#i headcanon them as goth family and there just zoro
poshkryab · 7 months
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onepiece doodles with friends #1
Like father, like daughter
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merbear25 · 1 month
You write VERY well, and I would like you to make a request to Mihok, Kid, Zoro and Buggy with their child, who has been part of the Gothic subculture since childhood. Unless you certainly mind👉👈
That’s such a lovely thing to say!🥺 I’m so glad you enjoy my writing. I do not mind in the slightest, but since you chose more than three characters, I gave Zoro the chopping block (I’m sorry). I hope you enjoy what I’ve written for you.💜💜
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, headcanons/scenarios, good family dynamic, some humor
Raising a child who's goth (Mihawk, Kid, Buggy)
There was a nurturing side to him without a doubt. Given the fact that you were his child, he would give you boundless support.
Even if those ways weren’t what you might have wanted, they were what you needed, some of which being lessons that you couldn’t appreciate until you were much older.
Like any other child and teenager, you had your moments of insecurities, especially once you began going through puberty. You began worrying about what the other kids may think of you more often than you used to, which led to long conversations about the value of individuality.
In the end, you stuck with your alternative style and did so with confidence. He couldn’t have been more proud of you.
He wasn’t a stranger to the fashion you preferred. In saying that, you were still so young and were still experimenting with what spoke to you specifically.
There were some comments he made, albeit well intentioned, that got an undeserved snarky response, which you would regret and later apologize for.
Although he didn’t take those kinds of things to heart, he was still your father and gave you a firm talking to when you crossed the line.
There were a lot of bands you found out about through him. Music became a bonding experience for the both of you—not just enjoying the music itself but also what it meant to you.
He couldn’t help but smirk once you started developing your own style.
There was a sense of pride he had that you were going against the grain, even if the other kids gave you the stink eye. This man trained you on snappy comebacks and death glares.
He beamed with pride when you put those wannabe bullies in their place. “That’s my kid!” He grinned to himself.
As proud of you as he was for being your own person, he was still him, meaning you were not immune to his teasing comments on your bad hair days.
“It’s a style!” You’d shout.
“Rats’ nests aren’t in fashion!” His laugh boomed over any retort you had.
Makeup was something you had to figure out on your own. Sure, he wore some but he was far from skilled in the way you would’ve needed him to be. He steals some of your stuff and tricks, by the way.
During the holidays and birthdays, you could always expect some new piece of jewelry or accessory that was handmade by your father. 
Regrettably, you went through phases of adoring them, feeling embarrassed by them, until you were finally able to appreciate them for what they were—a thoughtful gift.
When it came to the music you listened to, he could kind of get on board with it. He offered to take you to a concert one year, which was an offer you couldn’t refuse. Needless to say, you both had a blast.
Would love how much you stand out and never hesitated to point out what he liked about your accessories and what not. 
That was all very sweet of him, but he was still your dad, which meant you countered his compliments with eyerolls and groans.
Buying clothes would be a whole ordeal; you dragged your feet doing it with him because he was so adamant about having you try this and that on, as well as putting in his two cents about what you should or shouldn’t pair with them.
“Dad, I know what I’m doing!” You complained, even though you had no clue, and he was giving good advice.
As much of an eyesore you were at times, he bit his tongue as best he could.
However, when it came to makeup, you knew deep down that he was the perfect person to get tips from.
At first, you were riddled with embarrassment, but you managed to push down your pride after reflecting on how patchy your foundation had been.
He teased you a little bit, but it was all coming from a good place. He taught you everything you needed and wanted to know, including all the tricks and hacks he picked up over the years.
When it came to the subculture’s music, he just wanted you to be happy. In all honesty, he enjoyed all of it but thought it best not to bring it up. He didn’t want you to stop enjoying it just because your old man did.
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OP as parents: Mihawk
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TW: none, pure fluff
[Disclaimer: This one will be OOC because I am a firm believer in goth family, sorry not sorry, fight me about it. Also this headcanon is happening during goth family hours during the timeskip bc of course it is]
Similar to Smoker, not great at showing emotions, but his actions speak louder than his words
Like if you are feeling down expect to randomly find a food/ snack you like in your room on Kuraigana at some point
Also if you weren't goth before arriving on Kuraigana (whether that was during your childhood or later on in life), you are now, no exceptions, Mihawk already had to accept having a himbo jock son, he can't have anyone else in his family not knowing how to dress
If you have long hair, Perona will regularly force you to sit down so she can play with it, if you don't, she will put a wig on you, regardless of gender or gender expression, Perona wants to doll up at least 1 person since y'alls dad and brother are stubborn
COOKING *clap* NIGHTS *clap* since Mihawk expects help in the garden, he also expects help in the kitchen, which turns into Perona and Zoro yelling at each other for doing things wrong an you being the only one actually helping your long suffering dad
Sometimes at midnight the whole goth family will go out to a balcony under the moonlight and just relax in each other's presence as everyone does their own thing (bc yes I think goth family has a form of parallel play, look at them and tell me I am wrong)
Nights spent in front of the fire are the best nights, bc typically you are Mihawk will talk about a book you are buddy reading while Perona has thrown herself dramatically on either a couch or one of you and Zoro is chilling in a corner
Sometimes Shanks randomly drops in to bully Mihawk about becoming a dad without his own consent, at first it was shocking but now you are just used to one of the Emperors of the Sea coming to your house unannounced
No, this does not stop you and your siblings from trying to attack Shanks every time he visits (idea from the amazing icaberries on ao3 and their work Meet the Kids, check it out and give it love!)
The manor is most definitely haunted, even without Perona's shades lingering around, so sometimes your bookshelf will get rearranged in a way you know no one else would rearrange it or you will hear a ghost moaning in the kitchen that let's you know something's gone rotten (also inspired by a fic I read that I am unable to find at the moment, but when I do I will link it)
Overall, wholesome goth hours
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
The Warlord and the Revolutionary: A Dracule Mihawk/OC Romance - Chapter 7: Bonding
Summary: Mihawk has never been big on surprises, but when Zoro and Perona showed up on Kuraigana, Mihawk took it in stride. He learned how to adjust and even slowly began to enjoy their company. Just under a year later, another surprise showed up on his island - his ex-girlfriend, on the verge of death. The one he hasn't seen in fifteen years. And he might still love her.
Slice of life goth family cuteness headcanons mixed with OC romance.
Chapter 7 word count: 2976
Note: Here's a link to the song I had in mind when I wrote the last part. However, feel free to replace it with whatever makes you happy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS-LQTcu2mw
Before Mihawk knew it, two weeks had gone by since Olivia’s arrival on Kuraigana. He couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed having her around, and not just because of his growing feelings for her. Olivia seemed to fit in at the castle and his life there seamlessly.
Olivia and Perona got along exceptionally well, and he got the feeling that Perona enjoyed having another woman in the place - it hadn’t occurred to him before that it must be tough having only him and Zoro for company. The two of them often spent the mornings making breakfast, then chatting amiably as they watched Mihawk and Zoro train. In the afternoons, Mihawk could often find them in the library as they read and discussed with glee their smutty romance novels, or in the kitchen baking a variety of breads and sweets. While he wasn’t much of a baker himself, he knew Perona enjoyed it and in the past year had gotten in the habit of stocking the pantries with bags of flour, a variety of sugars, and other things to fuel her hobby. The way he saw it, it kept her out of trouble, and he got to enjoy whatever she created. It was a win-win situation.
One day, Mihawk and Zoro had been walking together through the halls of the castle.
“All I’m saying,” Zoro had said, “Is what if there is no One Piece? What if it’s not some grand treasure and it’s just the friends we made along the way?”
Mihawk rolled his eyes, “That is the most inane theory I’ve ever heard,” he’d said. “I don’t know what the One Piece is either but I’m quite sure —” Mihawk paused and stopped talking as a familiar smell reached him from the kitchen.
“What?” Zoro had asked. Wordlessly, Mihawk began walking towards the kitchen to find the source of the smell, and Zoro followed. At the counter, Olivia was rolling out dough while Perona pulled a tray of crisp, brown cookies from the oven.
Mihawk had approached her to examine the tray’s contents. “Liv, did you…did you make me ginger cookies?” His heart pounded at the thoughtful gesture…she remembered they were his favorites.
Olivia beamed. “I thought you’d like. Don’t take one yet, though, they’re still hot,” she added with a knowing grin as she saw him reaching for one. “I know it’s been a long time but I think you can wait a few more minutes.” Begrudgingly, Mihawk had waited until the cookies cooled, but when he finally took a bite, memories of years before came flooding back to him. They were just as good as he remembered. 
Olivia also had formed a somewhat simpler, but still close bond with Zoro. Zoro liked to ply Olivia for tales of her early days of sailing with Mihawk, Shanks, and Buggy, as well as her time as a Revolutionary, which Olivia was always happy to talk to him about. Zoro in turn regaled his housemates with tales of his adventures with the Straw Hats. Olivia had always been the better storyteller than Mihawk, and he enjoyed watching her recall their early days together with a smile. It almost made Mihawk a little jealous - part of him wished Zoro would ask him these questions about his life and his past, but he also knew that he had never presented himself as a particularly approachable or nostalgic person, nor had he ever asked Zoro much about his own past, so he couldn’t blame his protege for asking Olivia instead.
Aside from storytelling, Zoro and Olivia enjoyed challenging each other to everything they could think of, from seeing for how long they could juggle three balls back and forth across the living room without dropping them (their record was fifty two minutes), to playing croquet with the dusty old set they’d found in the garden shed. Zoro and Olivia were both naturally competitive people, and Olivia enjoyed bonding with him over their challenges.
