#i havent done art in the past couple of weeks so im glad im doing another piece
silhouettecrow · 9 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 258
Adjective: Scattered
Noun: World
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Scattered: occurring or found at intervals or various locations rather than all together; (informal) (of a person) distracted or disorganized; (physics) (of electromagnetic radiation or particles) deflected or diffused
World: the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features; all of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth; denoting one of the most important or influential people or things of its class; another planet like the earth; the material universe or all that exists, or everything; a region or group of countries; a particular period of history; a group of living things; the people, places, and activities to do with a particular thing; a person's life and activities; human and social interaction; secular interests and affairs; a stage of human life, either mortal or after death
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zephyr-94 · 5 years
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inspired by the one and only, puff live!
a/n: this is my first ever fic omg pls spare me with my low writing skills cause ive literally never done this fjskdjdhjdks okay i just love na jaemin periodt. (after writing: ITS VERY JUMPY AND LENGTHY I DIDNT PLAN TO MAKE IT LIKE THIS DJSKJSJSS)
so like your aunt owns a cafe which is in the middle of the city
and you live a lil outside just cause you know, school n shit
you visit her so often cause its a small cafe and it calms you down whenyou need a short break from everything
its weird thats its in the middle of the city but its still calming right?
well okay so like you know those small streets down the neighbourhoods?
the ones you dont really go unless you are rlly feeling adventurous n shit, your aunt’s cafe is in one of those streets
okay longass context down
and at school, you are in a photography club,,, or technically you just learn photography from your teacher after school but its not a whole club extravaganza
just cause your school kinda demands an extra curricular after the first year
but it feels really suffocating to be forced to do smth as a group/with people you arent as familiar with,,,,
so you “signed up” for the smallest club: [photography theory]
it was about time you start doing your hobby-ish thing at school and the tutor was cool with you being practically the only student in the club lmao so everything was going well but
youve never rlly done anything big yourself and your school friends havent pushed you to do smth either
so you were kind of looking to at least take part in one out-of-class project initiated by students maybe
and theres this big school newspaper club/writers’ club,,,, and you find out that they are like !! photographers & stories wanted !!
and you ?? at first but apparently its a project where like students get to submit their fav pic & write a mini article about “your place of comfort”
cause the topic of the month is mental health/dealing with stress and the newspaper club wants a students’ view on it, instead of just “meditation” as a topic
then you just have that cafe in your mind like,,, how you would love to shoot the street light shining into the cafe from afar and how calm that place makes you feel,,,
basically you just love your auntie’s cafe lmao
so then you go on about maybe joining it,,, but then you be indecisive cause youve never actually taken a photo professionally you just have a prolonging passion for it,,,
and your teacher is like “y/n idk why you are contemplating no ones gonna judge you just try smth new, go take the chance if you are feeling like it”
we love a supportive johnny, oh yes your english teacher is your photography “club” tutor,,, self proclaimed club
actually there have been many opportunities in the past with taking photos for projects like this one but you just stayed away cause it didnt “motivate” you to take photos for it
so johnny’s words kinda pushed your back n you felt like this was the right thing :))
so then you visit your auntie on the weekends asking maybe if you can take pics & ask her a couple questions about this place
and shes like ofc!! wanna see how you capture this place :))
so then you do this whole process and you submit the article & photos,,,,,
which ends up getting a whole page???
and you are like wh a t
newspaper club: oh you submitted many such pretty pictures & your comment felt very genuine
and you :)) but damn a whole page,,,, you is a lil anxious djskdjdh now the entire schools now going to know you
johnny the hype man teacher: see i told you it was going to turn out nice
and then kaboom, your article lowkey blows up lmao
your auntie is calling you up like “y/n!! so many customers came today!! and a lot of them are wearing the same uniform as you, they must be the students from your school!!”
and shes so happy so you are happy af
but then you remember like,,,, shes never had a part timer,,,,,
and she continues to manage the place by herself after it gets popular among the students,,,,
?? auntie,,, you never take a break ??
shes like maybe ill think about hiring someone?? and you are like, that would be good for you :)) i will be less worried about your health!!
whoop guess who got hired
and after youve had that^ conv, you had constant classes n group projects n shit so you literally had no time,,,
two weeks later, kinda highkey stressed
you decide to go make a quick visit to auntie before going to the library to study
and you peek,,, to see not your auntie,,,,
but a boy?? 
just standing behind the counter,,, no auntie to be seen but a beautiful boy???
before the opening hours,,,, he?? must be the part timer,,,
and once he notices you by the door,
he just smiles at you,,, so brightly,,,,
wow youve never seen such a pretty face,,,
you actually like forget to open the door you are just staring from outside the cafe,,,,
and he just waves,,, and you snap back to reality like oh shit did i just stare at someone for a solid minute
welp that was embarrassing djkdjdfj
he opens the door for you and goes “hey you must be y/n :))”
“the only person who comes before 9am, thats you isnt it?”
and you just ?¿ confusion??¿
“auntie told me about it :)) hi, nice to meet you, im jaemin!!”
you are still confused but you just shake hands next to the counter,,,
and as you take a seat
jaemin just makes a smol run to the other side and hes like
“you came just in time, i want you to try my latte!!”
jaemin serves a cup of latte with a leaf art
this boy just served a latte first thing after shaking hands i-
you take a sip from the cup
and you are like,,, so auntie hired an experienced boy,,,,
“its really good,,,” it has the same comforting taste you always love
and jaemin just has the biggest smile :)))) you know his smile where the ends just curl in, yes that one
him beaming like that just makes you giggly inside,,,,
you ask him “so uh um im guessing you are the part timer??”
“yes!! i didnt introduce myself properly did i! i started working here two weeks ago :))
ive been coming here for quite a while now so im happy i got the chance!!”
and you ?¿ “ive never seen you here??” you are the most frequent customer youve gotta have seen him before fjsksj
hes like “oh um i always came at 9pm on a friday, after everyone leaves and the whole neighbourhood gets quiet”
you just :o
and come to think of it, you’ve never visited here on a friday night,, cause you know, friday evening is your im not doing anything tonight kinda me time lmao
inside you are kinda happy that someone who knows this place got hired like its a special place to you so
tbh you were kinda anxious even though you trust your aunt,,,,,
and jaemin hurriedly goes “oh and also auntie is taking a break today, shes out to the market so im gonna take over until she returns in the afternoon”
djskdj auntie why didnt she tell you lmao
“im sorry if you needed anything specific from her,,, you should stay for a while until she comes back maybe?”
and you are like,,, “oh that would be great,,, but unfortunately i have to go to the library,,,,”
jaemin: ): he pout
“im so glad you came today tho!! i wanted to see you :) auntie has told so many thing about you”
“wait,, what has she told you,, omg”
apparently shes told jaemin
a) reason why this cafe recently became a popular hideout cafe for students because you wrote a school article bout it
b) that you do photography
c) and that this cafe is your break time so you never study here and auntie loves listening to you talk about school n what not
and then you are like !!
