#i havent bothered for my personal posts bc like. idk ive never had anyone in my personal circle of followers mention it being necessary
orcelito · 1 year
With gay moon post approaching 600 notes (600 notes... 😥) I have had a few realizations
1: not everyone shares the same observations that I do. Which I say just bc I was IMMEDIATELY struck by the framing of Vash with the moon in that one panel the first time I saw it, but I've had a number of ppl mention they hadn't noticed it
Which leads into 2: the reason that post has so many notes is bc pointing out moments like that holds value to people. Plus I guess my commentary & conclusions? Plus acting as something for people to bounce their own ideas off of.
And then 3: there are probably more moments I could explore in such a way, & that could hold value to people
#speculation nation#im thinking about this a bit too matter of fact probably. but im just trying to make it make sense to myself lol#bc it doesnt FEEL like a post that should be approaching 600 notes to me#im just like. i was just saying some thoughts about things i thought other ppl also noticed#mostly a 'hey isnt this cool?' kinda post. which it is for a lot of ppl. and then there r more ppl who are like. enlightened lol#i have ALSO learned that if i have a post i put out there like this. i should uh. plan for the possibility of it blowing up.#aka i should thoroughly think thru it instead of spitballing it out & having ppl comment things i shouldve included#also possibly do IDs? with the post reaching a wider audience that sure is smth that could matter to some#i havent bothered for my personal posts bc like. idk ive never had anyone in my personal circle of followers mention it being necessary#and i probably still wont for dumb offhanded images lol. but for my analysis posts. probably would be good to do.#I Have Learned to not put things out there if i wouldn't want it to blow up in the state it's in hfkshdj#aka. Baby's First Kinda Big Post.#ultimately not that big compared to other ppl's stuff (right now 😥😥😥😥) but bigger than Aaaanything ive ever had#id been hiding with searches off for Years. and prior to that i didnt post anything of value anyways.#in terms of like. fandom stuff lol. mostly just my rambles & live reactions to things#WHICH SOME PPL HAVE BEEN INTERACTING WITH MY REACTION POSTS... most hilarious being the times i was inconsolable#after reading volume 10. like we all get it lol but Lmfao#ultimately i just hope ppl arent expecting perfection with my posts bc im just kinda bullshitting Everything#i have Never had a big blog. only a handful of my fanfic readers ever followed me here.#im used to the attention being on ao3 lol and this just a space for my bullshit#I Will Still Post Bullshit. but i have learned things for any posts i purposefully put in main tag lol#also sorry i keep posting about my post hfkshfj but it's just kinda crazy to me still. i am noooooot used to this.
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rookiewithachance · 7 years
ok you know what this is getting its own post so tumblr doesnt delete half my tags and therefor half the shit i have to say about this like it did with the first version of this post
personal shit below the cut—nothing bad or graphic or triggering (unless you count minor gender dysphoria and parents not getting it...) just me ranting about my parents and the gender identity crisis im going through right now.... so read at your own discretion 
i knOW that this isn’t like a special or new issue.... this shit happens to lots of people, where they’re going through gender identity crises or what have you, and when they talk to their parents about it the parents just don’t fuckin get it. they’re not even like angry about it they just actively don’t understand, and they do it in a semi harmful way.
