#i honestly dk what to do with this man
radaverse · 4 months
I know it's kinda ironic of me to whine about the gore [glances to pt ToM and sj PoM]
bro that was so wholesome actually
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Relationship Quirks 97s ver.
Aka habits I can see the boys doing in a relationship || 95s || 96s || 97s || Maknae line ||
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The8 Wears your favorite color
Now this one is truly an unconscious thing that Hao does. You mention your favorite color one day during a random conversation and he doesn't do much with it... until the color starts becoming more eye-catching.
Suddenly more and more of his wardrobe is taken over by your favorite color; Not in a way that cramps his personal style but in a way that adds to it, of course. And even when he isn't wearing clothing that's your favorite color then his nails will definitely have sort of accent in or completely be (insert fav color here).
It's funny because he vehemently refuses to believe that's what's happening. If anyone, especially you, brings up how often he wears that color then he will scoff; Something about "no one being able to shake his personal preferences" or something like that.
"Been liking purple a lot lately, huh?" "No, I haven't." "But your nails are purple, your beanie is purple, and your cardi-" "Maybe, It just fits with my current style???" *Rolls his eyes and then buys a belt he's been "eyeing for ages"... just so happens to be purple*
DK Brings you up in every conversation
This sweet summer child~! (He's older than me) You would never in the world have to be jealous when with this man. Because chances are if he's talking to someone and it looks like anything interesting is happening AT ALL he's probably talking about you. Honestly, his dedication to talking about you might make people think he's obsessed (...he is) Maybe people would be even more interested in him because of that though... Call me crazy but dedication is sexy!
Either way, you're the only person in his sight and he swears it up and down. Doesn't leave any room for doubt either! The boys and your mutual friends are constantly telling you how appalled they are at how sweetly Kyeom talks about you when you aren't there. You're at the forefront of most of his conversation when you're with him, you can't imagine it being worse when you aren't around, but apparently, you are DEAD WRONG.
Seeing a pair of shoes can turn into a rant about what pairs of shoes you like. Ice cream flavors remind him of the time that you got ice cream for him when he was feeling sad and he just has to tell the guys about it. A talk with his manager about his recent health suddenly takes a turn and now he's sobbing talking about how much you take care of him. It's all you you you~
Mingyu Has to hold your hand
So we all know that Gyu is the biggest cuddler of all time, there's no doubt that he isn't clinging to your side when you're around. But hand-holding is different, Gyu can stand to not be hugging you 24/7... as long as you're holding his hand.
Claims that it feels like he's missing a piece of himself when he lets go, and also claims that you practically disappear if you aren't holding his hand, endless sulking. (Dramatic ass) And why can I vividly see him holding YOUR hand while clinging to the members??? Like he'll be swaying your arms back and forth while LITERALLY HOLDING WONWOO BY THE WAIST & BACKHUGGING HIM!!! Then has the audacity to be offended when you let go.
Also, has to hold your hand to sleep. He would love to cuddle! And he often does!... For like 10mins before this human space-heater gets too sweaty and has to move to the opposite side of the bed. Holding your hand in his sleep is a good compromise though, of course until you're letting go to use the restroom. (Deffo the type to follow you to pee, sits on the sink too)
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A/N: I ain't even gonna lie... all of these headcanons could have been turned into full fics. I went insane imagining these habits, the 97s have been killing it in terms of looks and popularity lately. On a real note though, FUCK PLEDIS! PROTECT THE BOYS! Still so fucking pissed about what they let happen to Mingyu and TWS. Calming down... Comments and Reblogs are like super fuel for my writing and are much-appreciated lovelies!
TAGLIST (open): @bemybabiibish @bath1lda
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nattheother · 2 months
over the counter and back ✧ jww
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tags fluff, meet cute, izakaya!au / midnight diner!au, slight misunderstanding, few swear words, self indulgence (surprising), love me a sopping wet pathetic yn
wc 2.7k words
note that men’s nonno izakaya shoot with dk… yeah... *faints* the hirotaka allegations aint helping either [pic cr. jwwfile on twt]
note i was gonna put an alcohol on the tags but its an izakaya au, u know what ur getting into so :3
crossposted to AO3
It wasn’t the weekdays or the rush hour, it’s just the izakaya usually is not that packed. Only two couples on the tables and a woman tonight, who seemed to get off work quite late, sitting at the bar area, seemingly laid back on her phone over her unfinished beer. Old jazzy songs from your boss’ playlist softly filled the bar, warming up the mood.
Your head chef, well, your boss, Kouji, just bid you a farewell. The izakaya just opened about two hours ago this evening, but he had to clock early for his daughter in labour. She usually works part-time here alongside you until about a month ago, which is why you tried to fill her shift until she comes back. Not that you mind.
You wished him good luck before he tackled you into a light hug, resulting in a small “oof!” out of you.
Honestly, handling the diner on a slow day alone doesn’t really worry you. It’s always just the three or two of you. Kouji said the neighborhood was particularly safe, “also it’s a small bar afterall,” he adds.
As you came back from the kitchen after finishing the woman’s check, a new customer came in behind the bar island this time. Young man probably what describes him more. Looks about around his mid 20s, pretty thick rimmed glasses. You’re not sure if it’s his shoulder who’s wide or his button-ups were just oversized, but does he look lean. 
“Welcome! Anything for your order tonight?”
He sits on the barstool at the centre by himself. He adjusts his glasses as he glances around unsure, “yeah, um… just gyudon and draft beer, please,”
You walked around getting the tall glass to pour one from the beer machine. “Sorry, can I ask something?” he promptly starts.
”Where is Kouji-san?”
Looking up from the filled glass, you serve the beer on the counter, “Sensei? His daughter’s in labour tonight. I’m in charge for tonight,”
“Only you?” you smiled at his question and nodded, “‘Seems you know Sensei. You’re a regular?”
He took off his watch and chuckled, “Sort of? I do stop by pretty frequently but I’ve kinda never seen you,” he reasoned as he folded up his sleeves.
You laughed softly in the middle of wiping off the beer faucet, pointing to the back with your thumb, “I’m usually in the kitchen.” You put the rag into your apron, “So ring the bell or call up if you need anything.”
You felt the banter was enough as you turned your heels back to the kitchen because you had to make his gyudon, “Wait,” but his calling stopped you in your step. You turned around to him taking a sip of his beer.
“I haven’t gotten your name.”
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“If it isn’t Wonwoo!”
Kouji’s whoop was muffled behind the kitchen curtain. You tried to calmly finish plating up the dish for a current customer so you can quickly move on to this acquaintance of Kouji. Putting his order is for later, so you swiftly deliver the tray full of bowls to the also full table at the back first.
You came back with another tray of empty dishes as you can finally see your next customer.
Oh, right… I forgot to ask his name.
He smiled at you as you confidently welcomed him, mirroring his smile.
In the middle of putting away the dirty dishes, Kouji came into the kitchen with a question, “Wonwoo said he knows you? You’ve never told me!”
You looked back at him in a slight surprise and a chuckle, “Not really, actually, we met around last week I think? You clocked off early.”
What you remembered from that day was after Wonwoo asked your name, customers piling up in a short time right after you served his food. That resulted in you spending most of your time in the kitchen and finished his check a little quickly because the other was also queuing behind him.
“Go take his order. A group just came in just now and I’m taking theirs,” Kouji ordered.
“What?? Why not you earlier, Sensei?” you whined.
After your half-playful complaint of not taking his order, you wipe off your hand dry and sighed on your way out.
“Another draft beer?”
You guessed as you walked up to him. He nodded, “And a mapo tofu, do you have that?” You took out your notes to write down his orders, “I’ll make sure and prepare that for you.
Anything else?”
Days after that, Wonwoo stopped by around eight to nine, assumingly whenever he had overtime. It’s always the same order. One (or more) glass of draft beer and any bowl dishes, that mapo tofu most of the time.
There was also the time where he came in at almost eleven. He usually never shows any signs of fatigue or weariness on his face but you can see the dim in his eyes. You tried to not approach him that much, spending more of your time checking up the kitchen before touching the baton to Kouji for the night.
You rang up his check right before you clock out. He looked a bit more refreshed after his meal, cheeks slightly flushed after a few refills of beer.
“Please walk safe home,” you gave back his card to the small tray alongside the bill.
Not expecting your non-customer service-way farewell, he stared at you for a few seconds before nodding his head, “you too.”
You swear in every language you can think of. Your heart squeezed. Wonwoo was starting to grow in your heart. It’s really nice to see him in the izakaya for a few days a week after that. You never sort of believed in any of those “at first sight” moments, if it works, good for them. While it did feel slightly heavy on your feet anytime you had to walk back to the kitchen instead of seeing him and talk to him, you had to put your mind in place. Focus. 
It could be because he’s one of your first regulars and, cough, is good looking, but you don’t know his background. Who are his friends and family and why does he always come in alone? You’re not even sure if it’s a crush or that you just found comfort with a customer. Either way, workplace is still a workplace and he is your client. This izakaya is your only rendezvous to him.
