#i heard kairi was made to stay at home in the end of melody of memories but idk what thats about bc i never played the game
thedeliverygod · 4 years
surprise~ I wrote sokai. actually not a surprise I mentioned writing it after I beat melody of memory, I’ve just been working on it forever since my writing process has been a STRUGGLE lately. my AO3 and fanfiction accounts are linked on my profile if you’d prefer to read there [or just look up thedeliverygod]
Sora blinked his eyes open to see his bedroom, a bright ray of sunlight running through the middle of the floor from where the curtains met. Grunting, he turned over and closed his eyes as he sunk his head down into the pillow again to go back to sleep.
‘Wait… my room?’
The realization clicked and his eyes shot open. As he gazed upon the ship hanging from the ceiling and other odds and ends collected around the room, he knew it had to be his.
“When did I get home?” He sat up and held his head, trying to remember what had happened last.
He had been in Quadratum for some time, but he had eventually met up with Riku and later the rest of their friends. Sora wasn’t used to being the one who had to be saved, but it took everyone’s strength and willpower to bring him back to their reality and the realm of light.
He remembered Kairi comforting him, talking to him softly but he couldn’t remember what she said.
He also remembered being at Yen Sid’s tower and something being mentioned about him needing rest. After that, nothing. Except for waking up here.
He shot upward and immediately felt the muscle aches all over his body as well as a multitude of bruises forming under his skin. Curative spells were amazing, but there was only so much they could do. He sucked in a breath before putting his feet to the floor and forcing himself to stand up despite the pain.
He clung to the banister of the stairs as he made his way down the stairs, but he wasn’t even halfway down before his mom appeared at the foot of them.
“Sora! I’m really glad you’re awake, but do you really think you should be out of bed?” She reached out a hand and took a few steps upward.
“I’m just a little sore, it’s fine.” He waved her off before giving a wide grin, “It’s good to see you, Mom.”
She shook her head but just stared at him with watering eyes as he continued to make his way down the stairs. Once he had reached her, she enveloped him in a tight hug, “I can’t believe how grown up you are.”
“Yeah, me neither.” He answered in a laugh.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
He hugged her tighter, “Me too.”
Hesitantly letting him go, she waved towards the living room, “Let’s go sit down.”
Sora nodded and followed after her, “Okay.” While she took the couch, he took the worn-out arm chair as he always had.
“Kairi filled me on somewhat of all you’ve been through over the past few years. I can’t even begin to imagine…”
“Speaking of Kairi, is she still here?” He asked automatically. After a beat and his cheeks starting to warm, he added, “Or Riku, or anyone else?”
Giving a confused look to his question at first, she realized what he meant and answered, “Oh, you mean on the islands. Yes, Kairi is still here. I believe Riku is still with the others that Kairi mentioned, though I’m not sure where they are.”
He let out a breath and nodded, “Ah, okay.”
His mom looked at him knowingly and smirked, commenting, “Still got it bad for Kairi after all these years, huh?”
Though he made a yelping noise in response to her blunt questioning, he looked away and answered, “Is that surprising?”
“Not at all. And the way she talked about you seemed to be quite different too, so I figured something must have happened. Are you finally dating?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well, no, not really…” He answered honestly, “It’s hard to really ‘date’ with the life we’ve had.”
“Oh,” She parted her lips and let out a disappointed sigh, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
“But,” He started again and she looked back up, intrigued, “Do you remember when we came back to the islands before a big fight before?”
She nodded, “Of course. I was so happy to see you then, too.”
“Well, we shared a paopu fruit when we went out to the play island to watch the sunset like we did as kids. Kairi’s idea, of course.” He flushed again, quickly adding, “N-not that I didn’t want to!”
His mom laughed loudly, “Of course.”
“But it was perfect. I think the paopu helped bring us together again despite the almost impossible odds, just like the legend says.” He gave another soft grin.
“Maybe it did help, but I think a lot of it was just… you two just being who you are, you know?” She gave her own smile in return. Sora didn’t really have the chance to respond before she changed the subject, “So, I suppose you asked about Kairi because you want to go see her, right?”
His face quickly reddening again, he admitted, “Well, yeah. But—”
“You can go.” His mom waved towards the front door, “Just be back before dinner.”
He stared breathlessly for a moment before smiling, “Thanks, Mom.”
“You’re welcome.” She answered as he got up from the chair and slowly made his way to the door.
