#i have verses linked for him on the muse page
solariumrph · 2 years
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a vintage playbill inspired doc!
it’s been a hot second since i’ve done anything docs-related but i wanted to share my latest adventure!  i made this doc to house a version of my muse that’s a 1920s era actor, complete with sepia-toned faceclaim photos & an alt title page that’s been run through photoshop w some free textures & things.  i tried putting the textures on the whole doc, but it made it extremely difficult to read, so i ended up leaving the textured title page as a header on the actual blog, and kept the doc itself unaltered.  though, if you found the right texture pack, you could probably run it through photosh.op and set it as a pdf for your mutuals to get into. (make sure you have all the fonts installed on your computer, i Did Not)
this doc can be found here and in the source link if you want to take a stab at customizing it, though i recommend it only for people who have moderate to maybe advanced?? skill in docs.  placing some of the object pngs inside the table was out of my skill range to begin with and the fact that it figured itself out in the end is a miracle.  but anyway.  all images are replaceable if you can get under the other images to them.  i did my own coloring but docs does have a built-in sepia filter if you’re not about doing all that yourself
there is a title page, a rules page, a character page w images, and another sort of empty unformatted page at the end you could delete out or customize with extra information.  i personally think the last page is the best place to put the backstory and the little squares can be all your info spots / connections / verses, but that’s not even what i did lmao so you do you!!
ngl i’m not sure if i will be much help about it but do let me know if you have any questions on formatting the doc.  start by going to file > make a copy and renaming your new doc.  docs are for personal, individual use only & credit must remain intact.  i worked hard on my baby.  also sterling is my oc plz don steal etc etc.  specifically 'the cutting room floor' is my tagline on sterling's blog so that title belongs to him as well.  but yeah if you make anything using my docs pls pls pls tag me or dm me and show me??  i wanna seeeeeee.  ok ty ily have a good timezone 💕💃
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uramii · 5 months
Blog Rules
This is primarily intended for mobile view as I understand some people primarily use tumblr through the app or those who don't want to wade through the theme. Enjoy! Drop a like on this post if you've read them, there is no password.
This is an open blog for all. I'm not at all selective on interactions nor do I require you to "match my length" or anything of that nature. Duplicates are also welcome! Seeing Ganondorf talk to himself might be a treat if they don't kill each other.
Personal blogs are also welcome but if you don't roleplay I won't be following back. Trying to keep my dash clean for the most part.
Although this is a multiverse/multiship blog there will be continuity within the main verse. If you see Ganondorf reference your muse or speak about events that occurred between us then just know I reserve the right!
Ganondorf is a villain! He may go through a redemption arc here soon, who knows, but even afterwards he's a brash and ultimately cruel man. His short temper means he may harm your muse. Just bear that in mind. I'll warn you, the mun, before that happens so we're both on the same page of course but sometimes he'll simply react.
Smut is on a case-by-case basis
All relationships are welcome. Romantic, platonic(if you can reach that level with him), enemies( all Link's welcome ;D), so on and so forth. Romance isn't the only flavor but it's the best
Relevant triggers will be tagged, if I miss one let me know. I have no triggers for I am invincible.
This should go without saying but no god-modding. First a warning then a full-on block!
My schedule is hectic and my sleep schedule hates me so sometimes I may go a few days without posting. I promise I haven't forgot about you but if I haven't made contact in a bit don't be afraid to poke me. I don't bite. :) But Ganon may.
I'm here to have fun and play with the idea of a Ganondorf at the end of his journey and starting another one.
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rediragni · 11 days
Hey there this is Finn and this is my blog for Henroin! Not looking to do to much in regards to aesthetics on this blog for now. It will be dash only, this post should have everything you need to know.
For info on Henroin here is a link to his wiki for now, I'll establish more as time goes on! Again, this blog is largely for people who already know me from bigveee, avispatr, and metaladam. I am the mun of these blogs where I have a lot of info on those characters! This is more of just a self indulgent experiment for me.
As far as the rules go, I am 30 years old and I am not interested in interacting with minors. No one under 18 is permitted to follow my blog. If I find out you lied about your age I will block you.
I will be playing Henroin as he was presented in Viv's work, it will likely only have one specific verse as it stands. I might open things up later down the line depending if the muse sticks.
I won't be pulling any punches here. Henroin is homophobic, and he does not like Angel Dust because he is gay. He's meant to be a villain in the threads he appears in, ultimately his views are meant to be seen as evil. You are supposed to dislike him, kinda the point! Please don't mistake his horribly flawed nature for mine!
No instant shipping..
Don't attack or harm my character unless you message me first please. I do love fight threads, and I know I will 100% get into many here! I just want to plot such things out before starting them so everyone is on the same page!
I am not a fan of cancel culture. Don't tell me what someone did. I don't care.
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angelsandemons · 3 months
Hey, for anyone wondering: I am aware that I am actively committing the cardinal sin of linking to the fan wiki for Bill's about page. I think I just feared that everything was already too long from when I carried it over from my old rules page before this was a multi-muse blog, and I didn't want to add more to it.
But that's not really fair for anyone who is trying to decide if you want to interact with him, espeically now that the majority of my active followers may not have even seen Gravity Falls.
There is, hilariously, more canon info about Bill coming next month, and after I digest that, I plan to make a proper about page for him like my other characters have, and just split out all the rest of the stuff on there into separate posts, linked accordingly.
I also do plan on creating a proper Hellaverse verse for Bill as well.
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keeperofquestions · 2 months
Castle Noctua and the Sigils of Minerva (Mobile-Friendly Version)
The old castle Duedephelon apparently calls his home is an ancient crumbling fort that he maintains is the ancestral seat of his branch. His earliest memory is awaking in the sanctum with full knowledge of the building itself, the sigils, and his own name. It contains both ancient and some modern furnishings as if it was at one point inhabited by a group of people who simply up and left. However the stone castle itself has no modern appliances or even a way to power them.
There are no other living souls or even any evidence of there having ever been anyone else; except for conspicuous absences of records and books that should be in places they aren’t. The largest anomaly aside from places that are oddly destroyed is the library, where books are arranged with missing gaps, as if they were intentionally lifted from the shelves, leaving things untouched.
Somehow, the outside buttresses that hold the second floor hanging over the first are untouched, despite the western watchtower collapsing and destroying part of the floor below it.
