#i hope at some point loki says ''my mobius'' now since there are more than one version of mobius
sun-3-160 · 1 year
yay tomorrow i can watch the new loki at some point!!!
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glorixuspurpose · 10 months
The Missing Link
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loki x black!daughter!reader
“So…all of you are Lokis? Even that one?” He asks, pointing at the girl, who scowls at him and smacks his hand down. 
“Yes…no…not really. We’re related..sort of, but obviously, I’m not him. He’s my-” She stops herself mid-sentence. “Wait, if you’re not a Loki, then why are you here, let alone with them? What was your nexus eve-”
  “Stop yelling! You’re gonna alert him!” Kid Loki shouts, pointing at the dark cloud in the sky. 
 They continue to walk until they reach a circular door in the floor, presumably a bunker. Classic Loki opens it.
 “Well?” Loki asks, still waiting on the girl’s answer. 
“I killed him.” She finally answers, as she descends into the vault. 
Something in his mind told it that it couldn’t be true. That girl looked familiar, too familiar, and he’s not one to forget faces.
“Wait, that can’t be true..” He mutters.
“Why can’t it be true?” She asks, mimicking his accent, as they all walk down to an area with a semicircle of chairs, with a small pool in the middle, probably for the alligator.
 She was starting to get annoyed. “Why not?”
“Because…er..well, what’s your name?” He asks. 
“Y/N.” She ever so quietly responds. 
“Y/N…”He repeats to himself, as if trying to memorize it. 
 “Then…that can’t be true because..I’m your father.” 
Y/N uncrosses her legs. “Woohoo. You finally figured it out. The last time you saw me was when I was more or less 5 years old, and Thor took you to see me. Honestly he was more of a father than you were, and honestly more than you ever will be.”
   (time skip bc i can barely remember this episode lol)
“Sylvie…and Mobius? You guys came here?” Loki asks. 
“Well some of us, not by choice, but for the most part, yeah.” Sylvie stays silent, then walks off.
 “And who might you be?” Mobius asks Freya, as if she were some random little kid that approached him. “Y/N.” She bluntly responds.
             (another time skip, woohoo!)
A/N: And now for the good part.
 “Why did you tell me that your nexus event was killing me?” Loki asked, as they sat in the grass.
“Quite the questionnaire, aren’t you?” You jokes, subtly breaking her ever so permanent poker face with a slight smirk. 
“You might as well have been dead anyway.” 
Loki frowns. 
“Well? What was it?” 
She fully smirks. “I don’t remember.” 
Loki’s hopeful face returns to a frown, then he creates himself a blanket, wrapped around him.  Y/N chuckles. 
“Of course you would do that.”
 Loki sighs. “Do you really not remember?” 
“I wouldn’t be a descendant of the God of Mischief if I didn’t tell a lie now and then. Of course I remember.” 
A gust of wind blows, and causes Freya to shiver, and her teeth to chatter. 
Loki alters the blanket so it’s wrapped around the both of them. 
 “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“You seemed cold.” 
“Is this some kind of stupid scheme to get me to tell you?”
“What? No!” 
 Y/N tilts her head so it’s leaning on Loki’s shoulder.
“Tell me about my mother.” 
 “Oh…wow. Okay,” Loki says, taken aback by the sudden question. 
“Well, she was a smart, strong, beautiful, and independent woman. She really never needed me. She had powers, just like mine–and yours– but she liked to use these fans with blades on them…and she liked to cut me with them.” That earned a chuckle from Freya.
 “She also loved the color purple. It was her absolute favorite, and she would wear it pretty much everyday. She also adored grilled cheeses ever since we first went to Midgard. She really could’ve had anyone she wanted.  I have idea why she chose me. Considering that, if it weren’t for me, she might have still been alive.”
 Loki subtly wipes his eyes with his shoulder. 
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I thought I was saving her, but obviously I proved myself otherwise.” 
“Saving her?”
“Well you see, there was…let’s just say, a battle, and..she was hurt. I was out of my mind to think that this would work, but I turned her to stone. I thought that..because I did that, it would heal when I turned her back. I saw it work before..and I knew how to turn her back, but it was too late.”
 “I wish I could have spoken to her…even if it was only for three minutes. I…” She looks behind her. “I think she wants to talk to you.” She tell him, pointing to Sylvie. 
 “I think she can wait.” Y/N creates a watch and checks it. It’s only just going backwards. Really fast. 
“This watch is not useful, but I’m sure she’s been waiting long enough. I’m always gonna be here. There’s no leaving.” 
 Loki stands up, making the blanket disappear. 
“Except you can leave, because you’re coming with us.”
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charcubed · 11 months
Look, I personally lose nothing if Lokius doesn’t become explicit canon. And if that were to become the case, I’d also have no regrets for saying for years that that would happen in the show by the end ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve said it before, but by now it would be Disney/Marvel’s loss, NOT mine. Whoever wasted or limited the potential would be the idiot, not me.
I’m simply never gonna feel crazy for noticing what’s happening in a story or silly for daring to hope it’ll be brought to fully satisfying narrative completion. That's just a me thing. Maybe this is because at heart I’m stubborn! But I’d like to think I’m not unreasonable. I can’t control whether writing stays consistent or censorship is overcome... But I just do my best to construct solid arguments, and as long as those arguments remain solid, I stand by them :)
I know not everyone would say the same, or they consider this to be "hope" or "optimism," but I see it as logic based in noticing what the text of a show/story is doing. And personally I also consider blatantly evident subtext to be "canon enough," so if we get my personal minimum, my happiness may still outweigh any potential disappointment for me.
However. Here's what I've come here to say today, in reaction to things I've seen floating around in the fandom:
While I do understand on some level why people worry that Lokius won’t be more explicitly canonically romantic because it could be censored by Disney.... At this point, I don’t understand how people can think Loki/Sylvie will still happen.
As of right now, there’s no way to argue for that in my opinion. (I'd like to see someone try.)
The show has set up a fun but very simple situation from basically the start:
They made romantic love a point of relevance in the show’s story. More specifically, they pointed out Loki's desire for a "real" romantic love, and had him learn the lesson that he doesn't deserve to be alone. They didn't HAVE to do all of those things and tie them together. They CHOSE to make romantic love relevant – and they have actively continued to choose to do that, to the point of including a mirrored dark love triangle in s2 ep3. That narrative thread simply has to be fulfilled.
So if they deliberately established that Loki wants and needs a “real” love, and his relationship with Sylvie was referred to as "fiction" so she cannot be a real love for him.... Who does it have to be?
Obviously it has to be Mobius. And of course, the whole show points to Lokius also, for countless more reasons than just this simple breakdown. But pointing this element out is the simplest argument one can make.
So either...
1. They take Lokius to full narrative completion with explicit canon, as they should and as I expect them to,
2. Loki's desire for a real love is left unfulfilled, open-ended, and/or made clear through subtext that it's Mobius.
Those are the options, if you ask me!
This is aside from how Lokius’ love story is now even at the core of the show’s themes and plot, which is an insanely strong vote in favor for their future canonicity.
But for the purposes of this post, I’m talking about whether we'll get explicit romance specifically, like a love confession or a kiss – and I do actually genuinely think we'll get both of those things. I'm not trying to force you to agree with me, but just to be clear, that's where I'm at with it and have been since 2021 lol.
So in regards to worrying about Loki/Sylvie...
They were never really a romance (yes, even in season 1) and they sure as hell aren't now. I can’t imagine they'll become one even IF Lokius is left subtextual.
So what actually remains to be seen is if the writers got to go all the way with Lokius, or if that central queer love story was censored on some level in the end.
My hot take is no one should be ~worrying~ about Sylki at this stage of the game. Free yourselves, people.
If the story starts abruptly going in a Sylki direction, even with only 3 episodes left, I will certainly be the first to say so lol. But I simply sincerely, truly doubt that'll happen.
(Hot take in the footer: this is not the post to get into this at length, but in case this comes up… In this house we do not use the word "queerbaiting." It is a useless, nearly-meaningless, insufferable term that devalues the legitimacy of subtext and queercoding more often than not; it's rooted in the idea that media must hit arbitrary and inconsistent checklists often set with cishet approval in mind; and it perpetuates a focus on the false and harmful myth that many creators are "cowards" instead of leaving room for nuance and the fact that industry censorship still exists.)
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Loki Episode 1 Reactions (Less Coherent Edition)
It's been two and a half years, y'all, and what a start to the new season it was. (I've seen mixed reviews in the tag, but personally the initial reaction is I loved it.) What I apparently forgot in those two years, however, is that my in-the-moment reactions notes are not very coherent. So I apologize in advance if you aren't sure what part the note refers to. I'm going to make another post tomorrow with some more coherent thoughts around the episode and some predictions about the season in general (I'm also going to be rewatching the episode later so that might lend more clarity to the next post as well). I also cut out a chunk of my reactions that were just me screaming a character's name when they showed up, unless it makes sense for the next note to leave it in (and there were a lot of these, since it's been two and a half years since I've seen my friends).
Obligatory spoiler warning if you weren't already expecting them. Prepare for some wildness. I've bracketed [ ] some brief clarifying post-ep notes (not everywhere though).
I'm obnoxious, I'm watching the entire recap.
The editing of this recap is interesting.
The bleak theme is worrying. I don't like it. But I do love the color scheme of the logo.
Okay hopefully that wasn't Sylvie.
Someone give this boi [Loki] a nap. He's had a very very very long day and it's only getting longer.
What the fuck is happening.
X-5 you've got the haircut of a cop, I've decided I don't like you.
Man, I hope we fix this time-slipping in this episode, it's stressing me out too fucking much.
Oh motherfuck. This is driving me insane. This is Sisyphean torture. [I don't remember what specifically I was referring to, so I don't remember if this is an accurate description.]
OH MY GOD I LOVE LIZ CARR I HOPE SHE STICKS AROUND [Man, Liz Carr is just hopping from franchise to franchise this summer. She's in Loki, Good Omens, The Witcher)
OH SHIT. Renslayer and Kang. If they kiss on tape I'm marking it on the Bingo.
I DESPERATELY want to know what B-15's backstory is. She's a fantastic character and I want to know how she used this personality on the timeline.
Keep that Hitler youth-looking fuck away from my girl!
Oh my god, I'm going to be watching this conversation in the hall between Loki and Mobius over and over, because I love every part of it. The panicking, the teasing, the touching, the making each other feel better. Just the entire debriefing, reuniting conversation is EVERYTHING to me right now.
"In order to do that I need a Loki Who Remains." I love this
"I have no memory of having my memory wiped." Mobius. This is Catherine Tate on Nevermind the Buzzcocks telling David Tennant "I don't know songs I've never heard of" solidarity [I understand I'm making obscure 13+ year old references but this quote lives in my head rent free]
Ugh I HATE time travel. But it makes sense why his name is OB now. Also his door is a circle.
Mobius writing "skin" into the dust on the computer lololololol
HOW IS HE GONNA HOOF IT BACK IF HE CAN BARELY CRAWL [I started getting really stressed at this point. It's pretty much caps lock from here on out.]
How wild is it that Loki comes flying back from the jaws of death itself and saves Mobius from getting his skin ripped off and they land on the floor of the TVA in each other's arms, and the first thing Loki does is bring up his ex-girlfriend [I wouldn't classify Sylvie as this, but I'm being tongue-in-cheek, and Mobius did accuse Loki of falling for himself in season 1, so]
OKAY BUT I WAS RIGHT THAT WAS SYLVIE AT THE BEGINNING [Before you reply, remember I can't respond to those, and also I forgot that was the past and at the end Loki's in the future. HOWEVER, I do still think that was Sylvie at the beginning.]
Oh Sylvie :(((
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cottoncandy1322 · 11 months
I am feeling so normal right now, 100%, totally...
My brain is spinning between two different shows right now so I'm gonna dump my thoughts here while I eat pancakes at 11pm.
So like wouldn't Loki and Sylvie technically be related or something??? I might be reading too much into them I just don't like their ship all too much. I also don't get how all this...uh...time travel multiverse variant stuff works very well so.
Mobius and Loki are so cute please I love their friendship why can't they just be gay for eachother instead.
It actually kinds makes sense that Loki's first live would be himself(Sylvie) cause...yk it's Loki. It's kinda funny.
Is Cole okay??? My mans did not seem very okay during the scene where he left to follow the mysterious Wu voice and I'm genuinely worried.
Jay is still Jay, loving those videogames, but he also a little snarky with was interesting to see in him. Still hoping he and Cole have an epic showdown.
That red djinn guy was...okay I guess. I'm disappointed my evil pirate genje man wasn't there. I'm still hoping he appears at some point.
You know how there ar a lot of peope upset with Zane being treated more like a robot than a person in Dragons Rising? We could write angst with that and you know I'm right.
I feel like Beatrix and Sons of Garmadon Harumi would kinda get along. Possibly cause some havoc together yk?
I saw a tik tok where some people thought it would be possible Lava ship might happen in Dragons Rising and I just want to say. Kai has a GIRLFRIEND if you didn't know. He's dating Skylor. Kailor(or however the ship name is spelled I forget) is canon. They are dating. I am sorry. Cole can still be gay though so it's not a complete loss.
I supsected something was being planned for Cole after the news of his new power was leaked on youtube. I hope he's okay but I also hope for angst tbh.
Is Dareth getting character development still going to be a thing?? I swear I heard it somewhere. Please say yes. Please. Dareth deserves it he's great.
Does Dareth canonically have powers now?? Does he still have them?? Does he still need to pee everytime he uses it?? Has he used it at all ever since that one episode??
I was excited out of my mind when Jay appears for a single scene. I knew he wasn't going to play a major role in this first season after a couple of tweets I saw posted on yt. I'm excited for him.
Do you suppose Zane and Jay will bond over memory loss trauma? ....We could write angst for that.
Okay that's all for now. Thanks for listening. :)
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cha-melodius · 2 years
I feel bad for sending you this when you’re almost done catching up with your inbox requests, but I’m such a sucker for your Lokius whumps 😂Here are the prompts I really wanna see for Lokius if you don’t already have plans to write these for other fandoms: 17 hang by a threat or 20 it’s been a long day 🙇
(Congrats anon, you've unlocked a story I'd been meaning to write for a while: a whumpy time loop! Thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm, it means so much to me. This is chapter one of ??, posted now so I could hit the deadline for the 20th. So here you go: No. 20, "It's Been A Long Day".)
