#i haven't watched or read op i just love his design
mads-404 · 1 month
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Yamato doodle from yesterday
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choochooboss · 4 months
Introducing your station master & Magma event host!
Since there's already a lot of passengers visiting this station and I haven't spared much time to get to know my fellow submas fans over Tumbrl yet, an introduction would be in place!
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I'm Jun, nice to meet you! *offers a hand for for a shake* I am a devoted submas artist & a monthly Magma event host! I go by ChooChooBoss everywhere (Twitter/Bsky/Twitch/Ko-Fi)!
This will be a long post! I will write a short intro as well which you can just skim through but here is a more in depth view how I got into submas, my other interests and life in general, in case you'd wish to know more about your conductor on this silly train!
How did I get into submas in the first place?
PLA. I met this certain mysterious & cool fellow time traveler and got curious! After the cave scene I went to read his Wiki, found out about Emmet, and... yeah. The emotional impact blasted me right out of a miserable cycle I was going through back then and set my soul on fire!! A month later I set up my first art account on Twitter, and the rest is history. They've become my greatest source of strength and inspiration and I enjoy drawing them every single day!
I love both twins very much! I tend to vibe with Ingo a little more than Emmet, but I draw Emmet more. People say I remind of butler Ingo the most, hehe. I certainly don't mind because I'm a big fan of butlermas!! In fact I got into submas & started playing Pokémon Masters EX in April 2022, a week before butler Ingo banner rolled in, so they truly got a special place in my heart ahah! (pssst draw more butlermas for me pls pls pls-)
However I don't draw warden Ingo as much as I would like to. I still get pretty emotional over his fate ahah, I can't draw him without a single tear! This sweet & kind man leading a good life and being an inspiration to others has been torn from literally everything he had for seemingly no reason apart from his name, clothes and the muscle memory and even those are barely intact. It seems like a miracle he's still standing and breathing after put through everything judging by the wear and tear on his uniform and body. Despite all that he carries a positive attitude, assists everyone in need, and does his best to help people and pokémon understand each other, unconditionally... Oh, my face is wet again...
My other interests besides submas?
Monster Hunter! Zelda! Genshin Impact! Super Mario! Trine! Crash Team Racing! And many many more! My favourite genres are platformers, kart racers, and action games, with a side of rhythm games. I'm a big fan of co-op games! I also watch my sis play JRPGs!
Monster Hunter is the dearest to me out of all. I've been hunting for well over a decade starting from MHFU. The games have charmed me with their incredibly satisfying combat system, world building, creature design, great attention to detail, character customisation and the games being nearly fully co-op!!
Other things I do:
Pokémon is practically the only turn-based game I enjoy, mainly because of the characters and collection aspect. However!! I adore Pokémon Colosseum (the first pkmn game I ever played!) and it's double battle focus, so The Indigo Disc has been a delight after the long starvation for double battles, coming up with different combinations makes the battles much more fun to me!!... I sound like Emmet here do I ahahah! We also share the fact we are both left-handed!
Shuffle dancing, daily pull-ups, and expanding my ever growing VGM collection! I also enjoy traveling and taking photos to keep as a diary! I've played piano in a music school for 9 years, and I can also play kalimba. I've done casual boxing, gymnastics, horse riding and medieval swordfighting. I used to read comics/manga and watch movies and anime but nowadays I barely do that, I just rather use that time for drawing instead of just sitting and watching, unless I have company!
I share the apartment with my anxious brother and our two sweet female cats, Laku (11, stubborn and cuddly) and Kalevi (21, demanding and full of love) in a city center. My parents are both entrepreneurs and run a farm in the countryside & I have 4 siblings with me as the middle kid!
Where can you meet me?
I am a game artist by profession, with 4 yrs of studies and roughly 7 years of EXP in the field doing game art, UI design, character/prop design, in mobile games as well as PC titles, 2D and 3D. At the moment I am looking for work; I keep up the motivation and learn new skills by running my art accounts while looking for new opportunities.
I hail from the land of darkness, snow, salmiakki, metalheads and renownly reserved people, Finland! (UTC+2)
Despite having my roots here I am pretty much the opposite of a typical Finn in almost every sense ahah! I'm a small guy who's not afraid talking to strangers and laughs a lot. And I dislike coffee for the contrary, it's very popular amongst finns.
With the inspiration from submas I've finally stepped into the world of cosplay so you can usually meet this small and excitable Ingo in the biggest local conventions, Desucon and Tracon! Come say hi!
About my social battery:
I'm both social and socially anxious ahah! I love making new friends and talking to all sorts of people and writing comments, and gathering together with my mutuals to do cool stuff together! However my social battery is very small... I often struggle with my AD(H)D and anxiety issues, so my replies can be extremely slow. I'm easily overwhelmed when life gets busy and I deal with it by withdrawing to minimise the the stimuli and then sorting my stuff out one by one. This is a frustrating shortcoming, but I'm working hard to find a balance I can maintain without getting exhausted. Please be patient with me! If you don't hear from me in a while, please don't take it personally! In fact, it makes me really happy if you contact me, for any purpose!
Which pronouns do I go with?
I go by they/them! I am also aroace, so if I appear to show any sort of romantic interest, it's definitely not that. I love meeting new people and am quite interested in people in general so I'm excited to get to know you better, but the thing is... I have been confusing people on several occassions for saying things that could be taken as flirting. I am terribly sorry for that, that's just the way I show how I care!