“Hey Olivia,” Zoro had said one day, approaching her as the group of four lounged in the living room. “Wanna play chess?”
“Don’t do it,” Perona had said, without looking up from the magazine she was flipping through.
“He’s going to try to hustle you,” added Mihawk. “I still owe him money.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you accepted the terms of my bet and that you miscalculated my abilities,” Zoro had argued. “I’m not trying to hustle her, I just want a friendly game since you two won’t play with me any more.” He turned to Olivia. “You in?”
"I’m in,” she’d replied, “But I won’t go easy on you. You might be good, but I’m better, and I guarantee I'll kick your ass.”
Zoro did love a challenge. He set up the board and allowed her to take white so she could go first. In the opening moves, Zoro carried a knowing grin on his face. However, when Olivia took both of his Knights in a series of moves he felt he should have seen coming, Zoro began to get a little nervous. At this point, Mihawk and Perona were looking over the game with interest - neither of them were bad at chess, but they weren’t on Zoro’s level, and they certainly had never seen him get nervous in the game before.
“How did you get to be so good at chess, Zoro?” Olivia had asked as she moved a Rook across the board to claim another Pawn.
“My sensei in the dojo where I grew up was big on us kids learning how to do it. Said it was a good way to learn how to strategize in battle. Not sure how effective it’s been for that, but I sure do enjoy wiping the floor with people who underestimate me.” He glanced pointedly at Mihawk and Perona.
Olivia giggled as Zoro swiped a Pawn of her own off the board.
Down to the final moves, it was anyone’s game, until…
Zoro had smiled proudly, his Queen and remaining Bishop cornering Olivia’s King. “I gotta say, you sure gave me a run for my money, even if you still lost. What’s your secret?”
Olivia grinned knowingly. “I’m not going to tell you, it’ll make it less fun to play next time.”
“Fair enough,” Zoro said. “Good game.” They shook hands, and Zoro cleaned up the set and moved to the other side of the room to put it away, as Olivia plopped down on the couch next to Mihawk.
“So,” Mihawk began quietly as Perona floated over to join them. “What is your secret?”
With a conspiratorial grin, Olivia wiggled a finger gesturing them in closer.
“My secret…” she had said, quietly, making sure Zoro was still occupied. “Is that I’m terrible at chess. Never won a game in my life. I had no strategy and just sort of moved at random and tried to take his pieces, so it made it harder for him to strategize against me. I just figured if I made Zoro believe just enough that I was actually really good at it I could shake his confidence and get him to falter. It almost worked too,” she finished with a shrug, pulling the wine glass from Mihawk’s hand and taking a sip.
Perona let out a cackle, catching Zoro’s attention. Returning to where the three sat, Zoro observed Perona and Olivia giggling and saw Mihawk hide a knowing grin by taking a sip of wine. “What’d I miss?”
More than anything, though, Mihawk was thrilled with the time he got to spend with Olivia. When they were together, the conversation flowed so naturally it was like no time had passed at all. He tried to get some time alone with her every day, something he was sure Zoro and Perona were aware of even without him saying anything; whereas before Olivia’s arrival, the three used to pass much of the time together, even if they were doing their own things in silence, now Zoro and Perona would often excuse themselves when they sensed the time was right to leave the two elder pirates to their own devices. However, in the large empty castle the budding romance was often a form of entertainment for Zoro and Perona, and sometimes they couldn’t help but enjoy the show.
Late one afternoon, Mihawk and Olivia sat in the living room, chatting as snow fell gently outside the windows. The warmth from the fire kept the chill out of the stone walls of the room. Mihawk sat against one side of the sofa, while Olivia laid outstretched, her woolen-socked feet on Mihawk’s lap. It was these little moments of intimacy that Mihawk missed so much - no words were needed, nothing sexual was happening; he just enjoyed that she was comfortable enough with him to do something like that, even after so much time. As he had said before to Shanks, he may not be able to have her back romantically, but he was beyond thrilled to have her as a friend. A friend who he could be affectionate with and laugh with, and with whom he could be his most authentic self. One for whom he could occasionally brush a strand of hair out of her face as she kneaded dough in the kitchen, or whose eyes he felt on him constantly as he trained with Zoro, or who’s blush he liked to see as the conversation occasionally danced around another aspect of their relationship, but was never directly addressed.
“Liv, do you remember that one time in San Faldo?” Mihawk had asked perfectly innocently one day. He was referring to when the four of them were chased through the carnival town by Marines after raiding one of their ships for a particularly rare and valuable treasure, donning masks and trying to blend in with the city of revelers as they wound through the streets, trying to avoid getting caught.
“How could I forget?” she had replied. She had been thinking of later that night, when they lost the Marines tailing them and, filled with adrenaline, had found a secluded area to be alone together, his hips pressing hers into a wall, the party carrying on around them. The glint in her eyes told Mihawk exactly what part of that night she was thinking of. Their eyes had met briefly, and they shared a knowing grin. Mihawk blushed and forgot why exactly he had brought the subject up in the first place.
Okay, maybe Mihawk wanted a little more than the pure friendship he had with someone like Shanks. The friendship part was great between them, that was established. The romantic part was still to be seen - Olivia’s time on the island was about half way over, and he still didn’t know what to do. While he was almost positive that his feelings would be reciprocated, it was the logistics of the relationship that was a problem. He couldn’t bring himself to broach the subject with Olivia, not wanting to disrupt the dynamic they had established. While Mihawk was never one to be afraid of taking risks, this one was almost too much for him. He had just gotten her back in his life, after all.
But what if there was something in between? What if he could have certain parts of the romantic relationship, while avoiding the messy aspects of being a Warlord in love with a Revolutionary? Could they maintain a physical relationship and a friendship, meeting up when their schedules allowed then parting like it was nothing? Would he be happy with that, being able to have her in the most intimate way but knowing it wouldn’t be anything more? Mihawk wasn’t sure. He wondered if it was just his less-intelligent head doing the thinking for him. With his commitment to train Zoro, he hadn’t gotten out much lately…it had been a while.
“Mihawk?” Olivia’s voice cut through his thoughts.
Mihawk’s eyes shot up to meet hers, a slight blush forming on his face in reaction to the thoughts that had just been coursing through his brain. “Sorry, just thinking. What were you saying?”
Olivia smiled. “While you were completely zoned out, I asked if you would help me tune the piano. You in?”
“Of course.”
The two made their way to the dusty piano in the corner. Mihawk lifted the lid and sneezed as dust rose from the unused strings. Olivia giggled and retrieved a feather duster, clearing the years of disuse from the instrument. When it was adequately cleaned, Mihawk took a seat at the bench. The piano had never been his instrument of choice, but he knew his way around it well enough to know which keys created which sounds, even if he wasn’t very good at making them sound good together.
“Start with middle C,” Olivia instructed. Mihawk obeyed, and together the two of them moved up and down the keys, him playing when told to, and her using a key to tighten the strings which had loosened over time. While it wasn’t a perfect job and was done by the ear of a non-professional, she felt confident that they had improved the instrument’s sound together.
Wiping her dusty hands on her skirt, Olivia joined Mihawk at the bench. “You ready to see how it sounds?”
“Ready if you are,” he said, scooting over to allow her more space. Olivia began playing scales in each key, moving up the keyboard and listening intently to be sure that she was pleased with the sound.
“Not bad,” she said, turning to him. “Thank you for your help. Will you play something with me?”
Mihawk was about to agree when Perona and Zoro entered, bickering as usual over something inconsequential. Suddenly, he thought better of it. “You go ahead, I’ll pass.”
Olivia wasn’t going to allow him to get off that easily. “Hey, guys! Wanna hear Mihawk play violin?”
“OLIVIA!” She only looked at him with wide eyes and batted her eyelashes innocently, something she knew he struggled to say no to. Mihawk rolled his eyes in response.
“Mihawk plays violin?” Zoro asked. “Cool.”
“We’ve been here nine months and I’ve never heard you play,” Perona added.
“That’s because I don’t like to play for an audience.”
“We’re not an audience,” Zoro said, “We’re your children.”
Mihawk raised an eyebrow.
“Roommates. We’re your roommates. I didn’t say that.” Zoro looked away, the tips of his ears reddening.
“Come on Mihawk, we never have any music around here. You won’t even let me listen to the snail radio when you’re around,” Perona whined.
“That’s because most of what you listen to is trash.”
Perona huffed. “A matter of opinion!” 
By now Olivia had opened the dusty violin case and was holding the instrument and bow out to him expectantly. “Please, Mihawk? For me?”
“Ugh, fine,” he succumbed. “One song.”
Olivia beamed and returned to the bench. Mihawk placed the body of the instrument against his neck and took a few minutes to run the bow over the strings, turning the knobs slightly as he went. When Mihawk was satisfied with the sound, he turned to Olivia.
“What are we playing?”
“You know what,” she replied. Mihawk knew exactly what. He faced her where she sat at the piano and tried to block out the two watching him. ‘The things I do for her, I swear,’ he thought. Olivia smiled at him and began the melodic tune. In a few bars, Mihawk joined in. The song they played was one the two knew well, so much so that they didn’t even need sheet music – it was practically muscle memory. While it had been many years since he’d played this particular tune, his fingers moved across the strings with hardly a thought, him taking the lead as Olivia played a fluttering melody alongside him.
