have been caught in your throat. “S-Seung-”
He stops sucking on your neck to allow you some space. “What is it, angel? Are you ok?” He looks so concerned as he looks over your face for any discomfort.
“‘M ok.” You say breathlessly. “H-have rope.” Seungmin stops and stares down at you, his eyes darkening.
“Oh, my naughty, naughty girl. You have rope? Who’s tied you up before, angel? Hmm? Tell me.” Seungmin seethes as he grips your wrists tighter, feeling incredibly possessive over you all of a sudden.
“N-no one. I s-swear. N-never tried it.” You begin to cry, not wanting him to run away from you, disgusted by your desires. Seungmin lets go of your wrists to wipe away your tears, kissing your cheeks and then your nose.
“Ok, angel. I believe you, don’t cry just yet.” Seungmin runs his hands down your cheek, down the column of your neck, through the valley between your breasts, across your stomach, and ghosting his fingertips across the hem of your skirt. “Why don’t we take this to your bedroom then so we can use that rope of yours.” He holds his hand out to help you up off the couch. You take his hand and rush toward your bedroom and close the door behind both of you. You go to your bedside and pull out a box from under your bed.
“I know it’s cliche to have a box of toys under the bed, please don’t judge me.” You say shyly as you stay knelt on the ground with the closed box in front of you. Seungmin slowly walks up to you and runs his fingers through your hair as you lean into his touch.
“So obedient,” Seungmin chuckles. He leans down and opens the lid to the box and inspects the toys inside. “Which one’s are your favorite?” He looks at you when you don’t respond and he chuckles lightly again. “You have permission to speak, angel.”
You point to a black bullet vibrator that sat atop all of the other items in the box and a clear silicone dildo sat right next to it. “These two,” you whisper quietly.
Seungmin huffs and takes the two toys out and tosses them on the floor next to you and continues to examine the other toys in the box. There's a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, rope, a thick veiny long lifelike dildo, and a curved vibrator - the type that has internal and external stimuli. “Have you ever used any of these?”
You shake your head no. 
“I want you to speak when I ask you a question,” Seungmin says in a demanding tone, making a shiver run down your spine.
“N-no, I haven’t used them.” You respond shyly, keeping your eyes focused on your hands folded in your lap.
“No, what?” Seungmin says as he lifts your head up with his fingers pressed under your chin. “What do you call me, angel? You get to decide.”
“N-no, I haven’t u-used them, sir.” You say as a blush creeps across your cheeks and you feel more wet between your folds. You see Seungmin shiver when the title rolls off your tongue, but he still keeps his cool.
“Why haven’t you used them? You bought them, you should use them, no?” Seungmin says as he begins removing each item from the box and placing them carefully in between the two of you.
“I-I never had the opportunity, sir.” You say as you look away from him. He tuts and guides you to look at him again. He’s giving you a knowing look like he knows that’s not the entire truth. Fuck, was I always this easy to read? “I-I’m scared, sir.” You say quietly, the confession making you feel more shy than you already were. You’ve never shown anyone your treasure chest before and the fact that you were showing Mr. Kim, the man you’ve had a crush on for AGES, was fucking with your brain more than you would’ve liked. You wanted to do anything, everything he asked. Wanted to be good for him. Wanted to show him that you’d do whatever he wanted. Seungmin’s gaze softens and he brushes his fingers across your cheek, you lean into the touch, desperate to feel his warmth again.
“You’re scared of the toys? Hmm, my poor angel isn’t very heavenly if she has all of these naughty toys, right?” Seungmin asks and he sees the panic flicker in your eyes. “Shh, angel it’s ok. I like your naughty desires, but it makes me want to corrupt you even more. Would you like that? Can I teach you?”
You nod your head excitedly. “Yes, yes. Want you to teach me. Show me, sir.” 
Seungmin shivers in excitement. He pets your cheek gently. “Anything for you my angel. Get on the bed on your knees for me.”
You do as he says and place yourself at the center of the bed, carefully tucking your knees beneath you and placing your hands in your lap, awaiting his instructions. He smiles when you’re settled and stands at the end of the bed, looking over your body as if you were a piece of art in a museum. 
“Such an obedient little thing aren’t you.” Seungmin praises, you feel a satisfied shiver run down your spine. “Now, I want you to be a good girl and take your clothes off for me, and when you’re done, get back into that position. Understood, pup?”
“Y-yes sir.” You carefully remove your shirt, trying your best to make your movements as sexy as possible. You lean back and remove your skirt and panties, tossing them onto the floor next to your discarded shirt. You prop yourself back up on your knees and slowly reach back to unclasp your bra, suddenly feeling all too shy to be so naked in front of him. Seungmin walks to the side of the bed and sits down beside you when he notices your hesitation. He carefully tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. He runs his fingers down your cheek to your chin and tilts your head towards him.
“You don’t need to be shy, pup. You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, his fingers running up and down your arm. “Let me see all of you.”
You nod your head, unclasp your bra, and let it drop to your lap. Seungmin picks it up and tosses it over his shoulder as he stares at you. He looks you up and down, briefly licking his lips when his gaze locks on your lips. He gets up from beside you and stands at the foot of the bed again right in front of your box of goodies.
“What shall we do first pup?” Seungmin looks down at the box and a small smirk dances across his lips. He pulls out the silky black blindfold, “Shall we start with this?”
He walks over to the side of the bed again and places his hands on your shoulder, lightly pushing you down so you’d lay flat on the bed. He pushes the hair out of your face and places the silky material over your eyes. “I’m gonna need you to tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable, ok pup? You know the stop light system?”
“Y-yes sir,” you mumble breathlessly. The removal of sight has already heightened your other senses. His voice was caramel sweet to your ears and you wanted.. no.. needed more.
“Good girl.” You feel the bed lift beside you as Seungmin begins to walk away from you. “Stay just like that.”  You hear him moving around the room and the rustling of the items in your box until you hear him gasp. “Ohh fuck.” You hear him whisper probably to himself so you stay silent. “You really are a pup aren’t you?” You hear a chain clanging against itself as seungmin removes whatever it is from the box. “Sit up.” Seungmins words are commanding and you obey immediately. You listen as the chain and inevitably Seungmin approaches you again. He grabs your jaw and leans in close to your ear. “I can’t wait to see you in this pup. And I swear to god, if you disobey me I will not go easy on you. You’ve been such a good pet so far, let’s not make it go to waste huh?” You shudder and nod as best as you could within his grasp.
“Y-yes sir, I’ll be a good pup, I swear.” You want to please him, you want him to praise you again and call you a good girl. You wanna be so so so good for him.
He chuckles in your ear and he moves his hand down from your chin and rests it around your throat. You keen at the motion and lean into his hand, wanting so desperately for him to squeeze. “Oh, it’s a good thing you like things wrapped around your neck pup.” Seungmin teases as he tightens and loosens his hold on your neck in quick succession. You whine and buck your hips up at nothing, the need between your legs starting to become unbearable. 
