#i hope i wrote duncan in character 😭
northern-passage · 1 year
Hey there! First of all I hope you’re doing great! Idk if writing here is the right thing to do bc I don’t have an ask but rather I would like to take the time to congratulate you on what you wrote so far! I’m likely late to the game but reading TNP was a journey for me. I don’t think I have the proper words (English isn’t my first language..) to encapsulate the different emotions I felt reading your work so far… it’s simply put AMAZING. I truly believe you have a gift with storytelling and I cannot fathom the all time consuming energy and efforts you must have been putting into this masterpiece. The characters feel so fleshed out and the choices feel really rewarding. The way you describe the fights really itch smth in my brain and I’m going absolutely feral reading them. All the characters are lovely in their own way and I cannot help but find them completely endearing! I’d die for all of them (wouldn’t DARE think that aloud tho, they’re not allowed to know). I would like to write so much more but it’s 3AM and that would be wayyyy too long I think… THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS!!! I’m so excited for the next updates and I really hope you’re taking good care of yourself in the meanwhile 🤭<3
Except DUNCAN he can die a thousand deaths by my hands and it still wouldn’t be enough he’s truly despicable
thank you!!! this message is so sweet i was hanging onto it for a few days it really made me 🥹
i appreciate your kind words very much 💖 and i hope you're taking care of yourself, too! and got some decent sleep after sending this message at 3am 😭💗
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tertiaryunit · 1 year
If they don't like your hcs that's a them issue. Please continue infodumping & sharing your fan work, it's great.
Megan getting the token cishet is incredibly accurate. Hard agree. OH ALSO does the DNA theft lore bother you as much as it bothers me??? Like after they have the initial seq, they can just synthesize it forever, you don't need consistent access to Jensen for samples unless (I wrote a needless explanation post a while ago... ofc...) you want his CELLS. Which would need harvested from blood or csf,,,
I'm curious what you think of Vaclav Koller, Jim Miller and Duncan Macready (queer hcs and/or also just general thoughts). Mac is fun to me bc he canonically has 3 ex wives. Personally I've taken that as he's aromantic and it took him a while to figure out what he wanted/didn't want. Societal pressure/toxic masculinity meaning he thought it was totally normal to hate being in romantic relationships. and also he's just rly bad at being nice to people. -Helix
Oh dw I don't intend to stop :D I have fun writing and drawing my work and hope that for whoever unfollows more people know that this is a LGBT+ friendly space (couldn't be otherwise 'cause I'm in the community too lmao)
I have to think that they had much more nefarious purposes for Adam *OR* they wanted the original around just in case something happened to the original sequence which made them lost it or something? I am leaning in them being interested in actual human testing considering the Adam clones in the Versalife vault 😬 (Also I'm sorry to Megan fans, I hate her so much lmao) (adding here no explanation is ever needless :D I think I actually saw it)
Vaclav nonbinary pan nation rise up I headcanon him having some sort of addiction to light stimulants (aka: coffee). I think he'd be good friends with Shadowchild Miller is one of the characters I will never let die in any run. I am sorry for Allison (since this game decided you can't save both like in the Missing Link DLC for HR) but Jimmy lives xd I am biased on this because for once we have a canonically gay character with a family (even if he's divorced) and I don't want him to die. (He fixes the problems he had in his marriage in my hc and gets back with his husband) I'm gonna be honest Mac gives me the toxic cishet vibes hhh but as you said, that can be for the societal pressure or bad masculinity ideals. (I see Adam commenting "I start to understand why you divorced 3 times"😭 ) Extra character info cause I love them: Alex Vega and Elias Chikane remind me how much this game was cut in half for a sequel that never came out 💀 Ivan Berk too, you probably remember the collective gaslighting the trailers did on the fandom adafsfdsdg
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Oohh, could you do number 10 from the physical affection prompts? "Lifting someone up out of excitement"? Maybe a pregnancy announcement or love confession with whichever Cody guy you feel most inspired by?