Once he was outside and off the porch steps, he reached into his pocket for his gummi phone. Unsurprisingly, he had several messages from various people asking for him to call once he had woken up and was feeling better. ‘Well, I still kinda feel awful, honestly.’ He thought to himself, both as a truth and as an excuse to wait to call them later.
He moved to Kairi’s name and hit dial. After a few chirps, he heard her voice ring out through the speaker, “Sora?”
“Kairi!” He answered, grinning widely.
She gave a small laugh, “So you’re finally awake, lazy bum.”
“Yeah. Can’t say the same about my arms and legs, though. They kinda feel like jelly.” He tried to stretch his free arm again and found much of the same feeling as he had when he woken up earlier.
“I’m not surprised, I’m pretty sore too.”
“So… where are you? You’re still on the islands, right?” He bit his lip, hoping he hadn’t missed her.
“Of course. Riku wanted to stay too, but I guess there were some last-minute things King Mickey wanted his help with. Oh, and I’m at my house but I’ll come to yours. You really shouldn’t be pushing yourself so soon.”
He rolled his eyes, “I’m not that out of it. How about we meet halfway? Like around the park, I guess.”
Kairi hummed, “Okay, if you say so.”
“Great. See you soon.” He tapped the red button to end the call and set out on his way.
Pushing himself beyond his limits was nothing new with all of the things he had done on his adventures in the past few years, but he was still bent over in pain by the time he made it to the park.
“I would laugh because I knew you would do this, but you look awful.” Kairi commented as she approached him.
Straightening out and standing up straight, he smiled apologetically, “Yeah, you were right.”
“What a surprise.” She lightly grabbed his hand and tugged him towards a picnic table, “Let’s sit down.”
“Thank you.” He let out, unable to hold it in any longer as he sat down and faced her.
She blinked, “For what?”
“For everything.” He answered automatically. After a moment, he clarified, “For saving me.”
Kairi smiled and shook her head, “It’s like I told you years ago. I couldn’t just let you stay that way and forget about you. That’s the same reason you came after me, right?”
“To be honest, I didn’t really think about it. I just acted. But yeah, I guess that’s the best way to put it.” He admitted with a small laugh.
“That’s such a Sora thing to say.” She reached over to intertwine her hand with his.
He quirked an eyebrow, “I hope that’s a compliment.”
“Of course.” She smiled brightly as she nodded.
“So what’s going on with everyone else?” Sora shifted the topic of conversation, curious, “I know you said Riku stayed behind to do a few last-minute things but honestly my memory is kinda fuzzy about what all happened right before coming home.”
Kairi’s expression dampened somewhat, but she still kept a smile, “Just making sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be. And then we’re supposed to be able to take a break for a little while. Just hang out here on the islands; you, me, and Riku.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “That sounds nice.”
“I’m sure. You’ve been through a lot.”
He opened his eyes and looked at her seriously, answering, “So have you, you know.”
Quietly, she nodded and held his hand a little tighter.
And suddenly, he knew what he had to do.
“Kairi.” He called her name and she looked up curiously.
“This isn’t really how I ever imagined doing it, but I think this feels right.” He slipped down from the bench and knelt on one knee, with Kairi quickly clasping her hands over her mouth in surprise. “I don’t even know how old I was when I started dreaming about wanting to spend my life with you. And for a long time, it always seemed out of reach; both because I didn’t know how you feel and because of all of the things we’ve been through. But I want to make it real now. No matter what happens next, I want to be by your side, always.”
Kairi nodded vigorously, tears starting to overflow from the corners of her eyes, “That’s what I want too.”
Sora reached out and motioned for her hand, only to pull it towards him and kiss her knuckles. “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring yet. But like I said before, this wasn’t exactly planned so…” They both shared a quick laugh before he smiled widely and asked, “Kairi, will you marry me?”
“Yes.” She slid closer to him and pressed a kiss against him eagerly, “Yes, yes, yes.”
He cupped both sides of her face and grinned against her, “So… when do we let everyone else know?”
“Maybe keep it a secret for a few days or else everyone’s hugs may crush what little solid bones you have left in your body right now.” She gave a gentle squeeze of his arm which he had to admit hurt much more than he expected.
“Ow.” He rubbed the spot she had squeezed, “But that’s a very solid point.”
“Do you need me to carry you back to your house?” Kairi teased with a tilt of her head.
He shook his head, “I dunno, I think it’s poor form to have your new fiancée carry you.”
“Fiancée, huh.” She beamed, humming, “I think I like the sound of that.”
