#ate said meal with that person (my mom)
effervescent-fool · 2 months
my nightly routine before bed it to listen to music and pace my room to unwind and i cant do that tonight because i am just That Tired
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ gn!reader x jason?? maybe reader js git back from a dangerous quest & jason has that motherly worry ❞ — @saph-nic
in which jason's notorious for being the mom friend. that energy happens to double when you're dating him
pairing jason grace x gn!reader
warnings jasons worried you died for a second
If there’s one thing Jason Grace is known for, it’s definitely being the mom friend. Ever since your days on the Argo II, he never failed to check up on those he loved, making sure they ate balanced meals and slept an adequate amount. Since you’re his partner, that energy would always multiply when he happened to be dealing with you.
So, when the oracle prophesied that you had to go on an incredibly dangerous quest, with emphasis on the fact that you had to go alone, Jason couldn’t help but worry. He knew you were more than capable of taking care of yourself, having seen it himself when he’d go on quests with you, but he still liked to be there just in case. 
The night before your quest, Jason had shown up at your cabin with a backpack in hand. You, of course, let him in, careful not to wake any of your siblings as you led him past all the clutter on the floor. Sitting him down on your bed, you let him walk you through everything he’d packed for you, knowing it’d make him feel better since some piece of him would still be with you.
“That’s really sweet of you, Jase, thank you,” you said, giving him a warm smile and ruffling his hair. That night, he took you by the hand and walked you to his cabin, not wanting to let you out of his sight until the very last second.
One month. You’ve been gone for one month. Every zeptosecond (I didn’t know this was a thing until writing this?!) you weren’t in his arms had his concerns doubling. Jason had double, triple and quadruple checked with Nico that you were still alive, and when the boy had gotten sick of him, he started asking Hazel instead. 
“Jason, they’re alive, I promise,” Hazel said, trying not to snap at him. She felt bad, anyone would be worried if the person they held dearest had been on a quest all alone for a month, with no word of their safety whatsoever. Jason blushed, suddenly feeling awfully bad for putting her through this. 
Making her way over to him, Hazel put a gentle hand on his shoulder, “they’ll come back, trust me,” she said, her face full of confidence. Jason took a deep breath, realising Hazel was right. If you were here right now, you would’ve told him he couldn’t get rid of you that easily.
It was almost as if the universe had finally listened to his prayers, “they’re back!” A girl Jason recognised to be from Tyche’s cabin said, running towards him. She took a second to breathe, then elaborated, “Y/N’s back, they’re in the infirmary doing the–” before the girl could even finish her sentence, Jason had left.
What were you doing in the infirmary? Did you break a bone? Were you poisoned? Were you dead?
Barging into the infirmary and nearly colliding with one of the healers, Jason scanned the room for you. Once he caught a glimpse of your hair, he ran to the cot you were in and engulfed you in the most affectionate hug you’ve ever received, “Jason! I missed you too, but you gotta let me breathe, babe,” you said, giggling. Your giggling quickly stopped when you took in the sight of Jason. He seemed to be quite distressed, to say the least.
“Are you alright?” You asked, your voice going up an octave out of concern. You watched as your boyfriend inspected you for any signs of pain.
“No, my love, are you alright?” He asked, “what’re you doing here? What happened on that quest? Who hurt you?” Jason would’ve continued questioning you if it weren’t for Will Solace walking in.
Clipboard in hand, Will took a couple notes (and pretended to ignore Jason looking over his shoulder) before smiling at you and saying, “all good, you just need to sign here!” Then, to Jason, “Y/N was just having a post-quest checkup, nothing super serious. It’s a system I decided to implement recently in case of any asymptomatic diseases.”
You tried not to laugh as Jason’s ears began to turn red, a tell-tale sign of his embarrassment. As soon as you handed him the now signed infirmary slip, Will left, knowing you needed a moment alone. The air around you was silent for a little bit before you said, “hey, that was really cute of you, Jason.” 
The boy in question, who was currently seated with his head in his hands, looked up at you and breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that you really were fine and he wasn’t just hallucinating it all. He made his way over to you and took your hands in his, immediately beginning to rub circles in them with his thumbs, “I was really worried when I found out you were here. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/N” 
You looked down at your interlocked hands, then up at Jason, and at that moment, he already knew what you were going to say, “hey, you can’t get rid of me that easily!” Other people might have found Jason’s actions overbearing, but you thought it was endearing. Their opinions didn’t matter anyway, he was your mom boyfriend after all
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Bento box of love
A/N: Hi everyone! I was cooking yesterday and I thought of this idea for 3 characters teehee
I love writing headcanons now istg
Scaramouche, venti and Itto (seperate) x fem!reader
Reader cooks, being his wife (scara), being his gf (Venti and Itto), modern AU, fluff, headcanon, proofread I think 😃
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SCARAMOUCHE ▪︎ the balladeer
(For background you both kept your marriage a secret when at work because he doesn't wanna deal with people yelling and shouting at him all stunned and confused abt him having a wife)
You started bringing him food from home as you found out that he has been consuming an unhealthy amount of convenience store food
You scolded him at first then the next morning he was met with the sweet aroma of chicken katsu and curry layed out in a bento box on the dining table
He thought it was for you and you worked as well
But got confused when he saw you coming out of the kitchen still in pyjamas and not your formal attire
"Who's this for?" He pointed at the bento while looking confused
"For you silly" you replied "I wasn't kidding when I said I'd start making you bentos" you added before disappearing to the kitchen again.
He was stunned and lost for words but he brought the bento anyways
When it was lunch time in his office, his coworkers came up to him and asked if he wanted to buy some food down by the convenience store as they always did
Scara declined the offer and took out the bento you prepared for him
He got looks from his coworkers "holy shit you brought a bento from home??"
"Damn lets see what you got open it open it!"
Out of all the people in the office, he was the last person they'd expect to bring a bento from home
Scara opened it and revealed the neatly arranged chicken katsu curry.
The sweet aroma of curry made his coworkers drool
"Wow Scara this looks amazing! Who made this for you?" "Your mom?" The other asked
Scara smiled slightly while still looking at the bento "my wife"
From then on he demanded* (begged) you to make him more bentos and make them as creative as possible
They make his day at work more bearable <33
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VENTI ▪︎ windborne bard
He usually ate out with his fellow singers and barely ate at home unless it was breakfast
Which means he was spending loads of money
Not to mention he liked to drink so it was double the money spent
You yelled at him for spending more money than he needs
One day when he was about to leave to his agency you catched him before he opened the door and gave him a wrapped bento box
Kissing him on the cheek while handing it to him you said "for lunch today, have fun at work! Say hi to the rest for me love"
He didnt mind, both you making him a bento as well as giving him a kiss on the cheek
When lunch time came around he indirectly kept on mentioning how his lovely girlfriend made lunch for him and how much he loves his beautiful girlfriend
"Oh how much I miss my lovely windblume, good think she made me a bento box for me to remember her" he loves u so much if u cant tell
Kazuha as well as Aether just nodded and congratulated him
Xiao was annoyed
And Heizou rolled his eyes
He ate the bento while smiling the whole time
Giggling and blushing as well.
Suddenly he started spending less money on food from outside and started appreciatinf your food more
You were happy he enjoyed your cooking
But more happy tht he isnt spending money on food from outside💀
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ITTO ▪︎ hanamizaka heroics
Itto doesnt have money, and he doesn't cook. He usually depends on his gang to bring food for him when they meet up or ask Shinobu, but when they forgot or simply didn't come to the meeting, he was left starving for the whole day
He couldn't ask granny oni as well as she lived far away from the city
And even if she did, he'd feel bad about it
When you started dating him, and found out about how he kept skipping meals you decided to surprise him by whipping up a bento for him
He liked food with meat and lavender melon so you tried your best to incorperate those 2 together
He watched you as you made his bento early in the morning
Peaking from over your head (tall oni) from time to time watching in awe
Practcially gets giddy when youre finally finished and held the bento box like it was the most precious thing on earth
Brags about it to his fellow gang members
"Oh my beautiful gorgeous stunning amazing jaw dropping awesome GIRLFRIEND made me a BENTO BOX for lunch today, she made me a delicious BENTO BOX-" SMACK! Was the sound that came about when Shinobu slapped his head
The gang was hapoy for him though, as they felt guilty when they werent able to feed him
They felt at ease knowing he finally had someone feeding him
That loud ass oni practically ran around the city carrying his bento box yelling chants and praises at you and how much he loves you
When you found out what he did from the rest of the gang you gave him an earful
But flattered that he went to the public to chant his appreciation for his gf <33
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Sanji has helped me in so many ways. I will forever be grateful for the creation of this character. He quite literally means the world to me right now.
(TW: ED/Depression/Suicide attempt mention)
I've always struggled with food. Well, not always. But at the end of middle school (more or less. Give or take. Age 12/13) I became obsessed with what I ate. I still don't know exactly how it started, but I think it has always been a mix of my need to control my life when it's crumbling down and the necessity to look skinny (both things are my mother's fault, mostly. And also lots of things going on at the moment). So I started skipping meals constantly and throwing away food and throwing up. Not gonna get into details, but it ruined my life without anybody knowing until a huge depressive episode came and then I tried to off myself, yadda yadda yadda. Then I just stopped eating food and my meals every day were basically a monster and gum and maybe a piece of fruit. I couldn't even drink milk without crying. Then it got a bit better. Then a bit worse. It wasn't very consistent. And then I started doing exercise but that only made me even more obsessed with calorie intake and healthy food and I still can't drink milk or bread without at least feeling awful about it.
And then I watched One Piece.
I know it sounds extremely silly and dumb, but it has helped me in so many ways. I'm not gonna get into all the things it has done for me, because then I'd have to talk about Robin, Nami, Luffy, Pudding and Buggy which are, like, the characters that have helped me the most next to Sanji, and I would not finish this post.
But Sanji is just so, so important to me.
He speaks about food with such passion. His whole thing about not wasting food literally comes from an experience of starvation and because of the sacrifice his father made for him. He keeps saying he refuses to let people go hungry, no matter what. That we all deserve to eat. He relates food to love and cooking is his whole life. It kind of started as a joke when my brother said "nooo, now you can't waste food because Sanji would be sad" and I- That day I literally ate wayyy more than usual with that thought in mind. And I didn't feel bad afterward for once. And he's just- He just makes me feel so comfortable around food. Which is the normal amount of comfort somebody should have and sometimes it's not even that, but it helps. It helps so much.