This was a song they had learned how to play together many years ago through some old sheet music books they’d found in a treasure haul. Playing music, even before they were a couple, was a way for them to bond. Together, they honed their skills, gave each other feedback, and ensured their ship always had music. Even Shanks and Buggy had been adequate musicians (Shanks was before he lost his arm, anyway), but while they preferred to play pirate jigs and sea shanties between rounds of drinks, something Mihawk would indulge occasionally, only Olivia really shared his interest in music as an art form. They’d played many pieces together, but they always came back to this one.
Mihawk couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she played. The way her eyes watched her fingers as they danced over the keys, Mihawk couldn’t help but smile. She looked so beautiful when she was lost in the music. It occurred to him that he couldn’t not make his move, whatever that move was going to be, and he had to do it soon. He wasn’t going to let her slip away from him again, not when they worked so well together in every respect.
Her eyes rose to meet his with a gentle smile as they finished out the last notes together. Still looking at each other as the sound echoed through the room and faded away, they didn’t even notice the way Zoro and Perona were grinning broadly at each other.
Zoro broke the silence with a loud whistle as he and Perona clapped. Mihawk and Olivia broke their gaze with a blush, looking away.
“Mihawk, I had no idea!” Perona gushed. “You have to play more often.”
“Perhaps,” Mihawk replied, looking slyly at Olivia. “As long as I have my accompaniment.”
“Hey, if you think he’s good at the violin,” Olivia added cheekily to Perona, “You should hear him sing.”
Previous - Chapter 6: Over the Transponder Snail
Next - Coming soon..ish?
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
HiyorixKuina anon again!
I was thinking about Kuina more than average and I came up with this concuction.
So you often see that in many Modern AUs you have Perona and Zoro being Mihawk's adoptive children, and while I like this what if Kuina 2as also his adoptive daughter???
Imagine, you have Zoro being an orphan from a young age so he gets taken in by his relatives. But then something horrible happens (could be Kuina's mom dying or Koushiro kills her since everybody seems to agree he is murder coded) so Kuina and Zoro are taken away by CPS and are assigned to Mihawk, who had already adopted Perona. (I hc that Moria would be her bio dad, and he lost custidy due to his experiments on corpses and other stuff)
What we get is a sit-com like dinamic of middle aged single parent swordsman with 3 kids: one is goth, one is insane, one is bith and they are all gay.
I think that Kuina would really like Mihawk since he would teach her and not discriminate (as far as we know) and he would also reconize that Kuina is a better pupil than Zoro, which would add another layer to their rivarly and relationship.
Plus Perona and Kuina being vastly different older sister who are the two opposing extemes on the lesbian spectrum but still come togheter for each other when they need it and to annoy their dumb little brother would be so funny to me. I think Kuina would protect Perona from bullies and general pricks and they would both do wierd shit togheter like mutilate their Barbies to scare people.
I think Kuina would really get along with Zoro's friends siblings, obviously Ace and maybe also Sabo since they both reject the bigoted values that some people impose, but I think she would like Nojiko as well. The two of them both know the horrors of the real world so I think they would use some of the darkest humor ever with each other. And all of them would obviously keep talking about their siblings, that can't be avoided.
I also think Kuina might be Sanji's rival too. After all he treats women vastly different from men (even if its with benevolent intentions) and Kuina woukd interprete thus as Sanji thinking women are weak. So its Zoro and Kuina coming togheter against their shared rival: swirly eyebrowed dumb cook. But ironically Kuina would be fond of the dumb cook's boyfriend, after all Usopp is also a very underrated genious who defyes people's expectation to prove himself as strong and worthy.
Bonus headcanon: Yamace and Hiyoku double dates. Wlw and mlm solidariety at its finest.
HEY BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAA I love all of this. It's awesome. I just know Kuina and Perona would be complete opposites but would love and protect each other a lot. Like, they're weird in their own ways. People don't like Perona because she's all dark and creepy and with a very princess-like personality and people don't like Kuina much because she doesn't fall in the standard men have for women and swordsmen. So they fit together perfectly even though they're different. And they'd take care of Zoro and also make fun of him 24/7. This is great. Also, Mihawk be adopting children every fucking where. I don't know if I should be sorry for him or not. At least his family is cool. Perona is his princess <3 Kuina is his fav pupil!! And Zoro is Zoro. He's just Zoro.
This is basically the situation:
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(He does care btw, he's just shitty when it comes to feelings and Zoro isn't as cute as his girls)
And yes, Kuina would definitely not stand Sanji but love Usopp. I agree completely. Their views don't match at all but well, Sanji can live with it (he can't. He's crying).
AND YAMACE AND HIYOKU DOUBLE DATES!!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!!! It'd be a bit chaotic, honestly. Both couples have such a different energy 😭😭 Ace might seem a bit more relaxed but the second Yamato goes insane about something, he probably does too if he likes it. So I can definitely imagine Kuina like "I wanted this to be an actual date,, I am sorry, I should've thought about this better-" and Hiyori would just laugh softly at Yamace's shenanigans because she's having the time of her life.
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as-i-watch · 3 years
care to do some headcanons for the goth squad? I mean Zoro, Mihawk and Perona in the time skip?
I think they are the most perfect littly family unit and i wish there was a 3d2y film about them
Some of my personal headcanons:
Perona and Zoro 100% raid Mihawk's wine cellar and get piss drunk on wine more expensive than all the straw hats bounties combined
Zoro got manipulated by Perona ALL the time:
Perona: I found a locked room
Zoro: ok?
Perona: I want to know whats in there
Zoro: its not my business
Perona: pussy
Zoro: (•ˋ _ ˊ•)*
.... [Moments laters]
*Zoro gets a send to do some hellish training for braking the door to Mihawk's Robe & Cape wardrobe*
Mihawk doenst have a closet, he has hundreds of very specific rooms like Hat room, Shoe Room, Blouse Room and so on but they are scatter around the castle in no particular order and Perona made it her mission to discover as many as possible. She would stroll to dinner wearing as many of the thing she found, like five feathered hats or whatever and Mihawk just *sigh*
Zoro would eventually try some shit on after Perona's insistance
Perona was The Older Sister™ which included at times scold not only Zoro but Mihawk too
Perona and Mihawk are both certified excentric high maintenance goth so they bonded over that while Zoro is a hobbo and *just dont gets it*
Mihawk was really surprised with Zoro tolerance for boose but he'll never admitt to that
Zoro actually cares a shitton for Perona and he always listened to her when she felt sad or alone. He also wont admitt to that but he always had an eye on her emotional state
Mihawk is 100% a night owl and at first Zoro would wake up startle at 4am bc he though something was attacking and it was just Mihawk in the kitchen that had *accidently* dropped a pile of pots trying to make a post training snack
Also Mihawk can really cook but he would often have cereals for dinner or someshit bc he is like that
Perona was the official Zoro Finder after he would get lost on the island after training. Every fucking day.
Mihawk did give Zoro a room but most of the time he could never find his way to it so he would just nap anywhere. Included among Perona stuffed animals
Zoro and Perona would argue 24/7 but as soon as Mihawk got a word in, the sibling alliance was formed and they would toast the old man ass
Perona teased Zoro bc he cant grow a beard.
Perona also mended all of Zoro's wounds
Mihawk felt really bad when Zoro lost the eye and Perona cried for a week. Zoro was not really upset by it
Mihawk subtly would get Zoro talking about the crew and their adventures bc the tales warmed his old goth pirate heart
Perona would call Zoro "short" twice a day and it had a similar effect than the Marimo
God i got carried away
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Dante, Vergil, and V Watching One Piece With Their Male S/O
This is a surprise gift-fic for @mooshs-crack-headcanons. Paul, if you are reading this, *socially-distanced cowboy kisses*. For my lone rangers who don’t watch One Piece, get on that horse because this show is fantastic. 
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“Alright, I’ll watch it with you.” He says, coming over to your place on Cavaliere. He doesn’t really watch that much TV. Mind you, he doesn’t pay the internet and cable bill anyway. 
Dante has a really bad attention span for keeping up with shows. However, One Piece always has flashbacks to the previous scenes and he can always catch back up after spacing out.
 He never remembers the names. He just calls them by their hair color or powers. 
He likes Shanks and Ace a lot. He relates to the older and carefree Shanks and of course he loves that fiery cowboy. (When you-know-what happens, he actually starts sobbing. )
“I can tell why you like this show’s characters so much.” 
“Why’s that?” He gestures to his own chest and Zoro’s bare torso.
“You like man boobs, don’t you babe?” He teases. You smack him on the left tit. 
He really loves the zany chaotic scenes in the show, such as Luffy just grabbing his friends and catapulting them somewhere. The absurd humor really gets him laughing, such as when Zoro, Nami, Brook, and Kinomon are running around in Punk Hazard. 
“Wow, that was a lot for one arc.” 
“Wait till we get to the 900th episode-” 
“W H A T.” 
His brain explodes at the Wano arc. 
“I connected the lines-”
“You didn’t connect shit.” 
 He will make up his own attack names.  
“Gomu gomu no…...getting a beer.” He laughs as he pops open a Bud Light. 
“Gomu gomu no….smacking my boyfriend on the ass!” You hate that one. 
All in all, he loves the show and watching it with you.
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Vergil doesn’t know why you agreed to sit down and watch so many hours of One Piece. However, it gives him an opportunity to hold you as he reads his poetry book. 
Eventually, the crackhead nature of the show distracts him and he ends up watching it with you. 
He actually gets really into the lore of the show. The poneglyphs and the origin of the devil fruits are fascinating concepts to him. 
“Of course you’d be into the devil fruits, Vergil.” You scoff as he gently traces your neck. 