I don't really identify myself by any specific gender either, but rather by my roles or interests (Magma host, submas fan, game artist etc.). Submas encouraged me to enjoy dressing formally even if I'm just sitting at home, because I love formal clothing in general and wearing them makes me feel confident and stand taller! I usually wear collar shirts and black or white slacks.
More about my AD(H)D:
I don't have an official diagnosis but deal with the same problems as AD(H)D people do; poor work memory, dissociation, hyperfocus (drawing and people), sleep deprivation, impulsiveness (juggling too many things and going with the wind), getting sensory/information overloads, and feeling like I don't fit in. I figured it out after I finished school & lost my job for that I am unable to handle big tasks without anyone giving me directions. It has taken a while but I've figured out things that help me manage my daily life as well as have a medication that mainly boosts my capability to get things started which is another great struggle ahah.
How do I manage to keep myself on track?
I use a Pomodoro timer to keep up a good flow and remember to take breaks! This is what I use the most:
I should set it up on my tablet as well. I think it's really cool to see how many hours I have actually put into drawing! Last year I clocked in well over 3k hours, ahaha!
How to catch me?
Right now I have great difficulty managing replies, but usually you can reach me by DMs! I check Discord and Twitter the most often! However I must ask you to respect my current DNI status. It means I am really overwhelmed so I wish nobody comes asking for my attention until it has been lifted, unless it's really necessary. I really love talking to you all but I also have to accept and deal with my own limits strictly like this or it won't work out.
What am I working on at the moment?
Besides the holiday set I have several short comics under works as well as one big comic (100+ pages!). That one is my personal greatest goal! I started working on it in June 2022 and I have currently 40+ pages sketched and 60+ thumbnailed.
I was afraid of starting any comic projects before submas, but the sheer excitement over them carried me over that personal wall ahah!
The story's beginning and end are looking good and somewhat functional but there's still a lot to work to do and holes to fill in the middle before I dare to start fleshing out the pages. I have little experience in writing or comic making so I hope you forgive if some things don't make sense or the dialogue is a little on the nose so to say ahah!
The story will be packed with action with the overall tone being on the darker side, but it sure won't be lacking in humor! The project's main goal is to make it a celebration of all things submas & to prove to myself I can handle a big scale project despite my shortcomings!
This train has reached the terminal!
Thank you for riding my silly submas train!! I adore reading all your tags and comments! They brighten up my day & fuel my passion even more!! I hope to bring many more fun things for you to look forward to!! See you again soon!
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lucydoodlessometimes · 4 months
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alright guys. i have more miraculous-ish content. 3rd pic is felix, marinette, kagami, and nathaniel from left to right. I haven't done a nino yet, but he'll be there when I post a finalized version I swear. Also, either Juleka or Rose, though I havent decided on which.
SO. bit of context before i yap under a cut. this is a co-op work (and potential series of fics) with @frickifiknow and so I only have half of the cast to design; hence no adrien, alya, or chloe in my lineup. they will be yapped about, and perhaps drawn by me, but maybe dont hold your breath. ALso, this is a rewrite, inspired more by the fandom than the actual show (though I am passively re-watching it currently, so we'll see) and will kindof sortof overhaul the entire premise. but that all goes under a cut, so i will see you all there.
alright SO. hi folks. miss me? Miss my rambles? no? your loss, because my yapping is immaculate.
Starting with the world!
There are 12 kwami in total- i love the Chinese zodiac for the show, but I personally don't want that many characters to be active. This will feature a main cast of my personal favorite characters from when I watched this show, and not much else because this is for personal pleasure, not objective quality. Each kwami has a pair, which corresponds to a unifying concept. These arent wholly ironed out yet, but they go: existence, defense, time, devotion, guidance, and experience. more about them and their kwamis to come.
this runs on a multiverse that the kwami of broken worlds can and do break. the idea is that after hawkmoth, the miraculous holders face the breaking of whatever has held the "antikwami" at bay this long, and have to gain higher power to defeat themselves and protect their world, thus allowing us to move on from gabriel agreste as a villain long before season five. The antikwami can only exist in this timeline separate from their counterparts because they are currently fulfilling a separate role; they would (and have) sort of merge into the kwami of this world if "redeemed". The kwami chose to be bound to the miraculous and to human holders in ancient times, as doing so managed to weaken their antitheses as they entered this timeline due to the natural balancing of, like, natural law. what is must be undone, or whatever. The antikwami tend to also pick "holders" of a sort, but it's... a worse process, overall. They cloud one's judgement, enhance all their worst traits, the works. more to come on them, i haven't ironed out all the cracks just yet.
All of my designs hinge on being relatively young versions of the characters, as you tend to get more power as you get older, and as you gain experience with the miraculous. Early on, any animal parts will be stuck onto clothing, with ear and horn details coming from masks and tails being attached to belts and capes. later, more high-powered designs will look grander and feature more naturalistic inclusions from the animal (including functional wings for ladybug, possibly) as the holders grow closer to their kwami.
It's 2am, I have school in the morning, and I gotta go. Thanks for reading, or not, reblogs > likes, like and subscribe or something, gn
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neonscandal · 8 months
Hello...just want to say, so happy !! Finally my best friend who is anti-shipping in shounen (and love to make fun of me because I have ships in every shounen that I watched/read), said that he can't find any het explanation for Gojo/Geto and Bakugou/Midoriya relationships...
Especially when I showed him your posts (that is based in canon and so true). Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts....
What do you think about JJK s2 op1 and ed1? I can't believe when I reas that the op is about geto from gojo's perspective (so romantic)....
