#i hope dean and dirk stayed in touch
trashmoutth · 8 months
When I see you again (Fred Weasley x Reader)
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PARTS 1. 2. female!reader, Gryffindor!reader Summary: It takes place during the Second Wizarding War, months after Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Reader is on the run after her family has been caught by the Snatchers. Loosely following cannon. Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader (mentioned) Characters: Dean Thomas, Fred Weasley (mentioned),George Weasley (mentioned), Ted Tonks (mentioned), Dirk Cresswell (mentioned) Warnings: war, mentions of death, angst, swearing, english is not my first language so there might be grammatical mistakes, capital letters, etc.
During the next couple of days there was a strange feeling of excitement in the air. For the first time in a while, you felt like there was something to hope for, like you had a goal. The sudden burst of adrenaline in your veins had you wandering around this old house of yours all day and all night. It was driving Dean crazy, but you didn’t care. He showed you how to replay old PotterWatch recordings, so you had them playing in the background through the day while searching through your grandma’s old books in hopes of finding something helpful.
Dean was being as supportive as he could’ve been, considering he was also aching to get in touch with his parents and sisters, however, he was reluctant to get his hopes up. You didn’t have the same problem. It wasn’t a choice for you.
“I’d tell her that her family is alive and well and desperate for news of her whereabouts. As are quite frankly, all of us here at the PotterWatch”.
When you weren’t replaying the recording, you were replaying those words in your head.
You had to find a way.
There was another resident in the house who didn’t seem to be too keen on contacting the wizarding world. A goblin named Ricbert. He was badly injured and spent most of the time resting. You couldn’t blame him for not wanting to risk exposure, not after Dean has told you everything they had to go through to get to a safe house. They were travelling with Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell and another goblin named Gornuk. They crossed miles and miles being actively hunted by the Snatchers and Death Eaters. Gornuk has split himself while apparating in a hurry and got captured. Dirk went after him while urging the others to run away, but Ted Tonks would not leave anyone behind. Unfortunately, that resulted in Dean and Ricbert having to fend for themselves.
Listening to that story made you shiver. But if anything, it made you even more determined to stop running and hiding. It wasn’t even just about seeing your family and friends again. It wasn’t just about Fred either. People were fighting for their lives! You couldn’t stay put! You had to do something!
When you weren’t practicing defensive spells, you spent your time obsessively collecting herbs and brewing healing remedies for Ricbert. It made you feel a bit better, being useful to someone. You were trying out all kinds of recipes you thought might come in handy.
You made a batch of Polyjuice Potion, Cure for boils, Antidote to Common Poisons, Antidote to Uncommon Poisons. You even tried to make Felix Felicis, but the ingredients for it were way too hard to find even in regular circumstances.
You were brewing so much that Dean eventually had to take you by the hand and force you to sit down and take a break.
“If Snape could see me now!”, you said with a tired smile.
Dean chuckled.
“He’d probably put you in detention for working too hard”.
“Ah, yes! Did you know he actually did do that to me once?”
“What, really?”
“Yeah… I wrote an essay in my third year that was accidentally a little too good. He accused me of using a magical quill and put me in detention”, you rolled your eyes.
“Blimey, what a git!”
“Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ve never tried to work too hard on my homework again!”, you laughed.
It was nice talking to Dean, the two of you became fast friends during your stay in the house. You gave each other space through the day, but in the evenings, you would sit down and enjoy each other’s company. Just like you were back in the Gryffindor common room, chatting about muggle films and sports. You found your grandparents’ stash of Firewhiskey and Nettlewine, so you’d light the fireplace and open a bottle. Ricbert also joined you on occasion.
You tried not to talk too much about PotterWatch, even though that was all you wanted to talk about, and tried avoiding mentioning Fred and George’s name completely. At least until you’ve figured out the way to find them. On the first night, you and Dean went through all the options of how to get in touch with someone from your world. Floo powder was out of question. So was sending and owl, obviously. Most importantly, even if you did find a way to send anyone a message, you wouldn’t know where to send it. Apparating to any location was an unnecessary risk, especially now that you seemed to be perfectly safe and sound for the first time in months. Not to mention the fact that you didn’t want to put Ricbert in danger just because, as he so delicately put one evening,
“You heard your boyfriend mention your name on a radio two weeks ago”.
The word “boyfriend” stupidly made your heart flutter. It wasn’t, strictly speaking, true, but you didn’t correct him. Dean didn’t question it either at the time. However, that evening, after a few glasses of Nettlewine, his curiosity got the best of him.
“So…”, he started, “You and Weasley, eh?”
“You and Fred Weasley? You’re like… an item, right?”
“What makes you say that?”, you feigned surprise.
He raised his eyebrows and smirked at you.
“Oh, please!”
“No! We are just friends”, you tried to protest, but a small smile escaped your lips and betrayed you.
“Sure you are!”, Dean chuckled, “I also fall asleep every night while listening to recordings of my friend’s voices on the radio”.
“Well maybe you should, it’s very calming”, you teased.
“Besides”, you continued, “How do you know it’s not Georgie I’m listening for?”
“Oh”, he laughed, “You’re right, my apologies”.
“Why do you think they call him Tentacula?”.
He snorted and threw a pillow at you.
“Don’t put images in my head!”
“Well, you’re the one who started this conversation!”, you threw the pillow back at him.
He groaned.
“I was just being nosy, I didn’t want the details!”
“Curiosity killed the hippogriff!”
“Also…”, Dean continued, “Ginny mentioned something to me back when we were dating…”
Your heart jumped in your chest.
“About what?”, you asked as calmly as possible.
“You know… about you and Weasley… Fred, I mean”.
“What did she say?”
Dean looked at you sternly as if what he was about to say is very serious indeed, but then his face stretched into a wide grin, and he burst out laughing.
“Nothing! I just wanted to see your reaction!”
You groaned.
“Oi, Thomas, that was really low!”
“Sorry, better work on your poker face Y/LN!”, he teased you.
You rolled your eyes.
“Well, it’s not like it matters anyway. I mean… who knows if I’ll ever see him again”, your voice suddenly turned sad.
Dean’s expression softened.
“You’ll see him”, he said.
You looked at him with teary eyes and gently smiled with gratitude.
“You think so?”, you asked quietly, before you could stop yourself.
“Yes”, he replied, “We’ll find a way. But then you have to do it”.
“Do what?”
