#i hope he gets some good karma asap :’)
bratzforchris · 1 year
to the beyond sweet guy that gave me his friends of friends poster and lanyard at the bristow show…i think about you every day 🥹🩵
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jaeminmp4 · 8 months
what if we read manga together, then what? (m.lee)
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synopsis - you have a love for reading mangas, and you made it your goal to visit your town’s local bookstore to relax after a grueling finals week and to check out the new bungo stray dogs manga that was just put on sale. however, you didn’t think that having a tower display of mangas falling onto you would lead you into having a friendship with the nerdiest (and cutest) boy ever. member - mark lee x fem!reader word count - 3.1k warnings - just some cursing, SOME my hero academia slander but it's not bad i promise!!! genre - college au, fluff, humor, strangers to friends to lovers authors note - wow casually dropping my first written scenario here hehe and it's for your favorite canadian boy, mark lee!! idk i was watching and consuming mark lee content like my life depended on it and it lead to this,, uh monstrosity of a fic, it isn't my best work, but i wanted to put out something before i start procrastinating, hope you somewhat enjoy it at least :D
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You definitely weren’t the clumsiest person on the planet, and you knew this for a fact after witnessing your friend Minjeong trip over her own feet and spill the contents of her lunch tray all over the floor. Then when she attempted to get up from the ground, her foot had stepped right onto the apple sauce left on the ground, then she tumbled over again, this time almost hitting her perfect face right onto the tiled floors of the cafeteria. At the time you were too busy laughing at her demise to be of any help. You guessed karma came back to bite you in the ass. Stupid karma.
You had just finished your last exam of the semester and all you wanted to do was rot in your dorm room and sleep until the RA’s kicked you out to go home for break. You, however, didn’t do any rotting or any sleeping. For weeks you had been eyeing up the small bookstore near campus because you knew for a fact that they had just put up a sale for the new volumes of Bungo Stray Dogs and you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see your beloved Chuuya Nakahara. You’d do anything for that red-headed son of a bitch. Which means sacrificing the rest you so desperately needed. You could sleep anytime you wanted now that it was break, but that sale was going to go soon (and you were a broke college student so you couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste), so you needed to get into that bookstore ASAP. You knew that they were closing at 6 pm. But by the time you got back to your dorm room to change it was 4:30 pm and it was a good twenty-minute walk. 
You came barreling through the door of your dorm room scaring the life out of your roommate in the process. You were throwing stuff around the room looking for more comfortable clothes to change into, and to find that stupid discount coupon your literary professor gave your entire class months ago to buy books that would “enrich your mind”. You had scoffed when he turned around after giving you the coupon, stuffing that damned paper into a random pocket of your bag. Now that you needed that coupon it was nowhere to be found. Now, you could go without the coupon but you only had like 25 bucks to your name, and you needed to take what you could get. You were about to give up on your search because you were running out of precious time, that is until your roommate, Yoo Jimin, or Karina as she liked to be called, waltzed up to you with a very familiar paper in between her pointer and middle finger. Your eyes lit up, your hands moving to grab the coupon from her. But Karina snatched it back so fast before you even had the chance to blink. “Hey! Do you even need that coupon? Last I checked the last book you read was your physics textbook but you turned to the first page before nearly bursting out into tears.”, you whined. Karina gives you a dirty look as a warning to shut the hell up, which you do knowing she’s the only one with a coupon.
 “I’ll give you the coupon if you get me a volume of Jujutsu Kaisen.”, she bargained. You give her an incredulous stare, “That’s all you wanted? Okay, that’s fine Rina, but please give me the coupon they’re gonna close in like an hour and won’t be open till Monday, and I need to read something other than a lab report or I’m going to go insane.”, you stressed. Satisfied with your answer and her plan to make you do something for her, she hands you the coupon and blows you a teasing kiss before walking over to her side of the room and plopping onto her bed. Rolling your eyes you scramble to gather the rest of your belongings before running out of your dorm room, the door slamming, giving your conniving roommate her second scare of the day. 
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That’s what brings us to present time and your current predicament. You had to run like three blocks to get to the tiny bookstore in your university’s town. It was nestled in between a cafe (which is quite convenient) and an arcade. You stood in front of the building wheezing your lungs out, you attempted to catch your breath so you looked less like a crazed person who was struggling to breathe and more like a normal person getting ready to purchase books. When you entered you had a good forty or so minutes to grab the two volumes, pay, and get out. What could go wrong? 
There were very few people left in the bookstore, only about one or two people that were still perusing the many aisles of books. You knew exactly where the volumes you wanted were located. Gripping the coupon in your hand tighter you walked towards the manga section of the bookstore. This section was by far the smallest section of the entire store and the only place they kept the manga, for obvious reasons. 
You had only taken one step into the section when the strap of your bag decided that latching onto the manga tower was a good idea. Thus bringing the entire display down onto your unsuspecting form. 
You first felt a spike of pain on your backside, and it hurt like a bitch. You looked behind you to catch a glimpse of the cause of the pain and noticed it was that display of My Hero Academia volumes you saw placed right at the entrance of the aisle. Of course, it had to be that god-forsaken manga Chenle and Jisung were talking your ear off about all the time. But like god damn, what were these books made of? You had landed on the ground on your knees in the most ungraceful way possible, and you knew for a fact that you probably had a bad case of carpet burn on your knees. It didn’t help that you looked like an idiot, and it also didn’t help that you were quickly garnering the attention of the other customers in this tiny ass bookstore. Of course, you’d humiliate yourself right when they get a sudden influx of customers. 
You felt your face turn hot in humiliation, and you moved to try to get up to attempt to save yourself from this embarrassment. However, the damn display wasn’t done with you yet and didn’t want to budge. Why was this display all of sudden so heavy? You turn your attention to the people walking over to check out the commotion you created. However, none jumped to your aid. You sighed in disbelief and were about to attempt to get up by yourself again. Before you could, you felt the relief of the heavy display being lifted off of you and you swear to god you could hear the angels ascending down to Earth and singing to you. You turned to look at your savior and you came face to face with the cutest stranger kneeling next to you, his facial expression showing deep concern. He was saying something to you but you were too busy gaping at him like a fish out of water.
He puts one of his hands on your shoulder finally snapping you out of your dazed stupor. The cute stranger’s face had contorted to one of panic, “Did you hit your head too? Do you have a concussion?” You frantically start waving your hands out, shaking your head no, “N-No, I’m fine! Perfectly fine, peachy actually.” you say, your voice cracking by the end of your sentence. The boy next to you doesn’t look convinced but he nods anyway and he lets out a small laugh at the oddity of all of this. You laugh too, one because his laugh is infectious and you couldn’t help but laugh along, and two, you thought it was stupid to think this, but you couldn’t help it, all that was going through your mind was, you didn’t know who to thank for giving you the chance to meet this cute stranger, your incessant love for Chuuya Nakahara or Deku’s silly superhero gang.
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Turns out that cute stranger’s name was Mark Lee, an employee of that bookstore. A cute name for a cute human, you had thought. After the whole fiasco, you had gotten an ice pack from him and assurance that he’d be the one to clean up the display you destroyed. You sheepishly told him you didn’t mind cleaning it up yourself since it technically was your fault. But he insisted that a pretty, injured girl like yourself shouldn’t be doing any cleaning at all. That shut you up real quick, a red hue taking over your face. You were just glad he didn’t notice. You ended up staying till the store closed, talking with Mark about different animes and mangas you two enjoyed, and other interests you had.
Karina had texted you a couple of minutes after the bookstore closed wondering where you were. 
rina<3: hey where r u, its been like yearssssss y/n: ive been gone for like two hours max, u’ll survive rina<3: i just want my dose of jujutsu kaisen :/ 
You snicker at the message and shut your phone off choosing to tell her what had happened when you arrived back to your shared dorm. Standing in front of the bookstore, you put your phone into your back pocket. You look up right on time to watch Mark fumble with the keys as he tries to lock up the store for the night. You laugh quietly, who knew the boy who’d come to your rescue was also clumsy, granted his clumsiness was cute and yours was more on the, I’d rather crawl into a hole and die than have to go through that again, sort of clumsiness.
Mark turns around to look at you after he finishes locking up the shop and he gives you a small grin, and you were sure your stomach was a terrarium with the amount of butterflies flying about in there. You barely knew the guy, you seriously couldn’t be forming an infatuation that fast. Right?
 “Y/N, you said you lived on campus right?”, he asked as he walked over to stand next to you. You nodded in response to his question. “That’s great! I live on campus too, it’s sort of crazy how we never really saw each other before though. If you want, we can walk back together?”, he suggested.
You were getting ready to refuse not wanting to waste any more of Mark’s time, at this point, you assumed he was just doing all this to be polite, and if it were you in Mark’s position, you sure as hell wouldn’t exactly be so chipper and willing after having to clean someone else’s mess. But once you glanced over towards him, you were so done for. He was giving you one of those doe-eyed stares, like a cute little puppy wanting something from you. So you folded, like a piece of paper, but like come on, how could you say no to a face like that? That’s how you ended up with an entertaining walk home, an amused roommate, and a new contact in your phone.
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Turns out that Jisung and Chenle knew Mark as well. They both had met him in one of their many shared classes (you realize a majority of your friends really enjoy the arts), and they use him as a means to get a discount at the bookstore Mark works at. You wish you had thought of that, but you supposed you already used all of Mark’s sympathy the moment you tumbled down to the ground with his meticulously arranged display of books. Speaking of the bookstore, when both of those two gremlins found out how you two had met they both laughed their big heads off, both boys in literal tears after Mark was finished retelling the encounter. You wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole but life never wanted to go your way, did it?
You cursed them both out in embarrassment and a bit of anger as Mark sat in between you and the two boys, attempting to cover his small amused smile from you, but it didn’t really work. “Do you find me getting hurt so funny? I’m glad my demise will forever be a joke.”, you lamented. Chenle laughed again, his laugh higher in pitch now, and you had to restrain the urge to reach over the table and throttle his giant head. You felt a slight pat on your back and you looked over to see Mark smiling at you with his cute little smile and you felt your heart melt, “Don’t be too sad, I don’t find it that funny.”
Mark looks at his watch and he looks at it alarmed, he starts hastily getting up from the table you four were sitting at, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders, “Sorry guys gotta go, I promised Donghyuck I’d help him with recording his new cover of some song he found on Youtube.” He turns to look at you, “Catch you later? Heard there’s a new manga coming out soon, maybe we can read it together?” You nod dumbly at his question, Mark sends you one last smile and a thumbs-up before he leaves. His figure moved farther and farther away from the three of you.
Chenle was the first to break the silence. “Have you finished drooling over Mark yet?” You spluttered, “What are you talking about? I was not!” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at the boy. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and you groaned covering your probably red face with your hands. You peeked through your fingers and Jisung was also looking at you expectantly. Okay, so maybe you should have throttled Zhong Chenle earlier.
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Being friends with Mark Lee is exhausting, and that’s only one of the many words you could use to describe your friendship, but you didn’t feel like delving more into that territory.
Mark was excitable at times and was always passionate about the things he had an interest in. In your words, he was a huge nerd. So when he found out there was going to be a convention in a town near yours he was practically bouncing off the walls. He had called you at three in the morning with the news, you, on the other hand, answered the phone half asleep mumbling “mhms” and “uh huhs” to his excited rambles.  
When the day of the convention had come, he had convinced you to come along, and even dress up as a character. You decided to dress as Yosano from Bungo. It was a simple outfit really, just a button-up blouse with a black tie, a black skirt, and some black tights. Your hair is adorned with Yosano’s signature butterfly clip. You had to say, you cleaned up nicely. You exited out of your dorm and walked down to the parking area of your dorm’s building.
Mark was supposed to come over and pick you up ten minutes ago but he still wasn’t here. For someone excited about all this, you’d think he’d be the one to come early. You pulled out your phone getting ready to text him, but the boy in question pulled up to where you were standing. Looking up at him you noticed he was dressed up as well, as Ranpo, from his hat, down to his little detective cape. 
That is so adorable. You just wanted to pinch his cheeks at how cute he looked, but you threw the thought out the window. You clambered into Mark’s passenger seat, closing the door trying not to get your skirt caught as you closed it. Mark looked over at you and chuckled, “Hey what are the odds we’re two characters from the same manga?”