“Don’t forget who’s your king.” He snarks back, smirk dropping as Luffy shouts another ridiculous attack name. 
“He sounds like my idiot brother.” Vergil gripes as you refill your glass.
There’s a lot going on in this show, a lot of action and a lot of slapstick humor. He has a blank stare but it’s because he’s trying to read into everything. 
Vergil remembers all the characters’ names, but forgets their faces. The opposite of his brother. 
The fight scenes are very interesting. He always gazes at the sword fights with this intensity, scrutinizing what the characters can do. 
He probably tries a couple moves like Law’s Room and Zoro’s One Sword Style. He doesn’t know what a weab is but still assaults Dante when he calls him that. 
One time you caught his doppelganger doing Franky’s “Super” pose and you laughed so hard you cried and slid down a wall, unable to stand up. He tries to convince you it never happened. It definitely happened. 
He tries not to be emotional when he learns about the Donquixote brothers’ backstory. One brother giving everything for power, the other brother fighting against him? Where has he heard this before? 
He likes how One Piece gives these powerful, top dog characters such riveting although sometimes strange backstories. It’s humanizing and validating. 
Vergil attempts not to show that Mihawk is his favorite. 
“He’s the most reasonable one here. It is relatable.” He argues. 
“Yeah, just like you, he also has a punk goth child with an attitude.” You point to Perona on the screen.
“Foolishness.” He says endearingly. 
It’s a decent show. He always knows where you guys left off, no matter what. 
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V loves hearing about what makes you passionate. So when you talk about this pirate show, he offers to watch it with you. 
Next thing you know, he’s just blown away at how this show is about pirates but strays so far from that historical period. 
“My love, there is a pink birdman-” 
“Yeah, that’s just the tip of this iceberg.” 
Griffon joins you in your escapades, Shadow not caring to do anything but cuddle the two of you. 
V appreciates a good backstory and inner monologue. Connecting the plot points and character motive allows him to tolerate the moments of excessive fanservice. 
“I would ponder why anyone would consider this appropriate. This does not move the plot in any way.” 
“Yeah, straight people are crazy.” 
Griffon loves Doflamingo. So, so much. V, on the other hand, prefers Basil Hawkins and Law.
“Gee, I wonder why.”
Law’s tattooed and sarcastic, Basil mysterious and poetic. Those two are literally your boyfriend’s fusion. He’s also white-blonde and black-haired too. What a coincidence. 
Law’s backstory gets V a little bit under the weather. It’s a bit too relatable for him. Luckily, you’re there to comfort him.
“But look! After everything, Law got a lot of friends and crewmates who would do anything for him, and a giant polar bear.” 
“Yes, you’re right. I have my family and darling muse right by my side.” Griffon squawks as Shadow raises her head and grumbles with disapproval. 
“Hey, asshole-” 
“And yes, my panther familiar and pestering chicken,” V smirks. 
V appreciates the show and once in a while, he will laugh at a well-placed joke. 
All in all, the boys have fun watching One Piece. It’s slapstick but handles social topics and tragic backstories with such grace. Although some points are oddly too relatable or hit a soft spot for these Spardas, it makes them feel like Oda actually understands them in a distant way. 
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luscaina · 5 years
If it’s not too much, could you do more headcanons of Kaku with the Spooky family. I absolutely LOVED the other ones. I’m a real big Kaku fan, so I’m always happy seeing any sort of Kaku headcanon.
Kaku is my favourite CP9 character. i love him. also like, we all know i am a major slut for Found Family Tropes and Dynamics so you bet your ass that i will turn this into one big pile of mushy family dynamics goodness, anyway
Perona, Kaku and Zoro are absolute shithead siblings to each other
well, Kaku and Zoro more so
bc i’m pretty sure Perona ends up being a total Daddy’s Girl and therefore is Mihawk’s “favourite”
(the quotation marks are added by Zoro)
Kaku: “i am older than you, therefore you should show me some respect”
Zoro: “true, you talk like an old geezer”
Kaku: “……………bitch–”
sometimes Kaku just cannot stand Zoro’s honest but also rather profoundly idiotic nature, like Zoro just has to utter something that somehow only makes sense to him and Kaku goes absolutely feral
they also dare each other to do stupid things and end up being in trouble
(Kaku promised himself that he was Above childish antics)
(but let’s be real he kissed his dignity goodbye once he joined those Extra As All Hell Jock Goths in a spooky castle on a remote island)
all three kids siblings of them regularly have the inexplicable sibling-brain urge just to throw down at the mere sight of each other
*Kaku enters the room*
Zoro, unsheathing his swords: “oh man, guess i have to end you”
most of the time they don’t even greet each other; they just stoically stare from the other ends of the hallway while flipping each other the bird
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
The Warlord and the Revolutionary: A Dracule Mihawk/OC Romance - Chapter 6: Over the Transponder Snail
Summary: Mihawk has never been big on surprises, but when Zoro and Perona showed up on Kuraigana, Mihawk took it in stride. He learned how to adjust and even slowly began to enjoy their company. Just under a year later, another surprise showed up on his island - his ex-girlfriend, on the verge of death. The one he hasn't seen in fifteen years. And he might still love her.
Slice of life goth family cuteness headcanons mixed with OC romance.
Chapter 6 word count: 2263
The storm passed through the island overnight, leaving the next day to be unseasonably warm and sunny. As with anywhere on the Grand Line, the weather on Kuraigana carried a certain amount of chaos.
After breakfast, Olivia took advantage of the warmth to make her way to her ship, wanting to retrieve her transponder snail and a few extra items for her long stay. She couldn’t believe it had only been a few days since she arrived on the island. It had been quite the whirlwind. Taking in the sight of her small ship, the damage wasn’t as bad as it could have been given her situation - it was afloat, at least, if a little worse for wear. She’d certainly need help getting back out to sea, but there didn’t seem to be anything that couldn’t be fixed up with the help of a few strapping men and some planks of wood.
She climbed the ladder and walked across the deck and into the cabin, where a familiar sound greeted her.
Mmmm badabadabada. Mmmm badabadabada.
Running towards the transponder snail, which had fallen on its side, the poor thing, Olivia brought it back upright, grabbing the receiver. Cuh-lick.
“Hello?” she said into the receiver.
“Olivia? Is that you??”
“Hey, Koala.”
A squeal came through the receiver, causing Olivia to hold it farther away from her head. “SABO! IT’S OLIVIA! SHE’S ALIVE!”
The sound of running footsteps came through the snail. “Olivia!” Sabo’s voice came through. “Holy hell, Liv, we were all so worried!”
“I know, guys, I’m so sorry,” Olivia replied. “I have so much to tell you.” Olivia launched into the story for the two younger Revolutionaries, starting with her arrival on the winter island which housed the abandoned government lab, her attempt at completing the mission, the eventual realization that she’d have to bail as the virus took hold of her, and sailing through a storm to reach her current location. “And Koala, you’ll never guess who lives on the island where I wound up.”
“Who?” she asked.
“My ex-boyfriend.”
“You’re on MIHAWK’S island?” Koala cried.
Sabo chimed in. “I feel like I’m missing something here.”
“You idiot,” Koala said, “Olivia and Mihawk were together years ago. And she’s there. With him. It must be fate!” The snail took on Koala’s starry-eyed look. Olivia had told the younger woman about her and Mihawk some time ago, knowing she was a sucker for a good love story, a trait the two of them shared.
“Ohhhh. Yeah, okay.” Sabo didn’t quite get women or romance just yet, something Koala was unfortunately reminded of every single day.
From there, Olivia told them about her recovery over the last few days and when she expected to be cleared to return to sea. “I know a month is a long time, but that’s what the doctor ordered.”
“Don’t worry about it, Liv,” said Sabo, “Take all the time you need, we’ll handle the mission, and I’ll fill Dragon in on the situation. Just take care of yourself, okay?”
“Yes, Liv,” added Koala, “Make sure to let Mihawk take really good care of you.”
“Koala!” Olivia said. “He’s still a Warlord. You know, the thing that caused us to break up in the first place?”
“Well, he is now, but maybe not for long.”
“What do you mean?”
Sabo took over. “There have been some rumors going around lately about the next Reverie…”
The three of them continued catching up. Olivia was shocked to learn that there was the potential for a vote to disband the Warlords system coming up the next time fifty of the world’s leaders met at Mariejois. While information shared amongst Revolutionaries was usually to remain hush hush, she knew she would have to tell Mihawk at some point. This did affect his life, after all, and she cared about him too much to let him be blindsided. And anyway, it was just a rumor, who knew if it would actually happen? The Reverie was still a long way away.
“Keep in touch, guys, and be safe out there,” Olivia said.
“We will, Liv. We’ll call if we need anything. Bye!”
They hung up, and Olivia began gathering a few extra items from her room to take back to the castle: some extra clothes, her transponder snail, and a book she had been reading. She then made her way to a small jewelry box on the dresser and opened it, looking for one item in particular.
Ahh, there it is, she thought. Lifting the bracelet from the box, she admired it as the sun entering through the window glinted off the white gold band and made the adorning amethysts sparkle. Olivia placed it on her wrist, adjusting the cuff to fit. She held out her hand and admired the way it rested on her skin. It was a fancy piece, sure, but not overly gaudy. Mihawk had given her the bracelet in the early days of their relationship, and until they broke up she had worn it every single day. She missed the feeling of its weight on her wrist…but she wasn’t quite ready to show Mihawk that she still had it just yet, at least not until she knew what she was going to do about the wealth of feelings coursing through her body. Removing the bracelet, Olivia tucked it into her bag and exited the cabin, crossing the deck. She then descended the ladder and made her way back to the front of the castle, where Mihawk and Zoro had just ended their training for the day.