“Shoot your shot”, he said and threw a pillow at you again.
You’ve spent the next couple of days trying to figure out how to bring up your newest plan of sending a message to Fred and George. It seemed like a good plan; the only problem was the fact that you had no idea how to execute it.
“Dean…”, you started one afternoon.
“Yes?”, he asked.
“I’ve figured it out”, you said slowly.
“You have?”, he jumped in excitement.
“Yes… sort of”.
“What does that mean?”
“Well…”, you started, “There might be a way to send someone a message without having to know exactly where they are, I think… but it requires a really powerful witch or wizard to do so”.
“I’m not worried about that part!”, he winked at you.
You laughed bitterly.
“I don’t know, mate. I’ve never been able to do it before… that’s why I didn’t bring it up until now”.
“What is it?”, his voice suddenly got a bit more serious.
You took a deep breath.
“The thing is… you can send someone a message using the Patronus charm”.
“You can?”, he asked in a surprise.
“Yes”, you replied, “I’ve seen it”.
The image of a silver, gleaming lynx with a voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt suddenly entered your mind.
“Well, that’s… good news, right?”, Dean asked.
You sighed.
“Yes… and no”.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… I’ve never been able to produce a corporal Patronus before… and even if I did it, I have no idea how to get it to send someone a message!”, you said, with slight frustration in your voice.
“Oh…”, Dean said.
“Can you produce it?”
He shook his head.
“No… never been able to”.
“Well… that’s why I didn’t say anything until now… but it seems like it might be the only option we have left”.
He looked at you in disbelief.
“What kind of option is that? We’d have to become able to produce a corporal Patronus, and then we’d also have to somehow figure out a way to make it reach someone else for us… it would take us weeks, months, maybe even years!”
“You have somewhere to be?”, you asked sarcastically.
He sighed.
“Well, then… unless you can come up with a better plan, I suggest you roll up your sleeves and start practicing the charm!”, you said in a tone of voice that reminded you a bit of Professor McGonagall.
A similar thought has clearly crossed Dean’s mind, because he smirked at you and said,
“Yes, professor!”
You softened your expression and smiled at him.
The following couple of days were spent by your useless attempts to preform the Patronus charm. When you weren’t whispering, mumbling, or screaming:
“Expecto Patronum!”
you were cooped up in your room, reading your grandmas old books, trying to find anything at all about the Patronus charm. It was hopeless.
To be fair, you managed to produce a glowing, silver shield that danced around the room, but there was no sign of fur, tail, claws, hooves, or anything like that. It was driving you mad, which, obviously, wasn’t helpful while trying to focus on your happiest memories.
One evening, as you were lying in your bed and rewinding old recordings of PotterWatch, a shocking realisation suddenly hit you.
Of course you would not be able to create a Patronus, you didn’t have a memory that was strong enough! All your happiest thoughts were somehow tainted by the fact that you were here, locked inside a safe house, completely isolated from the people that you loved the most. But if you could do it… If you could be strong enough to perform the spell…
You didn’t have a happiest memory because all of them were set in the future! And you held the power to make them into reality!
It was a paradoxical thought, but the realisation made your heart fill up with hope, and perhaps, that could be enough to summon a Patronus!
You jumped out of the bed, in a sudden rush of adrenaline, and raised your wand.
You closed your eyes.
What would make you happy? What is the happiest thing you can think of at this very moment?
An image of your parents glimmered in your mind. They were smiling at you while embracing you into a tight hug.
Then another image appeared. Your friends! George Weasley gifting you one of his infectious smiles and congratulating you on a spell well-done! Lee Jordan, shaking your hand and kissing your cheeks.
A small grin appeared on your lips.
It was working!
Then, you saw his face. Fred.
His flaming red locks and glistening eyes. He reached his hands towards you and pulled you in his arms. You knew his scent all too well. He smelled of cinnamon and fireworks. He didn’t say anything to you, and you didn’t say anything to him. You just stood there, embracing. No words were needed.
You felt your heart swell up as happy tears started to fill your eyes. You took a deep breath.
You were almost there!
You raised your wand higher and pictured yourself as exactly the person you wanted to be in this very moment. You were strong enough to summon a Patronus. You were clever enough to reach your friends. You were brave enough to protect Ricbert and Dean. You could do it! You just had to believe in it!
“Excpecto Patronum”, you whispered.
A beam of silver light shot out of your wand. It seemed to be forming into a shape.
Was that a claw? Or maybe antlers?
The beautiful silver light blazing from your wand gave you more confidence, so you repeated, this time more loudly and more clearly,
“Excpecto Patronum!”
This time the light started to form into a shape a lot more distinctively. You watched in an awe as you tried to figure out what animal in reminded you of, still focusing hard on your happy thoughts.
The silver light fell apart once again, but you didn’t get discouraged. You were certain this time you’d do it. You took a deep breath and pictured Fred’s smiling face. His eyes. His voice. His laughter… You’ll see him again! You will! You were so close…
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!”, you yelled out.
The light shooting out of your wand was almost blinding this time. You squinted as you watched it prance around the room, forming into a shape of a beautiful, silvery creature. After it made a circle around the room it stopped right in front of you, looking at you with its intelligent, glowing eyes. You gasped in awe and reached for it to touch it. You recognized it instantly.
It was a (your Patronus).
You did it!
The realisation made a surge of euphoric sensation shoot through your body.
You fucking did it!
You started laughing. You wanted to call for Dean, but you were worried the animal would disappear if you did that. So, instead, you just stood there, trying to get your brain to start working again. As soon as it did, another thought has crossed your mind.
What now?
That’s right! Summoning a Patronus was only a part of the problem. As happy as you were to have succeeded, you still didn’t know how to fulfil the other part.
What if I just… ask?
it was a silly thought. And yet…
It couldn’t hurt!
You struggled for a moment to find your voice. Your Patronus was still looking at you. It seemed like it already knew what you were about to do.
“Can you… help me?”, you heard yourself say stupidly.
The Patronus blinked.
“I need to send a message… to Fred Weasley. He’s… my best friend. Perhaps you already know that…?”
The animal didn’t move or react in any way that would make it seem like it understood you. You groaned in frustration.
“Well, it was worth a shot”, you mumbled.
The frustration in your voice made the Patronus start to slowly fade out. It made you panic for a moment, but then you let it go.
If you could summon it once, you can do it again!