“So do I.” He kissed her again.
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Soundtrack of the Week 03/08/2017
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It is time for the Soundtrack of the Week, the SYRHHT blog segment where I discuss latest music releases and other projects that I listen to over the space of 7 days. So, here is a relatively shorter Soundtrack!
Amine- Good For You Released July 28, 2017 Label: CLBN and Republic Records
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Of the 10 freshmen on this year’s XXL cover, Amine is one of the few artists I feel has the potential to transcend the threshold of a “new artist that can make viral singles” and become a valuable asset to the industry. Starting with the release of his now triple platinum single, Caroline, Amine displayed a unique energy, a use of very different melodies and natural charisma that not a lot of other new-age rappers have. He built up an intrigue of what else he can bring to the table in terms of music. He would go on to release two more singles Baba and REDMERCEDES. While these are both very great songs, showing off his different take on a RnB sound on Baba and his take on early 2000s pop rap songs on REDMERCEDES, both of these singles flew under the radar and did not garner as much success as the aforementioned Caroline. 
When the promo for this album began, with the release of the cover and the tracklist, I was interested. While at that time I had not personally heard other Amine songs yet, I was brought in after the release of Kehlani assisted bonus track, Heebie Jeebies. Seeing as I liked Heebie Jeebies and I can openly say that Caroline was one of my favourite songs released in 2016, I knew I had to take a chance and listen to this album. I can say that I have had Good For You on repeat since it was released. I love the vibe of this album. Too many times this year, I have found myself listening to more sombre, darker music from our mainstream artists; Good For You completely changes that. Amine offers a lighthearted, playful sound with this album. What I appreciate about this sound is that it does not come across as if Amine is chasing a “pop sound”, he is using a sound that perfectly accentuates his somewhat irregular melodies. 
Lyrically, Amine gives us a good showing. Good For You gives us a variety of stories and topics; with Amine discussing life with his family, the changes he has experienced since becoming famous, finding the right girl to fall in love with, completely dismissing one of his ex-girlfriends at her wedding (in one of my favourite songs on this album, Wedding Crashers...even if the first verse of this song was the same verse he used in his XXL Cypher verse) and even something as random as people pronouncing his name wrong (as a fellow African, I feel Amine’s pain). Amine shows off a decent subject matter in this project that is delivered very well through singing and/or rapping.
While I will not go as for as to say this is the greatest album ever, I thoroughly enjoyed this album and I believe that Good For You is a strong enough showing that Amine is an artist that is here to stay for a long time.
Concept: 3.5/5 Production: 3.9/5 Lyrical Content: 4.3/5 Flow and Delivery: 4/5 Repeatability: 4/5 Did I enjoy this project? Yes, I did Songs to Recommend? Veggies, Caroline, Turf, Wedding Crashers, Yellow, Heebiejeebies, Hero and Sundays
Final Rating: 3.9/5
Amine- Turf One of the strongest entries in this album, with Amine discussing the effects of gentrification on himself and his peers in Portland. He begins with a monotonous yet meticulous spoken word verse portraying the story of Amine coming home and being forced to reminisce of times in his youth as his surroundings have completely changed with the following two verses speeding up in flow, yet still showing Amine looking at all these changes and interacting with all the new faces in his neighbourhood. It is the heartfelt chorus, however that truly ties this song together, with Amine lamenting at how everything in his neighbourhood has completely changed and making it clear that he can no longer stay there.  Absolutely superb song.
Dave East featuring Chris Brown- Perfect Released July 28, 2017 Label: Mass Appeal Records and Def Jam Recordings
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As I have previously stated in a previous edition of the Soundtrack of the Week, I made it very clear that Dave East has become one of my favourite newer hip-hop acts. With a mixture of raw lyricism and vivid storytelling, the East Harlem M.C. set himself apart from not only his peers in the XXL cover but from other rappers who have made a name for themselves over the last couple of years. With this in mind though, Dave East has yet to release a project to be placed in the mainstream for wider audiences to listen to and purchase (I misspoke when I was talking about Kairi Chanel, this project is actually one of his 10 mixtapes as opposed to an album). You can be a great lyricist, an impressive storyteller and the coolest dad according to Instagram #daddyduties but you can only reach that next level as an artist if you begin to appeal to more people. This song Perfect is the first step.