“wait so then you dont go to our school ,,,um are you also a student?”
and you panic a little cause i mean you just met him but you literally know nothing and you mightve assumed things fjsksj
and jaemin tells you “ah yes i go to a hospitality school downtown” “ohh”
and from there he just starts talking about his school and what he studies
he asks you about school but jaemin is extra excited about his hospitality course hes all !! :))!!
and you are so hooked on jaemin talking about his school you forget an hour passes by,,,,
[time to open the cafe]
then the customers start coming in
and you are like “oh sorry ive just bothered you during the preparation time,,,,, it was nice meeting you!! gotta go now :))”
and you rush out cause all you planned to do was give your auntie a little visit
also you dont want to bother jaemin cause its hes gonna handle the place alone for a couple hours
you wave a smol see you soon and
jaemin just does a little chuckle,, and hes like waving so widely fjsksj does he know other people can see him
and thats how your first day with jaemin went
later that day you return home thinking like,,, did you just get so excited to converse with someone who you juSt met,,,
na jaemin’s power
and jaemin on the other hand, is thinking about how beautiful you looked today
just that short while but it made him so happy
hes thinking about you all week uwu
so next week you visit again, expecting to see your auntie
and maybe also that gleaming boy
peeking through before the opening hours
the moment jaemin realises you hes like “y/n!!” what a shining boy
and aunties like “oh y/n right you met him last week when i was out right”
that morning you just talk to auntie about what shes been missing on after you went on a busy week
mind that jaemin is literally just listening to you & auntie talk
and he enjoys it cause you talk so comfortably in front of her :))
you decide to stay the whole day to give yourself a break
which meant you moved to your usual spot by the window
and auntie serving you (free) vanilla latte
you take out your camera and just start adjusting the lenses, trying to find the right frame
customers come and go so you dont get to talk to jaemin a lot that day
but its not like you came here for him,,,, right?¿??¿??
while you were thinking all that
jaemin was asking about you all day like
“so y/n’s favourite is vanilla?”
“does y/n prefer a latte over cappuccino?”
“i want to serve y/n something,,,, what would be the best??”
auntie: how many times did he mention y/n today omg
and as auntie answers
jaemin is thinking like
i wanna see y/n smile
and the entire day your auntie is like !!he :)))))
lmao same auntie same
so when the peak hours finish she goes
“i can take care of everything now, go talk to y/n”
and jaemin just smiles brighter than ever
so when he comes around, you startle
but it puts a smile on your face
because hes brought your favourite cake and just a smiling jaemin in front of you uwu
you both get to know more about each other like
how theres this two boys named chenle & jisung in the preparatory course whom he adores to death
or like
theres this jeno boy whose jokes suck jeno i love you
with a bonus of
you talking about how johnny’s english class is nothing but a comedian’s lesson
so that day went great
and now that you are comfortable
you visit the cafe to talk with jaemin more
even when you have a chill no stress week
it just makes you feel lighter by coming to the cafe now
and your auntie is hella happy that you two are getting along so well
it continues for weeks
just you and jaemin talking from time to time when the peak hours are over or before the cafe opens
you became best pals basically
he encouraged you to join more school projects cause hes sure your photography is worth the chance
you giving him daily support when he feels like he isnt doing the best for his course
sometimes when your aunt had to leave for a couple hours near closing time
you two just stayed there talking for a couple hours giving comfort to each other
late night lattes and cakes
also one time you got so excited from the bestest grades you got you might have hugged him without thinking oops
and one day, jaemin’s friend renjun is there when you come after school
and hes like “hi uh dont mind me im just here a bit because jaemin has to go somewhere after this and i dont want him to be late”
so you just,,, chill as jaemin kinda rushes
and when he goes to the storage room, you just see renjun getting along with the auntie lmao
auntie: “so i got offered this contract with the new type of beans? and idk if i should take it because that would mean i have to go out of the city,,,,”
renjun: “for how long?”
auntie: “two weeks maybe”
renjun: “oh thats fine, dont worry about it. jaemin can take over that. next two weeks right? his mandatory work experience ends this week”
so thats how renjun signed jaemin up to work alone for auntie without his consent
and aunties like “y/n!! it would be so much for just jaemin, you should help him :) your break starts next week right?”
so you also got signed up to this thing
fast forward to first day of break
aka the first time you “work” there
you are nervous and jaemin can feel it
“dont worry y/n, ill do all the talking and coffee, you just have to serve & clean!!”
so you try to calm down a bit
not to mention that you are also nervous cause its only jaemin and you in the room
but then he sees you fumbling with tying the apron and
jaemin says “here, give it, ill do it for you” while smiling a little
and from the back he wraps the apron around your waist,,,
and hes so close to you,,, your heart is fluttering
okay heart stop beating so fast pls thank you
and little do you know,,, jaemin is flushing a bit behind your back,,,
you are both the cutest mess
and you break the silence with a smol
“thanks :))”
trying to contain yourself from screaming
adapting to the serving side & keeping youself busy
you dont realise jaemin is literally admiring you the entire time as you get used to the job,,,,
here and then you forget how close you might be standing next to jaemin,,,
you kinda also realise how rEALLY attractive he looks serving everyone with a huge smile 24/7
and the way some customers are obviously attracted to him,,,,
but what you dont know is he is literally taking this chance to highkey flirt with you lmao
waves (sometimes winks) across the room
causally hovers over you when you cant find/reach smth
beaming the biggest smile every minute he gets to himself
and at first you panicked like ?!????
cause was this jaemin boy holding back for a whole month
is this his nature yes
but it makes you so happy to see him smiling all the time beside you
so jaemin yes its working
you gotta admit tho his flirty-ish behaviour grew on you this entire week djskjssj
a week of giggly smiles uwu
but the week after was unexpectedly the busiest of the busiest
you two forgot national holidays collided with the weekends and for some, it was a week off,,,,,,
so the week rushes by so quickly compared to the last one
it kind saved you tho cause your heart cant take more of that flirty behaviour
and finally,
the peak days are over,,,
and you realise its been a while since the cafe was just you,,,, and well jaemin but just no customers
the silence with faint sounds of cups cluttering,,,, you missed it
so then you go sit on the high chair
just admiring jaemin organise the shelves
he starts to prepare a new cup of coffee then realises you smiling at him “were you in awe at how effortless i look right now??”
you chuckle at his remark,,,
(needless to say that your are chuckling to hide how your heart is melting at his smirky smile)
so you twirl a bit shyly,, and avert the gaze to the familiar wood of the counter
asking him “do you remember the day we first saw each other, me sitting here and you serving the latte?”