That is when Wonwoo ordered two glasses of beer. You tried your best not to halt when you stepped out of the kitchen and saw a young woman around his age beside him. You didn’t, and served him his usual bowl of rice. Gyudon this time, and mapo tofu for her.
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You need to stop looking like a stalker, hiding behind the kitchen curtain. This is the second time he had brought her to this izakaya. You need to stop before someone accuses you as a total creep as you compare their interaction a few days ago with today. Almost the same. From outside it looked like they were having a quite serious and private discussion, noting down stuff on paper and their phone alternatively. As if someone’s life was actually on the line. You are also lucky Kouji will come later at night, because he might also accuse you as a total creepy stalker.
You try only focusing on attending customers. It’s almost the weekend and customers start piling up before you realize Wonwoo was already sitting alone. You try to not overthink why he didn’t take her home himself and let her go home by herself.
You walk up to the bar to check the beer dispenser. You can feel his eyes boring at you, slightly dim again like it was a couple weeks ago, and two empty glasses of beer.
“Need a refill?” you carefully ask, walking up to him.
“I’m good.” he slightly smiles before asking for his check.
You kept your sweet encouragement to yourself as you don’t want to force and assume anything towards him. He left the change and gave you a tip.
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It was nearing autumn. Though the sun was already setting at five, the bar still opens at the same time. The rain pours hard, covering any sign of the sun setting with gloom. But nothing could’ve prepared you other than the six feet tall man crouching under the roof in front of the closed bar you’re working at, shading himself from the rain. You grip your umbrella tighter when he looks up to your call.
He calls your name in recognition as he stands up.
The rain poured harder above the roof of the izakaya when you hand Wonwoo the warm coffee on the bar. He’s in the middle of taking off his damp jacket when he looks up to you at the sight of the cup.
“On the house,”
“Thank you.”
You busy yourself behind the bar, checking and tidying stuff up under the bar as Wonwoo sips on his coffee. You peek glances over him. He doesn’t look as tired as the last time you saw him. But if your over-analysis and timeline matched, his reasoning behind crouching like a pathetic man in front of your workplace must have something to do with it.
“Is it okay if I ask you what’s wrong?”
Your sudden approach jolts him a little. He chuckles, “it’s fine,” you wait for his pause.
“I can say it’s family matters. Something came up and we had to figure it out somehow, a little stressful I might say,” you hum understanding.
“Did you not have work today? You usually come later. It’s not even six yet,”
He shakes his head, “No, I just finished super early. My seniors are having dinner, too, so,”
“Not going?”
“Not really my thing. Only works when I was new,”
He takes a sip of his coffee again. You space out for a moment not knowing what to respond. You were never the best at comforting someone. For as long as you’ve been friends with your best friends, you’ve always listened. Maybe give them some hugs and pats on the head, words of “I’m here” and “You’re not on your own” repeatedly said, affirming.
You felt sort of bad and truly embarrassed at how you acted behind him the past weeks, sort of suspecting his love life, getting (you admit) jealous at some random woman you don’t know and didn’t even try to know. Maybe what you thought a few weeks ago was right. Maybe you do have a huge cru–
“Yes, Wonwoo?” your ribbons of thoughts were snipped by Wonwoo calling your name.
“You’re usually bright, is something wrong?”
Confused by his question, you look around unsure. Guests usually come around an hour after opening, and you never wished someone to come in right now so bad through your whole career.
“M-maybe? I don’t know, sorry,”
Wonwoo was in the middle of wiping his glasses with the paw of his sleeves. He puts them back on.
“It’s usually me who’s quiet between us,” he adjusts them to the bridge of his nose, looking up at you from his seat, smiling.
Between us? He’s not making this any better. You scratch the back of your neck, not planning to come up with any reply or answer. You avert your gaze to the window, trying to avoid his eyes. Your wish of customers barging in is washed away by the rain—not slowing down any minute apparently.
“I just thought something came up and you had to like,” you chuckle at your assumption, “get off early or, run away or some sort,”
Wonwoo was still sipping his coffee. Not sensing his answer in any minute, you finish your prior thought with your remaining breath, “sort of heartbroken-looking.”
You organize the shot bottle on the under bar, again trying to distract yourself from the fact that he's now facing you, eyes boring. You didn’t budge and he stared at his coffee.
“I wanna get to know you, Wonwoo,” you finally look at him. Emphasizing on your tone, you don’t want him to feel like you’re just messing around.
“Can I?” you ponder at him, preparing yourself for the worst.
“I don’t know if it's possible. For all the time you came here, the past few weeks, I always get all... gung-ho when cooking, or preparing side dishes and bowls in the back. It’s like I want you to see me doing great like there’s nothing wrong in my mind. You know, "bright" like you said. It’s honestly stupid, fuck…” you breath out the last word.
“And then you came in super late that night, with that… heavy shoulders and countless refills of this damned beer, and then came in with that lady not once but twice, and this… serious tension between the two of you. You know, I just didn’t want to assume but it’s just… I don’t know, it was kinda confu–”
“With who now?”
You instantly pause, knowing full well he has probably catched on. So you sigh, “That… friend around your age. Pretty, slight tan, long hair,” you scratch your forehead in defeat. It’s like your pride just splurts out like a balloon being squished its air out.
You excuse yourself by collecting his empty cup on the top counter to refill it, but a hand halts your steps grabbing onto your arm.
“Don’t give me more, I don’t handle caffeine that well.”
“Just… let me put this back to the kitchen,”
“Later. Sit here.” he orders.
Your heart flinched at the slight octave drop of his already soft voice. Another sigh of loss, you put back the cup. Wonwoo slowly let go of your arm to let you walk around the bar counter.
It’s now a whole new view. Wonwoo is sitting right next to you and you can definitely smell his cologne. Even just one second of eye contact, you couldn’t handle it. How does one’s gaze be so soft and comforting? You dart your eyes and cover them with your hands with elbows on the table.
“Just… let's just finish this. I already feel ridiculous.”
All you can catch with your ears was his soft chuckle and fabric rustling, “you wanna get to know me right?”
You feel his fingers snake around your wrist, gently pulling your hands away from your face. Seeing his face up close does not help even one bit, you feel even more like shit of how messy and pathetic you must’ve looked.
“That… “friend”, is my future sister-in-law,” he starts,
Your eyeballs could probably see the back of your head as you whip your head away in another embarrassment, “Ugh, Wonwoo, enough of that,”
“Which is why we were so stressed we had to talk about it on our own. My brother’s marriage is on the line.”
You hear his tone indicating him smiling whilst explaining. To be frank, you kind of already gave up the moment his voice dropped an octave lower. All you can do now is just to sit next to Wonwoo with his thumb drawing circles on your palm. 
“It’s not stupid,” he softly assures, fingertips a little cold from sheltering the rain earlier. But it does feel so to you. Stupid crush at the ripe age of your 20s. Great. 
“So can I get to know you then?”
You look up at him, desperate for his answer and decision.
“Only if I get to know you, too. Here,”
He taps his finger to the table, hand still not letting go of yours. You make sure once more, “like right here?”
He nods, “until today’s first customer.”
You’re not sure if the smile on your lips is for him or just out of embarrassment, “Well technically you are one,” you chuckle, “at least let me put this back to the kitchen.”
Well, now that your stupid crush issue is all clear, you can finally find the courage to look at his face one more time, no meddling. All you can focus on was the soft and playful beam on his eyes behind that thick specs.
“Tell Kouji-san you got a date tonight.”
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[18:06] sensei [18:06] i might have to clock off early
[18:12] Oh sure, something’s up?
[18:13] yeah umm [18:13] i just booked myself a date
[18:14] Oooh [18:14] Hahaha [18:14] About time that wonwoo
[18:14] ??? [18:14] sensei???
im bout to make a “try not writing scenario about another meet cute at 3 am” challenge (already failed)
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zeroses-world · 9 months
First Kisses With SVT OT13
S. Coups
Jaw holder
This man is confident, he knows you want it and will make it known he wants it just as bad, he’s super sweet about it, hands placed on your jaw and your waist and pulling you as tight to him as possible. After the kiss he’s left wanting more, might even whine as you pull away for air and chase your lips
This man will find a way to tease, especially if you’re shy. He doesn’t make the first move, he leans in but keeps pulling away until you get frustrated and kiss him yourself! But he’s just as nervous secretly
He planned it out to a T, everything was so soft and sweet,and it all went smoothly, even if he had to threaten some of his members to make it happen.
This man kissed you, and of course you’re gonna blush! Of course you are! But he had the audacity to tease as if he wasn’t blushing tenfold, but don’t comment on it or he’ll deny and make it worse on you
Hoshi is a passionate lover, he’ll try to convey his emotions in a kiss just like he does when he dances, so be prepared to haventhe wind knocked out of you.
