#i haven't even started on the requests as well. sry ;
bbyquokka · 1 year
sobs because i want to write but haven't been able to because ive been sick with fever since Saturday 😭
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possibilistfanfiction · 4 months
do you have any funny or cute details about Bea(or avatrice) in your butch Bea universe that you haven't share yet?
(I'm definitely re-reading some of it to fight against this bad day I'm having)
hello i’m sry this is late! work has been busy 😵‍💫 i hope ur day improved or at least there’s been some better days since 🫶
hmm well bea is good at like… every outdoors activity she tries — she’s coordinated & strong & focused, so once she gets the body mechanics down she’s like. above average to Excellent fairly quickly. surfing, trail running, backcountry hiking, bouldering, trad climbing, skiing, etc. i am lazy & put them in socal since i am in socal lmao but for the majority of the year california really is just outdoor enthusiast paradise.
she started trying stuff bc ava was gone & she was so sad & when her cool friends from surfing were planning a trip to climb in joshua tree or some ppl she met on the pct were driving up to mammoth for an end of the season ski, it was all better to be moving outside in grief than it was to sit at home in an empty house.
i think that maybe she worries, when she’s alone surfing or on a long run along the cliffs, even just bouldering at the gym with her airpods in instead of hanging out w friends who are there — maybe she worries that ava would be disappointed in her, that this isn’t what ava meant by ‘live your life’ — quiet streams & long car rides into the piney forest in a practical small suv, listening to a podcast about architecture. it seems small, to be in the wild — the ocean, the woods, the mountains, the desert — & not grand; at least, she feels small. she worries ava wanted her to feel big.
but then ava comes back & bea has been keeping a list of all the places to show ava, all the things to do with her, the movement & the air that kept her just on this edge of sane. & of course ava is delighted by it all — the kid who cried on the beach when she saw stars? absolutely in love with the waves & the wind in the trees & the sunset on a big hammock on a hot night in the desert in the summer. it makes sense to ava & it is what she meant — settling into the texture of a life.
it’s good to feel small sometimes, yknow? she tells bea, when they’re eating sandwiches a few miles into a hike on the lost coast — ava refuses to camp, so they’re meeting friends later on. it’s good to feel small in a world that’s so big.
they make s’mores that night with their friends & it’s dark & beautiful; the sand & the sea & the sky are all wine-dark & quiet-loud; there are so many stars. it’s rainy & cold in the bay the next day & they sleep in & eat ramen & don’t leave their hotel room all day (ava’s request; if he had to hike ten miles he earned it tenfold). bea worried that a slow day might seem small too, but ava sinks into it just like everything else: rest & softness.
eventually bea gets more used to it, & better at letting it happen. in recovery from top surgery, the worst part is not being able to get outside for a while — but ava drives them both to the mountains & they sit on the balcony together while it snows. when ava can’t move as well, they sit in the warm sand by the beach & bea puts her hand on the small of her back when they walk in the cool surf. eventually bea’s shown ava every place she ached & then there’s the rest of the world left to explore.
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. crack. warnings. obv this wouldn't happen irl it's all just for fun <3 i tried to emulate prince's captions in his videos as best i could, as well as his overall vibe but i am just a new ghostie so sry if its a bit inaccurate :( pairing. prince x fem!reader. wc. 720. request. requested by @haecien, here: cooking w prince even if he doesn't get the recipe a/n. mwahaha so ofc i had to start writing for ghost9 babies someday and prince was a good place to start esp since his cooking videos are absolutely amazing (go show them a lot of love if you haven't already as well as prince's (and all of ghost9's) instagram!!!) and stan ghost9 obv
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you didn’t plan on crashing your boyfriend’s solo baking fest in the practice room on a random tuesday afternoon
you weren’t even used to the prospect of your boyfriend cooking
for the years you’ve been dating Prince, you have done 100% of the baking in the relationship (though you had always urged him to try it out since it was fun)
ever since his videos have been doing better than anyone could have predicted, he’s been excited to make something with whatever he had on his hands
from the usual baking ingredients along with several very overripe bananas, you could easily tell what he was planning to bake today: banana bread, one of your favourites 
but also knowing your boyfriend, you knew things would probably turn into a disaster if he didn’t have a recipe
so naturally the first thing you asked was to see the recipe he was following
“I swear I had one somewhere when I was gathering the ingredients, but I literally can’t find it.”