OH ANON. HAVE I GOT SOME BRAINROT FOR YOUUUU. I've also noticed some of my older Satosugu posts are attracting attention and subsequently feel like I need to just list out all the most tragic things about them that I hold dear in a separate post because you've basically prodded a festering wound within me.
Re: Your last ask (maybe the same person?), I really only tried to focus on stuff that's already been animated because I try to avoid spoiling the fun for everyone. 🥹✨
It's hilarious that Gojo/Geto and Bakugou/Midoriya are the two relationships that stick out specifically considering their creators intently make them complements of one another.
Gege Akutami cited specifically that Gojo and Geto were designed to be a duo in an interview with Mandou Koboyashi (shout out to twitter user @/soukatsu_ or @soukatsu here as the real MVP for translating and adding further context for other fans). Fans seem to recognize their yin and yang design everywhere. There are countless salt and pepper shaker videos set to Ricky Montgomery's "Mr. Loverman" on tiktok, I'm positive. This is despite being marked by their dissonance.
Kohei Horokoshi has Bakugou and Midoriya recognized as two halves of the same whole by other characters in the story, most remarkably All Might who in many ways carves the deepest chasm(s) between them. The wax and wane of their unique development as individuals being integrally related is also something to note.
But this isn't unique to these two stories. I haven't even watched Naruto but know that Naruto and Sasuke serve as the sun and the moon to one another (literally within the story, their seals and by design/disposition) and I'm sure we could find this in other shows I haven't hyperfixated on haha
There's probably nothing new I can add to the MLM shipping discourse in shonen/seinen genres that hasn't been said, especially when it's been so eloquently broken down by IG user @/ariavelz. I also think there's a fair amount of queerbaiting in mainstream media and anime alike. Five seasons of Free! comes to mind...
Now the MUSIC!? In JJK? Bestie.
S1 already had me gagged with this brain worm. But, the fact that the song playing during Yuta and Rika's final moment in the fight vs. Geto and subsequently during the final moments Gojo and Geto share in that alley in JJK 0 was called "This is Pure Love"??? That's when I knew there were some Satosugu's on staff at Mappa. I don't think we need to dig into the parallels of how Yuta's fondness for Rika being the catalyst for her becoming a curse was the same way Gojo's fondness subsequently led to Geto's "comeback". Gojo, based on his experience at the time, said "love is the most twisted curse of them all" and time showed him just how twisted it really could be in season 2.
NOW THE OP!? It's just so lonely. Their cursed techniques being at odds with one another is so tragic, in a sense, and ultimately creates this divergence from one another. Geto, a genius of diligence, nobly consumes and sullies himself with the curses he has to imbibe like a martyr. Gojo, a genius of happenstance, is pristine. Born into privilege and untouched by the need to work hard or literally touch curses which Geto later grows to resent.
Meanwhile, Gojo's largely a product of isolation as imposed by his status and cursed technique and "Ao no Sumika" or "Where Our Blue Is" by Tatsuya Akitani waxes on about how, despite his best efforts, he could never reach Geto. The irony. As the story continues, we do, in fact, see that Gojo's never changed in the canonically affectionate way he regarded Geto. I think about this dissonance a lot. Literally, how did your Six Eyes miss that?
We could have shared everything. // Little by little since that day, // The curse of me being different from you grew thicker. The sorrow behind your smile, // All the way, I’ve regretted missing it. // To you, who bloomed and fell away as a fruitless flower, // Farewell. Our blue still lives, // Our blue is still clear. // No prayer or word could ever reach you, // No matter how close they could get to you. // In such a color as if it were a silent love, // Or as if it were a summer rolling down a cheek. // I’ve got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat. It is the unvoiced voice that says, // “We’ll see each other again, won’t we?” // Like star grains in an infinitely expanding galaxy, // Spilling through the gaps between my fingers
Now, I initially assumed the EP was from Gojo's perspective because Geto only seemed to smile in his presence (who's blushing face are we trying to see, afterall?). However, it is said to be from Geto's perspective and that, too, makes sense. Two viewpoints acting as bookends of the history between them.
I think what's sad about it is the way in which Gojo's POV is centered wholly on Geto, regardless of who or what he became; whereas Geto's perspective is more broadly applied to Gojo in part but also his own turmoil and moral dilemma.
Part of why Geto is thrown into such chaos is because of his inherently principled existence and yet, he is still the moon to Gojo's sun (Naruto, what are you doing heree?). Where Gojo always held a place for Geto, I think Geto assumed that his radicalization and subsequent defection marked a departure from Gojo because he was never really one to exist in shades of grey. Even if his impetus for this new society was ultimately to protect Gojo (and others like him) in the only way he felt he could.
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Before my goodwill crumbles away, // I should have told you everything. // In a life descending and dissolving into the night, // Fuzzy emotions, a flickering light. With nothing to search for, love sways. // Living while concealing, // Hence, the moon is dark, head in flight. // Today, unable to go anywhere. // Sleeping, sleeping towards a brand new morning, // Loneliness under crying Though I understand a wounded heart // Why do I end up hurting and leaving the same scars? // Labeling it as ego, grouping it all together, // The true essence of you and me, burning transparently. Longing for change, but the feelings stay the same, // Only the form crumbles away, // Holding onto the hand of hope, your ghost Realizing that something seemingly everywhere // Exists only here, // In the trivial silence of the night. // Only I, residing in memories, awaken It exists only here. // I want to touch you, // Even with trivial conversations. // Show me your blushing face once more...
