#i have the video paused bro
syn4k · 5 months
i have discovered joshua
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crossbackpoke-check · 17 days
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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yaminerua · 1 month
nothing makes me feel more pathetic than when I’m trying to do a basic as fuck sum in my head and my brain is giving me absolutely nothing
not a single gear moving up there. Brain just clocks out when numbers are involved and trying to force it to figure out even the simplest calculations physically feels excruciating and exhausting
meanwhile my dad and my brother will be looking at me like I’m some alien experiment bc how can I be so stupid that I can’t do this shit in my head?
#I’ve always suspected I’ve got some degree of dyscalculia bc there are other related issues I have in that area#I used to slam my head on the table in primary school in frustration and cry when I couldn’t get my brain to figure things out#my exams and jotter margins were peppered with loads of tiny dot marks from where I would have to physically make a mark to count#and then count up how many marks I’d made to do the multiplication or whatever. Like 6x7 I would do six sets of seven dots and count them#I can’t do it in my head and school made me feel like an absolute moron for it but no-one ever suggested I might have an issue there#I couldn’t memorise times tables beyond like 2 and 5 and 10 consistently. Even 4 wouldn’t stick somehow#and 6 7 and 8 made me cry from how much I struggled with them. I still can’t remember them#I had a maths tutor in high school for my last year and every week he would have to teach me things again bc it wouldn’t stay in my head#My dad would shout at me when I was asking for help at maths homework bc he somehow thought shouting the sum at me would make me Get it#uncle would throw questions at me and my bro to figure out and my brother would get it instantly and I would be sat there struggling#and then the inevitable impatient sound of a disbelieving ‘come on!!’ would follow and I’d feel worse bc im expected to do it and I couldnt#there’s a home video of me trying to figure out the difference between the years 1982 and 1987 and the pause while the gears struggle#ton work out the number before saying it is agonising to listen to bc I am genuinely taking that long to do it
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oh-no-dume · 11 months
o.O... I am looking... O.o... respectfully...
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bookyeom · 1 month
whatever you say, bro - chs
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pairing: vernon x reader word count: 1.2k warnings: kissing, Shrek slander request prompt: "You're cute." "What did you say?" + "are you flirting with me?" "I’ve been trying to do that for three years."
Read Part Two here!
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A/N: Thanks so much for all the support on my 700 follower celebration. You guys rock! I'm doing my best to get through the requests, but there were way more than I anticipated so bear with me!
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Vernonie [8:59pm]: we still on for tomorrow night?
Your heart leaps, like it always does, when Vernon’s name pops up on your screen. 
Y/N [9:01pm]: yeah! see you then, bro
You sigh heavily, throwing your phone down onto the bed beside you and rolling over, pulling your pillow into your chest.
It’s a defense mechanism, you know, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous now. You’ve taken to throwing out the word nervously when he gets too close – which seems to be more often than not lately. You’d been worried that your crush on Vernon was getting disgustingly apparent, and so you'd started with this whole "bro" nonsense. Now, you don’t know how to get out of it.
Every time he catches you looking at him and raises a dramatic brow; every time you’re making plans to hang out just the two of you; every time his hand accidentally brushes yours while he hands over a headphone for you to listen to a song – you find a way to call him 'bro'. So that he knows it’s all strictly platonic. Which it’s not, of course – not for you – but his friendship means more to you than anything in this world, and you’re not going to jeopardize that just because you think he’s hot. And kind. And funny. 
Sure thing, bro. See you tomorrow, bro. I love movie nights with you, bro. I love when you show me new music or video games and your face lights up, bro. I love your eyes and the way you laugh at your own jokes, bro. While we're at it, your smile is pretty nice too, bro. 
You close your eyes with a sigh. 
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"Thumb war."
You’re sitting on the floor in Vernon’s apartment the next day, arguing over which movie to watch. It’s been at least a half hour of back and forth, so you'd decided to take matters into your own hands, and had proposed the most obvious solution.
"Thumb war," you repeat. "Winner gets to pick the movie." 
Vernon eyes you warily. "Fine. You're on." 
As soon as his fingers curl into yours, you can feel your stomach flutter. His touch sends goosebumps across your skin, and you regret the suggestion instantly, but you must carry on. For honour – and for the fact that if he makes you watch Shrek 2 again you might scream.
You square your shoulders and laugh at Vernon’s face, which has instantly turned competitive. You count down, and as your thumbs begin to battle, you feel the competitiveness in yourself grow, too. 
“Yes!” You cry. You have him pinned. 
You’re counting down when Vernon suddenly surges forward, your hands falling apart as you let out an ‘oof’ and fall to the ground. You let out a squeak as your back hits the floor with a soft thud, Vernon landing on top of you. His arms are on either side of your head as he pushes himself up a little, chest hovering above yours, and you can audibly hear the way your breath catches in your throat.
"Just shut up and let me pick a movie," he says breathlessly, and you’re sure you've forgotten how to breathe. His hips are between your knees, his chest pressed to yours, and you can feel every part of him against you.  
"Make me shut up," come your words, and you regret it immediately. His eyebrows raise, just as surprised as you are, and you swear he falters a little. 
"I will," he says back after a pause, and you can’t tear your gaze away from his. "I'll kiss you." 
The blood is rushing to your cheeks before you have time to think. Around now would be the time that you look away, but he’s so close that you can’t. Your heart is nearly pounding out of your chest, and you’re certain he can hear it. Or feel it.
Your head is spinning as you force out a laugh before saying, "Okay, bro."
Vernon’s eyes search your face before meeting your gaze again. His expression is serious, and you hold your breath as you wait for him to react.
But all he does is stand up, holding his hands up in surrender. "You can choose.” 
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For the rest of the night, things feel a bit awkward between you. You don’t comment on it like you normally would, because Vernon hasn’t said anything, which means he’s probably forgotten and it’s just you that’s making it weird now. You make it through your pick, and then he surprises you by picking one of your other favourites to watch as a second movie. It’s sweet, but you’re confused since he'd caused such a fuss earlier. 
As the movie progresses, you begin to relax a little. You can feel Vernon’s eyes on you as you giggle to yourself, and you shoot him a glare.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. You turn back to the TV, focusing again when you hear him add, quieter, “You’re cute.”
Your head whips back in his direction. He avoids your gaze this time, the only telltale sign he notices you looking shown in the way he fidgets with the remote. 
“What did you say?”
“I said you’re annoying.”
You think ignoring everything that’s just transpired in the last minute is probably for the best. 
“I’m about to be really annoying, then,” you quip – and then you begin to quote line after line. 
It’s one of his biggest pet peeves, and he knows you’re doing it on purpose. You continue, waiting for him to break. It doesn’t take very long.
"Oh my god. Shut up." You can hear the smile in his voice, and you know you aren’t annoying him that much. 
"Make me," you shoot back without thinking, your heart stopping as you quickly remember where those two words had gotten you just a couple of hours before. You think Vernon is holding his breath, too, and you resist the urge to shrink even further back into his couch. Don’t make it weird, it’s fine, you’re just joking, don’t make it –
Vernon’s hand is on your face before you can finish your thought, tilting your chin up towards him – and then he’s kissing you.
When he pulls back, it takes a second for your eyes to flutter open again. And when they do, he’s already looking back at you, unwavering. His thumb brushes against your chin before he smirks and says, eyebrows raised, "I told you I would, bro.”
Your mouth is agape as he drops his hand and turns back to the movie. You feel a bit like your entire brain is resetting as you process what just happened.
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I’ve been trying to do that for like, three years now, so… yeah.”
“You kissed me.”
Vernon looks at you again now, and you absolutely cannot understand how he’s so calm about all of this. Smiling about it, even. “I did. Thoughts?”
Your friend is stoic at the best of times, but his eyes always give him away. When he doesn’t break your gaze, when he just waits while you process, you can see it in the way he’s looking at you — that even if he seems calm on the outside, he’s nervous. Nervous that you’re going to reject him, nervous that he may have overstepped, nervous that you don’t like him back. As if that would even be possible. “I think,” you say slowly, “that the movie can wait a little longer if you wanted to kiss me some more… bro.”
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@wheeboo @tae-bebe @waldau @eoieopda @gyuminusone @minisugakoobies @lvlystars @seohomrwolf @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @christinewithluv @wqnwoos @iluvseokmin
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sparkburst · 1 year
When I have a video or show up as “background noise” I’m actually always heavily invested in it even if I’m not actively watching it……. Not that hard to understand
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tgcg · 3 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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evie-sturns · 3 months
𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 - 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙤
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summary: you and matt had previously dated for a few years until him and his brothers grew famous, where matt became arrogant and self centered. fast foward to to present, a couple years later. you have moved on from matt completly until you run into him at an influencer party, what will unfold when you approach him? will you two rekindle or will the wall stay strong between you two.
contains: angst, arguing, swearing, fluff, making out.
—---------------└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘--------———
(2 years ago)
i lay on the couch next to matt, my head resting on his shoulder as the tv rambles. hes invested in his phone, typing every few seconds.
hes been filming videos with his brothers, chris and nick, for the past year or two, and they've just hit 3 million subscribers.
matt clears his throat before moving my head off him, "i gotta talk to you, yeah?"
my eyebrows furrow, i look over at matt who has an unreadable expression on his face. I nod slowly with a hum, "i don't know how to say this, but uh-... nick chris and i have decided to move to l.a with laura."
"what?" i instantly reply, my stomach drops to my knees.
"gotta chase them dreams." he shrugs casually, picking up his phone.
anger starts to bubble inside of me, why the fuck is he being so nonchalant about moving across the whole country? what am i gonna do, just be left here and forgotten about?
"what the hell matt!" i say, raising my voice and slamming the phone out of his hand, he throws his hands up defensively. "are you being fucking serious right now?" i yell, "calm down bro?" he mumbles, picking his phone back up.
i stay silent, waiting for matt to speak, or atleast a solution. he just stays silent, looking around the room. "matt, what am i gonna do." i sigh, trying to contain myself.
"uh.. not sure?" matt leans back on the couch. "like you can come with if you want but i won't really.." he pauses for a few seconds
"have time for you..? i mean we're staying in lauras apartment which doesnt have enough space anyway but you could always sleep on the couch or something."
i scoff, "so this is it?" tears start to roll down my cheeks. "if you can't handle my fame and me moving then thats not my problem." he runs a hand through his hair before standing up.
without another word I'm upstairs and packing my suitcase, I'm leaving.
(Current time)
ever since matt and i's messy breakup ive been moving around alot, i spent the first month or so living with my parents, where i started content creating on various platforms. i would be lying if i said i didn't get popular, over the past 2 years ive gained a few million followers.
a year ago today i moved to l.a, where i've been thriving.
"y/n come on!" i hear yolanda, my roomate, shout from downstairs, today i've been invited to a party for influencers, i think. i run downstairs in my baby pink stiletto heels. yolanda is wearing a long shimmering black dress with a large slit up to the mid thigh. "hottie" i tease as i walk past her.
"shush" she replys with a wide grin, i walk outside to find our uber waiting patiently "yoyo!" i yell back to her as she scrambles around to find her purse.
i climb into the uber, "my bad, my friends coming now."
yolanda comes running outside, swinging open the door to the uber and crawling over me. i laugh slightly at her, she glares at me while applying lip gloss.
"you okay?" i ask her, "just nervous, its weird being a plus one to a party where i know famous people will be." she replies with a breath.
"you'll be okay gorg, i have no idea whos even going so we'll just stay together hm?" i say comfortingly, watching the lively streets of l.a outside the window.
the uber comes to a stop outside a large beachside mansion, i give him a quick thankyou before grabbing yolandas hand and approaching the house. the blaring music is audible from outside the house.
we walk up the stairs together, our heels clicking in sync on the marble steps. the doors to the house are wide open, the first person i see when i come inside makes my heart drop.
christopher sturniolo
my breath hitches in my throat, theres thankfully no sight of matt, i mean hes never really been one for partys. i feel physically sick when me and chris lock eyes, i guess i look different since the last time i saw him, 2 years ago.
I haven't really thought about matt since i moved to l.a, the last person i wouldve expected to see here is his triplet brothers.
i shoot yolanda a look, she looks equally has disturbed as me.
i decide to keep navigating through the various bunches of people, i look back and yolandas gone, flirting with some random instagram male model. i scoff with a smile.
i turn my body back around, an audible gasp escapes my mouth as matt sturniolo stands infront of me,
he smiles awkwardly with a wave, he looks me up and down while he clutches the cup in his hand so tight his knuckles go white. "you look different." matt says, his voice shaking from nerves
"charming." i roll my eyes.
"no!- no i meant in a good way, i mean in a platonic way, but you look different, sorry-.. how are ya doing.." matt rambles, stammering over every word.
a small smile forms on my face, which instantly drops when i remember the events of what happened the last time i saw him. "i've been doing really good actually." i reply, nodding my head slowly.
"yeah, i saw !thats awesome you got selected for that peoples choice awa-rds..." matt says before stopping himself, i laugh slightly.
has he been stalking me? that got announced an hour ago.
"thanks matt, how have you been?" i ask, he takes a small breath "i've been good, yeah.." matt says, he clearly doesn't think the world revolves around him like how he did 2 years ago.
another silence fills the air between us, but he breaks it. "do you wanna come with me?" matt asks abruptly, my eyebrows furrow "sure?"
he reaches out a hand subtly, i take it.
he guides us through hundreds of people, yolanda eyes me down with her jaw slack, i shrug my shoulders with a smile back at her. the night hair hits my revealed skin as matt lets my hand go slowly.
"should we go sit on the sand?" i ask quietly while we walk side by side on the footpath.
matt and i have been walking side by the shoreline for a few minutes, catching up on the past 2 years of no contact
"wait so you're at 6 million?" i laugh in shock, he shakes his head with a smile "shut up!!"
"no like, congratulations matt thats really awesome."
he shrugs it off with a playful nudge to my shoulder,
the past 30 minutes or so neither of us have brought up the last time we spoke, our last interaction, the final fight. i think we both don't want to ruin what we have going on right now.
a silence forms as the ripple waves crash onto the shore, my palms are sweating from the warmth from the night. "wanna go sit up there? in the dunes?" matt asks, pointing up the beach. "oh-..oh yeah!" i agree chirpily, snapping out of my somewhat 'trance'
he leads us away from the water up into the sand dunes, the mound of sand and grass behind us acting as privacy. he flops down onto his back, laying down on the sand. I lay down close beside him, our legs touching against eachother.
"i want to talk to you about what happened that night." i blurt out softly, just from the plain moonlight i can see matts cheeks are a deep maroon. he nods "yeah." with a shaky sigh.
"i was an asshole, like proper crazy." he says in a serious tone.
"honest to god i think the fame was making me go insane, i thought i was so much better than.. everyone? i never shouldve told you like that, or moved in general" he rambles, guilt painted in his voice.
"matt, moving was best for you." i cut him off, but he instantly snaps back
"i don't think it was? i miss you so much."
i sit up, the loose sand falling off my back "and i never really moved on, i'm so grateful i found you tonight 'cause the guilt has been eating away at me, and im so sorry, i am so fucking sorry." matt mumbles slightly.
i nod understandably "i think we needed the break, i can see you've changed a lot, for the better."
matt sits up too, sand grains scattered in his brunette locks as his tongue pokes out quickly to wet his lips. his eyes stare into mine before he reaches out a hand to grab my jaw, right under my ear.
"can I kiss you?"
i nod frantically "yeah-of course"
matt leans in, his body shifting on the sand while the calm waves crash onto the shoreline.
his lips meet mine, a distant familiar feeling that i hate to admit but ive really missed, even though ive forced myself not to.
his tongue asks for enterance, which i quickly allow. his tongue slips into my mouth,
i move my hair to one side before hooking one leg over his thigh, moving my body to straddle him while keeping our lips connected.
our kiss turns from gentle, to desperate. craving what we've missed for the past 2 years.
after a well-needed few minutes, we finally pull away from each other to catch our breath. panting fills the air before he pulls me into a tight hug his arms moving over my back as i stay seated on his lap. leaning onto his chest.
"i think we should retry, everything." he matt says into my hair as i rest my chin over his shoulder
"gotta agree with you on that one matthew." i laugh, joy overpowering me.
"matt there you fucking are!" a familiar voice yells from a few meters away. i look up, breaking matt and i's hug.
chris and nick are standing side by side with a shocked expression on their face. "holy shit!" nick laughs,
nick used to be one of my closest friends, but after the breakup with matt and i we were forced apart, i think after his brothers caught me ontop of matt it gave them the all clear to interact with me again.
i climb off of matts lap, running across the sand towards nick before leaping into his arms, the long fabric of my dress drowning nick.
"someone please fill me in" chris says cluelessly.
matt walks over to us 3, nick puts me down "uh yeah, we are retrying stuff after a chat, a really good one actually." he says, scratching the back of his head.
"oh my god thank you y/n, matt has not shut up about you for the past 2 years holy fuck." chris says after a dramatic gasp.
this took so long to write i hope u guys really like it!
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Would it be ok to request Vox with an affectionate s/o?
More than okay, nonnie! I’ve been getting so many requests bro, literally every time I post one, I get like 2 more in its place. IM LIVING FOR IT, KEEP IT COMING YALL! But also plz be patient with me 🥺 been waiting for a request for my flat-faced prince. Tbh the first time I watched Hazbin, my immediate reaction to Vox was ‘OH NO HES HOT!!!’ So, enjoy these headcanons 😘
Notes: gn!reader, maybe a little ooc Vox?
Vox x reader- Affection 💋
Also oh my fucking godddddd the vest, him in a vest. I need more Vox in a vest PRONTO…🥵
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Okay so like…bro is more dirty minded.
He’s genuinely confused when you kiss his cheek or hold his hand like ???
Oh….you’re not just trying to fuck him and get famous?
Sure, he’s fucked and made out with ppl and probably done some other crazy shit but his experience with sappy romance and affection like you show him is very limited.
He’s pretty dense, he’s got a tough shell and doesn’t really understand love languages and stuff like that.
His love language is most definitely gift giving and I just know he’s terrible at actually showing his feeling through words or romantic gestures or physical affection.
It’s usually just like “Hey! I love ya! I got you this.” *insert item you’d flip your lid over*
At least he’s a good gift giver! He really does try to give you cool stuff he knows you’ll like but he’s still learning how to actually speak about his feelings and show it physically.
He tries to match your energy the best he can
Get him gifts!!! Plz he loves homemade gifts too- gift him art, sing him an original song, sew him something, whatever your skills or talents may be, use them and he’ll adore it and also praise tf out of you
You took time to make this just for him? ‘Marry me’
Besides fucking around with Val, Vox doesn’t get much affection so he very quickly falls in love with all the sweet affectionate touches you frequently show him.
It’s all so different than Val, so sensitive and genuine. It really makes him swoon~
Melts when you kiss the corners of his screen- there’s something about non mouth kisses that really gets to him
He gets a huge dorky love stuck grin when you sit in his lap and hug him close, also hugs you back super tight
Absolutely loves kissing you and then noticing the lingering smudges/lipstick marks on his screen later
Fix his bow tie while giving him a sneaky wink in front of his crew and he’ll huff and look away while trying to hold back a smile
Invites you on his nightly broadcast as a guest one time and quickly learned how embarrassed he becomes when you flirt and call him pet names on live TV in front of tons of viewers
After only 10 minutes of talking, giggling and giving him bedroom eyes, Vox was struggling to maintain his composure- you’re so fucking cute.
All you had to do was laugh loudly at one of his crude jokes about Alastor and call him your “honey bunny” and suddenly the entire V tower lost power.
Poor man literally short circuits over your darling voice calling him such soft names- he’s so down bad for you he can’t even hide it
Val and Velvette have that specific episode downloaded and saved to every device they own bc there’s no way they are letting this go, he’s never living this down
If you pause the video right before it cuts out, just before the power goes out, Vox has literal hearts for eyes and his entire screen briefly becomes this bright blushy pink color- that’s a color no one has ever seen on him
Just keep doing your thing, you little hopeless romantic, and you’ll see that color more often.