It's Been A Bad Day Lately
Read it on AO3 (T, 3.3k, 1/?)
“Up and at ‘em, sunshine!” someone nearly shouts at him, jolting Loki to alertness where he’d apparently fallen asleep on a table in the archives. Again. He looks toward the source of the voice and sees B-15 smirking at him from a short distance away, pruning baton in hand, already geared up for the operation. “Today’s the big day,” she continues, at a slightly more sedate volume now that she’s woken him, “and you’re sleeping on the job. Did you even go back to your room last night?”
“What’s the point?” Loki asks through a yawn. “This table is about as comfortable as the questionable piece of furniture you people insist on calling a bed.”
“You’ll have a lot bigger problems than that if today doesn’t go well,” she retorts, eyeing him with mistrust. Not any more than her usual amount, though. A normal level of suspicion, really. “I still think it’s too early for your first field operation.”
It’s been just over two weeks since he arrived at what seemed to be an alternate TVA to find that anyone he might have counted as a friend no longer knew him, and sometimes he forgets where he is. Or— when, maybe. It’s all very confusing. He’s still unsure whether the B-15 standing before him is the same person as the one he knew, or perhaps something else altogether. The only thing he’s pretty sure of is that they’re not variants of the people he knew, because he’s looked, extensively, there’s no sign that there’s another TVA out there somewhere in the multiverse. The people he’s surrounded by now are nearly identical, except when they are decidedly not, and pretty much all the ground he had gained in earning the trust of his former associates, he’d lost in an instant. It’s annoying, to put it mildly. Still, there are times like these when he wakes up and it feels as if maybe the whole Void thing was just a bad dream, until someone says something that snaps him back to reality.
“As I have informed you before, this is not my first mission with the TVA,” Loki says wearily. “Nor even my first mission with you.”
“Right. In that alternate TVA of yours,” she says, her tone making it clear that she doesn’t fully believe him. Even knowing who Nathaniel Richards is, even knowing what his variants have done and are still trying to do in the timelines, the idea that the TVA itself changed when He Who Remains was killed is beyond comprehension for most of them. Loki doesn’t fully blame them, honestly. Still—
“Mobius believes me.”
“Mobius has a soft spot for you.”
There are some things that make Loki hold onto the hope that the ‘original’ versions of his coworkers are still in there, those memories locked away. The fact that this Mobius seems awfully fond of him, even though he didn’t know who Loki was until he stumbled up to him in the archives, is certainly one of them. Everyone else is justifiably suspicious of him, and Mobius is, too—his Mobius always knew better than to immediately believe whatever Loki told him, after all—but he’s more likely to give Loki the chance to make his case.
Which is how he ended up here, about to go out in the field in pursuit of particularly wily Nathaniel Richards variant. It had taken Loki some time to convince the TVA to let him help, but everyone had frankly been at their wits end with this one. Most of the Richards variants are brilliant scientists, which is a big part of the problem, but this one, number 456, is somehow even worse than most. Once Loki finds out about him, he suspects he’s well on his way to becoming the next He Who Remains, and as much as multiversal war is a drag, he’s in no hurry to have some egomaniacal despot deciding every moment of his life again.
The thing that makes NR456 so troubling is that he always seems to know that they’re coming. At first, this meant he’d disappear not long before they arrived, but as things have gone on he’s started luring them into traps, trying to take out as many agents as possible. They had been sure they had a mole in the organization—which should have been expected, given the TVA’s history—but they’ve never been able to find one. The agents that are left, few though they might be, are loyal; everyone else is gone, disappeared into the fabric of the multiverse.
And so: enter Loki, stage left, full of new ideas based on what he knows about the man given his conversation with He Who Remains. He ends up spending late nights in the archives with Mobius, chasing down leads, and he aches with how very familiar it is but so very not at the same time. At least they don’t lock him in a cell during the night cycles in this TVA, though the small dormitory room they offered him in is hardly better.
“You ready for this?” Mobius asks as Loki takes his place next to him for the briefing.
They’re both wearing tactical vests under their jackets, while the hunters and minutemen around them are decked out in full gear, armed with their pruning batons. The batons are still the TVA’s only weapon, even though no one really knows what’s going on in the Void anymore with He Who Remains gone. Loki certainly hadn't been keen to check. Richards’ men, on the other hand, will be shooting at them with guns and rigging explosives. It hard feels like a fair fight, but Loki’s suggestions that they go get something with more oomph from a timeline have, frustratingly, fallen on deaf ears.
“Not really,” Loki answers honestly. “But I suppose I’ll have to be.”
“Remember, just stick close and follow the plan. If we can surprise him—”
“You can never surprise him.”
“—if we can surprise him,” Mobius repeats, more forcefully, “then we might have a chance.”
“Well, that is as true as it is unlikely,” Loki replies dryly. “Are you sure we can’t pop in somewhere for some real weapons?”
“We’ll be fine. This is how we planned it. It’s gonna work this time, I can feel it.”
They do get close. Closer, as far as Loki can tell from what he’s read about the previous operations, than they ever have before. Richards doesn’t seem to have been forewarned of their arrival, but the building where he’s set up his base of operations is, unfortunately, extremely well-defended regardless of that fact. Loki is exceedingly familiar with the costs of war, but even so, this is brutal. Richards’ men are far better armed and fight with the tenacity of true believers, willing to give their lives for the cause. Ironically, they have a chance to live, if they can survive in whatever’s left of the Void; the hunters and minutemen they shoot down have no such opportunity.
In the chaos, somehow he gets separated from Mobius. He doesn’t even realize it at first, which is disconcerting, because ever since Loki returned from the Void he’s been hyper-aware of where Mobius is at all times. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s not like he’s all that concerned, but he knows that Mobius was never much of a fighter, and he has no reason to suspect that he gained any expertise when he was reset or whatever in Hel’s name happened. Now, though, Loki has no idea where he is, and there’s a rising sense of something making his chest tight and shortening his breath—panic, it’s panic, and he doesn’t know what to do with this realization—and he’s so distracted that he almost gets gutted by a henchman with a knife.
Ok, it wasn’t that close. The panic is frankly far more distressing than his attacker had been. At least he got a knife out of it.
Henchman dispatched, and the others around him occupied, he takes off down the hallway, calling Mobius’s name. Where Mobius could have gotten to, he has no clue, but the longer he goes without finding that familiar silver hair among those still fighting in the hallways, the shakier he gets. Which is insane. This isn’t him, he doesn’t get like this. It’s just the adrenaline, is all.
Finally, finally, he nearly stumbles over Mobius another floor down in the compound, on the way to where they suspect Richards is hiding out, assuming he somehow hasn’t managed to escape already.
“Oh, thank the Norns,” he huffs, doubled over with his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “What happened to you?” “Nothing, nothing,” Mobius says quickly.
Too quickly. Loki hadn’t really thought he’d have actually gotten into trouble, but now that he looks closer it appears that Mobius is kind of… listing to one side and pressing one hand to his abdomen. Loki makes a grab for him, ignoring Mobius’s squawk of protest, and pulls his hand away at the same time as he peels back the front of the jacket.
“Fuck, Mobius,” he says, horrified by the sheer amount of blood he finds staining Mobius’s clothes. There’s so much of it, and it seems to be everywhere but where it should be. “What happened?”
“It’s fine, ‘m ok,” Mobius insists, but he’s so, so pale, whiter even than his hair, and almost immediately afterward he staggers, knees buckling beneath him and sending him careening into Loki’s arms.
“We have to get you out of here,” Loki says. He’s already trying to hurry Mobius back down the hall, desperate to get out of the building so they can open a time door, but the other man puts up a surprising amount of resistance. 
“Loki, wait, wait—” Mobius heaves a huge, shuddery breath as he manages to drag them to a halt. “We can’t leave. You can’t leave. We’re so close. You should go— go after the variant.”
“What? You’re being ridiculous, Mobius, we need to get you help. We’ll get him another time.”
“We’ve n-never been so close. We c–can’t give up. Not now.”
“I’ll come back, then—” Loki tries.
“No!” Mobius shouts, startling him. He tugs Loki a little closer, until Loki has no choice but to meet his gaze, full of fear and pain but also hard, stubborn determination. “’M not gonna make it, Loki. ’M not.”
Loki opens his mouth and closes it again before he manages a weak, “You don’t know that.”
“Yeah, I do,” Mobius sighs, “and so do you. Look at me. I’m toast.” He hiccups a laugh, then winces in pain. “Sorry we never figured out what happened to your TVA. Maybe— maybe you get to this Richards variant, and he can tell you how to fix it.”
What does it matter, if you’re not there with me? The question rises unbidden and unexpected to his lips, and it’s only by luck that he doesn’t actually speak it out loud. Loki is very aware that his feelings for the Midgardian are far from usual for him, that he might have grown a little attached, but for him to be indulging in this kind of sentiment… that takes him wholly by surprise.
“You’re a g— a good man, Loki,” Mobius says when Loki doesn’t respond, his words slurring together even more than they were before. He presses a hand weakly to Loki’s chest and leaves a bloody handprint behind on his vest. “Make this worth it.”
Something inside of Loki breaks at that. Maybe it should mean less, since Mobius doesn’t really know him anymore—doesn’t remember all his terrible history, though Loki has hinted at such more than once—but somehow, it doesn’t. Somehow, it’s just as shattering as when Mobius had stood before him and told him you can be whoever you want, even someone good. He’d watched Mobius die then, too, before they found out that pruning was less than permanent, and even though he hadn’t let himself acknowledge it at the time, revenge had driven him on after that just as much as anything else. History, it seems, as a way of repeating itself.
“I will,” he promises, squeezing Mobius’s hand in his own before he finally tears himself away.
Unfortunately, finding the Richards variant in the labyrinthine building is no easy task. This Richards may not have an Alioth but he certainly has tried to build the equivalent out of henchmen, and there’s no putting all of them to sleep at once. Even with full use of his magic, Loki is stretched thin, pushed to the very limit and only able to stay there thanks to the white-hot fury coursing through his veins. With the help of a few minutemen, he cuts his way through to the deepest level of the compound, where he finds the variant apparently just… waiting for them.
“Oh,” Richards says, looking slightly taken aback, when Loki bursts into his inner sanctum. He doesn’t, however, appear particularly worried, despite the fact that Loki has a gun taken off a henchmen trained on him. “You’re new. How intriguing.”
“That’s all you have to say?” Loki scoffs. “Intriguing?”
Richards just grins at him, leaning nonchalantly back in his chair, and Loki is briefly thrown back to the citadel at the end of time with He Who Remains before him. This Richards is less flamboyantly dressed, preferring instead a simple but well-cut suit and tie, but he has the same unhinged smile and the same confident insouciance. Loki can’t figure out how he could be so cavalier about being cornered like this, until Richards stretches his arms behind his head and he catches sight of some kind of watch-like device—that is nonetheless clearly not a watch—strapped to his wrist. A type of tempad, perhaps, like He Who Remains wore, which he no doubt intends to use to escape this situation.
“What more would you like?” Richards asks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
Richards wants to do casually threatening? Loki excels at casually threatening. He lowers the gun, just slightly, and pastes a cruel grin on his face as he takes a few steps forward. “How about some acknowledgement that the TVA finally caught up to you?” Loki counters. “That’s got to be pretty galling.”
“We-ell,” Richards says, drawing out the word and smirking like he’s in on some secret that Loki is not. “It’s not, strictly speaking, the first time this has happened.”
That… doesn’t make any sense. There’s nothing in the TVA’s files that indicates they’ve ever gotten this close. No reports of anyone even seeing this Richards variant before in person.
“In fact,” Richards continues, “it’s not even the tenth time. This one was more of a surprise than most, I’ll give you that. Too bad it won’t matter.”
“And why, pray tell, is that?” “Well I could tell you, since it won’t make any difference, but honestly explaining it has gotten tiresome. So let’s just have it over with, shall we?”
With that, Richards unfolds his hands from behind his head and stretches them out in front of him instead, then starts to adjust something on the device strapped to his wrist. His way out, which he certainly can’t be allowed to exploit, not after everything that’s happened today. Loki practically launches himself across the remaining distance and tackles Richards to the ground, spilling him out of the chair and onto his back. Conjuring the knife he took from the henchman, he pins Richards’ sleeve to the floor and presses the gun under his chin, and it is so, so tempting to end him right then and there. Norns know he deserves it, but something stays Loki’s hand. This Richards is probably his best bet at finding out what happened when the TVA was reset, and the lure of that knowledge is powerful.
Then there’s the way that Richards grins up at him, looking more than half-crazed, and goads, “Go on, take the shot. You know you want to. Do it.”
And that’s just fucking suspicious.
“A tempting offer,” Loki muses with a cold smile, before he slants his eyes toward Richards’ wrist. “But I’m more curious about this.” Then he grabs the device and yanks it off in one smooth motion, snapping the band easily. The way Richards’ expression flattens into utter terror is almost comical, and Loki’s smile sharpens further. “So it is your exit strategy, then. How does it work?”
“You don’t know what you’re doing,” Richards tries, now struggling ineffectually underneath him. For how dangerous variants of this man can be, he’s still only a Midgardian, and no match for Loki’s strength. “You can’t—”
“Can’t what?”
Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to find out. Chaos erupts in the hallway again as more henchmen finally arrive to tangle with the minutemen who’d been guarding the exit, and Loki swears under his breath. His choices have now become get answers or get out, but before he can make up his mind on whether to leave Richards alive, one of the henchmen appears in the doorway and takes aim.
“No!” Richards screams, but it’s too late; a one of the rain of bullets finds its home in Loki’s neck, and quite abruptly, everything goes dark.
“Up and at ‘em, sunshine!”
Loki startles awake so hard he falls out of the chair. The chair in the archives at the TVA, where he’d been sleeping. Sleeping, not dead. He immediately lifts a hand to his neck and finds it whole and unmarked—he’s alive. Norns, it was all a terrible dream. Letting out a long, shaky breath, he looks up to find B-15 giving him a powerfully bemused look from where she stands a short distance away, pruning baton in hand, already geared up for the operation.