Then his whole thing with Germa and the Vinsmokes. It killed me. My relationship with my mother is, uh, you can call it complicated but I fucking hate her so. Yeah. And Sanji's story about rejecting his blood relatives and finding better people who will love him hit so close to home. Him being different. Weak. More emotional. A good person. Sanji refusing to use the name Vinsmoke. It's my whole life. Sanji self-sabotaging himself all the time and constantly sacrificing himself, too? I just can't do it, man, he means the world to me. And then Wano happens and he turns out to have the same body as his siblings but he's still himself. He's still Sanji no matter how much in common he has with the Vinsmokes. And as somebody who's constantly dealing with people telling them that they look like their mom? I fucking love it. I know I look like her and I even act like her sometimes but that doesn't mean I am her. And it doesn't mean she deserves to be part of my family, because she isn't and I can't wait to get rid of her in my life.
It's not only food and family, though. Sanji has helped me accept myself in so many ways too. In the way I perceive others and in the way I act. He has helped me eat. He has helped me realize you don't have to consider your blood relatives family if you don't love them. He has helped me see that my kindness is a strength and not a weak spot.
Not to mention that his whole thing with gender and sexuality, how the fandom portrays him, and how I personally write him has been of so much help in understanding myself. I recently discovered I was a lesbian, and also being genderfluid I just- I just love Sanji so much I be projecting my gender issues and internalized stuff with comphet on him. And let me tell you, it helps.
This whole thing is just something short and sweet I wanted to say because media affects people. In the best of ways. One Piece in general has saved my life in many ways, but Sanji in particular is still helping me every day.
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mode-lfy · 8 months
Hayoung - Delivery
A/N: Inspired by a TikTok clip I watched
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“Hello? Where is my order? I ordered jajangmyeon like an hour ago.” You asked, when the call was connected to the delivery person.
“I’m on my way!” A voice answered.
The sound of traffic could be heard in the background.
“Where are you-” The call ended before you could ask where the person was.
“What the…?” You sighed in disbelief and frustration as the person hung up on you.
Within 15 minutes, there was a knock at the door and you opened the door to see someone bowing deeply with your food and money in your face.
“I’m sorry! I will refund your money. Please don’t report me!” The girl said.
You looked up and rolled your eyes, sighing but controlling your temper.
She looked up and tried showing her cute eyes to you.
“Keep the money. Thanks for delivering the food.” You took the food and sighed again before closing the door.
You went back to your living room and sat down, taking out the bowl of jajangmyeon that took an hour plus to arrive.
As you unwrap the plastic, and prepare to enjoy your meal. You see the sad scene of your noodles, you held your chopsticks and used it to held up the noodles, it was frozen into a clump. You tried reheating it but the noodle by then was too soggy when reheated.
You sighed once again and ate as much as you could handle before throwing away around half of the incredibly soggy noodles.
“Digusting.” You shook your head as you threw away the soggy noodles.
You decided to just sleep for the night after waiting a long time for a bad meal.
The next day, you woke up and started to work on a project that you have been working on for awhile now. You worked for a few hours before starting to feel your stomach growling, then you looked at the time and it was now noon. You decided to go down and buy lunch from a nearby convenience store.
Hayoung meanwhile was trying to stop her mom from going up the lift. “Don’t your boyfriend stay here?” She asked.
‘... How do I tell mom that I broke up with my boyfriend and he doesn’t live here…’ Hayoung thought to herself as they waited for the lift.
Soon the lift opened and you walked out of the lift.
“Oh!” You recognised Hayoung, the girl who delivered your food last night.
“Oh! Kim Son-in-law. You didn’t have to come down and fetch us. Did Hayoung tell you I was coming?” Her mom came, happy to see youl.
You were stunned, as you looked at how happy the older lady was looking at you.
You looked over at Hayoung, ‘???’ you made a confused face at her.
She looked back at you, don’t know what to do.
The older lady, you assuming her mother, entered the lift and asked you two to come in as well.
“What floor are you staying?” She asked you.
“Well, eomma… actually… I…” Hayoung tried to tell the truth.
“It’s the 6th floor, mother.” You replied politely, pressing the 7th floor button.
“Your face look slightly different, did you lose weight?” Her mom asked.
“Yes, I did.” You said, bowing a little and smiling.
Hayoung look at you surprised as you continued to play along. You looked at her, staring for a spilt second before taking the gift package from her, helping Hayoung carry the gift package.
Her mom saw the action and smiled to herself, approving of you.
Once inside your apartment, you took out the apples that Hayoung’s mom took out and peeled, cutting it before serving it on a plate to them.
“Wow~~~, you are so good in peeling and cutting the apples. Completely different from our Hayoung!” The older lady joked, praising you as you handed an apple on a fork to her.
“Take one.” You said, handing one to Hayoung.
“So, what do you like about my Hayoung?” Her mom asked, as she bites into the apple slice you handed to her.
“Well, she is a strong, brave girl and…” You looked at Hayoung, not knowing what else to come up with.
She looked at you, making gestures. ‘Say one more good thing about me please.’ She pleaded.
“Pretty and cute.” You praised Hayoung.
“Ah! You are really in love with my daughter.” Her mom said, happy with you.
“You got lied to by Hayoung, but you can’t get rid of her tho.” She said laughing, earning a weird look from Hayoung.
After a short conversation with Hayoung’s mom, she prepared to leave.
“It was nice meeting you, Kim Son-in-law.” She held your hand.
You and Hayoung looked at each other, she looked at you, giving you a slight nod and smile as thanks.
“I will let you two talk for a while.” Her mom said, giving you two a short time to talk and waiting at the lift area.
“Thank you.” Hayoung whispered once her mom was at a distance.
“It’s okay. Your mom is interesting.” You smiled.
“Well…” Hayoung, blushed.
“I don’t actually have a boyfriend, maybe… Can I have your number?” She asked, looking down and away.
You thought of it as cute and gave your number to her.
“Hayoung-ah, the lift is here. Give a hug to Kim Son-in-law and then come over.” Her mom said.
Hayoung gave you a small hug before leaving with her mom.
“Damn, I ordered a jajangmyeon and somehow got a girl for a date??” You joked to yourself as you went back to your apartment.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Hi everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted something from an article. So I wanted to share an article I found listing some ways to practice self-care. According to this article, here are some ways that could help:
Binge watch your favorite TV shows.
This is the first thing I do when I start running out of gas. It’s comforting, I identify with the characters, I know what’s going to happen in the show, and that relaxes me. It’s easy to do, like putting on a Band-Aid.
Spend a day in doing self-care activities.
I got a massage, took long baths, journaled and ate my favorite meals (a lot of Chick-fil-A and ga roti from Vietnam). I tried to spend time outside, but the mosquitoes were bad, so I ensconced myself in my sunroom which has several windows and is very colorful. It’s my happy place.
Meditate or do deep breathing.
I won’t lie, it’s difficult for me to meditate without a guiding app on my phone, and even then, I have trouble. But meditation is so good for you; it helps you be mindful, manage stress, reduce negative emotion and decreases anxiety. As for deep breathing, I always like to do box breathing, where you inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds and repeat. I read that Navy SEALs use this technique.
Go to a therapist or counselor.
I know that I talked my husband’s and my mom’s ears off about the fundraiser, and I could tell they were getting weary of being a sounding board. So I took my issues to my therapist, which is what I’m supposed to do, and it felt so good to release all that negative energy. She let me vent but helped me refocus on the good I was doing, too. I highly recommend therapy/counseling. If you don’t have a therapist, look into Family Counseling Service. It has wonderful therapists and a variety of programs.
Say no.
This is probably the most helpful self-care action you can take. Also the hardest to do. When I was working on the fundraiser, I didn’t say no at first. My type A personality (really, I’m type B) took over, and I wanted to be involved in everything. Soon I became burned out. After more therapy and self-care, I realized that I had to step back and say no. As soon as I did that, I felt way better. I was still involved in every aspect of the fundraiser, which probably annoyed the committee, but I delegated, communicated better and said no when I needed to.
The link to this article will be below if anyone wants to read through it.
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nostalgicfun · 7 months
Love is stored in the food.
My dad always made a huge deal about my mom's cooking.
He would come to see us for the weekend and she'd make him lunch and dinner, he'd bang his fist on the table, he'd make comical MMMMMMs like he was in a commercial (albeit a very corny one), and declare that he was taking home the leftovers so nobody could have seconds (which was, of course, a joke, and he'd actually encourage everyone to eat more).
As I was growing up, if I didn't like something we were having for dinner, he'd tell me "Did I ever tell you what I ate in the Gulf War?" or "Did I ever tell you I carried one spoon for six months in my sock?" and, in a nice, fun, dad-like way, tell me I should appreciate my mom's cooking.
One of the last times I saw him, I made a joke that I could make him spaghetti, but it wouldn't be as good as my mom's because I didn't have the practice.
He told me that of course it would be just as good, because he loves me, and therefore he loves my cooking, and he would take all the leftovers home and eat all of it even if I made him weeks and weeks of spaghetti and it all turned green.
I believe him.
I got older and got my own place, and began cooking for roommates and friends and coworkers and significant others. I wasn't a very good cook because I didn't have any experience at all outside of boxed macaroni and spaghetti since my mom didn't allow me to cook—which is another story of its own.
So yes, I started cooking and baking, and no, I wasn't good at it. Many of my meals were (and, let's be real, still are) "flops." I'm notorious for burning—incinerating, truthfully—things, overcooking things, adding too much or too little seasoning, yada yada. That doesn't stop me from loving cooking and baking, though.
But there's a problem, and there has always been a problem since I started using a kitchen of my own, that what I make goes to waste. Entire cakes sit in their cake-keeper until they mold. Leftovers of dishes I made for other people turn to liquid in their containers. Brownies turn to gray rocks, spaghetti turns so green not even my dad would have touched it.
Shortly after I got my first apartment, I lamented this to my father, who was by then living overseas. I told him that I had, like my mother, love to bake, but no one to feed it to. Even with roommates, it rotted. I couldn't eat two dozen cupcakes myself.
I received a phone call a few hours later.
It was from my dad's best friend.
He drove an hour for cupcakes. I'd never seen him smile so broadly as he did when I went running out to his truck with a big container of cupcakes in my hands. They were pudding-filled, I told him, something I'd never tried before. Yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and vanilla pudding. Boston cream cupcakes.
My dad's friend came back once a week until he moved a short time later. He posted pictures of my "delicacies" on Facebook. I made him cheesecakes, cupcakes, quick breads, muffins.
And of course, spaghetti.
And he told me about the spoons he and my dad carried in the Gulf War.
Years went by and I got better at cooking, but there was still something wrong. My food—homemade food—wasn't eaten unless I put it right in front of a person and basically said "eat." If I set my food out at a work potluck and left the room it would go untouched. My family scoffed (and still scoffs!) at anything I make for them for reasons unknown to even me. My friends and roommates ate what I put in front of them, but left overs never got eaten of their own volition, cookies continued to mold in their tins.
I stopped baking.
Later when my dad returned to the country for a funeral, he went straight to my mom's house. She made him coffee and cheesecake and spaghetti, and he raved and raved and raved about all of it just like he used to.
