#i hope the latter bc i dont want anyone else to get that tbh
crossedwithblue · 2 years
anyone else get a horrible anon calling them stupid????
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janiedean · 3 years
oh i know c didn't believe it but i lowkey want her to see that he left her for brienne for the drama lol. but more than that i really do wanna see how the lsh showdown goes and how they proceed beyond that, if pod/hyle survive (i didnt think they would but pod survived the show so who knows). and then do they go back to riverrun, when and how do they meet up with sansa (i always thought LF would die in book 6 at the vale before sansa left for the north tbh but the show made me rethink and now im not sure?). anyway in that way they'd have to meet up towards the end of book 6 and that would probably also be the time arya's making her way back from braavos after taking needle back maybe? (i think i've read fanfics covering all this and they stumble upon arya somewhere along the way xD)
do they have oathsex in winds 👀 (there's definitely going to be lots of romanctic feelingssss) when and how soon xDDD do they head north now xD i have so many questionssss aaaaahhhhhh (although i'm honestly more forgiving of grrm these days, so i dont blame him at all esp given how i havent been productive AT ALL in the pandemic esp in the latter half and anyway his blog posts in the beginning of the year were so sad about so many of his friends passing away, it would take a toll on anyone :( )
(ngl grrm could release his notes in bullet points for the remaining books and say he's not writing anymore and i'd purchase that too :D i just wanna erase that fucked up excuse of a show from my brain esp the last 4 seasons)
I mean... I'll admit that seeing c. lose her shit realizing jaime left her for brienne would make my day but at this point I just... want team young griff to rhaenyra their way into KL and have her out of the way without jaime being involved so people stop harping they'll die together and honestly her dying without that acknowledgment would... kind of be poeticjusticeish and I honestly hope she sees melara laughing before she dies but fair enough I see your point uu
that said my money is on both pod and hyle surviving bc like... the batb will need hostages and if either were dead brienne would have let herself get hanged anyway so they need the leverage and at that point idt they're dead meat, pod because if he didn't die then then why would grrm do that and hyle bc I think jaime needs to get the jealous bust and no one else will tell him brienne was gonna die for him anyway so I'm of the idea that both live - for now anyway - and that the oathsex is happening in winds because the moment those two figure it out no way they can keep their respective clothes on
and then do they go back to riverrun, when and how do they meet up with sansa (i always thought LF would die in book 6 at the vale before sansa left for the north tbh but the show made me rethink and now im not sure?)
my theory for now is more like:
if sandor is at the quiet isle and they all collectively decide to look for sansa then they aren't going back to riverrun bc jaime would be defecting and he wouldn't go back for an army he didn't gaf about anyway also like... count that the blackfish is on the loose and jeynew is apparently in the wow prelude chapter or so grrm said so like whatever's up at riverrun is more with the remaining tullys + jeynew & the army having no commander imvho
also like.... the freys are obv set up to be northern conspiracy victims so that's probably gonna play out too and at this point I'm betting money brynden has a part in it because like as brienne is gonna off cat it's not gonna be stoneheart red-weddinging anyone also bc grrm doesn't thing personal revenge is a good thing
if I don't remember wrong brienne had come that close to figuring out the vale option so... if it's three of them at some point they'll manage that and then they go to the vale to get sansa and at that point they find her, swear fealty etc, lf gets moon-door-ed or smth and they grab the valean army to go to winterfell which was... what I think they stole in the show except it was never supposed to be just lf and sansa was never supposed to be in wf
and at that point they get there in time to help stannis take it bc like hell I think there's two sieges of winterfell in these books but if I was wrong and stannis failed then they'd be in time to help jon who at that point would have received robb's will
like I would like fandom (not talking to you ofc) in general to remember maege mormont and howland reed out of everyone have a fucking will signed by robb stark making jon legitimate which will conveniently be delivered after he dies and comes back to life so his vows don't hold him anymore
idk about arya's timing but could be doable
(also I should reread agot but I'm 99% sure at some point bran dreamed smth that was like... three people defending sansa from a mountain while she was trapped in a snow castle and while idk about frankengregor getting to the vale in timely fashion I always thought it was sandorjaimebrienne teaming up to do that but like I could remember wrong)
but I mean... more than all of that I'm eating my hat on the fact that brienne having jaime with her when she goes through his same ordeal ie having to kill your mad liege lady is going to be exactly what doesn't make her go in that path - bc at that point he did enough soul cleansing to know where he fucked up and he'll know she's better than succumbing to cynicism - and eventually gives her the force to deal with it and come out of it a better knight and stop giving a fuck about what others think of it and eventually at the end leads to her knighting and recognition that she is the best knighthood in westeros has to offer like that is happening regardless of anything else and I'm dying on that hill X°D and I'm saying it as someone who's written jaime knighting her since the year of the lord.... 2012 at least but I'm pretty sure that I put it in at least three fics and two of them were written before 2014 so when the show did it I just went like OH WELL AS THEY SHOULD so like it's bc I always thought he was going to do that T_T
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 2: “I’m Trying To Lay Low” - Jake
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plan worked fabulously purrrrrrrrr
(a little later)
maybe its me being paranoid but why are jake,jones, and lindsay always the last three to leave calls............ when i have a f2 with all of em....