Seungmin removes his hand from your throat and you let out a desperate whine. “Shh, pup, be patient.” You suddenly feel cold, rough material tightening around your neck. Seungmins face is so close to yours, you can feel his breath on your cheek. You want to turn your head and kiss him but you want to be good. Need to be good. So you stay still and wait for his instructions. Once he latches the material together you feel the cold metal chain drape across your chest and down the valley of your breasts. “Go ahead, pup, feel it.” You reach up to your neck and feel at the material that was placed around your throat and you gasp at the realization. The studded collar you bought a few months ago, was now sat prettily around your neck, the leash dangling down the front of your body. 
“Oh,” you whisper breathlessly as you run your fingers up and down the cold metal leash. You suddenly feel incredibly self conscious. You’ve never been in a position like this with any of your previous partners, most of them finding your desires to be too much. Your breath hitches as you sit in the silence. You can’t tell if Seungmin moved away from you or where he may be. Does he also find you undesirable? Is he disgusted by your wants? You drop your hands to the bed and feel around for him. “S-seungmin..” you whine as you’re worriedly searching for him. You start breathing heavier as you’re stressing over not being able to see him, hear him, or feel him.
You feel warm hands wrap around yours. “Hey, I’m right here pup.” You whimper as he places a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Do you want me to take the blindfold off?”
“No!” You reply a little too quickly. You shake your head. “N-no, I wanna keep it on… a-at least for a little while.”
He chuckles and kisses your cheek again. “Ok, pup. For a little while.” He begins to pull his hand away from you but you quickly chase after it and pull him back to you. “Pup.” Seungmin sits beside you on the bed and lifts the blindfold off from your eyes. “Look at me,” he says in a soft but demanding tone. Your eyes take a minute to adjust to the light but you look directly in front of you and see Seungmin sitting inches from you, his face a whisper away from yours. He looks at your eyes and it feels like he’s searching for something in them. “Listen to me pup. You’ve been so good so far, such a good girl. I’m gonna make you feel so good, but I need you to trust me.” He gently runs his finger across your cheek. “I’m not gonna leave you. I’ll be right here and if you want me to stop at any time just say ‘red’ and I’ll stop immediately.” His gaze softens as he notices the slight quiver in your lips. “You really are new to this aren’t you pup?”
You nod your head. Seungmin carefully watches you as you open and close your mouth, trying to find the words you want to say. “Y-yes. Wanted to try, b-but no one…” you trail off as you feel his fingers intertwined with yours. “No one’s wanted to d-do this with me.”
Seungmins gaze darkens slightly and he looks away from you, his jaw firmly set. You reach your hand up and guide him to look at you again.
“Please teach me.” You whisper as you touch your forehead against his. “I trust you Seungmin,” you say in a featherlight voice, closing your eyes and bringing the blindfold back over your eyes.
Seungmin is perfectly still as he watches you in awe. His precious pup is gaining some confidence, you saying you trust him, you wanting him to teach you. He’s not sure he’s ready for it himself. He feels the tent in his pants tightening. “Of course I’ll teach you pup,” you feel the bed lift from in front of you and feel a searing smack against your ass. You whimper at the pain, feeling a hand smoothing over the red mark that was most definitely left behind. “Firstly, you called me the wrong name, pup, and for that, you need to be punished.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.” You say breathless as Seungmin nips at your neck.
“You better hope it doesn’t.” There’s another slap on your ass. “I want you to count, pup. Starting now.” He lands another smack and you start counting in your head. Seungmin yanks you by your hair and forces you to lean against his chest, his voice seething and close to your ear. “Out loud pup.”
“O-one.” You say with a shaky breath.
“Good girl.” Seungmin praises as he pushes you back down on your hands and knees. You keen at the praise and you push your ass backwards awaiting the next round of slaps.
You count out loud for each slap across your ass. “Eighteen.” Slap. “N-nineteen.” Slap. “Twenty.” Seungmin rubs soothing circles on your ass as the sting subsides.
“Well done pup. You did a good job.” Seungmin guides you to lay down on your back. He gives you a few gentle pecks on your lips as he runs his fingers across your tummy. “I’m gonna tie you up, okay pup? Can you tell me your color?”
“Green, sir. P-please keep going.” You say as you try to reach for his hands. Seungmin chuckles and kisses your knuckles.
“Ok pup, I’ll keep going.” Seungmin kisses your forehead and walks towards the end of the bed. You hear him rummaging through the box and he slowly approaches you again. “Lift your hands.” 
You slowly lift your hands up and Seungmin places the toy in your hands. You wrap your fingers around the material and feel the coarse threads of the rope you had inside your box. “Can you tell me what it is, pup?”
“Rope, sir.” You say as you run your fingers over the rope. You know the rope is a deep crimson, a color you thought would look stunning against your skin. You were so nervous to proceed, but you wanted to trust Seungmin. He’d take care of you.
“That's very good. Very good girl.” Seungmin praises and takes the rope from your hands and helps you sit up. “Listen to me carefully. I am going to tie you up. The rope is going to be nice and tight around your skin. It’ll feel good, but if it's too tight or you're having a hard time breathing or you're nervous, you tell me immediately and I’ll cut you free. Do you understand?”
You smiled towards the direction of his face and nodded lightly. “I understand, sir.” You feel him run the rough material over your skin. You shudder at the feeling, goosebumps rising over your arms as the rope is wrapped around your body. Seungmin tightens the rope every so often around your chest, your hips, your thighs. You feel the wetness pooling between your legs as he continues slowly. He traces your skin before the rope tracks over the same space. You suddenly feel incredibly overwhelmed by the intimacy of this type of play. Something you’ve never experienced before. Something you weren't prepared to feel. You noticed that Seungmin stopped his movements. “Pup.” Seungmin whispers, his lips grazing your shoulder as he places light kisses over the skin. He pulls your blindfold off and throws it off the bed. He’s looking at you with so much care in his eyes, but there's an underlying lust that he was holding back. “Don’t cry. Not yet.”
You didn’t even realize you were crying and you try to reach up to wipe the tears away quickly realizing that your arms are tied tightly to your sides. You start to fluster and your breathing picks up. “I-I’m sorry…” You start but Seungmin quickly places his hands on each side of your face and looks at you deeply.
“Hey, you’re ok. I’m right here. Color?”
“Y-yellow. Yellow, sir.” You say as you close your eyes feeling the tears pooling behind your eyes. Seungmin moves closer to you and places your forehead on his shoulder as he runs soothing lines up and down your spine and pats your head with his other hand. You two sit like that for a few moments, your breathing coming back to normal. “G-green.” 
Seungmin lightly pushes you back to sitting up. He smiles at you and grabs the rope again. He goes slower this time and finishes wrapping the rope around your body. He sits in front of you as you wiggle slightly as he asks if it's too tight. You promise him that you’re ok and he carefully lays you down on the bed again. He moves back to the box and pulls out the vibrator and the dildo. He returns to your side and traces the vibrator over the rope. You nod at him to continue and Seungmin smirks at you. He climbs on the bed and sits between your legs. He runs his hands up and down your soft skin as he turns the vibrator on.
He traces the vibrator over the rope and runs it along your arms. He slowly drags the vibrator between the valley of your breasts, making direct eye contact with you as he puts the device straight onto your nipple. You arch your back into the sensation and whine high as the vibrations send a wave of warmth down to your core. Seungmin spits into his hand and grabs the dildo, bringing it to your core and running it up and down your lips. You thrash at the feeling, bucking your hips to try to relieve the tension that's been building up between your legs since you and Seungmin were making out on your couch.