he just brushed off your concerns about him possibly poisoning himself, you, and the ghost9 members
“The last time I baked, I didn’t even follow the recipe because it was in cups. It’ll be fine, baby, you just need to have faith.”
you were planning to leave and let him film in peace, but your boyfriend was persistent that you stay especially because he was making one of your favourite baked goods
you relented easily, really it was hard to say no to him, plus the prospect of baking together seemed kind of fun!
more like a chaotic disaster…
most of it was spent playfully arguing over how much of each ingredient to put in
Prince seemed insistent that you should remember exactly how much of every ingredient for him to measure down to the gram
obviously, you didn't, and eventually you stopped trying to help completely and just let him do his thing
though you did stay behind him to supervise, and your hands were visible in the final video messing with his hair and occasionally giving him a loving slap tap on the cheek when he messed something up
once the banana bread was finally in the oven, the two of you joked about what the voiceover should be
you didn't have the highest expectations for how it tasted, but you knew it would at least be pretty good
all the things your boyfriend had cooked in the past had been decently delicious
it turned out pretty well, and you were happy you were there to annoy him help him with it
bonus: what I think the voiceover would be like
welcome back to cooking in the practice room 🧑‍🍳 until I get busted by my manager 🚨👮 today we have a very special guest joining us 👀🥁✨my girlfriend✨ that’s right 😍 us idols 🧑‍🎤🎤 are actually in relationships 😘 despite what most people want to believe! tbh my girlfriend was not 🙅‍♂️ supposed to be joining me today 😔 but we’re making banana bread 🍌🍞 which happens to be her favourite 😍‼️ so I just had to let her join 🤷‍♂️ as you probably know if you watched my chocolate stuffed coffee bun 🍫☕ video, I don’t bake… but my girlfriend does 🎉 I had a recipe for this, but I think peter got hungry 😋 and ate it or something, so no recipe 📄🚫 but again, at least I have my girlfriend 💃 so it should be fine, right? she’s made this hundreds 👩‍🏫 of times 🧑‍🍳🍞 (she’s literally a minion guys idk why she loves bananas so much 🍌⁉️) but despite that she is still somehow clueless 🤓 as to how much flour I should be measuring 😍 but it’s fine 👌 we just dumped sugar 🍭 flour ❕ butter 🧈 bananas 🍌 eggs 🥚 and baking powder into a bowl 🥣 and hoped that they would magically ✨🧙 turn into banana bread 🤔 and guess what 🧐 they did ✨😍 I also added chocolate 🍫 because my girlfriend materialized it out of nowhere 💁‍♀️🍫 I have no one but my girlfriend to thank 😚 for distracting me by pulling on my hair 💆‍♂️ and telling me I was doing it wrong every 2 minutes 😘 but jokes 👎 on her because this banana bread was delicious even without a recipe 😏 10/10 would bake again 🥸
↳ ghost9 taglist: @haecien,, @eternalgyu,, @weird-bookworm,,
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darkstar225 · 9 months
Twice's 10th member can't find her favourite snack after ONCE's discovered about it
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend smit24123, who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi surprise surprise it's me I have one where foreigner 10th member likes to order their favorite snack aka graham crackers (because it's not in Korea) and the fans find out and it's sold out so 10th member gets frustrated because they grew up on it and they (10th member) can't get it. Ps I love your one-shot's
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
It was a crisp autumn evening in Seoul. TWICE, one of South Korea's most beloved girl groups had just finished a successful concert, leaving their fans in high spirits. As the members made their way back to their dressing room, they were greeted by a familiar sight, a table overflowing with gifts and fan letters.
Y/N, the group's youngest member, had always been known for her warm and approachable demeanour. She loved interacting with fans and reading their heartfelt messages. Today was no different as she eagerly began sifting through the pile of letters and gifts, a smile gracing her lips as she uncovered the heartfelt words of support.
Among the letters, there was one that caught her attention: a beautifully decorated envelope with her name written in intricate calligraphy. The maknae carefully opened it, revealing a handwritten letter from a fan named Soo-Min.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you had a wonderful concert tonight! I wanted to send you a little something special to show my support. I know you've mentioned in interviews that you miss a snack from your home country, graham crackers. I've included a box of them in this package for you. I hope you enjoy them!