You were just trying to see what he was doing it wasn’t your fault he tried seeing what you were doing at the same time, he was utterly shocked feeling your lips against his, but that did not stop him from pulling you back in 
Trying to distract him with a kiss is how youre first kiss happened, you had been thinking about it for a while and decided to try and use the shock value to your advantage. However that didn’t happen, he stayed perfectly composed with just a little tinge of red on his cheeks, you were offended, until a week of the silent treatment later when he confessed he had to hold his breath until you left so he wouldn’t lose control and not stop
A for Effort
He tried so hard to plan everything out and make it romantic, it was so cute, until he took in how your eyes sparkled when you gazed at him, oh boy he couldn’t help himself, pouts and demands to remake it the way he planned, refusing to acknowledge the first kiss.
The whole situation is a mess, there's no way the clumsy giant doesn’t have a messy first kiss, maybe cooking and you're covered in ingredients but he finds the domesticicty of it all so endearing that he just grabs you into a kiss.
He tried to have it all planned out and perfect and it would’ve been, had you not kissed him first, is utterly offended for a moment and pouts until he works up the courage to explain why he’s upset, blushes as you coo at him for being so cute.
The Chased
He doesn’t chase, he wants it, but he wants to know you want it just as bad, will hint at it and hint at it until you say fuck it and grab him in for a kiss, will stutter and blush afterwards mentioning how he didn’t expect that only to earn an eye roll
He takes his time admiring you before he kisses you, full confession beforehand so sweet and thoughtful.
At first I thought he might be cocky about it however i believe he’d be so shy and awkward, not really knowing how to react, you’d kiss him first, he’d think it was a prank at first honestly, but quickly warms up to the notion and won’t stop kissing you after that
Picked by: @hwasdollie tagging: @glitterjay
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babyleostuff · 10 months
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not on his watch, he’d puff out his chest and straighten his back to look bigger, and stand next to you, hoping that the other person would understand you're already taken. also, don’t try to tease them about it later, they’ll pout and give you the silent treatment (the solution to that is giving them your attention 24/7).
but seriously - don’t tease them, they may get insecure, no matter how confident they appear. sometimes they just need the extra reassurance that you won’t leave them. but if the person kept on insisting or making you uncomfortable, he’d change his attitude in a second, hide you behind his back and politely tell the other person to back off:
・❥・ seungcheol, hoshi, dk, seungkwan, chan
looks at the person in disbelief and scoffs, because - good luck. he stands next to you, arms crossed over his chest, and looks at the person with a smirk. this boy is a confident one, and he’s even more confident in your relationship, so “yeah, go ahead. try to ask them out in front of me, and we’ll see what will happen.” and it’s honestly so hot. you look over at your man, his expression amused and challenging, confidence radiating off of him.
and yeah - that’s hot, but what’s even hotter is the trust he has in you, that he doesn’t even care too much about reacting in any way, he knows you can deal with it yourself. BUT if that person makes you even slightly uncomfortable, he immediately wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his chest, and kisses your cheek. as i said. confidence:
・❥・ jun, woozi, mingyu, minghao
looks over at you and the person, blinks, and goes back to whatever he was doing. it’s not that he doesn’t care and that it doesn’t affect him at all, but he refuses to use his energy on stupid people, like the one that just asked you out. you’d look into each other's eyes, finding each other across the room, and he would roll his eyes dramatically, so you would have to hold back your laughter.
he trusts you with his life - he knows you wouldn’t even think about agreeing, which always reminds him how amazing of a person you are, and why he loves you so much. he has his eyes on you for the whole time you’re talking to the person in case he has to jump in, and tell them it’s enough and that you said no: 
・❥・ jeonghan, joshua, wonwoo, vernon
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @dkswife @marisblogg @whatsgyud @aaniag @jeonghansshitester @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @soul-is-a-strange-kid @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @daegutowns
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wonuwrites · 4 months
Heyy, can you do the “you calling them pretty” prompt on svt too? 🤩 i just know it’ll be so soft for some of them and i need that 😁❤️
omg Sn0wy 0wl you read my mind LMAOOO I was going to do this bc it's such a cute idea like eeee <3
You Calling Seventeen Pretty <3
Got7's version here: x
Warnings: Fluff, didn't really read it over or edit. If it's shit im sorry lmaoooo
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ღ S Coups:
Listen, Seungcheol is both the most cocky and softest member of Seventeen and we love it. Honestly, peak Leo energy. He's the only male Leo I would let ruin my life atp. He often gives the alpha vibe but when it comes to you, oh man he is a certified simp. On days when he is already extra soft for you, if you called him pretty he would be super bashful and just hide his face while saying thank you.
ღ Jeonghan:
Look, everyone knows Jeonghan is pretty. Even Jeonghan knows. HOW FUCKING EVER- when you of all people call him pretty he gets speechless?!? He just giggles and literally becomes putty in your hands andd it's the cutest shit ever.
ღ Joshua:
Jisoo is similar to Jeonghan where everyone, including himself, knows he is attractive and pretty. When you tell him he is pretty just out of the blue, he will just stare at you with such adoration in his eyes and call you pretty back before giving you soft kisses. He wouldn't be one of the shy ones but he would be soft because that's just what you did to him.
ღ Jun:
Tell me why Jun would start an "I know you are but what am I" battle? I can just see you both just doing that until you are both snuggled up into each other. He'd press a soft kiss on your forehead and call you pretty and would kiss you before you could call him pretty.
ღ Hoshi:
You would be snuggling in bed in the morning and he would just be snuggling into your neck and just acting really cute. It would slip and you would just be like "Soonie you are so pretty." He would just become even more soft and blushy with you. He would kiss your face all over and soon you both would just be having a "no you" battle for rest of morning until you ended the battle with a soft makeout session. <3
ღ Wonwoo:
Wonwoo usually would be big spoon but tonight he wanted to be the one to be held so he would just be hugging you while you played with his hair. You were both in your own little world until you just found him to look so pretty. The way his eyelashes fluttered close just made your heart do jumping jacks. "Wonu~" you would whisper. "Hmm?" "You look so pretty." This would make his cheeks, ears, and neck go instantly red and he would hide into your chest or neck which would make you coo. Normally, he was the one making you bashful so it felt good to make him soft like this.
ღ Woozi:
You would just be sitting across from him with a love struck look on your face and just that look alone would make Jihoon soft. However, when he would ask "what are you looking at?" He would get all bashful when you were just like "You are pretty." He would just thank you and be extra soft for the rest of the evening lmaoooo
ღ DK:
You both would be at a cafe somewhere and just eating your food in a comfortable silence. You would look up and see Seokmin just looking so gorgeous and pretty in the lighting. You couldn't stop yourself and would just be like, "yah, Seokminnie you look so pretty right now." He would get red and look around before looking at you and whispering, "yah, you are one to talk." asdfghjkl. You both would end up in a compliment battle for rest of the day because of how down bad you both were.
ღ Mingyu:
There are many adjectives to describe Mingyu and let's be real he's heard them all. However, if he was just sitting there just like you know... existing. You would find him to look pretty especially if the light was shining just right. When you gasp and tell him he looks "pretty" he will get all shy and just be like "baby what?!" He would be all giggly like ???? omg. I'm about as soft as this pretty big bish would be bc imagine the giggles?!!?!?1
ღ Minghao:
You would be looking at Minghao's most recent photoshoot and you were FLABBERGASTED at how your perfect boyfriend could be sexy, handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, and baby at the same time. You couldn't find the best word to say so you just kept whispering how pretty he looked which would make him giggle while wrapping his arms around you. He would feel like the prettiest person ever because of you.
ღ Seungkwan: You know I could be boring and just say we've seen this happen already and just link this: x buuuut I will give y'all more~
You would be playing with Seungkwan's hair while he was telling you about his day. You would be paying attention, but not necessarily to the words he was saying. Instead, you would be staring at his lips moving as he talked. He noticed your "mhmms" were sounding similar so he looked up at your eyes and noticed you were not fully there. "So, then I tied Chan to a train track and threw tomatoes at his face," he said to see if you were paying attention. "that's nice." He scoffed before sitting up and looking at you which made you look at him confused. "(Y/N), are you listening to me?" You blushed a bit before whispering, "sorry Kwannie, I got distracted by how pretty you looked in my lap." This made him blush before giggling and laying back in your lsp. "why what did you say?"' "I said I tied Chan to a train track and threw tomatoes at his face." That made you laugh before you pressed a kiss to his nose. "If it was true, he probably deserved it." That made him laugh before pulling you back down to give you a proper kiss.
ღ Vernon:
Honestly, it takes a lot to fluster Hansol. You can say a lot of things and he will just give you a loving smile or a judgemental mock side eye. However, when it came to calling him "pretty" the man would be nothing short of flustered. He would turn bright red and would just try to throw it back at you or just tell you to shush. He honestly would eat it up if you called him pretty though. It would just make him feel so so so so good. <3
ღ Dino:
When Chan and you started dating, he never thought that you would join in on the teasing with his 'twelve useless hyungs' but here you were. He was just sitting there and you were just so attracted to the man sitting all pretty in front of you. He would cock an eyebrow up and ask if you were good. Forgetting that it was just not you two, you would just be like "Channie, you're so pretty." This would cause him to blush and those that heard to start laughing and gassing him up. "our pretty maknae," Mingyu would tease. You would mouth an apology but the damage was already done. He'd come sit by you and just kiss your cheek to let you know he wasn't mad at you and would be clingy with you for rest of the day. Truth be told, he loved when you called him pretty.
