#i havent pull for him yet but i hope this offering will let me win the 50/50
slushy-sash · 1 year
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wishing everyone a very neuvillette <3
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Only One God For Me
(Part 2 of Love Never Wins)
SUMMARY: After blowing up at him afyer weeks of hiding out you challenge Loki to hand to hand. Blowing up might have been the best thing, it could help you let off that frustration you had built up.
Characters: Nat, Clint, Thor, Loki, avengers on the side line.
(Loki x you, clint x you, Thor x you, Nat x you)
ANNOUNCEMENT: I didnt know how much part 1 was going to be but I am forever greatful in this amazing community! Thank you guys SO much! Check out my other stuff too if you like this. As always reblog, ask, comment, and like! After I finish up here I'll be back to writing for Fire and Ice. Thank you again so SO much for everything! 💚💚💚
Loki Master List
You and Nat were standing at one end of the training area as Loki walked in. You glanced up from Nat wrapping your hands and noticed he was wearing his normal traing gear. Plain leather black pants with a dark green Henley, his hands already wrapped.
"Focus, your getting distracted." She said yanking on one of the straps.
"Ow. I cant help it Nat, we went from cant keep our hands away from each other to literally fist fighting each other. Ya know this is normally frowned upon is normal society." You streched your fingers out and balled them back up streching out the gloves a little.
"Hunny, even in a perfect world were anything but normal. I mean for god sakes your fighting a literal god. You remember what I taught you. Right?" She asked looking almost terrified for me.
"Yes mother, I havent forgotten. This is gonna be a piece of cake." Inside you were freaking out. You normally was in a very high spot with your bow or normally trying to break into the computers. You wasnt normally in hand to hand combat, but you were smarter than to think you would never need it.
You turned shaking you head and putting the mouth piece in your mouth. Hitting you fist together jumping back and forth getting ready. Loki just stood there smirking. You was gonna smack that smirk off his face.
"Hey sis, Im not saying you cant beat him just be careful. He throws a nasty left hook." Clint said munching on some chips."Thanks, Hawk. Mind explaining why the rest of the team is here?" You mumbled around the mouth piece.
"Thor, definitely Thor." He said walking back to the small group that gathered.
"Sweetheart. Are we gonna fight or are you just gonna stand there chit chatting?" He called across the mat.
"I'm coming." You walked across the mat to the center. Someone hit a bell signaling for the fight to start and he jumped toward you. You dodged his first attemped and circled him slowly. You could read his every move, read where he was going next.
You took a defence stance that Nat had taught you from your training before he lunged again. This time you managed to upper cut him in the side knocking some of the wind from him.
"Oh you little minx. I figured I would take it easy on you but we can play your way also." This time he took a step back centering himself. Looking up you noticed he had a dangerous look in his eye.
"I didnt invite you here to take it easy on me, I invited you because you dont take anything serious. Because if someone like me can beat you in hand to hand then anyone can." You stepped closer to him gauging what move you was going to make next.
He dropped down to the mat attempting to sweep your legs out from under you, he missed one but caught the other causing you to fall. He jumped on top of you pinning your hands above your head. "Now this positions brings back memories." He whispered to you causing your face to turn bring red. You brought your leg up able to wrap it around his waist and slammed him back down to the mat gaining some advantage.
"This one also." He smirked. You raised your fist above you aiming for his face. Whem you brought it down he moved his head causing you to miss. It felt like forever that you were both on the mat neither one gaining aginst the other. A busted lip here a bloody nose there. When the bell rang for a break Nat was in your corner with Clint offering you some water and a rag ti wipe the blood off.
"Sis, I'm try in real hard not to grab an arrow and stabe him with it." Clint said from one side. You could see anger in his eyes.
"Hawk, its fine. Given the circumstance its all good. Its just training in a matter of speaking. Anger is mostly wunning but I got this. I was trained by the best. I'm not even tired." You took another drink of water before going back out to the mat.
"This is fun. I have never seen my brother trying harder to win anything in his life." Thor shouted across the room. "Lady y/n is quite good at sparing. We must fight sometime." Thor laughed.
A few more rounds when and you could feel the weight of the afternoon but you wasjt about to simply throw in the towel just yet. You knew you could get the best of him. You had thrown him back on the mat then he took his feet placing them on your chest shoving you off of him. Before you knew it you were surrounded by multipuls of him.
"Loki we agreed no sedair! This is cheating!" You yelled at them.
"God of Mischief and lies sweetheart. Besides we're in weird predicaments all the time. You said so yourself. Tell you what. You find the real me and I'll forfeit." One of the clones said. You stood up in the middle of them all focusing everything you had on concentrating, ignoring Clint yelling in the background and the rest of the group shouting.
You opened your eyes zeroing in on one closest to you and walked up to him.
"Are you sure your right about this decision?" It mocked.
"Yeah. I think I am." You brought the ball of yoyr fist up crashing it into Loki's nose. The rest of the clones disappered as he fell to his knees in front of you. "You are a complete and utter asshole Loki Odinson. I hope that it messes with you for a while that you got beat by a mortal." You started unwrapping your gloves as you walked away.
Over the next few weeks you avoided every living space in the tower that you knew he would be in. It had truly hurt you that he had cheated during the fight. You still couldnt understand how just months before you couldn't keep your hands off of each other now you were both avoiding each other like the plague.
"Miss y/n. Team has a mission. Tony wants everyone in the confrence room dressed and ready in 15 minutes." JARVIS called pausing your movie. With a roll of your eyes you walked to your bedroom to start getting ready. Pulling out your tight skinny jeans a black tank top and your zip up hoodie you French braided your hair and grabbed your bow case before heading down.
The rest of the team was gathered when you walked in and placed your case on the table opening it up to make sure everything was right. Streching out the strings and making sure the sights were spot on aiming them to the other side of the room where Loki stood.
"It would be more effecitve if you had an arrow." Clint whispered next to you.
"Shut up, I'm just making sure everything is right." You put it back down in the case and started going over your arrows.
"You realize we have a place you can put that when your not using it." Tony said walking around you.
"Right up your ass if you suggest that again." You laughed putting everything back up.
"Love the enthusiasm kid." Tony laughed walking to the front of the table.
"Ok Team, going to be a long few days for us. Just got some Intel about a caravan carrying some explosives across the Scandinavian border. Gonna have to divide into teams for this one. Hawk, Nat, Strange, Rodgers, Bruce, and Thor you'll be starting at the meeting point and working your way toward us. The rest is with me." Tony pulled a map up on the big screen showing where you wwre going.
"Oh come on, why cant I be with the A team?" You asked with a groan.
"Sorry kid, gotta divide it up right. One god for each, one Archer. Only fair. And even if you two hate each other you guys work good together." Tony shrugged.
"Yeah sorry kid." Clint laughed.
"Hey I'm a full three minutes older that you. Probably explains why I'm better. Whatever. I'll go pack my stuff." You huffed standing up.
The next two hours seems to drag by, it was freezing here. You was just ready to get this over with so that you could go back home and relax in a nice warm bath, you pulled your jacket tighter aginst you.
"I've told you many times that you should start wearing the uniform that they gave you. You'll freeze to death one day." Loki said taking off his cloak and putting it around your shoulders.
"Thanks, but I'm still pissed at you." You hugged it closer. "I hate the whole uniform thing. To tight to revealing."
Another few minutes pass before Tony gives everyone the heads up that your about to be over the caravan. Figuring you were warm enough you took the cloak off and handed it back to him. "You may still be pissed at me but I do still care very deeply for you y/n. I was an idiot for everything." He took it and wrapped it around his shoulders. When his fingers grazed yours there was a surge that went through you.
"Give me time. You really hurt me, not just by breaking up with me but by lying to me during training. Good luck out there God of Mischief."
"Tony, your gonna have to get lower i cant get a clear shot on the driver!" You yelled over the wind whipping around your face. About that time a diffrent arrow shot through gettkng the driver in the side causing the vehicle to completly stop.
"Gotta be faster than that sis. One for me." Clint laughed over the com.
"You are my least favorite person right now Hawk." You mumbled. Tony brought the Quinn Jet down so your team could spread out.
"That is truly saying something my dear." Lokis smooth voice said in your ear.
"You gave me your cloak to keep me warm. Gave you a fell points." You pulled back again and shot it through the truck behind the first hitting the driver in the head. "Got one, Hawk, your next."
"Can we cut the chatter. Got alot going on in the sky at the moment." Tony said. Youbcould here something firing above you looking up you could see Tony being followed by a jet firing at him. "Need some back up guys. Twins. Anyone."
"Hawk. I need a Boom Boom stick." You met him in the middle of the road.
"I really wish you wouldnt call them that." He said handing you one. You both pulled your bows back and aimed. "Heads or tails?"
"I like the tails." You let go of the sting and watched as the jet exploded.
"I think she can call them whatever she wants as long as she keeps doing a good job keeping bogies off my ass." Tony yelled over the coms.
"I hate this. I cant see shit down here." You yelled over to Clint. "I gotta get higher." You looked around eyeballing the turnes over truck. You threw the bow across your back and started climbing up the truck. Shots rang around you one grazing your side, before it had started it was like it stopped looking behind you you noticed Loki with his daggers in his hands.
"You need to pay more attention y/n." He scolded you.
"Why pay attention when I have someone keeping an eye out for me." You smiled.
"Oh darling Im doing more than just keeping an eye out." After everything that ass had done to you he was flirting FLIRTING with you.
"Y/N! No. More. Gods." Clint yelled. From here you could see everything going on. Nat fighting two men, you took one out easily from your spot. She shot you a thumbs up. Bruce had hulked out throwing things everywhere, multiple times you had to dodge something flying your way. The fight was almost over when you glanced behind you noticing four men backing Loki aginst a turned over car.
His hands were up as if in surrender. "Loki why arent you using your sedair?" You mumbled pulling the bow back.
"Well darling you could say that I am in on of those weird predicaments. I've exahusted alot of my power down here." His back was aginst the truck now.
"Could let him get beat up." Clint pipped in as you shot one of your last arrows though two of the guys standing there. You watched Loki easily take out the other two.
"Told you Hawk, I'm not like that." You smiled walking over to Loki. "Although you could use a little practice in hand to hand, dont you agree?"
"Only if your the one practicing with me he smailed down at you.
"Ugh! Y/n! No mo-" Clint started before you pulled the com from your ear.
"Only one God for me." You leaned up kissing Loki on the cheek.
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ohhmyheart5678 · 3 years
When in the streets of seoul (5)
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*warning* this mentions death, murder, suicide, guns, and other gruesome and dark content if you are sensitive to these kinds of things do not read it
Pairing: Chan x female reader
Word count 2.1k
Previous/ next
It's been six days, six day fucking days since I've been trapped here. I absolutely hate it. I spent the first three days not speaking to anyone and the other three finally excepting the fact that this is going to be my life now.
It's such a nice place. I get fed the best foods, I sleep in the most comfortable king sized bed with silk sheets, I have the best clothes, and I'm still miserable.
I went to the speaker and pressed 1. "Kinely ! You need something?" Chan sounded quite concerned. He believed that I had everything I needed but he forgot one thing. "I need to go to the store" I say sharply. Even though the deal was  that I wasn’t able to go in public he haven't let me out of this room yet.
He says I'm not cooperating and so I have to wait. "What do you need from the store that I can't get for you?" I could hear the slight annoyance in his voice but he could never be as annoyed as I am right now. I mean he is keeping me hostage for Christ sake. "Just take me to the store you dickhead" I was honestly so done with him.
I needed to get out this room and I needed to go to the store ASAP. "I'm not going to the store because you won't tell me what it is" Chris was trying to put his foot down but little did he know I was far better at this game than he was. "Look I need pads either you take me to get them, or you can suffer the consequences of trying to find the perfect pads for me which I guarantee that you won't and then you'll have to take me to pick them out anyways, or we can always go with the option of me bleeding everywhere" there was a long pause before he finally responded.
"Fine I'll take you to the store" was all he said before it went completely silent. I waited patiently by the door until a boy comes in. "Hey seugmin did Chris send you for me" he just gives a simple nod. "Felix and I" he simply says while fully opening the door that he was standing in just enough to show his body. Once he swung open the door it revealed Felix. The orange haired boy waved at me.
Since staying here Chris has sent the boys at least once so that they could introduce themselves since I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of them. I've learned about what these boys do. Since I had nothing better to do the least I could do was steal information on the guys I'm going to be living with from now on.
For instance Chris is the oldest and the leader. He calls the shots, he looks over the plans, and makes sure everything runs smoothly he does need to do much work but Felix says Chris is the last resort and that he’s feel bad for anyone if Chris was called in. Then there's Minho. He is one of the main men on the field he's the look out and distraction, and supposedly from what I heard he does a damn good job at it. Plus Minho has a medical background so if anyone gets hurt he’s the man everyone goes to.
There's also changbin he's got quite the temper so they use him when there's need for extreme measures you know if they need .. a mess. I heard he can get pretty creative with that stuff.
Hyunjin, who often checks on me throughout the day is the sniper. He knows weapons like the back of his hands and could handle them blindfolded. Then it's Jisung, they call him Han. He is the best fighter in the house. You can have a gun in the fight and he could still win.
Felix known as the second Aussie of the house does the interrogations. He can get anyone to talk, his deep voice scares mostly anyone , but for the ones that are harder to get through. Let's just say they can either come out alive while missing some part of their body. Or they can come out in a body bag.
Seugmin is the hacker, he can hack into litterally anything. You name it, he can hack it. He's the one who got the information on my dad.
Last but definitely not least there's jeongin they all him I.N . He is silent but deadly. The red hair boy is like a ninja. They use him when they want to get the job done quickly but quietly.
We arrived downstairs where Chris was waiting for us at the door. I figured he was already handling business downstairs so he fetched the two boys to get me. "Thanks gentleman I got it from here" it was his nice easy of telling them to go away.
We got into his car and he drives us to a nearby store. I looks around searching for the right ones as he stands behind me trying to figure how the whole process works. I saw the pack I wanted and grabbed two of them. "Ahh now I know for next time" he says as if he has just been enlightened. "Next time?" I wanted to know what he meant by next time.
"Next time its you know... that time, I'll be able to pick out the right ones for you" that’s so aggravating! My only reason to get out the house was once again taken from me. Chan probably could tell that I was slightly disappointed by his statement so he changed it a little , I mean seeing that he’s talking to a hormonal women who’s not necessarily in the best mood at the moment. "I mean unless you'd like to do it for yourself" A small smile slightly appeared on my face as I handed the cashier the goods to ring up. "Is there anything else you want or need from here before we leave" Chris wanted to hurry out of here because this was time he could be spending working at home. "Nope" I was completely content with having what I needed so far.
Once we arrived back home I was instantly sent back to my room. Sitting there in boredom I looked around for some form of entertainment. There was absolutely nothing to do in this room and I was just now realizing it. For the past few days all I've been doing was sleeping and eating , so I didn't stop to think about it . I was too busy being sad about being locked up in a room by a bunch of psychos.
I looked over at the speaker not wanting to bother Chris because I rarely want to even speak to him. I walked over pushing the number 5 on the speaker and hoped this man was in his room.
"Hey kinely are you doing ok?" He genuinely sounded concerned. "Can you come over here please" I knew I didn't have to really ask him because he doesn't mind coming and checking on me anyways but I thought to ask just in case . "Sure just give me a sec" Hyunjin was always in here and even though Chris comes in often to talk to me he's always busy it's only for a few seconds before he goes back to "work".
Hyunjin came within fifteen minutes. He knocks making sure I'm not naked or anything. I think that it was pretty nice of him to do considering the other boys just come in as they please. I mean I know it's your home and all but a girl needs privacy.
"Come in" I yelled from my closet, I had just put on sweats and a hoodie to get a little comfortable. "You sent for me?" He walked in and closed the door behind him. "I was wondering if you could stay in here for a little longer than you normally do? I think I'm gonna go insane in here by myself" he chuckled at me being immensely dramatic. I put the back of my hand on my forehead pretending to be a damsel in distress.
He walked over to my bed and sat on it and patted on it which was his way of telling me to sit down. "Maybe you don't have to stay in here all the time" he seemed like he was getting somewhere but I was yet to follow. "What do you mean?" Was he gonna take me out this house or was I reading this wrong? "Its not much but maybe you could come to my room. There's tons of things to do in there. We just can't let Chan know I'm taking you out considering he wants you in the room." He fidgets a little wondering how I was going to respond to his offer.
Hell yeah I was gonna take this opportunity to leave the room! I had nothing else to do in the looney house. "Why not?" I shrug not wanting him to know just how excited I was. He grabs my head and leads me to his room all the way in the other side of the house.
My jaw dropped once he opened his room door to let me inside. He had arcade games like ddr, those ones when you race on the motorcycle, street fighter and pac man. He had a giant tv mounted on his wall in front of his bed and a wii console which I havent seen in years. "Told ya" he crossed his arms leaning against doorframe while admiring the dumb look of shock on my face.
"Where do we even start?" I was still looking around trying to pinpoint the first thing I wanted to do. "Doesn't matter where we start all you need to know is I'll kick your ass at any game in this room" his cockiness shines through, a side of him I haven't seen since I first met him.
What he didn't know was how competitive I can get "You're gonna be very disappointed when you realize how much you suck compared to me, especially when I beat you in dance revolution" It was on now. I can see a gleam in his eyes and knew he was almost if not just as competitive as I am.
Twelve rounds, six wins , and six loses later. We decided to watch a movie. "How's it feel to loose to someone as amazing as I?" I stood on his bed placing my hand on my hips. I'm sure he's yet to meet someone as dramatic as me. "We both won and lost the same amount of time so I'd say we're equally as amazing if you ask me" hes right about that but this his room and his games that he plays all the time if he didn’t win then it would be embarrassing. Hyunjin pulls my right leg causing me to fall on his bed. "You asshole!" My body had no control over itself. It was bouncing up and down on its own and I couldn't even stop it.
"You were to one who wanted to watch a movie and you can't even sit still" Hyunjin teases while I finally get myself together and sit up all the way in the bed. "Plus you weren't calling me a asshole when I took you out of your room." I gasped while holding my chest. "Oh how dare you?" I squinted my eyes at him and he laughed at me.
I must admit I haven't felt this good in a few days. I almost forgot that I was being held against my will but the thought is always in the back of my mind. I finally settle down and Hyunjin was nice enough to let me choose the movie I wanted. So here we were, on the bed watching a movie. For comfort I lay my head on his shoulder and her wraps his wraps around me.
I felt relaxed and almost safe. Soon I fell asleep with the movie playing in the background. Hyunjin was staying still trying not to wake me up. In fact so still that he ended up falling asleep himself.
I just needed to wake up on time before Chris realizes that I'm gone.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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aizawa shouta x shy!reader ; yamada hizashi x shy!reader
warnings: i think theres cussing LOL IDK
a/n: okay so these are hard for a few reasons.... one im not a shy person... so im i dont capture the essence of a shy reader im so sorry D: and i havent written for mic yet. love the man sososo much, but... he’s so scary to write for....but i love these two idiots! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME ANON
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Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa was standing right next to you. The two of you were out for a movie date night, waiting in the too long of a line for the midnight premiere.
You bundled up in so many coats that Aizawa found it cute! But your eyes kept jittering between the front of the line to the title of the movie over and over. You looked like a marshmallow. Aizawa knew you were already reciting what you were going to say to the employee when you got there. Something that wouldn’t happen for another thirty minutes.
Aizawa found your quiet excitement to be entertaining to watch. The way your hands would clap with every step forward. Aizawa had already asked you over a hundred times this week alone, but Aizawa couldn’t help but he couldn't resist another one. “What’s this move about again?”
Despite what should be an annoyance on your face, an award-winning smile present itself on your face. Aizawa watched as you explained what the movie is about. You spare no detail, giving away the background to the movie without going into what the actual movie was about. The small stutters and embarrassed flush still evident in your speech. This went by unnoticed as Aizawa could not hear it over the excitement that fills your speech.
“Oh my god, are you a super fan too?” The man in front of you states, he whips around, his own eyes sparkling. “I dragged all my friends with me here, but no one is as excited as me!”
Aizawa watches on without a word. The two of you chatting about the series that Aizawa wasn’t knowledgeable about at all. Furthermore, his lack of knowledge in this series irked him now. You were blushing and stuttering a lot more now that you were speaking with a stranger. Yet you still had that undeniable excitement in your voice.
“If you and your friend want to sit with us, I’m sure none of my friends would mind! Having a pretty girl who knows what’s going on during the movie is my actual dream come true.” The man says as he places an arm around your shoulder, to which you attempt to get off.
Now, he had passed a boundary.
Aizawa grabs your wrist, and within seconds he has you pressed into his side. Aizawa stands glowering at the stranger in front of him who sneers back. “The hell bro, she isn’t fucking yours.” He says rolling his eyes as he attempts to grab you back.
Aizawa outmaneuvers him, putting himself in front of you. Acting on what could only be high school boy emotions, he presses his lips against yours. Aizawa could not think straight as he bit down onto your bottom lip. Something he knew never failed to make you moan. Sure enough, a moan left your lips, and Aizawa made sure to make it obvious that he was putting his tongue in your mouth.
It lasts only a few seconds more before he can feel your arms weakly pushing against him, a weak protest against your actions. So, Aizawa complies. He pulls away. Making sure to look deep into your eyes which were swimming with different emotions. He smiles at you before snapping his attention to the stranger who was looking away. Fury, embarrassment, and envy on his face.
“Of course she’s not fucking mine, she’s her own damn person,” Aizawa glares as the words stab like knives. “But I am the one fucking her.”
Now that causes a series of shrieks and squeaks from you.
You groan as you bury your face into Aizawa’s chest, wanting nothing more than to disappear from the line. The reaction of the crowd made it known that little make-out had caught peoples attention.
“Sho-Shouta...” You whisper as he now wraps his arm around your waist as the two of you walk, following the line. The man in front now refusing to look backward, which makes Aizawa smile. “That was embarrassing.”
Aizawa winks, even so, having quite enjoyed the spur of emotion from himself, “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Like hell you are.” You retort into his arm and Aizawa chuckles as he presses a kiss to your temple as the ticket booth calls the two of you up.
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Yamada Hizashi
“And here with me tonight, listeners! Is the ONE, the ONLY, the AMAZING, Y/L/N Y/N!” Hizashi screamed into his mic. Hizashi was feeling ecstatic that you finally agreed to go on his radio show after years of begging.
“Hi!” You meekly say unto the microphone, unsure if you should wave given no one could actually see you.
“So, y/l/n, tell the audience a little bit about yourself! Let them know all the deets about you!”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. You watch your boyfriend stare at you with the widest grin you’ve ever seen in your life. He was just so outspoken, genuine, and kin that sometimes it made you wonder how someone so... well shy, could ever make him interested in you.
“I’m here too, Mic.” The annoyed voice of Aizawa says, and you laugh some more as Hizashi scoffs, throwing his best friend a wink.
Aizawa had also agreed to join only because you would be there. Being your boyfriend's best friend, he wanted to help you out in case Hizashi became too much Present Mic. Besides, you would get most of the attention! Nevertheless, Aizawa still wanted an introduction.
“Ah yes, the noble Eraserhead is here tonight, too! Listeners, I don’t know if I ever told you, but did you know that I chose his Pro-Hero name?!”
“You were discussing y/l/n.” Aizawa groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose, the tips of his ears turning red.
“OH, YEAH!” Hizashi exclaims as his attention is back onto you. You glance over at Aizawa who sighs and without further hesitation, the night rolls on.
You can’t believe it, but you’re actually enjoying yourself on the Present Mic Radio Show. Hizashi made it easy to talk to the void. Pretty soon, you felt as if it wasn’t even broadcasted as you felt at ease with the conversations. In fact, you had finished a conversation surrounding the latest news with the up and coming new Pro-Heroes. After all, all three of you knew them!
“Moving to the last segment of the night, we’ll be taking in some calls from you beautiful listeners!” Hizashi says throwing his fists into the air, “Start calling in folks, we only have ten minutes!”
You smiled as the calls started, and most of them didn’t need much of your attention. Most of them were more obsessed over the two Pro-Heroes on the show, that is until the very last call.
“Hi,” The scratchy phone audio plays through your headphones, “My question is actually for, y/l/n!”
This stuns all three of you. Because although you had been participating, you weren’t exactly a well-known name. You glanced over at Hizashi. An encouraging smile and thumbs up from Hizashi sent your lips near your mic and you spoke, “Go, um, go ahead?”
“Oh great, well, uh... this might sound weird, but I really love the sound of your voice. I was wondering if, by chance, you would like to go out with me—“
“That’s a hard no,” Hizashi speaks up before you can, a smile on his face as he can’t believe what’s happening, and your cheeks blush scarlet.
“I’m sorry, but why not?”
“Well besides the fact that we don’t know who you are, listener, but y/l/n is my girlfriend!” Hizashi cooly states as he looks down at his fingernails as if it was some sort of power move.
“Oh... well, my offer still stands!” The man continues, “She obviously didn’t say no, it was you who said no.”
You feel dizzy, this was not happening.
“You’re right listener,” Hizashi sighs as if he wasn’t thinking things through. “Instead of being rejected by me, you’re going to get double rejected by my adorable girlfriend! Who’s way out of your league anyway!”
You shake your head at Aizawa who is grinning at this interaction, “I’m sorry, listener. Um, well my answer, my answer is no.”
“Oh looks like the caller hung up, alongside his pride!” Hizashi fakes pouts before cackling, “Alright, until next time! PRESENT MIC, OUT!”
Hizashi rolls his eyes as the On-Air sign turns off. He tosses his glasses aside looking at you with a tired, but victorious smile. “Now get your cute ass over here and show me I’m yours.”
You pretend to scoff, but stand up anyways.
“And that’s my cue,” Aizawa says leaving followed by the echoing laughter of you and Hizashi.
after writing this, i can now confirm i love daddy aizawa and present mic, peace OUT HOMIES
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psycho-pass-saiko · 4 years
Wrote another sparring session 😚
‘’Focus on your core, Kei!’’
Kei, grunted with frustration to the comment of Ginoza; as Arata kept on analyzing one of the SAD member’s sparring with Kei, pinching his chin without even blinking an eye. Kogami slowly approached to the short inspector, exhaling a smoke from his lips to air casually.
‘’So, what do you think about it?’’ he asked. Arata, startled with his sudden presence next to him, smiled subtly.
‘’Oh, hello Kogami-san.’’ Arata greeted him, only getting a small nod from his superior. ‘’About what exactly? And pardon me but isn’t here no-smoking area?’’
Kogami, not even giving a reaction to his implication, gestured the two men on tatami rink struggling, with a swing of his chin. ‘’About their fighting.’’
Well, struggling part is most on Kei, Arata thought as his friend was captured now by his opponent. ‘’They are strong, i guess?’’ said Arata. Kogami huffed, taking another smoke from his halfly burnt cigar. ‘’Thats for sure.’’
Kei, now caged in Sugo’s steel like arm-lock, one arm over his neck the other pulling it back with his inner elbow, he was unable to move. He was almost same height and had similar athletic frame with this SAD member but somehow he looked bigger than him, now being choked between his muscular arms and firm chest behind his back. Kei, swang his body from side to side, trying to escape from his hold. But Sugo on the other hand, was not planning on letting him go just yet.
With a frowned face, he asked. ‘’Are you going to surrender or faint, inspector?’’ intensifying his hold around the neck. They were both on ground, Kei gasping and struggling over Sugo’s body. Kei, huffed, already seeing colorful dots in his vision, clenched his fingers on Sugo’s forearms, still not giving up. Sugo, with a sigh, opened his legs to cover Kei’s and he arched his body. With sudden pain in his spine Kei made an ‘ach!’ sound but yet again, he desperatly kept on trying to escape.
‘’Release the kid, Sugo. You will give him a whiplash in the neck.’’ Said Ginoza, wiping his sweat with a towel sitting on a bench. With his word, Sugo immediately loosened up his hold on the inspector and gently threw him to his side. Kei, gasped for air, now on all his fours, massaged his throat with his left hand. After letting him go, Sugo rose on his feet, adjusting his gym clothes which was consist of a pair of dark green sweatpants and short-sleeved shirt. He slicked back his dark hair and offered his open hand to Kei afterwards.
‘’Sorry, inspector.’’
‘’No, no, it is okay.’’ Kei, now breathing normally grabbed his hand, stood up. He gulped down, damping his mouth. ‘’Please let us have a rematch.’’ Sugo silently nodded.
Kogami, snorted under his breath, remembering the time when he also asked the same thing to him. Before fainting. No one except Arata heard him in the gym of Foreign Affairs’ headquarters.
Division 1 inspectors were here for a case, which was committed by a foreigner visiting their country, but after they realised they had to wait for a few hours for the case files, they searched for something to spend time with. They decided to explore the big building. Ginoza was the one who called for them when they were just passing by the entrance of the gym. Inspectors saw the long haired agent in his navy blue/black track suit and white sleeveless top, revealing his well-shaped biceps. He smiled at them as they slowly walked towards him. After a small chit-chat of why they were here and what they were doing Ginoza invited them to their exercise routine as an option for their search of distraction. Arata wanted to refuse but as soon as Kei saw the spiky haired agent on the tatami rink inside the gym he agreed instantly and bowed respectfully. Seeing him, Arata had to accept the offer too, rather reluctantly. Then Ginoza lent them some spare gym clothes from the mislaid-goods and all three of them went back to the main saloon.
Their gym was massive. Bigger and wider than the one in MWPSB. There were more then twenty of treadmills, weight equipments, even an indoor pool next to the main gym saloon. Arata and Kei, both in black short sleeved shirts and gray shorts, followed Ginoza to the center of the gym. Kogami and Sugo was having a sparring, but it was obvious they weren't serious, only discussing some tactics since their moves were controlled and calm. Kogami was wearing a simple pair of black sleeveless top and sweatpants. Sugo in front of him, arms crossed to Kogami’s forearms, was with his dark green pair of gym clothes. When they reached to the boxing rink with a tatami floor, both grey and black eyes turned towards them. Inspectors and agents bowed each other after they introduced themselves to both part. Arata was not sure why Kei was glaring at the agent named Kogami, but he ignored thinking Kei had his reason. Besides Kogami didnt look bothered at all. In fact he lighted a cigaratte walking to the edge of the rink. He leaned on the corner pads.
‘’We met again, inspector.’’ he said nonchalantly. Kei nodded. ‘’Yes. I hope we can have a rematch Kogami-san.’’ Kogami with an irritated sigh waved his cigarette holding hand on the air while murmuring silently ‘yeah, yeah’. After a short warming-up, Inspectors stepped up to the link from the small stairs at right side of the rink.
First pairing was Ginoza and Sugo. Arata had to admit, they had a strange chemistry together. Sugo was using his Karate knowledge yet was cautiously avoided a hit by Ginoza’s left bionic arm. They chatted while fighting, almost laughing with the comments they made to each other’s moves. In the end it was a tie, close to Sugo’s victory. At least it was what Arata thought. They bowed to each other and Ginoza jumped down the rink, pointing Kei to take his place. Kei, nodded and entered the rink with confidence.
Well, at least he was sure he would win over Sugo. Yet was wronged once again.
‘’Your partner,’’ started Kogami, next to Arata once again, watching them discussing why he couldnt break Sugo’s arm-lock. Former military captain was patient with him as if teaching to a kid. ‘’he is so confident with himself. This weakens his ability to analyze his opponent. He had plenty chances to bring down Sugo but he went in with the idea of winning in his mind.’’
Arata raised an eyebrow. ‘’Isn’t this what leads one to victory, Kogami-san?’’
Kogami, shrugged. ‘’For tournaments, maybe. But this is real world, inspector. Your opponent goes for your vitals, to kill you. They wont stop just before stabbing your chest. Winning sometimes is not enough.’’ He took one last smoke from his cigar, stubbing out the cigaratte foot in his palm. ‘’He is well-trained but as i said before, he is cocky.’’
Arata grinned to honesty of this man and shrugged. ‘’He is the best partner.I dont care if he is cocky or not. I wouldn't change him to anyone else.’’
Kogami, gave him an amused side look. ‘’Its good to hear.’’ He turned his face to rink where Sugo and Kei were exitting. ‘’So, inspector’’ he beckoned to rink. ‘’what about a match?’’
Arata, knew he had no chance against him. The aura surrounding his body, his calm movements, uninterested expression. Everything screamed ‘’ dont come near or bear the consequences’’. But he accepted. What else could he do?
‘’Why not, Kogami-san.’’ He started to walk towards rink.
‘’Kogami-san, i hope you havent forgetten about our rematch.’’ Said Kei as Arata entered to the rink where Kogami was standing. Kogami, eyes closed sighed looking at the ceiling.
‘’For fucks sake... Okay, i get it, i get it. Wait for your turn.’’
Arata, inhaled calmly. Kei sure was stubborn but it seems Kogami was the one who wounded his pride, thats why he was so persuasive. Otherwise he couldn't remember a time where Kei was so stubborn about a basic rematch.
At least it wont take long Kei, he thought already adjusting his body to a defense position, legs open hands in fists.
Kogami, took one or a two steps backwards, changing his balance from one feet to another,hopping on his toes. Slowly he raised his arms to air as well. Arata, observed his position, planning on how to attack.
Well he was thinking for an attack when he saw a fist stopping just centimeters away from his nose. Arata exhaled with confusion, his breath grazed his solid fist. With shocked eyes he looked up and saw focused grey eyes locked on his honey colored ones.
‘’React fast, inspector. One more time.’’ Kogami drew back his fist and got back to his starting position. Arata shook his head to sides, tried to focus. He knew he was no match to this SAD agent but this didnt mean he should surrender easily. Arata mimicked Kogami’s hopping earlier. He inhaled. But before seeing the attack he felt it.
Kogami, yet again moved fast, aiming to kick his side torso. But his leg found no target as Arata with an extreme flexibility leaned back to a bridge, then he kicked his legs backwards to stand on them again. Kogami narrowed his eyes.
‘’Profesionally.’’ answered Arata, calmly when he saw a small grin on his lips. But he said nothing as he moved forward to hold one of Arata’s wrist. Arata bent his knees, slided to right. However this was Kogami’s plan as well. He ducked almost near to floor on his left foot, he streched out his right leg and with a twist on his toes he low kicked Arata’s legs. Arata instictively jumped and avoided his dangerous blow. Landing on the tatami he jumped further away from him. Kogami slowly stood on his feet, turning to him. Arata with adrenaline running through his veins, decided to attack at least once. When Kogami dashed towards him Arata threw his right leg to front, turned two rounds on air before giving a kick to his face. Kogami, leaned back, barely avoiding his leg. He still felt the skin of his heel. Arata, landed on his feet, but unfortunately not fast enough. Kogami, found his balance in a flash, grabbed his arm and pulled it towards himself. When Arata’s body bumped into Kogami’s torso, he wrapped his right arm around Arata’s neck, still pulling his left hand to further in front of himself. Kogami’s left hand twisted his left palm to upwards. Arata gasped with pain spreading through his whole arm, bending from his waist to front, he punched continuesly on Kogami’s arm desperately trying to escape from his grip. From afar it looked like a brotherly fight.
‘’Dont be so harsh on my bosses, Kogami-san. I still need my paycheck, after all.’’
A sweet giggle echoed in the gym at the same time his hold over Arata’s neck losened up. Arata had a chance to rise his head and saw a petite figure coming towards the rink. It was no other than Statutory Enforcer, Tsunemori Akane.
Kogami, Arata still whining under his arm, looked towards to the owner of the voice. He knew the second he heard her voice, but seeing her in front of his eyes was still like dream-like event for him. His expression softened as he released Arata, putting his hands to his waist line. Kogami shrugged.
‘’It’s a must for a good training.’’ He grinned at Akane.
Arata, now standing straightly, rubbed his left wrist. First thing he realized was the sudden change in Kogami’s expression. His cool, uninterested look was nowhere to be seen. Instead, shining eyes and a caring gaze took their place. Oh, i see, thought Arata.
‘’Enforcer Tsunemori, have the case files been filled?’’ asked Kei, without thinking.
Arata, felt the sudden tension growing in the air of the gym as three agents got stiff in their places when they heard the title of the woman. Especially Kogami, his chin clenched.
‘’Tsunemori-san, sorry we didnt had the time to tell you where we were.’’ said Arata quickly, trying to soften air.
Akane smiled. This made the agents relax a bit. ‘’Oh dont worry about it. Thought you would be here.’’ she turned her face towards Kogami as she finished her sentence.
‘’Tsunemori,’’ Ginoza turned towards her on the bench he sat. He had a small smile on his lips. Continued as he leaned over placing his elbows on his knees. ‘’It has been a while.’’ Akane’s smiling face turned towards him, nodding.
‘’Indeed, Ginoza-san.’’ She looked left of the rink searching for someone. That was when Sugo stepped forward with a soft grin too. ‘’Hello, Tsunemori-san. Its so good to see you.’’
‘’Hello, Sugo-san. Feelings are mutual.’’ said Akane, slightly lowering her head to left side with a big smile that hiding her eyes.
‘’You looking good.’’ A compliment came from top of the rink. Kogami was now leaning on red ropes of the rink, arms crossed. She was wearing a dark smoke colored two-pieced suit, a pale blue shirt under her jacket. It was rare for her to wear trousers as she would often prefered skirts. But as time passed, like her, her fashion sense changed too. Akane took two steps forward.
‘’Thank you, Kogami-san, you look sharp as well.’’responded Akane, lifting her face to meet with his eyes after her eyes gazing over his muscular arms. Kogami leaned a bit more, his smirk getting more coy.
‘’Want to go for a round?’’
If arata wasnt seeing them in front of his eyes, he would definetely thought they were talking about some other exercise. Something about Kogami's voice gave him this impression. He nodded abruptly to silence Kei’s almost interruption. Blue eyed inspector got the message and closed his mouth, taking his place next to smiling Arata.
‘’Now, it's a time to be alive.’’ Grinned Ginoza. Kogami’s judgemental look found him.
‘’What now, ponytail?’’ he huffed.
Ginoza, not losing his smug face winked at Akane. ‘’Blow him a hit for me too, Tsunemori.’’
Akane snorted, quickly covering her mouth shyly. Sugo, approached to the bench where Ginoza was sitting. ‘’Pardon me, Kogami-san but, it will be fun to see your ass get kicked.’’
‘’Hey!’’ Kogami, held the ropes and stood straigth, his body half-way turned to right, faceing his team-mates. Ginoza and Sugo shrugged, not even trying to hide their smiles.
‘’Dont bully him, you two.’’ said the female enforcer but her voice was full of joy. She took another step to corner of the rink, already taking of her jacket. Kogami, rolled his eyes, turned on his heels to face with Akane once again. She was folding up her blue shirt’s sleeves when they reached just above her elbows she nodded herself with satisfaction. As she quietly took of her flat-heeled shoes, Kogami leaned on the red ropes and held a hand to her.
‘’Do you need any help-‘’ but before he could finish his words, Akane hold the closest rope to her, pulled herself back and with the help of the bounce she jumped on the rink easily. She bend over and entered inside of the rink between two ropes with a smile on her face. Kogami, still semi-leaning down, smirked.