With love, Soo-Min
The younger girl's eyes widened with surprise and joy as she carefully pulled out the box of graham crackers. She couldn't believe that a fan had gone to such lengths to send her a taste of home. Graham crackers had been a staple of her childhood, and she often reminisced about the simple pleasure of dipping them in milk.
The other members noticed their sunshine's excitement and gathered around her, curious about the contents of the package.
Nayeon - What's that, kid?
Y/N beamed at her older sisters. 
Y/N - It's graham crackers, my favourite snack from back home! Soo-Min, one of our fans, sent them to me. Can you believe it? *shining eyes*
The members were thrilled for their child and applauded Soo-Min's thoughtful gesture. They watched as Y/N eagerly opened the box and took out a cracker, savouring the familiar taste.
Y/N - These are amazing! I haven't had these in so long... *smiles*
The rest of the members tried a graham cracker and nodded in agreement. They were indeed delicious.
Over the next few weeks, TWICE's angel's love for graham crackers became a running joke among the unnies. She would often be seen snacking on them during breaks, and her enthusiasm was infectious. The members even started calling her the Graham Cracker Queen.
But as Y/N's love for graham crackers became more well-known, something unexpected happened. Fans started sending her boxes and boxes of the snack, turning it into a sort of running joke. The youngest's dressing room began to fill with graham cracker packages, and she couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
Y/N - I'm going to have enough graham crackers to last a lifetime.
She joked with her members.
However, as time went on, the availability of graham crackers in Seoul started to decline. The snack became increasingly difficult to find in local stores, and fans began to notice. They took it upon themselves to search for graham crackers to send to Y/N, but many came back empty-handed, frustrated by the scarcity of the beloved snack.
The idol's heart sank when she received a message from Soo-Min, the fan who had initially sent her the graham crackers.
Y/N, I'm so sorry. I've been trying to find more graham crackers to send you, but they seem to be sold out everywhere. I don't know what's happening.
TWICE's honeybee felt a pang of disappointment. She had grown so fond of the snack, and the thought of not being able to enjoy it anymore was disheartening. She decided to keep the news to herself, not wanting to burden her fans with her frustration.
As the weeks went by, Y/N's stash of graham crackers reduced, and she rationed them carefully. She couldn't bring herself to tell the members just how much she missed the taste of home, especially when they had all grown so fond of the snack themselves.
One evening, as TWICE was preparing for another concert, the members gathered in their dressing room for a pre-show pep talk. Jihyo, their leader and Y/N's mama, noticed that her kid seemed quieter than usual.
Jihyo - Is everything okay, cutie pie? *concerned voice*
Y/N hesitated for a moment before deciding to share her feelings. 
Y/N - Well mama, you know how I've been getting those graham crackers from fans, right?
The members nodded, remembering the ongoing joke.
Y/N - I love them so much. But I haven't been able to find them anywhere in Seoul lately. It's like they've disappeared, and I miss them so much. *quivering voice while pouting*
The unnies exchanged sympathetic glances. They had no idea that their babygirl had been struggling with the scarcity of graham crackers.
Jihyo reached out and placed a comforting hand on the maknae's shoulder while pulling her onto her chest for a cuddle. 
Jihyo - We had no idea you were feeling this way, honey. We're here for you. Omma's here, baby.
Y/N smiled gratefully at her sisters, especially Jihyo, her eyes glistening with tears. 
Y/N - Thank you, unnies. I just needed to get it off my chest.
As TWICE took the stage that night, they gave an electrifying performance, but Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of longing for graham crackers. She had grown to appreciate the little things that reminded her of home, and those simple crackers had become a symbol of comfort and nostalgia.
Little did Y/N know that her confession had not gone unnoticed by her fans. In the days that followed, the hashtag #BringBackGrahamCrackersForY/N began trending on social media. Fans embarked on a mission to find the unavailable snack, searching stores and reaching out to companies in a bid to replenish their idol's supply.