But Vox might have to leave you at home when filming bc he can’t control himself around you sometimes and you obviously can’t either 🖤
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solarsturniolo · 3 months
We're Just Friends // M.S. pt 4
by Nat 💋
read parts one, two, and three here!
Summary: Matt is so 'sweet best friend that secretly jerks off to your pictures' coded (idea credit to @heartstreet )
Tumblr media
Warnings: angst / smut / p in v / soft!dom matt? / unprotected sex / swearing / kinda depressing at the beginning
text - reader
text - matt sturniolo
text - chris sturniolo
text - nick sturniolo
Word Count: 6871
Three weeks.
He went three weeks without speaking to her. Ever since that night, he couldn’t bring himself to talk to her. It replayed in his head like a broken record, he couldn’t get it to stop. The way she danced with him, the way she clung to him, the way she kissed him, all of which would have normally been more than enough to get him off at least a few times. But Matt hadn’t touched himself in those three weeks. He couldn’t. How could he even think about it when he just felt miserable?
“Matt, are you coming?” 
He groggily lifted his head from his pillow, his hair sticking out in awkward directions. He struggled to open his eyes as the light flooded in through his windows. Looking over his shoulder, he squinted at his brother standing in the doorway. “Huh?”
Chris furrowed his eyebrows. “The meeting? With Laura? Are you coming?” 
It took a moment for the question to register in his brain, but when it did he simply grunted and dropped his head back into the pillow. 
“Dude this isn’t good for you-“
“ ‘M just tired,” he grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillowcase as he buried his face deeper into the pillow. 
“You haven’t left your room in three days.”
Matt opened his eyes, looking over his shoulder at Chris again. “I-“
“Kitchen and bathroom don’t count. Bro, I’m seriously worried about you.”
Matt blinked in response. 
“I miss you,” Chris shrugged, not making eye contact with Matt. “I miss hanging out. You never hang out anymore. You’ll do a video then come hide back in here.” 
Matt sighed, slipping his arm out from under his tight bundle of blankets around him, rubbing his tired face. “I’m sorry, just been dealing with a lot.”
“Like what?”
“Please talk to me, man.”
“You just…” Matt paused, wanting to find the nicest way possible to explain this to Chris. “You don’t take things seriously.” 
Chris shook his head immediately at Matt’s accusation. “I can tell when I need to take something seriously.“
Matt sighed. “Can we talk about it tonight? I just wanna sleep a little longer…”
Chris didn’t respond for a while. He wanted to talk about it now, he wanted to fix everything that his brother was going through. It pained him seeing Matt in a funk like this. The last time something like this happened was in junior year, and Chris never wanted a repeat of that for either of them. He didn’t want to leave Matt alone. If he could cancel the meeting entirely, he would. He would cancel it and lay in bed with his brother and wait however long he needed to talk. 
“I can’t cancel the meeting. Are…Are you gonna be alright?” Chris’s fingers picked at the chipped paint on the doorway. 
“I’ll be fine.” 
“You’ll call me if you need something?”
“Yeah, man. I’ll be alright.”
Chris nodded. The sound of Nick’s footsteps vibrated above them as he came down the stairs, walking around the corner and peeking into Matt’s room as well. “No luck?” 
“He’s tired.”
“He’s been ‘tired’ for the past fifteen days-“
Chris shot Nick a look. “He’s tired.” 
Nick nodded, getting the hint. “Gotcha. We’ll bring home some lunch, do you want anything?” 
Matt grunted softly. “I don’t care.”
“Alright,” Nick replied. It made his blood boil when Matt was short with him or moody, but he knew Matt didn’t mean to act this way. He was constantly stuck in his own head, constantly battling his thoughts, and it just so happened to be one of those periods. A temporary setback. Matt always bounced back, but it never failed to worry Chris and Nick nonetheless. “We’ll be home in a few hours. Love you.”
“Love you, Matt.”
“Love you,” Matt replied, letting his body relax again. He was beyond grateful that they weren’t trying to drag him out of bed this time around. He rolled over onto his favorite side and nuzzled back under the covers, letting his body drift back off to sleep. 
I really love you
I’ve always loved you.
The heat rose to his cheeks as her words played over and over again in his head. ‘I really love you, I’ve always loved you.’ Oh god, and she looked so pretty in his t-shirt. He could almost smell her perfume, the same scent she had worn for years. The same scent Matt grew to love. The scent he craved to get even the smallest whiff of whenever she was near. The scent that would get trapped in the fabric of his hoodies after she had borrowed them, which he refused to launder until the scent was gone entirely. Wisps of vanilla and rose petals that would infect him, his mind, his thoughts… 
Knock knock knock.
Matt groaned, closing his eyes tighter, hoping the sound would stop. Warmth enveloped his face as her soft hands cupped his face. Matt felt his heart pound against his chest. Her words were like heroin, he wanted more. He wanted to hear her talk to him for hours. Before he could even think of what to say, her lips pressed against his. He cupped her face, his lips moving slowly against hers as they shared a passionate kiss. She smelled sweet like candy, and her lips tasted like sugared lemon drops; her favorite lip balm, which quickly became Matt’s favorite as well. 
Ten more minutes. Please let me stay here for ten more minutes. 
Her hand caressed his cheek, their noses brushing together as she moved impossibly closer to him. Neither of them initiated for the kiss to deepen, though Matt wasn’t complaining in the slightest. This was enough for him. The tenderness, the passion, the love…it was more than enough for him. He pulled back for a moment, still close enough to feel her lips brush against his as she caught her breath. “I love you.”
Matt huffed, opening his eyes once again. He groaned softly as he became suddenly aware of the tent in his boxers. Not even safe in my dreams. Rolling himself out of bed, Matt sat at the edge of his mattress, looking at his reflection in the mirror leaning against his wall. He had to admit, he was looking rough. His hair was a god awful mess, sticking out in awkward directions, his cowlick refusing to flatten when he ran his fingers through his hair. His cheeks were sunken, though it was hard to tell with his unkempt facial hair growing in. The bags under his eyes were dark, his lips were dry and cracked; he looked rough. 
Those fucking assholes. Matt pulled on his pyjama pants, after adjusting his cock in his boxers, and stepped out of his room, hissing at the cold hardwood floor under his feet. He began to make his way to the front door, heading down the steps that led to their front entryway. “Fuck, you idiots have keys why can’t you ever fucking use them,” he grunted, unlocking the front door. “Why do I have to be the responsib-“ his voice caught in his throat as he swung the door open, his gaze landing on her. She looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowing together as their eyes locked. 
“Oh…hi Matty.”
Matt swallowed his words, looking down at his feet, suddenly growing quiet. Matty. Even after all of this time, even after the long restless nights staring at his old messages with her, wanting nothing more than to call her and hear her gentle voice again, she addressed him by his nickname. The one he claimed to hate, though they both knew that wasn’t the case. Three weeks with no contact, and she treated him just the same as she had before. The question plagued his mind after the second day of ghosting her, wondering if she would be mad at him, wondering if she would treat him differently. How foolish of him. 
“Hey, kid,” he mumbled, his voice gravely and low. 
“Are…um…Nick and Chris here?” She asked. 
“You just missed them…They went to a meeting with Laura.”
“And you didn’t?” 
Matt shrugged his shoulders, leaning against the doorway. “I wasn’t feeling good,” he stated. Not necessarily a lie, he just knew he couldn’t explain the whole truth to her. 
“Why have you been ignoring me?” She asked him. Matt felt his heart drop into his stomach. She sniffled softly. His head snapped up and, suddenly, Matt’s behavior felt ridiculous to him. He had shut her out, he had pushed her away without even a second thought as to what she might feel or think. He examined her face; the same dark shadows under her eyes, the hollowing of her cheeks that now matched his. “Can I come in?” She tried to ask, but he heard the break in her voice. He saw her lip quiver as she spoke. He took note of her tugging at her sleeves in an attempt to distract herself from her emotional state. 
He wanted to scream, not at her but at himself. How could he have put her through this? It was selfish of him, to say the very least.
“Y-Yeah, of course,” he stepped aside, allowing her to walk past him into the house. “Um, I think Nick and Chris will be back fairly soon,” Matt explained to her as he shut the front door, locking it behind him out of habit. He turned to face her. “I’m sure they don’t mind you hanging out in one of their rooms or something,” he mumbled, his gaze never meeting hers. 
“Please look at me.”
Matt obliged, looking up to meet her eyes, almost as if he was waiting for the command to do it. He felt his mouth go dry, and suddenly all of the words he knew became a jumbled mess of unintelligible alphabet soup in his head. “You haven’t talked to me in weeks…Did…Did I do something to upset you?” She asked him, worry and sincerity clear in her tone. She spoke slowly, thoughtfully; she didn’t want to come off like she was accusing him of anything. 
“No,” Matt started, licking his dry lips as he looked at her. Even now, exhausted and clearly hurt by the situation at hand, she still looked beautiful. He could look at her all day and never grow tired of it. “You didn’t do anything to upset me.” He could feel his hands growing clammy, his hands balling into fists and slipping into his pockets. 
“I must’ve done something… I mean, it's been three weeks, Matt,” she whispered. 
Matt pursed his lips, his heart ramming against his chest. Without warning, Matt felt his eyes glossing over, his lip trembling. “I did something awful, and I…I fucking hate myself so much,” he rasped. He watched as her beautiful, encapsulating eyes widened. She stepped toward him, concern written across her face, her hand reaching out to touch his bicep. 
You’re disgusting, Matt. How could you put her through this? All for your own selfish benefit. What will she do when you tell her? She has every right to hate you. She’d be stupid not to. You’re a greedy, disgusting creep. 
“Matty? Talk to me.” Her voice wavered as she spoke. “Please?” Her hand grasped his bicep ever so gently, and Matt looked down at her. It was like she had turned a light on inside of him. The jumbled mess tangled in his brain became undone in seconds. He felt the world come to a standstill. He could breathe again.
He hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath.
With a sharp exhale, Matt pursed his lips; something that had become a habit of his. “You’re gonna hate me.”
She let out a soft laugh. “I could never hate you.”
Matt stayed quiet, looking down at the floor. It didn’t take long for her soft fingers to rest beneath his chin, gently lifting his head to meet her gaze once again. Matt could have melted as he basked in the beautiful light of her smile. He felt her hand slip upwards to cup his cheek, her soft fingers brushing against the gruff texture of his messy facial hair. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Sorry for what?” She asked, her words laced with confusion, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked at him. “Matt, please talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
Matt sighed. He pulled away from her touch and made his way up the stairs, her following close behind him. He went and took a seat on the couch in the living room, his elbows digging into his knees as he held his head in his hands. He wanted to tell her, she deserved to know. It wasn’t right for him to keep this from her…but God he was terrified to know what she’d think of him. The seat next to him sunk down as she took a seat beside him, gently rubbing his arm to soothe him. “Matt?”
“I…really like you,” he whispered. “Like, really like you.”
“Matt…I like you too-”
“No,” he shook his head. “I have liked you for fucking years and I’ve always pussied out of telling you. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to risk losing our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way. I tried to ignore it for years, but…” he trailed off, taking a second to breathe. He needed to relax, to give himself time to put together exactly what he wanted to say and exactly how he wanted to say it. “I mean, I’ve liked you since middle school. I always thought you were funny and pretty and kind…Nick and Chris tried to set me up so many times so I could ask you out, but I just…I couldn’t do it.” He rubbed his face, his heart ramming against his chest from finally having the courage to tell her everything. After all of these years, his secret was out. “I never wanted to cut you off or ignore you, but after what you said that night-”
“What do you mean?” She asked, looking at him in confusion. “What did I say?” 
His heart stung a little. You don’t even remember…You don’t even remember telling me you loved me. Do you remember kissing me? Did it mean anything to you? Was it all just a drunken mistake to you? What am I thinking? Of course it meant nothing. I’m nothing, no one. “You said you loved me,” he replied simply, still refusing to make eye contact with her. 
“I…I said that?”
Matt nodded. “You kissed me, too.”
“I…I don’t even remember that…” she admitted. 
“That doesn’t surprise me, you were pretty drunk. I figured it was all just some drunken mistake,” he sighed. 
She shook her head, moving closer to his side. “Just because I was drunk doesn’t mean it was a mistake.”
“You don’t even remember it,” he reminded her. 
His heart stopped as her fingers gently traced his jaw, his head turning to meet her gaze. She was close, too close. He could smell her perfume, it made him feel dizzy just thinking about burying his face into her neck to drown himself in it. She looked deep into his eyes, Matt could have melted at the warmth in her gaze. “Help me remember,” she whispered, searching for any glimpse of hesitation or uncertainty in his eyes. He felt her lean in closer to him and he mirrored her, leaning in as well. 
“Are you sure?” He asked.
She didn’t respond, not verbally anyways. Her hand caressed his cheek, fingers brushing against his messy stubble. She closed the gap between them, her soft lips gently pressing against Matt’s. He felt his face heat up, warmth flooding his cheeks, she could surely feel it on her fingertips. He kissed her back slowly. Is this real? Please let this be real. If this is a dream, please let me stay here forever. 
Engulfed in a wave of passion, she pressed her free hand against his chest, her manicured nails gently grasping at the fabric of his shirt. Her head was swirling, her stomach churning as he cupped her face in his hands, their intimacy growing with each moment that passed by. He could hardly think straight, all he could focus on was her. The intoxicating scent of her perfume that had him feeling faint, the sweet taste of her lemon flavored lip balm, her soft skin caressing his; every thought he had was about her. It was always about her. 
He didn’t break the kiss for a second, he pulled her into him, his arms hooking around her and lifting her up as he rose to his feet. He smiled as she giggled into the kiss, humming softly against her lips. Matt felt her legs hook around his waist and he prayed that she couldn’t feel his erection pressing against her. He carried her swiftly to his bedroom, blindly shutting the door behind him with his foot. Tossing her onto his bed, a soft squeal escaped her and she looked up at him with her eyes that were sparkling with excitement. Matt crawled onto the bed, moving slowly, almost prowling like a predator, his arms resting on either side of her head to hold himself up above her. “I’m never letting you go again,” Matt mumbled softly, pressing a kiss to her soft sweet lips. 
She brought her hands up to his messy hair, tangling her fingers in the soft waves. “Don’t,” she murmured back, taking his bottom lip between her teeth. Matt groaned, the blood rushing to more than just his cheeks. He let his head fall into the crook of her neck at the feeling of her thigh lifting, his cock aching under the fabric of his thin pyjama pants. “F-Fuck, don’t do that.” He bit softly at her shoulder, sloppy open mouthed kisses trailing down to her collarbone. “I…I won’t be able to control it.” 
“I don’t want you to,” she breathed out.
Matt felt her thigh lift again, and he gave in. He rolled his hips, a low growl emitting from the back of his throat. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he grunted against her skin, nipping softly at her neck once more. He felt her fingers tug at his hair and Matt looked up to meet her lustful gaze. “I do,” she argued. Her eyes flickered to his lips, and she licked hers in anticipation. Matt’s dick throbbed, he could feel the precum dampening the fabric of his boxers. You do. You know how long I’ve wanted this because you’ve wanted it to. You’ve wanted me.
Matt’s breath caught in his throat, his brain hardly having the time to keep up with everything that was happening. He gasped as she pushed him off of her, his back landing softly against the mattress. He watched in awe as she hooked her leg over his thighs, straddling his waist, the bulge in his pants being far from unnoticeable at this point. His eyes traced every inch of her body, his mind only being able to process how beautiful she looked. Her hair fell in dark waves over her shoulders, her skin glowed in the soft orange haze emitting from the LED strips taped to his ceiling. Reaching one hand up, Matt gently dragged his knuckle along her cheek. “You’re so pretty,” he whispered, his fingers delicately tucking her hair behind her ear. His lips connected with hers again, pulling her body closer to his. 
Not bearing the thought of breaking the kiss, Matt blindly fumbled with the drawstrings of his pyjama pants. Sensing the desperation from him, she moved her hands down to his lap to assist his failing attempts. The soft graze of her fingers over his crotch made his cock jolt, his hips bucking forward as a whorish moan fell from his lips into her mouth. Her teeth gently nipped at his bottom lip as she kissed him, her confidence never faltering. Her soft hands slipped under the waistband of his pants. Matt was almost sure he was going to cum on the spot. Her fingers dragged slowly along the dick print in his boxers, and Matt found it very difficult to focus. She was so gentle. Matt could feel the warmth from her palm as her hand cupped him. His lips had trouble keeping up with hers. His mind flooded with adrenaline and dopamine. “I need you,” he exhaled, his nose brushing against hers, lips ghosting over her own. “Please, I’ve needed you for so long.”
She laughed softly. “How do you want me, Matty?”
“Just like this,” he whispered, pressing his lips softly to the corner of her mouth, kissing down to her jaw. He pulled her closer to him, groaning softly as her hips moved against his ever so slightly. “Please, I wanna see you. I wanna watch you,” he mumbled, his lips now pressed to the underside of her jaw, sucking softly at her skin. He dreamed of this for years; kissing her, marking her, letting everyone know that she was his. 
She gasped softly, her head falling to the side to allow Matt access to her neck. The softest of whines fell from her lips, doing nothing to ease Matt’s excitement. “Pretty, pretty girl,” he hummed, his voice coated thick with desire. His teeth nipped at her soft skin. His hands ran up her sides and swiftly over her chest. His fingers trembled as he hesitantly let his hands rest on the plush of her breasts. His breath felt hot against her skin, his rhythm faltered slightly. He stopped for a moment to admire her, looking up to meet her gaze. Matt swallowed his nerves, panting softly from the pure sensual intimacy. It was the furthest he had ever gone and it was driving him crazy. Twenty years old and it was the first time he had held a woman this close to him, the first time he had ever felt the weight of a woman’s breasts in his hands, the first time he had ever left a mark on someone. 
She could tell that he was nervous; she found it cute. His inexperience, his shy demeanor, his soft touches. It was driving her crazy. Her hands came down to rest on top of his, and almost immediately he went to pull away. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, but was shocked when she grasped his wrists, bringing his hands back to her chest. His dick ached in his boxers, a feeling he was all too familiar with when it came to her. She closed the gap between them, leaning in and kissing him once more. His hands were steady now, his confidence boosted. A wave of courage surged through him, his hands squeezing her soft breasts as he kissed her. She hummed against his lips, a sound that he was still learning to get used to. 
His fingers tugged at the fabric of her shirt. “Please,” his voice muffled against her lips, afraid that if he pulled away it would all disappear. She didn’t need him to say anything more though, and she pulled away from the kiss for a moment, just long enough to pull her shirt off over her head and toss it blindly onto the floor of Matt’s bedroom. Matt’s hands cupped her breasts once again, grunting softly against her plump lips as his fingers came in contact with her bra. “You couldn’t make this easy for me, huh?” he breathed out, looking up through his enviously long eyelashes at her as his hands snaked behind her. She giggled softly, her own hands holding his shoulders to keep herself steady. “To be fair, I didn’t think we’d end up here. I thought you hated me,” she hummed. 
“I could never hate you,” he repeated her words from earlier, his large hands encompassing her breasts. She whimpered, pursing her lips. “I’ve loved you for too long to ever hate you.”
He pressed kisses to her chest, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her perfume. His fingers fumbled with the clasp of her bra. Any confidence he had built washed away as the clasp stayed clipped behind her. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried again to unclasp it but to no avail. He huffed in annoyance. “This is fucking stupid.”
“Need some help?” She laughed softly, reaching behind her and swiftly unclasping her bra. Matt ran his hands gently up to her shoulders, slipping the straps of her bra down her arms. He watched in awe as the fabric fell from her chest, revealing her perfect ample breasts. All he could do was stare for a solid minute, admiring her in every way possible. They were absolutely perfect. They were heavy but still somehow perky, her pink nipples hardened under his gaze. He licked his lips. She blushed as he stared at her, not used to the intimate tension between them. “Stop,” she whispered, bringing her hands up to hide her face, her arms covering her chest. Matt’s strong hands grasped her wrists delicately, pulling her hands away from her face. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “You’re just-”
“I know,” she sighed. 
