#i have to fix my shower chair so i can sit on it properly bc i had to adjust it for cutting my hair
nexus-nebulae · 11 months
i hate that kind of task procrastination that's bc of like 20 minor things that are In Your Way where each minor thing is easily solvable but the amount of them plus the prospect of doing the Actual Task afterward just. no
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king-star · 3 years
hii! can you please make a natasha x reader fic where they both have been dating for a while and it's natasha's birthday and the reader surprises her with a brand new suit that she made herself and nat cries bc she never got a meaningful gift and the reader also surprises her with cake and more romantic gifts. you could make the reader tony's sister so it would make more sense that she's good at making suits but you don't have to!! thank you sm i need sum cute natty 😫
Birthday Suit
Warning: Use of the pet name Sunflower,
Match: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff
A/N: So this one was fun. I hate my birthday but this actually was cute. I’m trying a new way of presenting the dialogue. aesthetically it looks better but I’m not sure how it reads. I've seen other authors do the dialogue on completely seperate lines so just lmk if this is good.
Word Count: ~2.5 k
Summary: It’s Natasha's birthday, and despite her acting like she hates it you shower her with love.
The smell of cooking cake fills the compound. Even from the workshop, where you are, the sweet scent permeates the air. You have been baking for long enough to know what that smell means, the cake is almost done.
You check the clock on the wall. 2:44. Nat would be home at 5.
“Shit. I need to get this done,”
You shake your head and set down your wire cutters. The list of everything you need to get done before she arrives rolls through your mind.
It was her birthday. She didn’t know her actual birthday so years ago she made one up. The chosen date was a closely guarded secret she only shared with those she trusted most. For the most part the assassin didn’t even celebrate. When you had asked a week prior what she wanted to do she had brushed you off claiming,
“I don’t really care. As long as I get to be with my love.”
She had kissed you, hoping the kiss would fog your mind from any further planning. Unfortunately for her you were a big schemer, always going as big as you could for your friend’s birthdays.
You walked out of the workshop, making one last longing look at her unfinished gift on your messy work table. No one was around today. The one Saturday everyone had off a month. Natasha had gone shopping with Wanda, a plan conncocted to give you plenty of time to get everything ready.
“Friday do you mind turing the oven off?”
you asked the A.I. as you headed down the hallway.
“Of course Agent Y/L/N,”
entering the kitchen you picked up a discarded list of everything that needed to be done. Two items were crossed off “Bake the cake, movie fort.” The unmarked items looked at you teasingly and you felt anxiety rise in your chest. What if you didn’t get everything done and this birthday made Natasha hate birthdays even more? You shook your head trying to chase off the thoughts and went to the oven.
“One perfectly baked chocolate cake coming up,”
grabbing an oven mitt you pulled the cake out of the oven and placed it on the counter. Carefully you coerced the cake from the pan and set it on the cooling rack.
Back when Wanda and you ventured into the baking realm you had begged Tony to put in a floor to ceiling blast chiller. The kind that was always on baking competitions. He reluctantly agreed, with the price of always having to give him a taste of your creations. The freezer was immensely helpful in tight circumstances. You were more than grateful for it now.
You set your cake into the freezer and went to the pantry to pull out all the ingredients you needed for icing. You poured the powdered sugar and placed the butter into the bowl. When you turned on the mixer a cloud of sugary powder exploded in the kitchen. You blinked and licked your lips. Bringing a hand up to wipe your face, you laughed hard. Sugar covered the entire counter and floor beneath you, not to mention your already grease stained clothes.
“Wow, is my little sibling doing coke in here? And without me!”
a snarky voice sounded from across the room. You opened your eyes and squinted at your older brother with a scrunched nose.
“Can it Tony,”
You growled, grabbing a towel and wiping yourself off the counter. Tony laughed at you and opened the freezer to look at what sweet treats awaited him tonight.
“A cake? Are we celebrating?”
He laughed and made a teasing face. You rolled your eyes and called out to Friday.
“Can you order me four containers of icing from the store to be delivered?”
“You got it!”
her chipper accented voice came over the audio. You threw the towel in the sink and landed a punch in Tony’s arm as you left to go change.
“You better not eat any of that cake until Nat has had at least one slice. I know where you keep those rare magic cards you think no one knows about and I will not hesitate to cut them all in half,”
He looked at you in shock. Whether it was because you knew about the secret stash or because you would dare cut them you weren’t sure. The only way to get Tony mad was to go for something he couldn’t replace with money.
