#i haven't been motivated to draw so I'm hoping by loosely doing shit like this and gobby i can get my juice back
mustasekittens · 11 months
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excalisi · 6 months
Hey I wanted to ask do you know any manga/anime that are similar to DGM ? It doesn’t have to be similar in the sense that they’re both exorcists it could be aesthetic wise, time period, or the way the characters are portrayed. I binge read it towards the end of 2023 and it was such an amazing read very beautifully written and drawn.
Thank you in advance for answering my question :)
Hey, anon! I will freely admit, like half of these recs are from my friends bc I haven't watched anime since last year or so. So I can't say much about plot or the draw or whatever for them.
Fullmetal Alchemist, of course. Most like Brotherhood better because it's canon-compliant, but it's a matter of preference. Anyway, just like in dgm, there's human experimentation, political intrigue, and deals with the proverbial devil. Also, competency. Love when people get shit done and kick ass whilst doing so. So great.
Moriarty the Patriot. This is one of the only items on this list that I've read & watched, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. It's a different spin on the usual Holmes-Moriarty story—as it's on the side of Moriarty. Moriarty works as a Lord of Crime (a sort of vigilante?) who kills nobles who abuse their power, in a time when society has stagnated and classes have been strictly stratified; meanwhile, Sherlock is slowly descending into obsession with catching and finding this elusive Lord of Crime. They're both very homoerotic about it. Like, they're playing a game of cat and mouse, but they both get so deep into each other's head that it's difficult to tell just who's the cat and who's the mouse. In every single one of their scenes together, the tension is palpable. If you're not into that tho, you can read them as "intellectual rivals". They're definitely in love, however
Anything from Mochijun. Her art is amazing!! She's definitely one of my fave mangakas, even if I exclude her beautiful storytelling from the equation. There's a sort of delicate subtlety in the way she shapes characters and demonstrates their motivations and reactions to plot events that reminds me a bit of Hoshino-sensei. I can only say anything definitive about Case Study of Vanitas because it's the only one of her works I've read and watched, but it does have a dgm-esque feel in its sense of inexorable tragedy despite the fun quirky cast made up entirely of characters who have experienced The Horrors and are actively repressing them, right at this very moment. There's quite a bit Mochijun leaves to subtext and reader interpretation, so reading comprehension is recommended. I can't say much about Pandora Hearts or Crimson-Shell other than that I've been assured they're guaranteed to make you scream. In fear? In anguish? I haven't the slightest, and I'm unashamed to admit that the real reason I've yet to read Pandora Hearts is because I'm very aware that it'd emotionally incapacitate me for like 3 business months lol.
Claymore. It's a dark fantasy shounen (does it count as being marketed towards young boys if the cast is entirely composed of women lol?), and from what I can tell, the power structure very loosely resembles the Innocence-akuma system. Everyone seems to use swords (or rather, the titular claymores), so obviously this gives this series an additional 5000 sexy points.
Elfin Lied, I guess? I know pretty much nothing about it other than that it has cool art, a good opening, and that it was namedropped in chat and like three other people unanimously and vehemently agreed to its nomination. I think it's dystopian(?) and focuses on social discrimination and ft. graphic violence. Reportedly, it's super fucked up. So head's up.
Ok now I have to go to sleep bc it's 3 am haha hope you enjoy the recs!
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Welcome to New York
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 1
"We begin our story in New York"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,306
Warnings: language as always
A/N: I have wanted to tell this story for so long but I was insecure I will ruin it. I am still not sure if my writing is good enough for this. But this is my idea and my story to tell, so with a little confident boost from my mutuals here we are. For all the non-swifties: The whole 1989 album has hidden messages but this one is different because it all combines to tell one story. the link to the song is down below!
A/N 2: thank you for @sweeterthanthis for giving me the encouragement, and to @slothspaghettiwrites for beta reading this alongside @nacho-bucky and to @chrissquares for making me custom dividers especially for this series! I love all of you!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify or YouTube
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"Do we have a deal then?"
"You assisted us, and our motives align- we will get those powers." The man closed the long suitcase, the red skull on it shining through the dimmed warehouse.
They went their separate ways after that, he heard the loud noise through the wind before it got quiet yet again, the wind was howling as he carried his case close to his chest, protective of it.
 You walked through the crowd of New York, through the rushing people until you saw the doors to the big Avengers tower. After all this time you still weren't used to the extravagant halls, but you will have to eventually. This is your world and now this is your home.
Your powers were of no use to SHIELD, so after a long debate, you started to work with the avengers, being there every day and not living there seemed unreasonable- so you finally gave in to Tony's offer. "Your room here will always be waiting for you." He told you until you took him up on it.