“Everything all right, Liv?” asked Zoro, nodding in greeting. She noticed the young man was sporting quite the lump on his head, and a bruise was beginning to form. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she knew Perona probably enjoyed watching it.
“All good, just getting some more stuff from the ship and catching up with the Revolutionaries. They’d been worried about me. What, um, what happened here?” she asked, gesturing to the slowly forming patch of purple.
“It was great, Liv!” Perona piped in, “Zoro was sassing Mihawk so Mihawk whapped him with the pommel of his sword.” She laughed at the memory, kicking her legs in the air.
“Mihawk!” Olivia said admonishingly. “Was that really necessary?” He turned to face her with a grin.
“He deserved it,” said Mihawk.
“He absolutely deserved it,” added Perona.
“Oh there’s no question I deserved it,” said Zoro. Despite the pain, the young man sported a devilish grin. Olivia wondered what he’d said to earn the injury.
“What’s that Rayleigh used to like to say?” Mihawk asked Olivia, bringing Yoru up to rest on his shoulder. “‘Talk shit, get hit?’” 
Olivia giggled. “How could I forget?”
They all made their way into the castle, where Mihawk and Zoro split off to clean up after training, leaving Olivia and Perona to prepare lunch.
Making his way up the long, winding staircase, Mihawk reflected over the last few days. So much had happened in the span of less than a week. One day his life was continuing as normal (well, his new normal anyway), and the next the only woman he ever loved was in his house after fifteen years apart. And now he was falling in love with her again? And he couldn’t be sure, but he felt somewhat confident that she felt the same. Holy hell, how did this happen? It was a lot to take in.
Nothing’s really changed, Mihawk thought as he stepped into the shower. He was still a Warlord. She was still a Revolutionary. But they were also much older now, and so much stronger and more powerful in their own rights. There had to be something that was able to give in order to make this work, right?
Washing the sweat from his body, Mihawk decided he wasn’t going to approach Olivia about the subject, or at least not yet. Despite the fact that he was pretty sure his feelings were mutual, and he knew that their time was limited, he couldn’t rush into this. There was just too much to consider before making that leap, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it if it didn’t work out…not again, not a second time.
Mihawk had just stepped out of the shower, when a noise from his bedroom caught his attention. Throwing on a black cotton robe, he made his way to the sitting area by the far window, where a transponder snail sat. 
Mmmm badabadabada. Mmmm badabadabada.
Mihawk lifted the receiver. Cuh-lick.
Mihawk sighed. “Hello, Shanks.”
“How’s it going, buddy?” Shank’s cheerful voice came through the phone. Though the two men were rivals for a time, they were also close friends, even after so many years. He’d never say it out loud, but Mihawk considered Shanks to be his best friend. Of the original foursome that set sail all those years ago after Roger’s execution, Mihawk was always the least close with Buggy. Which isn’t to say he didn’t consider him a friend, he did….but he and Buggy were basically polar opposites, and Mihawk could only handle the clown in small doses. Olivia had been the one Buggy was closest to of the group, and he was sure they were still friends today.
“It’s…Shanks, I have so much to tell you.” Mihawk quickly launched into the events of the last few days.
“Holy shit, Hawk-eyes,” Shanks said when his friend finished recounting his tale. “I can’t believe the winds of fate brought you two back together!” The snail took on Shanks’s crooked grin and brightly shining, starry eyes. He had always been the couple’s biggest supporter. It had been Shanks, after all, who was constantly pushing Mihawk to tell Olivia how he felt when Mihawk was absolutely terrified to do so.
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Mihawk responded. “It’s certainly a coincidence, and a happy one at that, but I still haven’t quite decided how to go about pursuing this, if I pursue her at all.”
“Okay,” said Shanks, “But you know you have to, right? Are you really gonna let her walk away again?”
Mihawk gripped the bridge of his nose with two fingers, his forehead creasing in frustration. “I don’t know, Shanks. There’s so much to consider. I don’t know if I can have her back as my partner, but I can definitely have her back as my friend. And maybe if she’s willing we could even –”
“Well, you’ve got a little less than a month, right? You have time. And speaking of things happening in a little less than a month, I have a proposition for you.”
“Oh?” Mihawk said cautiously. One never knew what might be included in a proposition from Shanks.
“The crew’s been working their asses off lately, and I was hoping to reward them with something nice. What would you say to having my guys come by Kuraigana to ring in the New Year together?”
Mihawk smiled. While a mostly solitary man, he did enjoy a good party every once in a while, and Shanks’s crew certainly knew how to party. It could be fun. He didn’t get to see Shanks very often, and he knew Olivia would love the opportunity to see her old friend. Plus, he also knew Shanks was dying to meet Zoro and hear about all of his adventures with Luffy.
“I think we can arrange that.”
The snail beamed. “Great! Expect us to make port on the 31st. See ya then, Hawk-eyes! And tell Olivia I said hi.”
“Will do. See you then, Shanks.” Mihawk hung up the receiver. This would prove to be interesting.
Mihawk entered the kitchen to see a plate of onigiri laid out and waiting for him along with Olivia, Zoro, and Perona. “Sorry for the delay, Shanks called.”
Olivia’s head shot up as Zoro reached past her to grab one. “Shanks! How’s my favorite red-headed amputee doing? I haven’t seen him in almost a year.”
Mihawk chuckled, reaching for an onigiri of his own. “He’s doing just fine, and he says hi by the way. He actually asked if he could come by with his crew to celebrate New Year’s Eve with us.”
“Oh, I love a party!” Perona said, taking a bite. “I’m gonna bake so much cake!”
“Wait,” Zoro said, his mouth adorned with rice. “Shanks the Emperor is coming here??”
“Yes, Shanks, my friend, who also happens to be one of the Four Emperors, will be here. That is, if you’re all willing to help me get the place in order to host his crew.”
“It’s not even a question, Mihawk!” Perona squealed, flying in circles around the older man. Olivia nodded in agreement, her mouth full.
Zoro paused for a moment, the gears turning in his brain. “Can I fight him?” he asked with a joking smile.
Mihawk rolled his eyes. “You can ask him when he gets here, but I’d prefer not to have to scrub your blood out of the stone floors.”
“So glad to see you have faith in my abilities, Mihawk. Really, you’re great at building my confidence. The guy has one arm for God’s sake.”
“Hey, don’t let that one arm lure you into a false sense of security,” Olivia chimed in. “That’s how he gets you.”
Mihawk patted Zoro’s back affectionately, something that surprised the both of them but Mihawk didn’t let it show. “You’ll get there in time, Zoro. You’ll have to if you want to help Luffy become King of the Pirates before Shanks does.”
The ending is weak af, I'm sorry.
Previous - Chapter 5: Laughing in the Rain
Next - Chapter 7: Bonding
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
The Warlord and the Revolutionary: A Dracule Mihawk/OC Romance - Chapter 2: The Longest Night
Summary: Mihawk has never been big on surprises, but when Zoro and Perona showed up on Kuraigana, Mihawk took it in stride. He learned how to adjust and even slowly began to enjoy their company. Just under a year later, another surprise showed up on his island - his ex-girlfriend, on the verge of death. The one he hasn't seen in fifteen years. And he might still love her.
Slice of life goth family cuteness headcanons mixed with OC romance.
Chapter 2 word count: 4546
At the top of the stairs, Zoro ran ahead of Mihawk to open the doors for him. Mihawk slipped inside, watching the woman’s head to make sure he didn’t bang it on the doorframe. Mihawk moved swiftly to the plush velvet sofa in the living room and placed her gently on it, pulling a thickly woven blanket over her body and settling a cushion under her head.
“Zoro, get me a bowl of hot water and a clean wash cloth. I’m going to make a fire. She’s freezing.”
“Do you know what’s wrong with her?”
Mihawk shook his head as he stacked logs in the fireplace. “I don’t…but it’s definitely more than hypothermia.”
Zoro left for the kitchen and Mihawk continued building the fire, his mind racing. Why her? Why here? And now? He hadn’t seen her in over fifteen years. And now, here she was, washed up on his doorstep, and apparently on the verge of death. It was almost cosmically cruel. If Mihawk had believed in God he might have thought he was being punished.
Zoro returned with the water basin and cloth, and, the fire now burning hot in the fireplace, Mihawk settled on the floor beside the couch and set to wringing out the fabric, placing it folded on her forehead. His eyes scanned her face as he wiped away a stray droplet of water. She was older, as was he of course, but still beautiful even after all this time.
Zoro watched as Mihawk sat in thought, looking over this woman he apparently once loved and softly running his fingers through her hair. Zoro found the thought that Mihawk once had a girlfriend to be…odd. It made sense logically, sure, after all he was just as human as the rest of them. But Mihawk was so unflappable, remaining stoic in even the most difficult situations. In Zoro and Perona’s nine months on Kuraigana, they only occasionally saw more than the most fleeting hint of something other than indifference or frustration on his face. A “resting bitch face,” as Perona liked to call it when it was just the two of them. It had even become a personal challenge between the duo to try and make the older swordsman laugh, something they hadn’t seen since Mihawk accepted Zoro as his student. But after countless puns, perfectly-timed jokes, and attempts at slapstick they eventually had to admit defeat, acknowledging they’d never again get more than a smirk out of him.