You run away as he climbs out of his chair and chases after you. You run into your room and lay on the door to push back a Tony who was only a few steps behind you. When you finally force the door into the frame you turn the lock and fall to the floor laughing.
Angry mumbling came from the other side. Tony pounded on the door twice before, defeated. walking away. After catching your breath you pulled your sugar stained clothes off and changed into the outfit you’d set aside that morning.
“Y/N the man just arrived with the icing,”
Friday called out to your room and you nodded.
“Thank you Friday. Have him set the bags in the kitchen,”
Friday hummed in agreement. You stood up and looked in the mirror checking yourself out. When you were satisfied with the look you unlocked the door and turned to the right. You really needed to finish Natasha’s present. You wouldn’t even have time to test it properly. You really hoped the phrase “it’s the thought that counts,” was true. Her gift could be something that got you endless kisses or a real crash and burn.
Making it to the lab you set your hand on your head and groaned. You really hoped it worked. It was so pretty. You grabbed the wrapping paper and box and set it in with a kiss.
“Natty, I hope you like it,”
The gift finished the fort built, and cake baked, there was only one thing left to do, ice the damn cake. You could bake sure, but only Wanda ever mastered the art of making it look beautiful.
When you made it to the kitchen Tony was nowhere in sight and a plastic bag with what you assumed was icing was set on the counter. You pulled out a butter knife and dug in, hoping this looked somewhat edible. Wanda was the one who was skilled at decorating. You could make the elaborate pastry chef treats, but you could never handle the finer details of making it look pretty.
You were in the workshop when Friday alerted you that Wanda and Natasha were home. A feeling similar to anxiety or excitement fluttered in your chest. This was the first time you’d celebrated her birthday with your girlfriend. You wanted her to like birthdays again. To feel as special and loved as you can pour out for her.
“Thank you Friday. Please tell them I’m in the workshop and will be heading to the game room shortly,”
You set down the gauntlet you’d been fixing while waiting for them and brushed off your outfit. Your eyes searched over the shirt for stains, and when you were satisfied you were clean you headed to your “party”.
Wanda was the first to come in. She threw her hands to her face and “oood” and “aweeed” over the spread you had out.
“Y/N your cake! it’s…. adorable,”
you punched her in the shoulder with a frown. She fell over laughing.
“I TRIED! and I’m sure it tastes amazing.”
you crossed your arms and pouted. She sat back up still laughing and patted your back.
“She’ll love it Y/N. Even if it had ‘fuck you Nat’ written on top she’d love it,”
you smiled at the complement and stopped pouting. You were explaining the technology behind Nat’s present when the woman of the hour finally walked in.
“What is all this? Are y’all having a party? and didn’t invite me,”
she sat down next to you intertwining your fingers with hers and kissing your shoulder. You smiled as the excitement anxiety mix returned.
“Actually…. it’s for you,”
You smiled and kissed her hands. She looked genuinely surprised. You really hoped the feeling was happy excitement.
“oh- Y/N y-you remembered? and you didn’t have to do any of this. I thought I told you i didn’t care to celebrate,”
you felt Wanda stand up to leave with a pat on your shoulder. You smiled up at her and turned back to Natasha.
“I know I know, but I wanted to do something special. You love me so well and work so hard all the time. You deserve a day that’s unapologetically about you,”
You knew if Natasha didn’t have such complete control of her emotions she would be crying. The agape mouth gave that away. You smiled and leaned forward pulling her into a deep, intimate kiss. Feeling her smile against your lips you pulled away and leaned your forehead against hers.
“I love you Natashka. I will do anything to make you feel like Queen of the world,”
with that she started crying. You frowned and wiped away the tears.
“I really hope those are happy tears,”
she nodded quickly and smiled, sniffling a little.
“Very very happy tears. happy ‘I don’t know what on Earth i did to deserve you’ tears,”
“It is I who does not deserve you. The Great Black Widow. I’m just here to make you smile, it’s my life goal,”
you bowed as much as you could sitting down. Placing a peck on her lips you turned back to the presents and pointed.
“Which one should we open first?”
she pondered and then picked up a small box. Nimble fingers unwrapped the box and pulled out a Ring. You had managed to get her size weeks earlier fitting one of your own on her finger when hanging out. She looked at the little silver band with a carved sunflower at the head. A smile bloomed across her face and she hugged you.