He teases the dildo against your entrance, slowly pushing the tip between your lips and quickly retreating, repeating the motion over and over again as he quickens the vibrations on your nipples.
“S-sir, please,” you plead, you need so much more than he’s giving you.
“Okay, pup, I’ll give it to you,” Seungmin says sweetly as he forces the dildo into your core in one swift push. Your breath catches in your throat at the sensation, your walls pulse around the toy. He pulls the dildo out entirely and pushes it all the way in once again. There's a teasing smile on his lips as he pumped the toy deep into your cunt. 
“F-feels s-so good,” you whine as you roll your hips in rhythm with his thrusts. “W-want you, s-sir,” you say with a stroke of confidence. He slowed his pace and he looked at you carefully. Something flashes across his face for a brief moment, his dominant persona being replaced by something else, something more desperate. He shook his head and his dominant persona was back. He removed the dildo from your cunt and turned off the vibrator, tossing it to the floor. He leaves you alone on the bed as you watch him remove his clothes, the waistband of his underwear catching on his hard cock, releasing it to let it slap against his stomach. You watch him in awe as he pumps his cock a few times, running a hand through his hair pushing it back, giving you the most exquisite view you've ever seen. Seungmin pauses his movements and smirks down at you.
“Would you like to stay tied up or do you want your hands?” Seungmin looks down at you cautiously but still with a fire behind his eyes that makes you want to hide behind your hands… if they were free.
“I’d like to stay t-tied please,” you say quietly, wiggling on the bed. Seungmin nods and crawls over you, running a finger down your cheek to your chin. He places a feather-light kiss on your nose and continues his light kisses down your neck as he lines himself up to your entrance. He pushes his tip in slowly and harshly snaps his hips into yours, punching the breath out of you. Seungmin stills as he places gentle kisses along your collarbone, snaking his hand up to gently hold your neck.
“Breathe, pup,” Seungmin whispers as he begins to thrust into you at a slow but calculated pace. There isn't any rhythm to his thrusts but the depth that he's reaching inside you already has you seeing stars. You let out shaky breaths, trying your best to focus on Seungmin’s piercing gaze. He’s staring down at you, taking in every single twitch and hitch in your breathing. He’s analyzing what feels good, gauging your reactions to each thrust, each touch. 
After a particularly pointed thrust you let out a high-pitched whimper and Seungmin’s gaze darkens. He starts thrusting in a steady rhythm now, hitting that spot that made you see stars, forcing high needy whimpers from your puffy lips. His hand on your neck tightens and his other hand finds your sweet little bundle of nerves. He lightly runs his finger over the bud and you attempt to reach down and pull his hand away from you, but your hands stay where they are, tied to your sides. You try to wiggle away from him but with his hand around your throat and his cock pressing deep inside your wet cunt you’re not entirely successful. Seungmin chuckles cynically at your attempt and he flicks his fingers over your clit repeatedly, watching as you hold back your moans with your lips pulled between your teeth and he watches your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Feel good, pup?” You whine in response, unable to form coherent words at the amount of pleasure you’re feeling. You think for a brief moment that Seungmin will punish you for not answering his question with words, but apparently, he doesn't mind this time and continues his assault on your clit. After a rough thrust, you muffle another moan. Seungmin slaps your messy cunt harshly before soothing his hands over the area. “Don’t hold back your pretty moans, pup. Lemme hear how loud you can be for me.”
You're a writhing mess below him. Moans, ragged breaths, and skin slapping against skin is all that can be heard in your small bedroom. You felt like you could've come at least 10 times already but this time, you can feel it’s different. You want to touch him, pull him close to you, kiss him as you come. “M-min, pl-please stop,” you ask breathlessly.
It takes him a moment to pause his movements before he's looking down at you attentively, searching your features for any discomfort. “Did it hurt? Are you ok? Did I go too rough?” he asks calmly, but there is concern written all over his face. You wiggle your hands that are still bound to your sides and look down at them and look back up to him quickly. 
“Wan my hands,” you say quickly, adding an almost forgotten ‘please’ at the end. Seungmin looks down at your hands and quickly pulls at the knots, releasing your tired limbs from their hold, and resumes his previous pace before you have the time to recover. You yelp at the sudden movements and quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. “S-seungmin~” you whimper, “G-gonna, w-wanna cum.” 
Seungmin must be close as his grunting has gotten louder since you wrapped yourself around him. “Cum when you’re ready pup, getting close.” Seungmin pushes his nose into your neck, lapping his tongue along your skin, pressing messy kisses here and there as he moans into you.
You feel something deep in your stomach begin to tighten. You dig your nails into Seungmin’s back as your moans get higher in pitch. You babble incoherent phrases as you wrap your legs around his body, trying to pull him impossibly closer to you. Seungmin quickened his fingers against your clit, sliding his fingers into your tight cunt with his palm resting on your puffy (and incredibly abused) clit. The additional intrusion was enough to push you over. You muttered out an incoherent sound along with a breathless, “c-cuhm”, as your body shudders and your cunt pulses around Seungmins cock and fingers. A loud shriek pushes past your lips as your climax rushes through you. Seungmin mumbles encouragements into your skin, kissing your ear, chin, and neck. “That’s it pup, wan you to feel so good. Such a good pup, my good pup.” 
You feel like you're floating as Seungmins pace begins to get more sloppy. He grinds into you as he groans more praises into your ear. “Good pup, so good for me. My good girl. Good pup, making me feel so good.” He curls his fingers up into your cunt adding pressure once again as he pushes in deeper, his tip kissing your cervix. “Cumin, pup, cuming,” he mumbles as he releases deep inside of you. The pressure of his fingers, his cock pushing against your cervix, and his cum filling you has another orgasm racing through you. You dig your nails into his back as you soundlessly cum again. Seungmin collapses on top of you, his breathing harsh as he softly rocks into you, riding out the last of both of your orgasms.
After a few moments, he pushes himself up to look down at you. He places a light kiss on your nose as he carefully removes himself from you. “Stay right there,” he whispers as he moves towards the bathroom. While he’s gone you catch your breath, stuck in a semi-trance. He’s back in a few moments with what looks like lotion and a towel. Seungmin makes quick and gentle work to wipe you down, rubbing lotion along your skin, all the while he's whispering sweet words to you. You feel so warm, so cared for, so wanted. He has you take a few sips of water before he pulls you into bed, letting you cuddle into his chest as he wraps his arms around you. As you slowly drift off to sleep, you can't help but feel so loved, so safe.
The weekend passes by quickly, Seungmin leaving only to gather some clothes from his house. He spends the weekends exploring you, learning your inner workings, how your mind ticks and functions, how your body reacts to the things he does, and how his mind and body react to you. He also spends a portion of the weekend sending emails which he tells you are simply to figure out when his suspension ends. On Monday Seungmin will return to school, and though it has only been three days, getting used to calling him Mr. Kim in school again seems daunting with you now being used to simply calling him Seungmin. 
“What if I just quit and go to another school?” You whisper as Seungmin parks the car in the school lot, Seungmin takes your hand softly, giving you a small smile before speaking. 
“Everything will be fine, Miss Y/L/N. No more harassment from students, or staff.” 
