#i have v and namjoon left
badbtssmut · 2 months
Smut recommendations 📚
⭐️ = personal favorite
Admin note: This is a work in progress, come back later :)
Last update 27 July
Will it fit? by @jeonsweetpea ; So what if your roommate caught you masturbating? At least he forgot about it the next day. But he can’t exactly forget the big dildo you left in your shared bathroom…
Squirtle by @kooyeux ; Boyfriend discovers that he can make you squirt and he becomes obsessed with it.
Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer by @slut4jeon
V-Day special by @explicit-tae ; You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special.
Bad decisions by @trivia-yandere ; you allow a stripper to fuck you in front of your brides' maids and maid of honor.
Nerd subby Jimin by @crybabychim; How can you resist him when he’s moaning in your ear.
⭐️ TO BE yours by @muniimyg ; oc has always had a crush on her bodyguard, namjoon.
⭐️ Tastes like royalty by @sluttyandere ; your spoiled life as a princess came to a bloody end when the kingdom is overthrown, and you have yet to learn of the consequences of being a brat.
Lozenge of Love by @bunnyksj ; Namjoon fucks you when hes high.
Bad guy by @joonberriess ; getting back at your cheating (ex) boyfriend by fucking his dad, Namjoon <3
Do I wanna Know? by @bunnyksj ; If your husband can sleep around, going after any woman he can get his hands on, what's stopping you from getting back at him by sleeping with your coworker?
None yet :(
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btsmosphere · 5 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 2: Reign of Mercy
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: There’s a whole world here, where your curse can start to bloom…
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 6.1k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, past attempted murder
a/n: if anyone is wondering, 190811 jungkook is exactly who I have in my head for this fic. so, go google that and thank me later😍😂 also if you saw me change the summary, don't mind me😙 one more thing, I just wanted to clarify that while I say female reader, in this fic it's just the use of she/her pronouns. reader is shorter than Jungkook, but I don't think there's any actual anatomy description going on, in case that's a worry for you!
supercharged playlist
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“You’re kidding, right?”
Namjoon made no reply to Jungkook at first, simply sighing. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he moved past the younger man and sank into the sofa. Anyone would have thought he hadn’t heard the irate question.
Eventually he deigned to give a weary reply.
“Jungkook, we can’t pick and choose what happens. And nor could she. So drop it.”
Silent, wide eyes flickered between the two from the kitchen. Jimin’s breath stilled at his lips watching his two brothers while he clutched V’s hand tightly.
Chewing over Namjoon’s response, Jungkook was like a ticking bomb. His gaze never faltered, blazing eyes fixed on his leader.
Only now did his tense form turn, finding Yoongi sat on the sofa behind him, relaxed with one leg slung over the other. No one had seen him come in, but that was normal. He still had his hood up; probably just got back.
Aiming a level look at the youngest, Yoongi said no more.
Exhaling, Jungkook’s shoulders relaxed a little. Simultaneously, a hint of poison leaked away from the air in the room.
Jungkook turned around.
“It was Bolt, wasn’t it?”
“Yes.” Namjoon didn’t try to deny it.
Swallowing, Jungkook stepped back to take a seat by Yoongi. He did not relax into the sofa's comfort, however, staying perched on the edge, alert.
“It’ll be fine,” Namjoon spoke firmly, “I understand you’re not feeling great about it, but you’ll get used to it. A good night’s sleep, and you’ll forget you were ever this mad.”
Jungkook scoffed derisively. Like that was ever going to happen.
“It’s not fair on the kid,” Yoongi weighed in, “she was pretty beat up.”
“See?” Namjoon agreed, as if that was a positive thing. “Never mind how she might look, she was a victim of Bolt too.”
Eyes slipping to the floor, Jungkook stuck his tongue in his cheek.
“You know how we work.”
Namjoon’s words were final. And Jungkook could easily read within them the challenge, daring him to question their methods. Their trust. And he could never do that. Angry as he was, he knew Namjoon was right.
“How you’re feeling is valid,” a softer voice tentatively entered.
As Jimin slid into the spot beside him, shuffling as close as possible with comforting arms enfolding his form, Jungkook gave in. Slouching at last, he leaned into his brother as V found a spot opposite.
“But try to be fair,” Jimin’s gentle reminder sounded in his ear.
Jungkook stayed silent.
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Cracking open, the door left a gap just big enough for Jin to talk through. The sound proofing on your safe room made it necessary.
“Good morning! Are you decent?”
He had to resist the panicked urge to enter when nothing answered him for a moment. But he needn’t have worried; you were still asleep. His greeting brought the first ray of light with it to illuminate your room, and soon had you stirring.
Eyelids inching open, you managed a groggy humming sound.
“Can I come in?”
“Huh? Yeah,” you croaked, coming to your senses.
Sitting up among a crumpled pile of blankets, you were in time to receive a glass of water from Jin as he entered. On moving, your head announced its displeasure with a nauseating wave of pain, so you were grateful for the pills he then pushed into your hand.
“How are you feeling?”
Swallowing them down with the cold water, you finally became alert enough to feel embarrassed. In front of you, Jin was professionally dressed in a shirt, smart as he had been the night before. You however, probably looked like the worst hangover in history.
“Not bad…” you muttered.
Examining your hands, there was mercifully no sign of that cursed blue so far. The burn you had sustained was also remarkably faded.
“Up to some breakfast? It would certainly help.”
Not sure how hungry you were, you agreed anyway. He probably knew best.
Stepping outside, he waited while you slipped on some clothes he had brought. They were fairly shapeless, large black things, but you couldn’t exactly complain.
Just as the sweater fell over your head, a prickling sensation burst into your wrists.
Gasping, you dropped the jumper over your eyes to look. To your surprise the blue shocks of light jumped from your fingertips and up the fibres of the garment like static. You braced for the burning feeling like last time, but it never came.
Still not free from the knot of fear which tightened every time the powers leapt out, you stared, dumbstruck at your palms.
“Y/N? Are you nearly ready?”
Blinking rapidly, you looked, startled to the door.
“Sorry! One moment!” you called.
There you stood, fully dressed, yet frozen to the spot. As much as this room felt like a cell, you were safe in the knowledge that your powers would do no damage in here. If you left its walls, you had no way of controlling it.
Fists clenching of their own accord, you didn't notice the gasping sniffles that took over you as you watched the door fearfully.
Clearly, Jin did.
“Y/N?” his voice was markedly more concerned, “I’m coming in.”
A moment’s pause, and he was coming towards you.
A firm grip on your wrists pulled you back to reality. Horrified, you stared wide-eyed at Jin’s hands, expecting at any moment for them to be fried when your powers made themselves known. But he was unafraid, keeping them there without hesitation.
“Y/N.” His steady tone had you raising your eyes to him. “I know this is strange for you. But you won’t hurt any of us, it’s perfectly fine. And besides, food makes everything better.”
Holding his smiling gaze with scepticism, you let your hands fall weakly to your sides as he released them. Wiggling your fingers, you tried to detect any sign of the electricity that now resided there.
With a sigh, you only lagged a few steps when you followed Jin's lead out of the room.
A little way down the corridor, a glorious smell of cooking wafted past. Perhaps Jin had a point.
Emerging into the kitchen, you eagerly headed towards the mouth watering scent. But on rounding the corner, your steps slowed a little. Although the space was mostly empty, providing some relief from the overwhelm of last night, the figures that occupied the place were not ones that built your confidence.
By the stove, flipping bacon in a pan, was a man you hadn’t seen before. But you only caught a glimpse of his profile under white hair, before your eyes fell on the other, seated at the island.
Slowing, you instantly recognised the face of Jungkook, who had looked so angry last time he had seen you. Tentative to get too close, you stopped entirely some steps away from the seats.
Nearer to you, the tv was on, volume low as it displayed the news to two empty sofas. But, eager for the distraction, you let your eyes linger on it to delay approaching the intimidating man in the kitchen.
Shame it didn’t provide the respite you were bargaining for. A shot of a city tower cut directly to a startling blue image, the beaming face of a man otherwise hidden by his mask. Bolt.
Your eyes widened, breath freezing in your body as the blue eyes on screen seemed to pierce through to meet your own. The same blue which had confronted you in the mirror last night.
Gulping, you forced your eyes down to the rolling red text below the images.
Something churned, low and dangerous in your gut. The letters leered, imprinting themselves on your retinas as you struggled to believe them.
“…you know, my job is to keep people safe, not to sentence them…” Bolt’s voice carried faintly from the screen, twisting harshly in your ears, “…the authorities are the real heroes, I just lend a hand where I can…”
So Bolt had done the noble thing, and left Kuyang unharmed? Except he had sentenced you. Judge, jury and executioner, all in the blink of an eye. In one throwaway flicker of light.
Taeyeon hadn’t even been so lucky.
You hadn’t even noticed the tension in your frame until the image in front of you suddenly shrunk, dropping to black.
“That’s enough of that.”
Jin threw the remote onto the sofa, giving you a meaningful glance. You avoided it, spinning back onto your original path, having totally forgotten your reason for abandoning it in the first place.
Jungkook had been shovelling food into his mouth, but looked up as Jin rounded the island.
And then he saw you.
Straightening instantly in his chair, his chopsticks hovered in mid-air as his every action halted.
Your brain failed you, leaving you staring right back. It was only after a second that you jerkily prompted yourself to smile. Might as well try to make a good impression.
His brow quirked a little, the only acknowledgment you got. Because not a second later, you were gasping as a shock ran down your arms.
Hurriedly fisting your hands in your jumper, you gritted your teeth. Already subsiding, the familiar feeling was seeping away as a chair screeched against the floor and Jungkook’s tall figure brushed roughly past you.
Turning after him with shock, you could only watch the rigid line of his shoulders as he marched away down the hall.
“Breakfast is served!”
Jin’s chipper call pulled you reluctantly back to the table. Seating yourself, you caught him looking regretfully after Jungkook.
Though the food on your plate was steaming hot and looked delicious, you frowned around at the kitchen. Hadn’t someone else just been here? And what had just happened with Jungkook?
As you began to eat, you eyed Jin’s back. Could you have done something to upset Jungkook? The way Jin had looked ready to run after him reminded you again of the fact you had suddenly intruded, albeit not of your own accord, on what seemed to be an established group.
Fixing your eyes on your plate, you focussed on getting through breakfast. It was admittedly very tasty, and you felt energy return to your body once more.
“Any better?”
Jin’s stubbornly upbeat mood was back, and now you were finally able to offer him a smile and a nod. Feeling full and a little more alive, you turned your attention to Jin who leant towards you from across the table.
“You’re still recovering from yesterday, but we need to do a little bit of work” – you frowned slightly – “it’s not like we want to put you in full training, but Joon reckons you would appreciate being able to control your powers a little.”
Though you nodded, your frown deepened.
That was all Jin said before standing, leaving you no option but to follow him. Abandoning the kitchen, you hurried to his heels and walked, confused as ever, back down the corridor away from the main space.
However, this time, you passed by the door to your small room. There was little variation in scenery as you went further down the corridor. You found yourself near enough tripping over Jin’s heels when he stopped in front of the final door that ended the hallway. Plain and dark like the others, it was like a black hole, pulling you towards it.
Looking up at Jin, you tore your eyes away from his hand where it rested, hovering on the handle. His mouth had drawn itself into a flatter line, smile erased in favour of a serious stare.
“The others are probably in there already, so… just stay near.”
And then he flashed a smile, as if he had been inviting you in for tea.
With no more time to worry about what on earth he meant by that, you were greeted with the door opening and an instant cacophony of sound from beyond it.
Eyes widening, you forced newly tense muscles forwards. Jin’s reminder to ‘stay near’ pressed close on your mind as he disappeared into the dim space beyond.
A thin staircase curved and led you downwards. When the door shut, it cut off no light. In here, flashes bounced off dark walls, air cracking as it was tossed around.
Coming to the base of the stairs, you looked over a long room. It resembled a gym, a couple of benches and punching bags pushed against the outside walls and large square mats on the floor. Sure enough, as Jin had said, some of the boys you had met the previous day were dotted along it.
As you stopped beside Jin, who waited by the steps, another spark, like lightning, burst across the far end of the space. Gold sliced through the air in a thick, powerful beam, veins darting into the air.
Just as quickly, it was gone.
“Jungkook has the most similar powers to you,” Jin’s voice, low in your ear, “which is why we would have him teach you, but… I don’t think that’s best, right now.”
He moved into the space without elaborating. Though your feet carried you with him, you were occupied by squinting across at Jungkook. He hadn’t noticed you yet. He was facing away, and now he rolled his shoulders out, shaking hair from his face, and raised his arms again.
In the blink of an eye, vibrant gold shot from his palms, towards a sort of metal disk on the wall opposite him.
“Look out!”
Your gaze at Jungkook was severed as a tug came on your arm.
In your distraction, your feet had stilled, and now you stumbled towards Jin and out of the path of a medicine ball which slammed into the wall with a dull thud. Gulping, you watched it fall heavily to the ground, not even bouncing.
Snapping your jaw shut, you found the source of the apology.
Chest heaving and pink hair plastered to his forehead, was the man that had smiled at you last night. He shot another dazzling grin now, as if he hadn’t just sent a weighted ball shooting at where your head had been.
But as your eyebrows raised, he lifted a hand and suddenly the ball floated up from its resting place on the ground. The next moment it was flying back towards him.
Flattening his hand, the ball stopped and stayed hovering a few inches above his palm.
You must have failed to hide the shock on your face. The moment he looked over to you, he burst out laughing, eyes creasing. And you couldn’t be sure – his eyes were obscured after all – but they might have glowed pink for a moment as you watched. The ball never moved, seemingly fixed in place in mid-air.
“That’s Jimin,” Jin muttered, then raised his voice, “get back to it!”
Laughter subsiding into a bold grin, Jimin snatched the medicine ball from the air and turned away.
Close behind Jin, you made more effort to stay with him this time, eager not to find yourself in the path of any more flying things.
Further along, the wall gave way to an opening. A similar room lay beyond, square this time. Peering around the corner, a familiar blond zoomed across your vision. But watching the person, you could barely believe it was the same cheery Hope who had welcomed you yesterday.
This room had more equipment, ropes descending from the middle of the ceiling, as well as bars and hoops filling the floor. And currently Hobi was way above your heads, making easy work of a rope. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head when he leapt from it with zero hesitation.
A second later, he landed securely on the wall, grasping small climbing holds you hadn’t noticed. They were black just like the walls, only noticeable because he was now clutching onto them.
Pulling himself up, he launched once again into the air, kicking off the neighbouring wall into a somersault. You had barely scooped your jaw off the floor when he landed on a lower platform and dropped out of sight behind it.
“You know Hob-ah already,” Jin said conversationally. His light tone sounded more like he was showing you around an art gallery, not that you had just seen his friend performing death-defying stunts.
Rushing once more to keep up with your guide, your eyes never settled. They darted from him to the surroundings, not having time to look more at the flash of purple from across the room or the white-haired man slumping onto a bench near Jungkook.
“So this-“ you panted, “this is training?”
“You… you all train with your powers?”
A nod.
You had reached the end of the gym now. A couple more doors led on; where, you could not guess. This place seemed like a maze. You didn’t even know whether you were underground or not at this point.
Sticking close to Jin, you couldn’t help but shrink back as you passed Jungkook. He was a few strides away, but as you expected, that venomous glare fixed itself back on his face the moment he saw you.
Sparks crackled by his fingertips, drawing your eyes. Was he trying to intimidate you?
Brow sinking and nostrils flaring, you fixed a stare right back at him. You hadn’t spoken to him once! What could his problem be? As you glared, a flicker of gold darted across his irises.
But then you had apparently reached your destination, as Jin opened one of the doors and you were led away, gaze warring with Jungkook until the last moment.
Once you turned back to Jin, you found him a way down the new hallway. Quickening to catch up, you frowned at the back of Jin’s head.
“What… what power do you have?” you asked tentatively.
In front of the next door, Jin stopped, making you do the same. A soft chuckle left him, his face good-humoured as he turned to you as if you had just told a joke. Shaking his head, his eyes turned back to the door you waited at.
“Me? No, I don’t have any powers.”
And then he was rapping at the door.
“One moment!” came a call from inside.
“Except maybe keeping Namjoon-ssi organised,” Jin winked at you then.
Too startled to form any kind of response, you hadn’t so much as laughed before the door was pulled open. Jin swiftly left as Namjoon smiled in greeting and stood back to let you into the room.
Swallowing, you stepped into the space. It was fairly unremarkable, grey walls with a plain desk and a couple of chairs in the middle.
You paused a few steps in, but now Namjoon strode to the desk. Following, you sat opposite him. A tension had seeped into your frame and now you eyed him warily as he made himself comfortable, a welcoming smile on his face.
“I’m sure Jin told you,” he began, “we don’t expect you to do anything with your powers just yet. But it will make things easier for you if you can control them a little. Is that okay?”
You nodded.
Taking you in for a moment, Namjoon was silent. Then he sat back and spread his arms.
“I want you to summon them.”
Your protest was instant, but you got no further.
“If you can summon them, that level of control will help you to suppress them as well,” Namjoon explained calmly, finger raised to quell your complaints, “not to mention that by using your powers, it prevents the need for them to burst out uncontrolled as well.”
“But… I don’t know how to summon them,” you spoke quieter, hanging your head.
The scrape of his chair brought your eyes up again. An encouraging nod your way had you standing as well.
“Hold your hands out.”
Still hesitant, you did it anyway. He seemed to have no issue with the fact he would be directly in your line of fire if you actually succeeded.
“Okay. I would have liked to ask Jungkook to do this with you, since his powers are most like yours. I don’t know exactly what your powers feel like, so you’ll have to think about that yourself. Can you imagine how it felt when you used them?”
You chewed your lip as you tried to recall. It hadn’t been pleasant, you knew that. A sort of itching, tingling sensation – though at first it had been worse, like a burning.
You didn’t want to feel that again.
“Got it?” he asked.
Nodding weakly, you listened to the next instructions.
“As a starting point, try to picture the feeling. Hopefully they should respond. Really focus, and when they do, try to sustain it for a couple of seconds. You should be able to feel the core, where the power is flowing from.”
You blinked. You hadn’t really understood any of that, but you took a deep breath anyway.
Letting your eyes slide closed, you tried to remember precisely the feeling of your powers. Not that you wanted to feel the electricity claw its way down your veins, or burst from your fingertips.
Nonetheless, you willed the fire to unleash itself.
It must have sensed your reluctance, though. Nothing came.
Dropping your arms after a few more moments, you sent an apologetic glance to Namjoon. But he didn’t look disappointed in the least like you had imagined he would.
“It almost never works the first time,” he said. “Keep trying.”
Biting down on your lip, you resigned yourself and raised your hands again.
“If it helps, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” he kept talking, “you won’t hurt me, or damage anything. In fact, you can actively try to hit me if you want. Imagine I’m someone you hate!”
His dimpled grin made it hard to imagine him as an enemy you would enjoy frying with lightning. Focussing again on the non-existent feeling in your arms and hands, you tried to come up with some sort of motivation.
Your first thought was Bolt.
You had only seen him for a few minutes, but it had been enough for him to rule your life out as insignificant. The single thoughtless shock of blue could well have ended your life – nearly did.
A sharp flicker of heat made your eyes fly open. At the same moment, an exclamation from Namjoon.
For a split second, blue had bloomed in your palms, but it had slipped away before you could grasp it.
“That was good,” he encouraged, “a bit longer next time.”
Breathing heavily, you shut your eyes again, the sensation more present in your mind now. Your anger at Bolt had helped, but the memory was so fleeting it couldn’t sustain the feeling.
Taking a steadying breath, you straightened your arms in front of you. You wanted to do this. Strangely, the next face that cropped up was that of Jungkook. Glaring whenever he saw you, he seemed to resent your presence.
Maybe he didn’t want you there? Didn’t think you belonged?
You would show him. You wanted to do this. If you could control your powers, he would have no reason to look down on you.
Gritting your teeth, you looked the inevitable pain right in the face, challenging it to come out.
Like a floodgate opening, you felt a heat expand in your chest, energy flowing down your arms. When your eyes opened, they were met with a beam of light as it exploded out from your hands.
Without noticing it, your jaw had dropped. The bright blue light you had so quickly come to despise spilled confidently from open palms. Very quickly, the discomfort of electricity in your veins faded, nothing a but a slight warmth to indicate your power.
Around you, you vaguely noticed a deep red glow hanging in the air. Made of light, the cage-like structure stretched from the floor and was containing the lightning you were creating.
On the other side of it, Namjoon stood unharmed, your power dissipating, melting in mid-air before it could harm him.
“Stop,” he now told you, voice slightly raised.
Blinking as spots bleached themselves into your vision, you tore your eyes from the light that had hypnotised you. How did you make it stop?
“Make the feeling go away,” Namjoon said, “the opposite of what you just did. You control these powers.”
You didn’t exactly feel that was true. Arms beginning to tremble, you desperately scrambled to shut it off. It felt warm, so you tried to think of cold, creeping up your arms…
The beams of light sputtered.
Breathing in, you clenched your fists around the power. You could tell it was stemming from your chest, and tried to focus on shutting it off. It felt much like swimming upstream, counter-intuitive as you had to forcefully reign in the feeling that suddenly felt natural.
Holding your breath, you screwed your eyes shut.
Your powers pushed back, wanting to be free. But you dug your heels in, getting the odd sensation that you were backed up against a door that didn’t want to shut.
But the warmth was receding, the stream of energy down your arms thinning.
Namjoon was repeating your name. You had to stop.
All at once, like a candle blown out, the light was gone. All the heat snuffed out, the barrier in your chest blockaded.
Gasping, you fell forwards, stumbling until your arms braced against the desk. Before now you hadn’t noticed the sweat breaking out on your forehead, nor the exertion making you heave for breath.
The red cage dissolved around you, a flash of crimson dying in Namjoon’s eyes.
“Good, well done,” he was saying, a chair being thrust under you. Sinking gladly into it, you still leaned heavily on the table.
“That was good,” he repeated, a glass of water making its way into your hand, “I won’t make you do more now. But it was a start.”
Panting, you raised your eyes as you lifted the glass to your lips. The water was welcome since you felt like you had just run the length of the city. Wrangling your powers to your will was difficult, but you didn’t know what you had expected.
A sharp chime rang out.
Starting, you saw Namjoon’s gaze snap to the tabletop, where a screen had lit up. A small circle and a name popped up, but he swiped it quickly away, the screen’s light dying the next second.
But you frowned. You could have sworn that said-
“Apologies,” he spoke, standing up, “business calls. Is it alright if you rest outside? You can find your way back when you’re ready. We have no more demands to make of you for a while.”
And so you followed him to the door, being left alone soon after.
You looked each way down the plain corridor outside. Letting a breath out, you resolved to at least find a seat before collapsing with exhaustion, so you set off, feeling a little lost. So far you hadn’t really been left alone here, always being shown the way.
But it was simple enough, only a straight path to the large training room you had already seen.
It was emptier now. Someone was evidently still training as you could hear noise, but it came from out of sight in one of the adjoining spaces. Otherwise, the place was now deserted, leaving you free to sink onto the nearest bench.
Limbs feeling a little shaky, you gladly took the weight off them and slumped back against the wall.
You were unsure how long you spent staring into space, catching your breath. That had been tiring, so much effort expended for relatively little result. You supposed you should be proud that you had achieved some level of control over the powers, but you still felt no safer. If they were to surge again, you were no closer to being able to hold them off with any ease, nor to summon them.
The only thing you were sure of was that the energy from breakfast had quickly been chased away, and the prospect of ever getting up again was distinctly unappealing.
The cheery call pulled you from your thoughts. At some point the sounds from the next room had ceased, outside your notice, and now Hope was walking from the training room.
Having seen you, he changed course and was heading your way. The sight of his sweat-soaked hair and reddened face reassured you for a moment – you weren’t the only one tired. But this only comforted you for a split second before you remembered the sorts of stunts he had been doing, while you had only half succeeded in your beginner attempt.
“First training session?” he asked, thousand-watt grin never fading.
“If you could call it training,” you half-heartedly chuckled.
“Ah, you’ll be great in no time!” As he drew up to you, you finally mustered the strength to stand up, joining him to a clap on the shoulder. Taking in your dejected state, he offered a sympathetic smile. “Tiring tho, hmm?”