However, the Patronus didn’t disappear, you realized a second later. Instead, it turned itself into a tiny, floating ball of light that began slowly approaching you. Just when you thought it was about to stop, it went straight inside your neck and nested itself at the bottom of your throat.
“What the…”, you spoke in a surprise.
And then you froze in shock. You could hear your own voice, just like it was magically enhanced by Sonorous. However, you had a strange feeling that if anyone else was around you, they would only see you open your mouth and silently move it like a fish.
“Did I… do it?”, you asked.
You were still hearing your own voice inside your head. That must be it! It must be working!
“Fred…”, you started, “If you can hear me… if this reaches you somehow… I’m safe. I’m in a safe location. I can’t tell you exactly where it is, it’s heavily protected…”.
You thought for a moment about what you should and shouldn’t say. You didn’t want to compromise anyone’s safety if this message was heard by someone else.
“If you can reach my parents, would you tell them I’m okay?”, you asked.
There were so many things that you dreamt about saying to him if you got the chance, and now… it felt like there was nothing on your mind.
“Oh, I’m with Dean Thomas!”, you remembered suddenly, “He’s safe too… we’re with a goblin named Ricbert… Fred…”.
You took a deep breath.
“If you can… try to find me… please”.
Just when you started thinking about how silly that sounded, the ball of light nested in your throat flew out. It reached the middle of the room and slowly transformed back into its corporal form. The beautiful, shimmering animal stood before you once again, only this time there was a little ball of light flickering in its neck. You realised, in amazement, that that was your voice.
“Find Fred Weasley… please”, you said pleadingly.
The Patronus blinked at you once again, like it perfectly understood the assignment you just gave it, and slowly began to fade out.
For a second or two you did not move. You were still a bit unsure that what you just saw really happened. You wanted to call Dean and tell him all about it, but before you could do that, you felt yourself slowly sinking into bed. You were exhausted.
You didn’t know for sure how long you slept. Was it five hours or five minutes. You only knew that in one moment your eyes were shut and you were sleeping, and in another something in the room has made you groan out in frustration.
Did somebody turn on the light?
“Turn… it… off…”, you mumbled as you tried to cover your closed eyes with a pillow.
But it felt like the light was burning through the pillowcase. You threw the pillow away and sat up straight, like someone had just pinched you.
Your eyes widened in shock. Something was in the room with you. Through the haze of sleepiness, it looked like another glowing ball of light, only this ball was a lot larger than the one you had summoned. It made a few circles around the room before it finally settled and landed at the top of the pillow you just threw away. It was a bird. A magpie. A glowing, silvery magpie! It was spreading its shimmering wings and looking at you like it wanted your undivided attention.
Another Patronus, you realised.
Your mouth had gone dry from suspense. Then, the bird opened its silver beak and spoke in the voice of Fred Weasley,
“Y/N? Is that really you?”
Your heart stopped.
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inthiswhisper · 2 years
sam: when we get back to the bunker... man, you’ve gotta stop hiding out in your room. and i get why you’re doing it, i do, but what happened with michael… you said yes for me, for jack, for your family. you did the right thing. what happened after— just because michael was wearing your face doesn’t mean any of this is on you. i don’t blame you, no one blames you. you gotta try and stop blaming yourself. please.
dean: i’m never gonna get over it, okay? i’m just not. but you’re right. i’m not doing anybody any good by just staying cooped up in my room. so, whatever you need, i’m there.
ended on a sweet note. loved the hell out of this episode. i’ll probably watch it ten more times.
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The Daughter of a Righteous Man- Chapter 25
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After her husband is drug to Hell, Ava Winchester and her brother in law Sam try their best to do right by Dean and raise her daughter, only to find that good intentions aren’t always enough. Loving someone isnt always enough.
Chapter Twenty-Five, This is the First Day of My Life
About fifteen years later
I sat on the counter, my bare legs hanging down as I stuck my spoon directly into the pint of chocolate brownie ice cream. I had shrugged out of my button up, and was wearing my tank top and plaid uniform skirt. My hair was up in a bun. It was so fucking hot outside. My Chemistry book was in my lap as I did my best to be studious, even though I’d rather rip my hair out than read another word of biology. My final was coming up and it was too damn much.
"You're not my father, Castiel! You may look like him, but you're not him."
"Claire," Castiel grunted. I could hear footsteps padding down the steps to my right. "Please slow down."
"No! I can't believe you brought me to a creepy underground bunker. You had no right!"
My eyes widened as a blonde girl about my age stormed into my kitchen. She wore a gray, ratty T-shirt under a black leather jacket with an excessive amount of silver zippers. Her hair was long with wild curls. She had obviously been crying by the black smudges under her blue eyes.
"This is bullshit!" She shouted, throwing her hands in the air. She turned and caught my eyes.
"Uh, hi," I said awkwardly, spoon still between my lips.
"Do you have other girls trapped here?!" She asked, gesturing to me.
"I actually live here," I said, as I pulled the spoon out of my mouth.
"I'll get your bags from the car," Cas said, awkward as ever.
"I'm El," I said, offering my hand out to her.
She eyed me, checking me out. "Claire." She put her hand in mine. "You a stray, too?"
"Deans daughter."
She raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
"Mhm." I looked her over. Claire. I'd heard that name before. Her words echoed in my head. "You're Jimmys daughter."
Claire's expression softened a bit, but her mouth was still stuck in a scowl. "I was."
"I'm sorry about your dad."
"Me too, but he's been gone for a long time."
"I can't even imagine losing my dad," I admitted.
"The goof in the flannel?"
I smiled a bit. "That's him. He's got a charm." I shrugged. "You get used to it."
"I won't,” Claire said, folding her arms across her chest. "I won't be here long enough to get used to anything."
"It's not a bad set up. Good Wi-Fi. Lots of lore. Great shower pressure." I offered a smile, taking another bite of ice cream. "Not exactly a place to bring dates, but most girls don't have three dads. That has nothing to do with the bunker."
Claire winced. "Three dads. Hell I'd give anything to have one."
"I know Cas isn't your dad, but he's a good guy. He tries."
"I don't want to talk about him."
"That's fair," I said, shoving the spoon back into the carton. 
I could see her eyeing my ice cream, and I noticed how sharp her collar bones were under the swoop neck on her T-shirt. "Want some?"
She looked taken aback, but she slowly nodded. "Yeah, okay."