but listen okay l i s t e n
if i have to listen to my mom say “but why do you need to label it, why can’t you just be you” one more time im gonna mcfuckin lose it ok
she means well i know she does and she and my dad are from a very different time where labels were considered Bad but listen ma, i love you but a) why does what i choose to call myself bother you so damn much especially when you can see that im upset about it when i brought it up, and b) this??? IS me being myself????? that is exACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENING RN im trying!! to figure out who or what myself is!!! but thank you!!!!! for adding to my doubt and feeding the voice in my head that tells me that i’m just making shit up and that i’m taking away from the people who are actually going through gender stuff and that im just overthinking myself..................... because lowkey it feels like thats what im doing. and i know i kNOW that that’s probably not true because that’s exactly what i did with mental illness and boom would you look at that, and my mental health is probably affecting this as well, but...... mER
i dont even know if i can CALL this gender dysphoria... idk like that phrase carries such weight to me and this doesnt feel like its... at that level?? i dont feel like i was born into the wrong body or that i need to transition in any way bc to me my genitals dont have to define my gender. like look ok fuckin listen i have a fuckin vulva and a vagina and mammaries’r’w/e and shit but that doesnt have to mean im a girl. i dont need a dick to be masculine, just like i dont have to have a vulva to be feminine. which side tangent why do i even care masculinity and femininity are both social constructs and are complete bullshit in my opinion so whY DOES THIS EVEN MATTER TO ME??? @my brain what the actual fuck why are you like this
its not even like.... being referred to as female is what bothers me. i don’t mind she/her pronouns, i dont really care about what pronouns people use for me, but it’s just................. when someone uses female-coded or even male-coded language in reference towards me. things that started as gendered but became more neutral like dude or babe and other shit dont bother me its just...... like listen every time one of my parents calls me baby girl it lowkey actually makes me want to cry, and i dont know why i just feel so shitty being called that
i also just sometimes.... feel more masculine or more feminine than other times and wanna present differently. like im considering looking into getting a binder because i really feel like that would help with the presentation stuff but also!!! theres that doubt again!!!!! ahahahahaha silly kelli ur not trans binders arent For You and if you buy them that’s appropriation or something, either way its bad and you should feel shitty for considering it :)
is this like................ idk, is this genderfluid???? is that what this is??????? idk idk ive just been saying gender nonconforming bc that covers the gist of it and lets me sort my shit out without the pressure of needing to “””stay true””” to whatever label or thing i use..... again, another irrational anxiety but h e y thats me for ya
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is getting long but heres the thing: i love my parents. i really fucking do. they have their shortcomings of course because being the perfect parent is literally impossible, but all in all im pretty fortunate to have such loving parents. but theyre just. theyre a lot right now. i get it okay i do, they miss me and theyre going through separation stuff and they feel like theyre losing me or whatever but like...... i dont........ want to video chat every night, like we did my freshman year. i needed that then, and what i need now is...... space. some space to figure out how to be a singular entity doing shit for myself and having time to be alone with my thoughts yknow. my mental health is in the goddamn sewers and i havent been sleeping as well as i should be and im feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork and clubs and then of course all this gender stuff started happening :) so yeah sorry if im not very talkative when you chat with me every single night. i dont have much to talk about, and the stuff you guys talk about???? sorry but.... i dont really care. its shitty to say but i just. i dont. i love you guys but i have better shit to be doing than talking about who you saw in the coffeeshop this morning or what happened at work
and see, normally i would talk to them about this. but i just... dont think that would do anyone any good. they wont understand it, and then when i explain it theyre just gonna feel dumb, and theyre gonna forget and slip up and never remember and then just go around feeling guilty about it without ever changing their language...... and their guilt is gonna make me feel like shit too. so whats even the point of telling them about it?? of getting them to actually sit down and listen instead of bringing it up in the middle of sobbing my way through my woes and my parents asking me well meant but upsetting questions and then moving on as if nothing happened 
sigh........... idk. thats about it i guess. congrats if you got this far, im sending you digital hugs. words of support are of course appreciated but not at all necessary, i aint fishin for anything im just here to lay it all out in one place. hopefully i get some of all this mess sorted out. if i had more money id just go ahead and buy a binder but im a bit strapped for cash. not broke per se but i have very limited funds and those have to carry me through the entire semester, so....... trying not to make any unnecessary purchases and my brain refuses to justify a binder as something worth the money.......... which again, is probably not true, but.... we’ll see.
