#i have to do the dishes the laundry and clean to livingroom
effervescent-fool · 2 months
my nightly routine before bed it to listen to music and pace my room to unwind and i cant do that tonight because i am just That Tired
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forestryfae · 28 days
also hi im at home i hate it here but i love the snugglies (cats)
but yeah if anyone wants to help me decide what ill try to clean/tidy/organize thatd be neat.
im thinking of trying to do some dishes so ill maybe have a fighting chance to finish deciding what i wanna keep in the kitchen. i already sorted out a lot of what i dont want but i wanna try to do it now that im not pissed off and depressed and desperate for something cleaner. i also need clean pots if im gonna be here longer than one day.
i also do wanna try to do some laundry. mainly bedsheets and towels in case i have to come stay here, esp since there just. is nothing. nothing is clean. two sets are clean but nothing more.
i also wanna do the bedroom, i have a ton of stuff i wanna sort through and decide whether i wanna keep or not and i really dont even know what half this stuff is. like i feel im being judged very harshly by my parents, esp mom, seeing as they also own stuff but. i do also geniuinely own too much stuff and i dont wanna bring it all once i move.
theres also 4 big bags of clothes and stuff in the livingroom and i already cleaned through it but i still wanna give it a quick look through and decide what can be sold/given away and what cant
i also have stuff in the livinroom in a few places and i wanna go through it too just to make sure i know what i have
actually i dont need to know what to do as much as i need external motivation and encouragement that its not an impossible task and i think i need to just. follow this list as it is. dishes and laundry first, bedroom, kitchen, livingroom.
other than that theres just some maintenance and organization and im gucci
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It was a bright, sunny day, without a cloud in the sky. Summer at its finest, most would say. While it wasn't his favourite season, Kazuha didn't dislike it, he usually found the clear skies and sunshine pleasant. Usually.
At that moment, the sunrays beaming through the large glass windows were only proving to annoy him. Not only was the room uncomfortably hot, but Kazuha also wasn't a fan of the light constantly reflecting off of random household objects and blinding him. Silently muttering to himself in annoyance, Kazuha carefully stepped over the wet floor he had just finished mopping, grabbing the curtains and swiftly pulling them closed. The room was immediately bathed in shadows, only illuminated from the light that streamed in from the open windows in the next room.
Kazuha nodded approvingly, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair in behind his ear, before turning around and stepping back over the wet patches on the floor. He was visibly irritated that day, so it wasn't surprising that even the sunlight got on his nerves.
Nowadays, it wasn't too often that the grief from Kazuha's past came back to haunt him. Time had mostly healed the wounds, and the nightmares were few and far between. But there were still days where the grief resurfaced, haunting his mind relentlessly. The previous day hadn't been a good day for Kazuha, emotionally, and that night he just couldn't sleep a wink. He restlessly tossed and turned, until he eventually got up to look for something to do. Gorou had tried staying up with him, but to no avail, he dozed off again with his head on his arms less than half an hour later — not that Kazuha blamed him for that. He didn't expect Gorou to sacrifice his own rest just because he couldn't sleep.
"Try and take a nap today, okay?" Gorou had said that morning, after Kazuha had convinced him not to skip out on his classes for his sake.
"I will." Kazuha had said softly, letting Gorou give him a kiss on the cheek.
It wasn't a complete lie, Kazuha had tried to take a nap. For all of five minutes before he was too restless to stay in bed a moment longer. Sleep just seemed impossible.
That was hours ago. Kazuha's insisted on keeping his mind busy, not wanting to give himself a chance to think, should the grief return again. First, he took care of the tedious chores both him and Gorou have been putting off — He stripped the sheets of the bed to put in the wash, before taking the basket of clean laundry that's been standing in their room for two days now, and putting everything in it away. While he was at it, he took the opportunity to tidy the closet. Gorou would probably be happy to hear Kazuha found all the socks he's been losing over the course of the last month.
By the time Kazuha had finished with that, the bedding had finished in the dryer, so he made the bed. Still having hours left before Gorou would return, Kazuha grabbed a broom and began sweeping — he did about a quarter of the livingroom before deciding no, sweeping wasn't enough, he should get the mop.
That was three hours ago. Kazuha had thoroughly cleaned all the floors in their tiny apartment, tidying as he went. His arms were aching all the way from his shoulders down to his wrists.
Sighing heavily, Kazuha deposited the mop in the bucket of murky water, before heavily sitting down on the couch. He reached up, coming his fingers through his sweaty hair, and closing his eyes for a moment. His mind still felt scattered, but at least he had put his anxious energy to use. Gorou would be home soon.
Kazuha lay his head against the backrest of the couch, keeping his eyes closed. He still had to toss out the bucket of water and put away the mop and broom. Then… maybe he could get a start on the dishes, if they had any? That would keep him busy until Gorou came home, although Kazuha wasn't sure if they had any dirty dishes. He hadn't really been in the kitchen that day, aside from refilling his water bottle twice, and cleaning the floor there. Which made him realise that he hadn't eaten a single thing either.
As if to voice it's frustration with that fact, Kazuha's stomach growled softly. He grimaced, simply draping an arm over his middle to silence his stomach. Another side effect of the emotional mess going on in his head, was that Kazuha didn't really have any form of an appetite. The thought of eating something made him feel almost a little queasy.
Ignoring his empty stomach, Kazuha sat upright again. He reached up, rubbing his sore forehead as he tried to recall what he was about to do. His mind felt really fuzzy, now that he had finally taken a moment to stop cleaning and sit down. What was he planning on doing again? Oh right, dishes. But did they have dirty dishes? If they didn't, he could always wipe down the counter tops instead. Maybe reorganise the cabinets? Yeah, that could keep him busy until Gorou got home. He would be home soon, right? He'd have to check the time.
Kazuha opened his eyes again, discarding the garbled thoughts in his mind. Sitting down for a moment made him realise just how tired he was. Hopefully that meant he would actually be able to sleep that night when Gorou got home. Kazuha planted his hands on the couch, grunting softly as he pushed himself up onto his feet in one swift movement.
He must have stood up too suddenly, because Kazuha staggered for a moment, throwing his arms out to the sides to keep his balance. Black dots completely obscured his vision. It should have been something he was able to walk off, but the dizziness was enough to force Kazuha back onto the couch. He breathed heavily, reaching a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. His head was absolutely killing him.
Kazuha reached for the armrest, trying to push himself up again. He stopped, dizzily closing his eye for a moment. Maybe he should just… lay down? Just until he stopped feeling so lightheaded.
Without really thinking, Kazuha shifted his position, pulling his legs up onto the couch and laying down across it with his head supported by the armrest. The ceiling above him appeared to be tilting from side to side, and Kazuha squeezed his eyes shut. He was already starting to nod off, barely having had the chance to question why he was feeling so unwell all of a sudden.
Kazuha sluggishly leaned over to the side, trying to reach for his phone on the coffee table. He just wanted to text Gorou, tell him that something was wrong, he wasn't feeling well. Kazuha's hand went limp before his fingertips could even brush the side of the coffee table. The last thing he registered before he completely passed out, was his body tipping to the side he was leaning to, and hitting their carpet with a soft thud.