“You could say that.”
“Well, I know what you need! Some good food will pick you right up.”
You couldn’t say you disagreed, and put all your remaining energy into getting up the stairs and to the kitchen while Hobi talked on happily.
“I’ll get us something,” he told you once you were there.
Infinitely grateful for his offer, you slid into the closest seat and resisted the urge to face-plant the table. Instead you leaned on your elbows, watching idly as he grabbed plates from the cupboards.
“Ah! Y/N! How was it?”
A new addition rushed to the kitchen, familiar pink hair approaching as Jimin took a seat beside you. You looked back into a bright smile as he sat expectant.
Laughing drily, you looked at the countertop.
“I don’t think I’m a natural.”
Tilting his head, he pouted a little at your response and lifted a hand to rub your shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s always tough to start with,” he nodded, “but the beginning is the hardest. Don’t push yourself.”
“Yeah, we can’t all be Jungkook,” Hobi laughed. He returned to the table with two plates of sandwiches, pushing one under your nose. Jimin quickly turned his attention to pout at Hope, who rolled his eyes and shoved the other plate towards the pink-haired boy before returning to prepare another for himself.
As desperate as you had been a moment ago for some food, your curiosity was piqued.
““Be Jungkook”? What do you mean?”
“Our golden youngest,” Jimin explained, taking a large bite of his meal before adding, “for more than one reason.”
“It’s seriously unfair,” Hobi spoke over his shoulder, “the kid can do anything he sets his mind to. Best pupil Joon’s ever had.”
Shutting your mouth, you sank a little in your chair. Jimin was buried in his sandwich, and Hobi in the kitchen, leaving you to pick at your own plate. But you only bit your lip. So Jungkook was some kind of prodigy?
You sighed, neglecting your food entirely. It made you feel even worse about your terrible performance and lack of skill. And here you were, thinking that you would be able to prove yourself to the man who seemed to hate you.
Only when a flickering light distracted you did you look up from your hopelessness.
The kitchen light blinked off entirely for a brief moment, returning to reveal Hobi whirling around with a shout.
“That’s my lunch! Make your own, this is already my second try!”
Frowning, you looked around trying to spot who Hope was berating. Nothing.
While you sat perplexed, the blond suddenly leapt across your vision, jumping high enough to hop from the kitchen table and towards the sofa. As he landed, another figure became abruptly visible, falling as if emerging from a patch of shadow.
Beside you, Jimin guffawed loudly as you gaped. Hobi had knocked the mysterious figure from seemingly thin air, and now deftly swept a plate of sandwiches from their hands, the whole while straddling them to keep them pinned on the sofa cushions.
“Nice try!”
A muffled ‘get off’ accompanied flailing arms, vague attempts at whacking their attacker.
Heaving himself from the couch, Hobi walked victorious to the counter and began, at last, to eat. Behind him, a white-haired young man sat up, ruffling his dishevelled hair as a hood fell from his head.
He turned around with a sheepish smile, shuffling back to the kitchen.
“Be gentle, Hob-ah,” he grumbled on his way past, though there was no malice behind it.
Hobi only laughed loudly in return, turning as the white-haired man came past and playfully hit at his shoulder.
“You’re all brats!” Hope claimed loudly, waving half a sandwich in the air. He was laughing so hard you were concerned for a moment he would fall clean off the chair.
As yet, the new man hadn’t noticed your blatant staring. Luckily, your attention was diverted before he could see your saucer-like eyes. Unluckily, it was diverted by the entrance of a certain Jungkook.
Jimin had been the first to stop laughing. Looking around, you became aware of the tall figure hanging back in the shadows on the other side of the living room.
The raucous joy that had filled the kitchen froze over very quickly as the other occupants noticed him. Cold, piercing eyes scanned over the space, but undeniably landed on you. Struck dumb, you merely stared back as his calculating gaze bored into you.
Setting his jaw, his gaze snapped away, fleeting over the rest of the room for a moment before he turned and left.
Sliding from his chair, Jimin dropped his remaining lunch back onto his plate.
“Jungkook-” he called, shoulders drooping when there was no response. With a sigh he followed after the younger man.
You watched him go, and then watched the empty doorway he had left through. When at last you turned slowly back to the kitchen, Hoseok sent you a grimace.
“Sorry it’s taking him a while to warm up,” he said, as if that was consolation. It didn’t seem as if Jungkook was trying to ‘warm up’ to you at all.
You produced no reply, but were saved the trouble as the white-haired man joined you. For the first time, he looked at you, eyes roaming over your face, still surely littered with scrapes from the previous night.
“You look better than yesterday,” he commented.
You blinked.
“I’m sorry… have we met?”
“Yoongi,” he nodded, sinking onto a chair. Then, “you should eat that.”
That had hardly explained anything, but you complied anyway, picking up your food. Once you had finally finished your sandwich, the quiet was disrupted by Namjoon entering. Nodding once at you, he headed across to the kitchen.
Seeing him again, you were reminded of the ‘business’ call that had taken him from you earlier on. Eyes lingering on his back as he busied himself grabbing a mug and plate from the cupboards, your curiosity swelled within you. You were sure you had seen who was calling him. Though your life before Bolt – and all that happened since – seemed so distant, you couldn’t help your keen interest.
On the edge of your seat, you chewed on your lip until you couldn’t hold it any more.
“How’s Kuyang?” you blurted.
The others’ eyes snapped to you. Namjoon froze.
Slowly, he turned around, faint frown lining his face. You never dropped his questioning stare.
“He’s… fine,” he spoke.
“Sorry,” Hope looked lost, “you know Kuyang?”
Before you could do more than nod, Yoongi spoke up too.
“He’s fine? How did he get away from Bolt?”
“That’s not important.” Namjoon strode across the kitchen, “but how do you know Kuyang?”
“I was his secretary.”
You had hoped your honesty might prompt Namjoon to reciprocate, but no such luck. His reason for involvement with Kuyang was promptly forgotten. Hobi gasped at your news; Yoongi’s eyes widened slightly as if something was dawning on him.
But Namjoon beat him to it.
“That explains why you were hit by Bolt,” he said.
“We thought you were just a bystander that got unlucky,” Hobi chipped in.
Just as you opened your mouth to return to your original question, Namjoon turned away from the table. Swiping his food from the counter, he marched away.
Halfway across the room, he paused with a look over his shoulder. Maybe he would give in and tell you at last?
“I suggest you rest,” he told you instead, “Jungkook is going to help you practise some more tomorrow.”
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Thank you for reading!! I'm so looking forward to hearing what you thought🥰
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold || KNJ || Masterpost
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Title: My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold (Complete!)
Rating: NSWF - minors dni
Genre: college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut
Pairings: KNJ x female reader, unrequited KTH x reader
Summary: You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
Lesson One: there are such things as a right way and a wrong way to love and to be loved.  Warnings: pov changes - some scenes are namjoon’s pov, conversations revolving around the past loss of immediate family members, language, drinking, angst, a LOT of poetry sorry, eventual smut - sections will have individual warnings
Author's Note: huge thank you to @/kookstempo, @/casuallyimagining, and @/toikiii for beta-ing and listening to me talk about this series a LOT!!! Second thank you to @/jeonqkooks for the gorgeous banner and ALSO for listening to me talk about this way too much lolllll
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Series Teaser:
Namjoon peers at you through eyes squinted in suspicion. “How drunk are you?”
You consider this. “Enough that I want to kiss you again, to hell with the consequences. Not too drunk to remember that there would be consequences.”
The playfulness leaves his face; it’s too obvious not to notice. “Consequences like what?”
It’s a challenge. He knows you know it.
“Namjoon,” you say, a little pleading. Don’t. 
“Consequences like Taehyung would see?” he presses. His voice has gone hard.
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I. Your Wild-Running Heart | 7k
II. My Devotion's Been an Ocean | 7k
III. So I Speak Your Name | 7.5k
IV. Something Has to Change | 7.5k
V. Say What You Mean | 6k
VI. Don't Think About Him | 6k
VII. Supposed to Be With You | 6k
VIII. Nothing Grows Here | 5.5k
IX. Heedless and Willful | 8k
X. So I Follow | 7.8k
XI. All of It | 8K
-> The apartment's layout
-> Section II Poetry Analysis
-> Section III Poetry Analysis
-> Section IV Poetry Analysis
-> Section VI Poetry Analysis
-> Section VIII Poetry Reading and Analysis
977 notes · View notes
clubdionysus · 3 months
[BAD DECISION #44] Skinny Dipping
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warnings: fluffy goodness <33 a lil smut, creampie, fingers in said creampie, like it's not smut as such but its a thing?? idk lol, v important conversations!! a plot chapter!!
notes: look im sorry it's one chapter again waaa I had work today!! next week we'll get more bc the next 5 or so chapters all need to be uploaded together hehe <3
wc: 10.6K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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As you glance across the beach to where Jeongguk sits with Yoongi and Namjoon, you're pleased to find his eyes on you. Give him a small nod. It's reciprocated, a subtle dimple forming in his cheek.
The laughter of your friends is spliced with the crackle of firewood that burns at seven-hundred degrees Celsius in front of you.
Sitting by the beach, under a crescent moon, you're smitten by the simplicity of a good life.
There's a beauty to Jeongguk and the way he carries himself, and you consider yourself lucky to indulge in it. You hold his gaze until he sips on his beer, at which point Danbi asks you a question—something about whale sharks. Why the fuck she thinks you'll know anything about whale sharks you'll never know, but find yourself back engrossed in conversation regardless.
Jeongguk watches on for a little while longer. Likes how you're wearing your hair loose for a change instead of in a claw clip (of which he also loves). The glitter on your skin sparkles in the light of the fire, and Jeongguk thinks the stars are pale in comparison to you tonight.
If you were looking at him, he'd silently say 'pretty' . Instead, he just thinks about how pretty you are. Pretty, pretty baby.
Compiled by Namjoon and Yoongi, the campfire they've got going would be better referred to as a bonfire. Tall and imposing, it illuminates the darkness of the beach with a warm orange glow.
Tiny embers flutter up into the sky, like the butterflies that so often like to dance around in your stomach these days.
You're reminded of them with every stolen glance in the direction of your best friend.
Freshly showered —alone, because you'd scarpered as soon as you'd laid eyes on Hayun's danger-red lips— Jeongguk is full of boyish charm, hair still waving around his features even if it is a lot shorter than it used to be. His lip ring catches in the light of the flames, silver in a myriad of golden hues, much like his eyes. For once it's not the stars sparkling in his eyes.
It was a conscious yet undiscussed decision that had been made between you both to sit as far apart as you possibly could. Not for a lack of desire —you'd be on his lap right now, if you could be— but more so to keep up the facade you've grown so accustomed to wearing around him. Unbothered. Unaffected. Unswayed by the glow of his honey skin in the warm haze of the fire, and oblivious to the warmth that's also being cast over him by the rose-tinted glasses that you tend to wear in his presence.
It's not like you need to be close right now. You're both wrapped up in different conversations, and truth be told, you like it better this way. Enjoy the ache in your chest that comes with being apart. Perhaps you're a masochist, or perhaps you just forgot how lovely it is to pine without pain.
Sipping on make-shift cocktails of whatever was left in the fridge, there's no real motive to the evening, other than enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest.
Tomorrow morning you'll go on a coastal hike, and then it will be time to bid farewell to the weekend.
Despite the hiccups, you don't think you would have changed a thing - and when Jeongguk once again catches you staring and bites down on his lip, you're certain wouldn't change a thing.
He tilts his head back. Challenges you. Mouths, c'mere.
You shake your head, but lift your empty drink. Knock your head to the side, in the direction of the main house. Silently say, come with?
He's on his feet and heading towards the house before you even get a chance to blink. Is just eager to be with you. Loves his friends, but kinda wishes he could have you all to himself.
He doesn't wait for you. It's deliberate. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he has a tiny little scenario in his head that he wishes to play out.
As soon as you get to the house, you see why.
Standing behind the kitchen island, he's got a tea towel over his shoulder, an empty cup in his hand and a glint in his eyes. The main lights are off, fairy lights sparking just like your heart is.
"Welcome to Dionysus," he grins, all charming and goofy, trying not to giggle. A sight to behold. Beautiful boy. "What can I get for you?"
Half-empty bottles line the kitchen counter, and Jeongguk looks right at home. Right where he belongs.
When you come to stand opposite him, elbows resting on the counter, hands clasped beneath your chin, you're trying to fight a smile.
You're losing. Giggle, too. Bite down on your bottom lip, and close your eyes, 'cause even looking at him like this is enough to drive you wild.
"Something that will fuck me up, but—"
"Is also delicious?" Jeongguk finishes for you, with a smile so fond you think he could end world wars. He's kinda awestruck by the fact you remember anything from that first meeting. Plays it cool, though. "I know just the thing."
He wastes no time scrambling together one of his infamous purple shots. Makes four. Two for you, two for him. You watch on with kind eyes, so inexorably smitten.
He raises his glass to cheers your shot against his, glasses clinking like bells chiming at a church wedding.
Silly, trivial thoughts for a silly, trivial interaction.
"How much do I owe you, Mr barman? For the drinks?" You beam, unaware of the fact you're looking at him like he's responsible for stringing up stars in the night sky.
He shrugs. "Not much. Just a kiss."
"You're a terrible businessman," you tell him, eyes fixed on his smile as he walks around the counter to meet you.
He simply nods. Lets his body fall into a natural state of being as he reaches you, zero thought given to the way he cups your jaw. "A kiss for a shot. Pay up."
Perhaps you shouldn't be so reckless. Perhaps you shouldn't kiss him out in the open for any prying eyes to see. Perhaps you no longer care.
Jeongguk sure as hell doesn't.
Lips on yours, it's innocent. No intrusion of tongue, no pressing of his hips to your tummy. Just a kiss. Him and you. One star to another.
Pulling away, he peppers you with one, two, three more tiny pecks. "Would you like a receipt?"
You shake your head. Pull him back in for another kiss. Just one. "Sorry. Thought you deserved a tip."
Laughing as he hands you your second shot, Jeongguk is in good spirits. Swigs down his own shot, then gets to making the long version of the drink. Says, "Star Lover alright? There's a little coke left if you just want a vodka coke."
Shaking your head, you smile. "Star Lover is perfect."
There's a casual intimacy to the way Jeongguk makes your drink first, his second. Had been drinking beer all evening, but switches to Star Lovers, 'cause it's what you want.
He wants the taste on his tongue to match yours, just so he doesn't go insane thinking about it.
"Sit with me," he says gently as you meander back to the beachfront, a hand on the small of your back.
Sipping your drink, you shake your head. "Hayun'll just glare."
Jeongguk laughs. "She'll glare anyways."
He kind of feels guilty for Hayun's bad behaviour. It's the second time today you've mentioned her intrusive eyes, and it's becoming clear that it's bothering you.
"I can speak to her?" He offers. "I know she can a bit difficult—"
Shaking your head, you don't let him finish his train of thought. "I don't wanna make drama out of nothing —and anyways, it's not like we're... yanno... together."
Jeongguk knows you're right. Doesn't care. Speaks it into existence.
"Kind of are, though, aren't we?"
"No," you reply ever so pleasantly. There's a nonchalance to your tone. One that intrigues him. Makes him disregard any feelings of rejection he could tie to that statement. You glance across to him with a light smirk, then add, "Well, you haven't asked me to be with you, have you?"
Jeongguk stops. Purses his lips. Could ask you right now, if he wanted to, but he's got a plan. Is specific in how he wants to do things.
He also knows that once you get back home and back to reality, there are external factors that will interrupt the sanctuary of what it's like when you're together. It won't just be you and him anymore. It will be you, and him, and responsibilities, and jobs and whatever else the universe wants to throw your way.
He doesn't believe that life can be as easy as it feels like when he's with you. Has never known it to be easy this easy. Has also never known what it's like to be yours, but that's neither here nor there.
You've another exhibition on your plate, and he's got business affairs to sort with the bank. The timing really isn't doing him any favours, but he wants things to be perfect when he asks you to commit to him. Thinks you deserve at least that; security in all aspects. Wants to be the kind of man worthy of you.
Has seen your ex. Seen the guy you casually dated. Both were well-established. Financially sorted. Thinks that it must be your type. Thinks that he has to be like that, too, to be worthy of you.
Thing is, you've never wanted perfect.
These days, all you really want is him. And while yes, it could be argued that Jeon Jeongguk is perfect, he has his flaws too. Is human.
It's his humanity that you adore; the slight overlap of his top teeth when he smiles, and the cute little puffs that form beneath his eyes, too. The noises he makes when he's focusing and the noises that he makes when he's sleeping, entirely unfocused. The way he sinks into his duvet when he's sleepy, and the way he sinks into your body as if it's his most natural state of being. There's little about him you don't love. The freckles on his skin that you've kissed a hundred times over. The scar on his cheek. The way he twists his spine to click his back and the sigh of relief he always exhales afterwards.
Perfect has never been part of your criteria.
Partner has been.
And when you cook, Jeongguk will always wash up. Sometimes, he'll goof around with you at the same time, speaker on, your joint playlist playing while you dry the dishes. Other times, he'll insist you go and wait for him in bed.
He closes his curtains every single time you stay over, even though he's used to sleeping with them open. Turns off his alarm even if his body clock still wakes him at ass o'clock.
You detour your walks home from work to catch him as he's leaving the gym, a cup of coffee from his favourite cafe in your hand. Have his loyalty card linked to your phone so that he can collect your free stamps, even if you buy just as many coffees from there as he does, these days.
The sacrifices you make for each other are minimal. Meaningful.
So no, you're not together.
But you're partners, whether you want to admit to it or not.
"You're so impatient, Disco Ball," he teases as he catches up with you, hooking onto your belt loop to pull you back in line with him. "Good things come to those who wait."
"And great things pass those who wait by," you counter.
You're just teasing, and he knows this. It doesn't fill him with fear. Not really. None more so than normal.
"Patience," he simply states. "It's a virtue, B."
"Always been far more in tune with my vices."
"You're impossible."
"S'why you love me," you flirt, not giving him the chance to respond before you head back down to the shore. "C'mon, Jimin'll be spreading rumours about our sex life if we're any longer."
He hasn't —but he does mumble, "Hmm, quicker than usual. Embarrassing," to Jeongguk as he sits back down.
Jeongguk just lightly slaps the back of his friend's head, and resists ripping into him for the disastrous encounters he knows his housemate has had with you. Thinks it would be a little too mean.
Instead, he just glances back over to you, a pretty smile on his lips as you laugh with your friends. The way in which you've become so integrated with one another's lives proves to Jeongguk that this is right.
It's exactly how it's supposed to be.
Why else would you meld so perfectly into one if it was not aligned by the stars themselves? There's no 'star-crossed' about you two. Were always destined to crash into one another. Was mapped out. Plotted. Planned by Venus, executed by Mars. Solidified by the karmic constance of Saturn, and nurtured by the careful understanding of Mercury.
Written in the stars, were you and Jeongguk; lived out on earth for a finite time. Seems silly to waste it.
But is time together ever wasted?
Jeongguk doesn't think so, but he does miss being in conversation with you. Encourages the group into a series of little drinking games, just so that he maybe gets the chance to banter with you.
The flames of the bonfire lick at your heart every time he glances in your direction. Is charred within seconds. It's not the black hole you've convinced yourself you'll become if you finally give into your feelings; but it's one that you much prefer. A warm heart, in a chest that isn't your own. You'll keep his safe for as long as he keeps yours safe, too.
"Never have I ever," Jimin sucks in a little air between his teeth, the game playing on around you.
You've only half your Star Lover left.
Or should that be you've only half of your drink left. There's a star across the crackling fire who's very much full of love for you.
Never Have I Ever has become a staple across the weekend. With so many players, you're always learning something new about one another, but Jimin doesn't care to learn anything new right now. He just wants to get as many people drinking as he can—and that includes himself.
"Okay," Jimin continues. "Never have I ever slept with someone in the circle."
Little fucker.
Your eyes flicker to Jeongguk. The only people who aren't raising a glass to their lips are Namjoon and Hoseok. Even Nabi drinks, which causes a little bit of a stir from Seoyeon.
"Oh, it was one time," she cringes, bunching up her face.
From across the circle, Jimin snorts.
"With Jimin?!"
"I was young!" Nabi cries. "Naive! He was just there!"
"Okay, one—rude," Jimin interrupts. "And two—many people have shagged me. I've shagged many people. Hardly a surprise, now, is it?"
The rest of the circle laughs and jokes about what a terrible pairing they'd make, but secretly you're relieved. It softens the weight of your encounters with him.
The commotion of it all allows for the sip you take to go largely unnoticed.
Or at least you think it does, until the game reaches Hayun.
"Never have I ever," she hums, stringing out the final word as if deep in thought or contemplation. Maybe you're a cynic, but you don't buy it. Think she knows exactly what she's going to say. She waits it just a moment longer, then finishes. "Hooked up with multiple people in this circle."
It's a smart question, you'll give her that much. It'll force Jeongguk's hand. Make him admit to his history, as well as his present.
Thing is, it'll force yours too. You don't think she's aware of this. Nobody is.
From your peripherals, eyes too busy locked on Jeongguk, you see the subtle shake of Jimin's head. Can't hear him as he whispers to Jeongguk, "I'm not drinking."
The last thing Jimin wants is to give Hayun any ammunition. Doesn't think it should matter at all, not in the slightest, but knows how Hayun works. If she thinks she has one up against you, she'll use it, no doubt. You fucking Jimin and Jeongguk is exactly the kind of shit she'd use to weasel her way into Jeongguk's brain.
Jeongguk's eyes flicker over to you.
Realistically, he doesn't care if anyone knows.
If he drinks, he knows it means announcing your business to the group. Doesn't wanna be the one to take your privacy away from you, should it be something you wish to preserve.
You've never really feared judgement for your past endeavours, but you've also never been in a situation like this. Jimin is Jeongguk's best friend.
Both busy locked in internal battles, you don't realise that it's been a few seconds of vacant staring at one another. Are interrupted by Hayun again, saying, "Gguk?"
Before he even gets a chance to respond, your voice drowns her out.
"Never have I ever been skinny dipping!"
It's not your turn, and you're well aware the distraction will be noticeable, but you don't care.
Hayun had been attempting to turn a fun little game into something far more dramatic than it needs to be, and frankly, you don't have the energy for it. All you want is to have fun, and you can't for the life of you figure out why she insists on being such a miserable cow all of the time.
Thankfully, debate breaks out amongst your friends. Turns out, only Soeyeon and Yoongi have ever done it before, and so the rules are changed.
"Okay, either you take three shots, or you skinny dip now," Jimin declares - because of course he's the one making bad decisions for you all as a collective.
And yet everyone just seems to go along with it, enticed by the allure of released inhibitions under a crescent moon. The water sparkles as if there are a billions stars hidden beneath it. Even though you know it's impossible, part of you feels like you'll be right at home in the waves. They're tepid at this time of night. Settled by the moonlight that shines down upon them.
Pulling his shirt by the nap of his neck, Jeongguk chucks it to the ground and makes sure he's positioned right beside you.
"There's jellyfish in these waters," you mumble, knowing that it's absolutely a stupid idea —yet you shed yourself of your shirt (that really belongs to him), too.
He's loosening the buttons of his pants, as he says, "S'why I'm keeping my boxers on. Not risking my cock."
"They can probably sting through clothes."
They can't. Not the moon jellies, at least.
"Don't say that," he whines, pushing down his trousers while you also slip out yours. "Bra?"
"Do you mind?"
"Not my tits, are they?" Jeongguk just shrugs. Doesn't think he has any right to tell you how much skin you can show, and it's not like anyone is actually gonna be looking. Not like that at least.
You're on the peripherals. The rest of your friends are kind of coupled up; Danbi with Taehyung, Nabi with Hayun, Namjoon with Hoseok and Jimin... Well, Jimin is Jimin. He's kind of everywhere all at once.
Still, he's well acquainted with your tits, and it's not like seeing him stark bollock naked is gonna do anything for you. Been there, done that, got his housemates T-shirt, or however the saying goes.
"Hmm, they kinda are yours," you shrug, looking across to Jeongguk, sultry through your lashes.
"Don't say shit like that," he husks, a hunger in his pained expression. You don't think he realises that he's licking his lips, toying with his lip ring. "I'll get hard."