Song of the day is ELVIS by AOA. My favourite workout bop. Silver got voted out! So sad, I wanted to play with him. But also, kinda cool! This is the only game I have played where I truly didn't know anyone (except my very first ORG). What an experience. I know last confessional I said Sam and Shane were both kinda on the fence for me in terms of if I wanted to maybe work with them or not. An update: I think I want to work with both! Both of them, unprompted, told me they wanted to work with me if we lost immunity, and I have actually been getting along well with both of them I feel now that our conversations are moving past the sort of awkward beginning stages. I still like Sammy even though I probably should talk to him more oops... and Daisy/Lovelis/Ethan are also still in my good books. I kind of keep forgetting Pete and Cloud are on this tribe but when I remember, I am happy they are here. That being said, I think Cloud or Madison will be the first to go if we lose. Cloud is very inactive. Madison is too but she was at least on the call tonight. It might come down to how immunity goes. I want to participate because it will bond us as a team. That way even if we lose, I was a part of the team effort and won't stand out as someone who people don't know or want to work with. Also while I personally want Cloud or Madison out as I know them the least, I am not going to push it. I'll let somebody else throw out a name and as long as that name isn't Jessica then I will consider it. I sort of chilled today with the social game and only messaged people as they messaged me. The vibe of this team is very relaxed from what I can tell and I didn't want to overdo it with conversations and come across as too much. Tomorrow, my goal is to talk to every single person for at least 1 (one) whole real conversation. I might have to start using my good ol' tactic of sending people random youtube links and saying "what do you think of this" to get something going.... Honestly nothing starts a conversation like David Hasselhoff and his cinematic masterpieces that we call music videos. I hope the other tribe is full of problems so that when we eventually swap, I have a very easy time in this game.
no recording tonight because i have a headache:( anyways i'm apparently not in as good of a position in the tribe as I was hoping. got left out of a six person group chat bc I was associated w Silver and people were nervous abt this vote w me. Jake luckily looped me in but I'm kind of bummed out people didn't trust me enough to let me in on this. I know it's probably just cuz Silver and I had been getting along alright the past two days but that means I'm in kind of a yucky position in the tribe that is starting to gear me up to a S6 type deal from survivor umich and I'm not fuckin' vibin. I'm gonna try to reach out (Nash appears to be ignoring me currently tho so lol) and try to fix that. I still want to work tight w Jones and Jake but I don't want them to be my only options. I need some more connections than that. ALSO WHEN SILVER DID THE THING MY HEART STOPPED LOL SO THAT MIGHT BE WHY IM BEING IGNORED also "you kept laughing at silver's jokes" was a comment someone leveled at me today and i couldn't find a good way to level and say i laugh at everything because that's how my brain is trained to react to everything. monkey brain cannot comprehend emotions so i laugh everything off. anyways i guess this is my clue i've got to step up. i mean, it's fine if i'm under the radar some because it's not merge yet so like it's fine, but i'm... worried. if nothing else we're even tho bc the galaghers got revealed as well as the six person alliance so we're all even here. bottom line is, i'm winning this fucking scavenger hunt this shit aint happening next week
y'all I'm still shaking from tonight tbh....
Nobody will want to vote me out if I have kittens and share pictures of them muahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh no, we lost! I hope that Shane and Daisy want to be a final 3 because that is what I am envisioning in my hopes, dreams, and mood board.
WE ARE IMMUNE!!! I’m so excited to have flipped the vote on Silver AND got us immunity but, I’m gonna have to be more careful if I’m gonna go far in this game. I know I can be strategic, I can be a comp threat but I really have to work on making myself a little dimmer in the social department. If we swap or merge obviously down the line, I feel like I’m gonna have a LOT of different potential paths to the end but, it won’t matter if they all realize that. So I really really have to be careful here. I am playing this game with a level head so far and really trying to make my rounds daily to talk to people. I am close with Jake, close with Jones and close with Nash. I am working on forming better bonds with Jabari, Lindsay and Jennet right now and honestly to me, Pennino is a non factor as well as Mikey but I am obviously going to try to maintain being on their good side. So that’s all I got for this round it’s been pretty tame except for Jennet immediately leaking our alliance by accident. At this point I really don’t think it matters.