“ofc, its the day i met an angel”
oh so confidently na jaemin really just said that
you quickly look up at him like !!!?!???!
and thats how he earned a first kiss (or rather a peck) from you
leaning over the counter and pecking you, a whole blushy mess
then comes a clink by the door
you juMp,,,,,,,
oof the customer may or may not have seen you two
you both rush around flushed like a tomato lmao
spending the rest of the day like nothing happened oops
and after the day ends, you two close the cafe
as you starting walking you are caught off guard when
jaemin just takes your hand,,,
“look y/n!! the stars are so pretty!!”
and starts swinging your arm like a tall child,,,
your heart is skippingnsjsjsjs
then at the corner, jaemin turns around and goes
“this is actually the place i first saw you”
and you ??¿?¿¿
“i saw you taking the photo of this night light shining into the cafe”
still hand in hand, jaemin steps a little closer
and takes his free hand to cup your face, kissing you,,,,
you smile into him as he kisses so softly, thinking
maybe the day i took that photo was a friday night
and melting into the kiss, you really think you are dreaming,,,,,
under the lights you once wished capturing a sparkling moment with the cafe in the back
its now you and jaemin in the frame,,,,
the boy who had you forgetting to breathe a month ago
whos now serving your favourite latte with a bonus of pecks on the cheek,,,,, (maybe on the lips if theres no one watching)
jaemin brings light to your life and you have never been this happy until you met him uwu
and it goes both ways, jaemin cant live without you now,,,, you are the best thing thats ever happened to him
(thank the heavens & your auntie)
oh and also johnny for pushing you to submit that article lmao plus huang renjun for that involuntary sign up
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spearxwind · 5 years
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it should all be updated now!! ty!! 
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dkjfkfdj god im glad. theres like.... 50 million adri asks in my inbox rn and idk when theyre from or what theyre referring to but just know i love u all a lot and the fact that you like him this much makes my day every day ty yall
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im glad you like her!! i havent had much of a chance to draw her, esp. since i mostly use her to represent myself, but eventually I might :’) sorry i cant give a more specific answer im definitely planning on redoing her ref sheet though... at some point
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we’re doing PRETTY GOOD ive got a lot of his story down and ive finally, after THREE YEARS. nailed down the lore in a good way so its all dandy and ive been really good!! busy with irl stuff and visiting my friends and doing a lot of cool things, ive honestly never been better -w- 
as of right now though, adri’s been in timeout for about two weeks and i am seriously holding back from drawing him so i can focus on other ocs and other projects kjsdkjlshsj but you guys won’t really catch the timeout I guess since im going to be spamming art for the next 10 days (both of him and other ocs though. but you probably wont catch him on timeout is what im saying. not that i havent kept yall on timeout for 3 months whoops)
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god i didnt even think anyone remembered nulll.... ty my dude. i actually came across all my old art of him the past couple days bc i was organizing all my files and yknow, i might bring him back at some point (but dont hold your breath...... im notorious for forgetting these types of promises)
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youll be.......... happy to know im starting another comic though (dont worry, i probably wont leave this one half done. its been in development for 6+ years kljhksjdfhskjghl) 
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my art tag up to now consists almost entirely of art made on firealpaca! its a free, lightweight and versatile program and ive drawn on it for years. I recently bought CSP since im going to be a lot more serious about my art now, and I also got to a point in firealpaca where id already learned how to do mostly everything and the limited brush engine was holding me back, so i waited for CSP to go on sale and WOW it is absolutely amazing, theres SO MANY tools and brushes you can download for free, its literally mindblowing. i really really recommend it if you’re willing to put the money in
i do know of other free programs that you could use though! there’s medibang paint, its also very powerful however for me it was really counterintuitive to learn 
and there’s KRITA as well which has several brush engines instead of just one ! 
theres mischief, its a program that uses vectors to draw so you could infinitely scale your drawing up or down  and never lose quality. its a paid program but there’s a free version, the only problem is that it only lets you have one layer
OKAY thats all the like... asks that i can actually give an answer to. the others I either dont know how to respond, dont require an answer or the like, but i promise ive read every one of them! !
im going to clear my inbox now to make space for all the new asks :3 ty yall
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crossnecklace · 7 years
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hi hi hi! so i feel like a lot of my most favorite fics dont get talked about much, therefore i wanted to create a proper fic rec masterpost to spread the love!! this is going to be a looooong list, so hopefully theres something for everyone (though i do firmly believe u should read every single one of these before u die)
in no particular order, but a * indicates my absolute faves that i reread monthly:
hats off to my distant hope by navigator (21k) *
Harry is in White Eskimo. Louis is in London.
AU loosely inspired by the song “505” by Arctic Monkeys.
-kicking this off with one of my very favorites. i think my favorite trope is when hl have this angsty “we’re not dating but definitely fucking and also doing everything couples do also i’m irrevocably in love with you why aren’t we dating?” sort of moment. its painful in the sweetest way, and this fic captures that perfectly. there will be quite a few of those on this list, i’ll bet
up the long delirious burning blue by orphan_account (6k)
harry is a swimmer & louis is the writer who somehow manages to make him come up for air. 
-this one is quite sad. so poetic and painful and lovely and unf (warning for mentions of suicide and depression, and the ending is quite ambiguous but there is no MCD)
we wreak havoc with out hearts by flimsy (9k)
Harry finds that he can’t keep things separate; neither can Louis.
Harry tousles his hair, smoothes it back, shrugging. 
“Alright,” he says. “I’m, you know, outside if you need anything.” 
“Yeah,” Louis replies. “Sure.” 
He doesn’t look like he’ll be needing Harry, and Harry tells himself that that’s okay. They’ve both got their moods sometimes or maybe the timing isn’t good, and if it’s not then that’s alright as well. Harry can respect that. And it’s not like this is their first tour; Harry knows that Louis will come around. He always does.
-another one of those w that trope i talked about. im gonna call it the RFWB trope (romantic friends w benefits). this one is so hot and good
rather this than live without you by mediaville (10k) *
Harry decides to give it all up. Louis refuses to be left behind.
-RFWB pt. 3. i ADORE this fic. just the setting and the angst and the smut ugh it all has me on the floor
one day to believe in you by mediaville (7k) 
A mysterious force compels Louis to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even when it’s really inconvenient.
Harry blinks and has the nerve to look surprised. 
“You think about me when you get off?”
“Yes,” Louis says. He wonders how hard he’d need to punch himself in the face to knock himself out.
“Yes, Christ, Harry,” Louis groans. “Probably eight times a week for going on six years now. On average, you know. More when we were touring, less when I’ve been visiting family. Anything else you’d like to know?”
