#i have the promo for it done and the general aesthetic of it and the muse list
robinfrinjs · 5 months
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I think one of the main visual differences between the Gen 3 (Top) and the Gen 3 Evo is the front of the car, but also generally the whole shape of the car. At first glance it is not a huge difference but holding them besides each other makes the differences clearer.
The Gen 3 Evo is a little more round in shape it seems slightly improving the aesthetics of the car too
The front wing is shaped to be more robust so we will hopefully see less broken front wings but it's also changed to improve drag.
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Tyres are also improved with a softer compound, though are still not as drivers want them to be. But at least it's an improvement. Attack Mode is expected to work better because of it too, and because of the 4WD.
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I tried to find similar angles but the promo pictures of the two cars are done a little differently.
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Generally the overall product of racing should be better, driveability of the cars will be better (especially on low and medium speeds). Safety issues have been tackled too for a part with the front wing which saw a few dangerous incidents in Gen 3 so far.
The start of Gen 3 was overshadowed by mostly negativity regarding the car. So far Gen 3 Evo reviews from drivers seem to be positive, and I hope it stays that way also when it debuts. It might help the series keep some drivers too that were thrown off by Gen 3
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fyeahaudiodrama · 7 months
Any tips for staying connected with your audience and reaching new listeners during a long break when you don't have new content to post about?
P.S. very excited for Act 2!!
Ooh, let’s see…
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It’s always morally acceptable to repost your old content again. In this day and age when social media platforms try to bury anything that isn’t new and shiny, you have no concept of who saw your new thing in the first place, or if your new followers have seen it, or if everyone who did see it even had context for it the first time. So put the things you already made out there again!
2. #Aesthetic #Goals
Keep up with reblogging things that relate to your show’s general vibes. Share gifsets from movies or quotes from books that helped inspire your show or troll through the tag of your characters favorite foods or slap some together in a moodboard. Just keep the vibe going.
3. The End
Advertise specifically based on the fact that you currently have completed season(s). Some people want to wait until there’s a whole bunch of something to binge or are more comfortable listening when there’s already a whole thing. You can also submit shows with finished seasons/series to The End to be featured in their newsletter.
4. Non-Spoilers for Fun & Profit
Get publicly excited about your own production process. Share bits from your script out of context, post a vague “I just wrote that part 😬,” keep a running total of production goals accomplished. Give both audiences and yourself a sense of how much you’ve done already, so that neither of you forget how much work goes into a season.
5. Ethical Stealing
See something fun another audio drama blog is doing? A funny joke or meme format? Do that too! People are generally cool with copying things for social media, especially if you give them a little shoutout, and you can always ask someone “Hey, is it okay if I also do this?” if you’re unsure.
6. Sharing is Caring
Try doing feed or promo swaps with other shows whose audiences might crossover well with yours! It helps keep your own RSS feed active, and helps build relationships across shows.
Okay, that’s about all for now, go support Starfall kthxbai
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arcadepack · 4 months
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How to request!
read the info provided (below the cut!)
send an ask requesting an alter or a subsystem (1-8 alters).
add in any specific things you want / don’t want them to have (such as specific names, ages, ids etc)
add a source (source list below) if wanted
add in a general aesthetic / vibe you want or don’t want them to have
and you’re done!
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What do alter packs include?
General info: name, pronouns, gender, sexuality, source, system roles, personality
*Specific info: triggers, transids/paras, any other information requesting by the requester.
1-3 icons: typically picrew or irl faceclaims from pinterest, credited fanart if the alter is an introject. icons will never be made using AI.
*: specific info must be requested in the ask!! i’m fairly new to this, so this info can be more difficult for me to get.
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How long will an alter pack take?
A pack can take a short or long amount of time, depending on the level of details, amount of members and my current availability.
Because of this, we ask that you request one alter per ask, and any requested subsystems will be limited to maximum 8 members.
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Who is running this?
I’m Wolf! (He/It)! My main is @parasocialwolf. This is a side account
I’m a CisDID, TransMixedOrigin system
I’m pro-radqueer and pro-para.
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Source List:
IRL Celebrities / Musicians
Life is Strange
The Umbrella Academy
FNAF (movie version & games 1 & SB)
Shakespeare Plays (Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, Julius Caesar) & Associated Works (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Movie versions of R&J and Hamlet)
Musicals (Hamilton, Anastasia, Into The Woods)
Source you want not on here?
send in an ask or a dm! there are plenty of other things i didn’t list that i could do, these are just some of my favorites!
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Tag List:
#👾.r - requests
#👾.a - asks
#👾.c - completed alters
#👾.d - alters i can’t make
#👾.spin the wheel - alters made w/o a request
#👾.promo - promo for other blogs
#👾.misc - any other misc posts
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lolo-l0ved · 1 year
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📼❤️ Lou’s Gift Giving Event !!
[ Pinned Post ]
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↳ Info
Hello everyone. This isn’t to celebrate any huge milestone in followers (I haven’t even hit 90 yet lol), but I’ve had this in my mind for a while and I just really wanted to do it ^^
↳ Gift Giving Info
Do you love/like someone, be it platonic, romantic or other, and you just want to show them how much you appreciate them ? Here’s your chance ! This whole event isn’t request for yourself, but for other people ~ send in an ask with Edit Type, Aesthetic/theme(s), character(s) and a message for you’re person and I’ll make the gift for them. Think of it like getting a gift for someone at the store and then asking the server to rap it for you.
In your ask, you must have: The gift receivers @ (can be any blog of there’s), the type of edit you want to give them, the aesthetic/theme you want that edit to be, the character(s) full name (& source if they are from an unlisted source). You can also add on a message, I can make them a little post note / card for them if you’ll like, but I can also just add the message straight onto the post. If you do want an card, please just provide what the card to look like as well.
↳ Rules / Other Info
DNI and my blacklist do imply for this event. I can not do any requests for something I generally get “icky” about.
You do NOT have to send in an ask before hand asking if I do [source], I’ll just simply do it. If it is an unlisted source, please provide full source name as well as character name.
I can say no to a request, but it is likely I won’t. If you do not provide me an @ for the receiver, I will not do the gift though.