“Oh my goodness Y/N, it’s so pretty…,”
she slid it onto her fingers, finding the one it fit best and stared at it. You hugged her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
“Well, you are my sunflower. It’s just a reminder when we are away,”
Her eyes lit up at the nickname. It wasn’t as common for you to use it as baby or sweetheart, but sunflower had always been her favourite.
She looked at the other boxes realising they were also for her. You picked up the next box, a medium sized one and handed it to her. You were saving the biggest for last.
She was just in awe and set it down before unwrapping it. Her hands snaked around your waist and pulled you flush to her. Her soft lips pressed kisses to your jaw and she set her head on your shoulder.
“Thank you so much Y/N, I- no one has done something like this for me ever,”
She hugged you tight again and then let go picking back up the present. You nodded and kissed her head. Pushing some hair out of her face you stroked her hair softly. Her hands once again unwrapped the gift. She squeaked at the sight of the book underneath the paper.
Natasha never got to read much on her own accord growing up. The red room picked out books for her education but never anything she would actually enjoy. Long ago Natasha had told you the first book she read after getting out of the red room was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and since then she adored the book. You had found, and paid for with Tony’s credit card, a first edition of the book. The auction was rough but you needed that book for Natasha.
Natasha stared at the book once, again jaw hanging open. She wiped her hands on her pants before handingly the book with utmost care. She flipped it over and ran her fingertips over the indented letters and gold illustration on the front.
“Y-you like it? I know you said you like Alice in Wonderland. It’s uh… actually a first edition copy. Tony was about ready to kill me when he saw me pay for the bid,”
You laughed nervously. She turned the book around again and then set it on the coffee table. She tackled you and pushed you back on the couch kissing all over your face. You yelped in surprise then grabbed her hips, catching her lips and kissing her roughly. She melted into the kiss but you pulled away.
“As much as I love this Natty, let’s open your last gift and eat some cake,”
You sat up and pulled her so she was in your lap. You placed a soft kiss to the back of her neck as she reached for the last gift. It was heavy but the assassin had no trouble lifting it.
“After that we can makeout in the fort I made. yeah?”
You wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her close to you, rubbing circles on her thigh. She laughed and nodded, blushing profusely.
“I like that idea Y/N,”
She opened the box and pulled out the gift you put months of effort into. This time her reaction wasn’t as instantaneous. You helped her pull all the pieces out and set it on the coffee table. She looked at it slightly perplexed.
“I’m sorry… I’m not exactly sure what it is,”
She pouted and looked at you. You smiled and nodded knowing she wouldn’t. You set it out so she could see all the parts.
“Well… uh it’s a new suit. You always say that you don’t like how tight and revealing your other ones are so I kinda beefed this one up so it focuses on functionality,”
She nodded along as you explained. A look of understanding crossed her face as she pulled at the sleeves.
“ohhhhhhhh. That makes so much sense. I- Y/N what the fuck. I can’t express it enough. You are the best, you listened to me and used it to give me the best gifts i’ve ever gotten. You are the most thoughtful partner,”
You beamed. The feeling you knew she was struggling to express, it was exactly what you’d wanted her to feel. Loved, heard, appreciated, and cared for.
“I’m glad sunflower. That’s what I wanted. To make you feel as good as you deserve. D-do you mind if I tell you a bit about the features? I didn’t have time to test some of them so I will need to do that before you take it into combat,”
She nodded and slid off your lap to look at you. You patted her legs and squeezed then held at the sleeve first.
“Well of course it wouldn’t be a suit for the Black widow without gauntlets. These can change through three different modes for different levels and types of stuns also a laser if you need that for aiming,”
You flipped on the laser and pointed it at a pot then turned it back off.
“Also I made it so the suit can suction to your body but be limp to put it on. a lot easier to slip on ya know. And there is mobile but thick padding on all major points of contact for falling. Shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, the like.”
Natasha ran her hands over the surprisingly thin padding and smiled.
“Wow baby that’s… amazing,”
You nodded and picked up the bag attached to the back.
“And uh there’s a parachute built in as well as pockets up the legs, arms and boots so you don’t have to have the belts. They are sorta magnetic so you can like open them easily but when they are closed everything stays in. OH AND THE BOOTS,”
You started to ramble on about the energy absorbing boots you worked with Shuri on that would allow Nat to drop from double the height of a normal human with no damage to her knees or feet. Nat just stared at you hungirly.
