#i hope bigb kills him
Grian really went from ride or die in 3rd life and Last life to screw my allies entirely. I will abandon you all for a sandwich huh
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spacetrashpile · 1 year
also as we are on the topic, this is my personal prediction for what the leader board is gonna look like when this is all over
14. Jimmy
13. Skizz
12. Joel
11. Etho
10. Bdubs
9. Scar (I'm hesitant about what order to put Bdubs and Scar in though)
8. BigB
7. Grian
6. Tango
5. Cleo
4. Pearl
And then top 3 being Martyn, Scott, and Impulse. I honestly can't say which of them would win. If Scott's still got the most time, it'll probably be Martyn (I think he and Scott would team up to kill Impulse and then Scott would give his time to Martyn, or Impulse would kill Scott and Martyn would kill him). If the rest of the server has fucking focused on taking Scott down (PLEASE) and they're all on the same level, I think Impulse could take them out, especially if one of them is particularly low and gives the other their time in hopes they win.
#limited life smp#limited life spoilers#technically cause jimmy skizz and joel's spots are cannon#this is a combination of how much time they currently have+how they've been playing this season+my personal hopes#i REALLY want anyone BUT scott to win but i especially want tango or impulse to win#i just think impulse is more able to do it#he's stubborn as all hell he's been getting good kills and he's able to fly under the radar in a way other players aren't#some of these spots im hesitent about though#i already mentioned scar and bdubs#but grian and tango and pearl and cleo could also swap with each other im not certain about those places#this is all just speculation of course let's just see who i get right#im most confident about etho lol sorry bud#and i think bdubs is gonna get Real normal when etho's out what that MEANS for him i'm not sure but it'll be something#im also pretty confident about bigb falling in the middle there i feel like he just doesn't have enough time to make it work#he's doing better than a lot of his server mates and he also has impulse's ability to fall under the radar#but since him grian and pearl are on about the same amount of time they'll all be less hesitent to give to each other#bigb is HISTORICALLY bad at getting kills#he STILL only has one kill and it's cleo#so unless he's boogey this session (which tbh i'm not even thinking about) he's not getting any more kills#so tbh if he's able to fly under the radar he might do better than i've placed him#but now that grian's his ally i don't think it's going to be as easy#and their base is trapped now and he doesn't know which parts are trapped so that's gonna go SO well /sarcasm#this is a hesitent list overall but idk i like shouting things
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astrowarr · 7 months
i just watched scott's session 7 and noticed a pattern: every single person forgot about grian.
grian hasn't been caught yet, cleo and scott establish. barely a minute later, scott is leading cleo and bigb by the hands to his secret spot and saying "i think we're the last three." like the name has slipped right out of his hands.
as etho tells the other zombies that no, actually, he doesn't want to kill cleo, it occurs to him suddenly. "actually, i kind of want grian to succeed on this, don't i? he's my teammate," he says, not like he doesn't care for grian, but like he's shocked he even forgot in the first place. (seconds later, he lifts his gaze to the sky, and he sees where grian is hiding. he's the only one who sees. he carries this secret with him as he watches grian run, an apology of sorts; sorry I forgot. I hope this makes it better.)
but it got me thinking: this is what grian does, isn't it? even since 3rd life, where he hid in the shadow of scar, whose face was always, always in the light, as he burrowed under doorways, covered in redstone and days-old blood. no one thinks of him as scar sells them the coffins grian will put them in.
grian has mastered the art of becoming nothing. he's so nothing, in fact, that his presence glances off the skin of even his friends. his name slips away from them. he disappears time and time again, falling through their fingers like sand. there are brief moments: "where's grian?" someone asks, but their blood is boiling and their fingers are itching. the image is a mirage and the sand crumbles at their fingertips. it's gone as soon as it comes; back to cleo, green cleo, uninfected cleo.
a reminder, perhaps from the universe itself. he is nothing but a ghost of a memory, a whisper of a promise. this is by design. the universe is telling him this, as it strings grian up limb by limb: you were only ever meant to watch.
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kitskiis · 2 months
I think the saddest part about secret life Joel is just how futile all of his actions are in that season. On a surface level i mean stuff like all of his more careful gameplay being cancelled out by a singular failed tnt trap but on a deeper level i specifically mean how that character contrasts with last life Joel. Joel is undoubtedly at his lowest point in the life series in Last Life. He goes down to red in session 2 and spends the majority of the rest of the season alone (and when he does have allies it’s only bc of a shared bloodlust). The red bloodlust completely takes over and this festers for nearly *8 sessions*. Not only that but the one time he is given a chance to restart and go back to yellow his old alliance member goes to red, leaving him alone again, and he is made boogeyman the next session. This, overall, has lasting consequences (he actually wanted to be fairly friendly at the beginning of LL, a stark contrast to how bloodthirsty he was at the beginning of DL or Lim L), and gained him a reputation that has never fully gone away. This is especially bad bc most people agree that LL was the most violent season (despite the lower kill counts in comparison to LimL) and was generally the worst and most traumatizing experience in the games for most people involved. Compare this to secret life, which everyone agrees was definitely the happiest season for Joel (or at least the most normal. His life is a tragedy no matter the season.) he has allies that (for the most part rip mumbo) stick with him until the end, he is friendlier with a larger group of people, and when he initially has to deal with the loss of some of them he has people who can ground him (bc as much as I adore the bad boys, grian was not qualified to do that). He was so hopeful that season, and was generally in a much healthier place mentally. And yet, despite how much he seemed to have grown, those 2 seasons ended so similarly for him it was almost comical. Joel engaged in a fight at the end, watched his ally get killed by scott, and is then forced into a 2v1 against Scott and another player that results in Scott taking his final life and him finishing 5th overall. I was describing both of those seasons here. After everything he did to grow, after all the improvements he had made, everything ended *exactly the same*
Making this about the bad boys for a second (because I’m me) they kinda suffer similar fates. Grian learned in the most tragic way possible that his allies were doomed to fail as long as he was with them no matter what, that this was not something that he could control by simply avoiding killing them himself. Even when he actively tries to save them (“let Tim do it he needs the time” “Joel you can kill me!”) he’ll still lose them in the end. I think this realization is also what made him stop trying to fight it, which resulted in him killing or almost killing his allies from previous seasons immediately afterwards (stabbing scar in the back and that one scene where grian kinda ominously jumps with a sword like he was about to crit and kill bigb after finding out he had 50 seconds left on his timer). It’s sorta like a way of telling the universe “fine. You win”
Similarly Jimmy. Well. I don’t think I need to explain that one. Even when he was given hope that things could be different, that he could break the curse, he died only a few minutes later. I still hold on to the narrative that the watchers only allowed that to happen to give Jimmy false hope that things can be different only to rip the rug out from under him and drive home the point that he is in a losing battle because by the time of secret life Jimmy was one of the only few people who genuinely still believed he had a chance. Obviously this is not something that can fully be a reality until he goes out first next season so if he doesn’t that’s a little awkward but just work with me here
TLDR; here is reason number 672 on why I believe the bad boys are the most doomed motherfuckers on this server and their alliance is a modern tragedy
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
im curious, what do you consider ooc for grian? i agree w you completely but i would like to know 👁👁
ohoho *takes a BIG sip of my 5 hour energy and slams it on my bedside stool*
okay, so i HOPE this doesnt become a big old rant, because i really should sleep, but, the thing people misunderstand about him MOST, which therefore sort of branches into most other mischaracterizations i see with his character, is that he's not an asshole.
he's also not not an asshole.
here's what i mean: grian's moral compass is looser than a door without hinges, but his honor, and the honor of others, holds priority. in season 8 during the boatem prank war with big eyes, he aptly called his policy, "prank hard, clean up harder."
