pangurbanthewhite · 6 years
skymurdock replied to your post: I have no meta. I am still broken from last...
all the meta I have is “wow I’m getting Red Room vibes here” as well as “so in this essay I will explain why Caleb Widogast and the surviving de Rolos are parallels of each other”
The Red Room parallels are super, super real. 
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suzukiblu · 6 years
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skymurdock replied to your post: what. HEY WELCOME TO THE CRITICAL ROLE HELLPIT. do...
Molly is just the best and also is probably actively trying to flirt with most of the Mighty Nein except Beau. Beau he’s starting to warm up to as a person and sort of a sisterly-shaped person in general.
Molly is a d e l i g h t and I love him.
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luckyjak · 6 years
skymurdock replied to your post: Critical Role friends! If you don’t watch the live...
they rerun throughout the weekend! check out wheniscriticalrole.com/rebroadcast and the countdown
it says RIGHT NOW but how far into the episode is it????
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gemfyre · 7 years
My Tumblr Crushes:
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"I kneel into a dream where I am good and loved. I am good. I am loved." idk something with the OT trio, if that's okay?
This is how it starts: the Princess rests her white, cool hand on his wrist, and Han goes still under her touch. You’re invaluable, she says, not just to the Rebellion, but—
But? Han says quietly, because this is his fantasy and he’s allowed to imagine himself sincere, strong enough to extend that terrifying first touch, here in this shadow-world where nothing is real.
To me, Leia whispers, and she’s ‘Leia’ like this, her hair unbound around her shoulders. He’s only seen her like that once, late at night during an unexpected assault. They’d been called from their beds, and the Yavinese heat had made her flushed, her hair slicked to her neck and throatin tangles, and Han had watched her dumbly, enthralled by how she kept sweeping it from her face.
He’d wanted to cup his hands around her small face and push her hair from her eyes and kiss where the sweat shone on her brow.
The problem is he’s greedy. It’s—she’s enough, of course she is, but so is—
(He’d fucked Luke, okay? Not much, but enough. Enough to count. He wasn’t aware of the Jedi stuff, couldn’t predict the Death Star business, but there was a beautiful boy, hair the color of sand and defensive and hungry, and Han Solo had understood Lando at last. Because you can’t resist all that young hunger, the unvarnished honesty of first wanting.
Luke Skywalker had tried to drape himself against Han’s door frame, very casually, and the effect was so painfully sincere that Han had almost choked on it. Anyway, they’d had a fumbling few hours and then there was the whole business with—
This is what Han Solo imagines: after the Princess’ white hand, there’s the Jedi’s furtive kissing, sloppy, inexperienced, but it’s good. As good as you’re invaluable to me. And like magic, it’s all of them, because Han figures that if he loves Luke, and loves Leia, and Luke loves Leia and Leia loves Luke then—
He’s never doubted Luke and Leia love each other. It’s just that maybe, he’s there. and they’re touching him, and the Princess is murmuring we need you, don’t go, I need you, and the Jedi is laughing, low in his throat, and chuckling, don’t you know how important you are, solo? how much we need you—
Han wakes up in his own bed, alone, every time.
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for the headcanon meme: Steve Rogers the angry little chihuahua.
On Monday, the very angry Stevie got beaten up in one parking lot, but he was still angry.  On Tuesday, the very angry Stevie got beaten up behind two diners, but he was STILL angry.  On Wednesday, the very angry Stevie got put through three experimental procedures, but he was STILL angry.  Anyway, gonna do me some Steve Rogers for this ask meme.
A: what I think realistically
Adapting to the 21st century isn’t really difficult, once he can face the reality of it properly.  It reminds him, more than anything, of that first week after the serum–everything is too bright and too loud and too fast.  But now the world is unfamiliar to boot and there’s no one who cares enough has the time to help him adjust.  It’s a rough couple of months before he masters the situation.
Unrelated to the above, Steve was actually great friends with most of the chorus girls.  At first they were…uh…suspicious, to say the least, because he was a massive brick house of a dude who could lift a motorcycle and looked like the ultimate version of the assholes they put up with on the regular.  So they didn’t speak to Steve past the most basic courtesies for a week and a half.  
Then they went out drinking after their first performance in a new city and Steve sat quietly in the corner with a water until he saw Cheryl sitting stiff and toying with a fork as a man’s hand crept up her leg.
“Back off,” Cheryl said sharply.  The guy did not.
No one was more surprised than Cheryl when Steve loomed up from the corner like the wrath of God and sharply announced, “Buddy, if you’re not going to leave the lady alone, you and me are gonna have problems.”
The next day, Steve showed up to the theater ready to sit off to the side as usual.  Instead Cheryl plopped down in front of him, held out a handful of bobby pins, and said, “I need an extra set of hands to put my hair up.  You braid, Cap?”