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The Sigils of Minerva are, to the best of Phel’s knowledge, a kind of artificial muse that focuses on asking questions for the purpose of gaining information and performing small feats of magic through asking questions. As the artifact’s steward (especially now that he’s seemingly the only member of his family left), Phel can call upon the sigils still protected in his sanctum for minor power.
The pieces of the sigils are drawn to their respective kind of inquiry and someone with a strong burning desire to know something specific may find themselves stumbling into one of the pieces and be able to use its ability so long as they hold it. The shards Phel has and what abilities they give him are also detailed on his character page.
All available information about the Sigils is what Phel has learned or has been revealed in any roleplay. As it stands they draw power from questions and cannot be used to directly harm anyone. The basic nature of any abilities that each sigil or piece of one can grant will follow the general intent of what the question it pertains to seeks to solve. 
Phel keeps the doors to the sanctum where the sigils were held closed at all times. The damage to it has caused it to become extremely unstable and exposure to the remains of it causes problematic psychological effects to anyone inside, barraging their mind with intense questions. Phel, himself is particularly susceptible to this as he is magically linked to the artifact he is tasked with protecting. It is the one way the castle’s sanctum seems to defend itself, using him as a conduit to expel intruders.
OOC Notes: If you want your character to find or have a piece of the sigils, go ahead! The rest of the abilities are intentionally unknown to allow for some creative mutual storytelling. Just like Phel’s shards, the question has to be said aloud. The only major rules of the sigils is that any magic they grant is not directly harmful (this includes mental/emotional harm like mind control.) I only ask that if you do use it, reference this page and tell me what you’ve come up with! 
Since this blog will have no singular canon, it’s possible for overlap and contradictions between verses on what shards are known, what they do, and who has any.
Who? The Question of Identity
Asking “Who?” with intent to gain insight about someone. Phel suspects this may take the form of finding out if someone is lying, or digging up information they may be hiding, or making it easier to find out about them second hand.
No shards of Who? have been found.
What? The Question of Designation
Asking “What?” with intent to gain information about an object or place. As far as Phel can tell, this might have the ability to also apply properties or something or perform some lesser conjuration- but that’s only his conjecture.
Phel has one shard, allowing him to create small illusions.
When? The Question of Time
Asking “When?” to learn about a specific point in time. Phel isn’t too sure how this works out past the one shard he has but he has discovered limited time travel might be possible with the full sigil.
Phel has two shards, allowing him to very briefly stop time and replay memories if he can recall them.
Where? The Question of Location
Asking “Where?” with intent to learn about or go somewhere. Phel thinks this could allow some to learn about locations before visiting themselves or track the location of something.
Phel has one shard, allowing him a short teleport with a visible tell.
Why? The Question of Purpose
Asking “Why?” with the intent to discover and underlying truth about a situation. Phel hasn’t been able to think of what this could mean and it scares him.
No shards of Why? have been found.
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Jess’ Dad
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Female Character
Characters: Jess Mariano, Original Female Character, Luke Danes, Rory Gilmore
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2526
Summary: You know I really like Jess a lot but…
Tags/Warnings: Songfic, Kissing, Dating, Jealousy, Age-Gap Romance, Crushes, Angst, Fluff, Halloween Challenge, Dylan’s Dad // Geena Fontanella
Notes: not a Dean, Jess or Logan girl. I will always be a Luke Danes girl.
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‘She’s looking at you,’ Luke said, glancing towards Jess before returning his attention back to the napkin holders he’d been in the middle of restocking.
‘What?’ Jess asked, looking up confusedly from where he’d been diligently refilling ketchup bottles.
‘She’s looking at you,’ Luke repeated, not bothering to look at him.
‘Who is?’ Jess asked scanning the diner but finding no one facing his way.
‘That girl,’ Luke said as his eyes flicked to the window forcing Jess’ to follow where he found a girl standing on the other side. Lauren. He knew her from school and though they’d had very little interaction he had noticed she’d been coming into the diner quite a bit recently. He hadn't thought anything of it but the way Luke’s mouth turned up in a smirk, as if there was something he hadn’t disclosed, made a scowl fall on his face.
‘No she isn’t,’ Jess grunted, pulling another ketchup bottle towards him so he had an excuse not to look in his uncle’s direction.
‘She’s looked in here at least twenty times in the last few minutes,’ Luke said.
‘She’s looking in the diner,’ Jess protested, his irritation flaming further as Luke smirked and shrugged.
‘If you say so,’ he mused.
Jess didn’t bother retorting because he knew it was pointless. Whilst Jess was an expert at getting under his uncle’s skin Luke seemed to be just as versed in riling up the younger man and so he chose to let it go knowing it would only lead to more teasing. And as the bell above the door tinkled, signalling someone was coming into the diner, he was glad he had because he didn’t exactly want to get into an argument about a girl liking him not when the girl he actually liked was walking through the door.
He watched as Rory came in, surveying the place for a seat, but when their eyes met her face fell into a glare and she headed towards a table in the corner. Followed to his surprise by Lauren. Jess groaned internally. Of course they had to come in together. He could practically feel Luke’s smugness radiating out of him so determined not to give him the satisfaction of insisting Jess go take their order he bit the bullet and headed to their table anyway.
Rory looked up as he came over, annoyance still plastered across her face that made his heart sink. He supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d heard from Luke that his little stunt of basket buying had caused a rift between her and Lorelai as well as her and the lanky idiot she called a boyfriend and yet he had hoped beyond hope that after their ‘date’ her feelings might have started to change. He knew she liked him, probably as much as he liked her, yet she was just too blinded by what others thought to let herself do anything about it. It made his heart hurt because she was the only person in this ludicrous town that he actually liked, well save for Luke and even then that was because it was sort of a requirement given that they were family.
‘Hey,’ he said hoping if he came in with a voice that could lend itself to being an apology without him having to utter one it'd be enough to turn her mood.
‘Cheeseburger and fries,’ she said coolly, ‘and a coffee.’
Jess’s heart sank.
‘Have you decided what you’re having?’ she asked cutting him off as she looked towards Lauren whose eyes snapped up, flitting between them both.
‘Oh uh not yet,’ Lauren said sheepishly, her eyes falling back on the page as she tried with haste to pick something.
‘You should come back,’ Rory said dismissively and suddenly Jess felt his disappointment at being in her bad books turn to irritation.