for the more innocuous offenses he commits, like pranks, and minor amounts murder, he will almost always feel bad and offer to help clean up if he feels like what he did is "too much." "too much" is dependent on circumstance, but most often it includes permanent loss of valubles- like armor, large amounts of resources, and hard to obtain items- which he will attempt to replace or make up for with helping the unfortunate recipient of his ill-fated prank with chores. "too much" also includes griefing and base editing whether it be accidental or on purpose- most notable examples being in season 7 when keralis discovered the "removing stuff from keralis' base" challenge, and rebuilding part of scar's base in season 8 after accidentally getting it blown up. if he feels like it's even partially his fault, he'll almost always offer to help fix the mess, even if he does complain about it the entire way though.
so he likes to fuck with people- he doesnt like permanent damage. that doesnt mean he doesnt occasionally want to cause permanent damage, such as in the life series, but he also often needs a reason to cause damage like losing lives or permadeath.
renchanting trap? scar wasn't doing his job properly as the only red life. tnt base trap? home no longer safe, revenge for pizza. killing jimmy and mumbo in last life? they provoked him and were reaping the consequences. killing bigb and ren in double life? they provoked him by (to his knowledge) being the cause of scar's death as a yellow life. no matter what death grian has personally called in the life series, either before or after it took place, you can find an instance of grian saying why he felt he needed to do it. and if the death is accidental, or accidental collateral damage, he tries to make up for it with his time and energy. (like with the physical objects.)
i see a lot of fics on ao3 with the tag "grian is an asshole in this one, sorry", and i dont normally read those, because those just leave a bad taste in my mouth- but i also see a lot of fics unintentionally write grian as more of a jerk because they forget he abides by honor. its not that grian isnt a murderer, its that he needs a reason to do it- or he'll excuse it after the fact with a reason. its not that grian isnt reckless with other people's lives, its that if he realizes the damage he causes is permanent he balks at doing it. its not that grian isnt an asshole, its that he likes to piss off people but wouldn't dream of purposefully damaging his friendships. grian, as a character, is defined by his willingness to push boundaries and his hesitance to cross the line. and far too often, people forget these two coexisting facts, and write grian as only being one or the other.
again, this is all mostly opinion and writing advice, and ive read fics where grian was ooc that i still enjoyed. but also sometimes you just look at a fandom and you're like "wow youre so valid but youre also wrong!" and occasionally i do be feeling that. in the end what matters is that the fic was fun to write, and the rant resulting from that is also fun to write. goodnight all,
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piglinmyfeet · 8 months
Secret Life players ranked on how much I want them to win
Joel - Please please please please please please please please please let him kill everyone and win I've been waiting four seasons for him to win please
BigB - He's already had a strong start with his incredible first episode, and it'd bring the season full circle with him gaslighting everyone in episode 1 to him killing everyone in episode whatever
Mumbo - Comeback of the century especially after his swift swift death in last life
Lizzie - Idk man I just think it'd be neat, also it'd be a feminism win
Cleo - Once again, feminism win, but I think Cleo deserves it after four seasons, dying second in 3rd life, being betrayed by BigB in last life, divorcing Martyn in double life, being a single mother of two with a deadbeat husband in limited life, she deserves the win
Gem - Geminislay with the steel chair, new player already has a reputation, it'd be fun if that lasts to the end and she fucks everyone up
Bdubs - Gotta love Bdubs, he's already suffering with his sideways house in episode 1, let him not suffer, let him win
Impulse - He's gotten so close before, he can get even closer this time and win, I believe in him
Skizz - He had a TERRIBLE time last season being boogey killed twice in episode 1 and being second out overall, he deserves something better this time around. I have faith in him
Scar - I love Scar and it'd be so fun if he won but I'm not getting my hopes up, I know he can survive if he wants, we've seen 3rd life, but I don't have big faith in him again (disclaimer, I don't know where he placed in limited life, I did not watch the last episode)
Etho - Idfk man, everyone's been ranked already and he was left and I don't really know where I'd rank Etho on "where I want him to win" so I put him between the people I have an opinion on
Jimmy - Sorry to Jimmy winner truthers but he just can't break the curse, he has to die first and unless the next season is "first out wins" I don't see him winning
Grian - Won 3rd life but that was the longest ago so he could have another go
Scott - Also won already in last life, but that was longer ago than Pearl and Martyn so he's above them
Pearl - Unfortunate feminism loss, but she's already won in double life, she doesn't need another win so soon
Martyn - Yet again, already won, but that was last season, definitely doesn't need to win again so soon
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muchmossymess · 6 months
Secret Life Predictions
(And bonus rambling)
Joel - I want this man to win so badly, but I think he'll def get top four (plz don't fuck this up for me joel)
Etho - I also want him to win, but hes def top 3 and will have to fight cleo or bdubs or joel for first place
Cleo - genuine contender for first place, honestly girl deserves it, no further comment
Bdubs - bro either will lay down his life for etho or die by his blade, but I swear I'll go insane if he kills etho
Scott - since its the curse break season, he's not going to be top 3 (somehow) but still doing good
Gem - I love her and it'd be so cool for her to win her first game (esp after causing half the servers deaths), but I think she'll be 6th, probably betrayed
Impulse - I haven't seen much of him this season, but I hear he deserves a win, having been high placed a bunch
Scar - he is public enemy number one, so I just hope he lives longer than grian because that man has been PINING so hard (or mby killed by grian but hey optimism)
Grian - i NEED him dead before cleo and etho for curse break reasons. Mans needs to die before his allies for once
Tango - havent seen much of him, bros just been queering it up at the heart foundation from what I know, solid 10
Skizz - skizz has been bottom 3 too much, this is his redemption he's got this
Pearl - we need scarlet witch red life joel team up they'd be so damaging. She's been going pretty great this season, left the tower and all, so I just don't want her to die alone
Bigb - literally he's been so strange I honestly don't know. He might just throw a curve ball and win it. I would not put it past him. The backrooms will claim anyone who tries to mess with him
Martyn - ohohohoh I want this man FAILED he needs to fail a task and die because whats more poetic than the punishment
Mumbo - (already out, wanted him to do better but honestly didn't expect much hes not great at surviving)
Lizzie - (latest victim of the canary curse)
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karma-creations · 7 months
My favorite bits/lines from every Secret Life session after watching all POVs
Session 1
tango trying to ask multiple questions at a time to get scar talking for a little while and scar outright telling him to shut up so he can infodump
joel’s response to lizzie, his ACTUAL WIFE, saying "I love you": "oh thank you"
joel: "hey bdubs your house is upside down" bdubs: "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN- i'm sorry. i'm sorry"
bdubs not-so-subtly begging mumbo not to build a house inspired by his and mumbo straight up going going "uh huh" before suggesting a house inspired by bdubs's
cleo catching etho with the bed shrine
mumbo: "it could be like the alps, but bad. like, much worse."
martyn: "we can do a bit of, uh, tankin' and spankin'" gem: "……bit of what?"
skizz: "all of us are pretty old, maybe our island's called heart problems"
tango: "well, i'll be honest, skizz… everybody's teamed up, so… you're all that's left, we're gonna have to shack up" skizz: "well! it’s like a giant hug!"