Matt raised an eyebrow, seeing the way her expression changed. “I don’t think you do...” He let his gaze flicker down to her chest once again, a soft moan echoing at the back of his throat, his cock throbbing in his boxers. “Can I touch you?”
She took her bottom lip between her teeth, answering him with a single nod of her head. Her arms fall to her sides, allowing him access to her chest once again. He grazed her chest with his rough fingers, his thumb brushing over her hardened nipple. The sound she made was like a drug, he wanted it injected into his veins. He softly pinched her nipples, his palms cupping the weight of her chest. She watched him as soft moans fell from her lips, all she could think about was how badly she craved him. How badly she wanted him. Matt lifted her breasts ever so slightly before letting go of them, watching them fall back to their resting position. He reached behind him, tugging the hem of his shirt up over his head. He blindly tossed his shirt to the side, not caring where it landed. Once it was off of him, Matt pulled her body even closer to his, their chests pressing together. Matt cupped her cheek, kissing her hungrily. Their lips moved together passionately, synchronizing perfectly. 
She moaned softly, reaching between them and slipping her hand under the waistband of his pants. “So big, Matty,” she whispered softly against his lips, a shiver running down his spine as the warmth of her hand cupped him through his underwear once again. Jaw going slack, Matt let out yet another sound of bliss. He felt himself aching for her, aching to be inside of her. He needed it. He’d die without it. “I need you, Matt,” she admitted, stroking him at an agonizingly slow pace. His voice caught in his throat as he kissed her, his hands slipping from her waist to tug his pyjama bottoms down. He groaned, slipping his thumbs under the band of his pants and boxers, sliding them down to his thighs. His cock stood proudly, his tip red and swollen as his arousal leaked from his slit. 
She parted from the kiss for a moment, looking down at his lap. Her mouth watered at the sight of his erection. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. He was big, at least seven or eight inches. He kept the hair trimmed and neat. He had the most perfect dick she had ever laid her eyes on. He took his cock in his large hand, stroking himself slowly as she watched him. Matt groaned again. “You did this,” he mumbled lowly. “You make me feel like this. Look at what you do to me.” He panted, coating his shaft with the precum leaking into his hand. “F-Fuck, I’m so tired of my hand, baby. Been wanting you for months.”
He watched as she shimmied out of her own shorts, kicking them off of her and onto the floor with the rest of their discarded clothes. She sat herself on his thighs, her fingers tracing over her heat through her panties. Matt practically drooled at the sight of her arousal pooling in her underwear. Her fingers circled over her clit slowly, her lip catching between her teeth. Matt fisted at his cock, his gaze never daring to tear away from her. He let out a shaky breath, his hair falling in front of his face, his swollen pink lips parting as whorish whines forced their way out of his throat. “You did this,” she copied. Sliding her nimble fingers over the patch of wetness her arousal had made. He groaned, licking his lips. He watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath she took, her plush thighs pressing against either side of his as she sat on his lap. Matt used his free hand to touch her waist, thumbing at her soft skin. Her eyelids were heavy, her eyes glossed over with desire and longing. 
Matt hesitated. He wanted to move forward, he wanted to continue. His nerves got the best of him though, and he froze. This was real. This was happening. And he had no idea how to move forward with it. Maybe I should have had sex before this, maybe then I wouldn’t be so awkward and nervous. What do I do now? Do I touch her? Do I kiss her again? 
As if she could sense it, she leaned in and kissed him softly. “Don’t think too much, you’re doing great,” she whispered. His heart swelled at her praiseful words. “I’m sorry-” he started, but she stopped him with another swift kiss on the lips. She pulled her underwear down and kicked them off, leaving herself bare in front of him. Matt kissed her back, bringing both of his hands down to her waist. She hummed against his lips, hooking her arms around his shoulders. 
Matt laid back against the pillows once more, pulling her hips toward him. “Let me taste you,” he hummed. “Please.”
She obliged, letting him maneuver her to exactly where he wanted her. Matt’s fingers dug into the plush skin of her thighs, pulling her hips down toward his face. She gasped, feeling the warmth of his tongue delicately lick a stripe up her heat. Her fingers knotted in his hair, her stomach lurching as she took a sharp inhale. A cocky smile tugged at his lips. Matt pressed a supple kiss to her clit, one of his hands sliding up her thigh. He flattened his tongue against her drooling pussy, moaning as her arousal coated his tongue. The taste was unlike anything he had ever experienced. She was sweet, like freshly picked cherries. Juicy and ripe with flavor. Matt licked another stripe through her folds, circling her clit gently with his tongue. His nose brushed softly against her pelvis. Every breath he took filled his lungs with the sweet scent of vanilla, his head was spinning as it infected his brain, encapsulating every thought of his. He flicked his tongue, earning a sweet mewl of pleasure from her. He did it again, receiving the same rewarding sound in return. 
Matt kissed her clit again, sucking ever so delicately. He felt her squirm above him and he slipped his hands up to her waist, holding her still. He flicked his tongue over her clit again and again, loving the beautiful sounds she made, the sounds that he made her make. He couldn’t hold back any longer, he needed to have her. He pulled her hips down to feel the weight of her on top of him. He shook his head slightly, burying his face between her thighs, his nose brushing against her bundle of nerves as he swirled his tongue experimentally between her folds. She gasped, rocking her hips against his face. Matt groaned, finding the sight above him almost pornographic. He had only dreamed of this moment more times than he could count. He had spent years studying, learning all of the things that women loved and hated. He wasn’t going to ruin his shot with her. 
“M-Matt,” she whined, running her fingers through his messy hair, pushing it out of his face. Matt hummed a soft ‘thank you’ against her, smirking when he got another moan from her in response. “Matty, feels so good,” she sighed, rolling her hips against his face again. He flattened his tongue against her heat. She let her head fall back, continuing to rock her hips to get herself off on his tongue. Matt may have been inexperienced, but he could have fooled her. 
“Please, I want you Matt,” she breathed out. “I need to feel you inside of me.”
Matt pressed a soft kiss to her clit one last time before releasing his iron grip on her waist, letting her lift her hips. She moved back to straddle his waist, Matt reaching between their bodies. He took ahold of his shaft, gently rubbing his tip through her soaked folds. She whined, lowering her hips. Matt groaned as his tip pressed against her entrance, breathing out sharply as it slipped through her folds again. “F-Fuck,” he grunted, his face flushed with heat. He tried again, lining himself up with her entrance. He choked out a flustered moan as it slipped again, his tip sliding over her clit. Matt felt like he could cry, embarrassed by his inexperience. 
“Nice and easy, baby,” she cooed, replacing his hand with her own and lining himself with her entrance once again. She slowly let her hips drop, and Matt gasped as he felt her sink down onto his shaft. His jaw went slack, shaky breaths falling from his lips. Her tight cunt swallowed his cock, a feeling that Matt had been dreaming of for years. He groaned as she took all of him, his hands grasping her waist tightly, fingers digging into her hip bones. “Holy f-fuck.”
“S-So big, Matty,” she exhaled. Matt looked down at where their bodies connected, swallowing the lump in his throat. He moved one of his hands to her lower abdomen, his fingers tracing over the very faint outline of his cock through her skin. “I-Is this supposed to…” he trailed off, pressing his hand softly against her abdomen, earning a high pitched whine from her. She lifted her hips, Matt watching in awe as she sunk back down onto him. 
She kept her pace slow and controlled, her pussy clenching around his cock with each rise and fall of her hips. He panted, desire coursing through him. He had never felt pleasure this satisfying before. Jerking off couldnt even begin to compare to this. He had dreamed of this, of what her pussy would feel like around him. It was even better than he could have imagined. The warmth, the tightness, her sounds. Matt whined, closing his eyes tightly. His head fell back against the pillows. He bucked his hips up, choking out a cry as the pleasure flooded through his body. His muscles tightened, his body trembled, his head felt cloudy. 
Matt took a second to catch his breath, and then he froze. He opened his eyes, looking up at her with guilt ridden eyes. There’s no fucking way…
“Did you just-”
Matt’s ears glowed red with embarrassment. He watched as she lifted her hips, his cock still erect and standing proudly as she raised herself off of him. Matt felt his stomach tighten as his cum oozed from her entrance, sliding down her thighs. He swallowed, his throat feeling unbelievably dry. There’s no fucking way I just came. It’s been, what? Five minutes? 
She looked at him with something in her eyes that he couldn’t describe. Was it disappointment? It had to be.
Matt sat upright, pulling her closer to him. He brushed her hair out of her face, his fingers touching her cheek. “No, no I’m not ready for this to be over,” he mumbled before kissing her hungrily. She let out a surprised moan, her hands coming up to cup his face. He reached between their bodies, lining himself up with her entrance yet again. 
He slipped into her with ease, groaning as he bottomed out almost immediately. He brought his large hands down to her ass, guiding her hips. She caught on, rocking her hips at the pace he had set. She moaned against his soft lips, feeling him fill her up with each slow sensual thrust. Matt lifted her up slightly, rolling both of them over so that she was laying beneath him, never pulling away from her for even a second. He held himself up by his forearms, burying himself deep inside of her. A mix between a groan and a growl escaped his throat, his hips bucking forward again to re-live the feeling. “Such a tight pussy, fuck, I knew you’d be tight for me.” He ducked his head down into her neck, sloppy kisses covering her skin . “F-Fuck, baby. Can’t blame me f-for cumming fast when you feel th-this good.” 
She whined, acknowledging his words though she couldn’t figure out what to say in response. Her head was clouded with thoughts of him. Her body trembled under his touch. She clenched around him with each thrust he made. She bit her lip, trying her best to hold back her sounds, but Matt wasn’t having it. He brought a hand to her cheek, his thumb running over her bottom lip, gently pulling it from where it was trapped between her teeth. “Let me hear you, princess.”
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, a sight that drove him crazy. He began thrusting a little faster, satisfaction feeding his ego when he heard her moans fall from her lips. “Atta girl, fuck you sound so pretty…look so pretty too,” he mumbled. He sharply bucked his hips forward, a pornographic moan escaping her. Matt grunted, repeating the action in a desperate attempt to hear it again. His hand slid down to her chest, his fingers tweaking her nipple just the way she liked it. He watched in amusement as she squirmed beneath him, whining and panting, a complete mess. 
His hips snapped forward, his reward being another whorish moan. He was obsessed with the way her ample tits bounced and recoiled with each thrust he made. The headboard began to rock into the wall, knocking against it. “I fucking love you,” he breathed out, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He bit and sucked at her skin, marking her with his lips. “You’re mine,” he growled, nipping at her neck. “Say it. Say you’re my girl.”
She nodded, opening her mouth to speak but only the soft sounds of her enjoyment answered him. He grunted, his arm wrapping around her back, pressing her body against his. “Say it.”
“Y-Yours,” she managed to squeak out. “I love you, I-I’m yours,” she replied. 
“Good girl,” he mumbled, thrusting into her again and again, his second orgasm building up inside of him. He felt her clench around his cock, his hips jolting forward. “Want you to cum for me,” he growled, sucking another mark into her skin as he rocked his hips into hers, burying his dick inside of her. 
She whined, reaching down between their bodies to rub her clit, her heart pounding, her blood pumping, her breathing growing rapid and uneven. Matt could tell that she was close, he had watched enough porn to know the signs. He felt a sense of pride, he had worried that he wouldn’t perform well his first time but it was proving to be the opposite. “Say my name,” Matt demanded. 
“M-Mmph…” she whimpered, body tensing up as her orgasm began to wash over her. Matt grunted in her ear, roughly thrusting into her. “Say my name.”
“F-Fuck, Matt!” she cried out, a string of filthy moans following as she reached her high. Her thighs began to tremble, her body flooded with warmth. Matt groaned as she clenched around him again, and it was the last thing he needed to reach his own orgasm. Matt thrusted his hips a couple more times, riding out his high as he filled her with his load, his cum leaking out of her tight pussy and down his shaft. He breathed heavily as he came down from the euphoric feeling, lifting himself up to look down at her. 
She looked up at him with tired eyes, hazy and glossed over with desire. He stroked her cheek, his thumb gently running over her lips. She watched his gaze, no guy had ever looked at her like this before, especially after sex. His eyes held so much love and adoration. “I hope you know I’m never gonna be able to get over you.” 
She laughed softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “Who said you’d need to?”
a/n: trust me, im cooking. He didn't tell her the 'awful thing he did' for a reason.
Tags: @flowerxbunnie @mattslolita @mattsbratt69 @oversturn @simplysturn @soursturniolo @megamett44-lover @cupidsword @sturnybabes @jjmaybankswifes-blog @plasticferal @liz-stxrn @sturniolosreads @sturnioloskies @bernardsleftbootycheek @egirlshit @matthemunch44 @nonamegirlxsturniolo @chrizz333 @sturniolopowers @mattsleftnipple03 @worldlxvlys @hearts4chris @tillies33ssss @janiellasblog @creamoncreamoncream2 @breeloveschris @meg-sturniolo @ellie-luvsfics @mattsfavwh3re @lustfulslxt @braindead4l @xtravrgnoliveoil @ghostlythinggoingaround @taekwite @rootbeerworshiper @leah-loves-lilies @querenciasturniolo @simplysturn
723 notes · View notes
wlntrsldler · 3 months
smau (instagram): luke castellan x poseidon!reader
based on yourstingrey's post about luke being a drake stan and my obsession with this guy’s tiktok videos
a smau where luke didn’t betray everyone and chb allowed phones; teenage, drake stan!luke (birthdays edition)
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tagged yn_yln, silenabeauregard, and others.
clarisselarue: shut up, the birthday girl’s talking 🎂
yn_yln: happy birthday clar <3 i love u
clarisselarue: i loveeee you more. thanks for celebrating with me!!!
silenabeauregard: ohhhh u look so good in the first picture
clarisselarue: thanks for taking the best pictures of me ily
silenabeauregard: i’d literally do anything for u
chrisr0driguez: happy birthday clarisse!!! hope you had a good one!!
lukecastell4n: he was shaking typing out this comment
poseidonsfavchild: bro is down BAD
poseidonsfavchild: happy bday clarisse thanks for contributing to my character development (bullying me)
lukecastell4n: presents, presence, and power g 💯 have a good one!
bethchase: what does this mean luke
gr0verunderwood: ????
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tagged bethchase, gr0verunderwood, and others.
poseidonsfavchild: FINALLY a teenager 😈
bethchase: nobody leave ur cabins ITS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY
gr0verunderwood: bro turned 13 and forgot how to act
poseidonsfavchild: bro is in his 20’s and beefing with a 13 yr old?
yn_yln: happy birthday baby bro 🔱🩵 (change ur username! it’s false 😃)
poseidonsfavchild: did he show up to ur birthday party??? DIDNT THINK SO
yn_yln: DAD WAS THERE?
lukecastell4n: another point scored against Father Time, i see you 💯
poseidonsfavchild: what do u know about fathers?
clarisselarue: nah u ate with this 😭😭
chrisr0driguez: PAUSE.
bethchase: percy.
poseidonsfavchild: sorry
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tagged lukecastell4n, clarisselarue, and others.
yn_yln: another trip around the sun! thanks for not letting me drown, dad 🩵
poseidonsfavchild: how r u a child of poseidon and dont know how to swim? AT UR GROWN AGE?
poseidonsfavchild: happy bday tho sis
yn_yln: thanks percy 🙄
clarisselarue: happy birthday my love ❤️‍🔥
yn_yln: thank uuuuu clar i love u always
silenabeauregard: happy birthday pretty girl 🩷
yn_yln: thank u bae
lukecastell4n: here’s to another chapter of your legend. love you 🖤
poseidonsfavchild: how u managed to pull my sister is the biggest unsolved mystery of our generation
bethchase: can u say happy birthday like a normal person for once
chrisr0driguez: dont listen to the haters bro this one goes hard
yn_yln: love you always <3
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tagged yn_yln, chrisr0driguez, and others.
lukecastell4n: more life
poseidonsfavchild: hey brother cake and candles man
poseidonsfavchild: salute to your birth anniversary bro
gr0verunderwood: roaring into another year of glory
bethchase: acknowledging your yearly ascent
clarisselarue: celebrating ur legacy day big dawg
silenabeauregard: marking another year of your strength
yn_yln: happy birthday lover boyyyy
lukecastell4n: thank you babyyyy
lukecastell4n: ik yall are clowning me in the comments but jokes on you, these comments go hard
poseidonsfavchild: ....
bethchase: luke pls
chrisr0driguez: NAH FR these are bars
liked by lukecastell4n.
389 notes · View notes
afewproblems · 6 months
The Holiday Party had gone quite smoothly, more than he was expecting if Steve was being honest with himself.
Until about halfway through, but that was pretty par for the course.
Jonathan had unearthed an old Rummoli Board from a box labeled 'Basement Misc', the Byers were still in the middle of unpacking from their move back to Hawkins, and brought it alongside a bottle of wine that Nancy had managed to smuggle from the Wheelers liquor cabinet.
Robin, who rode with Eddie and Argyle, brought pizza, the only copy of It's A Wonderful Life from Family Video, and way too much weed for just the six of them.
"It isn't a party without a little Kush Stevie," Eddie had told him, clapping his warm hand on Steve's shoulder, his thumb just high enough to rest on bare skin above the collar of his sweater.
All Steve could do was roll his eyes and take the pizzas, quickly ducking into the kitchen before Robin or, God Forbid, Eddie could comment on the pink flush that had taken over his face at the new nickname.
Robin had been insisting that Steve just tell Eddie how he felt for the last few weeks. Rip the bandaid off and come clean. What was the worst that could happen?
Which, really Robin?
Steve knows exactly what happens when someone puts themselves out there only for the other person to not feel the same way. His whole argument was currently sitting in his living room for fucks sake.
Sure, Steve and Nancy were on better terms now, but it also took two years to get there, and even still, there was a weird tension when they found themselves alone together.
So, no, telling Eddie was not an option, Robin.
Steve could keep it together. He could deal with the ache in his chest at the sight of Eddie's smile. Steve could deal with the way his heart beat quickened whenever Eddie said his name. He could deal with the heady flush that bloomed every time Eddie touched him.
He was fine, it was fine.
And, movie nights like these were nothing new in the wake of Vecnas defeat and the destruction of the Upside Down. Steve needed to keep it together if he wanted to continue to have this. Nights without the kids to look after or the adults to hide their indulgences from, these were the nights where they could truly relax.
These were Steve's favourite, and he was not going to let some Bullshit feelings stand in the way of being able to see Eddie.
This Christmas Eve found the six of them lounging on pillows and extra couch cushions from the basement to make the 'best movie watching set-up thank you very much', according to Robin, and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the umpteenth time.
"I can't believe that George Bailey would wish for something like that, when it's so obvious that people care about him," Robin scoffs at the top of her voice about halfway through the movie, prompting a irritated Shush from Nancy.
"That bro is depressed man, it's like a cry for help, and on Christmas, this shit is heavy dude," Argyle hums, lifting his fist up to Robin who shakes it with a wild grin. The two erupt into violent giggles which begin to creep into Steve and Eddie and eventually Jonathan as well. Nancy rolls her eyes but can't help the smile that takes over her face as well.
"Who would wish to never be born when you could just wish for the bank to like, not fuck you over, seems like a waste of a wish if you ask me," Eddie says as the last traces of giggles begin to finally disapate.
"Ooo, Eddie's right!" Robin says as she reaches for the remote, hitting pause on the movie. She waves her hands through the chorus of groans from everyone except Eddie who turns around to Steve with an incredulous expression on his face.
Steve shrugs as Robin continues, unable to look away from those large brown eyes until a hand darts out to smack him in the chest.
"Steve, pay attention," Robin huffs, "let's go around and share what we would wish for!"
Oh shit.
Steve turns on the couch to fully face Robin with narrowed eyes. She grins at him, lifting a single eyebrow as her blue eyes dart between Eddie and Steve.
Steve opens his mouth to argue, to insist that they just carry on with the movie, only for Eddie to drum his hands against his knees and speak.