‘No it’s okay,’ Jess said, ‘I’ll wait.’
And so the pair waited, watching each other irritably until finally Lauren caught their attention and said, ‘Uh I’ll just have the same.’
‘Coffee too?’ Jess asked.
‘Uh no, diet coke,’ she said earning a nod from Jess before he headed back to the counter, practically slamming the ticket down on the counter earning another look from his uncle. Jess didn’t say anything, instead, he moved back to the job he had been doing before they'd even come in, albeit a little rougher than he had been previously.
He couldn’t help it. He didn’t know why she got under his skin so much. How he could like her and be frustrated by her simultaneously. Though it wasn’t even her that irritated him. No, his irritation was caused by the fact he knew it wasn’t her. Like the whole god-forsaken basket thing. He knew she wasn’t all that bothered about it in fact he could tell she'd actually enjoyed herself yet she was still letting others tell her how she felt. That’s what irritated him.
As he glanced back to where they were sitting he hoped that she would be looking at him but she wasn’t. She was talking, her eyes on the girl in front of her though Lauren didn’t seem to be paying much attention because her gaze was looking towards the counter. As their eyes met she turned a slight shade of pink, moving her attention back to Rory as quickly as she could and as he kept his eyes fixed on her he noticed they kept peeking his way seeing if he was still looking. And in that moment he had an idea.
It was just a small thing at first, like a seed being planted in his brain, but as he carried their order to their table and found Rory refusing to pay him any attention yet again he found it growing.
‘One burger with a diet coke,’ he said placing a plate in front of Lauren.
‘Thanks Jess,’ she said politely.
‘And one with a coffee,’ he said placing another plate in front of Rory who looked at him but said nothing and instead reached for the ketchup on the table. The seed was growing now, the idea in full bloom. If Rory wanted to play stupid, if she wanted to pretend that she wasn’t having feelings every bit as much as he was then fine. He could move past it too. Hell, why not do it with someone he was sure liked him? And so before he could stop the words from coming out of him he said, ‘Uh Lauren?’
‘Yeah?’ she asked, covering her mouth to conceal the bite of burger she had taken given she wasn’t anticipating any questions.
‘Would you wanna hang out tonight?’ he asked looking directly at her. Though he refused to look in Rory's direction he could guess how her face looked at that minute, the panicked look Lauren shot her only confirming his suspicions.
‘Oh, uh,’ she said hesitantly glancing away from him until something flickered on her face that he couldn't read. He didn’t know what it was but it didn’t really matter because after a second she said, ‘Sure.’
‘Meet at the bandstand at seven?’ Jess asked.
‘Okay,’ she said and with that Jess strode away trying to harbour all of his willpower not to look back at Rory.
This was a stupid idea. Jess didn’t know what he'd even been thinking asking Lauren out and yet here he was on a date in the vaguest sense of the word with a girl he didn’t even like. Well, it wasn’t that he didn’t like her she was sweet enough it was just that well she wasn’t Rory. With Rory he could be himself.  Rory he knew how to act around. Around her he didn’t know how to act. They'd met at the bandstand and after a quick walk around the town they'd almost completely exhausted all talking points so she suggested they go see a movie. Jess had agreed but the theatre was closed which meant they'd had to rent one and head back to the diner, ignoring Luke’s smirk as they'd headed upstairs to watch it. He supposed it wasn’t all bad. The movie was decent but as it had started to wrap up he’d panicked suddenly realising he didn’t exactly know how to throw her out. After all, it had been her idea to come over and once inside their awkwardness had melted away, her mood lifting once they were completely alone.
And so as the credits rolled and she turned to look at him he’d kissed her. He knew it wasn’t a great idea and that if she did like him he'd only be leading her on but he couldn’t stop himself. Which is how they'd found themselves to be making out for the past half hour.
He knew he shouldn’t. He knew it was stupid and unfair to her but as his hand moved up under her shirt, eliciting a breathy moan from her lips his guilt went out of the window. Well until it was brought straight back in through the door as Luke entered, clearing his throat which made the pair of them leap apart, throwing themselves on either end of the couch as if they hadn't just been wrapped around one another.
‘Sorry to interrupt,’ Luke said and before Jess could say anything Lauren jumped up to answer, turning to look at his uncle over the back of the couch as she said, ‘it’s okay. Everything alright?’
‘Yeah I just needed Jess for something but it’s alright he can do it later I can see he’s busy,’ Luke said.
‘Oh it’s okay,’ Lauren said with a smile.
‘It might take a while,’ Luke said making her shrug.
‘If you need him you need him,’ she said.
‘Well uh great, Jess?’ Luke said offering her a smile though Jess didn’t fail to spot the confused glance he threw him. Jess didn’t fail to notice it because he was feeling just as confused as he was. After all it had been her suggestion to come up here. She'd been the one to let him kiss her.  Then again maybe she was looking for an out. A polite way to have an excuse to leave though that thought was stomped out as she said, ‘actually I think I might come down too. Grab something to eat.’
‘Well sure,’ Luke said, ‘on the house.’
‘You don’t have to do that,’ Lauren said bashfully.
‘No, it's okay. What with me ruining your date,’ Luke said, ‘uh Jess?’
‘Yeah,’ Jess said, though he was still looking at Lauren who was watching his uncle, a smile on her face.
‘Just come down when you’re ready,’ Luke said.
‘Yeah sure,’ Jess said non-committally and after one last look at the pair of them Luke headed out of the room.
It was only then did Lauren turn from where she had been kneeling up on the couch, slipping back into her seat only to find Jess watching her with narrowed eyes. Again that blush she'd had when he’d looked at her in the diner earlier came back only now Jess was sure it wasn’t because of him.
‘What?’ she asked self-consciously.
‘You like Luke,’ Jess said finding himself just as surprised as she was when the words came out of his mouth. As if the idea hadn't truly settled in until he had said them aloud and even then they didn’t land completely, well not until the pink tinge on her cheeks darkened only confirming his suspicions. As did the way she said ‘what?’
‘Luke,’ he said firmly hoping she wouldn’t try and take him for an idiot not now that it was blatantly obvious, ‘you like Luke.’
‘What are you talking about?’ she scoffed.
‘Luke,’ he said pressing his point, ‘surly, hates everyone, flannel toting, cap wearing Luke.’