We stood outside that night while I let the dogs run around.
"She makes terrible coffee," he told me unprompted. "Bitter. But she always had it ready for me. I never asked for that. She just started doing it one day while I was getting ready for work. I'd never had that before. It was the sweetest thing ever, back then."
Her cheesecake was too sweet for him sometimes, too. And she made her chili, one of his favorite dishes right up there with spaghetti, too spicy for his liking.
But she was cooking for him. She was doing this for him. And his reactions made her so happy. My mom loves when people enjoy her food, everyone who's ever met her knows this. "Even when she made absolutely rancid stuff, which she does sometimes," he said, "she's doing it because she loves us. And we love her, too. So I drink the coffee."
I took up my dad's mantle of "theatrics" at the dinner table for my mom. She smiles the same every time.
I've become a much, much better cook as I've gotten older.
I've also, with age, learned the difference between selfish love and unselfish love, and how you can so easily tell this difference when you make someone food. Empty compliments made in hopes it'll win the compliment-giver brownie points (pun not intended but appreciated). Say it's good, but the leftovers are molding in the fridge and the muffins are untouched in the break room, still. My family who side-eyes my dinner contributions with thinly-veiled distaste.
I started making friends recently. New friends from new places, friends who aren't anything like me.
I joined a writing club, too.
On a whim, I baked cupcakes for our meeting.
When the meeting was over, arguments ensued over who got to take the cupcakes home. I handed out paper plates and cling wrap. Everyone left smiling. Everyone left with a cupcake (or two) in their hands. Each time we meet, now, they ask me when I'm next bringing cupcakes.
A coworker came to sit in my office the other day. She's new here. She lamented not having a Red Lobster in the area, that she craved their biscuits because she and her mom used to go get Red Lobster on Thursday nights.
I went home and made her Cheddar Bay biscuits. We sat in the break room eating them and laughing and making up stories about people we saw from the window below. When lunch was over, she took her biscuits home in an ice cream box we found in the freezer.
I started dating a new guy last year. My dad introduced us on his most recent visit. I was smitten. He was smitten. We did the silly little activities kind-of-young people do while dating: walks in the park, going out for ice cream, watching a movie, attending a trivia night.
I don't remember now how it was relevant to the conversation at the time, but at one point it was mentioned that neither his mother nor his father nor his step-mom ever cooked. The whole family always ate out. At home they'd have chicken tenders and Hungry Man dinners.
The next week, I invited him over for dinner. I was nervous, super nervous. I was so scared it would go the way it always goes, with no comments at all other than "thanks it was good," which almost always means, in the experiences I've had, "that was mediocre but nice of you I guess."
I made him a big rack of ribs. I called my mom to make sure I was doing it right, like, three times.
When I put the ribs down in front of him, he was smiling a familiar smile. A "did I ever tell you about the spoon I carried" smile.
He took one bite.
He set down his fork.
He got out his phone and video called his dad to show him the dinner.
I haven't stopped cooking for him since.
When he has to leave after a weekend together, he goes to my fridge and rummages through the leftovers not unlike a racoon and asks "can I have this?" "are you going to eat this?" "can I take some of this home?"
He always leaves with a Walmart bag full of little Tupperware containers, and hot coffee made without asking.
And when my dinners are "flops," when they come out burnt or too salty or not salty enough, he doesn't lie or give me beloathed empty compliments.
"The worst dinner from you is still better than the best dinner from Door Dash."
I bake him cakes. He sends me snapchats of him eating them. I make him muffins, and he takes them to work in a lunch box and taunts his coworkers with them. He arrives to my place in the wee hours of the morning and asks "what did you make for dinner tonight, is there any left, and how fast can I microwave it?" We go to a social potluck at the place where we met and he points to the banquet table and says "look, that guy's getting some of your meatballs. I bet they're almost all gone." A friend's wife puts one of my cookies on her plate. He points at something behind her that isn't there at all and steals the cookie off of her plate. He smiles at me.
Love is stored in the food.
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12-seconds-to-live · 11 months
(Un)Lost: Half a heart
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Pairing: F12022/3!Grid! x Fem!Driver!oc
Warnings: DNF’s, angst, a little bit of love, episodes of anxiety.
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Lando P.O.V.
Charlotte Robyn-Jones, the girl I fall in love.
Some people say that I’m just a lucky guy. To be young, full of energy and to be chosen as a formula one driver for McLaren. But even being so talented doesn’t make you feel complete, even when you’re surrounded by people who tell you how good you are, how loved, how lonely.
By the end of the 2021 season, my attention of how the standings finished for formula two wasn’t important at that time, so when the news of the driver for Williams came as a surprised. Another girl, I thought, wrong, she’s something else. I kept myself quiet when she was around just waiting for her eyes to look at mine, knowing that at the end, her smiled always showed up.
Charlotte is beautiful, intelligent, polite and loved.
I always wanted to know if she feels the same as me when the attention is higher. Nobody can deny how well is she doing this year and what the future may bring to her, I hope something good.
When Carlos introduced me to her I was scared, I feel my cheeks red and my anxiety higher that ever, I wasn’t brave around her but the way her eyes light up when she met someone new, how she talked about her mother, how she always laughed with the boys, almost everything about her made me smile.
The day she was included in the groupchat with the drivers, I decided to text her, I was nervous but she was funny and tell me I was the first of the boys to talk to her. We looked for each other in the mornings and almost every night we spent talking about things outside our carreers.
I was falling in love
I’m still falling.
The problem is me, scared of a non-existing future, but at the same time I know that she is the better half of me.
I looked for her every morning when we arrive at the paddock, hoping she would be sitting in the front of her hospitality waving to every person who said hello to her, cracking jokes with the mechanics as she ate her favourite snack.
Every place I walked into, I was looking for her, hoping she wouldn't be looking at me first as I was embarrassed, of not knowing how to express my emotions, let alone tell her.
I don’t even like coffee but she is like a warm cup of coffee in a cold morning, she'll make me shiver without warning, make me laugh as if I'm part of the pranks she was always into with Daniel or Pierre, she’s the full moon and I’m the stars, not outshaining her, no, I’m 
She was like a warm cup of coffee first thing morning, waking me up and setting me up for day, or like the first bite of my favourite meal that I always wanted to repeat.
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Charlotte Robyn-Jones made me feel things I had never felt before.
She invited to spend a week with her dad and Carlos’s family in Mallorca. We spend the day doing many activities with the others, but when it was time to sleep, she sit next to me in my room’s balcony, sometimes in silent, she trying to teach me a bit of spanish or talking about whatever come to our minds, but in my mind was the feelings I have, pictures of us.
My last night with them I was brave and I went for the kiss.
Once she told me that she likes to go straight to the point, she hates waiting, she hates when you can’t tell her the truth, maybe she knew about me. I told her that she always looked beautiful when her eyes shine looking to the sky, how her green eyes seemed like almost change to a different shade. She looked at me with a smiled and told me that the sun made mine look like color olive with a small shade of yellow and she really liked it.
I took her hand and she asked if she can kissed me, I did it. My hands cupped her cheeks, her hands went to my back, like a hug, I didn’t want to let her go.
I learned too much about her, she feels lonely since her mom passed away. How she is still picking her broken pieces even when she is always smiling and trying to make everybody happy. She wanted to grow up into F1. She is scared of dying and left things to say. She hates to wake up in the cold mornings to go to the gym. She hates to feel uncapable to love and being loved.
“I’m not gonna leave you, I promise to love you. Teach eachother to love. I’m here whenever you need me even if I’m thousand miles from home”. 
“I finally see what it means to be complete”
And I kissed her again.
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You're going to realize it one day- that happiness was never about your job or your degree or being in a re-lationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you; it was never about being like the others.
One day, you're going to see it--that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go. Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself; it was always about embracing the person you were becoming.
One day, you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that your happiness was never in the hands of others.
It was always about you. It was always about you.
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📍London, UK
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Liked by charlotterjones, carlossainz55, mclaren and 1.102.031 others
landonorris With you, I’m happy being me.
carlossainz55 glad to see you man up, cabrón
charlotterjones London or Madrid?
landonorris As long as I am by your side
user4 Carlos and Lando are going to be real family fr
mclaren @/williamsracing now we are family
williamsracing  💙🧡
danielricciardo Charlando ❤️
maxverstappen1 you owe me 50
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part one
part two
Taglist: @evans-dejong @omgsuperstarg @bibissparkles @hoely-maria @mochimommy2002 @noope306 @eugene-emt-roe​ @80sloverry​ @rens-daylight @honeydanny​
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gusherguy · 8 months
for your consideration: two people getting really sick at the same time from eating far too much of the same bad food. one person has a weaker stomach and starts really feeling the effects first, but their vomiting very quickly sets the other off and once they start there's no stopping them
(Hayden he/him, Cade he/him)
They hadn't planned on seeing Cade's parents that night. Hayden and Cade went for Chinese food at a buffet that afternoon, and soon after got a call. "My parents are in town!" Cade leaned into Hayden's room. "Want to go meet them? They're gonna be at the steakhouse. You should come with!"
"Are you sure you want to come with, Hayden? You don't look so good." Cade said when they got out of the car. "And you can meet my parents later. I don't want you to overdo it." Cade said sympathetically as he absently rubbed his swollen gut. "I—I'll be fine. I just, uh…" He takes a deep breath and tries to relax, but the tension is too much to bear. "I ate too much. Had way too many noodles."
Despite the overstimulation of having already been in a restaurant, and his disinterest in steak after stuffing on noodles and fried rice, Hayden felt excited that Cade wanted to take this next step, and hoped the parents would like him. He didn't want to waste this chance, no matter how sick he felt.
Once they got there, he realized it was a mistake. Hayden's temples throbbed, the inside of his mouth tasting vaguely of raw onions. The restaurant's bright, white lights were a source of torture rather than comfort, their brightness highlighting his clammy forehead. The sounds of the bustle around him were loud enough to cause headaches, which seems like a cruel twist of fate considering that he's suffering the early pangs of a salt-induced migraine. A sharp pain lanced through his torso, and Hayden swallows hard. He carefully loosened his belt under the table. His stomach roils, and he's sure a violent attack of indigestion is only moments from kicking in.
"You good?" Cade asked him suddenly. Hayden almost jumped. "Um - yeah. I'm good, just…I think I ate too much." Cade gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've got really bad bubble guts right now. I really hope nothing at that buffet was spoiled." He sipped on his Sprite and then brightened up, nodding his head at a middle-aged couple that had just entered. "There, that's them. That's my mom and dad." With that Cade stood up to go and greet them, leaving Hayden all by himself at the table.
As Cade went to greet his parents, Hayden gripped the table and forced his eyes shut. The lights and commotion aren't doing him any favors. He almost felt seasick. He took a deep breath, then released it slowly, but he's barely finished exhaling before he feels a familiar rumble begin low in his abdomen. Gas and the remains of a meal are threatening to be regurgitated. He swallowed hard.