Pardon me, anon, while I burst into flames after reflecting on all this. 🫠
Edit: just adding this visual for everyone because SAME. 🥹
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Squealed with excitement when I saw your post saying you were watching zom 100. Are you going to read the manga? Also please make a post sharing your opinions of it. I literally love reading your rants about manga and anime, positive and critical. I frequent the "sloot bitches about things" tag all the time lmao
Holy shit, I only thought ppl came for my smut, I'm glad you like reading me complain about shit and rant lol
The manga is on my list but my backlog of stuff I want to check out is stupidly long, so...I get to it when I get to it ig
Anyway my thoughts on the anime
In a world where zombie apocalypse fiction is largely bleak and depressing, it's so nice to see a series go "Fuck it, in the post apocalypse, do what makes you happy." It frames the zombie outbreak and breakdown of society in an optimistic way, and I think a lot of people need that. In a culture that's so collectivist and so stressed out, that cultural shift in modern Japan to prioritizing your own happiness and mental well-being really makes me happy.
The animation and especially the COLORSSSS are so nice. There are a few shots where corners had to be cut, but given how fucked the anime production was in terms of schedule I'm more than willing to put up with it. The zombies and the gore having these saturated paint colors instead of just being red is so nice, and it makes the Zom100 zombies stand out from other series.
I could talk forever about the colors in this series. I've never seen a zombie apocalypse that looked so bright and poppy and FUN. If you haven't seen anything from this show, just watch the opening and ending you won't regret it.
I also love shows that have an optimistic message in a bleak fucked up setting. Like if Berserk is grim optimism and struggling against brutality and hardship, Zom100 is bright optimism in a dead landscape. It's fluorescent paint sprayed and sloshed on grey corpses and cracked concrete, and I love looking at it. Like LOOK at this!
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Beatrix is best girl, I accept no arguments to the contrary. She's a German weeb who wears samurai armor and wants to restore Japan's natural beauty, infodumps about hot springs history, and is just so fun. Everything in this series is just so fucking fun.
Kencho is hot as fuck and if you like himbos, watch this series for him. He wants to be a comedian. He's a superhunk with a heart of gold. He's working on a comedy bit where he butt-chugs udon noodles. I want him so bad I'm shaking.
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Shizuka is a new inspiration for my One Piece OC Minerva, since their color designs are similar and both go from coldly logical to willing to follow their hearts and have fun. Though girl, wear some more protective clothing. You're in a sports bra and leggings and a hoodie, Beatrix at least sometimes wears the samurai armor and Akira had the diving suit for a while.
Obviously I fuck with Kanta on concept alone, and his VA (same as Bakugo and Ghiaccio) understands his assignment. A bitter NEET who wants to fuck things up only to realize he's collapsed under his own loneliness and just needed friendship, and realized too late that he essentially sabotaged his own happiness. Also hearing him cry pathetically in the last few episodes was low-key...activating my almonds a bit 😳
Given how problematic the production and release was, I'm gonna be disappointed but not surprised if there aren't further seasons. Still, they end it on a positive note that makes it a satisfying "ending" if it never gets animated beyond that. Besides, there's always the manga! I'm gonna link the op and Ed because I love them so much.
Also interesting fact, but this anime got recommended to me...by one of my sixth graders??? She's a huge otaku and I love that she's comfortable around me enough to nerd out (in rapid Japanese I don't always understand lol) bc normally she seems like a bit of a loner, but...madam you are 12. Kencho is showing hole on a regular basis, one of the villain dudes is an Ugly Bastard who has the goal of forcing his tongue down a girl's throat. Where are your parents 👀
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
hello hello! this is gonna be ramble-y, telling you that now
i use character.ai a lot but reading your posts about it has made me rethink using it. so ty for writing that! going to check pygmalionAI out - i hadn't known about the character.ai community & devs being so bad. also, how did you learn that the devs were bad if i may ask? i'd like to get more informed now regarding AI since it IS becoming a bigger thing; laws and precedents need to be established sooner rather than later
on another note! i ADORE your titan au! loved the iron giant as a kid and love the way you're designing it with Sun, Moon, and Eclipse! do you have any more crumbs to share about it? (no pressure though! /gen)
have a wonderful day/night OP!
Well I used CAI back in December, joined their subreddit, and it'd be kinda impossible to summarize everything I watched unfold since then since it was such an explosion of a community.
Here's a good quick breakdown vid:
(ok for some reason the link isn't working for me so uhh just paste "Character dot AI and the controversy around it." into youtube)
This is a good written resource that has links and screenshots for all the info therein: https://rentry.org/CAInews
It's important to be informed about these kinda things so good on you!
Also thank you so much! ^-^ I don't really have too much info on the au since I haven't toyed with it that much, but I'd like to draw Sun and Moon since thus far I've only done Eclipse.
I've seen one or two people say that it'd be fun if Sun used to be like primarily a medical bot but got reprogrammed when the war picked back up, so I'm wondering if maybe he has some sort of medical logo somewhere on his chest/arms under a thick coating of paint.
He feels sort of embarrassed about it when y/n finds out (I suppose time has withered the paint and the cracks show through) because after a while, since after centuries of bloodshed humanity is like on the verge of extinction and yet unwilling to let their violence go, war was the only thing he knew.
Eclipse is neither good nor bad, he just exists to cause destruction lol. Specifically to end the Titan war, but since it's long over and the "bad side" as he's programmed to see it no longer exists, it's the only logical solution to re-focus his attention on destroying humanity.