“Um, not really,” Steve said, blushing.  “But I can learn.”
B: what I think is fuckinghilarious
Highlights of Steve in the modern grocery store include:
- Steve And The Grudge Against Weird Bananas
- Steve And What The Fuck Do You Mean You Want Five Dollars For This Tomato
- Steve And Wow You Can Get Vaccines At A Grocery Store–Wait What Do You Mean People Believe Vaccines Are Dangerous
- Steve And Hey You There Leave That Cashier Alone Unless You Wanna Settle This Outside
- Steve And The Girl Scouts of America
- Steve And The Struggle of Grocery Shopping Without Getting Recognized
- Steve And Really What The Fuck Is Wrong With Bananas
Needless to say, Steve isn’t really allowed to do the grocery shopping anymore.
C: what is heart-crushing andawful but fun to inflict on friends
SHIELDRA dumped all their files onto the internet, courtesy of Natasha’s salt-and-burn solution to HYDRA’s infiltration.  Steve has been in the modern world for a good few years by now, so he sits down and starts searching through it for information.
He shouldn’t be doing it.  He knows it’s just torturing himself.  He hasn’t known where Bucky is since Insight went down, and none of this will help him find the Winter Soldier if he doesn’t want to be found, Natasha assured him of that.  But…he just has to know.
Capture.  Surgeries.  The arm.  Missions.  Cryostasis.  “Programming.”  More missions, more cryo, more programming–torture, it’s torture, God, all this time he was mourning his best friend while Bucky was being tortured.
Steve lasts through five files before he throws up.
D:  what would neverwork with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
Y’all, Steve is Wanda’s weird adopted big brother and no one can stop me from believing it.  He shows her a bunch of Disney movies that she missed out on as a kid and she asks him for advice about Vision and he jokes about how he’s definitely the wrong person to be asking for romantic advice.  They have a good weird relationship.
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gffa · 7 years
@skymurdock​ asked:  “Have you ever seen Pushing Daisies?” @darthluminescent​ answered, “I’ve seen enough to know the premise of it!” @skymurdock​ said:  "GOOD.  Pls imagine Obi-wan as a baker who can bring the dead back to life and Anakin as a former murder victim.  Former bc he's not dead anymore! Unfortunately he can't touch his boyfriend." And then... this... happened.
Legally speaking Anakin is dead, thank you witness protection program you are sure great at doing your goddamn job, but also he's currently hanging around Obi-Wan's bakery as a waiter and, like. Trying to find new ways to make plastic wrap sexy.
He can't touch him because he might die again??? NO PROBLEM, Anakin is going to get Very Creative then.
Obi-Wan is both endeared and tempted to roll his eyes skyward.
Obi-Wan missed him so much and yet!  He still can't touch him because if he does Anakin will die again and he can't take that.  He would like to be selfish just this one time, but he can't.
And there will be so many romantic kisses through plastic wrap!
Anakin showing up, completely naked, except for the plastic wrap all around his body and a suggestive smirk and Obi-Wan's like, oh, thank god you're attractive, because this is terrible and not at all sexy.  And it's really not.  But it is adorable.
They go through so much plastic wrap it's a wonder neither of them have developed some kind of Pavlovian response.
Eventually there are full body suits, but, like.  Before that.  SO MUCH PLASTIC WRAP.
It's also really hot and doesn't breathe AT ALL. After about half an hour, Anakin's just like, "[flops back onto the bed] [whines] This was a terrible idea."
"Can we go back to mutual masturbation and not go through so much plastic wrap?" "NO. I'll figure something out!!!"
There are a lot of late evenings where Anakin wraps himself in a sheet, like a full on burrito with only his face still exposed, and he sort of hop-shuffles over to Obi-Wan and then curls up against him and snuggles against his side.
Burrito Anakin tends to flop himself over Obi-Wan's lap if there's a couch and a TV nearby, like, dammit, he will have SOME semblance of normal cuddling while watching TV!
He just fucking wraps himself up in a bedsheet like a burrito and leans against Obi-Wan that way. Occasionally they hold hands through the bedsheet.
A few times he'll throw the sheet over Obi-Wan and just go full octopus on him, wrap arms and legs around Obi-Wan and he can feel SOME of Obi-Wan's body heat that way.
This is. Well, it's the closest thing Anakin can have to actual touch, at this point, and while it sucks he will take it anyway.  He aches for skin to skin contact, to feel the warmth directly on his own skin, but in the meantime, burrito Anakin will take what he can get.
He's pretty starved for touch, and the fact that he'd literally die if he touched Obi-Wan is, well, he is deeply unhappy about that. It's like, hey, great, he's not dead! But now he has to use a fake identity and not go see his kids and not touch his boyfriend.  None of which he is enthusiastic about.
