#thank you for the prompts 😊
Rayllum Month 2024 - July 15th: Second First Kiss
Callum and Rayla stood with their hands on their knees and panted, along with Sneezeles and Stella who sighed in relief on Callum’s shoulders. The massive explosion, followed by the inferno that nearly overtook the ship which lead Callum to rush in to Rayla’s aid, was finally gone thanks to his spell. The smoke was still too thick and suffocating, causing them both to cough. They leaned on each other, arm in arm, and helped each other walk out.
They finally reached an exit, leaving behind the scorching fumes of the ship and went into the freezing winds of the Frozen Sea. They felt their faces start to sting from the sudden temperature change. The two of them focused on catching their breath despite the air being too cold for their lungs. They finally faced each other, checking if they were each doing well. Then suddenly, they rushed into each other’s arms.
“I thought I was going to lose you,” Callum said, his voice deep with emotion, as his arms tightened around her. They breathed deeply as they held each other then pulled back.
Callum then reached for Rayla’s cheeks and cupped them in his hands, warming her skin from the bitter cold surrounding her. Much to her surprise, he immediately pulled her face closer to his and she felt his lips against hers. Rayla’s eyes were wide open and her whole body felt petrified. So many thoughts and feelings ran through her head all at once as her heart pounded in her chest and she felt her whole body consumed by a rush.
Callum slowly pulled away, but leaned his forehead against hers, slowly opening his eyes to look straight into hers. He felt a tinge of awkwardness, wondering if he acted too soon as he noticed her dazed look. Before he could back away or say anything, Rayla wrapped her hands around his neck and kept him close.
More, her eyes signaled to him.
They simultaneously closed their eyes and their lips met once again. With each passing moment, their kiss grew more intense and passionate. Rayla ran her fingers through Callum’s soft hair, and he gripped her back with one hand and her head in his other, leaving no gap between them and neither of them planning to let go anytime soon.
Once they finally pulled away, they looked into each other’s eyes and let out a soft giggle. For the first time in two years, they were this close to each other again.
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The end of Amphibiuary, final drawings 💔❤️🥳
Day 25: Clothes
Day 26: Pink
Day 27: Rare
Day 28: Repeat
Day 29: LEAP
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blu3haw4 · 5 months
for the made up fanfic title: "let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away"
The first thing that comes to mind is something angsty, which isn't really my thing so... bear with me for a sec.
I feel like it could be a little three-acts type of fic
Im thinking maybe canon? Canon fix it perhaps?
Clarke's Pov with everything going wrong; First act, delinquents dying, the ark failing, the grounders attacking and Clarke in the middle of it trying to hold everything together (as usual)
Second act, she does make a deal with the grounders, either with Lexa or Anya first and everything is still very stressful, they need to accommodate to trikru culture, they have to prove they're useful to trikru if not to the entire coalition, they need to make plans for the ark's landing and a maintened peace afterwards.
Maybe there's no mount wheater, or maybe there is but Lexa never betrays Clarke. Maybe they don't kill them all and their plan goes through just fine or maybe act three is about Clarke processing all the things she's done, Mount wheater included.
And Act three 'let it wash away' Clarke goes to Polis, Lexa and all skykru become heroes, they finally defeated their century long enemy, the grounders' nightmare. It wouldn't all be rainbows and unicorns of course. Polits suck but are necessary, this time though Clarke and Lexa would face them together. The would finally get together and Lexa would show Clarke all the beautiful things about earth, about their culture and their people. Clarke would get the chance to remember all the fun things she got to do in the ark (they would definitely play chest very often) and enjoy earth truly for the very first time. Lexa would bright her days just as much as Clarke would brighten Lexa's. She would change too, of course. Aside from the polits and changing her mind with Clarke's ideas, she would be lighter, she would let go, be freer, she would want to enjoy life as she keeps on showing Clarke that is possible. She'd sort of rediscover life's beauty while showing it all to Clarke.
And they would be happy, they'd help each other cope with all the bad thing and share all the good ones. They'll love each other for all eternity and they would make each other stronger in every way.
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
Eyebrow and Vaati's wrath!
(Idk that was just what came to me)
Also :)
“Let me get a good look at you,” the Gerudo said, grabbing Leon’s face to inspect him. “Mmmm, yes, a handsome face indeed, but this eyebrow is rather uneven.” She pointed to his left brow. “I can try to fix that for you if you’d like.”
Leon swatted her hand away in a huff. “I’m not some poodle to be groomed and pampered!” He turned to his sons, glaring at Green. “Why did you bring me here?”
Green raised his hands defensively with a nervous laugh. “C’mon father! You’ve clearly been stressed out these past few days. I think you could use some pampering!”