Okay so our tribe is not superhuman and we finally lost a challenge so we will be attending tribal tonight. Nobody is really saying much in terms of what will happen which is extremely worrisome, however, I did hear Sam on call very subtly throw Cloud out there and I'm kinda hoping that Jessica and Shane heard that too and will kind of run with it. Daisy wants both of us to be safe and I feel the same way so I'm hoping that's what will happen. In other news!!! I have officially begun the idol hunt one round too late but perhaps that works out better because if something is found, I'll know it. So because of the way things were worded during the hunt, the idol has either been found already or whoever wrote this system wanted to through a red herring in there to trick us. I'm going with the latter because I feel like Jarod would do that. That's all from this neck of the woods for now, hopefully will be writing another one of these bad bois next round :*
I WILL die for jones btw...
(a little later)
Survived the immunity challenge... at what cost
(after falling asleep on the beach)
The way we accidentally won that comp is literally a joke.... period i guess?
so we lost cus we’re the beauty tribe not the brains tribe fuck math dude anyways, it’s been hella fuckin quiet like not a lot of people are on and aren’t really talking. Up until about, 4 hours before tribal Sam comes to me and says the vote is gonna be Cloud and i’m like what who why. All he said is “that’s what he’s heard” honestly i think it’s just his own idea but whatever. I don’t know Cloud at all so it’s fine with me. Sam, myself, Jessica, and Shane apparently are all agreed to vote Cloud and with Ethan’s vote that’ll be 5.
i have nithing to say other than i might just be the stupidest person on the planet. absolutley nothing is happening in my head ever. if i stay its pure luck HSKSHSNSKBSKS
smiles at immunity... this is cute it feels good to not be in danger for once! i’m honestly still worried my tribe might want to cut me at next tribal but at least tonight can be chill! i hope kiki is first brookeisa boot xoxo
honestly there is no tea, daisy found an idol and gambles her vote but she lost her vote early so no worries w that! I love her so much and i hope she doesn’t snake me...but daisy if ur reading this, in this moment i love dont snake me mwah!! I love Jess and I love Cloud but everyone’s telling me Cloud is the vote but I’m so sad because I had such a good time with them and they are one of the few funny ones in the game!! Anyways not much is happening we lost the challenge cause we are just bad at math...blinks...I don’t think I’m in any danger and this vote should be unanimous. I was also told someone said I was one of the few active people so that’s a check in my book!
I'm trying to lay low so if I'm not very present on Discord the next day or so that's why hehe
so ethan is down for voting Cloud, sammy too. Cool great awesome hot. i’m just sitting here vibing and suddenly Sammy tells me that my (and Madison’s) name came up for a second. He said it went away and it’s Cloud for the vote but like jskdhd why do i aaalways get targeted bitch i’m literally just sitting here whYY can’t i relax for once?! Frfr every survivor game it’s always this person or me. I’m always the other option and i just don’t get why lmao
This tribes been kinda dead until like an hour ago plss, a new alliance of 5 has been organised and somehow me and Shane managed to make it seem like it was Jessica’s idea? Don’t really know how that happened in all honesty but a vibe. Then Daisy also leaked that she’s in another alliance who’s actively idol hunting so that was a lovely bit of beef that I love to see - my guess is she’s in a duo chat with Jess and they’ve tried to get this group formed with people who they think are unconnected, unbeknownst to them that me and Shane have a final two deal and I kinda have one with Sammy as well that happened on day one but it’s not really developed as of yet, he’s not really tried to talk game with me as of yet, but all in due time I suppose there’s plenty of time for more shenanigans 😂
HONESTLY Chile. Not much tea going around since this round we won. Im very proud of Nicole as she literally carried us and I pray she'll do it again dhbhsfg. Ive started getting really close with Jones and she's so fun to talk to, im hoping me her and nash can form a little trio and work together but who knows. Jennet STILL hasn't replied back after like a week so idk what's up w them LMAO
So our tribe loved it when we blindsided silver, it puts me in a much better position than before. Now I have to talk more to people and take time to realize what's gonna happen. As of right now I have 2 alliances. The big majority one and the one where its just me and Jake and Jennet.