I reached under my legs to open the drawer and pull out another spoon. She hopped up on the counter to sit next to me, and dug her spoon in. "I have a chocolate problem," I admitted. "Especially when I'm stressed. I think it fixes everything."
"What're you stressed about?" She asked, eyeing my plaid skirt.
"Finals." I smiled cheekily. "I know it sounds dumb..."
"Nah. It's a nice change from the roller coaster I'm on."
"Are you in school?"
"Got my GED." She tilted her head to the side, sucking on her spoon. "School wasn't my thing."
I resisted the urge to reach up and wipe the makeup off from under her eye. "So no college?"
"I'm in the college of life,” she said flatly.
"I'm surprised you're in school at all. If you grew up with hunters."
"Dad wanted a different life for me. He wanted me to have opportunities that he didn't have."
"Noble," Claire said taking another bite of the ice cream.
"Maybe," I said, closing my chemistry book. "But on the other hand, maybe it's not what I want."
Claire leaned closer to me. "And what do you want?"
"I'm still deciding." I looked down at my book, sitting it next to me. "But I haven't even had the opportunity to learn the hunt. He's worked so hard to keep it away from me. I love what they do. They save people, and I'm just in class reading a fucking book about theories."
Claire looked taken aback when I cursed and then she smiled a bit, mischievously. "You have some fight in you."
"I'm a Winchester." I smiled widely. "All we do is fight." I grabbed her hand. "I know you don't want to be here, but if you stay we will fight for you, too."
Things were way too fucking quiet on the apocalypse front. Sammy said he had some things to take care of. He wouldn't tell me what. Things seemed fine between him and Ave, but I wondered if he needed some time away from us, to get his head on straight. So I let him go, even though it's against everything I believe in to watch my little brother walk away, I let him go.
I sipped my coffee in the kitchen and looked out the window at the sunrise. I never got up early, but I couldn't sleep. I never could anymore.
"Morning," Ava said, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey," I said, glancing at her.
"I have a present for you."
I turned toward her and raised an eyebrow. "You do?"
She walked to me, the island in between us. She pulled her hand up and and sat down her newspaper. "I think I have a case."
Her eyes were glistening. Fuck she was beautiful. "Really? A case? Sam just left."
"I thought you and I could work it together."
I walked closer to the island, just the counter between us. I reached across and touched her cheek. "I'd like that," I admitted. "Tell me about the case."
"Uh... can I help you?" A young man behind the counter asked.
We were in a book store that carried a large selection of comics. We suspected a haunting, even if it seemed like a long shot.
"Sure hope so. Agents DeYoung and Shaw. Just need to ask you a few questions," I said, flashing my badge. Ava did the same next to me.
"Notice anything strange in the building, last couple of days?" Ava asked.
"Like what?"
"Well, some other tenants reported flickering lights," I said, glancing around.
The man scratched his head. "Uh, I don't think so. Why?"
"What about noises? Any skittering in the walls? Kind of like rats?" I asked.
The cashier squinted. "And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?"
"What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?" Ava asked leaning into him.
A grin grew on the mans face. "I knew it! You guys are LARPing, aren't you?"
Larping? The fuck is that? "Excuse me?"
The cashier gestures to us. "You're fans."
"Fans of what?" Ava asked, crossing her arms.
I tugged on the tie around my neck, feeling claustrophobic all of a sudden. "What is 'LARPing'?"
The cashier rolled his eyes. "Like you don't know. Live-Action Role-Play! And pretty hardcore, too."
I frowned, my eyebrows coming together. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called? Uh... Supernatural. Two guys, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. What are their names? Uh... Steve and Dirk? Uh, Sal and Dane?"
I swallowed hard and Ava and I exchanged a look.
"Sam and Dean?" She offered.
"That's it!"
My head was spinning. He didn't make any sense. How could he know any of this? "You're saying this is a book?"
"Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following." He moved from behind the counter and walked over to the bargain bin and began to dig around. Eventually he came across a book and handed it to me. "That's the first one, I think."
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." I frowned at the classic romance novel cover. "Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths."
Ava raised her eyebrows. We had suddenly forgotten about the case. "We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you've got."
We went back to the motel. Dean was getting obsessed with the books, and if I was being honest, my head was spinning too. I sat crisscrossed on the window seat typing away on my laptop. I was doing research on the books about their lives, about my life. Dean lounged on the bed, reading intently.
"This is freakin' insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?"
"I have no idea," I said, glancing at him.
"Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the vampires on the beach to us having sex. I'm full-frontal in here." Dean stood up, rubbing his face. "How come we haven't heard of them before?"
I sighed and gestures to my screen. "They're not exactly popular, Dean. Kind of obscure. The publisher got put out about a dozen before they went bankrupt. The last one ends with you going to Hell. I'm in here too. It all is in here." I was suddenly happy that there wasn't another. I couldn't take him reading about Sam and I raising his child without him.
He took the laptop from me. "I reiterate. Freaking insane." His eyes widened. "Check it out. There's actually fans. There's not many of them, but still. Did you read this?"
"There are Sam girls and Dean girls and... what's a slash fan?"
"As in... Sam-slash-Dean. Together."
Dean looked up at me over the laptop. "Like, together together?"
He looked disgusted. "They do know we're brothers, right?"
"I don't think they care." I laughed. "They say a lot about me too, look," I said, taking back the computer. "Ava's character is flatly written. Dean deserves someone just as complexly written as he is." I rolled my eyes.
"We got to find this Carver Edlund."
"I don't know if we can, babe. No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name."
Dean groaned. This was really getting to him. "Somebody's gotta know who he is."
"Well, I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy."
He leaned into me, putting his hands on either side of my face. "You know me, Ava Winchester. I live for crazy."
After some research, I found the location of the publisher. She was obscure, but surprisingly active on social media. Not only did she publish the books, but she ran the official fan club. It wasn't hard to locate her house.
Dean and I stood in her kitchen. She poured us each a glass of iced tea. "So you published the Supernatural books?"
"Yep. Yeah. Gosh. These books... You know, they never really got the attention they deserved."
I forced a smile. "Right. Well, we're hoping that our article can... shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press then maybe we could start publishing again." She pushed her glasses up her nose. She was bouncing in her shoes.
Dean raised his eyebrows, throwing his hands up. "No, no, no, no. God, no. I mean, why would you want to do that? You know, it's, uh, such a complete series, what with Dean going to Hell and all."