Dave East gives us Perfect, a slow love song dedicated to the ladies while recruiting the talents of the man who can clearly do no wrong with the ladies, Chris Brown. Whenever a rapper does a song like this, it strikes fear in the hearts of hardcore rap heads, thinking that their favourite artists are going soft or on the verge of selling out. The great thing about this song, however, is that East does not give off this impression. While C Breezy serenades us with the soft yet oddly sexually explicit chorus, East still gives us his raw sound which, in this context, moves away from the image of a brother on the block and instead gives the bad boy image that every woman is instantly drawn to and immediately attracted to. Dave East makes the “tough street guy who is soft and kind to his woman” image very easy. 
This song is looking to be the first single off his debut album Paranoia. While I have no idea how this album will sound or how this song will affect the success of East as the promotion of this album begins, I have the utmost faith that this song can be the stepping stone to a bigger Dave East.
Big Sean- I Decided Released February 3, 2017 Label: GOOD Music and Def Jam Recordings
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If this blog’s short history is any indication, I have a growing list of artists I used to dislike a lot but have grown to like as I grew older. Big Sean is probably at the top of this list. The very first song I heard of his was Dance (A$$) and it switched me off to him IMMEDIATELY. Between the strange use of the, You Can’t Touch This sample, the somewhat lazy delivery of his bars and the annoying repetition of the word “ass”, I was put me off Sean. He would then have the opening verse of the Good Music song of the summer Mercy and... just read this
Okay, drop it to the floor, make that ass shake Whoa, make the ground move; that's an ass quake Built a house up on that ass; that's an ass-tate Roll my weed on it; that's an ass tray
At that moment, I knew I was done with Big Sean before I could even start. Over the years though, Big Sean’s style would evolve. Ditching the cliche strip club music and moving towards more lyrical efforts, Sean’s stock began to rise. After listening to songs from his previous album, Dark Sky Paradise, his collaboration album Twenty88 with Jhene Aiko and the release of the first single for this album Bounce Back (otherwise known as the theme song of both Meek Mill and Tyga), I Decided to finally listen to Big Sean properly (see what I did there?).
I Decided is a definite departure of the Big Sean the world is used to. With his life changing over the last few years due in part to becoming one of the world’s most famous rappers, Sean takes a step back and completely re-evaluates everything. Sean offers a personal, introspective look into his inner-self, having to deal with the shortcomings of fame, past relationships and reminiscing about the simpler times with his family, with his mother and grandmother often referenced in songs such as Sunday Morning Jetpack and Inspire me. What I found interesting about this album was the use of Sean’s tone throughout the project. Big Sean has a flow that I can describe as “simply talking while going along the rhythm”, it feels like Sean is holding a conversation when he raps. When you add in a slower, more methodical flow, it truly portrays a man in the middle of self-reflection, with the hope of changing his life.
With all the work that's goin' on I feel like this is like my second time doin' it so I know that sound crazy but, you know I just I don't know why I always imagine myself as like someone who failed at everything he ever did at life you know and I got to the end of life and just regretted it all and somehow, this is my chance to go back and get it all right. And when I wake up, with that mindset, you know, it completely changes my hunger, how I approach the whole day. I mean you decide to live your life like that then pshh man I guarantee we'll live life to our best potential
The closing monologue from the final song, Bigger Than Me shows the true concept of the album. I Decided is Big Sean being given a second chance at life after he fails to become successful in a past life. With the knowledge of being unfulfilled in another life, Sean decides that he has to put his everything into the life he is living now...it is an eerie concept and yet, it is inspiring.
Concept: 4/5 Production: 4/5 Lyrical Content: 4/5 Flow and Delivery: 3.8/5 Repeatability: 4/5 Did I enjoy this project? Yes, I did Songs to Recommend? The Light, Sacrifices, No Favours, Voices in my Head/Stick to the Plan, Jump Out of the WIndow and Bounce Back.
Final Rating: 4/5
Big Sean featuring Jeremih- The Light The first song of the album and it is one of the stronger songs on the album and one of the more underrated rap songs of the year. Big Sean explores how racial discrimination and the murder that can be a result of this can affect a community. Despite this, Sean tells us that “ Even if you take away my life, you can't take the light “ implying that they can kill us but they can not destroy our soul, saying we can be reincarnated in the near future
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Give/Take, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 3
Ienzo has been too busy since the war to be overwhelmed by the past. But with little progress to be made in his work with Kairi, old nightmares start to invade.
Riku is a glorified housesitter. Lonely and faced with no choice but to wait for a way to find his friends, he eagerly accepts when Ienzo asks him to help do repairs around the castle. Before long, the two strike up an unlikely friendship, united by their dark pasts and their attempts to be better people.