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
lee daehwi as your soulmate
imagine having daehwi as ur soulmate where u have the date u meet written on ur wrist
(as requested!)
ur soulmate clue isnt really visible for awhile just bc ure like. a tiny kid for the first majority of ur life lol
for awhile u just have a smudge of ink on ur wrist so,,, u dont rlly have a choice but to let it be
once u start to get older, the markings on ur wrist start to become more and more clear
ure not super sure if theyre letters or numbers or smthn else, bc it doesnt show up on ur skin quite right yet
eventually, ure able to decipher it as a set of numbers and ure like. okay cool BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN
u talk it over w some of ur family and friends, and everyone seems to have their own idea abt what it means
but the more ppl u talk to, the more they start to agree tht it seems like a date - for several years in the future
at tht point u realize that its probably the day tht ull finally meet ur soulmate, so theres not rlly much u can do abt it until then
ure a little tempted to try and search for someone with a similar clue, but there are just SO MANY to sort thru tht u decide its not rlly worth it
u try and focus on urself - struggling thru school, spending time w family/friends, typical stuff that most ppl ignore bc theyre too busy searching for their soulmate
honestly its kinda nice knowing when ull meet ur soulmate, since u can relax until then
time passes bc u kno. tht tends to happen in life
it starts to get closer and closer to the date when u meet and NOW the nerves are coming
bc ure like ?? what are they like? what if i dont like them? what if they dont like //me//? where are we gonna meet? what time? do they have the same clue? what if i dont recognize them????
honestly ure a mess of worries by the time the day comes
trying to sleep the night before is almost impossible since ure such a bundle of doubts as u toss and turn in ur bed
come morning, u do ur best to dress as nice as u can
but honestly ure starting to doubt ur sense of fashion and style at this point
eventually u have to calm urself down bc theres no point in stressing out too much, or else ure just going to freak out and have an awful day, soulmate or not
then ure like waaaait a second,,
n u realize tht u dont know when exactly or where ure going to meet ur soulmate
which makes things much harder tbh
u settle on staying on a park bench, watching ppl pass and letting ur wrist casually rest beside u so its out in the open
ure hoping tht someones just going to walk by and be like oH HELLO SOULMATE
as time goes on u realize tht ure not that lucky
actually ure prob rlly unlucky bc bugs seem like theyre attacking u and u take tht as ur cue to leave
ure wandering around a little bit when u stumble across this cute little hole-in-the-wall cafe, so u decide to go in and rest ur feet there
(also maybe meet ur soulmate bc tht would be super Aesthetic u feel)
u wait around with a cup of coffee and a bagel, hoping that ull see someone walk in with a mark similar to urs
u realize pretty quickly tht it wont happen bc 1) so many ppl keep coming in and out, and 2) no one walks around showing off their wrist tbh
tht leaves u growing more frustrated and worried in ur spot
part of u wants to just approach random strangers and ask “listen im meeting my soulmate today CAN I SEE UR WRIST”
but the realistic part of u is like “what the heck no dont do tht”
u settle on agreeing with the latter
at some point, as ure boring holes into the dozens of strangers frequenting the cafe, u start to nod off
u dont even notice until one of the workers is shaking u awake with a polite smile and telling u tht the store is closing, so ure going to have to please leave
thts when ure like “wow,,, i was rlly tired bc it is LATE outside” but also “WAIT WHAT IF MY SOULMATE CAME HERE WHEN I WAS ASLEEP”
even as u frantically look around, u dont see any cutely written messages from ur presumed soulmate or anything like tht
all u can think is tht maybe ur soulmate clue doesnt mean what u thought it did
after all, its around evening already, and u still havent seen a sign of them
u end up wandering around outside again, too worried abt the possibility of never meeting ur soulmate to be freaked out over the whole “tiny kid walks around alone in the dark!!!!” thing
u keep checking ur phone (and feeling rlly grateful tht u havent run out of battery yet) and time just keeps to slip thru ur fingers
u end up going to a small restaurant for dinner, but its a place tht uve visited before and u dont see anyone new that could be ur soulmate
afterwards u decide to head on home with a heavy heart
u keep thinking “mb its not the date when we meet??”
but honestly ure not sure what else it could be
like is it the date ur soulmate is born?? but thtd be a kinda creepy age difference,,
and,,,, okay yeah u cant rlly think of anything else
u may or may not get lost a couple of times bc ure so absorbed in ur own thoughts
it doesnt help tht ure not exactly the best with directions
by the time u think ure nearing ur home, ur phone flashes at u with the time 11.51pm and ure like “???!!!!!!!!!!!”