Smiling, you roll your eyes, as if it's not exactly the reaction you wanted. "You're so easy."
"Fuck off," he grins. "But no, do whatever you like. "
Secretly, Jeongguk likes the idea of other people knowing what you look like beneath your clothes. Likes that he's the one who gets to touch you. Likes that it's mouth that will no doubt be sucking on your nipples before the night is over.
Maybe he does have a thing for exhibitionism... fuck .
One thing is for sure, though: he's getting a semi now that he's thinking about it.
Thankfully, Soeyeon and Yoongi are counting everyone down. Sitting on the beach still, they're watching on. Have done it once before. Don't feel the need to do it again. Also kinda wanna just be alone for a second, just to indulge in one another.
Reaching up your back, you snap the clasp apart, and let your bra drop to the sand below you. Have completely forgotten about the fact that there's more than just you and Jeongguk around. He's all that you're looking at, and it's reciprocated.
"I'm so fucking obsessed with you," Jeongguk states. Plain and simple. No frills. What's the point in pretending like he isn't? Should have told you months ago. "Like... Holy shit."
Yelping a little as Jeongguk grabs your hand, your other hand holding onto your poor unsupported tits as you hurtle into the freezing water, the adrenaline is enough to keep you going.
You're far too drunk to be doing something so reckless, but Jeongguk keeps himself close to you. Won't ever let you get into danger. Hooks an arm around your waist. Doesn't let you go.
"Can't just say shit like that," you laugh, water splashing around you.
Your friends are close by, basking in the moonlight, but all you focus on is him.
"Why not?"
" 'Cause ," is all you say, and it gets Jeongguk beaming from ear to ear.
Though it's dark, there's enough light from the shoreline lights to clue you in on the dimples that are forming; his happiness hard to hide.
"I can stop, if you like?" he offers, that smile still ever-present.
"No, you can't," you smile right back. "You can't just stop being obsessed with someone. Can't just lose that."
"True," he accepts, and then just decides fuck it. Keeps an arm wrapped around your back, the gentle waves lapping against your shoulders, while his other hand rests at the base of your throat. Gets a little closer. Nudges his nose up against yours. Husks, "think losing you would destroy me, B."
"Mhmm?" You tease, reciprocating, nudging your nose deeper against his. "Better hold me tighter, then."
And so he does. Gets your chest pressed to his. Tightens his grip around your throat. You're at his disposal. Holds every single fucking card —and for once, you're happy to lose control. For Jeongguk, you'll fold.
"Tight enough?" He whispers, keeping both afloat as his lips brush yours—until the sound of Namjoon yelling from across the shallow water pulls you and Jeongguk away from the intimacy of your shared embrace.
"Out!" He bellows. "Jellyfish! Everyone out!"
You and Jeongguk somehow hold onto each other even tighter, yet both turn to face the commotion.
"I'm dying," Hoseok wails as Namjoon drags him from the shallow water, Seoyeon and Yoongi rushing over to see what's happened. Knowing Hoseok, it's a lot of fuss over nothing.
"You're fine," Namjoon mumbles, manhandling Hoseok's leg to get a better look once they're safely on the shore. "Yoongi—" he looks over to ask for his phone, of which Yoongi is already passing over, flash on. "—Ah, thanks."
Jeongguk tosses you his shirt as soon as you get to the sand, blocking you from the sight of anyone else but him. Once you're decent, he holds your hand to drag you a little faster to where Hoseok is on the brink of certain death.
"It's fine. Was just a moon jelly," Namjoon assesses, thumb rubbing over the reddening rash on Hoseok's calf. "There's not been any reports of Nomura's jellies out this far yet."
"Should I piss on it?" Jimin asks, and is subsequently shooed away by Danbi.
"I'll die before I let any of you piss on me," Hoseok hisses, then turns to Namjoon. Is ever so sweet as he says, "Unless you think I should?"
Both you and Jeongguk look on in mildly amused horror.
"Is this... flirting?" Jeongguk quietly asks you, nodding towards the treacle-filled eyes Hoseok is looking at Namjoon with.
"I think so?" you giggle so quietly only he can hear you, as your arms wrap around his bare waist. "Please don't ask me to piss on you, too."
"Might be hot," Jeongguk mumbles, draping his arm over your shoulders, pressing a kiss into your wet hair.
"Shut up."
Once it's been assessed that Hoseok really won't die (and Jimin has offered his piss on at least two more occasions) it's decided that bedtime is calling. Quick showers are had to wash off the remnants of the ocean, taken in tandem as some people busy themselves cleaning up the kitchen to make it easier for the morning.
"Hey," Jeongguk says quietly, catching your arm as you walk towards your door after your shower. A small yelp escapes your lips as he pulls you into your room, but there's no resistance from you.
Not when he shuts the door.
Not when he presses your back up against it.
Not when towers above you and traps you in place with his body.
And most definitely not as he presses a kiss into your lips.
Oh, it's so bloody predictable by now. It's like you lose all sense of authority when Jeongguk shows even the lightest dominance.
But there's an undeniable authority to the way in which he touches you, one hand flat to the door beside your head, while the other grips onto your waist. Lips safely right where they're supposed to be, Jeongguk's hip press against your tummy.
Oh, hello.
You softly moan into his lips, surprised by his sudden need to have you like this -but you're not complaining. Not in the slightest. In fact, the way your hands grip his waist and pull him tighter against you would suggest that this is exactly what you've been craving.
"Missed you," he mumbles against your lips.
"Been ten minutes," you hum into his.
"Too long." His hands roam. They're everywhere all at once. Can't decide which part of your body he wants the most. Knows he wants it all. Won't be satisfied until he has it all. "Fuckin' hate showers without you."
"Careful," you whisper, a pretty smile on your lips as he steals a hundred tiny kisses. "You really are starting to sound obsessed."
He just nods. "I am."
Jeongguk speaks in hyperbole. Embroiders his words with the silliest of sequins. Exaggerates just to make you giggle a little.
Now is no exception; except for the fact it's as honest as it is dramatic.
He's also as horny as he is smitten. Wastes no time getting you right where he wants you.
Hands pinned above your head, pressed into the soft feather down of your pillow, Jeongguk trails his lips up your neck.
Wet and wanting, the kisses he dapples your skin in are intentional. He wants your body squirming beneath his much like it is now; the breaths hitching in your throat reaching a point of instability that will no doubt turn into the moans he adores so much.
"Gguk," you rasp, and struggle a little against the grip he has on you —even though it's really just a ruse to get the friction between you both a little more heightened.
He knows what you're doing. Knows you well. Tightens his grip, and presses your wrists deeper into the cotton.
"Mhmm?" He encourages you to keep talking. Loves your voice. Loves hearing it when he's hard. His hips match the pressure of his hand that's pinning down your wrists as he grinds between your legs.
"The others," you reply, voice a little low in tone. "They're still—"
"Don't care," he tells you, lips pressing up your neck to your ear. His tongue flicks against your lobe. Nibbles down. Lips migrate to your cheek. One, two, three pretty kisses until he finds your lips. Steals just one, and says, "Only care about you."
The way your chest presses up to his as you laugh, face turning slightly away from him as a smile breaks on your pouty lips, has Jeongguk realising maybe you should be quiet. He doesn't want anyone else falling in love with you, too.
Wants to keep you his; your laughter all bottled up for him, and him alone.
He's insane at the mere thought of you with someone else. Insatiable every time he hears you laugh at a joke made by someone that isn't him. Interwoven into the fabric of his DNA is the way he feels about you; chemical. Chronic. Catastrophic.
But you're beneath the weight of his body, now, and you're giggling because of him .
"You do care," you tell him regardless. "Your ex is literally down—"
"Not my ex."
Jeongguk interrupts you in a way that sort of just stops you in your tracks. He loosens the grip he has on your wrists, and fills the space in his palm with your cheek, instead. It's not the first time he's downplayed the magnitude of Hayun's impact, but it's always felt like he was kidding himself. The sternness of his tone, this time, is different. Decisive. Final.
"Please don't be hung up on her," he adds. "I'm not."
"No, B." Nose nudging up against yours, he's soft when he asks, "Do you trust me?"
With a tepid nod, you confirm that you do. Let your fingers intertwine with his. Say, "With my life."
And so you sink; into the sheets, into his kisses, into the way it feels to be fucked by a man who wouldn't call this fucking at all.
It's more than that. Leg bent at the knee over his elbow, his lips buried into the crook of your neck, Jeongguk isn't searching for relief. He's seeking refuge. Finding a home inside you - and when your walls begin to tighten around him, nails scratching down his back as his lips latch onto your chest, he knows he's found one. Has the keys. Can lock the door. Keep himself safe.
Safe, safe, safe.
You, you, you.
Doesn't take much for him to come undone. Not much at all. Would be embarrassing, if he didn't feel so secure with you.
"Shit," he husks against you in the comedown of it all. Swears, "You were fuckin' made for me, B. Made for me."
His kisses trail all over your body. There's not an inch of skin he doesn't want.
"Always take me so well, don't you?" He praises your spent body, as he nestles into the sheets beside you. Shuffles a little further down the bed so his lips can wrap around your nipples. Lets his hand dip to your soaked pussy. Says nothing as he begins to rub sensual circles against your clit.
"Gguk," you whine, writhing a little in the sheets. You're just as spent as he is.
"Mhmm?" he mumbles, sucking your nipple deeper into his mouth. The sensation of his tongue rubbing against your hardened bud is enough to drive you insane, but the way he toys with your pussy? Even when he's already made you cum? God, he's criminal . A sinner .
"I'll cum again," you whine, shoulders pressing back into the sheets —which only encourages him more.
He sinks a finger into your cunt, with little care for the fact it's just been stuffed with his cock, and that is currently full of his own cum.
"Fuck," you sigh into the sensation, a second finger joining the first.
"Let yourself," he says, pulling himself away from your chest, sinking further down the sheets, until he's between your legs. Does nothing for a moment. Just takes in the sight of you. "Fuckin' love his cunt." Begins to fuck his fingers into you with a little more precision. Gets you writhing . Smirks. "You like that, don't you, baby? Like me pushing my cum into you, huh?"
"Mhmm," is all you can manage to whimper as he begins to stroke up against your sweetest of spots—and when his lips hungrily lap around your clit, you know you're done for.
It doesn't take long for an orgasm to crash over you like the waves you were caught in with him earlier that night.
He teases you through your orgasm, not easing up his fingers nor the suction of his lips. Praises you in the afterglow. Tells you how pretty you are. Prowls back up the bed. Kisses you slowly, then presses his slick covered fingers to your lips. As you accept them into your mouth, he says, "That's it, baby. Clean them up for me. Good girl. Such a good girl for me."
And yet it's Jeongguk who cleans the sheets up when you go to the bathroom to sort yourself out. He's a good boy. A good boy for you .
Waiting for you by the door afterwards, he simply holds his hand out. Guides you downstairs. Decides you'll sleep in his room. Faces no resistance from you in the slightest.
Why would he? All you ever seem to wanna do these days is curl up beside him. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when—but if it did, in a bed at two in the morning would seem like a good place for it.
Come the morning, nobody is particularly pleased for the early wakeup, but the coastal hike itself is pretty painless. Despite your previous deliberations, you decide that Danbi is right. There's no need for you to try and get on Hayun's good side.
She sure as hell hasn't tried to get on yours, so what's the point? Will just bring you unnecessary stress that you could really do without.
That being said, you leave Jeongguk to his own devices for the morning. Spend the hike with Danbi and Tae. Hoseok is back by the house, nursing his 'wounds', and Namjoon—the only person who actually seemed excited about the coastal hike—is right there with him, tending him back to full health.
"They're so into each other," Danbi says. "So smitten . It's gross ."
You just look at her —then at the boy whose hand she's holding— and furrow your brows. "Pot, kettle, black?"
"Fuck off," she laughs. "Not like you've got a leg to stand on, little miss 'ohhh, we're just friends .'"
"Fuck off," you laugh right back, but don't argue against her. She has a point, after all.
It's proven when Jeongguk sheepishly comes to your room as you're packing your bags up.
"Hey," you smile as you glance over towards him for just a second. "Nearly finished. Can't find one of my bras."
"It's in with my stuff," Jeongguk says without missing a beat. Knows he packed a few things of yours up with his. A natural consequence of merging into one another's space in the way that you two so often do.
When you look over at him once again, you notice the way he's got one of his arms outstretched. Is waiting for you to fill the space beneath it.
So you do.
Chin resting on his chest, you're looking up at him, smiling as he looks down. There's a little glitter on his skin. Perfection .
"Gotta run the people who came by train back to the station. Wish I could put you in my pocket and just take you everywhere," he mumbles, as if that's a normal thing to say to the girl he's been trying to convince everyone is simply just a friend.
"That'd be really inconvenient."
"No." He simply says.
He mumbles an indication of his disagreement, as the hazy, love-drunk curve of his lips presses down into yours.
The kiss is quick. Fleeting. Just enough to reassure him that he's been making the right choices. Making good decisions.
Pulling away from him, there's a pleasant smile on your lips that just absolutely refuses to budge. There's one on Jeongguk's face too, as he watches on, still leaning against the door frame.
"That wasn't very friendly," you say softly of the teeny tiny kiss you shared.
"No," he agrees. "It wasn't."
A small pad of paper and pen had been left in every room by the host of the house. Just standard hotel-type stuff. Nothing fancy. Not branded. Barely used, 'cause people just tend to use their phones these days, but still a nice thing to have.
Jeongguk had left a few doodles in yours over the weekend. Nothing big, nor fancy—but notably, they're all ripped out when he goes to open it once more, for you've tucked them away in your purse. Keepsakes. Little mementoes. Line drawings of stars, and sketches of your unmade bed. Yours, forever.
You're not really watching him, too busy making sure you've got the last of your items back, as he begins to scribble down into it once more. This time, he's the one who rips it out. Rips it again, to re-shape the rectangle note into a square. Folds it with little precision. Doesn't care for perfection in the same way that he usually does.
His creation is tucked into his back pocket before you even really notice what he's doing.
"Who's going to the station? Hobes, Nam, and Hayun, right?"
Jeongguk nods. "Yeah."
You nod, too. Turn to look at him. Say, "She's not allowed to ride shotgun."
It's not like you mean it. You're just joking .
But you do also say, "That's my space."
And Jeongguk agrees (even if it will enrage Jimin later in the afternoon). It is your space.
So he makes her ride in the back. Says that the seatbelt isn't working properly. "Safety precautions."
In a way, it is a safety precaution—just one for your heart, instead of Hayun's health.
Once they reach the station, Jeongguk helps to ferry the luggage to the platform with them all, and agrees to watch it with Hayun as Namjoon and Hoseok run to grab coffee. It's just an excuse for them to flirt, and he knows this. Decides to let them indulge it. Knows he'd have been annoyed if anyone got in the way of his time spent with you in the early days.
Hell, he gets annoyed at it now. Wants you all to himself, all of the time.
Small talk is made with Hayun. Weather and whatnot. Events of the weekend. Perfectly pleasant, and entirely forced.
Until she says, "So what's the deal then, huh? What's going on with you two?"
Still, she refuses to address you as anything more than a pronoun. Doesn't want to give you the luxury of an authentic existence in her own mind.
"No deal," Jeongguk says.
"Oh come on," she nudges her shoulder against his arm, but is surprised when he dodges the touch.
The Jeongguk she once knew would have thought about the exchange for weeks. This Jeongguk seems to want it erased entirely.
"God, you're touchy," she says, stifling a laugh. "She's turned you into such a"-
"Don't," Jeongguk says, tone soft but stern. "This kind of conversation isn't fair, Hayun. Not on me, and not on yourself. Not on anyone ."
He doesn't name drop you specifically, but the implication is there. She understands. Wishes she didn't.
It's a strange reality for her to live in. One that feels uncomfortable, and new, and foreign.
Yes, she's with a man who once knew her body better than she knew her own mind, but he's entirely different.
The Jeongguk who had drunkenly sobbed into her voicemail for months on end is not the Jeongguk who came out of his room holding your hand yesterday afternoon.
The Jeongguk who had fucked Hayun with more tenderness, more care, more devotion than any other man ever has, is not the Jeongguk who holds you when you cry.
No, the Jeongguk she once knew no longer exists. His vessel is largely the same, yes, but he's got stardust in his veins, now. When he bleeds, he bleeds for you.
"I took you for granted," Hayun admits, arms folded tight over her chest, cherry-red lips pursed. "You're right. I'm sorry."
And it confuses Jeongguk.
Confuses him, 'cause he would have done anything to hear Hayun say it this time last year.
Confuses him, 'cause she seems sincere and yet he doesn't believe her to be, nor does he really care.
Confuses him, 'cause the only thing it really makes him feel is sick.
He remedies the unpleasantness with thoughts of you. God . He just wants to get back to you.
"Or maybe you were right," he offers instead, trying to ease the situation. "Maybe there really is no such thing as right person, wrong time."
She frowns. "How so?"
"If it was the right person, it'd be the right time," he shrugs.
Thinks he met you at the perfect time. Wishes he had met you sooner, but knows he wouldn't have been ready.
"And is she that person?" Hayun finally pouts, deflated. "Is it the right time for her ?"
Jeongguk presses his lips together. Never imagined a reality in which he'd ever be telling Hayun any of this about another girl. Nods. Says, "Yun, when we... Well, you know. Back then, I projected my feelings onto you a lot. Thought that maybe if you saw how much I cared, that you'd care, too—"
"I did."
"No," Jeongguk stops her. "Not in the same way I did. We both know that. Yun, it felt... Felt like I was always fighting a losing battle with you. Sorta got myself hooked on the pain. Sorta like an addiction, in a way."
"That's morbid."
"That's the truth," he shrugs. "But the only thing I've ever fought when it comes to B is my own bloody head."
For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, he glances down at Hayun. Sees her for exactly what she is: just a girl. Was special, 'cause he decided that she was—but she's never sparkled like you do.
He's never had any control over the way he sees you.
"I really care about her," Jeongguk admits. "I can't... I can't be an emotional crutch for you. Not someone to run back to, not someone to confide in in the way that you do. I'm not someone you can flirt with just because you're bored, or lonely."
Every sentence he speaks is like a sucker punch to her chest. She wishes the train would just hurry up.
"I really want to make things work with B."
Shaking her head, arms still tightly folded over her chest, Hayun can't believe the bullshit he's spewing. Thinks he never would have said this shit before you came around.
"So you're just throwing us away?" She almost spits. "Years of friendship, Jeongguk—"
"Years of you using me," he corrects.
"I never—"
"You did," he says firmly, not caring to let her manipulate the situation. "Might not have been your intention, but it is what it is."
Silence hums in between the roaring of train engines. The platform they're on remains empty. Stagnated.
"I didn't mean to," she grumbles. Looks away. Seems to be a shell of herself.
And Jeongguk really does think she means it. Wants to believe that no one would ever be that intentionally cruel.
"I know."
He's not after a fight. Isn't after anything really. Only wants to solidify the foundations you've been building together, and knows that he has to put in a little extra work on his end. Wants you to be secure. Knows you never will be if Hayun is still in the picture.
"Look," he sighs. "We're still gonna see each other around. Still gonna get on just fine —but there's no need for us to hang out one-on-one. No need to catch up. All my news for the foreseeable future is gonna be about B, anyways, and let's not pretend like it's something you'll actually care to hear about."
"What makes her different?" Hayun huffs, taking a seat on the empty bench in the middle of the platform. "What's so special about her?"
"You've met her," Jeongguk states, not joining her on the bench. Keeps his distance. "You know exactly why she's special, Hayun."
She scoffs. Shakes her head.
"So that's it? We're just not friends any more all because of some girl you've known for five minutes?"
"I'm not fighting with you about this. It doesn't have to be a fight."
"You're abandoning me and you expect me to be cool about it?" she scathes. "Throwing away everything we've ever shared all because of some fucking girl—"
"Hayun, I'm in love with her."
He doesn't mean to say it. Doesn't even really realise that he has until she falls silent.
But it's simple, and it's true, and it's acceptance; the way he feels about you has been spoken into existence. It's not big. Not scary. Just a fact of life.
"If she loved you—"
"You've no right to speak on how someone who loves me should treat me," Jeongguk laughs, cutting Hayun off. Really can't be fucked with her anymore. "She never asked me to have this conversation with you, if that's where you're going with this. She's my priority. I'm having this conversation because I know you have a tendency to overstep boundaries and I'll be damned if I let you fuck this up, Hayun."
Silence resumes.
"Look," he eventually sighs. "You were really important to me for a really long time. I'll always have time for you if you desperately need it... but I can't live in the past. Not when I have a future that I'm really excited about. Not when I have a present that makes me feel the way that it does."
But Hayun doesn't like this. Doesn't understand. Is annoyed. Pissed off that she isn't winning.
"Is she better than me?" She asks, deliberately getting a little vulgar, now. Wants him thinking about what it's like to fuck her. Think it's where she'll always reign supreme.
Jeongguk doesn't want to entertain it. "You're different."
Hayun doubles down. "Is she better?"
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to," Jeongguk simply shrugs.
"I'll take that as a no," Hayun smirks. Thinks she's won, 'cause why else would not just say 'no'?
But this really does piss Jeongguk off. Gets his jaw tense. Has him snapping.
"This little act of yours ain't cute, Hayun," he laughs—but it's not enough.
There's venom on his tongue, and the only way for him to save himself is to spit it at her instead.
"You ever been fucked by someone who loves you?" He hisses. "Huh? You know how fucking good it is when the person you're with actually gives a shit about you?"
Hayun is silent. They both know the answer. Knows the reason she can't let go is 'cause there's no way she'll get anyone who ever cared as much as he did.
Past tense.
"Don't ask stupid fuckin' questions," he finally says, a little softer in his tone, but still incredibly stern. She's done damage that can't be undone. He can deal with her being shitty to him, but it's different when she's shitty towards you. "In fact, don't ask jack shit about my fuckin' sex life. That's what I mean by overstepping boundaries. Know your place."
"I didn't mean—"
"I don't care," he says with a shrug of his shoulders as he turns to leave. She doesn't need his help to watch the bags. Her burdens are no longer his. "Conversation's done, Hayun. Couldda been amicable but you just couldn't help yourself. I'm sure I'll see you at the wedding."
He swallows down a 'get home safe', knowing that she'll be fine. Doesn't need his well-wishes, even if he does feel like an asshole.
There's a slight curve to Hayun's lips as he walks away. Proof that she can get under his skin, she thinks. False confirmation that he secretly still cares. Complete delusion. Ignorance of the fact it's his feelings for you that have him riled up. Protective .
His blood is all hot. Those damn stars are burning too brightly in his veins. Feels like they're gonna burst. His chest too, heart beating faster than should really be possible. Matches the speed at which he tanks his car down the country lanes back to the house. Back to you.
And yet when he's parked up in the driveway, he can't help but sit for a little while. Ruminate. Ponder the state of his circumstances. Wonder how it all came to reach this point.
Hands still on his wheel, as he glances up towards the house, it all just kind of fades away. He really did mean it when he said you help him forget about all the bad shit. When he focuses in on you, all he sees is the good.
So he pulls himself together. Greets you with a squeeze of your waist as he walks past and sets to loading up the car. Doesn't check the side-house, 'cause he trusts you to have remembered everything. Relinquishes control to you in a way that's unusual of him—but nothing about the pair of you is entirely 'usual'.
Never has been.
Jeongguk thinks he'd like it if your unusual affection for one another became the usual for you. Strange to others, maybe, but just right for him.
"No, call it again. Reload!" Jimin whines when you call shotgun just before all leave.
Jeongguk doesn't reload. Says, "Don't hate the player, hate the game."
Jimin threatens to use Jeongguk's good towel when he gets home, but it doesn't work.
See, Jeongguk wants you close. Close, close, close. Wants to hold your hand when he drives, but knows that he can't, so settles on this instead.
It's about twenty minutes into the drive when Jimin starts whining again. You've fallen asleep, the lull of the heater and chilled playlist Jeongguk has chosen soothing you. It's been an exhausting weekend, and it's not like you've been sleeping enough. Had told yourself you wouldn't fuck Jeongguk, not even once, throughout the weekend. Failed.
Jeongguk hushes his friend. "Don't wake her. She's not been sleeping well."
Yeah, Jimin internally scoffs. Heard it for myself.