much love to you all, im gonna head to bed and try to sleep cause i got class in the morning and i still havent finished the readings ;3
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chickenfetus · 7 years
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people (has anyone actually tagged that many thats wild)
tagged by: @softshouyous​ thank u faln love u
name: megan!!! blood type: im type A too!!!!! buds nickname(s): moonshine (falen), egg, nut (irl ppl bc of my ig being nutfucker69) r/s: im in a r/s with denki atm do not distrub zodiac sign: capricorn!! pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: spongebob squarepants OR the fairly oddparents but i just realized these r cartoons..whatever…. i havent watched a proper tv show in years lmao long or short hair: like preference or rn bc if its rn its longish?? above my chest still but not above my shoulders height: 154 cm (i grew one cm ha) / i think its still 5′0 LOL do you have a crush on someone: heck.. idk if its a crush or just me being delusional and obsessive but iw ant it gonE what do you like about yourself: i get motivated when ppl do better @ smth im supposed to b good :-) right or left handed: right!!!! list of three favourite colors: sky blue, mint green (wow) and uhM, yellow the pastel kind 
right now: eating: my saliva  drinking: waht r the odds of drinking something right as u see this qn i’m about to: idk i gotta do hw but we’ll see listening to: anywhere but here by mayday parade kids: i have enough fictional ones thanks get married: but i already have lnace? career: tbh im just hoping i mysteriously die b4 i have 2 think abt this
most recent:
drink: water.,, i deadass dont drink anything else phone call: no one,,, i delet my chats + calll history a lot but i dont think ive actually had a conversation on the phone with someone this year lmao song you listened to: the one i said above but right now im listening to this by haniwa its good i promise
have you ever: dated someone twice: i havent even dated once lol been cheated on: no?? kissed someone and regretted it: listn ei am young  lost someone special: literally or just?? friendship wise because friendship wise ya… but if u mean like someone special died then no been depressed: the feeling or the actual thing  been drunk and thrown up: alcohol is not 4 me kissed a stranger: n o had glasses or contacts: ive had glasses since i was 6 lmao wild had sex on the first date: gee i hope not broken someone’s heart: who knows turned someone down: no cried when someone died: im actually p heartless fallen for a friend: who hasnt
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yeah,,,  fallen out of love: i actually ahve no idea what this means laughed until you cried: have i?? probably met someone who changed you: mmm mm found out who your true friends were: im still skeptical  found out someone was talking about you: i hate the end of last year + the start of this year kissed someone on your fb list: i dont even use fb anymore
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes? if i had 2 choose  hugs or kisses: huGSss  shorter or taller: i also prefer taller but shorter is fine too  romantic or spontaneous: ?????? sensitive or loud: anything???? hookup or relationship: relationship  troublemaker or hesitant: thes questions make no snese to me im laughning
first: best friend: jana ruined my life but she was a good friend  surgery: never had one sport i joined: either golf (fucking golf can u believe) or swimming im praying it was the latter vacation: probs 2 malaysia
do you believe in: yourself: lol no im so negative god i need 2 stop bc i think more and more ppl r leaving me bc of that, which is like understandable?? but i wanna change w/o becoming someone im not uHHGHHh hh  miracles: sometimes,, gotta see it 2 believe it love at first sight: nah heaven: maybe
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: uh all probs except for my first online friend  do you have any pets: i want  a d og or cat. .. . do you want to change your name: yeah do u guys think its possible 2 chnage it to nutfcuker69 what did you do for your last birthday: chilled at home, panicked abt holiday hw since.. my birthday is on fcuking 26 decemeber what time did you wake up today: 7:42 am kinda disappointed it wasnt earlier but wtv at least its not as bad as falen’s what were you doing last night at midnight: sleepiing like the good child i am something you can’t wait for: MAKI’S BIRHDAY SO I CAN FINALLY SCOUT i currently have 420 gems saved last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: boy howdy there r alot of things.. maybe my attitude towards my irl friends??  have you ever talked to a person named tom: no i go to a girls school but im surprised there wasnt anybody named tom in my old primary school what’s getting on your nerves: atm its my inability to focus and how im such a sucker for this one person who i ? shoudlnt be thinking abt//? and yet!!! when willi ufckign rEALIZE its embarrassing how mcuh effort i put lmao 
tagging: lena, kacchan, andy, and anyone else (not gonna tag them rly bc idw yknow b a bother sO.. ….) (ps yall dont have to do it, if u somehow manage 2 see this and get this far lmao) 
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g1rlcore · 7 years
ok so heres somethign thats been bothering me lol let me explain bc i blocked them. i had a mutual that wasnt wlw they were gay but not a lesbian or anything yet still they felt the need to be an Authority on wlw headcanoning sapphic characters and it was rlly uncomfortable and annoying and they were just annoying in general with their mannerisms and i followed them first and wanted to unfollow them like 4 days later but they followed me back and messaged me which was whoops. anyways they kept on making post after post abt how bi girls are fucking stupid and dumb for headcanoning lis characters in any way and it was really annoying and upsetting and i vagued abt them which was shitty but i apologized and addressed it after and they were not fucking.....responding they were so just annoyinbg i know this is vague but gjkgjhhjdk 
i hate how unsafe ive been feeling on my own damn personal blog not to be dramatic but with mia following me (i dont like my irl friends seeing my shit fucking mental health ramblings) and like this boy i knew irl for a bit also follows me i think??? and also just a bunch of people who i dont know and i feel so uncomfortable but its so hard to maintain a vent blog for me like idk ggtgthjhjk
i wanna journal again bc i want to be safe with my own thoughts but i also want to get validation and attention for my thoughts and i hate the vent blog format i never follow anyone elses vent blog but i want people to follow mine???