But this….this was emotion on Mihawk’s face, though Zoro couldn’t quite place it. Pain? Sadness? Regret? It was hard to tell, but Mihawk’s stoic mask was down, even if only temporarily. Deciding to give him some space, Zoro excused himself to make up a room for her. Mihawk nodded and let out a quiet “Thank you,” never taking his eyes from Olivia’s face.
Mihawk wasn’t sure how long he sat on the floor next to the sofa, watching Olivia’s shallow breaths, wondering if the next one would be her last. But after some time he heard the castle door open and watched as Perona’s ghosts filtered into the room, signaling her return. Mihawk got up from the floor and made his way to meet her at the entrance. Perona set a tall, gray-haired woman down on the floor in a rather ungraceful fashion. The woman tilted, catching herself as she got her bearings and straightened back up. With her she carried a black medicine bag and what Mihawk thought was an IV pole.
“I came back as soon as I could, is she okay?” Perona asked, breathing heavily from the exertion.
“She’s alive,” Mihawk replied. “Dr. Takahashi, I’m sorry to take you away from your work so abruptly, but I need your help.”
“Hello, Dracule,” Dr. Takahashi replied curtly. Mihawk wondered if Perona had literally dragged the older woman here by the neck. “The ghost girl told me everything. Take me to the patient.”
Mihawk led the way, and the doctor and Perona followed. Zoro came down the stairs shortly after, joining the procession back to the living room. “So what is it?” Mihawk asked. “What do you think is wrong with her?”
Dr. Takahashi matched his pace as he led them through the castle halls, the older woman almost as tall as Mihawk himself. “I believe she has Hoarfrost Syndrome. It’s usually caught on winter islands. There’s one about a hundred and fifty miles from here, as I’m sure you know. I would imagine our patient contracted it there. The disease is rather rare, but I see it every so often simply due to the island’s proximity.”
“So you can cure her?” Zoro asked.
“It depends on how far along the disease is. We can only hope it’s not too late.” They walked the rest of the way in silence.
Reaching the living room, Dr. Takahashi knelt down by Olivia’s side, pulling aside the blanket and examining the rash on her skin.
“This is rather advanced,” she announced. “I’d guess she was exposed about a week ago. But I don’t believe it’s too late if we act quickly. You did well by keeping her warm, heat slows down the disease’s progression” she directed to Mihawk and Zoro.
Dr. Takahashi stood up. “I’ll need your kitchen, I’ve brought everything I need to make the required medicine for her, as well as some for the three of you.”
“Us?” Perona questioned. “But we’re not sick.”
“No, but you’ve all been exposed, as it’s an airborne virus. You’ll be fine, you just need to take an elixir for the next few days to help your immune systems fight it off.”
“This way,” Zoro gestured to the doctor, who followed him to the kitchen with Perona. Mihawk added a few more logs to the fire, then flopped down in an armchair with a sigh. Perona came back in a few minutes later, carrying a full glass of red wine in one hand and the bottle in the other.
“You look like you need it,” she said, offering him the glass and placing the bottle on the side table.
“Thank you,” he replied, taking a long sip. Mihawk was not usually one to chug his wine, he appreciated the art of winemaking too much for that, but this…this was a situation where savoring the drink just wouldn’t do.
“You okay?” she asked, after a few moments of silence.
“I…I’m not sure, to be honest,” he replied, running a hand through his hair.
“Zoro…he told me you and she were a thing?”
Mihawk nodded, swirling the red liquid in his glass absentmindedly. “Yes. A long time ago. About fifteen years, actually….” He trailed off, lost in thought. Perona wasn’t sure if Mihawk would say more, but after a bit she realized that was all she was likely to get, and so returned to the kitchen to see if Dr. Takahashi needed help.
Not long after, the doctor, Zoro, and Perona made their way back to the living room, Zoro carrying the pole and Dr. Takahashi holding an IV bag full of a cherry red liquid. Dr. Takahashi set up the medicine on the IV pole, and pulled some tubing and a covered needle from her bag. Pulling on rubber gloves, she connected the bag with the tubing and the needle, then placed the needle in Olivia’s arm, securing it with white gauzy tape.
“I’ve made four of these bags, which should be enough to eliminate the virus from her system. When it’s empty, you’ll need to replace the bag, and eventually remove the needle when the course is over.” The three gathered around as Dr. Takahashi showed them what to do. “I’ve also filled a bottle with medicine for the three of you, in the kitchen. Each of you should take about a shot’s worth, twice a day, until it’s empty.”
“So what now?” Mihawk asked.
Dr. Takahashi sighed. “Unfortunately all we can do is wait and see. Keep her warm, here on the couch is perfect, and keep her comfortable. By morning I’m hoping we’ll see her body temperature rise and the rash begin to recede.”
“And…if it doesn’t?” Perona asked softly.
“Well….we’ve done all that we can.” Dr. Takahashi said with an apologetic smile as she rose from her spot next to Olivia and began gathering her things. “I need to return to my island before dark. Dracule, you have my transponder snail number, please call me first thing in the morning with an update on her status…or sooner if you need to.”
“Thank you, doctor. Perona – “
“Got it, Mihawk, I’ll get her back safely!” Perona replied.
“And perhaps with less manhandling this time?” Dr. Takahashi quipped, staring at the pink haired ghost. “I’ll come by to check on her once she’s woken up…and I’ll be bringing myself. On a boat.” So Perona did drag her here. Mihawk made a mental note to send the old doctor a case of wine as an apology.
Perona and the doctor left, and Mihawk heard the door close behind them. Glancing out the window, he could see the sky was tinged with the orange hues of twilight.
“So…what can I do? What do you need from me?” Zoro asked, standing in front of Mihawk’s chair. Mihawk was taken aback for a moment, not just by the surprisingly thoughtful question from the young swordsman, but because….he wasn’t quite sure. What did he need? Mihawk closed his eyes and took another sip from his wine glass, then stared at Olivia until something came to him.
“Hmm. Head down to her ship and see if you can find something clean and comfortable for her, and anything else she might need. We should get her out of these wet clothes, they’re probably not helping her situation.”
“On it!” Zoro said with a thumbs up and a grin, running towards the door.
While the green-haired swordsman was gone, Mihawk took the wash cloth from her forehead and dipped it in the bowl of water, which was now room temperature. He used the privacy to wipe the sand and dirt from her body and hair, but only where her skin was already exposed. Sure it was nothing he hadn’t seen before, but something about providing a more thorough cleaning felt wrong after all this time. He’d have to enlist Perona’s help to get her changed when she returned.
Zoro returned after some time carrying Yoru, which he’d thoughtfully grabbed from where Mihawk had left it hours earlier, and a large duffle bag that was almost bursting with clothes and toiletries. His face was slightly flushed. “I…I was doing okay but then I felt weird when I got to her underwear drawer so I just closed my eyes and grabbed a bunch of things,” the young man said quickly in a single breath.
Mihawk stared for a second, then let out a huff of breath with a hint of a smile - almost a laugh! Zoro thought. “I’m sorry, Zoro, I probably should have considered that myself. Thank you, I’m sure what you got will be fine. We’ll, umm, have Perona deal with it when she gets back.”
“Probably best,” Zoro agreed.
The two sat in silence, watching the level of liquid in the IV bag slowly lessen. After the sun had fully sunk below the horizon, Perona arrived again with her posse of hollows, stopping to check on Mihawk and Olivia and taking the time to switch her into clean clothes without the men around. She then retreated into the kitchen with Zoro. After some time, they emerged carrying three bowls of steaming food. Zoro handed one to Mihawk, along with a fork. They had made cacio e pepe, one of Mihawk’s favorites. He cracked the slightest smile at the thoughtful gesture. Perona settled into the opposite armchair, and Zoro on the floor next to her. The three ate in companionable silence, the only noise the crackling of the fire and the clanking of silverware. When Mihawk was done, he placed his bowl on the side table.
“Thank you both,” he began. “For all of your help today. I…don’t know what I would have done without the two of you here.”
Perona smiled. “Of course, Mihawk,” she said quietly.
The elder swordsman poured himself another glass of wine, though he was beginning to feel the alcohol’s effects - while usually a man of strong constitution, Mihawk hadn’t eaten since early that morning. He hoped the youths couldn’t tell. “I suppose you want to know the story, then? About me and her?”
Zoro and Perona looked at each other. They very, very much did. “Only if you want to tell it,” offered Zoro.
Mihawk took a sip from his glass and began. He felt like he owed them an explanation. “I met Olivia…a little over twenty-five years ago. We were just teenagers then. She was an apprentice on Gold Roger’s ship, along with Shanks and Buggy. The three of them basically grew up together and were close. I wasn’t officially on Roger’s crew - I never quite liked the idea of committing myself to sailing under someone else’s flag, so I hopped from crew to crew working in exchange for the opportunity to learn what I could from whoever I met. A rather unorthodox way of pirating, but it worked for me. In this case, I was learning about Haki from Silvers Rayleigh. I was sixteen when I first boarded the Oro Jackson and stayed there for just under a year, but in that time I became good friends with Olivia, Shanks, and Buggy. But eventually, I parted ways with them.
“We reunited later in Loguetown at Roger’s execution. The three of them were planning to set sail together and invited me along. They were displaced, the only family they ever knew broken, and I had no commitments at the time so I agreed. We pitched in our savings and bought a small ship together, and set sail.
“We were all young, but each of us had a goal in mind, and we agreed to work together to help each other achieve them, or until it no longer made sense to do so. I, of course, wanted to be the World’s Greatest Swordsman. Shanks and Buggy had their sights set on becoming the next King of the Pirates, or at least Emperors. And Olivia…” Mihawk glanced at the unconscious woman on his sofa. “Olivia wanted to join the Revolutionary Army, which was quite newly formed at the time. She had a history with the Celestial Dragons and wanted to see them and the World Government who enabled them burn to the ground.”