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wonijinjin · 1 year
nicknames seventeen members would call their s/o
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synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff | pairings: seventeen x gn! reader | warnings: none
cheol is crazy about expressing how much be adores you, treating you with so much care, always addressing you as his dear lover, knowing how he wants the moments you two have to be just as dear as you are to his heart.
hannie would definitely call you angel, because even if you are just as mischievous as him in his eyes you can do nothing wrong. he honestly thinks you are a blessing and a miracle that came into his life.
i can see joshua calling you darling, it screams adoration, and of course gentle sexy has an image, so this would perfectly fit into it. darling is such an old money coded classic, and you would definitely be treated like royalty by shua.
jun is a really pure and caring soul, who loves with his whole heart, and he would definitely like this warmth to shine through every time he calls you, by the name precious, you are his everything and he is not shy to be vocal about this.
hoshi is a very openly affectionate person with people, and he would call you cutie (and baby tiger ofc btw) every minute when he is with you, pinching your cheeks all the time, he just loves to baby you in every way he can.
wonwoo is one for the classics aswell, he loves the nickname sweetheart, is it so gentle like he is. he thinks it is so endearing and he totally has that lovesick look on his face whenever he calls you that.
woozi would probably stick to a more traditional nickname like babe, he often likes to call you by your name (because he loves it so much), but he has a soft spot for you so he would surely call you babe when he is pampering you.
dk is a ball of sunshine, everyone knows that, and for this reason he would use this term as a nickname for you. he really loves how it reflects your personality and how joyful it sounds every time he says it, making him feel all warm inside when you respond.
mingyu is a lovesick man who wants to give the world to you, he cannot get enough of you and how perfect you are to him, always complimenting you not only with words but by the form of your nickname, pretty.
minghao would be another romantic soul, he would go with a name that radiates the stability you two have, which would be honey. he finds it so easy to call you by this name, this is what feels right, so natural.
seungkwan would choose a very special nickname for you, which would be babyboo. not only does it sound good becuase of his last name, but because you are his baby, and he loves to reassure you that nothing will ever change this fact.
again, vernon might not be a person who is that into nicknames on a daily basis, but when he does wanna call you by something other than your name, it would be doll, you are perfect in his eyes, just like a little doll.
chan is just a little cutie himself, who is all about showing off you as his baby, but rather than calling you that he would opt for bub, which is cuter in his opinion, he would always say something about you screams bub to him.
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kiskisur · 1 year
hello!! sorry to bother,, but may i have a kabukimono x ftm reader smut ? kabukimono is still pretty new to the world in this fic, but he wants to know what it's like to be stuffed inside reader if that's okay<3 hope you're doing alright!!
it's so warm..
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warnings: NSFW, kabukimono is new here like actually, kabukimono x ftm!reader, honestly dk how to write a pussy so receive a hole 💔 buff reader and smaller kabukimono is so...
note: okay, I love this BUT DW YOU AREN'T DISTURBIGNGN ty though Ily 😭😭‼️<33
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kabukimono looked at you with his flushed cheeks and worried face, caressing your body and bit his lower lip when you squirmed around him.
"are you sure, this won't hurt..? I mean- what if I hurt you?" he spoke with a slight shaky tone, bowing his head.
he was new to humans of course, always curious about the emotions, how they interact and how it feels to be stuffed inside you..
you lift his chin, making eye contact with him before giving him a smile.
"it's gonna be okay, I'm strong! I can handle anything" you hum, reassuring him before pulling him closer to you and pecked his lips.
kabukimono's face turned crimson, getting shy all of a sudden before nodding and hastily taking off his lower clothes.
he leaned closer to you, kissing your lips before his hand lands on your slit/clit to rub it, earning a gasp from you.
"are you- mmn!-" he was about to check up on you only to be cut off by you kissing him again.
he assumed you were feeling good and continued to play with the most sensitive spots in your body, pulling away from the kiss to catch some air.
"ah~ a-are you sure this is your f-first? you're so- nngh~" you breathed out, your eyes closed shut as he continued to do his job.
"Is this okay? do you want me to go faster..?" kabukimono contemplated your form, getting even more flustered at the thought of him filling you up.
"just- put i-it in" you stuttered, holding his wrist to stop him as he made eye contact with you. shyly, he held you by the waist and slightly lifted you up as if you were just a piece of paper.
oh right, he wasn't even human-
before you knew it you were straddled in his lap, his hard-on resting just behind you.
"are you sure about this? what if you get hurt?" his indigo eyes looked back at you, trying to find some type of reassurance making you giggle and shake your head.
"I won't get hurt, it's okay." you peck his lips again, earning a sigh from him, he can barely even wrap his arms around you because of how small he was beside you.
you slowly lift your hips, gently taking his cock and slipping it inside you slowly and gently.
you slightly hiss at the unexpected pain, who knew the buff man would have a dick inside him?
after finally taking him after a few tries you lower yourself causing his dick to hit even more deeper spots inside you, earning a groan from him.
"o-oh fuck, so tight.." the man under you spoke with a shaky voice, his hands gripping on your hipsm
"mmg..! a-ah~" you moan out, the tip of his cock rubbing in so many places before you began to ride him at a slow pace.
"fuck, you're so deep inside m-me mmf~" you whine, trying not to put your entire weight on him in fear you might hurt him.
all of a sudden he slammed you down, causing him to hit sensitive spots inside you that could make you cum any second now.
you choke out a moan, your back arching at the sudden pleasure waving in your body as you trembled.
"I'm sorry, I noticed you were w-worried and I thought-" He tried to babble apologies but continued to move you up and down like you were just a piece of paper to him.
"k-kabukimono! mmn a-Ah~ w-wait!" you whimper and moan, your walls clenching around him.
hearing his name slip out of your lips thrilled him, his eyes sparkling as he continued ravishing you.
"gonna cum, fuck you're s-so good I'm sorry I can't stop!" he sputtered, still fucking you roughly but not rough enough to hurt you.
last thing he wanted to do was even hurt you soo..
you cup his cheeks, looking at him lovingly before kissing his lips out of both desperation and love.
you loved this man honestly..
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wannabelife · 8 months
(what sounds do seventeen members make in bed?)
original post / credits for the idea
happy valentine's day special !!
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this man has the most beautiful moans out there and i can prove it. it prob comes out when he is trying to keep it inside, but it's not able to. you're just that good. his moans come from the chest, and most of the time, after a growl.
keep it down and low for sure, even tho they come out more high pitched than he intends to. do it shyly at first, but seeing how you enjoy it, he'd let it go shamelessly after some time.
low, low, low. so freaking hot. he mainly does it because he knows it affects you. his whole face twists in pleasure when his moaning, and it's the most beautiful thing to see it.
he has breathy ones. it comes out when he can't take it anymore or when he's caught heavy breathing. the type to like moaning right next to your ear while he fucks you.
he is most of the time in dom mode, so groaning it's what relieves him. he'd groan when you're not behaving too, so you start doing as he says.
he is shy about it, so groaning it's his way out. probably can't contain a moan here and there, too. it comes out more when you're on top of him, it feels too good, he can't contain himself.
low pitched, chesty groan. prob loses his mind when he's getting close and let it go repeatedly until he cums. it's always your breaking point too, hearing the sounds he makes.
borderline whining. his whimpers come out way more like a whine than anything. he has his eyes closed and neck veins popping out every time he's on it, lips caged in his lips too.
he doesn't care. he is feeling good and will let you know that. has his brows shut while whimpering and will also shower you with compliments while on it and how good it feels.
another shy one about it. it's not vocal until it gets too much, and he can't hold in anymore. has the most beautiful and needy whimpers while close to his release, telling you not to stop.
let it out all the time, from when you start kissing to when he's about to release. it's very honest with it and don't keep it down. whimpers back as a response from your moans and whines, he lets you know he's also feeling good.
it's not afraid to voice whatever he's feeling in the moment. but hearing you is his most favorite, he'd moan, groan, whimper, all at once as he feels his member tightening.
the sub of everyone's dream, honestly. he has a reaction for your every move. he will be moaning, whining, and squirming under your touch. it's his favorite having you on top of him.
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silverzoomies · 2 months
silverzoomiezzz hi hi i was eating my cloudberry ice cream and i dont know why i start to think about peter and then i think about you. and i have a question for you. what do you think peter’s fav snacks that he would save it for you because he wanted you to enjoy and love it as much as he does? this is so silly lol but anyway have a great summer <3
💗oh my gosh, hello anon sweetie !! i'm sorry for answering so late !! i hope your summer has been nice !! it's been pretty decent here, aside from the lame ass humidity.🔥🫠🔥
i'm so honored you would think of me, after thinking of our beloved speedy boy. 💗honestly, i take that as such a huge compliment !!