- :-)))))))
all my love was down in a frozen ground by navigator (16k)
Louis goes to the woods. 
AU very loosely inspired by the creation of Bon Iver’s first record.
-i’ll be honest i dont even remember what this fic is about but its in my bookmarks and its by navigator so i know that its good
boys of summer by sharktoothedfawnskinned (49k) *
What he wants is for this to be a forever thing, not someplace Harry spent the summer once.  What he wants is for this to be more than a memory.
(New Jersey beach town AU.) 
we should get jerseys by orphan_account (12k) *
There’s a lot surrounding Harry, and Louis knows, in his heart of hearts, that there always will be. He just doesn’t know if he’ll manage to equate into the ‘always’ of it.
(Harry is a hockey player, and Louis is his slightly melodramatic boyfriend.)
- another old favorite!!! pretty much anything that involves harry being good at sports has me on my knees bc it paves way for automatic angst, louis being jealous of a puck/ball/net/what have you, and uhhh various other *athletic* activities
the finish line (is a good place for us to start) by @loaded-gunn (122k)
Louis Tomlinson, one-time Formula 1 World Champion, is looking forward to the 2013 season. He’s got Zayn in his garage and Liam in his ear, he’s got Cowell Racing backing him despite former indiscretions, he’s got experience and the best race car out there. Not to mention he’s the only racer they have, after Oliver dropped out late last year.
It hasn’t occurred to him that Oliver would have to be replaced by February. That is, until he finds himself at a party celebrating Harry Styles leaving Ferrari for Cowell. Harry hotshot Styles, who broke a record last year and is probably looking to make a big splash. Harry Styles, who is talented and somewhat intimidating. Harry Styles, who left Ferrari for reasons unknown and seems kind of lonely and harmless in person. Lonely, harmless, hot as fuck. Whatever.
The first thing Louis does is take him under his wing. From there it’s nine months of slow-burning romance, the past catching up to them, turning into the human puppy pile that is OT5 and a lot of feelings until, of course, reaching the finish line.
-one of the first 1d fics i remember reading. i havent touched it in a long time but it used to be my #1 fave and it has a special place in my heart. so much pining, only not really in a frustrating way bc theres abundant flirting and they kiss in like, the second scene. its basically louis trying to keep his shit together and failing miserably. AND its stuffed with fandom meta which is quite entertaining if youve been here for awhile. anyway give this a read, i truly love it so much
so keep my candle bright by whisperdlullaby (78k) *
louis returns to his hometown after four years to find that the reverend’s son has done some growing up of his own.
-god. the characterization in this one is just gorgeous. the way louis helps harry accept/explore his sexuality is so beautiful and i think about it every day. a must read!!! (warning for homophobia and religious themes)
no one like you by @myownsparknow (20k)
Dear Niall,
I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Sincerely, Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
-this is one of the only recent fics on this list bc i like to stew in the past and pretend all my favorite writers havent left the fandom. i read it when it first came out and man oh man, its like poetry. so gorgeously written, and hl’s relationship is so deeply rooted and beautiful. i love
our little corner of the world by brownheadedstranger (30k)
AU. Louis is stuck in his mom’s diner for the summer. Harry is the line cook with a pickup truck.
-so good!! i’d die for americanized fics which doesnt even make sense bc i hate america but. what can u do 
i could dream all night by @fondleeds (73k) *
As the sun kisses the horizon, one last flash of light before the stars and the moon take over, his phone will brighten in his grasp, Louis’ name appearing on screen, come over or wanna see you or miss your mouth. Harry always lingers on those messages, elbows bruising on the cool metal of the railing by the lookout, watching the water as he thumbs at the side of his phone, lips bitten into his mouth, trying to will away the bubbling in his stomach, the heat that flushes to his neck at the thought of being thought of.
At the thought of Louis thinking of him.
AU. Harry spends his summer away from the city.
-lordt. where the fuck do i begin. first of all, lysha, if ur reading this, i’d die for u even tho u already killed me with this fic. second, what the fuck???? this is so good??? the imagery is exquisite, everything is so soft and hazy and warm, but just be warned that its a tRick. this fics wraps u in like a warm hug and then stabs u 7 times in the back so be prepared :-))) (warning for ambiguous ending)
another hazy may by deLILAh (41k) *
louis is a terrible poet and harry lives in the now and they have six weeks to fall in love but, really, it only takes six seconds. bookshop meets military meets summer romance au ft. marlboros, the backstreet boys, and underrated literary devices.
-i dnot even wanna talk about it. i swear to god the first time i read this i stayed up all night and cried through literally like the last three quarters of it. its so poetic and gorgeous and now every time i think or hear about the literary present i wanna die so thanks for scarring me forever 
like a bastard on the burning sea by vashtaneradas (22k) *
au; harry breaks louis, louis breaks everything.
- listen i know im not supposed to like this but yknow what?? iconic. its absolutely a guilty pleasure and the only cheating fic ill ever give the time of day bc it just hurts so good 
take me to the church (series) by @kingsoftheimpossible (14k/6k/4k)
Harry and Louis are Horsemen of the Apocalypse- War and Conquest- but that’s not really important. They just like to fuck things up.
these r freaky but so so good. theres nothin i love more than boyfriends wreaking havoc on..everything. (the main warnings i’d say are for slight gore/violence and blasphemy. other than that i’d read the tags before you dive in)
if you love me, come clean by @victoryjacket​ (121k) *
AU in which Louis works at a recording studio where Harry’s ‘up and coming’ and ‘exciting’, soon-to-be famous indie band has just signed a deal to record their debut album at, and Louis’ never even heard of them for Christ’s sakes, but that doesn’t stop him from repeatedly catching the eye of the raven-haired, eyeliner-wearing and slightly dangerous-looking frontman (but he’s not interested, he isn’t.)
-everyone read my love’s fic right now. she writes tortured rockstar!harry beautifully and its just so good :-))))) ft. the slowest, sweetest burn 
a runaway american dream by dangerbears (15k)
AU. they take route 66 with only each other and their secrets.
-iconic. plus the whole thing is just hl trying and failing to be just bro pals and platonically share a bed
from the love to the lightning by orphan_account (22k) *
“i didn’t realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea. because it’s the halves that halve you in half.”
 a like crazy au where harry and louis fall in america, but have to try to make it work when problems arise that force louis to stay in london.
-definitely in my top 10. first things first, the line that fucked me up forever: “Three thousand, four hundred and seventy one. There are 3471 miles and an entire ocean between them, but Harry doesn’t even have to get out of bed to find bone-crushing heartache.” AH. i think this might actually be the only long distance au ive ever read and its angsty as fuck but oh so worth it. like literally idek what to say except read this right now (warning for harry/ofc relationship that is pretty detailed, but i grew kinda fond of her? and anyway its mainly just a plot point to emphasize harrys pining for his tru love,,,,yk who) 
we can take the long way home by @eleadore (27k) *
“Fertile,” Louis says, and then laughs because it sounds stupid to say out loud. He hasn’t ever really thought of himself in those terms. Baby-making terms. It’s just one of those things his body can do, like exercise, or go without tea. Doesn’t mean he will.
or, The band takes a break. Harry and Louis come together.