“Seem a bit on edge, there,” she says dryly, then continues: “Today’s the big day, and you’re sleeping on the job. Did you even go back to your room last night?”
Which is… odd. Loki is certainly not going to be the one to question the existence of premonitory dreams, but to his knowledge they are rarely so startlingly clear and painfully accurate. As the fog of sleep clears from his mind, he’s left with the unmistakable feeling that it wasn’t a dream at all, which is impossible. There’s no haziness to his memory, though, nor are the details slipping through his fingers the way that dreams do when you try to grasp them more fully. He can still remember exactly what he had answered.
“What’s the point?” he says carefully, watching B-15’s reaction. If there’s weird time stuff going on, safe to say that the TVA is probably involved. “This table is about as comfortable as the questionable piece of furniture you people insist on calling a bed.”
If she’s heard any of this before, she makes no sign of it. “You’ll have a lot bigger problems than that if today doesn’t go well,” she retorts, word for word, eyeing him with the same typical level of suspicion. “I still think it’s too early for your first field operation.”
That definitely seals it. Something is wrong. Maybe the Norns gifted him with an exceptionally detailed premonition of his future, but if they did, then what happens during the operation today… well, he doesn’t really want to think about it. Shaking his head, he tries to push himself off the ground, and it’s only then that he realizes that there’s something clutched in his hand. He hadn’t been holding anything when he went to sleep, nor had he woken with anything in his hand in the dream, so he doesn’t really know what to expect when he opens his fist. Certainly not what’s inside. He might forget how to breathe for a minute or ten.
Because there, cradled in his palm, is a watch that’s not quite a watch, its strap broken, and a splatter of dried blood on its face: the same exact device that he’d pulled off Nathaniel Richards’ wrist shortly before he’d been killed.
“You know,” he says absently, still staring at the device, “I think you may be right.”
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hi can I request Sylkius and Kiss 24 - in danger? Love your fics!
First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH 😍 and I'm sorry that this took so long! I have two more kiss fics to go after this, but I have other things I'm working on, as well, so it's all slow going. I hope this will be worth the wait.
“Well?” asks Sylvie, her expression serene, maybe a hint of ‘excited,’ as her gaze flits between them.
“Well, it's… um…” begins Loki.
“...Treacherous?” offers Mobius.
“Well, yes, but it's… kind of nice,” Sylvie counters, somewhat defensively. “Right?”
“Well, yeah,” Mobius tries. “It's just… hard to focus on that, I guess, what with the earthquakes and fires and, y'know, the knowledge that this world is literally gonna rip itself apart in…” he makes a show of checking his watch. “What, like, thirty minutes?”
“Sylvie,” Loki starts cautiously, “I know you're… comfortable with this—”
“Oh,” she interrupts, “I'm not comfortable.”
“No?” asks Mobius. “Not to make this awkward or anything, but then… why are we here?”
Sylvie shrugs. “It feels… good.”
“You're not running anymore,” Loki supplies, and Sylvie nods.
“Mmhmm. It's different now. But also…”
Loki smirks at her slightly. “The thrill.”
“The thrill,” she repeats, returning his smirk.
“Frickin’ Lokis,” mutters Mobius, more than loud enough for them both to hear, a fond smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Sylvie casts him a sideways glance, amusement evident in her gaze. “I wasn't sure I would miss it.” Her companions are silent, listening with warm curiosity. “But I needed to see what it's like now.”
“And?” Loki asks cautiously, stepping in just a hair closer.
“And it's all different,” she says, drawing closer to them both, as well.
The earth beneath them is rocked by another explosive quake, and a crumbling mountain off in the distance shrinks even smaller with another loud crack followed by a rumbling avalanche.
Mobius winces.
Sylvie's still eyeing them both with an anticipation that's palpable, laced around the edges with danger.
A small aftershock, and Loki shares a nervous glance with Mobius as his magic sparks at his fingertips, at the ready. Mobius's eyes flit toward Sylvie's pocket, where their TemPad rests.
Another, and they stumble in against her as she slips one arm around each of their waists. There's a heat emanating from her, a buzzing aura that has Mobius's stomach in knots, and Loki’s mouth hanging open.
And then her mouth is on theirs.
Her kiss is hot, and encompassing, and unrelenting. Sylvie's fingers tighten and clutch at their hips, dragging them both in against her—grasping, possessing.
There's a loud crack overhead, and Sylvie feels them both flinch against her lips as she quickly moves her hand from Loki's side to inside her pocket, operating the TemPad with a long-since-perfected three short taps, and they're falling.
“Jesus, Sylvie–” curses Mobius, wheezing at her sudden weight on top of him. “A little warning, maybe.”
They're in their bed now, the danger left behind, but the adrenaline persists.
“No time,” she pants, lowering her mouth to his again and blindly grabbing for Loki, yanking him closer and working his tucked-in shirt loose from his belt.
Mobius can only grunt against her lips in response. Beside them, Loki laughs quietly, until he's stifled, too, by a consuming kiss.
So just know that in my mind, this leads to DP. 😅
And yes I'm considering writing a followup at some point. Maybe. 😉
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mobius-loves-pie · 11 months
Going on a little ramble about all of the emotions Mobius must've gone through ON HIS OWN between discovering he's a variant and Brad picking at him for being loyal to the TVA
When he first found out, part of him was *excited.* I'm willing to bet that, despite what he says, Mobius *has* thought a lot about what a life on the Timeline might be like. I mean he did very quickly say to Ravonna, "Maybe I had a jet ski."
Now, before he learned the truth, he stayed loyal to the TVA, because he's a good man and he thought he was saving the Sacred Timeline from certain destruction. He thought all of his hopes were a pipedream at best, flat-out sacrilegious at worst. Then, it thurns out all of that yearning was *for a reason* and he could easily to go out and learn what he'd been wondering about for a likely-immesurable amount of time.
But the TVA is in peril. The only home and family he's ever known, and they're all gonna die if someone doesn't stick around and keep putting the work in.
So he has to put thise desires on the shelf again. No big deal, right? He's done it for this long, hasn't he?
But it's harder this time. Now he knows there's *actually* something there. Something *real* he could go and see and touch and hold, so of COURSE he wants to know. That's one of the reasons a good life would be worse than a bad one. Not only would it mean he suffered a greater injustice, but it would also be so much harder to not return to.
[My girlfriend also pointed out that Loki immediately relates it to when he learned about his shitty future on the Sacred Timeline, which is why he went to that possibility first, and he doesn't really have a good answer when Mobius hits him with the opposite worry.]
So Mobius has to start rationalizing. "This is the only home I've ever known, and it's my home *now*, so the old one doesn't matter." He tells himself over and over in order to not *deal with it*, because he CLEARLY hasn't talked to anyone about it.
And then Brad starts in, starts treating him like he's *stupid* for having put his home before his past, that he's nothing because he hasn't gone back to find out who he is.
Mobius doesn't lose it until Brad calls him a "nowhere man". (And I love Owen Wilson's acting in that moment. His face changes so quickly from a deflecting smile to absolute rage SO FAST). But man, it was sure that lottle name that hit him the absolute hardest. Mobius CHOSE the TVA over the Sacred Timeline for many reasons, but because his HOME and FAMILY are there, and Brad's just gonna call his family and home NOTHING and NOWHERE?
Mobius has way too much integrity to let that one slide.
(And yeah I also think he was a little riled up at the beginning because Brad was saying some shit to Loki that like. Mobius and Loki have probably been working on since Loki came back. However you want to read it, Mobius is personally invested in Loki's mental wellbeing.)
I also think it's worth noting that Mobius' response is: "YOU'RE a nowhere man! You're a silly little man!" I mean for one thing it's a very funny response to Brad's antagonism, but he's also holding back from saying anything more scathing, again for a lot of reasons. One, can't let Brad know he's any more upset than he's already shown. Two, he just made a kinda big deal about not letting Brad get under his skin. Three, I think he just gets a little immature when he's mad. I mean, his response to Loki was "He got under YOUR skin!"
The man clearly has an issue with being seen at anything lest than his best.
To add to the restraint point: It was an open-handed slap, he left immediately after, and Loki didn't even have to pull him off of Brad. Mobius' immediate response after slapping Brad (and while yelling) is to grab him by the arm, turn him and walk him *away* from Mobius, then walked away when Loki grabbed his arm.
He's just such an emotionally intelligent dude who clearly tries to resolve all of his emotional problems on his own. Maybe he doesn't want to bother anyone? Maybe he doesn't want to be seen at weak? I dunno! I hope we get to see more.
Also just how quickly Loki picks up on how upset Mobius is but that's another post lol. Honestly Loki's whole expert handling of Mobius' emotions really tells me they've been working through problems. Maybe Loki also has a therapist now.
I love this man.
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Loki looks at them, these simple mortal beings. So primitive. Like ants, running loose, lost without a queen. But they needn’t fear any longer. Loki is here, and will be their leader now. They will find purpose - glorious purpose - under their rule.
“Kneel!” Loki says again, louder, and finally they fall into line. One after the next, down to their knees, to praise -
“Um. Excuse me. Uh, sorry. This is awkward.” A man steps away from the rest. He’s wearing a dreary brown suit with a tie that needs fixing. Gray hair. Mustache. A typical, everyday Midgardian.
Loki should silence him at once. And yet - they still their hand. There’s something oddly... compelling about this fumbling oaf. Perhaps it’s the way he’s looking at Loki. Not with fear, but with interest. Curiosity. Almost a quiet understanding.
No one ever looks at Loki like that.
The man rubs the back of his neck. “It’s just that. Well. I think I might be your soulmate?”
Someone in the crowd shushes him.
Another asks, “Are you crazy?”
A woman hisses, “Mobius. There’s no way -”
The man - Mobius - glances back at her and shrugs. “So they’re ambitious.”
“They’re going to kill you.”
“Nah.” Mobius turns back to Loki. “Just a little pussycat.”
He starts forward, gently moving through the kneeling crowd, whispering, “Excuse me, pardon me, coming through,” on his way to the front.
Loki tracks his every step, watchful for any sign of trickery, but they can detect no magic on this mortal. The absolute gall of this man, to approach Loki - child of Asgard, god of mischief - as if they are equals.
Loki shouldn’t just silence him, they should scorch him from the whole of the realms.
But then Mobius smiles at Loki, a big, wide thing that twists Loki up inside. Perhaps they will wait to destroy him, if only for a moment, if only to hear him out. Loki considers themself a fair god, after all.
Listening. Then destruction.
“Speak, mortal,” Loki commands. “If that is what you desire. But know your life hangs on your words.”
Mobius looks at Loki, watching for a moment, smile never dimming. “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely the one.”
“I am all things,” Loki says, ever magnanimous.
Mobius points at them. “You’re my soulmate.”
Loki frowns. “I am not.” Then they frown harder. They know lies well, and that  felt like a big one.
But that couldn’t be.
“I have no soulmate,” Loki says, ignoring the familiar sting that comes with the words. Words repeated again and again, as all the seers in Asgard looked into their future and saw them standing alone.
Mobius’s smile softens. “Are you sure about that?”
No. Not really. How many years have passed since Loki last had the seers check? Is it possible... perhaps Mobius had been born in that time? He is but a mortal. How old could he be? 40 years? 50? The blink of an eye.
Mobius holds out a hand. “Wouldn’t you like to check?” That suit truly is ridiculous, outdated and well-worn. If they are soulmates, Loki will take him to Asgard at once and buy him -
Loki forces an abrupt stop to their own thoughts. This is deception, meant to shake them from their true purpose.
“Once I discover you are deceiving me, I will purge you from existence.”
“Okay, sure. Whatever you want.” Mobius waves his hand impatiently. “Isn’t worth trying? Then, you know, purge from existence and all that...”
“Mobius,” the same woman whisper-yells from the crowd.
Mobius rolls his eyes. “Work friend. She’s very protective.”
“She has reason to be,” Loki says, looking at that offered hand. At the long, steady fingers, the delicate wrist. Mortals are such fragile things. Beings to be conquered. Not loved.
And yet.
Loki lifts a hand. They rub their thumb and forefinger together. They will attempt a small touch for curiosity’s sake. Then, the promised destruction.
“Aren’t you afraid?” Loki asks.
“No. Excited, maybe. Not everyday you meet your soulmate.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I’m feeling confident.”
Loki swallows hard. Then they reach out. They don’t take Mobius’s hand, not fully. They merely brush the pad of one finger to the edge of his thumb.
It is enough.
Visions flood through their mind. Mobius laughing. Mobius taking Loki’s hand, pressing his lips to their knuckles, one after the next. Mobius leaning in and kissing them on their lips. Mobius pressing Loki against a wall, and Loki letting themself be pressed.
“I love you,” Mobius says under cover of darkness, in the light of day, out in the ocean on the back of some type of motorized water vehicle. “I love you,” again and again, filling the dark depths of Loki’s heart until it overflows, bursting with happiness. With immeasurable love.
Loki snaps back to the present and slowly, so slowly, withdraws their hand.
Mobius’s smile could light the whole city. “I knew it was you.”
Loki opens their mouth to speak, but what comes out is a gasped breath, very near a sob. The love from the vision has vanished, but the phantom feel of it has Loki wanting.
Deception. Has to be. But they are immune to enchantment. And there’s no magic on this man.
To be loved like that. To be held and... cherished. Even now, Mobius looks at them like they hold of all of his hopes and dreams. Loki wonders how they are looking back.
“It’s okay.” Mobius holds up both hands now, like placating a wounded animal. “I know it’s overwhelming.” Mobius takes a small step forward. Loki does too. Mobius is right there. A promise of a life Loki never thought they’d have - right there.
“Mobius,” Loki says, and the name is perfect on their tongue. They could say it a hundred times more, a thousand. They are desperate to. “Mobius.”
“I’m right here.” Mobius steps closer. Loki reaches and grabs his forearm, bunching a handful of that ugly sleeve into their fist. “I’ve got you.”
“You cannot imagine how long -”
“Step away from him,” comes a new, authoritative voice. This one, like Mobius, lacks fear, but unlike Mobius, is decidedly not Loki’s soulmate.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something,” Mobius says over his shoulder, to Captain America. “Could you give us a minute?”