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⚡snacks i think peter maximoff would like (he hoards them, cuz he's the snack hoarding type. ty dofp 💗):
⚡in canon, he hoards hostess snack cakes. specifically the chocolatey, cream-filled kind ⚡and twinkies. dude's got twinkies for two movies in a row ⚡like it's no wonder people assume he's a twinkie fiend ⚡we also see him with so much pepsi and mtn dew ⚡and i know it's just product placement obvi. but he does seem like a mtn dew guy, right? i bet he'd love baja blast. code red too ⚡dk if this counts as a snack, but he'd probably love taco bell. i mean, it's fast. it's cheap. it's addictive. it's easy to indulge in. mans would quote those old taco bell commercials with the chihuahua ⚡sour candy. all of it. gummy worms, airhead x-tremes, sour twists, sour patch kids. tell me i'm wrong. i'm not ⚡he'd make a mess with some fun dip, lemme tell ya ⚡any candy they used to give out on halloween? he'd be addicted to all that shit. he'd love sugary junk. he constantly needs his fix. laffy taffy, nerds, now and laters, skittles, pop rocks, m&m's - you name it, he's into it ⚡imagine the dorito fingers, anon. the cheeto fingers. the takis fingers. do y'all think he'd be more into regular cheetos, or hot cheetos? he reads as a hot cheetos guy to me ⚡he'd slam some icees. slurpees. any kinda syrupy, frozen drink. he mixes all the flavors, sucks it down, and feels no brain freeze ⚡if you took him to carnivals, boardwalks, or amusement parks; he'd put the funnel cake stands out of business ⚡sweets are his kryptonite, really ⚡i personally like to imagine he knows his fair share of international snacks too. since he can zip around the world in a blink. taiyaki. baklava. conchas. tres leches. pirozhki. european chocolate. any and all kinds of street food. he knows all the best 7-eleven instant ramen - and the best toppings for 'em too ⚡i think he'd also go hog wild over a really good steak, y'know? or some barbecue. some ribs. some brisket. all the shmeats !!
⚡snacks i think peter maximoff would save, just so he could share them with you💗:
⚡he wouldn't ⚡correction: he couldn't ⚡c'mon, do you honestly think he'd have the self control? ⚡you're asking him to do the impossible ⚡see, anon, he'd think about saving a yummy treat for you ⚡keyword being think ⚡like, just as he starts to realize he's crushing on you big time ⚡he's guzzling something tasty, when he has the thought: hey...wait a sec! you'd probably really like this!! ⚡but a second later, the treat's already gone. devoured in an instant. whoops! oh well!! ⚡he's just way too impulsive to save anything ⚡like it would have to be out of sight, out of mind ⚡or you'd have to pick from his own, secret stash ⚡because otherwise, he can't hold himself back. he'll gorge any snacks in the nearest vicinity ⚡he'd legit have to wait 'til you were both together. in that moment. if you had a few minutes. he'd be like, "hey. babe. babe. babe. babe. i got somethin' i wanna show you." ⚡he speeds you away for some mind-blowingly good street food, in some country you've never been to, nor heard of ⚡even on valentine's day. he has to snag you one of those heart-shaped boxes of chocolates last minute ⚡that, or he has to hide it from himself. if he doesn't, he'll be lookin' down at an empty box - chocolate all over the corners of his mouth - like "ah, shit."
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cvpitvno · 1 year
Hi, this is for any svt member or all of them if you want, but how they react when their s/o stops them from oral/fucking because they're insecure that they didn't shave down there. Pls and thank you.
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𖤐 — gn terms, i think it’s pretty gender ambiguous
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will deadpan and go on a rant about how he’d still dive head first even if you had a full on bush - seungcheol loves you, not only your body, so it doesn’t have to look picture perfect like in those cheap pornos for him to love you
hannie will stop and deadpan at yoi as if asking if you’re serious - his favourite version of you is when you’re a bit messy, rolled out of bed or greasy hair setting in… so why would be mind hair? he thinks it’s raw and shows the real you
josh will be respectful and back off, but it would kickstart him into making sure you know that what you want to do with your body doesn’t concern him - if you wanted to never shave again, he wouldn’t stop you because he respects you (like your partner SHOULD!)
pft will drop his pants and just point at his crotch, showing off his own unshaven body - “i haven’t shaved either - i’m comfortable if you’re comfortable baby”
absolute crack but this man would bring up his love for tigers in one way or another to validate his reasoning for why you should let him fuck you even tho you haven’t shaved
i can see wonwoo as being someone with quite a bit of hair down there too so he’ll ask you if you mind him with hair as his argument - if you don’t mind him with hair, why would he mind you with it?
woozi seems like the type to be a very well groomed person when it comes to his hair down there, but i don’t think it would serve as an issue to him - he’d stop, ask if you trusted him, and would talk to you about how he loved you no matter what was on or not on your body
dk would actually kinda take it to heart - he’d see this simple insecurity as a lack of trust and think it had something to do with your perception of him (did he seem like the type to look down upon body hair? of course not but that’s what would be going through his head)
similar to woozi, mingyu seems to be the type to like his body more clean shaven, but man did he love the feeling of going down on you with hair or the feeling of his pelvis against the plush curls of your own pelvis
honestly, i can see minghao being really respectful about your own decisions - while nothing can hinder him in admiring and loving your body, he does believe that if you don’t feel comfortable with it, then neither does he
kwan would put a stop to that shit immediately - “if anyone- i mean i hope there’s not anyone but me - but if anyone ever gives a damn whether or not you have hair on your body… slap the shit out of them”
similar to dk, mans would rethink his life and wonder if he did something to make it seems like he would care about you having body hair or not - he’d talk about it but in the end wouldn’t push to continue or for you to face your insecurity head on
chan would pull you close and just discus with you rather than stopping at trying to bring it up later - he reassures you that he genuinely doesn’t mind if you’ve shaved or not, but if it’s something you’re not comfortable with, then he’s fine with that as well
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tmi - so i’m on a weekend trip with my sister, sister in law, and her sister, and the airbnb has a hot tub and i shaved everything but my bikini line and i was a lil insecure, BUT i remembered i had this ask so i had to answer it even tho i’m in vacay mode
but… just so everyone knows - hair is normal, and it will always be normal even on women / fem presenting people. just because society is too absorbed in old values doesn’t make your body any less valuable and beautiful if you got some hair on it okay?
if it wasn’t intended to be there it wouldn’t be, okay <333
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viridwns · 1 month
Can I get a fic about kidnapped reader and yandere Chrollo on a road trip of some kind and she’s like “let me get the aux” because let’s face it Chrollo’s taste in music is not gonna be road trip friendly and she’s just like jamming out to like Sexxy Red and Doja Cat and Flo Rida? Like I feel like that’s the complete opposite type of music he would listen to and she’s over there having a whole concert
Yan!Chrollo lucilfer x reader
Warning(s): mild cussing, forced relationship, unhealthy relationship, one sentence is about implied dubcon
A/N: Quick drabble to try and get out of my writing slump. Too lazy to check for errors, sorry pookies.
WC: I honestly dk, I wrote this on my mobile😭
You loathed car rides with Chrollo. His 'work' forced him to travel a lot, meaning road trips that would usually exceed six hours with no rest stops or pee breaks to avoid being spotted by the wrong people.
Only if you were bursting—on the verge of kidney poisoning—would Chrollo force you to do your business in some random bushes alongside the road.
The close proximity of the metal box had you pushing yourself as far as you could against the door—enjoying the cool steel against your boiling skin.
It was well into summer, and even though you only wore a loose T-shirt from Chrollo and way too large gym shorts, your body didn't seem to regulate the heat.
Chrollo, the non-human that he is, didn't seem bothered by the blazing sun in the slightest. Wearing a white shirt neatly tucked into black, wide-legged trousers secured by a just as dark belt.
You could not spot one drop of sweat on his sickly pale skin.
The AC of the car was blasting in your face, helping a great deal to chase away the uncomfortable warmth. The noise it made was loud, but still not loud enough to overpower the radio.
Chrollo was a control freak through in through. You were used to it by now, but you hadn't expected it to extend all the way to what music was playing in the car.
Car rides with Chrollo were already unbearable. He was a macho driver, thinking you would fall head over heels if he parked with one hand, but even though he tried to look tough, he drove like a grandma—he didn't want any attention, getting pulled over or driving too noticeable could mess up his plans. He also had the need to have one hand rest on your thigh for the whole entirety of the ride, be it five minutes or fifteen hours. He loved prodding at your mind in these long hours; asking you deep and personal questions that would have you reeling by the end of the drive.
But the one thing that icked you the most was his taste in music.
These rides could be long—this one a nice thirteen hours from the last place he kept you—and sleeping could only cover half, if not less. You needed a distraction from the man next to you and his tongue; blasting some good tunes for example.
Für Elise wasn't one of those tunes.
Chrollo had a thing for classical music; befitting his dark academia style as he also loved to read older literature and collect antiques.
And you didn't mind it most of the time—you had to admit that some songs were enjoyable to listen to.
But not for thirteen hours on end.