-listen, i REALLY REALLY love this fic. its probably literally my favorite one shot, like, its really just so sweet and hot and its again one of those good ol RFWB tropes. loveeee
red brick heart by hazmesentir (99k) *
Harry has only had his room for thirty-two minutes when it stops being his.
Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn’t expect is a surprise roommate who’s loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he’s ever wanted.
-this is one of the few fandom faves i can get behind. i know its got that early era cliche of commitment phobe!louis but i really love hl’s relationship in this, and how harry comes to terms w his sexuality via making out w louis tomlinson like 500 times. plus the scene in the club where louis, uh, helps harry out just…GETS me, yknow? 
some things take root by navigator/quitter (50k) *
AU. Louis’ ex doesn’t get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage.
-pleasepleplalspelplseease. literally navigator can end me. this is THE fake relationship au yall, like, any fanart of hl making out near a bar gives me flashbacks to this fic. read it
keep yourself warm by navigator (20k)
AU. Harry sleeps around.
-this fic is really nice and oddly comforting, like, i just love the pining and the angst. its so !!!! 
with love comes strange currencies by mediaville (16k) *
One day One Direction will be over and Louis won’t be around Harry every waking moment. He’ll be able to finally get some space, let their bond dissipate as it’s bound to do, if they don’t mess up again. He can move to Costa Rica and forget that Harry Styles popped his first knot inside him. Until then, he’s going to have to deal with this.
or, They’re Accidentally Mated and Dealing With It Rather Badly.
-i con ic. listen, i have nothing against abo but im just .. not rly into it. however, THIS is the first abo fic i read and the only one i ever loved. like just the whole accidental mating and how it draws them to each other even tho its quite inconvenient, and how h takes cares of l when hes sick, i just..gotta go 
covered in lines (series) by mentalistecbm (24k)
He likes to imagine that he’s always aware of Harry’s eyes on him, but the spark that flashes across his body at how often Harry licks his lips while looking at his throat doesn’t feel like something he’s explicitly and consciously acknowledged before, but it feels familiar. Usual. Right.
(Louis is human, and Harry is lucky enough to be his vampire boyfriend.)
-noah fence but this is,,,, essentially twilight in au form, minus love triangles and werewolves. actually its completely different lmao, who am i, but the overall atmosphere and the vampire dynamics rly reminded me of it. i mean it in the best way!!! its so good, and anything involving dr*nking has me on the floor
weird honey by orphan_account (5k)
~staying up all night, talking blasphemous ash, weird honey~ 
(PWP where Harry is not 100% at home in his body and he and Louis use a sex toy to help work through the problem)
-this fic is soft and nice and makes me feel warm inside so highly recommend
who painted the moon black by throughthedark (95k) *
“People died,” Harry whispers so quietly Louis strains to hear. “People died, and I killed some of them. How does life just go on after something like that?”
Louis shakes his head. “I don’t know. It just does.”
Hunger Games AU where Louis Tomlinson is district six’s victor from the 69th Hunger Games and Harry Styles is district seven’s victor from the 72nd Hunger Games.
-listen. i do NOT want to talk about it. (ps harry throwing axes on the bbc literally  took me out by the knees bc of this fic)
one more for the stars by imsosorry (16k)
It’s different, and Louis knows that, because Harry’s got so much riding on this - a career and a future and his whole life. There’s talk of him going first overall in the draft, of entering the NFL after only two years in college, of going to New York or Seattle or Green Bay, and Louis wants to be there for him, wants to support him and help him make decisions, but he also kind of wants to pin him to the bed and cry and scream, What about me what about me what about me?
(au. Harry’s the star quarterback and Louis is about to graduate. It’s a heartbreak waiting to happen.)
-i think i mentioned before that sports au have me on the floor and this is no excpetion 
you and me were kings by ithacas (28k) *
harry plays football in a small town in west texas. louis might be the only person that doesn’t give a damn. au.
-another football au, this one with the added beauty of being set in southern us. im such a sucker for southern aus, mannnn, and this one is so soft and beautiful
hold onto your stars by vashtaneradas (16k) *
au; harry’s in the army, louis’ back home, and ninety days is a lifetime.
-are u srs????? this is another hazy may except…….Worse. like, im still working out the science of it but im pretty sure this killed me and brought me back to life just so i could suffer the pain of it forever. (nobody dies tho)
makes perfect by checkthemargins (8k)
“What if you practiced on like, a mannequin?” Louis presses. “Or one of those blow up sex dolls? Or even just like, I don’t know, a pillow or something. Whatever it’d fit around.”
Harry tilts his head thoughtfully, curls catching the light so entrancingly that Louis finds himself reaching up to push his fingers through them. “It’s different, though, innit? When it’s a real person. A pillow won’t snog me.”
“Why should it?” says Louis. “You can’t even take its bra off.”
hmmmm. hmmmmmmmm. im jus gonna leave this here,,,,,,,,,
all the diamonds you have here by vashtaneradas (21k) 
it hits louis now, how fucking close to the precipice they’re standing. 
or, an au feat. investment banking and children.
-its #confirmed that anything by vashtaneradas is guaranteed to be painful as hell. who said there cant be soul crushing angst in marriage/kid fics too ! 
wild and unruly by @100percentsassy/gloria_andrews (123k) *
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
-ending this with a classic. i trust that everyone has read this masterpiece already and that i dont have to say anything about it other than w o w 
tis all for now! happy reading and pleaseee feel free to yell @ me about these fics if you liked them as much as i did!! 
240 notes · View notes
m01ogna · 7 years
regret//why i shouldnt stay up late
I dont really ever get emotional about you anymore, ive made myself so numb to the thought of you being gone, i honestly forget sometimes. But, when it does come back to me, it hits me like a ton of bricks. August 25th, 2017, will mark 3 years and its crazy how the memory of you feels like its a mix of a million years ago and last week. i know that doesnt make any sense, but when the person that was your whole world isnt there anymore, nothing really makes sense.
I havent spoken to you in a while, and it doesnt make sense as to why im writing this note here; i guess its bc tumblr was like our thing. tumblr is where we kinda learned about each other. so anyways, here i go.