You giggled as you playfully hit him on his shoulder, “I literally told you who I was going as ages ago, you literally did that on purpose.” Mark turns to look back at the road as he starts to pull out of the parking lot onto the main road. “Maybe I did.”. he says nonchalantly. You glance at him, “You wanted to be matchy matchy?”, you chirped. He beams at you and nods. You felt those butterflies in your stomach start again, just like all the other times you’ve hung out with Mark, but somehow this felt different. “Any reason as to why?”, you asked slowly. 
Mark sucks in a breath, and you worry you’ve offended him. You start to take back what you had said, but he places a hand on one of yours that was in your lap, and that’s when you notice how clammy your hands were. You were praying to anyone that would listen so that he wouldn’t notice. If he did he didn’t mention it at all but not that that mattered at all because the next few words he uttered nearly knocked the wind out of you, and made you forget the fact that you had gross hands. 
“I like you, Y/N. To be honest, I thought I was being obvious in my feelings for you, but forgive me if I was a little awkward, I’ve never really done anything like that at all.”
You stared at him not knowing what to say, and this felt a little too familiar to your unceremonious meeting, where even back then you had stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Mark was beginning to feel a slight bit uncomfortable under your gaze and started to pull his hand back, “If you... don’t return my feelings that’s fine too! We can forget this happened, stay as friends and we can go back to reading our silly little mangas together.”
You grabbed his hand back and held it in yours. His hand was warm, and it felt nice, and you liked it a lot. “You know, Mark Lee, I like you too, probably a lot more than you think, plus you were quite literally my knight in shining armor.”
“Oh thank god you like me back, I thought you thought of me as some nerd pestering you all the time.”, Mark gushed. You jokingly put a hand on your chin pretending to think, “Welllllllllllll………..” 
“Hey, I was making a joke!”
“I’m just kidding.”, you say, grinning from ear to ear. “So does that mean, you’re my girlfriend?”, he asks giddily. “If you want, I can be.”, you breathed. “Then, it’s official.”, Mark says, while drawing delicate circles with his thumb on your hand.
Mark turns to take another look at you before adding, “I’m glad your clumsy self got nearly crushed by a My Hero Academia display stand.”
“Okay, well now you’ve ruined it.”
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zuuriell · 7 months
sharing my thoughts on things (+ changes to my blogs):
alright, this isn’t gonna make much of a difference here tbh as i don’t talk about him much on here (i do so more on my agere blog: @tinysharkzz ), but i wanted to make a proper post to make things clear !!
(trigger warning for mentions of abuse - yes, this is regarding wilbur soot)
as you may know, shelby/shubble recently came forward about her ex-boyfriend abusing her. and there has been strong speculation of said ex being wilbur which i believed to be true, but the whole situation for me was so overwhelming that i decided to just stop posting + talking about wilbur/lovejoy anywhere until there was any kind of confirmation, and now that wilbur’s tweeted an ‘apology’ (it’s an absolute failed attempt at an apology imo) it kind of snapped me into gear and i realised i need to change things on here asap.
before i get into the stuff about wilbur, i wanna start by saying that i fully support the victims. shelby, lexie, and everyone else who’s been affected.
i’ll be removing any posts or moodboards i made about wilbur/lvjy from my agere blog, and i’ll be listing them in my ‘not taking requests’ criteria. i’ll also remove them from my interests/intro posts as i try to steer clear of their music & content.
this is a really upsetting thing which i really wish never happened. it makes me feel so disgusted that i used to support this man, even though the only wilbur i knew of was his online personality, it brought me so much comfort through lockdown and other rough times in the past few years. i’ve grown up as a person while being a fan, so to feel like i’ve grown up with something only to find out the disgusting things he’s done makes me feel so betrayed.
i’m not gonna be able to instantly go ‘yep, i’ve lost all positive feelings about the content & music that has helped me mentally, it can all be banished from my life’ cuz i don’t think that’s gonna do me personally any good - if this sounds cringe idc but i quite literally have emotional attachments to a handful of his songs & some old yt vids that bring me so much comfort when i’m at a low point, and i’m not gonna willingly hold myself back from feeling comforted when i know something i can do to healthily cope is right there.
that being said, i won’t be talking about this stuff online anywhere, as i know it’s not something to be proud of & he certainly doesn’t deserve that kind of positive attention considering what he’s done.
i am thoroughly disappointed in wilbur, and although 1 random person on the internet saying that doesn’t change much, i hope other people join me in not supporting him. he has done horrible things and i hope he gets karma for it all.
if anyone’s struggling right now or has been affected by these topics, i’m here for you and my dms are always open if you’d like to talk. you’re so valid, i hear you and i see you, and i support you :)
once again all my respect and support goes to the victims, i hope they’re able to heal ❤️🫂
love u all!
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lunartearrose · 9 months
Sometimes i think abt assassination classroom again and i think abt okuda and how she doesnt get much characterization beyond her abilities to make science and like. Sure she probably had more focus time in manga but consider this:
What if she had an "It's me versus everyone" kind of mentality - in the way that in order to not be bullied, she felt she had to strike first?
See, it starts with the terasaka gang ending up pretty badly sick. Typical signs of nausea and upset stomach, everyone writes it off as something they ate despite protests of home ec being their strongest skill.
But then, it starts to spread to others. Ok, some think, maybe its a stomach bug? So they distance themselves...
But karma points out something interesting - if you go off campus for lunch or keep yours within your sight at all times, you haven't gotten sick yet. Someone has to be poisoning these lunches in some way.
Cue suspicion and madness until korosensei steps in to help! He identifies some of the chemicals put into the bad lunches and helps our main crew investigate. Meanwhile, okuda, in order not to he found out, also poisons her own lunch (maybe a bit worse than the others out of a subconscious guilt) and ends up being in the care of two of our forefront classmates (kaede is one while the other can be sugino, karma, isogai, rio, whoever rlly) while nagisa helps koro snoop around with some of the remaining students, again from that pool minus kaede. Karasuma is also helping because his lunch is in a safe with 5 locks so he's fine. Irina? Suffering like hell and being dramatic about it at her house because hell yes an excuse to chill at home instead of teachhh. Karasuma is sick of these phonecalls btw.
Shenanigans ensue with finding trace amounts of chemicals from the science room missing and other bits here and there, and it'd be to the point where another classmate may have been framed-
-if it wasnt for karma taking some initiative and just going through his classmates things without asking. Its a move that makes people mad at him but the results are a journal Okuda kept throughout her middleschool life struggles, how she was bullied and spent her days in chem class messing around to avoid trouble. Her vow before E class is to get the other students before they get her, thus giving way to notes about the best way to poison a lunch subtly enough. She doesnt wanna kill, just make them all sick enough to not bother her.
Of course the results are a gentle scolding from korosensei about not literally poisoning your classmates and how she should be focusing thar skill on poisoning him instead, and a lot of reassurance that nobody’s going to be hurting her like that up here - after all everyone in this building has had one bad experience or another and its not that kind of environment up here.
Of course, Karma is going to ask her to make him good poisons (and maybe hold it over her head that she owes him for almost poisoning him too) but then moments ruined because she did poison herself worse than the others and ends up throwing up. Cue koro going "oh yeah ok kids i just finished mixing some antidote sorry ^^; be back inna sec" while we fade out to a different scene asap. Ep would end with okuda getting invited to hang out by kaede and going somewhere nice after school! And if some other girls are quick to forgive, they will also be there, making okuda feel more welcome as a whole in their group. Yippee! Things endnoff with okuda writing out a more hopeful entry in that journal.
Or at least she's going to until she realizes she never got it back. We cut to a scene of nagisa doing his best to try and get it back for her while karma is holding it up high and taking some pictures of the more interesting entries because of course he is. Karma bastard moments ^w^
Anyways thats my take! Let girls have a vengeful side teehee
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rinharu-purple · 2 years
Thoughts on S2 CH 38-40 PV
First things first... Does anyone know how many chapters are left? 😅
Because we get 3 chapters this time around, there is a possibility that we get separate routes this time around.
MC seems to be in closed quarters, with intimate, away-from-the-eyes type of idylls with the LIs. Except for the Bai men and as I have said it many times, Gavin seems to have sworn with his life not to let MC enter his home for some reason. (≧◡≦)
Disclaimer: All caps are from this YouTube channel... Please take your time and give them a like, subscribe and all the nice things for their hard work 💞
Moving on to the images... The PV starts with a Gavin in a #daddymode... I don't know about you but I loooove when Gavin is throwing us non-chalant, slightly arrogant stares from above.🔥🔥🔥
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I loooove Kiro's unevolved karma and the Kiroception on it😁. Even though it's not exactly Canon, I believe also on twin star Fragrant karma he was sitting as Helios on a Kiro billboard. Ooh the duality...
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I feel like Victor is on a time travel sabbatical again and is searching for a solution before everything goes haywire. Otherwise I cannot explain his outfit, it's too old fashioned so let's see. He seems to be in a church, probably meeting someone from the time council or sth.
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Lucien+ semi-automatic sniper rifle= Perfection! I really like Lucien in his hunter person. It just suits him all too well. The question is... Who is he with here? NW? BS? GR?
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For some reason it's not on the PV, but Shaw has an unevolved karma too! Probably an honest mistake by the regie team. I hope they get into it asap and correct it!
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All of the evolved Karmas are extremely beautiful and all look like the ones from S1 CH37 where MC has one last moment with the LIs. Having closure and saying their goodbyes 😢 its safe not to have high hopes, knowing PGs record of loving sad endings.
🤍 With Shaw I cannot help but think about how Gavin used to pat MCs head when she was in distress. Also, please see my edited post here ;)
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💛 I said recently here that Kiro has the most sweetest moments in S2 and this one is no exception. They both look so blissfully relaxed and happy here awwwwwww!
(´ ω `♡)
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❤️ Victor's scene reminded me of their carpet moment and it looks like Victor is going for what he's initially intended to and maybe even drop the L word, literally maybe? Is it a stretch to think that they are in the lighthouse? 🤔
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💜 It's already been said here earlier, I am a sucker for the aurora borealis, Iridescence, Lucien's heart and nighttime 💓 It all looks just perfect!
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💙 It was the last scene with Gavin so I was in high anticipation as to what was to come for our birdcop, so as the song reached its high peak I held my breath and thankfully wasnt disappointed. Aside from being another "Getting lost in each other's eyes" moment, it melts my heart to see how MC holds Gavin as if she is holding the most precious gem in the worlr in her hands... Not to mention her blushing cheeks... Of happiness and slight embarrassment I dare assume😍. It's is such a "happy ending" scene that I am afraid it's a dream sequence or sth. I just wished that Gavin would be touching her in some way too. Damn PG we've talked about this! But his line makes me believe it's again a "I'm back for good this time and not going anywhere. All I wanted to do was to see you, so I dropped everything and flew my way to you" moment. 😉
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, MHA 269, Replies
1) “Nope, no flashback to Aizawa, Mic and Cloudy, we`re still at the lap of Napiness, right as Shigaraki`s about to wet his bed- well, wet his floor with his bed that is.”- What’d you expect when his alarm clock was the equivalent of an air-raid siren? 2) “Now please let`s go to the next page because she`s scaring me”- Sorry to say, the nightmare fuel doesn’t exactly run dry by this point. Shit’s gonna get dark here, mark my words. 3) “Oh, right, he needs an activation command. Well, I think the Doc can still hit a few buttons and unleash him, so y`all better move yo asses there ASAP, because the alarm is about to be turned off.”- Mirko moves super-fast, but sound is even faster, Doc never had a hope of pressing that button once Mic had a clear line of fire. 4) “Oh, sorry dude, you think you can actually stop Mic? Well, prepare for the biggest “fuck off” you ever heard on your entire life. “- He reserved that for Tomura – and more importantly, the Doc. Gotta a nice big earful of that slammed into his head before Mic’s fist did. 5) “OH SHIT I THOUGHT THAT THING WAS REALLY GOING TO BREAK ANY SECOND, HOW THE FUCK IS IT STILL HOLDING UP?”- The Doc wanted Tomura as protected as he could possibly before from outside interference – and also, given the tank seems to be similar to the one the High-end were incubated in, they’d need to be strong enough to contain them if they tried using their enhanced strength to break out. Granted, it’s unclear if this would stop Tomura if he wanted to break out, but luckily, he’s still not conscious… 6) “I CAN HEAR THE DUCKTALES MOON THEME PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND”- Well, he sure couldn’t, after getting his eardrums blown out by that sonic boom. 7) “OH THAT`S GONNA BE A GOOD PUNCH, ISN`T IT?