A/N: sooo I decided to use duncan for this prompt since I've never written for him before!! Also, I like a challenge so.. I made this both a pregnancy announcement and love confession 👉🏻👈🏻 hope you dont mind!! I hope you enjoy this dear anon 💖. This is a bit long and plot heavy hehe
Waking up to extreme nausea was not how you had originally planned to spend last weekend. What was supposed to be a fun weekend with your friends.. and fuck buddy.. only ended in you becoming best friends with the toilet with one too many plans cancelled.
You hated being sick; but feeling sick and miserable and guilty at the same time was beyond overwhelming. Most of your friends forgave you and understood why you had to reschedule plans. However... your fuck buddy which went by the name 'Duncan' wasnt going to be so forgiving.
Not at first anyway; you knew he would come around eventually.. give or take a few days.
Although, Duncans opinion of you was not the only thing you were stressed out about lately. You also wanted to know why the fuck you got so sick so fast.
It wasnt flu season, you had no reason to be sick, it certainly was not food poisoning... There was only 'one' thing it could still be..
You could be fucking pregnant.
Being pregnant in itself was not something you dreaded; being a mother was something you always knew you wanted to be, and would be one day.
The problem of being pregnant here had to do with 'who' the father would be. And that would be none other than Duncan fucking Shepard.
You knew it was him; you hadn't had sex with anyone in months besides him. Plus.. you two weren't exactly the most careful either when it came to using protection. You knew deep down if you were really pregnant at all; it would have to be with his baby.
Although, things still werent as simple as they seem.
Again, you really had no doubt that Duncan would make a good father, it was just the circumstances you two were in currently that complicated things.
He didnt know you loved him. You two weren't official, you two just happened to be really good friends who, you know.. had sex.
You were nearly certain he didnt love you back, not in the way that you meant anyway. You knew instinctively that when he said 'I love you' to you that he meant it in a way that he would say to his friend or family.. That's probably all he saw you as anyway, just as a friend or family.
That thought made you sick if you started to think that's how you can duncan could end up forever unless you or him made a move. It was a thought that frequently plagued you and even gave you insomnia most nights.
Those thoughts of you and Duncans 'relationship' are what caused you to get a pregnancy test. You needed to know why the fuck you were sick, and if those thoughts about you and Duncan were rational or simply your anxiety attempting to manifest. And of course to your fucking demise, it was a positive test.
You first sat in shock; and then you did the most stupid thing you could think of - you called Duncan.
Of course you didnt outright tell him, you only told him that you needed to see him ASAP and that he needed to come over to see you.
That was about 20 minutes ago.
You awaited for him anxiously in your apartment; you sat on your bed - fully clothed with a bit of makeup splashed on your face in a attempt to look put together. You were absolutely terrified to even think about what the fuck was about to happen.
Your thoughts were racing as you sat in the dark. You didnt even bother turning on the lights; the blinds were drawn as well. Sitting in the dark was kind of comforting - it made everything feel less real.. As if you were dreaming. Although, the anxiety you still felt reminded you that you were in fact, still awake. You truly had no clue what kind of conversation you were about to have.
You didnt even jump when you heard the front door loudly pop open, you had given him one of the keys to your apartment. You listened diligently to his loud footsteps echoing in the living room, as he gradually grew closer and closer to your room. Then, the door opened as you inhaled.
Duncan looked distraught as he entered the room. His hair was slightly disheveled, his outfit looked slightly wrinkled as well. Overall, he looked put together but the longer you stared at him - the more apparent it was that he wasnt okay. He wasted no time in getting to you once he opened the door, it almost threw you off guard at how calm he looked.. something you weren't expecting. You nearly laughed at how out of character this was for Duncan.
"Hey, are you okay"? Duncan asked, speaking rather quickly.
You watched as Duncan hurriedly but cautiously approached you; sitting next to you on your bed.
"I- I mean, yeah I'm okay. I just wanted to see you". You (semi) smoothly lied, thinly smiling in a attempt to try to sell your poorly told lie.
