#i have so much lore for my impervious ocs
mysdrymmumbles · 1 year
Iskaara Tuskarr and Maruuk Centaur for Pelagos, Grand Hunt for a character of your choice?
Iskaara Tuskarr - If your OC had to tell any story about their life to a stranger, what would it be? A tale of heroism, a funny anecdote, maybe a sad story?
For a lighter story, Pelagos (pre- or post-Arbiter) would tell of the time he wanted to write to one of their maw walker friends, but Kleia took the parchment and quill from him and flew out of his reach to do it. The maw walker in question told him that it was a very heartfelt message, but he still has his doubts
(referencing in game stuff with the quill of correspondence)
If he's trying to inspire whoever he's talking to, he would talk about how he and so many more came together to help in Korthia, and how it really made him think of what more could be done to right the wrongs of the Shadowlands.
Maruuk Centaur - What trophy/symbol of their accomplishments is your OC most proud of?
I don't know that he really has any physical trophies, so to speak. There is one thing he's pretty proud of, but I can't really talk about it just yet, because it's a spoiler for the epilogue >.>
I think his biggest trophy would be the sight of souls going to their intended afterlives.
Grand Hunt - What would be the ideal animal companion for your OC? It can be anything, from a dog to a dragon!
Liila has no specific critter she would like with her, and honestly most of the ones she has in her life are a result of happenstance, though it rarely ends well.
Piikii her undead steed, named for the odd noises its joints made as it sauntered along, was eaten by a devilsaur.
Piikiitwo, the venomhide ravasaur she befriended after she lost Piikii, was beheaded while trying to protect her by her tormentor when he led the attack on Orgrimmar pre-Northrend campaign.
Her pet jellyfish from Helheim was stolen by druids and released into the wild--surely nothing bad happened with that.
Nibbles the devourer ended up being far too sentient to be a pet. He is friend-shaped.
She had to leave her vombata in the Zereth Mortis.
Adrestes said, "Absolutely not," to bringing any crawbrats over from Maldraxxus.
Adrestes is currently baffled because she's got a 'pet' goat that keeps showing up in Devotion and chewing on the banners when it can't find her. She insists Pari the Paragon of Goatliness is not a pet, but no one knows what else to call it.
For Ta'lim, a troll hunter I do not talk about enough, it is his phoenix that he got at Magister's Terrace. Every pet he's ever had has died in some way or another (murlocs, friendly fire, etc), until that phoenix. He got it as a hatchling, and it ended up saving his life in Icecrown. Now that it's grown, he keeps it as his hunter pet. The best part is he's retired from adventuring, so now he's just a courier with a phoenix flying around with him in the Echo Isles.
Mitchell had a spider that he loved very much, but it died of old age (and possibly plague exposure) and he has sworn off all other pets. After all, he's gonna live for a very long time and doesn't want to watch all his little critters die. He does still have a soft spot though, for Fluffy, the void-sheep. People keep suggesting he get something that's undead, but he just grumbles about it.
Ty for the ask :D This was fun <3
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ammstify · 4 months
Welp, I'm gonna finally talk about it, especially since my moot @greetings-inferiors told me to do it, and my best friend said it was okay!
The self indulgent Persona AU I made for my friend and I's silly, gay, adult men ocs because I'm obsessed with this franchise!
(***NOTE: This post will be split into two parts, 1. To give both characters equal attention, and 2. So it's easier to read! Also will be referring to the characters by their first name initials, sorry!)
Firstly, let's begin with a slight introduction to our first character who I will be discussing; My best friends OC and special man, F.
F is a 27 (if 2022) year old guy, or 32-33 during Persona 3's time (2009-2010), or 41 during Persona 5's time (2016). Regardless though, he's a chubby-ish dorky blond that's a mixture of masc punk and cozy femme cottagecore (depending on the day), who loves nature, playing the guitar, cooking, and hiking through the woods. He is very sweet, excitable, kind, and a complete and utter dork that tries to find the good in everything.
However, much like many ocs of mine and my friends, he also has his own trauma and demons. But, through the love and support of his boyfriend/husband N (my handsome man), he learns to overcome and live with the trauma, while healing the metaphorical and physical wounds on his body into scars.
F's chosen Persona of course is the Mythological hero of the Trojan War, and the central character of Homer's Iliad, Achilles! The Persona takes the form of a humanoid person, with both masculine and feminine qualities, their body wrapped around and balancing upon their golden spear as if it were a pole dancer.