Thankfully, he does settle. Can sense Jeongguk isn't in the mood to bicker. Eventually, Jimin naps too, and so do Danbi and Taehyung. It's a quiet journey, but one that Jeongguk thinks he needed. Alone time was sparse for the past few days. He needs a moment to recharge.
Traffic is light for a Sunday, roads peaceful. Often, he's the only car for miles. Likes it better this way.
It's a solid half an hour before he speaks again.
"Rise and shine," Jeongguk says softly, pulling you from your tranquil state. Still in the passenger seat of his car, he gently squeezes your knee, helping to bring you back to the realm of the living.
"Hmm?" you chirp, a little confused as you begin to stretch out.
You're unfamiliar with your surroundings, but can tell you're at a service station. It's a carbon copy of all the other ones along the motorway, just with slightly different bedazzled tat on offer in the marque stall out the front of it. Trot music blares from the speakers, and the scent of fried snack foods waft in through the open windows of his car.
The parking lot has ample space for three hundred cars, but you're not sure there's even thirty here. Cracks in the cement floor are sprouting with fresh spring weeds, and the empty retail units out front are almost indistinguishable from the ones that are still in business. It's drab. Bleak. Void of life.
"Where are the others?" You question, glancing behind yourself to see that the backseats are all empty.
"Wanted food," he clarifies, hand now resting on your inner thigh. You don't mind. Not in the slightest. "Said I'd wait with you and see if you wanted anything."
It's sweet, the way his eyes are always deep and dark whenever they look at you. There's an innocence to Jeongguk—to his intentions—even if you know that he isn't innocent in the slightest.
It boils down to the fact he's a genuinely good person. Will never let someone be left out, even if they are sleepy and would have happily slept through the entire service stop. The light shining in through the windows illuminates his dewy skin, highlighting all the teeny tiny flecks of glitter on him. It makes you smile. Makes you part your legs a little wider.
It's not like you're actively looking to entice him—you're just sleepy, and cosy, and he's handsome, and lovely. It's a match made in heaven.
The way his half-zipped sweatshirt hangs off his frame, revealing the vest that's tight to his chest, just really does something to you. Paired with the chain you know looks oh so good when it's dangling in front of your face?
Well, who could blame you?
Jeongguk smirks. Narrows those big brown Bambi eyes of his. Says, "From the shop. I'm checking to see if you want anything from the shop. Not from me."
"I'm all good," you shake your head, then stretch into a comfier position. Jeongguk stays with you. Doesn't bother going to get himself a snack. Will eat when he's home. Just wants to revel in the last few moments alone before your friends rejoin you.
Once they do, the rest of the drive is plain sailing.
You're dropped off first, Danbi staying in the car to head straight to Taehyung's place.
In all honesty, you'd been expecting to enjoy the quiet after a weekend of chaos. A chance to recharge your batteries. Time alone is typically your favourite way to unwind.
And yet today it isn't. In fact, you feel lonely, which is a rarity.
There's an emptiness to your bedroom.
With Danbi at Taehyung's, and Jeongguk at his own place, you don't really know what to do with yourself. Your entire afternoon routine feels lethargic. Unexciting. You shower, put on your laundry, have a mild panic because a rogue hair slide makes the washing machine wail for a while, then hang it out to dry on the roof of your apartment building.
You've not got much of a cityscape view from the rooftop—not like Jeongguk's apartment does—but it's something better than nothing. In a block of low-rise apartment buildings, you've always been quietly fond of the area. The traffic is light, a few roads back from the busy main street, and there's only one yappy pomeranian in the next building over to disturb the peace. It's home.
Elbows resting on the rooftop wall, you can't help but frown as a sad reality begins to kick in. The lease is up in a few months. Given how much time Danbi spends at Taehyung's studio, it seems only natural for her to move in with him when the time comes.
Moving doesn't appeal to you right now. You're settled. Content. Sure, Hoseok could move in, but he's gotten used to the expensive end of town. You doubt he'd be willing to come back to the squalor of your district.
Equally, Jeongguk and Jimin already have a pretty stable arrangement - not that you'd even want to live with them. You and Jimin have conflicting interior design tastes, and Jeongguk is annoying enough as it is. Living with him would only serve to make you lose your mind.
You've many options, realistically. Roommates, finding somewhere smaller, keeping the place you currently have but doubling your monthly rent expenses. All viable choices.
Still, it's nothing that needs to be decided yet. Both time and circumstances will change. They always do. Decisions, the good and bad, still have time to be made.
Flopping down onto your bed when you get back into your apartment, there's a weight to your shoulders. A sigh in your lungs. An ache where your heart resides.
With every pulse of your heart you can feel it.
And so can Jeongguk.
On his back, staring up at his own ceiling, he's silent. The echo of the TV vibrates through the wall, Jimin on the other side, but Jeongguk just sort of blocks it all out. Arm draped over his own waist, forlorn eyes studying the slight movement of the washi-taped birds in his AC unit breeze, there's little else he can think of but you.
It's not like this is a new thing. It's been months of Jeongguk having a disco ball for a brain. A slow process, he thinks. Was just flecks of glitter at first, trapped in his limbic system. Somewhere between the amygdala and hypothalamus.
But they multiplied. Spiralled. Crystalised.
And now his brain is hundreds of tiny mirrored shards, all reflecting an image of you.
Part of him thinks it should drive insane; that it should feel claustrophobic to never have his brain to himself.
He simply doesn't feel that way, though. Can't explain it. Just is what it is.
Thoughts of you are interrupted by the presence of Jimin —although it's not like the thoughts actually cease to exist. It's sort of like music playing when you're reading a book, or the sound of crashing waves while you sunbathe on the beach. Just 'cause he's distracted, doesn't mean they aren't there.
Jeongguk says nothing, just grunts as Jimin crashes down onto his bed uninvited. Facedown, Jimin doesn't know nor care of the importance that Jeongguk's origami birds hold. They've been such a staple in his housemate's bedroom for years at this point. Existed well before you—though he did notice the increase in them after you.
"Speak to me," Jimin mumbles, voice muffled by Jeongguk's sheets.
There's no care for formalities. No specification of what Jeongguk should speak about. He already knows.
Still, he says, "About?"
"About Disco Ball, dumbass."
But what's there to say?
"Can't keep bottling shit up, man. It'll destroy your head," Jimin adds. Has seen it happen once before. Cares too much for his friend to let it happen again.
"Not much to say," Jeongguk dismisses, just like Jimin thought he would. It's so typical of him.
"We both know that's not entirely true, don't we?"
"Do we?"
"Well, what?" Jeongguk sighs. Rubs across his face with the heel of his palm. Keeps his eyes closed as he shakes his head.
"The walls were far thinner than you thought they were, Gguk," is all Jimin says. It's all he needs to say, but also thinks that Jeongguk needs a little push. "Y'know there's this old proverb— Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
"That's not a proverb," Jeongguk frowns. "It's a quote from the film B made us watch after the last Notebook screening."
"Shut up," Jimin says, realising that he has just in fact quoted a 'A Cinderella Story ' at Jeongguk. "Doesn't matter. Is still true. The longer you go on with 'just friends' bullshit, the more and more she'll start to believe that's how you really feel, and then you'll lose her."
"I won't"—
"Shut up," Jimin repeats. "You'll lose her, 'cause she'll find someone that's proud to show her off. Will find someone who doesn't hide her. At the moment it's like you're ashamed of her."
It's not like that in the slightest. Jimin doesn't think it comes across like that to anyone, but he needs Jeongguk to wise up. Needs him to do something.
And even though Jimin is unaware of the Seokjin history, and the way in which you were shunned by someone you loved, Jeongguk isn't. Is well too aware that you've been made to feel like that before. Hates the thought of ever doing it to you too. Echoes of 'you sound just like him' makes his hairs stand on end, goosebumps ghosting his skin. He'll be damned if he's ever compared to your scumbag of an ex again.
"What if it's not what she wants?" Jeongguk says quietly.
"But what if it is?"
Jeongguk stays silent for a moment. Glances over to his chessboard, where a dishevelled bird sits. It barely looks like a bird anymore, thanks to his stroppy fists that tossed it across the room a couple of months ago.
Wings crumpled, it's been through the wars.
And yet when Jeongguk shows up at your door unannounced, holding the bird in his palm, he tries to pretend like it's totally normal.
Looks at it, then looks at you.
Says, "It fell."
"Into what?" you laugh, dressed in nothing more than one of his shirts and a pair of tiny shorts that have no business riling him up in the way that they do. "A literal rock-paper-scissors battle?"
"Erm," Jeongguk stutters. "No. I, uh. Fuck."
Showered and changed, he's now wearing a baggy sweater you've seen a few times before. Have always been tempted to steal it, but never got the chance. If it ends up on your bedroom floor tonight, it's fair game. The silver of his chain peeks out from the neckline, his lip ring glistening as he toys with it.
He struggles to find the words—and then just thinks fuck it.
What's the worst that could happen?
"No," he corrects himself. "Fell into my fist. Well, no, onto my back, and then I balled it up in my fists. Couple of months ago, actually. Anyways, I, uh—" he pauses. Is so nervous he's pretty sure he'll be sweating through his sweater. Looks to the floor. Shakes his head. Get a grip, man. "It's one of mine. I want to do it."
"Okay?" You question, raising the pitch of your voice as you gesture for him to come inside. His demeanour is very unlike his usual self, but it kind of reminds you of the Jeongguk you first met. It's cute. Sweet. Timid. "Can I read it?"
Hesitant, Jeongguk passes the bird to you. Kicks off his shoes. Walks away from you. Settles on the sofa. Wants to scream into a pillow, but is trying to look cool about things, even if his blood is burning red hot in his veins.
The way it feels like your heart is in your throat as you go to read the words out loud is a shared experience. Jeongguk's all of a tither, too. Hides it far better. When you glance over at him, you almost can't see his nerves. The soft purple mood lighting helps.
It's his eyes that give him away. So big. So sparky. Full of stars. All for you.
Just like the fear scribbled into his bird is all for you, too.
Admit your feelings.
You look over to him, then back down to the paper. Take a moment.
He says nothing. Nibbles down on his bottom lip. Is beautiful in the breakdown of his bastions. Walls need not be kept up any more. There's no point.
"Okay..." You say slowly. Assumptions would be disastrous right now, you think. "To who?"
Jeongguk swallows back his nerves. Looks you dead in the eye as he confirms the conclusions you're so desperately trying not to jump to.
It's not enough. You're still second-guessing.
"Admit your feelings to me... about who?"
Jeongguk would laugh if he didn't feel like the world is caving in around him. His head is spinning.
Or maybe it's just him. 
Orbiting. Crashing. Colliding.
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Leaked- Part 2
I decided to break this up too so there will be a third and final part. Part 1 here
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@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @prettyxxxplease @moons-v @btsfluffsworld @shycreationdreamland @namjooningera @scuzmunkie I think I tagged everyone that asked. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Some mention of an accident/trauma below.
“Would you guys like anything to drink?”, you asked trying to break the awkward silence. Namjoon shook his head, “No thank you. We’re sorry to drop in unannounced likes this Y/N.” “Don’t worry about it. How can I help you two?”, you said while motioning for them to have a seat. They were both hesitant which made you even more nervous. You had already complied with everything that was asked of you. What more could they want?
Yoongi spoke first, “We want to apologize to you. This whole situation was mishandled.” You were confused yet intrigued to hear what else they had to say. Namjoon continued, “Last week we found out some new information about who leaked our album. Remember how you can mentioned a former disgruntled employee and you suggested that maybe he had something to do with it?” You nodded and you thought your heart might beat through your chest. Yoongi took over this time, “Well last week the company received an anonymous email from someone threatening to make Jimins relationship known to the public. They were able to trace the email and found that it came from that disgruntled employee. While going through his computer they found the original file of the album and he admitted to being the one that leaked it.”
Namjoon continued from there, “Y/N we’re really sorry that we blamed you. We should’ve waited for them to investigate. We were just so upset and you were the only other person outside of the company to know about it. We feel awful.” You sat in silence unsure of how to react. Yoongi chimed in again, “We want to invite you over to the new house for dinner. Jin has a whole seven course meal planned. All of your favorites. We’d really like to make amends and have you back in our lives. We miss you.”
On one hand this is what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve missed them so much and you want nothing more than to go back to how things were. On the other hand you were furious and hurt. They accused you of something horrible and didn’t even give you a chance to defend yourself before cutting you out of their lives like you were nothing and now they think a simple sorry and a dinner is going to make it all okay. “Thank you for the apology. I appreciate it. But I think I’ll pass on the dinner.”, you said without looking up. Namjoon reached for your hand, “Are you sure? We’d really like to make it up to you.”
“Yeah I’m sure. You guys were my best friends and the first time something bad happens you immediately accuse me and disown me. I had to go be interrogated by your lawyers like I was some kind of criminal. And all along the person who leaked it was the same person I told you guys about from the start. I’m sorry but inviting me to dinner doesn’t take away all of that hurt. And who’s to say that the next time something bad happens you guys won’t blame me all over again. I don’t want to end up being your scapegoat again and loosing everything.”, you said feeling better after getting it off your chest.
They both nodded their heads in understanding. Yoongi gave you a small smile before heading for the door. Namjoon reached out to shake your hand, “Thank you for speaking with us. Again we’re sorry for everything. Take care of yourself Y/N.” With that they both walked out the door closing it behind them. It was only once they left that you noticed the piece of paper that Namjoon had snuck into your hand, “We’re genuinely sorry. If you ever want to talk again you know our address.” You scoffed and threw away the piece of paper before retreating to your bed.
The next couple weeks went by in a flash. Work was super busy which you were thankful for. It kept your mind busy. Especially after receiving a giant bouquet of flowers from Taehyung and Jin sent a box of his famous cookies as an apology. You were touched that they were trying so hard to reach out but you didn’t want to give in and get hurt again. The thought of going to their house and making amends crossed your mind but you decided to ignore it.
You were excited when you got home from work today. Your good friend was coming over to spend the night. It had been a while since you’d seen each other. You were going to order a ton of food and gossip and have a few drinks. You were also going to watch a special concert that was going to be on the tv. It was the annual BTS charity concert that they held every year to raise money for the children’s hospital. You were still angry at how everything unfolded but you were a fan of theirs long before you were a friend so there was a part of you that was still excited.
The concert was going great. Even all the rain that suddenly appeared didn’t put a damper on things. They were almost all the way through the set list when Namjoon started giving a speech, “This next one is a new never before heard song. We just wrote it within the last couple weeks. It’s an apology song. We made a big mistake and it cost us one of our dearest friends. Y/N, if you’re watching, this one’s for you.” You stared at your tv screen in disbelief. Your friend stared at you in even more disbelief. The song they sang was beautiful. It was about making a bad choice even though it felt right at the time and how it cost them their friend who they saw as family and how they felt broken ever since but they would do anything to make it right. They just didn’t know how.
They played a few more songs before ending the concert but you didn’t really pay any attention after the apology song. You were too stuck in your thoughts. “I have to go.”, you suddenly said to your friend before quickly grabbing your purse and heading out the door.
The wind and rain were brutal and you really wished you would’ve at least grabbed a coat before you left in a rush. Lost in your thoughts you started to walk across the street to get to the bus stop when you saw a flash of lights and heard a loud sound. It sounded like a car horn. You never had a chance to react.
“Wow look at all the emergency vehicles.”, Jungkook spoke. “Yeah I hope everyone’s okay.”, Hoseok said as they all sat in the van waiting for the police officer to give the driver the okay to go around so they could get back home after their concert. “Come on guys. Don’t stare. Someone obviously got hurt very badly for there to be this amount of emergency response.”, Jin let out. The members sat in silence as they watched the paramedics lift up the gurney and start walking someone to the waiting ambulance. As they walked past the van the boys all turned away not wanting to invade this persons privacy in their worst moment. Jimin thought they had finished walking past when he turned his head back around. He gasped, “Guys, the person on the gurney is Y/N.”
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livingformintyoongi · 5 months
Enchanted | Jung Hoseok
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A small drabble I wrote based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift ^^. As to give some context, Reader is younger sister of Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung, who in turn are children of the emperor and Jungkook is the son of a king [just in case, the emperor has more power than the king].
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To say you were tired was an understatement. The purple heels decorated with diamonds were killing your poor heels, the corset barely allowed you to breathe, and you were absolutely certain that at some point in the evening you would step on the overly voluptuous dress and fall face first to the floor, feeling too humiliated to even look the guests in the face.
Your introduction to the guests had been a good while ago, now you were too busy choking on food with your older brother to worry about the others. This, you thought, was the only way you could scare off any suitors.
"Seokjin, Y/N" you both turned in the direction of Namjoon's serious and accusing voice. He was the second eldest, but he definitely seemed to have more authority than Jin. He cleared his throat, trying to get the men next to him to ignore his brothers' behavior, "These are the Jeon brothers," he flashed a charming smile at two of the men, who seemed to be wearing clothes just as expensive as those of your brothers. "They are both interested in doing business with our family, so it's important for them to get to know each other better."
Jin and you looked at each other for a second. Namjoon was trying to introduce you to one of the two to be your fiancé, and Jin had to approve before anything happened. You wanted to kick your brother's pretty little face. 
You looked at Jeon again. If Namjoon was bringing them in as possible fiancées, it meant they had a high position in the hierarchy of nobles that your middle brother and father were so obsessed with. 
You smiled with your lips pressed together, trying not to look as awkward as you seemed, why should you know these people? You were sure they didn't even care about you. Despite that bitter thought, you bowed slightly to both of them and, in the softest voice you could manage, said "A pleasure, I'm Kim Y/N, Emperor Kim's fourth daughter."
The one you thought was the older one, took the back of your hand and left a barely noticeable kiss on your knuckles. You held back the urge to vomit. You hated being touched, let alone kissed without being told that's what you wanted. How rude. The youngest, however, seemed to be too distracted watching something on the other side of the ballroom.
You frowned, watching the direction his eyes were going and following it. It was only then that you realized why he didn't take his attention away from that spot on the dance floor. 
There was a group of four people, two women and two men, and each one was even more beautiful than the last, if that was even possible. The first person to catch your eye was the green-eyed redhead. Her hair had unruly curls tied up in an elegant bun, you weren't sure, as the distance was too far, but you could swear she had freckles on her pale cheeks and upturned nose; she wore a red dress that had white flower decorations on the sides and back, highlighting the color of her skin and eyes. She didn't look like she was from here.
The second person was the one who attracted the gaze of the youngest Jeon. She, unlike the previous one, had wavy blonde hair and wore it perfectly loose, her white skin with pink tones made her sky blue eyes stand out so much that it even looked like it could hurt from admiring them so much. Her dress was of a color similar to her eyes, but darker and with white decorations and sleeves that became loose after resting on her elbows. Yes, you could understand why he couldn't take his eyes off her.
The third was a man. His gray-toned hair stood out more than the rest of the men's, but, without a doubt, the most impressive thing was how pale he looked, for a moment you thought he might faint. He was wearing a dark blue trench coat, very similar to the skin of a crocodile, his black leather pants fit his legs perfectly and the long boots that reached below his ankles shone enough to see your reflection, and you were meters away. You squinted to see what he was wearing under his trench coat. It appeared to be some sort of men's corset, with three thick leather straps encircling his waist.
And the last one that met your gaze was... perfect. His hair, like the girl Jeon didn't seem to want to let out of his sight, was blond, the only difference being that the ends were almost completely black. He wore a black trench coat with gold decorations and black pants that looked much less tight than the boy next to him. He was wearing a vest, which you'd swear was for a pocket watch, the same color as the trench coat and, as a finishing touch, a white tie over his shirt. Now the one who didn't want to look away was you.
You were sure that your brothers and the older Jeon were talking some crap about the kingdom that you were definitely not interested in. There was a blond boy who was too gorgeous not to give him the attention he deserved.
You weren't sure how intently you looked at him, but it was enough that the man turned his gaze in your direction, causing his gaze to collide with yours. Your heart flipped over your chest as you watched him smile brightly at you. 
Who the fuck was that guy and why didn't you know his name yet?
Your heart returned to its normal rhythm as the blonde girl caught your boy's eye - yes, that would be his name by now - and dragged him almost to the door leading to the castle courtyard. Your feet itched from the urge you had to follow both of them. 
You saw the giant clock beside you. 2 AM, would anyone mind if you left the party for a few minutes? You had been standing here making your presence known for over five hours, you thought you had the right to do so.
Just as you turned to say a polite goodbye to the group of men you were obliged to be in, Namjoon gave you a huge smile and showed you the door through which the blond couple had just left. A great urge to vomit flooded you at the thought of that man with another.
"Can you take Jungkook for a walk in the garden? His brother just told me he loves flowers, I'm sure you can have a wonderful warm time chatting about gardening."
Jungkook, who was apparently the younger of the two, looked at you with eyes full of excitement, but you were aware that this glow was not about you, just as you knew he could tell in yours that you were in the same situation as he was. 
"Sure, I'll lead him through the garden until we reach the main entrance," you took Jungkook's hand almost without thinking, running as you lifted your dress with your free hand, you didn't want to let them out of your sight.
When you opened the door, both of you shaken, a wave of disappointment fell over you. There seemed to be no sign of them.
Jungkook, avoiding at all costs to look at you -due to how embarrassed he felt-, let go of your hand and started to walk slowly. You just followed him silently, just as uncomfortable and disappointed as he was.
You couldn't help but imagine the thousand and one scenarios in which that pair would be involved, what if they were kissing? Or holding hands while declaring their undying love for each other? What if he loved her?
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling stupid to be daydreaming about a complete stranger. 
You were still cursing yourself internally when Jungkook put his arm in front of you, stopping your movements. You frowned, ready to start questioning him, but then you heard two voices, one female and one male, they seemed to be arguing.
You and the younger Jeon shared a glance, silently deciding that you would go investigate. Taking advantage of the darkness around you. You walked through the shadows of the large bushes until you came upon a large fountain decorated with a human-sized angel at the top; in front of it were they, though definitely not as you expected.
"I told you, Hoseok, I can't do it" gasped the blonde desperately, shaking out her hair and messing it up. You didn't understand how she could look even better like this.
"Well you'll have to, Jiwon, Yoongi isn't going to let his... whatever it is with Chaeyoung, try to mess with one of them, and you know it" the boy, who you had had a ridiculously strong fixation on, spoke so patiently and softly that even you would have given in to whatever he needed. Although, being honest, you would give in to anything he asked for.
"This is ridiculous" the girl growled, resting her hands on her hips and raising her gaze to the sky. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Jungkook's mouth open slightly in astonishment. You thought you looked the same at the moment, but for a very different reason than he did.
"Just this once, you just have to talk to him, nothing more," your throat went dry as you watched him beg the girl for help. You had never seen a man beg so much for something. Now you were curious as to what it was that he was so reluctant to do.
Your intention in getting a little closer to them was not to be discovered, but, just as you predicted moments ago, those stupid heels had ended up getting tangled with the giant skirt and, consequently, making you fall. Face to the ground. With the garden freshly watered. At the feet of both of you. You wanted to die.
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hobisstar · 1 year
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What are you hiding from love?| Yandere!Jk x Reader V Last Part
Summary: Being in a relationship with Jungkook you’ve always noticed the signs, the red flags if you will. Being so in love with him you ignored them, until the people you loved dearly started disappearing one by one.
Warnings: Murder, Jungkook victim blaming ( like he will say i killed you because you are too stupid or whatever), Possessiveness, Mentions of Smut, Controlling, Locking up YN.
Taglist: vante 🫶🏾
A/N: This is made to be scary! That is all. I honestly dont like mixing smut with yandere because i read yandere fics to be spooked not horny lol. This has been absolutely fun to write for you guys! Im so happy how much love it had gotten over the past month since ive been writing it! I love you all so so much! Enjoy!
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Its been about two years since Jungkook decided to let yn go on her own! So far, yn has become the owner of the coffee shop, has opened up plenty of them across Asia and plans to open some in The Untied States.
Life has been looking absolutely beautiful for yn! But heres the thing.
Bodies have been discovered. Fresh bodies. Of course going through what she went through with Jungkook, she feared that this was his doing. That the so called hobby has now reached the news channels. Though it says that the crimes has been in only England, it was still capability of it being Jungkook.
“Yn! Are you even listening? Im telling you Namjoon wants to take you on a date!” Joy, yns now close friend that she has gained from opening the coffee shops.