‘No I don’t,’ she said with a scowl.
‘Oh come on!’ Jess said rolling his eyes.
‘I don’t!’ she protested.
‘Sure you don’t,’ he scoffed, ‘you know I should be offended. Here I was thinkin’ you like me and all you were here to do was ogle Luke.’
‘Yeah well you like Rory,’ she said snappily folding her arms across her chest as she challenged him, waiting for him to deny it.
‘What?’ he said cursing himself for using the tactic she had employed for her denials though he needed thinking time. Yet she didn’t let up.
‘You heard me. You like Rory. That’s why you asked me out right? To make her jealous,’ she said.
‘She’s with that gormless idiot what do I care,’ Jess said fully aware that it wasn’t a complete denial but enough of one not to completely bruise his ego.
‘Oh come on!’ she said.
They fell silent for a moment the pair of them looking at each other challengingly. With anyone else Jess probably would’ve denied it. It was none of their business who he liked, but with her, he couldn’t. He couldn’t deny it to her because she understood given that the pair of them had agreed to this ludicrous date knowing they had no feelings for the other party involved. And because of that he felt closer to her than he had all night.
‘Okay fine,’ Jess grumbled, fiddling with one of the corners of a cushion on the couch so he had an excuse not to look at her, ‘if I admit you might be right about Rory would you at least admit you only came here because you like Luke.’
‘Fine,’ she said.
‘Okay fine…I like Rory,’ he admitted, not daring to look up for a moment. When he did however she was watching him, a sad smile on her face as she said, ‘I like Luke.’
‘Really?’ he asked unable to keep the judgement from his tone though he didn’t take it to heart and merely shrugged.
‘I know it’s stupid given he’s old enough to be my dad but…I don’t know I just…do.’
‘Yeah,’ Jess grumbled, ‘guess you can't pick who you like.’
‘At least Rory could like you back,’ she reasoned making his heart twinge at the thought, at the hope.
He decided to sidestep that idea. She was Rory's friend and though she would no doubt have an insight into the whole situation he didn’t yet have he wasn’t sure he wanted to open that box for fear she might tell him something he didn’t like. After all, she had said Rory could like him back. Not that she did. As his heart twinged again he shook the thought out of his head and said, ‘so, what now?’
‘Well our date went to hell given that neither of us like each other,’ she said.
‘True,’ he smirked, ‘though the making out wasn’t bad.’
‘Fair point,’ she smiled, ‘though I suppose that’s kinda over now.’
‘Yeah probably,’ Jess said, ‘unless...’
‘Unless?’ she asked.
‘Well I don’t really wanna go and help Luke with whatever you signed me up for,’ he said, ‘and are you even hungry?’
‘Not really,’ she admitted.
‘Well then,’ he said leaning in with his signature lopsided smile, ‘wanna make out?’
She seemed to think about it for a minute and then smiled.
‘What the hell.’
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lunarcry · 6 months
hiiiii muse page list update post i meant to do earlier but then i had icecream and did other things instead peace sign
this is for the full one on my page, srry i dont have it elsewhere/on my pinned yet. eventually. peace sign. as per always my multi is a billion times messier than my other blogs(guy who cant shut up)👍👍👍 atm the most proper writing will be happening on akira. probably
added general links of the gbf main story archive, and the a3 & prommy of wizard main story translations👍
on that note added sakuya & misumi (a3!) & chloe, figaro & mitile (promise of wizard) except figaro is mostly type0 verse & mitile will likely lean toward gbf au for a lil bit. thats not to say theyll stay this way (im about to reread+finish main story pt2), its just that i unfortunately am obsessed with type0. i will probably eventually put the rest of spring troupe on my 'wanna pick up' list....(person whos oshi is omi
on that note i should make a new type0 oc i need a silly class9 girlie SO bad. that was the foolery secret intel class right
i can not explain why type0 lives this much in my head
natsume (natsume yuujinchou) is on the list too now. lanna & lumina (island of happiness/a wonderful life) are there for now we'll see who else i add. none have descriptions yet, i know i have one for lanna & natsume from olds blogs but :[ i didnt wanna today
updated mika's (gbf) page with the text i wrote a while back, i'll revise it in the future. fenrir, morphe&phoebe, thelonim has events&fate eps linked on their pages now. emu has the official playlists of wxs main story & her first focus event added.
none of these links are meant in a 'check these', but rather, if you ever get interested in any of the media/characters, there's places to check. i should add the wxs digest anime to emus oh my god i forgot about that one
all the new charas are gonna take some months to be implemented properly...<3 i havent started rereading a3 still & i took a break from natsuyuu when my dog got surgery in february. they're there cuz i felt like updating the lists with links, and figured why not add the rest too. lots of descriptions are missing still. 'then why even add them' because faty was alrdy sending me stuff for figaro so why not actually put him on the list sunglass emoji
i added it on the muse page too, but if u dont know where to start then emu & fenrir are always good choices👍 once my emu break is over ill get back to all of that. phoebe is also a good choice thinking about it...
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
Spooky Season Pinned/Starter Call
Okay shortly, hello I am Kitty/Alex, he/him, 21, disabled, white. I am the mun of this blog. Here is a link to my rules which is required reading before following. And here is a link to my muses page, all muses are accepting threads & asks but not all have tags or bios yet.
RN I am homeless so can only use mobile, chdck out my non-rp blog for nore details and my donation posts @kitty-does-stuff
Now onto the seasonal stuff! This post in short is acting as a starter/ask call for my spooky muses and spooky verses, below the cut I will be listing these spooky things, but if you would like a starter/ask or whatever then reply to this with which muse (& what verse if applicable) you would like and if you are a multi or have a verse you want to rp in please include that in the reply. You can request starters/asks multiple times like this.
Now this isn't the only starter I will put out I hope but this is my catch all & I will try to keep it updated.
Now my spooky stuff, warning tis a little long.