'Finally.' Gorou thought to himself when he pulled into the parking lot. He tugged at the collar of his t-shirt, huffing softly. Why did the university's air-conditioning never work? It was a brutally hot day.
He swung open the door and got out, a moment later leaning back in to grab the takeout bag he had picked up on his way home. If his bleary eyes had been anything to go by that morning, Kazuha had probably spent the day napping on and off, or at least Gorou hoped he did. He decided to treat his boyfriend to take out from their favorite restaurant, so they didn't have to bother with making any dinner.
Gorou took the stairs, not bothering to wait on the elevator. He stuffed the takeout bag beneath one arm while fiddling with his keys, until he was able to unlock the door. Not knowing whether Kazuha was awake or asleep, Gorou quietly slipped inside, locking the door behind them again. The lights were switched off, the only light in the small apartment coming from the windows in the kitchen. The curtains in the living room were drawn. Alright, so Kazuha was probably asleep. Gorou was glad — he needed it.
Gorou checked his watch, as he deposited the takeout bags on the kitchen counter island. It was still early, but he was starting to feel a little peckish. Maybe he should warm up some food for himself, and save Kazuha's in the fridge for the time being? Gorou was still pondering what to do, when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye, and he glanced over his shoulder. The bucket and mop from their broom closet was out, standing on the - quite clean - living room floor. Gorou's shoulders sunk. Did Kazuha begin stress cleaning, while he was so tired already?
Gorou began walking into the living room, wanting to gather the cleaning supplies and put them away.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
For a moment, Gorou thought he was seeing things. But no, Kazuha was really lying on his side on the carpet, right next the couch, face resting in the crook of his elbow. Panic seized Gorou, and he was on his knees next to Kazuha before he was aware of his actions. The worst case scenarios immediately spread through his mind like wildfire… but yet, Kazuha seemed completely unharmed and even peaceful. His back rose and fell with his soft, even breaths, arm curled beneath his face like a makeshift pillow. Almost like he was just sleeping. Gorou wasn't sure what to think. Kazuha has had dizzy spells in the past, and has fainted before, so he didn't want to rule out the possibility that he got lightheaded and fell, or blacked out. But looking at the entire scene, it genuinely looked like Kazuha was just taking a nap. Maybe he had been sleeping on the couch, and rolled off in his sleep? Kazuha slept like the dead, it wouldn't surprise Gorou if that had happened.
"Kazuha?" Gorou whispered softly, brushing the hair out of Kazuha's face with his hand. He instinctively rested his palm against his forehead, although there was no trace of a fever. Gorou absentmindedly tucked the loose strands of hair in behind Kazuha's ears, tilting his head to the side as he watched his boyfriend's sleeping face. Kazuha seemed a little pale, but that could easily be his imagination, considering how paranoid he felt already.
"Hey, Kazuha." Gorou raised his voice above a whisper this time, transitioning his hand to Kazuha's shoulder and giving him a gentle shake. "Wake up, love. It's me."
It took a few gentle shakes before Kazuha stirred. He furrowed his eyebrows, squeezing his eye tightly shut. Then, after a moment, he blinked them open. For a moment, Gorou was almost taken aback. Kazuha looked right through him, like he wasn't even there. His eyes drifted from Gorou's face, dazedly looking at the living room.
"Hey, you with me?" Gorou prodded gently. He might have just woken Kazuha up from a very deep sleep, it would be natural for him to be a little out of it.
"...yeah…" It didn't sound convincing at all. Kazuha almost slurred the word, like a tavern regular who's had one too many. He blinked dazedly, looking back at Gorou. Although he seemed to struggle to find his eyes.
"Kazuha?" Gorou asked again, his voice more firm this time, with an audible tremor to it. "Talk to me, come on."
"... I'm… dizzy." Kazuha mumbled, blinking again. He squinted, before squeezing his eyes shut, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "What… what time is it?" With every word he sounded a little more coherent, though he was still confused.
"Just past three, I just got home." Gorou kept an arm on Kazuha's shoulder, wanting to help steady him. "You're sleeping on the floor, love, did you know that?"
"No…" Kazuha was halfway sitting up, but he kept his eyes closed. He's definitely gotten slightly paler. "...why?"
"You probably rolled off the couch in your sleep." Gorou said.
"Come here." Gorou said gently, shifting so he had Kazuha by both his shoulders. "You can't keep lying on the ground. Let me just help you back up onto the couch, okay?"
Kazuha didn't protest, stiffly letting Gorou help him up. His legs quivered beneath him, only holding his weight long enough until he was able to sit back down on the couch. His face had gotten several shades paler.
"You're okay, right?" Gorou hated that he could hear the worry in his own voice. "I mean, you haven't slept properly in a couple of days now, if at all, your body must be exhausted. And you did chores too, so of course you're absolutely—"
Gorou didn't get to finish his sentence when Kazuha suddenly made a choked sounding hiccup. His cheeks bulged out for a moment, and he bent forward just in time to vomit.
Gorou let out a surprised mix between a gasp and a squeak, when a watery mixture of bile and stomach acid splashed on the floor. Kazuha groaned, and Gorou hurriedly reached over, gathering his hair behind his head. He hiccuped a few more times, his back jerking slightly each time. Though he was clearly nauseous, it didn't seem like his stomach had much of anything to expel.
"Are you okay?" Gorou's voice came out a little high pitched with nerves.
Kazuha responded by gagging softly, and something else splashed on the floor. Gorou squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, already feeling a little queasy himself just from hearing Kazuha throw up.
"I'm… sorry." Kazuha's voice was hoarse. He had his head bent low, mouth still dangling open. His eyes were closed. "Just… nauseous. My head is pounding." He sounded more coherent, at the very least.
"Kazuha, how long have you felt sick?" Gorou asked softly. "Should I drive you to a doctor?"
"No, I'm… okay." Kazuha shakily rested his elbows on his knees, letting his hands support his head. "Just so, so tired, and-" His breath caught in a throat for a moment when he breathed in, almost like he was close to tears. "My head is throbbing something awful."
'It's okay, he's okay.' Gorou told himself, trying to ease his own racing heart. Kazuha had migraines from time to time, quite frequently actually when he didn't sleep right or was under too much stress. It made sense that he got one, considering how long its clearly been since he had some proper sleep.
Kazuha inhaled shakily again, letting out a long, shuddery exhale as his fingers knotted themselves in his hair. Gorou didn't often see him so emotional.
"Come here." Gorou said gently, letting go of Kazuha's hair and moving his hands to his shoulders.
Kazuha didn't need much prompting, immediately leaning into Gorou's touch. He allowed Gorou to pull him closer, immediately melting into his hold against his chest. Gorou pressed his lips to the top of Kazuha's head, somewhat cradling him in his arms.
"It's alright." He whispered. "You're sleep deprived as hell. That's all." He was reassuring himself as much as he was reassuring Kazuha.