Please do not be to vague on your request, I would like to make it best to my abilities for your person !
If you would rather just an aesthetic and no character (ie, just lovecore layouts) just put that in and make it clear you want no character. If it’s thier OC please provide me a photo / link for that oc.
You can put who’s it from or keep it anonymous if you’ll like ! Just say in the ask ~
There’s no limit on how many gifts you can ask for, but, keep it to one per ask.
You can request for anyone ! That be either, a good friend, lover, someone within your system/fictive (please correct me in the terminology if it’s wrong) and or other. I’d say, you can not request for your self. I love self loving, don’t get me wrong, but that’s something I do every time I open requests, this is for appreciating someone in your life. If they are not on tumblr, I can still probably make it, but you might wanna tell me in your ask.
If you would like to ask any other questions, please just send an ask <3
There’s no real end, at this stage, for this event. Partly due to my motivation coming into waves. I might either get your request done within the day or in the next week. Keep that in mind through out this.
↳ Promo ?
@riddlecrossing @1o55pm @riinkakuus @iwataniinao @toranekooo @multieditors-teahouse (+anyone else if you would like. Lmk if your not comfortable with tag !)
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could you explain more your posts about why taylor fans would have a hard time in paul mccartney fandom? is it like saying the public doesn’t allow artists to try on different genres or grow artistically? and then I wasn’t sure if your post about eras v. album aesthetic was similarly related. i don’t follow swiftie tumblr discourse but am interested in paul/beatles things and why you make this comparison. i think we all naturally connect two things we have interest in and have thought a lot about and care about so this isn’t saying i don’t see the connection but just would like to understand it better from your pov.
So, a lot of Taylor fans have a very intense connection to not only her music but her entire public image and a lot of them have been fans for a while. Now, for a long time, Taylor's album cycles were accompanied by "eras", which were underpinned not only by the general musical style of the album but also the aesthetic of her music videos, the imagery she used on tour, and the way she dressed, both on and off stage. (this makes it very easy to date pictures of her throughout the 2010s, for instance) You probably know this, because it's what the whole gimmick of her current tour is based around.
However, in recent years, as she's been undertaking her album rerecordings while simultaneously putting out new music and also touring, these eras have become less pronounced (the two new albums do still have dedicated sets on her tour, but the amount of album-related promo material is objectively less than it was in the past).
I was prompted to post that because I saw someone speculating that the two latest albums weren't as popular among fans (I don't know how true that is off tumblr tbh) specifically because they didn't have proper eras attached to them, which made them feel less immersive. Funnily enough, I find the imagery on her last album super fun and not necessarily requiring more than the one music video we got (which was visually stunning imo) and the tour imagery (ditto). Anyways, the post was quite openly stating that the way Taylor used to go about her album cycles was better and the reason people became a fan.
I drew the comparison to Paul because he's an artist who's often had to majorly pivot from what he'd previously been doing, most notably due to the breakup of his band, among other things (quitting touring for years multiple times, changing genres and collaborators, etc.). Taylor is in my opinion an artist who dedicates an enormous amount of her artistry to things fans generally want (Paul has been doing this too, but not a ton pre-'90s) and I'm just always surprised to see how… closed off many of her fans can be to her changing things around in any way. And I feel like Paul is a big example of an artist who would be deeply unappealing to someone with those standards, which to me seem limiting, even if I technically would enjoy more music videos and album promo.
My other point was because this post seemed to specifically say that Taylor is an album artist (true) and thus these eras are necessary and like……… no? An album is an album. It's fair to like every aspect of an "era" but then call her that – an era artist. Only the tour concept makes me wonder a lot if she's maybe a little bit done with the confinedness of that format.
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scythidol · 1 year
do you have any tips for running blogs that do title/name/prn suggestions ? i started one recently, but i’m trying to figure out how it works and stuff
Destynn will try His best to give good advice!
this got really long so Kyu will put a break here (^_^ ;)
For the blog itself :
of course, give yourself a theme and stuff first.
figure out how you'll format the suggestions. some users post them right under an ask, some users post them seperately. it would be good to establish how your posts will look in general. some users llike to decorate with images or emojis, so experiment till you find something you like! :)
it's preferred if you make a pinned post which explains what you provide and possibly links to things like rentries which show your introduction, what content you will/will not make suggestions for and other things about your blog.
For the suggestions :
Chu doesn't do name requests, so He can't help with those. other blogs will be happy to help though!
the suggestions can get very different depending on what the theme is. Mew will break this into parts.
for suggestions based on characters :
look up information about said character. this can be done by looking at a wiki page, for example. lets say your character has ice powers. you can already get a few things from that, like pronouns (ice/ices, frost/frosts ect) or titles ((prn) who controls ice, for example). does the character have any titles that they call themselves or are called? that can also be used! for pronouns you can base them around the character's aesthetic, looks, powers, hobbies, anything really!
for suggestions based on aesthetics :
for suggestions based on aesthetics or similar, Rot likes to think of things that remind Him of it (although that was pretty obvious lol). you may also look up whatever it is on Pinterest and check what are common themes in the images. people baking pies? add that. nature? well you're lucky because there's lots of stuff in nature. basically add anything that reminds you of it!
(is there anything else that you can make suggestions based off of? Doll can't think of any...)
Other stuff :
blog going slowly? no requests lately? you can always ask other creators for a promo! just make a post asking kindly and tag some users who post similar things (of course respecting if they don't want to be tagged in such posts).
users like to make unique tags for their blogs. they tag specific posts with specific tags, so when someone wants to look at only a part of their blog, they can jut click the tag. make sure to tag all of them in your pinned post and explain that they are! ^^
don't be shy! make all kinds of posts and interact with other users, that way more users will see and interact with your blog! it's also just nice to have friends :3
it might be difficult in the beginning if you just started, but a promo post and regular posting will help more users to see your blog. it would be hard to find a single post in a sea of hundreds, no? :)
The Rainstorm hopes that this was helpful! He hasn't made posts like this yet, so Shx's worried that this wasn't really useful...