Nice recovery.
The publisher, but her hand on her chest in a swoon. "Oh, my god! That was one of my favorite ones, because Dean was so strong and sad and brave. Watching him give up everything for Ava. It was beautiful. I mean, the best parts are when they'd cry. Gosh... if only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings."
I snorted a bit, biting the inside on my cheek. I did my damndest to keep it together.
"Real men?" Dean asked flatly.
"I mean, no offense. How often do you cry like that, hmm?"
"Well, right now, I'm crying on the inside."
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
I elbowed him gently.
The publisher took off her glasses. "How do I know you two are legit, hmm?"
"Oh, trust me. We, uh... we're legit."
"Well, I don't want any smart-ass article making fun of my boys."
"No! We would never," I jumped in. "We are big fans. Really."
"Hmm. You've read the books?"
"Cover to cover," Dean agreed.
The publisher crossed her arms in defiance. "What's the year and model of the car?"
"It's a 1967 Chevy Impala."
"What's May 2nd?"
"Sams birthday," I said, wincing, knowing it was coming up.
"What is the gender of Ava and Deans baby?"
"A little girl," I said, itching to reach for his hand.
"Dean's favorite song?"
"It's a tie. Between Zep's Ramble On and Traveling Riverside Blues."
The publisher grinned. "Okay. Okay. What do you want to know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name?" I asked, leaning forward
"Oh, no. I... No. Sorry, I can't do that."
"We just want to talk to him. You know, get the story in his own words," I said weakly.
"He's very private."
"It would mean so much to us. Like I said," I stepped to Dean, unbuttoning his shirt. He looked at me suspiciously, but allowed me to continue. I exposed his anti possession tattoo. "We are big fans."
The publisher looked weak seeing Deans skin. She fanned herself a bit. "Okay." She took out a pen and paper and started to write. "His name's Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius, so don't piss him off."
The front door swung open after a few brisk knocks. A man with an unkempt beard and shaggy hair squinted at us.
"You Chuck Shurley?" I asked.
"The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?"
The man eyed us. "Maybe. Why?"
"I'm Dean. This is Ava. The Dean and Ava you've been writing about."
The door shut in my face. I groaned and pounded on it again. It creaked open.
"Look, uh... I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life." Chuck tried to shut the door again, but I put my arm in the way, stopping it.
"See, here's the thing. We have a life. You've been using it to write your books."
I pushed my way past him into the house, Ava following behind me.
"Now, wait a minute. Now, this isn't funny."
"That's the understatement of the year." Ava laughed dryly. "We just want to know how you're doing it."
"I'm not doing anything."
I turned to him. "Are you a hunter?"
"What? No. I'm a writer."
I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms. "Then how do you know so much about demons?" I stepped closer to Chuck, causing him to fall backwards on the couch.
"What do you want?" He stumbled over his words.
"I'm Ava, and this is Dean. Sam isn't here, but he's real too."
Chuck shook his head. "Ava, Sam, and Dean are fictional characters. I made them up! They're not real!"
"The fuck we aren't," I said, grabbing him by his ratty T-shirt. "Get up."
We walked him to the Impala, and I popped the trunk, showing him our full Arsenal.
"Are those real guns?"
"Yup. This is real rock salt, these are real fake IDs," I explained.
"Well, I got to hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. That's, that's awesome. So, I...I think I've got some posters in the house."
"Chuck, stop," I said putting my hand up.
"Please. Wait. Please, don't hurt me," Chuck said cowering in front of me.
Ava laughed a bit and walked toward him. "How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
Chuck looked at her in shock. "Wait a minute. How do you know about that?"
"No. The question is how do you."
"Because I wrote it?"
"Waits" Ava began. "You kept writing?"
"Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did Phil put you up to this?"
I sighed and punched the bridge of my nose. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my wife, Ava."
"The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down."
"Now you're getting it," Ava said with a forced smile.
Chuck looked weak, so we each took a side of him and took him back inside.
He sat in the sitting room, and poured himself a whiskey. "Well, there's only one explanation. Obviously I'm a god."
Ava laughed and shook her head. "Yeah, you are not a god."
"How else do you explain it? I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through. The physical beatings alone."
I shrugged. "Yeah, we're still in one piece."
"I killed Ava in front of you. I killed your mother... both of your mothers. All for what? For entertainment?"
"You didn't create us, Chuck," I said gently. "You're not god."
"We think you're probably just psychic," Ava added.
"No. If I were psychic, you think I'd be writing? Writing is hard."
Ava sat next to him. "It seems that somehow, you're just... focused on our lives. On Sam and Deans."
"Yeah, like laser-focused. Are you working on anything right now?" I asked.
Chuck gasped, suddenly rising. "Holy crap."
"What?" Ava asked, watching him rifle through papers on his desk.
"The, uh, latest book? It's, uh, it's kind of weird. I uh, I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, at my house... confronted by my characters."
Ava and I exchanged a look again. What the fuck is going on?
Ava took the papers from him.
"So... You wrote another chapter?" I asked.
"Dean," Ava said, scanning the pages with her eyes.
"If this is real... it's... fuck it's bad."
"What is?" I asked, my eyebrows coming together.
"It's Lilith." Chuck said, meeting my eyes. "She's coming for Sam."
Chapter Twenty-Six, The Winchester Way
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mlovesstories · 6 years
Scout Was A Secret 6
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Word Count: 1200
Warnings: Guns, canon violence, language, kidnapping, rescue, pie
“Dirk is crazy, Sam. He will kill Dean,” Scout said urgently. “How did he even get out?”
“Okay, calm down. Dean knows how to take care of himself. Dirk escaped during intake, apparently. I need you to answer some questions for me.” She nodded. “Was Dirk possessive of you? Around friends or family?”
“In a creepy way, sometimes. He didn’t have social cues.” Scout answered while trying to control her breathing.
“He wants you. That is his whole motivation.”
“So let him have me.” Scout stated emotionless.
“NO! Are you crazy? We would never let that happen, Scout.” Sam was appalled by her willingness to sacrifice herself for her father. “There is no way in hell.”
“Good thing we aren’t in hell then,” she responded with an attitude. “I heard some noise in the background of the call. I think I know where they are.” Scout picked up her car keys and asked Sam if he was coming without using words.
“Fine, but you stay in the car. Where are we going?”