For a while, they just sat there. Gorou kept his arms securely wrapped around Kazuha who was curled up against him, with his face somewhat burried in Gorou's chest. He remained in that position until he began to drift off, his unsteady breaths easing into a rhythm. Gorou had started to calm down as well. He was still worried, of course, how couldn't he be? But everything added up in his head. He just blamed himself for going to class that day, and not staying home when Kazuha clearly needed him.
Eventually, Gorou carefully shifted out underneath Kazuha. He supported his boyfriends's head with one hand, until he was able to place one of the couch cushions beneath him to act as a pillow. Kazuha, true to nature, barely stirred, only nestling his face into the cushion instead. Dark circles had become visible beneath his eyes, emphasising just how little sleep his body was running on.
The cleaning supplies were all still laid out, and Gorou picked up the bucket and the mop to clean up where Kazuha had been sick. While he tried not to look too much at the stomach contents on the floor, Gorou couldn't help but notice that Kazuha had only really thrown up liquid. It seemed he hadn't eaten a thing that day, which only served to explain more why he was so under the weather.
Gorou dumped the mop back into the bucket, taking a few steps forward and leaning on the wall. He reached up, pressing the back of his hand against his mouth, and closing his eyes. He simply couldn't clean up puke without feeling nauseous himself.
'Just don't go throwing up too." Gorou internally told himself.
He swallowed thickly a couple of times, before pushing himself off the wall, and trudging back over the kitchen, to fill himself a glass of water at the sink. Gorou rested with his elbows on the counter, staring out of the window as he silently sipped away at the water.
When Kazuha woke up again, there was a damp washcloth draped over his forehead, the edges already beginning to dry. The continuous pulsing in his skull had already been reduced to a dull ache. He was still tired, horrifically tired. Really, he just wanted to roll over and sleep more.
Instead, Kazuha stiffly lifted his head off the cushion, slowly sitting upright. The cloth fell from his forehead as he did.
"Hey, you're awake." A hand gently brushed the stray strands of hair out of his face. The calloused fingers were familiar, and Kazuha smiles vaguely as he leaned into the person's touch.
"How's your head?" Gorou asked softly, keeping his voice low.
"Better." Kazuha said softly. "A lot better."
"You sound like you're feeling better. That's good, you had me a little worried." Despite the smile in his voice, Gorou's tone was genuine.
"Sorry about that." Kazuha whispered. "I don't remember it all that well, but I didn't mean to scare you. I feel better." He grimaced. "I cannot believe I threw up on the floor, after I mopped it too."
"Don't worry about it, I cleaned up." Gorou said.
"Sorry you had to do that." Kazuha whispered. He felt a little ashamed.
"Kazuha, it's fine." Gorou insisted. "Remember last month, when I got food poisoning from that hot dog I ate? I puked all over the damn hallway floor, and you had to clean up after me. I'm sure it was a lot more disgusting than this." He poked Kazuha's shoulder softly. "Which brings me to the next thing. You hadn't eaten anything today, had you? You were completely running on empty!"
"I didn't feel hungry." Kazuha admitted softly.
"Kazuha, you haven't slept properly for two days now." Gorou said, trying to sound stern. "I saw how clean the apartment is, you worked all day today, didn't you? No wonder I came home to find you sleeping off a migraine on the floor."
Kazuha didn't say anything, avoiding Gorou's eyes. He sniffed softly, reaching up and wiping his eyes on the back of his hand. Gorou's face fell.
"Hey, no, I'm sorry…" he said immediately. "I didn't mean to upset you."
Gorou gently pulled Kazuha closer, wrapping him in a hug. Kazuha rested his head against Gorou's shoulder, allowing himself to be coddled.
"I know you've had a rough couple of days." Gorou whispered. "I don't blame you for struggling, okay? If anything, I should have stayed home today, and made sure you were alright. We won't play the blame game, okay?"
Kazuha only nodded. He was too tired to try and argue with anything Gorou said. All he wanted was to sleep.
"Come on." Gorou whispered, giving Kazuha a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I'm going to give you something light to eat, and lots of water to drink. Then its bath and straight to bed with you."
"That sounds nice." Kazuha whispered softly. "That sounds really nice."
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feralssinbin · 2 years
Out Date
Set in a world with Detroit: Become Human vibes (i've only seen like the first third of the game aaa i need to actually sit down for a full playthrough) Bots can be bought as general helpers, assistants, and aids of varying degrees. Many are very straight forwards, but for some, the AI has advanced, reached a level that is similar to human. Visual designs vary from something stylizes like the DCA boys, or something very nearly human. People are divided on what's more 'comfortable' to work with, so they all exist. Sun and Moon (same body) start their journey at the equivalent of a dog shelter for problem bots. They've been returned time and time again, and passed through many questionable hands, each time coming back a little more off kilter than the last. Questions aren't asked beyond what was wrong with them, a damaged component or physical damage, or a behavioral AI problem, and they're patched up if needed and put back into holding until the next new owner decides to roll the dice with them. Enter YN. They work the reception desk, and often help new clients find a bot that fits both their needs and budget. It's not a fancy establishment, and their clientele aren't always the most savory. Still, they're familiar with the fact Sun has come back more than a couple times. Odd cause while they're here they're always pretty cooperative, and even gently joke around when YN has to go check on them, or tell them they're out again. Though there's a marked note on their file now. An "Out Date". A gentle way of saying if they aren't picked up and gone by then, they're scrapped. Killed. The date's coming up too, and the likelihood of them getting bought is getting less and less. YN Caves. They can't technically afford a bot, the pay from their desk job covering housing and basic bills with just a little leftover for emergencies, but they did the thing you aren't supposed to do. They got attached. They haggle and barter and eventually work the boss man down to something they can justify stretching themself thin for, and they get to give him the good news. News he's less than thrilled about. YN can't blame him, they know he's been through a lot so they can't fault him for being wary. Even more so once the two end up home. YN does not take care of themself. Or their house. It is an absolute mess. Sun is, frankly, appalled. NOW. YN knows the place is a mess. They aren't oblivious to it. It's the one thing that maybe might be worth having a helping hand around. Not that Sun HAS to do anything. They didn't buy him to make him a housemaid, after all. But he's off to cleaning before he even says a word. The anxiety spikes because OH NO, THATS YOUR MESS TO CLEAN UP. Having them around would have been a motivator to DO something about it, not make them clean it up. The first conflict comes when YN tries to stop Sun from picking things up. The whip around from his head, both in shock and just... at the state of this place, is enough to make YN flinch. Hard. There's a stutter in his expression, but he insists on cleaning. So YN tries to help. In the sense that the entire situation has turned into something horribly humiliating, that an adult can't manage to take care of their own place like this. Eventually they fade out of sight, trying to clean in a different room while Sun focuses the kitchen. They go to the livingroom, too close, one of the bathrooms and can still hear him moving dishes, eventually they wander back to the bedroom and try to pick up some laundry and old takeout that made it's way back there... Still no dice. But it's the farthest from the activity out in the rest of the house that they can at least hide. Hours pass and night falls. The cleaning eventually stops. It takes a bit for YN to realize they can't hear the cleaning anymore, but when they do, curiosity gets the best of them.