"Oh birdie, I'm way ahead of you, this is Wayne's favorite Christmas movie so I've done a lot of thinking 'bout this".
Eddie clears his throat and lifts his hands from his knees now as though he's about to launch into a story for Hellfire, "I would personally wish for the money to be able to fund Corroded Coffin full time, get a demo done, and then be able to kiss this fucking one horse town good bye!"
Steve feels the words hit him like a bucket of cold water.
Eddie wants to leave Hawkins.
His wish, his dream, for forever from the sounds of it, is to leave them all behind.
To leave Steve behind.
The voices from the group, pitched high and low, all blend together into one as the rest of the group share their own wishes.
Steve absently feels a small hand grip his own, he looks up to see Robin staring at him, a worried frown pinched between her eyebrows. He answers her silent question with a shake of his head.
It was fine, he was fine. This was a good thing, better to know now than later when Eddie would inevitably leave him behind.
Steve startles as a ringed hand waves precariously close to his face. Eddie smiles faintly at him, one dimple on display as he speaks again.
"Kinda lost you for a second there, what about your wish?"
"Oh," he manages to say with a slight laugh in his voice, even as his brain fills with static, "um, I haven't ever really thought about it, maybe some new music or something".
Nancy and Jonathan both boo loudly from the love seat while Argyle nods with a hazy smile.
"Right on my man, sounds like Eddie'll be able to help when his band makes it big," he says before turning back to the television and slumping even more heavily into the couch.
Steve forces out another bright laugh, ignoring how much it burns his throat and crushes his chest. The only thing keeping him in his seat is the firm hold of Robin's hand on his own.
He doesn't look at Eddie as he leans forward to press play on the movie once more, letting the music and dialogue fill the room once more.
Later, as the end of the credits roll and the tape switches back to static, Nance and Jonathan are fast asleep. The pair are cuddled up on the love seat, their heads leaning against one another. It would almost be cute if not for the pang of envy that fills Steve at the sight.
Steve tries to bask in the warmth of having Robin cuddled into his side, knowing it will alleviate at least some of the ache in his chest. Robins eyes have been steadily growing heavier as she slowly falls further and further into Steves side. He smiles, reaching up to brush her hair away from her face.
At least he has Robin, and maybe for now that is enough.
This is a part one, let me know if anyone would like a part Two?
641 notes · View notes
k-hotchoisan · 4 months
(Updated version because I forgot to add one more detail!) Hello! Can I request an ATEEZ smut based on the song I Want You by SB19? Any member will do please?
Here's the Music Video: https://youtu.be/s25Yi6pZnMs?si= ZpzmmV6Yvy1Wa4bZ
And the sound Audio:
https://open.spotify.com/track /16GGH8OF6LISUTTbm8421f?si= 2zklm5olQIKxp2yodrwv1Q
Note: SB19 is a boy group from the Philippines (Which is my country (I'm born from the Philippines by the way haha))), which they became super popular because of the song "GENTO" (Which the song became super popular they did the dance challenge.) (San did that dance challenge! (https://youtu.be/zn8GzEhPqkl?si= qrHRBKWcasrAW2HC))
Thabk you and have a great time. 🌹
Hey Queennie (and also to my fellow readers) Thank you for waiting for this. I was in a rut and not mentally doing well. I hope you haven’t forgotten about me 😭🩷
Also note: YES IVE HEARD ABOUT SB19!! The song got me side eyeing in the best ways possible HAHAHA
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The girl in front of him is stunning, but even when he’s all over her, he can’t seem to get you out of his head. So when his phone buzzes and it’s you, he finds himself standing before you with another chance he’s willing to gamble.
Genres/warnings: smut, angst(?) cream pies, orgasms, unprotected sex, fwb to exes to lovers?, Mingi is actually so hung up on you, reconciliation
🩷 Taglist: @bro-atz @diamond-3 @mcarebearsstuff @choisansplushie @voicesinmyhead-rc @pre1ttyies @hwallazia @songmingisthighs
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10 months.
10 months since you both stopped talking.
Mingi thought he’d move on by then. The girl in front of him was absolutely stunning, her hands hanging loosely around his neck. She smells like vanilla, but he feels that it’s overpowering. He can’t really see her under the dim flashing lights of the club, but he doesn’t pull away when her hands pull his neck closer to kiss her.
He tastes the fruity cocktail in between her lips, and he can think about is the taste of yours, the feeling of your lips pressed against his. The mere thought of it quickly turns into something he craves. Something he was deprived of for 10 months. Mingi’s hands that were on her waist shift lower down her sides, while she pulls him closer and deeper into the kiss. She thinks they’re getting lost in it. Mingi is definitely lost, though, not in the kiss.
All he thinks about is how your waist feels when he slowly touches her up, and his cock strains against his jeans when he thinks of the way you would moan in his mouth, while your hands run all over him, and how you’d edge him slowly with your hands around his cock while you make him melt against your lips. He’d always pull back breathless and desperate. Always.
His eyes slowly open when she pulls back.
Mingi feels guilty. It’s as if he’s doing something wrong to you. It’s driving him fucking nuts that he can’t see you, and the worst part of it all is that it was his fault. So damn fucked up that he was the one who initiated to stop whatever the two of you had.
“Mingi”, she calls out and his attention snaps back to her. This is his third date with this chick he met online, but for some reason, she simply looks like a stranger. Her fingers tap along his jaw.
“Should we go your place or mine?” She asks as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.
Mingi doesn’t even realise he’s half hard. But she probably did. He weighs his decisions. And then he realises he really wants to fuck.
But fuck her? He’s hesitant. He obviously has someone else in mind.
“Not today. I have plans early tomorrow”, he lies. She’s about to pout and try to convince him, until she’s interrupted by Mingi’s phone buzzing in his pants.
“Sorry, give me a moment”, he pauses to take the call. He puts his cell to his ear and his breath is stuck in his throat when he hears who’s at the other end of the line.
“Yunho…? Could you pick me up?”
Mingi blinks. The fact that you broke the no contact meant that you never blocked him even though you said you would. His heart is racing in his ears.
“Hello? Yunho? Are you there?”
It makes him snap out his trance a little.
“Yeah. Where are you at?”
“Uhh, the family mart near xxx club. I’m tryna sober up.”
You’re near. It’s not too far away.
“Okay. I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thanks. Oh, and don’t tell Mingi.”
That’s all you say before you hang up on him. He’s still in disbelief. No, wait, maybe it’s a chance. He glances down at the girl, who’s starting to look impatient.
“Uh. Something just came up. I’m sorry we had to cut this short but it’s kind of an emergency.”
That’s when Mingi realises he’s a fucking terrible liar.
She rolls her eyes, evidently annoyed at the interference. Mingi doesn’t even let her respond before he nods quickly and disappears into the crowd and out of the club. He knows that this will have repercussions, but it’s one he’s willing to risk.
There you are. Still looking absolutely breathtaking even when you’re trying to keep yourself together despite the alcohol. It was as if the 10 months never happened. He’s breathless from almost sprinting to where you were at.
He stands before you, watching the way you’re scrolling through your phone mindlessly, the light from the screen illuminating the tear stains on your cheeks. Were you crying? He takes a breath, wondering how you’d react to seeing him after 10, long, agonising months.
Your eyebrows scrunch for a second at the familiar husky voice. You look up, and your mind blanks out when you see Mingi standing right before you.
“Mingi? What the fuck are you doing here? Did Yuyu send you here? Fucking son of a-“
“It wasn’t Yunho,” Mingi cuts you off. “It was me who you called.”
You blink slowly at him, processing what he just said before narrowing your eyes at him.
“There’s no fucking way. I’m pretty sure I blocked you”, you reply with a frown, before opening your call logs, scrolling through and your frown is replaced quickly with wide eyes and disbelief.
Goddamn, did you sober up quick after that. You glance back at Mingi, who has an unreadable expression on his face. You cover your face with your hands, feeling your face flush, but definitely not from the alcohol this time.
Mingi takes a seat beside you, leaning forward towards you. His heart is racing as fast as a race car right now. It’s been forever since he’s this close to you.
“Ugh. This is so embarrassing”, you mutter in your hands before you drop them to your lap.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about”, he assures, which only makes you more flustered and borderline irritated.
“You could have called Yunho. You didn’t have to come”, you jab, not wanting to look at him, because he’s staring at you so intently. To Mingi, at least, you’re like home. The relationship you both had no label, all because he was so fucking foolish for thinking it would never be more than what it was.
He was wrong, clearly, because now he’s here beside you, and he wouldn’t ask for anything else.
He’s determined.
Determined to make things right, at least.
“I was the one who you called, not Yunho,” Mingi replies, unwavering.
“It was a mistake”, you sigh, feeling the tears pool around your eyes. Even though Mingi is the last person on earth you wanted to see now, you can’t help but crave for him.
“No it wasn’t. Do you know what’s an actual mistake?” Mingi retorts back. His back is straightened, and he wears a frown.
Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears. Probably coming over? Probably seeing you again? Probably you? You remember how it started like it was fresh from yesterday—it started when he had trapped you on the couch, his tall frame looming over yours when he was trying to get back at you for teasing him.
Like a spark, it ignited bright and burned like a forest fire. So intense that you couldn’t get him out of your system. You pretended you were okay with the arrangement even though the flames were burning through your feelings too. Everything about it was so addicting. If this was forest fire, you were the moth. Until three months later, he suddenly called it off.
“We should stop. I’m not sure what I want right now.”
You shut your eyes and your head spins. “What?”
Mingi swallows hard before his words leave his mouth, “whatever I said 10 months ago. That was a mistake.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, staring at Mingi. And it was a fucking mistake. He’s looking at you with those fucking puppy eyes he knows you’re weak for. Well, now you’re completely sober. But you don’t follow. Why the fuck is he telling you all of this now?
“Elaborate”, you challenge, facing the male.
Mingi covers it up very well but you can tell that he’s getting nervous and flustered.
“Calling it off. It was a mistake,” he answers, his fists balling.
You scoff, even though your heart is bursting. No, you’re not surrendering to him. Not yet. “You’re telling me this now? Weren’t you seeing someone?”
“Was”, he replies a little too quickly, a little too enthusiastically. “Then you called.”
There is a drawn out silence between the both of you momentarily.
“Let’s go. I’ll bring you home, y/n.”
You stare at him for a moment as another load of silence follows. You know it’s a bad idea. You know you shouldn’t let him in again.
Mingi seems to pick up on your concern and distance, and especially your coldness. “I won’t do anything to you. I promise. I’ll leave if you want me to. But it’s not safe for you to just be alone here.”
You know he’s right. He may be an asshole for doing what he did but at least you know Mingi is a man of his word.
His hand is outstretched towards you, and you hesitantly let your fingers graze against his palm. Mingi swears he feels electricity shoot down his spine just from your touch, and a simple one—just a soft brush of your fingers has him ready to be on his knees for you.
You let go quickly when you regain composure and follow Mingi to his car.
The ride back is quiet, much to your relief, letting you sober up as you let the cold night wind brush along your cheeks. What you don’t realise is the amount of glances Mingi casts you when he stops at the red light, and he sees the soft glow of your tear stains.
Mingi pulls over, and as before you could unbuckle the seatbelt with your own two hands, Mingi’s big frame looks over you, his face inches away from you. His gaze catches yours and you hold a breath, expecting him to do something.
Which he does—unbuckle your seat.
In truth, Mingi really wants to kiss you. So bad. To feel you up. He’s so starved it’s insane how he survived ten whole months after foolishly breaking off something that shouldn’t even mean anything. Something that was just simply casual.
“I won’t lay a finger on you if you don’t want me to”, Mingi reminds you as he pulls the car door open for you to leave.
At your doorstep, he doesn’t leave just yet though. He haphazardly dumps his keys onto the little tray you have to hold yours. You don’t say anything. After all, this place was once where he resided with you. He knew it like the back of his hand.
Just like you.
It’s a hard feeling to shake, you think. The familiarity rushes back to you, as if the 10 months never happened. You wish it didn’t.
You push past him and he watches you (thankfully) walk a straight line towards your bathroom. He lets you freshen up, and tells himself he won’t stay for too long—just long enough to make sure you’re alright and going to sleep in peace. He shuts his eyes for a while, letting the soft, cold blows of the air conditioner prick his cheeks.
You step out of the shower, and you see him sprawled on the couch, his slow breaths heavy and steady. Despite every bone in your body telling you not to, you take a seat beside him. He stirs slightly before his sleepy eyes meet yours, barely open before he turns away, combing back his hair.
“You shouldn’t drive if you’re tired, Mingi”, you say. “Go take a shower. I’ll pass you your clothes.”
A prick blooms at the corner of your heart when you say that. You never had the courage to contact Mingi to return his clothes when he was staying over. You were sure you had your clothes kept at his place too. Mingi nods as he leaves for the bathroom, leaving you with your web of thoughts. The resentment was boiling whenever you thought about it, and especially when you are in your room, pulling out the lowest drawer and reluctantly reaching out to feel the fabric that Song Mingi wore, some you wore too and you knew he loved it when you did that.
How did you let him lure you into a situation ship like this?
You dump his clothes onto the counter and climb onto your bed. There was no awkwardness, just tension, and a lot of unspoken words. Words that you were determined to pull out of him so you could finally move on in peace.
There he was, leaving the shower looking like a whole new person. His eyes look a lot softer now, accompanying his damp hair when he has his make up removed. He doesn’t get on the bed.
“What are you trying to get at, Song Mingi?” You question, your eyes darting to him, your fingers tugging each other in anxiety. “We weren’t anything to begin with.”
Mingi presses his lips before he speaks, making sure he doesn’t say it wrongly. “I’m not over you.”
He says it with such distinction that you’re almost taken aback. He catches your confused gaze. But he continues.
“I can’t move on.”
You only scoff. “And that’s my problem, because?”
It’s only then he slowly inches towards you, and you’ve never seen it before in his eyes—desperation?
But you hate that you’re feeling the exact same way. Deep inside you wonder if things could go back to the way they were.
“No. That’s my problem, y/n.” Mingi responds, his finger nervously pinching against the bedsheets. “I’m still hung up over you even after all of this.”
It’s a trap. A trap so big and obvious that a bear could fucking see it from a mile away.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said. I was immature and confused about where that would have gone”, he sighs. “Especially during all the days you’d spend with me. And before I realised what I had done, I had already fallen for you, so hard.”
Your eyes narrow.
“Coward”, you spit, knowing you were in the exact predicament, for a spilt second, on the end of being foolish—thinking that it had meant something to him.
His fingers brushed against yours, his eyes wandering to your figure as more tears stream down your face. Why were you even crying again? He’s obviously playing around with you.
Mingi is on the bed now, inches away from you, his hands gently lifting your face, his thumbs brushing away the burning tears.
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. Out of every mistake I’ve made with you, this was the worst.”
You’re lured into his pretty eyes again, like a puppy begging for forgiveness. You grow so weak every time. You press the side of your cheek onto Mingi’s large and warm hands, the comfort of it never once foreign to you. He brushes his thumb against your cheek.
And Mingi then decides to just throw all of his cards in, his heart like sledgehammer as he lets those words slip from his lips.
“Tell me you want me”, Mingi whispers, his fingertips brushing against your neck to hold your gaze with his—so intense, so overwhelming. “And I’ll be yours.”
Such an obvious trap.
“I want you”, you whisper back, looking at him through your wet lashes.
Mingi feels his heart pounding and fireworks explode in his head. He was ready for you to push his hands away, chase him out, tell him you never want to see him again.
Mingi glances down at your lips and then back into your eyes, before you shut yours and let him completely trap you. Rash decision, stupid decision — your mind is screaming at you while you’re tasting the memories Mingi left you in his kiss. His hands slide down your back, letting lie down properly onto the bed. He pauses in to take in the sight of you—so endearing and gentle. He feels that he should be jailed for wanting to ruin it all and keep it for himself. The thought that no other men could have you like this comforts him, for now, at least.
Mingi tugs against your nightwear, lifting it over your head in one swift gesture before he’s back to kissing you with much desperation. There it is. Your taste. The only one that matters for the rest of his life. His cravings will never be satisfied. If it’s you, he wants more, more, more.
He pulls back, watching the way you’re so flushed and gorgeous. He turns you around, letting your shoulder hit his chest and he presses against you, his erection enough to convey how he feels, that’s for sure.
His fingers brush so lightly against your shoulders, the electric running down your back until he reaches your waist.
“I love you. I adore you”, he hums into your ear, melting every and any sense of rationale that remained in you, no answer but soft whimpers escape your lips as he kisses the nape of your neck to your shoulders, his fingers wet with spit, rolling your nipples in between them. Jagged breaths are the only thing that barely keep you intact for now, before your head is on his shoulder, begging for him.
“It’s been awhile. Don’t you think that’ll be a tight fit, baby?” Mingi questions, his boxers now off and his cock pressing hard against your ass.
You squeeze your thighs in response at the thought of his cock just splitting you open like before. It’s so tempting.
You feel something press against your wet folds, and it’s his fingers. Mingi’s free hand coaxes your thighs to open up and relax for him as his fingers slip right into your sopping cunt, and you gasp. Mingi’s arm snakes around your waist, and one of your opened leg is trapped by Mingi—he’s making sure you don’t close, not until he makes you cream and scream everywhere. You palm against his bare erection, pumping him so painfully slow for the sake of listening to his low, breathy groans right in your ear. He never fails to tell you how much he loves it—when you flick your wrist teasingly at make sure he hears the wet squelching sounds. But for now, your concentration is everywhere, especially when Mingi is stuffing you full with two of his fingers, brushing teasingly against the spongy spot he knows that drives you up the wall.
Your eyes flutter open, completely letting go of his cock. “M-Mingi”, you squeal when his fingers not only curl against the spongy area, but also repetitively fucks your pretty hole stupid, cream completely staining his fingers as it only lubes your clit for him to rub his finger on. Your mind is in a haze, only the thought of letting Mingi finger fuck an orgasm out of you prominent.
So good that you try to wipe the drool seeping past your lips. The feeling builds up so quickly, Mingi notices the way you’re clenching around your fingers. The way you’re grabbing onto his arm and pressing your face into his neck, telling him, “cumming. I’m cumming, Mingi. Fuck me”, was enough for him to pull his fingers out, and stuff his cock in—while you were still mid orgasm, clenching and fluttering with his cock in you. Mingi has his eyes rolled back at the sensation of you just clenching around him, giving your clit wet circular movements to send you over the fucking moon. You’re barely down from your high, panting when you realise that Mingi is inching himself inside you.
Your breath is stuck in your throat when his cock is fully in you, all the way to the brim. Mingi sighs in pleasure—this is what he loves. This is the familiarity he could never get tired of—or rather—crave so fucking badly.
Your mind had completely been melted. Sex with Mingi was always so mind blowing. You hate to swear that you would never get enough. His cock is so big and you love how well he fits into you, and his comments of, “fit me so fucking good, baby. I think if I move I’ll just cum”, as he hisses and forces himself to hold back for bursting.
Mingi’s fingers press against your jaw, your attention seeping back to him. He looks at you lovingly before he watches your face contort with pleasure the moment he pulls back, then fucks you with a thrust.
“You don’t know how much I want you”, he whines, even with his cock just pounding into you from below. “I promise I’ll treat you better. Love you better. Fuck you better.”
You’d let Mingi do whatever he wanted with you. That’s the honest fucking truth. You know you were gonna regret this. Everything is screaming at you at one moment and then completely muted when Mingi’s husky voice lulls you over.
“That’s my good girl. Oh god. You’re good at taking my cock.”
Heaven would jealous at how good you’re feeling being fucked by Song Mingi.
You tremble slightly, more tears pooling at the corner of eyes. Not from sadness or melancholy. The only kind that Mingi is able to pull out from you when his cock is deep inside you.
“It’s okay. That’s a good girl. Let it go for me”, he hums into your ear, his arms holding you down despite the fact that your orgasm is hitting you in waves, spots of white bursting into your eyelids as you feel tour cunt convulse against Mingi’s cock, cream just gathering at the base of his dick as he still continues to jut his cock right into you, sending your legs shaking with pleasure. He swears he wants to record your orgasms and seal it somewhere where only he can access it. He could get addicted.