But just as they begin to consider something more... Kairi wakes up.
Ienzoku (Ienzo/Riku), post-Melody of Memory, slow burn. Updates Thursdays until it's done.
Chapter summary:  Riku gets sick, which ends up having worse consequences than it should.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
Ienzo tucked another blanket around Kairi. The air in here was quite cold--despite the oncoming winter, the AC was running to keep their equipment happy. He knew she couldn’t feel anything, but he hoped the position she was in wasn’t uncomfortable. They’d done the best with what they had.
It was getting dark, but there wasn’t anything for dinner in the castle; as in, they’d even eaten all of the auxiliary cans of soup. It might be nice to stretch his legs. He put on his raincoat, picked up an umbrella, and set off.
He thought that shopping would irritate him, being another one of those necessary human activities. But he actually found it quite soothing. The food here seemed fresher, richer than what he was used to. He picked up what they needed for a few days and started to head back. It really was raining rather heavily, making him a bit jumpy in the early evening, despite the bright flashlight of his gummiphone. He still had magic, but that didn’t mean he wanted to use it.
In the darkness of the construction site, he thought he saw a figure. He tensed, trying to find that magic, only to see that it was “Riku?” Still in the rain, without a proper coat. “I suppose you found something to fight, then?”
“...You could say that.” His voice was unsteady, and Ienzo thought he saw him shaking.
“Have you been out here in the cold this entire time?”
“I’m alright,” he stuttered.
“I can both see and hear you shivering.”
“I’m really fine.”
Ienzo frowned. He knew that line through and through. The last thing he needed was for Riku to collapse on them. “Why don’t you come inside and get dry and warm?”
“No, it’s alright. I’ll go--back to the castle.”
“You shouldn’t leave while it’s dark.”
He squinted at Ienzo. There was a flush in his face. “I’ll really be okay.”
“...And it’s not pouring buckets,” Ienzo said dryly. “We have the room and frankly, you look like you feel ill.”
Riku trembled, clearly trying to come up with an excuse.
Ienzo sighed. “You want to run yourself into the ground, fine. But neither Kairi nor I appreciate it. It won’t help make you feel better, that’s for sure.”
“W-why? You b-been there?”
Ienzo chuckled. “Between my reformation and Demyx’s delivery of the replica for Roxas, I don’t think I slept more than an hour a night. And then I crashed in front of Aeleus and it was very humiliating.” He twirled his umbrella. “So really, I’m trying to help you save face, here.”
Riku considered. “W-well if you put it like that.”
He bobbed his head towards the door. “Come on, then.”
Unfortunately the only extra bedroom that was in any livable shape was the one that had belonged to Xehanort. Ienzo gathered some clean sheets and extra blankets for Riku, who was still shivering rather insistently.
“I’ll bring you something dry to wear,” he said.
“You don’t h-have to, I’m sure once I get dry I--”
“Riku, if I let you stay in those wet clothes then I may end up getting the rest of us sick. I’m making soup for dinner. I do hope you’ll come eat it.” He told him briefly where the kitchen and bathroom were.
“I’d hate to intrude--”
“The only thing I particularly hate right now is that you’re refusing help when you clearly need it. It’s fine. We want you to be comfortable.” Insofar as he could be here, anyway.
He dropped his eyes. “...Thanks.”
“It is the least I can do.” He nodded once, curtly. “Dilan gets upset if dinner is not served precisely at seven-thirty. You better be there.”
“Or w-what?”
Ienzo cocked his head. He didn’t know what that tone meant, other than the fact it made his heart skip a little. Nerves? Discomfort? Indigestion? “Then I’m afraid you’ll miss my gourmet cooking, which is a shame for you,” he replied, equally. “Get changed. Quit procrastinating.” He shut the door on Riku before he could protest further, and tried not to ponder the nervous little seed that was now growing in his chest.
It had been a while since he’d had banter with-- anyone , and fighting with Even didn’t count . They were all too busy walking on eggshells around each other. That was why, right? A friendly moment with someone who was nigh-identical to his murderer?
Ienzo shook his head and went to start the soup. He enjoyed the neat order of cooking, its innate harmlessness. They’d been taking turns cooking for everyone; Dilan was a good cook, Aeleus passable. Even couldn’t do much more than boil pasta, nor did he care to do more. Ansem preferred to “support local business” and get takeout. He kept chopping vegetables, making his broth, readying bits of beef. It’d take some time to simmer, so he tried to catch up on his coding on a tablet.