THERE`S NO TIME TO THINK ABOUT THE PAST MIC, BREAK EVERY TEETH THAT MAN HAS, SHOW HIM THE POWER OF THE BANANA HAIR, GO YOU LITTLE FUNKY LOUD MOONMAN “-The first of many, many karmic blows against this man to come. Karma has arrived, and it’s gonna be a messy one, given what he’s done to the humans he’s been experimenting on. 8) “YEAH MIC, FUCK HIM UP!
PAYBACK FOR MAKING YOUR HUSBANDO SAD! THAT`S THE SHIT! LET YOUR HANDS DO THE TALKING, AND BOY ARE THEY GONNA BE LOUD WITH THIS GUY”-Best part is how Garaki’s eardrums being blown means he can’t tell what Mic is saying to offer some excuse why he shouldn’t get punched in the face, so he can’t weasel out of Karmic retribution anymore. 9) “yeah yeah, cry me a river- you`re definitely gonna be crying once Mic is done turning your face into a pancake.”-This was actually genuinely disturbing for me the first time reading it. Those tears aren’t because his dreams and ambitions have been shattered, it’s because AFO’s ambitions through Tomura have been stopped. He might be a mad scientist, but at his core Garaki is a true-blue Kool-aid drinking believer in AFO’s plans and ambitions, and will sacrifice anything for them. Knowing that he holds such a detestable man on such a pedestal honestly made me hate Garaki even more. 10) “HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
HOLY SHIT THEY OBLITERATED HER, SHE DIDN`T EVEN GOT A FIGHTING CHANCE”- The High-Ends are a unique case, because they’re both crafty and powerful enough that lethal force is the best preventive measure. Them being psychotic villains pre-operations mitigates the morality of killing them somewhat. 11) “OH FUCK THERE IS GONNA BE A TWIST
I DON`T LIKE THIS. I DONT LIKE THIS AT ALL”- Despite it all, he’s still smiling…. @thelreads
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ohimesama · 2 years
1.26.23 Thursday
5:35 am
So,good morning angels!
For the recap,the mysterious lover's ( Uncle DD & Aunt Karen ) went here yesterday and I was on duty...
I'm happy that Tita Karen gave me a providence that I can buy a new weapon stick... I just borrowed an arnis stick on LJ...
But who got it,my weapon stick??? Not a good situation that I just put it here in our living room table.
And I have vagina itch now probably coz I gained weight and I have few rashes...I need to buy petroleum jelly,meaning I can't have sex? Can I still have sex having rashes down there... Feels weird... I need some butt scrubbing....I feel so conscious. I need to save my butt and scrub...
I think I need to visit an obgyne, obygne.... But just waiting for fundings... I have vaginal itch, literally that I need my vagina to breathe...I have rashes now....
I never had a vagina itch coz I never actually move during my teenage years or time that I actually had yaya's or assistant....
7:59 am
Waiting for Mommy Adnil to finish her breakfast.Kuya Eidor brought me here this am the tricycle driver here in Lacub village... Hmm... I'm just concern that he looks sick always and I asked him if he is ohkay and he said that he has a "rheumatic heart disease"... I'm kinda shocked... The last time he lost his voice... I really don't know how to comfort Kuya Eidor...
I still have my left aching sciatica....
9:21 am
I still have the windblow trap and I feel bitterish... I need money and wanna buy starbucks everyday...
I hope Mommy Adnil will get better asap....Of course Anid and me are here... We care from the heart...
Life is like the flower of angel's breath.
Treat people with love if they are genuinely real. KARMA BEGETS KARMA!
I still have my own personal life... I do respect people's privacy but angels you can't just blame me if I'm holding my shield as my self-protection... But I value friendship so much!
It shocked me when I saw LJ this am that has a fresh wound on her left head, on the side....That yesterday it wasn't there...
Then,I'm shocked to see this am as well,Ms Enaoj was cleaning the living room. I said hey! You are here! Why? She said she needs to bring LJ on a doctor coz she is having diarrhea.
I confronted Ms Enaoj,if she punched her daughter? She said no! She just accidentally slipped in the bathroom.
How will I describe Ms Enaoj? Hmm... She is mysterious... Nice but mysterious... Seeing her college pictorial picture,I can say she was cute but she looks old now. I wonder why? Hmm somehow a tomboy but not really but cutely boyish... She aged thrice so fast, I wonder why....But she was cute on her younger days.But it is possible that she can punch her daughter. Ms Enaoj and her daughter both on their boy cut hair style.
2:12 pm
My vaginal itch it is due to weight gained that I have to diet or make my panties bigger, done feeding the dogs...
I feel fat and ugly... I can't get handsome bf's....I have a lazadah delivery and they are calling me and the mouth piece of my mobile is not in good condition... Whew!
I need a new mobile but don't have fundings for now...
Chilling and in a lil while will do a leg mobility massage for Mommy Adnil. I work professionally... But I still wanna do gluta shots and my butt scrubbing and my vagina clearing,I have rashes now....Grrr....
For the people who are interfering...I'm doing my own thing here....Wanna see still donkey and camel...
Can't get new handsome upper bf's with a car.....I have no guilty emotion... I didn't harm anyone...
My status is really "liberated" but it is case by case..I never reacted on someone's life unless they control me unfairly... I mind my own life coz that is my upbringing... I already streamed this on Tagged... I had bf's way back, we had a good relationship,meaning everything were mutual if not that will be raped!
Now, I need handsome with car....Well,but I can't meet anyone right now.... Sad situation, I need to work and I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I wanna do gluta in God's time...
Still,thinking of big money now.....Still, self-pitying...
3:39 pm
Early mobility massage,done! So,funny Mommy Adnil wants a competition on her, she is comparing all of us Anid, Ms Enaoj and Ms Yoj that, she is better than you or Enaoj is better than Yoj... Now, she is complaining about her "lifter"... Coz the lifter is on the upper part now... I told her, it is natural Mommy Adnil coz I'm pulling you up when I have to...
Lemme explain the "lifter".
4:02 pm
I just quickly grabbed the last piece of pandesal bread in their refrigerator with permission of Mommy Adnil and put the egg sandwich spread made by Ms Enaoj... After mobility massage, I feel that I need some energy...
Hmm....Drinking my latte, my last coffee for today here...
Lemme go back to the "lifter". WHAT IS "LIFTER" IN THE WORLD OF CAREGIVER?"
Lifter is a blanket on the top of the bed cover. Its purpose is to assist the caregiver on positioning the patient or elderly having a bedridden case.
So, the lifer must be longer on the feet side,that is the way of Mommy Adnil here... But I agree it must be longer on the feet but as far as I can remember it is reverse on Nightingale...Anyways, life will never be perfect if you are a caregiver but at least have some passion to care and share love on your patient.
This afternoon Mommy Adnil's lifter is almost on the head part coz we had a full-bath today, meaning I pulled her up going to the headboard to easily shampoo her head, of course. After the full-bath, she is complaining on me about her lifter that is already short on her feet side, that her lifter went all up to the head part.
But take note! That is natural coz you keep on moving and positioning your patient.
She is challenging me to fix the lifter or arrange it. It is a challenge for me,that I will do later on our last flower wash and butt bedsore cleaning.
5:19 pm
Done,fixing Mommy Adnil's lifter with so many comment coming from her....The typical Mommy Adnil... ;)
8:17 pm
I'm in the house now and done,eating my dinner... I feel fat and ugly and I miss exercising but I have to work for John and for my some extra's in life...
I miss doing sit-ups but I need money....I have vaginal itch and bought betadine for basics itch... Hope this will work and will try the warm water and vinegar down there...
I hope I don't need a vagina suppository for this...
9 pm
I still have the windblow trap... I have this self-pity coz I'm fading....
I wanna buy starbucks everyday....I really feel fat and ugly my deep inside.
I need bf's to assist me...As in assist me, bf who has stability,maturity and good looks..
9:34 pm
Can't have sex now,if ever....I wanna bf who is matured and having a mind of an adult, I mean sex matters and meaningful but I want someone who will not only focus on that just to continue the relationship.... I have rashes now and vagina itch....
I still have the windblow trap... I feel that it is my end life,will be 42 and I can't get a bf who can assist me in all angle of situation, most specially my self-esteem...
0 notes
bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Tiny Treasures | JJK x Reader | 💜🐾(☁️)🔞
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Commission for @eyerin !! Thank you sm for that request! 💖
Want to request too? Take a look at my ko-fi then! (ko-fi.com/bonnykookoo)
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: hybrid AU, non-idol!AU, Web-Designer!Jungkook, bunny hybrid!Reader, featuring Taehyung: your local scatterbrain (TM)
Warnings: absolute fluff, it’s cotton candy I swear, so soft, so sweet, oh lord, reader is shy and sweet, Jungkook is whipped, he’s so sweet with her ugh, this is now my official emotional support Koo, some mentions of past abuse/neglect, did I mention that kook is whipped, because his heart go boom boom whenever reader so much as BREATHES, strength kink (hint), your local praise and size kink say hi as well, no smut would you believe it, possibly future parts? I dont know I just love them okay
Summary: Jungkook was a hopeless romantic believing in love at first sight- and then there was you, a bunny experiencing the tiny treasures of life for the first time. Together, with him.
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It's busy in Jungkooks apartment- something thats unusual, considering that technically, the young man lives alone, doesn't really fuck around, and works at home as well ever since he took on the job as a web-designer. There was no reason to cause such an amount of stress in his home- other than the simple fact of his best friend currently pacing around, steps so fast and hard that Jungkook scared his flooring would soon melt underneath the older ones shoes he didn't take off in a rush. There were bags on his couch, bags on his counter, and a backpack somewhere in his living room- all because of;
"Okay so, she's okay with eating almost everything BUT!" Taehyung holds his finger up as if he's lecturing a child in front of him- which he's not, Jungkook is a full grown adult at this point, and looks at him unimpressed with furrowed brows as his older friend lists up things he needs to keep in mind for the hybrid he's looking after for the day. "Please make sure she's hydrated, she tends to forget to drink during the day. If she does and gets a headache there's medication in the bag that I've put on the couch- you've seen it right? Should I show you again?" He stresses, and Jungkook holds his friend's shoulders for a moment.
"Can you like, breathe for a moment please?" He says, and Taehyung nods, following the instructions for a moment before Jungkook continues. "Okay great. Now that you're not hyperventilating anymore I can tell you that yes, I've seen the bag-" He says, pointing towards the couch that's littered with so many things it seems like he's giving the hybrid up for adoption today instead of just dropping her off until tomorrow. "Second of all, I've taken care of Yoongi before and he's still alive, what's so different? Just because she's a bunny- or was it hare- wait is there a difference..?" Jungkook drawls off, suddenly thinking and not quite remembering if he's ever quite asked himself the difference of these two things. Taehyung however seems offended by that.
"Jungkook, she's a BUNNY, not a hare! That's a HUGE difference!" He whines out, and Jungkook looks at him a bit sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Oh god maybe I shouldn't go, this is a bad idea.." He says, already taking out his phone to cancel the date he has tonight, but jungkook holds the elders friend before he can make that mistake. Taehyung was a busy man, running a hybrid rehabilitation center in Seoul and Daegu- while talking to Busan's department for partnership. He really loves his job- but sometimes he gets too invested in it, just like now. He's finally got a date for himself after years of being alone; but he almost shot the poor woman down when he remembered that you, a newly rescued hybrid was staying at his home- something he never did before. Sure, he had taken over the rehabilitation of hybrids before, but he had never ever taken a case home with him. But after meeting you, seeing you, and knowing what you've been put through, his heart simply couldn't leave you at the shelter- even though he knew that it was probably the best place to be for you. But he had done what he had done now- there was no turning back with you. He couldn't leave you alone yet, so Jungkook had volunteered to look after you for the day and night, until Taehyung would pick you up the next day. The younger one had always looked after Yoongi, a cat hybrid later on adopted by Jung Hoseok, a friend of both of them; so he personally felt good about taking you in.
It was just for a day- what could go wrong?
"Come on, don't you trust me? Or is she like, super aggressive or something?" Jungkook asks, and Taehyung sighs. He hasn't told the younger one much about you, believing it was bad karma to talk about others when they weren't present. Yet this time he'd have to make an exception- because Jungkook needed to know at least some things about you and where you came from. Everything else would be unfair.