“How’d you know about the staff-” 
“I just know my love, but I promise you, no more.” You’re not sure how Seungmin can make such a promise but still. You make your way into your classroom, your students all waiting attentively for you to start your lesson. The few typical troublemakers in the back sit unusually silent as you begin. A knock on your door causes you to stop your slideshow as a woman you haven’t seen before walks in, followed by Seungmin directly behind her. He closes the door and waits patiently for the woman to speak. 
“Good morning students,” she starts, “Miss. Y/L/N.” she nods to you, “My name is Mrs. Im, as some of you may know,” she says as she stares to the back of the class where the usual group of boys sit up straight, some with their heads hung down. “I am your school's new principal. I’ve come to introduce myself. Miss. Y/L/N may I speak to you in the hallway quickly?” You nod as you follow her and Seungmin out into the hall. Your heart racing from not knowing what any of this was about. 
“Mr. Kim, Mrs. Im. What is this about?” 
“Miss. Y/L/N, I’ll need you to give me a list of the staff who have harassed you. I apologize for this being so sudden, but I’d like to rid my school of such behavior immediately.” Seungmin stands proud beside Mrs. Im as she speaks, “Though for now, I can only offer a suspension as we await investigation but I hope this helps you feel a bit safer within your workspace.” You nod softly as she smiles and walks away, leaving you alone for a moment with Seungmin.
“See my love? I told you. No more.” He smiles at you as he takes your hand gently in his, tracing his fingers across your digits and placing a soft and quick kiss on your fingertip. “Nothing bad's gonna happen to you anymore, not when I can help.” You can’t help the blush that dusts across your cheeks.
“I- uh, gotta get back to my class,” you say sheepishly as you slowly back towards your classroom. 
“I’ll meet you at the car after school?” He asks cooly as he tucks his hands into his pockets, smirking at you.
“Of course, Mr. Kim,” you sing-song back to him as you walk into your classroom. Seungmin stands in the hallway for a beat before he turns around, kicking his feet, and lightly chucking to himself. 
“My lovely little pup,” he whispers with a smile on his face as he walks down the hall, planning how he is going to have his way with you later this evening. 
Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi @skzstaykatsy
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wayfayrr · 4 months
Take as long as you need on my request Moss <333 I’m more than happy to wait however long <3
But on another note, I’ve suddenly been reminded that in the self aware aus, the boys heard *everything*. Which then reminds me, the amount of shit I’ve said during their adventures- specifically Sky and Twilight’s.
1. The shit talking I have said about enemies, some more than others (looking at you Ghirahim, Demise, Ganon, and Zant). I shit talked them whenever I saw them, especially Ghirahim honestly, bro’s hair looks greasy enough to be used to fry food, and he looks like a wet paper towel.
2. The shit I said about the Links omggg. Again, this is mainly about Sky and Twilight (honestly mainly Sky cause you’re so right, he has the sweetest sounds) because the *t h i n g s* I would do to them after they pull some cool ass shit would not, in fact, be family friendly. Ofc, I talked about how pretty they are so many times- the amount of times I moved the camera at an angel so I could see their face and gush about how gorgeous they are is,, a lot. Called them perfect so many times too: slicing grass? Perfect <3 Fighting a bokoblin? Perfect <33 Tossing a bomb? Perfect <333 honestly was using any excuse to call the boys perfect, I love them so much. AND OM THE OTHER HAND THAT REMINDS ME OF HOW OFTEN I SAID I LOVED THEM LMAOO
But I digress. Anyway, you know those thirst comments on tiktok? The type like ‘until the shape is embedded in my throat’? I pray for self aware Sky, I said unhinged shit like that all the time for him- even more so than Twilight- whenever he did anything cool. Sometimes said it when he didn’t even do anything cool; used the claw shot to get high up? Charging up for the sky slice (can’t remember the name)? Aiming Fi in the direction needed to go? Said unhinged shit then too.
~🍀 anon
yep :3c they've heard everything, every single bit of praise you've given them, every curse when you mess up - anything you said to any friends while playing? all of it.
1- I think they'd be ecstatic to hear you slandering their enemies, there would be a weird dissonance if you were fond of the villains. Not because they're jealous no, never, how could you assume that. they are and they are impossibly bad at hiding it, their hatred of seeing you praise someone else in their game might be your first clue that something is wrong with your game They also just get a good laugh at how creative some of your insults can get <3333 it's not like they hear any genuine ones often!!!!
2- it's almost impossible to play a zelda game without fawning over how cute link is (I myself have so so many screenshots of him and just can't go more than five minutes without complimenting him) and I think they'd love it!! though it makes them a bit upset that they're still trapped and can't return any of the compliments without scaring you into resetting or deleting the game :( they've got to work up the confidence that you won't abandon him before he does anything (or simply the desperation to) despite how much you've told them you love them, they've still got enough common sense to know that this isn't normal
rfgbhsbghgfbfsgb he's just going to be a blushy mess when he can finally go against the games precoded animations and has his own free movement but he's just so pretty and as flustered as he drinks up each and every one of them. [I can absolutely see him playing up a more 'pathetic' demeanor in order to milk more from you between giving you plenty back ofc] I have so many screenshots of his game ong it's an issue
peep and I were also joking about how when you put in the boss key sky's just standing there watching you struggle with the puzzle (and for dowsing he can feel you cake full control of his head to look out of his eyes and it's where he feels the closest to you <33)
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polarisdelphi · 9 months
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Back on posting old art I never posted, Frau Schneider, my beloved 🖤
I'm seriously considering turning her into a sticker and slapping it everywhere I need to remember something to do. Drinking water? Frau is there judging me. Writing? Frau is waiting. Sleeping at a decent time? She's at the clock, looking at me with hatred in her eyes.
Jokes aside, this was more of a try on stylized drawing, which I completely suck. Since I studied Schneider's face thoroughly once for another drawing, I figured stylizing him would be easier for me as a first try.
I love his nose HAHAHAHA that's my anchor on his likeness xD
Sketches, breakdowns on how I got here, what I thought on shapes and more on his features - and just general artist blabbering, down below!
It was born from these loose sketches:
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And I do like the ~proper~ one too. Took a lot of screenshots of the video's making of to understand his mannerisms when ~in Frau~, and there's a big change between the video and the live versions.
Video is a proper, collected, older woman with a dark side from repressed unfulfilled desires, live one is a brute, angry, harshly dominant one. 100% angry all the time, taking her dogs for a walk 🖤
Keeping some harsh shapes on the first one 'cause we all know she's evil, and some more organic ones on the second one 'cause she's UNHINGED.
(Also, Frau's coat are a thousand little Edelweiss 'cause you know. Schneider, Austria, his wife hahahaha aaaaand I have roots from there too, so I decided to shamelessly slap Edelweiss everywhere xD)
Another interesting thing to note, was trying to keep the male proportions on a female presenting appearance. Because we all learn about better shapes for women, how they usually are ~smaller, softer and more delicate~ than males (please read with sarcasm) but Schneider is still a man in woman's clothing, acting like a woman. So I had to keep in mind what I'd draw if it was just him as himself - big hands, big feet, tall as a fucking tree, very large shoulders, toned arms and muscles, all that. No ~delicate~ features 'cause he's still a man, but in here he's a woman.