Dear Rob,
idk if an after life is real, if reincarnation is real, or if you could ever “watch over me”, but im going to assume none of it is possible. over the past couple of years my life has gone through such a whirl wind. i was severely depressed for over a year bc of the loss of you. i have so many conspiracy theories about the day you passed, its honestly probably ridiculous. whenever i think about that day, i always think about what if i wasnt working that day, what if i called you earlier, etc. all of these what if’s flood my mind. a part of me always feels like i couldve saved your life, somehow. honestly i blamed myself for so long for not doing something, but then again it wasnt like this was planned. im glad our last conversation was as pure as ever. but, that conversation is what broke my heart the most. your memory was shit and if anyone else is reading this and want to know, our last conversation was about our life together. our future house, jobs, dogs, goals and aspirations and being together. im glad that i got to tell you how much i love you, the last time i saw you. you had one of the most beautiful souls i have ever come across in my life. i could never thank you enough for saving me from being an idiot and for giving me a purpose. thank you for forcing me to be myself always, put myself first, and for molding me into the person i am now (3 years after the fact). honestly, the past 2 aprils have been lowkey hard for me. april was when everything started with us and i think about you even more then. so many little things remind me of you, but i just keep it to myself. you were my first true best friend and i dont really know how you dealt with me as much as you did. after you were gone i was so fucking upset, that i stopped feeling literally any feeling. i was self medicating, i guess is a way to describe what happened(?), just to feel something and get my mind off of you and how upset i was. for a while, i wished our pregnancy scare wasnt just a scare; ive never admitted that to anyone before. i wanted more. i wanted you. i wanted something. some piece of you. i mean yeah im glad now that i wasnt 17 and pregnant, but i was being irrational in general then so its not surprising that i was thinking those things.
my life is so different now, its hard to believe. im not going to school to come home and lay in bed, sleeping from 4pm to 8am everyday anymore. i graduated community college, got my associates in art, and now im going to school to be a rec therapist. i thought growing up without you would be horrifying, and for a while it was. i lost my way, was making mistakes left and right, hurt innocent peoples feelings just so i could feel something. i finally applied what you taught me about myself and others. i have a new boyfriend, well not so new, like a year and a half new, but new to you. his name is Jimmy, and he saved me. you would like him a lot. he let me just like explode when i met him, he wasnt an asshole; just after me to get some. it was the first time since you left that i didnt feel literal trash. i cant even explain how much hes done for me and how fucking thankful i am for his existence and tolerance of me. i dont think he knows how much he holds me together. because really, without him i dont want to know what stupid things i would be doing, or how much shit id feel like. sometimes he really reminds me of you and it makes me so excited, and not to be like so focused on you all the time, but like in my head its cool to think that im like hanging out with a piece of you when that happens. idk i dont think hed want to read that, but at the same time he knows how much you mean to me.
i feel like i should wrap this up. so thanks for reading. i miss you so fucking much, boobie and of course, i love you forever.
love, meow mix
sorry to anyone who follows me reading this// clogging your dash with a fucking essay.
0 notes
readfelice-blog · 6 years
Moominland Chronicles achtzehn: Gran Torino
Hello, let’s just jump straight in shall we?
Oh, no wait, firstly,  have a look at Colin Self’s Siblings (which is surprising and delightful in certain places, I’m only on my first listen though so havent got to its core yet.)
And something a bit more Italian for you, Franco Battiato, who was the essence that was channeled vicariously in the naming of LA LUCE AL BUIO,
-Un’ora Con…
….Makes for very interesting listening, there's a clangers track in there, though I’m not sure if that's what Franco was going for it definitely made me smile:
This is fetus (a track off the album but it's hard to source online so might be a spotify / google play search tbh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd_59SCLlZY
Well then, Turin’s right nice.
I got a plane at 6:30 in the morning, the wing of the airport I was leaving from was closed when I got there.
This time I got a seat on the bus to get to the airport. My seat was directly in front of a mentally disturbed man who was walking up and down the aisle for the entire journey. He eventually got blocked in by other passengers boarding, he had a strange distant smile, I can't say it wasn’t disconcerting, but it was also curious and strangely beautiful.
He disappeared when we arrived at Tegel, I doubt he was getting a plane, though who knows, perhaps he was some fractured billionaire burnt out from all the money he was juggling.
After customs took their seats and sent me through the barriers I sat to wait for the cafe to open, wrote my diary: which is another thing im doing now, in case you're not content with one ‘Felice’s tell all story’ - theres now a rawer instagram only version charting my journey through ‘восем acht ocho’ as well, its totally unedited bile and thoroughly embarrassing - I’m not re reading / editing it, but it’s the best way to keep track of all these publications being haphazardly launched around Central Europe.
The airline I was flying with was called Lauda, some subdivision of Ryanair, who I bought my ticket through, all the staff had Ryanair uniforms on and the plane was a Ryanair plane.
Last week I was a bit mad on death, I read Michel De Montaigne’s essay ‘To philosophize is to learn how to die’ and then put its message into practise - looking for and becoming acquainted with death wherever I went, envisioning it in the lamp light of darkened streets, the glass eyes of dolls and even under the toilet seat.
Lauda was death, a Ryanair flight would never crash, not in my mind, but a Lauda flight could….
We left Berlin in fine weather, we travelled to a sunless sky framed by thick blocks of grey. As we went along the turbulence was unbearable, I am not an easy flier, perhaps I've not done it enough, but also I’m riddled with anxiety before I even get in the sky, one small shake is ok, but a continuous rattle for 20 mins and the safety belt signs coming on whilst still mid journey does not fare well with me. I was utterly convinced at one point that it was the end of my relatively short but eventful time on earth and glad I’d written my last requests before I left, though much more scared than I wanted to be.
Breathe deep, it does work.
Just as we descended and the spectre of death rescinded I suddenly realised how incredible the view was outside my window and eagerly attended to the sight of clouds upon clouds, a dense celestial cacophony lit by the golden rays of the sun. We passed through this heavenly land, everything becoming hazy and disappearing into the fog of vapor.
When we landed the plane applauded the pilot, clearly I was not the only person on board so terrified that if I’d clenched my fists any tighter they’d have snapped off my wrists.
Our pilot deserved those claps, he flew us close to death but was strong enough to skim it rather than be sucked in.
The airport was the same as last year,
no wait no it wasn't because I flew to Milan
and then had two train rides to Torino (Turin), the second train was very pleasant, trains are nice in Italy, they have power ports under the seats and are 2 floors like double decker buses. I think some of them are like that in Germany to.
This year I was officially in Italy, joyfully attached to my window, taking in the edge of decay that skirted wonderful quaint yellow houses, one glass fronted building bursting out of another which contained hundreds of lamps in different shades and sizes. Studying the people, handsome and somehow and open, there was a vividness to their faces that arrested me.
And I was in Italy when I got off the train and walked on to the streets of Torino, it wasn’t Paris or Berlin or Helsinki or Cork, it wasn't the setting where I would be saved by a man I’d never met before.