Taehyung sighed. "She's a category 3, so she's still recovering from her past home. She's just.. super shy and timid, and gets scared pretty easily so, I'm just terrified Jungkook. I know you don't want to cause any harm, but what if something happens and she just falls back? She's come so far these days, you should've seen her when I got her.." He said, and Jungkook looked at him- the eyes of the younger serious, reminding Taehyung that deep inside, he was more than just a schoolfriend. "When she got to me, she didn't even know how to use cutlery Kook. She.." But Jungkook smiled, placing a hand to his friend's shoulder in reassurance.
"I get it. I'll do my best, okay?" He says. "I promise I'll call you as soon as something's up, okay?" He says, and Taehyung nods. With a small wave he leaves the apartment to pick you up from the shelter- and Jungkook, in exchange, began to rummage through the plastic bags Taehyung had dumped onto his couch.
He was familiar with hybrids to some degree- he never really had owned one, and neither did his family. He knew that his brother owned a dog hybrid, but he had yet to bring him to family gatherings; Jungkook had never seen the puppy hybrid himself. His parents however said that she was nice, and Jungkook never really had any bad experiences with them. He sometimes visited Taehyung at work and conversed with some of the more chatty hybrids.
He was familiar with caring for them to some degree. As already stated before, he'd looked after 'grumpy-cat' Yoongi a lot back in the days when he was still in the center for rehabilitation. Jungkook knew about their different preferences in food, and their different behaviors. He, sadly, also knew about the mistreatment most of the hybrids went through before getting to the center into Taehyungs and his Staff's care- and he always hated it. The stories he sometimes heard made him sleepless during the night, made him research donation websites just to cleanse his mind for the moment.
But it only ever lasted until the next case would turn up at Taehyung's doorstep.
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Quite frankly, Jungkook didn't know what he'd expected. After all, he'd never seen you in person, he simply went after Taehyungs description of you, but what was now standing at his door, was something that erased any thought he may had prior to opening it.
You were so.. delicate? Cute? He's never used the word 'cute' for a person before, because he simply thought aegyo and all of that was something girls put up for a facade of innocence. He hated that with a passion, cringing any time he saw it- yet there was, in his opinion, no other word that described you better. You were just as shy as Taehyung said, yet you forced yourself to bow a little as a greeting, taking a small step back however when Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and opened the door fully to step aside. He threw a smile your way, hoping it could ease your nerves a little- and it seemed to work, because he saw your lips turn a bit upwards into a shy smile.
He felt as if he'd just won a ranked overwatch match against the seoul dynasty.
"Okay, I'm gonna pick you up tomorrow ASAP, okay? Are you gonna be fine here?" Taehyung asked you, and you looked over his shoulder- your bright eyes meeting Jungkooks, who was leaning against his kitchen counter, smiling boyishly while waving a little. It made you feel okay; he seemed nice enough, and after all, any friend of Taehyungs was a friend of yours. He'd taught you that. So you nodded, and Taehyung smiled, patting your head for a moment, your ears flopping to the sides before standing upright again after his hand left you. He waved goodbye and seemed a bit reluctant to leave- but you knew that Taehyung was excited for his date. He'd talked about nothing else these past days, and it made you happy to see him so giddy over something.
"So." Jungkook started, his voice fitting him, you thought. He looked fit, and comfortable to you- his oversized sweater probably big enough for you to hide in. Wait- what was that thought?! You averted your eyes immediately, ears shyly drooping backwards as you began to shuffle your fluffy socks on his wooden floor, the laminate suddenly super interesting. "Taehyung said you should have a nice healthy dinner- but I may forgot to buy groceries, so, is it okay for you to tag along?" He asked. "You can choose what you want to eat while we're at it, too." He said, and you perked up at that.
"I can?" You asked, ears slowly moving into a more confident position again, and he smiled at that achievement.
"Sure!" He exclaimed, and walked towards the door, grabbing his jacket, before he looked at you. You were staring at something- and as he followed your gaze, he saw your shoes. Simple sneakers in colors that fit your current clothes, but, was he connecting the dots correctly? He didn't want to offend you in case you were simply deep in thought, so he simply waited, slipping on his own shoes, as he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
You really were struggling to tie your shoes.
So he simply sat down on the small step that divided his entrance from the rest of his apartment, and tapped the top of his knee. "Come here, I'll help." He said, and your eyes widened, shaking your head.
"I'll- I'll get your pants dirty.." You said worriedly, but Jungkook shook his head again.
"Don't worry about that." He said, and you hesitantly placed your shoe on his knee with just the very tip- something that made him smile a bit before he placed it down properly, tying the laces quickly.
"Sorry." You apologized, but he shook his head yet again as he tied the other.
"It's fine." He simply said, before you both got up, going outside. "Do you, uhm.." He began, nervously picking on the slight fuzz of his skin against his chin before he finished, by holding his hand out. "You know, so you don't, accidentally get lost or something. Taehyung would kill me." He laughed, and you blushed, before hesitantly taking his larger hand, holding it as he walked to the nearby grocery store with you.
Inside, it was busy as usual- but Taehyung typically didn't take you out during these hours, something about you maybe becoming overloaded by sensations and sounds. You've never been to a grocery like this before though- because while yes, it was a lot, Jungkooks hand never left yours even for a second. He calmly explained things you seemed interested in, and his entire presence calmed you down, even though you didn't really know him at all.
But your instincts were telling you that he was a good person; and until now, they had never been wrong.
"So, which one do you like?" He asked, pulling you from your thoughts as you were drifting off a little. He smiled at you, while you were looking at the shelves, pointing towards a pack of ramen. You've never tried it, but you had been interested when you saw them at Taehyungs place once or twice- however, back then you had been too shy to ask if you could maybe try it sometimes. "Hmm.. you sure about this one? It's pretty spicy sweetheart." He said, letting the petname slip as your ear flinched a bit into his direction, eyes widening a bit. Taehyung sometimes called you sweetheart as well- but somehow, in some weird way, it made you feel all tingly inside hearing it from Jungkook. "Uhm.. maybe, I can buy this one, and this chicken flavoured one- you can taste mine, and if you like it, we can switch. Okay?" He explained, and you nodded, not really listening anymore as you looked at him with an almost fascinated expression.
Taehyung had told you he had never truly taken care of a female hybrid, let alone a rehab-case such as you were. But he seemed so nice, so sweet, it was hard to imagine him not owning a hybrid- or being single. While Taehyung had never outright said that Jungkook was, you assumed so by the hints you noticed here and there. No other scent than his in his home, and you also remember Taehyung teasing the younger yesterday over the phone, saying something that at least Taehyung was getting himself some dating action.
For some weird reason, knowing that Jungkook didn't have a partner made you feel nice.
But then you remembered his words. "But- what will you eat if I eat yours?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"We'll simply switch then. I don't mind." He says, placing both packs in the shopping cart as you watched him. Your old home hadn't been too kind to you, yet you still didn't know anything else than the treatment you got back there. It was still new to you how easy going some people were, how much freedom you actually had. You've seen kids on swings last week, and a girl feeding a stray cat in an alleyway. Those were things you've never seen before.
"Okay, now the fun part." He says, and you look up at him, his head nodding towards something specific.
Your eyes widened seeing all the different packages and flavours, making your ears droop a bit in confusion. You were lost; what should you choose? You didn't know any of these except some flavors Taehyung had at his house. Jungkook, already connecting the dots, opens one of the doors. "Do you like fruity things? I personally like mild flavors, like vanilla." He says, picking a box of two separate containers. "How about this one?" He asks, and you nod excitedly.
"Yes please.!" You say, pretty much vibrating on the spot as Jungkook places the box into the cart, making an elderly lady next to the two of you chuckle.
"So sweet. And great manners too!" She says, before a hybrid walks up to her; his bright orange badge showing that the dog hybrid was a service worker. "Take good care of her, young man, yes?" She says, and Jungkook nods, squeezing your hand a little tighter as you both watch the lady getting escorted towards the cashiering section.
Jungkook had honestly never really thought about taking care of his own hybrid. He always worried that his friend's teasing was actually real- that he was too immature to quite take care of another living being except his own. Depp down he knew of course that he was capable of that, but insecurities sometimes still bit at his soul from the inside. He couldn't do much about that- he was a hopeless person in that department; still believing in love at first sight, and that human-hybrid relationships are nothing weird.He secretly loved romantic dramas, read shōjo mangas at the bookstore whenever he was too scared to buy them- afraid of being teased for it. He hated perfumes, enjoyed soft smells and fabrics, and even knew how to braid hair. He may looked like a typical muscle-head; with nothing filling his brain apart from protein powder and the need to work out and survive off of energy drinks and leftover cup noodles, but that wasn't really who he was. He simply liked to take care of himself, nothing more. He didn't work out for anyone but himself.
For some reason he enjoyed taking care of you like this. You were so sweet, so cute, that he couldn't help but already feel a little protective of you- that fact having only little to do with Taehyung. Maybe he simply needed a small push into the right direction to finally experience what it was like to have a hybrid, to test out what it was like to live with one.
But he didn't just want a hybrid, he noticed as he watched you carefully place the items of the shopping cart on the cash register, just like he'd asked you to do-
He wanted you.
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He could feel someone staring at him. It was like it was piercing his neck, like laser dots on his skin, and it should freak him out like nothing else if it wasn't for the fact that he knew it couldn't be any other than you. He looked at the pot he was putting water in, the reflection showing your form sneakily watching him from the entrance of the kitchen. He chuckled. "Hm.." He began, dramatically sighing. "I wish there was a certain sweet bunny hybrid here to help me cook.. but I guess she's too busy.." He hummed, as he made sure the water in the pot was enough for one pack, before he turned around, your form now standing a few steps behind him. "Oh?" He said, acting surprised as you shyly smiled.
"Can I help.?" You asked, and he nodded, patting the counter to which you walked, squeaking cutely as he simply turned you around with gentle hands, lifting you up to sit between the stove on one side, and the sink on the other. You'd somehow come to the conclusion already that he was quite strong- but the short taste you got of his strength made your heart race a little. It was instinctively, really; your kind looked for partners with certain attributes, after all. They were supposed to protect you and your offspring at some point- even though that part made you look at your knees in shame, before Jungkook snapped you out of your thoughts before they could sway.
"Can you open the packages for me?" He asks, and you nod, taking them out of his hands and opening the foil carefully. You take out the still hard noodles before the flavor pack falls out, slapping on the floor as it falls down out of your hand. Jungkook however doesn't scold you- simply picks it up and gives it to you, and you look at him for a moment- watching him for any indication that he's mad. But he's not.
It's as if nothing had happened.
So you put the flavor pack and tiny oil package on top of the noodle blocks, so carefully Jungkook has to force himself not to just simply scream from how concentrated you look doing something so simple. "When the water boils, like, when it bubbles a lot, you can put these packs in, alright?" He says, and you nod, as if he's giving you instructions on how to prepare for war. He can't help himself at that moment, grinning so hard his dimples show as he reaches out to pet your head.
It's a little like Taehyung, but it feels a lot different.
With Taehyung, while you do feel safe and comfortable around him, and it feels nice, it's not at all like Jungkook. The younger one makes your heart race. He makes your pride swell, and your eyes sparkle- it's as if you've been given an award for the greatest achievement ever. You almost whine when he lets go.
So you later on put the packs into the boiling water with so much precision, immediately seeking his approval right after, to which he smiles at you. "Good job, Bunny." He says, and pets your head, absentmindedly moving the palm of his hand from the top of your head to instead cradle your cheek. Its such a soft and gentle touch that you almost go limp- closing your eyes and leaning into it. He only notices that when he looks back from the pots- now turned down a bit to a simmer as to not overcook- and his heart surely bursts in that moment.
You look so.. there's no word in Jungkooks head to properly describe the view he has, that image of you in front of him. He can't help himself- begins to trace his thumb against the soft skin, watching your ears relax and flop down. He can't imagine that someone like you could ever be done harm to; and while he doesn't know much about your past, he's sure it hadn't been pretty. It makes him want to just keep you right here, in his apartment, close to him, where he can make sure no one could ever cause you to be upset.