Soo-Min, the fan who had initially sent Y/N the graham crackers, took it upon herself to contact the snack's manufacturer. She explained the girl's love for the product and how it had become a symbol of home for the young idol. The manufacturer, moved by the story, promised to do their best to restock the snack in Seoul.
News of the manufacturer's commitment spread like wildfire among fans, and hope was renewed. TWICE's sunflower was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from her fans, who were going to great lengths to bring back the beloved graham crackers.
Days turned into weeks, and then, one evening, as Y/N was preparing for another concert, there was a knock on her dressing room door. Startled, she opened it to find a delivery person holding a package.
Delivery person - Is this for Y/N of TWICE? 
Y/N nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. She accepted the package and tore it open, revealing a sight that left her speechless. Dozens of boxes of graham crackers, more than she could have ever imagined.
The other members rushed over to see what was happening, and their eyes widened in amazement at the sight of the graham crackers.
Jihyo - My love, look at this!
Tears of joy filled the youngest's eyes as she realized what had just happened. Her fans had succeeded in bringing back her favourite snack, and it was a gesture that touched her to her core.
Y/N immediately took to social media to express her gratitude. She posted a photo of the graham crackers with the caption:
To all my amazing fans, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You brought back a piece of home for me, and I couldn't be more grateful. I love you all so much. #GrahamCrackerLove
The hashtag #GrahamCrackerLove quickly started trending as fans celebrated their victory. Y/N's fans had not only fulfilled her wish but had also shown her the incredible power of their love and dedication.
As Y/N bit into a graham cracker, the familiar taste of home flooded her senses, and she couldn't help but smile. She knew that no matter where her K-pop journey took her, she had a loving and dedicated fan base who would always support her, no matter how small or significant the request.
With renewed determination, Y/N and her TWICE family took the stage that night, their hearts full of gratitude and love for their fans. As they sang and danced, Y/N knew that she was exactly where she belonged, surrounded by people who cared for her and a box of graham crackers that had brought them all a little closer together. And this made her have only one thought:
I love my life as the maknae.
A/N: I’m sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there’s something wrong, ty for reading <3
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
Hi! Could you do these prompts from the bit of everything list? With mommy!Nat x f!reader? Sry if it’s a lot for a request😅
5. “Don’t you ever do that again!”
8. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
12. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
14. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
80. “i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.
Authors note: Thanks for the request! I haven't written a mommy!Nat fic before so I really hope it turned out well lol. Also I couldn’t get 89 to fit into the story in a way that I was happy with so I ended up not including it, sorry about that
Word count: 1690           Nat Masterlist         Marvel Masterlist
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“Don’t you ever do that again!” Natasha shouted as the two of you entered the safe house, “What were you even thinking?!”
   “You're mad at me for helping you?”
   “Yes!” she replies, “I had it under control and now you're hurt!” she gestures to your hastily bandaged right shoulder
   “I’m fine Nat. Really.”
   She scoffs, “You got stabbed. You aren’t fine. I’ll need to clean it and give you stitches so get your ass in the bathroom.”
   You do as you're told and make your way into the nearest, and apparently only bedroom, and into its connected bathroom. Having been patched up by Nat before you knew what to expect. You go ahead and hop up onto the counter and wait for her. You can hear her rustling through her duffle bag in the bedroom before she walks in holding the first aid kit.
   You let out a hiss as she unties the makeshift bandages. She eyes you apologetically as she begins to lift your shirt up. You help her best you can, but stupidly you try to move your injured arm.
   “Fuck!” you shout through gritted teeth. The pain was so intense you vision went white for a second, making you sway slightly before you lean back against the wall
   Natashas hands cup your face, “Hey, look at me.” You can see her concern when your eyes meet hers. “I’m going to take care of you, ok? You're going to be fine.” You nod, she didn’t have to tell you that. You knew she’d care for you, she always did.
    She gives you a dose of painkillers before she starts to clean your wound. You grit your teeth again as the warm washcloth clears away any traces of dirt, grime and blood from your shoulder. “Here, bite down on this”
   You let her put her belt in your mouth and you tense up knowing what was coming. She pulls a bottle of antiseptic out and pours some into the wound. A muffled yell leaves you as it burns your shoulder. You hadn’t even noticed the tears flowing down your face until her thumbs were gently brushing them away, “I know kotenok(kitten), I know. We’re almost done.”