so also i blocked that person that night after trying for like an hour to fix the situation but i didnt i fucked it up and also i just think i have such a massive issue with people not liking me like more than usual, it makes me fucking cry and panic like when i told that girls bf i liked him which was something i needed to get off my chest to move on, which worked, she got rlly angry at me and it was a tough situation bc like yeah i did pull him aside and tell him without her knowing i guess but i didnt tell him i wanted to date him i didnt put any ideas in his head i just told him so i could move the fuck on!!! and she got so mad and i didnt even particularly like her but she confronted me the next morning and i fucking sobbed afterwards. like i dont give a fuck about these people and i would honestly rather have them jsut not be in my life but conflict scares me so much and anyways this has been a recurring thing this past month and i havent been outside or at school for 1 whole month now besides , you know, leaving the fucking country for a week but since the airport ive just been at home. like what the fuck, im so goddamn depressed lol 
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theday · 7 years
Those feelings are perfectly valid. It doesn't make you petty just because you still feel this way while some have moved on; people feel and deal with things differently. I don't know how you feel about these feelings of yours, but try not to beat yourself about it. Hopefully he'll apologize if he gets the chance. If he doesn't, I hope these feelings leave eventually.
For the Jae situation (if you’re talking about the song) I think it’s unfortunate that the song he recommended has such problematic lyrics. My stomach was twisting the whole time I was reading them and to know that he thought it was appropriate to recommend it didn’t make that it any better. I try my best not to blindly love bands or idols but a part of me thought that he was going to apologize. It’s been almost a week but I don’t think I’ve seen anything yet. This has me feeling torn at this (1)
point. This might be biased but I suggest having a bit of faith in him perhaps? Based on his personality (from what we can see anyway) I feel like he wouldn’t leave a topic like this untouched on purpose, especially if he knew that my days were upset about it. I understand that it can be unsettling to have one of your favorite people do something that rubs you the wrong way without any closure to disappate those negative feelings. Even if you do continue to feel badly towards him, know that (2)
hi anon!! how are you i didnt really expect anyone to talk about it bc i have v few day6 mutuals but thank you for bringing it up!!! i have talked about this before in an ask i answered on my main blog (thought it doesnt relate to the topic at all so ill just copy and paste what i said) under cut bc this will get long!
as of november 6:
so something (refer to the song he said suits myday) happened with jae recently and ive seen fans trying to defend him by @ing him and saying that they love him which is fine - great even! but what i dont approve is how everyone’s basically forgotten about the whole matter because they had concerts so instead of @-ing him and asking him to explain himself, they tell him what a great concert it was which is also great bc their concerts are honestly amazing. basically my pet peeve is when ppl dismiss the problematic action of some people just bc they like them.
another thing is that there were some fans who started guilting others for wanting to drop day6 completely because of what jae did and in my opinion i think it is totally cool to want to drop a group if they did smth bad like??? its ur life???? u can choose who you want to like. what is not cool is pulling out all the good things the person has ever done in their entire life and try to remind others about the positive sides of the person. yes. they’re an encouraging person, etc. but that does not cancel out the bad things they’ve done until they explain/apologise. what is infuriating is just the manner some people took it?? they literally went ahead and tweeted shit like “would your parents drop you if you did smth wrong?” and “you’re seriously gonna drop someone whos been nothing been nice because of one incident?” yes. people will and you dont have any fucking right to stop them? so dont go pulling out receipts.