Ahsoka is totally the PI of this whole mess and works part-time at Obi-Wan's place for the employee discount.
She and Anakin once attached wheels to a chair and then used fire extinguishers as rocket boosters.
Ahsoka asks him one time if she can hug him and he's like "...please?"  And that's how Obi-wan walked in on the both of them snoozing on each other during lunch break.
He kind of randomly sneak hugs Ahsoka, just walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her and cuddles her for like three minutes straight, no warning or words exchanged.
She just pats him on the arm and relaxes into the hug and lets him press his face against her shoulder to feel someone.  But it can only fix so much.
Ahsoka occasionally complains a little about Anakin hugging her out of nowhere but like, she missed him too. a lot.  And he hugs really well.
Padmé is pretty sure her ex is dead but also for some reason she keeps seeing him sometimes?? Must be the grief. That's all. It's not like his ghost is hanging around haunting her.  Meanwhile Anakin is quietly hanging out nearby whenever Luke and Leia are in his vicinity.
He wants to hug them. He wants to tell them he's here and not in the ground, he wants to make up for lost time and tell them he loves them but he can't.
Luke probably wanders off one time bc he saw something and nearly falls somewhere and suddenly he gets caught and it's his dad!!! he's so happy!!! confused as well bc mom explained that dad couldn't ever come back ever because he was dead.  But like. He's just happy his father came back to keep him safe.
And it breaks Anakin's heart to have to tell him not to tell Leia or Padmé because he is supposed to be dead, after all, he's got a gravestone in the cemetery.
"But why???" "You just—can't, okay? Some very bad people are after me, and it's safer for you and Leia and your mom if I stay dead.  Please, Luke, can you keep this a secret?"
He missed Ahsoka too! but sometimes when he hugs her it's really just bc there's nobody else he can touch around here, Obi-Wan is obviously off-limits if Anakin wants to keep breathing.
He really loves hugging Ahsoka, but sometimes it's definitely a substitute and he'd like nothing more than to go crawl into bed with Obi-Wan and have both of them actually be naked.
It's nice that he can touch other people at least, he's not totally alone, but it's no real replacement for being able to ride your boyfriend's dick when GOD you haven't gotten properly laid in so long.
He just has to settle for like, long showers by himself instead if he can't use cling wrap.
He misses hickeys and bruises and properly rough sex, he hasn't gotten laid in such a long time jfc.
On the bright side though he had no idea he had a thing for gloves, so that's New.
It gets really hard to hold still and not accidentally dislodge the plastic wrap sometimes.  But on another bright note, apparently he has a thing for being tied or handcuffed to the headboard while Obi-Wan blows and/or fucks him.  So, well, at least that's a plus.
But he really wants hickeys NOT done through a thin shirt or a sheet.  He wants to feel Obi-Wan's tongue against his, he wants to feel the rough callouses on Obi-Wan's hands, he wants to feel the warmth of Obi-Wan's skin, he wants to press his face against the scratch of Obi-Wan's beard, he wants to hold both of them in his hand while they rut against each other, he wants to feel Obi-Wan's hand on his neck, wants to put his own hands on Obi-Wan's face when he leans in to kiss him.
Honestly sometimes he is just really tempted to say fuck it and kiss him anyway, it would be nice if that was the last thing he did on this earth but at the same time.
He has really terrible impulse control, he's kind of afraid he'll actually do it one day, just because he can't live like this.  And also he'd never see his kids again and ONE kiss is not worth the thousand ones he actually wants.
Honestly if they ever somehow fix it he'd probably end up pretty much making up for it by kissing Obi-Wan as much as he can.  The song said a thousand sweet kisses and by god he's going to get those kisses.
Eventually they fix it--THEY DO, OKAY--and Anakin literally leaps onto Obi-Wan, who thankfully was sitting down when they were sure it would work, they tested it on other things a whole bunch of times, so many insects brought back to life and stayed that way!.  And just won't get off Obi-Wan's lap as he kisses everywhere he can reach, a hundred smacks all across the plans of Obi-Wan's face.
On his mouth, on his cheeks, on his forehead, on the bridge of his nose, on his neck, and right back to his mouth again to start all over.  Butterfly kisses and then slightly harder smacking kisses and then soft kisses again.  He's going to have a thousand of them THAT AFTERNOON, by god.
And then the long, long slow kissing, the gentle roll of their tongues against each other, the way Anakin can frame Obi-Wan's face between his hands, run his thumbs along those cheekbones of his, feel the warmth of Obi-Wan's face against his palms finally, he refuses to stop for literally an hour.
Every night ends with a goodnight kiss, every morning with a wake up one, it doesn't matter how foul either of their breath is, Obi-Wan can complain all he likes that he should brush his teeth first, that they BOTH should, but he's not getting out of that bed without a kiss.