“Sorry, but i dont think im ready to date. The last guy was for 5 years and it didn’t turn out well in the end.” Yn mumbled looking over at the tv that was on the crime scene of the killings.
But what was showed, made yns blood run cold.
What was at the crime scene was dandelions.
The flowers that Jungkook always used to gift her on days he felt like we did something wrong. He would cut the steam off and just leave the flowers to never be able to grow again.
Was he…back?
It was closing time and of course yn being the owner, she decided that it was her duty to close every single night.
But tonight, she couldnt shake the feeling that she was being watched.
As everyone was leaving she saw a guy with a big hoodie on taking his time to clean up his mess on the table. Putting his crumbs inside a napkin then taking the napkin and closing it tightly then throwing it out.
yn watched from behind the counter taking containers from the counter and putting them on the shelf behind her.
This mysterious guy has been coming in everyday. Same time. She never serves him but she knows Joy does and she hates serving him. ‘His glare, it can kill.’ She would say when describing the eyes of this mysterious man.
While cleaning she saw the guy get up and come up to the counter.
Face mask on and glasses… sun glasses.
Its night time.
Maybe it was a fashion statement. Thats what yn left it as. “ Hi sorry we are about to close soon so im gonna have to ask you to leave..” is what she was aiming to say but once she turned around she saw he just left a napkin with hand writing on it.
She grabbed it and began to read it:
“Hi baby! Oh its been such a long time, oh how i miss you. Our child also misses you. 2 years right? That is let you go? Ah, I remember something. Today is our anniversary! Our now 7 year anniversary. Im picking you up at 11! Be ready!
Yn was at this point shaking. Fear took over her body but was trying to hide it. She wasnt doing such a good job at that. As much as she wanted to call the cops, get him arrested, she knew that those cops had no chance in trying to get Jungkook.
Hed kill them all in the blink of an if he even knew that they talked to yn.
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When yn got home she didnt let the fact go that when she got there she obviously saw Jungkooks car right outside her town house.
Mind you this is the 5th time this year she has moved. None of the reasons dealing with Kook but they definitely where personal reasons.
She braced herself, once she goes inside her home, Jungkook will be inside.
She could call the cops and run away from home then go to Jins house.
Actually now that Yn thought about it, what if Jin had something to do with it? He was always to calm for her liking honestly. Why was he always just so calm with him? I mean he explained it yes, hes seen it for so many years but why didnt he at least call the cops? Then again was the cops really gonna help him?
Entering the home, it felt like deja vu. Coming home on anniversary and Jungkook was cooking their favorite shared dish.
Spaghetti! Yn liked it because it was delicious and Jungkook probably like it because it reminded him of blood.
“My love! You are right on time! The Spaghetti is hot and ready to be platted. Get comfortable and come eat”
He didn’t need to turn around for yn to know that it was actually him. He colored his tattoos, became more swoll and also cut his long hair.
Yn didnt change anything or didnt get comfortable since this was all just too much for her.
‘Keep calm and go with his plan, yn.’ Thats all she kept telling herself.
Though what was his plan? Drug her? Kill her?
Well, none of those. He wanted her back. If that meant living in this house with her, then so be it. Jin had Bam so, they’d have plenty of time together.
Finally he sat down with two plates of spaghetti and there he was in all his glory.
He had the cockiest smirk while toying with his now new lip ring before sitting down across from yn.
“ Fucking finally, i have you again.”
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tiedyeflannels · 9 months
Hiiii it’s me again 🫣, hope you’re doing amazing!!! I am sure you seen the recent live lol of jungkook, Rm, V and Jimin could you possibly write something about it again for Jungkook like maybe they all do the live together like an 8th member of bts and her and Jungkook are just really cuddly u know and jungkook just holding the whole time idk if that makes sense but I am sure you can write something whatever that is good and your comfortable with sorry thing is long. THANK YOU!!! 💗💗
Hi again! Sorry for taking forever to respond to your request, finals were a pain! Ugh... Anyway, I hope you're doing well too and thank you for your request! I made Y/n a producer instead of an 8th member because I wasn't sure how to spin it, so hopefully you like it. I also added, kind of like, a bonus scene because I was sad watching that Bangtan Bomb... Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Right Here
Jungkook x producer!reader
Word count: 2k
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“Y/n-ah!” The guys collectively exclaimed.
I happily waved at them while softly shutting the door behind me.
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting when Namjoon texted me about this live,” I said, placing my bag on a chair that was next to the wall of tables. 
I walked into frame and waved at the ARMYs watching. “Hi guys! How are you?”
“We’re good,” Jimin said in a high-pitched voice.
I looked back at him.
“Oh, are you the voice of ARMY now,” I teased.
He smiled and nodded his head triumphantly. I giggled and moved over to the couch, but not before grabbing a slice of pizza.
I took a bite of my slice of pizza and plopped down next to Jungkook. They kept talking while I finished up my slice, throwing the crust on the empty pan and dust off the crumbs from my hands. 
I looked around at the guys when my eyes landed on Jungkook, who was already looking at me. I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before leaning back.
I smiled at him, “Why are you staring-”
I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence when he tackled me into a hug making us fall back.
I hugged him back as I laughed, “Did you seriously wait until I was done with my slice so you could hug me?”
I didn’t get a verbal answer, but when he hugged me tighter, I knew what the answer was. 
As the rest of the members got closer to their enlistment date, things had taken a melancholy turn and it affected each one of them, especially Jungkook, even if they didn’t show it.
I knew.
ARMY knew.
But there weren't a whole lot of things we could do in order to make them feel better about leaving.
So as I realized that this impromptu cuddle session wouldn’t be over for a while, I made sure we were both a little more comfortable by moving us to sit against the back of the couch so we wouldn’t be laying down the entire time.
It took a bit for him to get settled in a way that was comfortable for both of us, but he ultimately chose to be a koala. His head was resting on my right shoulder while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso and his right leg was draped across my own.
There wasn’t much I could do with the way he was holding me, so I just wrapped my right arm around his back in a semi-awkward half hug and rested my left hand on the leg that was draped across me, slowly drawing shapes while I watched the others talk.
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before the guys started to get up to say their “goodbyes” to ARMY. I tried to move to get up, but Jungkook tightened his hold on me as soon as I moved an arm. I sighed knowing it would be a miracle to get him off of me by myself, so I looked over at Jimin, silently asking for his help.
He smiled at my predicament and walked over, grabbing one of Jungkook’s arms and gently tugged, “Come on. We gotta say bye to ARMY.”
“Noooooo,” he drew out as the arm that was around me tightened its grip once more, practically forcing Jimin to pry him off of me. 
“Dude, you need to get off of me in order to say bye to ARMY,” I exclaimed as I wiggled my way out of his grasp.
He huffed as we both finally stood up, obviously not liking that our cuddle session was interrupted. I smiled at his pouty face and patted his head as the others were deciding how they wanted to say bye.
Taehyung grabbed the camera, pointing it at Jimin as he said bye to ARMY and ended by bowing slightly.
Tae, then, turned the camera over to Namjoon who also said his final words with a salute, promising to “go and come back safely”.
“Ok, Jk, you can go.” 
“No, I’ll end it,” he said while taking off his hood.
The others were quick to oppose the idea.
“Why doesn’t Y/n say her final words and then I go and you can run in front and then we’ll end it.”
There were nods of agreement and when they turned to me I shrugged, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So, I can end it,” Tae asked and we all nodded.
He was still holding the camera and motioned for me to say my piece. I walked into frame and waved.
“ARMY~ I’ll make sure to go live whenever I can to keep you company before Jin comes back! The guys will be back before you know it! Stay strong,” I said, blowing a kiss to them with both hands before waving ‘bye’. 
I looked at Taehyung, “Do you want me to hold the camera for you?”
He shook his head.
“No, Jimin can hold it for me. You, stand over there,” he said as he pointed to the side opposite of where Namjoon and Jungkook were standing.
He continued, “and turn around since you haven’t seen Jk’s hair yet either.” 
I huffed, but did what I was told by walking to the left and turning around so I was facing the wall while Jimin took the camera from Tae, so he could say bye.
“You need to run, ok?”
“As soon as you end-”
“Can you guys just go already,” I exclaimed, hoping to move this train along.
Taehyung gave his little speech, though I’ll have to disagree with Namjoon, who said it was “too long” because mine was about the same length.
I heard a lot of shuffling behind me and was about to turn around to see why it was taking so long when a very slurred “We were BTS” sounded through the air before someone collided with my back, making me stumble forward as pair of arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.
The guys were laughing at the scene as they said their final “bye’s” before turning off the live.
“You can turn around now,” Jungkook said, loosening his hold on me enough for me to move, but not removing his arms completely. 
As I turned around to face him I was not prepared for what I saw. My jaw dropped as I looked at Jungkook’s hair which was now completely buzzed off.
“Woah,” I exclaimed, placing my hands on either side of his head, turning it side to side in order to get a better look. 
I started to become confused. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing both of my wrists to stop me from moving his head so he could look at me.
“What’s with that face?”
“How do you still look good?!”
Everyone started laughing again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
It was December 12th and Hobi, Yoongi, and I were currently seeing Jimin and Jungkook off to start their military service.
“Well, luckily, this is the last time we’re going to have to do this,” Yoongi said, stuffing his hand further into his jacket.
I nodded my head in silent agreement and walked over to where Jimin and Jungkook had finished talking with some of their friends. They turned to look at me as I got where they were and grabbed their hands in both of mine, switching my gaze between the two.
“How are you guys feeling,” I asked to try and break the tension that was starting to form as time got closer to when they were supposed to leave.
They both shrugged.
I sighed.
“You’re going to be fine. I talked to Jin this morning and made him promise to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay, though… he did say that he might make training a bit harder for you two,” I teased.
That got some chuckles out of them, which I was very happy about. It didn’t last long before the heavy air settled around us once again, so I mustered as much of an encouraging smile as I could and said, “You two are going to do great. I’ll have my phone on me at all times whenever you get phone privileges back and want to talk to me, okay?”
They nodded as I continued, “Stay safe and healthy and warm because it’s starting to get chilly, okay?”
They nodded once more. 
I looked at them as they looked at me expectedly.
“What? That’s all I’ve got,” I said.
Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head with a smile forming on his face.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin, “Would you mind giving us a sec?”
The latter nodded, “Of course, I’ve gotta go talk with Hobi hyung before send off, so I’ll see you later Y/n.”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug.
“Be careful. Stay safe and make sure to eat. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING, okay,” I whispered before breaking the hug.
“You got it,” he said before pulling me back in for one last hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Chim. I’ll see you when you come back.”
We both nodded at each other in conformation as he started toward where Hobi and Yoongi were standing.
I moved to stand next to Jungkook as we watched them talk.
“So, what are you going to do in the meantime,” Jungkook spoke up.
I turned to look at him as he did the same.
“Probably work on some songs for your guys’ comeback with Yoongi. He said that he already has some that he wants me to look at later today, so yeah,” I shrugged. 
He hummed in response before pulling me into a hug. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like crying at that moment. We had talked about him leaving all the time as the date came closer and every time Jungkook was the one who comforted me when I started crying, but I wanted to be strong for him and at least give him some sense of comfort on the day it really mattered so I controlled my emotions.
“Sorry I have to leave you,” he whispered.
He is not making this easy, huh?
I shook my head and held him tighter, “It is not your fault. Nobody will ever blame you for something you have to do. Especially not me.”
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
“You just need to make sure that you don’t overdo anything. I don’t want to get a call from Jin or Jimin saying that you overdid something that landed you in the infirmary, got it,” I teased as he nodded.
“I love you a lot. We all do. So please make sure to be safe while you’re gone, okay,” I asked.
He huffed but untimely nodded again. “You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he muttered.
I laughed at the statement.
“Good, because she’s right!” 
There was some loud shuffling behind me, so I turned around to see Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin standing in front of us.
“Okay, lovebirds, it’s almost time to go,” Yoongi said.
I playfully rolled my eyes as a smile made its way onto my lips. I turned back to Jungkook and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“One for the road,” I said as I moved away from him.
“You guys should get going before you’re late,” Hobi spoke up.
They nodded as they fixed their backpack straps and picked up the duffle bag at their feet. I gave them both a once over.
“Take care of each other.”
They hummed as they started to leave. As we were watching them walk away, Jungkook suddenly turned back to us. 
“You’ll be here when we get out, right?”
I nodded, “Of course! I’ll be right here when you come back!”
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jieunoclock · 3 months
Love Your Feeling (JJK) || Drabble two
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- Joons Place ₊˚⊹♡
“Yoongi, what the hell is taking you so long?” He asks me. “Sorry something came up, I’ll be there in 10,” I tell him as he hangs up on me.
Pair: jjk x femOC, college students, best friends
Word count: 801
Warning: this chapter includes substance use⚠️
masterlist || drabbles chapter || taglist
!Friends to Lovers, Protective Brother, Secret Dating, Friends with Benefits, Angst, Mature content, Dysfunctional Family, Fluff, Smut, Mentions of Alcoholism and Abuse
Yoongi pov.
I drop my head, I shouldn’t have said any of that. She walks past the window, hands holding the front opening of her hoodie, arms crossed over her stomach.
This wasn’t what I had planned on how things would’ve gone, I didn’t plan anything really but this wouldn’t have been it.
Even though it’s my comfort food that’s in front of me, I’ve seem to lost my appetite. I try to eat at least a little since it’s too much of a waste to throw it away, but I feel like I’m inches away from throwing up.
I grab my phone out of my back pocket to see an incoming call from Seokjin, right...
“Yoongi, what the hell is taking you so long?” He asks me.
I was supposed to get weed from home, I didn’t know they wanted to smoke today so initially I didn’t bring it. Seemed like the wrong choice cause they’d apparently been waiting for a smoke with the boys.
“Sorry something came up, I’ll be there in 10,” I get his approval and he hangs up after yelling something out to Namjoon.
I take the two carton bowls off the table, dumping them in the garbage bin behind me. Taking the two drinks that are left in my hands, and bringing them home with me.
I don’t bother to stay quiet for Mom who is on the couch, the loud slam of the door wakes her up from her slumber.
She calls out for me when she sees me, giving her an annoyed “What,” in return as I place Nayun’s drink in the refrigerator.
I turn around to face the side of the couch, I can see her rubbing her eyes looking around registering her surroundings. “Where’s your father?”
“Mom,” I walk closer to her, setting a few beer bottles that are surrounding the couch upright. “Go back to sleep okay?”
The blanket that has once been gifted by Dad is crumpled up behind her legs, I hang it out between my hands before tucking her in with it.
She doesn’t bother asking anything else, doesn’t wonder where I came from or where Nayun is.
I collect the weed from my room, not even hidden because there’s nobody who’d check it anyway. And make my way back to Namjoon’s place.
It’s only like a 10-minute walk at most if you walk slowly. It’s nothing to take a bus over, so.
“Jeez what took you so long,” gets sighted out by Namjoon as I shut the door to his place behind me.
“Walked into Yun” I give him the little tin container that holds 6 freshly bought joints.
Namjoon and I are usually the people to smoke them up, Seokjin probably just getting high from staying in the same room as us. Seokjin is more on the healthier side and goes to the gym 5 times a week and whatnot.
He excuses himself to a different room, having to take a call from his girlfriend.
Namjoon takes a joint out of the container putting it in his mouth handing it back to me as I provide myself with my own one, putting it between my lips.
His focus goes back to the TV, clicking on the option of getting a lap dance in GTA V. “You’re disgusting,” I laugh. He leans his back against the couch lighting up his joint.
I’m no better as I’m sat next to him smoking my own joint, until Seokjin return to the living room.
“When are we gonna meet your girlfriend anyway?” I ask him.
He sits down next to me letting out a big sigh, holding his hand out to collect his own joint. “I don’t know man, she’s a little.. younger,”
Namjoon’s focus on the TV has completely gone out the window as both he and I snap our heads to Seokjin’s side.
“Jeez, not much. She’s 19,”
I guess that’s doable. It’s a five-year age gap and they’re both adults so, I guess it’s fine.
“She hot?” Namjoon asks with this disgusting grin on his face, which makes both Seokjin and I groan. “Go watch your lap dance,” I tell him.
“You like her?”
I can see the smile on his face grow a little. “I do, we really connect. You guys think it’s weird? The age gap?”
“Nah man, it’ll be nothing once you’re 30. If she makes you happy then I’d say that, that’s what counts.”
“She does, she really does,” Man I wish I’d be so in love as he is, nothing else really matters at such a point. Everything is colourful again, life gets a little better when there’s someone by your side who loves you.
“Banged her yet?” I push Namjoon’s head away making us laugh, he has such a way with words.
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btsmosphere · 4 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 6: Burn Out
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: When things get ahead of you, your powers aren’t the only things to spill over; some truth is ready to breach the surface.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, minor injuries, self-doubt, over-training, loss of control and... awkwardness
a/n: this could have been two chapters, and I did think about it, but fuck it, you guys deserve a nice hefty update! this just means there's a fair bit of development ahead...
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“At least Namjoon didn’t blow out any of the lightbulbs. Those are a nightmare to replace.”
Jimin smiled weakly when you didn’t respond to his joke. His worried gaze travelled to V, who stood behind you. He shrugged.
With a sigh, Jimin sat back. You hadn’t looked him in the eye as he checked your wounds, too caught up thinking. About the ways Jungkook was stronger than you. The ways you messed up. If only you had more stamina, if only you could shoot quicker, use more power.
The fight replayed in your head, displaying all the moments you could have responded better.
Was Jungkook right? Were you anywhere near ready to go out there?
“All done.”
You blinked, finding Jimin staring back at you. How long had he been waiting?
“Oh. Thanks,” you tried your best to muster a smile.
Sending you a smile in return, he stood up, placing the first aid box into the cupboard.
“It’s alright. At least you got out relatively unscathed,” he said, “just some bruises, a couple of singes here and there.”
He winced again at the sight of the faint bruising on your neck. Though he wished he could say this wasn’t like the Jungkook he knew, he would be lying.
Jungkook hurt people all the time: all of them did. But here, at home, he was usually at ease with their little family. After everything he had been through, however, Jimin knew very well how short his youngest brother’s fuse could be.
A quiet click announced the newcomer as Hobi poked his head round the bathroom door.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
It fell a little awkwardly in the space. Nothing was alright after tensions had boiled over so violently just half an hour ago, and you all knew it. Still, you gave him a nod.
Slipping into the room, Hope leaned against the counter, dodging out of the way as Jimin threw a few band-aid wrappers in the bin.
“Sorry about Jungkook,” Hope began, “he… he’s a bit protective. But we thought it would get better. It should never have got this far.
“You can do whatever you want today, get food and watch movies. I should think Kook will be training for quite a while.”
The way he said that left no doubt as to what the younger was actually doing. Images from his rage workout the other day invaded your head. Good, as long as he was away from you.
Tugging your hoodie back on to cover the bruises you had acquired, you agreed and followed the others to the living room. Soon taking up residency on the couch, you didn’t intend on moving anywhere soon.
Thankfully, the others didn’t expect you to either. Nor did they push you for conversation when you were so evidently staying quiet, and instead they put a film on and chatted around you.
You didn’t see Jungkook that whole day.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t lingering in your mind, though. At the very least, the slight discomfort from the bruises he had given you served as a reminder of everything that had transpired. But your frustration fluctuated between him and yourself.
If Jungkook’s behaviour could be excused as protective, you were going to need a lot more explanation than that. What reason had you given him to hate you so much?
He hadn’t given you the chance to do anything but fail since you got there, so how could you be expected to trust him?
But while you wanted him to see that you could be trusted, you started to doubt that yourself. Maybe you were trying to help the boys by joining them, but as much as you wanted to deny it, Jungkook had proved that you were weak.
For now, you didn’t want to go near him, so you used that as your excuse for staying put all day, letting the household go about its day around you. But steadily, your mind filled with all the things you needed to work on. You had to patch up the gaps where your powers lacked, and you weren’t going to rely on Jungkook to do it anymore.
Maybe if you proved yourself, they would want you after all? Besides showing your lack of bond with Jungkook, today had surely showed Namjoon that you weren’t up to the task.
That was why he had stood you down.
Which was why you found yourself alone in a training room a few days later.
Since that day, you hadn’t trained. For one thing, your trainer had cemented his place as your mortal enemy, so you had no one to practise your powers with, since the others were all preparing for other things.
As for physical training, you thought they would at least let you do that. But they insisted you needed to rest for a couple more days.
You didn’t protest too much, but you knew this was how it would begin. This was their excuse to stop you training. They had given up on you, thinking you weren’t good enough to join them.
You were going to show them, Jungkook above all.
Now they were away on a mission, Jungkook nowhere to be found, leaving you the opportunity at last.
With the way the last outing had gone, they had switched plans. Now, instead of waiting around for Bolt to strike, they were beginning to relocate their allies, moving important weapons and things to more secure locations, while feeding Bolt’s informants the impression that the vacated premises were still operational. They hoped it would buy some time so they could formulate more of a plan to combat Bolt, without him gaining more power in the meantime.
Of course, Jungkook was still seething. He had made himself scarce the moment the others left, no doubt wanting to avoid spending any time with you.
You weren’t complaining.
Breathing deeply, you assessed the targets you had set up. A smile graced your face. The last time you had trained alone, you had accomplished a lot. Maybe you would try lifting objects again.
But first, you had to work on your speed. That was the main weaknesses Jungkook had highlighted. You weren’t able to keep up with him, and you had to change that.
Rolling out your stiff shoulders, wincing for a moment when it twinged the last remnants of your bruises, you raised an arm.
Your power felt a little rusty as it burst from your palm. Gritting your teeth against the slight tingle of pain, you cut it off and fired again. After a few tries, it felt pretty much normal. You weren’t going to wait any longer.
Lifting both arms now, you alternated your fire, turning in the space as you tried to hit each target. You hit them all, bolstering your confidence as you took a breather and went again. You may have hit them all, but you wanted to be faster.
This time, you didn’t even wait for one bolt to die away before you fired the next one. Focussing on short, sharp bursts, you let your powers pulse through the air.
The rattle and clash of metal filled the space as you shook each target in turn.
You made it around the room again, finding a rhythm, but this time you didn’t stop. Bolt wouldn’t stop if he was attacking you; Jungkook hadn’t. You had to push through.
So when you approached the familiar feeling of your powers slipping, you simply pushed through. You maintained your speed, barely able to keep up with the pace you had set. It was like running while the ground was slipping from under you, but you stayed standing and on your toes, enjoying the exhilaration of the electricity flowing through you.
You felt its power, hot and fierce in your chest, revelling in your ability to control it.
Then, one bolt sputtered and died. You picked it up again in a split second as you fired the next lightning into the space, but it scared you. Picturing the onslaught of gold from the other day, you knew that could cost you dearly in a fight.
So while your powers protested, you pressed on. Now, you had to force out each beam of light, but you weren’t about to stop. You had to improve. You had to succeed.
You didn’t notice when the heat of your powers became unpleasant. That burning sensation hadn’t invaded you for so long, but suddenly it was overwhelming, crashing down on you.
Gasping at the sharp pain, you staggered for a moment, not wanting to stop.
You raised your arm again. This would not defeat you. You had to push through.
Nothing came.
You searched for the familiar feeling to unleash your power, but instead you felt a tangle in your chest, a sparking ball of electricity that hissed at you like a wild animal.
Not now…
A stabbing pain lanced through your chest, blue suddenly erupting into the air. But this time it wasn’t you. Your power clawed its way down your arm, leaving a burning trail in its wake.
Biting down on a pained cry, you looked around in fear at the empty training room.
Though panicked, you knew you had to control it. You had pushed just a little too far, you only needed to reign it in again.
But as you closed your eyes, trying to find the centre of your power, shut it off like you were used to, more blasts leapt from that chasm in your chest. You battled to close it down, but it had power over you now.
Blue filled the space, colliding with the walls, clattering against targets.
Your knees buckled, sending you crashing to the floor. Now, you were unable to control it as you cried out, each release of your power coming with its own wave of pain. You thought you had left this unbearable heat behind, but now it seared through your body with a vengeance as your powers ran rampant.
Control it, control it-
But you couldn’t find space to breathe, let alone to calm your powers. Your arms shook, a tear breaking free from your eye as you gasped.
What had you done?