Session 2
everyone going "OOOOHHhhhhhhhhhh…….." after skizz's creeper got put in a boat
mumbo: "I'm happy to be in whatever group you guys- oh hey bdubs"
bdubs: "I DON'T NEED NO MOM, I'M A GROWN MAN!" cleo: "really? how do you explain the everything?"
cleo (to bdubs): "you're just a horse girl at heart, aren’t you?"
skizz going "BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP" at the same time as tango chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
scar: "was this your idea, pearl?" pearl: "no" scar: "this is amazing, only you would have come up with something like this"
martyn: "that's right, I'm a yellow life, and I've come to KILL you" bigb: "….wow, dude"
grian: "I've had the weirdest interactions whenever I see you" bigb: "y'know, I hope they get weirder"
everyone singing happy birthday off-key and out of sync
mumbo: "is there anything that I can help with? I come with no resources and very little talent"
bdubs: "I know how to crit punch, so it's gonna hurt you more than it hurts me!" gem: "..I also know how to crit punch" bdubs: "oh"
scar: "can I give you a ride, bdubs, wherever you're going?" bdubs: "freaking no, not on that thing! you kidding me?" scar: "aw. well I was just offering!" bdubs: "…all right, fine."
Session 3
*joel and lizzie arguing* grian: "aren't you guys married"
grian saying "I don't like what this has become" then immediately joining in the chanting when it’s joel's turn to fail
grian: "I love you, etho" etho: "……thank you?"
mumbo: "right, show me the gear knob on that camel" grian: "I’d rather not"
cleo: "yes, tango, the thing that I know about you is you don't know how minecraft works"
cleo's constant ethubs jokes
etho waterboarding everyone
scar: "losers will be beaten with my beatin' stick"
joel: "you are a FAILURE!!" martyn: "wow that was whole chest" joel: "sorry I’ve had a really rough episode"
bigb accidentally picking up torchy and tango being DEVASTATED
cleo: "why are we coming out this way?" bigb: "so no one can hear!" cleo: "well impulse is right there" impulse: "who?"
torchy out for blood the entire time
Session 4
cleo accidentally hitting etho with her sword and etho's immediate response: "I'LL DO THE DISHES I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT"
cleo: "hey grian" grian: "🎶hellooo theeeere🎶" cleo: "hello, are you singing?" grian: "🎶absolutely not, I would never sing🎶"
mumbo: "what's your favorite welsh town" grian: "……….🎶let me googleee🎶"
grian: "I don't know what to do with myself now, cleo, what do we do?" cleo: "I don't know, I think we should burn things down"
grian: "ignore the stairs, they wouldn’t burn"
scar: "you guys are still here? I went and stole a bunch of stuff and you guys are still yapping over here"
jimmy: "I'll go in BigB's hole" scott: "you're gonna do WHAT????" cleo: "I always knew there was something about you two"
scar singing back at grian with no hesitation
grian and scar spotting martyn hiding behind the tree
jimmy: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scott: "hi, I’m just making the path connect-" jimmy: "STOP CRYIN' AND TELL US WHAT YOU'RE DOIN'" scott: "I'm making the path connect like lizzie did"
joel: "anyway, just came over here to ruin your day"
bdubs: "okay, you count us in" bigb: "okay. seven"
mumbo: "what do I win?" bdubs: "uhh- you win.. eight baked potatoes!" mumbo: "YEEEEESSS!!!!!"
bdubs: "you can't hit me! I can say and do whatever I want! okay, going to the house real quick though, to lock myself in"
people gaslighting jimmy and martyn (mostly jimmy) into thinking there’s a zombie/skeleton horse spawner somewhere
bdubs: "hey, hey! I consider you a friend! apparently it’s not reciprocated." gem: "it’s not. what do you want?"
jimmy: "martyn I think he can see you-" *beat* martyn: "WELL HE DIDN’T UNTIL YOU SAID THAT YOU IDIOT"
martyn: "oh yeah, wait! why are you wearin’ that?" scar: *incoherent cop sounds* (/ref)
jimmy: "he'll come back like nothing's happened now" mumbo: "hey guys 😀"
skizz: "here's the thing, I'm not too bossy, I- Boppers, go home for a second, I gotta talk to these guys"
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itsnotjustgibberish · 7 months
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Bogland Part II
Bigb, a sailor, finds his way back to [non-specified tropical islands] and meets Cleo. The two of them grow close until tragedy strikes and he kills her. He pleads insanity when put on trial in hopes to lessen his punishment, but is instead treated with electroshock therapy and slowly loses his sanity. He wanders the shores on foot or boat each night, pondering existence and the universe, until eventually a familiar siren song lures him to sea.
They may still reunite in the afterlife, but who’s to say that resentment will not run rampant after such a betrayal?
Based on Miracle Musical’s album, Hawaii Part II! Highly recommend
Bigb takes the role of the main protagonist (or Simon/Resident Minor), Cleo takes the role of the love interest [or Stella Octangula]
This au isn’t inherently shipping; I won’t really consider the content I make for it as such but I’m fine with it being reinterpreted/adding to in that way as long as you’re being respectful of boundaries, and tagging as needed
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Finally some other concept drawings!
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eternalapogee · 6 months
Two hopes for tomorrow both involving Pearl.
First Pearl killing Etho and Cleo on Bdubs behalf. There's just something about those two being killed by someone aligned with Bdubs, to give Bdubs the win that I like. Admittedly unlikely since if Pearl goes after Cleo it's in revenge for her puppies.
Alternatively if Joel and Bdubs die, leaving Pearl without the people she swore to help win, I can see her going to BigB and swearing fealty to him. She couldn't give him limited life but perhaps she can give him secret life.
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mindelectricdemofour · 3 months
i don't get heart heavy
March 12: Loveless / AU (college AU)
Prompts: @mcyt-aro-week // ao3 Link: i don't get heart heavy // Title: Heart Heavy - Mother Mother
The room looked plain, drab even. Skizz could already see Tango’s pierced gaze. The only decorations were stringed lights, not even fairy lights, hanging from wall to wall. They weren't even on. 
A plant pot laid on the shared table, drying out. But none of that mattered to Skizz.
His eyes were locked onto the flag sticking out of the plant pot. A small green and white one. His eyes widened.
“This won't do. We'll have to bring in decorations, fix up the walls… Maybe bring in a fan or two… I can make one in a day or so, no issue...”
Skizz let Tango trail off with his new plans for their dorm. They'd arrived late in the afternoon, and the other person who seemed to be sharing the dorm with them was out. 
But elements of their presence remained. One specific element.
“-Skizz, are you even listening?” Tango seemed to finally notice Skizz’s absence. He turned, just slightly, to look over him. Skizz finally pulled away.
“Sorry it's just-” Skizz put his arm up to his head, brushing hair out of his face as if embarrassed. He felt his face heat up.
Tango glanced between him and the flag. “Oh. That's your one, right?”
Skizz hesitated before nodding. “Yeah…” He had no idea why he was so nervous about this, him and Tango had had so many conversations about their sexualities, why was he suddenly so anxious?
“...I think we keep that decoration then.” Skizz internally thanked whatever braincell that he and Tango shared, that Tango didn't keep pushing. His friend knew him so well.
Tango kept rambling on about decorations and eventually it became dark with not even a sight of their roommate.
Skizz clicked the jug on, prepared to make some noodles for them. He hesitated, glancing back to the flag before adding some extra. Just in case their new roommate came back. He wouldn't want to make a bad impression. 
And plus, if they didn't come home, him and Tango could share the leftovers on the couch tomorrow while watching bad robotics competitions.
Halfway through Skizz's cooking, the door creaked. His head snapped up.
His new roommate wore a dusty blue sweater and a few rings. His hair was curly black and stretched down his face to his goatee. He had dark skin, mottled with scars as well as socks on. No shoes, only socks. 
Skizz liked this guy already.
“Oh hey-” His voice was awkward. Unsure. “I wasn't sure anyone else was moving in, I would have shown you the place.”
“No need,” Skizz smiled before turning back to his pan. “The uni isn't really open with anything are they?”