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kinopioa · 7 months
Sonic OVA thoughts (Part 1)
OVA is generally beloved by the fandom as a cool piece of Sonic media in the mid 90s. What gets me is how different it was compared to typical none canon Japan Sonic media at the time
For the follow up we have; -The 1992-94 Shogakukan Nicky manga of a timid kid
-The 1992 Sonic 2 promo manga, done by some of the artists in the previous Shogakukan Manga
-199?-1995 Harmony magazine exclusive art
-The 1994 TMS animated short featuring Eggman impersonating as Sonic out of jealousy
All of these typically depict Sonic (unless drawn by Oshima) as kiddier or cutesy, typically missing his attitude, or in the case of Nicky, is completely off base. This was even noted by Naka in development of Sonic Adventure, hence the need for the 1997 Project Sonic competition to reinvigorate edge and attitude
So OVA NOT being cutsey weirdly stands out for the period*
*While Junio/Toei's work for CD also isn't cutesy, that's core from games, not alt media, despite design difference
How does OVA stand out? Well...the prior context might've been why it didn't get to accomplish its goals
The OVA was initially rental tape only available between Jan 1996-March 1996, not getting a formal home release until May 1996. This is already odd, given rumors of it being intended to be a TV series but scrapped. The OVA was split into 2 parts originally, the first half focusing on going to the Land of the Darkness and fighting Mecha Robotnik, the latter focusing on Metal Sonic and the polar ice caps. The base story is concieved by Mayori Sekijima then scripted by Masashi Kubota, both having done full series by that point. Given 1997 Naka admitted that people in Japan didn't really know Sonic by that point (which was why Jam was made alongside lack of Sonic Saturn rep)...I have a feeling this wasn't that popular, despite ads
Anyway, the movie itself
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We start with a dark room with monitors and a motionless floating mech of Metal Sonic. Eggman proclaims that he needs Sonic's DNA (more loosely called lifeforce essence here) to complete Hyper Metal Sonic. Note: Hyper Metal Sonic references the new mold he had for Chaotix in games!
We then cut to aesthetic landscape expanses of the Land of the Sky. It helps give us a picture of their world. Refreshingly, not just checker spam that 2nd game devs randomly did a lot despite Sonic Team doing other types of locales. We also see the Old Man Owl flying a spluttering ship, more on that later...
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We end up at Sonic's island, composing of wrecked airplanes, buses-i-is that a Star Wars ship!? Pretty interesting, I wonder if they'll tell us where it came from-
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But we get interrupted with Tails showing Sonic his newest invention to try out. Sonic isn't interested, so Tails goes out to try it for himself, splashing Sonic accidentally
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Note: Tails does note Sonic can't swim here
We hear Tails calling for help soon after, which Sonic coldly ignores. This is something that gets me for this feature, Sonic has attitude, but is weirdly also dismissive of his friends that already run contradictory to games at the time. Even Tails screaming bloody murder doesn't do much as Sonic loudly tells him to shut up (Eng memes aside), only changing his mind when he see the old Owl Man crash through where Sonic was
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Tails checks on the blue blur to see if he's ok, which Sonic is. He notes that they should help the Old Man, but Sonic again tells him he's not interested, flat out out saying "hey, you can fly bitch, you do it!", to which Tails calls him out, then takes it upon himself to save the old man. While at first it goes well thanks to surfing, both soon realize they'll crash into the cliffside, to which he screams. At that point Sonic realizes "oh, they might die", then saves them
Speaking of, they seemingly know of this guy before this event. Who is he? How'd they meet? We'll never know!
Afterwards, Owl Man is in shock, which Sonic gets a Crabmeat (wouldn't that still have a Flicky given this period?) to pinch him, bringing him back to his senses, then rambling about how he was an expert racer in his day that got chicks. Tails reminds him that he had something important to say, and we learn that the President wants Sonic due to an emergency. Sonic and Tails then have the aesthetic plane sequence and head out, leaving the old man to watch over Sonic's...well, wreckage is more apt
We have more aesthetic shots showing the capital city of the Land of the Sky, though there's a weird lack of people here... Inside it's revealed Eggman has taken over, shooting Sonic/Tails, and having the President and his daughter held as hostage. We-
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Wait, this landmass is South Island!? What's with none canon Sonic media spamming South Island, when mainline games went to different areas
Seriously, most of the STI and Aspect Ltd 8 bit games do this unlike Sonic Team. Even Fighters by Sega AM2 did. Why? Sonic is noted to exploring other locales, likewise Eggman isn't too stationary if a plan fails one spot. It's just...why?
Also epic sub typo
Anyway, Eggman explains the history of the Land of the Sky and Darkness, and how they are 2 split halves. This bores everyone, so he demands Sonic to help him stop a generator in Eggmanland that's out of control, thanks to an upsurper called Mecha Robotnik (Black Robotnik in Japan). If it isn't stopped, the generator would destroy the Land of the Darkness, which would in turn destroy the Land of the Sky. Everyone again is bored, flat out sleeping, so he stresses that someone needs to bypass his taken traps and stop the generator. Sonic dismisses it, despite Sarah and the President begging, as he believes Eggman to be lying, which takes Tails to convince him to just do it. Sonic overall is pretty unhelpful here honestly. Eggman gives Tails a navigator (which Sonic questions way too late if it's rigged AFTER they fly out), and the plot's moving...
Oh nah, we just have Eggman and Sarah playing fighting games
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Contrary to popular belief, this is not a Sonic the Fighters ref. This OVA came out well before that arcade game was out
Ignoring filler, everyone's pretty lax about the kidnapping here. Sarah even threatens to stop being hostage, which...doesn't make sense. She's surrounded by a bunch of robots. We then have a mecha crash in and open its hatch, so we now know Eggman's up to something (which was obvious)
Back to Sonic/Tails
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Come to think of it, this all implies Sonic never fought Eggman there before. Which gives interesting implications of Eggman only causing trouble in the Land of the Sky, then retreating after failure to Sonic
Anyway, they crash land due to turbulence, and set out on a path straight to Eggmanland
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We have a montage of Sonic going through the various landscapes, with him noting how many robots (no Flickies, huh) and traps there are. Tails assures that it is the quickest path, leading directly to a warp zone (?), and the two wound up in E 44th St. in an ancient city
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We don't have much explanation for this area, and Tails confirms this isn't Eggmanland yet. Sonic scours the skyscraper to get a better view on their location, and the two head towards Eggmanland, only to be stopped by...