   You nod and she lets go of your face. She moves to grab the necessary supplies to stitch up your wound and thankfully due to the painkillers starting to kick in you don’t feel the pain as intensely as you would have. Once she finishes the stitches she carefully applies an antibiotic cream before wrapping it up in proper bandages.
   “Ok, all done. Let's get you into bed. You need to rest.”
   You hop down off the counter and nearly fall. The painkillers have really made you drowsy, which apparently meant your legs just wanted you to drop where you were to get rest. The only thing that saved you from the tile floor was Natashas arm around your waist. She allowed you to lean into her as she walked you to the bedroom. She lifts the coves for you and helps you slip under them. She even tucks you in, which makes you ask for something you probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
   “Stay. Please.” you ask as you manage to grab her hand, “Feel safer when you're around.”
   Her gaze softens as her hand squeezes yours, “I’ll stay.”
   You smile as you feel her settle into the other side of the bed. Your eyelids are so heavy now but you manage to get yourself cuddled into her side. She doesn't mind, in fact she really likes it, almost as much as she likes you, though she hasn’t told you that yet. 
   As you settle into her, your warm breath on her neck her phone goes off. The emergency alert notification gains her attention and she quickly looks at the screen so she can stop the noise so you can go to sleep. The words 'Blizzard Warning’ flash across her screen. Great, more snow. Just what was need, especially here in the mountains of Russia while you were hurt.
   “Whas wrong” you slur out, she bits back a chuckle a
   “There's an incoming blizzard. At least six feet of snow is expected.” she tells you as her hand gently strokes through your hair. You let out a soft ‘oh’. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while.”
   “That's ok…I don’t mind being trapped with you.” you admit
   She smiles, “I don’t mind being trapped with you either kotenok(kitten). Now close your eyes and get some rest.”Her hands movements continue through your hair as she watches you drift off beside her. Several minutes pass before she deems she's waited long enough so her actions won’t bother you. 
   She quickly places a kiss on your forehead, “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” she admits in a whisper. She doesn't realize that you've heard her, partly because she thought you were asleep and partly because you're so exhausted you can’t even move or speak to tell her anything. You decide it's best to just relax, sleep it off and tell her once you wake up.
   She feels you stir a few hours later and looks down to the crook of her neck to find you already looking at her, “Sleep well?” You nod and sit up slightly, leaning on your good arm as you look at her. She finds the look you're giving her is more intense than it usually is, “What?”
   Carefully as to not aggravate your injury, you slowly move your arm until your hand is cupping her face. She's giving you a quizzical look now, waiting for you to speak. “You don’t have to be terrified, Tasha.” Her eyes widen as she realizes you had heard her last night. “I love you.”
   She almost doesn't believe what she's hearing but the look on your face is enough to convince her, still she has to ask. “You love me?”
   You smile, “I love you, Natasha.”
   She closes the gap between the two of you as her lips meet yours, they fit perfectly with yours and you can’t believe how soft they feel. She easily dominates the kiss, her tongue finding its way into your mouth with ease. She pulls a small moan from you before pulling away for air. She gives you a genuine smile as her emerald eyes gaze softly at you. It makes your heart beat even faster.
   “I love you too. That's why I was so upset yesterday.” she admits
   “You were scared.” you say out loud as you realize that you getting injured to protect her had caused her to worry immensely for you
   She nods as her hand makes its way to your hip, pulling you closer to her. “I was. I appreciate you looking out for me, but I can’t lose you Y/n.”
   “Didn’t mean to worry you, I just wanted to keep you safe.”
   “I know, and you did. You kept me safe.” she takes a moment to caress your face, “Let me thank you for it. Properly.” Your eyes widen as you understand her implications, “Would you like that kotenok(kitten)? Would you like for Mommy to make you feel good?”
   You nod eagerly, the fact that she called herself Mommy was already enough to feel yourself needing release, “Fuck yes, Please.”