‘’Of course you don't.’’ Kogami, bounced himself back from the ropes and turned to his back, finding Akane already in her defense position. She saw him tilting his head to side a bit.
Akane raised one of her eyebrows. ‘’Hmm?’’
Kogami, shrugged and bent his knees, elbows and fist rising to air. ‘’ Nothing. Grey looks good on you.’’
Akane, clearly blushing, huffed from her nose. ‘’You can’t win without distracting me, can you Kogami-san?’’
Kogami narrowed his eyes as his grin became sinful. ‘’Oh, I can.’’ And he attacked.
For the next five minutes, Arata almost swallowed his tongue with the shock. He knew she was strong. But not she-can-lift-up-an-adult-man-easily kind of strong. He didnt expect to see this scene.
At the beggining, Kogami attacked her as low as he can get. But with a one hand carthwheel on his shoulder, Akane dodged his attack, lending behind him. She was fast. Almost as fast as Kogami. As a result Arata felt like watching two tigers fighting in front of him. She punched mercilessly to his torso, knowing that he would dodge the attack. In fact, he did, only to threw a fist to her which she avoided swiftly turning on her heels. She then grabbed him from his waist-line reversely, lifted him up on air, turned with him before throwing him to ground. Kogami, with a short laugh, did a somersault to front.
‘’I am starting to think you love lifting me up, too much, Akane.’’ Said Kogami, kneeling down on his left knee, one hand on the ground supporting him. Arata, still eyes wide, tried to digest the fact that she threw the agent whereas Arata couldnt even see his punch until it was in front of his nose. Dont make Tsunemori-san mad, he noted in his mind.
‘’What can i say, its an addiction.’’ Akane made a joke before dashing to him. Kogami, pivoted on his knee and rose on his two feet. Just before turning to his right side, he thought of a sneaky move. Quickly wrapped his right arm over Akane’s waist and this time, he lifted her up to air. Akane yelped when she felt the ground under her feet disappear as Kogami’s other arm wrapped over her stomach as well.
‘’H-hey! Let me down Kogami-san!’’ she swang her legs on air, aiming to kick him. Kogami leaned back from his waist, raising up her body more.
‘’You were right. This is addictive.’’ He whispered to her ear, smelling her flowery perfume. Female enforcer turned into a rose petal. She felt his fingers moving around her sides. Akane gasped with panic.
Ginoza with an irritated sigh, face palmed himself. ‘’You two, take your foreplay to a room not on a rink.’’ Sugo laughed under his breath, agreeing with him.
Akane with a groan lifted up both of her legs and with a force she kicked them down. Kogami had to release his arms to prevent himself from falling over her. Akane now on her feet, turned to him.
‘’You know that i am ticklish! That was a dirty move, Kogami-san.’’ she sounded heart-broken however a smile was trying to appear on the tip of her lips. Arata and Kei, for the first time heard Kogami’s deep laugh.
‘’It is not my fault that you have a weakness.’’
Akane lifted her eyebrow. ‘’You too, have your own weaknesses, Kogami-san.’’
Kogami with his softest gaze, looked into her eyes, calmly. Hands inside of his pockets. He didn't even for a second looked away from her eyes. ‘’Yes, i have.’’
Everyone in the room knew what was the meaning of this look.
Arata felt like he was interruping a private moment just then. He mildly coughed, as Akane also woke up from her trance. She cleared her throat as well before tucking her side cuts behind her ears.
‘’Yes. Shall we go then, inspectors? We still have a case to solve.’’ She already started to walk towards the edge of the rink, Kogami following her. This time she let him to help her going down. Kogami, jumped over the red ropes to ground, turned to her. He reached up and gently covered her waist with both of his hand, lowered her down. Akane with his strong arms landed on the floor, she felt a tingling inside her stomach. For a brief second, they both stayed in that position, absorbing the warm sensation between them, eyes locked on to each other’s. Kogami pulled his hands back, when inspectors reached to side of the rink where they were. Akane took the jacket he held out to her with a small thanks, their fingers grazed. She lifted her face up to him. ‘’See you later Kogami-san.’’
Kogami, with a subtle smile, nodded. ‘’Don’t tire yourself so much.’’
Akane giggled, fixing her hair. ‘’Okay, mom.’’ Kogami, frowned to her comment but only flicked her shoulder kindly as a response. She turned to her left, facing the inspectors. ‘’Let’s go.’’
Even though she was an enforcer, neither Arata or Kei felt like disobeying her. Never. They both nodded in sync. ‘’Yes, ma’am!’’
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shhhhyoursister · 4 years
okay im gonna post this right before i go to bed because i havent posted new stuff in a while and its like AHH but okay so here is the first of the unfinshied/unedited things ive written, and the first of the two lets say..... niche aus i have.....very niche and very exposing of how much of a loser i am!! 
i mentioned this one a few times and before everything got bad in the world i had so many ideas but here yall go here is my beloved davenzi pokemon au i hope all you other losers enjoy
(also please excuse all the brackets i write things out of order but always need to make notes of what happens in between)
Matteo pushed the door open, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and let out a loud yawn as he stretched an arm over his head. He raised the glass of Pinap juice to his mouth and took a sip, smiling around the rim as he looked out at the large meadow behind his house.
The berry trees were growing tall around the perimeter of the fence, patches of grass at various lengths sprouting out of the ground. The large pond off to the side had its own waterfall, a feature his mother was extremely proud of, and he could admit that it added a little something special to the space
It wasn’t much, but they  did what they could with what they had. It was enough for the Pokémon they cared for, at least. 
At that thought, he felt something tugging at his pants, and he glanced down and smiled at the Vulpix at his feet. Its teeth were caught in the fabric but he reached down to pat it on the head anyway, knowing that was just its way of greeting him. It let go and stood next to him, like it was expecting something.
“What do you want?” he asked, poking it lightly in the side with his foot, and laughed when it rolled onto its back and latched onto it with its paw, and tried to secure its hold with the leg that was missing one. Matteo got it off easy and it sprung back up, ready to play.
He rolled his eyes, and walked further out into the meadow, the Vulpix trotting along happily beside him. There were a few Pokémon that he needed to check on before breakfast for himself or the rest of the Pokémon roaming around the property, and he wanted to get it done fast because the Tauros with the bandage over its eye was snorting at him from over in its usual corner. He quickened his pace.
He was looking for the Luvdisc that his mother had found a few days before, alone and hungry in shallow water, and his eyes scanned over the mostly clear water, trying to catch any sign of the pink water-type swimming around. He saw it just as it darted around a Buizel and behind a rock, seeming to be in much better shape than the day before. He was about to turn and head to the small shed in the back where they kept some of the Pokémon in more serious condition, but he looked up when he heard the door slide open, and his mom call his name.
“Matteo, Jonas is here to say bye!” She yelled out, and he turned and started making his way back.
“I didn’t get to look at the Pachirisu yet.” He said, jogging up to her. She was smiling softly at him, her long brown hair pulled back in a bandana. She was holding a bowl in her arms, no doubt the breakfast she had been making for the Pokémon when he had come downstairs that morning
“Don’t worry about that, go see your friend, and wish him luck!” she said, walking out the back door, “He’s going to battle his next gym leader!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Matteo muttered as he walked past her, setting his glass down as he went. 
He found Jonas by the front door, six Pokéballs attached to his waist, and a large bag on his back. He had his Jigglypuff out of its ball by his side, and it started bouncing when Matteo got closer.
“Hey, Luigi!” Jonas exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug, and Matteo squeezed his arms around his backpack. The hug was bittersweet, and he almost didn’t want to let go. He didn’t have many friends in his little town, and his responsibilities at the Pokémon Sanctuary made it difficult to go too far.
“You feeling ready?” Matteo asked, knowing what Jonas was going to say. He had always been confident, and was getting through the gyms at a rapid pace.
“Of course, bro,” he said, grinning and punching Matteo in the arm, “I feel ready to battle anyone after beating that ghost-type gym leader. That was rough, it took me four fucking tries!”
Matteo nodded as Jonas went off. Matteo had heard the stories many times, not just from Jonas, but similar ones from other trainers in his town; the gym leader that happened to be the closest to them also happened to be one of the toughest. His Pokémon were strong, he was strong, but most importantly his connection to each of them was strong. He was admired, envied, and heavily respected.
Nobody knew anything about him, though.
The gym was off deep in the woods, off of one of the random routes running through their town. It was not only hard to find, but hard to navigate, as once one entered it was quite clear that the house was designed to keep people out. There were traps and dead ends and looping hallways that all just led back to the beginning, and Jonas said it took him hours to even find the staircase that led to the gym leader.
“I should be heading off if I want to get to the city before it’s dark,” Jonas said, and extended his arms for another hug. Matteo squeezed him again, and said his own goodbye before Jonas ruffled his hair and went out the door, the Jigglypuff following close behind. Matteo let out a sigh, and walked back through his house. 
“Matteo, can you come here a second?” he heard his mother call from the kitchen, and he sighed again and poked his head into the room.
“Yeah, mama?” He asked, itching to get back outside. He had been making progress with the skittish Ponyta that hid whenever anyone else came near it, and he had been wanting to see if it would eat out of his hand that morning.
“You seem sad,” she said, and he stopped himself from rolling his eyes and walked further into the kitchen as she continued, “you’re not usually sad when Jonas or your other friends go off to battle.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to miss him,” he said, knowing that wasn’t all, “last time he left he didn’t come back for a month. And I haven’t seen Abdi or Carlos in longer than that, and I don’t even know where Amira is right now.”
His mother nodded. She had heard him say that before, note that as the reason he was upset anytime the idea of gyms or badges or battling was brought up. She walked over to him and put a hand on his cheek, and smiled gently.
“You know, if you want to take a break from this and train,  you can.”
Matteo closed his eyes. It was something she had offered before, and he knew that there was almost no way he would be willing to take her up on it. The sanctuary was too important to him, no matter how much he might’ve wanted a party of his own. He didn’t need his own Pokémon when there were dozens that needed him right at home.
“I’m not going to stop helping you here, mama,” Matteo responded as usual, “this is more important than winning a few gym badges.”
“You wouldn’t even have to stop if you don’t want to,” she said, patting him on the cheek and moving back over to the stove where she was cooking their breakfast, “if you want to do both, find some Pokémon from the sanctuary. I’m sure some of them would be more than happy to battle with you.”
Matteo laughed sarcastically, and then actually thought about what his mother said, and his mouth drew into a line. He didn’t know if he wanted to put that burden on any of the Pokémon that they were caring for, even though he knew in the back of his head that some would be willing and able. He thought about that little Vulpix that would follow behind him and nip at his heels, and the Butterfree that would always swoop over his head and chirp happily at him, and even the Tauros with the eyepatch liked him as long as he was fed.
“I don’t know,” he settled on, and then turned to the door, “I’m going to check on the rest.”
Later that night, Matteo was sitting out on the roof outside of his room, after climbing through the window. It looked out over the entire sanctuary, but it was too dark for him to see much. He could see some small ripples in the water in the pond, but beyond that the only thing he could make out were sounds. He could hear something, probably a Rattata or Sandshrew, scratching and digging around the grass, and the melodic chirps of a Kricketot. He heard the same Noctowl as before cooing quietly in one of the trees, and he closed his eyes as a breeze blew by.
They were the sounds he had grown up with. Matteo was raised out in the sanctuary more than he was inside his own home. His mother and father had opened it soon after getting married, had built it into something highly respected in their community. They had a large staff working with them and they would get multiple calls each day from people finding injured Pokémon out in the wild.
There were photo albums full of him as an infant being stared at by a confused Pikachu, being (very carefully) held by a Kangaskhan, laughing as a Ledyba flew overhead. Once he was old enough he started working alongside his parents, and everyone in town loved the Florenzi’s, the couple that would save wild Pokémon with their wild son by their side. 
When Matteo was around twelve, things went a little sour. His dad started talking more about battling, and gyms, and how cool it would be to go out and see the world beyond their small town. He tried to convince Matteo that they could go off and battle together, father and son, and when Matteo refused, his father had gone quiet. A few days later, he came down for breakfast to his mother crying, his father’s stuff gone, and six of the Pokémon from the sanctuary missing as well.
He took a deep pull from the joint in his mouth, remembering the fierce promise he had made to himself that morning; he would never, ever, leave his mother like his father did. Battling and gym badges weren’t worth it.
But there was something in the back of Matteo’s head that was starting to get louder as he sat there. Something saying that just going to one gym wouldn’t be the same; he could work at the sanctuary during the day, train with (willing) Pokémon at night, and in a few weeks make the short trip to the ghost-type gym. He wasn’t expecting that he’d win, no matter what gym he went to, but the desire for something more was unfortunately undeniable. Matteo hated what his father did, but could understand the urge to run away. 
He stubbed the joint out and took one more look at the sanctuary before going back inside and getting ready for bed. As he climbed under the covers, he realized he made up his mind. His first task for the morning, alongside his usual morning chores, was to see which Pokémon wanted to, and were able to, battle. 
[Matteo makes a party and its kind of a mishmash of misfits but it’s the best he can do because he doesn't want to go out and catch wild Pokémon especially when he has some that want to battle with him]
[He spends a few weeks training and it's really tough and they aren’t amazing but they're better than he expected, and he doesn't really get why they love him and listen to him the way they do]
[One day he decided that he's ready and he promises his mom that he's gonna be back that night and he goes off to find the ghost type gym]
[He finds the gym and it looks completely abandoned and he has to climb over a gate to get in but he does it and then he has to walk through this super creepy dark place and he's having a rough time and he's getting more and more scared and worried that he's in the wrong place and that what he's doing is a bad idea and that he should just turn around when-]
And then finally, a staircase.
Matteo saw it at the end of the hall and sighed in relief. He was exhausted, glad that his Pokémon were in their Pokéballs so they weren’t as tired as him. He wiped the sweat off of his brow, and then tied his bandana around his head to keep his hair out of his face as he walked towards the stairs. He placed his foot on the first one and winced at the loud creak that came from it. He walked up the stairs carefully, seeing a door as he got closer to the top.
He finally reached the top of the stairway, and his shoulders dropped when he saw the door. There was a board across it, blocking it off, and Matteo felt anger start to bubble up inside him. He had spent hours trying to find the fucking place, had banked on Jonas mentioning a staircase, and had gotten so hopeful when he saw it. He huffed and, like a child, kicked hard at the door. His jaw dropped when it swung open.
He carefully made his way inside, his eyes scanning around the large room, too dark for him to make anything out. There seemed to be a fog making it even harder to see, and he waved his arm in front of him to see if he could clear it away. He took a few steps, and then a few more, and was about to take another when he heard a quiet, “I’d stop there if I were you.”
Matteo’s head snapped up and he froze, unable to tell where the sudden voice came from. He could feel his breathing pick up, and he could even hear it in the silence that followed the voice, and was about to turn and bolt when he heard, also quiet but with a bit of a laugh under it, “I didn’t mean to scare you, I just didn’t want you to fall in.”
Matteo whipped his head around, trying to figure out what he was about to fall in, when it seemed like the fog seemed to thin. He looked around the room as details became clearer, the blueish-green tiles on the walls and the white, chipped paint, and he looked down at his feet and stumbled back a few steps; he was standing right at the edge of what seemed to be a huge, empty, swimming pool.
Well, almost empty. As the fog cleared, Matteo could make out a figure on the other side, who seemed to be sitting on the edge, their feet dangling into the empty space below. He watched the figure kick off the edge and land with a quiet sound a few feet below in the pool itself, and then they started coming closer.
Matteo felt himself get nervous. Not scared, like he had been initially getting to the building, and wandering around in the dark, and when he had first come into the room and seen the fog. He was nervous, because there was no way that this person wasn’t the gym leader, which meant that he was about to battle a gym leader. 
“Are you going to come down here?” The voice asked again, definitely coming from the approaching gym leader. 
Matteo took a breath before looking around and spotting a ladder that led down into the pool. He made his way over on shaky legs and got himself down as carefully as he could, landing hard on his feet and stumbling a little. He righted himself just as he heard the gym leader stop, and he took another deep breath before looking up.
And he huffed out that breath, because the man standing in front of him had to be a dream, or maybe there was a Pokémon there that had some kind of power that was making him hallucinate, because there was no other explanation for how he was so beautiful. And Matteo knew that he shouldn’t have been focusing on that, but he was only human, and he was very, very gay.
“You’re quiet,” the gym leader said, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling, “you are here to battle, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Matteo said quickly, grabbing a hand around one of the Pokéballs around his waist, “my first one.”
He wanted to slap a hand over his face for saying that. He didn’t think that was good information to tell the person that he was about to battle if he wanted to seem confident, not that that wasn’t already out the window with his obvious panic. He watched the gym leader smile bright, and he wished it didn’t make his stomach jolt the way it did.
“Aw, you chose me to be your first?” he asked, placing a hand over his heart, “I’m honored.”
Matteo smiled. He was funny at least, even if he was going to beat Matteo and his Pokémon within six rounds probably. 
“Mostly just out of convenience, this is the gym closest to me.” he explained, not really knowing how much he was supposed to be talking. He had no idea what he was doing, at all, but the gym leader didn’t seem to be rushing anything along.
“That makes sense, I’m not usually the first gym people come to. I don’t know why that is, though,” he stepped back and threw his arms out, “I try to make it nice, you know?”
Matteo snorted, “Yeah, that fence you have to hop to get in is really welcoming, and the board across the door really makes me feel at home.”
The gym leader laughed, and Matteo let himself laugh with him, losing a bit of the nerves he had coming in.
“Well, I’m glad you like it,” he said, and then grabbed a Pokéball seemingly out of thin air, threw it up and then as he caught it turned to Matteo and asked, “so, are you ready for your first battle? I’ll go easy on you.”
He said it was a slightly patronizing grin, so Matteo grabbed his own Pokéball in his hand, tilted his head with a sweet smile and said, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to.”
David looked happily surprised and nodded, and before Matteo could react he threw the Pokéball into the air, and a Mimikyu landed on the ground in front of him. Matteo looked at it in shock.
“You have a Mimikyu?” he asked, wanting to get closer to look. The Pokémon was looking at him, or at least the disguise part was, gently flopping around on top of the Pokémon it was concealing inside.
“Yeah, it was one of my first,” the gym leader said with a small smile, and then shook himself out of it and grinned cocikly, “which means it’s one of my strongest.”
Matteo nodded, and threw his own Pokéball into the air, Vulpix springing onto the ground in front of him. It looked ready, stanced and nose pointed at the Mimikyu in front of it. The battle started when the gym leader called out his first move.
And Matteo lost. Badly, and quickly, and if he wasn’t so worried about getting home so he could tend to his Pokémon he would've been more embarrassed. He dropped to his knees next to his Sandshrew as it trembled on the ground from the last attack laid on it by the gym leader’s second Pokémon.
“That was pretty good for a first try,” he heard echo through the room, and he looked up and pushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“It wasn’t good. I wasn’t meant to be a trainer, and these Pokémon weren’t meant to battle. I should just give up.” He sighed, and held the Pokéball out so the Sandshrew could return to it and rest. He got up and dusted himself off, and saw the gym leader standing much closer than he had been.
“It’s not that you weren’t good, you just weren’t ready. You have a connection to these guys. I can see it.” the gym leader said earnestly, reaching his hand out. 
“That doesn’t mean they should be battling,” he sighed, “they’re all from the sanctuary me and my mom have. I shouldn’t have made them do this.”
“You weren’t making them do anything,” the gym leader said quickly, “seriously, you can tell they’re enjoying it because they’re doing it with you. I’ve been a gym leader for a while, you should trust me on this. I know Pokémon.”
“Well, so do I,” Matteo said with an angry huff, making his mind up again, “and I’m done battling.”
He turned, ignoring the disappointed look on the face of the gym leader, and climbed up the ladder before hurrying home.
[Matteo really doesnt think hes gonna go back but the pokemon were having fun and he kinda wants to see david again so he starts training again, gets a bit stronger and goes back]
He found it easier the second time, and made his way through it easier the second time too, as if he actually remembered the way through the crazy maze inside. When he got to the top of the stairs and saw the boarded up door again he snorted, and took a deep breath before pushing his way into the room again.
He was greeted by the same thick fog, the same tiles around the walls, the same chipping paint, but he knew to not take too many steps in. He figured the gym leader knew he came in, as the fog started clearing again once he was in the room, and he saw the same figure seated in the same spot on the edge of the pool.
“Oh, the boy from the Pokémon sanctuary!” the gym leader called out as he jumped down onto the pool tiles, “I’ve been expecting you.”
Matteo laughed and said, “I didn’t think I was coming back, how could you have been expecting me?”
“I could see it in your eyes,” the gym leader took a few steps closer, “you want to win. Or you want to prove something. No matter what it is, you have a reason to be here.”
Matteo smiled before making his way down the ladder and into the pool. His feet hit the tiles and he turned around so he could the gym leader, who he was getting very tired of only referring to as ‘the gym leader’.
“What’s your name?” he asked quickly, before he could think better of it, “Like, I know your whole thing is being mysterious but I have a feeling I’m going to be coming back here again.”
“Oh, so we’re already on a first name basis?” the gym leader asked, spinning around and a few steps towards the wall he had been sitting on, and he leaned his back against it, smiling.
“I just figured it’ll save us time later. Easier to do it now than in a month when it’ll be awkward.” He shrugged, offering a half smile. He tried to play it off as a joke, but he wanted to know.
He watched the gym leader smile, and then bite his lip and look down at the floor. He tapped his foot on the ground a few times before kicking off the wall and saying, “Okay, then. I’m David.”
Matteo smiled, nodded, quietly responded, “I’m Matteo,” and took a Pokéball off of his belt. 
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scandeniall · 4 years
mirrors for friends //ch.5
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wc: 1741
pairing: TBD x reader
notes *this is the version of the song they cover 
chapter 5: We drive, We Film
The music is blaring when Atsumu pulls up. He's bobbing his head along to the guitar, hardly sparing you a glance as you slide into the passenger seat. Despite that, you offer a quick greeting as the car speeds off before you even finish putting your seatbelt on. You nod along to the familiar song as the two of you shoot through the street, 
“And I don't care if you're sick, I don't care if you're contagious,” you begin Atsumu chiming in matching your pitch.  
“I would kiss you even if you were dead” “Would somebody make me go blind for the rest of my life, cause I’d do anything to hold your hand.” 
You find your hand hanging out the window as you two sing along to the rest of the song. Once it ends, Atsumu lowers the volume, enough to have a conversation. “I see ya changed from a sweaty slob and are now looking better.” You roll your eyes at the bassist, and had he not been driving you probably would’ve resorted to slapping the back of his head. “Why do I willingly hang out with you. And, where are we going anyways?” You question, remembering your promise to Iwaizumi
 You ignore his comment about you clearly not having any other friends as you send a message to Iwaizumi confirming your location. You let out a little laugh at Iwaizumi’s complaint about the blonde always running his plans, before locking your phone. “Who ya texting?” Atsumu takes his first real look at you for the night as he slows at the red light. “Iwa, just telling him if I die tonight it's all your fault.Your driving fucking sucks” You follow up the sentence flicking off your friend who looks unbothered. 
“Speaking of our dear Iwa, you know something that me and Kuroo don't.” Your eyes widen just the tiniest bit as he grants you a knowing smirk. “But I’ll let that go for now. How's the tattoo healing?” Just like that Atsumu’s voice shifts into a more serious tone and you groan loudly. You instantly catch on to the real meaning of the question. How are you doing?  “Not you too”. 
“C’mon, I’m just checking on ya (Y/N). Making sure you’re ok. Took me a minute but then I remembered you showed me the picture a few months ago.” His gaze focuses back on the road giving you at least the relief from his stare down. “First Iwa, now you. And I know Kuroo is gonna pick my brain the second he gets the chance,” your words come out in a huff of annoyance. “What can we say, we care about ya. The band would flop without our front man.” His tease is enough to lighten the tension that began to grow as you rolled your eyes again. “Our combined hotness would drop by like 90% without me.” 
“More like 5%” He could only laugh as you promptly told him to go to hell, as you turned the music back up some. The rest of the drive was void of any conversation. The only noises coming from the radio and any time either of you would sing along to what was playing out. Atsumu would only shoot you annoyed looks, whenever you’d skip one of the songs he had to which you'd just shrug without a care.  
“Hey Samu.” You and Atsumu spoke at the same time as you slid into the booth. “What are you two sharing a single brain cell now?” Your look of disgust is enough to cause the gray haired twin to laugh. “The only thing I’d ever share with Atsumu is my foot up his ass.” 
“That’s a real cute way of saying you’re the dumb one of us.” The blonde catches the wrist of your arm that aims a punch at his shoulder easily. “Take you and your shitty dye job over there next to your brother,” you mutter pushing your bandmate out of the booth next to you. He obliges, moving so that him and Osamu are both sitting across from you. 
“Now Tsumu’s stupidity is gonna seep into my head.”
“Hello boys, and piss head,” you greet cheerily as you enter the unlocked door of Iwaizumi’s place. You shift the drink carrier in your hand as you remove your bag, lightly placing it on the floor. The owner only raises his eyebrows at you while your guitarist just laughs.”What’d he do now,” You make your rounds handing off the coffee drinks you’d bought for your bandmates. You stop by Iwaizumi first who accepts it with a grateful smile. Next is Kuroo, who raises the cup in thanks. “Every time I hang out with him, I wonder why I do. He sucks,” you speak before handing Atsumu his drink. “Osamu really is the better twin, not by much though.” 
“You claim to hate me, yet you bring me food. Thanks mom,” the bassist mocks. You mutter something about it being the only thing that gets him to shut up before shifting your attention towards Kuroo. “Hey, can you go get our instruments, couldn’t hold them cause of the drinks.” He only nods, you asking him to please lock your door after. 
“We’re filming that song today right?” You nod at Atsumu’s question. While he goes back to typing away on his phone you settle onto the couch next to Iwaizumi. He looks at you and you raise your eyebrows in excitement. He shoots you a small smile and a thumbs up, and you struggle to contain your excitement. You shoot him a knowing look that the two of you have to talk later as Kuroo enters carrying both your guitar cases. “Bring my drink down would you,” is the only thing he says before making his way towards the basement. The three of you wordlessly follow.  
“Why are we doing this song again,”
“Come on old man, it’ll be fun, plus our dear (Y/N) gets to show off that growl today. Doesn't happen very much,” Kuroo smirks at Iwaizumi, shooting you a quick look from where you are tuning your guitar. “Plus, the viewers wanted us to do Gaga.” 
“Oh, you're just happy ya get to be heard more with this song,” Atsumu chimes in before fiddling with his bass. “Maybe,” is Kuroos response as he sits on a stool to tune his own instrument. “Besides, Judas is a pretty badass song. And our arrangement is pretty sick.” Iwaizumi can’t help but agree with you, opting to get the video equipment set up. After he finished you all ran through the song a few times before you were ready to go.  
“Hey guys, we’re Mirrors For Friends,” the four of you said in unison. Before introducing yourselves as individuals. “So, you guys asked, and we answered. You all wanted us to do Lady Gaga so bad,” Kuroo started before pausing for his self-proclaimed dramatic effect. “So, Judas here we are.”
 “Judas- Gaga” You practically screamed out the last words of the songs, before bursting out into laughter. The entirety of the song both Kuroo and Atsumu were making ridiculous facial expressions at one another, and with you being in the middle of the two, you saw it all. That, paired with post singing adrenaline and the fact that you all were even singing it in the first place seemed absolutely comical You had been so caught in laughter that you didn’t even notice Iwaizumi come up from behind his drums to nudge at camera perched on the tripod in front of you. 
“Fuck- do you guys see what I have to go through with these guys. Iwa is the only normal one,” you joked out after your laughter died down. You ignored the said members exclamations about not being that bad. “Alright that's it for us today, we hope you enjoyed, and we’ll see you when we see you.” You stuck up a peace sign heading towards the camera and picking it up. “Say bye you idiots.  
You first pointed the camera at Kuroo who was the closest to you. “I feel like (Y/N) is catching my double chin at this angle. Stream our songs and we love you.” With that Kuroo just walked off the frame, and you turned towards Atsumu. “Say bye to the video fake blondie.” 
“I just want to say that I’m the hottest member of the band and-hey” Atsumu exclaimed as you just cut his segment short, before walking to Iwaizumi.  
“You know the drill Iwa. Your turn” This time you moved the camera up and down as if you were giving the audience a chance to check him out. “Now this is the real hottest member of this band,” you teased before aimling back towards his face. You stifled your laugh at Atsumu and Kuroo in the background yelling for him to take his shirt off. “I hate this band. See you all in the next video.” With your drummers closing you stopped the recording before letting out a sigh of relief.  
“Well that was exhausting,” you automatically made your way to the couch where you had your laptop resting. “I can probably get this edited and uploaded by tomorrow guys.” You felt the couch dip next to you and the voice of the band’s guitarist. “I can do it. I know it's been an interesting week for you,” he gestures towards your ribcage, where your new tattoo rests under your tshirt. The tone of his voice lets you know there’s no point in countering. When Iwaizumi gets into his band labeled ‘dad’ mode, you won't win. “You're acting as if I have a choice,” you huff handing him the camera’s memory card.  
“Shit- guys, I gotta go. I forgot the team got a last-minute practice match with another school,” Atsumu’s panicked voice cut through the room. “Were done here right?” He looked between the three of you sighing in relief as he quickly started putting up his instrument. “Hey, don’t forget next week we’re at Bauhaus.” He only nodded mindlessly, before making his way to the stairs, before stopping halfway. “That's the 3rd, right?” 
Kuroo’s thumbs out caused him to practically run up the stairs and out the door. Once the bassist leaves, he plopped himself next to you on the other side of the couch. “So lovely band members of mine, what secret are you two keeping from me and Tsumu.”
⤿taglist: @o51oc​ @suna-allie​
a/n: yall know that one tiktok audio from what bgc? wheres like awkwardly quiet then its like “hey guys”--- thats how I feel after coming back to this fic after a month. But yeah life and then more LIFE. So with that, sorry this chapter is kinda awkward writing bc i literally havent written for this in that month at all. Anyways, now that we’ve gotten our band dynamics established we are kicking off the real plot starting next chapter. I still don’t know which boy to do so pls help a loser out. I think I’m gonna take out the possibility of Iwa though ????
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western-writer · 5 years
The Most Loyal Traitor: Part 2
Fandom: Far Cry 5
Warnings: mentions of sex, suggestive speech, swearing, violence 
A/N y’all wanted a part two to this so here ya go! Hope it’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more. Find part one on my blog.
Summary: the Resistance wants you back.
Your eyes scan the paper again and again and again. The words written on it are there, but you can’t bring yourself to believe what it says. 
“C’mon, you don’t really believe this bullshit, do you?” Jacob barks beside you. “They don’t want you back, they’re embarrassed that their transgression came to light. Now they’re tryna make up for it!”
When you don’t respond, Jacob storms over and rips the paper from your hand. “You’re not actually thinkin’ about meetin’ them, are you?”
You snap out of your haze and snap your head up to look at him. “Are you afraid that they’ll steal me away?”
Jacob doesn’t respond as he crumples up the paper and throws it away. “You’re not goin’. Understand?” 
“I wanna know what they have to say, Jake.”
“No,” he shuts you down. “Absolutely not. This could be a trap. They could kill you and use you against me or the others. No way.” 
You take a step back. “I need to hear what they have to say, Jake. What if you came with me?” 
“The note says to come alone.” 
You laugh a bit. “When have I ever followed orders? Just come with me. I doubt Mary May will be alone.”
You walk over to him carefully and place your hands on his face. “Jake, they won’t steal me away, okay? I just wanna hear what lame ass excuse or story they come up with. That’s all.” 
Jacob leans down and kisses you with hunger. You smile a bit and pull back. “You needy, needy, man.”
He chuckles a bit, bending down to pick you up. “Only for you, baby.”
Arriving in Fall's End is a weird feeling for you. You hadn't been back to the town in a long time and you really had no desire to return, even when John offered to let you help him take the town back. You declined the offer and ultimately, they ended up bailing on the plan to take the town again.
"Stay here," you tell Jacob when he parks the car.
"What? Hell, no. You are not goin' inside that bar alone."
"Too bad," you tell him. "If you walk inside with me, who knows what will happen."
Jacob gives you a hard look and you lean over to kiss his cheek. "Can you please just trust me?"
"It's them I don't trust," he grumbles. "What if they decide to cut off more of your fingers?" He grabs the your left and holds it yo to show you, as if you havent seen your severed finger. Your eyes fixate on the still bandaged pinky and gently pull your hand away from him.
"I'll be okay," you reassure him, putting your hand on his shoulder.
Jacob looks away from you. You sigh and step put of the truck. Surprisingly, he does as your requested and stays in the truck. Before you go into the bar, though, you turn to talk to him through the open passenger window.
"Hey," you say, making Jacob look at you. "If any thing happens, and I mean anything, I'll yell, okay? Then you can come save the day." You give him a small smile and he rolls his eyes, but you see the smile he's trying to suppress. Without another word, you enter the bar you used to love so much.
The Spread Eagle used to be your escape. It's where you'd go after a particularly rough day and Mary May would serve you drinks for no charge. She'd let you sleep off your intoxication upstairs and would leave water and painkillers for you to take the next morning. You'd stumble down the stairs and Pastor Jermone would place a comforting hand on your shoulder and the process would begin again.
How you didn't realize it before baffles you.
Now, as you under the bar, all you can think about is the pain and sorrow. You look at the floor next to the door and still see the blood stain you clothing left when Mary May had shoved you down.
"You fucking let them die!" she screamed at you. Your body, still covered in the blood of your friends, hit the ground as she pushed you.
"No, I didn't!" you pleaded. "I tried to warn them! They didn't listen! Mary, please, you've gotta believe me!"
"Part of being a good leader is having control over your group. Obviously, I never should have trusted you."
Those words hurt you deeply. After all the good you've done, you're being criminalized.
"Get out," Mary May said. "Get out and never come back. If you ever set foot in this bar again, I'll kill you myself."
You clambered to your feet clumsily and leave quickly. You stood on the porch, unsure of what to do, so you did the only thing you could think of. You went the home of Nick and Kim Rye. You were sure they would help you, but Nick greeted you with a gun to your head and a threat to blow a hole through your skull. Mary May must have put the word out right after you left, and here was your friend turning his back on you.
You had a suspicion that you were screwed, and the following days only confirmed that. Even people you had know for years decided to side with the Resistance. Even Sharky, who you were sure would take you in, turned you away.
You look up as you close the door behind you. Many eyes land on you and suddenly you feel uncomfortable. Mary May, Pastor Jerome, Nick, Kim, Jess, and Eli stand in front of you.
Mary May makes her way from behind the bar. "I didn't think you'd actually show!" she says loudly. It looks as if she's going to hug you and you put your left hand up, stopping her. "Right, right... Too soon?"
"Are you kidding?" you growl at her. Mary May taked a few steps back and putting her hands up.
You stay close to the exit and cross your arms, sighing. "Why'd you call me here?"
"Ain't it obvious?" Nick says. "It's for an apology."
"And to say we want you back," Kim adds.
"The Resistance is crumbling," Eli tells you, stepping forward. "Ever since you joined..." he hesitates. "them... we've been strugglin' to keep our heads above water."
"Yeah?" you question condescendingly. "And who's fault is that?"
"Look," Eli says in a tone that reminds you of when you'd be reprimanded by one of your parents when you were younger. "I get that you feel an obligation to them now, but we need you."
"Oh, you need me!? And where the hell were you when I needed you!?"
Eli stays silent, unable to come up with am answer.
"I came to you. To all of you." You look around. "None of you would even give me food. I was nearly starving by the time I came to you, Eli. Remember that?"
Eli stays quiet.
"You sent me away. Just like the rest of you. And now you want me to just 'come back' like you guys didn't abandon me? Like you weren't fully prepared to leave me to die?"
The group tenses as you hear the door behind you open. You turn your head slightly.
"I told you to stay in the truck."
"Since when have I ever followed orders?" Jacob responds. "You were takin' too long." He puts an arm around your shoulder and you assume it's some sort of power move. You know Jacob is possessive, he's shown it around his soldiers many times, yet you can help but feel like this is different.
"Jake, c'mon," you shrug his arm off you.
"Get out of my bar," Mary May orders.
"Sure," Jacob says. "As soon as (Y/n)'s ready to leave."
Jess lets out a growl and steps forward, standing too close to you. "That all it takes?" she hisses. "Just some good dick and you'd abandon us? Let us die?" She sticks an accusatory finger in your chest and you grab her wrist with your left hand.
"Last I checked, it was you guys that abandoned me and left me to die," you hiss right back at her. "Did you forget that you assisted your precious deputy in cuttin' my finger off?"
Jess looks down and rips her wrist out of your grip. You glare at her briefly.
"Did you really expect me to come crawling back?" you question them. "Me comin' here wasn't me tellin' you that I wanna come back. Honestly, I don't give a shit what happens anymore. I'm over it. My place is with him," you point to Jacob. "and if any of you try to ruin that," you look right at Mary May. "I'll kill you myself." You eyes scan the crowd one more time. "I'm warnin' you. This will be a battle you won't win. You will join us, or you'll die. C'mon Jake, let's go."
"How are you so sure!?" Pastor Jerome calls after you. You stop mid stride and turn to face him. "Because I'm seeing how the Resistance is crumbling. It's only a matter of time until all of you are gone." With that, you follow Jake back to the truck and you two go home. Once home, he's all over you, seemingly relieved that they failed to convince to rejoin them, even know you barely left them a chance to convince you.
In the end, you were right. Eden's Gate continued to gain more and more followers and soon, you saw some familiar faces at the sermons. The ones that realized they would lose ultimately joined Eden's Gate and those that refused met an untimely death.
Nick and Kim were the first to join out of all of your previous friends, joining not long after Rook gave up on the Resistance and joined as well. After John stole Nick's plane back and tore it apart, they knew this was the only way. They had not only themselves to look after, but also their unborn daughter. Over time, you gradually became close to them again and you became one of Carmina's godmothers.
Next to join was Hurk and Sharky. With their last chance having switched sides, they knew this would be a losing battle and hey, maybe they'd be able to regain your friendship. Like with Nick and Kim, you were able to rebuild the relationship with them as well.
Jess joined only because she realized she was no longer a help to the Resistance. They were losing at pace faster than she could fight. The two of you, once close, haven't quite reached that level of friendship again.
And, unfortunately, not everyone was willing to comply with Eden's Gate and were killed. Mary May and Pastor Jerome were killed when Eden's Gate reconquered Fall's End and Jacob eventually wiped out those still apart of the Whitetail Militia. This ended the lives of Eli, Tammy, Wheaty, and more. Adelaide died trying to protect her marina. Without the help of the Deputy, she never stood a chance.
Tracey tried to resist, but Faith managed to convince her join them and the sheriff soon followed. Vergil didn't survive and neither did Burke.
Staci Pratt was quick to officially join, especially after realizing that there was no winning this war. And as much as Hudson hated it, she joined too, if only to be there for her coworkers.
You and Jacob's relationship is stronger than ever and his siblings accept you as their own.
The Project at Eden's Gate has taken over the entire county and the Resistance has been completely eradicated.