“Can’t say I blame her,” interjected Zoro softly, a shadow on his face as he remembered his crew’s encounters with them at Sabaody.
“Indeed. So that’s how we spent the next few years, the four of us. Helping each other get stronger, having adventures and hunting treasure, getting our bounties up. It was…fun. I have fond memories of those years together. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with Olivia. She loved me too, if you can believe it.” A hint of a smile crossed Mihawk’s face. Zoro and Perona glanced at each other. “We were happy together for a long time. Even after Buggy and Shanks eventually left to form their own crews, she and I continued sailing and working together. We even had a shared wanted poster for a time, I think I still have it around here somewhere…” Mihawk shook his head slightly, bringing himself back to the story.
“Anyway, eventually Olivia caught the attention of the Revolutionary Army. Dragon himself offered her a spot amongst their ranks, he said he saw a lot of promise in her. But she turned him down at the time.”
“What? Why?” Perona inquired.
“Because of me. I was not far off from being ready to face the previous World’s Greatest Swordsman, and she said she wanted to be there when I beat him. So, Dragon gave her his Vivre Card and told her to find him when she was ready.
“Just a few months after that, I achieved my goal. I claimed the title, but I remember at some point while fighting my predecessor thinking Maybe I should throw this match…because when I win, she leaves. Obviously, I didn’t. I won, we celebrated, and the next day we set sail in the direction the Vivre Card pointed us, eventually meeting up with Dragon’s crew. And that’s where we had to say goodbye. Olivia and I decided we would try to make it work long distance, and we did for a while, but…it was hard. We only saw each other every few weeks to every few months, sometimes less. Our ability to communicate was limited for security purposes, and she often couldn’t even tell me about what kind of work she was doing except that it was dangerous beyond the realm of normal piracy. It…honestly, it sucked. I went from having her with me every day to getting a handful of days with her a year.
“So when I was offered the Warlord position, I jumped on it with the proviso that Olivia would be awarded the same level of immunity from the World Government that I was, which they accepted. In my mind, this was a win-win situation. Not only would I know she was safe, at least from Marines, and it would certainly make her job easier, but it meant we could find a place of our own, somewhere near the Revolutionary Army’s headquarters, where we could arrange to meet when her schedule allowed. If nothing else, we’d have a place where we could come home to each other every once in a while. That’s what my line of thought was, anyway.
“Olivia, however, didn’t see it that way. When I told her, she called it a betrayal of everything she had worked for. That I had sold myself out to the government for my own comfort and became their guard dog, fully knowing the sort of things they’d use my skills for. I denied it at first but the truth is I did sell out. And I wasn’t thinking of her or us, not really, I was thinking about what was best for me. I was selfish and stupid….She asked me to join up with her, or to give up the position, anything to be able to salvage our relationship, but…I couldn’t. I wanted the freedom, the stability too badly. It cost me a relationship of six years, and a friendship of even longer.”
Mihawk sighed and drained his glass. “Anyway, that’s the story. After we broke up, I didn’t see or hear from her again. I only heard about how she was doing occasionally when I met up with Shanks or Buggy, or saw something about her in the paper. And the worst part is, I was fine. I got over it, I moved on, most days I don’t even think about her except in passing. But now she’s here, in my house, and possibly won’t survive the night, and…” Mihawk trailed off, gipping the stem of the empty glass tightly.
“Hey,” Zoro broke the silence where Mihawk left off. “She’s gonna be alright.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I don’t for sure, no,” Zoro replied with a sly smile. “But if she was strong enough to deal with you for so long, she’s strong enough to handle this.”
Mihawk smirked. “We’ll see, I suppose. You two go get some rest. I’ll stay up and make sure she’s okay, and switch out her medicine when needed.”
“You sure, Mihawk?” Perona began. “We can –” Mihawk raised a hand, silencing her. “You two have done more than enough for me today. Get some rest.”
Zoro and Perona said their goodnights and retreated up the stairs, leaving Mihawk with a mostly empty bottle of wine and the unconscious woman on the couch. Mihawk stood to place a few more logs in the fire, then returned to his chair, where he sat watching the flames dance across Olivia’s face.
He thought about the first time he met her, she was about fourteen at the time. She had been a tomboy, and was attached at the hip to Shanks and Buggy, who she considered her younger brothers. Mihawk’s initial friendship had been with Shanks, and he recalled how Olivia and Buggy were at first not much more than the obnoxious kids who hung out with the obnoxious kid he, for some reason, liked to hang out with, and how that changed over time.
He thought of her at Roger’s execution a few years later, her hair longer and her style more feminine, but still practical. He recalled how she strained to hold back tears as the four of them joined together in the crowd at Loguetown. Shanks and Buggy were collapsed on the ground, sobbing as Olivia held them close to her sides, a hand on each of their heads, as if protecting them from what they were seeing. Later that night after the two younger boys had passed out in the threadbare bed of the dingy inn they all shared, Mihawk had approached her.
“You can cry, you know,” a nineteen year-old Mihawk had said. It was only then that she let her emotions go, leaning into Mihawk’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
He thought of the moment he knew he was in love with her a few years later, as she kneaded dough in the cramped kitchen of their small ship, singing along with a song on the snail radio, as well as the first time he kissed her under the aurora borealis in the seas of the North Blue, and the first time they –
A loud pop! from the fireplace broke Mihawk from his memories. He glanced at the bag on the IV pole, noticing it was almost empty. He retrieved a new IV bag from the kitchen, then returned to Olivia’s side to replace it according to Dr. Takahashi’s instructions. While he was there he ran a hand across her face. She did feel warmer, but he wasn’t sure if it was the symptom of iciness starting to wane, or if it was just her proximity to the fireplace. But her breath had certainly begun to steady, and he felt like the rash was starting to fade just the tiniest amount. Perhaps just a trick of the light, the cruel side of his brain rationalized. Mihawk had been burned enough times that hope wasn’t his strong suit - he preferred to expect the worst, and hope for, at best, slightly less than the worst. Anything beyond that and he was genuinely thrilled. Shanks called him a pessimist, but Mihawk preferred the term realist.
Returning to his armchair, Mihawk spent the rest of the evening thinking about his time with Olivia - what they were then, and what they could be now.
Could be? Don’t get ahead of yourself, idiot, he found himself thinking. He still had no idea how she ended up here, or how she felt about him after all this time. Would she still be upset about what happened? He realized his knowledge of her at this point in their lives was basically zero. Had she changed over the years? He certainly had, why would he assume she hadn’t? Did she like the same things? Did she still enjoy playing the piano and reading trashy romance novels? If he bought her a bouquet of sunflowers, would they still be her favorite? Does she remember the recipe for those ginger cookies he always loved? Has she baked them for anyone since?
The thoughts ran through Mihawk’s head at an alarming rate, so much so that it was almost painful. Or perhaps that was just from too much wine and not enough water. When the first rays of the sun crept into the living room, Mihawk made his way to Olivia’s side once more. In the clear light of the morning, his thoughts from before were confirmed. She was definitely a more normal temperature, and the rash was definitely fading, slowly but surely. He heard a crashing noise in the distance, a sign that the younger residents had awakened.
“Perona stop pushing me – “
“I’m only pushing you because if I don’t you’ll get lost again!
“It’s been nine months, I don’t get lost any more!”
“That’s bullshit and you know it! And by the way –”
The two burst into the living room together, tumbling over each other in a pile and looking up from the floor to meet Mihawk’s amused, if exhausted, gaze.
Dusting themselves off, they rushed to his side.
“How is she?” Perona asked cautiously.
“Improving, and by quite a lot.” They could see the proof for themselves, as the rash faded and color began to return to Olivia’s face.
“That’s amazing!” Perona squealed. “See, I knew she’d be okay!”
Zoro brought the transponder snail over to Mihawk’s side. Picking up the receiver, Mihawk dialed Dr. Takahashi and updated her on Olivia’s status.
“I’m thrilled to hear it,” the old doctor said, her grin visible through the snail. “She’ll probably awaken later today or tomorrow. Let me know when she does. For now, keep providing the medicine until it’s gone. You can also move her somewhere more comfortable if you so desire, as keeping her by the fire is no longer necessary.” Mihawk thanked the woman for her assistance again. Two cases of wine it was, then: one for apology and one for thanks.
With Zoro holding the IV pole, Mihawk lifted Olivia from the sofa and brought her up the stairs to the room Zoro had prepared for her the day before. Perona pulled back the covers so Mihawk could lay Olivia’s body gently on the crisp linens. He pulled the cover back over her, tucking her in softly. Only then did Mihawk let out a loud yawn as the exhaustion from the last 24 hours hit his body like a wrecking ball.
“Okay, we’ve got it from here, Mihawk,” Zoro stated, crossing his arms. “Go to bed.”
Mihawk was about to object, but Perona cut him off with a raised hand, much the way he did to her the night before. “Don’t even. You heard the doctor, Olivia’s out of the woods. Please, get some rest so you can be around for her when she wakes up. We won’t leave her side, we promise.”
Well, he couldn’t argue with that. Mihawk made his way towards the bedroom door. “If she so much as stirs, I want to know about it immediately, do you understand?” He turned and pointed a finger at them in a way he hoped came across as threatening. “The second she wakes up, I want to be here.”
“Yes, we got it, now go!”