His thrusts turn more desperate. The loud sounds of wet cock fucking a wet pussy echoing around the walls while you’re crying Mingi’s name.
“That’s a good princess”, he assures, rubbing your thighs, even though sticky with fluids before he thrusts himself right into you for the final time, your legs trembling.
“So much. Mingi, that’s so much”, you swallow hard as you feel him pump his cum right into you. Even that feels so fucking heavenly.
“It’s all for you, princess. We can keep going. I’ll always have more for you. So much that it’ll leak out of your pretty hole for days on end”, he utters so softly in your ear. Your eyes are still glazed from the mind-numbing pleasure. The last thing you could remember was a kiss planted on your forehead before a muffled “Goodnight”, before you completely doze off, your worries saved for the next day.
Morning kicks in, and your eyes are barely able to open, the exhaustion weighing on you from the previous night, so does the realisation. Fuck. You rise up, your hand on your forehead. Then you realise another thing—the other half of your bed is empty. You reach out to your phone on the nightstand—no messages either. Frustration builds in your body. But this time, it was your own foolishness to blame you think to yourself, as you slide off the bed, the soreness of your lower body a burning reminder of what transpired the night before. Instead of the bitterness that lingers in your mouth, you wonder if that should have been your closure.
Freshened up, you walk to your kitchen area to grab a meal, and your eyes widen.
Mingi stands there, pulling the plastic cover off. He pauses briefly when his eyes meet yours.
“Hey. Good morning”, Mingi greets, his morning voice dropping an octave lower. He seems completely fine, as long as you aren’t able to hear his heartbeat going at miles per hour. Would you just chase him out? Would you promise to never see him again? His mouth is dry again, even though he’s had a couple of glasses of water thinking about what to say to you.
“I bought takeout. Come and have some”, he gestures. You don’t question it, taking the seat across him. You follow his movements—the way he settles the utensils—handing you yours first, before he pours you a cup of water. Then he sits himself comfortably.
There is another moment of silence before you speak up.
“About last night…”
You see the grip on his chopsticks tighten.
“Wasn’t a mistake either”, he says, his gaze trailing the food before he meets yours.
“Is it?” You reply, shoving a couple of egg rolls into your mouth. You didn’t expect that answer from him.
“I thought I could move on. But no matter how many girls I came across, it was always you. No one felt as right as you did. I was scared before, but I’m not now.”
You can’t meet his eyes. You’re unsure if it’s because of swirl of emotions that have started bubbling, or because you’ve denied it for so long, that it’s beginning to slowly bleed out.
“Let me make it up to you. For the 10 months”, Mingi professes. “If you’ll have me.”
You finally are able to hold his gaze. Your mind is swimming is dopamine, but you’re not about to let him have the satisfaction, just yet. A small smile curls at the corner of your lips.
“Then you better do a good job.”
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tojisun · 6 months
(holiday special - christmas eve)
simon ghost riley x fem reader - in multiple aus ^v^
star dividers by @/plutism <33
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biker!simon who gifts you your own bike and takes you around the bloc to ride it. it doesn’t go well at first – you keep stumbling and the sputtering engine of your own bike scares you, but simon’s there, ready to catch you and to switch off the ignition before you can topple.
you two spend hours just familiarizing yourself with the bike before you finally manage a one-minute run without tipping over, simon shadowing you from the back with his own. laughter spills from your lips and simon grins, feeding off of your giddiness.
(you don’t know it but simon’s been filming your progress, sending updates to the group chat when he can.
ghost: peanut’s learning
ghost: [video attachment]
soap: today of all days? ok weirdo. anyways, what time are you both gonna be here for the party then????
the sky’s stretching into darkness (it’s just four in the afternoon) when you wheel your bike back to his garage.
“y’had fun?” simon asks, tapping your visor lightly with his gloved hand, his eyes crinkled in happiness.
you nod, placing your palms on either side of your helmet to tether it from all of simon’s jostling.
“i did!” you cheer, beaming up at him. “thank you so much, baby.”
simon smiles before he bumps his helmet on yours, his palm closing around your wrist where his thumb begins to rub soothing nothings.
“‘s good to hear,” he says, his voice a touch quiet. “i’m so proud of you, lovie.”
you are still shy, avoiding his eyes as your cheeks continue to thrum with heat at simon’s reverence, when you and simon rev away towards johnny’s place.
baker!simon who is knocking on your apartment door at 3 am and, when that fails, is calling you consecutively until you answer.
“fuckin’ what?”
you’re groggy from sleep, voice still scratchy from having just been woken up. simon can practically see your eye bags from the other line but he doesn’t have it in him to be sorry. you did ask to be picked up for the day’s long haul.
“wakey wakey,” simon greets with a straight face. “time for cake…y.”
there’s silence from your end, stretching into uncomfortable minutes, before the door is ripped open and there came you, squinting up at him.
“what?” you ask again, this time less angry. simon realizes the call’s been dropped so he pockets his phone back.
“good mornin’ love,” is what he says instead because it is. because every morning with you is good. “y’still wanna help out with the shop today?”
you blink your squinted eyes for a while, processing, then, “ah! oh-em-jee, yeah, of course.”
it’s kind of comical how your face eases up with the dawning realization before you scramble back inside to your place. there’s a pause, shuffling of feet, and the door swinging open again. you shoot him a sheepish smile. “come in?”
he chuckles and steps forward to finally crowd you, his lips cool as they brush against your warm cheek. you burrow in his warmth and you two breathe each other in before you amble back to prepare for the day.
(simon stares at the bloody ceiling.
“mactavish,” he barks out. “how did you fuckin’ launch the batter up there?”
it’s only your loud laughter that saves johnny from being fired – “you can’t fire a friend! bro-code!” – and simon stops glaring at him to turn and watch as you try to stop the giggles.
there’s a stray peppering of flour on your face and on your hair, your apron a whole wet mess of egg and batter, and your hands sticky with cookie dough. but even then, you still look so beautiful, so perfect, as you stand there amidst the mess.
“keep starin’ and lassie’ll melt.”
simon elbows johnny in the stomach hard.)
bimbo!reader who worryingly calls simon because something is wrong with the mashed potatoes you’re preparing. simon answers the call within the first ring, leaving the towel that he’s been using to dry his hair to fall limply on the floor.
“hey, sweets,” he says. “how-”
“simmy!” you cry out, cutting him off. “they’re ugly!”
“oh? what is, sweet pea?” simon asks, not even batting an eye.
he gets a facetime call and eagerly answers it. simon almost lets out a croon at how gorgeous you are, all dolled up for the night out with your friends – and even when you aren’t dolled up, even when you’re only in his ratty old shirts, you are still so beautiful – and wishes he can see you in person already.
simon’s not really a patient man when it comes to being away from you.
“hi, my sweet girl,” he says, his eyes crinkling as he smiles.
the worry in your face melts just a bit, your eyes flicking down shyly.
see? his sweet girl, indeed.
“uhm, i,” you begin, clearing your throat when it cracks. “they’re ugly.”
“who is?”
simon doesn’t expect you to flip the camera to show him a pot of… chowder?
“i fucked up my mashed potatoes!”
a heartbeat passes before simon’s peeling laughter comes through. he disguises it as a cough, thumping his chest when the chuckles refuse to be smothered.
it’s just- he can’t look away from the fucked up potatoes, not even knowing where to begin to tell you how you screwed them up. did you add more milk than needed? why’s it so wet? did you add water to it too?
simon’s thoughts stutter to a halt, his giddy laughter petering into quiet puffs.
“sweetheart?” he asks and simon’s blessed with the sight of your beautiful face again. “aren’t you supposed to be out with your friends tonight? why’re you making food?”
your lips jut out in a pout, your nose scrunching as you look away. it takes a heartbeat before you reply, your words chewed on as though you don’t want him to hear.
but simon did. and his heart is left to melt in the weight of his love for you.
“i asked if we could reschedule because you just came back and i wanted to, you know, have dinner with you.”
“oh,” simon whispers.
you sniff.
simon doesn’t hide his smile. “i’ll be there in ten, yeah?”
he catches you nod before simon’s off, running to his room to dress up, before snagging his car keys and the wrapped gift he prepared for you.
he swears that he carefully managed to go past the speed limit as he drives to your place. very carefully.
dbf!simon who watches as the minutes go by as his message remains unanswered.
> you free?
he sees the notification that it’s been read. he waits to see if you will type up anything but the chat box remains an empty slate and the seconds of waiting turn to minutes.
to hours.
simon’s fist tightens around the box in his hand.
(johnny sees the diamonds and snorts. “tryna win her back with a rock, really?”
simon glares at him and johnny raises his hands in mock surrender.
he sighs and pushes the gift to johnny. “just take it. i’ve got no use for it.”
“anymore, you mean,” johnny adds, snickering even when he pockets the ring.
simon grunts and turns away, ignoring johnny as he tries to drown out the yawning in his heart.)
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: this was supposed to be posted yesterday ahhh im sorry for the delay :(( merry christmas to those who are celebrating it!! happy winter break to those who arent ^v^ i love u guys soooo much <33
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fairyofhee · 2 years
WHAT YOU NEED | l.heeseung
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PAIRINGS. heeseung x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS. when you caught your boyfriend cheating, his best friend aka your roommate suggests to get revenge by asking you to fuck him. you refuse at first, but then the idea excites you. okay you weren’t actually going to fuck your roomie, you were just going to lie. but the problem was that your boyfriend asked for proof and now you had to make a sex tape with someone who you weren’t sexually attracted to.
GENRE. smut, unrequited love, best friend’s girlfriend, slight fwb, roommates to lovers, angst, hurt, bickering, naive people, heeseung is a bit cocky, slight perv!hee, college fic, jealousy
WARNINGS. 18+ only; MINORS DNI. profanity, fingering, masturbation, oral sex (m. receiving), protected sex, blindfolding, filming porn, slight drunk driving
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“Bro what the fuck?” Heeseung yelled through his mic. He was playing his video games and continued for a while until his body jumped to the sound of the front door slamming. It was always quiet in the apartment, especially at night, so he immediately paused the game to check out the sudden sound outside his room.
“Uh I’ll be right back guys,” he said to his friends before taking off his headset and exiting his room.
Heeseung walked towards the only shared space in the apartment with both hands in each of his pockets and finds you aggressively washing dishes in the kitchen.
You knew he was present in the room but you didn’t say a word or look at him once. “What’s up with you?” he said with a judgmental tone.
“Now’s not the time Heeseung,” you roll your eyes, not in the mood for his attitude and remarks. Heeseung placed both hands atop the kitchen countertop, carefully watching you pour cereal into a bowl that you had just washed.
You felt his eyes set on you, you figured that he could sense your uneasiness, but you didn’t bother to care.
“Hey,” he lowered his upper body to meet your height and narrows his eyes at you, noticing your eyes all red and puffy. “Have you been crying?”
Your lip quivered as you quickly wiped some tears that were a bit dry in your eyes. “No,” you scoffed, voice cracking lowly.
His brows quirked up, he’s never seen you like this before. “What happened?” he softly asked.
Your head drops to let out the tears that you’ve been holding in soon as the question left his mouth. You cover your face with a hand, feeling ashamed sobbing in front of your roommate that you perhaps only talk to about three times a day.
The urge to keep it all in was very hard for you, of course, because yesterday after meeting with your professor to ask a question about an assignment, you caught your boyfriend in the parking lot with his hand gripped around some girl’s ass then opening his car door to let her in. God knows where they went or what they did.
You didn’t call or text to confront him because a big part of you was in denial, since it’s been two years of being healthy with each other. You guys never fought, argued, or lied. When you went home yesterday, you told yourself to wait until he was going to be honest and tell the truth. Your gut churned last night when he never called or texted.
You ignored what you saw yesterday, and today, you left a couple of text messages to him, asking about his whereabouts and if you were going to see him around school today. He left a message that didn’t even sound like it was sent from him.
[5:42 pm] jeongin: i got sick sorry for not answering.
You tightly held onto this hope that he would be honest, but instead you felt like you just got hit with the biggest brick of reality when he didn’t. Your boyfriend is obviously cheating on you.
Not able to hold the heartbreak and pain any longer, you were now letting go of everything you have felt for the past two days. Hot tears streamed down your face and you squeezed your eyelids shut in hope that the tears would stop.
It felt odd, having a tightening of your throat and a short intake of breath while in the kitchen of your apartment. Gut-wrenching sobs tore through your chest and it was painful to see you like this.
Heeseung stood frozen in his place fighting the urge to pull you into his embrace and let the torrent of your tears soak through his shirt. He knew there were clear unspoken boundaries between you guys. You both were respectful to each other’s space so pulling you close for a hug and touching you felt like a risk to him. But wanting to calm you down, he took the risk and stood behind you to gently rub your back as his sign of comfort.
Much to his surprise, you didn’t disregard his touch. No, you didn’t mind Heeseung’s comfort since he’s your roommate, however, it’s an unusual sight to see because you guys know almost nothing about each other. You only knew that he’s a slight asshole and smartass who can cook well, but likes to leave his wet clothes in the laundry for hours. He only knew that you’re a busy prestigious student who’s dating his best friend.
Whenever your boyfriend would come over and Heeseung invited his friends, you had no choice but to hang with them, because yeah, your boyfriend didn’t want to leave you alone in your own place. It was a pretty normal occurrence that happened about once a week. You didn’t mind these hangouts, but you didn’t have much fun either, watching boys play video games and drink.
These hangouts were also a way to get to know Heeseung more — someone you had to live with because you needed a cheap place to stay and your boyfriend suggested to live with his best friend. But all Heeseung did during these hangouts was tease you, saying things like:
“Y/N shouldn’t you be studying?” or “Isn’t it your bedtime Y/N?”
To this day, you don’t know if he’s just putting up a strong front and trying to be funny in front of his friends or if he is actually immature and a dick. Though, he only teased you because he liked the comments you would say in return. Based on these hangouts, there was still much to learn about each other.
You felt Heeseung’s hand removed from your back when you’ve calmed down with his help. after steadying your breath back to normal and wiping your tears, you turned around to see him handing you a glass of water.
“Thank you,” your words almost come as a whisper. Heeseung pats your head while gazing at the round sad eyes formed on your face. He stood for what it felt like minutes, waiting for you to spill what happened, but he knew you guys weren’t close enough to tell each other what was going on so he stepped away to head towards his room.
“Jeongin cheated on me.” You blurt out, stopping Heeseung in his tracks. You watched as his face turned baffled at your words. “He wouldn’t do that,” he derides, in much denial just as you are.
“Of course you would say that,” you sneeringly laugh, “He’s your best friend.”
He shook his head without thought, “Nah, we haven’t been friends for a while.” Your face then makes the same baffled face that Heeseung just had. “But you guys seemed cool last week when he came over,” you protest in a disbelieving tone.
Heeseung sits on the chair in front of the kitchen island countertop while you were faced across from him, taking a bite of the cereal that was now soggy. “He told me to act cool in front of you,” he watched your face as it became more quizzical.
“We’re not anymore because he was getting insecure that I’m living with you.”
Your tongue flicks the roof of your mouth. You were dumbfounded at your boyfriend’s sudden change of feelings. “But he was obviously okay with it when I moved in,” you whined, still in disbelief. “I mean, wasn’t he the one who told me to live with you?”
“You moved in a year ago,” Heeseung remarked. “I think his feelings have changed.”
Yeah his feelings for me, you mentally say. It was somehow quick, but you weren’t in denial anymore. You were angry that he threw away two years for somebody else, and the way that he didn’t communicate his feelings of insecurity and decided to befriend Heeseung for simply living with you added to that anger built inside.
You exhaled in irritation while also feeling a bit sorrowful that Heeseung lost his best friend. “You never told me,” you murmur in a sympathetic tone. “Yeah, because we only talk about groceries or if rent is paid on time,” he laughs, taking the situation more lightly that you’d thought.
“I don’t think he would cheat on you Y/N,” he wholeheartedly believed. “Before our fallout, he would ask me every night to check on you to see if you made it home safe. I found it fucking annoying because he should be the one to text you,” he was irritated just thinking about it. “But I knew he did it because he cares.”
You appreciate Heeseung’s way of trying to make you understand but yes, your boyfriend’s feelings have changed. “You didn’t see what I saw Heeseung,” you stress your incredulity. “His hand was on someone’s ass and they went somewhere to probably fuck,” you raised your voice emphasizing your outrage.
Heeseung took note of your anger and pondered for a moment while trying to hide his stare at you. “Do you wanna piss him off?” he suddenly says.
You were in the middle of eating until your head shot up at his question, “What do you mean?”
“Like- get revenge,” there was that same sly grin on his face when he would tease you. “Revenge?” your brows furrowed in a bemused manner, “Isn't that a bit childish at our age?” you almost laugh.
“Maybe,” he shrugs. “But it would be fun,” he rests his elbows on the countertop as he leans forward, giving you a look of intrigue, “And I think it’s what you need,” he adds.
You shake your head, “What do I need?” you had a hard time comprehending his words.
“To finally get fucked by some actual good dick,” his round-like eyes slightly squint.
Ew, you mouth and give him a look of disgust. “If you’re implying your dick then gross. I would never fuck you,” you harshly tell him.
“Never is a long time.”
“Whatever,” you brush off his comment before grabbing your bag on the table to finally go into your room. Heeseung turns in his seat as he watches you walk away. His throat bobbles before speaking his next words, “You know how angry he would get if he knew we fucked?” He raised his voice so you could hear him clearly.
You turn around, giving him a chance to let him finish what he wanted to say. “He would regret cheating on you,” Heeseung declared. You slowly roll your eyes, feeling tired and overwhelmed by all of the emotions you’ve felt the past two days.
“What if I don’t wanna get revenge?” You sigh.
“You’re too nice then, Y/N.” Heeseung says in a low voice, trying to convince you. “Okay…,” you drew out the word, the trace of fondness not leaving your tone. “But what about him? Isn’t he your best friend?” you shrug.
“He’s the one who dropped me remember?” He reminds you with his voice turning soft.
“I’m going to sleep,” you say when heading to your room, not giving even a second to think about his suggestion. No way would you fuck your roommate for some revenge. You were too mature and busy for some childish games.
“You’re missing out!” He yells across the room with his chest puffed out with confidence. “Sure, goodnight Heeseung!” you yell back when you’re finally in your room.
After getting ready for bed, you finally had some downtime to just chill and watch movies on your computer. You thought about your encounter with Heeseung today and how it started from you crying, to him asking you to fuck him.
You found Heeseung attractive, I mean who didn’t? When you first met him while moving into the apartment two years ago, you were in literal shock of how unreal he looked. He was handsome and you were quite jealous of his strong facial structures and beautiful skin complexion.
But would you fuck him? No, you don’t sexually see him like that. Heeseung probably doesn’t know that you know, but once in a while, you can hear him fucking girls in his room. The walls are so thin that you can hear his moans and the phrases he says in bed. Thinking about it doesn’t turn you on, not even a little bit. You can’t imagine yourself in bed with your foolish of a roommate, let alone being physical with him.
Heeseung, on the other hand, had a certain unknowing desire and thought in the back of his mind. He wants you. To him, you are the most attractive person he’s ever seen. When Jeongin initially told him that you needed a place to stay, Heeseung was okay living and being a roommate with his best friend’s girlfriend because he didn’t think anything of it. But as soon as you walked through the front door of the apartment when moving in, he couldn’t help himself but just stare.
Heeseung would get so happy whenever you would hang out with him and his friends. His jokes and dumb remarks were directly made at you because he loved watching how you reacted. The expressions and comments you would make in return had Heeseung smiling so hard that it felt embarrassing of him.
A huge part of Heeseung feels guilty for feeling this way. There was a time where he heard you and Jeongin having sex. At the time, you thought Heeseung was away and not in his room, but he was listening the whole time. Hearing your loud moans and your words of “Fuck yes,” and “Deeper- harder” made him aroused to the max.