In your vision, blurry with pained tears and cut up by streaks of luminescent blue, something moved.
Though you lay panting on the floor, you squinted towards it. It was a person.
Were the others back? Your frazzled mind barely had time to wonder this, before the most pressing issue asserted itself again.
Wincing and curling in on yourself as another shot of electricity forced its way from you, you called out. Your voice was raw and shaking, but you had to protect them.
“Don’t come near! I’ll- I might hurt you!”
You knew your voice was thick with tears, but surely they could understand you? Why were they coming closer?
At the same time, both a yelp of pain and a lightning bolt escaped you. Your eyes widened; the figure was directly in its path.
A flash of gold.
The figure ran closer.
Despite your state, you had enough presence of mind to feel your cheeks burning as Jungkook came to a stop in front of you, looking down at you with wide, panicked eyes. For a few seconds, his mouth opened and closed uselessly.
Then, another bolt. And another.
As they cut through the room, leaving behind their signature of burning pain, the world tilted. Your eyes squeezed shut, Jungkook forgotten as the sizzling sting of your powers took up your thoughts.
You wanted it to stop.
“Control it.”
The instruction was muttered in your ear, closer than you expected. The next moment, a weight shifted against your back, pulling you to sit upright and against something. Someone.
Still heaving for air, you shook your head.
“I- I c-can’t!”
Another flash of blue, another flash of pain.
The arm that was looped around you squeezed tighter.
“You have to. Control it.”
And then a hand was placed against your back, steady and firm compared to your own body. It nestled between your shoulder blades.
The next thing you knew, a warm sensation bloomed there. But not uncomfortable, like your own rebelling powers. It bled through you, enveloping the mess that your powers had become. Your eyes slid closed, basking in the relief from the searing pain.
You could feel your powers, a blue weight sitting in your chest. You couldn’t see them, of course, but you had always felt them to be blue – not that you had realised. Not until now, at least, because the calming light that surrounded your power felt startlingly gold in comparison.
After a moment, you were collected enough to take control. With the aid of soothing gold containing your power, you were able to breathe deeply, closing off the electricity as you had done that first time in Namjoon’s office.
The gold faded.
Still, the hand on your back lingered, remaining steady.
It was only now that the weight of this situation hit you. Jungkook had had to rescue you. From your own powers, no less.
You simply nodded, not trusting words to form.
At your confirmation, his hand finally left you. He had been sitting behind you, supporting you, but now he moved away. You would deny that you missed it.
But he only shifted around to your side, sliding an arm under your own.
“Are you crazy?” he asked, but there wasn’t much bite behind it.
Shaking his head, he muttered a curse as he helped lift you from the ground.
“What were you thinking?”
Again, the usual venom was missing from his voice. You kept your eyes down, not responding.
Huffing a little, he turned towards to the door. And paused.
“Can you get upstairs?”
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Chewing on your lip, you kept your eyes fixed on your mug. You found the blanket you were wrapped in very interesting all of a sudden, fiddling and tugging at it with your free hand.
It was quiet.
It had been quiet for a while now, but neither of you were particularly inclined to change that.
Jungkook sat across from you, stiff and upright in his seat while you were huddled inside a blanket. He had sort of thrown it at you earlier. He hadn’t given you a second glance, instructing you rather coldly to sit, but it had to be the closest thing to affection he had ever shown you.
He was also holding a mug of tea. Perhaps it was just for show; he hadn’t lifted it once.
In a moment of weakness, your eyes darted up. You instantly regretted it, as you found his gaze already trained on you, and you both hurriedly averted your eyes again.
Just for something to do, you took a sip of tea, the slurp painfully audible in the silence. Your hand still shook a little when you lifted the mug.
Lowering it slowly, you chewed on your cheek.
You blurted it out without much consideration, the silence finally becoming too much for you.
Unfortunately, the quiet hung around a bit longer. Warily raising your eyes again, you watched Jungkook for a reaction.
His eyes were avoiding you, looking instead at a blank spot on the wall.
Then he sucked in a breath, leaning forwards to deposit his still-full mug on the coffee table.
“So do you want to tell me what you were doing?”
Finally his eyes turned to you, leaving you breathless. Your shame over what happened made words stick in your throat, but you knew you would have to explain.
Tearing your gaze from his to glare at your mug again, you felt your cheeks heating up. But you forced yourself to talk.
“You… you were right the other day. I’m not strong enough, or fast enough. I was trying to work on that – on my speed. I thought if I pushed myself, it might help. But I… I just lost control.”
Letting out a breath when you finished speaking, you looked up hesitantly. A light frown was on Jungkook’s face as he assessed you. He was thinking a little too hard for your liking.
He sat back.
“You remind me of Bolt.”
If you were still drinking, you would have choked. Your eyes widened, not knowing how to respond to that. In your search for words, all you could manage was an indignant but half-hearted excuse me?
A smirk quirked the corner of Jungkook’s mouth.
“You’re so pig-headed,” he began, “you treat your powers like some sort of game and pretend you’re good at everything…”
You simply stared, disbelieving. Was he seriously saying this to your face?
“And when you want something, you decide you’re getting it–” he eyed you before adding “–not to mention all the blue shit.”
He gestured in the general direction of all of you. You gaped.
But then he dropped his gaze, sighing.
“I… wanted to knock you down. You’re way too good at everything. You remind me of Bolt because he’s indestructible. Or it seems that way.”
Finally managing to scoff at his words, you shook your head incredulously.
“So now you think I’m good enough?”
“I didn’t want you going out there, okay?” he snapped, “I don’t trust you.”
“Just because my powers look like Bolt’s? Is that it? I never asked for this-”
“I know.”
Jungkook’s voice was softer now, startling your rant to a halt. His hands were clasped, elbows resting on his knees. And he wouldn’t quite look you in the eye.
“You’re not like Bolt. He’s the one that hurt you. I just couldn’t separate the image of you from him, what with you being so… obnoxious, and determined.”
He paused. Sighed.
“And I lied, okay?” his voice was quiet, “you’re fine. Your speed is good, you could pretty much keep up with me, and that’s saying something. I thought you’d know better.”
A frown creased your brows together. Now you were confused.
Looking up once again, he met your eyes.
“You shouldn’t push your powers, surely the others told you that? They can reach their limit, and I’m fairly sure yours did when we fought. Today was too soon, you shouldn’t have worn them out like that. You won’t be able to use them for a while. Not like that, anyway.”
“Like what?”
“Fast. You overwhelmed them, it might take a bit to build up your speed again.”
You swallowed, not wanting to believe his words.
“Or, you just want me out of training-” you bit back, but he cut you off.
“Oh, I couldn’t care less,” he sniggered, “go ahead and burn out your powers for all I care. I’m just telling you.”
You didn’t really know what to say to that. You simply tugged your blanket a little tighter around your shoulders.
“Turns out you’re human just like the rest of us.”
Was that supposed to be a compliment? Or an insult? You couldn’t really tell.
After a moment holding his gaze, you went back to your tea. The two of you seemed to agree on one thing at least, and that was avoiding each other’s eyes as the silence stretched on.
Even once your mug was emptied, you fidgeted with it, letting your fingers slide around the handle for something to do. Jungkook’s words turned over in your head. It was probably the closest he had ever come to giving you actual advice. Perhaps you should take it, give your powers a rest for a short while.
It surprised you that Jungkook hadn’t yet left. He looked remarkably awkward on the other couch, refusing to relax into the seat but sitting ramrod straight on the edge instead, insisting for some reason on staying there.
Never before had he voluntarily endured your presence for this long.
He seemed to notice you sizing him up. He turned his gaze to find you watching him with your head tilted. And somehow, he too looked hesitant, far from the confidence you usually saw in him.
You swallowed, but didn’t look away.
“Don’t tell the others?”
Your voice was quiet but clear in the space. Jungkook quirked an eyebrow.
“You’re really determined to join us, aren’t you?”
With a sigh, your expression softened. You finally looked away, picking absently at your blanket while you replied.
“I agree with what you guys are doing. Bolt tried to kill me, all because I was just… there, at the wrong time. I didn’t matter to him. That doesn’t seem like someone who cares about protecting people. So I don’t want him to get whatever he wants with those weapons he’s collecting.”
Expecting the usual argument about you being of no use, you kept your eyes stubbornly down. But Jungkook was quiet.
If you looked up, you would have seen him blinking at you. Curious, almost.
But you never did, not until his expression clouded over again and he made to speak.
“And if the others knew you did something this stupid, they’d keep you away from the action even longer.”
You rolled your eyes, but had to admit that Jungkook wasn’t wrong.
“Pretty much,” you conceded, “and I do want this. It finally feels like I have a purpose.”
You had never expected to be so blisteringly honest with Jungkook, but when you laid beseeching eyes on him, you knew you had got through somehow.
Seemingly displeased with his own decision, his mouth straightened into a line.
“Fine. I won’t tell them. But you better not do it again, you know I’ll get the blame as well.”
You weren’t sure if that was entirely true, but if Jungkook wanted to make that his reason for helping you out, then so be it.
At last, it seemed he had reached his limit with you. He stood abruptly, casting one more glance at you, and strode away. Watching his retreating form, you sunk further into the sofa. A subtle smile took up residence on your face.
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You hadn’t even put the tv on. Silence filled the apartment and you stared up at the ceiling from your position on the sofa.
Since you and Jungkook talked a few days ago, he had, surprisingly, kept his word. Around the others he stoically ignored you as normal, but also diligently kept his mouth shut about your little accident.
You suspected he also didn’t want to admit to helping you. But whatever kept him quiet worked for you.
It was true that he glanced over at you more often despite his continued frosty attitude towards you. Or perhaps you were imagining that? He was just glaring at you like always – only, you began to read into it too much. Now you two shared a secret, in a sense, it meant that every time his eyes locked with yours they seemed to hold more significance.
However, you had to remind yourself nothing had changed. The two of you were still only here because you were stuck together on Namjoon’s orders. Which was the same reason Jungkook had been the one to help you before.
No, nothing had changed.
Turning your head, you let your cheek fall against the cushion as you hesitantly gazed at the tv. Maybe you should put it on, just to fill the silence?
The lack of noise in the house served as proof that Jungkook wanted as little to do with you as ever. The moment the boys were out, he made himself scarce.
At least you had been permitted to learn more about what exactly they were doing when they went out. They were leaving the house more and more frequently, and for longer stretches of time. Given Bolt’s movements, and his startling power at their last encounter (due to the weapons he had stolen from Kuyang), the boys were launching a counter-operation.
If they couldn’t defend their allies from a direct attack, they had to bide their time until they could build an attack strategy.
So for now, they were relocating important developers to throw Bolt off. Stop him before he could gain even more power; before he became too much of a match for them.
Jin seemed fairly confident that they had tracked Bolt’s sources well enough to feed him misinformation to keep him unaware of their movements. The only risk now lay in the transportation of what you could only assume were deadly weapons through the city.
Standing on the kitchen counter was a small black receiver. You could turn it on if you wanted, hear what was happening.
You were contemplating it when something pulled at your thoughts. Your focus frayed, distracted by that incomprehensible feeling that there was someone behind you.
Flipping over on the sofa, you found Jungkook leaning against the wall. His arms were folded, but there was no glare entrenched on his face. Startled, you eyed his damp hair, the oversized black shirt hanging from his shoulders.
Clearly he had just come from a shower, so why wasn’t he going to train?
The absence of a scowl was really throwing you off. He didn’t look totally comfortable, expression tight and slightly expectant, but what did he want with you?
You raised your eyebrows in question.
He blinked at you, then his eyes slid away from your face, looking somewhere over your head and through to the kitchen.
“Training,” he said.
You continued to stare, but he just as stubbornly avoided your eyes.
After another moment, you huffed and sat up.
“Training?” you echoed.
“We’re going to training.”
“You heard me.”
His response was dry. Already, he was pushing away from the wall and turning his back on you, leaving you little choice but to follow.
Leaving the couch and hurrying after him, you made it to his side on the stairs.
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to use my powers? After…”
“Not for speed,” he corrected you, eyes fixed ahead.
A frown furrowed your brow as you reached the training space. Today, you remained in the main, largest room. There was no one around and clearly Jungkook didn’t have want of the targets you normally used, as he stopped right in the middle and turned to you.
His brows were pinched, clearly a little hesitant about this. You noticed the way his teeth pulled slightly at his lower lip.
“Power,” he said.
You stared. With a subtle roll of his eyes, he elaborated.
“Apart from speed, that’s what you need to work on. You need to connect with your powers, feel like the light is an extension of you. Since you can’t work on your agility, it’s time to think about force.”
Nodding, you felt your confidence raise a little. When you had trained by yourself before, you had hit upon that exact feeling he described, an almost physical connection that let you lift the target.
Plus, using a little force would be more than welcome, with the pent up tension you had felt since your last disastrous practice.
Jungkook took your confirmation and stepped forwards into line with you, holding your gaze. He held his arms slightly away from his body, palms facing you.
“Summon your powers and push against me,” he instructed.
It took you a moment to get your bearings and prepare to use your powers. It had been a while. You tried to hide your slight wince when you searched for the powers only to find a scorching, tangled mess where they usually flowed from, like someone had knotted barbed wire there.
Swallowing, you let your eyes slide shut for a moment. It was as if your power was hissing at you, an animal you had to coax from hiding.
But coax it you did, the first slight tug leading them to easily unravel until the electricity flowed through your veins again. Beside a slight tremor in the flow of blue light you released, it seemed fairly normal.
Surely Jungkook wouldn’t approve of the clumsiness with which you handled your powers, though? But when you looked up, he only appeared focussed.
With a small nod as your powers shot through the air, his eyes clouded with gold and his own luminous lightning welled in his hands.
He didn’t fire a strong bolt to match yours. It appeared that he held a small golden fountain in each hand, bubbling gently, just enough to dispel your blue electricity before it could strike his palms.
Your eyes connected.
It was curious, how Jungkook’s eyes looked so much less deadly when they were literally glowing with power. As you held his gaze, you felt no urge to look away. Instead, his focus, gentle and firm at the same time, affirmed you.
Taking a breath, you continued to let your powers flow freely.
“Concentrate on your powers,” he spoke in a low voice, “feel them moving through you. Then follow that feeling outwards, feel where they connect with me.”
Taking in his words with a determined nod, you searched within you for the feeling he spoke of.
This time, you didn’t close your eyes. You were already familiar with the taste of your power in your veins, and found it with little effort.
But you stared into those gold eyes as you searched for him, the sight of them making it easier to find the corresponding sensation. Colliding with your power, you were surprised to stumble across a warmth pulsing against them. You hadn’t even realised you had followed the flow of your powers outside your fingertips; the feeling hadn’t altered as far as you could tell.
Sure enough, however, there was Jungkook – it was undeniable. Inexplicably, the intensity of his eyes felt the exact same as the fiery power rushing to meet your own lightning.
Before you could say anything, Jungkook’s lips twitched into a smirk.
“You can feel it, right?”
Now you had found it, it was easy to hold onto the sensation of his powers as they met your own.
Elated, you exhaled with a smile. His grew too.
“I’m going to push back now,” he said, “keep the connection. It’ll be like arm wrestling, only with our powers.”
You knew you should have felt a little sceptical about that. If it was anything like arm wrestling, Jungkook would be able to topple you in a second. He had been training much longer than you, and was undeniably stronger.
In fact, all you felt was an ignition in your chest, competitiveness flaring up inside you.
Jungkook’s expression shifted into focus. His smirk slipped into a concentrated line.
Where the gold in his eyes had been rippling lazily, it now grew in ferocity, blazing harshly in contrast to the abysses of his dark pupils.
The instant his powers switched, you felt it. No longer a soft warmth, they sent a jolt through you as they connected in earnest, the threads of your electricity fusing together like wires and throwing out a ball of sparks.
The molten light warred in the air between you, your eyes no doubt as vivid as Jungkook’s as you allowed more power through your palms to match his force.
To your surprise, they complied instantly. It seemed your powers were enjoying being let out like this, having lashed out the last time when you had stubbornly forced them to stop and start. With the growing power flowing from you, their connection with Jungkook strengthened as well. You could sense a distinctly gold force clashing with your powers.
Even though you could see the point where your powers converged, the feeling allowed you to notice every minute crackle of electricity, every pulse of Jungkook’s lightning.
Just like before, when you had lifted the target, your powers felt much more than just a fleeting rush of sparks. They formed a bridge outwards from your body, reaching beyond.
You felt strong.
And if Jungkook wanted to wrestle, you weren’t going to go down easily.
Channelling yet more power outwards, you pushed hard against his gold powers where they met your own.
For a moment, you succeeded in subduing the opposing force. Sparks flew again, Jungkook staggering back a step as the gold light retreated from your advance, blue dominating the bolt of energy that connected you two.
Jungkook smiled.
The next moment, it became clear he had been waiting for you to get used to the feeling and make a move. But you had no time to be touched by his newfound patience as you found yourself battling against a renewed burst of pressure from his end.
Raising your arms to be level with your shoulders, aiming at him, you gritted your teeth and stubbornly weathered the temptation to step back as his powers shoved against yours.
Now both of you were using all your energy, the connection was more vivid than before. You could sense every vein of the electricity, his as well as yours. Finding strength from somewhere, you resisted his onslaught and managed to take a step forwards.
Your tussle continued, fire against fire, both of you matching the other’s power but advancing until you were practically toe to toe.
Outstretched, slightly above your head, your hands were level, vibrant light still connecting them although his palm was just inches from yours. A waterfall of blue and gold sparks fell between your faces while you stared at each other with blazing eyes. Your breathing was heavy, trying to keep up with his relentless power, but Jungkook was also panting, damp hair falling over his eyes.
You were out of breath, but the warm air brushing over your face from Jungkook’s lips assured you that you weren’t the only one.
A sharp, exhilarated smile lit up his mouth. A brow quirked, his words breathless as he spoke.
“Not bad. Hold it…”
Sucking in a breath, you prepared for one last effort. Avoiding Jungkook’s eyes had long left your priority list, and now you were drawn in by the burning gold within them. It was like you were staring at the sun, but you couldn’t look away, not even when their light grew, yet more of his power flowing through you.
His gaze burned just as intently back, eyes trained on your own which were surely lit up blue. A slight crease formed in his brow, perhaps from concentration…
Again, you matched his power even as he overloaded the connection, more and more energy sparking in the air-
His gaze flitted away, the connection cutting abruptly.
For a moment, the brightness of the sparks, and Jungkook’s eyes, left dazzling prints on your vision even as they sputtered from existence. Air rushed in and out of your lungs, the exertion not hitting you until now.
Without the channel to focus your energy, you staggered back from Jungkook, blinking in the relative dimness.
Sensing the strength that had drained from you, you let yourself take another step to sink against the wall behind you. Breathing still heavy, you looked up at Jungkook. Though his chest heaved too, cheeks slightly flushed under his dripping hair, he hadn’t moved an inch.
Only when you met his eyes, which had returned to their regular darkness, did he start, quickly marching away to grab water bottles from the corner of the room.
One flew in your direction. Just about managing to snatch it from the air, you took an eager sip. Now you had had time to catch your breath, a strange silence settled.
“How did it feel?”
Jungkook wasn’t even looking at you. He had made his way to the bottom of the staircase, and now leaned against them, apparently finding the floor very interesting.
Hesitantly, you made your way closer, following a step behind as he started climbing back to the main house.
“Yeah, my powers, they feel… it wasn’t painful,” you replied, “they’re like normal again.”
Jungkook nodded.
“You did good. Still, don’t push it.”
By then, you had reached the top of the stairs. After pausing for a moment, Jungkook awkwardly moved away to the kitchen, while you hung back to have a shower.
The odd tension that had clung to the space between you since training occupied your mind as the water flowed over you, reinvigorating your tired body. In a way, it was just like usual. You and Jungkook had never been comfortable around each other.
But then why did it feel odd now?
The training session had given you a taste of something different. For once, Jungkook hadn’t spent the time trying to antagonise you. Instead, you had a real chance to push yourself.
It was probably the fact that, after so long without using your powers, you simply missed feeling the rush of electricity. No matter if it was also because connecting with Jungkook's powers had felt so thrilling too.
That thought was gone as quickly as the water running over you. Outside the training room at least, you knew where you stood. And that was very, very far from Jungkook.
Which is why you were so perplexed when you reached the kitchen, and didn’t find it empty.
Pausing in the hallway, you honestly considered turning back around and leaving. Trust Jungkook to try and claim the kitchen since you were absent.
But you weren’t going to be deterred. You were hungry.
It was his fault anyway, for training you so hard, so you took a breath and pushed your damp hair behind your shoulder before striding into the space.
At first, you made your best attempt at keeping your chin up, confident while also acting as if you magically couldn’t see Jungkook at all. It was how you usually approached each other. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop yourself from noticing that whatever he was making wasn’t going well.
Halfway through throwing your own ingredients onto the counter, you stopped to cast a sceptical eye over the mess he was making. He was making an equally good show of not noticing your presence, and continued throwing in random sauces, not before eyeing them all fairly hesitantly first.
Biting your lip, you shrugged it off and turned your eyes back to your own dinner.
But you could no longer ignore it when he took a taste from his spoon and quite literally recoiled.
Loudly putting your knife down, you sighed in frustration.
“Do you want some help?”
Quickly straightening out his face from the way it had been screwed up from the taste, he blinked around at you. He really did look surprised at your presence.
You rolled your eyes, marching over to him and peering into his pan.
“What are you making?”
Folding his arms across his chest, you could hear the pout in his voice as he replied.
You stared. At the food, which certainly did not resemble tteokbokki, and then at Jungkook.
“No you’re not.”
“I am! Jin always makes it like this!”
“Maybe when he’s making something for his science experiments,” you scoffed.
Defiant, Jungkook reached for his packet of soft rice cakes, totally ignoring you. You had to lunge across the counter to save them from a grizzly fate in that pan of definitely not tteokbokki.
Deep down, he clearly agreed with you, because he didn’t protest all that much as you forcibly removed the pan from the stove, depositing the whole mess in the bin.
“This is how you’ve been eating?”
Jungkook looked a little startled, his eyes wide for a moment before he managed to resurrect his scowl.
“We ran out of ramen,” he muttered.
You stared at him in disbelief. Had no one taught him to cook?
“What would Jin say?” you huffed, returning to the stove and elbowing him out the way.
Before long, you had your own meal cooking, now with some extra added. After a few moments, Jungkook had skulked away, watching you silently from the table. Once again, you pretended not to pay him any mind.
Two steaming bowls of (actually edible) food eventually made it to the table.
Sitting down opposite him, neither of you began for a moment. Each of you was waiting for the other to do something.
When at last you reached for your chopsticks, the sound was deafening against the strained silence between you.
Perhaps Jungkook was encouraged to see you didn’t drop dead after taking a bite, because he finally started to eat as well. Not that you let yourself look at him beyond the odd brief glance. You kept your attention firmly on the meal, which was actually quite tasty if you did say so yourself.
You nearly jumped out of your skin, eyes shooting up to stare at Jungkook. He stopped mid-bite, big eyes returning your bewildered gaze as if he had no idea who had spoken.
You blinked. Clearing your throat, you averted your gaze again, picking at your food.
“No problem.”
“It’s nearly as good as Jin’s,” he drawled next.
Disbelieving, you swallowed your next bite and raised your eyebrows.
“Are you seriously trying to come for me after I gave you food?”
“That’s a compliment!” he defended.
“Fine,” he huffed, attacking his food a bit more aggressively.
Taking a breath, you chewed your lip. Jungkook took a bite with more force than strictly necessary, brows furrowed. Maybe he had really meant it in a nice way?
You had trouble believing that, somehow.
“It’s a hell of a lot better than yours would have been,” you grumbled, then paused. “but… I suppose Jin is a very good chef.”
For a moment, Jungkook didn’t reply. But he finished chewing and set his chopsticks down a bit more gently.
“Why would I have to practise cooking when he’s always here to do it?” he murmured.
Deciding for once to take the opportunity to ease the situation, you smiled.
“I don’t blame you.”
Both of you allowed a temporary ceasefire to settle as you cleared your plates. You didn’t miss Jungkook’s glance towards the little black receiver standing on the table.
With the frequency of operations at the moment, it was clear Namjoon classed the whole situation with Bolt as an emergency. Jungkook hadn’t been wrong – Jin was usually there, or one of the others, to cook. As much as it still surprised you that he was so clueless, you saw that prying was going to get you nowhere.