“Hey baby, I seriously appreciate the gift. It’s honestly the best thing I've ever gotten. Why don’t we try it out tomorrow and you can show me EVERYTHING. For now we can… sit in the fort like you said,”
She had a cocky smile and you blushed at her antics. You nodded quickly, cutting off your rambling. Her hands found your waist and she pulled you off the couch and into the pillow fort you had built.
“I uh- got a movie for us to watch. Do you want to?”
She nodded and smiled. A look that very much meant “Yes. That's sweet, but I doubt we will be watching it.” You pulled her into your lap, setting your hands on her waist. She draped hers over your shoulders and rubbed light circles on the back of your neck. You leaned forward and trapped her lips in a kiss. Soft but full of passion.
The rest of that night was spent watching the movie and kissing. When you finally remembered the cake a slice had been taken out of it, with
“You were busy with Romanoff so I took what I was owed. The package has been moved, try getting me now little sibling.”
On a sticky note beside it. Natasha had laughed, unsure exactly what had happened but sure it was a story she would much enjoy hearing.
She had moaned over how good the cake was after laughing at how “Adorably” it was decorated.
“So Nat… did I make this birthday worth celebrating?”
She smiled wide and nodded.
“Yes Y/N, if every birthday was like this I would never want to stop celebrating.”
Tag List:
@xburningbluex @zoeyserpentluck @iamgaiiiuwu @natasharomanoffswife @fleurlovesbucky @fayhar @ymzki-haruki @lostandsearching
Natasha Tag list:
@basiclesbianbitch @stephanieromanoff @sapphicshots @madamevirgo @choni-trimberly@wlwlovesreading @i-just-like-storage @screamsin-gay @ymzki-haruki
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gffa · 7 years
@skymurdock​ asked:  “Have you ever seen Pushing Daisies?” @darthluminescent​ answered, “I’ve seen enough to know the premise of it!” @skymurdock​ said:  "GOOD.  Pls imagine Obi-wan as a baker who can bring the dead back to life and Anakin as a former murder victim.  Former bc he's not dead anymore! Unfortunately he can't touch his boyfriend." And then... this... happened.
Legally speaking Anakin is dead, thank you witness protection program you are sure great at doing your goddamn job, but also he's currently hanging around Obi-Wan's bakery as a waiter and, like. Trying to find new ways to make plastic wrap sexy.
He can't touch him because he might die again??? NO PROBLEM, Anakin is going to get Very Creative then.
Obi-Wan is both endeared and tempted to roll his eyes skyward.
Obi-Wan missed him so much and yet!  He still can't touch him because if he does Anakin will die again and he can't take that.  He would like to be selfish just this one time, but he can't.
And there will be so many romantic kisses through plastic wrap!
Anakin showing up, completely naked, except for the plastic wrap all around his body and a suggestive smirk and Obi-Wan's like, oh, thank god you're attractive, because this is terrible and not at all sexy.  And it's really not.  But it is adorable.
They go through so much plastic wrap it's a wonder neither of them have developed some kind of Pavlovian response.
Eventually there are full body suits, but, like.  Before that.  SO MUCH PLASTIC WRAP.
It's also really hot and doesn't breathe AT ALL. After about half an hour, Anakin's just like, "[flops back onto the bed] [whines] This was a terrible idea."
"Can we go back to mutual masturbation and not go through so much plastic wrap?" "NO. I'll figure something out!!!"
There are a lot of late evenings where Anakin wraps himself in a sheet, like a full on burrito with only his face still exposed, and he sort of hop-shuffles over to Obi-Wan and then curls up against him and snuggles against his side.
Burrito Anakin tends to flop himself over Obi-Wan's lap if there's a couch and a TV nearby, like, dammit, he will have SOME semblance of normal cuddling while watching TV!
He just fucking wraps himself up in a bedsheet like a burrito and leans against Obi-Wan that way. Occasionally they hold hands through the bedsheet.
A few times he'll throw the sheet over Obi-Wan and just go full octopus on him, wrap arms and legs around Obi-Wan and he can feel SOME of Obi-Wan's body heat that way.
This is. Well, it's the closest thing Anakin can have to actual touch, at this point, and while it sucks he will take it anyway.  He aches for skin to skin contact, to feel the warmth directly on his own skin, but in the meantime, burrito Anakin will take what he can get.
He's pretty starved for touch, and the fact that he'd literally die if he touched Obi-Wan is, well, he is deeply unhappy about that. It's like, hey, great, he's not dead! But now he has to use a fake identity and not go see his kids and not touch his boyfriend.  None of which he is enthusiastic about.