u dont even know what to think at tht point
but then u get hit with the realization tht ure not meeting ur soulmate today and u might never meet them at all, and ure crushed with this aching sense of nothingness
ure just about ready to curl into a ball and just lie on the street for the rest of ur life when u hear someone yell “URE WALKING IN CIRCLES”
and u snap ur head up to try and see who said tht, and u see someone sticking his head out of his window and gesturing wildly
“wHAT” u manage to yell back, bc itd be embarrassing if this guy was trying to help u navigate around and u ended up sobbing back in response
and thats.. just as embarrassing tbh
all good intentions aside, u frown at his figure to tell him “IM NOT TELLING U WHERE I LIVE”, a pause, and then u add on “U CREEP” bc ure a strong independent individual who doesnt need any freaky dude in ur life
u feel a little dumb at that bc,,, honestly uve been so wrapped up in ur head tht u kinda forgot u could just use ur phone for directions back home
still just as u pull it out, it flashes a “dead battery” symbol and just. dies on u
“ITS DEAD” u tell the guy, altho ure not rlly sure why ure telling him this bc what if he really is a creep and now he knows u cant call for help ??????????
okay, thats definitely not helping ur i-think-hes-a-serial-killer idea
when he finally closes the window and makes his way down and outside to u, uve prepared urself with a rock
just,, in case,,,,,
(its not even a really good rock but u gotta do what u gotta do)
“i didnt want to keep yelling” the guy says, and he looks much sweeter in person (and when hes not screaming directions at u)
he sticks out his hand and ure like ?? but u take it anyways
“im lee daehwi!! do u want to borrow my phone?” he holds it out to u and even tho ure really tempted to take it, ure still a little skeptical
“if i put my address in there, then ull know where i live and u can track me afterwards”
he seems to find tht both very amusing and very insulting, since his face contorts into a half-laugh half-grimace
its a funny sight in of itself, so u cant help but smile at his expression
u end up bickering a little bit, and by the time he shoves his phone into ur face, u glance at the time and its past midnight and oh
today isnt the day u meet ur soulmate, then
ur face falls and he immediately yanks his hand back, obviously concerned
“are u okay?? whats wrong????”
and even tho hes still basically a stranger u cant help but show ur wrist to him and manage to explain tht u thought u were going to meet ur soulmate today, but its too late bc u still havent met them
but daehwi is giggling and ure like “dONT BE A JERK” but hes already pushing his own wrist into ur face
instead of the date, his reads “11.51 PM” in the same small dark font, and its like oh. OHHHHH
he pushes at ur shoulder, teasing u tht ur clue was more obvious bc “i had to wait around every day to see if i met someone new!!! i just want to sleep but i had no idea when id meet u”
and even as hes pouting u can barely process how relieved u are so u. accidentally zone out juuuust a little bit
he notices of course, and manages to get ur attention by saying “im glad its u tho bc ure super cute”
u stare at him, suddenly super focused on him, and he laughs
“i was just trying to get ur attention, but i do think ure rlly cute”
ure both still a bit in shock, but u manage to carry on conversations well enough bc now tht u know ure each others soulmates, ure desperate to talk to each other forever
he ends up insisting on cutting ur convo short and walking u home bc its so late, but he gives u his number and a quick, embarrassed peck on the cheek with a promise to talk to u soon
its even harder to fall asleep that night, ur head filled the memory of daehwi grinning at u like ure the best thing hed ever seen
others: jisung | sungwoon | daniel | woojin | more coming soon!
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Soulmate!au for Taeyang please?? Preferably with the both of you being childhood friends too! Thank you so much!!
hi my little anon this is for you!!! im sorry if its kinda yikes i never like my writing or the product tbh and when i do i feel like it gets overlooked by my other pieces rip @ writers the struggle is rEAL but anyways i hope you enjoyed this!!! also im tearing up on how much notice vigilante!wonwoo is getting thank you guys so so much!!! remember that REQUESTS ARE OPEN READ FAQ AND RULES FIRST SEND THEM INNNN
au where you have a tattoo of what your soulmate is most passionate about
since you were little you had a small cute tattoo on your wrist of a pair of dance tap shoes
but what did you know you were only 4 and only thought “those are pretty shoes!!”
when you entered kindergarten you met fETUS TAEYANG HOW CUTE AWW
“hi i like your tattoo!!!!”
“thanks i’m y/n!!”
“i’m taeyang!!! check out my tattoo my dad said they’re music notes”
he had little musical notes trailing down his forearm and you’re just like wow that’s so beautiful!!