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Mecha Robotnik, who attacks and gives chase
Note, Sonic's unable to hurt him
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The two dodge its attacks, hiding behind a bus to figure what to do. Sonic notes that they can't waste time fighting it, and Tails notes the direction they should go....
Only for Sonic to moronically alert Mecha where they are by taunting it. Side note: contrary to rumors, this was never censored in English
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This Sonic is stupid, I'm sorry. He lacks tact Game Sonic would have
So anyway, the two are chased through the highway, reaching by a broken edge near the water. Mecha shoots by their feet, causing them to fall, and the two take advantage of the obscurity to try to trick Mecha Robotnik him into thinking they fell fully and drowned. But Mecha isn't stupid, so they get further chased. Mecha Robotnik soon shifts to shooting glue from its ass
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Due to a lightning shock, Tails gets scared and freezes, which gets him trapped. Before Sonic can save him, Mecha Robotnik shoots several missiles that home in on the hedgehog, with several causing explosions throughout the city as Sonic runs away. This alerts...
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Knuckles? So Angel Island doesn't exist? Just unexplained like Triple Trouble I guess...
I swear these noncanon devs never legit played Sonic outside Sonic 1-
Rant aside
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While it seems hopeless for Tails, it turns out that Sonic hitched a ride on one of the missiles, redirecting it to hit Mecha Robotnik
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It's a clean shot, but the blast weakens the structural integrity of the area. Worse, Sonic lands on the sticky glue from earlier, and the collapsing ground floods from the lake nearby. Mecha Robotnik wobbles back, about to shoot him, but right at the last second, Knuckles flies in to stop it, then frees Tails
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Tails unfortunately can't fly to Sonic as his tails are stuck and unable to spin for approximately 10 seconds before it becomes a literal none issue
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While Tails reaches the drowning hedgehog and tries to pull him out, Knux is distracting Mecha Eggman. Unfortunately he gets stuck in glue as well
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Mecha, running out of bullets, decides to crush the echidna. Tails finally manages to free Sonic
Who then-
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Hey, his right arm wasn't hit hit by the missile! Don't bullshit suddenly being able to cut through it
Now fully disarmed (kicks self), Mecha makes a retreat. Thanks to somehow being able to fly, Knux gets Sonic close enough to hurl him at the flying mech, leading to Mecha getting skewered and split
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Sonic and co leave, revealing Eggman and Sarah in the wreckage. The doctor fumes about how Eggmanland hosts something far worse than Mecha, which Sarah calls BS
Cutting to another scene, Sonic thanks Knux, with Tails mentioning this
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Yeah you guys really need a TV series to flesh this out, there are too many unexplained points for char introductions given how different this is to games, yet casually act like this is status quo. Also why is Sonic the only one shaded there?
Sonic and co realize the sun is setting, meaning that time is almost up before the generator explodes. So they head out, leaving Knux to do his own thing...for about 5 seconds
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Knux joins the two, defying gravity while Sonic constantly has to deal with awkward terrain. Given he's a dick, eh
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This isn't even an animation error, even bios for this OVA says he flies and not glides for some dumb reason. He's incorrectly referred directly as a mole in dub bios as well (like cuz Harimogura out of context is directly translated as "spiky mole")
But fans like his hat, so Knux is apparently excused for unexplained adaptation changes
That wraps up part 1 cuz of image limit, my thoughts
-Sonic is too douchey and dumb personality wise. His feats mask that for a lot of fans, but I don't buy it. Tails and Knux are alright though, especially with Tails copying Sonic's poses at bits, astraphobia, and his tech prowess, but Knux is just there. Eggman's good though
-The plot is messy. They needed to flesh out char origins for some, and the city
-This won't be fixed, but despite the expanse landscape, there's no fauna or other people shown. Feels weirdly empty
-I'm watching the Bandai Sub version. Eng dub there aren't major changes to plot though, and the translation error is strictly for DVD bios
-Not a fan of South Island being focus for Capital. It weirdly shrinks the world. Insert rant of how everyone is ignoring Sonic Team themselves changing locales
It's aesthetic and fun, but broken and poorly paced when looking past that. I can't fault the Eng dub
@randomthefox @darklightheart @beevean
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ellegaard · 9 months
hhhow do you do this whole rp thing i kinda started a blog and it got absolutely ignored (pamabutnormalthistime)
probably didnt missed a step idk ive never done it before
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I'm sending you the biggest of hugs, anon- starting a new blog is equal parts scary and exciting!! I’m sorry that you haven’t gotten the response you’ve been wanting; I just got the chance to go follow you (yippee!!!) and I also hope this answer can serve as a promo for @pamabutnormalthistime too!! 💜☺️ I put my long answer under a readmore for you!!
The Tumblr roleplay community (you might see this get referred to as the rpc!!) is really fun thing to be a part of, even if it’s daunting to join for the first time!! A lot of making a new blog is subject entirely to what you want it to have- but there are little features you can add that’ll help you organize things to your liking!!
When I started here it was my first ever time making any sort of rp blog- a lot of the beginner’s guides I found were older and spoke about processes that aren’t used as much in roleplay today!! This handy post here explains a lot of the terminology that you might see floating around- and this guide on the same blog walks you through some of the basics too!!
Your blog can be anything you want it to be! If you want it to have an aesthetic sort of theme that fits your muse (character), there are loads of custom HTML themes out there that you can apply to your blog on desktop!! But it’s also okay if you don’t add a theme too- you can let your writing speak for itself!