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
And finally, Spooky - 27 with Otis Driftwood ✨
happy almost halloween !! 🎃💗 i know this was your last otis request, but the spirit came to me and i ended up writing it first 🤷‍♀️ i hope you enjoy !! WARNING for implied(?) smut, blood, wounds and otis being a little freaky. 😈
torn stitches
"Now see what you gone 'n done," Otis tuts, poking at your side with a grimy finger.
The line of stitches that stretched up your side, had torn open. Only the stitches at each end of the wound had held.
You winced when you saw it, the pain only making its way to your synapses once you actually saw the blood start to ooze up again.
"Shit," you complained. There's a dull feeling in the back of your head telling you that you should be more concerned. But you brush it away.
Pulling yourself off of Otis, your hips aching from being straddled across him for the last round, you lay back on the sweaty bed sheet.
Otis rolls onto his side to keep looking at you. He moves his finger down the length of the wound until he reaches the trickle of blood heading towards your hip. He wipes it up and sucks his finger into his mouth.
"Freak," you laugh, but you moan at the taste of copper on his tongue when he kisses you.
You can fix the stitches later, you think.
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inneedofsupervision · 3 months
You’re the best Peter Parker writer on here. Please do a ticklish Peter ticklerdeadpool story! There are not enough!even if it’s just a short one!
Thank you, that's so nice of you 😊. The idea sounds good, i'll put it on my list 👍
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firethatgrewsolow · 2 years
Previous anon. Yeah there’s so many semi dangerous/dangerous situations that could happen on tour. I’m just a huge sucker for angst and some good old hurt/comfort. But I’m here for whatever the fic gods bless you with!
I loooove me some angsty angst! 😁 So here's what popped into my head to start - hopefully you’ll like where it's going. Drama awaits! 💕
“Goddamnit, Cole, where the fuck is she?” Robert surveyed the crowd for the fifth time, squeezing his eyes shut as they began to burn. 
“I thought she was with you.”
“On the bloody stage, you fucking cunt?”
Richard shrugged, his stomach cramping from nerves or Charlie, he wasn’t sure. “She told me she’d be right back. You were in the middle of Sick Again, and-”
“One fucking job. That’s all you had.” Robert thrust his finger in front of the road manager’s face. “One.”
Richard stumbled backwards as it slammed into his forehead, gritting his teeth to tamp the urge to fight back. There’d never been any love lost between the two of them, but this tour had taken on a different dimension. Christ, where’s my coke? He braced himself as Robert closed the gap. It had never come to blows before, but there was a first time for everything. He swallowed, glancing to G, who was observing them, strangely expressionless. Not good. Not good at all. The crowd exploded as a tinny voice filled the air, an announcement of something Richard couldn’t make out. Robert was in his face now, the singer’s spittle lashing him with every word, but it was falling on deaf ears, literally. The sky collapsed for the second time in the hour, and a boom of thunder rocked the stadium. The shard of sunlight that had been their salvation was no more, an eerie amethyst pall sweeping it away. He barely registered Robert turning on his heel, his destination obvious. 
Robert strode toward the wing of the stage, tossing to the ground the thin paper cup he’d been nursing. What a fucking disaster. He hadn’t wanted her to come in the first place, and now she was somewhere in this godforsaken mess. He sidestepped G and headed for the stairs, only to stop in his tracks as a beefy hand hammered his chest.
“Where the fuck are you going? Not down there. They’re about to bloody riot.”
Robert met Bonzo’s gaze, his eyes narrowing. “Fuck off. If you know what’s best, you’re going to stand aside.”
The drummer crossed his arms. “I don’t think so, mate.”
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watercolor-hearts · 7 months
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👀 For Dollie? From the emoji promts /np
👀 - Forced to watch
“Puppy, help me!”
Puppy was bad. Puppy was bad today and Master decided to punish Kitty for it. ‘You only seem to take it to heart when someone else gets hurt.’ She said.
Master’s drill whirs. Puppy sits still and watches. This is her punishment, so if she’s good, it’ll end sooner. Right?
Kitty doesn’t ask Puppy for help often, because they know it’s pointless. Puppy can tell they must be in a lot of pain and very, very scared, to be begging for Puppy. If she’s good, Master will probably let her take care of Kitty when she’s done.
Kitty cries and wails and Master drills into them over and over. Puppy sits still. She’s a good girl, a good pet, a good Puppy.
Kitty doesn’t deserve to be hurt. They never do, but this time it’s Puppy’s fault. All she can do is watch, or she’ll make things worse for them.
Puppy won’t be bad again. Neither her nor Kitty can take any more of this.
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
hi there!! for the prompt ask could i ask for “You're mine forever.” for donna and eric maybe about leia's birth please? always loving what you write 🫂🫂💗
Thanks for the ask! Prompt Ask Game
Donna blinked her eyes open slowly, disoriented for a moment as they acclimated to the strange light of the hospital room. She'd felt Eric get up from the bed a while ago. He'd been sleeping there with her, but he never returned. Now she could see why.