Same for middle of the night bathroom runs, Anakin is octopused around him, he can FEEL when Obi-Wan gets up, NO YOU CAN'T GO UNLESS YOU KISS ME FIRST and then waits until Obi-Wan gets back to get another kiss before wrapping arms and legs around him again.
And they are, of course, immediately wiggled under Obi-Wan's clothes.  Mostly not even in a sexy times way, just that Anakin wants to feel skin against skin.
Anakin, himself, obviously, is naked, NO CLOTHES EVER AGAIN!!!! he shouts the first night.  \:D/ Clothes SOMETIMES, Obi-Wan says. NO CLOTHES.  NEVER AGAIN.  \;D/ Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose, which is difficult with the way Anakin is attached to him.  "Clothes in public then.  When Ahsoka's here.  Or any other people." Anakin just kisses him again.  "Eh, maybe." It's going to have to be good enough for now.
He's spent years settling for the ghost of a touch, kissing with a sheet of plastic in between, so like he is not wasting a goddamn moment when he could be touching Obi-Wan.
He's just like, "Oh my god I missed this so much I am never wearing clothes again." "If you start a nudist colony, Anakin—" He kisses him. It's great, the way Obi-Wan makes this little protesting noise and then just sort of melts into the kiss, he missed that.
The first night, Anakin ceremoniously throws the sheets to the floor.  He tried to throw them out the window, but Obi-Wan managed to convince him to just the floor, that's good enough, The Evil Sheets That Kept Us Separated For Too Long And Were A Symbol Of All That Stood Between Us (Obi-Wan repeats with a sigh, but at least a straight face) have been vanquished, Anakin.
He proposed a Viking funeral.  Obi-Wan immediately shot it down by pointing out that it would set off all the smoke alarms and wake up his neighbors.
It's the middle of the night when Anakin is shivering and trying to burrow into Obi-Wan's side, when Obi-Wan finally brings it up. "Perhaps--and I'm just speculating here, no need to jump to conclusions--the bedsheets are NOT the root of all evil and everything that kept us apart." "No," Anakin says Very Firmly.  "NO MORE SHEETS, EVER." Obi-Wan looks at the ceiling and prays for patience.  Then maybe smirks a little, because he's kind of an asshole.  "Well, if you're really cold, we can get some plastic wr--" "DON'T YOU JOKE ABOUT THAT."
Ten minutes of shivering boyfriend later, there's a very sullen, "....okay, maybe ONE sheet.  But it can only go over the top of both of us!  NOTHING BETWEEN." "Nothing between," Obi-Wan promises solemnly.
Anakin ends up hogging the damn blanket anyway.  He gets easily cold and he got into the habit of wrapping up like a damn burrito, it's hard to break it.
He's so offended in the morning, too.  "You PROMISED--!" he starts to yell indignantly. "I was not the one who stole the blanket in the middle of the night and wrapped themselves up like a burrito out of habit," Obi-Wan sharply responds.  Okay, so, maybe he's a little grumpy at being denied contact now that they finally can.  He didn't expect it to be quite so sharp, though. "I WOULD NEVER," Anakin is aghast at this. They argue about it for a good ten minutes, WHILE Anakin is still kissing him all over this face.  "I [smooch] would [smooch] never [smooch] because [smooch] I [smooch] want [smooch] this [smooch] more [smooch] than [smooch] [smooch] [smooch] ANYTHING."
Anakin protests that he DIDN'T, and meanwhile Obi-Wan points out that he certainly didn't wrap Anakin up like a burrito in the middle of the night, because for one thing he was asleep by that time.  At least up until he woke up and it was cold and Anakin had stolen the blanket and wrapped himself up like a very tall and very cold burrito.
Considering Anakin was clutching the blanket in his fist, yes, Obi-Wan is certain that it was him who wrapped him up like a burrito. Anakin starts to puff up to argue again, so Obi-Wan offers an olive branch and kisses him.  It has nothing to do with that Anakin can't argue if there's something else trying to work its way down his throat, not at all.
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emptymasks · 7 years
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For @skymurdock and their awesome (heartbreaking) Winter Soldier! Steve Trevor AU. I will do some proper drawings (totally re-drawing the part of WS where Bucky punches Cap’s shield, but with Diana and her shield), but I wanted to sketch out some ideas for his outfit. I tried to keep it similar to his costume in Wonder Woman and still have it similar to Buck’s. I don’t know whether to use coat or not. I thought it would look kinda dumb, but I’m warming up to him wearing it occasionally. As for the mark on his arm I went with symbol for Mars/Ares as I don’t know Wonder Woman villains well and I don’t know if there’s any DC villains similar to Hydra so I just went with Ares.
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pluckyredhead · 7 years
the Defenders, 12.