That got him a laugh. He could hear ruffling from the door. “What are you making?” 
The conversation was lighthearted, almost fun. “Noodles. I've got enough here if you'd like some, but you'll have to be okay with soy sauce and chili.”
Their roommate laughed once again. “I'd never turn that down. I'm BigB, by the way.”
He was right next to Skizz, observing him cook. He seemed relaxed. 
But that didn't stop Skizz's heart pounding like a rabbits.
Did he ask about it?
“My name is Skizz-” His voice was tilted, slightly off centre. 
If he didn't ask now, he'd never get the courage to. “I like - I like the flag you've got on the table.” Great. Just vague enough to make it awkward.
“Yeah it's mine.” Skizz finally looked over at BigB, who was still talking in that slightly awkward conversational tone. He didn't seem to take it as an attack or anything, which Skizz had feared he'd do, (if someone asked him about his sexuality he'd definitely get defensive.)
Instead he seemed open about it. Casual. Relaxed. Everything Skizz hoped to be.
“I think your noodles are burning…”
Right. “Right!” Skizz turned back to the pan, tossing them around through the water. In fact, some had burnt, BigB was right. Skizz frowned, but didn't remove them. He could live with some burnt noodles. It hadn't killed him yet. 
BigB was starting to walk away. It was now or never. “I've got the same flag.” Casual. Nonchalant. That's how Skizz was trying to act. Exactly how BigB was.
He stared down at the pan, hearing BigB stop. Maybe it was nothing, maybe it meant nothing that their was another aromantic here. Maybe he was placing too much faith in the idea of solidarity. His eyes didn't leave the pan, even as BigB stepped closer.
“Wow… So you're also…” For once BigB looked thrown off guard. Skizz finally chanced a glance at him. His eyes were wide, “-thats so cool. So we're both aro, thats- that's really sweet-”
Skizz felt his tension lift at that. At BigB's approval. He'd feared rejection, annoyance or maybe even confusion, despite none of those being likely. Skizz felt himself smile. “Yeah… It's nice to have someone else who's aro around here. I- I thought I was the only one.”
It was such a stereotypical statement and made Skizz cringe. But BigB was nodding. “Absolutely. It's such a relief to know you aren't alone, I feel you.”
Skizz continued smiling even as BigB walked away to introduce himself to Tango. It was such a welcome surprise that he thought any second he might wake up from this dream. But even as he dished out their meals and spoke with BigB about their courses, everything stayed.
And later down the line, Tango had brought a giant heart decoration for the room, painting them the same colours as the flag and declaring their dorm as ‘the heart foundation.’
It were pretty unsightly due to its size, but both Skizz and BigB agreed the dorm didn't look as drab as it had at the start of the month.
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yoshiintheweb · 1 year
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Im jumping in with the bingo card for season 4, im pretty sure most of them happened in all 3 seasons, so the pattern might continue
Explanation under the cut, if anyone needs them
-Jimmy dies first: as per usual
-pet murder: was there in 3rd life, was there in Last Life, was there in Double life. Honestly inescapable. I don't count wolves lost in battle unless they have a specific name
-unlikely team up comes with a steal chair: either an alliance with two or more players who never interact with each other in previous editions or a team up of two or more players who are antagonize each other for most of the time who turns out to be a perfect fit for each other
-Tango Rage Moment: it will happened at some point.
-Scar steals the enchanter: He needs to have it, and if there's an option to do so, he will.
-Terry comes back: self-explanatory
-dramatic betrayal: there's so many betrayals in every edition
-Joel tries to kill a lot: Originally Joel Kills a lot, he own the title of Most Kills of the season twice in a row now. That's everything he has, killing. He will try and i hope he succeed
-absent member(s) comes back: Skizz, Lizzie and or Mumbo, who are all not in Double Life makes a come back for nee season
-arson backfires: someone tries to burn stuff, it turns against them
-previous alliance is referenced: Desert Duo, Flower Husband, Dogwarts, The Gs, Southlands, Magical Mountain ect ect. In any way. The soulbounds in any way excluding "divorces"
-secret alliance is formed: Impulse and Crastle Duo, The Shadow Alliance, The Secret Soulmate. It's a pattern
-free space: bloodshed and tumblr going bonkers
-trap fails: doesn't work, does work but doesn't kill
-Tango dies in a stupid way: His cursed like that. Happened trice.
-an episode is lost due to technical difficulties: anything from corrupted footage to missing audio, basically when someones episode doesn't get published even if they were in the session, due to anything else then not posting it
-accidental foreshadowing of a great tragedy: a thing that happened in previous session, predicts a disaster from the future, due to coincidence cuz the series is not scripted
-Grian kills the one closest to him: Scar in 3rd life, Mumbo in Last Life, BigB and Scar in Double Life. He is cursed like that.
-someone missed a session: just that
-wood base burns to the ground (again): they will not learn, there will be a wood base.
-Martyn does lore: any kind of straight up story telling
-someone is left alone for the whole season: Joel in 3rd life. Scar in Last Life. Pearl in Double Life. There's always some loner out there
-there's only 7 sessions: listen. The previous seasons had 8, 9 and 6 sessions. We need 7 for consistence sake
-someone lose a life in session 1: there's always someone who dies instantly so i bet there will be someone like this too
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puer-aurea · 6 months
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Angst for Heart Foundation "I wasn't ready to say goodbye."
"I love it." CRACK! 'I love it' were the last words he heard. Tango fell to his death as the result of trusting Scar enough to go into the globe with him. Skizz said he was going to kill them, and Tango knew, but he also knew he had no chance. He just kind of wishes he could've heard Skizz or Bigb as his last words. Skizz knew who died before he even checked his communicator. He saw the lightning strike in the globe, the globe Tango just ran in with Scar. Bigb knew too, he could feel it. He definitely didn't see it, but there was something in his heart that told him Tango died. Skizz wasn't even granted the time to mourn his friend before Scar was on him. There was relief when he saw Bigb trying to help him, and then guilt when he thought Bigb may fall like Tango did, to the person they were trying to befriend. When he made it out with barely any health, his only hope was that Bigb could make it out too. And, if his heart wasn't already broke when Tango died, it's definitely in shambles seeing the state of Heart Island. Bigb made it home, safe and scared and sad. He misses Tango and he wants to see Skizz, but with the warden lurking around, he doesn't know how to traverse the land safely. He's so scared and he can't help the slight anxiety bubbling in his chest. And he takes the risk to leave because he wants to find Skizz so bad (where is he where is he where is he). And he wants an alliance with others but he can't bring himself to trust anyone. And he can't even bring himself to trust Impulse who swears he knows where Skizz is. And- And there he is. He can hear him, he can see him and- and he's crying. And it's weird because he's never had this much trust in someone not to betray him in a moment of weakness but finally seeing his ally after they lost Tango and ran away from his murderer, he can't help but cry. And it just gets worse when he feels Skizz wrap his arms around him. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye." Skizz is the first to talk. "I didn't even get to be there for him." Bigb's sobs have calmed down into sniffles. They discuss plans and try to stay optimistic, but they can both feel it in the pits of their heart. It's an unspoken truth, they both know they won't win. People are coming, Martyn, Joel, Pearl. Too many faces. Bigb can feel the anxiety pooling in his chest again. "Scar sends his regards." Bigb can hear Joel some blocks away, and he knows he's talking to Skizz. He has to protect him, he can't let Skizz fall to someone allied with Tango's murderer. He turns around so quick he's dizzy but he doesn't falter, running as fast as he can to find Joel and Skizz. He makes it, and for a moment he thinks he can protect Skizz as he strikes Joel. CRACK!