Ahsoka is totally the PI of this whole mess and works part-time at Obi-Wan's place for the employee discount.
She and Anakin once attached wheels to a chair and then used fire extinguishers as rocket boosters.
Ahsoka asks him one time if she can hug him and he's like "...please?"  And that's how Obi-wan walked in on the both of them snoozing on each other during lunch break.
He kind of randomly sneak hugs Ahsoka, just walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her and cuddles her for like three minutes straight, no warning or words exchanged.
She just pats him on the arm and relaxes into the hug and lets him press his face against her shoulder to feel someone.  But it can only fix so much.
Ahsoka occasionally complains a little about Anakin hugging her out of nowhere but like, she missed him too. a lot.  And he hugs really well.
Padmé is pretty sure her ex is dead but also for some reason she keeps seeing him sometimes?? Must be the grief. That's all. It's not like his ghost is hanging around haunting her.  Meanwhile Anakin is quietly hanging out nearby whenever Luke and Leia are in his vicinity.
He wants to hug them. He wants to tell them he's here and not in the ground, he wants to make up for lost time and tell them he loves them but he can't.
Luke probably wanders off one time bc he saw something and nearly falls somewhere and suddenly he gets caught and it's his dad!!! he's so happy!!! confused as well bc mom explained that dad couldn't ever come back ever because he was dead.  But like. He's just happy his father came back to keep him safe.
And it breaks Anakin's heart to have to tell him not to tell Leia or Padmé because he is supposed to be dead, after all, he's got a gravestone in the cemetery.
"But why???" "You just—can't, okay? Some very bad people are after me, and it's safer for you and Leia and your mom if I stay dead.  Please, Luke, can you keep this a secret?"
He missed Ahsoka too! but sometimes when he hugs her it's really just bc there's nobody else he can touch around here, Obi-Wan is obviously off-limits if Anakin wants to keep breathing.
He really loves hugging Ahsoka, but sometimes it's definitely a substitute and he'd like nothing more than to go crawl into bed with Obi-Wan and have both of them actually be naked.
It's nice that he can touch other people at least, he's not totally alone, but it's no real replacement for being able to ride your boyfriend's dick when GOD you haven't gotten properly laid in so long.
He just has to settle for like, long showers by himself instead if he can't use cling wrap.
He misses hickeys and bruises and properly rough sex, he hasn't gotten laid in such a long time jfc.
On the bright side though he had no idea he had a thing for gloves, so that's New.
It gets really hard to hold still and not accidentally dislodge the plastic wrap sometimes.  But on another bright note, apparently he has a thing for being tied or handcuffed to the headboard while Obi-Wan blows and/or fucks him.  So, well, at least that's a plus.
But he really wants hickeys NOT done through a thin shirt or a sheet.  He wants to feel Obi-Wan's tongue against his, he wants to feel the rough callouses on Obi-Wan's hands, he wants to feel the warmth of Obi-Wan's skin, he wants to press his face against the scratch of Obi-Wan's beard, he wants to hold both of them in his hand while they rut against each other, he wants to feel Obi-Wan's hand on his neck, wants to put his own hands on Obi-Wan's face when he leans in to kiss him.
Honestly sometimes he is just really tempted to say fuck it and kiss him anyway, it would be nice if that was the last thing he did on this earth but at the same time.
He has really terrible impulse control, he's kind of afraid he'll actually do it one day, just because he can't live like this.  And also he'd never see his kids again and ONE kiss is not worth the thousand ones he actually wants.
Honestly if they ever somehow fix it he'd probably end up pretty much making up for it by kissing Obi-Wan as much as he can.  The song said a thousand sweet kisses and by god he's going to get those kisses.
Eventually they fix it--THEY DO, OKAY--and Anakin literally leaps onto Obi-Wan, who thankfully was sitting down when they were sure it would work, they tested it on other things a whole bunch of times, so many insects brought back to life and stayed that way!.  And just won't get off Obi-Wan's lap as he kisses everywhere he can reach, a hundred smacks all across the plans of Obi-Wan's face.
On his mouth, on his cheeks, on his forehead, on the bridge of his nose, on his neck, and right back to his mouth again to start all over.  Butterfly kisses and then slightly harder smacking kisses and then soft kisses again.  He's going to have a thousand of them THAT AFTERNOON, by god.