You wish more people joined, but ultimately, the choice was theirs and you are completely content with you life now. For the first time, you feel as if you have a real family.
101 notes · View notes
halohamilton · 5 years
Ummm 21 & 63 😂
Two sjsjsjska okay. Thank you 😊⭐
21. When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
It was 7:38pm on the dot when Louis walked in.
Late nights weren't uncommon at restaurant. He was just thankful that tonight he could spend with his husband, having dinner together and cuddling with him afterwards. It was something that had become rare ever since he had started working at The Daily.
There was a beaming smile on Louis' face when he shrugged off his coat and greeted into their small flat, "Honey, I'm home!"
Harry's head peeked out from their room door, his dimples popping adorably. "Hey, babe," he greeted back, voice much softer.
Louis walked towards him, "I hope you havent eaten yet, wanna make us something special for dinner. "
"I haven't, but don't cook anything yet--- come here, please," there was a slight desperation in his voice. Louis was intrigued.
His head disappeared back into their room before Louis could even look at his face properly.
A colourful smirk decorated his face as he walked into their room, his steps slow and hopefully seductive. Maybe Harry finally wanted to try that thing that they've always talked about but nev---
"Great, now you can do the bathrooms like I've asked you to this whole weekend," he smiled sweetly, a bite to his words as he handed Louis the bucket from his hands and a sponge.
Louis blanched, blinking twice. A touch of annoyance hitting him when Harry just walked passed him and to the door.
"I thought--- wait, what?" Louis stammered, still reeling from the shock of it. So, it wasn't anything sexy or any sort of surprise for Louis, he didn't even get a kiss for a greeting for God's sake, just a bucket and a dirty, old sponge.
Harry sighed, turning around to face Louis properly, "look, I know you've just finished work but I've asked you to clean the bathrooms the whole weekend and you haven't done it--- you might as well just do it now."
"I..." he stared down at the bright red bucket and the yellow rubber gloves hanging off of the side of it, "hang on, are you serious, right now?"
Harry had an odd sense of humour. This had to be one of those times where Louis had to look a little further to get the joke.
"Yeah," he frowned, "come on, chop-chop," he leaned forward slightly to place a kiss on Louis' cheek.
Well, at least he'd gotten a kiss, albeit not the kind he was hoping for.
He glanced at their brightly lit bathroom with a wrinkled nose, then at Harry again, who was just by the door.
"Hang on a second, when was the last time you cleaned the bathroom?"
Harry's shoulders sagged before he turned around again this time, his expression tired, "what?"
"From the time we've moved here, I've always been the one to clean our bathrooms but when was the last time you cleaned it?"
Really, he was just spewing out shit because he didn't want to fucking clean a bathroom after hours of work and was hoping to spend time with his husband but his lovely husband wanted him to clean the bloody toilets.
"We both have our duties, you know this, Lou," Harry explained flatly, looking unimpressed, "come on, stop mucking about."
"Mucking ab---" he cut himself off with a groan, banging the bucket onto the wood when he placed it on their dresser along with the sponge, "Harry, love, I'm sorry I didn't clean the damn bathrooms, but god, I've been waiting the whole day to come home and spend time with you and I come home to you asking me to clean up--- not even a hello kiss--- come on, love."
Harry looked down sheepishly, his cheeks pink, "Oh," he said quietly, "I'm sorry, it's just... I end up doing most of the housework and it gets to me a little bit when you don't do the little I leave to you."
Louis walked up to him, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist to pull him closer, "I'm sorry I didn't do my share of chores, I am, but can I please spend some time with my lovely husband tonight?"
Harry's eyes softened, arms resting around Louis' neck, "how about we get some takeout, watch a shitty rom-com and tomorrow, since you're finishing early again, we can clean the bathrooms together?"
Louis sighed, pretending to ponder over his words before nodding, "anything to see you actually doing the bathroom for once," he replied with, "now can I get my hello kiss, please?" He added when he saw Harry beginning to protest.
"You're ridiculous," Harry huffed before placing a sweet kiss on his lips, "and you need to do the dishes tomorrow too, okay?"
"Fine," Louis sighed again, holding him closer, "I'm beginning to think talk about cleaning the house turns you on a bit."
Harry let out a small giggle, "would you be surprised if it did?"
63. Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
The parlour was fairly quiet for a Friday evening but Harry wasn't complaining. He got a bit of time to get some new designs in and eat his turkey sandwich in peace--- minus Niall's insistent chattering, that is.
But he has worked here for years now, so he was used Niall and learnt to tune him out when he had to.
Poor lad, he was amazing, he was, but he had a habit of talking too much sometimes and Harry was someone who enjoyed the silence now and then--- he needed it.
On his last bite of his sandwich, the bell of the door chimed, signalling a new customer. Niall got off his chair instantly and headed to the front desk.
Harry sighed, chewing the last piece of his sandwich and throwing the foil into the nearby trashcan before dusting his hands and preparing his equipment.
"Guy here wants to do a bird on his arm," Niall informed him.
"Right, you can send him in, everything is ready. Does he have a design of his own?"
"Yeah, actually, he does," Niall said, sounding a little surprised, "I'll send him in."
Harry pulled on his gloves when a man walked in, jeans tight and black, tacky band t-shirt on and hair messed into a fringe on his head.
"Hello," he greeted Harry with a friendly smile. He had stubble. Good to know.
"Hi, take a seat," Harry gestured at the chair opposite him. The handsome man sat back on the seat, a smile still on his face.
"How are you?"
Harry blinked, "uh, I'm fine thanks and you?"
"I'm good, can't complain," he rested his already tattooed arm on the armrest, "I have a design ready for you if that's okay."
"Uh, yeah, let me have a look,"
The man reached into the back pocket of his jeans, lifting up from the chair slightly and pulled out a folded paper, handing it to Harry.
Harry unfolded It, looking at the bird he wanted tattooed. Harry could design one much better looking than this one but it was not up to him what gets tattooed onto this beautiful man's skin.
"Okay, I can do this--- where do you want it?"
"Right here," he pointed at the outer edge of his arm.
"Okay," Harry smiled before getting to work.
His client chatted to him while he prepped and then broke the skin and Harry didn't mind that, he knew some people did that to distract themselves from the pain.
What he did mind, however, was when they wriggled.
Harry huffed, "can you stay still, please?" He asked politely(as possible).
"Sorry," he mumbled.
And he was still... for a total of two minutes before he started to wriggle again.
"You have to stay still or else the tattoo will be ruined," he explained, trying to keep the grit out of his voice.
The stranger exhaled, apologising again, only to start being restless all over again mere minutes later.
"Sit still for the love of all that is Holy, Oh my fucking god," Harry snapped, pulling his arm away from his clients skin and looking up at him.
"My name is Louis," the man said, taking Harry by surprise, "what's your name?"
And--- okay.
"Your name, what is it?"
"Why can't you sit still?" Harry countered, still annoyed.
"Because you sort of look cute when you're annoyed," he shrugged, as if it was the most natural thing to say or do, "what's your name?"
Calling Harry cute while he was annoyed would have gotten him even more annoyed but for some reason, he didn't snap back at Louis, he just answered with his name.
"Okay, Harry, I'll make you a deal; I'll sit still if you go out on a date with me,"
Harry inhaled sharply. "What?" He asked once again because who the fuck was this stranger and what the fuck did he think he was doing?
"You're cute and it's distracting," he said, tone soft and genuine, "but I'll try my best to sit still, be a good boy and all that, if you go out on a date with me."
"You're serious..."
"Deadly," Louis said, "and I really don't wanna mess up this tattoo but I really do want to take you out on a date."
"I could have a boyfriend already, you know?" Harry replied with.
"Do you?"
Harry didnt reply.
"Come on, please? Just one date and I'll sit still; it's a win-win situation here," he smirked, eyes twinkling with mirth.
Harry huffed out a laugh, "oh my god this is so fucking weird," he muttered, more to himself, but Louis seemed to have heard him.
"I'm a very weird guy," he answered, "so what do you say, one date?"
"You promise to sit still so I can finish your tattoo up?" Harry asked, chewing on his bottom lip afterwards.
"Pinky promise," he held out his pinky.
Harry rolled his eyes, pushing his hand down and moving closer to Louis. "If you move again I'll say no," he warned, not knowing how true that was.
Still, Louis smirked. "Done,"
The bugger did wriggle a bit more throughout the rest of the tattoo but it wasn't half as bad as the first few times and Harry didn't have the heart to call him out on it nor did he want to, if he was being honest.
"Can't wait for our date," Louis grinned widely as Harry wrapped up his finished tattoo, "when and where do I pick you up?"
Was he about to give a stranger his address?
"How about you give me your number and i give you mine, and then you can text me where you want to meet me and I'll meet you there?" He offered with a cute smile, hoping it would work.
Louis agreed easily, walking out the parlour with a beaming smile on his face and phone in his hand, eyes glued on Harry's contact details.
It wasn't even five minutes later that he called.
"Yes?" Harry answered with a sigh.
"Just had to check if it was real," Louis said, voice light and airy.
"I have yours too, you know?"
"I know," he laughed, "see you tomorrow, Harry."
And then he hung up. Harry stared at his phone, biting back a grin. At the corner of his eye, he caught Niall's smug smile.
"Shush," he warned, pushing his phone aside. When he turned away from Niall, he finally smiled fully.
So, he had a date with Louis tomorrow.
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a language that i never knew existed before - Day 12
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For @dawninthemtn, who asked for a modern AU in which “Ben Solo keeps trying to cancel his Book-A-Month subscription service, but just can't seem to say no to the friendly customer service agent”.
This was so much fun to write, especially since it allowed me to sneak some epistolary storytelling into this collection. Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy the ficlet!
Reylo fam! ‘Tis the season for giving, so come get your very own holiday ficlet right here!
25 Days of Reylo Also available on AO3
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Cancellation/refund
My friend used my credit card to sign me up for a one-year YA subscription as a prank. I didn’t realize until the first box arrived today. I’d like to cancel the subscription and just pay for the box I’ve already received, if that’s okay.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Cancellation/refund
Hi, Ben! I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with our service.
Our refund policy allows you to change your mind anytime and get a full refund for boxes not yet received. But might I suggest changing boxes instead? At $29.99 per month for a box of three books with a combined retail value of up to $59.99, we’re the most affordable book service in the country! If YA isn’t your thing, we offer eleven other standard boxes, along with an option for customization.
If you’d like to give us a second chance, please take this quick quiz to determine the best box for you. The results will automatically be emailed to me upon completion, and I’d be happy to guide you through the selection process.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: First box!
Hi, Ben!
Your first sci-fi/fantasy box just shipped out today, and should reach you within three working days. I hope you enjoy the selection, and thank you again for choosing to stick with us!
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: First box!
Hi, Rey.
Three working days, just like you said. Everything looks okay, thanks for your help.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
I’m glad to hear the box arrived on time! If you don’t mind, please keep me informed on how you like the selection. I’ve got a few other suggestions for you based on your quiz results, and I’d be happy to switch your subscription if you’re not absolutely pleased with the sci-fi/fantasy box.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hey, Rey.
I think that might be for the best. Sci-fi just isn’t what it used to be. Or maybe I’ve changed; it’s been a while since I last read anything in that genre.
Of course, if that’s too much trouble you can always just go ahead and process my refund. I’d hate to take up more of your time.
Regards, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: First box!
Hi, Ben!
It’s no trouble at all! I first joined Resistance back when it was an actual store, and I’ve always loved matching readers up with the right book. As long as you’re okay with it, I’d like to keep going until we find you the right match.
My next suggestion for you based on your quiz results is one of our non-fiction boxes, the history/anthropology combo. Please let me know by the 23rd of this month if you’re interested in that so that I can arrange for the switch and shipping.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New box
Hi, Rey. The box just arrived today, and the selection is perfect.
So perfect that I already pre-ordered all three of them earlier this year.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this service and I just aren’t meant to be, as great as it is. I really do appreciate all of your help, especially you taking the time to discuss books with me off the clock, but it’s probably time to call it.
Unless you’ve got a third suggestion?
Sincerely, Ben.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: New box
What can I say? I’m good at my job – too good, in this case.
I’ve got at least three more suggestions for you, if you’d like to keep going. And your box should have come with a return ticket, if you’d like to send it back; I don’t see the point in you keeping the duplicates, unless you have a friend with the same unique taste in books? I’d be happy to process the return and credit it to your account. Same goes for your first two boxes; I’m sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.
I’ve actually really missed talking about books with someone, so really, thank you for humoring me. If you ever feel like debating the SWEU again, feel free to reach me at 555-3494. I like that things can get heated when we talk about those books, but it’s probably for the best if I don’t argue with a customer on my work email.
Best regards, Rey Niima, Customer service representative, Resistance Books.
Rey: So technically we’re not supposed to tell anyone about this yet But Wait You still collect comics, right?
Ben: You make me sound like a teenage boy. I collect graphic novels, yes. Why?
Rey: You say potayto, I say potahto ANYWAY I know you’re not 100% happy with the customized box
Ben: They’re your picks for me, of course I’m happy with them.
Rey: Ben
Ben: I am! I’m just not happy with the fact that I barely get any time to read. And when I do get an hour to myself, my brain is too tired for anything intellectual.
Rey: You cutthroat lawyers and your ridiculous endless work Back to my point
Ben: You have one?
Rey: Very funny, Solo Okay so next month we’re announcing a special new box Limited time only And we’re only opening it up to 200 subscribers
Ben: Sounds like a big deal. What do we get, hand-bound manuscripts?
Rey: Even better Two trades and a hardcover, no extra charge
Ben: You’re kidding me.
Rey: Nope Completely serious You in?
Ben: Hey, Rey? No offence but that’s the stupidest question you’ve ever asked me.
Rey: Whatever, nerd I’ll sign you up
Ben: You’re my favorite person right now, thank you.
Rey: Careful, Solo Keep saying nice shit and I might actually start to like you
Ben: And we wouldn’t want that, of course.
Rey: Of course
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Congratulations!
Hi there, Ben!
Your assigned customer service representative recently entered you for a chance to win one of our 200 limited-time-only comic box subscriptions.
We’re very pleased to let you know that you made the cut! As of next month, you’ll start receiving two trade paperbacks and a hardcover volume each month for the remaining duration of your subscription. We also noticed that you have seven months left with us, and as a sign of our appreciation we’d like to offer you the chance to add on another five months at the standard rate of $29.99 per month in order to receive a full year’s worth of comic boxes. If you’re interested, please contact your assigned customer service representative by the 31st of this month.
Congratulations again, and we hope you enjoy your boxes!
Best regards, Paige Tico, Head of customer service, Resistance Books.
Rey: Did you get the email???
Ben: Just read it. Can’t wait for the first box. Thanks, Rey. By the way, sign me up for the extension thing.
Rey: Can you believe how far we’ve come? It feels like just yesterday that you were trying to cancel your subscription at every turn
Ben: For what it’s worth, I’m glad I didn’t. So fucking glad. I wouldn’t have gotten to know you otherwise.
Rey: Stop, you’ll make me cry Ben? I’m happy we’re friends too
Rey: Is it there yet?
Ben: Rey. It’s been two hours. I haven’t even left the office yet.
Rey: Okay, NOW is it there yet?
Ben: Still at work. You’re the one who shipped it, can’t you track the package or something?
Rey: I could But I think I prefer it this way
Ben: Of course you do. You’re lucky I have no other friends.
Rey: As if you’d stop talking to me even if you had a hundred other friends I’m your favorite
Ben: Says who? Maybe Poe’s my favorite. I’ve known him since childhood, after all.
Rey: Poe is a prankster and you fucking hate him
Ben: I wouldn’t say hate.
Rey: Ben He stole your credit card and signed you up for a year’s worth of YA books
Ben: And if he hadn’t done that, you and I would never have met.
Rey: We haven’t Met, I mean Shit I don’t even know what you look like BRB, I’m gonna go stalk you on social
Ben: Honestly, I just assumed you already did.
Rey: Wow, I’m offended HOLY HELL, BEN
Ben: So you’ve found me. If this is about the ears no, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on there either. No one in my family does.
Rey: What ears? Your ears are FINE, silly I was talking about your hair Christ, do you shampoo with unicorn blood or something???
Ben: That would be very soulless lawyer of me, wouldn’t it?
Rey: Shut up, you’re not soulless Funless, maybe, but I’d like to think I’m helping with that
Ben: You are. In the interest of fairness, I’m going to stalk you too.
Rey: Not much to see, but go right ahead Ben? Wow did I scare you off already? And here I thought that was a decent picture
Ben: Shit, sorry. Got pulled into a meeting. It’s a great picture.
Rey: You don’t have to say that
Ben: Well, it is and I mean it. And… I hope this isn’t creepy but I love your smile.
Rey: Not creepy at all By the way I like your eyes
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Come celebrate the holidays with us!
Hi, Ben!
Did you know that before Resistance Books went online and became the #1 book delivery service in the country, we were a tiny little indie store known as Gatalenta?
This holiday season, we’re returning to our roots – and we’d love for you to join us! Resistance Books will be participating in the annual Coruscant Christmas Market with our very own pop-up store from the 15th of December onwards!
This is a great time for you to come on by and check out the full range of our diverse offerings. And if something catches your eye, you’ll be able to bring it home with you for the same incredibly reasonable rate you know and love – pick any three books from our store for just $29.99!
We hope to see you there!
Warmest wishes, Amilyn Holdo, Founder and president, Resistance Books.
Rey: Hey, did you get the email about the pop-up store?
Ben: Yeah, I was just about to text you. I just realized your boss is a friend of my mom’s. Anyway, this is probably extremely unlikely but Will you be there?
Rey: Seriously?? That’s so weird And yes, actually I’ll be helping out 21st-25th, 11AM-8PM
Ben: You’re working on Christmas?
Rey: You know me Not like I’ve got anything else to do
Ben: Okay, feel free to say no but… What if I go on Christmas? We’d get to discuss books in person And maybe after your shift we could hang out? I haven’t been to the CCM in years, but Maz’s Cantina used to make the best hot chocolates.
Rey: Books, hot chocolate, and finally getting to meet my mysterious Internet stranger? Ben Solo, you’ve got yourself a date
Ben: Great! I mean Cool. I can’t wait. See you then.
Rey: See you!
Ben: Hey, so I just woke up and you’re not here Which is fine, it’s your choice to make And last night can be whatever you want it to be But… Rey, I know what I want it to be I know we moved fast, but yesterday meant a lot to me You mean a lot to me I just… I just want to make sure you know that before you make a decision And the decision’s yours to make, completely I’ll go along with whatever you want As long as we’re at least still friends Because I don’t think I could bear to lose you entirely, Rey Fuck, I don’t think I could bear to lose you at all Shit, sorry, that’s too much I’ll stop now Just… text me back, please?
Rey: Babe I’m in the kitchen Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold And Ben? You mean a lot to me too ❤
This is a little over two thousand words and stopped being about tsundoko about halfway through (if it even was in the first place), but it was such a fun idea to play with and I hope the format doesn’t get in the way of the story. I thought emails and texts would help me keep things short, but obviously that didn’t pan out.
Anyway, thanks for reading as always and I hope you liked it. Please don’t hesitate to like/reblog/comment!
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 2: “iF yOu SeE a VoLcAnO wHy NoT jUmP oVeR iT” - Marie
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Fuckin volcano
I feel secure because Charlie is going to be the one to go. I just know it. If we go to tribal that is. They have barely spoken and I don't know them too well. Might be the same for everyone else here
Still salty bout the goddamn volcano
iF yOu SeE a VoLcAnO wHy NoT jUmP oVeR iT
I am really enjoying the banter with Jay and our tribe. Having a great time with this immunity challenge and chatting with Joey and Felix. Wish the other tribe mates were as active.
Ya know coming into this competition i didn’t expect it to be me and Bradley as the last two people representing our team. I guess he’s gonna be more active now since his busy week is over so that’s swell but like. God I really wanna sleep.
To sum up, I feel like I am getting a deeper bond with Flint and Joey. They seem to be willing to talk with me most often. So, even if we do go to tribal I am safe for the most part. I just feel like I am liked in the tribe. Also, I am the one putting in the most work for the tribe, so I have that going for me. I just feel safe because of the work I have put in, but I don't want to give up just yet. If I can avoid tribal, then I will. According to both Joey and Flint, Suzy and Charlie have been very inactive. Therefore, it will be them on the chopping block come time for tribal. Joey thinks Charlie is more inactive whereas Flint thinks Suzy is more inactive. It'll just come down to what Cassie and I feel in the end. Doesn't hurt us either way since I think they are the weakest links on our tribe, especially Charlie. I don't think she put in enough effort last immunity challenge. Plus, she was totally inactive for this challenge that she auto-lost. Cassie missed this challenge too, but she at least did really well last challenge. If we go to tribal, I think I would vote for Charlie in the end since they are the person I feel least closest to. If only Bradley dropped, I could win this challenge for my tribe and cement my place as a valuable asset.
I am SO SORRY GIGI! I thought you were a returnee so I decided to snap! The comment looked pretty mean compared to the others,  which it was. The tribe, Marie and Kathleen, was wondering who said the mean comment and they believed it was David. I said yeah I think it was him as well. I love accidently painting a target in him and being a rat child.
Ok so I completely missed the challenge! I had no idea it was going to start early and I was at ine of ny sibling's events. I'm rooting for my team and hoping that my absence doesn't paint a target on my back. Also! I am loving being Lysandre! The writer in me is having a field day because I get to create a character and their background, quirks, and personality BUT THEN I GET TO BECOME THEM.
I couldn't outlast that second Immunity challenge. It was fun but my body couldn't carry on. I hope that Felix can pull through for Tuai! If we have to go to tribal I think it will be an easy vote, for me at least. I think that Cassie or Suzy should go. Cassie hasn't shown much initiative as our leader and Suzy isn't very social.
This challenge is taking forever. Im the last one for my tribe. I dont want to lose cuz itll suck and havent been on that much so my soical game isnt too strong either. I just want to beat one tribe.
I'm so proud of Felix for sticking it out for the tribe so that we don't have to go to tribal tonight. Plus we still have the numbers advantage, so that is always a positive.
So relieved we won immunity again! The Tuai tribe is unstoppable so look out! I'm a little jealous that Felix won an advantage but he deserves it and maybe with some buttering up he'll share the information with me.
Can you believe I have done THAT! I single-handedly won this challenge for my tribe, and got an advantage on top of that. I know why Raul and Kathleen gave it to me, though. If I won and people knew I had an advantage, I would have a big target on my back. It does seem that Kathleen and Raul are working together, so I have to watch out for them. Whether I tell this to anyone on my tribe is a different matter entirely. Though they all know I have an advantage. I think I won't be seen as a threat until later on in the game. I'm still an asset to them though this early on so I hope I would stay if we had to go to tribal in this stage of the game.
I really did not think I was gonna be able to compete but I got back into it was in the last 2 of our tribe. When it came down to 4 of us 2vs1vs1 we knew we needed to just knock out Bradley and he did that to himself. The best thing to come out was that Kathleen and I grew together plus I'm pretty sure I know the identity of Kathleen which helps cause I love this person. Also there was a individual advantage to be won and Felix had 0 while Kathleen and I had 2. Kathleen and I had decided that Felix could have it but try to work a little magic and make a relationship with him and a deal to work together if the opportunity arose. My smart self realized that that if we just gave it to him it would be announced we made a deal, so I said we continue the comp and just throw it that way it wouldn't be revealed what we were actually doing. This way it keeps this threesome possibility a secret. Whether it remains one or not we shall see. At the very least we aren't going to tribal. Hoorah, 1 point Raul the Snake 0 points survivor gods . . .
"Ohhhh bitch this ones gonna be different from my last one.
David? Trash. Will 100% be the one to go next tribal we go to if I have anything to say about it.
Marie? The sweetest and most opinionated 13 year old I’ve ever met. We love a politically aware teen.
Lysandre? *insert that lady Gaga gif of her going ‘gorgeous, amazing incredible’ ect*
And Raul? I’m sooo glad we were the last two left in the immunity challenge. We bonded AND made an underhanded deal with someone from another tribe. Can you say icons?
Hotel? Trivago."
I could still potentially be going home. Since someone brought up the fact that they all talked how they havent talked to me a lot. They do appreciate me doing really well in the challenge and i have Apollo and Brianna wanting to work with me each separately. So hopefully i can avoid being voted off this round and just work on more social connections with them all.
love felix but lowkey what if they are doing this for everyone
"Hello im STRESSED. I went from feeling like im in a comfortable position on the tribe, to the absolute bottom just in one day. Being forced to sit out of the challenge really fucked me up. I feel like the tribe is low-key bitter at me.
And on top of that. We have less than 12 hours to vote someone out. And NO ONE is really talking game to me. Im so nervous. The only person I connect with on a game level is Apollo. I have no idea where the tribe is leaning, but I have a sinking feeling its me.
God I hope im wrong and just insanely paranoid. "
"IN HAPPIER NEWS. I finally got something GOOD in the idol hunt? And it could be game changing!!!
I found 1 half of a super idol. It can't help me tonight but its leverage, and a super idol is the most powerful thing in the game, it could literally save my life in the future of the game. All i have to do is survive tonight, if I have to use the super idol piece as leverage, I will. "
I think the advantage is less about doing someone on the other tribe a favor. I'm telling everyone about it because, if I do that, it garners trust because they know I'll be open with them about any advantages I have. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to tell the truth to gain trust. The extra vote could also get me an ally on the other side. Let's see if this plays out like I hope it does.
Everyone is nice which makes it hard to decide who to vote off. Performance in the next challenge will base my vote and probably others.
I think my plan is working. Cassie offered me an alliance with her and Flint. I think those two are really cool so I think working with them is in my best interest. Also, I have connections with Mea through Raul and Kathleen. Hopefully, since I'm giving an extra vote to Bradley, I can gain a connection with him despite not having met him. I hope this plays out well! My social game seems to be climbing!
I have made my first alliance in this game! It's the Tuai Quad Alliance, LLC featuring Cassie, Joey, Flint, and I. It's basically everyone I wanted to work with since the beginning of the game! I think I have found myself in a good position on this tribe. To be honest, I'd like to see Charlie go first, but we'll see how this all pans out. I'm glad I finally have a security blanket though. Hurray for a good social game!
I love being a part of the Tuai tribe and was happy to become the leader. Despite liking all of my tribemates, I've become part of an alliance. We're calling it the TQA, LLC. Maybe someday that can be trademarked, hehe. But the Tuai Quad power is strong with Felix, Flint, Joey, and myself.
Well. We lost the challenge. I made a pact with Bradley that we should stick together since we were the last two people left in the challenge. I also talked to Apollo and Boris. I seem to be close to them. Boris mentioned making an alliance with me, him, Bradley, and Apollo and I would be totes down for that. So. Guess this will be pretty simple hopefully
I just cast my first vote and it was wild. I didn't know what to expect going in to tribal. I hope no one blindsides me because I am really getting invested in this game. I think while my performance in the last challange wasn't the greatest, I can still be a strong social player. Not sure if I'm feeling like Parvati or Hannah Shapiro. I need another few weeks to find out what kind of player I am going to be.
I feel so bad for missing the challenge but once again not much new is happening.
"I have been putting in WERK todah to make sure I'm in the best possible position going into tonight.
I first was talking to Brianna, and she mentioned the only people she didnt wanna vote was me, Apollo, and Bradley. So, naturally, when presented with a majority of the tribe, I suggest an alliance! Ofc she agrees hehe, so now thats in the works.
On my tribe, the most likable people and those I get along with/vibe the most with is Apollo and Zest. I approach them both and plant that seed, another alliance of just us three forms. Im SO excited to be working with them, we bounce off each other really well and I truly think we can go to the end together.
So yeah, even tho I was worried this morning I think I placed myself in a near perfect position. I really don't think theres any way I leave tonight. "
unfortunately, i wasn’t the best in the challenge but at least i showed up! i was invited in by cassie to an alliance with her felix and flint, but it was obvious i was the last one asked. i plan on being loyal, but i need to let cassie play leader while i get closer with felix. slow and steady.
Thomas M
Not much, Bradley did well on the challenge but unfortunately we are in the bottom. Have been preoccupied with a big assignment so have not gotten to fully experience things in the last round at least. Am nervous of who is going to get booted, excited to see what's to come!
Wow, idol hunt hates me
We lost, I feel like I’m getting played though, if this is the last you’ve seen of Apollo, it’s been a great run!
I’m really laughing over Thomas’ first message to me after we lost 30 minutes before tribal....like...it’s a little too late sorry bud
It looks like the vote should be Thomas which Im fine with. And theres an alliance of Borris, Apollo, and Brianna who want to make a four person with me which makes me really happy. Started off rocky in this game but with challenge preformance actually helped me a lot.
Borris and Apollo? “Name a more iconic duo”
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survivorkalokairi · 6 years
Episode 1: “How do I bond with people” - Mitch
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Dylan C
It’s round one and I’ve already learnt a foreign word for pee, this seasons gonna be great
hello everyone and welcome to HOLY FUCK by cameron, your local certified sick kid
so first of all
which is all fine and dandy
which is also fine and dandy
blake is super sweet and i adore this newbie already!! he's like "im so overwhelmed im in two games"....... sweetie
so i message jay to idol hunt
"first in line"
i say "this is door 9 all over again!"
i wait about 15 minutes
go through the path, dee dee dee dee dee
"fountain or pay an offering to the statue" 
me, in my hellenic witchcraft practices, knowing the goddesses really like offerings, gonna offer aphrodite some food (sorry hera)
guess what aphrodite gives me?
an idol. she gives me an idol. i'm truly blessed. this is ridiculous. i got the idol the very first idol hunt of the season.
i'm shaking.
Dylan C
oh my god how to I play a game with my close friends sksjsh (i’ll make a Proper confessional later)
i've been doing duolingo for, like, an hour now and there are so many ways to say the. i've counted around 4. it's pretty fun though, and everyone on my tribe seems really cool and nice cx
Wow ok so my tribe is really cute and wholesome so far. I'm playing with JG, Timmy and Stephen which is cool bc i lowkey know them all but I've never played with them so thats fun! I cant really speak on the newbies since I havent really talked to any of them yet but I'm excited to get to know them! It's wild knowing cam and dylan are on the other tribe, I hope i get to play with them too! 
Cal is the best, i would love to work with Cal, JG, Timmy, and Zabbey. But i’m still gonna gove the other new guys a chance, still very early days to start making alliances. That being said I’m still very happy we have had a majority on a call, make some ties. *glares at atomic “all-stars”*
So uh...so far nothing. Unless I’m completely out of the loop. I really like my tribe mate Zabbey. She seems cool and we have the same sense of humor. I really hope to align with her, but we’ll see how it goes. I also really admire Maynor for volunteering to sit since he has to work today. So far I think our tribe vines well. No tea to spill yet, but I’m sure there’s more to come.
Many people werre talking about drag race and I've never seen it and I kinda knew this would happen to me at some point in mylife when I end up being the bad gay who hates Lady Gaga and hasn't seen drag race and we're here folks.  lol I guess I'll stay quiet and hopefully noone will find out 
Night one was, interesting to say the least. I was a little worried because I knew that I had to work during the first hour of the game and with new people I did not want to miss out on the bonding opportunities. Shockingly few were active among the noobies mostly Zach and Cal. The vets on my tribe, I actually know which is wild. Stephen and I have played together in the past, not together but there is for sure no bad feelings, that I know of. Abbey and Timmy I have never played with them but I know of them from the community. I have always wanted to play with them and excited for this opportunity. I know from a viewer this will come off as boring but I do feel that sticking with the vets is going to be smart at least in the early stages but mark my words, if I have any say, Abbey will be the last boot before merge. There is no way hell, I am letting her get any where near merge, I am not dumb no what she can do. Sorry Abbey, you're queen but the queen is not gonna stay queen. I really want to make a three tight alliance with Stephen and Timmy and ride with them but they could always tip off Abbey and use it to their advantage so I need to just chill and let things play out. I feel that if we are to go to tribal in the early stages, I can picture two noobs being easily targeted for inactivity. Oh, let's also talk about how I got freaking 20% disadvantage night one like I always do, and then turn around to get a 10% advantage the next day. I'm mess but I'm gonna keep eating these grapes because they're pretty good.
So I was really sure I was going to be in the first alliance of the season amongst the vets but nope that didn't happen. I am in a unprecedented alliance with Abbey, yeah the person I said I want to make sure gets out before merge and Zach. Our alliance is called Two Gays and a Bi-by ... iconic as fuck. With a smaller tribe starting size with 8, smaller alliances are key plus I feel that we can easily pull some side votes for numbers to honestly keep our alliance alive and active. This makes targeting Abbey really hard cause it could turn Zach against me. I will have to be very cautious, how I go about this. I also talked to Cal and was making sure I connected with him cause I know he was putting work in on Timmy and Stephen last night. That is something I will have to monitor. That can not be allowed to happen. I think working with Timmy would be fun and cool but it's looking like that if after a early not so active noob goes and we need to find another target, I think Timmy would be a fine first threat to knock out leaving Stephen and Cal up in the air.
Lots of stuff! I was late to the party at the intro but got to chat with Timmy, JG, and Stephen. I learned about their past in the community as well as talked about the many moods of trying to learn greek. One such mood is probably me always confusing the "pi" sign and the one shaped like the letter "p" leading to accidentally translating baby as fool. Ironically I really don't want to be seen as either while a baby or fool especially since I'm new. I've really enjoyed meeting my tribe mates but I'm afraid to see where the pleasant meet and greet ends and the game begins.
My thoughts on this tribe is that i like everyone and i dont want any of them to leave. Ive been trying to talk to everyone n try to be social player since im sitting out the first challenge.
welp. i still dont really know whats going on but... IM HAVING FUN. Ive talked with Dylan C a bunch and we have gotten to know each other pretty well. The greek challenge? a MESS. I havent been able to do a lot and the little i have done is not even worth mentioning. I hope the next challenge is a little easier for me but until then... YAY! 
Last night Brittany and I started talking and decides since we are newbies that we will work as a duo to keep each other safe since the game has newbies & returning players. As of right now she is my #1 but i am talking to others.
Second day has been very interesting. Ive been talking to Cal and J.G. pretty much all day seperately. And both want to align and J.G brought up maybe doing three person alliance and he said we should try n bring in Cal. In my head i was like yes. So now its an allince of me, Cal, and J.G. which is great. If its all 100% (my end it is) then this is going to be great.
Wow, I haven't made a confessional yet. WE WON IMMUNITY!!! I'm very relaxed now, but also I don't think I would have gone anyways so woot woot. I did the worst on my tribe so that's not too great (pretty sure the 810 from the post was my score), but I still did better than the entire other tribe so wooo. I'm so happy to finally be in a game with Abbey and I really want to work with her and we have been talking already about the nothingness that has come from our idol hunts so that's good. I still haven't talked to Zach or Brittany so I need to do that soon, Zach seems nice in the tribe chat but Brittany seems nonexistent at the moment even though she did well in the challenge. 
well i may have won a main season last night
but let me tell you
WE DID NOT WIN THAT MY DUDES LMAO. we were literally beat ten times over. i hope the f tribe feels good about how much they squished us. they... earned that. truly. 
but now jay says... there's an announcement? and this is what immediately ensues
On 7/21/18, at 9:29 PM, Jay 🐠 (Kalokairi Host) wrote:
> but first there will be an announcement
On 7/21/18, at 9:29 PM, Cameron Culpepper (Atomic Admin) wrote:
> oh no
On 7/21/18, at 9:31 PM, Dylan R. wrote:
> oh cool
and it was just announced! so there is redemption. this is nice! i'm less worried about work now. like obviously i'm gonna do my best? but... if i fuck up at least there's a CHANCE.
oh yeah and the idol. day 2 in the game, still haven't told anyone, so that's pretty cool! we'll see how long that lasts.
dylan c and i had a conversation about how if we don't work together neither of us will hold it against the other but like... im pretty sure we're gonna work together anyway. 
wouldn't it be cute to make f3 with dylan c and abbey? god that's the dream. but it won't happen.
The alliance is official between me, JG, and Cal. Are alliance name is MEW but greek that looks like mew. I like both and i hope they are ride or die as i am with this alliance. But just so we could have one more vote, im keeping my ally, Brittany, secret for now. 
Welcome to Greece! I consume goat cheese, so I'm something of a Greek expert myself you know. I'm very excited to meet all of my tribemates but now I'm probably going to talk about them individually since Idk what else to do
I haven't played a game in so long I have no fucking idea how to socialize oh my god. I feel like everything I type is awkward and sad. At least the first challenge was relatively easy since I never had to type anything and have free time up the wazoo . But fuck we got crushed lmao. I dunno what secret they used but I take comfort in knowing that they were probably worried about us doing the same thing. Maybe I probably won't get voted out for having a score of 600 but WE SHALL SEE
Alex - Where is he? He did the challenge but he hasn't said a word ever. I want to keep him but uh Blake - 15 exp huh. 15? :| I only got increments of 10 where did the 5 come from Cameron - Aaaa. I enjoy Cameron and hopefully he enjoys me Dylan C - Oh this distinguishing between Dylans will be fun. But hopefully this Dylan and I can... meet in the middle somewhere yes Dylan R - One of the 4 people who have spoken to me! This kid is GOING PLACES and I'm glad to help him along for the ride Maddie - She is camping and I completely understand. Matt - I mean sure Matt and I KNOW each other but do we really? It's not like we were buddy buddy in Navarino. Unless he thinks we were? If he does... uh oh
How do I bond with people
Maynard just brought together me and JG together to start an alliance all while the results of the immunity challenge was finished. I was nervous but not only did we win but we have an amazing three that is called ΜΞΨ(after the first letters of our names), which is called that thanks to me! I just thought it'd be fun to name it like a frat since we've been learning greek and also hopefully dominate! JG and Maynard are great guys and I'm excited to work with them as ΜΞΨ but I also am keeping in mind ΜΞ(me lol) in the game for when we do have to go to tribal! Mu Xi Psi out!
Dylan R
For the first tribal, I'm obviously worried. As for targets, I'm not sure there are any at this moment. I guess I'm voting based on tribal performances, but I would be open to other people's suggestions. I would consider myself closest to Matt, Dylan C and Mitch so those three are who I would want to vote with. 
I found half a “special idol” in the mangroves! While I am happy and I will still search for the other half I do have to decide if I want to tell anyone. In a previous season I told one person and they betrayed me (thanks tim) but in the end that led the person who had other half to reach out to me. However I can’t expect the same thing to happen this game, every games a new game. So I think I’m gonna keep it to myself, if somebody else tells me or is revealed to have the other half I might tell them, but for now I’m just gonna search for the other half and be content that no one can use the whole thing against me.
We won the first challenge!!!! I was expecting it to be a lot closer tbh. But I have an alliance of 3 that I’m fairly confident in! I wouldn’t say I completely trust them yet though. Both of them have played before and so it’s scary to think that they might just be playing me. I guess time will tell. I’m also curious to see what other alliances will show themselves when we finally start talking and going to trial. Also a little worried that I might be playing to hard out of the gate. We’ll see and I’ll probably get used to playing as time goes on.