another thing. its also okay to want to stan the whole group even if someone has done smth problematic. like? to me youre cool if youre able to see and acknowledge the bad shit someone has done and still stand by their side while educating them at the same time its nice to have faith in your idols. however, i wont say much when your idols dont respond and/or respond in a way that shows absolutely no remorse. its cool if you want to support them too, despite that.
tldr; dont fucking excuse someone’s behaviour/action just because youre so far up their fucking ass. dont pull out shit from before either, be it good or bad. and lastly, its okay to want to drop/continue supporting them, its your life.
i just wanted to talk about this tbh,, it was nice to see a few mydays trying to urge jae to explain the whole situation but seeing as he still hasnt and couldve it really irks me :-/
okay update its been a day and i havent really thought about this but im kinda conflicted now bc jae still hasnt talked about the song and im probably just making a big deal out of smth that will never happen again but it really doesnt sit right with me knowing that jae recommended that song to his fans and said it suited mydays?? bc looking at the lyrics… i SURE hope not… idk i have neither forgiven or forgotten but he’s okay now.? i cant stay mad at someone for that long anyway ill never forgive him 4 it though lmao petty ppl only
 jae’s still an amazing person to me with all the encouraging words he says to mydays but this one incident is just soOOOOO hrm 
okay so that ^ was like 4 days ago and it was answering a question on pet peeves so it didnt really have to do much with jae at all sorry for making u read that the second last paragraph is probably the most relevant whoops anyway
ive already said this but thank you so much for coming to my ask to talk (? though its mostly to reassure) about this with me because on twitter where i follow more mydays, i barely saw anyone talking about it and as i mentioned above it really bothered me :-/ everyone has different ways of responding to it so ill let that slide because there may be people who still want to enjoy day6′s music without having to deal with anythng “problematic” idk i cant speak for those fans who keep quiet about it but this isnt about other mydays its about jae and 
the fact that he’s been active on twitter since the release of the november magazine but has yet to speak about it also bothers me and its not smth i can just brush aside because like you said the lyrics are fucking terrible and has upset at least 2 people??? (which is completely understandable, the lyrics are trash along with the artist but i doubt jae knows about the shit the artist has done) from what i managed to catch on twitter idk about others and i posted a message on fans here because he has said that they do check fans so im hoping he ends up seeing it soon assuming he doesnt know about how the song distresses some mydays (i think most people have stopped @ing him about it at this point) and ill try to keep tweeting him??
i check the jae_day6 tweets and there are barely any tweets about the whole thing which is sad :-( so im just giving him as you said, the benefit of doubt and i believe that once jae finds out he’ll speak about it because jae is still the kind, encouraging person to mydays and i dont want something like this to change my opinion of him although it did eventually since i cant look jae (and pictures of him) the same way :-/ it probably has to do with the fact that i get influenced really easily by what others think?? and this time bc of what i think i ended up reacting negatively/not at all to jae things and i mean it sucks??? but i know that its okay to feel the way i do since we havent gotten any sort of explanation whatsoever 
anon i hope youre doing much better and even if you harbour any negative feelings towards jae too i want you to know that it’s really alright to feel that way like you said!!!! it makes me a feel a bit better that i have done my part to try and get jae to notice the mistake he’s made and i just hope he’ll talk about it eventually because he has so many opportunities to apologize/discuss the matter (vlive, twitter, fans) theres also music access which i will try and tune in to next monday so i can leave a comment (id feel bad for bernard though since hes the main dj)
once again thank you so much for being kind enough to reassure me and im glad it gave you a chance to talk about this too because something like this isnt something i can forget easily and i hope you have a good day because youre really great!!!!! i love you and its amazing that you believe in jae idk i think youre amazing!!!! 
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idksheepthoughts · 7 years
Conversations Me: you actually soft blocked me....                                   any reason why?
Her: lol the fact that you noticed this late   but it happened on accident actually and i went and unblocked               but at that point i was like lmao like she'll notice so i never mentioned it              
Me: If you hate me just say so. No need to lie.... I don't check shit like that every day but it's not that many days since I know it was maybe a week or less ... Whatever. I'm so splitting atm. So I'll shut up before I say something else             
Her: hate? when the fck did i mention that?         yes, better shut up before you stick your foot in your mouth as usual                 since i've done nothing hostile to you as if me feeling like i matter to no one and have the smallest amt of friends possible is somehow how an Attack on You.