Ienzo was starting to get sick of numbers.
Riku was starting to get sick. He felt it. That was dumb, he thought, wincingly. While a warm shower and the blankets on the bed helped with the worst of the shivering, it was only just beginning, an ache in his bones. A potion might at least help him be functional, but one was all the way across the room in the pocket of his pants, which were drying on the radiator.
This room reminded him too much of the one Maleficent had given him the last time he’d stayed here. The furniture was the same style, the walls the same green. He wondered dizzily if this was that room, but this one had a window and the other had not.
Ienzo had left him a set of linen pajamas, but knowing who they belonged to nearly kept him from putting them on--at least until the bone-deep cold reinvaded. He huddled under the three or four blankets he’d been given.
Nice one, idiot, he thought. He’d known that fighting in the rain was a bad idea, but he’d done it anyway , and now he was out of commission for at least a few hours, until the dizziness faded enough for him to travel-- not home , but to the place he’d been living.
It seemed to take a long time, but finally, finally the shivering stopped. The bed wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as he’d thought, and he found himself drifting, trying desperately to stay awake. The soup. He’ll be mad if I don’t eat the soup. The notion of trying to stomach something just made him feel nauseous. Riku tried to sit up, but the wave of vertigo that overcame him was so intense he had to lay right back down.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible to fall asleep…
Riku dreamt.
The buildings and alleys of a city in the rain, full of bright pulsing neon and he was searching, so desperately, so desperately, for Sora, and time was running out--
The dream warped and changed.
The castle had seemed darker then, its smell muskier, Heartless wandering the place in droves. He’d hear them fighting each other as he tried to sleep; he remembered that being surprising. At first the pulse and pull of darkness inside of him had felt exhilarating, like he could do anything, like he was unstoppable.
Then he started blacking out.
The loss of time had been a few seconds, minutes at most, like he’d simply zoned out or lost his train of thought. But slowly, over the course of those days, Ansem’s grip on him tightened, and the minutes became hours, and he’d be left in the darkness of his own heart, a sensation that threatened to drown him if he didn’t consciously fight it moment for moment. It had burned, felt hot, and now and again he could twitch his own fingers, take a few hesitant steps in his own body. Even once Ansem had theoretically been purged from him, he still felt that pull, itching, aching, not helped at all when it was quite literally awoken.
Castle Oblivion wasn’t dark. It was bright, white, piercing, despite the fact that it was underground and had no windows. The only darkness came from the Heartless, from the shadowy figures that lurked within--
I know who I am.
When did that happen? You were always terrified of the dark before--
“...Right. I see. I’ll leave it here for you.”
A clink of metal and glass, a cool hand touching his forehead--
Then I shall make you see that your hopes are nothing but a mere illusion!
Riku grasped Zexion’s wrist hard, and heard a startled cry. A lamp light clicked on.
Not Zexion.
In his hazy state, it took him a long, long moment to realize what had happened. The walls of the room were wobbly. Ienzo was clutching his wrist, gasping and breathing hard. “I-I’m sorry,” Riku stammered. “I didn’t mean--are you hurt?”
But Ienzo didn’t respond. His head was bowed low, and his grip had shot up to his throat. Riku tried to reach towards him--
“Do not .” The words were harsh, almost animal-- with panic , Riku realized dizzily. “Don’t touch me, don’t--” He choked for breath for a moment longer before he darted from the room.
Perhaps it was the fever, but Riku reeled with confusion. Their battle, to his knowledge, had been tough but ultimately mutual. Why was Ienzo reacting this way?
Either way, he’d messed up again , and he felt too awful to try and make more sense of it. He saw that Ienzo had brought him some of the soup, and some tea and medicine, and the guilt only tightened.
His exhausted mind swept him back under.
Riku woke with a jolt. He wasn’t sure if the fever had broken or not; he was uncomfortably sweaty in all these layers. He could tell he’d been having dreams, intense, difficult ones, but they all dissolved in the morning light.
Lying on his side, he saw the abandoned soup bowl, the now-cold tea and medicine. A stab of remorse made his stomach clench. In that moment the fever really had made him think Zexion was attacking him, but that didn’t make hurting him any more right.
And--squinting hard--had that grip made Ienzo panic ? Why?
Either way, Riku had a lot of apologizing to do. He warmed what he’d been left with a spell and ate, the prickles of guilt getting worse.