And then the long, long slow kissing, the gentle roll of their tongues against each other, the way Anakin can frame Obi-Wan's face between his hands, run his thumbs along those cheekbones of his, feel the warmth of Obi-Wan's face against his palms finally, he refuses to stop for literally an hour.
Every night ends with a goodnight kiss, every morning with a wake up one, it doesn't matter how foul either of their breath is, Obi-Wan can complain all he likes that he should brush his teeth first, that they BOTH should, but he's not getting out of that bed without a kiss.
Same for middle of the night bathroom runs, Anakin is octopused around him, he can FEEL when Obi-Wan gets up, NO YOU CAN'T GO UNLESS YOU KISS ME FIRST and then waits until Obi-Wan gets back to get another kiss before wrapping arms and legs around him again.
And they are, of course, immediately wiggled under Obi-Wan's clothes.  Mostly not even in a sexy times way, just that Anakin wants to feel skin against skin.
Anakin, himself, obviously, is naked, NO CLOTHES EVER AGAIN!!!! he shouts the first night.  \:D/ Clothes SOMETIMES, Obi-Wan says. NO CLOTHES.  NEVER AGAIN.  \;D/ Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose, which is difficult with the way Anakin is attached to him.  "Clothes in public then.  When Ahsoka's here.  Or any other people." Anakin just kisses him again.  "Eh, maybe." It's going to have to be good enough for now.
He's spent years settling for the ghost of a touch, kissing with a sheet of plastic in between, so like he is not wasting a goddamn moment when he could be touching Obi-Wan.
He's just like, "Oh my god I missed this so much I am never wearing clothes again." "If you start a nudist colony, Anakin—" He kisses him. It's great, the way Obi-Wan makes this little protesting noise and then just sort of melts into the kiss, he missed that.
The first night, Anakin ceremoniously throws the sheets to the floor.  He tried to throw them out the window, but Obi-Wan managed to convince him to just the floor, that's good enough, The Evil Sheets That Kept Us Separated For Too Long And Were A Symbol Of All That Stood Between Us (Obi-Wan repeats with a sigh, but at least a straight face) have been vanquished, Anakin.
He proposed a Viking funeral.  Obi-Wan immediately shot it down by pointing out that it would set off all the smoke alarms and wake up his neighbors.
It's the middle of the night when Anakin is shivering and trying to burrow into Obi-Wan's side, when Obi-Wan finally brings it up. "Perhaps--and I'm just speculating here, no need to jump to conclusions--the bedsheets are NOT the root of all evil and everything that kept us apart." "No," Anakin says Very Firmly.  "NO MORE SHEETS, EVER." Obi-Wan looks at the ceiling and prays for patience.  Then maybe smirks a little, because he's kind of an asshole.  "Well, if you're really cold, we can get some plastic wr--" "DON'T YOU JOKE ABOUT THAT."
Ten minutes of shivering boyfriend later, there's a very sullen, "....okay, maybe ONE sheet.  But it can only go over the top of both of us!  NOTHING BETWEEN." "Nothing between," Obi-Wan promises solemnly.
Anakin ends up hogging the damn blanket anyway.  He gets easily cold and he got into the habit of wrapping up like a damn burrito, it's hard to break it.
He's so offended in the morning, too.  "You PROMISED--!" he starts to yell indignantly. "I was not the one who stole the blanket in the middle of the night and wrapped themselves up like a burrito out of habit," Obi-Wan sharply responds.  Okay, so, maybe he's a little grumpy at being denied contact now that they finally can.  He didn't expect it to be quite so sharp, though. "I WOULD NEVER," Anakin is aghast at this. They argue about it for a good ten minutes, WHILE Anakin is still kissing him all over this face.  "I [smooch] would [smooch] never [smooch] because [smooch] I [smooch] want [smooch] this [smooch] more [smooch] than [smooch] [smooch] [smooch] ANYTHING."
Anakin protests that he DIDN'T, and meanwhile Obi-Wan points out that he certainly didn't wrap Anakin up like a burrito in the middle of the night, because for one thing he was asleep by that time.  At least up until he woke up and it was cold and Anakin had stolen the blanket and wrapped himself up like a very tall and very cold burrito.
Considering Anakin was clutching the blanket in his fist, yes, Obi-Wan is certain that it was him who wrapped him up like a burrito. Anakin starts to puff up to argue again, so Obi-Wan offers an olive branch and kisses him.  It has nothing to do with that Anakin can't argue if there's something else trying to work its way down his throat, not at all.