DC Muses:
Klarion Bleak/Klarion The Witch Boy
Greta Hayes/Secret
Billy Hayes/Harm
Thad Thwane/Inertia (sci-fi & psychological horror, replacing Bart likey to come up)
Eddie Bloomberg/Red Devil
Misty Kilgore
Joseph "Joey" Wilson/Jericho
Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi
John Constantine
Dragon Age:
Magister Rezaren Ammosine
Lucien Cousland (Noble Origin, Warden Side Verse)
Ellie "Nell" Cousland (Lucien's son, same age group as Kieran)
Graverobber/Robbie (No role OC)
Inner Krieg & Outer Krieg
Timothy Lawrence/Jack/Handsome Jack
"Red" (oc)
Gamzee Makara
Kurloz Makara
The Grand Highblood
Cookie Run:
Alchemist Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Black Garlic Cookie
Walnut Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
League Of Legends/Arcane
Siebren de Kuiper/Sigma
Anthy Himemiya (Test & request only)
Paper Star
The Shancter
Stargazer (oc)
All Horror Muses
All Monster Prom/Monsterfucker muses
All Danganronpa muses
All Owl House muses
All Don't Strave muses
All Death Note Muses
Universal AUs/Verses:
Plotted 'bad end friend' type aus, depending on the muse they have ended up in a befiting bad fate villainous/victim role. Pre-existing example is my vr-Bart verse where he still thinks he is in a game and doesn't value life due to that.
Vampire aus, depending on the fandom I might have more fleshed out such as for Horror muses or twists to the formual like dc vs vampires inspired for dc vamp verses.
Ghost aus for my canonly dead muses.
Demon au, one muse is a human/witch or whatever, the other a demon. I will say depending on the muse or fandom things might be different, I'll probably end up with multiple demon aus for different fandoms at least.
Selectively post-Zombie aus, I will default to modern day settings unless told otherwise and I will use a Walking dead setup minus the walker name, zombie media would still have existed. I might be low muse or drop these as zombies are a horror I am sensitive to.
DC verses:
DC vs Vampires setup, someone in the super community has been turned into their own brand of vampire with a lot of the classic powers of a vampire and a curse to bring out the worse in a vampire, now the curse is spreading among the super community and to normal people too.
DCeased setup, a zombie-like virus started when technology was infected with a form of The Anti-Life Equation looking at screens was how the first were infected, both supers and civilians, everything is thrown into chaos and those who survived the very beginning now have to survive super powered zombies.
Horror verses:
Reversed role aus, for dbd I think it's obvious how this would work and for others it can be briefly ploted out.
Vampire au, there is a curse with a hunger for blood, it has infected many killers and former human horrors over the years bestowing them common vampire abilities and something special and horrorfyingly their own as a power. There are also humans this curse hungers far more for the blood of, these survivors and would be victims tend to band together as vampire hunters or as ghouls, aka humans who drink a vampire's blood for some weaker forms of their power.
Livevile, the muses have been kidnapped and put in a realm known as livevile, it appears as a small town with everything one could need and which has other horror characters living there. If someone is killed by another then the night will play out as normal but in the morning the dead will return to life. Now the big question is what made this place and why?
Monster Prom
The worst timeline au, this is during the end credits of the Prank Masterz ending of porm, can be canon complient or divite, also characters interduonced later are welcome on my or others side.
Dragon Age
Blighted au, this takes place in a slimmer timeline to the darkspwan dlc of origins where HOF died during the joining and the Blight got much much worse, possibly spreading to the larger world.
Bad timeline au, taking place in the bad timeline seen during the mage siding quest in dai The Herled went missing right before things started getting bad and the world is thrown into horror.
Borderlands verse
A mushroom, able to smemi control the dead and living and bring them to their feet found the body of Tyreen Calypso, who became it's head as a intelligent zombie, now the fungi is spreading among the galaxy as The Raiders try to fight it.
Payday verse
Zombie au, After the death of Bain and failure to defeat Murkywater the gang disposed of the masks and their identities within the Payday Gang, little did they know the virus that killed Bain would have his body rise to take revenge on the world of the living as he is paitent zero of a zombie virus.
Spooky MEMES
Here are some spooky memes to send to any of my muses if you want a ice breaker. Please copy thr whole meme, especially for emojis otherwise I will likely get mixed up with other rp memes:
horror themed sentence starters.
Find My Muse Covered In Blood!
Find Out How My Muse Would Kill Yours
Victorian Horror symbol starters
for the ghosty muses … sentence starters
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resolvebound · 4 months
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About page  |  Headcanons & canon divs |  Verses  | Tags | Trivia
Below are points I consider to be important regarding my muse and I hope they will be kept in mind during plotting/writing. Links to specific headcanon or divergence posts may be included in the below and I may add to this post in the future, as I go back over the manga or think about things further.
Note: filler arcs/chapters and the 100 Year Quest are not included as canon here.
During his banishment, he played into his flirtatious side as a means of distracting himself and coping with its effects. We all know he ended up with the playboy reputation and it was well deserved. Now that he has returned to his position as a celestial spirit, he is ashamed of his past behaviour and wants to distance himself from it. That's not to say that other muses can't make comments or still view him as a playboy, just that this is something he strongly dislikes, but will put up with as it's a demon of his own making.
Related to that, he obviously went by Loke during that time and so many people do know him by that name. The people who knew him as Loke can continue to call him as such, as that's their habit, especially if they are close to him, but newer acquaintances or anyone he meets now, he will introduce himself as Leo and/or politely correct them if they address him as Loke.
Before his banishment, and now after his return as a spirit, he presents himself as a gentleman. Flirty at times, yes, but respectful and honourable. He has the ideals of a brave knight, something he developed during a time he lived a human life. In contrast to this side of him, there is the lion aspect of his nature and so it's something he must balance. It's always present, the lion side, but when drawing on it for battles or any length of time, the effects of it can linger and heighten his instincts and aggression.
Because he is incredibly loyal to Lucy and is striving to once again fulfil his role as a celestial spirit (and the leader of the zodiacs) in a way he can be proud of, not to mention (again) the fact he is a gentleman, there are some divergences from his appearances in canon. He doesn't send other spirits in his place when Lucy summons him when he's "on a date", he doesn't make comments about Wendy and Chelia being "in his scope in a few years" (he would Never be thinking anything along those lines) and would not encourage Lucy to be in stripped or in any state of undress.
I have a post on Celestial Spirit lore that might come into play, but it is designed to be flexible. The relationship between spirit and summoner is important and might also come up. Certain family lines have a history with celestial spirits and may have 'gifts' related to the spirit their bloodline is connected to.
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saiakv · 8 months
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#SAIAKV ( さいあく) mutuals only. canon & headcanon based MINORS DNI.