Both of you are abruptly pulled out of your thoughts by his phone ringing, the device so badly placed that it falls down to the floor after vibrating a few seconds. "Fuck!" He exclaims, picking it up and sighing in relief when it turns out to still be without damage. He takes on the call, and on the other side of the line, is Taehyung. He greets his younger friend, instantly asking him if you're okay- if you've eaten yet, drank anything, if you're homesick- all in one breath, it seems. Jungkook chuckles, simply placing a hand on your knee, thumb again tracing a pattern he's unsure of what its supposed to be. The warmth seeps into your skin through the fabric of your clothing. He smiles at you, and for the first time, maybe because you're feeling so.. smitten with him, you smile back. Not just a shy little lift of your lips, but a full on beaming smile, making his hand reach out to brush along your ear- internally gasping at how soft the fur is. How can something be this soft?! "Taehyung, she's fine. We're making ramen right now, she helped me cook, and afterwards we're gonna have icecream and watch a movie or something." He explains, and Taehyung claps back with something along the lines of 'but don't let her have the spicy stuff, she can't handle that-' but the younger one doesn't listen that much anymore. "Yeah yeah, listen, we're fine. Go get your girl, jesus." He laughs, and Taehyung chuckles as well, hanging up after reminding him to get you to bed at a reasonable time- as if you're a child he's taking care of.
Because that's the thing. You're not a child- and in Jungkooks eyes, you're not a pet. You're so sweet and easily interested in the simplest of things, he can't help but wonder if you had any hobbies. Did you like video games? Or drawing? Were you into books- hell, could you even read? He wanted to know so much more about you than just those tiny breadcrumbs of info he had gotten from Taehyung. He dearly hoped that maybe, maybe you would like to see him again after leaving tomorrow. He really hoped.
And as you ate, shaking your head at Jungkooks spicy ramen after tasting the broth a little from his spoon (which he did make sure to blow on as to not have you burn your tongue, bless his heart), he really did hope.
He really hoped that maybe, you felt just as happy around him as he felt around you.
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It seemed that going grocery shopping, cooking, and eating icecream had taken its toll on you. Your eyes were practically falling shut every few seconds, yet you tried to stay awake as much as possible. Jungkook smiled at you, brushing some hair back before he moved your shoulder a bit. "Hey, bunny?" He asked, and you nodded, humming a noise of yes, you heard him. He chuckled. "You'll have to get up baby. I have to prepare the couch for you." Typically, it would be normal to give a guest the bed- if he was being a gentleman. But that was what he was being; because his couch was the most comfortable thing in his entire apartment for that matter. Yet maybe it was the sleep inside your bones making you drowsy, but you shook your head. "Hm?" He asks, and you suddenly move.
You shuffle around, suddenly hugging him tightly, head hidden in his chest as you rub your nose against the soft fabric of his shirt for a moment. "Don't wanna." You complain, and he swears he dies and gets ressurected all at once seven times in total at your next words. "Wanna sleep with 'koo." You drawl, and he knows he should not let you. You're not thinking clearly- but he can't deny you anything when you're like this, it seems. You've got him wrapped around your little finger, tightly, with no chance of escape.
So he gently picks you up after turning off the TV, bringing you to his bedroom, where he puts you on the bed, your tired form struggling to stay seated. He picks out a shirt of his to wear, and a pair of your shorts out of your backpack Taehyung has left for you. "Sweetheart, can you change for me?" He asks, and you simply let yourself playfully fall ontop of his mattress, making him sigh. You're going to be the death of me. "Oh really now?" He says, before he crawls over you, with the intention to tickle you a little awake- but he stops in his tracks. In fact, time seems to stop as well, as your eyes stare at him, so big and full of wonder he almost can't stop himself from looking at your lips.
But its you who shyly- and so quickly he almost doesnt catch it- pecks his lips before sneakily slipping out his grasp, taking your clothes with you into the bathroom, leaving him on the bed. He sits down, touching his lips for a second, absolutely unsure if he'd just experienced this, or if he had just had a fever dream of some sorts.
It's only when he notices you don't emerge from the bathroom, that he moves. He gently knocks at the wooden door, asking for you, but you don't answer. "I'm gonna open the door, okay?" He says, and does so seconds after, spotting you sitting on the tiled floor- now dressed in his sweater and your shorts, ready for bed. He notices however how you're hiding in the sweater- the hood covering your ears, while your hands shield your face. "Whats wrong?" He asks as he squats down in front of you, his hands gently pulling yours away from your face. You're not crying, thank god, but the look on your face speaks entire novels about how embarrassed you feel.
"M'sorry." You say, and pout, and he shakes his head.
"Don't be." He simply answers, helping you stand up after a moment. "Why do you feel bad?" He asks, and you shrug your shoulders.
"I just.." You start, but suddenly your eyes grow glossy. "I miss Taehyung-" You say, and Jungkook's heart drops for a moment. "-but I also don't wanna go home tomorrow." You finish, and Jungkook blinks twice, before he looks at you, confused. You didn't want to leave? Him? "I.. no, it's fi-"
"Say it." He demands- its not harsh, its not even loud, its almost just a whisper, tuneless words pressed out in a breath of air. "Don't keep it in- say it." He prompts you, and you swallow, not looking at him.
"I wanna stay with you." You say.
And he swears, the pain in his heart was the sweetest he'd ever felt.
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The next day, after breakfast, Jungkook and you sit on his living room floor, him teaching you how to build a rubber powered plane- the one's he used to make as a kid. He'd kept a kit in his apartment back when he moved out of his family home but never got around to really use it. It was the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the things you had missed out on in your life. He loved the way you so intensely watching his every move as he showed you how to put the pieces together. "And that's gonna fly?" You ask curiously, leaning over a bit as to get a better look at it.
"Hmhm." He says, holding it up, before giving it to you. "Here, turn this part until you can't anymore." He says, and you start twisting it for a while. "Don't worry, you can't break it." He says when you hesitate a little. He highly doubts you'll be able to snap the rubber band. "Tight?" He asks, checking, before he nods, standing up. "Lets go fly it outside!" He says, opening the glass door to the small backyard of his apartment. "And- Go!" he says, and you throw it just how he showed you minutes prior; letting it fly for a good moment before it landed.
"It flew!" You exclaimed happily, and he laughed as well, congratulating you as if you had just won a competition. He held you tightly to his body for a moment after you had jumped into his arms- and that was how you just stood there for a moment, simply existing, holding each other. For you, this was a moment of realizing that no, you're not alone. You're not useless, you're not just a pet, you're not just existing for someone's enjoyment. You had this one person at your side now, someone you could count on, someone to make you feel safe. And for him? Weirdly enough, he felt like the male lead of a romantic drama show- finally getting the happy ending he always craved in his life. He never knew what exactly he always wanted from his time here on earth. Was it success? Was it money? A big apartment, a nice home, a lot of friends? No, it was building a blanket fort with you in his living room. It was going to the grocery store with you, protecting you from big dogs that scared you, or holding you during the night. Every cheesy romantic thing he could imagine, now always featured you in his head; and it just, fit. It fit perfectly.
You fit into his life just perfectly.
It's later that day when Taehyung picks you up that he realizes that yes, he's positively in love with you. Because how can he not fall in love with those glistening eyes, hand waving goodbye for now because of course he can't just keep you like he wants to. There's paperwork involved, and your things need to be moved to his place- all of that needing to wait for social services to check his home, so that they can make sure he's really the right fit for you. It's then that he finally lets everything sink in, finally lets him think about what's going to happen, whats going to change.
And for the first time, he couldn't wait for it. He couldn't wait for things to change.
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Jungkook baked you a small cake for your welcoming into his home- finally yours as well, as you hug Taehyung for the last time, the older friend waving before the door closes, Jungkooks arms instantly pulling your back into his chest. He leans his head down, kissing your shoulder, before he runs his sensitive lips over the so unbelievably soft fur of your ears. Three weeks had passed, yet to him it had felt like an entire year. Jungkook was sometimes impatient, and waiting had been pure torture for him. So now, as he was finally able to hold you again, he felt his entire stress vaporize into nothingness.
You giggled, before turning around, hugging him fully, and rubbing your face into his sweater, as if to get your scent onto him. Which was exactly your plan- after all, he was your human now, officially yours, so everyone should know that. The rumble in his chest that was his chuckle made you smile widely, grinning as you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest.
Oh may god have mercy on his soul!
He leaned downwards, finally capturing your lips with his, the first real long kiss to be shared between the two of you. Both of you melted into the sweet gesture, your ears falling down lazily as he showered you in affection; kisses to your nose, your cheeks, and your lips again. He continued until the corners of your eyes gathered tears from laughing so much.
This was how you were supposed to be. You were never supposed to cry because you were upset-
the only tears you should ever have to shed, should be tears of happiness.
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(c) Bonny-Kookoo. Please do not translate, re-post or claim as your own. Thank you for reading- and please stay happy and healthy.
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silkholland · 3 years
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Summary: Running into your former best friend on your 25th birthday wasn’t in your celebration plans. What makes It even worse is that he doesn’t even seem to remember you or the reason you completely disappeared from his life. What is in your plans though, is to make him fall in love with you only to break him the way he broke you. There’s no way you could end up hurt again…right?
Pairings: Tom Holland x plus size! reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Chapter Warnings: a lot of cursing, slight angst, mentions of the past, suggestive dialogue
A/N: Chapter 3, aka where things finally get rolling!! Take a minute to reblog if you like it, it’s really appreciated. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, just let me know. Enjoy.
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Chapter 3: Let Your Little Heart Race
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Thomas Stanley Holland. That fucker.
It wasn’t fair. Assholes were supposed to get uglier as they got older. Something about karma finally catching up to them. But nope, not Tom, of course not fucking Tom.
Sure you had been in love with him as a kid, but that was just puberty and coming of age shit, right? He was the only guy you really knew, the only guy you spent every day with. There was no way you couldn’t fall in love with him, and you had assumed the same for him. But fuck, were you wrong. Instead he reminded you of everything you hated about yourself. Every reason no one, including yourself, could love you.
So who gave him the right to look that damn good when he was a complete and utter piece of shit?
He stood not even two feet away from you, blissfully unaware of the crisis going on in your head, your heart, and unfortunately, your panties.
Who knew a simple white tee and jeans could look so enticing on a man. He had definitely filled out from the scrawny fifteen year old you had last seen. His jaw seemed sharper, but the same acne scars he was self conscious about seemed to litter it. His cheeks were more chiseled, but the freckles you used to tease him about were aplenty. His crooked nose, crooked from the time you broke it accidentally swinging a bat in the wrong direction, was just as adorable as you had found it when he cried about no one ever finding it attractive. His curls were loose, a small bit of gel fighting to hold them back from his forehead. He was everything you wanted, and everything you knew you could never have.
“Hi, I’m Tom,” he extended his hand towards you and you stared at it for a few seconds, mouth gaping open wide. Your eyes flitted between his hand and his eyes, wondering if he was serious. ‘Hi, I’m Tom’, was he fucking kidding? Did he…did he not recognize you? Or, did he not even remember you? You weren’t sure which feeling was worse, but both really fucking sucked.
You must have stared for too long, your body and mind fighting to figure out your next move, because Lucia felt it was time to intervene.
“Y/N’s not usually this rude. She’s just very drunk, and also the birthday girl!” Her voice lifted at the end, hoping to lift the mood along with it.
You hadn’t stopped staring at Tom, not even when you brought your drink to your lips to take a huge gulp, needing the burn to distract you. Your odd behavior didn’t seem to deter him, instead he let out a hearty chuckle, his hand going to comb through the last bit of gel holding onto his curls for dear life.
“Well then, happy birthday, Y/N. I hope it’s been good so far,” his smile only seemed to grow as he tried to ease some of the tension you were radiating. Your eyes scanned your surroundings in hopes of finding Kiara so you guys could get the fuck out of there asap, but sure enough she was in the corner with her tongue down her man’s throat. Lucia assumed all was right once she heard Tom laugh, so she resumed her swaying to the music without a care in the world.
That left you. And Tom. Together. With no other buffers.
He really didn’t remember you, did he?
There were two ways you could deal with this.
Scream at him, make a scene in an obnoxiously overheated club and make him remember everything. Make him see how much he had hurt you and maybe, just maybe, make him feel some sort of guilt.
Option two was suddenly becoming more and more appealing as the alcohol seemed to finally make its way through your system, delivering the buzz and calm you so desperately craved.