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thescrumwizard · 3 months
Fairly productive weekend; got my livingroom mostly cleaned, cat boxes changed to fresh litter, meal prepped a veggie-heavy salad for the week, got a basket of laundry done.
Still need to cook bacon and potatos for my work potluck tomorrow (doing loaded mashed potatos) but I am going to relax and have a bath and then cook the potatos and maybe get the sink cleared of dishes while they boil.
I also ordered a new couch cover that should be here sometime next week.
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plantedandgrowing · 11 months
Day 2 of Attempting My Daily Routine:
Oh yeah, I saved day 1 to my drafts but apparently it didn't actually save and now it's lost forever, but on day 1 I didn't complete some things, like exercise, nighttime routine beyond bathing, and waking up early... I wokeup at 10am, so today I'm aiming to complete more!
The WIFI is still down but I'm hoping it's fixed by tonight so I can do some schoolwork.
· Wokeup at 8am. It definitely took some self-disipline to peel myself out of bed.
· Brushed my teeth, rinsed my face with cold water.
· Followed an energizing yoga routine while my baby slept.
· Fed the chickens, collected a mushroom to create a spore print.
· Made myself some potatoes w/ onions and fried eggs for breakfast. Lyla had apple sauce mixed with baby oatmeal.
· 10:50am - I spent about an hour nurisng Lyla while she napped, finished a load of laundry (dirty rags), straightened up some of the kitchen to get ready for a deeper cleaning.
· 11:50am - Read a story to Lyla (from The Brownies book), put a load of our clean clothes away, straightened up the bedroom a bit. Went to the kitchen and properly wiped down all the counters and organized more. Wiped down the kitchen table & living room tables. Started on the dishes till Lyla demanded to eat, so now I'm taking a rest and nursing her.
I think she's extra grumpy today cause we wokeup earlier than usual; we were getting into a bad habit of waking around 10am - 11am.
· Lyla wokeup at 12:25pm.
· 12:50pm - Finished all the dishes. Played with Lyla.
· 1:00pm - Finished day 1 of the 30 day workout challenge; I did the squats and lunges while holding my 20+lb 7-month-old.
· 1:32pm - Swept livingroom. Tidied up the main bathroom. Made mop water.
· 2:50pm - Mopped the living room. Swept the kitchen and dining room. All my roommates showed up and started cooking so I decided I'll mop the dining room and kitchen later (or tomorrow). Also!! The internet has been fixed so I'll be able to do schoolwork again. Lyla is nursing and taking another nap.
12AM - I finished everything on my daily routine list except for schoolwork (and I didn't moisturize myself, but I slathered Lyla in lavender lotion).
I will definitely prioritize schoolwork tomorrow - I just have to get back into learning mode. Forcefully. It always feels nice when I do, I just don't like to start. Nearing the math portion of things is always daunting, too, but I've got this.
Anyway, Lyla and I had dinner. We bathed. I brushed her teeth, and then mine. Flossed. Started watching The Queen's Gambit. Nursed Lyla, got her to sleep. I'll try to get myself to sleep soon.
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prydwencats · 5 years
Little tip for some of you kids who are just starting out on your own: Keep your house clean.  At the very least, keep the room with the entrance door clean.  You never know when you might be hit with an unexpected medical emergency or severe anxiety attack and paramedics might need to come to your house.  It helps to have a clean space where they can assess whether or not you’re alright.  Having a messy space might make you less hesitant to call for help when you need it (if you’re the type who worries about people seeing a messy house). 
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
It's Christmas time and I know the Winter and Christmas Blues can be hard, so here's some KISSmas fluff.
Side note: should I do this as a series for the holidays? I'll do requests too.
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Christmas was always a hard time of the year for you. Some days felt easier than others while othet days....it physically hurt to even get out of bed. Today was starting off as one of the harder days. Waking up to an empty bed day in and day out was starting to take a toll on you mentally and emotionally, but you knew it was all a part of the package after you said 'yes' when Tommy popped the question at your last family reunion.
There was so much that had to be done, but you just didn't have the energy to do it. The dishes were starting to pile up, the laundry needed folding, and you needed a decent meal in your starving tummy. The list of things needing to be done started to make you feel so guilty. You hated this feeling of guilt and it only made things worse. You wanted nothing more than just to have Tommy home for the holidays and to be home with your family.
'Well...maybe if I did some cleaning, I could feel better.' The thought felt exhausting bit you knew that you had to do something. Inside your home was already fully decorated and colorful in the Christmas spirit, but you just couldn’t feel it, even after pulling on the matching onesie you had picked out with Tommy last year. The thought of him wearing his brought the faintest little smile to your face. You could see him now, wearing the second reindeer onesie with it slightly lopsided googly eyes and crooked nose. A faint giggle escapes your lips despite the burning of emotions in the back of your throat. Tears started to sting your eyes and you couldn't help yourself except to let them fall.
It felt like a kettle boiling over. The surge of emotions just kept coming and the tears just kept falling. You hug your elbows tight against yourself as you walk into the livingroom. The Christmas tree was brightly lit in an array of multicolored lights and ornaments. A series of stockings decorated the mantle over the fireplace. Everything was so bright and lively, yet your emotions crossed you.
"Alexa: play my holiday list," You finally manage to say through the tears. The little speaker responds and starts to play your playlist. You roll your eyes at how perfectly timed and corny it was for "Santa Baby" to be the first song to come up. At least it wasn't Mariah Carey this time. You wipe your eyes, cursing at yourself for being such an emotional mess. "What I would give to have Tommy under the tree this year...." You murmur to yourself with the song. You were so distraught in your emotions that you hadn't even registered the fact that the front door had opened and closed.
"I could do you one better, how about I  meet you under the mistletoe?" Tommy says from behind you, startling you out of your thoughts. There he stood, cheeks and nose red from the freezing snow outside, but his eyes soften seeing your red puffy eyes. "Oh kitten, come here. What's wrong?"
When you look at him, it was as if all your problems melted away. He was just as you pictured: that signature side smile he always wore, and he even had on that damned reindeer onesie. You bury your face deep in his chest, clinging tightly to him like a lifeline. All the guilt melts away as he wraps his slender arms around your frame, pulling you close against his body. Even after being out in the frigid cold, he felt so nice and warm. Your tears continued to fall, but the emotions started to melt away, the guilt escaping you.
"It's nothing....I just...." You couldn't find the words to say. There was so much you wanted to say, but being held by your beloved made everything better in that moment.
"It's what? You can tell me anything," he assures you and kisses the tears away and caresses your cheeks. He was right after all, you could tell him anything. Everything for that matter.
"I guess I just got a little too much in my head. I thought you weren't due back home until next month? And-and-I I guess I was feeling a little homesick...." you felt so silt I that moment. How could you be homesick when you were living your childhood dream?
"Hey, it's okay. It's all okay. Our next run of shows got canceled due to weather and are scheduled for the summer, so you can have me all to yourself this Christmas," he promises and takes your hands in his,kissing your knuckles. "How's about I make some of that hot chocolate your grandma always makes?"