Captain America does not give them a minute. “Release the citizen, Loki.”
“Wow, you are really misreading the situation,” Mobius says.
In the sky, a flying vehicle arms its weapons. Every nerve in Loki’s body stands on end, seeing Mobius in the way of it.
Loki yanks Mobius forward, closer to him, then behind him, shielding him with their body.
“Loki!” Mobius starts.
But its too late. Captain America is moving closer. Loki blocks some of his blows, misses a few others. He’s strong, but not on the level of a god. Not usually. But Loki keeps leaving themself open to protect the vulnerable mortal behind them. Loki doesn’t think Captain America would hurt Mobius, but the risk is too great. The cost is too high for Loki to guess wrong.
The sudden arrival of Tony Stark only makes matters more difficult.
When Loki raises their hands in defeat, Mobius storms around them.
“Mobius,” Loki says in alarm. Mobius is now in the way of far too many weapons. Does he not understand how fragile he is? Or how important?
“I got this, Loki,” Mobius tells them. To the others, “Now everybody hold on a minute.”
“Please move yourself to safety, citizen,” Captain America says.
“I’m perfectly safe right here.”
“Standing right there is how you get a knife in the back,” Tony Stark says.
“Loki won’t hurt me.”
“He must be brainwashed,” Captain America says.
Mobius huffs out a frustrated breath. “You aren’t listening. Loki is my soulmate.”
Tony Stark looks at Captain America. “Definitely brainwashed.” He clears his throat. “But I’ll bite. Who exactly are you?”
“Mobius M. Mobius.”
“Uh, huh. So your parents hated you,” Tony Stark says. Before Mobius can answer, Tony asks, “And what do you do, Mobius M. Mobius?”
“I’m a data analyst for a corporate conglomerate.”
“Right,” Tony Stark says. “Loki of Asgard forever bound to Mobius M. Mobius, the data analyst. Sounds fake, but okay.”
Mobius’s shoulders sink. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
Annoyance flares hot under Loki’s skin. Mobius is perfect and how dare these simpletons insinuate otherwise. How dare they make him feel anything less than he is.
Loki takes a strong step forward, but Mobius catches sight of them first and places a hand on their chest, stilling them. Loki holds, only for Mobius’s sake.
“It’s no big deal,” Mobius says.
“They cannot speak to you like that. You are the soulmate of a god.”
“I’m not thrilled about it either. Data analysis is a respectable line of work. I’ve saved my company hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Loki nods along, hoping they look impressed enough to spare Mobius’s feelings, when truly they have no idea what he is talking about. But whatever restores Mobius’s confidence is what they will do.
“Huh,” says Tony Stark. “Pencil pusher just stopped the god of mischief with a touch. You see that?”
“I saw it,” says Captain America. “I don’t think they’re lying.”
Mobius presses his lips together in a hard line before taking a breath and saying, “Loki, you have magic, right? Can you like...” He holds up his hands and waggles his fingers. “Magic us out of here. I think it’s getting a little crowded. Some conversations are supposed to be private.”
Loki likes the idea of... talking, but they had a plan when they came here today.
Loki looks at the scepter. At the people, no longer kneeling. At Captain America and Tony Stark, arguing about Mobius. And then, finally, they look at Mobius himself, with his calm, steady presence, ever-soft smile, and ill-fitting suit.
Loki meant to conquer all of Midgard. And this, being captured, was part of the plan. But. Perhaps. What’s waiting another day? Or two.
They very well can’t let Mobius be captured. To think of it, most of their plans might need changing now.
“Hold onto me,” Loki says.
“Happily.” Mobius goes easily into their arms.
And Loki holds tight as they magic away.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
gentle lover
(1)gentle lover (2)burn me to the ground Movie/Game/Show: Loki Dynamic: Loki Laufeyson/Reader Warnings: spoilers for infinity war/1st episode of loki ig, fem pronouns Summary: Loki almost wishes he could've experienced the life he's watching of you and him together. ~~~
There’s something about looking upon the gentle face of a lover and coming to the realization that you’d do anything for them. It isn’t as though you never knew - the knowledge was already there, it just took a few seconds for the thought to become cemented as truth. Loki sees this in himself as he stands before the TVA projection of his life.
He’s paused at a moment on an unnameable planet. He sees himself standing on a balcony in what he assumes to be a late-night, but instead of staring up at the stars, he’s looking upon a woman beside him. She’s looking at him as well. They share the glance with smiles - and that’s what alarms Loki most. The smile he sees is one he hasn’t felt in years. It’s small but it’s more genuine than the leather he was wearing moments ago. It’s a smile he hasn’t felt since before he knew about Laufey. Since before his mother…
He knows that woman. One of Thor’s Midgardian friends. The one assigned to watch and guard him in New York.
He doesn’t know why she’s there with him. He doesn’t know why she looks so content to be on another planet with him. He doesn’t know why he looks so at peace at her mere presence. He doesn’t know why it makes him miss a reality he’s never even known to exist.
He almost wants to be there, just to know what it is about that woman that brings him so much tranquility at that moment.
She’s just another bug, their difference in lifespans is proof enough of that. But Loki knows that look, as much as he hates to admit to his own conscience, he knows that feeling smeared across his own face. It’s caring. Tender. A softness he’s never felt for others is now on full display to a Midgardian.
Loki clenches his jaw and resumes the projection.
He watches the two slide their hands together on a railing, interlocking their fingers.
The Loki onscreen’s eyes flicker between hers and their joined hands. It isn’t even him that speaks first, it’s her.
“When this whole thing is over and Sakaar is ruined and Thor has the throne, where will you go?”
Silence is passed between them, Loki brushes his thumb over her knuckles, tilting his head to the side briefly in thought, “Where will you want me?”
She chuckles and shakes her head, “You wouldn’t want to go to Earth. Unless you’d like the Avengers up your ass.”
They giggle together, ignoring the very real reason why the Avengers would be so onto him in the first place. Loki blinks at the woman, scooting closer to her, “I wouldn’t be fond of that… but for you, my dear, I’d tear the universe apart.”
He kisses her knuckles and she merely jokes back, “That sounds like exactly why they wouldn’t want you. Sorry to say they’re not fond of universe-tearing.”
“I’m charming and romantic and this is how I’m repaid?”
“However,” she stresses with a broad grin, “I can’t say that’s not excellent bargaining to keep you on a leash.”
Loki’s brows furrow and he nearly pulls back, “Like a dog?”
“Well, now,” she bites her lip in thought and looks away at the dystopian city below, but Loki still looks at her.
He looks at her as though she’d sewn the very realms together. As though she’d hung all the moons and suns and stars and planted every sweet flower and harvested every fruit. He looks at her like she’s the beginning of his world - and he knows that it also means that, if she asked right then and there, he’d help her destroy the world too. He looks at her as though she’s the only true love he’s ever known. And for all this Loki, watching himself and this woman be entwined, knows - she probably is. He can feel it through the very projection he’s watching, and so he plays another scene with her in it.
“For a woman who could undoubtedly tear people apart, you master the role of a noblewoman, love.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
Her response is dripping in lighthearted sarcasm and it manages a laugh from the Loki onscreen as he lays back in a shared bed.
“I am somewhat on the espionage scene, it’d be a little embarrassing if I couldn’t even pull off a little role like this.”
“Even so, I admire you for it.”
“At this point, it’d be rarer to find something you don’t admire me for,” she lightly huffs, a smile tipping at her lips as she finishes tying up her dress, “Not that I’m complaining. It's a huge ego boost.”
“There certainly is much to admire about you,” Loki shows his palms as if to display a sort of surrender.
Before more can be said, the projection is paused once again. Loki closes his eyes and lets his head down in the silence - almost expecting that voice to creep through his mind again. He can hear her now, in his head. He knows that out there, in those other variations of him on the sacred timeline that haven’t yet become Variants, they can probably hear her too. In a more realistic sense, of course. Because if they’re determined to fall in love, there must be one of her fated for every one of them. And he almost pities the fact.
He plays the projection in bits and pieces.
“My mother…”
“Loki, stop, you don’t have to.”
“I wish to, dear.”
“My mother, I truly feel that she would’ve adored you.”
He takes in their love story as it comes and he struggles down what feels too intimate for even him to watch.
“Do you ever worry about the day when you wake up and I don’t?”
“Yes, of course, I do.”
“What will you do?”
“I prefer to not think on that.”
“You think about everything.”
“Some things… are better left unplanned for. At least for now, when that isn’t a valid worry in my mind.”
He almost wishes he hadn’t touched that tesseract. Just to live a life where he gets to see first-hand how this human woman manages to creep under the walls he so carefully spent years crafting.
“I love you.”
“Poor choice, really.”
“Loki. Seriously. I love you.”
“I love you, too, dear.”
It’s bizarre to see himself love. It’s bizarre to watch as he cares for a being he once would’ve had no qualms ruling over. It’s bizarre to know that this is what could’ve been the happiest times of his life if he hadn’t picked up the tesseract.
“Did you ever imagine yourself here?”
“On a spaceship with a bunch of Asgardians and the gladiators from Sakaar? No, never.”
“I meant with me.”
“I know, I was just messing with you. And… no. To be honest. I thought maybe I’d have to watch you as a guard or something. With the whole trying-to-take-over thing, but never that I’d be your girlfriend.”
“‘Eh’? The hell does ‘eh’ mean? I am!”
“It sounds so… juvenile. Girlfriend - boyfriend.”
“What? Wife sounds better?”
“In honesty? Yes, it does. I’d much rather call you my wife than my girlfriend.”
“You can’t joke about that! I’ll get my hopes up.”
“Who said anything about joking, dear?”
And as he comes to the end, as he watches himself be lifted by the titan he’s come to fear more than anything, he hears her. Her mourning. Her screaming. Her pleading. Her gut-wrenching cries.
He watches her and Thor crawl to his body and sprawl themselves over it in heaps of hiccupped tears and choked sorrows.
“You were supposed to out-live me… Loki, please. You’ve come back before, Loki, please, come back again. Come back again… I can’t - I can’t live this life without you, Loki… please… please come back again…” she sounds as though her heart itself has been ripped from her chest and torn in two before her very eyes, “You were supposed to out-live me… Loki...”
He looks away from the screen. Decides that now is too much. He can’t watch her lose what she saw as the world. Loki barely knows her and yet he knows himself enough to know if he watches her grief then he’ll want to mend it.
Looking upon her and seeing how deeply and irrevocably she’d cared for him, knowing of his past and forgiving his ways and loving him anyway, he knows he’d want to end her cries. It’s that feeling of realization that makes him feel ridiculous for wanting to do so much for a Midgardian he hasn’t fallen in love with yet.
It’s a feeling of realization that he’d do anything for that lover of his, when he gets to love her. If he gets to love her.
And it’s that ‘if’ that makes him understand why Mobius was so interested in making him watch his own life. His own future. It makes him realize what he wants but can’t have. His brother, his love, his happiness - it gives him something to want. Lying just out of reach.
So long as he’s compliant with the TVA, he assumes. Otherwise, he’d have to tear the universe in half to even see that Midgardian woman once again.
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delyth88 · 3 years
Infinity stones scene breakdown
This scene has been on my mind since seeing the first episode of the Loki series.  It’s just such a good scene, and does so many things, that I wanted to talk about it some more.
First up, Loki quietly enters the office.  You can hear an old phone ring in the background.  Loki pauses, shuts the door quietly, and then looks around hoping not to be noticed. 
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He spots Casey and goes over to him, and whispers “hey” to catch his attention. This is odd, because why would you attract the attention of the person you’re about to attack, but I think Loki doesn’t know enough about this place yet to be sure of where the tesseract might be.  He’s probably assuming it’s been moved to some high security facility.  But then Casey is oblivious to Loki’s sneaking and loudly, and it seems without much concern, says “hey” right back to him, “I know you, you’re that criminal with the blue box”. 
This surprises Loki and he grabs Casey by the shoulders and pushes him down behind the desk, out of sight of the rest of the office. All while shushing him.  I couldn’t help but be reminded of the shushing in Ragnarok.
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We then get this odd exchange, where Loki first asks Casey what his name is.  Casey is somewhat confused, but answers, and seems more annoyed than alarmed at this point.
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Loki then glances around the room with this uncomfortable look on his face, before he musters up the... something... to threaten Casey - “Give me the tesseract or I’ll gut you like a fish, Casey!”
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What’s going on here? He’s partly keeping an eye on his surroundings here in case one of the hunters arrives, and to make sure no-one is walking to close to hear him say what he knows is going to be somewhat louder than the previously whispered conversation.  But we’ve seen Loki be quiet and calculating before, and this is not that.  He looks very uncertain, and clearly uncomfortable.  I think part of that is because he knows he doesn’t have access to his magic, and he knows these people are strong enough that he can’t easily overpower them physically, so this is a huge risk for him.  Will Casey be cowed into doing what he asks? Is he threatening enough to him? Or will Casey shout out to the office for help?
This is also setting the scene for the later conversation with Mobius about not enjoying hurting people. Here we can see a dramatic change of expression and body language as he prepares for the threat.  He gathers himself, takes a deep breath, and then focuses all his attention on Casey - getting in close and looking down on him.
Casey responds “What’s a fish”
Loki is completely thrown by this response, and flips right out of Threaten Mode - “How do you not know what a fish is?”
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“Well I’ve lived my entire life behind a desk”
“Well, what difference does it make?”
“I want to know exactly what I’m being threatened with before I comply.”
“Death, Casey. Violent, painful death!”  And now that they’re back on familiar ground Loki engages Threaten Mode again. But only briefly, because as soon as Casey stands up to open his cart Loki loses his intimidating look and goes back to looking fearfully around the office in case this conversation has attracted too much attention.
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Casey opens the lid, and asks "This it?” as he hands it to Loki.  Loki  is still crouched on the ground and the drawer is at eye level.  When he glances in the draw his focus is on the tesseract and he doesn’t see the rest of the contents. He takes the tesseract and sighs in relief, examining it for a moment.  
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Once he’s sure it’s the real thing he looks back down into the drawer...
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...and sees the infinity stones. 