He has to make it out alive. Bigb can't die here. Joel killed Skizz in Scar's name, he could do the same to Bigb. He can't die because of Scar. So he runs. Back to the only safe place he can think of. To his backrooms. It's creepy to anyone who hasn't been, but it's home to him. It's comfort. He has to kill someone, so he stands in place for his trap. "Hi Bigb!" Scar. The reason both of his allies are dead. Bigb has to kill him, he has to avenge them. He has to do something. But, instead of Scar coming down the stairs, it's creepers. He has no choice but to run into the backrooms. But Scar follows him. Follows him into his only safe space. He can't die here, so instead of avenging his allies, he blocks the entrance like a coward as an attempt to disappear into the backrooms. But he falls into a cave, surrounded by mobs. He's almost ready to accept his fate until he hears Scar, scared and confused by his backrooms, and he decides he cannot die here. It takes a while, but Scar leaves and Bigb is alone. He's alone and he's safe. And he's sad. He misses Skizz and Tango but this time, neither of them are alive for him to go find comfort in. He's low and he's scared but he has no choice but to leave. He makes it up into the backrooms and his heart drops to his stomach when he hears footsteps. It's just Scott. It's just Scott, and it's obvious he wants to kill Bigb. But Bigb doesn't want to die alone, with no one around to even consider helping. So, he makes an attempt to sweet talk his way out of it, which ends up working. He's alone again in the backrooms, but this time more on edge. CRACK! For a fraction of a second, he thinks he's the one who died. But he comes to his senses and checks his communicator to see Etho's name in grey. He's kind of relieved that him and his allies weren't picked off one right after another. He realizes he has to go to the surface. If he hides in the backrooms and let's everyone else get the kills, the last person will come find him and he won't stand a chance. CRACK! It happened so soon after he got to the surface and made eye contact with Scar Tango's murderer, that he thinks he's the one who died again. But again, he comes to his senses and hides before checking his communicator. Martyn's name is in grey and he feels a bit of relief. If he could just last a little longer and kill Tango's murderer. But he enderpearls to him. There's no time to think before he's being attack and he tries his best to fight back. He can't run anymore, with Tango's murderer attacking from one side and Scott from the other. "Bigb, I'm sorry." But he can tell Scott is the furthest thing from sorry. CRACK! And, this time, Bigb knows it's him. Cries bubble up in his ghostly throat, and in seconds he's coughing and choking, sobbing with all of his energy. He doesn't even have a physical body anymore, but he still hurts all over from crying. And, this time, he failed the first people he trusted until the very end. And, this time, he feels the intense guilt stabbing at his heart. And, this time, Skizz isn't there to comfort him. And, this time, he's alone.
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goodtimeswithlife · 3 months
Double Life One-Shot!
Before Reading:
1. This is the first time I’m sharing any of my work on here so I apologize if it’s not a good format
2. Some of the events from Double Life were changed a bit to fit the narrative of this one shot
Grian didn’t even have time to think. He knew somebody was coming up to kill him and the others and that they had to be stopped.
The stalagmite on the top of the ceiling was put there as a trap before in case something like this were to happen.
Without hesitation, he took his pickaxe and swung right through it. A crunching sound as the pickaxe scraped through the stalagmite and came apart, falling to the floor below.
A loud crash could be heard. As Grian looked down, he could see a body lying beneath the stalagmite, a small pool of blood pouring out from behind them.
He smiled and laughed, sounding both relieved and maniacal. He climbed down the ladder and observed the body closer.
It was Ren. He wasn’t a friend, but also not a foe. But at this point in time, anybody could be his enemy.
Grian could suddenly feel a sense of emptiness overcome him. He had never felt this before. It wasn’t like any sort of pain he would feel when Scar would do something stupid and cause an arm or a leg to snap. It felt like a part of him had suddenly left. But Scar was technically his other half, and nothing had happened to him, otherwise he would be dead as well.
Just then, the announcement could be heard:
“RenDog was killed by a Stalagmite. BigB died.”
BigB. Ren’s other half, his secret lover. He had killed him as well.
Grian fell to his knees. Etho and Scar both ran down to help him. They saw the look of defeat across his face. Etho immediately knew, Scar wasn’t sure.
“Grian, what’s going on?” Scar asked.
“BigB…” Grian mumbled, tears filling up in his eyes, “I’m so sorry…”
Etho placed his hand on Grian’s shoulder. Although he could never get Bdubs to be his secret lover, he would’ve felt the same exact way if it were him. He slowly helped Grian stand up. Grian kept his head down, tears strolling down his face.
Grian looked up at Scar, “We need to have another funeral…”
“A-Another one?” Scar asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For BigB…” Grian nodded, “I just… can’t believe what I’ve just done…”
“But we just killed Ren, why would we—?” Scar paused, slowly but surely putting the pieces together.
He slouched, shaking his head and sighed, “Fine…”
He walked out of the castle.
There was no body to bury. All the bodies just disappeared a few moments after they died. Grian simply took out some stone and carved Big B’s name on it like a gravestone.After he was finished, he sat down and just stared at it. He sat there silently for several moments before he finally spoke.
“BigB… I’m so sorry…” Grian said, “I hope you’re able to forgive me… I never intended for you to get killed…”
He felt a soft breeze pick up from behind him. His eyes suddenly glowing a bright purple, and he could hear voices in his head.
It was going to happen either way… With or without you…
“Well I’m not going to let this happen to me as well… As long as I’m staying alive, I’m keeping a part of BigB alive as well…”
Scar… He’s a part of you as well…
“He is… but not by choice…” Grian responded.
He has been of great help to you…
“He almost got us killed quite a lot! That’s not very helpful if you ask me…”
The voices grew silent. The purple in his eyes faded away.
He could tell they wanted to say more. That usually wasn’t a good thing. But what was wrong with what he had said? He wanted to stay alive. That was the whole point of this!
He needed to come up with something. Something that would potentially cause everybody to lose lives, possibly even permanently.
Tango had brought up the Warden before. However it wasn’t very successful. Grian knew he could pull something like that again, and with more lives on the line this time it could work.
But that would mean he would have to go all the way down to the deep dark to get it. That in and of itself was going to be risky, but he wanted to do it.
And he has never wanted to do something that risky before, at least by himself.
He should at least tell Scar what he was doing. He knew he wouldn’t care. But they were on their last life together, what if he did? What if Scar tried to stop him from going down there?
No, he was just going to go.
As he finally stood up and walked past his base, he saw Scar tending to his pandas.
Those damn pandas… I don’t understand his fascination with them…
Scar noticed Grian standing behind him out of the corner of his eye.
He frowned, “Are you done with the funeral?”
Grian was caught off guard, not knowing he would actually say anything to him. He thought he would only smile and wave, maybe be completely oblivious altogether.
Grian simply nodded, “I’m… going to talk to Joel real quick…”
Scar was silent. He knew Grian was plotting something. What it was, he couldn’t tell. He knew that they were on their last life, and that they both should be cautious.
“Maybe I should go with you?” Scar suggested.
“I won’t be long.” Grian said, “It should only be five, maybe ten minutes.”
He couldn’t tell whether Grian meant it or not. If he was telling the truth about anything.
He sighed, “Alright… just be careful, it’s getting late.”
Grian stood there for another few seconds, took a deep breath and nodded as he ran off.
Scar turned back around, tending to his pandas, and hoping that this wasn’t going to be a mistake.
Grian made his way down the long stairwell that led down to the deep dark.
As he turned the corner, he stared into the ancient city. He watched as the sculk sensors were swaying back and forth, the shriekers only a few feet away.
He didn’t have to go too far, he just had to summon the warden with the shriekers and run out of there.
This might be easy. It could be done.
He stepped foot onto the sculk, the sensors going off.