With one-fourth of the journey done, no desire to sleep, and Chrollo humming along to his playlist, you finally had enough.
"Chrollo, can I have the aux?" You asked, head slightly turning to look at the raven haired man while still holding your place in front of the AC.
You had asked Chrollo this question multiple times, but he always found a way to go around it.
Chrollo squeezed your thigh, making you press yourself further against the door.
His eyes remained focused on the road, but his grin was a tell-tale sign that this was going to be a mind war again.
"And why do you want that?" He replied, turning the radio down a tat to hear you better.
You sighed.
"Because we've been listening to your music since the beginning of the trip." You sat up straight when Chrollo started nodding along with your words.
"Okay, but this music is relaxing. It doesn't distract me from the traffic around me. You don't want us to end up in an accident, no?" He said, sparing you a quick glance.
You pursed your lips.
It was hard to pinpoint where he used manipulation tactics exactly in your conversations.
You were able to pick it up rather quickly now, though.
You turned to him, lips in a thin line.
"Chrollo, this is torturing my ears." You pointed at the radio to emphasize your meaning.
He laughed.
"Don't be dramatic."
"Says you."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused"
You gave him a sharp glare as he lightly rolled his eyes.
You had to give him a challenge of sorts. You knew he liked the thrill of those—the need to prove that he is capable of overcoming anything in his way.
"You're so dramatic about other people's music tastes. You hate listening to anything other than your own playlist. You don't even know other music genres," you started, crossing your arms over your chest and slumping in the passenger's seat.
As you were about to speak again, Chrollo interjected.
"Rock, Indie, metal, pop, electronic, blues, jazz—should I continue?"
He smiled as he faced you for a second before looking at the road again.
"Nice try, love, but implying that I don't know something is a dead give away of your schemes." Chrollo mused, patting your thigh.
He was mocking you, he saw right through your plan. You were stupid to think you could outwit him.
One day though.
One day you will.
You grumbled before slumping back in your seat, craning your neck to meet the frigid wind of the airconditioner.
The car was silent now except for the violins harmonizing on the radio. You were mere seconds away from taking the wheel and crashing the vehicle just for a few seconds of peace.
Chrollo sighed. You perked up at this. He wasn't too keen on already having you on edge this early in the trip. Every time that happened, you two would fight every day because you were petty like that.
He hands you his phone. You slowly take it with a quirked brow as your straighten your back.
"Fine, go ahead then."
You peer at him, suspicion running high.
"This isn't a trick?"
"I'm not getting in trouble if I change the music?"
"I don't have to give you a blow job while you're driving if I do this?"
"If you insist—"
You push the phone his way. Chrollo laughs before throwing you a wink. He nudges the device back with his shoulder.
"There are no catches here. I swear. Play your music."
You throw him uncertain glances as you open the music app; one of the only apps it had. He had bought this phone with you in mind. Shalnark modified it, so only Chrollo's number was on it, and no other numbers could be dialed. It also contained a few games. Like uno, you played that online with a few of the other phantom members. It kept you sane when you were locked in and alone for days on end.
You scrolled through your playlists, Chrollo only had one, and that was the 'liked songs' album.
The corners of your lips quirked upwards as you clicked your 'God better not see this one' list.
You could only feel a little victorious as you watched Chrollo's face sour when boss bitch by Doja Cat blasts from the radio.
You scream the lyrics in his face as you start moving your arms with the rhythm of the music.
It felt so good to just jam out to your songs for once. You ignored the pointed look of Chrollo when the next number that came on was CPR by CupcakKe.
A twinge of happiness tugged at your heart as you realized Chrollo would suffer a hundred times more in these few hours than you did and probably will do in all the carrides that have and will happen.
At least that was what you thought, but as you were about to bellow 'I save dick by giving it CPR' in your kidnapper's ear, he was looking at you with this love sick expression.
Eyes twinkly, stupidly handsome smile on his face and a total lack of concentration of his surroundings.
You felt your stomach lurch, and without a second thought, you put on the four seasons by vivaldi; almost breaking the screen in process.
You dropped the phone on your lap and crossed your arms. Your good mood only lasted three seconds before Chrollo decided to throw acid over it.
He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before returning his eyes to the road.
You felt stupid for buying his lies once again.
"You planned that, didn't you." It was more a statement than a question that came out of your mouth as you pushed your back against the cardoor.
Chrollo hummed as his hand found your thigh again, continuing his finger tapping along with the music.
You huff.
That was all you could do in response to him.
One thing was for certain: you would never play your music again, even if Chrollo begged you to.
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seneon · 3 months
hii :3 saw that requests were open ! can i request rayne ames having an s/o that loves cats and is taking care one? pls make it a fem reader if u can, thank uu very much <33
notes. hey anon! i wrote this immediately after i saw your request (but kept it to rent in my drafts) because i have kitties too 🥹 i honestly dk what format to write it in so i'll write in messy headcanons / imagines.
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its just like having bunnies and taking care of bunnies. except he takes care of bunnies and you take care of kitties. at first, he didn't really fancy cats, but especially after meeting your super special cat, he fell in love with it. you see rayne smiling so often while he's playing with your cat. your heart just... melts. it's a bonus if your cat is a kitten! this man cannot resist cute little fluffy things.
expect rayne to visit your house / dorm A LOT. he brings along a few of his bunnies or one each day tho so its ok. besides bringing his own bunnies to play with your cat, he also brings a bunch of stuff for your cat! he'll spoil kitty good, just like how he spoils his pretty girl so much.
probably wants to name any other cats that you want to adopt (he'll make it your ship name heha) for some reason i feel like he'll hire an artist, pay them to draw a portrait of your cat, and gift if to you... yeah rayne will definitely do that. and then he'll keeps pestering you to hang the kitty drawing in your room or something.
you'll feel as if he's more of the cat's father than you are as the cat's mother. your cat is you and rayne's ultimate pride and joy. the cat definitely feels like royalty after the super spoiled treatment it gets.
but look! sometimes you get a little jealous of your cat. so when it comes to that, rayne will switch his full attention to his actual princess. here's how it goes:
"rayne. do you really love my cat more than me?" you asked as he raised a brow at you. "what? no." then it's like an electricity bolt jolting throughout his entire body as he quickly holds your face kiss your cheek. "no y/n my love no. i love you more than anything else."
"really? even more than your bunnies?"
"even more than my bunnies."
i mean, you ARE the first human being that is more interesting and lovable than a bunny or cat. of course he's going to pick you over his bunnies anytime. he can get thousands of other bunnies but he can't get you again if he ever lost you. the thing is, you love your cat more than rayne. in a comical way, of course.
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TAGS ★ @kyoghurts @caelivir @dragonictears kyetsu
© SENEON 2024 ♱ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
it has been days and i haven't seen ANYONE mention this so fine, FINE, i will be the one to do it
"We'll see how tough this Mario is when he watches me KILL HIS BROTHER!"
(look, all i'm saying is the angst gremlin inside of me came ALIVE for a hot second and started imagining scenes playing out in different ways where Bowser DOES have this opportunity with both brothers together before the final battle and it is extremely heartwrenching stuff, OKAY)
I was originally gonna end this post here but welp, now I brainstormed a whole alternative scene under the cut
Imagine this: we're on the Rainbow Road. The blue shell hits! DK does still fall into the ocean (maybe yelling "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAUUUUULT" at Mario as he goes down) but Mario is thrown back by the explosion onto the side of Rainbow Road with Cranky Kong and the other Kongs (he is definitely injured, though) and lands there as they freak out about DK. Peach and Toad are still safely on the other side.
Mario is thus captured with all the other Kongs and taken to Bowser's airship (Peach and Mario call out to each other worriedly but there's nothing she can do and the flying Koopas are coming after her too so Mario yells for her to run and her and Toad have to flee, waaah)
(This would also let Bowser and Mario actually get to meet before the end, which I think would have been nice! Not absolutely necessary, I think the movie works fine without it, but it would have really driven home the threat/stakes a little harder and created a stronger Darkest Moment, I think)
Bowser, seeing that Mario is captured, is just FILLED with hateful glee and wants to break this little man down so badly after he DARED to get close to HIS princess, and he asks Kamek to bring out Luigi from the prison
Mario, now in the airship and restrained, gets to actually SEE Bowser and register how big/menacing he is and they have some banter where Bowser is FURIOUS and Mario is honestly just kind of confused, like, "dude, what is your problem with me??? I just came to this world two days ago???" (He's scared, of course, he's never seen anyone quite like Bowser before, but he also knows his type right away - he's a bully, and Mario's dealt with his fair share of bullies, that's for sure)
But then of course the conversation comes around to "WHERE IS MY BROTHER, LET MY BROTHER GO" and then Luigi is brought in, hands bound, and the brothers can't help but have big, teary smiles and call out happily for each other
But that happiness ends QUICKLY because Bowser advances on Luigi and Mario realizes all at once what's going to happen and he tries to run at him but Kamek drags him back with the magic
And like...I am not one for anything TOO excessive here, I wouldn't want it to be TOO far outside what a movie like this would include, but Bowser does start to hurt Luigi - picking him up and throwing him down, kicking him, scratching him up, and Mario is just in AGONY and desperately struggling to pull free from the magic and begging Bowser to stop, please, if he's mad at someone, hurt HIM, beat HIM up, whatever he wants, but please, don't take it out on his brother, PLEASE, he'll do ANYTHING
But of course, that just makes Bowser taunt Mario more, because he CAN'T do anything. He wants to see Mario broken down and a pathetic mess and begging HIM, the great Koopa King, for mercy because the princess would never be attracted to someone like THAT, how could she, how shameful! Bowser will be sure to tell her ALL about it when he proposes, he is delighted
(oh man, Bowser could even say something like that "whatever happens to him is YOUR fault, you brought your dear brother down with you when you dared to meddle in my fairytale wedding!!!" And it's a ~*~THEMATIC CALLBACK~*~ to Mario's dad, waaaah)
And finally, it looks like Bowser is going to strike a BIG blow but Kamek gets distracted or Mario just becomes desperate enough to pull free of the magic's influence with the power of BROTHERLY LOVE and he gets a punch in on Bowser that knocks him back!!!