The thought of having a piece of home there brought the brightest smile to your face. "Tom--how?"
"Your mom said it always helped chase the Winter Blues away," he tweaks your nose. "Pick out a movie, I'll get the hot chocolate. The housework can wait. All I want for Christmas is you and for you to be happy baby."
In that instant, that was the happiest you had felt in a long while. Snuggled up together on the couch, sipping hot chocolate and watching 'Elf' with your beloved was definitely the perfect Christmas gift.
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Spent yesterday tidying up the house and honestly, the weight of anxiety off my shoulders from just a few simple things was enormous. Just setting a broom to the livingroom and the mop in the kitchen made a world of difference.
Due to excruciating hip pain due to my pregnancy, I’ve found getting around the house and out to be extremely difficult. I felt a deep discomfort from asking for help in getting things done around the home because of it (’I don’t have a job like you do, why can’t I do the housework, I’m just dead weight otherwise.’) 
Luckily, I have a second set of hands in my eldest daughter, who is more than happy to spend an afternoon scooting the broom around the hall and getting the dishes covered (while I’m monitoring her, pointing out what needs doing.)
My eldest daughter is bright and capable, well spoken and well read. She’s very creative and eager to help me as much as I ask her to with little complaint, but I felt guilty telling her to get housework done when I was unable to do so. 
I grew up in a home where housework and childcare fell on my shoulders in a lot of ways, when my mother was unable or unwilling to do so. I felt resentment in having a lot of my personal time taken from me with little say on my part. I was expected to keep the house tidy, to care for my siblings, because I lived in her home rent free and I owed it to her for the privilege of being in her home. I never wanted my child to feel like I was treating them as a slave and have been incredibly lenient on household chores (save for ensuring she keeps her bedroom from turning into an absolute pig sty.) Outside of the odd small job (feed the cats, organize the shoe rack, put some groceries away) I haven’t felt right asking her to do the big things, and its fallen on me to do them.
It took a lot of convincing to get to me realize that my daughter WANTS to be helpful to me, whether that’s in helping me gather laundry around the house, do the household dishes and wash out the sink, or getting the fixings for tea when I request them. Having a child who actively WANTS to help out around the home has been HUGELY helpful to me as I’ve grown larger and movement has become a little more difficult. I feel more inclined to ask her for help knowing that she’s wanting to do so, rather than being told to get chores done, as its not me demanding anything, but rather her being willingly helpful when she knows that I’m unable to do so. I feel blessed to have a willing helper like her.
She’s taking the eventual ‘Big Sister’ role very seriously and knows that when her little sister arrives, there will be more expected of her (ie, helping around the house, grabbing me things I need for baby or keeping her eye on her sibling when I need to take a shower, or do something where I need both my hands.) And I am getting in the habit of asking for her help, as its very difficult for me to do so. I have yet to have a ‘no’ or complaint, and beyond keeping her on task or doing a once over when she’s done to make sure the job is done properly, there have been no problems. She’s an eager learner, and is more than willing to ask for clarification or redirection when she’s lost or needs to be put to task again.
I’ve learned that if she’s willing to help, and wants to help, I shouldn’t be coddling her by not allowing her to take on responsibilities she believes she can take. There are some jobs she’s still not ready for (mopping out the house, cooking whole meals in the kitchen, laundry - as our machines are communal in our building) but she’s glad to do the dishes, clean the bathroom (with Mr. Clean and my overseeing her) and sweeping the house. Teaching her these life skills is important to her for later, but also makes my job easier in keeping house. 
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
The Other Harmon P28 For You
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I sat watching the TV seeing what Beth had done to the house since I had been away sipping a glass of wine, she had given me a glass and then had the rest of the bottle for herself drinking straight from the bottle listening to the music on the TV. Both us a little tipsy
"What was it like with Harry?" I asked her
"what do you mean?"
"Like... what did you get up to?"
"Sex." she answered "dishes, laundry, you know that kinda stuff," she says "what about you and Benny?"
"Much the same, without the sex"
"How did you deal with the shower anyway it's in his living room?"
"I showered when he was out" I shrug "Or when he's playing chess or reading about chess. honestly, if chess is involved I could be walking around naked screaming his name and that boy wouldn't look up" I giggled
"why did you try?"
"No, it was just an example Beth"
"Dose, he still walks around in like that.... robe thing?"
"Yes, but I kinda stole it a little in the mornings, it fit me better anyway. and I felt my robe here"
"What did you two spend all your time doing? really Y/n?"
"I can't tell you beth,"
"Fine... let's play it this way," she says "while you where away I was having bedpost rattling sex with a boy and he tried playing chess with me while having sex"
"Rook to E4" she smiled "Pawn takes pawn" she giggled miming sex with her hips
"that's amazing" I laughed sipping my drink "That was harry then?"
"I didn't say who"
"Well... while I was away, somebody... Took my virginity"
"Benny?" she asked angrily
"I didn't say who" I smirked
"Didn't know you still where a Virgin still"
"I was when I went to new york"
"and now?"
"and now I'm not"
"I danced naked in the livingroom while on drugs"
"I had sex against a doorframe"
"I showed my tits to a mail guy"
"I ride a guys cock... fuck that hurt the first time"
"Not even I've done that" she smirked "It hurt?"
"Like fuck the next morning I literaly couldn't move I had to get benny to drag me around the flat like a ragdoll"
"So benny was there at the time?"
"In his room, doing.... I don't know bed chess I guess" I shrug "Then the next morning he was the only one around so"
"is that all benny does?"
"Chess and shit pretty much."
"You never used to swear"
"You swear?"
"Yeah but you don't..." she says "you sound like benny"
"Do I?"
"You do, You have his tawng. you have his speaking style" she says "and the swearing"
"I spend alot of time with him,"  shrug
at that moment the phone rang she sighed getting up having a strech wondering off to the kitchen grabbing the phone
"Hello? Yes, Ohh it's you, what do you want? why? fine," she sighed "Your a dick, Your a stupid twit, Yes I am aware," I had a feeling from that who it was on the phone only one person in the world she talks to like that "Fine But I can pick up the over phone if I want and listen in on you" she smirked
"Y/N!" she yelled into the living room holding the phone "For You" she says
"thanks beth" I smiled getting up and taking the phone from her, she went back to her wine and laid on the sofa "Hello?" I asked
"Hello Honeydew" Benny smiled down the phone
"Aww hello Mr Watts" I giggled wondering around the kitchen as much as I could with the phone cord in my hand "what is the purpose of this call then? I leave something at your apartment?"
"Well... Maybe a few things" he smirked "No I just rang to... say hi"
"It's quiet" I smiled "Without you"
"It's quiet without you too, for a little girl you make so much noise"
"Do I? Well maybe someone should stop making me be so loud"
"Hey, careful your sister might be listening"
"she's got wine she's fine, she had a bottle of red wine and there are hot boys on the Tv she's fine"
"Off You girls sitting looking attractive men are you?"
"Well, she is. I'm reading, and... talking to one instead"
"awww aren't you sweet" he smiled
"how you been doing without me?" I asked "Really?"