Of course, this all pulls to a halt when Sun and Moon come back into the picture (and no I have no idea how they'd all miraculously re-animate at the same time 😂) Maybe either y/n is able to find some sort of on-twitch of a kind, like a power core that automatically powers on all the titans even in their long-dormant state, or Eclipse actually decides to spare humanity because y/n wants him to (who can resist those big pleading eyes honestly) and maybe because humanity just seems so... frail these days. Not at all the powerful armies that he remembers, therefore no challenge. Then he once again refocuses his attention on fixing Sun and Moon just so he can fight them.
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sonicnewschannel · 1 year
Yooo we're doing questionares for the @sonic-oc-showdown ?? Cool!!
Name: Echo
Species: Cat
Type: Shapeshifting
Alignment: Neutral Good (current) Chaotic Neutral (pre-amnesia)
Home: Sweet Treat Bakery, SmallTown (actual town name)
• How did you come up with the OC's name?
I had like 3 different OCs named Echo at a time, as a kind of placeholder. It just ended up sticking! Before that though, his name was Aura.
• How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
About 16!
• Do they have any love interest(s)?
She's in a relationship with a different OC of mine named Nea (short for Neapolitan), and has a close Queer Platonic Relationship with another OC named B0lt!
• What is their favorite food?
He loves strawberry things! (Though if you ask her, she'll just say whatever you like)
• What do they do for a living?
He works part-time at his girlfriend's sweet shop! Though her main profession is a secret, even to her!
• Do they have any hobbies?
She likes singing and reading and learning about history!
• What do they do best?
Echo is SUPER good at reading people and accurately copying their mannerisms and personality. He can also copy people's looks, but that's a bit more tricky due to how memory works when it comes to visual stuff like colours.
• What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves: reading, singing, finding out new history
Hates: having to search out her OWN history due to amnesia. He finds his own life much more boring and frankly annoying than other people's.
• What is one of your OC's best memories?
She doesn't have many to go off of, but it's a tie between him and B0lt catching fireflies and her ace-ing some hard test. He's not too sure why that one fills him with so much pride.
• What is one of your OC's worst memories?
She has a memory of her being in some type of tube with wires connected to her, and a group of people messing around with them until her form shifted. That one makes his head hurt
• Is their current design the first one?
Besides a few changes, pretty much! Unless we're counting the old designs of the oc I took this old design from, then no. GOD no. This is like the 7th one if we count that.
• What originally inspired the OC?
If I remember correctly, he was created because I REALLY liked this random anime character from an anime I never even watched? I still haven't found the character in question, though. Oh! Also because he had ice magic originally (why the fur is blue and white)
• What genre do they belong in?
Either a Mystery Comedy, or a Horror Mystery, to be honest. Depends on the vibes she's giving that day.
• What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Genderfluid (Uses he/she). Mainly because haha cats are liquid but also because well. He's literally a fluid due to how his shapeshifting works. Get it? She's also demi!
• How many siblings does your OC have?
He was the oldest of 7. She doesn't remember much about any of them.
• What is the OC's relationship w/ their parents like?
He doesn't remember it being good. Her only memory of them is an arguement she cant remember the words of. Only that he ran out while they yelled.
• What do you like most about the OC?
God I love writing a character without worrying about them being out of character. She acts like whoever she's interacting with/copying and that's SO fun. Also writing someone else seeing that SOMETHING'S off with him but they cant tell what is something that can be so enjoyable
• How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I have so many doodles and mini comics but most of them are me throwing ideas into thin air. Maybe I'll share some of them during the showdown!
• Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I don't think I CAN kill him to be honest. Not to sound OP but I genuinely think she could live without most organs (although not. Un-painfully) due to her shapeshifting power. (This COULD change though, I'm still ironing out the kinks of how his stuff works.
• Does your OC have any phobias?
He's horrified of stasis. The idea of being locked/frozen makes him panic super bad.
• Who is your OC's arch-nemesis/rival?
She doesn't have one actually? There's this character I have called Hero who looks for him for mysterious reasons but that's about it.
• How long have you had the OC?
Since I was about 12! I only started actively using her in 2021 though.
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happi-tree · 10 months
Happi I just need it to be said that:
1. Yes I LOVE Transistor though it was like a decade ago that I played it (been thinking recently about replaying it though!)- also now I can't stop thinking about how good Red would look in your art style???? and
2. I'm glad you saw that swan lake post cause I swear to you when I reblogged it I thought "Happi would like this too I think" LOL
Hehe that's it that's all hope you're having a good evening 😌💜
Bababird!!! Hiiiiiii lovebird hope you're having a good evening too 🖤🖤🖤 Tysm for the ask!!!
I was introduced to Transistor less than a year ago by a dear mutual of mine who was making a Transistor AU (hi, Joanie, if you're reading this!!! Love you /p <3) and I ended up watching their letsplays and things and really found myself enjoying it. The worldbuilding and characters were both absolutely lovely and I think about the au they made SO often. Red my beloved,,, 🥺🥺🥺 I think I DID sketch her at one point (her design is so beautiful to meeee) but i haven't the faintest idea if I have a photo of it stashed anywhere dshfbhkadbfs.
And yes, I absolutely adored that swan lake post!!! I'm very partial to fairytales and folklore and I agree with op that it fits Glenn (and by extension, Nick and Jodie) very well <333
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lomappreciationblog · 2 years
LOM Anime OP screenshot dump!
So I've calmed down a bit from last night enough to take proper screenshots of the OP lol. Here's the link to the Warner Bros. account if you haven't watched it yet! https://youtu.be/1wqIWMssfu4
If you haven't played the Jumi arc in Legend of Mana though, warning for spoilers! I beg of you, please play and finish it first.