And then Mario is helping Luigi up, holding his bruised face sweetly and reassuring him that it's gonna be okay, they're gonna get out of here and go home, and they try to run but they get dragged apart by guards/Kamek/etc again
Bowser is EXTREMELY MAD but manages to calm down and says that he actually appreciates Mario interrupting him with his pathetic little punch because he almost acted too rashly. After all, if he kills Luigi now, he'll be one prisoner short for his ritualistic sacrifice for him and Peach's wedding! Can't have that! Too bad Mario's gonna miss it! And then he grabs Mario and carries him out while Luigi is being carried/dragged back to prison and they're both horrified and crying out each other's names desperately as they're separated AGAIN
Mario gets thrown off the airship by Bowser into the ocean and left for dead (Mario probably gets one more defiant line where he swears he's gonna stop Bowser and Bowser tells Mario that'll never happen but not to worry, him and Peach are going to be very happy together and Mario and his brother will be reunited soon enough - in DEATH [evil laughter])
And then Mario gets swallowed by the eel and DK is already there and things start to play out the same way as the movie from there EXCEPT that when him and DK snipe at each other, Mario starts to break down a little and the line "Well, at least your brother's not gonna die because of you!" has a LOT more emotional weight to it and it's just a longer, more heartwrenching Darkest Moment scene in general, sob)
(and you could also have a scene with Luigi back in prison where he is obviously extremely shaken up and hurt and not knowing what happened to Mario, what did Bowser do with him, is his brother even still ALIVE, why was he so WEAK and unable to do anything, unable to even protect himself or help Mario, etc etc and that helps him have a character beat that maybeeeee makes his surprise rescue of Mario at the end feel more earned????? HMM)
I'M SORRY, I LOVE ANGST (that eventually ends happily) AND IT COMPELS ME
i'm gonna have to write this as an actual, full-fledged fic, aren't I, lolol
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lee-aveyourmark · 1 year
pov: you're doing grocery shopping with seventeen - maknae line
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∘.∙°. masterlist Warnings: mentions of food, alcohol, public affection
A/N: For legal reasons, some of this is a joke. I don't mean to undermine any of the members, so please don't misread my writing :)
mingyu Efficient. Knows what he needs to buy before entering the store, but is also flexible in changing his shopping list or meal plan if the store doesn't stock certain items. Is not afraid to ask store clerks where certain items are. Ends up inadvertently flirting with the aunties, and it takes a foreign hand on his bicep for him to quickly say his goodbyes and run back to you, whining and burying his face into your neck. Wine is a must-add to the cart. There's often a request from Seungcheol for a certain snack. Mingyu is reluctant in gratifying his hyung, and that reluctance quickly transforms into jealousy when you drop the requested item into the basket with indifference. Definitely needs you to hold his hand and stroke his hair for the next five minutes before the jealousy can dissipate.
the8 LIkes to shop at Chinese grocery stores as much as possible, since his culinary range is probably largely Chinese. You can often find this man in the tea section, browsing new leaves for his next tea ceremony and meditation session. There'll most likely be a mala-flavoured item that ends up in the cart. Enjoys introducing you to all the different spices frequently used in northern Chinese cooking and giggles at your cute pronunciation of their names. Also enjoys making conversation with the grandpas that compliment your relationship and- wait, is that Jun? You don't recall being told that he was going to be here. Oh, and now you're being sidelined and thirdwheeled as Jun drags Minghao to check out the newest instant ramen on offer.
dk Giggles, blushes and twirls his hair around his finger every five seconds because, omg, you're out buying groceries with him - how domestic! Absolutely adores taking photos of you doing literally whatever at the store - looking at items, picking items up, eating samples, pushing the cart - he's capturing it all. Tries so hard to control himself when seeing you strolling down the aisles in his oversized hoodie, but fails miserably as his lips make contact with your cheek. As our resident ray of sunshine, this man will buy food based on how cute the packaging is. I'm talking bright colours, funky fonts, and baby animal mascots. Will also choose the odd-shaped fruits and vegetables because they're "quirky" and he feels a little sorry for them.
seungkwan Is an absolute sweetheart to all of the elderly ladies slowly pushing their carts through the store. Makes conversation with them and helps them pick items off shelves that are too high for them. Also is super sweet to the children, complimenting them and playing with them. He's always closely inspecting the health foods on offer, but looks forward to seeing the pastries from the bakery next door to the supermarket. When you offer to buy him some, he adamantly refuses, makes the excuse that he was just browsing and then complains about his diet under his breath. The excitement lit across his face when trying the weekly cookie menu is something that you'll never get sick of, and you make sure to bring him grocery shopping more often.
vernon What is Chwe Hansol doing in the grocery store with you? Honestly, he's asking himself that too because this man has zero experience. The assistance he attempts to provide is based on information from the internet, and I'm talking about WikiHow articles on buying bread. Uses logic to the best of his abilities, helping to choose items based on price point. However, logic doesn't get him very far when you're asking him which brand would taste the best. Will internally freak out if you leave him in the queue to grab something, and will need a breather when you return to the line with the loaf of bread that you forgot. Always has music on, so you'll need to give him a good shake of his shoulder to grab his attention.
dino Our maknae can cook, but that doesn't translate into having sense regarding grocery shopping. If he can't track you down amongst the aisles, there's a high chance of him calling another member for help. Particularly, he'll likely call a 95-line hyung with the expectation of them fulfilling their hyung role. Alas, I'm not entirely sure if Seungcheol, Jeonghan or Joshua knows whether a three-dollar cucumber is a bargain or not. Is extremely confused when you're walking around slapping watermelons like Seungcheol would his ass amidst dance practice. Honestly, just very confused but also very curious and willing to learn lots on how to select the freshest produce so that he can impress you with a tasty homemade dish one day.
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❃Seventeen’s chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse❃
a/n: soooo I wrote this for EXO and thought, well, why not do the same for svt. Anyway, enjoy!
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Scoups/Seungcheol: 8/10
❀ The fists are up and he is ready to fight anyone or anything that gets too close. His physical strength will definitely get him far. At the same time, this man is also a bit, just a bit, of a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror stuff (remember him and DK in the haunted house?). In this case, it might actually help him out, keeping him on his toes constantly.  
❀ He is super competitive too. If anyone lets it slip that he might not survive the apocalypse, he will make it his sole goal in life to out-apocalypse everyone around him.
❀ Then again, as the members like to remind him, he is not the youngest and perhaps doesn’t have the best endurance any more. He needs to sit down every now and then, leaving him prone to zombies.
❀ He will definitely be complaining the entire time. Somehow, he manages to make his situation sound much worse than it really is. 
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Jeonghan: 9/10
❀ Nothing really phases him, I feel like Jeonghan has maxed out all his stats and has, consequently, become unstoppable. He is an absolute ace and makes everyone wonder whether he was born to be in a zombie apocalypse.
❀ The only reason I am docking a point is due to this man’s constant exhaustion and love for sleep. His main motto is “Better be lazy than tired” so I wouldn’t be surprised at Jeonghan trying to find ways to shortcut the most basic of tasks. There is a slight, very tiny, chance for his master-mind plans to go awry.
❀ Once he finds himself in a dangerous situation or on the brink of being eaten, he will simply give up. Maybe life is truly easier as a zombie. At least he won’t have to constantly be on the run.
❀ Still, Jeonghan will be going through this apocalypse in the most efficient way possible, trying to find any loopholes to make his life easier and preserving his energy for those moments when he truly needs it.
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Joshua 5/10
❀ Honestly, Joshua is such a wild card. He would definitely try to employ the “they can’t predict what I am doing if I don’t know what I am doing” tactic. Joshua becomes the definition of “can’t let them know your next move.”
❀ It would work half of the time. Either the zombies get so confused that he catches them off guard, or all he did was inconvenience himself further.
❀ Like, what if, instead of running away from the zombies, he would run towards them? The zombies would definitely not be expecting it but it would make it easier for them to, you know, kill him.