"it's... weird" he says "the record's aren't on, your not singing dancing around in my clothes, my laundry stays on the floor a lot longer"
"Really?" i laughed
"What, I got used to put something on the floor I turn up five mnuets later and it's gone" He says "In the washing or on you"
"Ohh Poor Benny gotta clean up after yourself?" I laughed "It's strange, without you around. I don't know I fell... Lovely"
"You have beth?"
"Yeah well beth might be here but her head isnt always, I can't always have a conversation with her not like I do with you" I smiled "I miss that robe actly can you send it out?"
"No it's mine your not having it, You already stole two of my shirts"
"No I-"
"I know you did, you snuck them in your suitcase I would like them back next I see you please I need them"
"Fine" I sighed
"I miss coffee" he says "In the morning... before I've even got out of bed. That's heavenly" he smiled "I don't like having to get up for my coffee"
"Ummm so you miss me cleaning up after you? and making you coffee?"
"And other things"
"I miss you," He says "I just... miss you. nothing inperticualr just, You"
"I miss you too benny"
"Y/n... I wanted to talk to you about something"
"About what?"
"Do you remmeber... the first night we, you know"
"we what?"
"You know what I don't know if beth can hear me" he laughs
"your safe" I giggled checking she hadn't got up to the other phone but she sat with her wine still
"The first time we, Did it"
"Ohhh that,"
"You remmeber?"
"I remember, How could I forget benny"
"Do you remember what I said to you?"
"No... you said alot of things to me"
"Then it doesn't matter," he says
"No benny come on tell me"
"Not like this... when I see you, You're coming with beth to Vegas right?"
"Okay, I will see if I can call you tomorrow"
"Okay, Talk soon"
"talk soon" He smiled before hanging up the phone
"what did he want?" beth asks
"I uhh I left some bits at his" I lied sitting back in my chair with my glass trying to rememeber what he said to me the first tie we had sex? what did he mean? what was he going on about?
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I am still dealing with a lot of guilt right now. I dont even know why. I had a pretty productive day! But I cant feel good about any of it. And I dont even feel rested. I just feel. Guilt.I did just get an email from Putok asking if I want to come back to camp. so thats nice at least. 
I slept well last night though. It was hard to fall asleep but I did sleep good. It was only hard to get up because it was cold in our room. James came in to let me know he was going to get drug tested for new jobs. And so I did get up. 
I changed our sheets. I got dressed and felt good about myself. I did  a little tyding and played a little animal crossing. I made a falafel. A meal I had twice today. 
I put the dishes away and cleaned up the kitchen and soon James was home. 
He went to start the laundry and then we hung out in the dungeon for a little while. But I was filled with guilt. So around 11 I went to work in the studio. 
It was very grey today so I had to turn the lights on and put music and the heat on just to feel awake. 
But I got a lot done today. I made one bear. Which is better than nothing. I did some hand sewing. I made some videos. I did so much work on my crochet project. Its basically a vest! I have no idea how to make sleeves but I am really excited about the progress Ive made. 
Around 2 I went to lay in the livingroom with James while he did his spanish lesson before he left for work. But all to soon he had to leave. 
If camp works out this year I may be living there. I dont know if I will exactly the entire time but it will make my life a bit easier. Being away from James and my cat will be very hard though. Well have to see what happens but Im excited that they are even doing overnight camp. I really hope they want me for arts again. I dont think they wouldnt but still. I would come home on fridays and maybe on days James has off? Well see, I dont want to be without James to to much. 
After James left I put my skates on and rolled around the apartment vacuuming and cleaning. I finally fixed out broken coffee table. I put brackets on the leg that was falling off and it feels much more sturdy now. I tightened the whole thing. We dont need to throw it away now I guess. 
I spent a little while on the couch watching videos and talking to Jess. I had lunch, I had dinner. I did some more work in the studio. I hung out with sweetP. I filled out this PDF for camp. I have kind of a bad pain in my back and so I think Im going to go take a bath. 
I hope the sun is out tomorrow. And I hope to actually leave the house. I hope you all sleep well tonight. Take care of eachother. Goodnight!
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forestryfae · 6 months
AND all of that on top on the fact that ill be going home for three whole weeks for christmas on the 17th. three weeks of freezing my ass off cus the AC in the livingroom doesnt work and i am just not willing to use the fireplace when i won't be in that room at all. plus i need food so that's gonna suck to deal with.
like i miss my cats so much and i feel bad that theyre alone all the time but i just. cant go home for the weekend just to spend it all cleaning and fixing and undoing all the shit moms been fucking up, and then going back to inpatient and havinga few hours in the evening on sunday free of anything before going back to work on monday like. its laundry, dishes, i have to redo the whole kitchen cabinet now too since moms been touching stuff in there + i have just. too much.
i want to get rid of some of that stuff so bad but i like pretty much everything i have in there, or i feel an obligation to keep everything cus it was a gift or its new or i dont have enough of that item or whatever. like i use everything, for various purposes, and i already did a cleanout to get rid of the things i absolutely do not use and havent touched in months if not yearrs, or i kept just as a backup in case the stuff i do use is dirty
and i just. i already have some stuff here at inpatient i really want to bring home despite the fact that my brain says this is stuff i cant bring home, i need it for when i leave that shitty house. its sort of like. idk. it symbolizes getting the fuck out of there. its not good for me either so thats even stupider.
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wildandmoody · 4 years
ok today was pretty good
cleaned the fridge
washed dishes
did laundry
bought pet supplies including a uv bulb for my leopard gecko FINALLY
water changed both fish tanks
and i have a lemon pie i made waiting for me in the fridge
i didn’t manage to do a full workout but. that can be added to tomorrow’s plus i still filled my daily pushup quota. didnt get around to takin out the trash either but that can also be done tomorrow. the tuesday plan is to tackle the dishes i got dirty from cooking, and do a thorough clean of the bathroom bc it’s still kinda dusty. if i have energy after that i’ll start the livingroom
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btswishes · 4 years
I will adopt you.
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Monsta X (Shownu) hybrid au
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 / Part8 /…
A/N: I am having trouble thinking where to take this whole story to, plus me studying all day long isnt helpful to you guys. I am so damn sorryyyy. I hope you enjoy this part, I will try my best to get this going faster.
Word count:  2,090
Warnings: I mean ,just normal 21 century teen cussing.
 You were walking next to him in complete silence after noticing that people were once more staring at him. Animal or not he kept pulling attention his way. Your eyes were scanning every part of Shownu’s body and you could see what all the hype was about. A very tall, broad back and muscular figure not to mention the jawline and overall face features. He looked as if carved by the gods.
  Lost in thought you were walking with autopilot on and during a snowy season this wasn’t the best choice of action. Mid thought you slipped and kicked in the air like a kung fu master in a old Shaolin movie- embarrassing but what can you do about it. 
  From Shownu, your gaze flew up to the sky. Hoping there was enough snow behind you, you waited for the impact, but there was none.A big and strong hand was holding firmly your waist and body in place. His dark eyes were looking right at you as his eyebrows rose up slightly in a questionable look.