Grian’s heart began racing, chills going down his spine as everything grew pitch black before what small amount of light was inside the ancient city returned,
He took another step, the sensors triggering once more.
Everything grew dark again. He knew the third time he moved, the shrieker would go off and the warden would be summoned.
His mind was racing with second thoughts. Maybe he should turn around and run. Even though the sensors would still trigger the shrieker and summon the warden, he still could run out of there and have a chance at making it out alive.
The other part of him, however, told him to stay. That he’s made it this far and he shouldn’t turn back now. He could make it through this, get the warden onto the surface and hopefully cause as much harm and chaos as possible.
Grian’s eyes widened. How did the shrieker go off again? He hadn’t even moved!
He could feel the ground shake beneath him and could hear the loud, thunderous noise as the warden came out from the ground only a couple feet away from him.
His legs started trembling, feeling like Jell-o, he couldn’t move them. The warden appeared much more ominous and threatening than it had the few times it had been summoned before.
The warden slowly started moving towards him.
I need to move! Why aren’t I moving???
Finally, as if a snap of a finger, he could finally move again and began running out of the ancient city and towards the long stairwell.
Nothing else was on his mind at that moment, he just wanted to get out of there, with or without the warden following him.
He suddenly heard a large gasp that almost sounded like it came from directly behind him.
Before he could even turn around to see just how close the warden was to him,
A loud, thunderous, almost explosive sound erupted from the warden. Everything around him started to shake. His eardrums popping inside of him and everything within his body violently shook back and forth, several bones snapping, his organs beginning to melt inside of him.
He was still alive while all of this was happening. His unheard cries of pain and help echoed throughout the stairwell. He kept stumbling, trying to regain himself but it was of no use. Blood started trickling down from his ears and from both nostrils.
His body no longer had the strength to keep climbing. He just laid there, almost in defeat.
He couldn’t hear or see anything, but he could feel the vibrations of the warden continuing to climb up the stairwell.
Please… spare me… I’m sorry…
Another explosion rang throughout the stairwell. This time, it had finished him within a second.
“He’s not here?” Scar asked Joel.
“No, we haven’t seen him since he had killed Ren…” Etho shook his head.
“He told me he was coming to talk to you, Joel.” Scar explained.
“To me?” Joel asked. “What about?”
Scar sighed, giving a shrug, “I don’t know… but I think he lied…”
“I don’t know why he would lie to you and run off.” Joel said.
Etho thought back to when he saw Grian last. He looked heartbroken, almost defeated for having killed BigB. He knew with Grian disappearing so suddenly it wouldn’t end well for Scar.
“I think I might have an idea…” Etho said. “And I would try to get to him as quickly as possible.”
“Where do you think he could’ve gone?” Scar asked.
“That I don’t know but you need to go now.” Etho responded.
Scar had more questions, but Etho’s urgency kept him from doing so.
“Thank you.” Scar said as he ran outside and went on his horse.
Well, it wasn’t his horse, but that wasn’t important.
As the horse began to gallop away, Scar suddenly grew an uneasy feeling. Was it Etho’s words? Or was his connection with Grian warning him of something?
Almost as quickly as the uneasiness grew on him, he suddenly felt everything in his body tremble. Bones were snapping, his organs felt like they were burning and melting away. He fell off his horse and rolled down the hill as he lost his grip. He slowly began loosing his ability to see, hear and feel anything.
His body was in fight or flight mode, trying to do whatever it could to stop him from dying but it was no use.
He was so confused and scared as to what was happening to him.
Everything around him was now blurry, and sound was muffled.
He saw two figures running towards him from a distance. The voices were muffled, but he could still recognize them calling his name.
“SCAR!” Etho and Joel shouted as they ran closer to him.
Scar couldn’t even move his mouth to ask for help, and just as they made it to him, everything grew dark.
Joel and Etho froze as they saw Scar go limp, his lifeless eyes staring back up at them.
In the distance, they could hear an announcement.
“Grian was killed by a sonic boom. Scar died.”
The two of them looked at one another.
“What the hell was he trying to do with the warden?” Joel asked.
Etho didn’t respond. He just shook his head and walked off.
Grian opened his eyes. Darkness surrounded him. He couldn’t tell whether he was alive or dead.
It wasn’t until he saw the purple glows around him that he knew where he was.
“What am I doing back here?” Grian asked.
You’ve disappointed us, young Grian.
“All I did was try and win…and the Warden killed me.”
The warden didn’t kill you… it was you who did that to yourself.
“I… was upset that I had killed BigB…”
And you chose to end your life and Scar’s in the process…
Grian nodded.
Have you no shame?
“…If I’m being honest, I really don’t know…”
You will make this right.
That is up to you. But you will not let us down again…
The purple glow disappeared once more, Grian sat in silence. He thought back to the first trial. It was just him and Scar. He had grown an almost familial, loving bond with him and couldn’t bear to live with the thought that he had to kill him.
The second trial, he never really had that same bond with him. In fact, he almost bullied him a few times, only reaching out to him because he was desperate for more lives.
This, the third trial, he never even gave Scar a chance. He just kept running off to try and avoid him as much as possible and deny the fact that they were partnered together. Even going so far as to start another relationship to try and make up for it.
He understood now. Why they were paired together, and it only took until now to realize it.
Grian felt guilty. He felt terrible knowing he couldn’t go and apologize to Scar now or give him a hug. He had to wait until the next trial, and hope that by some miracle Scar doesn’t want to kill him for what he’s done. Although he wouldn’t blame him if he did.
He knew what he had to do now.
The fourth trial, that one was going to start soon. He couldn’t interfere with that one.
The fifth trial, everything was still being worked on. He didn’t have much control over these trials, but every once in a while he could suggest something and it was up to them to approve or deny.
I’m sure they wouldn’t deny this…this is my way of making things right…
The fifth trial… being Secret Life.
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3lsmp · 2 months
The shadowland kingdom has been a prosperous land for many centuries. It has a wealth of traders and markets and farmers and forgers, It's people get along well and they work hard within their daily lives. Queen Lizzie is known to be a kind person. Her leadership is a beacon of hope to all her people. Her people we happy. And Lizzie was happy for it to stay that way. Until-
"MY QUEEN- YOUR HIGHNESS- THERE'S-" shouted a panting Ren, who had seemingly come running to find his queen. He leaned against the tall marble doorway and caught his breath, gasping for air. (Lizzie made a mental note to remind him to exercise if a little running had him this worked up..)
"Come, sit with me." She gestured to a seat opposite her at a small table upon the balcony they both stood on. It overlooked the lush forests and frothing rivers of her kingdom and was often a place she came to when craving a moment of quiet. "As you know, this place is meant for relaxation. Do you care to explain why you've come in huffing and puffing like so?" Ren slowly and tiredly made his way over to the table, sitting across from his queen. He tried his best to look presentable, fixing his neckerchief and adjusting his glasses. "My lady, the shadowiest of queens.. There's a problem of the utmost importance you must know of post-haste."
She raised an eyebrow. It must be something bad if Ren had come running like this.. "Alright, go on. What is this problem?"
Ren looked at her, his face painted with worry. "One of our people, a farmer from the southern village, has been slain."
That wasn't good. It was never nice to hear one of her people had lost their lives, and in the southland no less, that village was a mostly peaceful place.. How could someone have been killed there? "Is this not a matter to take to the guards? I'm sure the chief knight would solve this quite efficiently."
"I've spoken to Sir Bigb, Milady. He set out with a platoon immediately." The brunette nodded.