It was captivating and full of heart.
Firstly, my ableton tote that held 3 publications needed attending to, I neatly veered towards Piazza Statuto, reputedly a potential gate to hell, this little trip would chart me walking from dark to light.
It was raining as I stood under the jagged rocks and mangled bodies of the Monument, I’d been panicking that the rain would ruin these labored over gifts , where would I leave them?? Not in toilets, especially not disgusting piss sprayed italian cafe toilets, they were worth more than that, as with much of my life I stepped back a little from this worry and just trusted that something would present itself.
A couple approached me after a short time of being stood in front of the gates of hell, they asked in Italian, then English, for me to take a photo of them, I talked myself down from chucking my parcel in their direction and then launching myself the opposite way. This turned out to be sensible, as the opportunity then presented itself, in the form of a thick tree stump, under the gaze of the tortured stone faces. It had once been a pair of trees, but now in the wet air of the afternoon, it was one tree and one monument of a tree, the remaining oak sheltering its lost compadre with thick branches still full of leaves.
They were off the beaten path, in truth I wondered if it would be found, the person that might spy it would have to be observant and sensitive: children would find it, but I don't want kids to find these books, there's some art smut not for children's eyes bound inside the covers.
The act of leaving this gift was much easier than I envisioned, it turns out you can do all sorts of things in plain sight and most people won’t even bat an eyelid, at least not in Torino that day.
I really like Italy now.
I left it, then I zipped off to a nearby cafe to have a cup of tea (coffee is to strong for my delicate disposition these days). Last year I spoke to no one for days, but after months of not being able to speak German in Germany, not being able to speak Italian in Italy wasn't quite such a big deal.
The cafes I visited remind me a bit of Amelie, who I couldn't find in Montmartre, she had somehow transferred herself to Torino.
This one was brightly lit, glass cases of cakes and thick sandwiches hugged the floor, then the bar followed round behind them, I blundered through asking for tea, was given a pot of water and a tray of teabags, i just took all the teabags unthinkingly and then considered the inadequate ratio of tea bags to water.
They were returned to the counter and I parked myself outside to start my diary.
When I went in to pay at the end I found out that it was the lady, on her own little island aside from the bar, nestled amid nik naks and sweets, who was the person i should give my money to. I chuckled a bit to myself for my lack of common sense, the staff had big smiles on, it was a happy place I left, it was a happy place I had entered.
Then to Piazza Castello, but via Dama art fair.
In the rain it suddenly struck me how incredibly sensible and kind all these covered footpaths were, graced by arches and gorgeous decorative embellishments, they sheltered the people of the city and provided ample space for outside seating, whatever the weather. Because, the people of Torino like to be outside even when they’re inside, lots of cafes have glass paneled structures adjacent to the main building, so you can always eat on the street.
I sidestepped the main street, a direct passage from dark to light, to go to Dama art fair, a smaller less commercial affair than Artissima, set inside a baroque palace. It announced itself calmly, no fanfare and the first room you entered was empty, aside from sound, then into a journey, maps stretched across the wall, details of the passage overhanging the main plots, drawings and observations, in monochrome.
Dama art fair was elegant, but not arrogant, against the gorgeously decadent furnishings and trimmings of the palaces rooms quiet art pieces, drawings and sculptures mainly, investigating and working with form, sat just ebbing and pulsating in the atmosphere of the surroundings they inhabited. On arrival upstairs, after dumbly staggering around a courtyard for about 15 mins with a wealthy and well dressed man and his companion, who were also very friendly.
He “Its the most secret art fair in the world”
Me “You have to work for your art”
On arrival you were greeted by ‘THE END’ : woven fabric around big wooden words hung from the ceiling between two large blue speakers.
“How do they know?” I wondered to myself - “How do they know that this is my ending, here in Torino?”
No sign of a beginning though, I guess I will find it somewhere else.
Then back out onto the street again and walking past high street shops to the Piazza Castello. On my straight line from dark to light.
I’m glad my bag is light, you don’t need much to travel.
It’s raining and overcast, but the Piazza Castello is opening up in front of me like a beacon of light, it’s not an angel that stands in its centre, which I expected to find, but a man, I feel like he's a logician, an academic, an emblem of reason and enquiry. I haven’t done my research because I like to work with impressions and weave my own kind of mysticism into what I find as I walk around, so I don’t know who he is.
The piazza is huge, on my left to horseback riders announce a big art gallery where curious visitors stand in bunches waiting to go inside, on my right are white fronted buildings, all majestic and grand, there is so much room to breath here. But where do I leave my publication? I circle the statue and then spy what looks like a plinth, a kind of chalice almost, I imagine it’s filled with the elixir of life but as I get closer I find it’s actually an ashtray, its covered though and as I take a turn about it I notice that the wise man in the centre of the square is pointed towards me.
It might be an ashtray but it’s the right place, I’m more confident this time as I prop my publication on its rim, take a photo and then walk away. I’m noticing though that I barely take in the surroundings I find when I’m doing this and then I get panicky and run away, I make a note to myself that after all this work I need to sit where I lay my gifts, I need to draw them and understand them, be able to describe them to myself for years to come. Quick photographs don’t give enough time to what I’m doing.
I then arch off and look for food, because I’m hungry. Lots of people seem to be gathering about a nearby pizza shop, like a chicken headed tourist I join the crowd, I’ve decided I’m allergic to lactose and wheat but hey, I’m on holiday, when you’re abroad your hysterias change.
I get myself a ‘Gran Torino’ and then I eat it there on the street, wrapped in paper, there’s a man sat down nearly opposite, the first homeless man I’ve seen here, we don’t interact but I pay him mind, I don’t want to make him invisible to suit my view. As I’m just stuffing the last of the delicious breaded cheese feast into my mouth I enter another cafe, pulled in by its ample outside seating and its corner position, I don’t want any more tea but they have freshly squeezed orange juice, yes please.
Whilst sat outside I am approached 3 times at my table, twice by Italians looking for somewhere to eat, who are very friendly when they find out I’m not Italian and go on their way cheerily. Once by a woman pushing a very young girl and braced little boy who very aggressively asks for money, her young son and her stand and shout at me for a few minutes whilst I refuse to give them anything then go off into the surrounding city, they shout in Italian and I think to myself that it’s probably not the best way to ask for charity, but maybe it works for them sometimes.
I’ve already experienced more interaction with people in a few short hours than I did in the 4 days I was here last, who am I this time? I’m not the same person that traipsed miserably up and down these streets 12 months ago.
Nowhere is this more profound than on my walk to my air bnb, the wet warm air and clouds hug incredible views down each street that I walk past, as I look to my left I can see the glorious green hills that surround the city, I can feel the magic that is rife here, and I notice the Italians going about their daily lives so full of energy and vitality. There’s a spring in my step every cm of the way that I walk.