“do you know what these tattoos are for?”
“my dad said it’s what your soulmate is most passionate about (whatever that means LOL),,, so what your soulmate really really likes!!”
how cUTE smol you and tae become little cute friends just like that!!!
even at age 5 tae was so certain and self-assured he loved dancing and singing but not as much as grooving to the beat
on the other hand you were still unsure and wanted to explore a variety of fields
smol 5 year old tae would bust out his moves to you and hE IS JUST TOO!!! ADORABLE IM CRYING
your friendship only strengthened over the years but
alas!!!! you had to separate in middle school darn young love :((
your parents’ jobs made them relocate to another city
but ofc you and tae were determined to continue communicating!!! so you exchanged home phone numbers
y'all are so cute you would talk on the phone for hours but then,,,,
they got more and more infrequent, as he was trying to make a name out of himself by joining dance competitions and basically he got the ball rolling for his career starting at that point
you were lonely and missed talking to your best friend :(((
you were always so jealous of tae’s determination you were just,,, a wandering lost soul
in these dark times you turned to music and found major relief and comfort in soothing calm ballads and upbeat pumping beats
you got interested in music very quickly and decided to take up some music classes
you eventually learned how to play the piano and guitar, which led you to making cOVERS!!!!
you were enjoying it but you felt like there was still something missing
you took music theory and practically fell in love
in fact it pushed you to really analyze music and produce your own
the only job you were able to do was babysit your niece every weekend but at least your aunt was generous about the pay!!!
it still took you f o r ev er to save up for proper equipment but you were able to have a decent system going on
you locked yourself up in your room for who knows how long every single day to familiarize yourself with the new technology and play around with different instruments on the editor
it came to you so naturally that it only took you a week to produce something pretty decent for a rookie
and even in the midst of all of this you constantly think about tae and it influences your work and you practically make songs about him
you wanted to share it for people to hear so you opened up a soundcloud and youtube channel and posted on both
views were steady but a little low in the beginning but a few months in your little producing career it sKYROCKETED
everyone started to listen to your sick beats and mixes you were a dj bUT ALSO WITH THE BEST SINGING VOICE EVER WHAT A DOUBLE THREAT!!!
you became a viral sensation (sensational feeling lMAO ok bye)
at this time you were well into high school probably around your senior year and we all know how senior year can get hectic especially at the beginning
you decided to put your mixing on hiatus to focus on college apps and your classes for the time being
it was a few months in the school year around november when one day the school was buzzing with a little more energy than usual
you asked your friend “what’s the deal with everyone today????”
“uM have you not been paying attention?? there’s a new transfer kid and hE IS THE MOST MAJESTIC THING EVER”
and she goes on and on about his good looks and what a gentleman he is
you’re thinking guys like those are practically nonexistent i’ll have to see it to believe it
you just shrugged it off and walked to your homeroom
and there, folks, is when you couldn’t believe it bUT NOT FOR THE REASONS YOUR FRIEND SAID
“class we have a new student please introduce yourself!!”
“:D i’m blind by tHE ACTUAL SUN hi everyone!!! i’m taeyang i just moved here a few days ago!!”
he catches your eye and yALL JUST DO A DOUBLE TAKE BC
tae is actually fangirling on the inside and he shines even brighter and actually blinds the entire school
“please have a seat next to the empty desk next to y/n. y/n can you show him around today?”
hAHAHA NERVOUS LAUGHTER “sure,,,, i,,, will be,,, showing taeyang my childhood best friend,,,, around,,, no biggie,,,”
when your homeroom teacher gives you homework time to do you both frantically turn to each other and loudly whisper
“i’m sorry!!! things have been so crazy with competitions,,, :(((“ pls doNT LET MY SUN BE SAD
you can’t help but forgive him bc you know better than anyone else how important his career is to him, especially when it comes to dancing
you just brush it off and ask to see his schedule
you guys have a few classes together and plan to meet up at lunch so you can give a proper tour
it’s just like old times and you’re suddenly so nostalgic that you get slightly emotional
you just missed talking to him so much it’s been years since you picked up the phone and had a conversation with him
little did you know, he feels the exact same way
the way your arms brush across each other makes him go just a little crazy
it takes literally no time for him to get adjusted like by the end of the week he’s already got his own crew and is involved in a few clubs
ofc he is one of the officers in the dance club
he’s drastically improved his dancing skills to the point where he can singlehandedly make his own choreo
let’s just say it gets LIT AT RALLIES unlike my school smh
dance club meets pretty often, as the students wanna perfect every single dance they do
so basically multiply taeyang by 15
they’re amazing for a reason
you wanted to walk home with taeyang one day and stopped by one of their practices near closing time
as you near the door you hear some reaaaally familiar music
you watch through the classroom window and the dance team is busting out them moves
but all your eyes see is taeyang, front and center
not only does he look cool and charismatic but he looks happy doing what he loves
you clutch your backpack strap tighter and internally squeal legit your best friend is so hot rn
when’s he not tho??? anyway
when they finish the dance you hear him say “god this person who remixes these is so cool i love their works i would love to meet them”
and then he takes notice of you and dOES THIS CUTE AF LITTLE WAVE IM WEAK
one day at lunch he tells you about an upcoming competition he’s about to compete in
he actually got in the final round so he’s like
“!!!!!! if my team wins we win a scholarship!!!!!”