That certainly was odd. This whole thing was starting to feel slightly fishy. "How strange. Why would Bigb go in person himself?" She stood and paced back and forth on the balcony, feeling herself become more lost in thought. Before she could get too lost, however, a lower ranking knight came barrelling outside onto the balcony to meet them. Quite similarly to Ren's entrance prior, the knight was huffing and seemed to have been in quite the rush. "Your highness!! The southland murder- It wasn't murder!" She felt all her tension disappear. Thank goodness she didn't have to send her dear knightly friends out to hunt down a murderer. That was such a relief.
"Lovely, I will resume my relaxing afternoon then. I wish this farmer's family my sincerest condolences for their loss."
The knight shifted on the spot, with a large gulp he spoke up.
"No, M-Ma'am. It wasn't murder. It wasn't a murder because that man was.. Was maimed. Maimed by a werewolf."
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
Grian was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek
GoodTimeWithScar died
Jimmy doesn’t look up. Not yet. Instead, he gazes down, closer, at where Scar had spontaneously exploded into nothing, his possessions flying every which way. It had been a lonely death for both of them. Like his own.
“Tim,” Grian says again, and Jimmy looks up at him. He looks . . . like himself. A bit frazzled, a bit of Red still glinting in his eyes, but that’s just Grian, really. Behind him, Scar waves, fully clothed once again.
“Why are you here?”
Jimmy almost laughs at that, because where else would he be? He’s always been here, in a sense. So has Grian.
Grian’s different, though. Grian fights back. Grian doesn’t want to be here.
Jimmy closes the eyes he has on Martyn and Pearl and Etho and focuses all of his attention on Grian. “I have to be here,” he says eventually. “You know that.”
And maybe Grian pretends he doesn’t know, but the look Scar gives him is not insignificant. Scar knows Grian quite well, has been around him long enough, will stay with him (Jimmy can See the strings that still connect the two, can See that their futures are sewn together into one seam). Scar knows a thing or two about Seeing.
Grian snorts. “Who are you hanging around for this time? Scott, Martyn, Joel—the game’s over, Timmy. Go home.”
“Funny,” Jimmy mumbles, a pang echoing through his chest. “That’s just what Tango said.”
“Listen to him,” advises Grian, patting Jimmy heavily on the shoulder. “You’re on a new server, aren’t you? Something about kingdoms?”
Grian knows full well where Jimmy lives. Jimmy feels his eyes sometimes, late at night when they’re both supposed to be fast asleep, a foreign sense of panic and then relief at finding him exactly where he’s supposed to be. He humors Grian, though, nods.
“Right. Go there. Forget about these guys, they’ll be along soon enough. Yeah?”
There’s something hopeful in Grian’s tone, in the way he almost-but-doesn’t grab Jimmy’s hand. 
Jimmy hates disappointing people.
He shakes his head. “My work here isn’t done,” he says softly. “You know that.” 
Grian’s jaw tightens, his face smoothing over into blankness.
“Fine. Do what you want, I can’t stop you.”
Grian could try to stop him, if he really wanted to. He was always so powerful. But the avian glances at Scar, then back at Jimmy, and Jimmy wonders briefly if Grian really thinks Scar doesn’t know.
After all, if Scar was any less aware of the situation at hand, he wouldn’t be able to see Jimmy at all.
There’s not another word from Grian as he stomps off, disappearing into the mist that surrounds them. Scar hangs back, shoots Jimmy what’s likely meant to be a calming smile.
“He’s just grumpy that he got us killed, don’t worry about him,” Scar says jovially. Then, quieter, more considerate, he adds, “He’s scared for you. He thinks you’re . . . employed against your will, shall we say.”
“I’ve been a Watcher for quite a bit longer than he ever was, thanks,” Jimmy retorts, and to Scar’s credit he doesn’t even blink. “And he knows what I am, who I am. Tell him if he’s got a problem with that, he can bring it up with the Prophecies of Old, all right?”
Scar grimaces. “I’m sure he knows . . . whatever that’s all about. Season Eight just spooked him, is all. And then this. . . .” he clears his throat. “He'll be back to regular-ol’-Grian in no time! Well, gotta get back to my theme park. See ya, TJ!”
And then Scar’s gone, mist covering him in one great cloud and then breaking apart to reveal he’s vanished. Jimmy nearly laughs—typical Scar and his magic tricks.
There’s still four pairs for him to Watch. And from what Jimmy’s seen (and what he’s Seen) of this game, he knows which ones are going to lose.
His going first had been a given, really—he has to be outside of the game to really manipulate anything. Tango had been an unfortunate byproduct of that.
Next was Ren and BigB, mostly due to Grian’s trap prophecy—and maybe Jimmy ought to find an assistant, because it’s getting rather hard to keep track of all these prophecies and bring them to fruition, but he managed that one rather nicely and then made certain that none of Grian’s traps worked for the rest of the game, which ultimately led to his downfall.
It’s just the four pairs left now, and it’s easy to push subconsciously for the portal to be trapped, and even easier to push both Joel and Etho through it. He had planned for a while for them to die, but Etho’s slippery and Joel’s unexpected, so he feels some sort of vindictive pleasure when Joel swears his way through the After and into the Beyond (trying to forget the abject horror with which he Listened to Joel’s agonized pleas for Etho to find safety, to not feel this pain).
Impulse and Bdubs are an easy choice after that, even though Pearl really should not be able to win that fight. Bdubs Sees a bit more than he should, sticks his tongue out at Jimmy as Impulse pulls him back to Hermitcraft, seeing nothing.
And then he has to end it.
Jimmy can See his friends, the smudges of dirt and dried blood that paint them, the haggard lines of exhaustion in their faces. He can Hear the desperation in their thoughts, the way their voices beg for mercy.
He’s perhaps the only one who can grant it.
And he’s made his choice.
Maybe it’s the ghost of his voice that whispers for Martyn to turn against Scott, and maybe he chooses Martyn because of how well Martyn Listens, but Martyn just tilts his head, nods, and nocks a firework.
Cleo doesn’t want to go along with him, but she has to. Jimmy makes sure to eliminate all of her other options. He sends them after Pearl. He wants to give the victor a little more victory before the end.
When they die, they appear beside Jimmy just as everyone else has, but unlike everyone else, Jimmy speaks to them.
“Hey, Martyn,” he says, and Martyn looks every which way before his face dawns with comprehension.
“Timmy,” he chuckles, even as Cleo frowns at him. “Thought the voice sounded like you. Third again, Tim—have you got something against me?”
“Who are you talking to?” Cleo asks. “We’re alone.”
“It’s not your turn yet,” is all Jimmy can say. He’s not sure when it’ll be Martyn’s turn—there’s dozens of prophecies he has to sort through before deciding which threads to follow next time, and he doesn’t even know if any of them have Martyn as a winner. The Watchers and Listeners alike are rather frustrated with Martyn lately; he wouldn’t put it past them to make him suffer for a while.
“That sucks. Least I didn’t kill myself this time, am I right?”
“Sure. Good job, Martyn.” Jimmy tells him, voice purposefully placating. Martyn doesn’t sputter in outrage, though, as he would in the games. He just shoots a tired smile in the opposite direction of Jimmy (who Sees it anyway) and says,
“How long are you here for?”
Cleo rolls her eyes and steps into the mist, past death. Martyn lingers, waiting—hopefully, almost—for an answer.
Jimmy checks up on Scott and Pearl. They’ve still not met up, yet, Scott taking a moment to rest before finding her.
“Not long,” he says after a moment, the bloodlust that’s been plaguing everyone’s thoughts for so long (and giving him a horrid headache) finally beginning to abate. “Why?”
Martyn shuffles his feet a little bit, shrugs. “I dunno. Figured you might not want to be alone after this, might want to hang out. Yeah?”