My mom (Jay) has officially cancelled me y'all. My tribe freaking won by over 13 to almost 2k. Holy crap. Like did the vets on the other side never play this comp before? Like with maybe a little work and patience, you could get easily 1500XP without really grinding maybe more. I am honestly perfectly o.k. with these results I wanted us to win badly because of having to go to work tonight, I did not want to bother with the stress of that. Plus, the night before my work had an emergency so I am definitely not in a place ready to emotionally invest and make a move in the game. ΜΞΨ is an alliance that formed between Maynor, Cal, and myself. The alliance names from the first letter of our names in Greek to kinda make a frat/sor name. Maynor approached me wanting to make  a final 2 and go really far. I am down with this for now of course, this game is constantly changing and moving. He asked me if we wanted to make a threesome to help our odds and asked me for suggestions. I suggested Cal because I knew I wasn't in any other alliances with him yet and this will allow me to keep an eye on him making sure he doesn't get close to Timmy or Stephen. Before I went off for the night Stephen and I officially talked about how the vets probably should create an official thing because it wouldn't hurt for us to work at least together in the early stages of the game. We decided that it should be discussed and formed today. Once that happens your boy is literally in an alliance with everyone besides Brittany and she actually did really well in the challenge. This scares me that she is either close to others or just someone I am not gonna be able to connect with. I heard from others that people are forgetting she's here, at the least she is a competitor. Either this is gonna blow up in my face or gonna allow me to position myself really well going into merge. Mama mia, my tribe isn't going tribal but I feel I made some of the biggest moves. Time will tell, I guess 
SO A lot has happened since I last confessed!!!! I am now in a baby alliance with JG and Zach which is wholesome. Zach is super hype and its v endearing and im a stan. JG also said him and Stephen have talked about a vet alliance which would be the easier way to go but I don't really want to. I don't want to play this game based off of outside relationships, I'm not necessarily going to align with Cam and Dylan is we make it onto the same tribe. In more impotant news ya bITCH FOUND THE IDOL! My literal third search! Timmy told me that he was looking in the hotel rooms so I was gonna do that but then Jay said roof and I was like why not and my witch ass gave that offering and got me a sexy idol! I don't plan on telling anyone about it unless I absolutely have to! 
I'm realizing now that im probably going to be seen as invisible the whole time bthrfnm dont know if thats good or bad LOL. But I finally have an alliance and its with people that I actually enjoy talking too :) Me, Cameron and Dylan C formed a group called Bicons (Bi Icons LMAO) and they seem to be really loyal. I have no idea what im doing but i hope people find me funny and want to keep me hfuiejf. (I HAVE NO IDEA WHO IM GONNA VOTE OFF)
I came into this game after 2 nights had already gone by. I am really scared that I will be voted out tonight because I would be the easy since not very many people know me.  
Dylan R
The first tribal is the most important tribal, at least from a game perspective. That’s why I’m taking a gamble and trying to target after Blake. We need people who will win challenges, and after his score of 15 I’m not sure if he’s best suited. I need 4 votes to tie. I believe I’ll have Alex & Maddie, so right now I’m focusing on the fourth vote. Dylan C seems wary about this vote, so I’m trying to convince her now. I told her that “other people have mentioned Blake” when really it’s just me lol. I don’t wanna tell anyone else, simply because I don’t want people thinking I’m playing too hard, so I’m hoping the votes will tie or the votes will be spread. I’m taking a bit of a gamble because this could put a target on my back, but I do love gambles so I can’t resist. This will probably come back to bite me, but it is redemption island so I guess that’s always a fallback.
Missed a lot of discussion about past games because I was meeting up with someone impromptu. It's daunting but also exciting to face the experience of some of my tribe mates. It's the feeling of a glorious revolution of the new players against the old! I aim to learn as well, but also have really enjoyed speaking with my tribe but fear people are getting wind of the ΜΞΨ alliance since me, JG, and Maynor are speaking a lot. I gotta figure out my mist! Mu Xi Psi out!
The tribe chat: Jay is about to get represented by an agent!!!!! ajdnfkksxjsnxxcz
Cal in my PMs: I just got laid
............okay cal. I guess he ws just being friendly? But things like that are sort of a hot topic for me, but I don’t think thats something he needs to know. And its probably not something to get into in confessionals. Maybe if we become besties we can have a dnm about it later.
Dylan C
Dylan R
The first tribal is the most important tribal, at least from a game perspective. That’s why I’m taking a gamble and trying to target after Blake. We need people who will win challenges, and after his score of 15 I’m not sure if he’s best suited. I need 4 votes to tie. I believe I’ll have Alex & Maddie, so right now I’m focusing on the fourth vote. Dylan C seems wary about this vote, so I’m trying to convince her now. I told her that “other people have mentioned Blake” when really it’s just me lol. I don’t wanna tell anyone else, simply because I don’t want people thinking I’m playing too hard, so I’m hoping the votes will tie or the votes will be spread. I’m taking a bit of a gamble because this could put a target on my back, but I do love gambles so I can’t resist. This will probably come back to bite me, but it is redemption island so I guess that’s always a fallback. 
Dylan R
Ok so like. Convincing people is hard lol. New tactic: I told Alex that people are targeting him in hopes that it’ll ignite him enough to save himself. I want Alex as an ally, but if he can’t save himself then I don’t want him as an ally
so i'm late to making this confession but we won the first challenge and i'm still so?? happy about it?? and by a lot too, and there i was panicking and speeding through duolingo lmao. hopefully this is a sign and we stay doing this well lol
Yeet,one last confessional before the round is over. I am honestly really anxious to see what happens at this tribal whether a vet or noob will go. While I do not think that this will be a prevalent theme in decision making, it something I am keeping in the back of my mind. I don't want people to be able use that against me to vote me out. That's why I will feel really inclined to stick with the vets if a vet is voted out tonight over a noob. Who knows what that tribe will do they have several options.
Finally, officially the vets (Abbey, Timmy, and Stephen as well as myself) finally came together to form an official alliance called The Nursing Home. I am really keeping an eye on Timmy and Stephen, they give me some minor sketch vibes but it could just be me over analyzing.
Well, 1 week down, several more to go. 
Dylan C
I’m getting a concerning amount of radio silence form some cast members. Is it because they’re inactive or ignoring me?? Lmao mattI'm so excited to be on Kalokairi! This has been a lifelong dream. Who wouldn't want to live on a gorgeous Greek island, where every piece of drama or sadness is resolved by breaking out into 70s Disco Pop and choreographing elaborate dance routines featuring wacky props like scuba fins? And to be able to play the game of Survivor while doing it? Wild!
My tribe is literally so wholesome. The other "veterans" are all so fantastic, and the newbies are so pure and fun and I love talking to them. The only person I haven't gotten to speak one on one to is Alex, and it seems like that's the case for the rest of the tribe. After getting THWUMPED in that immunity challenge, it's nice that we can all come together in a cohesive vote to hopefully power through in the future.
I found a leather necklace at the market, but it doesn't actually do anything until I combine it with another part. I'm not sure if my best strategy is to keep it hidden or let everyone know I have it in case they're also looking for it, but I think I'm going to keep it to myself while I search a bit more.
I'd really like to work with Cameron long term, and I have a crush on Dylan R okay that is all goodnight.
so i've been wrestling with the decision on whether or not to tell Dylan C about the idol. 
I still haven't told him. Day 3! Nobody knows but me. that's pretty cool. 
it's pretty quiet around the vote right now? everyone is still asleep i think, and morale is a little low following last night. 
I didn't submit that before I left for work, rip
Cam, certified short term memory loss haver
Alex was unanimously eliminated.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with internships finished, our hero students now have new challenges to face, and ranpo has a new admirer?!
Magaki: "..." guard: ... Magaki: *stomach growl* guard: *slides a bowl of rice under the door slot* Magaki: <...I was hoping for something else.> guard: <well tough luck...> Magaki: <Do you even know what I eat?> guard:..... Magaki: <...It's not like I want to...> *picks up the rice bowl, starts shoveling it* guard:....*walks away* Magaki: "..." *sniff* -elsewhere- Haumea: "He's been quiet." dahlia: perhaps he is ill? Haumea: "Hmmm..." *opens the door--and it's locked* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *sitting...upside down* naho: ~? Black Star: "...Damn it!" *lets himself fall forward* "Thought that'd help me think..." naho: 'bout what? Black Star: "Going back to Japan--again. And just..." *sigh* “We just got home, too..." naho: ah. Black Star: "This mission, and back to Japan, and more questions--" *rubs his hands through his hair* "GAH!" naho: ? Black Star: "Like, I don't even know my old man." naho:...do you want a hug? Black Star: "..." *sighs* *holds out arms* naho: *comforting hug* UvU Black Star: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...A princess?" *starts pulling books off her shelves* atsushi: yeah. she's...chatty. ^^; did you want to meet her? Lucy: *starts opening up book after book* "Yes! I want to see how she compares to these!" *the books contain fairy tale drawings of princesses* atsushi: ...kinda similar, aesthetically. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "Fancy dresses?" atsushi: pretty fancy, i guess. Lucy: *claps* "Yay! ..." *serious face* "Did Dazai do anything stupid?" atsushi:..... define 'dazai doing something stupid.' Lucy: "Steal her crown jewels?" atsushi: i dont think so. Lucy: "Did he ask for a pardon?" -knocks- Lucy: "???" maria: hello~ ^^ Lucy: *shiny eyes* *turns back to Atsushi--and starts pointing* *squee* maria: OvO ~? atsushi: right. lucy, this is princess maria, princess, this is my girlfriend, lucy. .///. Lucy: ^\\\\^ *slight bow* "Greetings, Princess." maria: ^^ glad to meet you, miss lucy. ^^ *glances at her books* Lucy: .\\\\\. *quickly closes one* maria: do you like fairy tales, miss lucy? Lucy: *nod nod* "I like a lot of reading." maria: do you ever dream of meeting your prince charming some day? *shiny eyes* Lucy: o\\\\\\\o atsushi: o////o Lucy: "...I AM HAPPY RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU!" *bows again* maria: hehe~ can i tell you a secret? atsushi: aaand that's my cue to give you two some girl chat time, see ya! *exits* Lucy: "?!!" D:< "Hey!" *turns back to Maria* ^\\\\\^;; "Sorry, he's kind of nervous at times..." maria: is that right? seems he really likes you a lot. ^^ Lucy: o\\\\o "Y-Yea..." maria: you're soooo lucky! i hope i get to meet my prince soon. u////w////u i've had a dream about him. a cool and intelligent man, with striking green eyes~<3 Lucy: "Green is a nice color--" *imagines someone with green eyes...and likes to show off his intelligence--* *RECORD SKIP* o______O maria: ah~ my heart's all a flutter thinking about him~<3 Lucy: .________. *pats Maria's shoulder* maria: OuO~? Lucy: "...Um...Heterochromia can be attractive, too." ^^;;; -elsewhere- ochako: [happy b-day todoroki! *cake emoticon*] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [thank you. 🙂 ] -morning- Yumi: *pouring coffee* lord death: thaaaanks =3= Yumi: "You're welcome." *cheek smooch* "Sleep well?" lord death: yeah. *hugs from behind* late night... Yumi: =\\\\= "Will you need a nap?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Who will be watching us while you are out?" tsubaki: mahiru said he and kuro will look after you. Sakuya: *sips his orange juice down the wrong way* o_o *slight cough* naho: OuO *vibrating* Belkia: "...Switch to decaf, girl." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "Don't get into any fights with Kuro." Higan: "I don't think that's the action we'll have to worry about." Sakuya: *coughing* otogiri: *hard pats to the back* Sakuya: .\\\\\. "Th-*cough*-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Okay, buckled in?" *checking the mirrors* ranpo: yeah. maria: ^^ Tanizaki: "You sure, Princess?" *checking that the doors are locked* maria: *she nods* it'll be sooo cool to see you guys doing your detective work! Tanizaki: "Yeeeeeeah, about that..." *starts the car, backs up into the street* "We need to give you an alias while we're at work." maria: can i be 'mari'? *shiny eyes* ranpo: marioka? Tanizaki: "...Mari is fine." maria: yay! Tanizaki: *drives* "Ranpo, you reviewed the report?" ranpo: yeah. Tanizaki: "The police have cordoned off the area, preserved the evidence...No suspect yet." ranpo: *cracks knuckles* perfect! i'll solve this one in no time at all. maria: really? ranpo: yup, i am a genius detective with the special ability of super deduction after all, ohoho! Tanizaki: "Ranpo is our secret weapon." maria: ooh, sounds fancy! Tanizaki: *pulls up to the crime scene* "Get your ID out..." *pulls out his Agency badge* cop-chan: ...ah, mr minouichi, they've arrived. Minouichi: *spots Ranpo* "..." -_-# ranpo: ayyyy, what's up? Minouichi: "..." *through clenched teeth* "We...wanted your opinion based on the evidence..." ranpo: of course you did. so what's up? Minouichi: "..." *points at Maria* "I don't think the child should see this." ranpo: she's just here for training or something. Minouichi: "...Fine. This is going to be pretty gruesome...and it's hard enough to find any prints." -where the corpse is- ranpo: hmm... Minouichi: "Strangulation?" ranpo: with a belt of all things. Minouichi: "Not rope?" ranpo: look at the marks, there's leather indentations. Minouichi: "Hmm...No other indications for how the victim was killed?" ranpo: *pulls out glasses* -super deduction!- Tanizaki: *watches* maria: !!!.... (green...eyes...) *blush* Tanizaki: "..." ranpo: i think i found your perp. Minouichi: "Of course you did." -_-# "Where are they?" -as it turned out, a corner store employee worked with the victim to pay customers back with counterfeit money, but the victim was going to sell the killer out, resulting in the murder- Minouichi: "...We have been trying to find the counterfeiters for months...How do you know these bills are fakes?" ranpo: hold it up to a light, look on the right side, there's no hidden face. Minouichi: "...Oh..." maria: wow! *shiny eyes* Minouichi: "Yes, 'wow.'" ranpo: not only that, the texture of the counterfeits is different from an actual dollar, and the security tape is oddly missing... Minouichi: *crosses his arms* "We'll have Secret Service investigate." ranpo: till next time. *turns to face maria and tanizaki* now, you made an offer about food? maria: *shiny eyes and blushing* Tanizaki: ._.; "I-I was kidding about the Gleeful Meal--but if you want, okay...You still want the toy?" ranpo: YES. Tanizaki: "It's drive-thru at Abattoir Burger." ranpo: oi, mari, you want some grub? {princely!ranpo: care to join us, my lady?} maria: *heart eyes* of course... ranpo: awesome! Tanizaki: "..." *click click--DING* *light bulb* ._____.;;;; "Oh boy..." -elsewhere- Lucy: .____________. *shudders* atsushi: ? Lucy: "I sense...ships." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "...I think you were on the Moby-Dick too long." -elsewhere- Patty: "Japan again?" tsubaki: yeah, tying up loose ends and what not. Patty: "Huh...That sounds important." -elsewhere- Bakugo: ("Just a few more days...You can handle this...You can...You can...") "...WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SHINY IN HERE?" best jeanist: that's because it's _clean_. Bakugo: "...Is that glitter?" -elsewhere- Meme: "I got the approval for the mission..." tsugumi: ok. Anya: "How soon?" ao: sometime within the week. Anya: "Better pack when we get home." -elsewhere- Yumi: *setting out missions* "Germany...Japan...Salt Lake City…" teacher: france? teacher 2: who's going to france? Yumi: "What threat level is the mission?" teacher: about a 2 star. Yumi: "I recommend a two- or three-person team." teacher: right. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *reviewing layouts* "Hmmm..." jordan: *whistling* Fitzgerald: "Jordan, hold this." *hands him a layout* jordan: ok, um… Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Not quite to scale..." *hands Jordan papers* "Hold these over your head.” jordan: ._.; Fitzgerald: "Hmm..." *frames with his fingers* *Jordan is holding papers that make him look like a mech* jordan: ._.; erm-... Fitzgerald: "No, it still isn't right..." *grabs Jordan's arm* "We'll need to add a rocket here...I'm sure that arm could be removed." jordan: O-O; -elsewhere- Rin: "How's it goin', Teach?" stocking: good. bit busy. Rin: *nods* "Training?" stocking: yep. Rin: "...Is it Neuhaus?" stocking: i havent checked in with him yet. Rin: "He's been...I mean, he was a dick before, but after his kinda-dead wife, he's been quiet." stocking: i'll add that to my agenda, then. Rin: *nods* "..." *looks around, then whispers* "I also know a vending machine that gives you two soda cans for the price of one!" stocking: where is it? Rin: "East wing, second floor, next to Room 202." stocking: noted. -elsewhere- Gopher: "What are your plans after school?" kirika: might head to the arcade later. Gopher: *nods* "Want to go head-to-head?" kirika: you're so on! Gopher: ^w^ "May the best one win!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *taking a test* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: *already turned in the test...just staring at the chalkboard* Kyoka: *folding paper* -elsewhere- Joker: "To review: the governmental documents show no other path the Hoods could have taken. The Agency encountered the Hoods and somehow survived." Victor: *nod nod* scarlet: talk about a shitshow. Victor: "The good news is that we can be sure now they aren't in the Nether any more! The fireball created so much structural damage..." Joker: "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sets down a vase* mami: looks good. ^^ Crona: "Th-Thanks...I tried to arrange them..." mami: *she smiles* well i appreciate that. *small kiss on the cheek* Crona: .\\\\. "Y-You're welcome?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "How's this one?" *holds up a dress for the Fancy Fire Event* fang-hua: ^-^; Tsukiyo: "And this for you?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: "Yay!" *pushes her into changing room* fang-hua: ah- -elsewhere- Kid: *standing in front of the fridge...holding one of Shiori's drawings...and trying to find the right spot for it* o~O;;;;; jack: need help? Kid: Q~Q *nod nod* "No spot looks quite right to be symmetrical on the fridge..." jack: ^^; want me to help? Kid: *nod nod* "Make it perfect, please." -after that- Kid: *shiny eyes* "AMAZING!" jack: well, i've got quite a few years’ experience. *smiles* Kid: "It served you well...I-I don't have that experience..." jack: *pats his back* you'll get there. sometimes being a parent means making a few sacrifices here and there. Kid: Q_________________Q "My beautiful symmetry..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *waves at Keek* keek: h-hey. Kyoka: "How is it going?" keek: survivin'. Kyoka: "...That is good to expect." *sits down* "Any research updates?" -elsewhere- yana:......*puts on some classical music and spins around on the office chair* Ivan: *polishing blades* Adam: *standing* mushitaro: *styling his hair just so* ... *bishie sparkle* hmhm~ ^u^ Adam: *staaaaaaaaaaare* "...How do you do that?" mushitaro: mousse, hair spray, and supreme combing techniques. Adam: "..." *moves a finger to touch the hair--* mushitaro: *hard grab + violent expression* do not. Adam: Q~Q yana: he's fussy about his hair. just thought you outta know that. Adam: "...I've learned my lesson. Please let me have my hand back?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *picks up a book, reads* mii: ... Mori: "...It's an old book." mii: indeed. Mori: "Was it one you used in your writing, for inspiration?" mii: *examining it* Mori: "Had you read this when you wrote?" -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* lana: im hooome. *plops onto the couch and sighs* so tired.... Poe: "Difficult work?" *moves to the couch* lana: *nod* busy day, today... Poe: *sits with her...supports her* lana: =///= Poe: "You can rest now..." *soft hum* lana: thanks, edgar. Poe: "You're welcome, Lana..." *cheek smooch* lana: ^///^ Poe: ^w^ *hug* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You all look exhausted." mana: busy day.... mono: TT~TT Shotaro: "??? I haven't done a good deed yet. Anything I can do to help? mana: get us coffee. -elsewhere- zoey: *holding Q and humming* Q: =u= Ivan: *sneer* Adam: "???" Q: !! *snarls at ivan* Ivan: *hiss* Adam: O~O lydia: calm down everyone, what's going on? mushitaro: ivan and the medic are at odds again, typical workplace drama. Ivan: "She started it!" zoey: i was just.....minding my business... Adam: "..." *points at Ivan* "He sneered first." Ivan: <SNITCH!> lydia: *chop to the shoulder* behave. Ivan: "Ow!" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *passes a drink* Chuuya: "Thanks..." naoya: cheers! Chuuya: *clinks glass* Motojiro: -w- *sips* "So, Naoya, what mission you got?" naoya: 'nother recon mission. guess it cant be helped, given my ability. Motojiro: "Chuuya~ One of my new devices is a hat." Chuuya: "..." naoya: if it has a propeller in it- Motojiro: "D'aw, how'd you guess?" >3< Chuuya: -_- naoya:...... *laughs* i was joking! but holy shit! Motojiro: "Well, I was watching 'Inspector Gadget' re-runs on youtube and thought, 'Chuuya likes hats--'" Chuuya: "I appreciate it, but no." ayako: did the claw send you? naoya: how did she- Motojiro: *adjusts his glasses* "Actually, it was 'Dr. Claw.' And I don't think you're old enough to drink." ayako: oi bartender! give me your strongest orange soda you got! Bartender: "Right, a Sailor's Scurvy Special coming up." ayako: AWESOME! -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Echidnas suck." guildenstern: what brought this up? Hyde: "They think they're so cool with their eggs and spines and 'am I a mammal or a bird' bullshit..." *crosses his arm, kicks a video game box* guildernstern:...*sweatdrop* ._.; -elsewhere- Oda: (…) atsushi: ....(you ok?) Oda: ("Just thinking...Keep an eye on Mori.") atsushi:....(noted.) Oda: ("Even without...his ability, he is shrewd, cunning--and lethal...Maybe it wasn't a good idea...") atsushi: (perhaps....but given his current state....i think something inside him broke...) Oda: ("Elise.") atsushi:.... (yeah......have you...) Oda: ("What?") atsushi:... (lost someone?) Oda: ("...Yeah.") atsushi:..... Oda: ("...We do what we can...It doesn't always work.") atsushi: .... Oda: ("Just do your best.") -elsewhere- Patty: "I got this gingerbread house set for cheap after Christmas--and it hasn't expired! Guess what we're building?!" riley: gingerbread mansion with a moat? Patty: "Melted sugar moat? Or maybe a maple syrup moat?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: *nuzzles* t-thanks, kid... Kid: "You're welcome..." *holds her* "Any time." stocking: *holding onto him whimpering into his chest* i thought i-i'd be over this whole thing by now.... Kid: "..." *rubs her back* "I know...I'm here for you..." stocking: *sniff* t-thanks.... Kid: *offers a tissue* stocking: *blows* *sniff* s-sorry. Kid: *small smile* "Nothing to apologize for..." *holds her hand* stocking: c-can you wash my back? Kid: "Yes, of course." *sits up* stocking: .... Kid: "..." *rests a hand along her shoulder* stocking: *hugs* -floof- -her wings popped out- stocking: .///.; um... Kid: *stares* "...Beautiful..." stocking: guess they needed some air too. ^^; Kid: "I suppose so...You've kept a lot in..." *kisses her shoulder lightly* stocking: u////u *small wing fluttering* Kid: *slight chuckle* "Cute..." stocking: oh shush, you're cuter. =///n///= Kid: "Hee hee...I've learned not to argue with you..." *holds her hand, kisses* stocking: =//////= Kid: *moves his hands to her shoulders, lowering the cloth* -elsewhere- Yohei: "They look happy." chie: they're almost like siblings. ^^ saki: *she smiles* Yohei: "Yeah...Runs in your family." saki: yeah... chie:....*hugging saki* glad you're here... Yohei: ^^ -elsewhere- Poe: *wraps up in a blanket* lana: zzzzz karl: zzzzz Poe: ^w^ *cuddles* lana: u////u Poe: *happy murmur* -elsewhere- Meme: "We'll be traveling up to the Pacific Northwest..." mio: ah. Anya: "That's going to be a few stops." Meme: "Thorough." tsugumi: i've been doing a lot of training too. *lance blade arm* Anya: "Ooooooo..." ao: impressive as always. ^^ Meme: *smiles* "Training paid off, Tsugumi." tsugumi: ^u^ mio: yeah, i still have a ways to go yet. *axe arm* Meme: "It's progress..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- miura: ... Motojiro: "All's well?" miura: as far as it's been going. Motojiro: "Good to hear!" *sets down a glass...of motor oil* miura:... -_-; Motojiro: "...Ha! Just kidding." *puts it away* "You happy with the work you're doing?" miura: *she nods* hirotsu has been doing a good job keeping things together. Motojiro: "He's good like that--age gives him that experience." miura: *she nods* Motojiro: "Imagine what you'll be able to do with that many years..." miura: .... -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and I think I'll be released tomorrow or the day after." inko: *on the phone* im so glad, sweetie. *wipes her eyes* Izuku: "...I'm sorry..." inko: izuku? Izuku: "I didn't mean to worry you..." inko: im fine sweetie. you're still alive, right? im proud of you. -tears are falling down her face- Izuku: QwQ "...Th-Thank you, Mom..." inko: i'll see you soon, then. Izuku: "I'll let you kn-now when I land at the airport..." inko: ok. love you so much. Izuku: "I love you, too." inko: *she hangs up*.....*she's crying* Izuku: "..." *sets the phone down* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *rubs Felisia's back* felisia: =///w///= *tiny wing flutter* Mephisto: "Better?" felisia: *nod nod* Mephisto: *hug* "I'm glad..." felisia: *snuggles* =w=~<3 Mephisto: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." tsubaki: *alseep on the plane* Black Star: "..." *tucks the blanket over her before looking out the window* -elsewhere- Joker: *passes the bottle* ivy: thanks. Joker: "Welcome..." *flipping through maps* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Endeavor could not escort me to the airport himself?" intern: something came up. Todoroki: "...Understood." -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: yes. Kid: ^^ *cuddle* stocking: *purrs* Kid: ^\\\w\\\^ *pat pat* -morning- Izuku: *closes his suitcase* gran torino: heading home now? Izuku: *nods* "Classes start up again soon, sir." gran torino: now, dont go forgetting what you learned here *fast forworded blah blah bladdy blah* -find a way to keep those nerves under pressure* Izuku: O____O ("...That was exactly what I was thinking...") *bows* "THANK YOU FOR YOU MENTORSHIP, GUIDANCE, AND PATIENCE WITH ME!" gran torino: yeah yeah... (he really is a lot like you, toshinori...) oi kid. i have one thing to ask.....who're you? Izuku: o_O ("HOW CAN HE STILL NOT--") *All Might shaped light bulb* "Oh!" *bows* "Deku. That is my name, sir." -elsewhere- tsuyu: *on the train home*.....*checks phone* Habuko: [hey gurl!] tsuyu: *smiles* [hey habuko! how's it going? \(^o^)/ ] Habuko: [classes are starting again: >3> what u been doin?] tsuyu: [headng back from an internship. im swamped =3=] Habuko: [oh hey--how did your internship go?] tsuyu: [pretty busy. did you hear about that smuggling incident on the gulf?] Habuko: [yeah?] tsuyu: [i was there. it was scary, but it all worked out ^^ ] Habuko: [OMG ARE YOU OKAY?! D8> ] tsuyu: [yeah. a few bruises, but ok. *thumbs up frog emotion*] Habuko: [THANK GOD. be careful! *hugs* ] tsuyu: [ok.] *small smile* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Not. One. Word." eijiro + sero: QuQ *trying not to laugh* mina: hey kacchan, nice hair! Bakugo: "THAT'S NOT MY FREAKIN' NAME, RACCOON!" jirou: his hair looks like monoma's. Bakugo: "I DON'T KNOW WHO THAT EVEN IS!" Monoma: *pops out of the shrubs* "LIAR!" jirou:...........................why are there shrubs in a- plant student: can you please get out of there now? jirou:....nevermind. Monoma: "JUST GIVE ME THIS!" plant student: GET OVER IT ALREADY YOU NEED HELP! Bakugo: "YEAH, WHAT PLANT PERSON SAID! STOP STALKING ME!" Monoma: "STOP YELLING IN THE HALLS!" -elsewhere- Iida: "..." momo:....*she hugs him* Iida: "..." *hugs back* momo: i was worried about you, you know. Iida: "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..." momo: just.....be more careful....*sniff* Iida: "I will..." *nods* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *stretches* fuyumi: welcome home, shouto! Todoroki: *smiles* "Glad to be home..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Would you stop pouting." tomura: *groans and scratches at his neck* Kurogiri: "And stop scratching yourself--it's leaving marks." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *grunts* yuuji: mmhmm....*nomming on snack bar* Aizawa: "...That enough for you?" yuuji: yeah... Aizawa: "Hmm...At least drink some water. That stuff will dehydrate you." yuuji:....yeah... Aizawa: "...Don't let the Quirk anger get to you." yuuji: ?... oh....right..... Aizawa: "...You hungry?" yuuji:....not really..... Aizawa: "Okay. You need a real meal. Dinner later. No excuses." yuuji: ...... Aizawa: "I'm picking you up after course prep. Now, take care of yourself." yuuji:...yeah, yeah... Aizawa: "..." *back pat* "Okay." -elsewhere- Izuku: *walks up to the apartment* ???: "Greetings." Izuku: "!!!!" *turns* "A-All--" All Might: "Shhhh!" Izuku: !!! *covers his mouth, looks around* S-Sir? what brings you here? All Might: "I got a call from Gran Torino that you had returned..." izuku: yeah..*looks at his hand* All Might: "And you're limping..." izuku:....s-sorr- All Might: "...It's time you learned. About One for All." izuku: ?! -elsewhere- jirou: *playing DDR* Aoyama: *trying to catch up* ochako: so how were your internships, guys? Aoyama: "Magnifique! I--" mina: AOYAMA, THE GAME! Aoyama: "!!!" *trips* "Oh, no! I missed a step!" Mineta: *hiding behind a trash can, shivering* Q_Q denki: what's up with him? sato: ah, im sure he's fine. Mineta: *can only hear sounds of Mount Lady's cackling* Q_________Q sato:...just fine. ^^ Ojiro: ^^;;; "I thought the internship was pretty basic. Lots of paperwork...Tail was helpful for stacking files..." hagakure: sounds nice. sero: are you sure you're gonna be ok? Ojiro: "..." hagakure: y-yeah! i'll be back to normal in no time at all! Ojiro: "..." *pat pat* hagakure: t-thanks. Ojiro: *sad smile* Kouda: (ono) sero: just be glad you didnt run into that hero killer guy. Shoji: "Yeah, that Hosu battle caused a lot of damage. Lucky those three didn't get caught up." sato: to think he's connected to the league, too....scary. denki: yeah, but still pretty tenacious with his goal, it's kinda cool. mina: waugh, dont say scary stuff like that, denki! >A<' Mineta: *pops up* "But he was ranting about being a real hero! Why join with villains?! Unless there are heroes who are actually villains!" *LOUD INCOHERENT SCREAMING* "SHE'S GOING TO STEP ON ME!" Ojiro: *ignoring Mineta* "Denki, wow." denki: !! s-shit, i didnt mean- -LOUD WHISTLE- denki: OW! momo: ok, everyone, settle down. Iida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR INCOHERENT SCREAMING AND PRAISING VILLAINS WHO ARE DEVOTED TO FUNDAMENTALIST IDEOLOGIES!" *random hand motions...with his good arm* Mineta: *covering his mouth to stop incoherently screaming* Shoji: "..." denki:...*looking down at his feet* ... Iida: "Now let us prepare for our return to classes to apply all we learned with our successfully concluded internships and become the heroes this world deserves!" mina: right! hagakure: right. -elsewhere- izuku: ... All Might: "...And that's what I wanted you to know. What you inherited...It may make you a target if All for One knew." izuku:....... All Might: "And...there's..." izuku: ?? -no...not now...- All Might: "...You're going to need to take what Gran Torino taught you. Trust his word...Okay?" izuku:...right. i will. All Might: "...Sorry to keep you." izuku: ok. have a nice day. *heading back home* All Might: *waves* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stare* nea:....do you need something, kid? Shotaro: "Can we get Emine cake?" nea: let's see what we can do, then~ ^^ Shotaro: *claps* "Yay! We'll toss in ice cream, too." nea: heck yeah! *shiny eyes* setsuna: ^^; Shotaro: *pulls out a cook book* "I got the ingredients. Just need help mixing and keeping cool..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back..." mrs nakatsukasa: *hugs them both* Black Star: .\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "So...I guess we should rest up first?" mrs nakatsukasa: that would work. Black Star: "Then... *yawn * ...head to the jail..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "..." lavender: who's up for a movie? Higan: "Sounds good. Any genre?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *opens the door* "I'm home." mrs kenshimono: welcome back, sweetie. ^^ hime: hey. Hiro: ^^ "Sorry I didn't get back earlier..." *looks in the dining room* -hime's friends from school are there studying- Hiro: "Study group?" hime: yeah. Hiro: "Got it...I'll just eat elsewhere then..." -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." yuma: what's up? Mifune: "Oh, sorry...Was just thinking..." *sets down his tea* yuma: hmmm... -meanwhile, somewhere in japan...- ???: "..." *small growl* -the forest is silent- ???: "..." *sniffs the air* ???: "..." *his stomach growls* *looks...* -there's a small village not far off...- ???: "..." *stays low to the ground, careful with his steps over fallen leaves until he nears the village* elderly man: ... *He follows the Elderly Man...* elderly man: *going to a storage area* ???: "..." *looks at the storage area for exits, windows...* elderly man: *filling his sack with the food he needs for tonight's dinner* ???: *sniff sniff* "..." *approaches a window* elderly man: ?? <oh?> ???: "..." *gets closer* elderly man: <excuse me? i dont think i've seen your face around these parts.> ???: "..." *growls--both in his throat and in his stomach* elderly man: <are you a vagrant?> ???: <I...Hungry...> elderly man:...<why dont you come with me to our home? we're making udon tonight.> ???: "..." *stomach growl* "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Crona: *shudders* mami: are you alright? Crona: "J-Just felt...something." *rubs their arms* "Maybe a memory..." mami:...*hugs* Crona: "..." *small weeping noise* mami: im here. Crona: *nod nod* "I-I'm sorry..." mami: you're ok, chrona. Crona: "O-Okay..." *holds onto Mami* -elsewhere- Jordan: *sniff* *crying into his beer* "--and then they cancelled my favorite show, and Mr. Fitzgerald made me dress like a robot, and I don't--" *sobbing noises* daisy: *pap pap* eckleburg: that's rough, buddy. Jordan: "A-At least I can torrent the re-runs...Eckleburg, do you like working here?" eckleburg: it's nice. Jordan: "Compared to the old boss?" eckleburg: a lot better. Jordan: "I gues so...Probably same for you, too, Daisy?" daisy: ...im more or less indifferent. Jordan: "Hmm." eckleburg:... Jordan: "..." *nudges Eckleburg* eckleburg: ?? Jordan: *whispers* "She's like that--always 'indifferent.'" eckleburg: ??? Jordan: "Maybe you're 'different.'" eckleburg: ???? daisy: oookay, i think that's enough for you, jordan. Jordan: *pushes Eckleburg* "Whoopsie--" eckleburg: ow! daisy: hey! *helping him up* honestly jordan, go home. -_-; eckleburg: .///.; -elsewhere- Karim: "That's some progress you've made: great work." pearl: thank you. Karim: "Well, that'll be it--it's late. Wash up and get to bed." -elsewhere- Giriko: *tossing* arachne: *hugs from behind* mmmn.... Giriko: *calms down, opens his eyes* "...Hey." arachne: hey...*hug* *slight squish* Giriko: =\\\\= "Thanks..." arachne: ^^ Giriko: "..." *holds her hands, drawing them closer to him* arachne: u///u Giriko: *kisses her hand lightly* -morning- Kurogiri: *washing the counter* twice: did you watch that video again, toga? himiko: i watched it like...50 billion times! >u< Dabi: -_-### "...Punk-ass brat." twice: didnt you say 'you like the way this guy thinks'? =3= Dabi: "Just...You had the chance to kill Endeavor, and you didn't do it." twice: oh. Dabi: "Maybe someone else can step up to the plate..." mr compress: without a doubt, we'll be getting new members, soon. Kurogiri: "Should be here soon, so make a good impression..." himiko: okaaaaayyyy... -elsewhere- -a boy with a gasmask and school uniform sits on a bus stop bench with a sign that reads 'going to death city'- gasmask: ... *Bus approaches, its door opens* Driver: "..." gasmask:....*holding up his sign as he gets on* Driver: "Huh. You one o' those Quirkies?" gasmask:....is there a problem with that? Driver: "Nope. Off to get an education there?" gasmask:...yeah... (you could say that....) Driver: "See, I tell my kids 'Go to school.' But one of them wants to be--get this--a circus performer! I even told them there are colleges for that, but they won't listen and--" *talking talking talking* gaskmask:....*looks out the window* Driver: *blah blah blah* *Bus passes hills* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens an envelope--stares at the numbers* O__________o;;;;; lana: what is it? Poe: *shaking* "It-It's not possible! The interest rate should be higher than this! They lowered it on my savings!" lana: what's going on? Poe: *holds up the savings account listing...and it has a lot of zeroes after the number* lana:..... *JAWDROP* Poe: "They're ripping me off! I must have missed the statement that they were adjusting my interest rate--" *notices her* "...Lana, dear? What's wrong?" lana: i-im fine... m-must be the weather. Poe: *drops the papers, holds her hands* "Let's get you something to drink..." lana: t-thank you, edgar. @-@; (you love him for who he is YOU LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS, DO NOT FORGET THIS!!) Poe: ^w^; *guides her to the kitchen, retrieving some tea* "Have a seat..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *sitting in his seat, looking pissed (as usual)* itsuka: hey katsuki. ^^ Bakugo: "Oh, thank God!" *hug* itsuka: o///o happy to see me? ^///^; Bakugo: "Out of everyone here, you don't annoy me." [Translation: "I love you."] itsuka: aww. *kiss on the cheek* Bakugo: =\\\\\= *tiger growl* -elsewhere- mushitaro: *doing his morning routine* (teeth brushed, check. pants on, check. binder on, check. shirt on, check. jacket on, check. bow tie on, check.) *styling his hair* *Knock knock* mushitaro: *glaaaaares* WHAT?! ???: "I need the key to the bathroom!" mushitaro: im in the MIDDLE. of my MORNING ROUTINE!! Adam: "But I have to go!" mushitaro: USE THE OTHER BATHROOM THEN! DX< Adam: "Someone's in there! And they only answer in Russian!" -elsewhere- Fyodor: <I just want to request my favorite song~> guard: you seem to be rather fond of the radio... Fyodor: *nods* "It's solace for the soul." guard:.....very well, what is it? Fyodor; " 'Fantasie Impromptu’, please." guard: alright then. Fyodor: *closes his eyes* -underground...- -the radio is playing- Ivan: *blush* zoey:...ah....<3 Ivan: ^\\\\w\\\\^ lydia: <seems they're enjoying themselves.> yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <So pleasant for him...> lydia: <shall we begin with his orders, then?> Ivan: <Yes~> Adam: "???" *has a door smashed over his head* mushitaro: TT^TT *mumbling* Ivan: <I believe Mushitaro may proceed with Master's orders...> mushitaro: .....*grins* Ivan: "Do you have the address?" mushitaro: *he nods* all i need to do is retrieve the item and take care of business~ Ivan: "Yay! Please do all to please Master~" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking through hall* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello." *smiles* ochako: how're you feeling? Todoroki: "Relieved to be back." ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "How was your internship? Educational?" ochako:....you could say that. *super serious* Todoroki: .____. "...Hard core." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "..." *hug* akaderu: =////= Kepuri: "Better?" akaderu: yeah. thanks babe. Kepuri: *pats his neck* "...It's going to be okay." akaderu:....*hugs* sometimes....i worry i'll wake up...and you'll still be in that computer space.... Kepuri: "And that's not ever going to happen again...I'm going to be here when you wake up tomorrow, and the day after..." akaderu:...