He leans over and grabs the edge of the drawer and I love the sad little clunk that the collar control makes as it hits the metal edge of the drawer.  What was a second ago the most important thing in Loki’s world - the tesseract, his means of escape, his way home, and the bargaining chip with Thanos - suddenly forgotten about.
He says this in such a flat tone of voice.  Carrying his confusion, disbelief, and that sense of well-today’s-been-full-of-ridiculous-things-against-me-so-why-not-another-one. 
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“Infinity stones?” 
He puts down the control for the time collar and his hand just hovers over them.  I love how this just shows how unprepared he was for this.  He’s not immediately scooping up an handful, he’s shocked and processing, and thinking about why they would be so casually stored in this unprotected drawer. And why there would be so many of them.
This is where the music picks up, having been unnoticeable up till this.  A kind of eerie wail that seems very appropriate, and also appropriately mystical for these items of such extraordinary power.
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And then I think this is the moment when he realises that whatever is going on here, that if a handful of infinity stones are just thrown in a junk drawer, then any hope he had of escaping through using the tesseract is gone.
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“H-, how..., how do you have these?” He’s temporarily at a loss for words, and his voice is so low and flat, no inflection at all. No plan. No hope at all. This is the moment when reality sinks in, that there’s no alternative but to do what he’s told (for the meanwhile at least). This is the moment that leads him to voluntarily go back to the Time Theatre and wait for Mobius.  He turns to Casey for an answer, but his tone of voice says he’s not expecting good news.
“Oh, we actually get a lot of those.  Some of the guys use them as paperweights.”
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Loki looks back in the drawer and he almost looks like he wants to cry or shout in frustration and confusion.  That feeling when everything’s against you and there’s nothing you can do about it. He picks up one of the time stones to examine.
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The slightly sad music of the TVA starts playing as he drops the time stone back in the draw, a little bit angry at them for existing, and deeply disappointed.
He looks up from the drawer and around the office, but this time actually paying attention to what he sees.  Re-evaluating these dull office workers. The music picks up here with the strings joining in.
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All the while Casey is just watching.  He might not understand this significance of what just happened, but he clearly no longer feels in any danger from this weird prisoner. He closes the lid of the drawer and then follows Loki.
Loki has clearly forgotten about Casey.  He has bigger things to think about. He stands up and wanders out into the middle of the office, not concerned about any of the staff worrying about him. Feeling every bit of his insignificance at this moment.
He wanders over to the screen showing the sacred timeline.  No-one takes any notice of him.
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And I love the look on his face here, though I don’t have quite the right words to describe it.  You can see that he’s been devastated by what he’s just seen, and he now has to build himself up from the ground. There’s a sort of grief here too, for his world that has completely changed, and possibly a little sliver of hope, or recognition of potential opportunity, but at a scale that he’s not even sure how to engage with just yet.
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And I think he’s thinking if this is true, then what of the things Mobius said might also be true.  If they can have multiple infinity stones lying around then perhaps the future he showed wasn’t a lie. He realises there’s no point in fighting anymore and I think if Hunter B-15 didn’t walk in the very next moment he probably would have just wandered back to the Time Theatre to find Mobius to answer all his questions.
I love Casey’s little head bob of acknowledgement that Loki’s right - this is the greatest power in the universe.
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How I Would Incorporate Sigyn into the Loki Series: Episode One
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Episode 2
Loki x Sigyn Masterlist
Summary: These are my on going rough notes on how I would incorporate my version of Sigyn into the Loki Series. I makes these notes as each episode airs so changes are bound to arise. Just thought it would be a fun experiment.
First things first, this Sigyn would not be my version of Canon!Sigyn. (Check out my Masterlist and specifically my notes of Thor and Thor: Ragnarok for a general breakdown of how she exist in the canon) This Sigyn would be variant.
This version of Sigyn rejected Loki's proposition to lock Theoric temporarily in a pocket dimension so he could court her which eventually leads to them getting married. I wrote the scene here.
Variant!Sigyn is then picked up by the TVA and Mobius intervenes saying that she can be useful in apprehending the big bad Variant
Mobius is relying on every variant of Loki to hold some affection for Sigyn, (of what he's seen, they always do)
Sigyn, obviously very confused and disoriented is then placed in a room with Loki
Loki automatically assumes she is his Sigyn and is a little conflicted. The last time he saw her, she was trying to stop him from destroying Jotunheim which he took as an act of betrayal. On the other hand, he does still love her and the TVA is a very, very bad place for her to be. But when he moved towards her, she backs away, and calls him "your highness".
Mobius then explains to Loki that she's a variant and that she never fell in love with him
Sigyn views the highlights from Loki's life and is horrified with the notion that it is apparently her destiny to be with a man who does nothing but bring her misery until the day he dies
May have to change to sad ending for Sigyn for Endgame to stay canon complaint. (Drop an ask if you want to here my notes for a happy ending)
Loki tries to argue that there was plenty of good there too, but Sigyn counters that there can't be nearly enough to make up for all of that pain
They get their chance to try an escape, Sigyn is hesitant, but Loki convinces her that he's a better bet than the TVA
They realize they can't leave
Sigyn agrees to stay under the hope that she can change her fate
Some possible dialogue:
"I know everything there is to possibly know about you."
"That's not nearly as romantic as you seem to think it is."
"Stop, just...shh." She then turned to the other man placing on a well practiced smile. "Hello. Casey, right?"
"Now, Casey we would very much like to leave and I have a strong suspicion you don't really want us here either."
"He did threaten to kill me," Casey said.
"Yes, apparently he does that. Now, since neither of us want us to be here if you point us in the direction of the exit."
"Ask him about the Tesseract," Loki whispered.
"We don't need the Tesseract," Sigyn hissed.
"Oh there's not exit," Casey said.
Sigyn looked to him then to Loki and let out a sigh. "Will the Tesseract get us out of here?"
"Right." She turned to Casey. "Could you tell us where the Tesseract is?"
"If we do not die together, then we will most assuredly die separately."
"I'll take my chances with separately."
"Allow me to rephrase," Loki said. "Do you trust me or them?"
"But one more than the other." He held out his hand expectantly.
"Oh you have a clever answer for anything, don't you," Sigyn snapped.
"Years of practice, you tend to blame me for everything."
"I imagine it saves me a lot of time."
"No. You're just telling my destiny is to give my heart to a man who's apparent purpose in life is to bring me misery and heartbreak. My apologizes if I'm not thrilled with the prospect."
(Let me know if you want me to continue doing this.)
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bleufrost · 3 years
There's Just Time (A Loki x reader Fanfic)
Chapter One: We've Met Before
Summary: You were an explosion waiting to happen who found love in the arms of a hurricane. Loki saw you as an angel that calmed his demons. For you, he was a savior that taught you to trust your abilities, yourself, and others. When he died, you were broken. You clung to any hope possible and watched as it all fell away. With nothing left, stories from your youth flooded back of a mysterious force that controlled time and space, and you knew that you would do anything to see him again...even if that something meant teaming up with the Time Variance Authority to capture the man you love.
A series of murders catch Mobius' eye. A familiar face catches yours.
Words: 3,118
Warnings: grief, mentions of self harm, death
If you'd searched the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go?
The pews of this church were far less comfortable than you could have possibly imagined. You let your feet dangle for a moment before pushing them up on to the pew in front of you. A bored yawn echoes in the empty halls and your eyes fall closed as the workers around you continue to struggle to make sense of the scene. When you try to breathe, you notice that the air is far too still.
“It’s great to see you making yourself useful.” The soft sound of shoes stop steadily next to your seat. With an annoyed huff, you push your feet down and sit up, looking at Mobius.
“I could be far more useful if you’d let me use my goddamn powers.” He sighs and stares down at his watch. “You know I can’t do that. Now come on, you’re a smart kid. What does this all look like to you?”
Your eyes don’t leave him for a few seconds. There was a time where you would have tried to run off; take what you needed to jump from place to place and find Loki on your own. Not now though. You know these people are far more powerful than they let on. You know that you need them if you’re ever going to see him again.
With that in mind, you walk over to the candlelit section, Mobius following closely behind. The bodies are spread out on the floor, each with wounds in a pattern far too familiar. Gunshots were never your forte. Stab wounds on the other hand, you were taught well by the best on how to both treat and inflict.
“They were stabbed.” He nods and squats down to inspect the wounds of one body more closely.
“They’re all consistent with the others. Look at the position of the bodies.” Your eyes glance over each of them. Some look defensive, but in a sudden way. Almost as if…”They didn’t know something was coming to them until it was too late. It was a blindside.” Mobius rises and pats your shoulder. It makes you uncomfortable, he’s trying desperately to be your friend and you don’t really know why. You both knew you weren’t here because it was your first option.
“That makes six attacks this week.” Your fingers tingle with the need to feel something. If you could just tap into the energy here, it could make everything so much easier. There is endless knowledge in the atmosphere of a room, especially one where such horrific things occurred. It was infuriating that they you couldn’t use a part of yourself that you had learned to depend on.
“Those are just the ones we know of.” Mobius walks around the side of the room again, just in time for your frustration to bubble over. You stare him down and, even without your abilities, you know he can feel the anger that courses through you.
“I thought you guys were all knowing.” You step toward Mobius and one of the soldiers lifts his gun. Mobius quickly puts a hand up to order him to stand down. He walks closer to you, arms up in attempt to defuse the situation. His patience pisses you off even more.
“This is a variant we’re talking about. You know better than most that those aren’t so well regulated.” He watches you closely as your jaw clenches. He’s right and you know it. It’s just felt like an eternity since any sign of Loki has come up. You were on edge, without your powers, and working with people you didn’t fully trust. Playing it cool was the only way to keep your position as Mobius’ partner though, and you had to remember that.
“Right.” You nod and turn away right as the shuffle of feet sounds from down the hall. A small child runs by and Mobius follows, along with a few of the crew. You’re not so quick to see what’s going on though. Right now, you need to think. The bodies around you were alarming. The stab wounds even more so. There was no way that Mobius didn't recognize the same signs you did, but you weren't about to broadcast it with the small chance that he didn't already know.
You had been working with Mobius for a little while now. You weren’t exactly sure how long because time has a weird tendency to move differently at the TVA. It was long enough to establish that, while you weren’t the most fond of him, he held a certain faith in you that the others lacked. Still, something was off, you just didn’t know what yet.
That’s what made all of this even more concerning. If your suspicions were even close to correct about the recent murders…you knew where your loyalties were held, and it wasn’t with Mobius or the TVA. Loki was somewhere out there. For a brief moment, before you had your powers stripped from you, you could almost feel him. It was the connection to his energy that tethered you to him when you first met, and it was a similar one to what called you to him back at the revisit to New York. There was something that kept hope in you that he was still alive, and the feeling stayed with you until the moment you entered the TVA.
Every once in a while, out here in the field, you think you can still feel little shards of it.
Your mind stops wandering when you see Mobius take something from the child to be examined. It was a little blue package, but the glowing teeth on the child are what really catch your eye. You make it just in time to see the kid point out the stained-glass imagery of the devil. Horns protrude from his head like a crown. It all felt too familiar: the god-like being, horned crown, stab wounds, and tricky nature of a blind attack. The anger, the mistrust. Your eyes can’t seem to tear away for a second, but when they do, you can’t help but stare at this kid. Something was definitely not right. Why was he so calm?
Mobius watches you from his place by the doorway and takes it all in. You can see it when you look back at him; the knowing look he gives you. It’s unsettling to think that your thoughts are so easily deciphered when you don’t have your shield to hide behind. He doesn’t ask any questions though, and for that you’re almost grateful. He says something else to the kid, but you aren’t listening anymore.
“Alright, let’s head out.” Mobius takes your arm and guides you back to the main hall. Part of you thinks these little gestures are to establish trust. Mobius truly has given you no real reason to dislike him. As a person, he appears inherently good. Without your ability to read him though, you never know what to trust. The fact that they seem adamant to keep them from you, while not his decision, makes you weary of the whole organization.
“Any of that seem odd to you?” He looks between your face and the rest of the room quickly. You know he’s trying to make it seem like he’s not watching you that closely, even though he is. Keeping your face as steady as you can, you choose your words carefully. Focus on the gum, not the horns. Not the stab wounds.
“Yeah, the gum was weird as shit. Definitely not the usual candy for this time period.” You brush his arm off of you and move your body around to feign looking over the church in attempt to hide the action. “You never know though, they might be more modern than we think.” He watches you with a straight face that breaks out into a smile instantly. Mobius nods and grins at you.
“I agree. No time variance there.” His voice is sarcastic and playful in that moment, but his face falls serious again. “What about the devil?”
You do everything in your power to not flinch or make any indication of discomfort at the question. “What about the devil? I feel like it could be a clue, but it could also just be some kid who learned from a very early age that any evil is done by a creature with hooves who lives in hell.” He continues to watch you and you continue to be as nonchalant as possible.
Finally, he nods. “Maybe.” Mobius turns and you pause to breathe for a moment before following him back to the TVA.
Upon your arrival, things move incredibly fast. Thoughts of the case are abandoned in favor of a much more urgent matter.
A call came in immediately. Before you even had a moment to settle yourself back into the usually stale atmosphere of TVA headquarters, Mobius was rushing you into a room. You almost miss the fact that the air is not stale in the slightest; in fact, it almost felt as though it was crackling with electricity.
“I need to know that you won’t do anything stupid.” The words left his mouth with urgency. The constant glances over his shoulder to the awaiting hall a clear sign that he knew something you didn’t.
Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, “What are you talking about?” He turns and paces the floor. Once. Twice. Three times before his movements halt.
“The Loki you know isn’t here. He never will be. You understand that, right?” His device flashes in his hand. You don’t know what the flashes mean, but you do know what he’s implying. Loki’s here. Somewhere in this building. In the same general place that you are. Loki is here.
Mobius continues to wait for a response. His foot taps with impatience. “When I took you in, we promised each other that our partnership wasn’t over when we found him. You can’t go rogue on me or this is all over for everyone, do you understand?”