An exploration of ❛ SUGURU GETO & KENJAKU ❜ by Billye ( 27, they/them, GMT+2 ) dash only. discord available upon request. ( triggering content, 18+ ) THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE.
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navigation links: carrd┊TRACKER (wip)┊PLAYLIST (wip) ˚✧
If I follow you first it means I am interested in writing with you. If you follow me back I take it to mean this interest is mutual and will be sending you asks and trying to spark interactions. I always read people's rules and scroll down their blog a little before following, to gauge if we might click as writers.
Duplicates are more than welcome. As for now I am keeping the blog multi-ship. I don't practice exclusivity in interactions, however I won't write the same plots twice. Popular ships for the muse won't necessarily be catered to. I see each canon muse as a different portrayal & a blank slate in terms of dynamic.
My verses page is a wip, but I do have them. Although I currently have a preference for canon-aligned ( altering canon timeline, what-if's etc ) AUs are always an option. I can roll with or without plotting, but ooc communication is a prerequisite for me to establish any dynamic or ship with someone. Default Verse for Suguru: Pre-JJK0, cult verse Default Verse for Kenjaku: Pre-Shibuya
That said, Kenjaku is also my muse and I do explore them in posts and content. Kenjaku is still referred to as ❛ Geto ( he/him ) ❜ in threads, but I switch to different icons to indicate it's them. For now, Kenjaku only has a verse in Geto's body available but that is subject to change ♥
I have my individual headcanons on Suguru and I would like to see them acknowledged in threads. I understand he is a very popular character in this fandom and a lot of people feel connected to him because of his themes. But to me, on this blog, he is my muse and I want to portray him in my own way.
That's probably easy to deduce from everything else but -- as a roleplayer of 10+ years I seriously don't care about what is canon and what isn't. As a writer I'm really into world building in the sense of adding to pre-existing canon, adding my own takes that don't necessarily allign with what the writer meant for it to be. I'm just here for a good time.
PSD CREDIT: veuve. by ruinise ( editted by the mun )
Lastly, if I follow you and you don't want to interact with me for whatever reason, please hard block me so I don't bother you again on accident ! ♥
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crossoverfamily · 4 months
There is nothing like trying to figure out what I want to put as "main verse" to realize how many details I don't want to "set in stone".
Like, I definitely have basic ideas that remain consistant, but I keep thinking of what will be put as that baseline, and think "okay but what if". And I did mean to have the main verse and then have a page or a tag or something about "parallel verses" that are this sort of what if, even "alternate verses" for wanting to play with ideas that have nothing to do with the main verse, but the issue?
The issue is that I keep sitting here not knowing what I want to be "main verse" and what I want to be "parallel verses". Like for example: the five muses meet when they land in Wild's world. But is it post-BotW and pre-TotK, or is it post-TotK? There were reasons that it was supposed to be post-TotK, but I also love the idea of the other boys seeing Wild's world just after the defeat of the Calamity, aka still pretty wild and beautiful yet full of hints that they lived through pretty much an apocalypse, and that they help Hyrule rebuild.
I could maybe figure out a way to have both ideas work together (time shenangians maybe?), but that'll require a bit more effort. And as far as I'm concerned, since I'm not trying to make a coherent story out of it, I can just mention both ideas, since the exact scenario won't always be relevant to a post. And when it is, its pretty evident which ideas I'm developing, or if its generic enough to work for both.
So yeah, the more I'm trying to work on the "main verse" page, the more I'm realizing that my "main verse" is more fluid than I first realized. Which mean that I might need to rework slightly how it's presented, and figure out what information I want in pages (the first thing someone new might want to check out, the thing that I hope gives a basic idea of what to expect), and what I want in tagged posts (the "details" and depth given to the ideas that someone might not see right away).
I'll get there sooner or later, but yeah that's why the blog still has WIP pages and its likely I might need to rework a bit some pages. I don't have too many posts yet either, so between the WIP pages and said posts, you can get a decent idea of some main aspect of the crossover. There hasn't been much yet about the individual stories though, so I'll just say a few words now~!
Peter: is set a few months post NWH, but my ideas for him include rewinding time, Tony and other characters recalling the old future, and forging a better future that what they had gotten the first time.
Allen: is based on my ideas from Meet me Halfway to the End, he's set while on the run, but before being found by anyone, and at the time of making this post, I haven't yet added a second bonus to MHE that details the ideas for Allen. The very short summary is that Allen is the Spirit of Creation of his world, Stuff Happened, he died and reformed as a mortal human, and will eventually awaken his spirit powers and form.
Wild: has a whole plotline for both games I had been playing with before I added him into the crossover, is canon divergent, and wakes up from the shrine with a connection to the land, the wilderness, nature. By the end of BotW, he's closer to a spirit than mortal, by the end of TotK, he's an immortal spirit. I also have ideas for my own personal spin on "multiple Link meets for a new quest"!
Ireth: that boy has had a journey, he was first a canon divergent lavellan (born from an OC clan but raised by Lavellan after the murder of his birth clan), then he got a crossover backstory (during the murder of his clan, something happen that send him into the DGM world and he grows there), and finally he's got the crossover family background (he's sent to Wild world with the other instead). I have zero idea how divergent the DAI events will be, there's so many ways it can go I'm likely not going to settle on anything specific. edit: i forgot to mention, he's also half-spirit, half-elf!
WWX: is set when he's dying during the first siege, and eventually he'll be called by MXY ritual. He might be able to stop the ritual and/or save MXY, or not, depends what I want to go with. I don't have much idea unfortunately, only a vague "might cause canon divergent events", or that some ideas from my fics can be used. Unlike the other characters whose personal fic/fic idea worked well into my crossover, I don't really want to use one or both of the two fics I have with WWX. One doesn't really work since its set before his death, and I really love the whole "the other boys help WWX heal from his death and everything that lead to it", the other is set post canon but has time travel in it. On one side, it might be fun as WWX and Peter might bond over this, on another, it's again that loss of "WWX healing from his death with the boys". And I could say that they meet at his death, then canon events happen (divergent or not) after MXY ritual, and then my fic idea happen (time travel), but I kind of don't want to?