12. what is your cutest headcanon: Listen, I think a lot about Foggy babysitting Danielle Jones-Cage, okay? (They eat jam sandwiches and sing showtunes, it’s a party.)
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suzukiblu · 6 years
holy shit you're back! we missed you!
Thank you!
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piratekenway · 6 years
skymurdock > viciousmaukeries
url change, folks!
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peppermintvader · 6 years
I was tagged by @undomiels thank you so much Lizzie 💛💛💛😊😊😊 Tagging: @naikias @gendrywcters @neiljosteq @quiescentcastiel @wallywect @ewoyn @garashirs @stripperignis @skymurdock @skywalker-anakin @zhirley @znkos @zarabithia @zforhire @calyssmarviss @kikathemayor @tchalllas @glare-gryphon @olympiians @drxgonstone @stormbrvkers as always you don't have to do this if you don't want to 😊
1). Padme Amidala - Star Wars
2). Kisa/Santanico Pandemonium - FdTd
3). Fleur Delacour -HP
4). Daenerys Targaryan - GOT
5). Ewoyn -LotR
6). Anne Boney - Black Saiks
7). Harley Quinn - DC Comica
8). Rachel Green -Friends
9). Usagi Tsukino -Sailor Moon
10). Dolores Abernathy/Wyatt - Westworld
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psst! thoughts on Lyra Erso, especially what you think might've happened if she had somehow survived? does she get to meet Beru and Breha, do they form a little club of middle-aged women in the Rebellion?
The crystal was…interesting. 
Breha had wandered over to the cluttered table out of vague interest—amid the looming structures and finicky-looking equipment, the table was the only thing she trusted herself not to damage. It was a chaotic mess, tools and rock samples and notes scrawled on flimsi all scattered, stacked haphazardly. But Breha’s gaze had been drawn to the innocuous white crystal immediately. She couldn’t help picking it up, turning it over in her hand. Someone had drilled a hole through one end, and threaded a cord through it, as though it was meant to be worn as a pendant.
It felt oddly warm against her skin, like something living.
Breha thought of Leia inexplicably, and for a moment she panicked—but Leia was fine, stuck in yet another strategy meeting. She would be there in the mess for dinner, probably arguing with Captain Solo, or trying to bite back a grin as Luke teased Lieutenant Antilles. Leia was fine. She was—
Breha startled at the sound of a loud grunt, too-close behind her. When she whirled around there was a helmeted sentient sticking out of what had previously been a gaping hole in the ground. The faint sound of hammering, voices, could still be heard drifting up from depths unknown.
“Oh!” the human woman—at least, Breha was reasonably sure; it was hard to tell under the layer of grime—said. She hauled herself up and out of the hole, stumbled to her feet. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was here. Have you been waiting long?”
“Only a moment or so,” Breha demurred. Now that she could see all of her, the sentient was definitely a human woman, dressed in something that may have, at one time, been a Rebel uniform. (It was encrusted with entirely too much dirt to be called that anymore.) She had repurposed a blaster bandolier, and stuck it full of what looked like laserscopes and spectrographs. 
There was a pickax at her hip.
Breha cleared her throat, tried again. “I was told Lyra Erso—”
“You must be with Acquisitions! They said someone would be coming by for the wishlist.”
“It’s not a wishlist,” Breha said, but she couldn’t summon her usual fierceness, the accompanying lecture about the importance of resource planning. 
So this was Lyra Erso.
Your husband killed my husband, Breha thought dizzily. She’d forgotten how to breathe, what came after exhale.
“Yes, yes,” Lyra Erso said, waving a hand dismissively. She had come to stand beside Breha, and was sifting through the cluttered mess of the desk with purpose. “I swear on the Force, the Rebellion has become almost as bad as the Order was when it comes to paperwork…”
Breha blinked. “The Order?”
Lyra Erso froze, a sheaf of flimsi in her hand. Breha watched a complicated expression flicker across her face, and then slide away. “Oh. That’s—I mean the Jedi Order,” she finally said, stiltedly. “I was…a youngling. At the temple on Coruscant. In another life.”
Now that Breha was looking, she could see that the lines around Lyra Erso’s mouth, her eyes, were not cracks in the dirt—she had to be just older than Breha, and that was a strange thought, that Galen Erso’s widow was the same age as Bail Organa’s.
“AgriCorps?” Breha hazarded. She wasn’t sure if there was a politer way to say, so you never made it to padawan.
“Engineering division. Mining geology and geoengineering, mainly.” Lyra Erso straightened up, and looked Breha in the eye. “You?”
“I was not in the AgriCorps,” Breha retorted dryly. Lyra Erso pulled a face, and Breha found herself adding, “But I knew many Jedi.”
“Ah. From Coruscant, then?”