Some things that I found really helpful to add to this blog were a Rules post, an About post, and a small Mun section talking a bit about me!! Rules pages aren’t necessary, but they’re really helpful for setting boundaries for what sorts of things you are or aren’t okay with on your blog!! (An example is “Will/won’t respond to NSFW asks, please don’t hound for replies unless it’s been one week…") It’s a nice way to keep yourself safe, and also detail how you’ll be writing with anything that gets sent in! (And it's also a nice way for you to quickly learn about any pages you'd like to interact with!) 💜
An About post (or page) can be really helpful for detailing basic information about your muse!! If you’re writing a canon-divergent version of a character, or you have a special backstory that you’ve fleshed out, this section is a wonderful place to put it!! Having an About post can help others see how you’ve made your muse your own, and it can be really exciting to type out even small mundane facts (like height, eye color) to give your character more life!! Some roleplayers also like to include a list of verses in their About section- if you create different universes for your muse from interacting with different medias, or exploring different AUs in your character's story, it can be a nice place to keep track of them all!!
Having a section about you (the mun!!) can be helpful too, but it’s entirely based on your comfort!! A lot of roleplayers will include basic information on themselves (like age, general activity levels, etc…)
You don’t have to include a Mun section, and you’re never obligated to give out any information about yourself!! (You can always use my Mun page- or any of my other pages- as a template for your own!! I won’t mind!! 💜😊)
Once you’re happy with how your blog is formatted, you can consider making a promo for your blog!! A promo can be any post that helps advertise your blog to other roleplayers, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or anything fancy! (Here is an example of the promo I made for this blog, which is in character and pretty simple!! This is an example of a promo I made for a newer blog of mine, which keeps things short and lists off the basics of the blog! Because my rp blogs are sideblogs, me liking a thread will show my main has liked it instead of the actual rp blog- so until Tumblr allows us to change blogs before we like things, I always like to give people I’m interacting with a heads up that the random personal blog in their notifications is still me!! 😊)
A promo doesn’t have to be either of those things, though- it can be something as simple as “Like/Reblog this post if you’re interested in writing with [character]”, and it’ll still do just as fine!! One of the best things about promos is that other rp blogs can reblog them to help boost your exposure!!! (Which I can guarantee will be happening on my end!! 😌)
Something else you might want (but 100% don't have to get!!) is XKit Rewritten!! It's a plugin for your browser designed specifically for Tumblr, and has a whole host of features that you can use to customize your scrolling experience!! I use it specifically for the "Trim Reblogs" option, which lets me trim threads I've been writing with others to keep them short when they go across people's dashes!! (You might've seen some threads on my blog that seem to start with my mutual's last reply, and only feature my add on- that's the work of the trimming feature!! It cuts out all the earlier replies from the reblog, but they're still accessible!)
If you're interested, you can add it for Chrome here and for Firefox here!! (*It's super important to add XKitRewritten and not any other versions- XKitRewritten is designed specifically for the version of Tumblr we have right now, and other versions are older and might not cooperate!!)
If you notice some of the colors in my writing (such as the shade of red I use for Ellie's dialogue, or the other colors you might see in this post) are different from the default options Tumblr gives you, that's because I'm using https://roleplayformatter.carrd.co!! It's not a necessity, but I like pasting my writing in there and copying the source code to add new colors to my writing, and help me format things in one place!! (It's fun to type into, but it doesn't save your writing!! 😂 So it only gets what I'm getting ready to post when there's another copy somewhere!!)
And these are just some of the basics!! There are other things you can add if you’d really like to! (Like icons, which you might’ve seen me use on here from time to time- small pictures of your character that you can use to display their expressions and little mannerisms!! I like to think of icons as sprinkles- they’re never a necessity, and the main flavor focus is really your wonderful writing! But they can frame and accompany what you write if you’d like them to! 💜)
Assets (like the red stone border at the very top of this answer!) can be made yourself, gathered from source blogs like @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, or even requested/commissioned from resource blogs!! I make all of my assets myself in PicsArt, and it’s a lot of fun- but also something I know everyone might not have the energy or time to do!! If icons and assets aren't for you, that's okay- it's never stopped me from interacting with anyone before!!
I hope this beast of an answer helps you out, and I especially hope it doesn’t seem too complicated- I think the Tumblr rpc can be for anyone and everyone, and I’m so excited to go check out your blog after I post this!! 💜💜 You’re always welcome back here (whether that’s on anon or in DMS!!) if there’s anything else I can help you out with, or if you’d just like to say hello!! I hope you have a really wonderful rest of your day- I’m so excited to write with you sometime!! ☺️
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therapardalis · 7 months
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[Munday Questions from @iobartach.] ------------
Is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
It's definitely hard-er, at least as far as getting started. That goes double if I don't know the canon the character is from, either. It usually means a quick dive into Google and their about pages so I have an idea of who they are and what their world is like, so I can figure how Thera might connect with that muse.
Unfortunately sometimes that just doesn't work out, especially in recent years - if I have to come up with an entire new AU for Thera to meet the other muse, I usually won't do that anymore. I used to, which is why I have so many different verses, but these days I haven't the energy (especially since I've done this several times in the past only to have the other person disappear/change fandoms, but that's a whole other thing!).
When you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? Is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
Usually the muse, the writing, the mun's take on/vision of the character, and their general vibe. But my pattern is usually this, because I am a jaded old fuck;
Is there an age statement? Just so I know the mun isn't a minor.
Is there anything on the blog? If their promo/pinned is the only thing on the blog, no thanks. I might message the mun if it's recent, but a solitary weeks or months-old post is not encouraging. Likewise huge time-gaps between bursts of posting.
(Intermediate step for multis, check their lists for any muses that especially catch my eye.)
Is there a rules page? My own rules say I don't follow without that.
What does their rules page say? Is there anything we'll be incompatible over?
What themes do they write? If nearly every post, meme and headcanon is about a theme/plot I don't want to write, I steer away.
Any sign of regular drama/discourse, guilting or vagueing?
If that's all good, then let's go!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
My Highlights from AEW Revolution 2023
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Another PPV has crossed the threshold as AEW Revolution enters the books. I've been adamant in avoiding spoilers for it, which is nervy since I saw it trending on tumblr, but the show had an air about it for sure.
On one hand, many were worried that some results would go to the winner they'd least prefer, and had already braced themselves to criticize it. On the other hand, there was the feeling that this could turn into a warzone, with 4 grudge-level feuds coming to a head.
For now, let's see what I enjoyed out of the show.