He almost jerked off to you that night, feeling a bit bitter it wasn’t him making you scream. He also thought it was too far and wrong so he stopped before he did anything. He told himself to back off and respect your guy’s relationship because you were his best friend’s girlfriend.
Seeing you cry today shattered his heart. It was the first time he’s ever felt heartbroken. He wanted to kill Jeongin for breaking your heart, but he also felt guilty for having a small tangent of hope when he heard that Jeongin cheated on you. Heeseung was selfish and thought that now was his chance to make you fall for him. He proposed his idea of getting revenge for fun, but now he can’t stop thinking about it.
It was late at night, Heeseung knew you had class early tomorrow so he assumed that you were asleep. He played music that was loud enough to fill his room just in case you were awake.
He plopped down onto his empty bed in his dark bedroom, having a gut feeling that he’ll regret this later on. He wiggles deep into the bed with legs bent and bare skin gliding across the sheets trying to get comfortable. Heeseung thinks about you giving him kisses from his lips then down to his body. He feels a pulse of heat shooting straight to his rising cock from the thought of you touching him while also straddled around him.
Heeseung wants you so bad — he did for a while. He whines a little, a throbbing feeling between his legs. He imagines you touching the base of his length up to his tip. “Y/N,” he quietly groans, tugging at his hard cock that’s an angry red color with precum leaking at his slit. He grabbed his length, slowly moving his hips up and down. His thoughts began to run as he imagined you atop, sinking down and deep onto him.
The sloppy sounds of his hand moving feverishly against his cock echoes into the room, he prays that music was all you could hear from his room.
His mouth is open, eyes are closed, and his tongue drooling when he started to move faster and faster, thrusting upwards imagining you riding him. The slick sound of his hand moving up and down on his length turned him on even more, and he felt himself nearing his peak. “Wanna fuck you so bad my good girl,” he whined before giving a few more strokes until he was cumming. He heavily breathed, watching his cum spill on his abs then reaching all the way up to his chest.
It only took a few minutes until guilt hit him. He couldn’t believe what he had just done. Most importantly, he didn’t know how he was going to face or talk to you tomorrow.
To his luck, you were out and about all day, attending a few classes and studying for your exam at the library. You honestly didn’t know how you had the motivation to study, but it was the only thing occupying your mind aside from your boyfriend. And the thought that if he was still your boyfriend or not distracts you. An aching sensation hits you hard in the chest, realizing that he threw away you so quickly.
You debated whether you should go to his house and talk to him, or not, because weren’t ready for the sudden change of him not being your life anymore. You still love and miss Jeongin.
But then it was the same scene again. You found him with the same girl in the parking lot when you left the library — this time he was now kissing her. Your heart sinks but now you’ve accepted it.
Accepting the truth of him cheating leads you to knocking on Heeseung’s door. You needed someone to talk to- but not about your feelings.
You wanted revenge.
Prior before standing outside his door, it was awfully quiet when you got back home. You knew Heeseung was in his room because his car was parked outside. However, you didn’t hear anything or a slight sound of movement. It was strange when moments later after getting ready for bed, you hear loud music playing in his room.
Heeseung knew you were home. He saw you park your car outside the apartment, but he still feels shameful for what he did last night. His only way to avoid you was to pretend to be asleep.
“Heeseung?” you called out as you knocked on his door. He was scrolling on his phone in bed until your voice caused his head to instantly shoot up.
He wanted to ignore you, but you never knock on his door. His curiosity led him to figure out what you wanted. “Yeah?” he says after opening the door, eyeing you up and down at what you were wearing. You had on tight shorts and a long sleeve shirt for pajamas. The shirt was a bit transparent and you never wear bras to bed so your bare breasts were slightly noticeable.
Heeseung gulped dryly as he quickly moved his eyes to meet yours, trying to not get caught when clearly checking you out. Aside from his spiraling thoughts of what you were wearing, he was concerned on why your eyes were drooping.
“I saw him again with that girl and they were kissing this time,” you told him, not giving him a clue to where this conversation was heading.
His eyes widen and again, his heart aches, feeling hurt for you. No one should ever go through that, especially you, he thought. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You gave him a reassuring nod, appreciating his empathy and implying that you were going to be okay, even if you weren’t. “W-what if we just said we fucked?” you suggested, suddenly feeling shy.
Your fingers fiddle with each other as you dazed off when you too had no clue where this conversation was heading. “I don’t think he would know if we didn’t right?” you say after building the courage to look him right in his eyes.
To say that Heeseung was speechless was an understatement, he actually didn’t know what to say. He didn’t expect you to take his words so seriously. “Y/N, are you sure? I think you’re just angry and overwhelmed by everything right now.”
You were taken aback by his response, “Why are you suddenly opposed? You’re the one who came with with the idea,” you remark.
Heeseung quietly grits his teeth, a feeling of frustration takes over him. Of course he wants to go with his idea, the problem was that he didn’t want to ruin you and your good character. But a part of his mind told himself to take every chance that was given to be able to be close to you.
“Fine,” he spits out. “But I think it would be more believable if I were the one to text him.”
Your face lits up in excitement, “Yeah you’re right, go text him right now.” You pushed the feeling of immaturity aside. Right now, you wanted the satisfaction of your ex boyfriend feeling salty when he finds out that you’re ‘fucking’ his best friend.
While in thought of this whole thing, Heeseung grabbed his phone to text Jeongin. The sound of him typing on his phone instantly grabbed your attention and you watched as a big grin forms on his face. He looked so impudent, yet very serious and concentrated.
You leaned one side of your head on his door, waiting for him to be finished while feeling anxious for what he had sent. “Okay here,” he says when showing his phone to you.
[10:32 pm] heeseung: you were right to be worried about me living with your girlfriend. i just made y/n cum in a few seconds, had her squirting and screaming my name. she said my dick stretched her out better than yours.
You look up at Heeseung after reading his text message. He quirks a brow when you seemed unamused and irked. “What?”
“Your choice of words are very vulgar,” you were a bit unimpressed, feeling a bit icky.
Heeseung lowly scoffs, “What else am I supposed to say, Y/N? That you had my penis in your vagina and we just had sexual intercourse?”
“Nevermind,” you stressed after shaking your head, “What did he say?” Heeseung looked at the notification from Jeongin who surprisingly replied fast. “He asked for proof,” his voice fell flat.
“Proof?” Your voice crescendos. “Is he serious?”
“Yeah,” Heeseung let out a sigh and nodded before passing his phone to you, “Look at what else he said.”
[10:34 pm] i.n: y/n wouldn’t fuck you bro. she knows who she belongs to.
Heeseung nibbled his lower lip, watching apparent anger slowly spring up on you. “Let’s just ignore him,” he pleads, not wanting Jeongin to cause an reaction out of you, “I don’t think he’s worth your time.”
You huff out a chuckle, shifting your daggering eyes to Heeseung. “If he wants proof then let’s give him proof,” you say bitterly which makes Heeseung rub his temples.
“I thought you said that revenge is childish and you don’t want to fuck me?” he quotes you, feeling unsettled about the words coming out of your mouth. “I know,” you let out a long exhale, “But I can’t let him walk around happy with someone else after he fucked me over. Twice.”
As much as you love Jeongin, you knew that you didn’t deserve this treatment. You weren’t going to let him treat you like a toy– like someone who was going to wait around for him. Heeseung believed this too, which causes him to go with your plan and help give whatever you wanted.
But he also didn’t want you to feel like you had to fuck him because it was your last resort to revenge. He wanted everything with you to be real and not some act. “Maybe we should do something small to see what he says first before do we anything further,” Heeseung suggests.
“Do you wanna send him a video of you sucking my dick first?” He asks almost comically.
“Okay sure,” you let out without thought.
Your sudden response causes his heart to skip a beat. “Oh, I was joking,” he lies and nervously chuckles. “But if you’re cool with that then I’m so fucking down.”
Damn, you truly hit the lowest point that you’re going to suck your roommates dick – your boyfriend’s best friend! – for some light revenge. You always think about the consequences of your decisions, but right now you couldn’t seem to.
You give a nod before walking yourself inside his room, not noticing his elated expression. You’ve went into Heeseung’s room multiple times during hangouts, but now it suddenly felt smaller with the air thickening when it was just you two alone.
“Wait, are you clean?” you turn around to face him when near his bed. “Yes I’m clean,” he utters in defense, “Haven’t had my dick sucked in a while and I don’t fuck raw.”
You emphasize an expression of ‘good to know’ with the bob of your head. You look at Heeseung standing like a deer frozen in headlights, which makes you a bit confused. “Aren’t you gonna sit on the bed?” you question. “Or are you too nervous?” you tease him with a playful smile.
“Shut up,” he sits on his bed, manspreading as you stand close before him. “I’m nervous it’s not gonna be believable because my dick won’t be hard,” Heeseung says ironically, trying to convince you that you don’t turn him on, but he felt his cock already twitching from staring at the way your clothes were hugging your body.
You were too oblivious to this fact though, shrugging off his comment because you believed that Heeseung didn’t find you attractive. It was pretty understandable since you were his best friend’s girlfriend, and finding you attractive would cross a small boundary. Getting hard by you was a huge boundary in which Heeseung already crossed.
“Do you have a blindfold?” you ask, glancing around the room looking for a piece of clothing that you can use. “Why do you need a blindfold?”
You slightly smile, “You’re not gonna get your dick hard if you look at me,” you murmur, trying to make the air less weird and uneasy. Heeseung sucked down a deep breath, not fond of not being able to see your mouth on his cock.
“How am I gonna take the video?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take it off when I start sucking you off,” you casually say, which brings relief to Heeseung. He felt the corner of his lip twitch, “I have a sleeping mask in the drawer behind you.”
After obtaining the mask, you stand in between his spread legs and put the ‘blindfold’ on him. “Just relax, Heeseung,” you tell him with a deep breath, but your words were actually for yourself. Despite how eager you were to get back at your ex, you were apprehensive about putting your roomie’s dick in your mouth — let alone making a porno and trying to make him feel good because your ego couldn’t handle not making him cum.
You almost never sucked off your own boyfriend which made you feel a bit pressured. But again, this was all for fun to get back at Jeongin. Why were you overthinking this way too much?
“I am relaxed,” Heeseung leans further back with both elbows dipped on his bed. “Let’s go baby,” he tilts his head down to his crotch then back to you, giving the greenlight to let you do whatever you want to him. Deep down, Heeseung wasn’t all relaxed but he did a good job not showing it. He was nervous that he was going to cum too fast which would be suspicious.
You took a deep breath to settle yourself, hoping to make him hard at least. As Heeseung is leant back, spreaded out, and blindfolded, you begin to bring your knee to his clothed crotch — feeling his bulge. When Heeseung met your contact, he tried his best to not smile. He can’t believe that this is really happening, it wasn’t just an imagination.
Your hand goes down to his pants, palming him softly as breathy noises were bubbling up from his throat that he tried to hold back. You then climb into his lap and sit on top of him, glimpsing at the little smirk on his face.
He was enjoying your touch and you noticed this, but didn’t give it much thought. You wanted to add onto his enjoyment though, so you start slowly grinding on him as his hands are pressed onto your hips, guiding you as you roll onto him.
You quickly put his hands aside, wanting to do all the work. “Does this feel good?” You asked before pushing his upper body so that his back was entirely on the bed.
Heeseung gave no answer, but he was in fact already hard and you atop of him felt like ecstasy.
“Answer me,” you plead, still rolling your hips.
Poor Heeseung. His hands were tightly gripping his sheets while he held his breath, not able to speak and trying not to show how turned on he is.
“F-feels so good,” he choked out.
You then felt his hard length beneath your core. Does he actually get hard this fast? You were smiling, also enjoying this and honestly feeling proud that you’re able to make him weak to the point that he was choking out his own words.
Something in your mind hits you and you felt the need to push him to the edge just to get him back for all the times that he teased you. You lean forward so that you’re resting on his chest and your lips meet his neck. Slowly and gently, you pepper his neck with kisses.
Heeseung felt your soft lips on his skin and your warm mouth drove him mad. He starts to become frustrated to the point that a grunt leaves his lips when you continued grinding on him. He’s completely losing himself.
“Wanna taste your cock baby,” your words almost come out as a whisper. You could’ve gone off of him a long time ago, but you were having too much fun. Heeseung on the other hand, shakes his head, having enough of this. “Yeah? Wanna feel your mouth,” he badly wanted to take off his blindfold and fuck you on his bed.
You knew he was in some pain with the way his chest was heaving and his jaw clenching, “I think you’re hard now,” you finally climbed off of him.
Heeseung quickly sits up and takes off his blindfold, feeling his face heat up. His eyes wander down to see his dick almost protruding through his pants. “Thanks,” he clears his throat while glancing at you. You nod with arms crossed, unable to think of what to say next.
“Gonna pull out my dick now,” he begins to loosen the tied strings of his sweatpants. “If you can't fit it in your mouth then we can try something else.”
“Yeah whatever,” you scowl, “It’s gonna fit.”
You watch as Heeseung takes his time taking his sweatpants and shirt off. He starts to feel himself sweat, reasons being that he’s nervous, yet excited to have his cock on full display for your eyes to see.
“If you want to back out now, it’s okay to.” He practically asks you before proceeding. As much as he wanted this, he didn't want the air to be weird between you two. And worse, didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.
He didn't have his boxers off yet, but you could sense that he would surprise you. You weren’t curious to see what his dick looked like until you sat on his huge bulge and felt his length grow big.
“Is your phone ready?” you say, implying that you still wanted to do the plan. Heeseung nods before grabbing his phone and pressing on the camera app. You grab a pillow and place it in between his feet before kneeling. He then shakes his hips to get rid of his boxers, finally revealing his naked body and hardened cock in front of your face.
His head turns to the side when he’s grinning after watching your eyes go wide at the sight of his length, resting flat against his abdominal. He almost laughs because he thinks that you're too cute, it's like you’ve never seen a dick before.
Heeseung surprised you, as you sensed, because it was so red, so veiny and hard, almost pulsing like it was impatiently waiting for your mouth. His slit leaked precum, was this all because of you?
It was silent for a moment as you both were caught up feeling and thinking differently.
Before you reached your hand out, you watch Heeseung’s spit fall from his mouth onto his tip. He starts to stroke himself, mixing and spreading his precum and his saliva. He felt himself twitch at each stroke and at each glance of you watching him.
You decide to take over now by removing his hand and licking the tip of his cock. A hand was stroking him while the other held his thigh. A heavy breath left his mouth when you pressed a few gentle kisses on him. There was a clear indication that he was already weak.
Heeseung moaned out in surprise the moment you put him in your mouth. “Fuck,” he cursed out when you began to suck and lick his cock like it was the most amazing thing you have ever had.
“Go deeper baby,” he impatiently begged as his hand applied pressure on the back of your head, guiding you. You do as he wished, taking inch after inch into your mouth and eventually reaching your throat. “Yeah, just like that,” he groaned, feeling himself entirely wrapped around your warm mouth. Heeseung planned to stay quiet and suppress his lewd noises, but you were sucking him like a pro while continuing to stroke him and play with his heavy sack.
In the moment, he didn’t care how loud he was. He couldn’t hold it in for much longer. And you hadn’t expected Heeseung to be so loud all because of you, but it was satisfying hearing him groaning and whimpering. It made you felt like you were doing something right.
Heeseung’s head tilted back, lost in the feeling of you. He wanted this moment to last forever, but he still remembered the plan. Already feeling close to hitting his peak, he quickly grabbed his phone and started to hit the record button.
He starts recording his fucked out face first while pushing your head deeper, letting you know that he was getting close and recording. He’d expected you to pull back and question him, but instead he felt you speed up.
“Fuck, that’s it,” the camera was on him. He made sure to show how good you are doing by letting out loud, obnoxious moans with eyes rolling back. You glance up at him and it was a sight to see.
Heeseung’s whole body was stuttering, making it difficult for him to record so still. He turned the camera around so it was on you now, and you just sucked harder and faster. “My good girl,” he growled, resting a hand on your head that was bobbing up and down.
You tried your best not to choke when you felt him becoming close. At the same time, you knew Heeseung was recording and you told yourself to give the best suck of your life — not afraid to let out a few moans as well. You’ve never sucked your boyfriend’s dick like this before, surprisingly this was enjoyable for you too. “Y/N, I’m- cum-“
Soon, you felt his cum puddling in your mouth and shoot onto your entire face when he came. You give a look to Heeseung, happy to have such a strong taste on your tongue then quickly down your throat as you swallow. Of course this was all for show, he reminded himself, but he couldn’t help but leave his fingertips dancing along your chin. “My pretty girl did so good,” he murmured, still recording your face full of his cum.
Heeseung rides his orgasm by stroking himself as you stand up to give him a kiss on the cheek, emphasizing the sound of your lips against his skin to make sure the sound was audible through the recording. He turned off the recording a few seconds later, going back to reality, and felt his chest ache when you quickly dropped your smile.
It stung that it was all an act.
Heeseung passed you a clean shirt to wipe your face after he put his sweats and boxers back on. You were surprised that his cum made its way onto the back of your hair, you definitely needed to shower tonight.
“I just sent the video,” Heeseung said, watching you clean up. You honestly felt uneasy that there’s now a video lying around of you sucking dick. The video was also recorded on Heeseung’s phone and he doesn’t plan to delete it unless you ask.
“He usually replies fast, did he say anything?”
Heeseung looked at the empty notification on his phone, “No, he didn’t.”
You throw the shirt that you used to his hamper and make your way towards the door. You had a feeling that Jeongin was with the girl you saw him with, not giving a shit about your revenge. “Hey,” Heeseung calls out, “Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna study after I shower,” you tell him with your thumb pointing towards the door. Heeseung lets out a low chuckle, his expression unreadable.
“Aren’t you like a little horny?”
You laugh, his question catching you off guard. “No, why would I be?” you said your words a bit too grim and Heeseung felt his dick soften.
“Okay, good luck on studying,” he gave you a closed-mouthed smile, “And thanks for tonight.”
“Yeah,” you shrug your shoulders like tonight wasn’t a big deal. “I hope I was good,” you felt the air becoming awkward tension.
“You were more than good,” his voice deep and husky, as if his throat was dry.
“You should do it more often,” a racy tone quickly returning as if he turned it on with a switch.
You roll your eyes like it was a reflex response to his playful comments. “Let me know if he says anything. Good night,” you say, walking out of his room and closing the door on your way out.
You walked back to your room having an uncomfortable feeling between your legs. You sigh, realizing what it was. Okay, you were a bit wet– no your panties were pooling with wetness and you possibly felt butterflies in your pussy during the whole time you sucked him off, which is why you rushed out of his room so quickly.
Were you sexually attracted to Lee Heeseung? Your roommate? No way, you initially thought. You hesitate before pondering about this for a few hours until you decided that maybe you needed to test out this theory.
You were back outside his door, yet this time you were nervous and super horny. “Sorry, are you busy?” you asked Heeseung after he opened his door when hearing your knocking.
He was fresh out of the shower, and his hair was wet and he smelt so good that the feeling between your legs was getting more uncomfortable. How was this possible?
“No, what’s up?” He questioned while holding the ends of the towel that was around his neck.
“Umm, I can’t sleep and I’m horny.” You glued your eyes on the floor, not wanting to see his reaction. Your words cause a “Yeah, how could you not after sucking my dick?” out of his mouth.
At his response, you turn around to walk away, regretting knocking on his door that led to feeding his huge ego. You felt his hand grab your arm before you could walk any further, “Wait I’m sorry,” he huffed. “How can I help?”
You lick your lower lip knowing what you want but also being hesitant. “Just make me cum with your fingers,” your words come out in a rush.
Heeseung grinned at your nervous expression. He simply gave a nod and fully opened his door to let you in. “Lay down for me,” he demanded as he placed the towel on his chair, and you do what he says and lay on his bed with your head resting on his pillow with your legs bent open for him. Heeseung watches before he kneeling in front of you to help to get rid of your shorts, leaving your bottom half in nothing but your underwear.