I'm not saying I succedeed. But it was a good first try :)
Given I have so many drag queen original characters, it's something I think it was nice to study and have in mind T-T
About his features, like I said, I studied him once 'cause I was trying to go for stylized Live aus Berlin Schneider illustration once, but all I got is: I can draw his likeness from memory now, that's it *cries in incompetence*
I said before, I'm not good at stylizing.
So, his key features are: very slim and small mouth, big nose (gods I love his nose, I'll always say that), kinda small eyes and there's almost no distance to his eyebrows (on the video they paint his brows to make a LOT more arched, almost like original Maleficent), longer face, big and square chin, sharp and high cheekbones. I figured if I kept all that in mind, I'd have his likeness.
That's what I used to go figuring out how to draw Frau like that :)
And why am I blabbering all this?
I just hope it helps other self-taught artists out there who have a hard time finding resources and see other people's drawings and go "oooh man how do I get there?" and the artist always go "I dunno just draw a lot and you will get there :)"
Yes, yes, draw a lot. If you don't practice, you won't learn. But there ARE tools, observation studies, drawing studies and a WHOLE lot of things you can learn from other people to get where you want to faster and easier - but most of these resources are, nowadays, behind a paywall. So I just figured I'll share what I learned and hopefully it'll help someone struggling with the same things I did less than a year ago ;)
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
The Bubbler. The birthday boy's benevolent bestie.
It's been a whole week since the whole Stormy Weather situation happened.
Not only was it announced that Aurore was the true new weather girl, but Adrien's birthday was pointed online.
Of course his MANY FANS went crazy over getting this information.
Some even found out ways to directly message him, which obviously creeped him out.
Adri&Me112: Happy birthday, my Prince!
AdriensPrincess: I wish I could be your present!
Adrien didn't really like waking up to these notifications on his PRIVATE Instagram.
But he did wanna celebrate his birthday for the first time with his classmates.
Though he knew his father would NEVER agree to letting him throw a party at their home.
Everyone in class found out it was Adrien's birthday through Instagram, but Chloé was only reminded that she forgot.
Plagg, jokingly: Well, you were quite busy drooling over Scarabée's pictures on the ScaraBlog.
Chloé managed to come up with the perfect gift before being drove to pick up Sabrina and then taken school.
Even Marinette, Alya, and Alix were talking about Adrien's birthday.
Alya, annoyed: I don't see the big deal about today. Thanks to those Fangirls, I can't even promote my ScaraBlog without one of them commenting "Is there Adrien content tho?" Agh!
Marinette: I don't know much about Adrien, but what I do know is the actions of his fans aren't his fault.
Alix: Some of those chicks sound unhinged too! Aurore's been following Adrien since she became the rightful Weather Girl. Look at the stuff they sent her just from him following her! *shows Marinette and Alya her phone*
Marinette and Alya, shocked: WOW!
As they looked at the screenshots of the unhinged messages, Adrien's limo pulled up in front of the school.
Nino then quickly ran up to him and put his arm around his shoulder.
Nino: Happy Birthday, Dude!
Adrien: Thanks Nino.
Chloé then runs outside with Sabrina right behind her and hugs Adrien.
Chloé: Happy Birthday, Adrien!
Adrien, whispering: Chloé, it's okay if you forgot. I know how you are with birthdays-
Chloé: And I promise to change that starting now!
Nino: ???
Alix, shouts over to them: Hey Adrien!
Adrien, quickly turns to her: Yeah?
Alix: Happy Birthday!
Adrien, caught off guard: T-thanks!
When Alix starts walking into the school, Marinette and Alya quickly follow her.
Marinette: That was sweet of you Alix.
Alix: If I had fangirls as crazy as his, I'd want to be reassured that SOME people are sane.
Alya, jokingly: Let's hope none of his fangirls saw you talking to him!
Marinette and Alix: *laughs*
~~~~~~Back outside~~~~~~~
Nino: That was cool of Alix.
Adrien: I know right? I haven't talked to her since later last week when we ran into each other after the fencing tryouts. So I was abit caught off guard.
Sabrina: Alix may be quite intimidating, but she's also quite the softie once you get to know her.
Chloé: Yeah... *faintly blushes*
Sabrina: *smirks*
Nino: So Adrien, what are you doing for your birthday?
Adrien, abit upset: Not much... but I'm use to it.
Nino: I'm sorry... WHAT?!
Chloé: Mr. Agreste has always been against Adrien having fun like a normal kid. It was always just me, him, Sabrina and his utterly annoying cousin. We weren't allowed to do much on his birthday despite being so excited to celebrate.
Nino: It's Adrien's birthday! He deserves so much for doing EVERYTHING his old name says! Which should include an actual birthday party!
Adrien: *cries tears of joy* I always wanted a big party...
While in school, Chloé and Sabrina were planning on what to do for Adrien's party while Nino mentally prepared himself to ask Gabriel to let Adrien have a party at the Agreste home.
Sabrina: If we can't have the party at Adrien's place, we can ask Alix-
Chloé: NO! I sure Mr. Agreste will let us have the party at his place if he'd agree to it. Gotta keep him close.
Sabrina: *sighs* We both know you don't believe that... one of these days you and Alix HAVE to talk about this.
After school, Nino gets to the Agreste home before Adrien does and begins his talk with Gabriel.
Nathalie: One of Adrien's classmates are here.
Gabriel: Adrien's not home yet.
Nino: I'm actually here to see you, Sir!
Gabriel: Explain.
Nino: That's right! I heard from Adrien that he really wants a party and I'm hear to ask on his behalf!
Gabriel: No. That's final.
Nino, getting angry: That's messed up! He does EVERYTHING you tell him to do and you can't give him this one day to have fun?!
Adrien, walking through the door: Nino? You're actually here?!
Nino, turns to Adrien: Of course! Anything for a friend! *turns back to Gabriel* shows some awesomeness, Sir!
Gabriel: *glares at Nino*
Adrien: Forget it, Nino. It's fine.
Gabriel: Young man, I decided what's best for my son. And I've decided that you're a negative influence on him and aren't welcomed in my house ever again. Leave now!
Adrien, getting very upset: Father please! He was just trying to do something cool for me!
Nathalie: Goodbye Mr. Lahiffe.
Nino: *angrily leaves*
Adrien: Nino wait! I'm sorry about my father, he’s always such a stubborn-
Nino: It's not fair, Adrien! You don't have to apologize for how awful you're dad is!
Adrien: Thanks anyway...
Chloé and Sabrina were waiting for Nino to call to tell him about their party plans, but he didn't.
Sabrina: I hope we get the call soon...
Chloé: I should've gone with him, but my present's almost done! Let's now worry, we gotta believe in him.
Sabrina: Nino? Or Mr. Agreste?
Chloé: Obviously Nino!
Little did they know, the next time they'd see Nino, he would not be himself.
Nino: Why can't the awful parents just go away?!
Hawkmoth: Such a good friend, desperately trying to help his friend, but feels powerless? How frustrating. Let's turn that frustration into anger. Fly away my little Akuma and evilize him!
*After the akuma enters the bubbles*
Hawkmoth: Hawkmoth is my name and Bubbler is now yours! I'll give you the power to get rid of all of horrid parents and other bad adults out in the world. All you have to do is bring me Scarabée and Kitty Claws' miraculous!