Most of their body is suspended in the air other than for one foot, which touches the floor, representing how all of Achilles' body was impervious other than his heel, due to it being the only part not dipped within the River Styx as a baby. Alongside that, not only does Achilles' body being suspended represent him being a pseudo-demigod, but also F's high on life attitude, feeling free and happy but still having his own vulnerabilities.
The overall Persona's clothing scheme is a sort've punkish Greek armor, combining a leather strap harness with a corset. Its arms are covered with mesh, studded leather bands etched with the alchemical symbol of Achilles, elbow pads with etchings similar to his shield, spiked wristbands, and fingerless studded gloves. Around their waist is a loose cloth skirt, similar to the red cape Achilles often is depicted donning. They also wear clunky platform boots with Greek sandal styled strapping, with an arrow pierced through the heel of the foot touching the floor. And last but not least, atop the Personas head is a studded Trojan helmet, where a long and luxurious mane of golden hair spills out from the top, taking the place of the plume.
For F, the feminine and masculine qualities of the Persona's outfit represents both his love of punk themed clothes, but also his comfort within his sexuality and gender. The mesh around its arms, the big platform boots, the spikes, and the mohawk are all common items that F has worn before. And in terms of mythological lore, Achilles was regarded to be a masculine and feminine man. During a part of his life, he even comfortably hid as a woman while living on the island of Skyros. It also gives off a sense of etherealness by making the Persona stand out, while balancing colors of black, white, gold, and red, common colors associated with both F and Achilles!
I'm not entirely sure what Arcana Achilles would be, but I'm kinda learning towards either Sun or Chariot! It would likely utilize Agi/Fire magic but focus more on physical skills and some general skills, like Tarukaja, Makajama, or Marin Karin!
So what about his SEES costume? Or his Phantom Thieves outfit in the Metaverse?
For his SEES gear, it would probably be a punk, modified earthy green denim jacket with all sorts of patches and messy writing, with the SEES armband over his left arm and shoulder. F would have a simple tshirt, with baggy 2000's style jeans, some clunky boots, and a black half skirt with a white belt and his Evoker! And over the shoulder, like Yukari and Junpei, he'd have a connecting white strap where he'd hook his big shield as his weapon. Very chaotic and messy, but very him!
Also yes, his weapon is a shield because I couldn't figure out where to places Achilles' signature shield, and thought it would be fitting if F carried one! Not to mention, a tactical shield or ultimate weapon of Achilles' shield would be SICK!
And no, it was not intentional that F too is an excitable, blond haired, pansexual punk with a Persona that represents masculinity and femininity, that uses physical skills and carries a shield, like a certain other someone whose name rhymes with Manji.
Anyway! For his Phantom Thieves costume, its kinda simple and a little similar to his Persona! Only, F would have a studded black chest plate, with a black-brown under shirt/cover for his arms, gloves with silver knuckles and red palms, puffy black-brown pants, and some big clunky belted punk boots. He would also have a similar around the waist and over the shoulder belt to carry his shield, and a red wraparound cloth to emulate the skirts Trojan's wore. Like Achilles, he too would have a black and red Trojan styled mask, with studs and spikes lining it, and his mohawk poking through! Think kinda like Yoshida's design from ScruffyTurtles Adult Confidants AU! But yknow, a little more punk!
Of course, we can't forget his Codename, which would just be.... Trojan.
Yeah, its a little simple abd on the nose, but I liked the idea since its befitting of him! The only alternative would probably be Valkyrie, but he's not really Valkyrie themed, and I don't wanna use Titan since ScruffyTurtles used that for their AU Yoshida!
So you might asking, "Ammy, the guy is almost ten years older than the entire cast of Persona 3, and would be in his 40's during Persona 5. What setting would he be in??"
Honestly? Probably none of them! But I just liked the idea of him and N as older Persona users, similar to Zenkichi from P5 Strikers, Kasukabe from P5 Tactica, or the entire cast of P2: Eternal Punishment! Realistically, neither of these characters would probably interact with or exist during the games, let alone even INTERACT with the casts! I just liked the thought of them discovering themselves and fighting with their own Personas, with their own unique attacks and stuff!
As for the other elephant in the room; "Why doesn't he have a Persona 5 themed Persona that's a trickster?"