His clothing was dry by now, so he got dressed and folded up everything he’d used. He was still a bit shaky, but he’d be fine enough to get back to the Land of Departure. He hardly ever got sick like that. But he hadn’t been able to sleep well lately, and there was the cold and the rain, and he probably wasn’t eating well either. He’d run himself into the ground. Riku had to get better control of this, if so just to prevent all this from happening again.
He set off to find Ienzo, his heart beating hard with anxiety. Just say sorry. Just say sorry. There had to be something he could do. He hoped he hadn’t hurt him; he knew too well the ache of broken bones.
He headed back to the lab, trying not to talk himself out of it. He mentally rehearsed what he had to say-- you were so kind, I acted completely out of turn-- but when he got there, Ienzo wasn’t even in the room.
“Good morning, Riku,” Even said, and Riku wondered if he was imagining the coolness in his voice. “I see you’re up and about.”
“I’m so sorry about yesterday. Thank you for letting me stay.” He cleared his throat.
“I don’t think any of us are strangers to overwork,” Ansem said. “You’re welcome here any time.”
He dropped his eyes. “...Thanks. Um. Where’s Ienzo? I wanted to thank him for the dinner.”
Again, that stab of paranoia--was the pause too long? “He had a few things to tend to in town, I believe,” Even said. “But I will pass on the message.”
“...Oh. Thanks.” He looked back at Kairi, still deeply asleep. Would she be ashamed of him? “I guess I should… head out, if there’s nothing I can help with here.”
“I don’t believe so,” Even said, without looking up.
“Take care,” Ansem said, with that same old man smile.
Riku returned to the Land of Departure, to the silence.
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Based on the scene in the Melody of Memory trailer... when we see the man in the hood about to reveal his face, Kairi attacking him, etc.
And, yes: this is a “The Master of Masters is Sora” fic. Because if that figure is the Master of Masters--though it’s probably a memory of Xehanort--him showing his face to Kairi seems to indicate he knows her... which really only leaves a few options.
I didn’t write this story because I want this to happen. At all. But because if it is and has to--and I’m still not saying it is--I’d want some of it to be handled in this way... because otherwise it’s kind of squicky, if Kairi is implying a Master of Masters!Sora locked her powers and changed her fate... which I still don’t think is happening, but I wrote this story as possible catharsis for that, anyway.
The Final Encore
"But Kairi," said a voice she thought she recognized, as it froze her in place after she’d tried to attack the bearer of it--for which tears formed in her eyes, because how was she being held hostage again?!--"If I hadn't changed your fate… we never would have met. And wouldn't that have been tragic?"
"As if I ever wanted to meet you!" Kairi bellowed, as she tried to do anything and everything she could to get out of this Stopza hold right now... How was it that she'd just been furious at this man for having repressed her powers for years—after she'd finally gotten them back at full-force—but was now unintentionally showing him that maybe she was even weak with them?
Surprisingly, the man seemed to take note of her distress and severely lessened the level of the Stop spell that was on her, until it was just that: Stop. Nothing more and nothing less, and Kairi couldn't figure why he’d do this. Because she'd be free of it in a second, and defeat him like she’d promised. She would! So why-
"…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel so vulnerable. I know you must hate that after... after what's happened to you in the past. And just so you know, I'm not the one who stole your powers, okay? That was all Xehanort's doing, not mine."
"But I'm sure you still used it to your advantage! And if nothing else, you've still used me like a pawn! And I'm going to end you for all the pain you've caused!"
Kairi was finally free of the figure's magic! And she was throwing her Keyblade at him, in order to warp to the man and hit him with it over and over again... but just as she was starting this, he darted closer to her and caressed her face. And Kairi unwittingly stopped her actions for the shock of it.
One, because not even Riku—who she knew so well—had done such a thing when he'd been caring for her lifeless body when she’d lost her heart.
And two... because Kairi thought she knew that touch... even with a sleeve and full gloves to block it... but there was absolutely no way. Right? It was blasphemy to even think such a thing!
...And yet, Kairi found herself asking the question with acid in her voice, anyway. "Who are you? You're not Xehanort, so..."
And when the man spoke next, she could just imagine the smirk on his face... and could almost hear it with a younger sounding voice: one that she knew for sure. "Who do you think I am?"