Perhaps this additional new start will be good for you. You decided to abandon the past behind you a long time ago.
"Y/N dear, so glad that you're here," Tony hugged you and ignored the loud yells coming from his phone. "Set up in your room, then come down here, we have a special visitor."
"Oh okay, anyone I might know?" you smiled at him.
"No, he is not really important." Tony scrunched his nose and escorted you to the private Avengers elevator. You waved at him as the doors closed.
You ignored the bright lights and walked in with a smile into your new room, leaving all the past behind you as you shut the door. So here it was- your own little space all fresh and new- your small little corner in the tower. Well, it wasn't little by any means- if anything it was an apartment, but it was still yours.
"Hello new home" you said to yourself, looking at the four corners with anticipation of what's to come.
"Hello Miss Y/N" F.R.I.D.A.Y chimed in, causing you to laugh. You dropped your bags on the floor and went to unpack all of the boxes that were already there. Your music was playing at full volume as you danced around your room until it was clean and filled with all your favourite things.
"I'm glad to see you're settling in." Natasha's voice startled you and you turned around with burning cheeks. "Those are quite some dance moves."
"Haha very funny, you didn't see anything." You rolled your eyes, stupid spies. "What do you want?"
"Nothing, just came to see how you were doing, the room looks great." She smiled at you and giggled as you hugged her. "Finally you're here for good! Tony wanted to throw you a little welcome party."
"Tony? Little? The only time those two can go in the same sentence is if you're talking about height."
"Don't worry I talked him out of it. Besides, he was soon occupied with Thor when he got here- you haven't met him yet now did you?"
"Thor? Like the god from Asgard?" you stared at her in shock, but she just laughed at you.
"Yes, but don't worry he is really nice and surprisingly down to earth."
"Tony said he is not important." You let her lead you as the two of you made your way downstairs.
"Of course he did."
"He is doing better, he is even courting a young maiden, I am certain their marriage will be arranged soon." You heard the booming voice getting louder and louder. "Loki is on the right path I assure you, my friend."
Your heartbeat sped up more and more, but you willed yourself to look more put together when the god was in your sight, sitting on couch that seemed so little now, next to Tony and Steve.
"Thor, meet Y/N," Steve introduced you to the god and you nodded to him as he shook your hands.
"It is very nice to meet you Lady Y/N" Thor smiled at you, and you relaxed a bit.
"It's nice to meet you too. I am not a lady though." You chuckled.
"Well I have heard high praises about you so I assure you that you are." He spoke with such certainty that you decided not to argue it.
"Well she might look sweet, but don't piss her off." Tony snickered.
"Hey, I won't do anything." You stared at Tony who was quick to fix his mistake.
"She will kick your ass in training, trained by the Black Widow herself."
"That I can confirm." you looked at Natasha and winked.
You sat with them for a chat then. You might have been a different person before everything went down but you always did have manners even if you wanted to adjust in your room. You shook your head when Tony's phone ringed and he hastily took Steve and went out with him.
"What's up with this surprise mission?" Clint asked as he walked onto the quinjet, with his combat suit and his arrows. It has been ten minutes since F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you of a new mission. You were already on your way with Steve, Tony, Clint and Maria Hill. You were on edge by the fact that she's here, clearly, some things about this mission were left unsaid.
 "We are going to get some intelligence from an underground building we found," Maria answered instead of Steve.
"If that's the case then why am I here?" her eyes turned to you now, you could see her calculating an answer.
"Because the place is not abandoned at all, it is full of agents but we don't know what we are there to pick up, and we need the people there alive." Tony replied.
"Oh fun, I get to keep hydra agents alive." You took in the new information, something was still off about this mission, but you'll probably figure that out soon enough.
The snow was heavy as you walked through it; your daggers were safely tucked inside their pockets, not wanting to accidently draw attention to yourself with a glimmer of light.
According to Tony the small warehouse that was on the ground was mostly empty, so you advanced forward with Tony from above, searching for any devices that may lay hidden in the snow.
So Tony went down first, then Clint, then you, Maria and then Steve. You exited into a big area underground, you could already hear the hydra agents coming your way so you split up, as Maria and Steve went to find whatever it was they were trying to find, the three of you provided backup and tried to clear rooms.
The four of you got to the doors, and as Tony blew up the doors you moved in, pulling your weapons out at the soldiers. There were only seven of them there, but with the sounds of the fighting and the gunshots, it was certain that your presence was known.
"Y/N there are three scientists coming your way, keep them alive, to a certain degree at least- whatever you want." you heard blasts from your earpiece and you smirked when you saw the scientists in front of you. When you saw the guns in their hands you smiled at them.