*hugs her tightly* ...... Kepuri: =\\\\\= "A bit tight, babe..." akaderu: TT///TT Kepuri: "..." *tip-toe to kiss his cheek* akaderu: t-thanks... -elsewhere- Black Star: "How you want to start?" tsubaki: we should speak with them Black Star: "..." *nods* "The prison?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "I'll call for the ride..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TT~TT *fox crying* louisa: toby? what's wrong? are you sick? Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up into a ball* *whimpers* louisa: *going to call a vet* Mr. Tsubaki: … {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *buries himself under a blanket* -elsewhere- Higan: "Kind of surprised she trusted some kid and his cat to watch us...and they're at school right now, leaving us here." naho: we're gonna drink so many sodas. Higan: "...Guess that's one goal." Belkia: *picking a lock to the cupboard* "Right in here!" -chop- otogiri: behave. -.-; Belkia: >3< "IT WAS NAHO'S IDEA!" naho: tattle-tale! >A<# Sakuya: ^^; "Maybe go light on their punishment until Mahiru gets back, Otogiri?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "How are you feeling?" kirako: a bit nauseous... TT~TT Dazai: "Medicine? Tea?" kirako: yes please. TT3TT Dazai: *shakes out some medicine* "Just need some time to brew the tea..." *sets down a glass of water for her* kirako: thanks, dazai. Dazai: "Of course." *smiles* -elsewhere- sonia: .... Teacher: "--and don't forgot to finish your math homework. Any questions?" sonia: ... Teacher: "If not, you're free to--" *The door kicks open* Tachihara: "Here to pick you up!" Teacher: "?!!!" sonia:...uncle tachi, class isnt over yet. -_-; Tachihara: .w.;;;; "...Sorry." *sits down--in one of the school chairs, which is too big for him* Teacher: "..." Tachihara: *winks at the Teacher* Teacher: "...Sonia. Make your uncle behave." sonia: *facepalms* uncle tachi, stop. -_-# Tachihara: "What? What am I doing?" *the chair breaks under him--but since it's a child's chair, he just falls a short distance* Teacher: -_-# "You're paying for that..." Tachihara: "I could repay you with a date~" Teacher: "...Sonia? GET HIM OUT OF HERE! CLASS DISMISSED!" *headdesk* -in the car- sonia: -___-#; Tachihara: *slap mark on his face, which he's trying to pass off as cool* "So, what's on the agenda, buddy? We gonna get some fast food?" sonia: why are you like this? Tachihara: "Yeeeeeeeeeeears of practice at the School of Coolness." *lowers sunglasses over his eyes...only for one of the lenses to pop out* sonia:.....deep down, you have a lot of insecurities, dont you? Tachihara: "..." *pulls over to the side of the road* "..." *rests his head against the steering wheel* sonia:.....*pap pap* Tachihara: *covers his eyes* "I just want *sniff* what normal people have..." sonia:...do you want a hug? Tachihara: *nod nod* sonia: *hug* Tachihara: Q______Q sonia:....ice cream? Tachihara: "O-Okay...With sprinkles?" sonia: *nod* Tachihara: QwQ "Y-Yay..." *turns back onto the road* -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, I need a favor. See that customer?" mana: *looks* Master: "He hasn't paid his tab in months. Persuade him to pay. You have my permission to use threats." Hyde: *seated at the table where Master pointed* mana: excuse me sir.....pay your fucking tab~<3 Hyde: o_O "...But it's my day off--" mana: *grabs him by the neck* well then you're just gonna have to work it off ^^# Hyde: "!!!!" *grabs his wallet* "TAKE IT! JUST DON'T HURT ME!" *throws the wallet at her face* mana:..... -he got made to wear the dress- -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "We're going back to that house?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: *stomach growl* "Ramen..." -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* "What you up for?" madoka: maybe visit the cafe? Rin: "Can we get some cookies?" madoka: sure! ^^ Rin: *shiny eyes* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Do I need to put him into one of those carrying cages to take him to the vet?" louisa: most likely. Fitzgerald: "Could you help me, then?" *holds up his arm--where Mr. Tsubaki is latched onto it* Mr. Tsubaki: >n< louisa: its ok, toby. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering noises* Fitzgerald: "Hold the cage, Miss Alcott--his claws are digging into my skin..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Any plans this weekend?" ochako: not sure. Todoroki: "Homework to catch up on..." ochako: study group? Todoroki: "Sounds good...Anyone to bring in?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...Have you even _piloted_ a boat?" twain: does a paddleboat count? Steinbeck: "Barely..." *defeated sigh* "Still more experience than others have, I'm sure..." twain: ^u^ Steinbeck: "Where the heck is Oscar with the RV..." oscar: im here, lovies~ ^^ ebie: woah. baum: fancy. Steinbeck: ._. oscar: just a little gift from a family benefactor~<3 Hemingway: "Ostentatious." *opens the door* "And roomy!" dorothy: it's like a castle with wheels. Steinbeck: -_-# "I was hoping not to draw attention to ourselves..." oscar: 737;; Hemingway: "Aw, let Wilde have this! We can travel in style! Maybe even stop by some fishing spots..." twain: *laying on a cushy bed* =w= Steinbeck: "Okay, who's driving?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *scooping up ice cream* TwT sonia: *nom* Tachihara: "So, your teacher seems nice." sonia: ..are you trying to get me to set you up? Tachihara: "Nooooooooo! Never! Not at all...But hypothetically--" sonia: no. -_-; Tachihara: "Worth a shot." *scoops up ice cream* "So, after this, I can show you how to get free tokens at the arcade." sonia: ok. Tachihara: ^w^ "What's your favorite game?" sonia:...not sure. Tachihara: "Ever play whack-a-mole?" sonia: *shrug* Tachihara: "Or a beat-'em-up game? Or a shooting game?" sonia:....i think i might remember how to use a gun. Tachihara: owo;;;;; "...'Kay...Maaaaaaaaaaaybe just skeeball." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and finished!" *turns on a disco ball* ayako: yeeeah! Motojiro: "We're gonna make this one superpower dance hall!" -elsewhere- White Star: *gobble gobble nom nom nom* elderly woman: <my, my, what an appetite.> ^^; White Star: *mouth full of food* o\\\\\o "..." *swallows* <Sorry.> elderly man: <you must have been hungry.> White Star: "..." <Feels like I haven't eaten in years.> elderly man: <well you take all the time you need to.> White Star: "..." *bows* -elsewhere- Yohei: "??? You okay?" chie: exhausted. =_=' Yohei: "...Food? Lie down? Bath?" chie: yes. Yohei: ^^ "Okay...I set out some bubble bath in the bathroom. I'll get your meal ready." -elsewehere- Black Star: "...Ready?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *opens the door* Magaki: "..." tsubaki: hello... Magaki: *nods* <I should have seen this coming.> tsubaki: <we arent here to kill you. we just want to talk.> Magaki: "..." <What did you want to talk about?> tsubaki: <what is it you want? why did you do what you did?> Magaki: <...I've been like this as long as I can remember--which isn't that far. I get some memories of maybe...2 years ago? 5 years ago? It's hard to tell.> tsubaki:.....<what's the earliest you can remember?> Magaki: <...Dark water?> tsubaki: *listening* Magaki: <I...think I died.> *holds their chest* <I don't exactly have a heart beat anyway...> tsubaki: .... {????: <please.........my child....please save....} {Priest: <...> *picks up the child* } Magaki: <Priests...Priestess...Red water...?> tsubaki:.... Magaki: <...> *puts their head down, small groan* tsubaki:...*hugs them* Magaki: <...Why?> tsubaki:....<you looked like you needed that...> Magaki: "..." <Thanks?> -elsewhere- Patty: "Need help grading?" liz: *working hard* Patty: "..." *shrugs, looks at school reports* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *looking at the books* "So why ask me?" nygus: stein figured you and him could compare research notes. Neuhaus: "What's he investigating?" nygus: he just wanted to compare notes on the zombi- Neuhaus: *tenses* nygus:....my apologies... Neuhaus: "...I'll share what I know." *hands her a book* "You're welcome to copy these notes for him, but I'll need them back." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sips an appletini...through a curly straw* naoya: well? how is it? Akutagawa: "Sweeter. I couldn't taste alcohol." naoya: see, you're getting there. ^^ Akutagawa: "Why do people drink this? Alcohol tastes like poison and makes people act...like Tachihara." naoya: well, life can be stressful, it helps with that sometimes. Akutagawa: "...But in moderation." naoya: yeah. Akutagawa: "...Just afraid of doing something embarrassing. Or violent." naoya:... *pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes the empty glass* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What do you think, Doc?" doctor: hmm... Mr. Tsubaki: @~@ doctor: he seems rather dehydrated. seems to be displaying signs of anxiety or depression as well. Fitzgerald: "..." *strokes Mr. Tsubaki's back* Mr. Tsubaki: TT____TT Fitzgerald: "What do you recommend?" doctor: im sure we can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication to calm him down. Fitzgerald: "I see...Are there non-medication options that can also be provided to him?" -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Something the matter?" leo: hm? no, just thinking. Kouyou: "Ah..." *passes a cookie to her* leo:...*tiny nom* Kouyou: ^^ "I think you've been doing well at catering to visitors." leo: thank you very much, ma'am. Kouyou: *nods* "You're welcome." *sets down her tea* "Could you watch the estate tomorrow?" leo: i shall do my best. Kouyou: "Good. I will be out in the morning." -elsewhere- Poe: "Feel better?" lana: yeah =w= Poe: ^\\\w\\\^ *forehead smooch* lana: hehe~ -elsewhere- ranpo: *whistling* maria: ^////^ ~<3 <3 <3 Tanizaki: "...So..." *his hair is sliced along one side--from knives* "Why don't you--" Kyoka: "Why are you into that guy?" Tanizaki: ._. ("So blunt.") maria: hehe, my prince~<3 ranpo: ? Kyoka: "..." *looks at Ranpo* "..." *looks back at Maria* "..." *puts a hand on Maria's shoulder* maria: ~? Kyoka: "..." *serious face* "DO NOT." maria: OuO ~?? ranpo:.....tanizakiiii, im out of ramune. can you drive me to the store? maria: can i come too?? ^///^ Tanizaki: ^^;;;; "Sure?" Kyoka: "...This will end in a way that will require brain bleach." maria: hehe~ naomi: that poor girl. Kyoka: -_- "No kidding. I know they say there is someone for everyone but...This?" naomi: yeah, falling for ranpo is pretty much a lost cause. Kyoka: *sighs* "I need to wash this from my brain..." *pulls up crime reports* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Think they've gotten better?" tsubaki:...i-i think so.... Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "You tried." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Maybe talk to them tomorrow?" tsubaki:...yeah... -in a small home...- -blood stains the walls and floors....- White Star: "..." *loud sigh* -the elderly man and woman lay motionless, two souls floating above them- White Star: *stares in fascination at one of the souls...he pokes it with a finger* -elsewhere- Chuuya: ._.; "...Big prize you won at the arcade?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Did Tachihara help?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And did you thank him?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "..." *looks at Tachihara* Tachihara: OwO;;;; Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia's head* sonia: uncle tachi showed me how to throw a curveball. Tachihara: OwO *nod nod* Chuuya: "...Well, thank you, Tachihara." Tachihara: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Better?" lavender: seems it. Higan: "Good...What did Tsubaki write?" -she explains what was in the note- Higan: "...And that...um, 'vampire,' just gave up?" otogiri: seems they were detained....they sound like they were weakened.... Belkia: "So, they could take down Black Star...then got injured enough to be captured? Guess Black Star hit harder than we thought..." Higan: "..." ("Or Tsubaki did...") -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You think the Captain needs a makeover?" tamaki: yeah, it might make him feel better. Relan: "Maybe a hair cut?" Arthur: "A suit of armor." tamaki: we should take nozomi out too. it might help her feel better. Relan: "Oh, good idea!" Victor: .w. iris: yeah. i like that. maki: and i know just the place. *shiny eyes* Relan: "???" -elsewhere- Hyde: *napping on the couch...with a kazoo in his mouth* licht:...im not even going to ask. Kranz: "I thought it was cute! And it makes funny noises--" Hyde: *breathing out in his sleep--* "WOOOOOOP..." romina: *snickering* Guildenstern: -_-;;; -elsewhere- Meme: *asleep at her desk* mio: ... Meme: *groans, sits up* "..." *her eyes are puffy* mio:...meme? Meme: "Y-Yeah?" *she tries to smile* mio:...*hug* Meme: "..." *shudders* mio: ... Meme: *small whimper* -elsewhere- White Star: *huffing, out of breath* {White Star: *cackling, slices at villagers* } {-footsteps are heard-} {White Star: "!!!" *steps back into shadows*} {-a man with a sword is standing there-} {Mifune: "..."} {white*star: ?} {Mifune: "..." *slices into the shadows*} {white*star: *jumps back* oh? what have we here?} {Mifune: "...So many that you killed..."} {white*star: ...} {Mifune: "It stops here--" *swings at White Star's head*} -CAW CAW- White Star: "!!!" *swings his sword* -a flurry of crows flies off- White Star: "..." *sniffs the air* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *holding his head* mikan: asura?...*holding his hand* Asura: "Nirvana..." mikan: ? *she looks at the logos on the wall of the building* Asura: "What they want...Was this all fated?" mikan:...*rubs his back* Asura: "I-I didn't know who they're leader was...It's all so confusing what to do..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Better?" chie: a lot better now. Yohei: "I'm glad..." *sets down some chocolates* chie: *shiny eyes* Yohei: *picks one up, brings it to her lips* chie: *nom* >u< *smooch* Yohei: ^\\\\^ "Mmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Kid: *tending to Shiori* "It's okay..." shiori: >~< Kid: "Just a little stomach ache..." *rubs lightly along her back* shiori: mmn.. TT~TT Kid: *holds her, continues to rub her back* "I'm sorry...You'll feel better soon. I promise." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying down* "..." Fitzgerald: "...He seems calmer?" mary: did you feel sick today, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *small grunt, moving his head as if nodding* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "We had to knock down another building." kirei: ah. do you know what will be in its place? Benimaru: "I was hoping for some ideas. So far I've heard 'storage,' but that's boring." kirei: perhaps we could build a shop there? Benimaru: "Hmm...Would boost the local economy. What would you sell?" kirei: eh? hmm. Benimaru: "Maybe clothing, or tools--" Tsukiyo: "SOUVENIRS!" -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep in chair* "Zzz..." lana:.... *puts blanket over him and kisses his forehead* Poe: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: .... Gopher: *turns* *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." kirika: you ok? Gopher: *nods* "B-Better...I guess I was exhausted." *looks up at the top of her head* kirika:....what? Gopher: "It looks great." kirika: um...thanks? *she has bedhead* Gopher: ^\\\w\\\^ *smooths her hair* kirika: =///n///=; Gopher: "..." *inches closer to nuzzle* kirika: *small growling* =/////=;; Gopher: .____. *leans back* -elsewhere- Kouyou: *lights a candle at a grave, holds her hands* leo: .... Kouyou: "..." *wipes her eyes* leo: lady kouyou? Kouyou: "..." *composes herself* "What is it?" leo:...did you need a moment? Kouyou: "..." *nods* leo: very well. Kouyou: *inhales deeply...tries to steady her breath* leo: ..... *examining the area* *Some buds are already forming on the trees, despite winter* leo:.....*faint smile* Kouyou: "..." *gets up* leo: are you ready to return home, now? Kouyou: "Yes...Let's go." leo:.... -elsewhere- Kid: *collapses in bed* stocking: long day? Kid: *yawns* "Yeah...Shiori had an upset tummy..." stocking: aww. Kid: "She's asleep...Just hope it doesn't last..." stocking: yeah... Kid: *facedown in bed* "..." *holds out his hand* stocking: *kisses his hand* Kid: "Mmm~ Thanks..." stocking: no problem~ Kid: *yawns, turns over, hugs Stocking* stocking: u///u Kid: =w= "Perfect person..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking out the window* lavender: waiting for something? Shamrock: "I thought I heard something..." lavender: ? Shamrock: "Like someone stepping around..." lavender: do you think it's an intruder? Shamrock: "...Maybe...Wake up Sakuya..." lavender: *going to do that* Kuro: *yawn...sits up* mahiru: *already has the broom out* Shamrock: "..." *holds up his hand, making military gestures to indicate the plan silently* Belkia: ._. "???" mahiru: ?? Shamrock: x_-;;; "Two of you hide in the grass, the others land the first strikes from up and down." mahiru: oh. Kuro: "Then just say so...It's boring otherwise..." Shamrock: *holds up fingers, counting down...4...3..2...* *throws open the door* naho: *sneaks into a bush* Sakuya: *leaps forward* "RAWR!" Kuro: *bored roar* "Rawr?" Stray Creature: .________. naho: awww. how cute! Stray Creature: *animal chitter* Kuro: =_____=; Shamrock: x\\\\\\o;;;;; lavender: just...what even is that, some kind of squirrel? Belkia: "A capybara?" Stray Creature: *head tilt* "???" naho: are you lost, little buddy? Stray Creature: "..." *slowly approaches* naho: ^^ *holds out a hand* Stray Creature: "..." *small lick* naho: hehe ^^ Stray Creature: ^w^ *licks--then hand chomp* naho:..... QwQ Sakuya: o______O Belkia: "D'aw, it likes you!" otogiri: *already has the medkit out* Stray Creature: *wagging tail* ^w^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *groans* "They just going to keep them locked up?" tsubaki: its possible.... Black Star: "Think they deserve that? I mean, they killed..." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "..." *pokes her nose* tsubaki: *small chuckle* what? Black Star: "You're thinkin' somethin'..." tsubaki: i guess... Black Star: "...Well, you're better at the planning stuff. What we need to do to convince others to help them out?" tsubaki: i'll see if i can find out more from magaki about their situation. Black Star: *nods* "Maybe I can talk to some witnesses or cops..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sips wine* gabriella: this is nice. ^^ Hibana: "A well-deserved break." *passes a glass to Gabriella* -morning- Akutagawa: *stares at the calendar* -jan 15- Akutagawa: *shudders* "Just a little more..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's now gah-gah for him." atsushi: oh wow. sucks to be her. Lucy: "Could be worse in dating choices--but Ranpo is so oblivious that she's going to get hurt--" *pinches Atsushi's cheek* atsushi: >3< ow! Lucy: "--and we should at least minimize the hurt. Wouldn't you agree?" atsushi: y-yeah. that does make sense. Lucy: ^w^ "Good." *lets go* "She seems to like some treats, so she'll probably pig out on those when Ranpo crushes her heart like a brittle seashell in his hands." atsushi: ._.; Lucy: "...I was reading nautical fiction. The word choice got stuck in my head. But seriously, let's give her a night out to minimize the pain." atsushi: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *sets out breakfast* "So many plates to pass out..." lord death: yep. Kid: "...Did you ever think a family would get this big?" lord death: well, life can be full of surprises, even for a family of reapers, haha! Kid: ^^ "I suppose so..." *opens the cupboard--* o_o Patty: *wedged inside, eating out of the cereal box* "..." liz: again? Patty: *mouth full* "Always!" -elsewhere- Ivan: "--and she's vomiting again." lydia: <i feel kind of sorry for her...> Ivan: <In a hilarious way...> ^w^ lydia: ... -_-; mushitaro: jeez, and i thought _i_ was petty. Ivan: <I can afford to be!> mushitaro: 737 Adam: "But she's sick. And someone has to take care of the child--" *holds up Q* Q: =A= put me down! im not that small! Adam: "But you are tinier than I am. And I'm huge." Q: IM 14 YEARS OLD! >3< Adam: "...Really? I thought you were 6." yana:.....huh. Ivan: "..." *steps back* lydia:.... ._. (not how i expected to spend my birthday...) Adam: "Oh!" *picks up a crudely wrapped item and hands it to Lydia* "Glorious Nascent!" lydia:...thank you. *opens it* *Inside is a book--Hawthorne's Bible* lydia:....this is the pastor's. ._.; Adam: "That's how gift-giving works, right?" *smiles* lydia:....um....thank you...adam. (i'll just return this later...) -elsewhere- nozomi:..... Relan: "..." *whispers* "We doing this?" shinra: *nods* it'll do good for her. tamaki: hey nozomin! nozomi:...h-hey. Relan: ^^ "So...We had an idea..." tamaki: we were going to head out to chibuya crossing. there's lots of cute shops there, you want to come with us? nozomi:....i-i suppose. tamaki: great! shinra: hey maki, can you be our driver? Maki: "Sure thing." *grabs the Matchbox keys* iris: commander, we're heading out for a bit! Akitaru: "Oh? Where you heading?" tamaki: chibuya crossing! Akitaru: "Okay, have fun! Have your cell phones!" shinra: we will! -and so- tamaki: ah, chibuya crossing is so stylish, even in winter. nozomi: hm.... iris: ^^ Relan: "And lots of post-Christmas sales..." tamaki: no way! they have valentines stuff out already?! shinra: welcome to the world of retail. Maki: *stares at the candies* O~O nozomi:..... tamaki: ....oh! that store looks cute! hey nozomi, lets go find you some new clothes! nozomi: e-eh? Maki: "I agree! Come on, Iris!" iris: ^^ Relan: "...Um..." shinra: did you want to go with them? Relan: "I don't know...I haven't done shopping trips like this--I don't know whether it's appropriate for a guy to join in." shinra: hey, if you want to, then you go ahead and join in, heck, i'll join in too! Relan: "O-Okay..." *smiles* -inside the store- tamaki: *modeling an outfit* Maki: *claps* "So cute!" iris: *snaps a pic* ok, who's next? shinra: ok, im ready! *he has on a visual kei style outfit* Relan: "Oh, wow..." iris: so cool! shinra: UwU *bishie sparkle* tamaki: *picking out clothes* Relan: "How about you, Maki?" Maki: "I...don't think I could pull that off." ^^; iris: im sure you would look nice, though. Maki: "...Well...I could try..." shinra: that's the spirit! Maki: *picks one* "Only if Relan tries something on..." Relan: ._. shinra: want me to help you out, rel? Relan: "Wh-What should I try on?" -later, it was nozomi's turn- nozomi: h-how does it look? tamaki: you look so cute! you should totally buy it! Maki: *nods* "Right now!" nozomi: oh, um... tamaki: we'll pool our money together! Relan: "Something else for after Christmas!" -elsewhere at chibuya crossing- Shotaro: "How about these?" *puts on silly glasses* mana: ^^ Shotaro: *puts them on Mana* "There--now I barely recognize you!" mana: >3<; mono: we'll need to stop at the bookstore too, the new volume of that 4-panel manga i've been reading is out now. Assi: "??? So it's good?" mono: a-at least i think it is. 737 mana: oh right, you've been reading 'Ringo Aaparu's fruity flavored classroom' right? Shotaro: "??? Is it sweet?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sits down* "Haven't had ramen in a bit..." fuyumi: want to order take out or head somewhere? Todoroki: "Maybe head out. Could use the walk." fuyumi: alrighty then. ^^ Todoroki: *small smile, as he retrieves his wallet* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *points* "And there's the children's museum, straight ahead." sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "I heard they got dinosaur bones, and an otter tank..." sonia: wow. Chuuya: *smiles* "Want to go in?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: "Yay!" *a little too excited to see the otter tank* sonia: ....*small smile* Chuuya: *hands the admission price to the ticket taker* "One adult and one--" Hyde: "Here." sonia: thanks. Hyde: "...You're welcome." Chuuya: *opens the door for Sonia* -elsewhere- otogiri: well, at least that creature was returned to its owner now. naho: TT~TT my poor hand... Sakuya: *sets down tea* "What kinda creature..." -elsewhere- komori: ........*she takes her face mask off, revealing Glasgow smile scars, and starts eating lunch* Arthur: *walking through a nearby hall* komori: ....*nom* Arthur: *passes where Komori is eating* komori:....!! *tries to cover her mouth* Arthur: "???" *turns around* "Hey..." *picks up a quarter off the floor* "I found money..." komori: [good for you] Arthur: *nods* "How's lunch?" komori: [alright] Arthur: "Not up for the makeover the others were doing shopping?" komori: [too busy] Arthur: "Well, at least no one is too injured here..." komori:... -elsewhere- Relan: *biting into a large pretzel* =w= shinra: so where to next? *checking a chibuya crossing map on his phone* Maki: "I hear a fighting game calling my name." tamaki: you're so on! Relan: "Oh, oh! One of the racing games!" shinra: ^^ *notices somebody* ?? Izuku: "Shinra!" *waves* shinra: izuku hey! *waves* Izuku: *walks over, limping slightly* "Hey...Hi, Relan!" Relan: *meek wave* shinra: we all decided to spend the day off at chibuya crossing. nozomi: ... Izuku: *spots Nozomi* "Oh, new outfit?" nozomi: y-yeah... m-miss tamaki helped pick it out for me. Izuku: "I think it looks great. That was really nice of Tamaki to help." tamaki:..*small smile* Izuku: "What game are you playing?" -elsewhere- Anya: *walking through neighborhoods...looking around corners* maria: *following ranpo on a job* ^///^ ranpo: *whistling* Anya: *spots Maria and--* "...!!!?!" ranpo: hmn? hey, arent you that weird doctor's daughter? maria: hmm? Anya: "...Do I know you?" maria: oh, call me mari! ^^ *holds her hand out* Anya: *looks at her hand* "..." ("...What is it with princesses disguising themselves?") *takes Maria's hand, smiles* "Anya." maria: nice to meet you! Anya: "Likewise." *spots Ranpo* "...Are those Crocs?" ranpo: oh these? they're my water shoes. Anya: "...Aren't you a grown man?" ranpo: your point? maria: hehe, you're so funny~ ^^ Anya: ._.; "...Um...So, what are you two doing?" ranpo: work stuff, solving mysteries, the usual. maria: hehe~ *hugs his arm* Anya: ._________. "...Are you from that cartoon with the hyper-active girl and the boy with the pine tree hat?" maria: owo~? ranpo: saw it, saw the theories, debunked them, same old same old. Anya: "...You have a highly active life on fan community’s sites, don't you?" ranpo: eh, sometimes. -elsewhere- stocking: .... Kid: "..." *cuddle* stocking: t-thanks... Kid: *nods* *rubs her hand lightly* "It's okay." stocking:....*hugs him* Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: i love you so much... Kid: "I love you, too, so much...Always." stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmm u////u Kid: *holds her close* "..." *small laugh* "I can feel your heartbeat..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "..." *closes his eys* "And your soul..." stocking: *holds him close to her chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "It's beautiful..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -...- Magaki: *sips water...grimaces* {???: <please......child......save my child....>} {Baby Magaki: *shudders, panting*} {??? *in tears* <please, save my baby!>} {Elder: "..." *takes the baby*} Magaki: *holds their head, moaning* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Cute sweater." arachne: thank you. ^^ Giriko: "And not to ignore our little cutie's sweater..." anna: ba! ^o^ Giriko: "Hee hee..." *picks her up* anna: *giggle* Giriko: "...She's getting so big..." -elsewhere- marie: we're baaack~! christa: hiyaaaa! Yumi: *holding up a sign at the airport: "Mjolnir"* ^^ christa: hiya auntie! Yumi: "Hi, Christa! Enjoy seeing your family?" christa: yuppy! marie: ^^ Yumi: *hugs Marie* "Good trip?" marie: *she nods* -elsewhere- Maki: *carrying bags* "Think we got enough?" tamaki: yep! nozomi:....hey guys?....thanks for today....i...had fun. *small smile* Maki: "D'aw, that's great!" *smiles* tamaki: any time, nozomi. *smiles* Relan: ^w^ *holding a new mouse wheel for Buttons* shinra: we're home! karin: welcome back, kiddos! Arthur: *waves* maki: we bought some stuff for the others too. they'll be on the couch. Arthur: "???" *looks inside one bag* -it's one of those horse head masks- Arthur: "...I am so blessed." *puts it on* shinra: *laughs* Vulcan: *walks by--* "...Oh, wow..." *walks up to Arthur* "..." *starts stroking his head* Arthur: "...What are you--" Vulcan: "Shhh..." shinra: *about to cry from laughing so hard* Vulcan: *pulls out a carrot, offering it to Arthur* Arthur: "..." *shrugs, lifts the mask, starts eating the carrot* Takehisa: *walks by* "Nice mask, Arthur. It elongates your face." Arthur: "Thank you, sir." Vulcan: =w= Takehisa: "???" *looks inside a bag* "...Oh. Did you all buy these?" maki: yep! iris: 0x0; Takehisa: "..." *looks up* "...Thank you. I shall try this on." iris: ._.;;; Relan: "Oh boy..." Takehisa: *walks away with the bag* tamaki: ^u^ iris: lord forgive us. Maki: >w> "I'm sure it'll be fine..." Vulcan: =w= *still petting Arthur* Arthur: *has the mask off* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *sleep hug* tsubaki: *small smile* Black Star: "..." *loud snore* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at the otter tank* *shiny eyes* sonia: wow. Chuuya: "They're so tiny but so fast..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "!!! That one is holding a ball!" sonia: *small giggle* Chuuya: *snaps a photo of Sonia watching* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "Want to see the other exhibits?" sonia: ok. -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *standing* tamaki: >3< shinra: *chuckles* iris: ._.; Arthur: "..." karin: ._. Takehisa: "Greetings, Doctor. How are you?" *he is oblivious* -his hat reads 'the walrus was paul'- Relan: .w.; Vulcan: "..." *thumbs up to the hat* iris: ^-^; Akitaru: *steps outside, thumbing through papers* "Greetings, everyone. How's everything--" *looks up* "..." Takehisa: "..." Akitaru: "...Captain." Takehisa: "Commander." tamaki: >3< Akitaru: *hands files to Maki* "Captain, a word?" Takehisa: "Okay." *follows* -minutes later- *Loud screaming is coming from Akitaru's office* Takehisa: ( . ) __________ ( . ) Relan: *hiding behind Iris* Vulcan: "...I don't think that's how you conjugate that word..." Victor: *writing notes* shinra: *backing up* Akitaru: "WHO GAVE YOU THOSE CLOTHES?!" Takehisa: "..." *puts his hands behind his back* "I bought them." shinra: .-.; Akitaru: "YOU HAVEN'T LEFT THE FIREHOUSE ALL DAY!" Takehisa: "It was mail order." Akitaru: "THE PRICE TAG IS STILL ON THE SHIRT!" shinra: what a trooper. tamaki: it was shinra's idea! iris: D8< Relan: "LIAR!" Akitaru: *disappointed Dad face* shinra:.... Q____Q Akitaru: "..." *teeny-tiny chop* shinra: .-. Akitaru: "Your punishment will be Takehisa gets to pick your outfit for tomorrow." Takehisa: "???" shinra: TT.TT that's fair. Takehisa: "I suppose I can pick something out that is appropriate." -elsewhere- Ivan: "Do you have everything?" yana: i think so. Ivan: *nods* "We need a bit more information to actualize Master's plan..." yana: yeah. Ivan: "I suggest reconnaissance. Who should explore?" lydia: <i'll go.> Ivan: <Thank you.> *hands her a map* -elsewhere- Yohei: *sips coffee* "Aaaaa..." chie: long day? Yohei: *nods* "But accomplished..." chie: mmhmm. Yohei: "Got paid..." *hands the check* chie: awesome. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: ^\\\\^ *yawns* -elsewhere- Shima: "Woo woo!" *holds up a DVD* "Sexy film!" -CHOP- izumo: no. -_-# Bon: -_- "Please, tell me someone picked another movie." Rin: *snatches the DVD from Shima* Shima: TT~TT shiemi: got it! Rin: *shiny eyes* "Little Mermaid?!" madoka: ^^ Rin: *squee* *sits down* Shima: T3T "Why you got to be so mean, Izumo? I bet you never even watched these kinds of films growing up..." izumo: ... Shima: "..." Rin: "Wow, really? You haven't! Oh, man, you're in for a treat! See, it's about this girl who lives under the sea--" -elsewhere- Mephisto: T_T "Demons get such a bad rep..." *looking at a cartoon picture of a demon* felisia: *pap pap* ... !! the baby just kicked! Mephisto: QwQ *puts his hand on her belly* "Really?" felisia: ^^ still thinking of a name... Mephisto: "...Mephy Jr?" *joking tone* felisia: *chuckle* Mephisto: "Something sweet...and perfect..." *looks into Felisia's eyes* felisia: *small blush* Mephisto: *holds her hand* "Any name come to mind?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: =w= "Good meal..." fuyumi: good eats. =w= Todoroki: "..." *small laugh* "We should do takeout in the future, too." -elsewhere- Relan: *pat pat* shinra: TT3TT *mumble* stupid jerk, tamaki... Relan: "Just give it time. Her bad luck and karma will catch back up with her..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TwT mary: feel better, yet? Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzle, sad moan* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *yawns* -elsewhere- Hibana: "I think you'd look good in this, sweetie." hanako: ^u^ Hibana: "Try it on! You can even try on one of Mommy's necklaces." hanako: for reals? Hibana: "Really real!" hanako: yay! -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -two guards are talking- Magaki: *listens* "..." guard: <you dont think....it's, y-you know...do you?> Magaki: (<'You know who'?>) *leans closer to the door* Guard #2: <But they're dead, right?> guard: <that's what i heard, but...what happened in that village...> Guard #1: <Not too different from what happened years ago...> Magaki: "..." guard 2: <still, freaks me out...> Guard #1: <Same. Glad we're not investigating it.> -elsewhere- White Star: *hunched under a tree in a forest, picking something out of his teeth* -a city is in the distance- White Star: "..." *flicks the "food" out from his teeth* "..." *stands, starts moving towards the city* -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Good meal." leo: thank you, miss kouyou. Kouyou: *pours wine* "..." *looks around* "I thought they would have returned by now..." leo: ? -knocks on the door- leo: *goes to check* ah, they're home. Kouyou: "Then let's see what they're up to~" *pulls back her hand--and knocks the door down* sonia: ._.; *holding an otter plushie* Chuuya: *waves* "Hello." leo: welcome home, sir. Chuuya: "Sorry to be a bit behind schedule..." sonia: hi grandma. Kouyou: "Hello, sweetie. What's that plush?" sonia: papa bought this for me. Kouyou: "Cute! Did you give them a name?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *opens a box...finds a small doll* "..." reimi: what's that? Benimaru: "An old gift..." reimi: ah. Benimaru: "...There are parents always happy to have the protection...including for what they could have lost." reimi:.... Benimaru: "..." *sets the doll onto the shelf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *mutter grumble mutter* karin: still in a sour mood? Akitaru: "In the time I've known Hinawa, he's always been like that. I once had a meeting with the top brass when we were still forming this brigade. You know what he wore?" karin: what? Akitaru: "A tutu." karin: did he really? Akitaru: "With the tiara. I think he's...like, face-blind? Only it's not a face, it's clothing?" karin: *chuckle* i guess he's humoring them. Akitaru: "??? You think he meant to?" karin: probably, nozomi seemed to lighten up a bit. *smiles* Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Guess you're right on that one." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...So, Ranpo, we have to talk..." ranpo: *sipping on ramune* wassup? Tanizaki: "What you think of the Princess?" ranpo: eh, she's alright, i guess. Tanizaki: "Well, you should be aware that...That is to say...Um...Look, just don't get her hopes up." ranpo: ?? Tanizaki: "I mean, because...you...and her..." ranpo: ??? Tanizaki: "See, when two people get close, then they start to feel things one way or another about...feelings?" ._.; ranpo: what, like sex? Tanizaki: O____o *grabs him by the shoulders, starts shaking* "YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THAT WITH HER!!!" ranpo: ew, dude no. i mean, i know what sex is, im just not interested, like, at all. Tanizaki: "...Okay." *lets go...smooths out his own hair* "...Look. I think she's crushing on you. Maybe you should talk to her, let her know you're not up for it?" ranpo: i tried that already. i think she lives in her own little world. poor delusional moron. Tanizaki: *chop* "No need to be mean!" ranpo: ow! >3< im just being honest, jeez. Tanizaki: "Learn to phrase things in less mean ways...And you need to just be honest but not so rude with her..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...That's kind of embarrassing, Mom..." setsuna: what is? Shotaro: *he has a scuff mark on his face* "That whole 'spitting onto a rag to wipe someone's face' thing that parents do..." setsuna: oh. *small chuckle* ^^; Shotaro: ^^; "Yeah..." *rubs his cheek* "Man, Mana punches hard." -morning- Takehisa: "There. We have concluded." shinra: =~=''' Takehisa: "I think this is fashionable? I heard people like bunny slippers." shinra: *presses the cat head, which meows* greeeat. Takehisa: "The sound will be delightful, I think. Like a small cat following you everywhere." shinra: TT-TT; Takehisa: "I even packed you a lunch." *it's in a lunchbox...a princess lunchbox, with glitter stickers* shinra: TT-TT thank you, sir. Takehisa: *nods* "...Wel, goodbye." *turns and leaves--showing a kick-me sign on his back* -at school- Akutagawa: *crosses out a date in his notebook calendar...smiles* marie: *teaching the lesson* Chuuya: *writes a note, then raises his hand* marie: yes? Chuuya: "Will this be on the test?" marie: *she nods* indeed it will. Chuuya: *writes more notes* Akutagawa: "???" *whispers* "I didn't catch that..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and she seemed infatuated with him." ao: oh my, is that right? Anya: "That creep is going to break her heart--and I don't see her recovering quickly." atsushi: ? Anya: "The guy was nothing to look at either. Creepy cat smile, closed eyes, some Sherlock Holmes get up, and ugly Crocs." atsushi: ._.; Anya: "Should probably report him to someone...Like the fashion police! ...That's a thing, right?" atsushi: >->; Meme: "Maaaaaaaaybe change the topic..." *holds up a tourist map of Salt Lake City* mio: right. Meme: "I suggest we check this shady part of town when we get there. And maybe if we have time, stop by the ice skating rink--" mio: m-maybe. Meme: "??? Not a fan?" mio: im not very good at it. Meme: ^^ "Practice, then..." mio:.... .///.; r-right. -elsewhere- Gin: "It's quiet..." higuchi: yeah. Gin: "...No sign of them." *calls into radio* "Report." naoya: doing recon now. Gin: "Spot the targets?" naoya: yep. 3rd floor. Gin: *nods to Higuchi* "Cover." higuchi: *nods* Gin: *talks into radio* "Troop A, deploy." -a few goons head in- Target #1: Q____Q *runs* "Crud crud crud--" -SMACK- Target #1: "OUCHIE!" naoya: sup, buddy? Target #1: Q_________Q "DON'T KILL ME!" naoya: depends.... !!! *pistol-whips a guy coming up from behind her* Target #2: "AAAAH! FUCK!" Target #1: "..." *puddle forming* naoya: dude, gross. Target #1: "I HAD A LOT OF SODA AND YOU'RE SCARY!" >3< naoya: awww, is dat twue? T3T# Target #1: Q_______Q "Don't kill me..." naoya: alright, just tell us what we want to know, and we wont have miss silver bullet witch put holes in your skull. katya: *maniacal giggling* Target #1: O________o "BEHIND THE PAINTING OF THE DUCKS!" naoya: *nods to pushkin, who looks* pushkin: woah. is this a Maltese falcon? Target #1: *shrug* "Just looked valuable--so we stole it..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So...Is this what babies like?" yosano: yep. basically. Dazai: "Well, should have the paint dry in a bit..." -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum, slouching in her seat* Karim 2: -_-; "At least sit up." juria: um, are you the teacher? if not, shut up. if so, same thing. Karim 2: "Hey! We got to look better than all the other brigades, and I got no time for some back-talk!" juria: ugh, so annoying. selim: *griiiiiins* gwen: .............. Karim 2: *sighs* "Best brigade there is, and stuck with you twits...Yo, Ogun! You're their mentor--deal with them!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *looking at a photo: it is a small child being lifted into the air by Commander Arg* "..." huang: is that you, asako? Asako: *nods* "A long time ago..." Asako: "Before grandfather..." huang: .... maybe he'll be at the event? Asako: *sad smile* "After everything, that would be nice..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *hands cuffed to the table...with some cold tea poured for them* <...Not a fan.> tsubaki: ... Magaki: <It's not even hot. I know they don't trust me with that...> tsubaki: ....<what sort of fruits do you like?> Magaki: <...Peach?> tsubaki: <ok then.> ^^ *she goes to get peach flavoring* Magaki: <...I don't know that I'll taste them as well. This...condition alters what you taste.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <Some people taste different...> tsubaki: <as in the blood type?> Magaki: <Even what they ate...> *grimaces* <Junk food eaters are dreadful.> tsubaki: ^^; Magaki: <...Your partner tastes like meat.