   She smirks at you before pulling the covers off you both, “Take your belt off for me.” she tells you as she removes her own shirt. Your brain short circuits as take in her nnude chest and you don’t even register you hadn’t listened to what she had said. Her eyes meet yours, “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
   “Yes Mommy.” you say as your hands fumble with the buckle for a brief moment, you can tell by her dilated eyes she enjoyed hearing you call her that. Once you've removed your belt her hands quickly make their way to your waistband. A mischievous smile appears on your face as your hands momentarily stop her, “I’m not wearing any underwear, thought you’d like to know.”
   A matching smile appears on her face as she tugs your pants off, your bare and wet cunt on display for her now. A pleased hum leaves her as she spreads your legs further apart, allowing her to lay between them. Upon feeling her warm breath not far from where you need her, you whimper. 
   “You don’t have to be needy kotenok(kitten), I’m going to fuck you so good.” she says before swiping her tongue through your folds
   You moan as you feel her lick at you again, her lips wrapping around your clit briefly. You can feel her smirk before her tongue is diving deeper into you, hitting places you’ve only dreamed of having her. You can’t help but rock your hips in time with her.
   “Mommy, I need more! Please!” you beg as she moves her mouths attention back to your clit
   She quickly obliges, stretching you out with two of her fingers. They feel perfect inside you and hit all the right spots as she curls them. Her mouth dosen’t let up as her fingers thrust into you, turning you into a trembling, whimpering mess. She briefly pulls her mouth from you.
   “You close?” You respond with a nod, “Be a good girl for me and cum.”
   As soon as she reattaches her mouth to you, you can feel yourself get lost in the bliss of your orgasm. “Ooh, yes!...fuck, Mommy…”
   She stays inside you to help ease you through your high, removing herself when your squirming indicates you can’t take any more just yet. She makes sure to suck her fingers clean, enjoying how you taste far too much to waste it. She slowly crawls up your body and treats you to a heated kiss that lets you taste yourself on her.
  “You did so good for me, kotenok(kitten).” she praises while resting her forehead against yours, “You looked so pretty all spread open while I fucked you”
   You let out a pleased hum, “Only like that for you, Mommy.”
   “Damn right. You're mine now.”
Taglist:  @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok
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animesllut666 · 3 years
"In my Dreams... I know, it seems odd."
Characters: Sesshomaru x GN Reader ft. Kagome and Inuyasha, others.
Anime: Inuyasha
Warnings: none... Inuyasha and Sesshomaru being themselves.
Request: Hi! Could you write an Sesshomaru x reader Story. Something like the Reader is Kagomes best Friend and Comes with her,because she dreams all the time from Sesshomaru. Like a Vision and she wants to find him. Sry my english is Bad I now.
An: Hope ya like it! I took a little bit of a different approach towards the end. And please, don't apologize for your English! You are doing great an still learning. Your English, is perfect. Have a great day and enjoy!
Feed back is always encouraged and REBLOGS are appreciated!
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"Sesshomaru? How do you know that name?" Kagome questioned, she was left dumbfounded when her best friend was waiting at the well for her. Then left struck, when they started to ask questions, and describe a man that looked (and acted) like Sesshomaru.
But what really threw her, was when you said his name, "And his name is.. sess..no...Sessomaro.. no that's wrong. Sesshomaru! It's Sesshomaru!! Kagome, please, I beg you let me come with you." You pleaded, hands clapping together as you jumped down from the edge of the well.
She took a step back, the another till the last step of the stairs stabbed her ankle. Causing her to fall flat on her bum, "Ow, I.. I don't even know if you'd be able to cross over with me though. And how, how do you know his name? Wait how do you know any of this? I haven't told you anything, sure I've spoken about Inuyasha an-"
"In my dreams, I know it seems odd. But, I've been having dreams of this man, his long white hair and fire orange eyes. It.. it almost seems like I've known him from a past life. Please Kagome, let me go with you!"
"Still doesn't answer my questions, how you know to even come to the wel-"
"I've watched you a few times drop in and come out... Plus your brother told me everything, and your grandpa."
"THEY TOLD YOU?" Kagome shouted in disbelief, shocked but also not surprised by her family telling you everything. Though shocked by how well you seemed to be taking this, even if you were having these dreams with Sesshomaru in them.
"I don't even know if you'd be able to cross over, I only can because of these jewell shards," She told you taking the necklace out from underneath her shirt. "It would be nice, to finally bring someone else over that I knew, and I'm sure your parents already know you are here."