He wasn’t the only one that missed the others, though. Or hoped they were okay.
You leaned over and turned the receiver on.
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Thank you for reading! I really mean it, it's wonderful now I'm finally sharing this story to hear what you guys think as we go through it!! I appreciate every last one of you who comments💜💜
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
Dance of Time
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“A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.” -Bukowski
Summary: You were finally back in the hometown you left right after graduation, researching the mysterious manor that laid outside of the town limits. Your family was acting weird, and the owner of the manor seemed to know more about you than he should. Everything changed when you entered the manor, and you weren’t sure your dance with time was going to last very long.
Pairing: Vampire BTS x Human Reincarnated Reader
Status: Coming Soon
Genre: soulmate au, reincarnation, yandere themes, possessive boys, angst, fluff,
Warnings: smut, violence, tempers, mentions of death, murder, some explicit descriptions of violence, blood,
Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters.
“Okay, so I do have some questions that I would like to ask, if that’s okay?” You speak for the first time since the tour began. The boys share another quick glance before Namjoon nods.
“Of course. What tour would this be if there were no questions to be asked.” His words had you calming down a bit.
“Okay. First question. Can you tell me why this manor was nicknamed the ‘Weeping Manor’?” You were still walking as you had your pen pressed to your paper, ready to write down whatever their answer was.
“I think you will actually find the answer within the last room.” Namjoon gestured to Jin who opened the door at the end of the north corridor.
The door opened into a large room, shelves filling the space as you looked towards the right, books with pages spilling out just calling your name as your mouth opened in awe. 
Right in front of you was a large oak desk, the top of it covered in your books and articles, you could even see some pieces highlighted or underlined as you slowly walked closer.
You felt nervous, the entire atmosphere shifting from joyful and playful to dark and eerie. You turned behind you to question Namjoon or Jin but they were gone. The door now closed and the room’s only light coming from the slightly open shades on the window behind the desk.
Your eyes flittered across the space, looking for the two men who seemingly disappeared into thin air, wanting to leave and be done with the tour.  You didn’t like the feelings you were having, the cold air brushing across your skin coming from nowhere.
“Mr. Kim?” You called out, turning back around to the door only to have your eyes catch sight of a large family portrait.
It was a painting of the property, dating back to 1838 when the manor was originally built, even before the town had an official name and place on the map. Seven men resided in the front of the portrait, sitting and standing in a line just in front of the large pine tree that resided to the right of the men.
You moved forward to get a closer look at the portrait when the tiny description just below caught your eye.
“The Kim Coven. Ca. 1838.”
Coven? What did that even mean? Your confusion didn’t end there but grew into shock and something like horror when you finally looked up to the faces within the portrait.
The man standing within the middle of the painting was a spitting image of the man who gave you the tour. The same man who met you at the local diner and exchanged emails back and forth with you.
To his right, and to your even deeper horror, stood Seokjin, eyes almost staring at your shaking from beneath the paint.
You took a step back, your hand covering your mouth in fear as you tried to back away from the painting when you bumped into someone. A whimper leaving your lips as you tried to quiet your sobs.
“Please…please.” You began to beg, knowing you were done for.
“Oh, darling. Please don’t cry.” The man behind you coos, a hand moving up to move your hair away from your neck as a small kiss is pressed to your skin.
“You’re finally home.”
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
V. Say What You Mean || KNJ
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Title: My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni
Genre: college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, the absolute slowest of burns
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader, unrequited Taehyung x reader
Beta'd by @/kookstempo, @/casuallyimagining, and @/toikiii - thank you endlessly!
Summary: You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
Lesson One: there are such things as a right way and a wrong way to love and to be loved.
You and Namjoon weather a storm together.
Section Warnings: language, drinking, kissing, pov change
WC: 6k
The world is mine: blue hill, still silver lake, Broad field, bright flower, and the long white road A gateless garden, and an open path: My feet to follow, and my heart to hold. - Journey | Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Thursday October 25th 
Something wakes you up in the middle of the night, hours after you’ve been asleep. You lay there, eyes closed, listening to see if you can identify what it was. 
You become aware of pouring rain, and a flash startles you just seconds before the apartment shakes with a clap of thunder.
Mystery solved, you think. You pull the comforter up to your ears and try to get comfortable again, but your mind starts immediately racing - about the assignment you should have finished last night and didn’t, about what you’ll submit for your next poetry assignment, about Taehyung, about Namjoon, about yourself. 
It’s too much. Lightning brightens your room again and you sit up, reaching for your phone. A quick check tells you it’s almost three am. 
You wrap yourself up in a throw-blanket you keep at the end of your bed and shuffle out to the living room. 
You’re surprised to see a light in the living room - the light from Namjoon’s laptop on the coffee table. He’s on the couch, hunched over to type, the screen lighting him up from below. 
He turns when he hears you, looking a little like a kid caught up past bedtime.
“What are you doing up?” he asks in a whisper, which is so fucking cute, because it’s not like he’s going to wake you. 
“The storm,” you say, your mouth struggling to form the words, your body still mostly asleep. 
He sits up straighter, pushes the laptop away. Like suddenly this is serious. “Are you afraid of storms?” he asks intently, like he needs to know, like he’s ready to make it better. “Come rest out here so you’re not by yourself.”
You can’t help but smile. “No, it just woke me. I’m not scared.”
“Come here anyway,” he suggests, his voice like gravel.
Something is happening here. The tension in the room crackles with more electricity than the storm outside. You make your way to the couch, blanket tight around your shoulders, and settle in next to him, a good five inches away.
He shifts mostly sideways, facing you, and rests an arm along the back of the couch. 
Thunder cracks again and you jump. Namjoon narrows his eyes. 
“There’s a difference between scared and startled,” you say defensively. Then you look at his laptop screen, a word document open, the cursor blinking patiently as it waits. “Are you working on your book? It sounded like you were in a flow.”
He shakes his head. “I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d work on it. You just caught me for the one sentence that happened to come easily. I barely wrote anything.”
You settle sideways on the couch, facing him, leaning against the plushy back. His arm rests near the top of your head. 
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” you ask. Then, you smile a little deviously. “Are you scared of storms?”
He ducks his head against a little giggle, then looks up at you through his bangs, the smile still on his face. “Would you think less of me if I said a little?”
You giggle too. “I’ll protect you,” you tease. 
“My hero,” he quips, huffing out a laugh. Then, more seriously, he adds, “I couldn’t sleep because… my ex texted me today.”
You sit straight up, your blanket falling off your shoulders and pooling around your middle. You fix it in a hurry, trying to watch his face as you do. What had made him open up? You two had never talked about anything super serious or personal before, except the one conversation about your family, which had been brief. 
“No shit?” you say, once you’re wrapped up again. “What for? I mean, do you want to tell me about it?”
He exhales, peering over his own shoulder to watch the rain cascade down your tall front windows. “To be honest,” he says slowly, eyes on the water, “I really do want to talk about it. But I don’t want to unload on you. I can wait until tomorrow and catch Yoongi or Hobi.”
“I’m up anyway,” you point out. “I don’t mind. It might be nice to get the perspective of someone who isn’t a twenty-three year old guy?”
“Okay,” he sighs. “The thing about Elyse is…” He takes a long pause, seeming to weigh different choices in his head.
“You don’t have to pick your words carefully,” you say quietly. “It’s just me. You can say what you mean.”
He sighs, turns back to face you. “It’s hard,” he admits. “I’m careful about my words twenty-four-seven.”
“The thing about her is, what?” you prompt. You scoot a little closer, the knee you have bent underneath you just barely touching his.
He shakes his head. “Elyse was… amazing. I was so crazy about her. I don’t mean to imply that she was a bad person - I don’t think she is, at the end of the day. But she knew… how I felt, and sometimes it felt like she…” He pauses again. You wait him out, and he continues, “Sometimes it felt like she’d play games, try to see what my limit was. Does he love me enough to… whatever, or something. I’d bend over backwards for her. I’d do whatever she asked. I thought… if you love someone, that’s what you should do.”
You wait to see if he’s going to continue, but he seems to have stopped. 
“So what happened?” you ask, even though you’d heard Yoongi’s interpretation of things at game night a few weeks ago - “he loved her way more than she liked him”. 
He laughs once, darkly. In the unlit room, his eyes shine black. “She figured out the answer to her little science experiment was the limit does not exist, and got bored. About the same time I figured out that me doing everything she asked and her giving me the bare minimum back wasn’t a healthy relationship, so it’s for the best.”
“What an ass,” you mutter. 
He shakes his head. “I’m not sure she even realized what she was doing. She just needs… she has some growing up to do.”
You take this in silently. It’s valiant of him to defend her character, despite being hurt by her. You kind of like that he isn’t the type to name-call, even if maybe she deserves it. It makes you feel like if things started with you and ended badly, he’d still be respectful after. 
“So what’d she want today? When’s the last time you talked?” you finally ask. 
“Not since we broke up,” he admits. Behind him, a flash of lightning lights the neighborhood, illuminating the tree outside the window before darkness falls again. The resultant roll of thunder comes less like a crash and more like a grumble, the clouds disgruntled and complaining. “She asked me if we could meet up.”
You lean forward, almost getting in his face. “Is that where you were tonight?”
He laughs at your enthusiasm. “No,” he assures you. “I told her I’d think about it. I went out… just to walk. I needed to clear my head.”
“Did it work?” you ask with a little smile. 
He laughs again, reaching up to rub his face with his hands. “No,” he says, the word muffled by his palms. “No it did not.”
“What do you think she wants?” you ask.
“No fucking idea,” he says. His arm slides a little on the couch as he shifts, coming to rest on your shoulder, his hand hanging behind you. You wiggle to give him room, his forearm cushioning your cheek as you look at him. 
“Got any theories?” you say.
“Several,” he says dryly, and you laugh. 
There’s a sudden burst of lightning and thunder at nearly the same time - you’re still airborne jumping from the flash when the slap of thunder startles a scream out of you.
You both laugh at yourselves. Namjoon’s hand closes over your shoulder blade, ever so gently pressing you closer to him. You wonder if he can feel your heart hammering against your ribs.
“Do you think she wants to work it out?” you ask, and he closes his eyes, fingers twitching against your back, like the question pains him.
“I don’t want to think that,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Would you say yes?” you ask.
For a second, his gaze is hollow. “I’d like to say no,” he admits. “Logically, the answer is no. But sometimes she just… has this pull over me. It’s like I’m powerless, no matter what logical decision I came to.”
“Yeah,” you say quietly. “I’ve been there.”
He looks at you, then. “Do you want to talk about -?”
“No,” you say firmly. “Right now I very much do not.”
He doesn’t take his gaze off of you. “You deserve more,” he says finally, like it’s so simple. “You deserve more than someone who can’t even see how much you’re willing to give them.”
“I could say the same to you,” you point out in a whisper. Namjoon’s laptop shifts into sleep mode, the screen going dark, leaving you both lit only by the streetlight outside. There’s only the sound of the pounding rain, the low rumbles of thunder, for one beat, two beats. Then you’re crawling into his lap, lips seeking his, hands on his shoulders for balance, blanket forgotten behind you. 
You press your lips to his, hard, and you feel his hand on your back instinctively pull you closer. Then you lean back, panting more from shock than anything else. “Sorry,” you gasp. “I shouldn’t have -.”
He cuts you off, surging forward to recapture your mouth, his hand flat on your back pulling you in, in, in. His spare hand comes up to cup your cheek, so gentle, like he’s afraid he’ll break you. You want more, need more, and you lightly suck his plump bottom lip between yours, teasing it with the tip of your tongue.
He growls, immediately moving his hand from your face to clutch at the dip of your waist, and a shock of desire shoots through your belly as you both shift. He leans back against the arm of the couch and you throw a leg over his lap, not breaking the kiss. He kisses you hungrily, forcefully, hands settling onto your hips. You can feel the press of each fingertip into your body, ten little divots. 
He toys with your mouth, more skilled with his tongue than you would have expected from him. You groan into the kiss, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to pull him impossibly closer. He raises a hand to tangle it in your hair, both of you trying to get closer by degrees. 
When you finally break to breathe, you gasp for breath against his neck. He holds you tight, both arms around your middle, like he’ll try to keep you there if you bolt. Like he expects you to bolt.
“Namjoon,” you whisper. “I should have… that was out of order. I should have told you first - that I like you. I should have said it first.”
His hold loosens, just barely, just enough that if you hadn’t been paying attention you might have missed it.
He laughs against your hair, reaching up to smooth it down. It’s the first time you’ve really noticed how fucking large his hands are. He tips your chin up with his index finger, urging you to look at him. “Me too,” he tells you seriously, looking into your eyes. “I could have told you that, too.” He kisses you once more, chastely. 
Part of you would like to keep kissing, but it’s the middle of the night, and you’re surrounded by the dark, and your eyelids are so heavy. You shift to stretch your legs out, laying next to him but draped partly over him. He keeps one arm wrapped around your back as you settle against his side, laying your head down on his broad chest. 
“Is this okay?” you ask, suddenly feeling very unsure. You’re unsure of a lot of things - starting with A: how you ended up like this, and landing at Z: where you go from here.
He gives your body a squeeze as an answer, his spare hand curling into a fist that he uses to cover his mouth as a yawn overtakes him. He reaches for the blanket you’d abandoned and tugs it out from under you, flapping it and letting it flutter over top of you both. 
You lay there in silence for a while, listening to the rain, listening to Namjoon’s heart. Then, quietly, you ask, “Do you think you’ll do it?”
“Do what?” he murmurs. You tilt your head to peek up at him. His head is back on the arm of the couch, and his eyes are closed. 
“Go meet her? Do you think you will?”
He shakes his head, his thumb stroking your back over the thin pajama top you have on. “No,” he says finally, sounding half-asleep. “Not going.”
You nod against his chest, curling your fingers in his shirt and closing your eyes. The rain, his heartbeat, and the thunder sing you to sleep.
Namjoon wakes with a crick in his neck and sweat gathering under his tshirt. It’s bright - brighter than normal for morning in his bedroom. He has a split second of absolute panic that he’s missed an alarm and is late for class or work, but that panic is knocked off course as his body catches up to his brain to inform him that he’s not in his bed, and he’s not alone.
He looks down at the top of your head where you’re still cuddled against his ribs, breathing heavily. His arm tightens around you instinctively as everything from last night comes back to him. 
Elyse’s text, out of fucking nowhere, tilting his earth off-axis. 
Laying in his bed, wide awake, thoughts racing. Pouring over every faction of their relationship, the good and the bad, his faults and hers, his merits and hers. Obsessing over each mistake he made, the ways he needs to change in order to not repeat the past. 
How she had ended the conversion - “think about it, Namjoon? for me?”
How, if he did what she asked and met up to talk, he’d be falling right into those old patterns - Elyse says “jump” and Namjoon says “off what?”.
He reaches slowly for his phone, trying not to wake you. You stir at the movement, but settle back in. His phone tells him it’s still early - barely even seven. You’ve only slept a few hours since you’d talked. Since you’d kissed. 
Namjoon wishes he had time for a walk; he needs to get his head straight, even more than he did yesterday. 
He needs to know how you feel. He needs to know what’s happening here. He can’t make decisions without all of the information, it’s just not how he operates. 
You said you like him, and he believes you. But it doesn’t remove what he can see clear as day - Taehyung was there first, Taehyung takes up most of your heart. 
Namjoon’s not a jealous person, by nature. He likes to think he’s pretty emotionally mature, too. But if you’re going to be with him - and he’s fully aware that the conversation hasn’t even gotten that far yet, he’s getting ahead of himself, no one has discussed being together in any capacity - then you need to be with him. Not as second place, not as a consolation prize. 
He’s willing to give you the time and space you need to figure that out, to decide if you can do it - give a good-faith try. 
But, you should probably talk about if either of you wants to pursue this in the first place. 
Would he want to date you? If he boils it down to the simplest facts, then sure. You’re smart, have similar interests, you make him laugh. He finds you really pretty - likes how your eyes show your moods before the rest of your face does, gets knocked down by your smile when you really mean it. 
Add in your baggage - loving someone who doesn’t want you. He doesn’t know the ways this affects your emotions or mentality, but he’s sure if something starts, he’ll learn. Would you be able to let go of the familiar? Would you constantly compare him to this idealized, “untarnished and pure” love, as you’d once described it? Would you cling to insecurities of never seeing an equal love, having experienced the lack of it for so long? There’s no way for him to know. There’s no way for you to know. 
It’s less simple now.
Add in his baggage - he knows Elyse left him a little fucked up. A little less trusting, a little afraid to love. His problem, over and over again, was loving too much, creating an unbalance. Or maybe it was choosing wrong, choosing partners who could only give less. 
It’s hard to fight the instinct, now, to pull it back, to temper it, to tamp it down. If he started something new, no matter who it was with, he’d have to be aware of that, have to actively fight against the urge to protect himself.
He doesn’t know if he’d be able to discern if a partner is fucking with his head the way Elyse would, or if they were just mixed up, just flawed. 
Maybe it’d be easier not to try.
This thought goes out the window when you stir beside him, stretching your toes down to the far end of the couch, burying your face into his side to hide from the morning sunlight streaming in the big windows, whining a little.
“Good morning,” he says, feeling the smile take over his face. 
You freeze, your entire body going still. He can feel you hold your breath, feel your heart hammer against your back under the weight of his arm.
Then you seem to remember where you are, what happened, who you’re with. You exhale, and he wonders if he hears relief in it. 
“We need to install curtains out here,” you answer, instead of good morning. Then, you reach up and use the top of the couch to pull yourself into a sitting position. Namjoon sits up more too, partly to give you room, partly to look at you.
You seem unsure for a minute, tongue peeking out to wet your lips nervously, eyes on the ground.
“Y/N,” he says gently. He knows a spiral when he sees one. You don’t look at him, so he reaches out, brushing a thumb lightly along your jawline. “Hey.”
You look up, the uncertainty written all over your face. “Sorry,” you say, though he can’t imagine what you’re apologizing for. “Did I fuck everything up? Should I not have done that?”
Namjoon shakes his head, still smiling. “Did it seem like I wasn’t into it?”
You make a face. “No,” you admit. “But I still feel like I demolished a boundary.”
He laughs a little at this, quietly. “It was a joint effort. But, I think it’s okay. I’m okay - are you… not? If you regret - or, I mean, if it’s better - we can just pretend it didn’t -.”
“No,” you say quickly. When he stops talking, you cast your eyes down again, take a breath, and then meet his eyes. “I don’t regret it,” you say quietly, making sure he knows you mean it. “I don’t want to pretend it didn’t happen.”
“Good,” he says, laying a hand on your blanket-covered knee. “Me either.”
You rub your eyes sleepily. “What time is it?”
“Nearly seven,” he tells you. 
“I have class,” you groan. “I need to go shower.”
He shifts out of your way so you can get up, helps you untangle your legs from the throw-blanket. 
“Hey,” he calls as you cross the threshold of your bedroom. You pause, backtracking to look at him expectantly. 
He gives you a playful smile. “Thanks for protecting me from the storm,” he says, and you laugh, giving a teasing eyeroll, before disappearing.
Namjoon rubs his face, stretches, and makes his way into his own room. When he returns, freshly showered and ready for class, you’re already gone.
Namjoon tries to keep things to himself. He tries to process on his own, sit with his thoughts, sort through his shit.
He cracks before noon.
[11:49 AM] Namjoon: so if i tell you guys something
[11:49 AM] Namjoon: it needs to be SECRET secret
[11:49 AM] Namjoon: none of the guys can know, seriously
[11:51 AM] Hobi: ominous, my dude
[11:52 AM] Namjoon: Y/N kissed me last night
[11:54 AM] Hobi: wait, what??? 😲🤯🫢
[11:54 AM] Hobi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:55 AM] Hobi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:56 AM] Yoongi: ok but why
[11:56 AM] Hobi: ….yoongi.
[11:57 AM] Namjoon: fuck you yoongi
[11:58 AM] Hobi: i need all of the context pls
[12:02 PM] Namjoon: uh the backstory is elyse texted me yesterday? 😅
[12:02 PM] Yoongi: again… but why
[12:03 PM] Namjoon: tbh i have no clue. she wants to “talk”. i havent told her yes or no yet
[12:04 PM] Hobi: 👁️👄👁️
[12:05 PM] Yoongi: you’re nearing your daily emoji quota, jung
[12:06 PM] Hobi: it’s only been six!!! 😤
[12:07 PM] Yoongi: 7
[12:07 PM] Namjoon: guys???
[12:08 PM] Hobi: 🤐
[12:08 PM] Yoongi: 8
[12:09 PM] Namjoon: GUYS
[12:10 PM] Yoongi: ok ok go ahead
[12:13 PM] Namjoon: ok so i was up at like 3am bc… elyse texted me and i just… had a lot of thoughts
[12:13 PM] Namjoon: and we had that storm and she woke up and came out to the living room and we were talking… about elyse… about idk relationships in general and idk the vibes were right and she just kissed me
[12:14 PM] Namjoon: so that happened for a little and we fell asleep on the couch?? like fully woke up with her this morning??
[12:14 PM] Hobi: oh shit 😲
[12:15 PM] Yoongi: wow man
[12:17 PM] Hobi: so what now?
[12:17 PM] Yoongi: what about taehyung?
[12:20 PM] Namjoon: those are indeed both questions 🙃
When you get home, Namjoon is standing beside his bed, folding shirts and putting them into a small, faux-leather travel bag. You give him a quick wave as you shuffle past the door, then do a double-take when you notice the bag.
“Are you… leaving?” you ask, coming closer. 
He looks at you, surprised, hands stilling mid-fold. “You don’t know?” he asks. “We’re all going away this weekend. The guys.”
You frown, glance at your phone in your hand, like you’re wondering if you missed a text. “Away?” you repeat.
Namjoon turns to face you. “Yeah, we’ve had it planned for a while. We’re all staying out by this brewery in the countryside? We’ll be back Sunday afternoon.”
Your frown deepens. “Who all is going?”
“Me, Yoongi-hyung, Hobi,” Namjoon lists, “Jin-hyung, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin.”
Your frown turns into a full pout. “Who am I going to hang out with all weekend?” you cry. “Leave someone here! I don’t care who it is, anyone will do!”
Namjoon shoots you a smile and resumes folding. “You’ll be okay. It’s just two nights.”
“Two nights!” you howl dramatically, clutching at your face like you’re The Scream. “I will simply not make it.”
“Maybe you can get some writing done,” Namjoon suggests lightly, crossing the room to dig out a pair of shoes. “No distractions.”
You give a hmph of dissent. “Whatever,” you say eventually, before heading for your bedroom. “You’ll just miss me and come back early. All of you.”
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Friday, October 26th
“Did you ever answer Elyse?” Hobi asks from Yoongi’s passenger seat, turning clear around to peer at Namjoon in the back. 
Namjoon stares out the window. “I told her I was going away for the weekend and I’d get back to her after.”
“Wow,” Yoongi says, one hand on the steering wheel. “Very assertive of you.”
“Shut up,” Namjoon grumbles. 
“Are you going to meet with her?” Hobi prods, ignoring the bickering.
Namjoon isn’t sure. He’d told you no, but he wasn’t sure you’d care if he changed his mind. He could change his mind, right? “I still don’t know what the fuck she wants,” he mutters. “It feels like a trap.”
“Glad your sense of self-preservation is working,” Yoongi says. “It is a trap. Elyse is a puppet-master. She just wants to make you dance. If I ask Namjoon to come, he will. You know how she operates. Wouldn’t it feel good to prove her wrong?”
Namjoon doesn’t answer this, and Yoongi lets him get away with silence. 
“I’m still curious, though,” Hobi pipes up, voicing Namjoon’s conflict for him. “What if she’s pregnant?”
“I will kick you out of this car,” Namjoon growls, shoving his knees through the seat into Hobi’s back. Hobi bends over with laughter and Yoongi’s shoulders shake. “Don’t even say that,” Namjoon continues to scold. “Don’t even give the universe any ideas. Fuck.”
“You’ve been broken up for four months,” Yoongi points out. “I think she would have told you before now.”
“Puppet-master,” Hobi reminds him helpfully. 
“I want to go home,” Namjoon laments. “Turn the car around.”