Me: you blocked me... on "accident" how does that even happen.... i've told you tons of times that the amount of friends depends solely on yourself. and your willingness to talk to people and work past the anxiety and fear that talking to people causes. . . otherwise I wouldn't even have friends. because if i isolated and neveer talked to anyone ever first that nobody would talk to me in the first place. . . ugh whatever. i've said too much im just going to sober up and talk later i guess.... I can't always be here I try to be but like we said previously, i didn't know what to do between give you loads of attention and give you nothing at all...
Her: tumblr mobile? lol. if you can't believe me when i say that then i don't really want to talk to you since everytime i feel bad or have like, negative feelings regarding my own situations you always take it so personally (1) and then i have to dread these fcking conversations so when we've been talking normally on twitter                 it all goes to fcking shit because you can't accept that i get to feel bad and feel upset about stuff regardless of whether or not im taking actions to help myself in my own way at my own pace...doesn't mean you get to think that i hate you so i blocked you      because what the fuck how does it work when we've been chatting like everyday on twitter?                   and it was (what i thought) fine? good? (2) if it really was the case i wouldve blocked you here or just flat out deleted since then i'd only have one fucking follower :) so just. let me have emotions. and don't assume things. this is so funny because i remember you getting mad at me months ago for the same exact thing   and here we are, situations reversed  
Me: BECAUSE i have a huge fear of abandonment.... it was fine but this stuff even if its an accident just idk .... i guess you never saw how much abandonment even if its an accident sends me into depressive spirals??? have i ever left you no. i've been distant yes but i've never full on unfollowed or left... idk you block me a lot and delete and it hurts every time.                                    
Her: "even if" can you believe me????? first off???? (3) and no you havent god if it was such a problem just follow me and then ask me about it because why would i lie lol (4) i don't like friendships built on lies i'll never talk to someone like that genuinely   i have insecurities too. i have enough
Me: ok it was an accident.
Her: i didn't even think it was a problem first off considering all those people you put on your thanksgiving post. and then you never noticed/messaged me about so i was like k, so that's that! and just talked w/ you normally here  (5)           so let's just accept the fact that we've got our problems and there's better ways to handle this than assuming motives
Me: so you did change url because of that post??? like my paranoid ass thought???? i was right on that???? cause i noticed that and was like... maybe its not related but was it????? cause I just want to know... im not mad at that at all just... i want to not assume things atm.    and i notice stuff slowly because I try not to fall into obsessive traits. its not healthy to check who im following or who is greyed out or blocked every single day. . . I try to just let things be but when I do notice stuff i can't help but explode. I tried to be calm by just asking why.... but i clearly failed at that. its whatever. I followed back. if it happens again just like.. tell me please??? this stuff makes me so close to slitting my wrist                                    
Her: no, i changed my url because i was sitting on that url for a while and i wanted to use it              
Me: okay, it was just a paranoid thought.                             
Her: well, i really, really, really, don't like when you start assuming things even after i tell you or not believing me. we've been friends for how long? does it mean nothing? you'd think i'd lie at this point? x____x       (6) .those thoughts make me want to die      
Me: i'm sorry for thinking irrationally, but with how many people just up and leave, all the time even with being friends for long periods its hard not to jump to conclusions. I am in the wrong for falling into my own paranoid thoughts. You explained things and I don't believe that you are lying so its fine.                        