Your breaths come out in rapid little puffs as your mind tries to wrap itself around the unspoken truth here. Mobius is right in theory. This isn’t the Loki you knew at the time you lost him originally. This Loki is still afraid. He’s angry, hurt, confused, and so far from trusting you. Where Mobius is wrong though, is in thinking you aren’t familiar with him at all. You know Loki in all forms, and if it takes a little extra time to make up for lost memories, that would be more than okay with you.
“Hey, I need an answer.” Mobius’ voice was barely registering with you, but you heard it. He’s on edge and you almost panic at the thought of potentially not seeing Loki as soon as possible if Mobius doesn’t think you can handle it.
“I understand and I’m not going to do anything stupid.” You can’t speak the words fast enough and as Mobius searches your eyes for any sign of deceit, you know all he sees is honest desperation. You would do anything to be with him again. That’s the truth.
With an affirming nod, Mobius leads the way to a section you recognize as the courtroom.
The air here is thick, almost unbreathable. The crackles turn to little sparks as you near the doors. How is it that in a place that banishes magic, Loki can still make the ghost of yours come to life? To say that you aren’t prepared to see him again would be an understatement. You traveled through time itself to be near him again, but the prospect of achieving that goal never actually felt like a fantasy you could fully entertain. How very like him to bring your wildest dreams to fruition in the most obscure of moments. Your thoughts all come to a sudden halt when you hear the faint sound of the most narcissistic angel to ever utter a word.
“…because they traveled through time. No doubt in a last ditch effort to stave off my ascent to god king,” Your mouth falls open in silent shock. Of course the first thing you hear from him in years is an accusation, you assume, to have you arrested instead of him.
Your gaze falls on him and you feel a weight lift off your shoulders as you see him, truly see him, moving, speaking, and having just as big a flair for the dramatics as usual. He’s here. He’s alive. He’s okay.
Mobius nudges you to follow him and you both attempt to silently take your seats in the rows lining the courtroom. Your heart pangs as Loki mentions Tony, but you sit and listen, nonetheless. He continues to argue with the judge, bringing up your old team and reminding you of just how much things have changed irreparably.
“Perhaps you can provide me with a task force and resources, and I can return and eliminate them for you.” His hands are spread confidently, but they immediately fall when you let out a short laugh. The comment caught you off guard and a part of you loved that he still thought he could squash your team so easily. Even after all that happened in New York, he never gave up and you loved that about him; even if his determination was a bit misplaced at the moment. Loki is nothing if not confident in his abilities to charm and disarm.
Your hands fly to your mouth immediately when you realize that the majority of the courtroom is staring at you.
That’s when it happens. His gaze pierces into you like a dagger, sharp and oh so welcome to do whatever damage it pleases. Your hand goes down, stopping at your chest where you can feel your heart pounding. Tears slowly well up in your eyes, but you blink them away as quickly as they came.
Loki tilts his head to the side subtly. You know he recognizes you and you know your lame attempt to hide your pain and love was seen right through. He doesn’t say anything though. Even though he was just offering to hunt your team down for sport and turn you in to gain his freedom, he says nothing to indicate you should be on trial. Instead, his eyebrows scrunch together, and he continues to stare at you. There seems to be a hint of sadness in his eyes, but you know you’re just imagining it.
The judge clears her throat, calling the attention of the room back to her. Loki’s eyes slowly move from yours. You continue to watch him though. It isn’t irrational to fear he might disappear at any moment. Not with him, and definitely not here.
You barely listen as he learns many of the same things you previously did about the Time-Keepers and his inability to use magic here. His attempts to conjure his daggers pulls your focus, but not in the same way a conversation would. No, you swear that you feel the frustration and utter helplessness that courses through him. You know the feeling, but this rushes over you just as fresh as the day you lost your powers. You can't be feeling it from him though, and that is reestablished in your mind as his magic fails to conjure.
What does call your attention is the sentencing that Loki receives and the sheer panic of potentially losing him again. You move to rise, ready to put up a fight because you know that being this close and failing is not something that you want to survive. In that moment, you don’t care if they kill you instantly. You just can’t live in a world without him. Not again. If you could find a way for him to escape, a way to feel him one more time and know that there is a chance that he could be okay, that he could live and learn to love again…well, death wouldn’t be so bad at all.
Before anything could happen though, Mobius pushes you back into place with a firm hand and rises. He runs over to the stand, speaking to the judge in whispers that you can’t decipher. Your lip trembles and you choose to scan the room for an escape route instead of focusing on Mobius, and Loki’s impending doom. When you find Loki again, his eyes are fearful and searching just like yours. You’re too preoccupied to notice when his worried gaze lands back on you. You don’t see when the fear slips from him and turns to calmness for a reason that he can barely understand.
The few seconds that Mobius spends by the stand feel like a lifetime, but his words are worth the wait.
“Alright, Loki you’re coming with us.” You have never felt more grateful for the man in your time here. Mobius takes hold of a collared Loki and guides him to the door. Loki shrugs his hand off and glares at him. “Who is us?” You take that as your cue and rise to fall into step on the opposite side of Loki.
Loki’s eyes find you the moment you’re next to him. The first time you met back in New York, you were young and still in training to fight. They had put you in the field out of desperation. When you came face to face with Loki then, you had felt small and insignificant. His confusion when he wasn’t able to control you had sparked a subtle interest in him, but you were still just an insignificant child in the eyes of a powerful god.
Now, standing next to him, you didn’t feel small in the slightest. You felt just as powerful as he had taught you to be. Even if he didn’t remember the endless time you spent together, the nights you cried over the torment your powers put you through and the days he could barely see himself through the monster he thought he was. Even if he had no memory of picnics in the park, dark nights spent teaching you to dance beneath the stars, movie nights, and laughing as you screamed lyrics at the top of your lungs in an effort to get your family to sing along (Tony, Wanda, and Thor often did); it was okay. All you needed was each other. The rest would fall into place.
“Hi. I think we’ve met before.” You give him a smile and continue walking beside them. Loki’s eyes don’t leave your face and you feel him staring as you all leave the courtroom behind. Finally, he shakes from his thoughts and offers you a soft nod.
“Yes. I believe we have.”
a/n: ahh first chapter done! I really hope you guys like this. please feel free to leave any feedback/suggestions you have to make my writing or story better. I appreciate any interaction so so much xx
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lowkeyorloki · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x Mobius
Rating: Teen and up, but nothing more than a couple kisses
A/N: Hiiii sorry I’m never on here anymore I’m a bit busy and I don’t have time to post consistently on tumblr if I want to keep updating my multichapter! I know this isn’t my usual content but I’m posting it on my ao3 so I figured I’d drop it here as well ^.^ it’s funny, I don’t even ship lokius but I saw some fanart on twitter of them hugging and it just... inspired me. If this is your thing, I hope you enjoy <3
It’s just that… Loki knows it will have to be him.
He can’t read Mobius, not like he can every other human he comes across. Or being, even. Mobius has seen every moment of Loki’s life, some of which Loki himself will now never live out or understand. Mobius has watched Loki in his most private moments.
It makes the TVA agent inescapable. He knows Loki, truly knows him, whether Loki likes it or not. 
And so Loki can’t tell with Mobius. The small exhaled laughs or the allowance of Loki to fix his tie. Loki doesn’t know if Mobius does these things because he wants to, or because Loki would like to think the other man wants him to. 
And Mobius is loyal to the TVA, anyway. Even if he were to look past all of Loki’s faults, even if Mobius were to see Loki as anything more than a pain in the ass of a friend, he wouldn’t do anything. It was controversial enough to bring in Loki at all.
Loki should be thankful he has Mobius in any capacity at all. 
And so Loki knows he would have to make the first move. And he can’t do that, because Mobius is possibly the only person who could destroy Loki with a simple rejection. 
Loki keeps quiet, and lives for when his shoulder brushes Mobius’s in the elevator. 
Trying to find the variant is exhausting. Mobius is on his seventh cup of coffee, and his head is starting to buzz. Not the good, productive type of buzz either. The type that makes someone need to lay down. 
Apparently, Loki has already had that idea. Mobius glances at him, asleep across the table and surrounded by books and loose papers. As he drains the last of what’s in his cup, Mobius realizes he hasn’t seen Loki eat or drink a single thing since he got here. If he had to, Mobius would bet money the god hasn’t been sleeping either. 
Mobius stands up, his back cracking when he does. He groans - Mobius is getting old, something he’s noticed more and more lately. He walks around the table until he’s right next to Loki, ready to wake him up. Loki’s breaths are even, hitting the ends of a few pieces of paper. Mobius has never really seen him like this - calm, subdued. He almost looks peaceful. Mobius leans over Loki, hands on his hips as he examines the other man. 
Mobius would never tell Loki, but it is obvious that the dark-haired man is a god. There are just things about his looks that clue Mobius in. 
Loki’s skin, even as it’s gotten dull with his time in the TVA, is technically flawless. He glows, even in his embarrassing or rude moments. His cheekbones are impossibly sharp, and his lips are the reddest Mobius has seen. He would guess they’re soft. 
Loki’s hair was the most dead giveaway. It always looked perfect, loose curls that seemed to suck in any light. It was the opposite of Mobius’s graying blond hair. He’s shiny. Everything about Loki is shiny. 
Loki stirs, and Mobius straightens up, not wanting Loki to see him watching. He was upset enough that Mobius has watched his entire life over. 
Mobius ponders how to wake Loki up when a lock of his black hair falls into his face. Without thinking, Mobius reaches forward and tucks it behind the man’s ear.
Reckless. Loki really does start to wake up then, and Mobius swats him with the corner of the folders in his hand. 
“Come on,” Mobius says. “We’re not even close to done.”
The two of them are so close to making strides. Loki is smart, just like Mobius knew - just like he keeps convincing Ravonna - but he’s being held back. It’s like a single wrong look could make Loki wither away, be absent for the rest of the day. Mobius has no clue how someone who thought so highly of himself could be so affected by the glare of a random agent. Maybe Mobius didn’t know Loki as well as he thought. Only in small ways, though. 
And Mobius still hasn’t seen him eat or drink a damn thing. 
He stands up abruptly, surprising Loki. His head shoots up, perfect curls becoming loose and falling in his face in the process. Mobius almost considers brushing them away. 
“Come on,” he says, gesturing towards the exit. Loki narrows his eyes.
“We haven’t even been here four hours,” he says, which is generous, because they both know they’ve only been there for two. Mobius lets out a harsh sigh. 
“Am I the supervisor or are you? Let’s go, Loki.” Loki seems to know Mobius is doing him a favor, and stands up as well. Loki follows him down a new set of hallways, stands next to him in an elevator he hasn’t been on yet. 
“Am I to take it we’re breaking the rules, or…?” Loki trails off in a way that is anything but unsure. 
“It’s for the sake of the cause,” Mobius says. “We don’t need to address it directly.”
Mobius does look over his shoulder when he gets to the door, and locks it as soon as they’re both inside. He flicks on the lights, and Loki looks bored. Mobius lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Don’t say I never did anything for you. Sit down,” he gestures towards the couch. 
“Agent Mobius, are you allowing me in your home?” Loki’s eyes glint. Despite himself, Mobius finds himself relieved to hear Loki making quips again. He already might have more energy. 
“Hey, if we don’t talk about it, my job security looks a lot better,” Mobius sets a bowl down in front of Loki. “Will you please eat something? God or not, I don’t know how you’re still alive after a month.” Loki presses his lips into a thin line.
“Mobius, I appreciate the gesture, but you don’t need to -” Mobius is already prepared, and tosses a piece of food directly into Loki’s mouth as he speaks. He makes a gagging noise, and looks at Mobius furiously, but the other man is already laughing. 
“What… what are these?” He asks after swallowing, seemingly admitting defeat. Mobius laughs again.
“Goldfish. They’re from Earth you know,” Mobius eats a few, and quietly celebrates when Loki does as well. 
“Goldfish. I know of an employee you have that might benefit from these,” Loki tells him. 
“I’m flattered you think I’m anyone’s, especially Casey’s, superior. But really, the only person I’m in charge of is you,” Mobius says. Loki glares. 
“I’m always ten steps ahead of you all. Surely you know that,” he says, but it’s non-committal. Mobius can tell. 
“Yep. You’ve said before, handsome. This is all part of your plan.” Mobius looks to Loki for his next retort, but Loki doesn’t say anything. He stares at Mobius with an unreadable look on his face, and Mobius realizes his slip up. Handsome.
“Hey, don’t let my crackers go to waste. They’re hard to get a hold of around here, you know,” Mobius says, and Loki seems to move.
They stay like that for awhile, Loki sitting as Mobius watches over him. Mobius is just getting comfortable again when Loki gets up.
“It’s been great, but we probably should be heading back now,” he says, walking towards the door. “Wouldn’t want the timekeepers finding out about this, would we?”
Mobius stops him, carefully telling him to wait. Loki does, back facing him.
“I can tell you’re tired, Loki. I get it. You got here just after a war,” Loki tenses, just barely, at the mention of New York. Mobius talks faster to smooth it over. “I think you can take a day off. Better for me anyway. I don’t want to be sticking my neck out for someone who isn’t even helping all that much.” Mobius puts his hand on Loki’s shoulder. 
He’s always shocked by the amount of muscle he can feel through the material of Loki’s shirt. Loki seems so lean, but whenever Mobius touches him, he can feel how solid the other man is. He likes it. It’s soothing.
Loki turns around, looking suspicious. Mobius doesn’t blame Loki, but he does almost feel guilty. 
“You can sleep here. Not just today. I’m sure the cot they have you sleeping in hardly compares to whatever you had on Asgard,” Mobius steps away, letting Loki go and waving his hand. “My couch doesn’t either, but it’s an upgrade for sure. Living room is all yours, buddy.”
“Where are you going?” Loki asks. Mobius looks at him. 
“To my room. I’m tired too,” he says. Loki blinks. 
“Won’t someone notice I’m not where I’m supposed to be?”
“I’ll take care of it,” Mobius says dismissively, even though he has no idea how he’s going to pull this off.
He’s practically made Loki a promise at this point. He’ll figure out how to make it all okay somehow. 
It’s driving Loki insane. 
Before, he could keep it all in because he was scared that Mobius wouldn’t want it. Wouldn’t want him. But now, there are moments that Loki doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that Mobius might push him away, give him that disapproving look if it meant Loki could just…
Kiss him. 