“Ha...?” you mumbled out in confusion 
“I asked if you are ok.” Shownu repeated himself relaxing his muscles,returning his face to that calm expression 
“Y-yeah, yeah I am fine.” standing you fixed your coat and scarf a bit to make sure there wasn’t any exposed skin. You wouldn’t want to get bitten by the violent cold wind. You continued to walk normally until you reached the little path to your apartment building.
  Holding the bags high up, away from the ground you began stomping around.”These people should seriously start cleaning the streets! I swear next time I go out I will be swimming in the snow!” 
  Two of Shownu’s steps were the equivalent to 10 of your stomps, 3 arm swings to get rid of as much snow as possible and 1 cuss word. He waited patiently for you, but at this point you weren’t making much progress. 
“Reach up.” his voice stopped you in the middle of wiping your face. It took you a by surprise, but you did as he said.
“Like this?” seconds after the action was accomplished, you saw him bending down and picking you up and out of your snowy hole like a child. Soon after, you found yourself sitting onto his forearm. All the bangs you had were now in his right hand. Suddenly you were moving way faster than before and it kinda made you feel happy, childish but kinda fun being carried around.
“Wow.” his eye peeked at you from the corner “Is this what you see all the time?! It’s so high up!” for a second he almost bumped into a tree . You looked so happy that the twinkle  in your eye made his heart skip a beat. Hands wrapped around his neck, your curiosity was pulling your attention to all kinds of things, like the bird nest you never saw next to the building’s entrance or what an interesting lap the second floor neighbors had. 
“You can let me down now.” you mumbled shyly, knowing that deep down you were enjoying this too much. Shownu scoffed at you and proceeded with opening the front door.”Hey! Did you just mock me?!” you crooked your head to the side as he was continuing to stay silent. The elevator door opened wide and you found yourself face to face with the same lady you saw earlier. Without thinking Shownu bowed down and carefully stepped in, pressing the number correlating to your floor. The ride up was pretty quiet.
  Shownu gently let you down after locking the door behind you two. His eyes were focused on your figure and you somehow knew what he was thinking.
“Go rest, I will fix things here.” in a matter of seconds he changed into his animal form and curled up next to the fire place. Sitting onto the couch comfortably, you took your time folding and organizing the new clothes, by color and style. Laundry wasn’t usually your cup of tea ,but you were actually enjoying things the way they were going. 
 Picking them off the soft furniture, you walked into your room and tried to make as much space as you could in your drawers and closet for the new things you got. There was enough empty space on the top shelves, since you weren’t tall enough to reach them. You thought it would be perfect for Shownu since you were a bit worried that him bending down too often might hurt his back. Pulling the closest chair from the kitchen, you stepped on it and placed everything in it;s new place. 
  It didn’t take long before you wiped the tiny beads of sweat from your forehead.
“There, all done.Nice and neat.” walking back in the livingroom you almost tripped and fell with the chair still in your hands. Looking down, you noticed some clothes snaked around your leg. Strange, didn’t you put away everything? Examining the shirt closer you remembered that it was the exact same one that Shownu had on. When he turns from human into animal his clothes get left behind apparently.
“Shownu?” you called and he walked over looking up at you “Remember that thing I went to buy?” he nodded “Well....” from inside the white paper bag you pulled out a small adorable backpack and placed some folded clothes into it “When we go out you can carry this.” his head crooked to the side a bit confused, but you didn’t waste time and showed him what you had in mind. The small backpack slid onto his front paws and it soon found it’s place onto his furry back. “See?This way if you have to transform in public you wont be butt-ass naked, which is always a plus.” 
  Shownu stepped back and took the backpack off “Is it uncomfortable?” you asked, but he soon proved you wrong. Hooking his fang onto the zipper ,he opened it and pulled out some clothes transforming into his human size. His hands were almost as big as the tiny backpack if not larger.
“This is actually a good idea. I never would have thought of it in the first place.” the compliment made you unconsciously smile so wide that your eyes almost disappeared. His hand found itself onto your head as he patted it. Your eyes met and you could see a warm expression on his face, it wasn’t a complete smile but it warmed you up from the inside. For a second it help like time froze and neither you nor him were moving and to be completely honest at that point you wouldn’t mind if time just stopped forever.
  The sudden cold wind made you shiver and Shownu let go of you to close the window. Living with him made you realize that he showed his affection with little things more than expressing it verbally.After washing the dishes, you walked into the bathroom to brush your teeth and soon Shownu followed like an obedient pup. Almost like a scene from a movie, you were standing next to each other and brushing your teeth in complete unison. Anyone seeing this would think that you two have been living like this for years.
  Night fell and the whole sleeping situation got a bit difficult. The dog beds weren’t big enough and so was your couch. At this point you were in your pjs and walking around the house, trying to find a place for him.
“Do you mind the bed in the guest room?” you asked showing him the options “The couch will hurt your back and the ground gets pretty cold at night.Tonight’s forecast says that there will be a snowstorm and temperatures will drop fast.” Shownu looked around the room and seemed ok with the whole sleeping situation. “Here you go, some extra blankets in case you get cold during the night. If you need or want anything don’t hesitate to wake me up, ok?” he nodded and for a moment you forgot he was in his human form and reach out, running your hand through his hair “Good boy Nunu....” the second your brain processed your action, you tried to pull your hand away, but he was already holding your wrists as tight as it can be.
  His head was looking up at you from his sitting position on the bed. The darkness in his eyes was almost engulfing you ,as you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Your head moved to the side as you tried to escape the mess you made,
  With a gentle tugging motion from him, you let out a yelp that reminded more of a whisper than a sound. His body rose from the soft covers and standing tall pulled you into his chest. Your right arm was still wrapped with his long fingers, as the palm of your left hand was resting onto his chest. Shownu’s head looked down at you with such a calm and affectionate emotion that you had never felt before.
“I can ask for anything, you said.” his voice was deep and your heart almost jumped out of your chest when the words rolled off his lips. Your mouth was moving but nothing was coming out, so you just nodded slowly. His body came closer to yours as he bend over slightly, placing his free arm behind your knees and lifting you off the ground effortlessly.
  Unlike earlier this time both your hands were holding onto his strong shoulders. Your eyes were looking all around Shownu’s face not being able to focus on one place. His tongue gently licked over his lips as his finger moved a strand of hair behind your ear.”I don’t want you to sleep alone.” your lips parted slowly and your eyes widened upon hearing his words. Your chest began moving up and down faster than usual and your hands felt uneasy onto his body. Shownu’s head crooked to the side again “I won’t if you don’t want me to.” his body moved downwards trying to place your feet on the ground again, when you shook your head, looking away from him. He stopped his movement and lifted your chin up with his hand.
“Y-you can come sleep with me.” your gaze was focused on something else, because you didn’t want him to notice the red tint your cheeks had at this very moment. 
Shownu didn’t waste time and started walking towards your bedroom. He placed his hand onto your head as he walked though the doors, making sure you don’t get hit by the frames. Your bed was very big so size didn’t matter. Shownu sat you on the bed gently and you rolled over onto the side next to the window. He went to make sure the fire had burned out and made himself comfortable next to you under the covers. His body was so big that you felt his warmth in seconds. The first new minutes you were panicking but since you  were a bit tired and overwhelmed you were able to fall asleep fast.