If he didn’t remember who you were, then you could become someone new. Not completely new, per-se, just the new Y/N. The more confident - on select days- version of yourself. The version of yourself who didn’t take shit from guys anymore, who could make them cum in less than two minutes just by existing, who wouldn’t allow some stupid white boy to break her heart again.
You could make him see what he missed out on all those years. You didn’t want to toot your own horn, but you prided yourself on how good of a friend you were. You took care of people and made sure they knew how loved they were, because once upon a time you weren’t made to feel that way. You never wanted anyone to ever feel that way.
With the liquid courage flowing through your body, you made your decision. You were gonna be the best damn thing Tom Holland could ever imagine, a scrawny white boy’s wet dream. And then, when he felt exactly how you felt about him, you would break him just like he broke you.
With a smirk on your face, you leaned forward, your cherry stained lips brushing against his ear, “So, Tom, was it?”
You didn’t wanna flatter yourself, but you could swear you felt him shake slightly, a shiver running down his spine at your close proximity.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tom. How about you buy the birthday girl some shots, hmm?”
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Shot after shot you got reacquainted with Tom. The alcohol made some of the pain and hatred you felt towards him dwindle, only a slight sting settled in your heart at the moment. If you were gonna hurt him, you had to play the part. This new Y/N didn’t know Tom, so there was no way she could be hurt by him or disgusted to be around him. You had to pretend you enjoyed his company, which, unfortunately wasn’t too hard.
Tom had changed so much and so little in the last ten years. He had a new confidence about him, one you wish he had had when he was fifteen so he didn’t need the approval of other teenage boys.
It was now nearing 3am and both you and Tom were obliterated. You weren’t too far gone that you wouldn’t remember everything tomorrow, but you were definitely too far gone to care about any consequences that might come from the night.
You couldn’t say the same for Tom though. At the moment he was rambling on about his favorite subject, biology. Just like when you were fifteen, you zoned out and just nodded your head whenever necessary. It wasn’t that you didn’t find him interesting, it was quite the opposite. You always admired his passion for science, you just didn’t understand a single word of it. The way his jaw tensed every few words also seemed to be a huge distraction for your alcohol driven brain.
You barely noticed he had stopped talking until he addressed you. With a smirk on his face, he tilted his head, “What?”
“You’re very pretty.”
“Well you’re not so bad yourself, Y/N.”
You gulped, looking around for your best friends who you had ditched nearly two hours prior.
“They came over to say they were heading out…y-you don’t remember?” Tom hiccuped slightly, leaning closer to you.
“They did?” You erupted into a fit of giggles, vaguely remembering Lucia giving you a thumbs up while Kiara raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. “Oh yeah! That was forever ago!! What time is it?”
Tom pulled his phone from his back pocket, his arm loosely wrapped around you as he did so. Your breathing increased slightly at the close proximity and all you wanted to do was grab his face.
“Shit! I live down the block, do you mind walking me back?”
“Absolutely not,” Tom began to scoot out of the booth in the corner you had found yourselves in for the last two hours. You followed suit before realizing you probably looked like a drunken mess. You knew the street lights weren’t gonna illuminate you much more than the club’s lights, but you still wanted to make a good first impression.
“Let me just freshen up real quick then we can head out,” you barely waited for him to nod before you headed over to the singular bathroom. Inside you got a better look at yourself, leaning over the sink to get a closer glimpse at your smudged eyeliner. You were just finishing fixing it when you heard the door open.
“Um, it’s occupi-“ you began turning around to be met with Tom’s serious expression.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You opened your mouth to question him, watching him turn to lock the door before he turned back and grasped your face, his lips on yours in mere seconds.
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Taglist: @blindingdutchy @wayfaring----stranger @rosyparkers @gh0stgurl
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mafaldaknows · 4 years
My God, will there be an end to this madness? Don't people have even an ounce of empathy? Sending him my love and hoping my positive vibes reach him in some way, because he *really* needs them now.
I am spiritual and hope some good Karma manifests ASAP for him.
I am starting to lose my shit over all this, imagine how bad it's gotta be for him!
Thank you for entertaining my rant, but I just had to.
No worries, Anon!
I think many of us feel this way. This current situation just feels like cruelty heaped upon cruelty, inflicted by someone desperately attempting to heal their own psychic wounds, on someone they know only ever wants to make sure everyone else around him is comfortable.
Armie has literally set himself on fire to keep someone else warm, contrary to the advice he’d been given. Most mere mortals would have lashed out by now, unequivocally.
There is something about this sad scenario that feels intimate, perpetrated by someone who knows his kryptonite, who knows what would humiliate not just Armie, but those around him. Because THAT is what would hurt Armie Hammer the most.
Thanks for entertaining my rants as well, Anon. Let’s get through this together ❤️🧿💪🔨✨
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Ello legend can I pretty please have a matchup when you have the time?
Afab (male pronouns usually but hey dont sweat it)
I'm pretty loud and obnoxious, I like to take the piss out of things and cause harmless fun. I love joking around and pulling pranks and being a general nuisance
Real talk tho I do it mostly bc I love seeing ppl smile and laugh yknow? Making their day better through laughter is so good.
I also love helping people and animals! I've rescued and fostered a few cats and dogs and I've relocated a couple native animals not to mention I'm good at finding lost pets' homes!
My more negative traits are that I am super duper untrusting. when it comes to my loved ones being in any form of danger I can and will go apeshit to protect them (I got kicked out of a library once bc someone tried to threaten one of my friends there lmao) when I'm pissed off I'm apparently really scary and I've been described as having a look that "sends chills down your spine" but I reckon that person was being a tad dramatic tbh
I'm 5"9, I have a bit of muscle but I dont rly like to work out, most of it comes from baking tbh, anyway if you had to describe my looks hm, Ritchie from it chapter two except my hairs blue n shit and I have a rounder more feminine face? Man idk
I'm rly into horror, zombies any survival games and also just playing pranks on my friends.
Idk how else to describe myself? Like idk man. If you were to send me into a haunted house or somethin I would 100% be the dumbass who mocks and antagonizes the ghost and gets killed first
If you need to ask me anything I'll call myself 💥anon, just give me a call n I'll come back and answer asap
Anyway sorry if this was too much I hope you have a fantastic day B) seeya
Hope you have an amazing day Lovely, tysm for your request I really had the feels for that, especially the pissed part😂💕
I match you with:
Bo Sinclair!
Other possibilities: Freddy Krueger, poly!Ghostface, Chop-Top Sawyer, Brahms Heelshire, The Creeper
Love you for whatever you are. You could want to be called “table” and he’d do that. So, whatever you’d like ^^
Loud and obnoxious, he’s the guy!
He’s the bitchiest Bitch(TM) you’ll ever see, so he’s gonna piss you af.
It’s gonna be a pissin’ contest.
And he likes to have fun, but mostly not harmless 👀 except if it’s with you, of course he’s gonna be gentle.
Love joking and pulling pranks? Beautiful. He does that too, just don’t test his patience—
Because he can be your worst nightmare.
But don’t worry about it! He’s still gonna laugh each time. It’s definetly the thing that brightens his day💕
That’s why he’d be so proud to show you to the unfortunate victims that come in Ambrose. He’d always have his arm around your shoulder and give you side glances/some winks. Let just say, he’d do things to get you all hot and bothered 😏. Take that as Karma for pulling pranks on him.
He’d take any help you’d offer him 🙏
If you show up at the door with animals, at first he’ll look like he’s pissed. Even if they already have one.
But honestly, he’ll melt inside when he’d see you cuddling with a stray✨
Don’t worry, he’s gonna love all your negative traits.
Really freaking untrusting? He understands that! He’ll wait for you to trust him before really doing anything.
You won’t even need to worry about him being in any kind of danger, because he’d go absolutely nuts if you or one of his brothers were in danger.
He won’t mess with you when you’re pissed.
Except if he really feels like it, he’ll tease you until everything you’d see is red.
5’9” ? Everything under 6’0” he absolutely loves. Just to tower over you and tease you about it.
But he likes that you can still almost be at the same height and he doesn’t really have to look down at you.
Muscles? He’d be happy to ask you to help him at the gas station, if you want to of course!
Bake him something, anything. But just don’t count on him to help you with it. Vincent’d be more than happy to help tho :3
He finds your hair really nice! Blue is one of his favorite colors, just don’t tease him too much about it.
He’d happily play with your hair when he’s sleepy and you’re cuddling (enjoy the moment)
He’ll take you out of town for some time once a month if you’d like to buy some horror movies, they don’t really have anything other than a tv :/
You two would be the dumbasses that antagonize and mock the ghosts, but he’d die before you
Hope I didn’t miss anything ^^
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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kaolinite91 · 4 years
About Jiang Cheng
Okay I think this rambling gonna be long...
I started watching Untamed because I love seeing hanfu and I just finished playing Mulan VN which was also sets on ancient china.
What fascinating me was, that since the first time I've taken a great note on Jiang Cheng (the first scene when he throws WWX from the cliff). I was like.."wow, his costume looks so good, love the purple colors and details. Also his face is somehow look quite similar to my good-looking friend..hahaha". Maybe this sense of familiarity made me started to taken interest on him.
Then, the flashback on 2nd episode starting...his hair was loosen up a bit with a bang hanging on his right side of his face and I was like~ okay, I've decide. He is indeed my bias for this series..hahah (this is also how I usually choose a bias from boybands).
When I was still on 4th episodes, I was not sure how his character actually is, but I already like him so much. And then we showed on how he needs to make sure everything perfect while wwx just being free and loose and being loved by their sister, Yinli.
As I saw how his parents talks to him, I can definitely understand why he becoming that kind of character..a big Tsundere, always angry, feel great jealousy & inferiority to Wwx. However he is very filial too...which he never want to openly admit it, because he is a very Tsundere person, yet unfortunately this characteristic leading to his downfall too...
Actually if only he did what his mother ask him to do before the lotus pier massacre.. which was to make sure to stop the annoying Wen woman (I forgot her name) to light up the signal...they probably has much better chance to win. But he failed because he was too distracted and wanted to help his mother (although I think everyone there won't blame him too..).
It just revealed that the reason on why he lost his golden core was because he tried to helps WWX who almost get caught during that raining scenes. And this actions later leads to many tragic destinies of Yunmeng bros.
He was being pushed to be a Jiang leader ASAP by Jin leader and the others just some short times after the Lotus Pier massacre. He was also bring pushed to decide his sister wedding asap. He needs to decides on a lot of difficult situation ALONE. He was still young, griefing and inexperienced yet other people in the real live don't care (Basically I hate Jin clan leader as much as I hate Wen clan leaders). He had high hopes that WWX will be what his parents wants him to be, a loyal subordinate that will helps him to overcome all troubles as a clan leader.
But nope..
WWX becoming Yilling Patriarch. Which not only means left him alone on all the stiff and tiring bureaucracy meeting between clan leaders. But also, in a way cornered him. Everytime wwx doing something, Jiang clan was being mentioned and blamed by the other clans. So as a young clan leader who tried to be responsible for LIVES of a lot of people..of course he had no other options other than sever the ties between both of them (and as you can see in EP 28, it was Wwx idea who said if you can't defend me, then leave me...ugh why this bros cannot listen to each other and do a normal talks).
I think you can always see in the drama (which I honestly think has a very good acting and details), on how JC always looks jealous to Lan Zhan. Which is very reasonable. I mean, although both JC and LZ are responsible figures, but the weight of their titles are different. LZ is NOT a clan leader. He is kinda fortunate because it means, if he wanted it, he could become a free person just like WWX. Well his clan maybe gonna brand him as a traitor, but his older brother still there as Lan clan leader. So in term of ancestral legacy, its nothing to lose.
While JC, is not so fortunate, he is the only one who can be a Jiang leader. If he chose Wwx, his clan is either being claimed by other clan...or destroyed. Because when you're not in the same side of the history..then you're the villain of the story and needed to be estinguished. And he knows what Jin clan capable of that's why he's got really torned between responsibility and personal interest.
In the end he repressed his personal interest and fillial loves and chose a cold path of leadership responsibility. Thus why, he always angry to wwx.. he got jealous on wwx free will. and also JC still trying to grasped on the 'unattainable future', from wwx's past promises which was to stays alongside him and becoming a loyal subordinate of Jiang clan.