❀ His ideas are borderline insane, and nobody can really tell whether it is due to the apocalypse or because he is Joshua, having always been slightly out of his mind. He will definitely get someone else accidentally killed by suggesting a crazy plan. My money is on Hoshi.
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Jun 4/10
❀ The reason this man has any chance of survival is because Seventeen treats him like a maknae. I am pretty sure they would sacrifice anyone and anything to keep him alive, and he kind of needs it.
❀ Jun isn’t particularly known for his amazing talent at sports. He always gets picked last in any GoSe episode containing physical games which makes his odds of surviving not too great. Like yeah, sure, he is ripped and probably has amazing endurance, but ask him to throw anything and he will miss.
❀ He is also unpredictable and doesn’t really listen to the others. They will tell him not to touch the zombies and he will see it as a challenge, “I can touch a zombie if I want to!”
❀ 10000000% the type to try and communicate with the zombies. He is convinced that if he can learn Korean, he can also learn zombie and ask them if they can become friends.
❀ (Maybe slightly unrelated, but he would be an amazing person to have around for emotional support. He would be great at comforting those feeling pessimistic, scared or upset.)
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Hoshi/Soonyoung: -100000/10 or 100000/10
❀ It can go two ways with Hoshi. Either he hides somewhere and vanishes from the universe until the apocalypse has ended or he gets himself killed within the first day.
❀ Hoshi has proven that if he doesn’t want to be found, you won’t find him. Somehow, this energetic mess of a Gemini is able to turn invisible when he wants to. Depending on how bored he gets, he might be able to stick it out until the apocalypse has ended.
❀ If he doesn’t hide, he is as good as dead. He has the dangerous combination of not being scared of zombies and zero impulse control. He will be trying something stupid without a second thought and would get himself killed.
❀ He growls at the zombies because surely, they would be intimidated by him. He is a tiger, after all.
❀ His members are seriously considering putting a leash on him so that he can’t constantly run off doing god knows what. He just really hates sitting still, let him go risk his life getting provisions.
❀ Honestly, the main reason why Hoshi won’t survive for long is because he would do another impression of Seungkwan, resulting in Seungkwan ‘accidentally’ kicking him into a hoard of zombies.
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Wonwoo: 10/10
❀ He has played enough games and watched enough Netflix to know what to do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Wonwoo is prepared, well-read and ready to go. He will be the smart one that tries to find out what makes the zombies tick, taking notes on their behaviours and potential weaknesses.
❀ Wonwoo is, furthermore, so incredibly athletic. He can outrun the zombies with ease, not even breaking a sweat when he does.
❀ He also seems to possess brain cells compared to some of the members and a dose of common sense. I know that there is no normal one in Seventeen but he seems to put a lot of thought in his decision-making and seems less inclined to listen to his intrusive thoughts.
❀ Wonwoo could survive on his own, his introverted side ensuring that he doesn’t really feel the need to seek out others and depend on them. The only reason he sticks around the other members is for the drama. He loves watching the others bicker for hours, eating his popcorn as he lurks in the nearby shadows.
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Woozi/Jihoon: ∞/10
❀ He has no idea that there is a zombie apocalypse going on because he hasn’t really gone outside since it started. Yeah sure, the gym he frequents has been really quiet as of late, but that is an absolute win in his book and he is not to going to jinx it by mentioning it.
❀ The world could literally be ending on the other side of his window, and this man would think that the sirens would make for an awesome sample for his song. What do you mean, sirens mean that something is going on outside?
❀ It doesn’t even matter if the other members come to check up on him or try to convince him to leave the studio, informing him the world is ending. “What do you mean it is dangerous outside, it always is dangerous outside.”
❀ He will simply survive the entire apocalypse because he had no awareness of it and it had no awareness of him. Woozi is on another level entirely.
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DK/Seokmin: -1000/10
❀ An absolute mess. Somewhere laying on the ground in the feudal position up for grabs.
❀ He has been screaming since it started. The joke is on him, though. His screaming is precisely what alerts the zombies to his location and he is completely unaware of it. He finds himself in a vicious cycle where he sees a zombie, screams, more zombies appear, screams more, etc.
❀ He is ruled by his fear, trying his hardest not to be scared, but is in dire need of a hug. He needs the other members to comfort him and take the initiative because he is too scared to really do anything. He will definitely get someone else to go first; what do you mean you want him to go into that dark alleyway???
❀ He would not be able to respond well to finding himself cornered by zombies. Rather than fighting back or trying to come up with a plan, DK would most definitely just scream at them to get back and freeze.
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Mingyu 1/10
❀ Technically, Mingyu should be able to survive. He is an excellent cook and can whip up any dish as long as you give him some ingredients. Also, as we have all seen, this man is mostly muscle. He should be able to hold his own in a physical fight.
❀ Not to mention that Mingyu is ridiculously smart. He can come up with a decent plan and have it work out.
❀ But his downfall is, well, literally, him falling down. He is clumsy; he will either accidentally drop something that is important to their survival and break it, or run into a tree as he is trying to make his escape.
❀ He is also not the best when it comes to the scary stuff (though I feel like he did pretty well in GoSe Ego). What do you mean he has to jump down from that ledge in order to escape the zombies? No thank you. Go into that abandoned supermarket, potentially running into zombies because he has run out of food? He would rather starve.
❀ They kind of need to keep him alive to keep Seungkwan from murdering half of the group.
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The8/Minghao: 10000/10
❀ He is not scared of the zombies, the zombies are scared of him. They have interrupted his meditation sessions and are now regretting awakening his anger issues. He hasn’t been chill since the apocalypse started, and is now on a path of vengeance against those who disrupted his meditation.
❀ I know that Vicious Mockery is a D&D spell and, you know, magic, but he would be the one to make it a reality. He is able to emotionally damage the zombies, giving him the ability to attack from afar. As an added bonus, they would become more and more reluctant to get close, afraid to get roasted.
❀ Considering that he is great at martial art, Minghao can beat them up physically if they make the poor decision to get up in his personal space. So yeah, the zombies have learned to avoid him at all costs.
❀ The only thing that could potentially stop his destruction of zombies is the ethics and morals of beating them up. He might get into a debate with Vernon about whether their remaining humanity makes it unethical to hurt them, and ultimately decides that it is bad for his karma to continue his act of wrath.
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Seungkwan: 5/10
❀ Initially, Seungkwan is so scared of them, he won’t get close enough to get killed. He is constantly nagging the zombies from a safe distance, warning them to stay away. All it does is make the zombies more determined to kill him. He keeps asking them to stop, but apparently, the tone he uses is important or something because they keep getting offended.
❀ Honestly, without Seungkwan’s constant nagging, half of the group would be acting on their insane and idiotic ideas. Then again, he would also be the one to ‘accidentally’ sacrifice some of the members when they inevitably get on his nerves.
❀ He would be ready to throw hands if you get him mad enough, forgetting he was scared in the first place. However, where Minghao’s anger issues result in a skilled display of violence, Seungkwan is ready to attack without much thought, considering the consequences later, hence disregarding his own safety in a fight.
❀ Regardless, Seungkwan will go out in a fire of rage, taking an absurd amount of zombies with him as he goes. It is glorious and cinema worthy.
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Vernon: ?/10
❀ He is a npc so he can’t die. That is definitely how that works. Vernon is simply a part of the environment, don’t mind him. The zombies don’t recognize him as someone they can eat because they somehow believe him to be a non-interactable object straight out of a game.
❀ That being said, similarly to Jun, he hasn’t been particularly blessed with amazing motoric skills. I don’t think I have ever seen Vernon properly run, I feel like rather than running he would try to out-speed walk the zombies. Do not expect him to fight, he will try the bare minimum, and even that is too much to ask.
❀ Then again, he has consumed so many films and tv shows that he does have a massive mental archive of everything that has been produced about zombies from which he can draw whenever he finds himself in a pickle. Is fiction reality? No. Is it useful regardless? Yes.
❀ Considering he is Seventeen’s other favourite child, they will try their best to keep him alive. He has them all wrapped around his finger. One little whine and they will bend over backwards to help him with whatever he needs/wants.
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Dino/Chan: -1000000000/10
❀ He is trying his best. If it wasn’t for the others, he would have a decent chance at making it out alive. He is fit, motivated and confident about his own capabilities without being overconfident. On his own, he would be determined to see the apocalypse through.
❀ Pair him up with Wonwoo and nothing can get him killed. Wonwoo will keep his Dino alive even if it costs him his own life.  
❀ That being said, the members would get him 1000% killed. They won’t let him breathe for a second and he has to constantly watch his back. They love him, sure, but they also think his shrieks of panic as they ‘accidentally’ lock him in a room with a zombie are hilarious.
❀ Against all of them, he truly doesn’t stand a chance. They don’t really want to get him killed but they make staying alive arguably much more difficult for him than it needs to be.
❀ At this point, he might simply give up and switch teams. He can get revenge on them by turning into a zombie, finally having the last laugh as he munches on their brains.
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