  Worried that there might not be enough space for him, you scooched over a bit towards the end of the bed. The snowstorm became quite aggressive and even the windows couldn’t keep the cold out. You were trembling and restless, curled up in a small ball.
  Shownu’s eyes fluttered open and he turned his head in your direction. The word “cute” came out of his mouth without him knowing it. Gently he pulled you closer to himself and tucked the blanket under you keeping both his arms wrapped around your body. He staid awake until you were comfortable and warm enough. His fingers landed on your cheeks, trying to warm them up as well. The sudden change in temperatures made you scrunch your nose. Upon seeing this Shownu smirked pulled your head into his chest. Your body felt isolated from the cold and comfortable. Unrolling from your previous position, you gripped onto his clothes and rubbed your face into his chest finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
 It felt safe, warm and comforting. The sounds of the snow were now a much loved ambiance filling the room ,as you were sinking into the bed like never before.At some point the heart you were faintly hearing into your dream state was beating together with yours. It sounded like you were hearing your own.
 The night was long and filled with a special moment shared between two hearts meant to be one.
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
Double the Love 💕
Steve Harrington X reader
Requested by @smoltrashcanfuk
"Okay" I said while giving my husband the run down of what is take to manage our bubbly and energetic twin boys , Alex and Josh. Who had just turned eleven months old and I couldn't belive in a month it would be there first birthday, "they should stay asleep the whole time I'm gone". Steve nodded saying "okay , have fun" I sighed saying "do you really want me gone" he shook his head saying "no , but your all stressed taking care of the boys , I just want you to relax". I nodded saying "okay I'm going , I love you" he nodded saying "I love you too" he pecked my lips before I pulled away saying "don't wake my babies". He sighed saying "I won't , have fun okay" I nodded before walking out the door.
Steve's p.o.v
It had been a few minutes after Y/n left and I was laying on the couch watching whatever was on tv , when I heard the faintest cries. I brushed it aside thinking it was maybe the tv , until a few minutes later I heard more crying , this time even louder I got off the couch before walking back to there room to find both of them standing up in there cribs Wailing. I entered there room picking up Alex in one arm and putting Josh in the other , as I began walking back out to the living room Alex began to calm down while Josh continued to sob since he was a bit close to Y/n and probably could sense she wasn't there. After setting the boys on a blanket with some toys scattered on it I walked to the kitchen and began calling for some help since it was gonna be hard watching both boys . After not getting a response from Ms. Byers , Robin , Y/n's parents or my own mother I even tried Dustin but neither him or his mom answered. I put the phone back on the receiver and sighed again knowing I was pretty much on my own. I returned to the livingroom to see Josh chewing on his rattle and Alex trying to reach my drink on the coffee table , I quickly ran over picking the drink up and put it on the side table knowing he couldn't reach it. Sitting on the floor playing with the boys , well as much as I could since the were younger than a year old and couldn't do a lot but roll around and grab things including my hair. "Oh Alex , no no we don't pull on daddy's hair" I sighed adding "when your older daddy will show you how to manage this , I mean you probably wouldn’t be here with out this hair but don’t tell mommy I told you that It’ll be our secret right boys”. They of course didn’t respond and instead continued to play on the floor , a few more minutes later they began to start crying I quickly began to worry thinking something was wrong I then remembered that they would usually have something to eat. I quickly scooped the boys in my arms before walking into the kitchen to put the boys in their high chairs , I then began looking thru the cupboards to find something for the boys to eat. After digging around I found a jar of some mushed substance that claimed to be apples and spinach. I pulled the top of the jar before grabbing a spoon as I began to sit and feed them the mushy goop.
A few minutes of feeding them I made the awful decision of trying it , I quickly put the jar on the table and spit out the baby “food” into the sink. After washing out the taste out of my mouth I turned around to see the jar of baby food was off the table and that Alex and Josh were covered in it. I sighed before picking them out of there high chairs and of course they both began to smear at each other . Alex giggled at his brother but Josh on the other hand began to fuss since he didn’t like to be messy or even be in a dirty dipper. I decided to put the two boys in the sink thinking it would be quicker to wash them instead of having to take them into the bathroom. Which also became a bad idea since as I began to peel Josh’s shirt , Alex decided to knock over the dishes on the drying rack causing them to shatter all over the kitchen floor which caused me to panic since I knew those dishes were wedding present from my parents. Once the boys were cleaned off I walked back to the nursery and began getting them dressed , as I put in Alex’s shirt and went to put him down I saw that Josh had decided to take all the books of there shelf. I huffed in exhaustion before picking him up and changing him as I couldn’t help but wonder how Y/n did it.
Y/n’s p.o.v
As I began to unlock the front door I began to hear a very faint yet familiar coo , and as I opened the front door I saw Josh sitting in the living room crawling around. I then realized that Steve was nowhere to be found , as I hung my bag and coat Josh noticed my presence and quickly crawled over to me with a wide grin on his face. I picked him up as I began to hear Steve’s voice say “no no Alex , we stay out of there” I sighed before walking back to the back of the apartment to find Steve holding Alex on his hip while also a basket of laundry it almost felt like looking into a mirror. “Need help” I asked he looked up at me dropping the laundry basket saying “your back early” I shrugged saying. “I was gone for two hours , besides I missed my boy’s” he nodded before walking over to kiss my forehead as I asked “did you have fun after you woke my babies”. He sighed saying “I didn’t wake them , and yes I did” he then added “it’s not really easy keeping up with these two” I nodded saying “no but I know they were in good hands”. He pecked my lips before saying “you didn’t happen to buy dishes while you were out did you”. I chuckled saying “of course not , why” he furrowed his eyebrows saying “just don’t go in the kitchen , okay” I sighed as he took Josh out of my arms before walking out of our bedroom causing me to say “ Steve , what did you do. He shrugged saying “nothing , oh and don’t go in there room either I’ll get that” I sighed saying “what am I gonna do with you three”.
The end
{please do not plagiarize my work}
Request open , thanks - meg
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some1s-sista · 5 years
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The hubs went out and got me some Blue Curacao so I could make Blue Moon Margaritas at home. I haven’t quite perfected the recipe yet, but I’m close.
It started off a rainy Sunday today and it was soooo hard to get out of bed. But I did. And figured it was a good day to tackle some chores. So I started in our bedroom and put away all the clothes that had been piled up on chairs, vacuumed, dusted and oiled the wood furniture (antiques are so dry, y’all), then did the same for the back rooms, den, livingroom and kitchen. I was Sweatin’ bullets. So I tempted the man with a nooner and then I cleaned up the pile of shit on the desk and started some laundry.
Now I’m having that margarita. I still need to clean up the mountain of shoes that greets you on the way in the door and do some dishes, but the sun has kinda broken through the clouds so I may take my margarita to the pool for a bit.
I’m not sure the new rug is growing on me yet, but at least it doesn’t have fleas!
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