Nino: I'm gonna need an extra power, Hawk-Dude.
After awhile, Chloé and Sabrina finally got the text from Nino, telling them to meet him in front of the Agreste home.
Sabrina: I got the party supplies and my gift for Adrien. Chloé, is your gift done yet?
Chloé: Yeah, let's go!
After being quickly and safely getting to Adrien's place by limo, Chloé and Sabrina go inside.
But instead of seeing Nino or Adrien, they see the Bubbler.
Chloé, internally: Oh SHIT!
Sabrina: NINO?!
Bubbler: I'm Bubbler now! And I need your help, my party planning Dudettes!
Nino then uses his added ability to trap Chloé and Sabrina in fogged up bubbles.
But instead of the two flooding away, he pops the bubbles, revealing the two to now be dressed up in pretty party dresses that have the same color scheme as the Bubbler.
Bubbler: You two get the party ready, I'll go give out the invites. And don't tell Adrien, it's a surprise! *flies off*
Chloé and Sabrina: ...
Alix was finishing touching up her hair dye when a knock on the door was heard.
Alim goes to open the door and is very surprised at what he sees.
Bubbler: Mr. Kubdel! What's up?
Alim: ... NINO?!
Bubbler: It's Bubbler now. Is Alix home?
Alim: What do you want with-
Alix, runs between Alim and Bubbler: WHAT'S GOING ON?!
Bubbler: I'm invited you to Adrien's epic birthday party!
Alim, pulls Alix back: Do you think I'd allow-
Alix: Yeah, I'll be there.
Alim: WHAT?!
Bubbler: Awesome! Make sure to dress nice and bring a nice gift! *leaves*
Once Bubbler was gone, Alim let out his angry coated fear.
Alix, quickly hugs him: Dad, it's gonna be okay. He most likely invited the other kids from class as well. Scarabée and Kitty Claws will show up, save the day, and then we'll leave.
Alim: Okay, but I'm driving you and your friends there though.
Right after Alim says this, Alix hears her text notifications from the bathroom.
She goes in, picks up her phone, and reads each message quickly.
❤Best Blogger📱: I know! This is insane!!
📽Mylegend♻️: Are we really gonna go?!
🥇Alix💥: Of course we are!
🎨Nate🖌: We are?!
While the group texted each other, Alix quickly got ready for the power and left with Alim.
Alix: Tells stop by my favorite sports store really quick, dad.
After he leaves the Louvre, Bubbler sees Nathalie walking up to a store and quickly bubbles her.
After Alix bought what she needed, Alim drove her to Marinette, Alya, Mylène, and Nathaniel's homes to pick them up and drive them to the Agreste home.
Thanks to Alix's text notifications, she found out the rest of her classmates were already there before they all got out of the car and got their presents out of the trunk.
Alix: See ya later, Dad!
Alim: Please be careful Alix... *drives off*
Once Alim was out of sight, the Bubbler appears before the five.
Bubbler: Hey dudes! So happy you made it! The party's in the back! Adrien should be done with all those "Father-Approved" activities for the day and will be here soon, so hurry up and go.
Once the five of them got to the back, they saw that almost all of their classmates were there in their own very unique and nice outfits.
The only two that stood out were Chloé and Sabrina, who were wearing dresses with colors similar to Bubbler.
Nathaniel: Do you think they were akumatized too?
Alix: If they were, they'd probably have the same powers as Nino...
Mylène: What do we do now?
Alya: I guess we act like nothing's wrong until Scarabée and Kitty Claws get here.
Marinette: I bet they'll be here in no time.
Alix takes this time to walk up to Chloé and Sabrina and ask the two of them a few questions.
Alix: Why are you two dressed like that?
Sabrina: We were made into Bubbler's Party Planners. He used foggy bubbles to give us these outfits.
Alix: You're not under some sorta mind control, are you?
Sabrina: Nope, just Bubbler colored dresses.
Alix: What got Nino upset upset enough to be akumatized?
Chloé: *sighs* He asked Mr. Agreste if Adrien could have a party. Given how we didn't see or hear of him until after he's been akumatized, he obviously said no. Mr. Agreste knows I'm friends with Adrien, so I should've went with Nino!
Seeing how upset Chloé is, Alix decides to comfort her.
Alix: It probably couldn't be helped. From what I heard about Mr. Agreste from my dad, he'd probably say no if Scarabée and Kitty Claws themselves asked him.
Chloé, giggling: Yeah...
Sabrina, looking at the two: *thinks to herself* Am I witnessing ACTUAL progress?!
Bubbler then appears and tells everyone that Adrien's coming.
Once he makes his way to the back, everyone shouts out "Happy Birthday, Adrien!"
While Adrien is happy to see his classmates throwing him a party, he’s also obviously quite concerned by the fact that his new friend has indeed been akumatized.
Bubbler: Enjoy you party, Birthday Boy!
Since Bubbler was now quite distracted with the party, Alix decides to go transform.
Chloé figured that she should do the same, but needed an even bigger distraction so Bubbler would worry about her being gone.
Chloé: Hey Bubbler! Why don't we get the party games ready? I got a list of Adrien's favorites! *quickly gives him the list*
Bubbler: Awesome idea, dudette!
While Bubbler was getting the party games ready, he noticed Chloé walking towards the door.
Bubbler: Where are you going?
Chloé: Alix has been gone for quite awhile. I'm just gonna make sure she's okay!
Bubbler: Just make sure you're both back before the next game!
When Chloé runs inside, she literally runs into Scarabée and lands on top of her.
Chloé, blushing hard: SCARABÉE?!
Scarabée: Keep it down please. Bubbler doesn't know I'm here.
Chloé: Right! *realizes she's still on top of her and gets up* Well, I'm gonna go hide now! *runs off*
Chloé quickly finds her way to one of the bathrooms, goes inside, and locks the door.
Plagg then flies out of her ponytail, wearing the same dress as her.
Plagg: Please transforms so I can get outta this dress.
Chloé: Plagg, Claws Out!
While Chloé transformed into Kitty Claws, Scarabée was getting ready to sneak up on Bubbler.
Once the time is right, Scarabée makes herself know to Bubbler.
Scarabée: Party's over, Nino!
Bubbler: For the last time, it's THE BUBBLER!
Kitty Claws, running up to Scarabée: Did I miss the party, Itty-Bitty?
Scarabée: I'd say it's just getting started, Kitty.
Bubbler: Let's take this somewhere else, so the birthday boy can enjoy his party. Like the sky!
Scarabée and Kitty Claws popped every bubble he sent their way with ease, when caused their classmates to cheer loudly.
Instead of trapping the others in multiple bubbles, Bubbler manages to get the drop on the two heroines & traps them in a giant bubble before kick it into the air.
Scarabée was kicking at the bubble while Kitty Claws was quite stunned by how close they were in the bubble.
Scarabée: Damnit, this isn't working! KC, use your cataclysm!
Kitty, quickly composing herself: RIGHT!
Kitty Claws then uses her cataclysm on the bubble, which causes the bubble to pop and for the two of them to fall towards the ground.