When he visited Burial Mount to fight and banished wwx, you can saw clearly that his heart was actually shattered. It was really difficult for him to comprehend wwx wish and dream to live selflessly for sake of justice.. to the extreme extend to even abandoned his own family and becoming that one public enemy. As already mentioned above, JC really cornered by the 'old clan members' because of what Wwx did. So when he said that he can't forever defend wwx...and wwx said 'then leaves me'.. it was really difficult for him (thus the tears from both of them).
Even the girl he likes, Wen Qing, choose wwx..lol. On Ep 20, JC want to help Wen Qing but he won't be able to save all of her family. Or else the other clans will brand Jiang clan as a traitor, right? While Wwx can save them all (he can be selfless because...he has nothing to lose except his own live). Since she knows how selfless wwx from what he has done to JC, I think she trust wwx more..-> this leads another blow to JC.
JC didn't know about the Golden core at that time. He only knew that.. he tried to save Wwx, lost his golden core, somehow got his core back then met Wwx again 3 months later with very different attitudes..and he realized the sadness and loneliness in Wwx eyes. He knew something was wrong but somehow cannot get the answer. I think both Yanli and JC really worried on the new Wwx. But because both of brothers just to stubborn on each others..the truth just then being concealed and buried before even appeared? No wonder this lack of information made him (unconsciously) starting to hates himself and blamed wwx for every misery happened in his life... (Although we knows that he was still super worried about him, deep inside his tofu heart).
When he finally got bombed by the 'surprise about his golden core' truth (thanks Wen Ning..lol). He was actually got no reason to hates wwx anymore. Those defense mechanisms finally broken, thus why in Guanyin temple he can finally cries ....ask for forgiveness and forgives him.
Then in the end of episode 50, when JC said 'take cares' to wwx who already gone far away..the background ost is from Yinli theme song 'discontent'. I believe the tunes from parts where it says ' no goodbyes, no separations, no worries and no griefs...can you still hear the call of A-Xian..(this theme song is so sad but also calming). He smiles and finally, let wwx go...
So I think after this, if someday WWX somehow come to visit Lotus Pier, JC would still welcome him as an old friend and family (in his usual tsundere manners) and hopefully this two brothers can finally gives each other warm hugs. They deserved it okay...;A;
Do you think JC would ever told wwx about that 'one raining day'? I don't think so..but I kinda believe this action gives him a good karma...in a way. :)
Btw I think it is also very sad that he named his beautiful purple sword: Sandu. Because it was representing his live episodes and memories?
Ps: I really want to gives ultimate salutation to Wang ZhouCheng because I think he was doing a really good job in bringing JC as a character to real life. It still impressed me on how he could transformed from a young friendly boy to a stern, sassy uncle..hahaha. and also he said that everytime he rolled eyes to wwx, that was natural. And that means he indeed understood a sibling feeling very well (Is he has sibling?). Because that's what every siblings done when not agreeing their other siblings or family members..right? hahaha.
So in conclusion, Jiang Cheng in CQL was a big tsundere who torned between people he loves and responsibility. Needs to blamed others for defense mechanism just to finally let it go and started to move on.
And final thought from me...to be an anti mainstream like WWX is indeed very difficult. You will fight a lot of people when you want to change a system. And in the end you are either ends up as a public enemy or hero.
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404fmdhaon · 4 years
creative verification — meteor
summary: jiwon (npc) crashes at his place, and in comes a song slated to be the title of the next album — rare glimpses of optimism. (this song is Gyu’s Song, and nobody can take that away from him ♡ ) warnings: none wc: 1658
it’s the bean bag in the corner of his room he rarely frequents. but tonight, something hits different when its molded to the shape of his body, and his palms are pressed against his head with legs crossed tapping away to a mindless beat presented.
jiwon’s always been talented — gyujeong’s always given him the upper hand on that matter. and when free days become scarce, it’s the rare times he possesses in a quick flash of a text that brings jiwon back to his home studio. (in reality, bc building — third floor studio room feels more like home, crafts more of the creative freedom. but still, it’s a nice makeshift set when he’s at home). the beat possesses something like a homecoming. everything falling into full circle by the time the heavy bass and snares of the drum hit in the background (his input, not jiwon’s), and he dips his head in tandem with the steadiness of it all.
jiwon swirls around, a yawn escaping his lips. in comes the sudden greetings of tokki hopping into the lap as if he weren’t the owner himself — jiwon smirks, gives him the signature mocking grin with the flash of his teeth. “bc finally gives you an album, and you call me as the last hope to save the day — fucking dick.” 
it’s all good hearted jokes when gyujeong flicks him the middle finger, tongue in cheek with eyes too wide for the ungodly hour of the night. “yeah, so you can swim in royalties when it hits first on melon. how long do you even plan on living in that half-basement — it’s fucking gross.” 
“sorry, i’m not living in this luxury.” a quick spat back, and his arms motion out for the house of a sell-out. but gyujeong takes no offense, a narrowed focus on the beat looped in the background. something’s missing, he knows — just doesn’t know what, yet.
silence takes over, and it feels like they’re transported back to old times. homecoming, familiar. too eerie when they’re on opposite playing fields, and he wears the choker of knight’s bitch boy across his neck. but for now, he forgets. at least tries to, when he hears the electric keys and the simplicity engrained in each and every move puts them in a drunken nostalgia — half-mused smiles, and empty views. 
but he ends up breaking the silence anyways, when full circle means falling further back — back into familial ties. his throat looses, the dryness of the cough smoothening the sudden jumps mid-way through. “are you gonna call me a pussy if i suggest adding an orchestra?”
a pointed look, and he’s met with observation. “a full out orchestra? you got enough money for that?”
gyujeong shakes his head, denial — not the violin nor the sounds of a backing chorus he’d never imagine. instead, he wages his guess in one form: the dusty cello out of tune in the corner of the room, unboxed and poised for no use. “just the cello — add it in double stops by the time the ending chorus hits.” a pause, he forgets he hasn’t touched the cello in years. “use the apple keyboard — i’m not touching an actual cello. that shit’s way behind me.” 
the night ends as easy as it started — it doesn’t end, just continues through the paces back and forth, listening to a tune that clocks his own homecoming. a solo that he calls ‘home’.
he doesn’t ever get sappy.
at least, not in the context of music when he’s constituting his own words into frame. the lines of poetry no longer applicable, it’s his thoughts that rove over the subject of ‘homecoming’ and the aspect of outer space, which leave him fruitless. 
nine years in the making, and the solo comes as quick as the snap of the fingers. a song pushed inside a time limit, and he’s left in the barren ideas — drowned from post-love blues and now sitting empty handed, where his heart carves out something more. (for the first time, he thinks music. a love he’s forgotten long ago).
nostalgia comes when he writes down the first few lines of forgetting the man in the mirror. twenty-something, and he barely calls himself a man — still a boy stuck in the confines of bc entertainment, the independence he wanted now an abstract afterthought after too many years in. he waits, thinks to the first few steps into bc as a minor. a hapless stroke of luck, and fate that dragged him onto the life of perfect timing and mismatched encounters. 
they joked if he wanted to be a star — he told them, yes. yes for each instance of his parents’ disapprovals and each yank back to the states in lieu for another life to carry on the family name. it was the desperation in shaky palms and the history re-written when he decided to pave a life of his own past the tempest tides of uncertainty. (he’d think he was a fool by the time he waved off each sunbae telling him to sign his rights to the devil — he writes that down too.)
only, he knows far too well now: the devil would be kinder than any match of bc entertainment.
not when they buy into the public painting him a nightmare, a monster. the domino effect of scandals toppling one of after another. after the years, he’s become numb — a scandal a dime a dozen, and he’d been a martyr for all of bc’s lost causes.
perhaps, he’d only been a meteor all along.
a huge meteor, shattering the illusion of bc formalities. the perfect idol image that comes in cheap smiles and the act of family all painted on lasting nothing more than a few hours. 
but he tells himself, he’s the star in the first verse. and the second — the star centered around his own path he crafts for himself. the fairy tale dreamed of by the young boy at twelve in doe-eyed and a heart full of gold, now walking through a reality when dreams become granted in a flick of a switch. 
(dreams, an odd word when you’ve lost all notions of the definition.)
it only becomes secured in validity when he was a young boy, chasing the life beyond the nine to five of hakwons. the billowing imagination of a life outside of hannam, and into the life of the underground scene — years on end, day after day. hour after hours. 
maybe imagination changes, but some habits don’t change. not when songs come on the daily in a catchy hook jotted down in the screen of his phone, or a saying that peaks soul deep that scrawls away on the pages of his leather-bound journal. 
he wonders if it’d all been a dream. 
writes that down too when he feels an uneasy force encroach on his life — moving one position to the next, and whether that suits fantasy or reality, he doesn’t know. doesn’t have time to mine over when his mind’s inside tunnel-vision. maybe, it’s the force of nature that puts everything into fate.
(karma, he doesn’t believe in. god, he’s lost hope for. at this point, he believes in nothing but his last morsels of dignity).
he wants the words to come to life when he tells his own story. his story of a full-circle homecoming — but he knows, morbidity has never lied inside his past history. only the lighthearted warmth, fleeting feelings of optimism that exude when he faces the near future. bright lights ahead, gyujeong wants this feeling to last forever. never wants to stagger back to the past — positive affirmation, and he tells himself. writes away, he believes this can last forever.
the tables turned, it’s now jiwon busy. one club stint after another that leaves his schedule spread transparent, but gyujeong doesn’t mind. he falls into the role of a bystander, vicarious living when he watches from the backseat: a few videos sent, and the hash of youtube comments praising the newer beats of a friend now raising the public attention.
but by the time days pass, it’s another free day for them both. the same situation with jiwon in the seat of a producer, and gyujeong’s own body stationed nearby tethered to a mic dangling a few feet away. the headphones over his ears, it’s the first warm-ups in ad-lib form when the ‘ah yeahs’ become more for what they’re worth in the introduction — the playback, tells a different story when his brows knit together and his head tilts.
a groan, and he’s back to square one with frustration painted and a friend who deciphers each subtle look with a pop of his gum.
“look — i’m telling you. travis uses autotune, so does asap. so why’s your dick in a bunch, just fucking use it.”
the comment slowly lulls him outside of his reservations, a quirk of his brow upward and chuckles that burst when fatigue presses too close. “whatever. fuck it, put it on.” 
concession, full-out. no longer clashing with the faux pride he’s built up in the course of the night. gyujeong trades it in, when the first few bars come in a spoken shout marred by the filters of autotune — he clocks it as charming, finds the joy inside over-exaggerated filters faceted over his voice. 
the charm of rap, he supposes. all in its wide array, in constant fluctuation — he deems it art. and by the time he flashes a smile, genuine and honest past the mic when the second verse is done, he’s met with the claps of jiwon, loud and boisterous.
“i might buy my own masi now that i know this song’s bound for greatness — i have a good feeling chung gyujeong. so, stop being a pathetic little sad fuck.” 
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parkrstark · 6 years
long sermon
Based off this song (x)
“Peter,” Ned hissed under his breath, “if you shake your leg anymore, it’s going to fall off. Or you’re gonna put a hole in the floor.”
Peter would stop it if he could, but it was like his leg had a life of its own as it bounced anxiously. He used his hand to press down on his knee until it stopped moving. “Sorry,” he whispered.
“As soon as the lovebirds are finished, we’ll continue.”
Ned and Peter both whipped their heads to stare at Michelle. She was sitting at the head of the table, acting as Decathlon president. She never looked happy, but now she looked more displeased than usual.
“We weren’t--.”
Flash’s obnoxious laughter interrupted Peter. “Hey, Penis, can’t keep yours in your pants long enough to pay attention?”
Peter felt his face burn red as the rest of the team members giggled at Flash’s teasing. “We weren’t doing anything.”
“Well, you weren’t paying attention either. And if we’re going to beat Brooklyn in next week’s regional competition, we all need to be paying attention.” She raised her eyebrows, daring him to argue. He didn’t want to.
“Right. Sorry.”
Michelle gave him one last look before turning back to her book, reading out challenge questions. The minute he looked up at the clock on the wall, anything she was saying was white noise.
Just another hour. He could last.
“Mr. Stark, are you even paying attention?”
Tony looked up from the phone in his hand, hidden underneath the table and plastered on his best bullshit smile. “Sure am, sweetie.”
Pepper kicked his ankle under the table so hard he winced. He didn’t need to look at her to know she was glaring a strong set of daggers at him.
The man across from him pursed his lips at the nickname but didn’t argue. After all, this was the board of directors for Tony’s companies. He was in charge of the thing. If he was getting a little distracted during the meeting, who was anyone to stop him?