Climbing the stairs to his bedroom, Mihawk’s brain was a cloud of exhausted thoughts swirling around. He couldn’t focus on any one thing as his feet dragged him through the large wooden doors. Mihawk had just enough awareness to remove his boots, shirt, and pants before collapsing into bed and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Previous - Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors
Next - Chapter 3: The Reunion
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luscaina · 6 years
Spooky Family Headcanons + Kaku AU
i cannot stop thinking about this post bc i love the concept so much so now yall have to just sit down and endure a new rant of headcanons from yours truly
how did Kaku end up on Kuragaina?
no one knows, this is an AU i do what I WANT OKAY
okay but WHAT IF Spandam spun some lies during the whole Enis Lobby debacle and attributed the failure onto the CP9?? so now they’re kinda on the run or some shit and had to scatter or whatever, anyway Kaku is my favourite so he gets to be special now
i correct myself: Mihawk has now THREE (3) headaches
fun fact everyone! Kaku is the Middle Child (Perona is like exactly 2 months older than him lmfao)
Mihawk thought Zoro and Perona are bad; Perona looks like a literal angel next to Zoro and Kaku
whenever the two of them are paired up, one has to say some complete bullshit and the other goes absolutely feral, Mihawk is this fucking close–
he has never consumed so much wine in his entire life, he actually started drinking tea in order not to permanently cripple his liver
Kaku: “well, I think–” Zoro: “nobody cares what you think” Kaku: Kaku: “unlike you, I actually have the ability to think” Zoro: “are you calling me stupid” Mihawk: *brewing his 5th cup of chamomile tea in a span of 2 hours*
despite their constant fighting, the boys enjoy sparring with each other; beats those annoying as hell monkeys any day
when Perona found out that she was the oldest she gloated for a good 3 minutes before Kaku unhelpfully supplied she’d age faster than he would and promptly made her cry
Mihawk once took them all on a grocery trip – never again.
now he usually just picks one to accompany him depending on what he wants to get done; for practicality, he takes Zoro; for basic common sense, he takes Kaku; and in all things fashion, he takes Perona bc his sons the other two are atrocious and as the long running Goth Fashion Icon he will not stand for slander in his own four walls
bc Mihawk, Perona and Kaku are Cultured people, they regularly partake in High Tea and catch themselves secondhand embarrassment from Zoro’s shitty scone etiquette
since Kaku low-key misses his days as a shipwright, he usually takes care of any reparations in the castle; from rusty pipes to the broken leg of Perona’s favourite armchair
Kaku loves to make Ships In A Bottle or just generally create miniature versions of ships he likes, so he often tinkers on them in his downtime
once Zoro accidentally broke one of Kaku’s projects and Kaku went full Giraffe form and sat on him for 2 full hours before letting off and ignoring Zoro a whole week straight
that’s how they all found out that Kaku, when mad or particularly upset, gets downright Petty
Zoro, at the dinner table: “can you pass me the chilli” Kaku: “i don’t know, can you pass me my 3 days worth of work spent on my high detail model of the Thriller Bark?” Zoro: “oh for fuck’s sake I SAID I WAS SORRY”
one of Kaku’s other favourite pastimes is to discuss the One Piece equivalent of shakespearean books in Mihawk’s collection with him
his fascination with them might explain why Kaku speaks like an Old Man
Kaku, frustrated: “well this just dills my diddly darn pickle!” Zoro, in most profound disgust: “just say Fuck, for the love of–”
Mihawk has his kids categorised in his head; Perona – the one who makes the rules Zoro – the reason why they have rules Kaku – the only hope for a normal child
Mihawk: “and these are my three children; my ghost princess daughter, my geographically challenged son and our newest addition, my semi-cultured professional assassin son”
Perona is most definitely the Big Sister who bullies her younger brothers into participating in Spa Day with her
and that’s how the rumour spread of Roronoa ‘Pirate Hunter’ Zoro now walks around with sparkly blue nail polish
((back with his crew, Zoro retained the habit of thumbing over his nails and gets confused for a second on why he can't feel the smooth glide of nail polish under his thumb))
((it’s his way of missing his weird gothic makeshift family))
on his birthday Kaku received a giraffe-patterned floaty from Zoro and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out if he was making fun of him or not bc Zoro seemed so super serious about it
Shanks: “you got yourself a third brat??” Mihawk: “how dare you call him that” Shanks: “???? you call the like that all th–” Mihawk, gathering his hell gaggle of halfway delinquents: “don't ever talk to me or my children ever again”
harming anyone in this family has become goddamn LETHAL bc you have one dedicated Goth Dad who WILL smite you with sheer will power alone, a kickass Ghost Princess who will traumatise you for life, one stabby and always down to slice Right Hand Man Of The Future Pirate King, and one assassin Giraffe who knows how to kill you 56 ways with a paperclip and a string alone
Kaku: “hey do you guys ever entertain the idea that Mihawk...might be a vampire?” Perona & Zoro: “what” Kaku: “y’know...the whole goth aesthetic, living on a dark island, the castle, him always drinking ‘red wine’, his boat shaped like a fudging COFFIN” Perona & Zoro: (later) Mihawk: “why is there garlic hanging of my highly polished crystal chandelier”
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luscaina · 6 years
Spooky Family Headcanons
bc I live for any Mihawk - Perona - Zoro interaction aka Mihawk has inadvertently become a father to two (2) Human Disasters
they just showed up in his castle one day and he just went with it; clearly, he had in mind that they would leave sooner or later
boy, was he Wrong
it has become a daily occurrence for Zoro to pester Mihawk for lessons – he’d just crash into whatever room Mihawk was in and demand loudly “TEACH ME”
normally, Mihawk would just begrudgingly go with it because at least the boy would stay quiet for a while, but at some point he will put his foot down
Zoro, crashing through the door: “TEACH ME!!” Mihawk: “no, i’m making lunch” Zoro: “but–” Mihawk: “i’m. making. lunch.”
Perona keeps complaining on Mihawk’s drab decor and instantly gets to work – there is a lot of Pink
Mihawk never knew he owned a couch in Pink
where did it come from, he doesn’t know
a week in and Mihawk finally takes note of how Exhausting it actually was to be a Parent – he shakes that thought off quickly because that’s just ridiculous, he’s not a Father
doesn’t stop him from acting like one tho
Mihawk: “and where do you think you’re going?” Zoro: “out” Mihawk: “wear a jacket” Zoro: “don’t wanna” Mihawk: “a world greatest swordsman would rather be caught dead than having a mere cold” Zoro, halfway dressing in a jacket, knowing fully well he is being baited into obedience: “god FUCKING dammit”
Perona approves of most of his literature and insists on being read to – she didn’t get to do it that much as a kid and Mihawk’s voice is secretly very soothing
Mihawk: “aren’t you a bit too old for bedtime stories?” Perona: “blasphemy, now read this” Mihawk: “fine–” Perona: “and do the voices” Mihawk: “absolutely not”
Zoro and Perona bicker constantly, it’s the number one source to any of Mihawk’s headaches – close second is Zoro constantly disappearing leaving Mihawk wondering if the boy went off for extra training or just got lost again
it’s usually the latter
Perona: “see, if your geographically challenged ass wouldn’t constantly–” Zoro: “how about you shut your mouth–” Perona: “oH YEAH HOW ABOUT YOU—” Mihawk: *stares into the camera like in The Office*
Mihawk is a Very Patient man
until he found all their white laundry tainted green because Zoro left his green haramaki with it and got his ass grounded for that
the man indulges in Perona’s fashion shows and gives her actual pointers – after all, he is the notorious Hawkeye, he is all about being as Iconic and Dramatique as possible 
he’s also the sole reason why Zoro has somehow acquired two white Victorian Dress Shirts that he sometimes wears around the castle
sometimes Mihawk goes out for some private errands and leaves his grown ass kids at home and prays by the time he’s back his home is actually still intact
it usually is and Mihawk tries not to feel as relieved as he is every single time
he once came home with a gift for each of them; a cutesy-creepy bat plushie for Perona and a small sword maintenance set for Zoro
Perona: “i want cake” Mihawk: “we had cake yesterday, we cannot have cake everyday” Zoro, with no filter whatsoever: “yeah, you’ll get–” Mihawk, already dreading: “don’t call her–” Perona: “ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT”
if given the chance to appear together, they’d no doubt be the most Goth family; two rowdy teenagers with eccentric personalities and a looming Goth Dad with an even bigger eccentric personality
Mihawk doesn’t grow very protective of the two
except hE DID
hurt his kids and If It Had Not Been For The Laws Of This Land Mihawk Would Have Slaughtered You
hurting Perona is like an instant death wish, because you won’t only have Dracule “Hawkeye – Secretly Loving Dad Of Two” Mihawk on your ass, but also Roronoa “Pirate Hunter and Stabby Little Brother” Zoro
Mihawk: “today is Family Fun Day” Perona: *chokes on her drink* Zoro: “WH–” Mihawk, bringing out the garden tools: “make sure to put on sunscreen, we will be outside all day; my rose bushes have been growing weeds”
the three of them really don’t show it, but y’know? they actually really do like each other – something that goes beyond simple admiration, but actually settled as a fondness between three lonely people, who actually don’t want to be so lonely
however, that doesn’t stop them from unhealthily testing Mihawk’s elevating blood pressure with their shenanigans
Shanks: “hey, how’s your headache going?” Mihawk: “which one, i have two” *cue Perona’s shrieking and Zoro’s cursing in the distance* 
he has been gone for 10 minutes and has already aged another 15 years
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