A squeal left your mouth, as Kagome stood up, and grabbed your hand gentle. Guiding you both towards the well, that would maybe or maybe not let you go to sengoku period of Japan.
"Okay, lets see if this works or not!" She shouted with glee, as you both jumped down the well, a scream emerging from your lips falling into the dark hole. Squeezing your eyes shut but still feeling a cold blast of wind, and a feel of tingles and goosebumps.
"Kagome!" You heard someone shout, but the voice sounded familiar. "I can't believe it worked, you're here!" Peaking an eye open at the excitement and disbelief in her voice. You were met with the wall of the well, but sunlight was shining in.
"Am I.. here? Like here, here?"
"Yeah! Now come on, I want you too meet everyone! They've already heard so much about you!"
You both climbed up the vines, mentally wondering why there wasnt an ladder just yet in here. "Hey Kagome, what took..Yua?" A guy with white hair and dog ears, stood at the base of the tree line. A confused and shocked expression.
"Dog ears?" Was the only thing on your mind, not that he just called you a name that was certainly not your own.
"What? No, this is (_). There my best friend back home, and well.. I'll explain it later. I'm hungry, and I'm gue-"
"Did you bring chips?"
"Sit boy."
Even though Inuyasha was faced down in the dirt right now, he was still shocked to see the spitting image of his brother ex-lover.
Even though she had been killed by a gang of demons, which resulted in Sesshomaru going on a killing spree for three moons.
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alycosworld · 3 years
I'm Beginning to See the Light
Bakugo X Reader
A/N: I wouldn't rly call this a songfic, but I'm obsessed with this song. The Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald are legendary!
Request: nope!
Ah, karaoke night with Class 1-A. When is this not eventful?
In the past weeks, we've had Momo pull a Mariah Carey and hit notes too high for fucking Shoji to reach, Kaminari sing 'driver's license' and cry while pointing at Kirishima and Sero, and Iida attempt to do the WAP.
But this week, there was some real talent.
Mainly from the shyest student in the class, (Y/N) (L/N).
They weren't going to sing, until everyone realised that despite their fortnightly karaoke nights, they haven't had to sing once. Everyone else has, why shouldn't they?
Now, this got Katsuki Bakugo very interested. He was more attentive during the night than usual after their name was mentioned and he listened out for even the short answers they mumbled, amplifying it and replaying it in his head.
He would never admit it, but he was intrigued. Ever since the first time they spoke, when they addressed him by his first name, and not his last.
They were a foreigner (sry if you aren't! Or if you're from a country that does call people by their last name) so they didn't know any better, but it felt awkward to hear his first name on their tongue. It sent the strangest sensation up his spine. In fact, everytime they spoke to him, or giggled and smiled, it did. Granted, they only did it a few times, opting to speak as little as possible in any situation.
They were absolutely adorable, and Bakugo found himself staring at the back of their head or thinking about them too much sometimes.
Not to mention, they were an absolute heartthrob. Bakugo would tense up upon seeing their tie even slightly loosened, or their top button was undone. Just that little spot of flesh peeking out sent him wild, and something had to be done about it.
"What? Guys, I can't sing, really." (Y/N) shook their head, quietly refusing the class's requests.
"Yeah, none of us can other than Jiro! One song, that's all we're asking for." Uraraka pleaded.
"W-well...I'm really not--"
"We'll even let you pick the song! Nothing weird, we just wanna hear you sing!" Hagakure insisted, and they sighed before standing up and walking up to the machine, taking the microphone.
"You guys better not laugh at me." (Y/N) rolled their eyes.
"Of course not," Tokoyami assured her, making her turn back to the machine and scroll through the songs.
"Oh, you guys won't know this one but I like it." (Y/N) they smiled, unintentionally looking at Bakugo of all people. He almost choked on the air, covering his mouth and composing himself.
The song started with some piano and (Y/N) closed her eyes, initially too afraid of the crowd's reaction to look at them.
"I never cared much for moonlit skies,
I never wink back at fireflies,
But now that the stars are in your eyes,
I'm beginning to see the light."
Jesus Christ, her voice was heavenly.
Bakugo thought as she sang. As if (Y/N) wasn't already bewitching him, he was under their spell once again.