Spoilers for the PPV
Zero Hour
Danhausen in the Homer Simpson Moomoo
Mark Briscoe in general really
Mark Sterling announcing Ari and the Varsity Athletes
Clever nearfall to have Jay kick out of the weapons spot
Daddy 'tell me how my nipples feel' Magic, lads, give 2point0 a run at tag titles
Confirmation really on Final Burial, it is a classic buried alive match, minus Paul Bearer in cement of course
Adam Cole's promo was really good too
Main Card
For all the people who say they hate Jericho there's sure a lot who sing his theme song
Starks with the DDP energy ribs tape
'Throw Him Here' sign
Ricky has been selling the ribs really well, even between catches and landing big moves
Rock/Jericho parallels
Andretti flew at Sammy
Well-written finish as well, I do have qualms about Sammy showing up since the JAS was meant to be banned, so that should've been instant DQ, but having Ricky overcome the bat hit, block the Judas Effect and then win is good stuff
Christian Cage kept the fucking turtleneck XD
Immediately brawling, yes, it's a grudge match why would they lock up?
The old security guy happy as larry to let JB walk past him
Ooof the belt whipping, multilayered that given how Cage played the father figure to JB
JB finally hitting the Con-Chair-To, another full circle moment, because the Con-Chair-To to Adam Cole solidified his bond with Christian and led to their run that'd make him a tag champion, now it severs it
This is literally scrappy soap opera wrestling and it is great
Julia has a mask now!
Buddy and Kenny to start!
Malakai and Kenny!
Matt regretting calling out Brody instantly
Brody King doing Brody King things
Buddy's Knee cracking Nick mid-450
Brody's son getting to celebrate with the New Champions
Saraya keeping with the green aesthetic
Hayter always selling a crossbody like she's been wiped out
The match has done really well in blending the overlapping attacks
Hayter winning, granted the match could've finished more impactfully but there was more to tell, the key thing though is that everyone who was worried that Saraya would steal one and were braced to criticize AEW for it were W R O N G
Ruby swerve was good too, I know a lot didn't want it but they set it up, they got the reaction and now they only need 2 more 'outsiders' to get a Women's Blood & Guts; Tay Melo, Serena Deeb, Athena, Mercedes Martinez, there are some options there, pit them against Baker, Hayter, Shida/Riho, Willow and say Emi or Nyla and you've got a fight
Hangman's Entrance, just definitely has the right feel, and the red lighting - unlike a Fiendish guy - matches the feel of Texas Death
Again, Immediate Attack, why fucking wait?
Dude in the crowd who really wanted a selfie and got bonked for it XD
Moxley bringing out the fork, CZW energy
A fucking brick!?
Deadeye on a Barbed Wire Chair
Barbed Wire Back Rake!!!
Curb Stomp on the Brick
The finish was really good; Buckshot then a hangman choke with a chain
I also actually love the uncertain energy of the crowd, because it fits the brutality of the match
A baldfaced lie but at least gotta laugh at the attempt by Schiavone saying 'Revolution has never disappointed, ever', nobody wants to remember the end of the Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch (though the match was great)
OC and Danhausen repping the Best Friends gear
Danhausen getting to WRESTLE
But still, the tomfoolery as well
Kurt Angle homage with the straps gesturing then an Angle Slam
Satnam Singh knows his role, I know we don't see him wrestle a lot but he knows what he's doing
The Gunns winning with a Big Rig-variant against Danhausen - the guy who coined 'Ass Boys'
FTR are back, settling any doubts otherwise
MJF getting an orchestral opening, to be honest I was half expecting him to bring them all out then play his music anyway, just for that extra dickhead heel energy
And Max is in SHAPE
Bryan Danielson showing where ZSJ got his whole shtick from
MJF threw water at a kid!
Much like Reigns vs Sami, while I didn't enjoy the pace of it, it's heelery by design from Max to waste time, and he is a poser, he told us all exactly what his reign would be like and how we'd react to it so I can't be mad that this is how it's going
The Powerbomb backbreaker was clean
MJF doing the Shawn Michaels pose after stopping Bryan from skinning the cat
Doing the pinfall rolls like MJF did vs Darby but extra extra
Max using the DQ to get quickfire falls to draw level
Bryan just leans back as MJF tries to slap him XD
MJF with a running tombstone through a table outside the ring
The constant water breaks: it's storytelling, because Bryan never pauses but Max always takes a water break, because it sells how unprepared he was for the Iron Man match
The sound the crowd made by MJF's gushing, we can joke all we like about AEW using blood a lot, but Christian, Mox, Hangman, Dax (accidentally) and Bryan bled on this event and yet we still got a reaction from this blood
The moment 5 minutes remained they cranked to 11
Schiavone strutting down the ramp with glee knowing that Sudden Death is coming
MJF kicked out of the Buisaku Knee!
Bryan tapping to the LeBell Lock!!!
Match of the Night: Texas Death Match. A difficult choice, but since the Iron Man took a while to heat up, I went with the Texas Death brutality over it and the Trios match.
Best Performance: MJF. It was a three-way tie between him, Bryan and Hangman right until he kicked out of the Buisaku Knee, but given how the World Champion played the audience multiple times and deserves credit for that.
Best Attire: Brody King, mainly the face paint. Without Jade on the card and me not getting Kenny's reference this wasn't quite a good show for unique attires
Best Spot: Texas Death Finale, I was very close to picking Buddy's Knee Lift but the brutality and perfect finale to the match has to win out.
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symbound · 2 years
#SYMBOUND. an independent , private &. mutual exclusive blog for SYMBIOTE PETER BENJAMIN PARKER from marvel with influences from mixed media + heavily headcanon based . webbed by anu , ( 23 , she / they , est timezone ) . personals and under 21s do not interact . beta editor only .
triggering material such as ; death / loss , violence , ns.fw &. more will be present . follow at your own discretion .
links. rules + bio , memes , promo blog roll. @spxtr , @untales , @venbyte , @spid3rheart
rules under keep reading.
ONE, INITIATION. this is an 21+ private and mutually exclusive roleplay blog. activity is extremely sporadic and slow.