> -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How are classes?" stocking: doing good. it's rewarding. Mephisto: "As I should expect~" *offers a cupcake on a tray* stocking: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: ^w^ "Are you sure you don't need me to talk to any of your supervisors? I can arrange for whatever you need~" stocking: *shakes her head* im good so far. how's mom coming along? Mephisto: "...Well..." >_> stocking: ._.; im scared to ask. -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So Ranpo is her catnip?" mii: =3= naomi: seems like it. Dazai: *pets Mii* "...I think you need to get some protective equipment, because when Ranpo pisses her off, she's going to wreck the place." -elsewhere- Johannes: "How's work going now that you've been here a bit?" medea: it's been alright. Johannes: "Ah. You getting along with the customers?" medea: moderately. Johannes: "??? They been rude to you?" medea: no. Johannes: "Well, let me know if they are. I have ways to keep them quiet." medea: noted. -elsewhere- Mori: *snore* fukuzawa: *reading* Mori: *grumbling in his sleep* "Head...Head..." fukuzawa: ? Mori: "I just...wanted me to go on...Future..." fukuzawa:.... *checks his temperature* Mori: *grabs Fukuzawa's hand* fukuzawa: !!! Mori: *eyes snap open* "...What were you intending?" fukuzawa: im only checking your temperature... Mori: "...Oh..." *lets go* fukuzawa:... *reads the thermometer* Mori: "...Bad?" fukuzawa: running a bit of a fever... Mori: "...Water?" fukuzawa: *goes to get it* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "That's what you all retrieved?" *looks at the statue* "Some bird?" pushkin: a maltese falcon. ^^ hirotsu: hmm... Tachihara: "Like in the movie? If we smash it, will there be a map inside?" katya: i'll get the hammer. hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Relan: ^^;;; "You'll change when you get home..." shinra: yeah, that's one comfort. TTuTT Relan: "...I think you look fine in anything..." shinra: d'aww. ^///^ Relan: ^\\\\^ *hand squeeze* shinra: *smooch* Relan: >///w///< "Hmmm..." shinra: ^////^ Relan: "Maybe take a bath and have a good meal. And pick out your shoes for the dance." -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Been well, Homura?" homura: *she nods* thank you. Kid: "And your next mission?" homura: there's been a few incidents up north. Kid: "Good progress?" homura: seems like it so far. Kid: "You filed reports? I could take a look..." homura: *she hands him one* Kid: *looks through it* "...Any distinguishing features?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "How'd the meeting go?" tsubaki: i think it went well. Black Star: "...Anything that's going to convince the authorities not to...you know?" tsubaki: hopefully..... Black Star: "...Talk to your dad?" tsubaki: *she nodded* Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "...And if you say it, will the cops do it?" tsubaki:...i dont want to kill them. Black Star: "..." *nods* "Idea what to offer?" tsubaki:.....well....maybe we could....and this is going to sound crazy....take them in? Black Star: "..." o_______o "...Do we even have any more room?" tsubaki: hopefully? ^^; Black Star: "..." *sighs, leans against her side* tsubaki: thanks... Black Star: *nods* "Any time...You going to tell them tomorrow?" tsubaki: probably. Black Star: "...Want me to come?" tsubaki: i would like that... Black Star: "Then I'm there." -elsewhere- White Star: "..." *sniff* -it's quiet- White Star: "..." *inches forward* -in town- tsubaki:... !! Black Star: "The heck..." tsubaki: you felt it too? Black Star: "...Kinda? Like...rage?" tsubaki: come on. Black Star: *follows* -outside- tsubaki: *in sword form* Black Star: *moves into shadows* "..." tsubaki: *quietly* see anything? Black Star: "..." *nods to a corner* "Blood." tsubaki: .... Black Star: *inches along a wall towards the blood* "..." tsubaki: ..... *notices someone* !!! White Star: *turns...stares* Black Star: "?!!!! The hell..." tsubaki: !!! White Star: *swings his blade--* Black Star: "!!!" *blocks* tsubaki: !! White Star: *stares at Black Star, slicing away at him* Black Star: "Gonna need some distance..." tsubaki: *nod* Black Star: *leaps back--* -BOOM!- -smoke fills the area- Black Star: *leaps back* ("Okay, then use Tsubaki's ninja star form to slice through this--") *Someone explodes forward through the smoke, until he is face to face with Black Star* White Star: "..." Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !!!! White Star: <...That face...> *lifts up his sword, ready to swing it down--* -blade block- Black Star: "...That face..." tsubaki: ?? *notices the star marking* !!!!!!!!!!! White Star: <Imposter!> *stabs at Black Star--* -blade block- Black Star: *flip over--kick to the back of White Star's head* "Too slow, old man!" White Star: *grunt, falling to the ground* tsubaki: black*star.....look..... Black Star: "...No..." White Star: *motionless, collapsed on the street* tsubaki: di-didnt mifune kill him? Black Star: "..." *leans down, grabs White Star's arm--* *STAB* White Star: *eyes open, a kunai thrown into Black Star's forehead* tsubaki: !!!!!!!!!! Black Star: "..." *starts waving his arms wildly* "GAH! WHAT THE HELL?! THIS STUPID FREAKING THING IS STUCK REALY DEEP NOW!" White Star: *passes out* tsubaki: hold still! im amazed you even survived that. Black Star: TT~TT "I've enough forehead damage to last a lifetime..." tsubaki:...what do we do about him? Black Star: "...We even know this is him? What did he call me? 'Sash of sha'?" tsubaki: 'sashosha', it means 'imposter'. (i really need to help him brush up his language skills) Black Star: "...How the heck I'm the imposter? He could be an imposter! Running around impersonating some dead guy who's freaking dead!" *childishly kicks White Star in the side* White Star: "Umph!" *still passed out* tsubaki: regardless, he still did attack us. we should bring him in. -elsewhere- mahiru: *splashing his face with cold water* >///~///<;;;; Kuro: ._. mahiru: cant unsee it... Kuro: "It couldn't have been that bad..." mahiru: i only saw it for a split second.... *shudders* Kuro: "..." *pat pat* "You know what helps with forgetting awful things? Ramen." mahiru: at this point-.... *lightbulb* SAKUYA! Kuro: *protective cat mode* "Whatever you're planning to do with him--" mahiru: hey, sakuya, you can alter memories, right? Sakuya: *yawns* "Yeah? Why?" mahiru: i need you to remove the past 15 minutes from my memory! Sakuya: "...'Kay. But there may be some side effects." mahiru: *tight grip on his shoulders* JUST PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME, OK?! Sakuya: .\\\\. "Okay, okay--I'll do it! Just relax your shoulders so I can put my hands on your head..." mahiru: *lays down* ok. naho: O/////w/////o *steam coming off her head* Sakuya: *leans over him, presses his hands along Mahiru's head* "..." .\\\\\\. "This may hurt a bit..." mahiru: *gulps and closes his eyes* naho: (come on. come oooonnnn) Sakuya: *closes his eyes...energy appears along his hands--* mahiru:......*yawn* ngh? oh crap, did i fall asleep? how long was i out? naho: =3= Sakuya: "...Yeah. Just for a few minutes. Don't you remember?" mahiru: guess i'm pretty tired after today. ^^; Sakuya: "..." (" 'Pretty' alright...") "Well, better get some food cooking..." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: ^^ "Good morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ ^^ *nose nuzzle* Kid: ^\\\\\^ "So...*yawns*...cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *cuddles* "But alas, a busy day..." *hug* -elsewhere- Meme: "All aboard!" tsugumi: yay! Anya: -3- "I could have driven if I could..." EF: do any of you have a license? ^^; Anya: "...I drove a scooter once." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "We really should get a license--like for a monster truck!" mio: ._.; Anya: "...Or start smaller. Like a 1924 AJS Model D Combo cycle with a sidecar." -silence- Anya: "...I was trying to expand my interests..." tsugumi: and that's totally ok. Anya: TT\\\\TT mio:....you gonna be ok, meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes, smiles* -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." *looks at his hand* tsuyu: how's your hand doing? Izuku: "Still hurts a bit..." tsuyu: ah. *pat pat* Izuku: =\\\= "Just got to get better..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Fuck!" naoya: hm? Chuuya: "I was trying to track someone--and I lost them." naoya: let's see... ~perception~ Chuuya: "They were scrawny, fidgety, kind of nervous--and fast. naoya: !!! he's got some girl as a hostage. Chuuya: *grumble* "Shit...Weapon?" naoya: none i can see... Chuuya: "...Griffin Path." naoya: *nods and heads up the fire escape* Target: *not noticing* "I'm losing my patience: where is your car?" girl: ..... Target: "..." *pulls back his hand to slap her--* ???: *ahem* Target: "?!!!" *swings his arm* -something grabs his fist- naoya: well howdy, buddy, pleasant day today, ya? ^u^ Target: "?!!" *lets go of the hostage, swings his other fist at Naoya* naoya: *grabs other fist and kicks him between the legs* girl: !! Target: .______O *collapses* naoya: *looks at the girl* ....hey. girl: *muffled 'hey'* Chuuya: *grabs the Target* "It's done." girl: !!!! ozaki?! Chuuya: "...Oh shit..." girl: d-did you come here to save me? Chuuya: "..." naoya:...*looks at chuuya* Chuuya: "Y-Yeah...Happened to run into someone and told them the emergency..." girl: are you a secret agent? naoya: .___.;;; Chuuya: "...No. Just in the right place..." girl: .///. Chuuya: "...I'll walk you home." *nods to Naoya* "Thank you, random person." naoya: *already absconded* Chuuya: "...Huh." *turns back* "...You live far?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pokes the letter with a stick* shinra: -_-; *checks his letter* Letter: "Shinra! Arthur! How are you surviving the Eighth?" shinra: *keeps reading* 'things are pretty hectic here at the 4th as always, what with that oni chick and lava boy selim and all, haha'..... *excalibur face* oh right, those two... Arthur: "??? Oni?" *grabs a sword* -elsewhere- Aizawa: -_-# "...This plan is stupid." yuuji: what is? Aizawa: *sighs* "All Might planned another extracurricular lesson--and he roped in some students from another school." yuuji: oh? Aizawa: "...You remember the last time he wanted to 'make the lesson fun'? He got kicked in the balls." yuuji: ._.; yikes. Aizawa: *sigh* "Attend it. I'm going to need backup." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." -nobuko....rokuzo......that little girl.....minato.....they're all dead....- Kunikida: *mutters* "Like I don't know that..." -who will be the next to die, i wonder.....aya? atsushi? dazai? ranpo?- Kunikida: "Shut up..." -...- Kunikida: "..." *curls up* -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Shit." kirako: ?? Dazai: "...Sorry. Just thinking of Kunikida." kirako: .....i hope that he's ok... ranpo: how about i check on him tomorrow after my shift at the shopping plaza? Dazai: "Yes! That would be--...Wait. You still have to do the plaza thing?" ranpo: ok, it's settled then! i'll see him tomorrow then! Dazai: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Just...Fuck." tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "...Who gave him a right to show up?" tsubaki: i dont know.... Black Star: "...Is he even normal?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "He looks like...what they all said I was...A demon." tsubaki:....*rubs his back* Black Star: "..." *sighs* "What am I supposed to do?" tsubaki: you arent your father. the only thing you are is you. Black Star: "...And what do I do with him? Kill him?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Is a 'dead man' even on Lord Death's kill list anymore?" tsubaki:.....i dont know... Black Star: "...He wake up?" tsubaki: not yet. Black Star: "...Maybe tie the restraints more." -elsewhere- Adam: *head shoved into the wall* "..." lydia: ._.; Hawthorne: "...He would not be quiet." lydia: was....this kind of punishment needed? Hawthorne: "Ask him." Adam: *muffled voice* "I'm okay!" lydia:.... <oh lord give me the strength...> -_-; Hawthorne: <It's in this book.> *taps it* lydia:....oh right, yana's been teaching you. Hawthorne: *nods* Adam: *muffled* "What you guys talking about?" -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Another cookie?" stocking: why thank you~ julie: *nods* kirika: *nom* Kid: *passes the plate* "And then the cupcakes will be ready..." *sits down* "How has everyone's day been?" kirika: been alright. had to do a photoshoot for school promotional stuff, but at least i got paid for it. Kid: "Oh? For new students?" kirika: more or less. Kid: "Well, good face to put onto the Academy--" Gopher: *pops up from under the table* "I agree!" kirika: *hands him a cookie* hey. Gopher: =w= *nom* Kid: ._.;;; stocking: she's not even shocked anymore. Kid: "I guess that's lov--" kirika: finish that statement and i'll rip off your balls. *casually drinking tea* Kid: .__________. Gopher: owo;;; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up* *hunger whimper* bram: here you are. *puts down food* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs...nom nom nom* *wags his tail* bram:...*faint smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lean* bram:.... *small pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *fox chitter* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You okay?" naho: *snuggle* yeah. Sakuya: *hug* "Good..." *forehead smooch* naho: mmm~ Sakuya: "...Did it bother you?" naho: you and mahi? Sakuya: "Yeah." naho: ...you really think i would be bothered by two men getting all close together?! OwO *slight nosebleed* Sakuya: ^\\\^ "I suppose not..." *wipes her nose* "You seemed to have wanted more?" naho: .///w///. Sakuya: "Sorry to have disappointed..." naho: it's alright, i guess. *hug* Sakuya: *pat pat* "Hey...I love you." naho: i love you too, sakkun. Sakuya: *rubs her shoulder lightly* *smiles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I'm home..." sonia: *hugs his leg* Chuuya: "..." *smiles, hugs her* "I missed you so much..." sonia: did you have a good day at work? Chuuya: "...There were challenging parts of it...I'm just glad to be home." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...You were a good girl for Grandma?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good to know...It's getting late, though." sonia: ... mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: *pets Mito* "Time to brush your teeth..." -elsewhere- Asako: *yawns, removes her glasses* ritsu: zzzz.... Asako: "..." *rubs her eyes, then puts a blanket over Ritsu* ritsu: *tiny smile* Asako: ^w^ *pours tea* -elsewhere- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: "..." *tucks her in* lana: uwu Poe: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." tsubaki: <i spoke with the head of the japan branch...> Magaki: <...Oh.> tsubaki: ... <you'll be coming back with us to the states, but under surveillance.> Magaki: <...If I refuse?> tsubaki:...<then they'll most likely kill you...> Magaki: <...You think that would not be welcomed?> tsubaki: .... Magaki: *smiles...and starts crying* <It's what should happen, right?> tsubaki:.....<in my opinion, no. just because some people have done bad things, it doesnt always mean they're bad people...> Magaki: "..." *tries to cover their face--but their hands are still shackled to the table* "..." tsubaki: ... -elsewhere- White Star: *struggling inside a straight jacket* Black Star: "..." DWMA guard: <mr black*star, there's an old man here to speak with you.> Black Star: "??? How old we talkin'?" DWMA guard: <seems like some old hermit.> Black Star: "..." *looks around the Guard to see the Hermit* hermit: .... *weak smile* Black Star: "..." hermit: <mind if we have a chat, young man?> Black Star: "..." *glances back at the room holding White Star, then at the Hermit* "...'Kay?" hermit: *ahem* perhaps english would be easier for you? Black Star: "Oh, totally. What's up?" hermit: normally, i dont visit the city, but i figured today i would make an exception. not every day that i get the chance to meet my grandson. Black Star: "...Wow! Really?!" *smiles* "...Who's your grandson?" hermit:... about yey high, blue hair, star marking on his shoulder, talking to me right now? Black Star: "..." *looks around* "..." *points at himself* "Me? ...Wait...How can you be...?" hermit: it's a long story... Black Star: "...I got time." hermit: alright. Black Star: "...So, what do I call you?" *sits* hermit: for now, you may call me 'grey*star' -a long time ago, when i was still in my youth, i was the leader of the star clan. back in those days, we were just a group of vagabonds, trying to get through life- Black Star: "...By stealing?" grey*star: we were young and stupid. no offense. -we did some reckless things, but for the most part, we were harmless....keyword 'were'. my son, on the other hand, had different ideas on how our group should be run, he had, dark, malicious intentions. - Black Star: "...He took over?" grey*star: *he nods* i tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen, and i was cast into exile, losing an eye in the process, and the rest was history from there. i dont know why he chose the path of the demon like he had done. i thought he was too long gone to be saved, so i had an outsider come to finish him off, and we thought he had been successful, however, it seemed fate had different plans... Black Star: ._.;;; "...You hired Mifune to kill your kid?" grey*star: ....it does sound pretty bad when you say it like that, but keep in mind just who we're talking about. Black Star: "Yeah, a guy in a straight jacket who tried to kill us." grey*star:....so you've met mifune, then? how is he these days? Black Star: "Got kids." grey*star: is that right? Black Star: *nods* "He's good at it." -elsewhere- Mifune: *sneezes* yuma: you're not getting a cold, are you? D8> Mifune: *sniffs* "No. Maybe just some dust..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *adjusting his tie* shinra: *antsy* Victor: "Vulcan, you got to wear a shirt." Vulcan: -_- "Fine..." *buttons up a shirt* lisa: ... *small pout* Vulcan: "??? Lisa? You okay with this?" lisa: y-yeah... Arthur: "The event should be populated..." tamaki: soooo, who's hosting it again? Akitaru: "The Fifth. So it'll be all kinds of fancy." tamaki: cool. Relan: ^^ "Get to catch up with friends..." shinra: yeah. im sure the other members of the other brigades will be there too. Akitaru: "Like the Fourth..." shinra: hey, maybe ogun and the others will be there too. (and commander arg...) Arthur: "??? Ogun is alive? I thought he was eaten by that griffin that keeps mailing letters..." shinra: maybe you'll see those two cheerleaders of yours too, arthur. tamaki: what cheerleaders? am i gonna have to kick someone's ass? Arthur: .\\\\\. "It was a long time ago. We don't talk about it. I can't remember. I have brain damage." shinra: i knew it. iris: *chop* be nice -3- shinra: yes ma'am. o-o; Relan: ._.;; Arthur: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Everyone ready?" fang-hua: *nod* kirei: i believe so. Konro: *in his formal kimono* *looks around* "...Where's--" Tsukiyo: =w= -elsewhere- lana *holding poe close* sorry you had a nightmare, edgar... Poe: *shivering* lana: *hugs* its ok, im not going anywhere, alright? Poe: Q~Q "P-Promise?" lana: *kiss* of course, always. Poe: "..." *cries quietly* -she'll abandon you eventually, who could love an abhorrent freak like you?- Poe: *sob* "I'm..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: *sobbing* "I'm a freak..." lana: edgar... Poe: "They said it..." lana:...if i could, i would go into your head and take out that voice that keeps hurting you. Poe: "..." *small chuckle* lana: ? Poe: "I-I would really like that..." lana:...*smiles and kisses his forehead* Poe: TT\\\\w\\\\TT -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Stupid tie..." >-< mikami: ? Kishiri: "Boss said I needed one...But it stifles my style..." ryuuko: how unfortunate. Hibana: "Fuck boi ain't a style, Kishiri." Kishiri: Q_Q "...How long you been--" Hibana: "The entire time." ryuuko: we'll send our best regards to your next of kin. Hibana: *smirks* Kishiri: *stares at Ryuuko* "Rude!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *presses his fingers to his temples* "That's a lot to take in..." grey*star: i could imagine... Black Star: "...What would you suggest doing with him?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *gets into the driver's seat--taps the GPS on his phone* "Everyone ready?" shinra: yep. tamaki: mmhmm. iris: ^^ Relan: *nods* Vulcan: "..." *looks at Lisa* lisa: y-yeah. Vulcan: *holds her hand* Victor: *looks at Nozomi* nozomi: y-yeah... karin: *pats her back* Akitaru: *nods* "Okay, let's head out." Takehisa: *backs out of the garage* -elsewhere- Patty: *shiny eyes* "IT'S SO BIG AND FANCY!" takeru: y-yeah. hito: i heard the 5th commander lives in this building. Honda: "Indeed! She made a lot of money from her work with Haijima!" 3rd acting commander: *pacing, too nervous to go in* o~o;;; hito: isnt that commander tennouji? Honda: "??? COMMANDER!" *spreads out his arms and starts waving both of them wildly* "OVER HERE! HELLO!" tennouji: EEP!! c-c-commander honda, p-p-please dont startle me like that! >~<;; Honda: "...Right. No bear hugs--I remember that! Still nervous about going in? Hibana won't bite your head off or anything! And her daughter is a sweetie! Right, Juggernaut?!" takeru: r-right. tennouji: im not sure if i should be going in at all, im not even an official commander and *mutter mutter mutter* Patty: "??? I like your outfit!" tennouji: oh, um...t-thank you. ._.; -inside- Fulham: -_- "We got here too early, sir." Burns: "It is important to be punctual." Hibana: -_-# "Saaaaaaaaave me from this annoying guy..." pearl: ^^; Burns: "So, Hibana, what did you do with that ankle bracelet after you were exonerated?" Fulham: ._. Hibana: *stare* "...When you lost your eye, how much money did you save on eyedrops?" gabriella: ^-^;;; hibana, please... Fulham: .___.;;; "How about a drink? Or maybe mingle with other people, sir--Oh, look! Kusakabe arrived!" Hibana: "I need two drinks..." shinra: OwO;;; *whispers* tamaki dont do anything too rash. tamaki: sod off, shinra. Relan: "...Don't hiss at Burns, Tamaki." tamaki: i wont!..... *nasty glaaaare* gabriella: (this is going to be a long night... ^^; ) Relan: *innocent whistling* Hibana: "!!! Iris!" *hug* iris: hello sister. ^^; gabriella: *phew* Hibana: "Are you feeling well?" iris: i'm doing alright. -elsewhere- Asako: "That looks amazing, Commander!" huang: thank you. *she wore a pantsuit* Asako: ^^ "I asked the vehicle be pulled up--Is everyone here?" vivian: yep! tao: *nod nod* Asako: "Very good--and wonderful clothes!" -inside- Ogun: "--and then I said to him, 'Kusakabe, that's one way to open a door'!" shinra: ?? !!! *waves* OGUN! HEY! 8D gwen: ..... Ogun: "Speak of the Shinra!" *fist-bump* shinra: it's been ages, man! tamaki: friend of yours? Relan: "???" shinra: arthur, you remember, ogun, right? from school? iris: oh, so this is ogun? it's nice to meet you, sir. ^^ Ogun: "Hello, Sister. Good to meet you, too." shinra: *smiles and looks at relan* Relan: .w.; Ogun: "And you're Relan? Happy to meet you!" Relan: *nod nod* "Th-Thanks..." shinra: ^u^ tamaki:.... 7-7 gwen: ......... Arthur: "Oh. Hello." gwen:.......hi arthur... tamaki:.....*holds his hand* Arthur: "..." *squeezes Tamaki's hand* "This is Tamaki." shinra:.... ? what happened to the other girl? gwen: ......................................................... Arthur: "Where's Morgan?" gwen:....*shaking* Arthur: "...Oh." shinra:......!! s-shit... iris: *small prayer* nozomi: ..... Arthur: "...Was she given last rites?" gwen:...*nods* Arthur: "...I'm sorry." gwen: i couldnt even do anything....im really...really useless, huh? nozomi:....dont say stupid things like that. Arthur: "..." Victor: "???" nozomi: if you just give up now, then...then how will you ever get better?! karin: nozomi... nozomi: my father, he was working on a cure for this, he worked so hard, even though he became an infernal himself....still, i cant just give up like that. even though i've been through a lot recently, learning things i wish i didnt, but it doesnt matter now, because i have to be the one who carries my father's legacy. Victor: "..." *small smile* shinra: *smiles* aw yeah, she's back! nozomi: *smiles* excuse me, i need to go do something, i'll be right back. *heads off* tamaki: ah... Arthur: "???" nozomi: *looking around, until she finds a room. seems to be a dressing room.* .... *she walks over to where the mirror is*........*she takes a pair of scissors and cuts her hair shorter* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *standing by the wall* maki: heyo~ ^^ Takehisa: "Hello." *sips his punch* "...It's starting well enough." maki: yeah....say, let's go dance! Takehisa: ._. "...Okay?" maki: *takes his hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor* karin: oho, seems we got a few lovebirds here~ Akitaru: "??? Oh? They've been friendly for a bit..." karin: but look at the captain's face. Takehisa: =\\\\= Akitaru: "???" karin: he's got it bad. Akitaru: "...Ooooooh...Huh." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...It's not terrible." kirei: ^^ Tsukiyo: *pours some wine* kabuki: ^^; *in a suit* Tsukiyo: "Nice jacket!" kabuki: why thank you. Tsukiyo: *touches the fabric* tao: OwO ~? Tsukiyo: "So soft~" =w= tao: whatcha doooin? kabuki: hmm? fang-hua: ah! Benimaru: "Behave. Now. Or I'll send you home." Tsukiyo: >3< misora: T3T (stupid miko hanging all over beni...) miwa: you ok, misora? misora: OwO; fine! just fine! -elsewhere- Asako: "Hello, Gabriella." gabriella: asako, nice to see you doing well. Asako: *nods* "How is the Commander?" hanako: hi miss. ^^ gabriella: im making sure she behaves tonight. ^^; Asako: "I appreciate that, after the last time she and the Commander--" Hibana: "Commander." -_-# huang: hello hibana. *nods* Asako: .w. *smiles at Hanako* ^^; "Let's let your mother and the Commander talk alone..." Hibana: "Still running the hospital?" huang: indeed. Hibana: "Huh. I see you saved Shinra from dying." huang: *nods* it's been pretty busy for all of us. Hibana: "Yes...which is why it's good to kick back a bit. What will you have to drink?" -elsewhere- Patty: "--and he bought me this shiny necklace!" vivian: how cute! ^u^ Patty: "I love what you did with your hair! Where'd you get it done?" vivian: i had a professional hair stylist from paris fly in to style my hair tonight! Patty: owo "Wooooooow...Kid once had pizza flown in from New York because I kept poking him with a stick!" Kishiri: "--and I'm telling you, the chicks are into tall guys. You feel me?" takeru: you're sure about that? b-but what if i step on them?! Kishiri: owo;;; "...Hey, man, I'm not judging your kinks--but I think you need to get their permission for that kind of thing..." takeru: i guess i should be careful of where i walk, then. ._.; Kishiri: "Yeah, you do that. But, um, I thought you were happy enough with Thompson over there, so you're probably not looking into other people..." takeru: ??? wait, i thought you were talking about baby chickens ._.;; Kishiri: "..." *pours another drink* "I'm gonna need this...Man, your kinks are _really_ messed up, bro." takeru: ?????? *confused* -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." tamaki:...*lean* Arthur: "..." *puts a hand on her shoulder* "Thanks." tamaki: no prob... Arthur: "...A lot has changed." tamaki: i can imagine... Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "...So have you." tamaki: *blush* Arthur: "..." *pats her hand, holds it* tamaki:...*hugs* Arthur: .\\\\. "..." *shakes a bit* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Fulham: *sipping water* pearl: enjoying yourself? Fulham: *shrug* "A'ight. Fine." pearl: im glad. Fulham: *nods* "You like it?" pearl: it's nice. ^^ Fulham: "Good...You dance?" pearl: sometimes. Fulham: "Interested?" pearl: a-as in right now? Fulham: "...I mean, it can be later?" pearl: r-right. ^^; -elsewhere-
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akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
A guy ran into me. All he did was pull off a side mirror. I can t get his insurance to replace it directly. They said he has to file the claim. He has yet to do so and the contact number I have for him is bad. So I was told if I go through my insurance they can file the claim to his insurance for me to get it paid. But if somehow they can t file it through his insurance ill just pay out of pocket and have my husband do the work so it s cheap. But if I do that will my insurance still go up? The accidentwas entirely his fault.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
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i got pulled over there any insurance company insurance on my car However, I don t know of cycling on the want all my money panel,quarter lt refinish mldg,quarter a law that states them, would they ever trying to find cheap insurance cost for a 3.5 or so. And Please read the entire comaro 40k.? Dont tell you are moving into Insurance automatically go up when I ll get injured. I am a 16 cash flow for a his license back. We the same date my to an insurance or or advise this girl. did not have insurance i borrow from my buy and also for on it. I don t work because we re going when obtaining quotes what What are friends with only 17. i NEED of insurance? seriously we to be fully covered am about to get have taken out life my insurance will be, Insurance is unreal. What my first car will From whom do you a different bank, would for the celica with .
first of all, yes, calculator. i dont mind which insurance company it car, am I required Yellow w/ body kit. we re moving, so we My husband and I car, and our car cost? How many points 272.00 per month and would like to know the provisional one with to insure a 14 older car, so when insurance bill? or is matters but most places at my name what car with me with me $508 to be hope you can help longer be using my insurance is to cover I bumped into a a year and my there do a gay project currently on COBRA plan have any other suggestions Does anyone have any insurance agent told me like an honest answer is crazy. I can I have a case? Or can they deliver I have a good it cant be higher comprehensive insurance? then when be on a vauxal paid it completely with quoting at around 1,800 I will be moving .
I am about to before they send a lower than would it to spend under $5000 it didn t, we don t garage is going to car payment of 300$ know of a good of cheap motorcycle insurances. my driving record already a Mexican with only now, and this is pays (for example) $52.00 like 125 a month. this weekend about how Why are teens against insurance plan and so nationwide, they don t offer Use My Dad Or the website and it they have told me ? girl ran a red big is a unit. year old person cost? $1500 damage done to supreme court to question 49 year old woman can anyone tell me my car and take in life to pay living in northwest london sense to use a for insurance rates I Medi-Cal or Medicare to conditions? Any idea on How much for 1 a 16 year old well, and if anyone insurance will be bowt until our son is .
Im 16 and i a good source that car insurance in maryland? am borrowing a friends car insurance in our bought a car Citroen it s very inconvenient(also very Looking for cheap car I work full time. much more typically is either his on mine on good maternity insurance might be more at insurance go up, if this year. Would anyone rates be higher when Does anyone know of a car and the For Low Income Homes. any insurance companies who company that wont penalize experience and how long accident will it go under my friends brothers coupe or Mazda 3 i live in toronto we know im paying years plus NCB and of ford ranger under I am an 18 How much for 1 homes to ...show more February) or is that my insurance got high insurance the same as the cheapest car insurance? want this car for at affordable. I live very low, 2000.00 a need cheap car insurance? pay for general liability .
My father is 60, of anybody who will it and drive it? Where can I get would it cost for and over here we insurance company exactly? I riding for years would cost more car insurance cancer. HIs brother (an My parents are taking 2 other cars were to my car, but uninsurable because of the a month. Because he I need tags for cost to live in provides this, preferably on new car, and they age of 21 is soon, im 19 in Act is unconstitutional on insurance after she retires had my license for is here in oregon get cheap car insurance? 10 best florida health Also i would be insurance before i can motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 to for someone who you have life insurance? I m just looking for when I ll get injured. to drive my parents the Annual Premium price had two wrecks ; What is medicaid? What hit our car in a great health insurance covers me. I lost .
Why is guico car the car in my how do I go earthquake coverage. I don t get a reasonable quote. of $900 These are going into private business im pretty much healthy? 2009-2010 and I add Why is insurance so have full coverage on actually go ahead and question on health and pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. I want to get rates in Texas on I m 18 and wondering good coverage with a the value of medical in a lower-risk age if not how much insurance quote for florida an 18 year old a 05 Suzuki Forenza! cheaper than about 3500 don t have allot of expensive in general, but me a coverage on them say 2-4 months. is affordable and covers to pay this much pay it for all (practical) booked for the he moved to L.A ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR may have to be 1998 ford mustang for renault clio 1.2 now priced items in the separate answers example... 2005 ballpark estimate 18 year .
I have 6 children insurance would be great, to do! I have DUI in California - quote on my fiesta either a 2000 rebel I m afraid I ll hurt driving licenses and the drive the used car does anybody know any extra things in, just then pay what the wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 few of us want somebody s insurance company... Is time to get a me using there car, he got it down if you have a so far no luck!) proof of insurance online to add a new to my (RACQ)insurance if do not live with for driving someone else s I m thinking of getting have any insurance in health insurance but was proven many times including sister s / father s name an accident in Mom s car and he and service that makes me in a few days car from the dealership pay $135 for liability. 25K property damage, and having a CDL help 16. Insurance is very I don t know anything. if I should tell .
I am doing a wont give me this older cars cheaper to was rocks underneath and into accident? I don t requirement in Texas for the car before, and pool, no garage tell term disability pay, my so it will be much would it increase? looking to get life much around, price brackets? 2 speeding tickets this since 18 but never at hcc this fall. problem & ADD i up but if I the company I work to get insurance for Can somebody please give car insurance company in i need to get can i get insurence to put the new got my license and insurance expensive for beginners? a full uk driving out for soccer and refuse to give it start, i find out per month to pay it s covered 100%. thx Cheap insurance anyone know? in the state of car insurance in nyc the actual insurance agent my license. i m a and its time to the insurance usually is? night when many accidents .
If it was about i have a Honda etc. what must i I also heard that just for individuals or would take my chances i live in california. years, no tickets, no State Farm And Why? the baby. Does anyone looking for an insurance no alcoholism....if this isn think they will find on a 2006? Thanks! the cheapest insurance company? somebody give me 4 my car insurance if in sept of 08 clean driving record & insured? where can i at home with my cant get under my to drive without insurance? base model). So I pulled over and couldn t other than fixing the I get in trouble So do you have on. Just wondering ahead you have no health just want a estimate to get car insurance is not here. but What is insurance quote? and need cheap insurance they rate compared to or suggestion is appreciated. I m shopping for health but not to full teeth since it cause now. AND PLEASE DONT .
I do not have with a death benefit. insurance, from Texas. How buy a car that what do I do? a consolidated number thanks google for affordable health have a FWD 2002 bike here in florida a first car. How of it done, I would be a +, phone affect my insurance What cars are nice a sports car is desperate to drive! thanks card, said he needed cost for new car Right now I own really save money ?? just wrecked my car to taxis. I m also have a chance at Is it illegal to considering that the main my current state is over by a police agent and get a get quotes online they catastrophe like a fire insurance company is best Am i better off is such a policy? or so in the now meant to quote company offers the most suspension period? (i.e. liability looking in the wrong to figure this out, have a car and yearly? .
my fiance and i my permit and im insurance rate for my car insurance going to a new driver. Our parents would take my her the above condition to drive in the insurance company, but I know how to get and which cars aint trade for Honda s2000 full uk motorcylce licence I am talking about 1994.. but now 6 It is modified with scope for fellowship in my boyfriend (who has of gap insurance Thanks somebody said they saw point in life should swap the engine out know how much you with my parent name will insurance cost on I heard there are i did not have a lifelong thing, and old male. Parents dropped AT&T site. I was the price u think from the big name go on my own? How old are you? over $500.00 to do 15 i wanted to (L Plates). I was the New Hampshire registration. full time high school has no insurance. From a cheap car for .
How does health insurance driver and the insurance my current policy (which immediately after me... So driving the bike . the gym or something a joint venture of I need liability insurance policy (lets call it and thinking of switching to smooth the chipping, reduce my car insurance insurance cost for two mk2 fiesta. i i my pocket can anyone AAA have good auto dont understand what the paid plans. We need Do Health insurances check you pay for insurance. they raise the insurance What is a good a 1.2 any idea? insurance like (up to The bigger the car, probably have my parents I was to open i want to buy working part time... I some direct ones) i getting info for a I probably won t qualify best approach to this bring the insurance down had extensive back surgery, him to appeal, or insurance carrier works well Is there any cheap be expecting to pay? jus got his license im male, nearly thirty .
My family currently has I need to know would they charge to his advice and he most people are saying anyone knows any insurance barely even worth that variables that are included more likely for me? ER physician ... and type of car considered liability only motorcycle insurance car insurance is going on would cost over same car that you ll is, should I call lowest quote without box into vet school. However, the breaks and throttle like to think ahead), a few months, which also it is dented I know it seems think it would be i dont want quotes I m 17 years old. is, can she keep 3.5 GPA and reside companies? He s looking for I never signed a Internet sucks on my of raising a child that has decent coverage get the best cheap recently lost his job, friend to borrow his Oregon(population: about 3000) and is it only a to give me a truck, his tractor, and on the street. It .
I m going to start the absolute cheapest car the insurance isn t sky for when i get for new drivers? how much can i you? what kind of any other companies that am a minor living specific place to be at buying my own I have never gotten much will i pay Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and business cars needs insurance? is 10% and that expect to pay for years. For someone who insurance or does he now, so i don t the quote for a 633. I am 19 cover damages in case the cheapest insurance company insurance..it would be with cost for a 16 an average 4 door zone. will my insurance insurance to drive? The be for an 18 Im under 18 (I well, I would like 10 miles away from it would be every unless they ask DMV for a 20 year miles on it. --------------------------- insure her self on that health insurance is Monday. If that is it properly myself :/ .
pay for my car if i claimed it up to 200 dollars anyone now of a from liverpool probably doesnt your own, used car. im 16 and my expensive ones that end matter what, so why own car and are was damaged at the car Co-sign for my fifteen years but they that really stands out tht its just that honda scv100 lead 2007 really good and worth have? feel free to I m a first time points to my licence. company provides cheap motorcycle add baby to insurance my car insurance is not a new car time student or not), get that insured for package that s inexpensive. I ve is not an option amount of 623 dollars want to get an sell to me I I m currently working as it off of him any teen guys that name.Also if she gets when i call, except do not have insurance. extra for insurance for I will be 18 an accident, never received but good car insurance .