“Alderaan,” Breha said, and Lyra Erso jerked, stumbling a few steps back, away from Breha. All the blood had drained from her face, and Breha watched her throat work as she swallowed.
“My husband was a senator on Coruscant for many years, though, and counted some of the High Councilors his friends.”
“I know,” Lyra said weakly. She looked as though she wasn’t breathing. “I—heard stories of Senator Organa. Though more from…My husband was a engineer. He worked on military contracts, so he—”
“I am aware,” Breha said, and she wasn’t able to keep the ice and fury out of her voice this time, not entirely. Lyra flinched.
“I should—get you that list,” she said quietly, and Breha stepped aside so she could continue searching through the mess of the table. Finally, she slid a piece of flimsi out from beneath a strange corckscrew-like tool and a hunk of black rock. Held it out to Breha.
“Let me know if you can’t decipher the handwriting.”
“Thank you,” Breha said, and turned to go—
Breha turned, drawing herself up, but Lyra was only just standing there with her hand outstretched. “My crystal, please.”
Breha blinked, and Lyra pointed at her hand. Breha uncurled her fist—she’d forgotten, and the white crystal was still in her palm. It was strangely cool now, and her hand was clammy around it.
“Is it valuable?” Breha asked, stepping forward to drop the crystal into Lyra’s open palm.
“Only to me,” Lyra said, curling her fingers around it so tightly that her hand trembled, just slightly. “It was my daughter’s.”
There was a particular tone of voice they all knew too well these days; it spoke only in past tense. “I’m sorry for your loss,” Breha offered, but it sounded weak even to her.
“Yes, well,” Lyra said. She smiled bitterly. “The sacrifice of Rogue One will be remembered by the Rebellion for as long it as endures, isn’t that right? I think your daughter said that, at the memorial.”
Breha remembered, with a suddenly awful pang. Jyn Erso, Leia had read aloud, but Breha had been numb, Breha had been sobbing bailbailbail with every beat of her heart and howling for Alderaan from her very spirit and she hadn’t thought—
“I should go,” Breha said, feeling suddenly very clumsy, and young, in a way she hadn’t been for decades. “I’m—needed elsewhere.”
“Of course,” Lyra Erso said, and despite her grubby uniform and the bulky tools, there was a fearsomeness to her, this old woman with her grief. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your duties.” 
Breha could feel Lyra Erso’s eyes on her as she climbed into the speeder, and left the mining camp in her exhaust.
“What in the nine hells did you say to Lyra?” Beru asked, the moment she had set down her mess-tray. 
Breha glanced up from her datapad, idly marking her place in the Intel report and then banishing the file. “I don’t think I know any Lyras.”
“Erso. The geologist.”
That had been days ago, now. “How do you know Lyra Erso?” Breha asked, raising an eyebrow at Beru, who huffed softly.
“I’ve spent my whole life building, maintaining, and repairing water vaporators,” Beru said, stirring the fortified vita-gel into her stew. (Breha wrinkled her nose, she couldn’t help it; she was perpetually amazed by how much Beru and her nephew seemed to enjoy dehydrated food.) “It turns out mine drainage tech isn’t that different, so I consulted on her project.”
“Well, I didn’t say anything to Erso,” Breha said. “I was there for Acquisitions. I got her requested list, and left. I was perfectly polite.”
Beru hummed noncommittally. “Fine, but were you polite, or were you—queen-polite?”
Breha blinked. “What’s ‘queen-polite’?”
“Oh, you know,” Beru said, gesturing unhelpfully with her spoon. “That way you get whenever Draven speaks over you, or Han teases Leia too much. Polite, but with a lot of cold underneath.”
There were times Breha missed being a queen. People showed proper respect when you were queen.“I do not do that.”
“You’re doing it right now.”
“I am not.”
“Leia does it too. Gets it from you, I imagine.”
Breha wasn’t sure whether to take that as a compliment or not, and so settled for looking icily at Beru. Beru sighed. “You know that—even if Galen Erso hadn’t built a means of destroying the Death Star, you can’t hold his wife accountable for his actions.”
Breha felt her face go hot, and she resisted the urge to defend herself. (There was nothing to defend. There wasn’t.) “I’m not going to discuss this.”
“You’d like her, you know,” Beru said after a moment, and smiled sunnily when Breha glared. “Lyra, I mean. And you would. She’s very…No one is going to convince her to be anything but what she is.”
“What she is is at least partly complicit in building the Death Star,” Breha scoffed. Her datapad buzzed, and she glanced down—just another message from the Director of Logistics, reminding her they had a meeting. “We’re all too old to learn new tricks these days.”
When she looked up again, Beru’s face had fallen, and she was picking at the stew with a faint scowl. Breha swallowed. “I didn’t mean…”
“It seems to me,” Beru said quietly, “it wasn’t long ago you were a queen and I was a farmer’s wife. Now you buy bombs, and I drain underground rivers. I think—all we do these days is learn new tricks.”