“We were going over this year’s budget for the R&D Department.”
“Uh huh. Sure were,” Tony agreed even though he had no idea what the hell anyone had talked about today.
The man hesitated. “We were wondering if you had any input.”
“You’re doing a great job,” Tony said, hoping that was satisfying enough. The groan from Pepper told him he wasn’t.
She leaned forward, using her best apologetic, sorry my fiance is a dumbass voice, “Why don’t you repeat the numbers you had for us?”
The man nodded and started reading off lots of numbers. Tony had to stop himself from rolling eyes. He pulled his phone back out and quickly typed out a message: i will pay for u college education if u fake a life-threatening emergency right now
He double checked that it was on vibrate before pressing it against his thigh and looking back up to the meeting going on. He glanced at Pepper and saw her already staring back with a glare. He gave her a cheeky smile.
His phone vibrated.
He waited a few seconds before casting his eyes down with moving his head to read the response: ur already paying for college.
Tony’s lip quirked up in a grin. So where’s the emergency? U need iron man asap
Immediately, the typing bubble popped up for a few seconds. 45 minutes, drama queen. Then there were two messages following it before Tony could respond. Now hush and I’m trying to learn.
Tony rolled his eyes, ready to type out a response when the clearing of a throat caught his attention. He turned to look at Pepper and she didn’t look happy as she held out her hand. Tony let his shoulders stop as he typed out one last message: nevermind. Busted by the warden.
He handed Pepper the phone and turned his attention back to the meeting.
These next 45 minutes were going to last a lifetime.
“You know the rules, Parker.”
Peter’s head snapped up and he immediately tried to shove his phone under his thigh. “I was just texting Aunt May,” he said, hoping Michelle didn’t push it.
“Whatever, loser. Tell her you’ll be free at 4:30. We’re busy.”
Peter went to send a message back, yelling at Tony for getting him in trouble, but his last received message and laughed. Karma.
Once he settled that, Michelle said, “6 noble gases. Go.”
“Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon,” Peter answered easily.
“Oh, come on,” Flash whined. “Give him a hard one. My cousin could answer that and he still shits his pants.”
“I fail to see the correlation,” Michelle said. “Seeing as you do the same thing and couldn’t tell the difference between a noble gas and the gas that comes out of your ass when you do.”
Peter covered his mouth as he laughed along with the rest of the team.
“Fuck off, you’re all assholes.”
“Can we please get back to the questions?” Betty asked though she was trying to fight a smile. \
“Flash, you’re such a smart-ass, What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force?”
Peter was staring at the hand tick by agonizingly slow before Michelle even finished asking the question.
“Yes, any time. Of course,” Tony said after he finally shook the hand of the last person in the room. He leg was bouncing in impatience. It already ran 7 minutes past and now everyone wanted to have another conversation with him afterward?
Once it was just him and Pepper, he couldn’t even leave before she grabbed him by the arm. “You need to be more professional.”
He groaned, trying to get out of the room. “Oh, come on, Pep. I am.”
“Being Tony Stark does not give you permission to sleep through your meeting like you’re in high school again.”
“I wasn’t sleeping.”
She narrowed her eyes, daring him to continue. He didn’t want to.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Pay attention next time. Got it. Can I go now, teach?”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that right?”
“Sure do.”
Sighing, she said, “Fine. Give me a kiss and then you’re free.”
He hurried forward t press a kiss against her lips before he was hurrying out of that room. He checked his watch. It was almost close to 5. Shit.
“FRIDAY is the food on its way?”
“Yes, boss.”
“TV on? Movie queued?”
“Yes, boss.”
Tony smiled, pulling off his tie as he hurried to his personal floor in the tower. “We’re running a bit behind schedule, but we’ve got this.”
Tradition was tradition and he had to keep it.
“Can’t you go any faster?” Peter asked, leaning back against the passenger seat.
“Kid, you’re literally sitting right next to me with the same view. Do you see that traffic? I’m going as fast as I can,” Happy said, not taking his eyes off the road.
Peter leaned his head against the window, groaning as the shine shined down on him. “It’s almost 5!”
“Maybe if you didn’t take a year and a day to leave after practice, I wouldn’t have gotten stuck.”
“I had to find my backpack.”
“Flash hid it in the library and I had to find it,” Peter explained with a sigh. It had taken him almost 20 minutes. And now he was running late.
Happy’s hands tightened on the steering wheel just a bit more. “And why can’t I go inside to pick you up next time?”
Peter rolled his eyes. Ever since the Vulture incident, Happy had grown pretty protective over him. “Because I don’t need you fighting my battles. It’s fine.”
Happy looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn’t.
“And don’t tell Mr. Stark, please. He’ll get all upset and I’ll get the bully speech again.”  
“He only worries, kid. We all do.”
Peter sighed. “Just...not today. Please? I’m not hurt. No wounds, physically or emotionally. Nothing to tattle on.”
Happy groaned. “Fine. But you gotta start standing up for yourself, Peter. You’re not some dick’s punching bag.”
Peter closed his eyes as Happy continued on about why Peter couldn’t let himself be pushed around. He’d rather get the Bully speech now than later with Tony. They had some time to kill in traffic anyway.
The clock struck 5:12 just as Tony was jumping over the couch. The food was all set up on the table, he had his sweats and a t-shirt on, and the movie was waiting. All he need was--
“Hey, Mr. Stark! Sorry, I’m late! Traffic was a bitch!” Peter said, out of breath as he hurried out of the elevator.
“Language!” Tony said with a smile.
Peter launched onto the couch just as Tony had done seconds earlier. His shoes were already kicked off and he was dressed in his comfy Friday clothes: gym sweats and Tony’s MIT sweatshirt.
He fell against the couch, tucking into his normal spot next to Tony where he could lean close and Tony could wrap an arm around him. “Ready for the weekend to start, kiddo?”
“Never thought I’d make it,” he said, already resting his head on his shoulder.
“Well, we made it, bud.”
“And we’re not moving until Sunday night. So I hope you've got a good list of movies planned. And nowhere else to be”
Tony grinned, ruffling his hair. “Can’t imagine being anywhere else.”
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moonlightpur · 5 years
Ok so I made this playlist on my phone called "songs about momo" and I thought it would be nice to go through the songs in this playlist.This is my personal interpretation of these songs.I hope you're ready, because this is going to be the longest post I've ever made.
1.Karma by Marina (2019)
This is probably one of the most recent songs on here. I think this song can talk about how Momo is always trying to play the victim.
"So vicious, this cycle
When you live in sweet denial
But, you'll be sorry when you're coming down, down, down"
This part of the lyrics is probably about Momo thinking that she treats Richard right, and when someone calls her off,she tries to play the victim.
"And when your world comes crashing down (It won't save you)
All of the money in this town (It won't save you)
Won't save your reputation now (It won't save you, ooh)"
And for these,it means that when finally Richard dumps her manipulative ass,she will probably try to go to her gold digger ways and try to seduce some other rock star, but people know about her manipulative ways. Her reputation is not what it used to be.
2.Diamant by Rammstein (2019) Yes,this song is beautiful and it's the shortest in Rammstein's current catalogue. The song's about a woman who is beautiful on the inside, but has a very ugly personality. And that's why it's perfect to describe Momo. She's apparently beautiful, but her personality is probably the ugliest.
"Wunderschön wie ein Diamant
Doch nur ein Stein"
3.I Can't Live With You by Queen (1991)
I think this song is about how Richard might feel about Momo,or at least what Momo made us believe.
"I can't live with you
But I can't live without you
I can't let you stay
Ooh but I can't live if you go away
I don't know just how it goes
All I know is I can't live with you"
4.You Don't Fool Me by Queen (1995)
This is one of my favourite songs by Queen and it basically resumes the Rammfandom's opinion about Momo,because yes,absolutely every single fucking member of the Rammfandom seems to dislike her,and yes,she deserves it.
"You don't fool me - those pretty eyes
That sexy smile - you don't fool me
You don't rule me - you're no surprise
You're telling lies - you don't fool me
Mmm, mama said be careful of that girl
Mama said you know that she's no good"
5.I Hate Myself for Loving You (Halestorm cover,originally by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts,song's from 1988)
"I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why
I hate myself for loving you"
I have the feeling that Richard knows about all the bad things that Momo does and he probably wants to break up with her,but he loves her and he might feel guilty about it.
6.The Beast (Inside Of You) by Lena Katina (2014)
"The sun breaks through
I see the beast inside of you
So not cool
The heartache that you put me through"
Ok,so this song is probably about the type of relationship that Richard and Momo have. Not a very healthy one.
7.Familiar Taste of Poison by Halestorm (2009) This is probably one of my favourite songs.
"I tell myself,
That you're no good for me
I wish you well,
But desire never leaves"
Then again,this song is about Richard and Momo's on and off relationship,from Richard's point of view.
8.Eyes Fade Away by Emigrate (2018)
This song includes,apparently,Momo's favourite line from Emigrate's discography. That's why I included it here.
"If I could only drain you from my veins..."
This says a lot about what Momo apparently wants to do with Richard, and that is abusing him emotionally. REESH FFS BREAK UP WITH HER ASAP AND GO INTO TILL'S HUGE ARMS PLS
9.Is It Me by Roger Taylor (1998)
There's two parts of the lyrics here that seem to resume Momo's and Richard's relationship pretty well.
"How many times can we drive ourselves mad
End up just feeling sad with a love turning bad"
"How many pleas does it take to appease
When you're down on your knees
Seems that nothing can please"
10.Let Me Live by Queen (1995)
{Fun fact: I have this single on CD}
The whole song is about a relationship that it's on its final moments, when one of the people in the relationship is sick and tired of the other person's ways. What if that's how Richard truly feels?
"All you do is take
And all I do is give
All that I'm askin'
Is a chance to live"
11.Uncomfortable by Halestorm (2018)
"I did it all to shake
every single one of your emotions and just to make you
I love to make you
I can't help but wonder if this could be about the comment that Momo made in one of Richard's IG posts. I guess we'll never know.
12.Love-Hate Heartbreak by Halestorm (2009)
"Between love
Between hate
Shake this silence back 'fore it's too late
And it haunts you
And it haunts you
It's a love-hate heartbreak"
This could be referring to a (let's hope) possible future when Richard cuts Momo out of his life for good.
13.Better Than That by Marina (2015)
There's this line in the song that describes Momo's character and her intentions perfectly:
"Got a sour face like a poisoned fruit
That the boys can taste 'til they're out of use
And she'll network 'til her dreams come true
Even if it means getting into bed with you"
14.i love you by Billie Eilish
Momo herself has used this song on her IG stories when she tried to blame Richard for something that she does (again,she's making herself the victim. Pathetic.)
"Maybe we should just try
To tell ourselves a good lie
I didn't mean to make you cry"
15.Can't Shake Loose by Agnetha Faltskog (1983)
"I can't shake loose
I try and I try but it ain't no use
I could go like I did before
But these old shoes keep walking to your door"
This is about how Richard keeps coming back to Momo despite of how bad it treats him. Ugh.
16.Dangerous by Depeche Mode (1990)
The way you leave me wanting more
That's what I want you for
When I am in your arms
Know I will come to harm"
Yep,you guessed it. Momo made us believe Richard only wants her for sex. Or at least that's how I see it.
17.Corrupt by Depeche Mode (2009)
There's two lines that describe how Momo acts the victim.
"You think you're so special
Think you're so sweet"
"You'd be calling out my name
When you need someone to blame"
18.Scum by Depeche Mode (2017)
Not necessarily about Momo,this is more like a question for her.
"What are you going to do when karma comes
A' calling
And you're falling
And there's nowhere left to run"
19.Poison Heart by Depeche Mode (2017)
"From the moment we met
You know we have to break up
You'll always be alone
You know you've never ever been a friend
Now we're closer to the edge"
This,again,is about a possible future about Momo and Richard's relationship. I swear, if they break up for good,the whole Rammfandom is gonna party like there was no tomorrow.
And finally....
20.You by Marina (2019)
"I know what you're about (You)
But I need you now (You)
'Cause it's all about you (You)"
Since there's more than one song in here about the same topics,I'm just going to say that it's very clear about who is this song about.
And that's it! I apologise if I had repeated myself way too much during this post.And Richard, please, listen to your fans. They want nothing but your own happiness.
Enjoy the tea!
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