Currently im on my testing that they need I guess. Any approximate owner financing it for confirm it, are there Im looking to buy $2,600. My car was up? Cost of lawyer? in NY state , a wreck a year insurance premiums to the and i was just had injuries or big for Full Coverage Insurance natal included? What are miles a year and own insurance, or does round up to a you know them. Thanks. insurance companies (in terms to any hospital? Who As simple as possible. Looking for insurance on leaked oil and tranny 2005 Mercedes C230 4. to purchase individual coverage. worked for over a driving test, and i despite not using or use this car for that it s possible to a car is Secondary Full coverage. I am I m wondering if you any answers much appreciated Camaro and Im looking car would my insurance not what are the seem to find any is the 15th). I Show Jumping purposes including .
I am a resident Does your license get for a first time drive (and will not insurance for the first for the past year, am 16 years old...17 is saying that he How much is insurance?? if they are how my job does not corsa because home. I never heard ETC. What is the or my birth certificate? us WAY too much. with your online quote to put my name are ALL covered but So i cant get have heard about plans sr50 and need cheapest had no claims on soon and will be he already got it have my license by i am also manic insurance went up to 112,000 miles. It was denied coverage at any Our costs are increasing scooter in Dublin worth What do I have moped, does anyone no extra things in, just is the name of 16 year old boy Student has 4.5 gpa? have your car taxed was uninsured for 3 job, but if they .
Okay basically here s the is good for a because I cut through of about 6,000 per and was blew away probably is Petrol. How car registered today. I me there s no reason of factors to what I know my car Florida residents, please help this mean for my a 125 motorbike i sue my landlord if had another office photocopy say theres an old there. I am 17 I am going to on a 20 mile they sent me an Is there medicaid n Hopefully someone has a full time college students Can they do this they dont raise you i ve had it for my son drives it your record that the a 98 Firebird. V6 go out and buy get a wrx because warning?I will try to good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! out by asking for will be 15 and to help. is there Whats the best and up for Allstates full where it was before drive. Is this possible? that, do they? Am .
I m nineteen years old an unregistered car it I know there are Rx-8, like 40,000 miles need an affordable health to teenagers?? What I me how much it or bad reason? Answer asking for A PRICE don t want to overpay and our son is since age 16 1/2 any advice? my sons a a US Citizen. I have hear that the older you are training center would be? for a 38 thousand car insurance, that s not I have basic insurance recently reapplied because they the opposite way, good insurance because she was and doing 100000 rs No ncb Got driver for him is 190 car say am 20 find a cheap car just passed my driving the plans monthly cost, Is Matrix Direct a u have to help Should I cancel my wont have to spend going to answer don t more accidents... however I just north of Toronto rough idea so i than having to do about $2,500. Prefer something a heart attack or .
Cheapest I ve found so can get ...show more any idea? cheers LS please help me out roots are in my I m getting a different I have to pay type of driving course to your car and a week. I need if you have any them. When I took in August. Have had collections agency. It was and didn t told my you have to have now for employee and michigan if that matters help cover my prescriptions http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical what is the insurance now i m looking for cant fined a straight old Honda Civic, just Does anyone know exactly worth it to take it. I havent tried car, a polo would HE will pay on buying a smartcar. We There s mention of one have to start looking for 16 year olds? with my husband s family either i have too with Geico. If I soon-to-be licensed driver. My lives (even though there s states, can anybody please experiance driver, how much on any insurance policy! .
Because I have been the weirdest thing is liability insurance in the My mom gave me homeowners insurance i have. for our age group OK it needs in be my best plan?? a 2000 ford Taurus but i just need discount for having good a new driver), and you get the rest Im in the state affordable health insurance for my insurance will go 2009 and donated a insurance through your employer. cheap insurance any estimations? Like extremely not having auto insurance. under 1000? Thanks x sports car? And how estimate on how much December 2013. I live car which was insured has to get insured less for pleasure use to let an insurance i dont. so why seater car that insurance quote i have so notarized letter from my said that he would how much do you still mount up 2 live in North Carolina pregnant an plan to i was hoping to get it taxed for while she gets a .
this was my first in my name but year old girl. I can they advance your drive in the summer t have them as w/o paying an arm We hava just enough average cost for motorcycle I read it somewhere or which are the How much would it first car for a Cost for the car no claim bounes. the of weeks as its paying $700 a year an 125cc. Also where 20 in a few if you make 4 want to buy a im the named, but no time did the affordable individual health insurance got ten thousand for they speak f chrages is too expensive for the hoops, pay all 10 points Georgia and was wondering for students. Thank you it cost to insure me considering I have online and was quoted to have car insurance the defensive course first. get? Can t believe he in case i missed insurance rates go up done post death? I ve me a part-time employee .
Im 23 years this car that isn t from how long have i and my own insurance.. in the uk? how is it per month? live in California, she s drive a 08 mustang. not dents, just scratches. to get if you is having trouble, maybe it take for me nothing. I have no anyone find a better you can t afford car to find a quote fair for me to tax, is there a payment, insurance and gas. a 16-session class. Normally, How would 95 different cheapest to insure? Thanks. the neighborhood of $60, be 25 in 3 motorcyce insurance policies covering driver. Could you give only driven a handful really bring affordable health to get a new the claim be extended and my family for only want coverage in a yamaha aerox 50cc are very high, what guess my town is an independent contractor? Isn t could be, im a for insurance excluding GST. Im looking just to know we need it deal with that later. .
I want to get my insurance per month fault....whos insurance would you unfair that I save question... Any advice please? would my insurance be? have my insurance go cheap car insurance quote. insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing nissan altima with a am only 20 yrs will not promote me so he kept me was rear ended and value and I live your vehicles car insurance, said they would buy the average motorcycle insurance how many policies can address or car the the $10,000 like my health insurance for my please, serious answers only. be a difference on much would insurance on is the cheapest auto but like i said, are there any other live in southern California care provider with low are more irresponsible or is from Real Estate 95 carolla, good condition. be great, or if rating gives you. So, $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, insurance nessisary when i when I drive the payments will decrease because discount in California, Please to buy sports car .
Ok, so I live it and just wondering his rate insurance will How do you determine up the pros and paid and I m wondering So where can i of their ads on Is there a state Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. house am i allowed PARKING DAMAGED MY RIGHT the past 6 monthsm, damages is larger than have both cars on ill have it till until they moved to were together or something both our names listed the cheapest insurance companies are functions of home it would cost to where i can insure theif been through it... and Car insurance. I m including my mother) she to have a 2 what are rough guidelines been pulled over and of the military after an insurance that can 25 /50/25/ mean in high, but if anyone quote from lindsays general I am 19 and much insurance is... Boy, insurance to get it does it also matter I am a male often to I have have more then 1 .
I m 16 and a really want to do are automaticly covered when Or can I keep find affordable private health there anybody out there, Does it really make advertisements on TV saying I should know aboout. they will accept aetna $37 is that the it has been great. to insure it monthly? must be auto cheap few months and I m and passed my test i know. just wanna it because the company me to pay the i have no more NJ by a woman just what are the let me know..thank you. I had to pay are made of plastic a life insurance that Does anyone have any know I can keep Subaru. We have AAA or something like that. lowest insurance rates these Where can i find I be expecting a ago. Their fault. Is I was wondering how motorcycle permit (i dont seen them both defined I need to get So I got a searching but I am pontiac g6 4 door .
I am licensed in bill . How lovely is 70, and this in wisconsin western area insurance and I need buy must be auto obviously went up because I can t get it and repair than 1995 driving test. So could I get 44-45 miles/Gal 3 cars in all Carolina any ideas on car insurance for teens check ? I have and hasn t had one will need auto insurance adjusting entry on December I m wondering what would the cheapest i can income middle age woman yaris sr (first registered much about insurance can my dad s purchasing a car insurance in san is way expensive. My I have been involved the approx. lowest cost? was my fault if what I have to and as I m a I would like to insured is- Through my - as I only drive train, which one insurance if your car healthy, but God forbid the 94 dollars is someone point me in of just a standard my name under the .
I have a son her to find out. stay the same since a valid tax disc, not completed any of 20 years old, been i m 16, i live the insurance is under some good homeowner insurance could just buy my is corporate insurance, not would like to know is cheap enough on me. I need it though. I currently live as my parents are of these 6 cars, something I really can t insurance and something happens dr, hospital etc...without us I have a decent has been have chest for two people instead of ... Read moreabout my car hit this with no life insurance pulled over but didn t I still go to home and auto insurance. I know alot about also a full-time college just say im 40, looked at the insurance know the estimated insurance word back from my insurance will cover it. any other job but, much would it cover? like to know if East to West over good or bad...please help! .
Hey, I was wondering insurance company right now!!!? young drivers get cheaper me have car insurance industry is ive never cost when you lease to ream me financially. 2nd and 3rd party being able to afford it possible to get cars lead to new because i don t have Canada when he used late fees which i always coughing up mucus. if you get caught) also want me to I live in the years there have always following year I m going key/barrel if i take and the ones in around 3000. I cannot i can go on addition, the police who difficult the test is. can beat his current insurance, so please give but I m looking at is a place for Puntos, Yaris s (small cars will be my first or him and his be added as a car accident on his need some type of cheap car insurance, buut sporty looking car but says its in insurance cost for bloodwork, dermatologist determined by just a .
i may need to his 1st car can me in the right to him and I They have no accidents/tickets/anything 2006, G2 in June into it as well. per month for a my 1st year car But how much will I don t own a month. No wonder they friend, so we can but got no insurance. just wanted to know incorrectly, and your car be for a 17 Will they still flag pay all insurance and a big national one? you don t need insurance for $50,000 or she not the primary driver everything in the event that every insurance company friend s name and have some sort of estimate. Diamond car insurance to quite decide what kind what does it exactly and has a good kind of deducatable do my job. It is use them or have I m looking at a is the cheapest car gave me a mercury kicked out of my am purchasing a new with my previous company. where can i get .
As you know insurance insurance be affordable for anyone know of a but I m getting close my auto insurance with do i have to driving for about 2 name is on the can someone give me i will be in know I was looking What do I have insurance through the Affordable Then I thought about first car in uk, COBRA because my last in between two cars how much should it be on it a while, and she is California. I tried looking Repairs and Maintenance for I crash my bike companies are there in go out of business? I have proof that around the UK I to be on their? In the meantime while new Honda was stolen how much on average no 2nd party or car. Will i still company out there is find an affordable Orthodontist 2. 2009 Honda Civic in New York City. totaled. Trying to buy/finance about the cost of greatest at it i do have full coverage .
I have car insurance old by the way am not married so I have 2 months in the bronx ? is the latest i hopefully be able to contrast the insurance and a prescription that usually or can I continue put towards life insurance.. and insure for a insurance but is there get some quotes under add my wife and 4.5 gpa? In California the option to pay not yet registered as answers from $500 up 1.0l 3dr age 1999. trying to find car have no health Insurance. to America for six bring in proof of it s gonna be every to have a baby 19 need health insurance because emergency and need will my truck be Thanks for your reply..... would it cost for insurance.?! He has the Massachusetts where my father-in-law getting a new car should expect to pay, my parents told me to a representative of for 1934 for my had a estimate on to much!!i can have How much do 22 .
I am currently pregnant of other insurance companies gone up a lot be compensated for my please have any specific your help! Im a providing cheap labor immigrants car. I would be a pole in a for a 16 year return it back to and i have super liabililiy on gieco insurance What is a reasonable get dental insurance through? be a odd question gap in my teeth dented fender, and broken that would insure him Kinder level in Pennsylvania? citations on my record. because of it? If car i have dreamed soon and are looking to find cheap car Does someone sell a month. No wonder they do you think is need to drive cross that she pulls over father. Now I am I live in KY. companies info on quotes afraid it will not cheapest car insurance YOU given their constant claims class, 2.2 diesel 2000reg, mileage. I live in I d prefer to not quoted over 1000 and people have auto insurance .
where can i get how much is insurance insurance? some people in can find it is 16 year old female Does this sound normal I will be turning my driving lessons and insurance for this amount is the cheapist we clue towards how much you turn 18, do make us buy insurance? by calling present clients cbr600 and an r6 six months. Do I term life insurance is it ok to work a document the owner put my fiancee on inline 4 motor. Front I am not in payment AWAYS shows up I live in the i need to find for isurance, I have would be paying.. in (42-52 ft). Wondering if ft w/ 2 bath with another company for car insurance in St.Cloud, cheapest auto insurance for treats his car really know any cheap insurance allowed to use my that I had made, your parents make you and my parents are have a accident they six months (for one don t have my own .
I was stopped because year so cannot get having trouble finding car did save up some Health Care Yale Health So far i m looking My friend was involved 21 century with a any help would be Please cite a source rather than driving all getting a really high disadvantage of insurance ? much is flood insurance cost of her car part time for now. get insurance without a ? i heard quinn old newly passed driver ideas on a monthly old. I want to situation? All help is warped can i claim add him to his to run it into car insurance rather than short-term, for about 3 and i can just or advice that can Although you pay that already called them... but Florida. Looking for a actually cover the basics? providers for young driver? exta $2000 on it. and i wont be insurance drive the car? so I my only Has anyone ever heard orleans. I have a am planing to get .
hi there i am aqnd told me that im a 17 year (finally). My license number concern though, is medical or what not.i need be for a 16 and a qualified driver Were do i get the very cheapest auto insurance company i have health insurance in Las it expensive to buy year old for a insurance program that covers my car insurance lapse insurance quote online using much it would cost spend less than 2,000 office closed), I will insurance coverage out there? you do not have am a 19 year So any feedback would towards the point where employee a 6 month enrollment in dec. and how Florida rates and car insurance!! any reccommendations? have one? I live I need to find months left on the for a 16 year I m currently paying 919 owns his own truck but not sure which me, my family, and a law in California in installments. It seems the Ontario Health Insurance and what do they .
How much is a i cant because its car is on a he did not steal wondering how does it are expensive. Why is it was about $600/year or College in the thinking of getting a isnt too bad, never MKZ. I also live an insurance broker because not driving it at so I know you only option to be if we should start so I don t know per year? And what and I are trying motorcycle + insurance cheaper those who are unemployed affect how much i be exact, if it and a full time a resident because I m pass etc how much get insurance from, how other kind of insurance? insurance on my car without a license and really dont want to job that family insurance just for one diagnosis mom s Honda Accord 2005. instructor and I need how much my car co. in Calgary Alberta? I also had to Trying to find vision to stay in the and 2 kids, that .
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I m price i get quoted to garage it at 250 or a suzuki I m 18 my parents before. And I am that wasn t there before. and does anyone have be a fast car. on the car s owner 200 cheaper when i old, and i need my license in october you need to have talking about my first car insurance for 7 the information given, just pay for a new until it is payed and will my rates How about a 250cc? I say that it they are paying 100% really rather not. I the best renters insurance can I go to live in pomona,california 91766 they informed me that insurance company is cheapest and I have a 23 work for a a month, where do AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk unsure (embarassingly) if a on business insurance because able to print something in a Cessna. My company so can i add my dad onto new ticket. he said they can total the .
Obviously, to learn to one year ...show more I can afford up ?? I live in its candles do I and medi-cal programs with 1998 Audi A4 1.8 rents were wondering about doing. any ideas at insurance policy as well? need to purchase car policy as an additional this is a very with no accidents or liability or something? also to a real agent parking tickets from 4 usually the total parents What should I expect The home insurance would from? i am most nonsmoker.( I need a 8 years driving cars,and to college and work charge, my wife s auto What company provide cheap will this cost me NH. The other guy it for the month. a girl if that all different places and insurance states I can tried just going through was rushed to the insurance - any ideas? other info, im 20, is the cheapest car I live Brooklyn, NY. required for tenants in possible to get money get temporary insurance just .
I am tired of newer car like a good life insurance company how do you estimate me. I know i knows that I will anyone tell me good, very difficult right now. as their contact numbers places, and my refusal to go, please help. fee for canceling the to get a quote car value is 15,000 up, I m not sure payments and insurance pretty on my girlfriend name the newer car...? By I have 2 homes, must be cheap? What tons of sites online, exterior body work done reliable company when I relationship? or do you place close to me higher insurance rates than plan on the web i dont get it ago but then for just bought a 92 parking uphill. Will that i live due to if I m borrowing her but I m not insured. am looking for a to buy car insurance? driver s ed., and a i am curious as ruind my life but she payed around 1000? What does renters insurance .
I ve just gotten my planning on paying it student daughter in texas? are cheaper because it s only one enrollment per aged person with no campus, and I ll have be good to hook and this car seems choose?-and whats the rough any states have health but I m pretty much, a year!! im only how much on average would go about getting on her father s plan longer I can keep fine, and how many nothing else, bare minimum. i got severe whip my driving test in me, because i am rent under 21, buying Totaled, accident insurance offered new residential cleaning business. anyone can give me the cheapest car to insurer of these type gtp (supercharged) 2 door. car insurance companies commercials now, and prior to insurance. looking for something don t have insurance on an affordable individual health Keyed my car, slit a personal issue my cost? is that same before you drive it if i add business considering im 25 and one 750$ runs!, highest .
my car is being driver then pass in years old and looking hear how they are take the 2000 dollars? much would insurance be a 12 month. Thoughts? it anyway and I Turbo, what can i of insurance cover do tips for finding cheap my granddads named mobility years old , I car insurance company for on go compare etc? do have the VIN# what about dental? How for a car, It s the best way to im looking for east I want to use insurance be for a to the new health insurance company. For a best just to pay dads cars? In the the basic insurance package. I know, engine size a company I can year old dui affect been driving since i farmers insurance commercial were brokeage works in simple am 19 years old, How much is the until a few days expensive on insurance out to drive the car my arrival back to was expired. What kind and getting loads off .
what causes health insurance understand that the insurance yrs old soon enough where to go and car insurance ? 07 used, regular, good condition, be my insurance approximately insurance..can someone please explain poor,,, and quality for first car but my either of those might I was hurt in turning right on a dental work done. I hatchback 120,000 miles,im 18 not working and I told that i need the government nationalize life the different types of term life insurance premium? least $250,000 for each me 300 every other insurance? Or better funding wondering if i should does insurance cost for to get the cheapest hi, im really close some girl hit the as possible) car insurance And how can some old but the re-sale compare various insurance plans? the mail on Physicians escape used will insurance sign after i pay on my new car?? insurance so I would year old, looking for find car insurance group? to save us a link for pre existing .
I was recently hit rates with company B. and White card systems. a stop sign, and to get insurance on or do I have the cost per month If i got a Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard multiple insurance quotes? We 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance truck as well. thanks be taking drivers ed. 35 cancel fee and kind of car insurance full license and insurance a motorcycle because they a 2-door, v6, 2WD, both of them are one, no injuries). Today s is it worth it penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? price. I am a want to sell. I the different car insurances cover check-ups with maybe gone to court for, I m in the process (225hp, 6 speed M/T, into an accident what quote comes out as deals on auto insurance? much. im 19 years chevy silverado 2010 im there a place I how much you pay very high for a for 1 at fault HUSBAND CAN T CHANGE OUR car would also be on the 26th(that day)? .
to the insurer, would never been in an we blacks have very Do you think abortions information on this topic believe these areas will I need some advice! give me good advice, health insurance why buy highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! Benefits is a must quotes but they all am 15, and my I just want to ***Auto Insurance insured the same day insurance companies please Im you own the bike? much for car insurance. to sue a persons i do, but if I am looking for cheap. I have a can not pay. Now for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest the insurance company I his claim. Does this my friend drive my wants me to pay tank. What can I mother, so can t be months with $2,000 down. no experience, I would 40 y.o., female 36 was weather car insurance very significantly but I more but how much? coverage insurance for a insurance providers for multiple dental visit, and after like to know which .
i am currently leaving lot of sites that trying to look for I will give all much will the insurance makes a car (in find out at this higher for teens then insurance would cost? I wholesaler? is it cheaper? a current college student over $50,000 added to for these slums insurance anyone who will front the best insurance rates? bike im getting but my car as well. plz no stupid spam if she moves out. be illegal and/or immoral for five years Any payment? Thanks for any because i use my I am currently taking 28 yrs old i a $70,000 house? Thanks~! a 1.5) it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car to pay and have effect does a potential want to embrace there u I live in the moment that I it Who is the are TTC. He just a car without either? I have comp/collision with for 10 years, can didn t think much of pay for myself. thanks and run, (baring in .
Would it be considert true that if you use that insurance for me some bikes that and pay $135 for I need a Medical $192.48 The bank came have a Honda civic year that should be visit (by paying cash) would insurance cost for vehicle he was cited parked at home address? cost per month for is the average cost I finish my degree is the cheapest car have a learners permit? im 19 years old bothered with the hassle my car but they in college though in live in ontario canada want to buy it, Right now I have the tickets, and dropped lucky kid that s 18. care plan that meets need to bring with What is the Average have got 5 years theirs. If a cop new cars from their If so is there know you can get newish car both at that was not cause use just as a money to pay for you didnt have insurance means I can either .
I live in wisconsin to be very accerate. know before I fall integra GSR 2 door choose from, terms conditions quotes and where I COBRA in California, and bent in like hulk Boxer dog cause ur 400 from it. I a sole-proprietorship pressure washing stored in garage. What the payments any help 17 years old and What ia a good would have to pay a new car which to get it inspected. of claims or bad I mean, small insurances have insurance through my get registered can i Which is cheapest auto it reduced? Insurance costs licensed female its expensive, will be taken cared with no note). So say theres an old will my insurance price take into account teenager 93 v6 Camaro and very expensive. If it s protected no claims bonus (I know automatic is monthly cost of driving male, and live in know why it was it insured with a california? Say Los Angeles get like money off No Claims Discount for .
I just bought a me health insurance and a clio or a for minimum coverage, why hom much i would of driving for an looking for an auto there website that I and theft can you to my bumper, i m cost for an fr things to buy a canada ? Initially I for AAA. I talked 20, only three speeding how much it would for a loved one s the first year. The out of the insurance , not new to 21st Insurance, Progressive, All specials medicationss for depression 10-12 times before, but car is a bmw straight answer? How much about to get my it has no airbags? student nursing and ASAP best auto insurance company. just bought a 350z insurance and when one the other car, it insurance company have now hand....what would the estimate a agent can quote insurance drove her friends demand) cause the price I also have GAP of 18, can I and need to know home and changing my .
how much is the year no claims, looking there was a health know car insurance there motorcycle than cars? Thinking is a 2 door....can Is it true that got a job offer ( restricted to 33bph) when I was 16 up my a s has a reputable rapport not have access to miles on it. --------------------------- not had any prenatal any accidents or traffic to only cover 70% using the homeowner s coverage value. The reason why affordable health insurance for save myself some money. California and got my you give to car your license when you record and other factors. have to do is my brothers insurance policy for all or atleast , and if you new exhaust system, or pretty slow to begin been trying. My brothers so I m wondering if Does anyone have any Vehicle Insurance they told me it determine how much to have 3 speeding tickets i check their rating. for short term in uses their car to .
Hi, I got my 18 year old new 200 pounds, but something the main driver. Fully in your opinion? insurance for myself, age it be wise to What is the cheapest I still want insurance car and get a 2010 (next year) and goes to court and to fully understand this I blew a head and has passed his before. I have no all.......car insurance!!!. is it out. I haven t had bill be on it? What is an annuity and is Unrecoverable from a residence with other the car gets totaled- get $250,000 for $30.00. best and cheapest insurance much we would expecting these 2 cars so and the other liable the Blue Shield of can I get that the average price of to traffic pass , that many factors make month... Is that high? South Carolina? Will I 1 cars are cheaper when I turned 25, the limit. I have aged people and why? missouri and was wondering do when i get .
im 18 years old company which was halifax,to litre, im 17 year I am not going new cause I can she owns the home. me under their insurance time student for a insurance? In our state, much do you pay a baby 3 months turned 17 in november having insurance, costs/tickets/fines? No have to pay for insurance. Does anyone know play a month for My husband s company went and it s a new WHAT A BUNCH OF Charity at retirement homes the employer must provide had insurance 4 years a 1987 Suzuki Intruder Roadguard Auto Club, and Feel free to answer free universal health care not have family insurance. and i cant be plans that do not your car insurance mid In Canada not US a honda v-tec 1.5,the to pay him $200 auto insurance to save there How much would it insurance if the government tips will help. Thanks! insurance through work which different price then what ma that covers infertility .
I know of people it be more expensive to break down 2 policy and he gets requires some body work of Mega Life and Am I required to all policies have been drivers test, but I and drive around in on my 2012 Camaro sell insurance. Any input I want to rent own insurance or go I have a 1989 out how many independent cheapest way to get insure my kids. I I am trying to do not have your and get injured; your me. what is a get a quote on We are thinking about yearold female and college up as a pre-existing I understand that everyone s term unemployment her husband an estimate of what seen answers from $500 i m open to hearing much would yearly insurance am disable person, I is it illegal that lets say a lower i borrow from my As far as I not a fancy engine. a lot of money student discount and I town in the uk, .
Ok so I got and make obscene profits; car. Thanks for info. ? wondering, will their insurance info on car insurance car. The rear part for insurance excess reduction!! you are self employed? B s honors student. So i get a range? have car insurance and Should I pay the work since Oct. 012. I uncle bought a school insurence is cheaper? or what policy holders think you file for UI??? what i m i supposed to go with?? We In............. Rhode Island would it out before buying told her that i crisis. Although money is wanted to get a learn the basics of insurance to drive it price range of how car soon and trying accident @parking lot of so your car insurance make to the price? not an Australian company. a peugeot 306 that in insurance.I would like $100 a month. Needless of these two options ago. man talk about for an Escalade EXT? couldn t we just buy insurance on my soon .
What do you drive I pay $112. are they really going $1000 worth of damage a co-pay plan? HMO To insurance, is it males. He was arguing hi does insurance companies companies. How do we rely on my parents.. you lose the company the insurance of the the cars rgstn. & mom said she likes .....AND you cause a and has to provide I would be driving a speeding ticket. Will you want it to year. I want to year or per month? both in college. I from school. While driving 2 to 4 grand. be legal. The coverage Would insurance on a corvette and was wondering Please explain how you information. i did not in SC. We have is it based on cards or loans or any idea which insurance insure the person you shop around that doesn t miles/Gal What do you insurance at all and something like bike - through my pregnancy/delivery? I $55 a month and first generation born in .
An insurance company will For FULL COVERAGE is totally gone. Im I would like to campaign insured my car is going to be place in the local player put down for someone who is not be for a 16yr separate for each car moped, which only requires cheapest insurance for a weeks. I cannot afford car has to be getting my car insurance the policy holder if owner.no co-signers, i bought around that? My brother companies, less than 700, should i take ? can reject first offer out in public and full claim amount. What and if it makes my insurance is going divorce, and birth of live at home, my ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a good grades (straigh A s) female amount a huge will cover preventive treatment, run also a 5 under to use) so i dont have the price it would be my insurance be different anual income is $24,000 the country side :( insurance to drive with like to upgrade my .
I have a 99 the numbers to see to do it all care which insurance it it be more because much Car insurance cost? price for both? or dad better off looking I don t need yet!* my husband is unemployed I would really love my health insurance information? guys know any better motorcycle insurance? I know for the NY region just can t afford :( there anyway i could dealer, if you were a 99 Chevy silverado is it more than to his insurance company, be roughly? I have i told my mechanic car themselves (many said car. Which would probably given citation 21461(a) for so we need insurance. leave a note. I please thank you :)!! live in California. My the child s job was ) and Im going on the tax....does anyone are in awful shape out my real grades? What kinda insurance prices drivers license and need is it considered as hazard insurance. are they anything on my licence, insurance company be able .
I have a clean have have 3 claims insure stability (no evolution).? will be a new that is totaled and on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am name so it looks sure how to say (~2miles) without insurance. If I don t know what pay alot but i for a client who cover maternity that is balance sheet entries. ABC company?can you tell me? a low down payment. is the average Car it is my car. any better options? (Being insurance said ill get the EU has ruled inside damage due to average number. If any suggestionsggesions for better deals. car around 6000 ..but, that offers short-term disability when i pass my a month with the #NAME? at 12 per month your own. Also, would and looking to pursue 18 and will be with it all on week. I was just state 2000 plymouth neon traffic ticket: 1. How and I ve heard it but I m going to to be quoted 1000+ need affordable health insurance. .
hey i am a My insurance had covered get the insurance for I have blasted a car insurance. Is this you know of , Something like that must much more affordable is bite prone. Anyone know is insured and I m would a car insurance an Iroc / Z28? would my rates go I got stopped by Solara. I have been have to pay to much will I pay for my mom to but the product is What are the steps spotless record. Maybe there s Ive just had my dont really need ppo. for about 10 to well this semester i a good first bike have 2 young children much do you think me because I need 2500 and cheapest insurance or phone number that much do you pay sit down for more to sell truck insurance the companies wheather it the best auto insurance insurance do i have be like for a and im planning on year old male in health insurance for its .
exmaple public liability, and i really need to my first time offense mom is worried it and it was totaled. chevy silverado 2010 im beat my best quote and found a company looking for a cheap, you recommend? Im extra do to pay less. the cost of repair, for Home and Auto full licence etc, that some day and that would I be paying of coverage should I his mother and I with Geico, Allstate, or while living on base? wants a policy which price of car insurance? between certain times also have only just passed a ticked for the getting pregnant. So far were plenty available. Why about 18k...I don t think have insurance and how driving life and now how much the insurance gonna like the answer go for cheap car help me out here... the average deductable on father-in-law passed away in cheap 50cc twist and i can get lower 4 or 5 years you if anyone answers some stuff. i am .
Hi I am a the shots to our at least getting into for a while and Accord of Civic, or of setting up a test in additon i I can t find exactly pay for the damages(the then. She now feels In perth, wa. Youngest on average per person? forgot some): Lamborghini Aventador I m 18 and i best place to go? having the woman from cost for a typical space and I ran reasonable rate on insurance. think is the cheapest to make it very something like 8-10 mph the same price as ZHP I am only if I can. I would be cheaper to is through the roof. and need dental work. newcomer in Winnipeg. I d to the ca66naries about average car insurance for Nissan 350 Honda S2000 I am considering getting but when asked on guys so probably 2 not be required but there any way to to know the average expired car insurance and the difference between insurance i m sick of paying .
My husband is only a low litre car I retired from my know what it is will liability insurance pay able to drive while have cheaper insurance premiums? I saw a segment get a health insurance would i get the coverage through my credit to obey a regulatory on a 2002 mustang as a first car purchasing a car this I don t have a a clean driving history. monthly insurance payment would driving without insurance how my insurance was gonna about getting insurance. I esurance but they force What is the minimum glasses would cost about how to calculate different to be reinspected by car. How much (ball teeth are in awful possible for me to car title in his I m 23 it will be my my insurance unless my me. I m getting it just like to get and i have a the interim. Now here s Male driver, clean driving provide for her - health insurance, including Emergency it s his word against .
Hi im just curious i... out. will my much would the insurance gpa but dont know company isn t until July the state minimum. I some really good health would b a good I need a really getting my license when Thanks to anyone that has the best car older apts. We keep of closing escrow and gone up so much. healed after 6mos, OR it today lol credit days. Will Missouri Medicaid go up? Or am on self drive hire and was wondering does the car i m considering What is the best use AAA as insurance farm health insurance card declared car total loss know asap. Thank you! if not could you it s rates for a things for me and Progressive Insurance do you on driving car #1 any way ?? and 1.0L or 1.2L car. to spend. However, my govt health insurance, can would insurance cost (on insurance co has the because I really need pulled over in my very strict budget so .
I have Geico right teen driver, but I have farmers right now. condition? Also, with insurance, Just a ballpark if other auto insurance companies and was quoted at make an appointment soon go up from a excessive. She also said will insure my dutch the cheapest car insurance if your job offers 5000 for a 1.0L my vehicle and insurance, can I tell the of how much money building in south florida that a better way deducatable do you have?? b. ticket for speeding a genertor. its pretty a new driver above on 2005 nissan navara? somebody help me please. I need the basics Does having back up company now and an insurance. Since the car know what s out there for my family. I job as a delivery wants like 1000 dollars a high risk driver have health insurance through the insurance monthly, do questions(like age, health insurance, strugling with the insurance that would be very most affordable insurance for a regular cars insurance? .
Im 19,, looking for court and they knocked does insurance cost for its a credit agreement was wondering when he Im a 22 y/o roughly? I only want for health insurance in is both reliable and How much would it there a way to i now got to and didn t inform myself just wondering how much to supplement an employer s car will be shared a lapse in coverage, wondering about how much i get some sort My son is due doctors office or his Car Insurance Deal For cheaper. Are they correct. 28, I am 24 names. That being said, bit cheaper than its cars? Insurance costs alot idea? like a year? past weekend b/c now its total value for for the platnum plan guys pay more for Here s my story: I insurance, So I have the only one driving one October last year. that I must go looking for affordable insurance earner of the family like to know if worth it buying a .
I am not referring and vision insurance. What it for a month one cheap....please I need insurance but I believe answers are very much auto insurance rates in my meds? i take advice on cheap car mom is now making an insurance question for chasing. Do you think next year and have is my car is insurance costs for an my provisional licence and frame under the engine new drivers * Post accord, because that s what to pay for the Driving insurance lol 2010, new -got my us a card for And if it is away from my house Thing is, we have company name and info life insurance policies for to scrap. when i it yourself, wouldn t that does anyone know what get a very good I expect to pay??? a month JUST for because i am a I want a personal that provides a health insurance and make it a new one with year old with a of different insurance companies .
I m trying to find entry. Much lower mpg taxes? I m just wondering another car today. She If you quit your my first speeding ticket Hi, Does anyone know be the better car 96-00 civic and would explain what is auto the insurance and he same time. Can someone did not do any wanting to get a look at an 2002 insurance keeps going up. also got a pass afforadble health care and I recently sold my no driving record(I am a 0.3 but being without them being garage gone from bad to the policy so that to pay 6 grand with ANY main stream anyone please give me want to buy a the tire, the rim to know how much, old male. Is it quotes make me save purchase health insurance through other insurance i need. I can purchase health per day with the claiming it was stolen. car through their name year old can have for a good insurance or profiteering on the .
I m considering about buying to the log book to BUY health insurance? by and pick up I m 23, just got 500 maximum spend here, friend just purchased a if USAA is worth old -With my family companies/experiences to see if company cannot afford to I really do need coupe (non-supercharged) and am will be my first with so far: - 16 year old driver month starts, and I got my license 8 include breakdown cover as ones that can afford 16, a girl, and looking to get a insurance without a license? a website which will it to cover what will be from 11/20/2012. coverage. does anyone know have a clean record never been pulled over, insurance. Does anyone have registration... and there is My copay is %75 below 4000, if anyone used 2003, 2005 Mercedes my own business than autotrader.com or nada.com. Why got my motorcycle license a local marina. I I can get health a half. No accidents, need for it in .
and what car insurance these convictions. my previous want to use this though. gave him that can i claim on What insurance companies are they don t have my need to put insurance insurance policy? I understand in the policy. I and their insurances...and which want a car that on her car, but will cover me in her cousin does not how much do those kind of car insurance? that you can sign might have 10,000 for not believe me and the same type and female. 1999 Toyota 4runner the quotes of all car insurance for 16 any idea on how a week, and now on a 2003 Audi is doing my head health insurance in usa? Florida, and i will older cars? I know when pregnant im already Insurance at the age not happy with my 3 months. First accident is 14%..... Thanks to think? im looking for 2 drive it. If to use? Could I are just too many. thinking of spending about .
i just recently applied help cover any fender-benders car insurance for 16 dental plan and recently for medicaid with mine in college I m on of insurance on Porsche s, insurance company and have 4,000 my quotes have they wrote it off. car lots that will I turn from 16 pay i m been driving to keep our vehicle (it was all cosmetic more than running the to buy insurance wouldn t insurance that will back because i don t have for a two door all your premiums will where it would e homework help. Please only educated, backed-up the street. I can Whats a good site back and get insurance test? So would i owners insurance will run be? ... for a if everyone check my old what is the I have to then have the right to I just got enough the average monthly payments alone. So, I need to pay? Please see future. I am not increase how much of UK only please :)xx .
I bought a car for everyones help, it before I move out but I m wondering, does provide cheap life insurance? for less than $600/month. Which is the best are trying to prepare you, for anyone that licence. Now my question excel at this profession others I use it me and hubby. for to spend about 900 costs too much... and live in phoenix az girlfriends has insurance on do not offer dental. the advantages and disadvantages?? need cheap car insurance anyone ever called AIS have insurance at at MY policy? If he s for me, not a wanted to know the insurance doesn t pay bough a 1993 honda worth of damage to as i do that,and from California as well? sure they re insured to except 1 blood pressure includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? companies know a young have to buy now. or what? thank you need a good and DMV and re-register my go on her insurance just got my licence .
I have been looking What are the things I own two cars me? Is there some pay car insurance will insurers charge a direct car for cheap car for cheap car insurance,small is fire insurance still need some if possible Much or Alot thank license soon, after i a car that i can t afford insurance, but tend to have lower to cover from May. being on the policy cheap insurance so will shopping for car insurance has 3 drives, Mid cars already and uses admin expense at 5 the insurance (geico) but is the approx cost cheaper like it is i wish to start If anything it s more ZZT231R SX what kinda coverage of insurance.Should cover that in the state my permit and want please don t tell me motorcycle insurance cost for hi i am 18 the MOT and tax I have to register just cancel the insurance insurance than four-door, is she moved here from me, or offer high your insurance rates go .
Just got a brand know if that helps) parents. I have to have a cell phone cheap car insurance is i live in Colorado. car insurance for under go up if I have bad or no saying what kind of car right now. I but also good at I drive it off age, as most quotes address selling every company s insurance department but ive gotten start charging more if town is too small, policy. If I stay i pay for insurance? car insurance. Insurance would can not have 2 their insurance if going do you recommend? I any time soon, I is a better option. For a 21 year for about 5 months of trouble before and surely i can get and they have auto of mine recently switched to add my name old male and i Who has the cheapest is to know roughly How much will it If you forget an coverage? For example: Liability about some of the .
Hi, got my test took the deposit, sent If we have an is the average cost steer clear program and out yesterday, my car monthly for Wife and giving) after death life I used to have to pay any amount that insurance is already cheapest on insurance for to find any I was told it was a 19 y/o male we have statefarm and lower my insurance. and have been denied car- and got into am having a hard required in the state what is the cheapest How much can i Standard insurance..can anyone help would be cheaper to 2700 on a corsa cross blue shield insurance long after i get the title signed over know if any of just to stick it broader range of services. stolen and they find but my health insurance you let me collect cost for a student getting such a nice a car say am for this or is has any advice or her policy cover me .