“There is this warehouse that Dirk worked at. Sometimes my mom and I brought him lunch. I heard the noise of the gate opening. It’s the same sound as when my mom and I would open it when we arrived. It’s my best guess.” Scout spouted all of the information at her uncle as she sped down the highway. His eyes were wide at her detective work. He was impressed. Before Sam could respond, however, she began crying. 
“We have to save him, Sam!” Scout screamed to him, showing a side of herself that Sam had never seen.
A few hours later, they arrived at Dirk’s place of work. Before Scout could do anything, she was handcuffed to the steering wheel. Her mouth gaped open in shock. 
“Sam, what the hell?!” 
“Don’t be so surprised. You aren’t going. Dean would kill me, and I don’t want you in there either,” Sam spoke quickly. Before she could verbally respond, he was gone.  She yanked at the cuff, but it did nothing to free her. 
“Dean! You okay? Where is he?” Sam ran to his brother who was attached to a pole that came down from the ceiling and went across the room. 
Just as Sam arrived at Dean’s side, he heard a gun cock behind him.
“Well, hello there. Nice to meet you.” A gun was touching the younger brother’s scalp. Sam stood straight up with his hands in the air. 
“Don’t you dare hurt my family!” Scout screamed with a shotgun ready to fire.
“Scout! No!” Sam scolded. Dirk had dropped the gun so that it was angled at the floor. When he started to bring it toward Scout, a shot rang out, and they watched as Dirk fell to the ground with a thud.
The family looked up to see a blonde with a pistol in her hand. The boys’ eyes went wide and their mouths dropped in recognition. Scout noticed their familiarity with the lady who had saved them. They all froze for a few seconds before Dean spoke.
“Scout, that is your grandma. Mary. Mom, meet my daughter, Kansas Laura Carlyle.”
“I’ll clean this up, you can wait in the car, stay warm.” Dean said to Scout and Mary, motioning toward the impala.
“Yeah, I will help you,” Sam nodded at Dean. “Ladies, there are blankets in the car, go get warmed up.” Sam agreed with Dean. “And next time, stay in the freaking car, Scout.”
“Yes, sir. Come on, Mrs. Winchester.” Scout motioned.
“Where’s my car?!” Scout walked outside with Mary and noticed the car that she arrived in was not where she left it.
“I had Cas zap it back to the bunker. Hope that’s okay. Cas thought you may be too tired to drive.” Mary stated.
“Oh. Yeah, I guess we can go back with just one car. Here,” Scout handed her a blanket as they both got in the backseat.
“Scout, huh?”  Mary questioned. “That’s a cool name.”
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but this is just weird.  You look the same age as my dad.  Let me guess, it has something to do with supernatural-ness?” Scout’s mind was blown.
“Something like that.  I’m still their mom though.  Trust me.” She grinned.
Sam and Dean climbed back into the Impala after taking care of business. Dean was driving, of course, while Sam sat groggily in the front passenger seat.  Mary was asleep behind her oldest, and Scout was leaning on Mary’s shoulder dozing off.  Dean saw the two ladies conked out in the back and smiled.  He grabbed his phone and took a picture of his rearview mirror which showcased Mary and Scout’s napping positions.  
As Baby pulled into the garage, all four people inside were awake enough to move into the bunker.  
“Scouty, come on, baby.  Let’s go.” Dean nudged his daughter and maneuvered her so that he could help her up.  
“Ugh,” she groaned.  “Can I get my stuff later?  I’m tired.”
“I’ll get it for you.  Go inside and shower then bed, okay?”  He kissed the top of her dirt-covered hair. “I love you, Scouty.”
“Okay, Deanie.  Love you,” she said with exhaustion.
“So you’ve been back for a while?” Scout asked Mary.
“Yeah, just been hunting. Found some good hunters to work with, so I’ve been busy.”
As they talked, they walked to the table from the bunker door with a pie.
“Is that…pie?” Dean saw the box in his mom’s arms.
“No, it’s a frog!” Scout rolled her eyes. “What do you think it is?” She laughed.
“Okay, smartass.” Dean watched Mary put the pie on the table with a mesmerized look on his face. Once it was out of her hands, Dean pulled it toward him and put a large piece on a paper plate that he ripped from Scout’s hands. He started eating with large bites, filling his mouth, bits of blueberry residing on his bottom lip.
“DEAN!” Mary and Scout yelled his name at the same time. His attention was theirs.
“Could you eat that any faster?” Mary raised a brow. Scout smirked at the realization that her grandma had the same reaction as herself.
“Uhh, no. No, I cannot.” Dean wiped his face out of embarrassment.
“You’re like Pigpen. Seriously. How are we even related?” Sam retorted. 
“Pigpen?”  Scout asked. 
“A Peanuts character,” Mary answered. 
“Oh. Well, you know you love him though, Sammy.” Scout laughed.
“I don’t know that I would use the word ‘love’.” Sam glared at her, joking.
“You love me, Sammy.”  Dean grinned with pie falling off of his lip. 
“You might love pie more than any of us, Dean.” Scout laughed with a snort.
“Okay, all of you. Just enjoy the pie please!” Mary raised her voice to quiet them all.
“Wow, you really are the matriarch, aren’t you?” Scout asked, impressed.
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newevents641 · 3 years
Cup Pong Game Pigeon
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Game Pigeon Cup Pong Android
Cup Pong Game Pigeon Not Working
20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”. This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong. The game is set up with 20 solo cups — 10 on each side– forming a pyramid. 4 cups in the back row, 3 in the next, 2 cups ahead, and a final.
When I was playing Cup Pong in Game Pigeon, I used Auto Touch to record a swipe I did for a cup. When I recorded the swipe, I got a cup. After that recording - I started a new game to test the recording and replay it to see if it would go in the same cup. After I played the recording, it didn’t go in the same cup.