TWO, PARTICULARS. writer is above the age of twenty so nsfw content may appear in forms of violence, body horror, smut, etc. things will be tagged with a general trigger warning tag. if anything that may be sensitive is missed, please do ask for me to tag it. personally myself, i have no triggers and ask nothing to be tagged besides callouts, please and thank you.
formatting is done with icons and small, small text. however, i will not follow anyone with overly purple-prosy and extremely / heavily edited as the latter can be hard on the eyes for myself.
no metagaming, godmodding, etc. i understand a certain level of control has to be implemented / exerted for a thread to be continued and that is completely fine but anything else or beyond that should be discussed first. likewise, if i think something could be implemented to better further a plot and i think it may be godmodding, etc, i will bring it up to my writing partner in no wishes to make them uncomfortable.
THREE, WRITING & FOLLOWING. i am more than comfortable and happy writing one-liners to novella length threads. i however tend to get wordy with replies, so please do not feel pressured to match length. all i ask is that an equal amount of effort is exerted / put into your reply. i will write with or without icons, as well. headcanons and content as such on this blog are not up for duplication of any kind or copying. and finally, i am open to mostly all fandoms, their characters and original characters. all i ask for is to have an about page regarding their character(s).
i will like to note that it can take a bit to follow back and ask that if you unfollow me to softblock and i will do the same. that said, i however do not care about aesthetics regarding anyone’s blog, i personally like it for myself but do not expect everyone to have the same feelings towards it.
FOUR, RELATIONSHIPS. no way am i whatsoever against / opposed to writing romantic, platonic, enemy relationships, etc. so send me a message and we’ll see!
to note i am also open to mains and exclusives; the latter being reserved for special cases and both open to those who i communicate outside of in character interactions.
FIVE, PERSONAL. hello! i’m your local indigenous chaotic lesbian. you can call me anu. i genuinely don’t care about pronouns but if you must have me direct you to one, you can call me she / they pronouns. my discord is available for mutuals, hit me up. note, nothing on this blog is for public use. all icons, psds, graphics are mine unless stated otherwise.
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romanticnoir · 11 months
My opinions on Taemin’s Guilty that no one asked for but I will give anyway.
Very very long post ahead
Taemin came and saved kpop I loved it. His album was truly amazing. I mean no one does it like him.
Every album he’s ever done has been carefully created by him and you can tell he puts his whole heart into each of them. I am extremely proud of him and everything he does. He really loves his art and it feels authentic to himself.
He has restored my love for Korean music that was missing for at least half of this year.
Guilty is the perfect title track he did so well with everything the aesthetic of the video the DANCE????! out of this world I am just so impressed by everything he does. I am not just saying this because he’s one of my ults but because he truly is a talented person who’s passion for his art is just so visible to us who don’t even know him personally. This song is genius I love it the lyrics the beat the dance everything is just perfect.
THE RIZZNESS IM AFRAID THESE TIKTOK GIRLIES JUST DONT FUCKING GET IT UGHHHH I swear to god this song is soooooo good and the dance is so hot like I understand using this word unironically might be silly BUT IT STILL WORKS BECAUSE ITS FUCKING LEE TAEMIN. The audacity to laugh at TAEMIN when your faves be singing shit that makes no sense or proudly saying that songs were written by them and it still be making no sense… and I mean the fact that we know why the hate train was started for Taemin and BY WHO. But I’m not here to talk about untalented ppl who can only go around because they have a pretty face.
She Loves Me She Loves Me Not it’s so good. One of my fave songs in the album the lyrics are my favorite thing I am obsessed with this song. I think it’s not a style we normally hear taemin do and he just pulled it so well.
Not over you is MY FAVORITE SONG. I know everyone have their own interpretations. It’s fine I’ll take it the literal way it sounds and it’s a heartbroken person. I’m a simple minded person who can’t get into deep theories my brain just doesn’t work that way. I love sad songs angsty media is what I live for. I just love the sorrowful sound of this song.
I think placing Night Away after Not Over You is just so perfect because not only is the beat STILL has a deep sad feeling but with a hint of light that even without reading the lyrics you can feel that things might be getting better for that broken heart you can start seeing that light at the end of the tunnel.
And then with Blue it really feels like things will finally be better and good and like he will finally find happiness.
The album starts in a almost angry tone to sad to and an ending with finding peace I absolutely love this album he truly did so great
I truly don’t think there are other idols like Taemin he’s so talented at everything he do. He’s so loved by everyone and it’s like it’s so obviously clear why. He’s really a role model to the newer generations of idols.
Today being the last day for Guilty promo I wanted to talk about the album. I am so proud of Taemin and I truly hope that he can continue to do what he loves more.
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angel-dust-addict · 2 years
Never apologize for ranting about the things you love on your own blog! If you can’t do it on a blogging platform, where else can you do it?
I’m assuming the numbers are a specific digit. I won’t assume you have Photoshop or anything like that, but if you can download a free program like Paint.Net I would use the text feature to type those numbers out on a font and colour you like, arrange them into a necklace shape, and layer them over the neck of whatever faceclaim you end up using. I’ve done similar things with adding stuff to my icons before such as blood, tears, scars or tattoos. Does it look completely professional? Eh, no really. But it works for the aesthetic and showing people what your character is meant to look like. Even better if you format your icons to a smaller size like 150x150 or smaller bc then you can’t really pick up on subtle signs a photo has been altered
It might be worth it to bring that idea to an icon maker and see if that’s something you could commission for if you’re not confident in your photo editing abilities.
Regardless, I wish you luck! Cypher sounds like a cool muse!