Loki scoffs at himself. He didn’t even get this caught up in the thought of a kiss as a boy. It was pathetic to feel like this in adulthood. 
What’s even worse is the thought that maybe this is how it’s supposed to be. He can recall watching Thor on Earth as he followed around Jane Foster, losing every bit of charm that kept him so popular on Asgard. At the time, Loki didn’t understand it.
But now he does. 
Everything is so high stakes for him - Loki is doomed if he doesn’t do as the TVA wants, and he would have been doomed had he just stayed on Earth like he was supposed to. But he barely even pays attention to those things.
Every waking moment is about Mobius. How he looks in the morning before he showers, hair tousled as he digs around in the fridge. The way his face lights up when he and Loki almost find the variant, and then the inevitable disappointment when they don’t. How every night, without fail, he tells Loki goodnight as the god falls asleep on his couch. 
Loki is starting to think there is something here. Because he’s paranoid, but not stupid. Mobius wouldn’t be letting Loki get this close if he thought the same way as when they first met. 
They enjoy each other. Mobius likes to lead, to rebel in the way he’s been given permission to. And Loki is realizing he doesn’t mind following a man like Mobius. 
Of course, the TVA isn’t so bad either. 
The organization itself, Loki hates. He’s never met the timekeepers, but they sound like kings. That was a group Loki never got along with. 
But the buildings, the center, was growing on him. Even if he wasn’t allowed access to most of the materials, Loki likes the library. He enjoys staying deep in the bookshelves, and bringing a stack out to drop right on the book Mobius is reading. Loki likes the elevators, which seemed to be the few minutes he could simply stand in silence and rest. He likes Casey too, though he tends to leave the poor, sad man alone now. 
Most of all, Loki likes the long hallways that rarely had anyone but him and Mobius. They feel private without being stifling. Sometimes, when the two go back to Mobius’s apartment too early, Loki feels sick. Like it physically hurts to be so close to having what he wants.
“That brown suit is hideous, you know.” Loki tells Mobius as they’re both getting ready. Mobius scowls at Loki.
“It’s uniform. You know, if everything works out, you might get one just like it,” Mobius retorts. Loki scoffs. “Alright then, mr. prince. What would you have me in?”
Loki stops, his eyes trailing over Mobius as he thinks about the question. Loki smirks, turning around as he grabs his belt.
“Anything else. You always look so uptight. No one here knows how to let loose a bit.”
“I’m uptight. That’s a good one,” Mobius says. He’s standing by the door, wanting to leave. “Could you hurry up and put your pants on? We’re late.”
All Loki is doing is tucking his shirt in, but he thinks he can feel Mobius looking. It’s in a way that doesn’t seem strictly observational. 
The nightmares, of course, are an issue. 
Loki hasn’t shared a room since he and Thor were children, so no one knows about the night terrors he gets. Maybe Mobius does, having had a glance at a few as he watched Loki’s life play out on the screen. But Loki doesn’t think so, because Mobius has never said anything. 
But of course, Loki has to ruin that. He wakes up with a shout that echoes off the walls. He slaps a hand over his mouth, then pulls it away, sticky with sweat. He’s pinching the bridge of his nose when Mobius bursts into the living room, slamming his hand over the light switch to turn it on.
“I’m sorry,” Loki says immediately, squinting at the brightness. “I didn’t mean to be so loud. I know you would get in trouble if someone were to find me here.”
“You.. I’d…” Mobius blinks, still half asleep and trying to figure out what’s happening. “Loki, are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Go back to bed, Mobius.” Loki leans more into his palm, cursing himself for letting this happen. If Mobius knows Loki like he claims to, he should just go.
Mobius stays in the doorway, and Loki can practically hear the gears turning in his head. Mobius sighs.
“Look, I’m not gonna ask you what it was, but… why don’t you sleep in here for tonight?” He gestures behind him, presumably towards his bed. Loki raises his head, looking at the other man.
Mobius looks sincere - painfully so. It seems like he doesn’t know what’s going on or what he should do, but he also looks like he just wants Loki to listen. 
Loki gets up, folding the blanket on the couch before he follows Mobius. Loki crawls into the bed after the other man, staying as far away as possible. He expects Mobius to say something else, but he doesn’t. Mobius just sighs and yanks the blanket towards him. 
Loki wakes up feeling amazing. 
He feels rested, warm and heavy as he stirs. The room smells like sleep, and Loki can’t help but raise his arms above his head and stretch. That’s when he feels something on his chest. Loki opens his eyes, peering down. Mobius’s arm is slung over him, the other man still asleep. 
Loki doesn’t move, trying to figure out how asleep Mobius still is. He wonders if they can stay like this for a few more minutes. 
He doesn’t take the chance. Loki gets up, quietly leaving so he can take a shower in the bathroom where his toothbrush sits next to Mobius’s. 
Mobius doesn’t like this shift in his feelings. 
He liked thinking Loki was all bravado with no depth. It was easy to separate everything that way. What was work, and what wasn’t. What mattered and didn’t. 
What was ethical or not. 
Being around Loki so much was making Mobius like him. Even worse, care. He started to dread rewatching certain scenes from his life to look for clues that might tell him where other Lokis are, because Mobius can see the effects of it all now. They’re playing out in front of him, sleeping on his living room couch. 
When Loki wakes up from whatever he was dreaming about, Mobius feels sick. He doesn’t even think about the fact Loki’s cry is loud enough to get caught - literally does not even occur to him. His only thought is, what now? What could possibly catch up to you here?
After Loki lays down in his bed (which was easier to get him to do than Mobius thought), Mobius listens for his breathing to even out. Then he reaches over, resting his arm on Loki’s chest. Mobius falls asleep making sure Loki is still breathing. 
Mobius notices the way Loki looks at him. The realization makes Mobius think about the two of them. What it would mean. 
It hasn’t even occurred to him to look at Loki like that, not seriously. Loki is an asset, so Mobius built up a ton of walls for the sake of professionalism. You know, for his job. Mobius is aware of Loki’s attractiveness because he has to be. It’s part of the reason all these Lokis get away with so much. 
But after that night Mobius begins to look at Loki because he can. And then he realizes he’s been doing that all along. 
“You know,” Mobius tells Loki the next afternoon. They’re in the cafeteria, and Loki is eating everything in his salad but the cherry tomatoes. “It might be better if you stay with me again tonight. Like you said, we wouldn’t want any of my neighbors to pick up on anything.” Loki raises an eyebrow, carefully setting his fork down. Mobius clears his throat.
“No need to be embarrassed, partner. I’m told I have a soothing presence.”
“I absolutely would not say that,” Loki says. “But… if you insist. After all,” Loki’s eyes glint. “You’re in charge.”
Mobius doesn’t know what to say to that, and drinks a cup of water in just one gulp.
And they settle into it. Loki doesn’t sneak out of Mobius’s arms, in fact, he actively seeks them out. Only once everything is quiet and the lights are out, but still. Loki tucks his head under Mobius’s chin, Mobius wraps his arms around Loki’s torso, and they both like it. A lot.
They don’t mention it ever, but it doesn’t seem like something they aren’t allowed to talk about. It’s just part of the routine. Shower, study, search, eat, get in bed. It’s nice. 
At some point, Loki realizes this is the longest he’s stayed in one place for a very long time. 
Just like Loki thought, he’s the first to do it. 
They’re in the elevator, and it’s taking a particularly long time, and Mobius decided to stand closer than he needed to and Loki just… kisses him. 
The best part is, Mobius doesn’t even seem surprised. He opens his mouth when Loki bites down on his lip, and he holds on to the lapels of Loki’s jacket and Loki cradles his face. Everything is so familiar, so natural, and Loki can’t help but smile against Mobius’s stupid mustache. 
And then Loki pulls away. Mobius doesn’t say anything, but he gives Loki a sad smile. Loki feels his blood run cold. 
“What?” He asks, and suddenly, he feels like a child. Like Mobius knows something he doesn’t, and now Loki is going to be chastised. 
“Nothing,” Mobius says, but that’s obviously not true. He sighs. “It’s just… that can't happen again.”
Loki stares at Mobius. “Why?” He demands. “Did you like it?”
“Yes,” Mobius says. His hands are resting on Loki’s waist, but he slides one over Loki's stomach. Mobius’s fingers find their way through the holes that the buttons of Loki’s shirt leave. The feeling of Mobius’s fingers on Loki’s bare skin make Loki dizzy, and confused. 
“Then why can’t we do it again?” He asks, wanting to rip Mobius’s hand off of him, but unable to bring himself to. Mobius grimaces. 
“Loki... Isn’t what we got goin’ enough?” Loki is cool under Mobius’s fingers. No more than anyone else though, even with his frost giant heritage. “C’mon, Loki,” when Mobius glances at Loki, then immediately looks away. The sight of Loki’s disorientated face, combined with his mouth slightly ajar… it’s too much. “You know if it goes any further one of us will screw up. I’ll even say it’ll be me. But someone would notice. It’d be impossible for them not to.”
“But… you’re the one who started this,” Loki protests, and he’s right, because Mobius is the one who brought him into this whole mess. The TVA, his apartment, his bedroom. It’s all been Mobius. Loki never asked for any of that. 
“I know,” Mobius says, and he sounds like he’s sorry. “Listen, I know. I’m sorry. We can’t have it all, but if we keep going the way we have, we can still have some.”
Loki steps away, and Mobius’s face falls. He looks more angry than sad. 
“I think I’d like to go back to my cell now.” Loki says. 
Loki doesn’t actually go back to his cell. But he does sleep on the couch again, and refuses to touch the Goldfish Mobius leaves out.
Mobius feels like a dick, but he’s also sort of pissed. He’s not happy about this either, and if Loki wasn’t always so selfish, he would see that Mobius also isn’t prancing around in happiness. 
“I’m not like you,” Mobius tells Loki the next morning. “Look, I can’t just… rebel. It’s not a luxury I’ve been afforded.”
“I’m glad that after seeing my entire life and death, you’ve settled on the word ‘luxury’ to describe it,” Loki responds angrily, and Mobius just backs off. He knows he won’t get anywhere with Loki, not like this. 
Watching Loki close himself off is… exactly what Mobius would have thought it would be. 
It’s exactly the same as when Loki arrived at the TVA, he’s just less defensive. Loki is just as mad at everyone else, but with Mobius, Loki doesn’t even give him a reaction. He does exactly what’s asked of him, no more and no less. 
Mobius misses him. 
Loki is just across the table, but Mobius misses their rapport. He wants to tease the god again, hassle him as they make their way to the cafeteria. Mobius wants to listen to Loki talk about Asgard, tell him all the little details that can’t be picked up on a screen. He wants his friend back. 
And now Mobius isn’t sleeping, either. He grew used to Loki’s head resting on his chest, the feeling of his hip in his hand. Mobius thinks about the skin of Loki’s stomach, how everything in the elevator felt. 
It was like Mobius lit up. He felt alive again, with free will and all.
But of course, Mobius doesn’t have free will. If he did, he’d pull Loki into the elevator himself, and show Loki just how much wanted this too. 
It hurts because Loki knows Mobius wants this. 
It’s almost worse than if he didn’t - because Mobius liking, wanting, and maybe even needing Loki back, it makes him like everything else in Loki’s life. Loki is so close, he can reach it, even hold it in the palm of his hand. A life with Mobius, at least for the time being, would be exactly as it was before the argument, except more so. Just a bit more. 
Loki can’t take it. He feels like he’s going to vomit every second of the day, because his life is a vicious cycle and coming so far just to be thrown away.  He takes long showers now, the stream of water being the only thing that can drown out his thoughts. Loki almost doesn’t see Mobius as he steps out of the bathroom, drying his hair. 
“Loki,” the other man says, and his tone is so grave that Loki stops. 
“Mobius,” he responds. “Do you need something?”
“I… I wanted to apologize,” Mobius takes a step forward. “For what I said.”
Loki tilts his head. “For which part? I recall quite a few things.” A look of exasperation passes over Mobius’s face. Loki hates to admit it, but the look is relieving. It makes everything seem less serious than it is. 
“What I said about not being like you,” Mobius explains. “Look, I know you’ve felt alone your whole life. And the way I said that, I don’t feel good about it. I’m sorry.”
Loki blinks, then throws his towel in the hamper. 
“It’s fine,” he says. Mobius shakes his head, stepping even closer, and Loki raises his eyes. 
“No, Loki, it’s not,” Mobius reaches up, running his fingers through Loki’s damp hair. “I lied,” he murmurs. “I lied to the God of Lies. I am like you, Loki. I’m your kind. I know Lokis, so I know who you would have been. But this you?” Mobius places his hands over Loki’s hips and pushes, pressing Loki’s back against the wall. “I’m still getting to know who you are now. And I like you, Loki. I really do.” Mobius stares at Loki expectantly. Loki swallows, resting his hands on Mobius’s shoulders. Mobius is softer than Loki is, and it makes Loki’s mouth water. From here, Loki can see every wrinkle and gray hair that Mobius has. He’s painfully human. Loki closes his eyes, leaning forward to press his lips against Mobius’s temple. 
“Do you mean it?” He asks. “Will it stick? Are you going to call it all off?” At this angle, Mobius can reach Loki’s neck, and he begins to suck on the delicate skin there. Loki lets out a moan. 
“I can’t promise we’re gonna get married and be together forever,” Mobius teases Loki lightly. He runs his tongue over Loki’s Adam’s Apple. “But I’m not gonna stop just because of the TVA. You.. you’re worth more than that.” Mobius slides his palms under Loki’s shirt and up his back, and Loki melts into him. “I promise.”
“Okay,” Loki says, because that’s all there is to say. He trusts Mobius, Loki realizes. He wholeheartedly does. 
“Loki,” Mobius says, exhaling. “Can I touch you? Do you want me to touch you?”
Loki straightens, catching Mobius’s eye. 
51 notes · View notes
darkshadow90 · 3 years
President Loki x reader: Trapped in the void
Summary: You’re pruned and end up in the void. President Loki saves you from Alioth, but it comes at a price. You hope someone will save you from him. Eventually you meet another Loki variant who looks exactly like President Loki, but he’s very different. 