He then lays next to you on his side with an elbow propped on the same pillow, a hand already dipping inside your panties to reach your core. You immediately clench onto nothing and almost shiver, feeling sensitive to his touch. “You’re so wet,” he begins to spread your wetness. “Is this all from sucking my cock?” he looks up, making intense eye contact with you.
“No,” you swallow, getting rid of the dryness in your throat. Heeseung furrows his brows and removes his hand, “You don’t have to lie.” You break his eye contact, feeling heat onto your cheeks. It’s a good thing that his room had dim lights to hide your flushed face.
“What are you doing?” you ask, watching him get off the bed to find something in his drawer. In his hand was the ‘blindfold’ you had used on him earlier. Heeseung makes his way towards you and slowly puts the blindfold on you. You don’t say or question anything, going with the flow of things. You trusted Heeseung, one reason being that you lived with him for a year and other reasons in ways that you couldn’t explain.
You felt the bed dip due to Heeseung’s body, he went back into his position with an elbow propped up, his eyes carefully trained on every detail on you. “Just forget it’s me and say everything on your mind. Tell me how you want to be touched.”
Your thoughts of neediness makes you laugh out loud, in which Heeseung ignores. “Ok,” you softly murmur. “Want you to touch me here,” you manage to grab his hand and lead it under your shirt. Your breath hitched when you felt him give your bare breast a squeeze.
“And want you to kiss me.”
“Kiss you?” you thought he said in a disgust manner. You couldn’t see Heeseung’s face turning pale, not expecting you to want a kiss, especially from him. “Just do it please,” you embarrassingly begged. “Please, you told me to say what’s on my mind,” you throw his own words at him.
“Sorry,” Heeseung apologized, his mind fuzzy on what the hell was happening. Him having you on his bed and extremely horny was almost enough to make him blow his load. You knocking on his door asking him to finger fuck you is real. His heart jumped realizing this wasn’t at all an act.
Fidgeting your fingers is something you did when you’re nervous. You had no reason to be nervous since it was just Heeseung, your roommate who you had no sexual attraction for. Maybe you were just scared that the theory was right.
You felt Heeseung’s large hand cupping your chin to pull you in for a gentle kiss. It catches you by surprise that he’d actually kiss you, but you lean into his touch, feeling his soft lips. His mouth was tender against yours and a hand guided your face closer as he lightly licked his way into your mouth. You didn’t know what to expect when kissing Heeseung, but the kiss was great, meeting the exceptions that you didn’t have.
You feel his presence next to you gone until he was now on top of you, pressing his body against yours. You left a low groan of approval before your warm tongue tickled his. Heeseung kissed you with passion, you weren’t the only one hungry.
You don’t hesitate to pull down your panties until the clothing reaches your thighs. “Touch me here again,” you pulled away from kissing him to reach for his hand and guide it down to your core.
Heeseung was surprised to see your panties already off, “Are you eager for me?” he mumbled against your lips, trailing his hands down you thigh, ironically wanting you to beg for him.
His touch tickles your skin while the realization of wanting Heeseung hits you. “I-I thought you said to forget that it’s you touching me?” you deny your sexual desire for your roommate.
“It doesn’t seem like you want to forget it’s me,” Heeseung vocalizes and you gulp, trying to think of a valid excuse. “I just want to use your fingers please. Don’t think anything of it.”
Heeseung pushes his feelings aside, wanting to do the job of making you feel as good as possible, because it was the least he could do in this situation. He presses a quick kiss on you before making contact on your folds with his digits. He circled his thumb around your clit as you bit your lower lip, preparing yourself to what's to come.
A pathetic whine leaves your lips when you feel Heeseung plunge his thick finger inside you. Your hand bolts to his forearm with nails leaving marks on his skin at the sudden stretch.
“You’re so wet, but so tight with only one finger in you,” Heeseung says. You take a deep breath, waiting to take more of him. It’s too bad that you can’t watch his movements- what he’s about to do. Everything was a surprise for you.
“It’s been so long-“ you felt your walls clenching around him when he adds another finger to it.
He sprinkles sweet kisses on your jaw with both digits inside you, starting off slow but still moving. He curls upward and ends up pressing against a spot that you’ve never even thought was there. a spot that your own boyfriend didn’t manage to discover. “Heeseung,” you accidentally moan out causing his dick to twitch. It was evident that you didn’t want to forget it’s him who’s making you feel this good.
His only complaint was that he wished he took out his cock and jerked himself off while ramming his fingers inside you. “Who’s making you feel good, huh?” he said with a pensive face that wasn’t visible for your eyes to see. You stayed quiet, not wanting to say his name again. You ignored his words by lifting your hips to take him deeper until you whined aloud when you felt him gone. Before you could take off your blindfold, he did it for you.
Heeseung was knelt in front you with a deadpan face and his fingers in the air, glistening from your wetness. You sat up just enough to see him and shake your head, feeling confused and a bit mad that he suddenly stopped.
Heeseung holds his two digits in front of your face. Without much to say, you take them in your mouth — tasting yourself and sucking them clean. When you're done he puts them in his mouth, tasting both of yourself and your saliva.
You found the whole scene hot and you clench, already missing his fingers. It was like he could hear your thoughts when he shoved his fingers back in your hole, this time you were able to see how he was moving inside of you.
His fingers were thrusting in and out of you faster and deeper. Your eyes were staring at the ceiling and almost closed shut, it was becoming too much but it felt so fucking good. “Fuck, I think I’m close,” you groaned.
Heeseung moved even faster. The sounds of your wet pussy squelching loudly echoed into his bedroom. “Look at how my fingers are fucking you,” he grabbed your arm to get your attention.
You raise your head, trying to keep your eyes set on his fingers going in and out of you, but his face distracted you. There was a wrinkle in between his brows and he stuck his tongue out, just enough to where the tip is poking out.
Heeseung looked up, catching you staring at him, and you immediately watched at how he was fucking you, while feeling embarrassed that you got caught. He quietly laughed, knowing that you found him attractive and were close.
“Look at me while you cum,” Heeseung grunted for you to look at him. “Or I’ll stop again.”
At his words, you felt a deep pit in your stomach while thick fingers continued to roughly curl deep in you. You fought the urge to look away — to not look at him, but you desperately needed to cum.
You met his eye contact with fluttering eyes. he began to rub your clit with a thumb, sending you over the edge. “Ahh-“ your mouth quickly opened when a loud moan poured from your lips as you came. “Shit,” Heeseung cursed out watching your hips stutter when you emptied yourself on his fingers. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
Once you met your peak, you quickly put your panties back on feeling suddenly vulnerable. You avoid Heeseung’s eye contact as well when he was licking his fingers of you clean. You were making the situation awkward as hell, but your feelings were all over the place and you didn’t know how to feel at the moment.
“Don’t be like that,” Heeseung pleaded while watching you put your tight shorts on. You turn your head at his voice, “What?” you couldn’t help the clueless expression on your face.
“You just gave me the best suck of my life and I almost made you cry with my fingers. It’s too late to do this awkward shit,” his fear of things being weird between you two was growing.
He was right. You were making things weirder than they should be, but you can’t help feeling overwhelmed. “Sorry,” you exhaled, “I just got cheated on and now I’m doing things with you. I can’t help but feel a bit- strange.”
“I know,” Heeseung affirms. “I get it Y/N, you’ve been with him for two years and this is all sudden.” You nod, feeling grateful that he understands. How is he so understanding?
“Thank you,” you expressed gratitude. You watched as the corners of his lips turned upwards. Despite his feelings for you, Heeseung was your friend and he had to act like it.
“And thank you for tonight,” you laugh while scratching your head and looking at the boy who didn’t want you to leave. “Goodnight Hee,” the nickname leaves your tongue which causes his face to lit up, “For real this time.”
“And I don’t regret anything,” you say before you left his room completely, not knowing where this leads you two. This was all Heeseung needed to hear to reassure himself that everything was going to be okay. Things maybe not the same, but okay and possibly normal with you.
A couple of days later after I guess you can say your mutual masturbation with Heeseung, things have been quite the same in the apartment. That night was never mentioned again and you were back to regular roommates with no sexual or awkward tension present.
His friends Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay came over again once a week, and you were forced to hang with them per Heeseung’s request. It felt different without Jeongin present but you tried not to think about it.
The question of whether or not Jeongin replied to your porn video still remained. You’ve been meaning to ask Heeseung but were hesitant since things were ‘normal’ again.
Not all things were normal. You still found yourself horny for Heeseung. It was quite unavoidable when you see him everyday and his room is on the other side of the apartment. You fought so hard to get rid of this feeling in your stomach and down to your core especially when knocking on his door was so easy. What held you back was not wanting to ruin the chance of losing a roomie.
“Hey did Jeongin ever text back?” you finally ask as soon as you entered your apartment after class. Heeseung was sitting on the couch and watching a movie while eating chewy candy. He turned his head around when you spoke.
“No he didn’t,” he said, watching you peering at the open fridge. “Oh okay,” there was disappointment expressed in your response.
Did Jeongin hate you this much that he didn’t care that you were messing around with his best friend? You start to question your two year relationship with him. “What do you want for dinner?” you interrupted your own thoughts.
Heeseung eyebrows rose a notch, “Why? Are you going to attempt to cook?” he gawked.
You turned to give a hostile glare, “What do you mean attempt? I know how to cook asshole.” You refuse to let him doubt your cooking skills.
“Well, I want anything that doesn’t require you using the stove and burning down the kitchen,” he chortled then sent his eyes back to the movie.
“Why are you so mean to me?” you asked as a joke, but also seriously, curious to why he always teased you. You thought his teasing jokes were subtle ways to show that he sees you like one of the boys. Oh how you were so wrong.
Heeseung heard your remark then approached you in the kitchen. An unintentional heavy breath left your mouth when he stood awfully close. Your eyes go straight to his lips when he’s standing before you. You hate that you wanted to kiss him again, you shouldn’t have these feelings. Maybe it was just sexual attraction and nothing more, but regardless, he was just a roommate. An already broken boundary you shouldn’t cross.
“I’m sorry it just comes out like a reflex,” he teased again before giving you a slight push, forcing you to move since you were blocking the fridge. When he found nothing and looked unsatisfied, he turned his head to you again.
“I want anything your creative mind makes,” he pats your head before walking to the couch to turn off the tv and heading in his room. Patting your head is a habit that he started last year, but he does it frequently now and you didn’t mind it.
Heeseung had a hard time ignoring his feelings and pretending that nothing happened that night. If anything, that night solidified how much he liked you. If only he knew how you felt about him.
More days went by and you were finally healing from your cheating ex. A big part of your healing had to do with yourself — but you couldn’t deny that a small part had to do with Heeseung.
Despite whenever you both felt about each other, you were now closer as friends. You learned more about each other during movie nights in the living room that would happen almost every night. You guys went grocery shopping together and were even invited at the same parties. Well, one party.
Tonight was Sunghoon’s birthday and he was hosting a party at his house. Heeseung’s friends were now your friends, so of course you were invited. Even though it would be convenient for you and Heeseung to attend together, you both agreed to go separately since you had a late class. Heeseung offered to stay and wait until your class ended but you refused his offer, not wanting to keep his time away from his friend’s party.
The party was bigger than you’d thought. Music was blasting loudly and there was so much alcohol, which made sense since Sunghoon turned 21. The house was overfilled with people like the entire campus of students were here.
You haven’t attended a party since high school and being in the middle of crowded spaces freaked you out. You searched through the crowd for Heeseung, his friends, or even the birthday boy, but they were nowhere to be found. You left Heeseung a text before you entered the house, asking where he was but there was no response.
Luckily, Jay approached you when he caught a few random guys offering you drinks. Jay walked you to the kitchen so you can finally breathe from suffocating in the wave of people. “Do you want water or a drink?” He asked after getting himself a beer. “Water’s fine,” you kindly nodded.
“Do you know if Heeseung’s here?” you take a sip of the water jay gave you. He shook his head, “I saw him a few minutes ago but he disappeared.”
You checked your messages again and still no response. Why were you getting worried? “So,” Jay cleared his throat causing you to put your phone away. “Are you and Heeseung…” he slightly tilted his head from side to side, insinuating that he knew something. You instantly knew what he meant by the way his brow arched.
“What? No,” you tried to laugh. “I just got out of a relationship. Heeseung and I are just friends,” the accusation made you more flustered than it should. “Why, did he say something?”
“No,” Jay laughed before pausing. “Jake and I accidentally saw that video,” the words slipped out of his mouth and you swore you felt your heart dropped out of your chest.
“The one where you…” he did the typical ‘sucking dick’ motion with his hands.
“Stop. I know what video,” you sneered. How the fuck did they see that? “We only saw like a few seconds of it. We were using his phone to order pizza and it was in his camera roll.”
That means he hasn’t deleted it. Should you feel happy? angry? “That meant nothing, we were getting revenge on Jeongin.” You defend yourself with redden cheeks. Jay nods his head, “Yeah, Heeseung told us.” Your heart was having a hard time beating back to normal.
“It’s funny how you both reacted the same though,” he pestered, “All freaked out.”
You shake your head finding his comment funny, “That was my first porn video okay? I thought Heeseung deleted it.” Lie. You never asked him to.
Before you grabbed yourself a beer, thinking about not being sober tonight, you see Jake walk with a girl in his arm. Sunghoon also trails behind him and they all greet you, including Jake’s girl.
“Hey where’s Heeseung?” Jay asked because he knew you were looking for him. Sunghoon and Jake both shrug their shoulders, not knowing where he was.
“He’s with Yena,” the girl in Jake’s arms said. At her words, you reached for the cooler and grabbed yourself a beer, taking a big gulp of it. The boys looked at you in shock. “Who’s Yena?” Jay questioned for you once more.
“Choi Yena, the girl he’s fucking upstairs,” Jake’s girl announced, “She’s a third year.” Jake tapped her shoulders, indirectly asking her to stop talking when he saw your unpleasant face. You pressed your lips flat and stared the floor, a weird new feeling entered your chest. Something felt tight inside and you obviously knew what it was.
“I think I’m going to go home. Happy birthday Sunghoon, sorry I can’t stay. I have an early class tomorrow,” you murmured after placing the empty beer bottle on the corner of the kitchen counter. The boys showed concern, asking if you were okay and needed a ride home. You put on a fake smile and said you were good enough to drive home. You weren’t drunk, yet not all sober.
“Do you want us to tell him something when we see him?” Sunghoon asked and you instantly shook your head. “No, it’s okay.”
You walked out of the party feeling miserable. You made it home safe and stupid tears came out of your eyes as soon as you went into bed.
You like Lee Heeseung and it was hard to deny.
The truth was that Heeseung tried to forget his feelings for you. He convinced himself to get laid at the party, thinking it would solve his problems. So tonight when he had a couple drinks in his system, he met Choi Yena. He made out with her and eventually both of their clothes were off, but things horribly escalated when Yena asked him if he could fuck her with his fingers.
Of course this reminded of you — you knocking on his door after sucking his dick, asking the same thing. He couldn’t do Yena. He liked you too much that fucking someone else felt wrong.
Heeseung didn’t know you felt the same way, but he stayed loyal to you anyways. He left Yena alone in the room, running downstairs looking for you.
“Did you see Y/N yet?” Heeseung hurriedly asked Jay who was in the backyard. “You just missed her bro,” Jay lightly scoffed. “Why’d she leave?” his voice thick and unsteady.
“She overheard that you were fucking Yena,” Jay explained and Heeseung’s heart dropped as he took out his phone. Fuck. Two delivered text messages and a missed call from you. “I have to go,” there was a guilty look of his face as he stormed off. Jay was left alone, laughing at his intuition that turned out to be right.
Heeseung was sober enough to drive home. He didn’t know if you knew that he was with Yena tonight, but his heart raced hoping you didn’t. He wanted to talk to you tonight and settle what’s going on between you two because finally, he knew how you felt. You were jealous. He wasn’t sure if he was going to confess his feelings, but he was tired of this unclear tension.
You unfortunately pretended to be asleep when he came home and knocked on your door. You didn’t want to see him with tears in your eyes.
Because this time you were crying over him.
You weren’t lying about having class in the morning. Your class was too early that you almost fell asleep from the events of last night. Then suddenly, a notification on your phone caused you to jump in your seat. It was from Jeongin. You cursed at yourself, forgetting to block his number.
[8:46 am] jeongin: i need to talk to you. meet me outside in the front after your class
Now he wants to talk? Thoughts invaded your head. Maybe he watched the video. Maybe he wanted to beg for you to get back together with him. Possibly, this was closure.
Simultaneously, you get a text from Jay, which was unexpected since you forgot that you guys had each other’s number.
[8:48 am] jay: sorry that this text from me is random and you probably think that this is weird since i’m awake at this hour
heeseung didn’t fuck yena. he actually left her to look for you then went home after
You let out a huge sigh of relief but you felt odd, thinking about your jealously when you thought Heeseung was fucking another girl. You regret storming off at your friend’s birthday party and feeling that way because you guys weren’t a couple. You regret showing your jealously in front of his friends. It was quite humiliating.
Despite that, one thing you thought was: Does Heeseung know why you stormed off last night?
Heeseung still planned to talk to you today. The problem was that he forgot you had an early class, but in his favor, he had time to prepare what to say. Was he going to confess?
Heeseung was nervous. He was so nervous, he had to piss every five minutes. There was about ten minutes left until your class ended so he sat on couch impatiently, glancing at his phone and watching time slowly pass by, waiting for you to come home.
You took longer than expected and he was getting impatient. Promptly, he heard the rustling of the keys and stood to watch you walk in. All he thought about was finally seeing you and not the way he looked super awkward and a bit creepy when staring at the door. Once the door open, a quick frown and a hint of anger fell upon his face.
“Motherfucker,” Heeseung blurted out when he saw no other than Jeongin, standing in your guy’s apartment. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Heeseung approached him and sounded more angry than he had intended to be.
“Y/N gave me her keys,” Jeongin waved your keys in the air. It’s been three weeks since Jeongin called off the friendship and him cheating on you. They haven’t spoken to each other since. “She didn’t tell me that you were coming,” Heeseung’s voice went deep, not believing that you would let your stupid ex step foot in the apartment.
“She told me to pick up her jacket since it’s cold outside,” Jeongin said before walking further into your home like it was just a normal day. “Let me do it,” Heeseung urged with a shake of his head, trying to block the entrance of your room.
“No,” Jeongin lightly pushed Heeseung aside. All Heeseung wanted was to punched him in the face, but he held himself back since Jeongin was his best friend and he was your boyfriend.
“You’re not her boyfriend,” Jeongin laughed as if Heeseung was dumb. Heeseung clenched his jaw, frustrated at the scene. He didn’t expect to argue with his ex bestfriend today.
Jeongin was in your bedroom now, looking through your closet. “You’re not her boyfriend either,” Heeseung gave him a hard scoff.
At his response, Jeongin’s face fell with a sudden change of expression. “She didn’t tell you?” he said wryly, which left Heeseung stunned. His heart practically jumped out his chest, no way he thought, understanding what he had implied.
“You and Y/N got back together?” he asked with a shaky voice and churned feeling in his stomach. he felt sick. It was like was going to throw up.
“Yeah, we just made up this morning,” Jeongin stated and Heeseung stiffened as he stood in disbelief. “How’d you make up?” he asked an abnormal question that caused a laugh out of Jeongin. “Of course you always would like to know the details.”
“It’s not like that,” Heeseung fought back. “You fucking cheated on her, so I’m surprised that she would go back to you,” he was bitter and pissed. Rage fueled inside him because after everything he’s done, how could you go back to him?
Heeseung wished he knew what was going inside your head, he wished you could’ve chosen him.
“We’ve been together for two years. She told me that she still loves me and we fucked in the car after her class,” he paused. “I’m sure she missed that too,” Jeongin spits out, watching Heeseung stand speechless and defeated.
“I have to go,” Jeongin closed your bedroom door, “Can’t keep her waiting in the cold.” He grabbed a sweater from your closet and a small bag that was left close to your door before leaving.
Heeseung clenched his fist in exasperation. “Fuck!” he loudly yelled, anger overpowering him.