My air bnb host is a superhost, I’d actually settled to stay alone but my trip was cancelled a little while before I went to Paris and her place was available, I’d taken it because I wouldn’t be alone, because even though my stay in Paris was not great I’d appreciated having someone there when I got to my accomodation and I’d wanted to repeat that more sensibly this time, with a private room rather than a sofa bed in common space.
The house is spotless, she is a compact and very handsome older woman, it feels safe, I feel like I’ve been here before. We can’t really communicate, she cant speak English and I can’t speak Italian, it’s frustrating but we manage somehow. I have my own private bathroom in this house and a little tidy bed with soft pillows that make me realise the one I have in my room at home is far to hard and unfriendly.
I have a nap, which I’ve promised myself since getting aboard the plane, I get into my pajamas and lie in bed for 3 hours, half awake. Whilst I’m spread out in my little bed I listen to the noise that surrounds me, the young family that live next door chatter and argue and laugh, the birdsong echoes outside my window, the sound of cars and the church bells fill my ears, they are resonant, like a chorus. I find my demons lurking inside me, but I just face them and then have a little stretch and turn over, we are a multitude of traumas and triumphs, not just one but several people and in order to rest we must be able to live with all these voices inside us, come to terms with them and pull them together to fight for us.
Because life isn't simple or easy all the time, no human is not inflicted at some point in their lives and it's very important when you face problems to be able to know who you are, so that you can love yourself whilst you receive the madness of the world.
I get up when it’s dark, thinking I’ll order a taxi to the AC Hotel, I shower and furnish my face with glitter, put on my blue velvet dress. I’m not excited, but it's what I must do and so I will go to the AC Hotel with my last publication stowed under my arm, to the garden where last time I had invested so much hope, though I know logically now that it's not the key to this trip, in some ways I’ve already lived what I came here for, but I must re walk these steps to release myself from the past and move forward.
I end up walking because buses and trams are to complicated and the taxi doesn’t come.
Before I get to the hotel I want to eat, the cafe I went to last time is closed but there is a gelato shop on the opposite side, with a hot pink table, totally empty. I’ve still not had any gelato in Italy and as I used to work in a gelato shop it's something I’d like to try.  
Its an old couple that own the shop, I get the most gelato I possibly can: fior di latte, amaretto, pistachio, in a great big cone, I’m treating myself because I’m not drinking and I need the energy. Though I worry it’ll make me puff up I eat it enthusiastically at the hot pink table whilst looking out at the rainy streets of Lingotto, considering the other desserts in a glass case by the window.
I’m quite a sight tonight, in blue velvet and glitter, my red tousled hair brushing my shoulders, I can tell its made an impression on the owners of the shop, who buzz about, welcome a customer that seems like a friend, go about their lives surrounded by all these delicious sweets.
Once I’m done I consider leaving my last publication there as well, but think better of it, sling it over my shoulder and continue to the AC Hotel.
Everyone’s so good looking once I get inside the hotel, a smorgasbord of chic sportswear and chiselled faces, I don’t look anyone in the eye whose not a member or staff so I manage to kid myself that people are who they are not to suit my fantasies. I go upstairs to an ‘installation room’ which is some led lights and a person fiddling on a laptop, the room is filled with people socialising, I go downstairs to try and see if I can get into the secret rooms, but the hostess, after flirting for about 15 minutes and ignoring me, gleefully tells me there are no rooms left, except lust at 21:40, its 20:00 ish, I don’t know what I would do whilst waiting for that room and actually of all the rooms lust is not whats in my heart right now, I do think about just taking it to prove a point but really I’m not petty enough to sit in this place bored for over an hour waiting to go upstairs.
Clearly the secret rooms will remain secret to me.
I don’t get a drink because I don’t drink (alcohol).
I go to the garden, there’s a lot of people gathered around the door and I push through them to find space and to consider where to leave my publication, it's still raining.
This garden is not the Garden of Eden tonight, perhaps it never was, now its a concrete courtyard with a tree and some grass in the dipped area, and rain streaked white seats on the raised platform I’m standing on. It's not the Garden of Eden, its a hotel courtyard. Where do I put my publication?
Just past the crowd, behind a shrubbery, there's a window sill thats large enough to perch on, which is sheltered from the rain, it's quite hidden but it seems like the place. I sit in the cove and have a cigarette then I get out my book and place it where I’ve been sitting, take a photo and scamper off. The last of the 3 now placed in Torino.
After this is is a kaleidoscope of moments: wandering around a shopping centre, which is called 8, going up escalators to unravel the triple 8 scrawled on a door before me and see where the seeds were sown. The venue and Aphex twin and all his lasers, scurrying from room to room through intolerably long hallways to watch a myriad of vocalists, dancing about in various places, realising that the toilets were never that bad, as long as you manage to effect a good squatting position. Finding out that question marks are not always doorways that open to fantasies being realised.
I stand and wait for a taxi for an hour behind women with artist badges around their necks.
I Get home after a 20 minute detour because my taxi was invaded by impatient people.
I Sleep.
In the morning I wake up in good time despite not getting my full 8 hours (or anywhere close to this) I wander out and make tea, I try to talk to my host but it’s very difficult, though I’ve noticed the traces of her in the flat, the handmade lemon body wash, the single malts, the honey. Eventually after starting a note to her I just use the paper in my hand to write what I am saying, my London accent is always a problem wherever I go but she understands written English. This works:
“It took me 90 minutes to get home last night.
12:30 > I’m going to shower, my aeroplane is at 3:30 (15:30)
So hopefully I have time
I like to have a lot of time
Biggest stress
Lots of people don’t understand my accent because I mumble”
Me and my host have a strange connection, she is another angel, she sees my fragility and the sadness that sits at the basin of my eyes, she offers me food and shelter, I can feel her heart wrapping around me and giving me warmth. I go to sit outside and wait for my taxi 20 minutes in advance, she comes and brings a sock I’ve left in the flat, as we embrace its tight and full of love, not like the hug of strangers, like family. Later she tells me via email that I am always welcome, that I am a friend now and friends don’t have to pay to stay with her.
I will go back to that house and those church bells, though I can’t say exactly when.
My ride home is flawless, as I sit on the mezzanine over looking TXN airport, a beautiful well proportioned space where you can look out at the snow capped mountains, I listen to a man playing drukqs by aphex twin on the piano below me and I let go of Turin, of last year and all the residual pain that I brought here when I came before.
There’s no need for me to go back to that festival again, there’s other places and new journeys I must embark on.
I enter Turin a mangled and not very good musician, I leave Torino a curious and dignified artist, that sings. I let art return to me and realise it never really left, I will always be an artist whatever I do.
That's just me.
85 publications to go….
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