He sat in the old, worn rocking chair in the corner of the room, baby Leia swaddled in his arms. They were rocking slowly, Eric gazing down at her face. He didn't notice Donna was awake.
She felt a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth - and then overwhelming emotions tugging at her heart. Donna wasn't sure if it was the hormones, the late hour, or just the pure love she felt for her new family but suddenly she felt tears start pouring down her cheeks.
"Hey - " Eric finally looked up at her when she began to sniffle, and he was startled at her tears. "Hey. What's -? Are you okay?"
She waved him off, slightly embarrassed. "I'm just... taking a mental picture," she explained.
His expression relaxed, but now his brow furrowed in confusion. "Okay?" he laughed. He jostled the baby a little, and she made a soft coo. Eric gently rocked her and she quieted.
"I just can't believe you're mine forever," Donna whispered, as her eyes welled up again and another tear spilled free.
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courtingchaos · 10 months
I neeeeed a part 2 of speeding…fucking Gator at a church luncheon or something that Jess is at. Or them, like, running away together.
Alright so here’s the thing. I have a whole story that I accidentally planned out after writing that because I was still characterizing him as like, not a whole asshole. At least not like the show has him so far. So there’s some grace I’ve given the character that I don’t think he deserves.
Now I’m not saying I won’t write it. I might just make it little smut one shots but I will let all of you know, right here and now, there’s no daddy here.
He will for sure be on the receiving end of things because god damn all I wanna do is make him cry about it.
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imadhatt3r · 2 years
You are amazing and deserve to be happy. Never forget that ^_^
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
(you don’t have to answer all of these btw but I love so many of your AUs haha)
Word: Fur
AU: Love at Twilight ❤️
Kori laid face-first in his papa’s wolf fur as he rode on his back, a smile on his face as his papa carried him around. The fur, however, began to tickle his nose, and he let out a big sneeze that left snot all over his papa’s back. When he looked up, he saw his papa staring at him; despite being a wolf, he was clearly annoyed with him.
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popchoc · 2 years
Dani and Gigi #16, pls
Hi Anon, thanks for your ask. 16 is already taken (though not written yet). If you can send me another number I'll see what I can make of it. I've updated the original post with all the numbers I've gotten so far.
Also, to all the Dani & Gigi fans, with this one I'm at five for this ship, which I decided is my max - you know, to keep things fun and diverse. So I'm now closed for Gini prompts!
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
hello, can i do a halloween request, prompt 17 with vincent sinclair? ty :> ♡
happy (one week until) halloween !! 🎃 here we have the first prompt of the season !! i went with the cute prompt of 17. "heat of fireplace on a cold night" because i wasn't sure which you wanted, but honestly i kind of felt like vince deserved something soft 💗
The main fireplace in the Sinclair house was so rarely used that it had accumulated a thick, sticky layer of dust on the hood and over the tasteful faux-logs. As you made your way through the house during your sparodic cleaning sessions, you often avoided the fore, simply because it was just oo much work. But now, with the nights drawing in and that familiar October chill starting to creep through the old house, you decided there was no time like the present.
It took you all day, scrubbing at the wrought iron grate and polishing the brass fixtures until they shone.
The more work you put into it, the more you started to think this could be a nice surprise for Vincent. He'd been down in the workshop all day and wouldn't reappear till dinner, at the earliest. You hadn't had much quality time together lately, with a large group having come through a week or so ago that had given Vincent a lot of work to do.
He deserved a break, you thought.
By the time Vincent resurfaced, you'd already worked your magic.
Dinner was bubbling away on the stove, the fireplace was lit (with only a little bit of help from Bo, who you'd promptly thanked and then told to go and hang in his own basement for the night) and bellowing warmth into the draft living room, and you'd set up the VCR beneath the TV.
Vincent smiles, a soft, surprised and grateful laugh leaving his lips as he steps forward. If the fire wasn't warming you enough, Vincent could certainly do the job.
With bowls of hot food and a tangle of blankets shrouding the both of you, you let the movie play. An old gothic thing, something watched so often the tape was starting to wear out, but still it trundled on.
Not that you could ever forget, but in the glow of the fire, you were reminded just how truly, utterly handsome your Vincent was. The golden light that dripped down his strong jaw and blazed in his eye. How he still tilted his head to let his hair fall over his face, even after all this time. The way you could see his shoulders slacken as his mind cleared and he concentrated solely on the film on the TV screen.
Vincent was an godsend.
"I love you, you know that, don't you?" You voice is quiet, almost drowned out by the hum of the TV.
He turns to look at you, with that same soft, surprised look on his face. He nods.
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freepassbound · 1 year
something that you’re proud of
I'm proud that I can be a very good teacher. I've made a direct positive difference in multiple kids' lives - stuff to be proud of doesn't come much more powerful than that.
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