He was angry at everything. Angry at you, Jeongin, angry that his feelings got in the way of just being roommates. He should have never initiated that revenge plan, because now it seems like you just used him to get back together with your ex.
Your meeting with Jeongin was pretty simple. He told you he watched the video and in fact, He admitted cheating on you. Rather than being angry at the video, he begged for you to take him back. Obviously you told him to get lost, not forgetting the emotional damage that he’d done.
Your clear feelings for Heeseung also helped to admit to yourself that you wanted to be with him. But you were still hesitant to confess to him, feeling unsure if Heeseung felt the same way. You planned to keep this facade that he was just a roommate, a friend, and nothing more.
When you came home after meeting with Jeongin, Heeseung’s car wasn’t there. You even knocked on his door and there was no answer. He probably had a class, you thought. You put on a movie and sat on the couch, waiting all day for him to come home. It worried you when he didn’t.
[6:27 pm] you: hi are you coming home? i plan to watch toy story tonight :P
[7:49 pm] hee: sorry, i’m not gonna be home tonight or for a few days
[7:50 pm] you: is something wrong?
[8:21 pm] hee: nah. my mom just wants me to stay at her place for a while
[8:24 pm] you: ok come back home soon
[8:26 pm] read
Your chest pained noticing that he read your message. He was acting off, acting like you guys weren’t friends anymore. Overthinking questions took over your mind. Did Jay tell Heeseung the actual reason you left the party so early? Was Heeseung uncomfortable living with you knowing how you felt about him? You were scared.
It felt like months living in the apartment by yourself, but it has only been a week since Heeseung left to stay with his mom. It was lonely.
You ate dinner with yourself, went grocery shopping with yourself, had movie nights by yourself. Even Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon didn’t come over, which made sense since they were Heeseung’s friends. You still missed the company.
Does Heeseung hate me? Am I losing him? Your thoughts continued to take over again, and again.
Heeseung felt like a pussy when he temporarily moved out of the apartment. He wasn’t the type to run away, but you were the first girl who made him feel this way. It’s was understandable that he was making irrational decisions. He felt like a teenage boy, heartbroken that his crush was with someone else. He hated feeling this way.
And you’d never thought that you could miss someone this much until Heeseung wasn’t around. It was the same lonely routine every day, and it fucking sucked because it wasn’t that you missed having a roommate. You just missed him.
It’s been three weeks. You and Heeseung haven’t talked at all — not one text message or call. You both loathed allowing your friendship fall apart.
Heeseung’s mom forced him to come back to the apartment, not for you though. It was because he skipped classes without a reasonable excuse.
You were in your room until you heard the door open. In a swift movement, you were in the living room and watching Heeseung come in. It was embarrassing how quick you were to greet him.
“Hey,” you said a bit too happy, surprised to see him home. Heeseung gave you a quick smile before walking in the laundry room. You follow him, even if it seemed annoying since he just got home, and he didn’t bother to acknowledge you.
“You know, I missed you.” You rest your hand on the dryer and watched as he dumped his clothes in the washer from his bag. “Hm?” he hummed, still occupied, pretending that he didn’t hear you.
“The apartment was empty without you,” you went straight to the point, not caring that you weren’t being subtle about your feelings.
Heeseung was quiet for a long time, he didn’t have a response, not one that you would be happy with at least. He continued putting his clothes in the washer, acting like you weren’t present. He was stubborn to the extreme and you hated it because his reasons were unknown.
You mentally curse in your head, guilt creeping upon you when you blamed yourself for how he’s acting. “Heeseung, I’m sorry if the revenge plot was too much. I’m sorry if it’s like I used you.”
“It’s fine, Y/N,” he quickly responded, finally lifting his head to meet your gaze. “I’m the one who came up with the plan,” Heeseung mumbled before leaving you alone in the room. You follow him once more, not caring if you were bothering.
There was something he wasn’t mentioning and he was closing himself off. “Do you wanna fuck me this time?” You let your impulsive thoughts win, “Or do you want me to suck your dick again?”
Heeseung instantly turned around, “What the fuck are you saying?” He looked appalled by your cold tone and abrupt words. You felt your chin quiver, fuck it was like you were about to cry.
“I haven’t seen you since the day of Sunghoon’s party and you have been ignoring me since,” you let out a loud exhale, pulling yourself together. “Did something happen or did I do something?”
You heard resentment when he sighed, “What do you mean ‘did something happen?’ Why are you asking me to fuck you when you have a boyfriend?” Heeseung said calmly, but he sure didn't feel that way. “You got cheated on, Y/N, remember? Are you gonna cheat on him like he did to you?” Confusion kept rising inside him, he fought to not let it turn to rage.
You stared at him for a few seconds, before regaining your composure, “What are you saying? I broke it off with Jeongin the day you went to your mom’s place,” you tell him as he listens.
“He admitted to cheating,” you both froze and stood there for a moment until you spoke again, “I broke it off with him for good.”
“He came over and told me that you guys got back together,” Heeseung tried to keep his voice low, explaining his encounter with Jeongin while having a slow realization of what actually happened. “He said you guys fucked.”
“We didn’t fuck,” you gave Heeseung the truth, “And I should’ve let you know, but I told him to pick up his things in my room since I had class and couldn’t do it for him. He gave me back the keys so he won’t be coming here anymore.”
Heeseung was quiet for a long time. He didn’t have a response because he was busy feeling stupid for being played by Jeongin.
“Was that why you left?” You interrupt Heeseung’s conscience, “Because of what Jeongin said?”
He nodded. “If I saw you that day I would’ve yelled at you. I would’ve asked why the fuck you would go back to him.” You took in his words while deep lines appeared on your forehead.
“You would be that mad if I got back together with him?”
“Yes,” Heeseung spoke. “Because I want you to be with me,” His last words spilled out and you stared at him in shock. Heeseung hadn’t expect to confess so soon but he couldn’t wait anymore.
“You mean that?” you asked, slow and processing his declaration. Of course you had feelings for him as well, but you tried to bury them, thinking he didn’t feel the same.
“I thought it was obvious that I want to be with you,” he let out a sound that was similar to a laugh. You approach him close with a shake of your head, “It wasn’t obvious to me.”
“Maybe I was too naive because of my feelings for you,” you smiled hopefully at him with your heart pounding, as anticipation built up inside wondering what he would say.
Heeseung’s cheeks heat at the endearment, “Feelings for me?” he repeats your words, wanting you to say aloud how you felt about him.
“I want to be with you too, Lee Heeseung.” There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation when you answered him. “Fuck,” you burt out, “A month ago I would’ve thrown up if I ever said those words.”
He rolls his eyes at your attempt of teasing.
You then watch as Heeseung approaches you, cupping your face with both hands, looking at you with desire. You lean into his hands before he kisses you softly. The kiss was sensual, causing both of your hearts to race in unison.
“I can’t believe he played us,” your mind still occupied of what Jeongin did, “We were supposed to get revenge on him.” You lightly complained at the plan that backfired. “Do you wanna fuck and send him a video?” Heeseung suggested, noticing your disappointment.
“No,” you were quick to refuse. “I don’t want him to see you balls deep inside me,” you say before he could speak. Heeseung gives you a kiss, trying to ignore his uncomfortable feeling down there. You lace your fingertips with his and lead both of you into your bedroom.
You pushed him, just hard enough so that he was sitting on your bed leaning against your headboard. His brows rose at your sudden dominance, enjoying every second of it. You climb atop of him as a raspy breath fell off your lips when he stripped you in a matter of seconds.
He loved the view of you removing his shirt while straddling him. It was nothing like he had imagined. You hook your fingers into his waistband and pull his pants down just enough to draw his hard cock out. He bites his lip hard enough to bruise, your touch igniting his skin.
He takes his fingers and brings it down to your core, you were wet enough that he didn’t need to prepare you, but he did anyways. Heeseung shoved his two digits inside you, stretching you out so that you’re able to take his length.
You were both in shock of how easily he was able to slip his fingers while moving in and out. Once he removed himself, you hurriedly opened the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed to get a condom. Heeseung massages your ass with a smirk on his face, grateful that you remembered to use protection. You open the foiled packet and roll the rubber onto him. Heeseung watches your movement and hisses, feeling sensitive and ready to be inside you.
You stroke him, signaling that you're ready to take him. Heeseung nods before you lift your hips and align his cock with yourself, his hands resting on your hips as you hold onto his shoulders. You watch as you carefully lower yourself and he helps you by slightly bucking himself in the air to meet you halfway. He stretched you out perfectly, a strangled groan left you mouth when it stung. It took time to adjust to his size, but Heeseung didn’t mind, wanting to take his time with you.
“Good?” Heeseung asked, looking for any discomfort on your face after a moment of silence. “Yes,” you began to roll your hips after adjusting, earning a deep groan from him. You grabbed ahold of his shoulders to steady yourself as you increase your pace. "Kiss me,” he breathed and it took you a moment to look at him.
Your face heated up because of the lustful expression on his face. Finally, you brought your lips onto his and and the kiss was sloppy, loud, and wetter than ever. You could feel that he was desperately trying to get closer to you by the way his arm wrapped around your waist, causing your chest to fully become pressed against his own.
He gently bit and pulled on your lower lip before slipping his tongue in your mouth. Your walls squeezed around him with each moan you let out.
“H-heeseung,” you groaned without thought. He gripped your hips as you bounced up and down on his twitching cock. “Hm?” he hummed, unable to let out words that made sense.
“I l-love your dick,” you vocalized, still holding onto his shoulders for leverage as you moved faster. Heeseung bucked his hips while grabbing your breast before putting it into his mouth.
He kisses your breast and sucks on your nipple for a while until he felt your legs begin to shake. He started to maintain a steady pace for you, noticing that you were getting tired. “You close?” he asks and your moans turned into whines, wordlessly begging for him to let you come.
Your legs couldn’t keep up anymore, since it’s been so long since you were on top. Heeseung seeing it in your face, grabbed you with one arm and turn both of your bodies around, his length not slipping out of you once. He was now hovering over you, his cock going even deeper.
You tried your best, holding that feeling in your stomach and clenching on him as he was increasing his pace with each hard thrust. “I can’t hold it in,” you tried your best not to groan and release with pleasure. “You can do it, I’m almost close,” Heeseung said. “Please, for me,” he choked out as you threw your head back into the pillow. You let out a whimper as he placed a hand on your hip, gripping it to angle deeper and faster.
Heeseung was watching you with hard eyes as you took his cock in ecstasy. “Look at me, Y/N,” he heavily breathed before you opened her eyes. you glanced at his muscles flexing while he was keeping a rhythm that was becoming too much.
Your mouth parted and Heeseung took the chance to kiss you. Your lips met, exchanging warm breaths and loud moans into each other’s mouths while he continued rocking his hips. “Hee-,” you begged as you hugged him closer.
“Come,” he softly kissed you, slowly slowing down his rhythm but still fast enough for you to meet your peak. “Cum for me,” he growled. your mouth quickly opened when a loud moan poured from your lips as you came. “Fuck-“ Heeseung cursed out, his hips stuttering as he emptied himself inside the condom. You felt him collapse on top of you, kissing your neck as you held his shoulders with your face nuzzled into his hair.
You both took a few minutes catching your breaths together until Heeseung finally slid out of you, tiring the condom off and throwing it in the trash that was next to your bed. You watched as he rolls his body to lay next to you. “Go pee,” he tells you, removing hair that was covering your face. After you went to the bathroom, he patted the space next him, a smile plastered on his face, wanting you to lay next to him.
He helped to shift your body by putting his arm around you so that your head was placed on his chest. “I have a question,” you announced, hearing and feeling his racing heart. “Shoot,” his husky voice responds, open to answer anything.
“Did you masturbate to the first video we made?” you questioned, still remembering that Heeseung probably hasn’t deleted that video on his phone.
Heeseung trained his eyes so that it was on you. your curiosity caused a big exhale out of him, “Yeah, I did,” he said simply, “Every night.” You raised your head as you lightly slapped his chest.
Your eyes grew big at his honesty, “You pervert!”
Heeseung surrendered himself with hands in the air, “It’s not my fault that you looked too good having my cock in your throat.”
At his cheesy response, you give him a quick kiss. “We can still make a sex tape,” you propose. “But just for our eyes to see…”
“And not our friends,” you stare intently at him. Confusion twists his eyebrows together, until he realized what you’d meant. “I’ll save it in a private album next time.” You grin at the thought of the ‘next time’ with him.
Heeseung kisses the top of your head while shutting his eyes and pulling you close into his embrace. He expects to wake up next to you, hoping that this is not a dream, that this is all real.
You lay happily in his arms — falling asleep, waking up, and living next to someone you have never thought could be yours. Maybe this whole time, Lee Heeseung was just what you needed.
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© 2022, fairyofhee on tumblr.
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4K notes · View notes
semischarmed · 8 months
Shane dropped his controller as he finished another round of his favorite video game. 
He paused the game to catch a breath. 
“Oh, by the way Arthur’s coming over,” Shane’s roommate and best friend Noah yawned. Noah ran his hand up his shirt, showing a slight peek of his abs as he lazily scratched. 
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Shane could never put into words the maddening effect that particular move had on him. He didn’t know what it was about Noah, or why it took him so long to see it.
It was just something about the guy, his carefree attitude, his natural charisma, his cute smile. The guy was a gift to be around. He didn’t even think about guys that way- except Noah now, of course. Noah was different. And it was only recently that he had felt such a strong pull for the guy. Guys like Noah were like that. Warm. They had a way of making you smile fondly at the thought of them, at their laughs, at laughing with them. And before you knew it, you were blushing.
Naturally, Shane had kept quiet about his new feelings, knowing that such a confession would cause irreparable damage to their relationship. After all, they’ve been friends as far as he could remember. It was in these contemplative moments that Shane’s mask slipped, and he muttered in slight annoyance, “Arthur again?”
“Yeah bro, he’s actually a pretty fun guy to be around”. The half-asleep Noah said back. Away from the man’s line of sight, Shane grimaced.
Arthur again.
Shane noticed the two hanging out ever since their New Year’s party. He wasn’t even sure how the guy was even invited. Perhaps it was pity. Admittedly, they were all quite cruel to him in high school. Noah especially. That’s just how it was back then. Growing up in a small town had a way of turning something as inconsequential as social status into the end all be all. He was happy to have grown past it. That they had all grown past it.
Shane reasoned Noah must have felt a twinge of guilt about it all. He supposed he felt a bit guilty as well. Shane sighed as he started another match, thoughts lingering back to his roommate.
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- - -
It wasn’t long before the nerdy Arthur was at their door. 
It was another point of annoyance to Shane. The fact that the guy had a key to their place. Arthur merely let himself in, wordlessly plopping on the couch beside Noah.
“What game is that? Looks a bit boring?”
Shane could always count on Arthur to justify his coldness toward him. This nerd was annoying. “Doesn’t matter dude… Noah’s out cold by the way- ” He jerked his head at the collection of empty beers on the coffee table. The air was rank with the noxious mixture of the man’s natural musk and cheap beer. Shane took a swig as he continued with his match.
From the corner of his eye, Shane watched Arthur dig through Noah’s pockets. He felt him continue to dig through the jock’s pocket, lingering a bit too long before fishing out an old phone with a cracked screen. Arthur leaned forward, unlocking the phone and responding to a few messages. With a satisfied smirk, the nerd nonchalantly placed the phone back into Noah’s pocket. 
Shane couldn’t focus too much on the bizarre sight before him. At least, that’s what it looked like to him- he couldn’t tell if he had just imagined the whole exchange in the heat of his particularly difficult match. 
“I think we’re going to play a different game, a guessing game…” Arthur laughed as the television flashed black. He threw the remote to the floor.
“-Hey” Shane shot back in annoyance. He started to get up, only to be slammed back into the couch by his sleeping friend’s meaty hand. “What the fuck?”
Arthur leaned closer to Noah’s sleeping form as he began his game. “Guess.”
Despite the confusion, Shane felt paralyzed with a mix of shock and intrigue. “Guess what?”
This time, Noah jerked to life head turning just a bit too far to left. With a toothy grin, Shane’s best friend answered back. “Guess how long this hunk of meat has been mine.”
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- - -
“C’mon bro, guess”. 
Shane needed more answers. It made a demented sort of sense. Why would Noah, of all people, hang out with Arthur? How did Arthur inexplicably have all this access to Noah’s life? He gulped. Shit. New Year’s. “A couple weeks,” he stammered out, afraid to even speak the words.
Shane couldn’t believe how long it had been. He felt lightheaded at the thought of his best friend, of Noah being reduced to this. He thought of how many people. How had he not noticed? How had no one noticed? The implications were even graver. The fact that one person could do this- could be anyone. No. Before he could even expand his line of thought, an image of Noah’s dumb, grinning smile flashed through his mind. Noah. He felt sick at the prospect. Noah was his best friend, and he couldn’t tell for weeks.
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“Wroooong” both of them hummed. 
Shane was still reeling from the initial shock. “I-I’ll call the police!” Shane stammered.
Arthur looked amused, chewing on the statement before cackling. He stroked Noah’s cheek. 
“My Dad’s the police chief, dumbass... I made each of those piggies mine months ago.” Noah giggled. It was uncharacteristic, entirely unnatural for Noah. 
Shane’s stomach dropped. Months? 
Arthur fished out Noah’s phone again, showing Shane the police chief’s contact screen as he hit the call button.
“Hey, Pops?” Arthur asked. 
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“How long have you been mine?”
“Hmm, let’s see… New Years was six weeks ago… Artie, it had to have been eight mon- “
“-and?” Arthur cut him off, sounding somewhat bored. 
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“-aaand this little piggy loves when you pull on his strings.” The Noah’s father continued, “-aaaand this piggy loves what you’ve made him do to each of his officers-“ Shane heard the police chief audibly lick his lips before moaning “-aaand I love that you wormed into every bit of my son. Thank you for letting me feel my boy’s orgasms.” The police chief’s voice became deranged. He grunted and huffed in the background, while sounds of the police headquarters and cheering officers rang in the background. “-aaand Noah and I have never been closer”. At that, the cheering slowly dimmed and a soft groaning permeated the otherwise eerily quiet air. It was followed by wet, sticky, slapping noises before the beep of the phone hanging up. Shane noticed, ever so slightly, how each grunt and slap seemed to slowly pry open Noah and Arthur’s mouths.
Noah’s eyes squinted in glee, mouth now agape as he began playing with his nipples. In response, Arthur’s cheeks flush. He let out a warm exhale as Noah continued. “Pops was soooo easy. Idiot didn’t even realize his own son’s been the perfect puppet for ages… I played up the gay shit too, made him watch me fuck my main body in his own bed… while my strings dug into him.” 
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Arthur licked his lips with a sinister glee as he spoke this time. “That homophobic asshole had it coming… Once I had enough strings wormed into ol’Chief, I made him masturbate to the sight of his only son fucking me. He’s my best recruiter. You wouldn’t believe how many bodies that muscle-packed body could pull”. At this, Shane could only look at the pair with disgust. A stray tear left Noah’s right eye, as Arthur, without breaking eye contact licked it up. A tiny flicker of hope, of resistance lit in Shane’s mind, only to be smothered by crushing darkness as Noah’s hand brought Arthur’s over his package, guiding it to fondle the jock’s junk.
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Noah’s eyes roll to the back of his head, grin widening as he continued to guide Arthurs hand into more aggressive kneads. ”Don’t feel bad- Artie thinks and feels for me. He loves this so I fucking love it, bro… now, back on topic” Noah’s eyes roll back, appearing normal for a second before dropping all pretense. They now shone with a perverse delight as Arthur continued.  
“C’mon bro… guess again”.
Shane was revolted. Arthur was only around the last few weeks. That meant that Arthur had been behind the scenes, parading Noah’s body around like his own personal plaything even before Shane had a passing thought about the nerd. It was a horror, packaged in such a profound sense of hopelessness that Shane could only wearily try to recall any change in behavior around the New Year’s party. With a defeated sigh, Shane muttered, “months…”
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-End Part 1-
You may have seen the original draft of this. The images on the original may have been too much for Tumblr. In any case, it felt a bit too long so I decided to break this one up.
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