Her: oh, now you believe me                     after i have to hold your hand when i'm upset (7) whatever i'm probably not going to follow back because i hate that i have no friends and my mutuals ignore all my posts when i try to put myself out there     it's gotten to a point where i can't post stuff on tumblr anymore because i know no one gives a shit             like even as happy as i am about my commission i know if i post that on my tumblr i'll make the artist seem bad when no one likes my post  idc. i'm bitter and alone and probably always will be because i don't have any friends aside from you o/                           like, be grateful you even have that many people to be grateful for   (8)      i'd kill for it i feel like dying when i think about this and i think about it a lot     but ofc i don't moan about it anywhere except on this stupid fucking twitter account                   where you seem ot think i live a dandy life   (9)                                    it fcking sucks bc im trying my best!                                           anyways im done lol           oh and then you post shit like *Edit* (Screenshot of some tags where I said I always listen to people but nobody likes listening to me so I talk to my cats a lot which is true because I’m a burden and i hate bothering people with my problems so much)                    that when you damn well no i have no one else to listen to except you online      and we've been civil lately                         but ok! i guess i don't care!  because im living it up!       #sarcasm    (10)
Me: you havent followed me in probably over 10 or so months, whenever i remade, cause i don't think you followed me when i delteed either,  i didn't expect a follow back at all. i just expect us to be not mutuals but still friends? THEN TALK TO PEOPLE TALK TO PEOPLE AND TALK TO PEOOPLE thats all i did was work past my fears and talk to people and some stuck around some didn't. i dont know what else to say. some of those people haven't actually spoken to me in months either but im still grateful for them. I have nothing else to really advise on that other than you gotta put the talking in first. thats all i've done and its somehow managed to not fuck it up for this long??? i dont think i've had any friend longer than whenever we started being friends... so around 2 years...    
Her: no offense but just talking to people doesn't do shit :) but seriously, thanks :)       (Phone lagged) So I repeated my previous message by accident)                           
Her: yeah probably the only reason you havent fucked it up is because i dont want to be fucking alone and i dont give up easily so ive stayed with this even fi you make me feel like fucking shit when this happens   & since you said nothing to everything else i just said i guess im right :)             god im over this i dont want to fight and i dont want to talk to you becaus eim always explaining my problems and you just like. tell me the same shit each time as if it'll magically do stuff   liek the fact that im trying doesnt mean anything                 i dont wanna talk to you if its always going to be like this ill take the goddamn loss and be lonely while youve got your fucking harem of friends idc if its an exaggeration the point is everyone i considered a friend has just stopped talking to me completely and the only thing i get here is you telling me what to do like i need cold hard instructions for making a friend  
ME: Harem??? You know nothing about anything. Ya know what..... forget it. If it's better I don't say anything because nothing I says helps and  I'm a broken record. You want to assume because I tagged a lot of people doesn't mean I wasn't just fishing for validation. Me trying to help is just being a dumb mistake. I can't help anyone and why I try is also confusing because I am pointless. I'm keeping you in my note regardless you have been here and listened and that hadn't changed.  But if this is just going to explode it's going to explode. All I do is ruin everything and I don't even care anymore I'm going to buy a gun soon anyways. So what's the point in trying to make something work. I've always been a shit friend and it's just not worth it to you at this point. So okay.                   
Her: HERE let me qutoe for you something    "idc if its an exaggeration"                                      ^^^^^^^             unlike you im aware when im being irrational lmao    (11)     apparnetly you get to be and i dont                             thats how it always is            did you ever think about it feels for me   when my only friend does shit like this constantly    like lmao                                ofc not bc why would you consider anything from my point of view  this conversation is over until you want to stop fucking assuming i dont care       LOL     and acting as if me letting you go is the best thing that could happen to me       like we couldnt j ust talk on twitter and let it fucking be but you have todrag it all in at least i get to get stuff off my chest thats the only fucking good that comes out of this  like you dont get that you telling me the same thing hurts because it doesnt fucking work and i dont have any fucking friends  i have college to deal with and studies and that pressure but you dont know the half of it?    but you just want to assume, assume, assume   (12) i cried already out of anger    
Me: I didn't have friends in college either                                 
Her: big offense but i dont want to continue this conversation
ME: Okay
Her: unles syoure willing to admit to your bullshit       because ima lways doing that and im always getting the end of your shit      
Me: I am made of nothing but bullshit I'm nothing but a huge fucking shit storm and I always will be. You should have left a long time ago because I don't know how to not be toxic   It's not That I won't be upset by you leaving far from it but you deserved better people and maybe if you had left and kept trying as you have been things will turn around. Because literally everyone that has ever done that with me ended up fine and in a good spot. I hold people back. And that's all I can think of. I ruin other people's lives by being in it. And I've certainly made your life worse. And I'm just better off dead because I am a selfish fucking loser.     I'll shut up now.
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