For a little while, Hayden kept control of his stomach. He sipped his iced soda, hoping the bubbles would settle his stomach. And for a bit it seemed to help. He introduced himself to Cade's parents and they began small talk. Then Cade's dad ordered appetizers. "Make that double, would you please? Looks like I'm feeding a crowd today." his father said good-naturedly. And before either Cade or Hayden could protest, the waiter left. And Cade's parents began making small talk.
Hayden's brow was really beginning to glisten with sweat. Every time he turned to face someone new in this little circle, the lights flashed and his stomach rumbled heavily, slow and sluggish and sickening. He can't imagine eating anything; the idea of chewing or swallowing makes him dizzy.
Cade was also having to gulp over and over to keep his stomach in its place. When the appetizers arrived and his parents dug in, he snacked a bit on the wings and dip that had been left on the table, nibbling out of habit. The strong, greasy smell and spicy taste made his guts churn. And when he looked to Hayden, he realized with horror that he didn't look much better off. Maybe something at the buffet really was spoiled.
Hayden can't imagine holding back any longer. His head jerks from side to side, heaving breathlessly, and he suddenly feels bile rising in his mouth. He grips the edge of the table, a hand ready for his forehead as his guts churn and gurgle. His swallows mean nothing against the force of his sick stomach, and he felt chunks at the back of his throat.
"You know, mom and dad, Hayden's pretty tired. I think we might - urrp!" a sudden burp interrupted Cade. He blushed a little, but mostly his cheeks were green. "'scuse me. I think we might head out early."
Hayden's mouth twisted in misery. "P—please… have to… go…" he whined out, desperate. What seems like a long moment of agonizing silence passed as Hayden tried to keep his stomach down, but he was fighting a losing battle. Sweat trickled down his neck, his breath coming harsh in his throat. He leaned over the table, gagging, and that's all it took. The food from earlier erupted, exploding past Hayden's lips and splattering everything around him. He sagged forward and moans miserably. "Ohhh… I—I'm so sorry…"
When Hayden vomited, it was like a button was pressed on Cade's gag reflex. He didn't even feel himself heaving before a sudden heavy wave of chunky noodle barf spewed from his lips and splattered all over the appetizer. He hiccupped and moaned, mortified. "Ohhh m-my god, I'm so s- sghhhuruuughhhl!!" his belly clenched and Cade threw up again. The hot slurry burned all the way up and splashed on his jeans.
"Oh no… you too…" Hayden choked back bile, looking at Cade in horror. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, passing one to Cade. But the second he tried to speak, he heaved again. An ungodly amount of partially-digested ramen noodles burst out of his mouth, staining his shirt and the tablecloth. He curled into himself, panting with exhaustion and fighting to keep the remnants of his meal down. His stomach continued to roil, but it seems he's emptied as much as he's able.
Cade's parents at least didn't react in disgust. They seemed worried, and jumped into action. They pushed the almost-empty bowl of dip under Hayden's mouth as his tongue shot out and he began again to vomit. Cade leaned forward and desperately covered his mouth with his hands. But it was to no avail, and barf dripped from his fingers. A forceful gush escaped then. He groaned and gave in to the sickness clutching his belly.
Hayden retches violently, trying to expel the spoiled food that remained. It's as if his stomach were a bottomless pit, full of the slimiest rank slurry imaginable. He just wants it to be over. He dry-heaves, nothing coming up, but his stomach won't let him find comfort in the calm. It spasms and he can feel fresh bile rising up his throat. He leaned over the table and heaved, quickly getting dizzy.
Cade regretted overeating at the buffet. He burped up a violent surge of orange and noodles that splashed, mostly getting into the bowl. He clutched his belly with a low moan before spewing again. He was grateful they had chosen a table in the back; nobody but them noticed the mess yet. Hayden had the worst of it. He had eaten more of that slightly-suspicious shrimp stir fry than Cade had. Every exhale was a violent gush of vomit, and his face was sweaty and red. Cade's father gingerly patted his back.
Hayden, for his part, was beginning to feel lightheaded. His tummy went quiet for now, but that seemed to be the calm before the storm. He groaned miserably and clutched his sides, every twitch in his guts generating an involuntary grimace. He felt more exhausted than he could remember, and every movement is like pulling teeth. His tongue tasted foul and every breath he takes seems to make things worse. Cade's mother lays a hand on his shoulder and mouths, "You'll be alright."
It took a long while before they were alright, however. After a few minutes both boys could control their nausea long enough to make it to the bathroom, but once they got there the heaving just started again. Their stomachs felt agonizingly gross, heavy and overfull and sick. The sound of their retching reverberated through the small bathroom. After a moment, Cade called over in a raspy voice "H-Hayden….you okay?"
Hayden didn't answer, too busy with the business of being sick to reply. He hunched over the toilet in the fetal position, gagging and retching violently while it felt like his insides writhed and squirmed. Cade's voice barely registered to him. But eventually, he forces back the bile, breathing through his mouth and gasping for air as he got his breath. Eventually, he croaked "Yeah… yeah. Just… gimme a minute."
Just then Cade let out a meaty belch that turned into vomit on the tail end. He leaned over the toilet and let it out. Another retch took hold, and he splattered the bowl with brown and orange chunks. "Ohhhgg….god, thats bad."
Hayden shuddered, his stomach roiling again. "Ugh, god…" He puts his hand on his head and, with the slightest movement, let out another gush of bile. He leaned over again, his eyes watering as he continues to expel what little food he consumed at the buffet. His head pounded and he felt chills. After a moment, he sighed and pressed his cheek against the wall. "This is awful… I feel so gross."
"S-same….god, that really must have been spoiled food." Cade spat into the toilet and sighed. "I haven't felt this bad in a long time." he tenderly rubbed his bloated stomach, feeling it all moving around inside. Every little twist and turn of his guts brings him a fresh jolt of nausea. Now that the initial vomiting has slowed, he's left with a dull, pounding headache. He flushed and leaned against the wall, trying to rest. His guts kept spasming a little bit every so often, but he wasn't vomiting anymore.
Hayden groaned lightly and clutches his throbbing head. The nausea has calmed down for the most part, but he can feel the food sloshing around inside him. And the chillls kept getting worse. He grimaced and looked at the stall his boyfriend was in, suddenly feeling worried. "Cade… do you feel feverish at all? I—I'm feeling a little hot, but… maybe I'm just imagining things."
"Lemme check." Cade didn't feel too feverish, just nauseous. He reached his hand under the stall to Hayden. "I don't. Do -- urrrp! - do you? Let me feel your arm." When he felt Hayden, his boyfriend's skin was very hot and slightly red. "Ohh boy. Yeah, I think you might have a fever, babe."
Hayden nodded, his eyes widening with concern. "You don't feel too hot, right? I don't know how I'd handle it if we were both sick." He rests his hands on Cade's arm. It felt cool compared to his. His stomach began to churn again, but he fought down the rising nausea. "God, I still feel gross. I—my head… still hurts."
"I sh-should ask my dad to bring us water." Cade said, swallowing hard. His stomach was very upset again and he was worried he would soon vomit. But it happened sooner than he expected, and he spewed slushy orange and white down the front of his jacket. "Ohhhgg…oh shit, god. Damn i-- urrghhkkk!" he leaned over the toilet before he vomited again. "It hur-hrhrrggglllhg! It hurts…." Cade moaned between retches.
Hayden looked away when Cade began to vomit and made a grumbling sound of distaste. When he heard Cade's stomach rumbling again, he knows what's coming. He covered his mouth and turns his head, listening to the revolting squelching and splattering in Cade's throat. He tried not to be repulsed, but it was hard when the sounds were so loud. It's a relief when Cade finally let the last of his dinner go, though the smell made Hayden feel like he might puke again himself. "Ohh my god…" he said hollowly.
Hayden's belly lurched violently and he gasped. With a sudden rush, he expeled the rest of his dinner, most of it splashing down into the bowl but some bits and bile reaching the floor. He groaned and gripped the toilet to keep from wobbling, letting the contents churn and splurt out for a few seconds before he's finally spent. He was left dry-heaving into the bowl for a long moment. "Hnngg…. mmphhh… gahh…"
Cade spat, his stomach feeling much better now that it was empty. He flushed again and knocked on Hayden's door. "How're you doing in there?" he asked gently. In the end, Hayden needed help getting home. He was ill over the whole weekend, and terribly embarrassed about vomiting in front of the people who could become his in-laws. But Cade's parents were very understanding, and even sent them a card hoping Hayden felt better soon.
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therealdeathoracle · 1 year
Since people seemed to like my incorrect bsd quotes from my coworkers I decided to do another one with quotes from my friends
Atsushi: “Been ignored so much bitches call me terms and conditions.”
Akutagawa: “At least you get accepted no matter what.”
Kunikida: “Bitchboys! Wait what are they called? Dazai! Yes!”
Ranpo: “I'm going to start calling him that.”
Dazai: “You want to see the real bitch come out?”
Chuuya: “Ok I think I have a solution.”
*Explosion in the distance*
Chuuya: “Don’t worry about that.”
Atsushi: “That was before I realized he was my dad.”
Chuuya: “Fan-fucking-tastic just trying to enjoy my meal and god decides to show up!”
Ranpo to Fukuzawa: “Hey look! An old gay white man! That's better than an old white straight man!”
Kyouka: “Murder is fun, cool, and hip!”
Jouno: "I am going... to hurt something."
Akutagawa: "Don't tell me how to breathe!"
Dazai: "Want to know what they called me in college? Application Denied!"
Kenji: "Mom says its my turn with the brain cell"
Sigma: “Fyodor! Nikolai is grave robbing again!”
Nikolai: “Well it’s not like they need this stuff anymore!”
Fyodor: “He has a solid point, do you need help?”
Kenji: "This thanksgiving I’m thankful for Fukuzawa, Ranpo, Kunikida, Yosano, Atsushi, and uh... Kyouka. Yeah that’s everyone."
Dazai: "I really appreciate how I’m not on that list."
Chuuya: *Attacks someone for picking a flower off a bush*
Chuuya handing the flower to Dazai: “Here’s your flower back, freaking freeloaders.”
Jouno: “Hold that thought, it’s time for me to beat up Tecchou.”
Jouno: “Well time for me to fight Tecchou and kill some bad guys, and I’m all out of bad guys.”
Tecchou: “Oh shit!”
*During the ADA’s DnD game night* 
Kunikida: “Dazai, you can’t play a bard. We all know you’re just gonna fuck everything.”
Dazai: "THAT’S A LIE! I just want to hit someone over the head with a lute! Then I’ll fuck someone!"
Akutagawa: “Dazai is my personal favorite swear word.”
Akutagawa: “I’m like a battery, I’m never included in anything.”