//They are indeed! The numbers aren't actually ever given in canon, but the opening credits of the show has all the major cast and crew names come up onscreen as numbers that blur into letters. I used Danny's actor's numbers for the numbers around Cypher's neck and Alex's actor's numbers for the numbers around Cypher's wrists. (Alex was Danny's boyfriend.) I don't have photoshop, but I'm currently relearning how to use GIMP, which is a free, open-source software in the same vein as photoshop. I used to use it all the time for making promos, transparencies, and icons. Not using it for like 2 years has left me a bit rusty, but I'm starting to get the hang of it again. I'll have to check out Paint.Net and see how that is to use. Thus far I've got a mostly finished transparency of Ben Whishaw in the role of Danny and references for Cypher's antlers and ears. I have a vague idea of how to change his hair color and bits of his skin color to match his roe deer coloring. That image is waist up and doesn't include his hands, so I don't have to worry about his claws or deer legs. If I can get one decent image I swear I'm gonna make like 8 different icons out of it on top of a promo. XD
And thank you! I'm glad you think he sounds interesting! He's not generated a whole lot of interest thus far, but I'm hoping getting together a promo for him that I can put on my canon blogs might help. This fandom seems pretty good with OCs, and he is, for all intents and purposes, basically that when it comes to his not being canon to this universe. Although to be honest, his canon blog didn't generate a whole lot of interest in the Bond/Criminal Minds/Hannibal/assorted-spy-type-things fandom, either. But that might be because he's from a relatively obscure source (for something that's not even 10 years old) that's not the most watchable thing in the world, I'll be honest. I enjoy it, but I'm also the sort of person who will sit down and watch Metropolis just because. He comes from a spy thriller-esque miniseries called London Spy. It's rather dense and kind of gritty and has a lot of details that only become important like two episodes later.
Cypher, btw, is @theliarshart for anybody interested, since this us now my second (rather long) post in a row about him. >_>;;;
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bitemark3d · 2 years
#     BITEMARK3D     ;     a  private  &  low  activity  blog  for     ellie     williams      from  the  last  of  us     ,      based      on     both  games  &  show     .      heavily  affiliated  with      bulletmark3d     !
because of the nature of the game     &     tv show     ,      this blog is 21+     .      heavily mature     &     possibly triggering  themes such  as      ;      violence     ,      end  of  the  world     ,     mentions  of  attempted  suicide     ,     &     more  will  be  featured     .     things  will  be  tagged  accordingly  when  needed      .      SHOW  SPOILERS  WILL  NOT  BE  TAGGED     .     follow at your own discretion     .     ―     cerise     .     22     .     she     /      her     /      they     /      them      .
                                          rules     +     bio     /     memes     /     promo
rules under read more until carrd can be made.
001.   this is an 21+ private and mutually exclusive roleplay blog for for ellie williams from the last of us franchise. activity is extremely sporadic and slow. writer is above the age of twenty so nsfw content may appear in forms of
 002.   violence, body horror, smut, etc. things will be tagged with a general trigger warning tag. if anything that may be sensitive is missed, please do ask for me to tag it. personally myself, i have no triggers and ask nothing to be tagged besides callouts, please and thank you.
formatting is done with icons and small, small text. however, i will not follow anyone with overly purple-prosy and extremely / heavily edited as the latter can be hard on the eyes for myself.
no metagaming, godmodding, etc. i understand a certain level of control has to be implemented / exerted for a thread to be continued and that is completely fine but anything else or beyond that should be discussed first. likewise, if i think something could be implemented to better further a plot and i think it may be godmodding, etc, i will bring it up to my writing partner in no wishes to make them uncomfortable.
003.   i am more than comfortable and happy writing one-liners to novella length threads. i however tend to get wordy with replies, so please do not feel pressured to match length. all i ask is that an equal amount of effort is exerted / put into your reply. i will write with or without icons, as well. headcanons and content as such on this blog are not up for duplication of any kind or copying. and finally, i am open to mostly all fandoms, their characters and original characters. all i ask for is to have an about page regarding their character(s).
i will like to note that it can take a bit to follow back and ask that if you unfollow me to hardblock. that said, i however do not care about aesthetics regarding anyone's blog, i personally like it for myself but do not expect everyone to have the same feelings towards it.
004.   no way am i whatsoever against / opposed to writing romantic, platonic, enemy relationships, etc. so send me a message and we'll see.
to note i am also open to mains and exclusives; the latter being reserved for special cases and both open to those who i communicate outside of in character interactions.
005.   hello! i'm your local indigenous chaotic lesbian. you can call me cerise. i genuinely don't care about pronouns but if you must have me direct you to one, you can call me she / they pronouns. my discord is available for mutuals, hit me up. note, nothing on this blog is for public use. all icons, psds, graphics are mine unless stated otherwise.
PSD CREDIT.   show yourself   &   swan song by jaynedits.
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ofrhysand · 3 years
𝐎𝐎𝐂; Munday + Update!
     Hello everyone! So I've decided to continue indulging my 'fuck it' impulses with RP related things and do a multi-muse blog, to see how it goes. I'll be moving the Casteel blog over there when it's up so that's why I haven't gotten anything started on his at @hawkethroned​. BUT Rhys will stay here, in his own blog. I'll be working on the multi-muse so my speed here will continue to be slow, but I will try to at least do 1 reply daily. Try being the key word there.
Also a friendly reminder that I do have discord, available to mutuals, for chatting or little RP things as well if i can manage it. And as for the munday, have some selfies from a week ago where I was trying out old dresses now that I'm two months postpartum. And since I feel comfortable and happy enough here, decided to share them. Hope everyone's having a great day/night!
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damnmouth · 3 years
(  ✷ made of lipstick plastic and paint ; visage ✷ )
( ❖ fooling everyone, telling them she’s having fun ❖ ⋆ headcanon ⋆ ❖ )
( ❖ a freshmen generation of degenerate beauty queens ❖ ⋆ musing ⋆ ❖ )
(  ✷ all the lights are sparkling for you it seems ; aesthetic ✷ )
( ❖ OOC ❖ when the working day is done ❖ )
( ❖ calling for a wild time ❖ SELFPROMO ❖ )
( ❖ i just want you to focus on my love ❖ PROMO ❖ )
open starter:
( ❈ open starter ❈ )
( ❖ answered ask ❖ )
( ❖ ask meme ❖ )
( ❖ believe me if it’s fire I’ll make time for that ❖ wanted plot ❖ )
( ❖ won’t you stick around for the come down ❖ wanted opp ❖ )
things i’ve made:
( ❖ it’s 5 in the mornin i’m so devoted ❖ jagger orig ❖ )
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