A/N: Hey guys. If you remember my post sharing my thoughts on President Loki, I mentioned I was planning on writing more President Loki x reader one shots. This is an idea I’ve had that’s darker than the one I wrote earlier. The reader is pruned and meets President Loki. He is not nice to her at all. Remember when I said I thought President Loki was Loki’s worst traits in one package? I wanted to put some of that into this one shot. This will be a dark one shot and does not attempt to romanticize his actions toward her.  Don’t worry though. She has a happy ending. Warnings: Abusive relationship, implied sexual assault (it’s referenced, but not specific so no smut), verbal abuse, referenced periods of starvation. If any of this bothers you, you should probably skip this. Other than that I hope you like it :)
You woke up after being pruned in some strange place. “Oh, and what do we have here?” It was a Loki variant, that much you knew. He was wearing a horned headpiece as if it was a crown. He was wearing a formal green suit with a “Vote Loki” pen fastened on it. He looked you up and down, examining your appearance. “Clearly you’re not a Loki. You’re a Midgardian.” You saw a monster in the sky. “And that is Alioth, no one other than a Loki has survived here. These men are my lesser variants. I suppose you could say I’m king here, or rather I soon will be. If you’re wise, you’ll come with us.” You really didn’t have a choice, as you didn’t want to be killed by Alioth. Regardless, you didn’t like this Loki variant. He appeared to view himself as presidential considering the “Vote Loki” pen on his suit. He was arrogant. He thought he was above others. He didn’t bother to ask you what your name was. Unfortunately, you would come to dislike him even more.
All of you eventually made it back to the bunker. You went down first, and everyone else followed. “Welcome to your new home, pet. I’ll explain the rules. You will only answer to me and no one else. When I want something from you, you will give it to me without question. When I give you an order, you will obey me. You are my property. I own you. If you do as I say, you will be well cared for. If you don’t, you will be punished. Do you understand?” You nodded. He placed a finger underneath your chin and lifted your head so you were looking at him. “I expect an answer, pet.” His eyes showed that he loved being in control. “Yes...I understand.” He was pleased with your answer. “Good girl.” He dragged you to his bedroom. It was nice and relatively clean considering the living situation.
He closed the door behind him. “I think you’ll do nicely. Be a good girl and take off your clothes.” Your voice caught in your throat. “What?” “You heard me. You didn’t think this wouldn’t be part of the arrangement, did you? It’s been so long since I’ve had someone in my bed. You should thank me. I could’ve left you out there to die.” You knew what that meant. “Please, Loki. I don’t want to sleep with you.” “Would you prefer if I tossed you  out there?” “No.” “Then do as I say.” You took off your clothes and the assault began. It was brutal. Loki was not gentle. He wasn’t considerate of your comfort or safety in any way. He did what he wanted. It was finally over you just laid there staring at the ceiling. Loki seemed satisfied, ‘but you didn’t care. “I think I’ll keep you.” He left the room.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but it felt like time was infinite. Given that you were in a wasteland, there wasn’t much food. You ate what you had. Loki continued to use you as he pleased, he berated the other Lokis. He was an autocrat. You didn’t dare say anything. The few times you didn’t do what he said, it resulted in more fear and harsh punishment. “That’s enough for now. We need to get some rest. I have another bunker and more lesser variants to conquer.” It seemed like you had just fallen asleep when you were woken up. “Get up, pet. We’re going after that bunker.” You followed him closely all the way to bunker. Just as you approached it, the hatch opened. A Loki who looked just like the Loki you were with was at the top of the latter. He was wearing a dirty light blue shirt with a brown tie with the sleeves rolled up and brown pants. “Ah, hello. Which one of us are you?” The Loki you were with asked.
You and the rest of the Lokis climbed down inside the bunker. “About that deal we made, I’ve decided to make a new bargain.” “What? You can’t go back on your word!” “Come on. What did you expect? This is my bargain. My army, my throne.” The Loki who looked like your Loki looked at you. You couldn’t be too sure, but you thought he was expressing sympathy. Of course your Loki noticed him looking at you. “Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest in my toy. Go on, pet. Give him a show.” You felt your stomach churn. “But--” “Now!” He practically threw you at the other Loki, but the other Loki caught you before you could fall to the ground. “Don’t keep him waiting.” You gave the other Loki  a pleading look. “No. I’m not doing this. I’m not going to make her do something she doesn’t want to do.”
His response shocked you. Was this Loki a good person? You weren’t sure, but he didn’t seem mean-spirited. “What have you been doing to her? I can see bruises. Have you been feeding her properly?” Your Loki chuckled. “I merely took what was mine. She belongs to me. I must say I never thought mortal bodies could be resilient enough. I suppose now I know why that dolt of a brother likes them so much.” He smirked, proud of his statement. “You are disgusting. You treat her like an animal!” “I see no difference. And who are you to preach morality? You are me, after all. You’re telling me you wouldn’t take what belongs to you?” “There was a time when I wanted a throne, but I’m not that person anymore. Even if I was, I would never do what you did to her. I have friends to find so I can get out of here.” “Well, isn’t that touching? Very well.” Your Loki snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground, signaling he wanted you next to him.
The other Loki pulled you close to him. “What’s your name?” “Y/N.” “Y/N, you don’t have to go to him. You can come with me. My friends were pruned which means they’re here too. We’ll find them, and you can get out of here. Trust me.” “Pet. Get over here. Now.” Your Loki gave you a warning look, you could tell from his tone that he was losing patience. “I want to go with you, but he’ll never let me go.” You whispered to the other Loki. “You’re a person, not a possession to own, Y/N.” You decided to trust him. “That’s it. I warned you.” Your Loki started to approach you, but the other Lokis turned on him and a fight broke out. You took your chance and followed the other Loki through the portal. True to his word, he found his friends. Mobius and Sylvie. Mobius offered everyone a chance to go back. “Y/N will go with you, Mobius. We still have work to do, but we’ll see both of you soon.” You hugged Loki and thanked him before going through the portal with Mobius.
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mimisempai · 3 years
You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind
During his journey with Sylvie, Loki realizes that Mobius occupies his mind much more than he thinks.
5 times where Loki thinks about Mobius and 1 time where he realizes that he misses him.
Loki along the episode 3, in the episode Mobius is not present... physically, but in Loki's head... it's another story...
1992 words - rating G
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As he tried to keep up with her, Sylvie wryly asked him, "What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?"
Seriously, why were they all asking him the same thing? Loki remembered their first discussion with Mobius.
"All I seek is a deeper understanding of the fearsome God of Mischief. What makes Loki tick?"
Mobius... who seemed to know him before Loki even answered him. Who seemed to know before him what made him tick. Mobius who had made him tick, who had helped him see his flaws, but who hadn't used them against him.
He wouldn't reveal anything to Sylvie, he didn't know her well enough to trust her yet. Though a little voice in his head whispered to him, "You didn't know Mobius for much longer when you made yourself vulnerable to him."
Yes, but Mobius was Mobius as Loki was Loki.
He sighed before replying, with his usual verve, "Independence, authority, style."
Some would say three words weren't enough to describe him, but it was enough for now.
Sylvie sneered and retorted, "So, naturally you went to work for the boring, oppressive time police."
What a cheeky woman, she didn't know anything.
He protested, "I don't work for them. I'm a consultant."
Even though several people at the TVA had repeatedly reminded him of his place in the short time he'd been there, Loki liked to think that Mobius considered him as such.
If Loki was honest, he had enjoyed "working" with Mobius. Not to mention the way they had "grown closer."
But now... he didn't even know if they would get reunited and if they did... he didn't even want to think about it. He couldn't. He didn't have time for that.
Sylvie replied, "You don't know what you want."
Loki answered with a deflection, even though deep down he knew exactly what he wanted, or rather who he wanted.
"I can't sleep in a place like this."
Loki, surprised, asked Sylvie, "You can't sleep on a train?"
She replied, annoyed, "No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people."
That he could understand.
Of course, he couldn't help but think of the last time he had slept like that.
In the TVA archives, while he and Mobius were doing research, Loki had fallen asleep. He hadn't just dozed off, he had fallen deeply asleep.
One could argue that it was because since New York he hadn't really been able to sleep, so exhaustion outweighed caution, or that he was bored with the research, but Loki knew it wasn't either of those reasons.
No matter how exhausted he was, no matter how tired he was, he had never slept in the presence of anyone else without his subconscious being in a state of minimal awareness.
It was ingrained in him. Few people had given him reason to trust.
In a place like the TVA, filled with hostile people, the presence of one person had been enough for him to let his guard down and sleep soundly.
He couldn't help but wonder why.
What was it about Mobius that was breaking down Loki's defenses one by one? Worse, what did Mobius have that made Loki's defenses fall one by one without making him want to run away?
Sylvie was a little more open and asked, "Hang on a second. So, tell... Tell me about your mother."
Sylvie was different in a way, kind of like Mobius, she made him want to confide... a little. Or was it because she was a variant of himself? In any case, he didn't mind answering, even if the news of his mother's death was still tough to accept.
"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point. You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. She told me that I'd be able to do it too because... Because I could do anything. You wanna see?"
He twirled his hand and mini fireworks erupted from it. He smiled, proud of himself.
Sylvie snorted and said, "Not bad.
Then Loki added, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."
Knowing the truth about his mother's death now, his sadness was all the greater. He could never again give her reason to believe in him.
The same little voice came again, "But there is someone else..."
There was someone else he would want him to believe in him.
Someone else who had believed in him enough to ask him for help, even if it was to fulfill his own agenda.
Mobius who had put his head on the line so that Loki wouldn't be reset, because he had seen something in Loki the same way his mother had always seen something in him.
Mobius had told him something that had resonated with him, like an echo of his mother's words.
"I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
But then things happened and Loki had to make this choice in a hurry.
He wondered if Mobius still believed in him now.
He could still hear him shouting just before he went through the portal.
"Loki wait!"
He couldn't help but hope that the man would listen to him before judging him.
That Loki would still have time to show him that yes, he could be believed in.
"How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince." Sylvie punctuated her sentence with a little wink, as if she was daring him to prove her wrong.
But Loki was proud of who he was, and he wouldn't hide, he answered her with a little smile, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you."
She nodded and Loki continued, "But, nothing ever..." he paused because what he was about to say was not completely true anymore.
However, Sylvie finished his sentence for him, "Real."
As he heard Sylvie say this word out loud, he realized it was no longer true. He took a sip.
This sort of relationship they had started with Mobius before they left for Alabama, Loki didn't want to believe it wasn't real.
He, the master of illusion, didn't want to believe that the emotions Mobius stirred in him weren't real.
He couldn't believe that the caress of his fingers, the taste of his lips that he could still feel were not real.
The very idea that the understanding and compassion he had read in Mobius' eyes was not real, it was terrifying to Loki.
Because for once he'd caught a glimpse of something that could only be his, not a throne, not a title, not glory. Just something real.
Sylvie had fallen asleep and Loki found himself alone with his thoughts, his thoughts that were only directed towards one person.
So he continued to drink and as the musicians played a melody that reminded him of Asgard, uninhibited by alcohol, he felt like singing and dancing.
With a snap of his fingers, he changed his borrowed uniform into that of the TVA.
It wasn't the leathers of Asgard, nor his god-like outfits, but he felt better right away.
Because it was the same as Mobius and it made him feel like he belonged. That the bond was not broken.
The jacket, even though it had the horrible name of Variant on the back, it was Mobius who had given it to him, who had told Loki that he looked smart in it.
Okay, drunkenness made him particularly sappy, but after all, for a short while, he felt like letting go.
He began to sing and dance in the middle of the dance floor, with some of the other passengers joining in.
When she sings, she sings “Come home”,
When she sings, she sings “Come home”
He almost burst out laughing when Sylvie woke up and saw him on the dance floor. She asked him where his uniform was. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to sing and dance happily.
Suddenly the music became slower and more nostalgic, similar to a song his mother used to sing to him, and he leaned against the bar and couldn't help but sing along,
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
og synger “når kommer du hjem?”
Men traner danser og fossene stanser
når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
And before the emotion took over, he began to dance and sing happily again in an attempt to keep the nostalgia from overwhelming him.
When the music stopped, he returned to Sylvie and took his place in front of her.
She asked him with a raised eyebrow, "What did you just sing to look so troubled?"
Loki with a slightly tight throat, but trying not to let it show, answered, "It's Asgardian, it says :
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki had to stop, overwhelmed by emotion.
Sylvie, her eyes devoid of all mockery, said softly, "So there is a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled sadly before replying, "I like metaphors you know, in this instance, it's not a princess, it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"...but you'd like to believe it, right?"
Loki could only nod.
Sylvie was explaining to him how her power worked as they made their way to where they could escape.
"That young soldier from the TVA, her mind was messed up. Everything clouded. I had to pull a memory from hundreds of years prior, before she even fought for them."
Loki stopped, shocked, not wanting to realize what Sylvie's words implied.
He asked her, urgently, "What? What'd you just say? Before she joined the TVA?"
She answered as if it were the most normal thing, "Yeah. She was just a regular person on Earth."
"A regular person?"
"Loved margaritas."
Loki continued as he began to understand, "I was told that everyone who works for the TVA was created by the Time-Keepers."
Sylvie laughed, "That's ridiculous. They're all Variants, just like us."
Loki appalled, "They don't know that!"
Mobius doesn't know that. The way he talks about the TVA, the jetski, Casey not knowing what fish are. They don't know that!
As they ran toward their destination, Loki couldn't stop the stream of thoughts that swirled in his head.
He thought back to their discussion.
"I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"It'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"Just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
How would he react if he learned that his whole life was a lie?
Loki knew it. Loki had lived it. He had been devastated when he learned that his parents were not his parents.
Loki's heart bled for Mobius, even though the man didn't know yet.
Mobius who had that kind of candor that Loki had lost for so long.
At that moment he realized how much he missed the man and how much he had become an important presence in his life. For the first time since they met, he didn't want his comforting and protective presence. He didn't want Mobius to be there for him, he, Loki, wanted to be there for Mobius.
He felt like protecting and comforting.
He felt like fighting for something other than himself.
At that moment, it wasn't the time keepers, or the tempad or anything else that mattered to him.
He had only one thought, only one word in his mind.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
Not beta'd
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