Fukuzawa talking to himself when Ranpo is refusing to do work and Dazai hasn’t shown up yet: “Am I surprised? No of course I’m not I bet on it!”
Yosano: “Oh you don’t feel so good? I have a fix for that!”
Yosano: *Pulls out a gun*
Jouno: "I am very angry- *notices Tecchou nearby* HEY HE’S THE ONE WHO STOLE MY PANTS!"
Atsushi: *Panicking running through the ADA with a trash can that he accidentally set on fire* “NO ONE SAW THIS!”
Kunikida, Dazai, Yosano: “WE SAW THAT!”
Yosano: *Listing off what she ate today* “I’ve had cheese, crackers, vodka, and egg salad.”
Kenji: “I’m gonna do this all on my own!” *turns to Ranpo* “Help me.”
Yosano: “You son of a bitch!”
Yosano: “No I’m calling you a son of a bitch! YOU ARE ADOPTED!”
Kenji: *Angrily muttering affirmations to himself*
Yosano: “Is this toxic positivity?”
Dazai seeing Chuuya using corruption: “This is what gay panic is mothers and fuckers.”
Dazai: *Hands Akutagawa 4 cents he found on the ground*
Akutagawa: “I get to eat tonight!”
Dazai: *Takes back 1 cent* “No you don’t.”
Chuuya: *Sees Dazai flirt with some girl*
(What he tried to say) “Great now I’m sad and lonely.”
(What he said) Chuuya: “Great now I’m gay.”
Chuuya: “That’s kinda gay, not gonna lie.”
Dazai: “You sound kinda gay, not gonna lie.”
Akutagawa: “I have cheese, not gonna lie.”
Dazai: “This is not gonna go well.”
*2 minutes later*
Dazai sprinting down the street: “OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!”
*2 minutes later*
Dazai: “What gender am I today?”
Atsushi: “12.”
Akutagawa: “32.”
Chuuya to Akutagawa: “What’s your opinion on the plan?”
Akutagawa: “Cheese is good.”
Chuuya: “That wasn’t the question.”
Gin: “But it’s the answer.”
Akutagawa trying to flirt with Atsushi after getting advice from Kenji on what he likes: “ONION! I HAVE AN ONION FOR YOU! TAKE THE ONION!”
Akutagawa: *Trying to show Dazai the new nice outfit Chuuya bought him*
Dazai: *Not even looking at him* “Nice.”
Chuuya: *Angrily* “It’s ok, we all know you hate poor Aku.”
Dazai: *Starts fake crying*
Chuuya: *Sarcastically* “Awww you gonna cry?” *Seriously* “GOOD!” *Leads Akutagawa away while telling him he looks great*
Chuuya: “Nothing says pride like dick.”
Akutagawa after someone was mean to Atsushi: “You don’t think you’ll end up in hell for what you’ve done, but sweetheart I’ll be seeing you there soon.”
Dazai: “I don’t care if you have a cunt or a dick, either way I’m gonna fuck both your mom and dad.”
Ranpo giving directions to Kunikida after he got Fukuzawa and himself lost: “Look for someone dressed like it’s Halloween and someone dressed like a single dad.”
Kunikida: *Referring to Chuuya being drunk* “I think he’s in denial.”
Dazai: *Also drunk* “Nah he’s in da Amazon!”
Chuuya: *Absolutely wasted using his ability* “I am in da air!”
Akutagawa about Atsushi: “I love his heterophobia.”
Akutagawa: “I meant to say heterochromia.”
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torreshalstead · 1 year
Words like knives
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Summary - Strolling through the grocery store on a Saturday with Tim, running into her mother was the last thing she would have expected. And yet there she was.
Notes - Just my little take on Lucy’s moms reaction to finding out about Tim and Lucy. Hope you enjoy! AO3 Link
Lucy couldn’t help the smile tugging on her lips as she strolled through the grocery store arm in arm with Tim. There was something about the mundane domestic tasks that she used to do alone, having a partner to do them with made them so much less mundane and so much more enjoyable. Tim had decided he wanted to cook for them tonight at his place, however as they normally ate at hers, his cupboards were bare meaning that a trip to the store was required. Lucy wasn’t going to complain. Tim was quite a cook so tonight’s meal was sure to be delicious, even if they did have to spend the time getting everything for it.
‘Damn, I forgot… I’ll be right back’, Tim said with a quick peck to her cheek before he headed back down the aisle they had been in previously.
Lucy smiled to herself as she slowly meandered down the current aisle, glancing at the shelves but choosing instead to daydream about the man who was the reason behind her smile.
The recognition of that voice pulled her out of her daydream with a jolt.
Her mother was standing in front of her; she was the last person Lucy expected to see today. She hadn’t seen her since she had kicked her out of her apartment when she had become a P2 and had been told her career was worthless. She had spoken to her since then, but could count on one hand how many times that had been, usually just wishing a happy birthday or Mother’s Day via a quick phone call.
‘I didn’t know you shopped here? It’s far from your apartment, unless you’ve moved?’ Vanessa Chen always had a knack for asking the questions that her daughter would have preferred not to answer.
‘Umm, no I haven’t moved. I, umm, just like it here’, Lucy said quickly, hoping her answer would appease her mother and prevent any further questions. However that appeared to be wishful thinking when Vanessa doubled down.
‘But surely the travel costs here mean it’s more expensive to shop here. You must be sensible with your money Lucy. Your chosen career’, her mother had to stop to swallow at this, almost as though she was actively disgusted with her daughter's profession, ‘doesn’t allow much room for promotion or pay rises.’
‘There’s plenty of room for promotion being a police officer’, Lucy said, slightly softer than she normally would when talking to her mother. She was attempting to avoid confrontation and also to end the conversation as quickly as possible before Tim returned.
‘Well if you went back to school, like your father and I suggested, you’d be able to get a much better paying position and be able to move out of that apartment and you could shop here all the time.’ Her mother reached across to smooth out an imaginary crease on Lucy’s jacket and dusted down the sleeve. It was a way her mother continued to assert her power in situations, demonstrating not only her distaste of Lucy’s job but also of her fashion choices and clearly by the tone of the conversation, her living arrangements as well.
‘Mum, we’ve had this conversation before. I am not going back to school’, Lucy huffed whilst her mother brushed off the comment with a wave of her hand.
‘It would be the best thing for you Lucy. Your father and I have always thought so.’
Just as Lucy was in the process of biting her tongue to prevent engaging in a full blown argument in the condiments aisle of the store, the thing she had been dreading happened.
‘Hey babe, I found it.’ Tim had returned from his excursion to source whatever he had forgotten but was glancing at the label when he walked up to Lucy, not noticing who she was talking to until it was too late. ‘Oh, umm, Mrs Chen, lovely to see you’. He said nervously, depositing the items in the basket Lucy was holding and shooting her an apologetic glance. If he hadn't called her babe, they may have been able to brush off the fact that they were shopping together on a Saturday, but unfortunately, that was now impossible.
Vanessa shot a glaring look at Lucy before her gaze returned to Tim, looking him up and down in a disparaging way before her eyes locked firmly on her daughter.
‘So, the way to get promoted in your profession is to sleep with your superiors to get ahead. I thought we taught you better than this Lucy,’ her mother spat at her with disgust. Lucy’s jaw hit the floor. She knew her mother disapproved but never did she think she would accuse Lucy of sleeping her way to the top. She spluttered but was unable to get a word out before Tim stepped in.
‘Apologies ma'am, but I am not Lucy’s superior and I can assure you that any promotion Lucy receives in the future will not be as a result of who she is having a relationship with. Your daughter is an exceptional police officer and deserves every accolade she receives’. Tim said calmly, resting his hand on Lucy’s back in an attempt to calm her and show support.
‘Well you would say that seeing as you’re the one clearly having an affair with her!’ Vanessa said loudly, causing the other occupants of the aisle to look over before quickly making their way to another part of the store.
‘Mom!’ Lucy tried not to stamp her foot like a child but her mother’s reaction was causing her anger to bubble up inside. ‘Tim and I are not having an affair. We are in a loving, committed relationship!’
‘Of course you are’, Vanessa scoffed and turned her attention to Tim now. ‘I always had my suspicions but this just confirms them. You use your position of power to intimidate and coerce young innocent women into thinking they are in love with you. And then you’ll just discard them and move on to the next one!’ Vanessa's voice had returned to a more acceptable level however her tone was laced with venom and anger as she hurled the accusations at Tim. ‘Such a great example of the LAPD you are,’ she let out a harsh laugh as Lucy felt Tim’s palm tighten on her back, ‘taking advantage of those under your command’.
‘Mom, I am not under Tim’s command anymore and he’s not taking advantage of me, nor has he ever taken advantage of anyone. Just because you think all police are evil and corrupt, does not give you the right to talk to my boyfriend or me that way.’ Lucy squared her shoulders and grabbed Tim’s hand off her back, squeezing it tightly. ‘And I have no more to say.’ Tugging Tim behind her, she walked with purpose to the end of the aisle and took a left but before she had a chance to take more than a step or two, Tim had pulled her into a tight hug and she felt herself collapse into him.
‘I’m sorry’, he muttered into her hair. ‘She shouldn’t say things like that to you’.
‘I’m sorry too,’ she said but her words were muffled as she was pressed tightly against his chest. ‘She has no right to speak to you that way’. She pulled back so she could look at him but kept her arms firmly around his back. ‘You know nothing she said about you is true, you’re not taking advantage of me and I know you’d never abuse your position like that’.
Tim nodded, he knew that but he would be lying if he said Vanessa’s words hadn’t touched a nerve. He knew how he felt about Lucy, knew how she felt about him but was aware that to the outside world, if they knew the history, or at least parts of it, it might come across that way. A TO dating his Rookie. But their relationship was nothing like that, and anyone who knew them, knew that. And they were the only people who mattered.
‘I know Luce, I know,’ he said as he bent down to drop a kiss to her forehead, giving her a gentle squeeze before releasing her. ‘I know,’ he repeated, taking her hand in his and continuing onwards to the next aisle, hoping to put what had just occurred in the rear view.
As the pair continued to wander through the store, collecting the various ingredients they would need for that evening’s dinner, the conversation with Lucy’s mom was playing on both of their minds. Neither said anything but continued to maintain contact just a little bit more purposefully than they normally would do in public, nothing that would cause any raised eyebrows but keeping at least one point of connection at any time.
Lucy was reeling. She had become used to her mother’s opinion of her and her profession but had hoped that seeing her daughter in a happy and loving relationship would have brought her mother a sense of joy. But instead, it seemed to make her less approving of Lucy. Her mother had been on at her for years to get a boyfriend and settle down, she had even paid for her to freeze her eggs for god's sake. And here she was happy and with someone she could actually see a future with and her mother had insulted him.