So yeah, as you can see, I do have ideas for each muse, with different degree of how much I know and how much I'm still working out, and how much I don't want to "set in stone". Poor WWX really had the short straw in term of what I know I want to do, but then again, in my head, his part in the crossover was always about how he gains more family, and heal, and kind of have peace you know? And then he's drawn back into his world and he's lowkey panicking because I always planned for this to happen at a bad timing (other muse(s) are in trouble), so he's like. Concerned about the whole hand fiasco, happy to see LWJ again (note: thanks to the other boys, WWX is self aware of his feelings), but also pissed off and concerned and "let me return to my family damn it!!".
Then again, Ireth also has no specific details for the DAI events, so I guess WWX having so few details about his canon events post-resurection works, too.
That was a long post, but I wanted to share about the character specific ideas, plus how it's been going working on the blog, hope you enjoy it!
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bothsidesofaquestion · 10 months
If you could develop your own canon storyline with Kurt, what would it be and why? How would you want it to affect the character going forward in terms of his legacy in Marvel Comics?
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write. | accepting
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::ooc:: I don't think I'd change it drastically, mostly his past; probably the circus background cause I've always found it confusing. I need to sit and think of a proper timeline cause you know how Marble is with those and all these countless retcons.
I'd write him pagan, Margali is a witch and she wouldn't hide it from her family, in my head that makes no sense. He certainly would have a little knowledge ( not as much as Margali and Jimaine though ) and obviously, Jimaine is just a sister. I believe she'd try to kick his ass along with Margali after finding out he killed Stefan.
And Stefan's death? He didn't unintentionally kill him (to align it with my main/default verse); it was completely on purpose and that's something that always torments Kurt no matter how justified it is.
Kurt becomes catholic in his late teens and that's thanks to father Wagner (I have a lot to explain about this part of his life tbh) and that's how he adopts that last name. He was previously Kurt Szardos.
Aaaand... I'm going to stop right here cause I'd write pages of what I'd like to do, I've put a a lot of thought over this for decades.
Most of the things I'd change would be to make more sense, I don't really dislike any of Kurt's background besides The Draco and that's mostly because of what Chuck Austen did however... These things are part of him, even his death so, i'd probably just re-write here and there to make it more cohesive and I'd obviously add Raven and Irene.
I've always considered him the underdog despite being a well known loved character and honestly? I like that for him so, I would and want to keep his legacy. He represents something important that other mutants won't and will never because of his physical appeareance.
Now, regading the Bamfs, I do have a few headcanons, I'm linking them here :) [1] & [2] and, I don't mention this often but I have it in my muse page, Kurt is sans bamfs in my main/default verse and I'll aways write him lbamfless unless they're requested so, if someone replies to me and adds/mention the bamfs I'd go along with the flow but I think it's important to mention this, to clear things up cause I'd love for my verses to be acknowledged by my rp partners.
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collidingxworlds · 2 years
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End Hiatus & Blog Updates !
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So, I'm officially back from my hiatus! I have accumulated quite a few drafts and I still have to write them all, so I'll keep the queue slow (one reply every two days) until I'm caught up with them!
Also, there will be a few changes regarding the blog:
I'm turning this blog from selective to private (which means that I'll be pickier when it comes to following [back] people). This is because I'll be keeping it low activity (as it was before the hiatus), since at the moment my muse is still mostly for my other main blog. In that regard, I've also purged my followers and following list from the people I didn't follow back / never interacted with
Rules and Muses pages have been moved to Google Docs for easier access (links can be found on my pinned post)
I'm removing Dean Winchester as a muse. The chapter "Supernatural" is officially closed for me. I'll still be open to write with Spn RPs, of course, but I won't write muses from the show anymore (see next bullet for info on Gabriel). Tagging the people with whom I currently have threads with him, so you guys can be properly warned: @skallagrimulfhedinn, @waywardfeathered and @dayatarik.
For what concerns Gabriel, I'll be keeping him in my roaster in his current status as a request muse. However, I'll be favouring using him for AUs (even if his canon verses are still available of course!)
In general, I've changed the activity status of a few muses: Abigail, Five and Sam Adams are my primary muses; Will Graham and Crowley are my secondary muses; Will Byers and Moriarty are my tertiary muses.
Last but not least, I remade my Interest Checker to fit the changes! Please, make sure to fill it (this goes also for the people who had already filled it, I deleted the old replies)!
Thanks a lot for all your patience! I'll get back to my normal posting schedule asap!
-Scotty out !
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lunarshifted · 1 year
                    Hello   and   welcome   to   lunarshifted.   This   is   an   independent   role   play   account   for   a   fandomless  original   character   that   has   a   few   verses within other fandoms.   This   character  has   taken   inspiration   from   some   source   material,   but   ultimately   of   my   creation.   Dark   themes   will   be   present   so   I   ask   that   you   are   at   least   20+   before   interacting.   Rules   are   under   the   cut,   and   a   few   links   will   be   present   to   help   you   about   my   blog.
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AJ.   She/her.   25.             About (WIP).   Promo.    Verses.             You   may   also   find   me:  silntfangs.  he11bambi. pyredez. oogeyman.
              Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Selective. This is for my own sanity. I mostly made him to write with a few friends of mine, and really dive into him in different situations. All in all, if I follow you, that means I would LOVE to interact!
Shipping. His canon (main), Bailey is in a relationship (a friend's oc that I believe she won't be writing online). However, in other verses I am always open to shipping. If we aren't shipping, his boyfriend could potentially be mentioned in threads. If you are interested in shipping, please let me know! We can definitely see if things will click with our muses.
Heavy topics/dark themes. This blog will have heavy topics and dark themes, so please be aware of that before following. (examples: murder, gore, light mentions of abuse). With that also being said, I will not water down certain things about him because it also makes him as a character. If something is uncomfortable to you, please simply unfollow. I do try and tag everything as best as I can, but I am only human.
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
Drama. There will be NO drama on this blog. I don't tolerate in any form unless it's within a thread.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
Formatting. If there is anything about my formatting for writing that bothers you, please feel free to message me. I'll be happy to change it for our threads.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs (clearly), just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muse into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. I use icons, but that doesn't mean you have to do so! I'm fine with just paragraphs too! I'm not very picky when it comes to this.
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fairybond · 2 years
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About Page  |  Headcanon page  | Canon divs  | Verses  | Tags | Trivia
Below are points I consider to be important regarding my muse and I hope they will be kept in mind during plotting/writing. Links to specific headcanon or divergence posts may be included in the below and I may add to this post in the future, as I go back over the manga or think about things further.