As if the heroine knew what the other was thinking, Kitty Claws throws her baton into the Eiffel Tower, Scarabée grabs her hand before she hooks the yo-yo to the baton and swings them to safety.
Scarabée, pulls Kitty Claws' baton back to her: We gotta get too the Bubbler!
Kitty Claws, hears her ring beeping: Unless you wanna see how hot I am, we gotta hurry.
The two then race back to the Agreste Mansion.
Once they get there, everyone (including Adrien) happily and loudly cheers for the two heroines.
Scarabée: Sounds like everyone wants this party to over!
Bubbler: Come on, Adrien! We don't need to deal with these haters!
Adrien: Wait, what?
Bubbler then traps Adrien in a bubble and flies away with him.
Not only did they have to stop the Bubbler, but they had to save Adrien as well.
They chased the Bubbler all the way to the Eiffel Tower.
Once they got close enough, Bubbler starts launching exploding bubbles at the two, which they quickly dodged.
Kitty Claws: I'm almost out of time, Itty-Bitty!
Scarabée: Don't worry, KC! I got this!
Scarabée then uses her summons her Lucky Charm and gets a large wrench.
Kitty Claws: I didn't know you were good with tools. I'm learning more and more about you every week!
Examining the area around her, Scarabée spots an HVAC and takes it apart.
She sends a pipe with air spewing out of it to Kitty Claws, who uses it to deflect the bubbles.
Adrien was absolutely impressed as he watched.
Adrien: AWESOME!
Bubbler raises his bubble wand, about to take another swing, when Scarabée catches it with her yo-yo and wrenches it out of his grasp.
Breaking it in two, she captures the akuma and cleanses the city, bringing back the parents he bubbled and freeing Adrien from the bubble. and returning Nino back to normal.
After Kitty Claws takes another after battle selfie, Adrien walks up to the two of them.
Adrien: Thanks for saving me and Nino.
Scarabée: No need to thank us.
Kitty Claws: I'm about to transform back. Make sure Adrien gets home safe.
Scarabée: No problem, KC.
Defeated, Hawk Moth vows to capture and crush Scarabée and Kitty Claws as his window closes.
Once Nathalie returned from being bubbled, she had the party guests leave immediately.
Just as the final guest left, Scarabée lands in front of the Agreste Mansion with Adrien in her arms.
Adrien: Thanks for the lift, Scarabée!
When Adrien goes to back, he’s disappointed to see that everyone left, but became quite happy when he realizes how big the pile of presents is.
Nathalie smiles as Adrien eagerly and carefully took his gifts upstairs.
Gabriel, over the phone: Did you get my gift for Adrien?
Nathalie: It's been handled, Mr. Agreste.
He didn't need to know the details. As long as Adrien was happy.
The next day, Adrien shows up to school wearing a light blue scarf (Marinette's gift) and showing off a new case for his phone (Alya's gift).
Chloé Sabrina and Nino quickly ran up to him.
Nino: Dude! I'm so sorry about yesterday!
Adrien: You don't have to apologize, Nino. That was Hawkmoth's fault.
Chloé: You managed to have more tact and grace than his rapid fangirls though!
Sabrina, noticing Adrien's scarf and phone case: I see you chose a couple of gifts to show off.
Adrien: Unfortunately I couldn't bring everything I got to school, or else I'd probably get sent home.
Chloé: What did you think of my gift!
Adrien: I love it, Chlo! *hugs her* Thank you...
Chloé, hugging him back: Anything for you, Adrien.
In Adrien's room, a photo collage of him and Chloé over the years was now hanging on his wall.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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hypervoxel · 6 months
List of my in progress fic WIPs because if I share them, then I am more likely to finish them:
Damaged Nerve, the only one I've actually managed to publish anything for.
You know the B99 meme? "I've only had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself"? That's Vox with Vark, and I want to see what he does when something does happen to his beloved pet.
Title is from, "absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird," quote. It will eventually be about Vox and Val being unable to stay apart even as they cross so many lines with each other. Val hurts Vox's pet, and Vox still can't stay away from him for long. Vox kills Val and threatens to do it again, and Val still wants him. It's also about Vox being so deranged in ways that aren't just about his relationship with Val. He deserves to get so unhinged while tearing people apart with his bare claws that he starts thinking about how Alastor broadcasted his rampages and Vox could totally do that too (he's better than the Radio Demon and he doesn't miss that old geezer) 🥰 The people he's tearing apart in this case are Exorcists, because he was bound by a Deal to draw them away from the veterinarian stitching up his pet shark.
None of the angels actually permanently die, but Vox did make them look bad on live TV. So, unfortunately, now Vox is getting blamed for the doubling of Exterminations, on top of having to deal with Val and his relationship problems.
Working title: "this was supposed to be about Redemption. it isn't. It Isn't.". I'll probably give it a Bastille lyric, because I'm me.
A rival Overlord seizes the chance to knock The Vees down a peg, publicly. The triumVirate scrambles to maintain their joint reputation as Vox struggles to recover physically and emotionally.
Or: The Vees are given an opportunity for self reflection, realization, and possibly a chance at redemption... They do not take it.
I love a non-con and torture recovery and support fic. You have no idea how much a story about recovery from something horrible means to me. This is... Technically that. Twisted and villainized.
In Hell, power is safety. Overlords can't look weak, can't be beatable. Can't have their rape uploaded online across every platform with memes made about their smashed screen and broken body, screenshots and reuploads from the masses posted faster than their bots could delete it. You get what you deserve, the populace cheers, as Vox gets a taste of every depravity the Vees profit from.
Working title: road trip! road trip!!
What can I say? It's the Vees on a road trip! An exploration of their characters, their dynamics, and of the worldbuilding of Pride. There cannot be only one city.
Working title: "horrifically aphobic"
It's a Vox-centric story, it's always a Vox centric fic for me. Right now this is all just Vibes and Concepts but I am Thinking Constantly about Vox and internalized aphobia and ableism and transphobia. He has all the issues. He externalizes a lot of them too, things don't just stay internal when they are on someone's mind that much. It's part of the reason why Alastor is no longer his friend!
Angel!Vox AU
This will likely just be a one shot. Vox is not actually an angel, but he does have wings! Messy, misshapen things made of wire and shattered glass. He was a televangelist in life, and now the his sins weigh quite literally heavy on his shoulders. Heaven is a constant light above him, always visible in the sky, but his wings are cumbersome things that could never allow him to fly.
He doesn't even realize they are meant to be wings until he sees his reflection. He was always talented at looking good for a camera. If he preens his wings, organizes the mess of cables and glass shards, he can make them look pristine. Purposeful. He can make himself become the beautiful, technological angel he is meant to be. He can make everyone else see him as he should have been. Heaven is forever out of his reach, but no one else needs to know that. And angels here, well, demons are terrified of them. What is more powerful than an angel? Vox can work with that.
Working title: Vees 5+1
It's about Velvette joining the Vees <3 Five times Velvette interrupted VoxVal getting it on, + 1 time she joined them from the start.
Working title: evil AngelVoxVal
As though there's any way for that ship to not be evil, lol
Valentino wants his favorite lovers to join him together for a threesome. Valentino is an expert at getting what he wants.