Jimmy doesn’t remind him that he’s got an entire server to return to, plenty of friends waiting for him. He knows that Martyn’s not asking for Jimmy’s sake.
“I’ll message you,” he promises, and Martyn smiles again before fading into the mist.
Then all that’s left is the victor.
And Scott.
And Jimmy, of course, but he doesn’t ever really count himself when it comes to these games, even when he’s still within them. He’s always out first, he always has to be—and not only for prophecy purposes. Grian really doesn’t like Watchers—or any sort of outsider—intruding on his territory, but someone has to be there to make sure there’s safe passage to another world.
Scott’s making his way toward Pearl now. Pearl’s still cuddling her dogs, telling them all about how she won.
And then Scott’s there, just behind her, and maybe it’s a little push from Jimmy that puts the idea in Scott’s head, gets him to start unbuckling his chestplate.
It’s not like Scott will ever know. With the Red bloodlust, Scott would be lucky to even recognize thoughts that are his own.
Pearl doesn’t like it. She doesn’t like Scott’s tower of tnt, doesn’t like that he’s talking to her, could be a distraction—her fingers flex around the sweat-stained leather of her sword hilt, ready to block any attack that comes, ready to slash the wire of a fishing rod—but Scott simply smiles, congratulates her, and lights his pyre.
She screams, quick and cut-off because soon enough Scott’s dead and just afterward she’s dead.
The world relaxes under Jimmy’s hands, held taut for so long. He relaxes as well. It’s over. It’s finally over.
Scott turns up before Pearl, and Jimmy, knowing all, knows why—he’s let her ghost linger for a few moments, long enough to say farewell to her dogs.
Scott looks around, and there’s a light behind the fading Red in his eyes that tells Jimmy exactly what he’s looking for, exactly what he’s remembering.
“No happy ending this time, eh?” he asks with a quirk of his lips. Jimmy chuckles. Scott can’t hear him or see him, though, so it’s a moment of humor reserved for himself.
Scott turns to leave, but pauses. “Don’t forget MCC this weekend, yeah?” he tosses over his shoulder. Then he’s gone.
And it’s just Jimmy.
And Pearl, who has suddenly appeared.
“Oh,” she says quietly, then louder, “hello? Is anyone here? Scott?”
She’ll leave soon enough and forget her loneliness, so Jimmy turns his attention toward more pressing matters. The world’s going to collapse entirely soon—otherwise it would just be taking up space—and Jimmy helps it along, grabbing a line of code and yanking, watching it unspool an entire hill. That’s always going to be satisfying to him, no matter how many times he does it.
A sound from beside him—she hasn’t left yet, oddly enough. “I’m still alone,” Pearl sniffles, and one unseeable eye blinking open before her shows Jimmy that she looks so terribly lost, tears just forming in her eyes. “Except I don’t even have Tilly with me, here. It’s just . . . me.”
What’s left of Pearl’s tower folds in on itself, vanishes as the world itself begins to twist. Box crumbles. Jimmy winces as his own grave cracks and disappears.
Pearl’s crying, Jimmy realizes with a start, a fat tear rolling down her cheek before she can stop it. She rubs at her eyes with the torn sleeve of her hoodie, takes in a shuddering breath.
“I wanna go home,” she whispers to no one, and Jimmy wonders why she doesn’t. “Which way is home?” 
Oh. If Jimmy isn’t mistaken, she’s glitched. 
It’s not the first time he’s had to deal with a glitched player in one of Grian’s death worlds. Last game, Bdubs’s final death had glitched similarly, leaving him stuck in the limbo of the void. He’d started to become Watcherish for the week that he was stuck, looking down at the game below and eventually Seeing. It had taken Jimmy far too long to try the simplest solution, the one that actually got him out, after working through dozens of different ones.
This time, he takes Pearl’s hand before he tries anything else.
She gasps, but she doesn’t let go. Instead, her grip tightens around Jimmy’s not-quite-corporeal hand.
“I’ll lead you home,” he tells her, knowing she’ll hear nothing.
Pearl, to her credit, follows.
She doesn’t stop crying, which is awkward for Jimmy, really, because how is he meant to comfort someone to whom he is nothing more than mist right now? And sometimes her cries are less anguished and more angry, and that’s a whole issue that he really doesn’t want to deal with so maybe it’s better that he can’t help.
She’ll start feeling better once she’s on Hermitcraft again. Red still stains her skin and mind, leftover from being Last. Both Grian and Scott had each had a particularly difficult time shaking off the despairing bloodlust after their respective wins.
But neither of them had glitched. Both had moved on almost instantly to their next servers. Pearl is stuck here with all of those warped feelings.
He doesn’t envy her position. He does pity it.
It’s not a short walk to Hermitcraft, but not a particularly long one either—Jimmy leads her into the mist for maybe ten minutes before he starts feeling the pull, that distinct Hermity feeling that tells him in gentle whispers that this is where Pearl belongs.
He releases her hand and her defenses shoot up, face guarded and one hand ready to punch while the other grasps aimlessly at nothing.
She needs a final push, then. If she were more in her right mind, she would have sensed the pull of her home.
And she just looks so terribly lonely.
So Jimmy forces all of his strength into giving his body weight and wraps her in a hug.
She’s surprised, and murder is still very much at the forefront of her mind, but after a moment she relaxes into it, hugs him back, her hands grabbing for a body that isn’t there to her. She sighs, butts her head up against him, her head finally going quiet enough that it isn’t grating on Jimmy’s ears.
“Don’t know who you are,” she says. “Too tall to be Grian, which is who I expected, really. Thank you, though—whoever you are.”
“You’re welcome,” Jimmy responds, and she still doesn’t hear him, but she lets him ease her into Hermitcraft’s current before releasing her to disappear into it.
And he’s really been alone for quite some time, but finally he’s alone-alone, with no more voices and faces that he has to keep track of. He can just close all of his eyes and stop Seeing and stop Listening and just Stop for a moment.
There’s so much paperwork to do.
He could stay here to do it. Once he’s done overseeing the destruction of the server he could just hang out in the timeless nothing of the void, where no one can bother him and he can get it done on time, rather than cram it all into his schedule the night before the deadline.
Or he could go back to Tumble Town, finally get a chance to relax. Stretch out in his own bed with Deputy Norman by his side. Get dirt under his fingers, feel the mesa sun beat down on him, build something with his own two hands. It’s really not a tough choice to make.
He’s always been more Player than anything else.
So Jimmy goes the way Joel and Scott went, follows the thread that whispers of Empires until he finds the current, lets himself be washed away into it.
He’ll definitely do some of that paperwork tomorrow. Totally.
Jimmy wakes with a gasp, lungs frantically filling and refilling after so many days in the void without needing to breathe. He’d forgotten how much of an adjustment period properly having a body is (at least it’s not as bad as waking in the Cod Empire had been; the air of the mesa is much thinner and doesn’t feel like soup sliding down his throat).
Other than his breathing, it’s quiet. Not quiet in the way of the void, the suffocating silence only broken by the words of the dead. Quiet in the way of the world—wind kicking up a bit of sand outside, the cry of a faraway bird, Norman purring at the foot of the bed.
He thinks maybe he’ll build a shop today.
Jimmy takes a few more long minutes to figure out how to breathe and move before forcing himself up. He rolls out of bed, pulls on his jeans and buttons up his shirt. He grabs a bite of hardtack before stepping into his cowboy boots, dusts the crumbs off his hands and pins his sheriff badge onto his vest.
He’s about to step out the door when he realizes he’s almost forgotten the most important part! On a hook by the kitchen table is a beautiful ten-gallon hat, and he swings it on and fingers the part of the brim that’s already wearing thin before marching out the door, ready for a day of living.
A violet eye blinks open in the back of the hat.
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