and you’re both freaking out and ofc you’re gonna go to support him
competition day rolls around soon and you’re in the bleachers overseeing everyone
you admit everyone is majorly talented but you know tae’s team has it in the bag if it has tae in it let’s be real here
when his team finally gets introduced they get into position
it’s blasting in the speakers for everyone to listen to and you’re so emotional rn
tae executes his dance as flawlessly as ever and you’re so proud of knowing someone like him
and that’s when you realize
everything you know about tae and his dancing
from the way he pulls all nighters for a new choreo to how much he glows when he’s out on the floor
you lift up your sleeve and stare at the shoes
“oh my god” you whisper
the results come in and ofc hE WINS YESSSS
tae’s team is asked to do a quick thank you speech and when it’s tae’s turn to speak you’re anticipating on what he’s going to say
“thank you to all my friends and family, esp my parents who have been supporting me the entire way!!! and of course my best friend who came all the way to watch me today i love you!!! :DDDDDD”
you know tae to be very touchy and affectionate
but that was actually the very first time he’s ever said that to you, whether it be platonically or romantically
and you hadn’t realized that you wanted it to be the latter until that moment
you’re in love with your best friend
as the crowd files out you step down the bleachers and sprint to him
he’s carrying the trophy in his right hand but when he sees you advancing towards him he quickly shoves it to the person closest to him LOL
you embrace in a tight tight lung crushing hug
“i love you too soulmate”
and he’s like wAIT A MINUTE
and he pulls back to look at you
“ok we’re gonna get back to what you said bUT SOULMATE???? MUSIC????”
“i kinda produced the song you just danced to??? surprise!!!!!”
and he’s just wHAT THE ACTUAL
“you’re – you’re actually – how – when-”
you just giggle at how dumbfounded he is
and you take his face in both hands and plant a kiss on him AW SCUTE SCUTE
his hands tighten around your waist and you’re both smiling so much on each other’s lips
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 3 - "I can feel my fangs coming in...tail growing...literally about to snake someone tonight and idk who it should be." - Owen
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Out of all the people to take out 9-1.... you take out Beastman? Like when Nehemiah- THE PERSON WHO WAS ALREADY VOTED OUT- was there? Like what kind of fucking logic is that? Seriously, had you all used your heads and actually THINK- that should've been the 9-1 vote... Not for Beastman. Literally livid right now, and while I love the immunity of the safe zone, I do not want to tempt fate and throw this next challenge. I am here for myself, and any agenda that I have of wanting this asshole of a player gone- needs to wait or I need to have others do it for me. Praying that it is the latter over the former.
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Well, I’m sad that Matt B. Was voted out. I felt that I could have worked with him in the game. Now there is still 10 complete signs and Nehe (Pisces) in the game. We need to win the oasis atleast so we can talk to people because not being able to communicate with anyone else is really gunna hurt us. I rather be in the oasis than warzone. This next immunity looks like we have a chance to win but it is gunna be lucked bases and if anyone wants us to be in the warzone. Hopefully no one does and we can slip into the top 5 now? and hopefully top 3.
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Matt will never read this but it's okay, I wanted to type out my reasoning as to why I was chill with him being voted out. 1. I'm trying to play a game that's a little more selfish and a little less selfless to see if I can catch lightning in a bottle and get a TS win. 2. I really liked Matt and had things gone differently I would have been all about a long term alliance, that being said if I'm going to work with someone I need them to be able to keep their name off the unanimous block. He didn't talk to anyone at all til it was too late. I need an ally that if I things gets sticky for me then they need to he able to have pull to help me out of it. 3. This is a long game and we only have quick snippets of time to make connections and I'm not about to throw my vote to spare someone's feelings and get 8 other people start to think I'm swishy washy. They need to believe they can call upon me if they need to. Sorry about the 9-1 vote, but it's a game and we have a long way left to go.