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jorisjurgen · 10 months
do all of them.........................................................................................................................................
the character everyone gets wrong
Asriel Dreemurr/Flowey the Flower - I don't even know what to say, when I've said it again and again and again for the last 8 years
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Here's one of my unhinged rants.
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a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
joris jurgen is unfuckable. he is so aromantic he repels people. he tried dating once or twice and then was like ouuugh so this is like spending time avec ma famillie but worse and fucking boring. and then he gave up 3 days into the relationship. i think he went through a comphet phase as a teenage boy but he is so aromantic he was in misery trying to hold a girl's hand.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
if i speak up i go to jail. undertale fandom in general though...
worst discord server and why
i think all of them are bad. the worst ones i leave immediately, and the others i tolerate until i cannot anymore.
which ship fans are the most annoying?
I no longer do shipping (lying. not lying. lying) after becoming a crepinjurgenite platonic relationships connoisseur. But anyone who harasses people because of ships is annoying to me. Or anyone who demonizes female characters about it.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Chara undertale. I love them but I hate them.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Chara and Asriel are not siblings, and neither are Frisk and Asriel.
worst part of canon
the entirety of wakfu and everything else in that franchise that isn't THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
worst part of fanon
undertale aus.
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
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the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Flowey the Flower AKA Asriel Dreemurr if this is about characters that are actively hated by the fandom (I already spoke about him so this is self explanatory) and Atcham Crepin if this is about characters nobody cares about. My whole blog is an argument to stanning Atcham. don't you love binguses. don't you love batshit insane implications of abuse and bullying.
worst blorboficiation
replied to this one with an essay.
that one thing you see in fics all the time
n/a for the most part but ehh, I think it annoys me when kh fics about roxas and axel don't have xion in them, post kh3. she is their bestie and should be included. also fics that turn flowey into asriel and it makes everything better.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
n/a. fanart is a gift from outer gods.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
woobifying characters, villainizing characters, I don't know how people end up taking the opposite away from a character so often. it's not even the same character, by then.
I also don't really get oc/canon and selships, but it's not annoying, just something I literally don't get. But a lot of art with that is pretty, and I dig it, so I hope people have fun.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
flowey/asriel content about his mental health + joris jurgen fics about his mental health and family. I am on my way fellow Flowey Fan Club members, one of these days i WILL finish that one fic that's been sitting on my hard drive for like five years now.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
flowisk. flowey x frisk. I had been it's fan for 8 agonizing lonely years and all my mutuals have since deactivated. it's death out here.
my explaination of what i see in it, bc i don't know what to say that i hadn't yet said.
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
But people who were in my twitter circles know.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
rewatching wakfu when i could have just rewatched THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites! twice instead.
part of canon you think is overhyped
wakfu because it's not THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
ship you've unwillingly come around to
i have never come around to a ship before in my life. if i had then i promptly forgot about it.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
shipping morality discourses.
NEVER quit the grind! you will consume that fiction in such a god honoring way, that you'll go to heaven immediately. fiction is reality makes people commit murders, break vases in search of gold, and raid ancient temples. So we should forbid burn this shit asap.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
people asking others to draw or write more of their favorite characters, because the character a person likes is "overrated". This was a big thing in AHIT fandom, where I was, for once, lucky enough to be the fan of the most popular character, lol.
Even if I am a little bitter hater, I square up, and draw or write about my favorite characters myself. I don't think people in fandoms owe it to you to draw your favorite character or ship.
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leffee · 1 year
Random au headcannons?
Random, huh? Alright, I will put here some headcanons that I have forgot to include before or had no occasion to say. I will mostly exclude Vinnie because he's a whole other category on his own:
Pepper has different ringtones for each of her friends and most of them are meme-y. For example she has set "Never gonna give you up" as a ringtone for Vinnie
Penny Ling really likes skirts, she very rarely wears pants. Also, she might not be Zoe but she's stylish in her own right, and cares about her outfits. Not above everything else but if she has time she she will carefully plan her clothes. They're usually soft and that just makes her so much more huggable. Everyone approves
Penny's also the most physically strong, she can pick up two different people at the same time no problem, especially if they are one of the smaller ones and that usually means Minka and Vinnie (Russell too but he's more stubborn about being picked up than those two). Minka very much uses that as an excuse to cling to her often
Minka is the group's hairdresser and she likes experimenting with their hair too, since it's easier than her own. While going to her for something more complicated might be risky, if you want your ends trimmed and not have to pay for it, go to her
She's also pretty good at playing football and is second most flexible, like damn girl
Zoe has a soft spot for her friends wearing her beret. While she would rather it stayed on her head and acts annoyed if someone steals it secretely she's kinda pleased. She probably has pictures of all of them wearing it and cherishes them
if you read my unhinged tags then you might have seen it already, but Sunil likes cooking Indian dishes which are of course quite spicy and his friends try to be supportive and eat them but they are less or more secretely dying brcause of those damn spices. Weaklings, lol. However, I like to think that due to being best friends with Sunil for a long time Vinnie has already eaten his fair share of those meals and is a bit more used to them so he's more okay. But also that one art of dhmisfour has opened my eyes to Penny not being bothered by spicy food so that's possible as well
also also! Penny Ling has memorized everyone's favourite kinds of hugs and if they're uncomfortable with some types she also remembers. They don't have to say anything, she just knows based on body language (you know, I have just realized I have separate headcanons for all of them lol about that. When did I think of them...?) Queen!
Here, as a bonus have one of many stupid screenshot I took of the pets
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
all the evil misako aus on this blog give me immense enjoyment. mod, what’s your favorite au so far?
What a great question :D and I’m glad my blog has brought you joy :))
Okay I wanted to put my answer to this ask under the cut because I have a lot to say but frickin web browser tumblr seems to be broken or something so I guess this is just gonna have to be a longass post😔😔😔
I was a big fan of @/hyperfixation-gang’s au where kai is trans and open about it but no one realizes except Nya- it’s an easy au to love just because people had so many additions to it. One of my favorite additions to it was this one from @/jay-reid:
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I just think it’s very silly and in character
And I also loved the au from @/damion-the-skeleton where zane and all other nindroids were replaced with “Clyde”
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My favorite au RECENTLY has been cat nya and mouse jay❣️❣️i really love jaya and I really love animals (especially cats) so it works out hehe :))
Also, when I got this ask, i thought I might as well go through my blog a bit to find some more AUs that I particularly liked, so here are some screenshots of them
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I just liked this au because I thought it was sweet because it’s like !!! This is my blog !!! And this au is about the ninja running it !!! And I love the ninja !!!
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The last sentence of this au just caters to my sense of humor really well
Now for some of my favorite aus that IVE written, hehe
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I can’t even really explain why I like this one, I just do :3
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I wrote this one when I was doing the pride themed aus every day for pride month, and you can tell that I came up with this one near the end just because of how weird and unhinged it is pfffff. I like it because it’s so dumb but it still got a decent amount of traction so I guess people were vibing with it
Also???? I’d just like to give an honorable mention to ANY au that @long-lost-mcguffin has ever sent in. I didn’t even actually tag anyone else in this post but I’m tagging them now because i actually want them to see this. His aus all just have such good vibes, yknow? (And one of her aus made me laugh the other day, which I said in the tags when I posted it). Plus!!! I also like their username and profile picture. It is a joy seeing him in my inbox😌
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