The house the guys rent is plain and sparsely decorated, but the real pull is the expansive wooden deck, from which there is a beautiful mountain view. It’s also a short drive into town, not far from the brewery they’re touring on Saturday, and sleeps seven - which was important, because they’ve all agreed they’re too old to share beds, now.
Yoongi’s car is the first to arrive, which means they get to choose rooms first. Namjoon picks a small single that’s practically in the attic; he doesn’t mind the size - he’s just happy it’s a space he doesn’t have to share, and that it’s far from the main floor where the most noise will be.
After doing a quick unpack and making a list of what they need, they load back into the car to make a quick grocery run. By the time they get back, trunk loaded with snacks and drinks, there are two more cars in the driveway, indicating that the rest of the group has arrived. 
They all help organize the groceries - or, rather, most of them help, and Taehyung and Jungkook watch from the kitchen table, happy to be babied. As they do, they discuss the general plan for the weekend.
“Today is kind of open,” Jungkook, who is the mastermind of the trip, tells them. “I figured we’d eat together tonight, but everyone can do what they want today.”
“The lake is close,” Namjoon says. He’d looked it up before they left. “I thought I’d walk around there.”
Yoongi gives him a sideways look. “You walking to get there?”
Namjoon gives him a sheepish smile. “I was hoping someone with a license might want to join me.”
“If Yoongi-hyung is okay with me taking the car, I’ll go,” Hobi says.
Yoongi shrugs. “I brought work to do, so I’m staying here. The car’s all yours.”
“I wanted to go into town,” Taehyung admits. “They actually have a few small galleries I wanted to peek at. A few shops, too.”
The group inevitably splits up for the various activities. Seokjin and Yoongi both opt to hang around the house, Jimin and Taehyung take a car into town, and Jungkook joins Namjoon and Hobi in the car towards the lake, wanting to do something a little active.
It’s probably not as active as he would have liked, being just a flat, paved trail around the lake’s perimeter, but when Namjoon apologizes Jungkook insists this is still better than following Taehyung and Jimin around the town’s shops.
The lake, small enough to look across, glitters under the mid-afternoon sun. They walk the whole trail in about an hour, strolling and talking. When they pass a pavilion with benches, they sit for a while, watching the water, the ducks, the clouds floating by. 
Hobi talks about his recent job search, the hardship of applying place after place, how he’d worked hard for his competitive internship and how it didn’t seem to be paying off. Jungkook shares a little about his thoughts about graduating after next year, where he might want to go from here - the uncertainty that he’d picked the right field, that he’d see success.  Then, as he’d dreaded it would, the conversation lands back on Namjoon and Elyse. 
Hobi is the culprit, asking Namjoon, “Do you want to talk about the text you got?”
Jungkook’s head swivels, immediately interested just from the secrecy alone.
Namjoon sighs, looking out at the water, leaning heavily on the pavilion’s wooden railing. “No,” he grumbles.
“You probably should talk it out,” Hobi presses. “You’ll need a clear head about this. For multiple reasons.” He’s being cryptic, since Jungkook doesn’t know anything about you. But Namjoon understands and resents that he’s right. 
Namjoon flops backwards onto the bench, staring at the pavilion’s roof. “Elyse wants to meet up,” he says. He can’t see it, but he knows Jungkook’s eyes go wide.
“Why?” the younger man asks, shock in his voice. “What could she possibly want?”
“To make sure I’m miserable?” Namjoon suggests. “To win one more round of If I Ask, Will He Do It?”
“You could still say no,” Hobi points out gently. “In fact, if you’re asking, my advice is to say no.”
“That’s definitely the power move,” Jungkook agrees. “Refuse to play the game.”
“Then why does that feel like letting her win?” Namjoon complains, a little whine in his voice. “Wouldn’t that look like I’m still affected by her, like I can’t handle being around her? And that’s not the case. Shouldn’t I prove it?”
“Namjoon-ah,” Hobi says gently, “what if you go and she tries to get back together?”
Namjoon lets out a sound that’s both a laugh and a growl.
“Seriously,” Hobi presses, insistent. “She could! What will you do?”
“She might not even mean it,” Jungkook mutters, toeing the ground with his sneaker. “She might do it just to see if you’d say yes.”
“You’re making her out to be way worse than she was,” Namjoon protests. “She was immature, not evil.”
“I think it looked worse from the outside,” Jungkook explains kindly. “Watching you play her games… it sucked for us, bro. I hated seeing you go through that.”
Namjoon feels discomfort in his chest; he hates that the conversation landed here. He doesn't want to talk about Elyse. He’d rather talk about you, about where that will go - if anywhere. He’d rather work out what he wants from you, hear some opinions on what the guys think you’ll want. 
He’d rather talk about kissing you, how it had felt like the lightning outside the apartment came from inside his bones, how your body had fit so neatly beneath his hands, how he had slept deeply with you pressed against his side.
He’d much rather talk about that. But he can’t. Not with Taehyung still tangled up in this.
“I don’t want her back,” he says, firmly. “She’s not even on my radar right now.”
Jungkook looks at him sideways, a little sly, and Namjoon avoids the gaze as best he can. 
He’d told you he wasn’t going, before you’d fallen asleep. 
“Find out what she wants first,” Hobi finally suggests. “Don’t go unless she’ll tell you.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon says, turning his head to look back out over the lake. “Maybe.”
The guys grill out on the deck for dinner, lounging around on the wicker furniture with drinks and snacks as Yoongi and Seokjin take turns turning the meat with a pair of tongs. 
They stay, drinking and laughing, music playing quietly from someone’s bluetooth speaker, until long after dark. Some of the older guys head to bed - Seokjin, then Hobi. 
“You can see so many more stars here,” Taehyung observes at one point, laying backwards across Jimin’s legs, eyes on the sky.
“Way more constellations,” Namjoon agrees, following his gaze.
“You know,” Taehyung continues, voice slower and more lilting than normal - Namjoon wonders if he’s a little drunk - “Y/N hasn’t texted me once.” He lets his voice fall into a pout. “I swear, she has a boyfriend she’s not telling me about.”
Namjoon snaps his mouth shut, feeling the blood rush to his face, even though he knows he’s not your boyfriend, knows he’s not the reason you aren’t texting Taehuyng. Or, well, he could be the reason - it just wasn’t because you were at this exact moment too busy spending time with him. But maybe you had another reason. 
He wonders if you really are pulling away from Taehyung by degrees. He wonders if it could be because of him. Does wondering that make him full of himself? Or just an idiot?
Yoongi’s eyes are on him intently, and Jungkook murmurs to excuse himself and rises, heading into the house and away from the mess he probably senses. Jimin watches all of this silently, but says nothing.
Someone has to speak.
“You know that’s not true,” Namjoon says, finally. “No one comes to the house but you guys.”
“I know,” Taehyung mutters. “But still. Something’s off.”
Namjoon’s not sure what makes him brave enough to say it - maybe because he’s been drinking, maybe because the speaker is playing something soulful and moving, maybe because the vibe seems to be along the lines of Therapy Night. Maybe because Jimin and Yoongi are still here to do damage control. But he opens his mouth and asks, “Taehyung… what would happen if she did start to date someone?”
Yoongi’s eyes go wide and he hurries to mask it, faking a yawn that he covers with one large hand. Under the table, Namjoon kicks him lightly in scolding.
“Ah,” Taehyung says, flapping a hand at them. “You guys know I don’t see Y/N that way. Our friendship isn’t like that.”
To you, Namjoon thinks. 
“Seriously,” Taehyung insists when he’s met with silence. “She can date whoever she wants. She can do whatever she wants.”
“Right, I know,” Namjoon says quickly, before Taehyung can get too defensive and shut the whole line of conversation down. “But seriously - it would really change things, don’t you think?”
“It doesn’t have to,” Taehyung says petulantly. 
Jimin hops in for the first time, and Namjoon’s flooded with relief that someone else will push this line of questioning, to take the focus off of him. 
“But Tae,” Jimin points out, “when she does, and things get serious, and she starts spending all of her time with some guy instead of with you? Telling him about her day instead of you? Calling him for dinner plans instead of you? Will you be okay? Both of you?”
Taehyung laughs - but that’s the thing about Taehyung. It’s all a big joke from the outside. But Namjoon’s known him long enough to know that Taehyung laughs louder when he’s got an emotion to hide from.
“What,” Taehyung protests through a defensive laugh, “do you think I’m helpless, just waiting around for her? I do okay for myself!”
“We’re not implying that you don’t,” Namjoon says. “It’s just… I remember when Elyse started spending more of her time with me instead of her girlfriends… they hated it, hated feeling like they weren’t her priority anymore. She had a hard time with that - some of her friendships were never really the same.”
“You shouldn’t feel bad about that, hyung,” Taehyung says, missing the point entirely - or avoiding it. “That’s what’s supposed to happen. Your partner becomes your priority. Your friends have to figure it out, if they really love you.”
For a second, Namjoon feels something like relief, and enough time passes that he thinks the conversation is over. Then Yoongi asks, quietly, “Do you think that you could do that with Y/N? You think you could ‘figure it out’ if she had someone else to love? If you weren’t her priority anymore?”
Taehyung sits up, brows furrowed. “I’m not her priority.”
All three guys snort in tandem. 
Taehyung exclaims wordlessly in indignation. “I’m not!”
“You are,” Jimin tells him, placing a hand on his arm in apology for the tough love. “And based on your whining tonight, the rest of us are just worried about how you’ll handle it if that changes.”
Taehyung gets up, clearly a little pissed. “I appreciate the concern, I guess,” he grumbles. “But I’m not a kid. And I don’t need Y/N. I’m fine without her.”
Without another word, he heads inside. Jimin gives a heavy sigh, shoots Namjoon a look that he doesn’t want to decipher, and follows.
Yoongi looks at Namjoon silently.
“Fuck,” Namjoon says, lowering his head to press it against the wooden dinner table. “I know, man. I know.”
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not even gonna say anything i'm just gonna wait to see what you all have to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are we feeling, mffmhh fam???? pls let me know!!! <3 as always, thank you for being here!!!
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adorastarot · 1 year
Ola Adora! ♡ Welcome back! You've been missed! You left me wandering aimlessly here 😭
I have a question, could you please explain which timeline you use for your energy readings, do you read the past, present or future energy of the seven & spouses?
Also can we please have a current energy check reading on all the BTS Future Spouses please? (:
♡ This reading has an extended version for Ko-fi monthly members [view here] Update on the fs' energies 27/08/2023
Namjoon’s fs
6 of cups, 8 of cups, 10 of pentacles
Either visiting home for a short amount of time and reconnecting with their roots or in the process of leaving home because of a job. Getting out of their comfort and exploring new possibilities. A lot of deja vu and nostalgia coming through. Working hard to let go of the past and move on to new horizons. Working on becoming consistent with the things that they do and enjoying themselves.
Jin’s fs
The empress, queen of pentacles, knight of swords
Jin’s fs never disappoints, their energy is always 10/10. They are definitely feeling themselves right now, life just seems to be going well! They may be focused on exercising, doing yoga?  cooking good food, being the amazing person they are. Manifesting is important for this person, they walk like they own the place because they know that they eventually will. Focused on money and building an empire of some sorts. Doing everything very quickly and having a lot of different ideas. 
Suga’s fs
10 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles and temperance
The fs may have recently struggled with money, I feel like this month was a bit tight and hard. But there could be some unexpected money coming in or it already did…inheritance potentially? Or the fs’ family will be gifting them something worth money. Wanting to build an empire of their own. Focused on moving away from financial hardships and focusing on balancing their own energy - finding happiness in the little things and bringing a smile to the face of the people around them. Spending a lot more time with friends than usual even making new friends?!
Hoseok’s fs
9 of cups in reverse, the tower, the star
Suddenly, they don’t feel successful enough? They are re-evaluating their achievements and what makes them feel successful. What am I working so hard for? What keeps them going? A lot of things have happened at once in their life. Feeling a little bit unsettled, everything seemed to go wrong but they realised that this had to happen so that new things could come to their life. Very hopeful energy. Wanting and asking for guidance. They may be looking for signs - this is a sign!
Jimin’s fs
Knight of pentacles, page of pentacles, 6 of wands
Slowly but surely they are getting to a place where they want to be. This person is currently very focused and determined, DO NOT GET IN THEIR WAY! They may be learning a new skill? There is definitely a bit of studying coming through or upskilling within their industry.  They may be in the spotlight at the moment due to their hard work, they are getting recognition for their efforts and they are enjoying it! They love getting recognised for something that they have put their heart and soul into. People may ask this person for guidance and to mentor them. 
Taehyung’s fs
3 of swords, 2 of cups, the world
Ooooof I feel like V’s fs is very up and down in energy. Within the last year or so they may have had a huge heartbreak that they may still be getting over. There seem to be better days and worse days but they are slowly working on picking up all of the pieces. They are figuring out exactly what it is that they want out of a romantic partner. However, they are also very focused on putting themselves first right now because in the past they have put others before themselves and it ended in resentment feelings growing,
Jungkook’s fs
6 of cups, queen of pentacles, 6 of pentacles
Lots of 6s! This person may be getting signs again - and a lot of them! This person is currently helping their friends and even family. Giving a lot of time and even some money to those around them. There is a lot of joy coming from this person because they are in a position in which they can help! They may have been around flowers lately?! This is also someone who has been working from home - fulfilling a childhood dream.
All the love,
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Short drabble for @lilythepurple 💜
Prompt: “Yeah, but you should have seen the other guy.” and “Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.”
Ship: Taekook (Jungkook and V from BTS)
Disclaimer: These are real people with real lives that I know nothing about. This is just cute fiction with a ship. I do not believe myself to know anything about their lives in reality.
“There was an accident.. I’m fine! My car, not so much.” It was a call Kim Taehyung never expected to receive and it made his heart race despite his boyfriend reassuring him that he’s fine. The word ‘accident’ kept echoing in his head and before he ever realised it he was stepping into his shoes and grabbing his keys.
“Okay. I.. okay. What happened?” Tae asked and he could hear his own voice trembling as he grabbed his jacket and a hat. He knows logically that he should call the company or Namjoon and avoid suspicion but none of that seemed to matter when Jungkook called him, sounding scared and upset.
“Just.. I swear I was looking everywhere. It was like they slammed on their breaks. I couldn’t break fast enough. They’re okay. I’m fine. It was just.. Taehyungie what do I do?” Tae felt like crying at the tone in Jungkook’s voice, heart squeezing as he locked his door and headed out of the building.
“Where are you?” Jungkook described the place but also pinged him the location as Tae got into his car. “Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.” They both reluctantly hung up and Tae drove off towards the river to find his boyfriend rules be damned. They could worry about the company and the public later.
Tae had never parked so quickly in his whole life, slamming the door and running across the street, immediately met with an armful of upset Jungkook. He pulled back and grabbed his boyfriend’s face, examining the cut on his cheek with a frown as Jungkook tried to shake him off.
“I’m fine.” Tae pushed Jungkook’s hair back, still frowning, worry heavy in the pit of his stomach. “You’re bleeding!” Jungkook shrugged, offering him a small grin. “Yeah, but you should see the other guy.” Tae huffed, dramatically rolling his eyes, shaking his head in exasperation so he couldn’t laugh. Just like Jungkook to make a joke at a time like this.
A man walked over with his phone, seeming frazzled but definitely okay. Tae exhaled slowly. Nobody is seriously hurt, there’s no ambulance or anything rushing to the accident. It’s okay.
“I called my insurance company. It should be alright. It was totally my fault!” Jungkook nodded with a little bow, shaking the man’s hand and Tae desperately wanted to moved closer, hold his boyfriend’s hand or wrap his arm around him or something.. anything. Jungkook called his insurance and all Tae could really do was wait until the man left, easily driving off. Jungkook’s car wasn’t as lucky.
“One thing at a time, Kookie. You’re okay.” Tae mumbled, moving closer finally, and he saw Jungkook take a slow, deep breath just like they’ve talked about so many times in the past. They called a tow truck and then they just had to wait so Tae pulled his boyfriend close to his side, slowly stroking up and down his arm as they very slowly swayed together from side to side.
As the tow truck left with Jungkook’s car Tae grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and walked them over to his haphazardly parked car so he could take them home. The second the doors closed he noticed Jungkook’s shoulders dropping as he exhaled, shaky hands pushing his hair back, and Tae paused with the keys in the ignition. Home could wait for just a moment.
“Hey, you’re okay.” He shifted in his seat so he could move closer, taking Jungkook’s hands in his, but tears were already falling down his cheeks, breaking Tae’s heart. He pulled Jungkook into his arms and they sat there until he was certain his boyfriend had stopped shaking.
“Better?” He asked with a soft smile and Jungkook exhaled a laugh as he wiped his eyes, nodding. “Better. Can we go home now?” Tae smiled brightly, stealing a quick kiss before starting the car and taking them back to the apartment. They both decided to not check online that night, opting for curling up in bed together and dealing with any possible outcome in the morning.
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Not a YoonMin-er but would like to add my thoughts around this beautiful relationship. Yoongi was indisputably the member that influenced Jimin’s mindset pre-debut. His words of encouragement to a teenager who was being left in the limbo day in day out was so profound that Jimin has referred to it many many times. Yes Jimin himself is mentally strong and capable but we all need someone in our corner and for Jimin, that person was Yoongi. I also believe that because Yoongi was already making music and part of the industry in some way, his words held more weight.
I do feel that Jimin is closest to Yoongi (after JHope), and Namjoon more than Jungkook and V. Because of how Jimin thinks and because of what Yoongi himself has been through in terms of mental and emotional struggle. YoonMin to me are the true soulmates. They bicker, they make fun of each other. But let someone else do it and then will see red. Their relationship is so beyond the normal brotherhood and friendships.
For all the hate Yoongi gets from JM solo stans about the comments he makes (and admittedly some have been or could be perceived as being in bad taste), Jimin himself would never crucify Yoongi for them. I don’t even think he would take these comments seriously. And if Jimin’s ment at DDay finale wasn’t proof enough if their special bond (he literally called out Yoongi for being a bad host and not introducing his guest, at the guys own show infront of 100s of 1000s of people 😂😂😂), I don’t know what is.
I don’t know whether they had anything between them or not. Most likely not. But it seems that currently Yoongi is the only one Jimin would listen to. He only had to beg twice for a LC and TM performance and he didn’t even bribe whereas poor Jungkook has offered chicken, bam, boxing and even nakedness and got no Jimin 😂😂😂😂
Poor JK needs to beg some more. Maybe he can do a mukbang again with some Kimchi Jigae…but wait, Taeyang already offered that to Jimin 😂😂😂😂
You say you're not a yoonminer but after reading your ask, I'm very curious about what you are. It's interesting that you feel Jimin is closest to Yoongi because of what they've both been through "...in terms of mental and emotional struggle" and while I understand that yoonmin have bonded over shared personal journeys, I feel this could be said more for Yoongi's relationship growth with Hoseok and Namjoon. It's not often alluded to in the fandom but Hoseok and Joon have had their own deep struggles with depression and insecurity, and the way Yoongi and Hoseok have been able to emotionally open up to each other, the way Yoongi has deepened his emotional connection to and respect for Namjoon over the years, make Yoongi’s relationships with Namseok foundational to him in the group. Or like soulmates, to use your words. More so than with Jimin, in my opinion.
It’s also interesting that you say “They bicker… but let anyone else do it and then they will see red.” …but don’t you notice all the times this happens and it’s Jungkook that’s seeing red? To Yoongi?
Just off the top of my head, during their last visit to the UN when Jimin made that cute gaff and the guys were joshing him for it after. Yoongi (and a couple others) kept going, twisting that little pain point and JK (plus Hobi) was the first to put an end to it. Jungkook did it in such a sassy way too, considering he was speaking to people older than him. I’m not sure if it was captured in the English subtitles, but Jungkook very easily laid down the law in one second, signalled to the others that they were close to crossing a line in teasing Jimin. Not like Jimin needed his help, but it’s still worth noting that very publicly in their least rehearsed moment (on Vlive) it was JK speaking up.
Jungkook also damn near jumped Yoongi with a frying pan too, in that one RUN BTS episode (ep 100 I think) for mistakenly hitting Jimin. Jungkook in general is pretty big, so how you’ve missed that muscle bunny showing up to show out for Jimin, almost everyday for 10 years, is a real curiosity for me.
I agree with you that in terms of emotional outlets, Yoongi is one of the steadfast sounding boards for Jimin. There’s a lot about those two that does indicate that in another life, they would be kindred souls and I guess in some ways they already are. But today, in this universe, I can’t really say Jimin is closer to Yoongi than to Jungkook. I just don’t see it.
We don’t really know any of them, and who they are close too at various points changes all the time depending on whatever’s happening in their real lives, but Jimin today gives me the sense he’s somewhat detached from everyone in the group for long stretches so he can focus on his solo work. I’m not really seeing anything to tell me there’s been a massive shift and he’s now closer to Yoongi than to Jungkook. He could have become closer to Yoongi than before, to be as close to Yoongi as he is to Jungkook, maybe, but jikook’s relationship fundamentally remains the same in Chapter 2.
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holdinbacksecrets · 9 months
hii lovely, do you have any fic recs?
actually while we’re at it, your writings and the things you reblog are just beautiful, do you have any book recs too?
i have so many! and thank you for sharing kind words 🖤
my bts side blog is @sayeuphoria and my fic rec tags are ‘sticky feelings’ and ‘sweet like honey’
i’ll also make a little list of my favorite fics and ones i go back to regularly. the majority of these are 18+. mdni
also, please interact with fics you love. reblog them! reblog them with tags! reblog them with comments! send an ask or message to the author! but please reblog. you know how good it feels to take yourself out for a little treat? that’s how reblogs feel, and they make writers want to keep writing. it warms the hearts of writers to know someone was touched by our work, and a part of a piece that we’re really proud of ended up being someone’s favorite part of the fic. plus, don’t you want others to read your favorite pieces?? reblog to help people find them 🖤 it’s a potluck, and if you aren’t bringing a dish (which is totally fine), at least be willing to slice and serve some cake!
Rattled by @gukslut i first read this series over the summer of 2021, and i think about it on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. i reread it every six months. it’s an absolute gem, impeccably written. one of my favorite jungkook’s i’ve ever read
My feet to follow, and my heart to hold by @daechwitatamic i read this series as it was being posted last year, and i used to wake up so excited on the morning of a new chapter. this namjoon unleashed something in me, and i’ve been left craving love more than i used to. i love the presence of poetry too.
Guarded by @xjoonchildx this series was the first mafia au story i read and fucking loved. i’ve gone back to it so many times. i love the way hoseok’s perception of oc changes as the story progresses. oh so good and satisfying.
these blurbs by @darlingjoon tore me in half and stitched me back together
i’m a sucker for angst, and i love all the angst my lovely friend @taetaespeaches writes, especially for yoongi. perfection, but i’m going to drop some of my favorite titles of her fantastic, beautifully written work:
“i thought you left.” yoongi
“You know that I would ruin myself over and over again for you.” yoongi
“I didn’t think you’d care if I came back.” yoongi
“You’ve been my future since we were teenagers.” taehyung
“Let me hold you. Let me take care of you.” taehyung
“I may or may not have met someone.” taehyung
“You think I’d leave you if you falter?” jungkook
my @here2bbtstrash favorites:
deep end namjoon. this fic changed my life.
the shape of your body jimin
the spins jungkook
Love cafe by @chocosvt this jeonghan piece!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! the whole piece is amazing, but there were some scenes that were especially sweet and endearing. i remember sending a friend screenshots of dialogue freaking out.
i was so excited to share @by-moonflower-deactivated202401 bc their writing is incredible, piercing, and feels so nostalgic, but oh shit 😭😭 just learned they deactivated ☹️
book recs:
i’ve read almost everything by taylor jenkins reid, and i’ll recommend her books forever.
last year i read the book of azrael by amber v nicole and loved it. it’s a dark fantasy romance. i haven’t read the sequel yet.
this year, so far, i’ve read days at the morisaki bookshop. it’s a quick read but very sweet and comforting, with life lessons just beneath the surface. i’ve also read heavenly bodies by imani erriu. it had me screaming and kicking my feet. i posted about it here a few days ago. i’m reading the sequel right now.
dub finding ceremony by alexis pauline gumbs is a book i read my senior year of college, and it inspired a lot of writing for my independent studies prose class. braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer is another beautiful read.
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