This is a long post, so warning for that as well. I have so many thoughts about it.
Oh, and as expected, the music sounds beautiful!
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Obligatory shots of our protags. Don't they look just adorable, though? I'm so, so happy to see them.
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Lady Blackpearl! And wow, that is a beautiful shot of the Bejeweled City/Etansel in the background. I'm so excited to see it.
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Alexandrite looks really cool! I'm pretty stoked we get to see what they looked like as a Jumi knight. I love that you get to see Alex and Sandra's outfits in it and the fact that their core has two colors.
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For comparison, here's the game art. Alexandrite has Alex's ponytail, pants and shoes, but has Sandra's green top - actually, it looks like they are wearing Sandra's whole outfit over Alex's outfit.
Though I am a little sad that since Alexandrite and Blackpearl are featured in the OP, they won't be able to pull off the plot twist that these two exist and are key characters in the Jumi saga. I always found it interesting how in the game, Alex just looks like a harmless NPC until you connect the dots.
Also, this is speculation, but I'm also wondering, is Alexandrite going to be a different persona from Alex and Sandra? In the game, judging from some conversations between Blackpearl and Sandra, Sandra is the "true" persona, and Alex is simply a disguise. In the manga, it's reversed - Alex is the original persona and Sandra is the disguise. I wonder what direction will the anime take? I'm hoping we get to see more of Alexandrite as they were, personally.
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Aww, Florina. :'<
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Diana leading the Jumi. Pretty cool since we don't get to see much of her doing active stuff in the game! And it's neat that Rubens is the first in battle he is Diana's Knight and for all their flaws, Rubens loved Diana a lot.
Oh, and the background here looks a lot like Luon Highway!
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Speaking of my man Rubens - look at him being an actual Knight! I was expecting he also uses a weapon but it makes more sense he uses fire attacks because he is the Flame of Hope. I like the little detail that his core flashes when he uses his attack here too.
Speaking of Rubens, I hope he gets a bigger role in the anime because the game seriously does him dirty by killing him in his only quest - even the manga just kills him straight away! So the fact that's features so prominently in the OP makes me think he might have a bigger role and I really, really hope so.
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Now for the mystery blue Jumi #1! She must be a knight judging by the fact she's fighting alongside Rubens and Blackpearl. She also has an overall water theme with her attacks and the anchor accessory. I'm guessing she's an aquamarine Jumi?
I'm happy we get to see more unique Jumi because the Bejeweled City was just palette swaps of Esmeralda, Rubens and Diana when you repopulate it.
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Mystery blue Jumi #2! I can't get a read on this guy either - but I'm guessing he's a sapphire Jumi? He does look a bit like Elazul with regards to the hairstyle, so maybe they're related, but probably not. Oh - and there was an unnamed Jumi in the Drowned Dreams quest, one whose core has the power to show events that happened in the sea. Could it be either of the new characters shown?
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The most the OP hints at is a relation with the Lucky Clover sisters, so my other guess is he was their knight or guardian. Speaking of the Lucky Clover - look at them!!! They're all here and I love their designs sooo much! It's perfect - in the game they're just color swaps of Esmeralda so I'm glad we get to see what they actually look like.
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Speaking of my girl Esmeralda - she's here with the others at the end of the OP, so my hope is she also gets a bigger role because she also ends up just getting killed off in the original game...
Please, justice for my girl and let her show she's actually studying magic!
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One last thing to note is that they're fighting a Jewel Beast in the OP!
I spent a bit of time speculating about Alexandrite in this post, but I'm actually happy with all the other neat details shown. Can't wait to see this!
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perryhedge · 2 years
Why is Gleipnir Like This
So I'm watching Gleipnir right now. Why am I watching Gleipnir right now? Well, for one, it seems like the Japanese is pretty easy, so that's a big motivating factor. I also am in the mood for edgy stuff, because I do like that every once in a while to please my lizard brain, and this fits the bill. There's definitely something unique about this show that reminds me of watching Toonami as a kid, back when anime seemed cool, different, and transgressive (I'm thinking stuff like Black Lagoon and Hellsing, but even Cowboy Bebop or Naruto to an extent). At this point in my life where I've gotten pretty desensitized to everything, there's still something here that kicks up my fight or flight response.
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I have only heard that this show is absolutely weird and out of control, and I would say that so far halfway through (7/13 eps) I exactly half agree with that assessment. I mean, I haven't read the original manga, but it is definitely part of the not insubstantial genre of "manga made to explore the fetishes that the mangaka had". Not that there's anything wrong with that. Sure, there's a lot of probably objectionable and definitely weird stuff in this show, and it's definitively Not My Fetish (which applies to a lot of the aforementioned genre of manga). But I still try to approach these things with an open mind, as an amateur weirdo anthropologist.
The show starts off strong with a very bizarre setup (fursuit, metaphorical pegging, body horror, death game) but it is true that it mostly front-loads the weird stuff. As the show goes on it does kind of dull that weird edge and right now seems to be settling into a fairly standard battle royale action show (which, on balance, I still do actually like as a genre). The narrative decisions that lead to each battle are pretty barebones and sometimes stupid, but the powers and character designs are consistently pretty fun and interesting. I did roll my eyes a bit when the main character is defeated and then picks himself up off the ground revealing his previously unheard of nine tailed beast form, but really my primary reaction was surprise (?) that something so weird and off-kilter would slide so quickly into a standard shounen narrative. Then again, it's clear to me that the setup and characters were the clearest part of the plan for this story. The rest is sort of being made up as it goes along, which often seems to be the case (and that's understandable, since I'd argue the primary driving force in anime is making a show with your OC in it).