Well, there's a few parts to this issue.
Because F and N are lovers that aid each other, I wanted their Personas to be characters that are connected together, representing their complex relationship and devotion to one another.
In terms of Tricksters who were actually a gay couple, there was only that really came to mind recently: Stede Bonnet aka "The Gentleman Pirate" and Edward Teach aka "Blackbeard.
While a smart idea, not only do I feel weird using characters who many associate with Our Flag Means Death (a kinda-but-not historical fiction show which is VERY popular.)
But also the main issue; Both of these tricksters were AWFUL people in real life. Stede Bonnet was someone who kept slaves and was a bumbling buffoon who admittedly, caused more harm than good as a pirate. I think it'd be awkward and idiotic on my part to give him to either characters, since F isn't racist and N is POC.
Meanwhile Blackbeard on the other hand was ruthless, FAR more ruthless than Kidd, who SA'ed women, took slaves upon his ship (though he did free some), and likely more.
And overall, their relationship was... Not really gay in real life? They were more awkward friends, and aren't quite like Achilles and Patroclus, whom of which had a lot of romantic subtext within their respective ancient epics and stories.
So, unless if someeone can find a historical gay couple/pair who had gay subtext, who were tricksters, I'm sticking with Achilles and Patroclus! (Also yeah spoiler, Patroclus is N's Persona!)
Anyway, this is getting pretty long so, I hope you all enjoyed reading this! This took awhile to make, but my best friend encouraged me to ramble about it and I thought it'd be a fun, slow way to introduce you guys to our boys! Especially sine they will be slowly becoming more prominent as times goes on.
Keep a look out for Part 2 where I write about N and his Persona, Patroclus!
Part 1 - Part 2
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
Thank you!
1) Twisted Fate (completed) - this is one of my side pieces for my beloved Impervious. You don’t need to know Warcraft stuff to read it -- in fact it only loosely borrows Warcraft lore at all, as all the characters are OCs, and only the location is really taken from WoW. Basically a total playboy and homewrecker falls for a sweet little priestess and shenanigans ensue as they fall in love and his sociopathic bestie gets jealous and tries to get his best friend back.
2) Free Spirits - Drabbles for my canon quizzie, Lorelai Trevelyan and her lady love, Sera. It’s pretty much all fluff. I love them
3) Kaitrith Disapproves (completed) - This fic was one of my first attempts at making a plot that revolved around romance, because it’s actually really hard for me to do that. I think I deviated a little bit in the end, but I’m still proud of how it turned out. F!Lavellan x Josephine Montilyet
4) Impervious - This story is my baby. You don’t have to know World of Warcraft lore to follow it, but you’ll miss out on a lot of subtle jokes (like trade chat trolls and realm maintenance) and stuff if you don’t. This story centers around a guild of questionably good individuals who work together to save their world from devastating evils and all that, when they aren’t stealing saber cats from the top of giant elven tree-homes out of pure spite, betting on how each other’s going to die, fleeing their guild leaders to avoid punishment for whatever has most recently come to light they’ve most recently done, intercepting secret communications that are love letters, and realizing that the world just maybe doesn’t revolve around them. And despite blood elf reputation, it’s the cow people - the tauren - who have the most drama of anyone. 
5) Burning Legion (completed) - This is my most popular fic, out of everything I’ve ever written. It’s told from the perspective of a 17 year old girl (it is 1st person, but it was written when that was really popular, so...yeah). Her brother used to play World of Warcraft all the time, so when the Burning Legion attacks Earth, she sees one of the portals appear in her town, and thinks that it goes to Azeroth. So she goes through it to get the mighty heroes’ help and through mishaps and the befriending of a sociopathic dragon, ends up becoming a hero herself. It’s written so that you don’t actually have to play/know Warcraft lore to follow the story because the main character herself doesn’t know the lore, either. For the parts pertaining to Earth, I did try to think outside of the US, so most of the advancements and discoveries of how to beat the demons back come from other parts of the world. It also really pisses off dudebros because the US with all its guns is one of the countries that falls.If you do read this, please don’t read the sequel, it’s terrible. 
Thank you so much for sending me this :D I’m also gonna tag the amazing @thesecondsealwrites because she also sent me this, and while I could totally rave about all my WoW fics, I figured I’d spare you that and just do this once, haha. 
Ya’ll are great
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