Tim was equally angry but his anger was mixed with sadness. He knew Lucy wanted approval from her mother and that even though she tried to brush off the comments she made, it hurt Lucy when she insulted her career. He was so proud of Lucy and everything she had achieved, he wished her mom could see her for the person and the cop she was, rather than the idealistic version of her daughter that she had created in her brain.
Reaching the check out, Tim spotted Vanessa entering the household cleaning aisle and decided he couldn’t keep it in any longer.
‘I’ll just be a second’, he said as he strolled towards the aisle Vanessa had just walked down, leaving a confused Lucy in his wake.
‘Mrs Chen’, he said loudly as he approached her. Vanessa turned around, disapproval still etched across her face. ‘I don’t need you to like me, or even approve of the relationship I have with your daughter. But I have to tell you that by not accepting Lucy as the person she is now, you’re going to lose any chance of knowing the person she is going to become. She is a great cop, one of the best I’ve ever trained. She’s gone on undercover missions, taken down drug cartels and stopped murderers and has never asked for praise for any of it. She does it because she loves it, helping people, keeping the city safe. It’s who she is. Now I know that being a police officer is not what you had in mind for Lucy, that you want something different for her. And I understand that. Being a cop in LA is not easy, and it’s not always safe. But it’s who she is. And asking her to change, would be asking her to lose a part of herself, and that would crush her.’
‘One day Lucy will become a detective, or a Sergeant, or a Captain, and if you were there to celebrate those achievements with her, it would make them all the more special. But just because you don’t support them, doesn’t mean she is going to achieve them. Some day, I hope, she will become a mother and she will be exceptional at that too. She will want her kids, our kids to get to know their grandparents. But she won’t, if you aren’t proud of the woman that she is. Your words hurt, Mrs Chen. And I have promised to never let anything hurt Lucy, I love her. And that means I can’t let you hurt her either. So please, Mrs Chen. Just think about it.’ Tim didn’t wait for a response before turning on his heel and heading back towards Lucy, leaving a baffled Vanessa standing alone in the middle of the aisle.
He hoped that she had taken his words to heart, he meant every word of them and he didn’t want Lucy to go through anymore pain and upset where her parents were involved.
As they unloaded the groceries into the truck, Tim spoke up, ‘I went back to speak to your mom’.
Lucy turned around quickly, ‘you did what? Tim-’
‘I know, but I had to let her know that what she said hurt you and that if she kept it up, she’d lose out on the opportunity to know the incredible woman you are. I’m sorry if I overstepped but I had to’, he looked sincerely at her, trying to gauge her emotions.
‘It’s okay’, she said after a moment, reaching out to hold his hands. ‘I do appreciate you standing up for me’. She smiled.
‘You do?’
Lucy nodded, ‘I can stand up for myself, and I know you know that’, Tim nodded as she smirked. ‘But it can get tiring, so sometimes it’s nice when someone else does for a change.’
‘Well we’re a team, so sometimes we have to share the load’, Tim squeezed her hand as he leaned against the tailgate of his truck, tugging her to stand between his legs.
‘What did you say to her?’ Lucy asked curiously.
‘I told her how incredible you are, and that someday you’ll get a promotion at work and you’d appreciate it if she was there to support you. I said someday you’ll be an amazing mother and would want your kid-’
‘Our kids’, Lucy interrupted him with a smile which Tim returned happily.
‘Our kids, to have a relationship with their grandparents but if she didn’t accept you for who you are then she would miss out on that chance.’ Lucy’s eyes started to glisten with the hint of tears but the smile hadn’t left her face so Tim continued. ‘I told her that I love you and I promised to protect you from anything that hurt you, and if she hurts you that means protecting you from her as well.’
‘Thank you’, Lucy whispered as she pulled herself into his chest and hugged him tightly.
‘I meant every word of it Lucy’, he whispered against her cheek as he pulled her further into his embrace, not caring that they were in the middle of the parking lot, not caring who saw that a tear may have escaped the corner of his eye. Just being present in the moment that the woman he loved was in his arms and he would never have to let her go.
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kushblazer666 · 2 months
So my bratty children have grown up in an era in which it is a perfectly normal and everyday thing for ordinary families to have chopsticks available in the house.
They have no idea the absolute accomplishment it was to be sixteen and *proficient* with chopsticks when you took your annual school trip to an exotic location that was just the one Chinese restaurant in town.
Like, I was the shit, because I had lived in Europe and my parents had taken me fancy places and taught me fancy things like how to eat with sticks.
At home, though, we ate every meal with a fork and a knife like every decent middle class American family (excepting, presumably, actual families from places where chopsticks were a normal thing to eat with, but I didn't know anyone like that personally).
And the only thing approximating "Chinese" food that we had available on a regular basis was Cup of Soup ramen noodles (YES I KNOW RAMEN IS JAPANESE IT WAS THE 80s AND WE WERE ALL CLUELESS AND UNINTENTIONALLY RACIST (I'm so sorry, I do regret that in fact)).
Which noodles in a styrofoam cup we ate with a fork. Because DUH.
So, imagine my absolute let-down recently when I discovered the most amazing, innovative breakthrough. I had run out of clean forks, you see, and I was hungry, and there are Cup of Noodles (lime shrimp flavor, the best one - we didn't have fancy LIME flavor in our Cup of Noodles back in the day so "with shrimp" was the preferred style but you gotta move with the times and LIME is it, now) in the house, so I prepared myself a cup of noodles and then had to figure out how to eat them without washing a fork (oh, the humanity).
And my eyes landed on my big box of chopsticks.
And I realized.
Needless to say, I was excited. So I set up my cup of noodles, let it steep in the boiling water for the required time, peeled back that limp, wet paper topping that you always eat some of in every serving no matter how hard you try to keep it out of the cup, and dug in with my chopsticks.
My son, who, as I've mentioned, is spoiled rotten, walked by at exactly that moment and I PROUDLY showed him my discovery. I held up the cup of noodles, held up the chopsticks, dug in and lifted noodles out of the cup, and said, "DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN EAT RAMEN NOODLES WITH CHOPSTICKS OH MY GOD"
He stood in my door for several moments, struck dumb with wonder, I'm sure.
And said:
"Mom. It's ramen. That's how you're SUPPOSED to eat them."
Then shook his head and continued down the hall to the kitchen. Presumably to eat MY food with that disrespectful mouth.
I feel old.
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ecargmura · 4 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 22 Review - Intermission
The end of the first day exam means it’s an intermission episode. Frieren, Fern and Stark are reunited and have some fun together…and by fun, that means appeasing Fern’s bad mood by eating food. Yeah, they spend their break eating at a restaurant Frieren once ate at with her old party eighty years ago.
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Not only does Frieren’s party have fun with their leisure time, the other exam participants have their fun too. It seems that friendships have been formed after the first exam with Denken’s team forming an unlikely friendship; I find the grandfather-granddaughter relationship between Denken and Laufen adorable. Richter seems like a chill guy when he’s off mage duty as he runs a magic tool repair shop. Despite Richter’s protests on not wanting to spend time with Denken, he does so. He even takes him to the restaurant that Denken really wanted to go to. I do like that Denken’s so chill and wise. He tells Richter that being a mage means being willing to mingle with others without regrets. When they saw Frieden’s group in the restaurant, he said to leave them alone to enjoy their meal. He’s so cool. I want to know more about him.
Ubel and Land develops an odd friendship too with Ubel seemingly being intrigued by Land but he could care less about her. It seems that Ubel’s magic is to be able to copy another person’s magic as she was able to copy Wirbel’s Sorganeil to bind Land. Ubel’s thought process is very unique as she thinks about murder and violence, but knows when to hold back because of empathy. I do feel like Ubel likes him. They’re constantly seen together in this episode, so who knows if the writers will push this ship. I find it quite intriguing.
Kanne and Lawine are still their usual self, but seeing the latter all dolled up was a nice sight to behold. Lawine has three older brothers who spoil her rotten. Seeing her mom join in on dressing her up felt like seeing my mom wanting to dress me up in nice feminine clothes. If you listen carefully, the music used during the rather romantic moment between the two ladies is the music played when Stark and Fern danced together in Episode 15. I chuckled when the music cut off just as the music was about to get to the highlight as Lawine pulls Kanne’s pigtails as always. I ship them as much as I ship Stark and Fern and Frieren and Himmel. Kanne even did the kneeling thing that Stark and Himmel did. Other than that, it was nice to see them hanging out with Frieren and Fern. They don’t have to be enemies in this moment of peace. They’re grateful towards Frieren for helping them pass and it’s nice to see Frieren reminisce about how helping someone can impact them, even if it’s just small gestures.
Wirbel and Scharf seem to be close friends. What’s even funnier is that they develop an odd friendship…with Stark of all people. While Stark was a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by girls, Wirbel came in at the right moment to take him away. It did look like he was hitting on him. I do wonder if Fern will have to worry about her potential love rivals as she’s gonna have to fend off both male and female suitors for Stark in the future. Stark does attract male attention, surprisingly.
The scenes with the hero’s party was nice! Seeing Frieren reminisce about the food she ate from the past and how kind actions can be instilled in people’s memories so that no one would be forgotten. I just feel like Frieren is learning more about people and it’s so nice to see.
The second day exam will start next episode and it’ll be proctored by Sense. She is notorious for not letting anyone pass the exams she proctored in the past four years. I do wonder what will happen this time around. Will she let people pass this time around? I can’t wait to see what the second exam has to offer. Which interactions were your favorite?
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 months
Sunflower, Book 1 Chapter 7
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Tom Hiddleston x OFC Series rated: M Chapter warnings: Tom sticks his foot in his mouth some? AN: Sorry for the delay, we didn't get home as early as I thought. Chapter 6, Masterlist, Chapter 8
Dinner time quickly approached, giving Mia and Tom both a break from the awkward small talk. Tom sat on the couch, Sally next to him talking through her favorite movie. A blond haired fairy in green fluttered around the screen while Tom had the origin of the fairy explained to him. 
He didn’t need the lesson in Tinker Bell though, no one did. The whole point of the movie itself was to explain that but Tom was a good sport about it. Mia couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her daughter with what, maybe- if she gave into Tom’s delusion for a second- could be a father figure.
“Mom, what’s for dinner?” Sally’s ability to change trains of thought quickly and rather suddenly seemed to catch Tom off guard but Mia was used to it. 
“I’ll figure something out.” Mia couldn’t commit to anything. 
She had been so focused on surviving the day that she hadn’t thought to pull any meat out to thaw. There were dishes in her sink that were not there when she had left her apartment yet had appeared by some magic before she had returned. The sandwich bread was left open as was the sandwich meat in the refrigerator, leaving both dried out. 
It was disheartening. Money was tight and the kitchen was hardly stocked before she had left. In a ideal world, she should have been surprised that the maintenance staff helped themselves to her food but she wasn’t. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and she was far from the only person it happened to.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Tom had excused himself from the lecture on Tink without Mia noticing. 