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The show also looks really good, which surprised me. The BGs are pretty standard but don't look bad at all, and the character designs look pretty good (despite arguably the most appalling key visual I have ever seen from any anime, just look at the blurb on MAL), and there's actually sakuga. There's some weighty and dynamic action scenes (especially in the 2nd ep) and even when that's not happening there's still a good sense of space and choreography and the violence has impact. It doesn't come off as lazy whatsoever, and in fact on a moment to moment basis that's probably what keeps me interested.
So, I was struggling to figure out what is that "weird thing" that made this anime still feel unique, even after the initial premise wears off. And I realized it's absolutely the music, which is uniformly great. There's some high energy drum and bass and some really weird off-kilter melodies that make the whole thing sound like an Adult Swim bumper. I think it's this more than any other single factor that gives this show that nostalgic (?) edge that I was looking for. The OST veers from Brainfeeder-esque jazz trap to drum and bass and back, and even when it's just doing "basic anime music", there's a momentum to it that keeps things interesting. I also love the ED, which again has that surreal, eerie, melancholy, drugged out Adult Swim flavor that I really cannot liken to anything else in anime except 2 other OSTs:
Gleipnir's ED:
Compare to Yasuke's OP, by none other than Thundercat:
And the unbelievably underrated ED from Un Go
So yeah, I don't really have anything else to add or an interesting note to end this on. Gleipnir is pretty cool and I hope it gets even weirder. It delivers in ways I definitely didn't expect and even though I have somewhat lower expectations for the second half of the show it's been a fun ride.
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a-trans-horror-fan · 6 months
My review on the Thanksgiving movie (2023).
If you haven't seen the movie yet, I highly recommend you go watch it wherever you can because it is an experience.
If there is a showing of it in a theater near you, I recommend you go watch it if you love horror. But if you can't/don't want to go to the theaters to watch it, that's okay because you can rent it on Amazon Prime for $19.99, buy it for $23.99 on Amazon Prime, or you can watch it on the movies hd website for free.
I recommend that you watch the movie before you continue reading so that you understand what I'm talking about and I don't spoil the movie for you; and if you want to continue reading this without watching the movie, that's okay.
The movies hd link: https://movieshd.watch/watch-movie/watch-thanksgiving-online-102967.10103725
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Spoilers for the movie Thanksgiving (2023) and below!
The Plot:
"fellas is it gay to lose your pregnant partner during a black friday riot because her head was crushed by shopping trolleys and be driven mad to the point of adopting the alter ego of john carver in order to exact violent revenge on the rich kids that caused the riot, which you have been planning for a whole ass year, only to be defeated by a girl with a can of hairspray and a facebook livestream?"
The OP of this quote (beepboopdespair) excellently explained the entire plot in simple terms, but I'll go a bit more into detail as well as include some information from the movies Wikipedia page.
The character the OP is speaking about (aka the character who was defeated by a girl with a can of hairspray) is the killer who the cops call "John Carver". The reason for the name is because the killer wore a John Carver mask when they killed their victims.
The Setting (part of the plot):
The movie takes place in the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts but there are so many parts of the town that are shown that I might not be able to name everything, apologies in advance.
The design of the main characters' high school was so cool. The little spot underneath the stairs where Evan talks to that one kid about his essay was such a cool addition to the already amazing looking school.
The way they designed the old John Carver house was a perfect mix between unsettling and terrifying. The way the dust covered everything except the part of the wall where the axe used to be after it was stolen was a perfect detail and ester egg as to what was going to happen later in the move and what the killers trademark weapon would be.
The Characters:
Let me just say that Evan, Sheriff Newlon, Scubba, Bobby, McCarty, and Jacob were the best looking male characters in my opinion.
I loved how the directors didn't stick to the usual horror movie friend group trope like so many others. (And no I'm not hating on the trope, I'm just saying that seeing different friend group tropes in horror movies is just as good as the classic trope.)
The way that no one suspected that the sheriff was the killer until the last 20-30 minutes was amazing. The first time I watched it I thought that Bobby or one of the other main characters would be the killer but when it was revealed that the sheriff (Eric Newlon) was the killer I was shocked but it made me so much more invested in the movie (even though I was absolutely in love with the movie before that point).
The Kills:
One of the main things that makes a horror movie good is the kills, and if a horror movie has 2 or more kills in the first 20 minutes then you know it's going to be a good movie; and that's exactly what this movie did.
When I first saw the scene where the black friday shoppers began to trample the security guard to get into the store, I knew that there were going to be even more amazing kills later on, and I was right.
The entire black friday riot scene was absolute perfection, and paired with the deaths that happened in those scenes just made it so much better.
The kills in just the first 20 minutes were amazing but these ones were my favorites:
Amanda (The store managers wife who was killed by two shopping carts ramming into her skull).
Doug (The security guard that was trampled to death when he tried to unlock the doors).
"Neck glass guy" (The man in the sports jersey who got a large shard of glass stuck in his neck when he tried to enter the store and later died).
Those kills may have been limited to the store, but the other deaths weren't.
Lizzie McMullen was the waitress at the "Capotaine" diner who was also one of the two people who killed Amanda in the black friday riot. She was later killed outside the diner by being cut in half by dumpster lid.
Manny was one of the two security guards that were hired on the day of the black friday riot but he ran away once the crowd started rushing towards the doors. He was later killed in his apartment where he was stabbed in stomach with electric carving knife and decapitated with Garrotte.