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theyoungest-weasley · 7 years
Newt Scamander Imagine 3 soulmate au
In which people who have a soulmate will see whatever is written/drawn on each other’s skin.
Newt remembered the first time any marks from his soulmate had turned up on his skin. Of course he had tried to connect with whomever it was before, but there had always been no response. Eventually he just assumed he didn’t have a soulmate. 
But one day when he was in potions class during the beginning of 6th year, he was giving a presentation on how to make Amortentia (due to the fact that he had skipped class the day before to sneak into the forbidden forest and this was part of his punishment) when someone from the back of the room yelled out, “Woah!! What’s on your hand?” 
Newt stopped and looked over at the short, blond haired boy with large glasses confused before holding up his hand to see what all the astonished looks were about. His hand was covered, front and back, with black ink that drew out flowers and swirls and intricate designs. He pulled down he sleeve and watched as slowly, another flower was being drawn on his wrist on its own. Only, it wasn’t appearing on its own. His fantastic soulmate was drawing the art on his/her arm, which was appearing on Newts. 
“Damn!” one girl yelled out, “Your soulmate has some skills!!”
“I have a soulmate,” Newt whispered to himself, “I thought I would die alone and i have a soulmate!” 
“Ah, thank you, but shall we return to the potion,” to Professor interjected, giving Newt a glare for disrupting the class. 
Newt nodded, his spirits lifted immensely, and rolled his sleeve all the way up so he could watch the illustrations growing on his arm from the corner of his eye while continuing the demonstration. 
You rolled up your sleeve further to continue the flowers and designs your were drawing with ink when you heard your name. 
"Y-yes?" you said, snapping out of a daze. 
"What do you think?" 
You laughed nervously, "Oh, um, ha, could you repeat the question?" 
Professor Rose sighed, "Y/n, if you are incapable of focusing during my lessons maybe it would be wise of me to confiscate the quill that distracts you." 
You put the quill down, "No! I swear, I'll listen!" 
The Professor gave you a skeptical look but turned and continued the lecture. You sighed in relief and sat back in your chair before turing back to your friend Queenie. 
"Y/n! Pay attention!" she whisper-yelled. 
You rolled your eyes thinking 'fine, I guess I won't tell you about my soulmate.'
Her eyes went wide and she smiled, "You never told me you had a soulmate??!!" 
"Miss Goldstein!" 
Queenie winced and looked up, "Sorry Professor." 
"Perhaps you and Miss y/l/n would like to take this conversation outside? And then come talk to me when class is over?" 
You and Queenie glanced at each other before gathering your things and going to sit in the hallway. 
"Tell me everything!!" Queenie was beyond exited. 
You laughed, "Alright, alright. So whoever it is has tried to contact me a couple of times but I haven't responded-"
"Oh, because-" 
"Oh you don't want to 'tempt fate'? That's foolish, don't you want to know them? Oh you do but you want to meet in person normally?" 
"Well, anyways, I was drawing on my arm in class instead of my paper and look what they wrote!!" 
You showed Queenie your bicep proudly, which displayed the words 'you're a bloody amazing artist!!' 
Queenie smiled, "Aw how cute! But what's with the 'bloody'?" 
"I don't know. I read in a book that brits say that. Do you think they could be British?"
"Yeah, why not?" 
"God, I'm going to have to wait forever to meet them then." 
"Don't worry honey, it'll feel like no time has passed when you meet them."
You walked into the living room of the apartment you had spent the night in wearing nothing but your undergarments. Queenie smiled as she was magically tending to both of your outfits for the day. You were about to ask where Tina was when the door opened and she slipped in, two men following her. You stood up, shocked. 
"Teenie! You brought men home!" 
"Tina!" you sounded much less enthusiastic than Queenie and more alarmed, "You brought men home?!" 
 She nodded, "Why don't you two put something on." 
You were still in disbelief at the strange round man wandering around, seemingly lost in his own world. 
"Is he okay?" You asked no one in particular. 
"Got bitten by a murtlap," the other man responded. 
"Isn't that harmful to no-maj- woah." 
You looked up only to be meet with a shockingly handsome face with bright eyes and countless freckles. The stranger gave a weak smile and you heard Queenie giggle in the background. 
"I'm Newt." 
"Y/n," you responded, still in awe. 
You looked down after a moment and realized you still weren't properly dressed. 