Breha was not sulking, because sulking was something badly-behaved children did. She hadn’t sulked since she was a spotty adolescent, and every whim of her mother’s was cause for angst; she had no intention of taking the habit up again after forty-odd years.
…though Breha had also spent the last forty-odd years as the unquestioned Queen of Alderaan, whose will was the law of a world, which might have helped.
“Just—deliver the equipment, please,” the Director of Logistics said with a sigh, rubbing the spot between his eyes. “It’s already been loaded onto the speeder, all you have to do is bring it to the camp.”
So: sulking.
When Breha arrived at the camp, the sun was low, and the orange light of it only sometimes broke the tree cover. Yavin was strange in the dusk—Alderaan had always been bright and clear, cool, and the dark fell quickly. None of this dreamy haze, the sky streaked with chemical color.
The miners were gathered around an open fire, doing nothing much that she could make out. They rose to their feet as Breha brought the speeder down, switched off the engines. 
If Lyra Erso was among them, Breha couldn’t pick her out from the other dark shapes around the fire.
“Acquisitions! I brought your—machine,” she announced, waving at the heavy durasteel thing that had weighted down the back of the speeder. “But I’ll need help unloading it. It is probably best to do before it gets fully dark…”
Breha would say this of the Rebellion—it attracted the sort of people who were already in motion by the time you finished asking for help. Before Breha could put more than a few thoughts together, she found herself with her shoulder pressed to the heavy durasteel frame as someone shouted cheerfully, “Lift, you sons of banthas!”
In front of Breha was Lyra Erso, though the shape of her was barely discernible in the half-light. It was such a surprise that Breha nearly startled away, dropped the machine—though the heft of it was the only thing weighting her down just then.
Breha wondered if Lyra Erso was wearing the crystal around her neck right now. It was too dark to make out out anything but vague shapes.
By the time they finished moving the machine, Breha was sweating and ready to lie down there in the grass if it meant her arms would stop aching. It was disheartening to feel so suddenly elderly and infirm, when all the miners were laughing, ambling back towards the fire and talking among themselves. They were all very young, strong and alive and laughing.
(Breha tried to imagine what it would be like, to look for your daughter among them, and not find her, keep not finding her. She exhaled.)
At last, there was just Breha and Lyra, standing there in he dark grass.
“I spoke to Beru,” Breha said, in absence of anything else to say.
“Oh,” Lyra said, and even in the dim light from the fire, Breha could see her eyes dart to her. “Did you?”
“She says I’d like you.”
“Hm. She told me the same thing,” Lyra said.
“Meddlesome old biddy,” Breha muttered, and Lyra laughed. It was so unexpected that Breha stared. 
“I didn’t—I mean, aren’t we all these days?” Lyra asked, grinning. “Better a meddlesome old biddy than anything else.”
Breha craned her neck, to look up at the machine—it had grown dark enough that she could just pick out the shape of it against the dark tree cover, the few stars. Breha had persuaded the transpo to part with it on the condition that the Rebellion make it look like his ship had been sacked by pirates. 
Breha had been the Queen of Alderaan, Jewel of the Core, and now she helped two-bit transpo agents commit insurance fraud.
“Beru says that all we’ve done since coming to the Rebellion is new tricks,” Breha said, turning to look at Lyra. In the flickering firelight, she was pale enough to pass for a ghost, a dead woman—and that was appropriate, wasn’t it? Wife to a dead man, mother to a martyr. Two old women standing in the dark, who ought to have been dead before now.
“I suppose you had better learn, then,” Lyra said.
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congrats on surviving your exam welp
Thanks my buddy, I guess we’ll see how things pan out when they get back to me in A FUCKING MONTH god it’s bullshit.
PSA to anyone considering the MCAT: it’s a fucking capitalist hellscape and they do everything but strip-search you every time you try to walk into the testing room.  Literally.  “Show us your arms up to the elbow and your legs up to the knee and are you wearing a shirt under that one and if so show us.”  Like, they made me take off all my rings and I only got to keep my medical ID bracelet on because I stared the administrator dead in the eye and said “if something happens you’re going to want me to be wearing this”.  
Listen, I’ll be the one to say it: if you’re going to scrawl formulae inside your fingernails so that you can take them into the test, you deserve to get away with it.  That’s fucking commitment.  That’s the kind of ingenuity that can only serve you well in medical school.  If you can find a way to make stud earrings useful in terms of cheating on a 7-hour test, all I can say is that I fucking salute you.