“No.” She choked on the word and closed the fridge.
“What’s wrong?” He kept his voice low.
“Nothing.” She lied but he didn’t buy it. 
She was helpless as he opened the fridge to find it nearly empty. The same was said for most of her cabinets and the freezer. “You have no food?” 
“I did- not a lot but it’s fine.” She sighed. “But the maintenance guys used it up. Repairing the AC was hard work and I’m sure they don’t get paid well, they probably needed something for lunch.”
“Are you being serious right now?” Tom was clearly incredulous. “They ate your food?”
“I can’t make it not have happened.” Mia shrugged. “I’ve got a box of Kraft and some cans of peas- It’s better than nothing. I’ll go shopping later.”
“When’s later?” Tom wasn’t letting it go and she wanted to scream. “That’s hardly a nutritious dinner.” 
He didn’t realize it but he was walking a very dangerous line. Mia had spent everything she had to provide for her daughter. While their meals often missed the mark nutritionally, she did the best she could with what she had. 
“Look- if you don’t like it go out to a fancy restaurant or order yourself some take out.” The conversation wasn’t going how Tom wanted it. “I’ll make sure my daughter is fed, don’t worry about that. When I can, I’ll get her better food but she won’t starve. Kraft hasn’t killed a poor kid yet.”
Don’t slam things. Don’t bang things. Don’t snap. Don’t crumble in the face of reality and an empty bank account. Don’t scream. Don’t cry. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.
Don’t ask for help.
Never ask for help.
Tom ate the overly yellow mac and cheese and too mushy canned vegetables without complaint. He had enough sense to back down in the end. 
It was surprising, if Mia was honest. She had expected him to order himself some take out or order a Lyft to take him to somewhere with proper food. 
Before they knew it, it was time for bath and bed time. Sally had insisted Tom read her the bedtime story. Mia stood in the doorway, an ever present shadow supervising her daughter’s time with the stranger in her home. 
While his velvet voice finished ‘One Fish, Two Fish’ and moved onto the next book in the small stack Sally had gathered up, Mia searched everything she could find about Tom’s background. He surely had people to hide controversies and poor behavior for him but she had to look for any sign that he would be unsafe to have in their home overnight. Every search came up that he was perfectly fine, though a little flirty.
Could that be trusted? Could she trust him?
“Alright.” Mia pocketed her phone and put her hand on the switch. “Tom needs to get his beauty rest so he has the energy to play tomorrow. Us adults don’t have unlimited energy like some kids.”
There was a soft pink light that spilled into the hall from Sally’s room. The pink bulb in her desk lamp provided more than enough light to keep childhood monsters away. Usually, the door would be left creaked open but tonight, Mia closed it.
In her hand she had a string of Christmas bells Sally had refused to part with when it came time to put away the Holiday decorations. Careful to make as little noise as possible, Mia tied the string of bells to the doorknob while trying to ignore the feeling of Tom’s eyes on her.
Sally was a easy sleeper and was probably asleep before the door latched shut. She also tended to sleep through the night and sleep in some in the mornings.
 Mia had little doubt she would have the bells removed before Sally got up in the morning. If the child did wake in the middle of the night for the bathroom or something, she would be amused by the tinkling of the bells when she opened the door. Mia could make up some story of silly fairies and their antics. 
Unlike Sally though, Mia was often a light sleeper. With a stranger in the home, Mia would be even more easy to wake. She hoped she was just being paranoid. 
Really, she probably was, she knew that. But she couldn’t help it.
“Bells?” Tom asked.
“So I know if the door opens.” 
“Is that necessary, really?” 
“If it was, would you honestly tell me?” Mia challenged and Tom had to admit she had a point. Still, the idea of someone being so threatened by his presence as to put a make shift alarm on a child’s door ruffled his feathers. 
Thankfully, he didn’t argue as they made their way back downstairs. 
Mia stood and watched as Tom spread out the fuzzy throw blanket on the small couch. He was dedicated to sleeping on it, just as he had said. It was clear as day that it wouldn’t be comfortable for him. The couch wasn’t six feet long or even close to it. He wouldn’t fit.
Sure, he could sleep on the floor but she couldn’t have him do that. Not down stairs. Not sandwiched between the front door with it’s gaps around the poorly hung frame and and the kitchen. 
Tom fluffed the couch cushions and a large stuffed animals. 
“Stop.” Mia failed at hiding her annoyance from her voice. 
“I figured I’d sleep early?” Tom turned to her as he continued to fluff. “For all the excitement of last night- I’m knackered. I figured, lay down, check the emails I’ve been ignoring…” 
“Grab your bag.” This was fucking dumb, she told herself as she grabbed the smaller of his bags and started her way up the stairs. This whole situation was awkward enough as it was. Why not make it just a little worse?
Tom followed her as she marched single mindedly down the hall. She had paused at the stairs to flip off the living room light and again to turn off the light in the stairs. She didn’t stop or look back until she tossed the small carry on bag onto her bed. 
“I’m not following?” Tom carefully set his own bag down on the floor.
“You can’t sleep on the couch.” He started to protest but she spoke over him. “You don’t fit. And the floor isn’t an option either.”
“I’m not going to have you sleeping on the couch in your own home.” 
“I’m not.” She sighed and fluffed blankets just to busy her hands. “We shared a bed last night, didn’t we?”
“As you’ve reminded me multiple times today, we were very drunk.”
“Look- I agreed to give this thing a chance. I don’t think making you break your back sleeping rough when there’s a bed is giving this a chance.” 
“Okay.” He watched her cautiously. “Only if you are sure. I don’t want to rush things before you’re ready.”
“That ship’s already sailed.” Mia mumbled to herself as she walked into the closet portion of the room. “You can put your bags somewhere in here, if you want.” The sentence was finished through a long yawn. Tom was right- between the late night and the hangover exhaustion was quick to set in.
As Mia grabbed a pair of shorts and an over sized shirt from the closet, Tom’s bag unzipped in the room behind her. She came out into the bedroom space to Tom rummaging for a pair of sweatpants. 
“I’ll go change in the bathroom.” Tom shut the bedroom door behind him on his way to the hall. Mia started working the buttons of her shirt. “Oh, shit-” Tom’s voice was cut off by the shutting of the second bathroom door. 
She couldn’t help but smile for just a moment. It was exhausting being on guard, keeping her walls up even as he did everything right all day long. Every so often though, she would find herself caught by the way the sunlight lit up his eyes or the way his voice sounded when he remembered there were two doors to the bathroom. 
There were moments of tenderness he extended toward her that were easy enough to resist- thank you anxiety for that. It could be so easy to just give in and care. 
The moments of every so slight judgement helped too. 
Was there actually judgement though or was she imagining it? No, they had been there. She needed them to be exactly what they felt like, an attack on her parenting and her ability to provide for her daughter.
What made it hard to resist the fairy tale romance he petitioned for that morning was the moments of tenderness she caught sight of with Sally. He was good with her, that much couldn’t be denied. Sure, it’s easy to be easy with a kid on day one as an unknown stranger. How things would go when Sally got really comfortable with him was the real question.
Would he be around long enough for that to happen though? They said they would give this a fair shot but neither had defined what giving it a try looked like. He had to go back to England in a few days or so, didn’t he? 
They would be married legally but what did that really matter? What was that more than a paper? What was that at all?
This was all too confusing. How was she expected to make sense of this fucked up situation? 
A knock on the door between the bathroom and the closet area brought her back to reality. Thinking herself into a circle wouldn’t do any good. 
“Are you decent?”
“Does it matter?” The exhaustion made it hard to keep her thoughts to herself. 
“Why shouldn’t it?” Tom peeked from a cracked door as if that would somehow filter his view, preventing him from seeing anything indecent while letting him evaluate if it was safe to enter the room. “Are you good?”
“If you could have any ring, which would you want?” Ton asked in front of the jewelry counter. Everything glittered and was shiny. There were no price tags to be seen. 
“I can’t tell you that!” She giggled, leaning over the counter. Her hair was messy and her lipstick was smudged slightly but to Tom, she was a vision. 
“Why not?” Tom wrapped his warm arm around her and looked over her should at the sea of rings.
“You’re supposed to pick for me.” She teased and so he did. 
He took his time as she fluttered from display to display looking at trinkets. Every ring looked to be either too much for his bride to be or not enough. She was normal but she was lovely. She was natural but she was beautiful. 
“Can I see that one?” Tom pointed to a rose gold band with what looked to be a pile around the top of the band. 
It was small and delicate in his fingers as they held it to him. “We have it in her size.” The staff offered without prompting. 
There was a larger center diamond, sparkling as a traditional center piece. To each side of the larger diamond was a scattering of five smaller diamonds, each getting smaller than the next and looking very much like snowflakes. The band wasn’t crowded with the number of stones and there were bare points between the diamonds. 
“There’s a band that goes with it.” The woman behind the counter supplied, taking the ring from him for a moment. She slipped the tip of her index finger into the rings and lined them up.
The wedding band nestled right against the engagement ring. The band waved against the larger one, reaching down into a delicate point below the large center stone. There were five diamonds on the wedding band. Much like the engagement ring, the diamonds of varying size looked to be scattered like snowfall. The rose gold band was a warm complement to the icy fire of the diamonds. 
Would she like it?
~~~~~<3 Tag List: @winterisakiller, @alexakeyloveloki @jennyggggrrr @dangertoozmanykids101, @tilltheendwilliwrite @tinchentitri, @wizardcherryblossom @buttercupcookies-blog @violethaze @kats72
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spicyclover · 1 year
Unplanned | part three
Summary: You are pregnant with Mick. It’s not going as planned; in fact, it’s not planned. Everything happened so fast, and everything was chaotic. Mick has a hard time accepting it. You have difficulty realizing that two of you may not be raising this child.
Part one | Part two | Part Three | Part four | Part five | Part six | Part seven | Part eight
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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Y/n feels like she’s going out of it, but she doesn’t have time to fall asleep when Gina announces they have arrived.
She opens her eyelids wild, and the stress kicks back in immediately. 
The house is large. A pink shade escapes from its walls due to the setting sun in the distance. The roof tiles have an orange colour that perfectly matches the Swiss landscape. Stunning views of the valley and Lake Geneva. Stress takes hold of her, but she tries to keep her composure. With eyes wide open, she looks at Gina, and she smiles tenderly before getting out of the car to open the gate.
Yet she is stuck. Her body refuses to move. She gets a big heart attack and wants to throw up the chips she ate on the way home. It is against her heart that she gets out of the car to vomit on the side of the road. She regurgitates everything she has to swallow, and Gina quickly finds herself at her side to help her. She trembles and cold sweats seize her body. She suddenly gets freezing and starts shivering once she’s done vomiting.
“Are you all right?” Ask Gina, who gently rubs her back while holding her hair.