"I-I should-" 
You walked over to Queenie and grabbed your clothes. 
She elbowed you and whispered, "Y/n! Remember, I know what you're thinking, you naughty girl/boy!" 
You shot her an angry look and slipped away, going to get dressed and collect yourself before returning to the main room. 
 You and Newt had become very true friends, and you couldn't wait for him to return back to New York with his newly published book. You had developed some feelings for him, but you tried your best to shoo them away, falling for your best friend was a one-way ticket to HeartBrokenville. The only person who knew of your feelings was Queenie, and only because it was impossible to hide things from her. Finally, after what seemed like hours, there was a knock on the door if Queenie and Tina's apartment. You stood up, filled with excitement, and Queenie gave you a knowing look before following Tina to answer the door. 
"Hello." You heard Newt's sweet voice and you couldn't help but grin. 
 He greeted Tina and Queenie and before turning in your direction. 
"Y/n," he spoke your name breathlessly, as though he had been incapable of speaking or breathing or living until he saw you. 
You flashed a smile. 
He opened his arms and you ran into them, "It's been too long, Newtie!" 
Newt laughed, "I missed you too, love." 
You pulled away, "So... Let me see it!" 
He smiled and held up the book, the bright orange cover making everything else in the room-aside from Newt's proud smile- seem dull. 
You took it in your hands and felt the cover, "It's beautiful! I love the smell of a new book!" 
Newt laughed, "I hope you'll buy it for more than just the smell." 
You faked contemplation, "Nah, that's it." 
Newt rolled his eyes and you pushed his arm gently. 
"I'm kidding, don't worry. But I am serious when I say I am so proud of you!" 
Newt's face turned red. "T-thank you, y/n." 
You could hear the laughter coming from the kitchen in the bathroom. Earlier you had excused yourself to freshen up before Newt's welcome home dinner, but had become somewhat side-tracked looking at your face in the mirror, you looked over at the quill on the desk in the connecting room and back in the mirror. Wouldn't it be kinda neat to draw on your face and neck? You could make it look like a tree was growing up your neck and around your face, then wash it off before dinner. Yeah, that would be super neat! You hadn't drawn on your own skin since Illvermorny years, but it was worth a shot! Besides, you'd had plenty of practice drawing on paper. You dipped the tip in in and began drawing on your neck as you looked in the mirror. You had gotten a little past your chin with the branches and leaves when your ears tuned in to the commotion coming from the living room. You heard shocked tones and rushed words turning into arguing. You didn't take the time to drop the quill and rushed out to make sure everyone was okay. Newt was looking in the mirror and Queenie, Tina, and Jacob were huddled around him, all shouting suggestions to a distressed Newt. 
"Just wash it off!" Tina recommend. 
"Leave it for a moment!" Queenie interjected. 
"Will you get ink poisoning?" Jacob asked Newt with concern, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
You remained confused and speechless for a moment before yelling, "What on earth is going on?" 
All four turned to you in a rush to explain themselves before pausing. 
You sighed, "Look, I was going to wash it off before I came back but then I heard all the commotion and-" 
"Y/n," Queenie interupted, "Look at Newt." 
Your eyes made contact with his and you noticed the black in his neck. 
Branches, leaves, and flowers were delicately drawn all the way up to his chin, identical to yours. You remained speechless and looked down at the quill before looking back up at Newt. You took the quill while watching his face and dragged in down your cheek, watching an identical mark paint itself on Newt's face. 
"It's you," you both said in unison. 
Newt and laughed, almost in disbelief, "How lucky can a man get?" 
You smiled, "I guess this would be a good time to say I love you." 
He took in a breath, "Good idea." 
You laughed, joy ringing through the gentle melody coming from your moth, and ran to Newt, who was ready to pull you into a hug and spin you around before looking into your eyes, "I think, deep down, I always knew it was you, y/n y/l/n."  
You smiled, "I may not have guessed you were my soulmate, but hell, I knew I was in love with you." 
He laughed and smashed his lips against yours. You pulled apart and noticed your three awe-struck friends. Queenie winked and looked back and forth between the two of you, "Why don't you two go wash that ink off, maybe a shower would work?" 
"Queenie!" Newt scolded and blushed. 
 "Honey, you're both thinking it!"
hey so im on mobile bc my computer got taken away half way through this, sucks right? so ill fix the other half tomorrow but i really want to get this up for yall!!! pleaseeee remind me if you want to be tagged in anything!! also i loveeee you!!
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