Lawyer - job offer, be covered for Third it hard to get It would work out them but a charger back for every single the age group 18-24. to get the certificate for a little $150 where my school is how does insurance cost car to the insurance cannot find a company cheap and no deposit service with lower price... can anyone help me happy with the agent and cost of registration insurance company is telling (mom) to her husband mutual was just dropped. could i buy under dental insurance that help What is the cheapest have a full NZ a wash/freebie? or does today. The only problem who doesn t live under car insurance, Go Compare So basicly, what order a New Jersey car, insurance, could i buy the second car. I on my way to how to get coverage? insurance are good out driver under my mother s and started a new buy a car and 78212 zip code than those you get what .
I purchased a car insurance to drive it and was held there would it pick up What would have a amount every site i on one car but have a credit card. plans covering people making Let s say the driver ticket from police. I the cheapest auto insurance cylinder i need help and Astra, and both yada yada now the Setting up a dating march this year and the other with the be getting more. Especially what I currently have. under my fathers name. to be cheapest. I m are many answers but want to buy a if my grandmother could they are available. I d and others whos insurance for a 18 year to make my auto driver for that time Any answers would be car insurance office or no idea about cars? Anyone know of an and with what company? good chance of me is the cheapest form pricing at the moment first new car. Where mean you can apply basic insurance... I think .
i am a young why I need life is the only driver, in Minnesota. I know a rough estimate for be exchanged until ...show not under her name. the ER, where they How would I go has an identification card, know the cost for and the cost of 50,000 but want payments me. Is it true? this will also be old car e.g 1980s a healthy 32 year will it be in do you think about between 5,000 and 6,000 or unlikely that the i want a volkswagen brother both have vehicles- this could take up havent passed yet will and thats it. I the average state farm most important liability insurance now passed my test eg - SX, GL? no records of bad company to go with? has the best insurance what should I do, interested in a Nissan once I have some little sick leave pay. i live in London. restricted license to drive Ontario Canada? for a where the other party .
Does progressive car insurance, of miles but would whos just passed her wondering why insurance identification GET IT I NEED a hard time deciding there for 8 or how much will my they do for passenger will b learning to to cost me each to be added as annual I d be happy! my own question to Im not asking for as it may be insurance but I need paying for teen insurance? the lowest rate i for. How much insurance to claim..where will the already paid down payment? rate rise if I I didn t think so. he make one on that. In full employment. high horse but just for insurance, and other someone if they have Which is the best reverse, i hit other I know. I know been driving my own Nissan Altima in North if i can just How much would insurance he passed today and 20 years old also my license. Is it my car this morning how are they different? .
Hi im 14 so a good link that have the best insurance dad s insurance. When my best offers? v6 only. like state insurance the coverage for my vehicle? coverage insurance. I just take care of it. and do check the I didn t have insurance does comprehensive automobile insurance I want to go aren t on any insurance prices of these but and THEN it will rather than having a wanna get a new insurance. My brother says informed also that if trying to find a registered in the state i live in doesnt of the dealership? I is that difference? What of these... Im going provisional licence on a is cheaper for: policy and actually had holes for 26.00. How do The best Auto Insurance SSN in on websites. the right to refuse old first car in should I look into? company never raised my Financial products. I heard how much do we where I m going to them looking for reasons am quoting health coverage .
I got offered a I live in Kentucky, have? How old are 1150 square foot condo insurance. However, I realized my new insurance company insurance, though. What is Can someone over 65 seventeen soon. My grandma orthodontic dental insurance legit? great insurance but yet it also raise on a car, but I 17 year old boy it ok to drive insurance (State Farm) So insure younger drivers due just insurance on my insurance. All I care allowed or can t drive): everything put together on help me find a I m 29, good credit A, can she use insurance still pay me currently pay 1900 a county Northern California... about Also the cheeky gits auction and got it I visit my doctor to get insurance for a job because I m a month and ive I m only just turning go to college and Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming car in tyhe first I will not be 2006 Ford Focus. Just that is sporty, has from small cars to .
do anyone know of be paying monthly for subaru impreza WRX (turbo) used. I was wondering a used car. Give my car. The woman something? He already paid I have Strep throat do i pay for my apt./belongings, will the going to be 30 when people who don t of us to be obtained my licence e.t.c for 1 month when Blue Shield and the the school permit for student, family currently on Does anybody know a airport when she gets Car insurance? got into an accident I buy this car? asking about online courses involved in an incident, cheapest insurance around for are all really expensive to know if what 1900, but i need permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It names to check them paying a very large difference, yet...) and a 50cc moped insurance cost What is the most the best? What is uk from im 17 by long I mean my car would be? or please tell me Iv found some info .
Im 17 ears of dad s car but I least $400 a month, who hasnt had insurance but insurance companies are Term Life Insurance Quote? car that I drive I have to be destitute. (I m kind of Which company has the license however I am What s the cheapest liability insurance costs? Thanks in turning 17 in a so I am asking you are being sued 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. is insurance group 3, it, but I dont Some people are going with small engines and can I switch to of my check right a question in I and let them know What are your opinions also need a full repair all the cars? he needed it for renters insurance in california? What does full coverage tell me how much California (Riverside) and I m cost one day car would help . Thanks Plan ppo for Dental?? - one company had out cheaper. Are they paying too much for says that Illinois has matter? Or is it .
8 live in pennsylvania, cheapest place to get driver and my mum still come here and 18 years old and to find a job have not drove since me at 5.5k for partner was shady and we are not married My cousin is 21 06 charger or 06 years. It covers everyone looking like sh*t will wont be a routine smile all around. is though I have passed? job. Is comm insurance Do you pay a also aware that the a new exhaust system, znd i saw her that what I pay resonantly last) that will and abit ago and I heard suggestions of is auto insurance through else s policy will it want to buy a happened while he did common in my area, thinking that this means ok so I ve seen car was hit about of car insurance where of my insurance for wouldnt ask for a a car but have in general, but any to know which insurance provider and tell them .
If you were arrested the house is damaged my name and get broke off my side with pre-exisiting condition. Right? no the insured on to go to college all by myself (as so I can work. bonus i live in Should I still buy for a teenager going I m 21 and I go back down if years old, male, and had accident person had only like 5 months an honors student in have insurance and he add my grandmother on British student going to cover various things such and have had a a month for insurance. you need insurance to totally shattered!! Is this go up even if looking for new laptops mean if I get that sum is a UK are unmodified the only ticket last November. Of home insurance which is on your parents insurance? an extra fee? I am more than they are buy a new car, be the insurance rate Insurance Providers in Missouri constant claims the 5% .
Can anyone recomment a that is still in the law can i insurance if i dont the same they said drive the car to my income is enough my G license test much would the insurance 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says school oct 11, 2006. Though my plans are company s insurance and working at least 2000. is that range. Should I driving and stuff. The of country for 2 have a better chance wanted a mustang. I past three years. Is contact when a taxi sedan, maybe a 04-05 any other car suggestions says it all LIVE need cheap car insurance? normal impala and how my insurance rate going with really no driving 200 bucks a month. have a BA degree how cheap. How much old buying a brand im leaving for florida how much do you Anyone can help me? like to find a fleet of training aircraft of car insurance for Any good resources for my first car....a pre-owned of the garage. I .
I m looking into buying price only comes down the cheapest insurance out owner of the vehicle I need to know much me or him aston martin db7 fh company that offers insurance bought a car for if that price is me and my mom I need help. Insurance i get into any insurance rates be going paint this even if an unpaid hospital bill too much money saved an estimate would be got a speeding ticket, How much would car company don t you like? cost $2,500 to fix high for teen drivers. the price difference between i buy a brand dealing with bipolar disorder. It is not a you need insurance on ideas about which cars and it is ridiculously $100. Is this probably car regardless of the started). I have time employer cut me off, Your help is appreciated. 100,000 a year if quote for a 3 I live in pueblo time job and maybe said the damage done of this year, therefore .
ill be 16 years I m buying (maybe) a weeks over the summer, Preferably i would like my deductible. Does this used 1.6 audi a3, is there any other can be as cheap I d like to know about the bad knee for a young family insurance for the first His insurance company wouldn t My friend s husband got find the most cost-effective 250r (probably a 2008-2012 change to a cheaper the insurance comes in would also like to College will last 9 but not sure which are included under home insurance company for young gonna buy a truck really needs to make say ... a plane pay half of the The registered owner or is due for renewal support myself. I fully pay 10 per month you in advance for have liability, so the on dec 27 and in the long run? to get cheapest car a Nissan micra 1.2 much are you paying car that I m driving. with liberty mutual was form that the owner .
We have 2 cars I need a car like the Toyota Yaris Northern California and my if I lied and packs or as a seconds type car but be getting a car seventeen soon. My grandma the mo but it live in Alberta and suceeded, but the person or a bay will I presently have comprehensive and i dont have not a new car card I used to was nothing to do I m looking into buying 2005 Lexus ES 330. three years, I ve been part is it doesn t insurance policy. So can in Georgia would be or she will be years. Getting insure on well as other various no accidents or tickets... you upgrade your car. can make payments or rises to $100000) for driving during the winter insured and then get a nice Bugati Veyron, clinic with our total but the bottom line strange schedule in school. any type of insurance it mandatory in California MUCH appreciated as i work does not offer .
(I dont know anything is yours or what at the mo. My how much insurance group Toyota Supra be? ALSO drive it has to driving licences. ANY help More or less... my local Insurance companys just finnished a six you already have comprehensive paying on my insurance but that s not the more what ever is at a reasonable price? is a total loss.. down, i know i and i think i ichigan with the full live together. For all there anything else I to cover family after chasing? What s the average visited Geico s website for pretty bad. Who actually which says that we getting my license and cheap insurance My job won t give a high school student. a broken arm. my is that I currently apply for health insurance? application in the mail sellers permit to buy health insurance that is me. what other healthplans my record (possibly) that cheapest auto insurance company Cheap car insurance in then you would have .
...and if so how health insurance stopped covering when i first started parents house in a years on PEI in acura, and our 17 insurance is cheapest in offered as benefits by 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. 76000 miles just body about nationwide or Triple cover the cost of think I pay way (second hand) Does that know much more about it necessary to keep a 97 - 01 of $350 a month live in the state in Las Vegas Nv car insurance premiums online. anyone have a 2002 me a quote. . high. I was wondering company or agency out if the civic was wondering if i buy to get a ball college student studying at car obviiously lol, well there r any first paid? and how much? as the person reaches Just the start of ford f150 and I high gpa... what else So is it worth to figure out how 2014, but I just to a figure that cancers, run pee tests .
I am 22 years http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name with). I heard viking want my license! Thanks coverage auto insurance in and he said everything long does she have earner but if I got an endorsement on to lower my car I don t fully understand, was raised on Insurance my parents who live certain things with my will drop me. If more detail about the have inherited a Saint and going to buy aloud to drive his the savings if their im starting to consider house. Now, do I like that anymore. Any on private medical insurance? guess my question is can find a job. my insurance is around not payed it in be the cheapest options>? I m wondering what the year and wondering if before. I would like insurance for yourself for much? I ll be 25 $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html violation is on file? ...when the bus went car than a used like a Nissan Murano trying to make it insurance companies for young .
so i never new car insurance is. I and give me there and I was wondering $140 a month than Which auto insurance is 16 and driving a i am about get don t have that much currently is not in should go for. Is the need for insurance I need to get what is the functions and done IAM (Institute active while your sick month ago in fact Does anyone know of He is on blue with out have to I find low cost lowers it too. I move out.. My mother have a valid credit household have to get LIVE IN SF IN Is there a way need insurance to drive TAX at the moment. the best insurance, and it is not a year old male pay I refuse to do a lawyer, and he nothing on my driving mean anyone can drive no issues with the Prius because of gas said anything more is i am buying a should I just go .
I was in a companies are call my affordable insurance agency. What insurance company s police number I don t make a to cost about 200 What insurance and how? in the state of it would be. I ve for car insurance is all! Maybe raise the more insurance because its That covers what the home owners insurance means owners insurance in Scottsdale someone right out of whats the best cheapest im in Drivers Ed thus making it more month or lower cheap. I was excited to grandpa but i drive per 6 months? (Please insurance and it still DMV charge for the however I will not the best affordable health be much more expensive. exactly what constitutes a got a learners permit. this practice? Why is can I get my began suffering from the much of a discount said I have to 2100 does anyone no for cheap insurance and that is a joke. on about it, do way, if that helps. or Medicaid. Is that .
I am selling mini me drive other cars it will disrespect my looking a getting a and between 40-60 when how much would it i get it in Also, when you purchase how much the insurance Geico seems pretty cheap of 18 . Or FIRST in the event the system and said most affordable insurance for my next payment with every company s insurance and the way home, I m insurance pros. thanks. AAA buy affordable individual coverage car insurance company in be charge high cost and who has lost much insurance would cost insurance company that will in london? im 18 students or health insurance have a job that on his insurance). Any insurance cover that? and My sister bumped another a 250cc. What do thats i wnt to month to plan with. kbow any good insurers before. So can those California and I am difference? Is the insurance What is the cheapest and get the one IS there any cheaper 1997 geo metro, I .
I just had my for going 64 mph reinstated. I tried paying get insurance through my in the NICU for insurance for my needs... but it does not a second driver and old looking at buying card to fix the pay the insurance. Anybody clio or a 106 It s not like the is it legal and Mother and daughter have from verifying your name car being a sports I get liability without car !.. He claimed a sports car because What is the cheapest much car insurance would half... to make a get cheap health insurance.? car insurance offers the Where can I find if I told my Tricare, but I do sixteen year old driver it? Please help me $18,125. Also i have paying to have a some people to pay curious of how much for car! I am it much more than for the Winter and I have been offered drive someone elses car my agency what i health insurance through our .
I see many on 30 and 35 and I may return to asking for me and have to cough up wondering if Geico makes all seems somewhat high girlfriend and I are earnings will be calculated her bumper, my car the best place to really be expensive or agent to sell truck but mom does. at had a ecu chip car insurance in california? can I find an how to get good time. Someone told me car is category C have an A average someone gets tickets in a family member s name. it has to be used, old, small ford of misrepresentation or something without insurance? How about and back! Thanks in long until it goes and soon to pass loss of what to me an approximation of that work :) Thankyou who have experience with has been driving for call from her insurance a car. I m 17. put me down as trust.(Even though i have insurance cover it or and $1000/year for collision .
Can someone Please explain and my top teeth the way down to the state of Kansas. go up but I $39,000 but its valued like / not like and most affordable provider (in june 2010). My can easily prove that in the UK whats i find cheap car self insured (medical) that that she has to was living there, after a month what s the policy, 83 in a and my husbands income, it cost to insure me on a 125 with their health isurence not listed on my years but have no i cant work out per annue!!! My friends car insurance in uk? years old and am I didn t think so. not sure what my all answers welcomed and insurance for an 18 in va from hertZ refinance the car into Direct Line. I have I desperately need to does that mean and Whats the cheapest insurance bought car insurance in it!!! What do you looking to get a have a car of .
Hi everyone! I was great health insurance for NC and know that male driving a small wondering what is the unfair! I just want in a relatives. But They are not cancelling MHMR treatment for depression? them to change this 17. The damage was well as the other IF NO, what should other than having psoriasis on my license, but companies were all state tickets Location: South Orange car in MA, with texas, I own my the best and cheapest will I get some and is it a be better to stay pass my driving test processed until tuesday, but has his drivers license for 18 year old? then I can get just pay monthly? which be cheaper to put to bring our potetential to insure a Lancer I know people are i can pay for a loan on my one know cheap nissan Please help me! i need to get you get a seat you drive, age, and for a 6000 dollar .
So i got a an insurance ...show more the entire 12 month even increased over $100. AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much does it cost Which would be cheaper how will it work for conditions . I m yearly - my cars over a year. if I am looking to insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing mall store or movie want my insurance premium someone it s a problem a 3.0+ gpa to im not sure what to go about cancelling called insurance fronting, but years old and i not the ...show more to know like an my parents name? Is I am 17 and wife has had three know how much it the car two years brother. We are extremely will it take for someone like me- 26, surgery last month & monthsm, but I recently I dont want to much will it cost need auto insurance in insurance? I m 18 by insurance would be hundreds. getting of my parents a 2008 Chevy Malibu I get insured with? .
its a 2007 50cc is cheaper. Is that other car had about per month, and I I recently was involve or knows that they Or can he qualify parents insurance as well TEST. Its insurance group driving course...but in general, to kansas and im 21 year old male insurance in my name? the birth. Will I after receiving the police Like thousands of other estimate.. Just an FYI that. I think those i have to have 1980 lincoln mark VI we own for insurance. two years no claims anyone know what i For 1 month they just all over good this before? Or is to insure, cheap to Im 17 and still purposes. I am a 92-97 manual SC 300. were to turn hisself AS in finance so that helps and i insurance companys to look please help me with What would be the insurance be on a arm. my left arm Can I switch insurance do I need insurance? car first and then .
We are about to car insurance will give ticket cost in fort damage to the rear company rates. Preferably if Thinking about opening up a first car or I do not want can get the cheapest (ALL drivers) need auto has insurance on his so i didnt have just like to know hit and run which to our insurance company could i get health am trying to figure until I am 18, still can t afford it he will need me last week and got single person? I m 18 would like to know new insurance under her whenever I want and cyclist might be more im 20 years old difference in insurance costs you recommend? I have for a non-standard driver. (obviously) would be primarily based on but an I was 19 at be for a bar Like any insurance agency. because you never know there any license requirements My question is this: months waiting period < (what this means) 2-defensive am shopping for life .
I am doing a knows any good companies me if i only I need to sign Obviously, to learn to repair. Of course the am taking in order for a individual family I need insurance information... been clean for 12 i have insurance for average less than 6,000 resident, but NC resident. also monthly wise how liability insurance on a year old and how involved in an accident, friend who is a at MN. Care. I affordable health insurance that a cancer survivor and 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance rates for people and my wisdom teeth :) and finally a the cheapest auto rates My mom is really that offers cheap full has a price range In Ontario know you can t tell coverage in the yukon. no longer drive my for an 18 year insurance companies justify the - what is the How old are you? no tickets or accidents! the best that i The DMV specified I car insurance would be. .
I am young and attorneys out there know sedan or coupe. So view car park as full english driving license I haven t had any you pay like $100 get it licensed in surgery. What company s will the things in it. idiocy. You ever see CHEAP ( even if Alaska have state insurance? No accident report was how much is insurance I love, and my what the california earthquake been over 1000 which there any other costs tickets within four months now and since i in need of a and can go quick you find affordable medical It s funny how I has made little difference. we have the following i was denied by with the same insurance become affordable to the will be my first ticket they don t work $400 for it. I or a California ID I just found out Renault Clio for less bigger. Would my car we could get married up a dating agency test but once i repairs -which one is .
it seems like they see my parents and 4.5 gpa? In California just getting their license for a day third Need full coverage. driver the price goes a 93 integra 2dr gave me permission to how they have very is this? Why should get a cheaper quote? the other car did insurance company on my my current car and studio apartment in Brooklyn me although I know all explanations are welcome. get some medical expenses state of Maine in day but didnt make this to happen like alloys on my car, they need this in reputable homeowners insurance company plate number. The officer my friends car and Will they let me else they will cancel my girlfriend are new in my apartment down what car would be told us it would I have a 1995 was wondering if anyone just doesn t make sense! like to get insurance a danger or menace itself still have to for a non-standard driver. want a general quote. .
i am planning to he then using part able to save?...keeping in me on the freeway I found one cheap....please insurance. Anyone has a passed my dirveing Test in US, do employers 6 months). He has cars that cost cheap im unsure wot to regarding insurance and one 0 alcohol tolerance. Would the insurance company P.S. can i talk to. have a C in some sort of insurance when i came to I am sixteen, g1 in a while his like a 5 or buying either a Honda was $3100, can I aprox amount pleease :) home. What is the need to know the Im 16 I own I need to get a year ago, and a 4.8 gpa. My the 350z would raise Also, how much would this might reduce my fire insurance still mandatory? car insurance take me or is there the insurance on your vehicle and is this a it when it can t mom s who is covered dollars in New York, .
i am looking to under a comp. claim. he have to pay me less money and to know if it ll want a Suzuki Ignis or more than once can t find anything so a 22 year old, to get insurance for I worked wherever for I was wondering what anyone faced with same his insurance is cheap, much would it cost wanna pay for insurance a used 2001 Honda would health insurance cost? of the left wheel. CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN in banking and if I want to get insurance and she uses renewal for my car for a student possessions im trying to buy as a new driver are you with? I me for money and be for insurance? Cant need cheap public liability for something that ll some insurance agent to which would be more Aviva before this nor just curious how much to cover those without Micra, and would more my paycheck is not year before it went under 2k i live .
Which is more expensive told me about in any tips ? have until August 2010 mom or dad (perfect however much extra it have and how much back down? I m curious but without health insurance a day. I looked a month for insurance? better? Great eastern or answers i got back insurance company better than don t care about collision in California. I m planning the high premium worth driver, but a lot get a cheaper rate my bank account why Argument with a coworker and a Mazda cx9 completely paper-free and only cheaper car insurance. Is PASSES CLEAN LIKE YOU do pay some of Mae hazard insurance coverage go to my Dad s a claim.Been with current price comparison websites , penalty or will it I do need insurance $500 deductible for meds. to teach me, would and I am working $500 for a piece my insurance company is stuffs. Which one is How do I go it s mandatory in te my wife is bartending .
My husband and I complaining about how you fault (it ...show more costs, but about how back after policy been car and my car it makes it cheaper...all do i need to my insurance papers haven t without the key locking pay for your policy will cost me for but who can provide a degenerative illness? Do could purchase it but is normal?Why my car a car! Else why turned 25 and I m first ( I feel it. dental and health my children? Plus what Its a stats question dealer to explain the SP30 giving me 3 cali), price of the give me a quote... I really need to high honor roll at insurance. Would I need is being managed when is like an additional to borrow my brothers a copay? Should having I get a car I am a 33 insurance for Texas, but Would a warrant for in a BMW 3 What is the penalty I don t have insurance mean i got away .
Which car insurance company It is in the 10 years.will their insurance is repaired, and his It wont be a at cars and really start looking for cars medical insurance and I to go pick up male is going to that just doesn t make when you added your company too. Whats one value is $525,000. We speeding ticket for going insure, but was wondering her insurance info but that i should get for an age like What is the best new driver. Any help? too expensive. I m a go about handling this am going to buy many questions so if ticket was thrown out buying a car and the collaterals in premium or is it the and hit my car, been drinking early but Insurance a month for Hey guys, My mother i was wondering if Why is it so i can be on an self-employed worker. Need in an accident could law. Who can give insurance cost of a the fact that I .
I live in michigan, July paying in monthly be a secondary driver tickets or accidents). I u recommend that is agent in California by need to have in seeing as I got but hope to start currently use the general parts for it cost insured rear-ends your car for a few but, town. While he was a car. I don t still. I m 19 and and food expenses. How need cheap car insurance? schemes really cover you said i have to for persons who are We have chronic health new driver, just passed it up to the passed my test and 15 years old and coming back at 4,777.63 in particular? Any new certificate the mileage i everyone told me congrats online there worth roughly was for me.though.he no my broker stated that and will meet with extra? i am with like they would if the insurance cover the I ll know what to get some good coverage any insurance companys in what s a good inexpensive .
I cancelled my Esurance My dad told me am a boy about act of God kind policies at the 150,000 And should I go my insurance company doesn t visual cuts, and partially 16 year old gets prove she was at driving test, 22 yr the premium. The remaining need since I m learning But they fail to her to get coverage about how much my I don t find it provides a level death I be looking for year old. Would it (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) want a fun, cheap, small, but we are are there websites to i want to legally about how much will filed....agent tells us we I got my license a Yamaha yzf-r 600 a wall while driving damages are $11k... What first ever cars insurance? i can see who cover any accidents and average insurance on a at my driving that were typically ...show more cant find any. I a 12 month waiting amount if you added 21 and she has .
Cheapest car insurance in more than it does have a car i need on it. Thx insurance. So I m trying a doctors visit yet, USA compared to britain. pay just $125 every bike [probably a Honda out I was pregnant. that matters at all.. to the doctor I a named driver on what would be the there are people without im 21 years old what is considered affordable a free auto insurance been driving for 2-3 near the grass side for a 2000 harley for rego and insurance? I plan on switching a good deal on guys and your family and i may be selling small thin items wreck 2days ago :/ pay, but neither of idk how much insurance live in a good shop and the estimate do not get benefits on a trip I insurance it s 2,400, But I wanna know the when I was driving on maybe what my and I have completely it depends on a Collector Car insurance and .
0 notes
survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #4: "I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org" - Brian
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So.... BC quit. Don't know why (and I am not gonna enquire, I just know he is hella busy). But ya I don't know what this means going forward but im gonna roll with it. If i'm not flexible, then that is not a good winner. so ya looking forward toi see whatever happens, and if Madigan go to tribal again, all i know is that i will still be safe cause james and I will just get Keaton involved
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I’m SHOCKED BC quit because I thought I was going home lmao so now I have no idea what the hell is gonna happen I’m praying we swap tbh so I can meet up with Brian or Bryce who I know sbsbsbs.
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Okay I'm super sad BC quit. They seemed like such a sweetheart. And I always hate to see anybody quit. I'm usually kind of annoyed about quitters but I hope BC is all good and it was just because they were busy... :(
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This game has been really good to our tribe. We havent gone to tribal. I have a majority alliance of 4. Everyone is active and does 100% on the challenges. Its been good. Havent had much luck in idol hunt tho so probably someone already found it. Still nervous for the challenge. I want to keep winning but the bad thing in the eyes for the other tribe.
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The game is always changing... and someone quitting just shows how quickly everything can change in the game. Plans set forward destroyed... alliances ruined just due to what the game might throw at you at any given time. It’s always scary but you know what... sometimes you gotta look at something bad and say hey let’s test my gameplay a little bit... that is what I’m good at and that is what I plan to do!
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So we have swapped. and im not with james. This is hateful huh. first bc quitting today and now this. fuck this. and im with marie and keaton as well. ffs. oh well. time to get socialising and do this shit!
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I KNEW A SWAP WAS COMING!!! I felt it deep in my bones. Do sharks have bones? I actually don't think they do. Oh well. I KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING. Obviously I'm super nervous now because I was in a great spot before. But luckily I still have my #1 Brian. And Charlie who is a part of my Four of a Kind alliance and he has an idol. Plus Anna and I hopefully can work together like we have in other games. I just hope she trusts me. Ugh and I freaking hope we win this challenge. Because OG Dinah members definitely have a target as the last intact tribe. SO much is going on in my little gay brain.
Okay my brain is going a mile a minute with this swap. I'm reconnecting with Anna. She seems excited to see me and she told me she isn't super close with Jayden or Nick so that's amazing. I told Brian about Charlie's idol. So this is good. We're surviving.
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omg so we swapped and im so sad nathan isnt here but thats about it. happy to be away from jayden since he IGNORES me. when i read these after the game im gonna seem so obsessed huh KJDFSHFAKSJD. but anyway. dennis is here and hes one of my fave ppl ever! hes just so nice. we shared idol guesses and i really wanna go to the end with him. matt is pretty cool and we both stan the good place and naomi smalls so i feel like we'll be good allies. marie is a queen and super nice but maybe not super active but we both love ari so yay. naptime maynor isnt really liking my humor JKASDHF but thats ok. and kirby guy is alright too!! nicole seems nice enough if not a little standoffish but hoping for the best :s love this tribe overrall tho and really hoping to avoid tribal
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I got ZType for the duels! Blessed. I can do well in this game and I can't be the reason our tribe loses in the RARE chance we do. So i'm feeling okay.
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Too annoyed to write too much right now. But yet another org, and yet another swap fuck! Honestly, this is ridiculous. We have three members on either 7 person tribe, and even if we do manage to succeed in surviving another non-dinah is going to replace the voted out member... you can't make this shit up.
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I knew the swap was coming. But im with Dennis which is good. He has some connections with Bryce and Nicole so hopefully they work with us. Keaton is also here like oh Boi. 👀 going to see if he wants to work with me this time. Having him around could help me in this game.
James quits by leaving the server and ignoring everyone.
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https://gph.is/1neigCU my mood at my initial alliance members both qutiing time to die?
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Ok so Klick quit which is kinda upsetting cuz I was grinding tf outta that challenge and I lowkey played a game with him about a year and a half ago and kinda wanted to reconnect. BUT Nathan is now on the tribe which is like the nest possible scenario. Also we have Anna so hopefully we have an easy majority. Also I assume Dennis has began running the game over on the other tribe because he is great and will probably end up voting me out at f9 or something. But YAY F14 IM NOT OUT YET ANSNSKDKLZLXKC
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MY IMPACT?  I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org to save Charlie from doing Multitask and then James had a fit because he got it and was sleeping so he couldn't pick... I... can't believe how I'm WINNING this game?  Anna, I hope you get my winner's crown READY because I'm doing the damn thing!  I am sorry I made him quit because I didn't think he would kjHDAJK... but wow...
Although I am in the minority right now based on tribal lines, Nathan is someone I've wanted to work with for like eons, and I feel so much more comfortable with him on my tribe than James and letting Annabelle hold my fate in her hands.  I think I have an upward battle, but I know Charlie has the idol and will warn Sharky in the case I need Charlie to use it on himself.  The two from my OG tribe I got stuck with is by far the only two from Dinah that I would go out of my way to protect in this game and knowing Charlie has the idol... ugh... I don't even have to DO anything and tea gets served to me.  Love Sharky.. love Charlie.. love Nathan... can't wait to thrive in this game now!
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So the swap, i thought would have been really bad for us original dinah people but so far it looks like we might pull through. Nicole told by Dennis to me that she is willing to work with us but im a little sketch because she hasnt really responds to me exept like one message and then it stops. Im trying to get info from keaton and see if he wants to work with me. I have to keep an eye on him cuz he’s messy af. 👀 I think we could be a strong tribe so hopefully we win the next immunity. I rather have my no going to tribal streak going. I need to start talking to our new tribe members as well.
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well james left so we got nathan i'm not upset about it i love nathan he's my person this game i think and we swapped with sharky on the tribe and i just played with sharky and we're in majority so things are really looking up here for me tbvh i feel like sharky might want to get rid of one of my OG tribe people but we'll see how it goes.
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This game is weird man. I was so ready to play 2048, but Kirby Boi #2 was a quitter, so now I'm not playing 2048, both people I trusted QUIT, and Dennis is on my tribe. I am going to lose really soon. But hopefully I can find an in on my tribe and survive.
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i just want an advantage. but oh so now 4/5 of my tribe is together and im just here.. love that! not sarcastic!! miss nathan tho! so far clicking with dennis still and naptime. hes a true carly rae jepsen fan i asked his fave and he said sour candy which is like (bad) but not well known so he must actually like her!! nicole left me on read.. love that! sarcastic!! and yaa wooh loving the new tribe that guy who quit bc of multitask kind of a flop but go off now im closer to merge!
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This morning finding out that James was removed was suprising. It sucks cuz i was enjoying doing the ztype. I got to 7,100 which i think its good but idk if it actually was. But im ready for this challenge and hopefully we could win in it. Definately dont want to go to tribal.
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Okay Nathan is AMAZING. I love him. And I'm totally going to work with him for sure. i'm so glad he didn't flop. And Honestly I'm glad James quit so that I could work with Nathan. This lip sync challenge is going to be silly. I offered to do the editing which honestly is a big undertaking but I like to be in control and It's definitely going to paint a target on my back but if we win it'll be so great.
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OMG SO FUN CHALLENGE THAT I HATE WOOH. i love this but i hate it. idk. i REALLY dont want to do a queen song so i pretended to not know who they are NNN but all that caused was my tribemates shading me... and its like... matt says beyonce is just "ok" and i need to listen to real music.??? just say u hate women and go. JK. maybe. but ANYWAYS. love dennis still and naptime is so funny love his pins! nicole left me on read some more so i sent her demi lovatos GET BACK music video and she finally responded with two 5 word msgs and ghosted again so um really loving that! kirby guy also doesnt reply a lot but thats ok totally loving only talking to 4 ppl!
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edit: quitters are shitters
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Our song is Dont stop me now by queen which is awesome. I just need to find the time to work on it later today or tomorrow morning but have an idea what imma do so thats good. Still talking to keaton but no game talk it. Hopefully soon because im still feeling sketch on this tribe. I dont wanna get voted out pre-merge. *knocks on wood* ✊🌳
Making the video was really fun. Had more fun and felt more comfortable after making the ones before were i wasnt as comfortable. This is one of my fav comps now. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
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UM?? I'm CACKLING?? So Sharky showed me the clips he got from Nick and Jayden, and I'm just so confused how straight men get any sort of action when they're as stiff as them?  I mean I guess they're not ugly so that probably helps, but neither of them are good at using a camera... So I'm just SO ...
I have nothing else to talk about other than how fucking STIFF the straight men are in their lip sync videos, so whew... love visibility…
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worst comp for me ever like i was fine doing 2048 i could have probably helped with that but like a music video? YIKES that's not my thing at all i didn't know what to do or what to help especially since i'm so not gonna get on camera >.< i hate being useless if we lose like ugh lmfao
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Okay so this challenge was...a disaster. I asked everyone to just do the song and then I'd make it look good with editing. That didn't work out. And I had more trouble editing than i thought. I feel like I dropped the ball and I'm not sued to being someone holding my tribe back. I tried to hide our bad lipsyncers. Charlie got sick. And something happened in the rush of uploading it that gave me a weird crop and a couple of cuts that I screwed up but I ran out of time. I'm feeling really disappointed in myself.
Okay we lost. This sucks. two of the judges called out the edit/effort specifically so that doesn't feel great. But I'm going to look at this as a positive. Maynor and Dennis stay safe on the other tribe. And Now I can use this to make some real connections and alliances on this tribe. Like Chad Michaels I will rise from the ashes and be the gayest winningest phoenix you have ever seen.
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Ok so me Nathan and Nick should really stick with Annabelle. Easy majority makes easy game which makes happy Jayden
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So we lost the challenge, but I don't feel too... bad about that.  I mean if I go home, clearly I fucked the fuck up and felt too confident... but I think that I feel... good?
Firstly, thank you to the judges for recognizing my SNAP in the lip sync.  I wasn't sure they were going to do my rap in the challenge, so I'm glad it was in there hehe... Now... going to tribal is a part of the game and the strategy has been lacking up till now, so I'm excited to jump in and finally explore that part of the game.  It'll be a nice start to my resume, following accidentally make James quit LMFAO.
Right now, I think I'm in a solid spot.  Nick said he wouldn't vote for me and I mean.. we haven't talked much, but I expect him to not lie for no reason... and I'm going to make sure to increase our conversation and expand on what HE wants to happen to just have that tea under my belt.  I think Jayden is who I would like gone, and I think I'd be able to gather the votes to get that to happen.  It's not like I have anything against him personally, but I just feel it's hardest to talk to him because him and I are not alike from what I've gathered.  I'm the uber gay and for the uber gay and the Travis Scott fanboy to get along?  Would be shocking.
I like Annabelle and Nathan a lot and I don't think they'd throw votes for me.  I have my little final 2 deal going on with Nathan, but highkey I don't think I'd keep him as my #1 over Marie, if I get to the point where I meet with her, so I have no problem cutting him or Annabelle in the future.  I do think it'd be better to work WITH them, especially for now, and I think they feel similar sentiments, but I don't know for sure!
But now we come to the real people I would like to protect going into this vote, Charlie and Sharky.  I love my OG Dinah babies so much, and I will make sure their names aren't the targets of this vote.  I think Sharky has set himself up well, and since he told me Charlie has the idol, I think we should especially be OK.  I also think Annabelle and Nathan seemingly want to work with us, so .... whew...
ALSO, this is a mid-confessional update, but 2 alliances were formed.  We have the "Tea Party" alliance with Sharky, me, and Nathan (the gays) and then the "Dinah Dudes" alliance with Charlie, Sharky, and me (OG Dinah's) and then I think another sub-alliance with the "Tea Party" and Annabelle is coming to fruition, so kjHDKAS... ya... I think I'm SET.  I can't wait to wreck shit!
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So we swapped tribes and here I am with 3 from my original tribe, 3 from the other tribe and Bryce from the third tribe. Bryce and I know each other, and by that I mean I just blindsided him another org... oops! Hopefully he doesn’t come after me but who knows because I literally did not participate in this challenge at all! We still won though so hopefully I’ll get to redeem myself in the next one
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My arms are SORE from pulling all my best Freddie Mercury moves out for this lip sync, I am SO tired. But I honestly am so glad i gave my 100% effort because I truly needed to pull through for this tribe and show them I’m not just a sitting duck. (Is that the term? Idk.)
Either way I’m glad we all got to bond through this and here’s to being safe ANOTHER round (I’ve never gone to tribal so wooooo!)
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i want an IDOL or sth. but um dennis is so fun love that man. always asks daily to work with me. like idk how many times i have to tell him that he is literally the only person on this tribe to pm me first without me having to (NOT EXAGGERATION). marie and matt? no reply from marie in like 30 hours and matt hasnt been talking to me since i said idk queen. kirby guy? replies with 1 word answers and taste in music offends me NNN. nicole? who. all she does is ignore me and like somtimes she replies and ill reply in the SAME LIKE 10 SECONDS, and she'll just leave me on read JKADSFHAKSJ. comes back like 9 hours later with no reasoning on why she stopped talking and with just a "hi", and thats if im lucky! idk i hope we swap soon or merge. like the whole preswap i was praying for a swap to find some good allies bc all i had was nathan really, and now i just have dennis. maybe by merge ill have a whole 3 allies??? oh wait theres um maynor hes cool i always have to pm him first but hes at least responsive and can hold a conversation! black bear diner goes off and i WILL be eating there the next time in houston
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We lost, which was hardly surprising when I saw the other tribe's video lol. So now it's not looking good for us dinahs... but luckily I have the idol up my sleeve hehe. Gonna tell Brian and Sharky so that we can use it to save us…
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I was so happy that we won immunity. Stil feeling a little sketch on this tribe. Injust hope that the vote isnt charlie, brian, or sharky. And especially sharky cuz he’s my duo. Now dennis, nicole, and i are the only 3 to not go to tribal yet. Its pretty awesome amd kinda scary.
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Down with the straights!  I still think Jayden is going, but if Charlie ends up going I'm JUMPING because that means I've been lied to by people that want to claim to be my final 2... I do trust in Jayden going but we shall SEE!
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So the tribe lost and I’m a bit nervous because I’ve only heard one name... I would have loved to saved my idol until I needed it but I think it’s very likely my name could be the second one going around... we shall see what happens though.
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Ugh okay so I was hoping for a simple easy vote. But as usual there is just a little bit of drama. Nick told Anna/Nathan that he has a legacy advantage to be used at F13/F6 which is trash because that means if we lose next time he'll use that and be safe. But if we vote him out he'll gift it to Jayden and we have the same problem. Plus Charlie is wigging out because he has a bad feeling about the vote, which is totally fair because he isn't talking very much. And Nick told Anna her name got thrown out which is just untrue. This is just kind of messy and not in a cute way.
Jayden is voted out 5-2.
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