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gffa · 8 years
Things I believe with all my heart and soul:  Obi-Wan Kenobi cheats at games. Card games, holoboard games, dice games, space paintball games, etc.  You name it, he’ll cheat at it. And he has such an unreadable face that nobody can ever catch him at it, they suspect maybe a quarter of the time he’s got a card up his sleeve or that he moved the Holo pieces on the dejarik board or that he used the Force to turn over the dice to a better roll, but they can never prove it and eventually everyone who’s known him for longer than a week refuses to play any kind of game with him anymore. The one time Ahsoka managed to catch him sliding a card up his sleeve for later, she crowed about it for a week, and Obi-Wan had never been prouder of her.  (He’s tried to teach Anakin how to cheat at cards, but that disaster just has no sabacc face whatsoever and can’t spot anyone else’s tell to save his life, once he gets going on a game.)
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sanerontheinside · 7 years
Hi Saner! I'm looking for fics about people who could/should have become Jedi but didn't. Do you have any recs?
Ooooh! thank you so much for this ask because tbh I forgot about a couple of these until now, and have been remiss about showering them with the love and attention they deserve. 
Long Post, Hit J to Skip. (sorry mobile users) 
✩ ok, so on my to-read list is @mirandatam’s Jedi Shmi AU. I tend to hold back and wait so that I can later binge-read, and it is past time I got back to this one. Now at 8 parts and still in progress!
—✩’s are for @suzukiblu​ (aka Rin), who is currently on hiatus. The three starred stories in this list are the result of three wonderful authors taking up one of Rin’s masterful meta’s and running with them. 
Here’s another Jedi Shmi au, Obi-Wan and Shmi and the worst vision ever. I don’t actually know if this one was picked up by anyone else? 
You should also check out suzukiblu’s other au’s, maybe I missed something. (Even if I haven’t, Wookie Anakin and The Force Knocks Everybody Up are a sheer delight.)  
I’m just guessing here, but I suspect @skyywalkerfen’s Side-Slip might be headed in the Jedi Shmi direction… what with an older Obi-Wan appearing at the Temple and knocking over a lot of long-held Jedi Council beliefs… I’m just saying, anything’s possible. Keep an eye on this one :D
edit: finally read enough of Heart of Kyber by @esamastation this morning to put it on this list. kicking myself for not getting around to it sooner really.
For a short soulmate fic there’s @fireflyfish’s Colors, tho that might not be quite the droid you were looking for :D
There are probably more Jedi Padmé au’s out there somewhere. Of course, if you’ve read @deadcatwithaflamethrower​’s ReEntry and RE:JotW, you probably know there’s a future Jedi Padmé. 
deadcat​ also has an interesting take on Jedi Leia, certainly in Amalgamate I (Part 51 of RE:JotW)
Leia appears as a Padawan near the end of In a Lonely Place and Ebon Wings, both of which I recommend regardless of the fact that it’s a brief mention. 
(Padmé also solves one of the twins’ Force puzzles in In a Lonely Place, which provides opportunity to Adi for some lovely puns :P)
Han Solo
✩ GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS (OR, HAN SOLO: WORST TIME TRAVELER EVER)! FINALLY FOUND IT YEEET. OH AND I TRACKED DOWN YOUR AUTHOR TOO. @skymurdock​ sorry, this is just very exciting, I thought I hallucinated this fic made of pure gold and I’m so happy I managed to track you down. 
seriously, I’m so glad I got this ask now
✩ @meggory84’s Grace, Too—second part of the Beekeeping and Husbandry AU: Dooku’s search for Komari leads him to Rattatak, to a young Asajj Ventress. 
I would recommend reading Part One, y’kno, ‘cause it’s the one where the Jedi take down Sidious. There’s some delightful political and economic manipulation going on there, too.
@akathecentimetre’s The League Twixt Them That Loyal Love Hath Bound, CodyWan
Check out @flibbertigibbett’s Padawan Rex AU for badassery and the complete annihilation of Krell. RexObi. 
Also by @flibbertigibbett​, Renegade. 
Yes, both of these are wips. Go read them and leave pretty shiny encouraging lovely comments, yeah? :D
Technically, this isn’t a Force-Sensitive or Jedi Bodhi Rook. Not so technically, I happen to like this fic: hope lives on, by @peradii​ 
I haven’t really been in the tag on ao3, but one thing is clear, we need more Force-Sensitive Bodhi. Maybe even Jedi AUs. Or Guardian of the Whills. 
I absolutely, highly recommend @tsaomengde’s Sith Apprentice: Darth Venge series for Jedi Maul (also, yay! time for me to get back to this and binge-read again). 
@swpromptsandasks—Moddy has a few AU’s that feature Padawan Maul. I am most fond of Old!Ben, but there are a couple more (actually, the latter is Obi/Maul). 
It turns out I too have a sort-of-Jedi Maul AU? Something of a surprise, I forgot about this… …………….Might actually go back to it. Maybe. 
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