He rolled his eyes and gave you a look as if he automatically knew you were giving him bullshit.
"(Y/n), I know your sick, baby. Just tell me the truth". He said.
Your heart leapt into your throat once you heard him call you the petname. Duncan definetly called you pet names before but it was a rare, once in a long time type of thing. However, it felt like to you that the fact he called you 'baby' only solidified what you knew you had to do.
You had to tell him.
He deserved to know; and you deserved to move on with your life or to attempt too.
"Duncan.. I.. I cant keep doing this anymore". You started, speaking slowly. Your words tumbled fast out of your mouth, knowing that Duncan was about to interrupt you any minute.
"I need you to decide whether you want to be fully committed to me, or to not be in my life at all. I dont really know how to say this but, I'm in a stage of my life where I cant 'fake' be with you, Duncan. I cant only be with you behind closed doors. That's just.. not going to work anymore". You said confidently.
Even though you sounded confident, you really felt quite the opposite. You had no idea what to expect of how he would react. What if he just left?? What if he didnt want to be with you, at all??
You held your breath as he continued to sit next to you; the silence almost deafening.
You looked over at Duncan, he studied his hands which were clasped together over his knees. He looked as if he wanted to speak but he couldnt get the words out... until he finally did break the silence.
"So, what are you suggesting? What are you trying to get at here, exactly"? He prompted. His voice was still slow and calm but he sounded slightly irritated and on edge. You couldnt blame him.
Your mouth grew dry as you shifted uncomfortably. You were thankful he responded but yet.. you now were the one at a loss for words.
"I'm suggesting that.. we should start dating. I cant keep doing this-" You started but Duncan made you ate your words as he interrupted you with a rough kiss.
You felt the world stop and almost turn into slow motion as you really started to melt into the kiss. You let your previous anxiety inducing thoughts melt away the longer you two kissed, as you focused on being present in the moment.
After Duncan slowly and begrudgingly pulled away from you, you two sat in silence for a couple seconds.
"So that's why your acting like this"? Duncan asked with a sly smirk.
You swore it was as if he already knew the answer, yet chose to ask you anyway just to be a smartass.
"So.. you actually want to date me?? Your know what your agreeing too, right"? You said, partially teasing and.. actually being serious.
"(Y/n), do you really think I would be talking to you this long if I had no interest in you? Of course I want to date you, what kind of question is that"?! Duncan retorted playfully with a quiet chuckle.
You grinned, letting out a shallow laugh with the realization that the biggest news still remained untold; a deep pit felt like it resided in your stomach.
You weren't quite out of the woods yet.
In order to help relieve your anxiety, you suddenly stood up off your bed. You paced around your room, running a hand shakily through your hair.
"I still have to tell you something". You admitted, your back turned to him.
There was no way you could even fathom making eye contact with him now. To your horror, you could hear your bed gently squeak as you could only guess as he stood up.
By the time you felt his hand on your shoulder, it was too late to even hear his footsteps. You jumped and turned around with a sharp inhale - to your surprise, nearly chest to chest with the main himself.
"What are you trying to hide for, hm"? He said teasingly.
He moved his face closer to yours; his lips *so* close to yours. The corner of your mouth upturned in a small closed mouth smile.
You uttered a quick, "I'm not". As you stole a quick kiss.
You anxiously took a few paces back. Taking a deep breath before whipping around and making eye contact on a sudden spurt of courage you felt.
"I'm pregnant, Duncan". You spoke.
You felt almost as if you were dreaming when you saw his reaction, he was fucking smiling. Was he actually fucking happy?!
You stood there frozen as he quickly approached you and gently held your waist. Before you could even comprehend or really even complain of what was happening - you felt him gently lift you up and give you a quick spin before landing you back down safely on your feet.
Duncans smile was infectious; before you knew it you were grinning and laughing along with him.
Any doubt you previously had immeadietly disintigrated and was replaced with hope and joy. You knew Duncan was going to make the best father, and that you two only had your lives ahead of you.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @beyond-repentance
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