GamePigeonDeveloper(s)Vitalii ZlotskiiInitial release13 September 2016; 4 years agoSize113.8 MB
GamePigeon is a mobile gaming app for iOS devices. The app was launched by the company Vitalii Zlotskii[1] on September 13, 2016, as a result of the iOS 10 update, which expanded how users could interact with the Messages app.[2][3] Thus, users could access and utilizes the features of the GamePigeon app while in the Messages app.[2]
Development and release[edit]
The app was released on September 13, 2016, coinciding with the launch of iOS 10.[3] The app was released for free,[4] although it includes in-app purchases to unlock additional items, such as pool cues.[5]
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Games in the app[edit]
The following is a list of games which users can play within GamePigeon:
GamePigeon is a cool app that allows you to enjoy a collection of excellent two-player games on iMessage with your friends and family. It contains games such as 8-Ball, Poker, Gomoku, Sea Battle, and Anagrams. If you can’t download GamePigeon for some reason or you have downloaded it and it just doesn’t work, I will help you fix the problem in this article. No March Madness, no problem. Duke Athletics made history this week, becoming the first collegiate program to recognize GamePigeon's Cup Pong as an official varsity sport.
20 Questions
Mini Golf
Word Hunt
In 2016, Poker was cited as one of the games included in GamePigeon,[9][10] although it is not listed on the game's App Store description.[6]
GamePigeon has enjoyed commercial success, with VentureBeat noting that GamePigeon was ranked number-one in the 'Top Free' category of the iMessage App Store, six months after its release.[11] Critically, GamePigeon has been generally well received, being highlighted by online media publications early on shortly after the iOS 10 launch.[10] It has since been included on many 'best iMessage apps' lists.[3][8][11] Based on over 88,000 ratings, the game holds a 4.2 out of 5 rating on the App Store.[6] Julian Chokkattu of Digital Trends wrote 'GamePigeon should be like the pre-installed versions of Solitaire and Minesweeper that used to come with older iterations of Windows.'[8] On its launch day, Boy Genius Report included it on a list of '10 of the best iMessage apps, games and stickers for iOS 10 on launch day.'[2]The Daily Dot wrote, 'GamePigeon is easily the best current gaming option within iMessages.'[3]
8-Ball and Cup Pong have been particularly well received by media outlets.[12]The Daily Dot had specific praise for the app's billiards game: '8-Ball controls shockingly smoothly with your fingers, and there’s nothing quite like destroying a dear friend in poker.'[3] During his 2020 U.S. presidential campaign, Cory Booker was cited as playing the game with his family.[13]
In 2017, CNBC cited one teenager who expressed that GamePigeon was one of just a few reasons that those in her age range use the iMessage app.[14] The game has received particular positive reception for allowing introverted individuals to exercise a form social activity; similarly, the game was highlighted as a way to maintain social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.[7][15][16]
Snapchat released an in-message games app called Snapchat Games.[17]
As an April Fools' Day joke, The Chronicle, a Duke University newspaper, published that Duke's athletic program adopted Cup Pong as an official varsity sport.[18]
^Takahashi, Dean (October 20, 2016). 'Mastermind Studios launches Battle Bash strategy game on iMessage'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcSiegal, Jacob (September 13, 2016). '10 of the best iMessage apps, games and stickers for iOS 10 on launch day'. Boy Genius Report. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcdeBond, John-Michael (February 28, 2020). 'Text like a champ with these 5 free apps for iMessages'. The Daily Dot. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Johnson, Khari (March 5, 2018). 'Google search results now available in Apple's iMessage app drawer'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Dirks, Brent (December 7, 2019). '9 Best iMessage Games and How to Play Them With Your Friends'. MakeUseOf. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abc'GamePigeon on the App Store'. Apple Inc. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ ab'Here's How I'm Hosting a 'Social Distancing Cup Pong Tournament' This Weekend'. WPST. 2020. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcChokkattu, Julian (August 18, 2017). 'Own an iPhone 7? Try these 15 iMessage apps, sticker packs, games for iOS 10'. Digital Trends. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Vorhees, John (December 23, 2016). 'My Favorite iMessage Apps and Sticker Packs of 2016'. MacStories.net. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abPullen, John Patrick (October 18, 2016). 'The Ultimate Guide to Apple's New Messages App'. Time. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abJohnson, Khari (March 20, 2017). 'Forget stickers: iMessage's top 15 apps and games'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Bell, Killian (September 3, 2019). 'Apple has no plans to scrap iMessage apps and games'. cultofmac.com. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^'2020 Presidential Democratic Candidates Reveal Their Pop Culture Favorites'. E! Online. July 18, 2019. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Castillo, Michelle (February 28, 2017). 'Teens explain how they really use Snapchat and Instagram, and why Facebook still matters'. CNBC. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Rao, Emma (March 10, 2020). 'Revisiting introversion and extroversion: Learning from each other, part 2'. The Tufts Daily. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Webb, Jack (March 24, 2020). 'People are reviving iMessage games during self-isolation - here's how to find them'. Evening Standard. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Sherrill, Cameron (March 31, 2020). 'The 15 Best Mobile Games to Wile Away Hour After Hour Playing in 2020'. Esquire. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^'Duke Athletics adds GamePigeon 'Cup Pong' as official varsity sport'. The Chronicle. April 1, 2020. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=GamePigeon&oldid=984721791'
The Chomicle
No March Madness, no problem.
Duke Athletics made history this week, becoming the first collegiate program to recognize GamePigeon's Cup Pong as an official varsity sport. The decision will cost the University $5 million in scholarships, licensing fees, equipment and more, but it comes at a time when the country yearns for athletic competition, in whatever form it may take.
“COVID-19 has forced the University’s hand,” Director of Athletics Kevin Spite said. “Nobody cares about basketball anymore. Duke is, and always will be, about The Pong.”
A reckoning some say has been long coming, Duke has announced its decision amid efforts to recruit and train some of the most talented in the game. Reports from Adrian Wojzyzewski have identified already-enrolled freshman John Piazza as a potential target for recruitment efforts.
Piazza, in his short playing career, is racking up a .75 cup per shot average and acquires balls back at a clip of one every two turns. The freshman has attracted attention from the transfer portal as well as professional play, but he says he remains committed to staying and completing his degree and Cup Pong career at Duke.
Game Pigeon Cup Pong Android
“I would be lying if I said the money wasn’t tempting,” Piazza said. “But my mom has always told me that my education comes first, and virtual drinking second. I’ll be honored to play out my years in front of the Blue Devil faithful. Pro ball can wait.”
And the Blue Devils will need him to perform, their hopes of a high seed in the National Consumption of Alcohol Association tournament being predicated on his next few matchups. It’s a lot to expect of an 18-year-old, but Piazza is actually hitting his peak performance years.
The founder of GamePigeon, Raspy Coo, could not be reached for comment, as she was doing her business above your Honda Civic at press time. However, she has made it known in the past that she will tolerate no bouncing whatsoever in the sport she invented.