And Kairi was taken back to what seemed like so many years ago... when she and Sora would—somewhat—work together to make the raft, and she'd give him hints on where to find the items needed in an exasperated manner... and how he, in response to that a year later, had only given her a hint as to his name. They had always messed with each other and flirted with such games…
"Sora?" Kairi choked out, as tears fell from her eyes... though she didn't know what emotion from her, exactly, was causing them to do so. And she hated that her tears were falling onto this place of Sea and Sky’s water, to mock what should have represented a happy place for her Sora. But then… wasn’t Sora being here like this doing the same thing?
And the man pulled his hood down and revealed the face that Kairi wanted to see more than anything else in the world... but also never wanted to again, as it looked like he had mutilated himself and she was now piecing together in her head how he'd gotten to such a position. He must have fallen to the darkness... to save her. (1)
"Hello, Kairi," Sora answered her question as he smiled at her. And there was so much love in his voice, that she wanted to punch him for it. How could he still sound like that for her, when he'd done this to himself for stupid her. "It's good to see you... But I'm sure you won't be happy to see me when you learn all that I've done... Yet I don't regret that it allowed me to protect you."
"What you've done-" Kairi started. But she couldn't even finish the sentence because even though she was theorizing Sora must have done some evil things—and he now seemed to be confirming it himself... what was this nightmare world that she'd gotten pulled into?!—saying it was unfathomable. Impossible.
But Kairi was about to try it again, anyway, because she didn't want to deny reality... when he suddenly sped to her and hugged her. And she imagined he was doing this for selfish reasons. Because if he really had done the things he was implying, and still knew her heart, then he should've known that the last thing she'd ever want was to be around a killer like this.
But yet it was too good—too much of what Kairi wanted: her old Sora—that she leaned into him, anyway, and began apologizing. "Sora, I'm- I’m sosorry that you had to die for me! That I was so foolish, and thought I could take on the Keyblade War, and was so weak. You deserved better, and I-"
And Sora pulled away fast, as if Kairi had struck him... but he seemed to recover his wits about him fast, for he gently leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Never apologize for being everything to me."
And the words were so close to the "I love you" she'd dreamed of hearing from him again—under better circumstances—that Kairi had to cry again. Why did it seem like those words were cursed for them? Or romance for them in general? Maybe it would be best to give up…
"What happens now?" Kairi asked, feeling suddenly emboldened—because maybe she wanted to act as old as he now was—in pulling on Sora's belt loops through his cloak, so he was closer to her and couldn't run from this. And his breath seemed to hitch in his throat as she did. "You must be from the future... and I'm guessing from how amazed you are to see me, I never see your young self again, do I? I'll only ever see you again as an adult... after you've spent years without me, and I've only spent a year away from you. It hardly seems fair to you."
But Sora was pulling away from Kairi like she was a danger he couldn't even begin to fathom. And this time, she understood why.
As Sora turned away from Kairi and even seemed to be walking as far away from her as his legs could carry him, she heard him utter these words, "…Nothing happens between us, Kairi. The young girl doesn't get with the man who's a murderer. She just doesn't. And that's where our story ends. But it was good seeing you one last time, and I still have no regrets."
And with nothing more between them, Sora disappeared through a Corridor of Darkness and it sent chills down Kairi’s spine.
But though Sora should have been right... Kairi wondered if he was. She knew what being around him had just made her heart and body feel, so maybe it would never really be done for them... what a scary thought that was.
And here Kairi had thought the only trauma she’d be leaving here with, was the experiments that Xehanort had done to her when she was a child… Not how Sora had seemed to mess with fate, so things would go exactly as he’d seen them go.
But did this new stuff about Sora have to stay awful? Was she a Princess of Heart or wasn’t she, Kairi demanded of herself as she summoned a Corridor of Light and figuratively left what had once been a home for her.
And when Kairi woke up from her year long coma, she promised herself that she was going to use her unlocked powers to save Sora… it was all she could do, for someone who had released such powers in order to rescue her.
Author’s Note: Kairi is thinking that Sora used the power of darkness—and became the Master of Masters—in order to save her at the end of KHIII, but she’s wrong. It was sometime after that.
Also, Kairi’s being harder on Sora in this than she probably would be in canon and would be in other fics (even ones of mine). But this story is, sadly, supposed to be the more hopeless one, because not only does Kairi condemn Sora for what he’s done (which I do think both canon and fanon Kairi would at least do some, as she loves the World), but Sora’s now older than Kairi in this AU. He’s an adult, and she’s not. So there really probably shouldn’t have been hope for them here… But yet I left some at the end, anyway, because I never want things to be hopeless.
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