She doesn’t have the words, so she nods and tries to smile, but it looks more like a face than anything else. Her legs hardly support her, and she leans more toward Gina. She gently brings her back to the car and makes her sit by telling her that she is coming back.
She is then left to herself. She takes deep breaths to try to calm down and regain confidence. Her phone turns on, and she sees that she has just received a notification from her mother. Without hesitation, she presses the little icon to call her mother. 
“Mom,” she said, bursting into tears.
“What’s going on, baby? Are you okay? Where are you?” 
“I want to go home. It was a bad idea to come. They’re gonna hate me, and he’s gonna hate me. I can’t. I can’t. Mom, I’m scared.”
“Look, baby, it’s gonna be okay. Tell yourself you’re the bigger person here. He’s the spoiled baby. You take the first step, and that’s what matters most. If you really don’t feel capable. You call a taxi, return to the airport, and take the first plane. We don’t care about them. It’s about you. Okay?”
“Yes,” she says, sniffing it loudly. 
“And, it was Corinna who invited you. You introduce yourself, and you’ll see what she tells you...”
“Yes,” she responds with a small voice. 
“Well, now you come to your senses and dry out those big crocodile tears. I love you, my dear. If you ever call me, I’ll talk to them.”
She laughs at the comment to her mother and hangs up after telling her how much you love her. The tears ruined her makeup, but she didn’t care. She opens her bag and takes wipes to remove her makeup. Her dark circles appear, but she doesn’t care. She pulls it and undoes her hair.
Meanwhile, Gina went back inside the house to look for her mother. As she walks through the door, she is greeted by the excited dogs who jump on her. She laughs while getting her face licked before entering the kitchen to find Corinna.
She continues to prepare the meal, and most guests are already in the lounge enjoying an aperitif. She lifts her head and sees her daughter. She advances towards the entrance but seeing Gina’s face, she stops.
“Are you all right?”
“She threw up her potato chips on the side of the road. I’m here to get her a glass of water.”
“Oh no! Where is she? Why didn’t you let her in?” 
“I think she needs some time, Mom.”
Corinna nodded and filled a glass of water. Gina reaches out her hand, but Corinna ignores her to get out of the house and go up the small path to the portal. She sees the car still spinning in the distance and hears a small voice speaking in another language. She stops a few meters from the car and watches the young woman inside.
She watches her take off her makeup and do her hair differently. She is surprised by the beauty of the young woman. She did not expect to see such a sweet and pretty girl, but at the same time, she slept with her son. So it doesn’t surprise her, either.
She looks out of the car and sees a blonde woman waiting at the front gate. She quickly understands that she is the matriarch of the family. She takes a breath, and Corinna approaches the car. 
“You didn’t need makeup anyway,” she said, gently reaching for the young woman. “You look even better without it.” stroking her cheek with a sweet smile. 
She smiles and accepts the glass of water. The air is cold, but it feels good. Corinna wraps herself in her oversized vest and reaches out to the young woman to guide her home.
Meanwhile, Gina takes care of parking the car in front of the garage and takes Y/n’s luggage out of the back seat. Corinna invites her inside and gives her a quick visit before showing her the rooms.
“Your bedroom is at the back on the left. There you have the bathroom,” continues Corinna opening the door to show her. 
“Thank you very much.”
“I put your bathroom kit on your bed. You can see it if you want, and I have to return to my kitchen.”
“Thank you very much for the invitation, Ms. Schumacher.”
“Come on, call me Corinna.”
“I’ll try,” she whispers, watching Corinna go to the kitchen. “What’s behind that door?” She asks by pointing the right door at hers.
Gina does not have time to answer when the door opens abruptly to let Mick appear.
To be continued...
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Three: Yes, I'd like to purchase one racoon mom. Yes, her name is Lily.
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You laughed behind your palm as you watched Owen try to reconcile with Izzy, for some reason with wildflowers.
 Since you and Izzy had very similar personalities, you knew exactly what you would want in her situation. Probably bullets, a better gun, some knives, a bow and an arrow. You watched as Owen tried to step in front of her and walked straight onto a trap.
“Whatcha laughing at?” Duncan came out of the cabin, his arms slithering around you as he covered your neck in kisses.
“Well I think maybe we will have a different lifetime.” You said, matter-of-factly. Duncan smiled, before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to them. Everyone else quickly followed in pursuit.
But the second you were all gathered around the swinging Owen, you heard a snap and a cage fell on top of you all. 
“Good morning, campers! Or should I say trappers?” Chris appeared with a beaver on his head.
But you were focused on the expression Duncan had, he was staring at the bars that surrounded you all, and you sighed, sneaking both hands into his. His eyes finally fell onto you, and he smiled. “I know.” You mouthed and he nodded sadly. 
“Okay let’s talk about the challenge over chow.” Chris walked off holding a knife and the beaver. 
“Is he gonna cut us down?” Owen asked, his face turning red, but with nearly expert precision, Chris snapped the rope and the door to your cage opened.
Duncan was the first one out, letting out a large breath once he stepped out. “I think we should rotate it into nicotine gum instead of the patches. The patches just increase everything that is bad for me.” Duncan muttered as you began the trek to the cafeteria.
“Alright, I’ll try to see if, Chef is willing to buy me some.” You smiled, today will be Duncan's second week off the cigarettes. “I mean of course he will, who could resist that face.” Duncan rained down kisses upon your face causing you to let out a giggle much to his surprise.
You watched as Duncan tried to eat the paste, and stifled a laugh, he glared at you sticking his tongue out as well. “Isn’t this the stuff you use to keep your hair straight?” You teased and he smirked, flipping you off discreetly causing you to roll your eyes.
“Alright campers, there's eight of you left so look alive.” Chris advised, seemingly juggling the paste-balls. “God, I would kill for your moms cooking.” Duncan grumbled spitting the paste back into the bowl much to your disgust.
“Well, I’d kill for my mom to be alive so it’s clear that neither of us are killing the right people.” 
Gwen spit out her drink. “That’s dark.” She laughed, mildly concerned. “Why thank you.” You winked, causing the girl to blush. 
“Hm, my chances of winning? I honestly don’t care if I win. The less time I’m here, the more time I’m away from that ****ing **** eater, Chris ‘let’s make girls ******* terrified because I’m a ****** pervert.’ McLean.” You leaned back on the outhouse bench with a satisfied smirk. 
“You’ll each have eight hours to trap an animal.” Chris declared. Duncan snatched Owen’s wrist. “Got one.” He yelled. “A wild animal,” Chris said, sending the raven-haired boy an ‘are you stupid?’ glare.
“Got one.” Duncan yelled again, snatching your wrist. You slowly turned to look at him with a mildly amused expression. “I’m going to sew your **** to your head.” You smiled and Duncan gave you a cheeky grin, kissing your cheek and getting your hand down.
“The reward is a meal of your favorite foods.” Chris smiled wide, gesturing to the tables. “Honey, I love you and all, but I’m so hungry.” Duncan groaned. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair trying to hide the fact that the last time you ate was about four days ago. 
Chris gathered you around the boat-room-dock thing and had you all pick out names from a hat. Duncan rolled his eyes once he got a raccoon, you burst out laughing when you saw that you got a lynx. “How long till he realizes that we went to WSS?” Duncan whispered in your ear. “Probably the same time he realizes I hate him.” Duncan shrugged, nodding in agreement.
Chris herded you all into the boat-room-thing and gave you sixty seconds to find the supplies you needed. 
Duncan picked up a chainsaw, and you crossed your arms. “I worry what goes on through your mind.” You sighed, shaking your head softly. Duncan smiled, “Personally I think this’ll be a great raccoon catcher.” You laughed rolling your eyes and standing on your tiptoes to peck his lips. “Mhm.” You decided to just nod and smile.
You picked up a bucket of bunny carcasses, and a beaver pelt. “Let’s go.” Duncan quietly grabbed your hips and led you out of the room, narrowly avoiding wrestling Heather and Gwen.
Chris called out “Times up.” And you all stepped back out onto the dock. “Go now, young padawans, proud you make me.” Chris said in his best imitation of Yoda. “I think next time we should just stay in juvie.” You grumbled stepping past the man.
“Meet me back on docks in twenty minutes.” Duncan nearly ordered you causing a blush to redden your cheeks. “You underestimate your abilities, baby. You were catching raccoons when we were five.” You smiled before running off.
Finding the lynx was easy enough. You got deep into the woods, near the snowy mountains and laid the beaver pelt down before laying the bunnies in it, before making a bunny beaver burrito.
You scaled the nearest tree hiding in a particularly busy spot before you waited for your prey. It may have been twenty seconds, or twenty minutes when the lynx finally appeared.
The beautiful creature sniffed the food for a moment before it put out a paw to touch it. The cat hissed when the burrito unfolded showing the bunnies. 
But it quickly delved in, shoving its face into the meal and eating all of them in near moments. Now this was the fun part. You watched as the lynx let the meal digest, then the lynx got really tired and began swaying on its feet. You took a picture on your phone and sent it to Duncan
Me: look what I got {picture attached}
Tiger 💚: so many raccoons why the **** are there so many raccoons on this god forsaken island what the **** ***** **** ** shdbns&:?: &@
Me: .. Duncan?
Tiger 💚: {video attached: Duncan screaming ‘I love you, honestly I’d love to marry you but I might die from these raccoons’ the camera points up and you see a giant raccoon monster}
Me: oh..? Cute??
Tiger 💚: {Picture attached: Duncan is smiling like an idiot and making a heart symbol with the racoon on his head} love you, everything’s good now <3
Me: :) love you 2 baby ♥️
It then promptly passed out, deep in a food coma. You smiled to yourself and jumped out of the tree. The lynx had consumed twenty four bunnies in meme moments, it was gonna be out for a day at least.
You slowly creeped toward the sleeping creature and bent to your knees, snatching the knife out of your side pocket, striping the beaver pelt of the rope that lined it. 
You tied the lynx’s front and back paws and threw it over your shoulders and began your run to the boat-dock which you were happy to see Duncan sitting, scratched up but happily waiting for you.
He held the raccoon in his lap and was taking about a million photos with it. Duncan waved excitedly to you. “Her name is Lily.” The racoon almost waved at you. 
“Duncan I love you, I love you a lot, but why did you name a raccoon after my mom?” Duncan smiled once you asked that question.
“Because she freaked out when I was showing her my homescreen.” Duncan laughed, holding the racoon tight. “Can I keep her?” You laughed as you stared at your stupidly adorable boyfriend. “Of course, Tiger. Of course.” You watched as the racoon made grabby hands at you.
“Let your racoon mom hold you.” Duncan shoved the animal in your hands and you stifled a laugh. “Of course, baby.”
So that’s where you both sat, holding your animals and talking, and petting the new animals and watching the sunset on Camp Wawanakwa.
Is this a good time to mention that Duncan wants to marry you? 
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tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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