"Hi," you advanced towards the first one, your eyes caught his- he saw the glimmer in your eyes and in panic he raised the gun and shot forward. You dodged it and quickly came closer, gently taking the gun from his hand keeping eye contact with him until he dropped to the ground and closed his eyes. "I hope you enjoy my gift."
The other two scientists tried to fight you but soon their eyelids closed and they fell with a silent scream. You sighed and grabbed the back of their coats and dragged them to an empty room, oh what you wouldn't give for some telekinesis now.
The mission had to go on. So you got up and went to show some other agents your gift. Another agent to the kill, he screamed as he looked at you, the machine in his hand shattered and he fell to the floor before you were even near him. Shit. You relaxed him a bit when you reached him, his shaking calmed down a bit. You didn't mean to show him that much, but he brought it on himself- it was really easy to find with this one. Every weakness played as if it's a movie in your brain, you showed him just some parts of it now, and paralyzing him until you'll bring him out if you will at all.
"Y/N we need you here, leave them where they are- Tony will pick them up."
"Are you kidding? I kept them in a safe room for nothing? They are some heavy sons of bitches Steve!"
"Language," Steve sighed, you smiled. "He was busy then but now we need you, we found what we were looking for, but there are too many of them here, they will ruin the weapons."
"Or use them on us."
You came here for weapons? You jump a story down and advanced towards Steve and Maria.
"Go loose on them, they'll survive, we can't lose what they may have here."
"You don't even know exactly what they have there?" you questioned Maria, she only glared at you. So you went into the room, the doors slamming against the walls, you let yourself go, eyes sparkling as you reached into every soul in the room, their eyes going blank as you showed them every version of themselves that you wanted. You tuned out their screams until they passed out.
"All clear." You replied, and went around the room, looking at the files and unfamiliar technology. All sorts of sealed boxes were on the desks, they must have been packing. You passed a desk, and right then objects flew out as they combust into flames. "What the fuck?"
"Y/N stay away from this, we don't know what this does," Hill talked to you when she opened a case that you couldn't see. "Get out of the room."
It was an order with which you didn't argue and closed the doors behind you, leaving Steve and Maria in there.
They were shooting at you now, and you stole the best defense you could get from Steve. You snatched the pillow from under his arm and shielded yourself from the attack of popcorn the two redheads were now throwing at you. A girl has to fight back, so pretzels it was
 "You can't use a pillow Y/N! That's not fair!" Wanda yelled at you. You will get betrayed by those closest to you.
"No, what isn't fair is you using your powers on the popcorn! It's not my fault that you threw all the pillows to my side- that was not a good strategic move for you."
"She's right about that- we are way better a team." Steve dodged a water bottle the spy expertly threw at him for the comment. The war always leaves scars.
Your laughs were cut short when F.R.I.D.A.Y called all of you in from the living room.
"What's up Tony?" Natasha asked when you walked into the room and saw all the other avengers there.
"We found some concerning new details about what hydra has been up to lately," Tony paced through the room, leaving you waiting.
"Did you contact Thor? Is it confirmed?" Steve asked him then and the billionaire nodded.
You shook your head and looked at them as you leaned on the wall opposite them.
"Hey boys?" Steve and Tony looked back at you and you smiled shortly at them before they had a chance to stop you when a flash of purple crossed your eyes.
Steve was annoyed when he saw the thunder in the distance and the rain pouring down on him and Tony. Tony grumbled and looked around Steve at the muddy ground they were surrounded with.
Within a second they blinked and saw the room in the compound, taken aback for a moment.
"Did you have fun boys? I personally love the rain but now I am just annoyed so can you please just share with the group for fuck's sake?" they glared at you now.
"Y/N, you can't just use your powers on petty things like that." Steve shook his head, shaking the imaginary feeling of the rain from his face.
"Don't ever, place me in that disgusting place again, you are lucky I wasn't in my favourite suit there!"
"I'll be sure to keep that little detail in mind next time you annoy me." You smirked.
"You little menace- Okay, we found Asgardian weapons and technology in the custody of hydra."
"What the fuck? How did they get it?" Natasha rose up now from the table.
"We are trying to figure it out, but from what we managed to gather is that these are ancient things… so we need an expert."
"Then why is Thor not here?" Bruce asked his friend, who pinched his nose.
"No, I said we need an expert…" he then looked behind you, and you turned when you heard the door opening. No, your past should stay sealed shut.
There in front of you came in Loki, when he caught your eyes, you were sure his look of shook matched yours. And you were frozen in place.
"Y/N?" he was confused to say the least, but your eyes never left each other even when you felt all the eyes in the room focusing on you. You shook your head at him. No.
"You said you'd never come back." It felt as if you stabbed him with that comment.
 Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50
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