"I never went in for afterglow,
Or candlelight on the mistletoe,
But now when you turn the lamp down low,
I'm beginning to see the light."
(Y/N) was a beautiful siren, and Bakugo was a pirate. And God, even if it meant he died, he'd be happy if he was lured in by them.
"Used to ramble through the park,
Shadowboxing in the dark,
Then you came and caused a spark,
That's a four-alarm fire now."
By this point in the song, (Y/N) had opened their eyes and they were responding to Bakugo's captivated gaze by smiling back at him. When he realised that they had acknowledged him, he turned away, putting a hand over his mouth and blushing profusely while he grumbled something incoherent.
"I never made love by lantern-shine,
I never saw rainbows in my wine,
But now that your lips are burning mine,
I'm beginning to see the light."
(Y/N) winked at Bakugo when he cautiously glanced at them, before they made their way back to where everyone was sitting and cheering for them.
"I didn't know you could sing like that." Ojiro said.
"C'était incroyable!" Aoyama complimented.
"You're a really good singer!" Tsu added.
"Well, I was in the school choir as a kid, but I've always been kinda reluctant." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Why?" Sato asked.
"Because...I don't know, I guess I was worried people wouldn't like me if I messed up." They shrugged, looking at Bakugo. He gazed back at them before interruoting the silence.
"What are you looking at me for?!"
"N-no reason, Katsuki, I promise." (Y/N) mumbled, bowing their head shyly.
"Jeez, Bakugo. Don't get angry at them for looking at you." Kirishima said. There was a short silence before he turned his head to the side and leaned his jaw on his palm.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"Ah! No, no, it's fine, really." They blushed.
"You're lucky they're so nice, Bakugo." Sero said.
"Shut up!"
Later that night, when everyone was in their rooms getting ready to sleep, Bakugo crept down he hall and made his way to (Y/N)'s room, hesitating slightly before knocking on the door.
They opened the door and their eyes widened at the sight of Bakugo, blushing slightly.
"O-oh! Uh, hey, Katsuki..." They said, looking down at their feet and fiddling with their fingers.
"Can I come in?" Bakugo asked. His voice was deep and gruff, but sincere for some reason?
“Yeah, of course.” (Y/N) said, calming down.
Bakugo walked into the room when (Y/N) stepped to the side, closing the door behind him.
“Is everything okay?” They asked.
“You were...uhm...you sang well.” He said, mentally cursing himself for not knowing what to say.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I, uh...actually, it’s nothing.” He said, angrily making his way back to the door.
“Wait!” (Y/N) said, subconsciously grabbing his wrist.
“What?!” Bakugo said, baring his teeth and turning back to look at them.
“Well...I-I was wondering if you’re, uhm...”
“If you aren’t busy on Friday, do you wanna come with me somewhere? I didn’t really plan on doing this right now but I just had to ask, I promise I’ll figure it all out before Friday.” (Y/N) said shyly. They dropped Bakugo’s sleeve and shoved their hands in their pockets instead, not daring to look up.
“Hey. Look at me.” Bakugo demanded, and they hesistantly lifted their head to look him in the eye.
“I was supposed to say that.” He growled, and they quirked their head to the side.
"Sorry, what?" (Y/N) asked.
"I said, that was my line. So let me say this:" He grumbled, never once smiling, confusing by exciting (Y/N).
"6pm. Don't be late." He said, before yanking the door open. He turned around as he was about to leave, grinning at (Y/N).
"Got that?" He asked, loudly. They timidly nodded their head with a smile.
"Good." He slammed the door behind him and sighed, a blush spreading on his cheeks and a warm feeling in his chest while (Y/N) damn near melted, collapsing onto their bed with a dreamy smile on their face.
Katsuki and (Y/N) couldn't wait for Friday.
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im baaaaaaaackk! sry for being dead for like two weeks bahhaha but im here! well and aliveee, so i decided to tell you guys my schedule so you guys can know what im working on instead of being in the shadows and waiting for me to post once a month 😭
requests i have/haven't started. (and i thank you dearly for requesting!)
my own one-shots
my peter parker series(s) - i have a lot of ideas lmaoo
an actual BOOK (which is going smoothly)
anyways, hope you had a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night see you guys in my next post ;)
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