Lonnie was a gym coach at Hanover High and the person who started the riot and was responsible for the deaths and injuries that occurred that day. He was later killed in one of the schools gyms when his neck twisted all the way around.
Yulia was Scubba's girlfriend and was one of the five people that the final girl let inside the store that triggered the black friday riot to start. She was later killed in her home where she was disembowled on a buzzsaw.
Lionel was one of the people in the black friday riot and was dressed in the turkey mascot suit in the parade. He was later killed in the middle of the parade when he was decapitated with axe.
Amy was Lonnie's girlfriend and a cheerleader at Hanover High who was killed in one of the schools gyms when she was stabbed multiple times through a trampoline and eventually succumbed to blood loss.
Kathleen Wright was the final girls stepmother and was the person who deleted the security footage from the black friday riot to save her image. She was later killed in the old John Carver house when she was cooked alive in an oven.
Evan Fletcher was Gabby's boyfriend and was one of the five people that the final girl let inside the store that triggered the black friday riot to start. He was later killed in the old John Carver house when his skull was bludgeoned with meat tenderizer.
The unnamed victim was a random grandfather who was killed in the parade when his head was impaled by bow of a ship float.
Eric Newlon was the sheriff who stopped the black friday riot after he found Amanda's dead body, he was also the killer who killed 8+ people in revenge for the events of the black friday riot. He was later "killed" when he was supposedly incinirated in a propane tank explosion.
All the kills in this movie were brutally excellent (pun intended), but these were the best in my opinion:
Kathleen Wright
Lizzie McMullen
The unnamed grandfather
Evan Fletcher
This entire movie was absolutely amazing and deserves so much more love. The acting was amazing, the kills were incredible, and the ending was a perfect cliffhanger. Overall, this movie gets a 10/10 from me.
1 (fellas is it gay to...): https://www.tumblr.com/beepbeepdespair
2 The movies Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving_(2023_film)
3 The list of deaths: https://horror.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_deaths_in_Thanksgiving
4 The full cast and crew: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1448754/fullcredits/cast
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mooralltach · 3 years
ooh hey for the character thing: jigen from lupin or crocodile from op?
Oehh, I'll try both :)
Why I like them: he's just so Cool. His whole slick design including not being able to see his eyes bc of the hat. He's very fun to draw and stylize, he has such a distinct character design and I'm a big fan of that! Characterwise I really like how he's sort of the voice of reason in the gang, but also not because he's just as silly as the rest of them.
Why I don't: the supposed hate for Fujiko (let them be friends)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Part II episode 99 (The Scattered Magnum). It's such a good episode overall and everytime I think of Jigen that's just the vibe I see, him facing off against an opponent in the desert, like that scene in one of the openings where he's eating grapes while simultaneously shooting his enemies. Other noteworthy episodes/moments are in Part II episode 66 where he just goes off explaining all his gun knowledge and why Lupin is a monumental idiot if he ignores Jigens advice (which of course he does anyway). And Part V episodes 7 and 8, because he's very visibly worried there about his friend without outright saying anything, and I keep thinking about it. The looks he gives in those episodes... bruh.
Favorite season/movie: Part V and Episode 0 First Contact
Favorite line: I'm not american but the way he says "Oh yea, which America would that be exactly, the beacon of freedom and democracy or the bastion of blind arrogance?" in the Mystery of Mamo geneon dub is just legendary to me
Favorite outfit: both part II and part V's outfits
OTP: I don't really think about it much but I do like Jigen/Goemon
Brotp: Jigen and Lupin, but also Jigen and Goemon, or alternatively just the entire main gang. Though I also think he could be good buddies with Zenigata, let them share a drink and have some good noir-ish talks in a seedy bar somewhere. Like the one in part 6 episode 0 but more amicable
Head Canon: Pretty sure this is canon but I really do think he religiously watches his Spaghetti Western on Spaghetti Western Sunday every week, even though he's already watched all of them multiple times
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one, actually?
A wish: More Film Noir kinda scenes for him PLEASE
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Didn't think I had any, but then I saw @dandunn 's point about Part 4 making him say he and Lupin 'really don't have anything to say to each other outside of work' and ;___; You're right man, that really is the worst they could've done to him
5 words to best describe them: cigarettes, cynical, broody, loyal, guardian
My nickname for them: none, just Jigen
Why I like them: HIS NAME. Even though I thought he'd be named Scorpion or something for the huge poisonous hook arm lol. In which case I still would've liked his name, both kick ass. Also his design is so delightfully 'villain' and though for One Piece standards kinda 'tame', it's VERY effective. It's just good character design! Also his pack of Bananagators. Very big fan of that. ALSO also, his english dub voice. Idk I really like it
Why I don't: (almost) ruined an entire country and definitely caused a civil war
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really like his first fight with Luffy in the desert, actually. But I haven't seen further than Sabaody and have no idea what other shenanigans he's been up to in the rest of the anime, so that might change haha
Favorite season/movie: Alabasta arc
Favorite line: Hmm don't really have one
Favorite outfit: Wanna say the big ass cape but he's always wearing it. Though I like the Alabasta variant (with the rest of the Alabasta outfit) better
OTP: No idea, I don't really think about it
Brotp: The Bananagators for now :''')
Head Canon: I read that he does actually love to eat crocodile meat but I think it'd be hilarious if he'd hate to eat bananas
Unpopular opinion: Don't have anything really
A wish: I feel like I don't know enough about him yet to have a wish for him..
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Same as above
5 words to best describe them: Slick, grand, composed, strategist, cunning
My nickname for them: None
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