Note: filler arcs/chapters and the 100 Year Quest are not included as canon here.
Gajevy is Not canon on this blog. She does not have any romantic or whatever feelings for him. When Gaj attacked her during the FT vs PL arc, it had a huge effect on her (mentally, physically, and emotionally) and there are still echoes of that even now, despite her best efforts and the fact she does view him as a guildmate (even tho she’s not in the guild but you know what i mean).
Following the brutal defeat of Shadow Gear at the hands of Gajeel, and her becoming painfully aware of her lack of physical strength, Levy trained herself to increase her speed, agility/dexterity and learn techniques that would help her use her opponents strength or size against them. She also worked to increase her magical strength and capabilities. She is not to be underestimated, especially now.
Tenrou arc – as a way to try deal with her issues since Phantom Lord and Gajeel himself, she was the one that asked him to be her partner for the S-class trials.
The One Year - she did not retain her guildmark after FT was disbanded. She maintained contact with her friends where she could and they all made effort to continue to see and support each other.
She was involved in the trials of the Avatar members as she had been involved in that mission and was working for the Law and Enforcement department.
She only temporarily rejoined FT at the revival, intending just to help them get set up and, of course, to help with getting Makarov back from Alvarez if she could. She returned to work at the Council once he was back and she realised just how bad the situation was going to get.
Therefore, she was with the Council forces during the war and was leading some of the efforts. But she did get separated and so still ended up near Gajeel during his fight with Bloodman and did witness Gajeel ‘dying’ (tho this can be omitted depending on Gaj rpers canons)
After the war, she became the new Head of Magical Law Enforcement and was involved in the situation of Crime Sorciere and other’s conditional pardons. At times, she is supervising Macbeth/Midnight.
She still keeps in contact with her friends at FT and tries to get them to behave since she doesnt really want to have to arrest them or enforce anything too harsh (but she’ll do it if it comes down to it)
During her pre-FT childhood, her family’s living conditions were very poor (lack of warmth and food) and this had an adverse effect on her physical development and immune system. She would get sick quite easily, and although her health improved greatly upon being taken in by the orphanage (and later, Fairy Tail), she still had to be careful. Her health took another hit during the events with the Tartaros guild and the poisonous water she and the others were submerged in, and then again during the war with the Alvarez empire and the exposure to the Magic-Barrier Particles (Anti-Ethernano). She has done well in her recovery, all things considered, but her lungs have suffered some damage and are unlikely to ever fully recover.
Jet and Droy are both incredibly important to her (We do not accept Jet and Droy erasure on this blog). At FT’s revival, she almost committed to returning to the guild because she missed Shadow Gear and knew the boys enjoyed the guild life. They would have loved her to come back, but knew her job at the Council was important. They stayed with FT until after the war but have since retired from the guild mage life and returned to the jobs they picked up during the disbandment, realising they got more joy from it and that the guild mage life wasn’t for them after all. Shadow Gear still regularly hang out and message/call each other frequently too.
Her father was an avid researcher, she got her love of books and knowledge from him (she was constantly reading in the hopes of finding something interesting to share with him, or reading simply to distract herself from the quiet house and hunger pangs) but he was obsessed with his research, his quest to find the cure for magical illnesses and even death itself. He feared losing Levy the same way he had lost her mother. His attention to his research was so complete,  he hardly acknowledged her, and she dared not interrupt him. She kept to herself. Part of her motivation to learn magic when she was younger, came from the hopes that in doing so, she would be good enough to hold his attention. The need to read as a means of calming herself, and the constant need to learn more and do better, are things she carries from her time with him.
Her mother died when she was very young. It became her mother’s best friend and fellow guildmate, Aubrey, that ended up mostly raising Levy. Aubrey took her away from her father when it became apparent the man couldn’t divide his focus between his work and his child, however she unfortunately became another soul lost to the cultists of Zeref sometime later. This left Levy to the hands of the orphanage in Magnolia.
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cryogenicmuses · 1 year
❄️ Pinned Post ❄️
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🧊 maintained by Maxie, 30, he/him, 10+ years of RP experience, low activity 🧊
An independent multimuse blog featuring characters from various fandoms.
OC friendly | Multimuse friendly | Dupe friendly
~ ~ ~
Current muse list:
Format: Muse Name (base media) [Tagline] - muse priority
Angeal Hewley (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core) [Honourable Soldier] - Primary Derek Stiles (Trauma Center series) [Asclepian Surgeon] - Primary
Snow Villiers (Final Fantasy XIII) [Heroic Sentinel] - Secondary Garcian Smith (killer7) [The Cleaner]- Secondary Victor Niguel (Trauma Center series) [Arrogant Researcher] - Secondary Alexandra Roivas (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem) [Magickal Descendant] - Secondary George Stobbart (Broken Sword series) [Bottomless Pockets] - Secondary
Eliza (Skullgirls) [Bloodthirsty Diva] - Tertiary / On Request
Test Muses:
Aya Brea (Parasite Eve) [Mitochondrial Officer] - testing Lucia Lin (Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis) [Sniper Queen] - testing
~ ~ ~
Interest Checker Link!
If I'm not here you can find me over at poeticphoenix!
(pinned post is still under construction)
Rules and Important Info under the cut!
Be excellent to one another! Don't be a dingdong.
Character =/= writer. Just because a character doesn't like your character doesn't mean that I, the writer dislike you or your character!
This blog is LOW ACTIVITY due to it not being my main blog.
I'm autistic. Executive dysfunction is a pain to work with.
When sending in memes, send the whole meme in! And specify which muse it's for!
You're welcome to nudge me for replies but please don't badger me!
I am totally duplicate friendly!
Personal blogs are allowed to follow but please don't clog my notifications. If you have an RP sideblog please ensure that it's clearly noted, thank you!
It should be noted that a lot of my FFVII muses and muses with FFVII verses are familiar with Genesis, but whenever I do refer to Genesis it will be to my specific portrayal of Genesis ( @poeticphoenix ) unless discussed otherwise ^^;
Tagging format is as follows:
Character tagline refers to the little tagline listed on the character's profile page.
IC interactions - #interactions // character tagline Verses - #verses // character tagline // verse tagline Musings - #musings // character tagline Character imagery - #visage // character tagline Imagery of related characters - #connections // character tagline
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