“I removed us from March Madness because I knew it was the right thing to do,” President Rinse Price said. “But now, it is time to give the students something to cheer for.”
And for all of us, this comes as a boon to our spirits—our Blue Devils on the national stage, once again. Redemption.
Editor's Note: Happy April Fools' Day! In case you couldn't tell, this was a story for our satirical edition, The Chomicle. Check outmore Chomicle stories here, guaranteed to make you laugh or your money back.
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Cup Pong Game Pigeon Not Working
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hollyoaksloversx · 7 years
CleoJ, The End of Dancy and Mandy the Master Criminal...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (28th August-1st September 2017)
Ah, Darren Osborne. A bigger mug you will not find. After handing himself in to the police at the end of last week, Darren hoped that he would be released without charge. After all, he's helped the police out and a little bit of drug dealing’s not that bad, right? Well, he was wrong and he’s now facing a prison sentence. Nancy told Darren that she couldn’t stand by him and announced that she was leaving. Luckily for Darren, Charlie was on his side and the youngster told Nancy that he didn’t want to be apart from the only Dad he’d ever known. Not wanting to upset her nephew, Nancy decided to stay put but later told Darren that this didn’t mean they were back together. She would stay until the trial, but their marriage was over...
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Meanwhile, Mandy turned criminal mastermind this week. Not only did she kidnap Ella from her foster parents, but she robbed a couple of sandwiches from Price Slice.  Arriving in the village, Mandy was keen to see Tom, believing he could help her out (yeah, her kid brother, what’s he going to do?) Mandy obviously hasn’t kept in touch with either Tom or Cindy during her 6 years away from the village as she arrived at the house now occupied by Cindy and Dirk, believing that Tom and the Osborne’s still lived there. If they had kept in touch, you’d think a couple of house moves and Jack buying back and then selling The Dog may have been mentioned. Anyway, Cindy was in a right old state thanks to Yasmine’s pranks and attacked Mandy with a broom when she let herself in. Mandy was knocked to the floor and landed on some broken glass, leaving her with a nasty gash (*snigger*).  Mandy filled Cindy in on her situation but as the pair went outside to get Ella, they discovered that she’d vanished...
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The pair searched for Ella themselves before getting Dirk involved and he nearly dropped Mandy right in it when he phoned the police. Luckily for Mandy, Cindy was able to cover for her, with a little help from Misbah, who’d arrived to see to Mandy’s cut. It was Milo who would eventually find Ella and he was made to feel most unreasonable when he admitted that he’d taken her to the police station. As Ella was taken back to her foster parents, Mandy was taken in for questioning but released with just a caution. Later in the week, Luke turned up at Cindy’s to speak with Mandy and attempted to win her back. However, Mandy was having none of it, and announced that she was moving in with Cindy.
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Elsewhere, Cleo and Joel revelled in their new relationship, but not everyone was happy. The pair discussed how they were going to break the news to Myra, but it turned out that they didn’t have to, as she walked in on them kissing and was furious that Joel had been “seduced by sins of the flesh”. With Myra refusing to support the pair, Cleo announced that she was moving out. Joel clearly wasn’t all that thrilled with the idea and locked the pair in the bedroom until they sorted out their differences. Eventually, Myra came to see that Joel was the man for Cleo and gave the pair her blessing, but not before telling Joel that she would be doing God’s work and keeping an eye on him. “And I’m less forgiving”, she told him. Look out, Joel...
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Also this week, Hunter was delighted when he was offered a place at an art college in Edinburgh. This was also excellent news for Neeta, who pointed out that this would be their opportunity to be together properly. However, their plan was brought to an abrupt end when Mac discovered the truth about their relationship. It all started when the police showed up to inform Mac that his car had been spotted speeding just outside a town some distance away. Not only that, but a speed camera had caught footage of the driver and passenger and Mac was asked to identify them. Mac was horrified to see that the culprits were Neeta and Hunter and after sneaking a look at her phone, realised they’d been having an affair. Mac later confronted Neeta but told her he wouldn’t go to the police as long as she broke things off with Hunter and came back to him, to which Neeta agreed.  Once again, this story is just falling flat with me. Mac’s an arse, but no amount of vile behaviour from him is going to make me root for Neeta and her schoolboy lover. 
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Finally, Ste’s trial date was creeping ever closer and Harry was struggling to cope with the realisation that Ste could be found guilty of murdering Amy. Meanwhile, Tegan was horrified when Ry Ry informed her that James had set Ste up and insisted that they must report him. When Ry Ry refused, Tegan set about reporting James herself and recorded a confession from him, which James soon got his hands on and destroyed...
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5 Things We Learnt This Week:
1. Staff in Price Slice will do sweet fuck all when they catch someone shoplifting. 
2. Napal isn’t a place. It’s a state of mind. 
3. Waving a tennis racket around during an argument will not help your case. 
4. Joel is most definitely not Jesus. 
5. A feather duster isn’t just for cleaning. It can also be used to break apart a couple you think shouldn’t be together. 
One Last Thing:
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Forget “who killed Amy,” the big mystery intriguing me at the moment is “what the hell is the deal with Milo?” We’ve already seen his tattoo, which reads “numquam obliviscar”, meaning “I shall never forget” in Latin. This week, he displayed some more strange behaviour when he was shown looking at a collection of newspaper articles about the Cunningham’s and he seemed to know who Mandy was before he’d been introduced to her (something she later questioned him about). So, is he a secret family member who was given away as a baby? Did Mr C have another child he’d not told anyone about? Or is he not connected to them at all and is just trying to find out as much as he can about his landlady’s family? Hopefully all will be revealed soon! 
Characters Featured:
Alfie, Charlie, Cindy, Cleo, Damon, Darren, Dirk, DS Roxy Casaidy, Ella, Ellie, Harry, Holly, Hunter, Jack, James, Joel, Lily, Luke, Mac, Mandy, Milo, Misbah, Nancy, Neeta, Oscar, Prince, Ryan, Ste, Steph, Tegan, Tom, Tony and Yasmine.
Past Characters Mentioned:
Amy Barnes, Pete Buchanan, Gordon Cunningham, Helen Cunningham, Debbie Dean, Katy Fox, Kieron Hobbs, John Paul McQueen, Jason Roscoe, Nick Savage. 
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