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Only remaining Matt! And boy do I feel powerful. However, I feel worse than ever regarding the challenge, it’s just extremely complex and it requires myself and Adrien to put a lot more effort than we are putting in. It’s hard because with only two people there’s no one else to rely on but ourselves, and honestly it’s consistently easier just to defect to him so at least something gets done.
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I am getting really worried. My partner hasnt been on today and hasnt really help with the challenge. Im sooo worried that we are going to lose. I was just meh about it so i dont even fucken know if the list will be good and the target list is like my own thoughts even if i told Renee it was random.orged. I just wish no one wants to target us and we are atleast in top 5. 
Well we lost immunity. It sucks. But I get to talk to Madison again and also Stephen which is good because I can try and like solidify something with them. Timmy is here too so I can try and work with him but we do have org history with each other. I just hope Renee and I arent targeted this round.
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Most likely gonna stick with doodle and nehe this round, it was either nip that alliance immediately or ride it till its time to flip, flipping now would just antagonise everyone.
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I feel like I’m doing well socially but thats on my side. I dont know how people are perceive me. 🤷‍♂️ I hope that I’ll be good for tonight. Timmy and I talked last night and it was really good. It was more of life than game. I enjoyed it. I really want to work with Timmy, hopefully its mutual.
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Narrowly avoided tribal this round, probably thanks to Cancer and Virgo making their entire list for the challenge "do nothing". I'm not sure if they threw it on purpose or if that was some type of strategy to keep signs from being mad at them, either way it's a damn challenge, people can get over it. Especially when you can target a sign that has consistently been on the top on challenges in Capricorn. I don't care, I'm not going to tribal, in other news, I landed another hit in battleshits. I need to get that ship sunk before someone else happens to find it as well, if I can grab another advantage that's one more someone else can't use against me.
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I want to get Stevie out. I don’t think it’s going to happen but i want to try. I would go for Owen but people tend to tell Owen things if he name is mentioned because he just has that personality. I don’t think Stevie would have those connections and it would be nice to limit that tribe since they went to the Oasis twice already (I think that’s what it’s called). I just need to look back to see if he is already the weak link on the tribe because then it might be better to keep him but honestly I’d still rather see him go. So I’ll try to get people on board for some plan.
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I uh threw out a name out to Timmy. I really feel like we can actually work together in this game my target as of now is Stevie. He’s really nice person but havent really talked to him outside of the warzone chat. Timmy had the same idea so hopefully it could be an easy vote tonight. Timmy seems on board so he could get his partner Trace. Doodle amd Stephen want to work with me and Renee so we’ll have their votes too. I need to talk to madison but hopefully they would want to do Stevie too. Leaving both Capricorns on the outs which sucks cuz i like Owen.
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This vote is getting closer and closer. I’m slightly getting more nervous. Its being very calm and quiet again. Stevie is still the target for me so we’ll see how that goes. I’m just worried that there would be messy scrambling the last hr or 30 minutes that would switch targets but right now it feels like Timmy is on board for Stevie and hopefully Stephen would be too.
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for the first time, I spend the day in the Oasis. Winning 3rd place is a blessing and for it to be on this challenge, an even bigger one (not seen as a comp threat, can pretend we tried to flop but not make it obvious to the Pact). I am glad that I get to socialize with Willow a bit again. And hopefully I can socialize w Matt and Adrian a bit too. Cullan is lowkey dry and idk if he likes me at all but idk why he wouldn't. Tonight, the people I like are facing tribal council. Owen, Madison and Jacob cannot go home but Renee could! I hope some miracle pulls through and that b*tch is sent packing. I did not come for her in any way shape or form in immunity bc I want to be able to disingenuously rebuild w her if we make it onto the same tribe or we both make it to merge. Renee's ass did NOTHING BUT GRAB AND SRATCH ME HOWEVER. FUCKING BITHCHCISOAFHISHFSKLHGSHGKLS I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK UNTIL NOW. I HOPE OWEN LOOKED AT RESULTS AND IS ON THE SAME WAVELENGTHS AND GETS THAT BITCH OUTTA HERE.  Kait and Thomas also grabbed/scratched but nowhere near as much as Renee's dumbass did. She's an idiot, she has no game. I'm getting her ass out the fucking second I have a chance. Does she not remember how easy it was to get rid of her the moment I wanted to in Kanto? forget you, go home, goodbye! I mean, this is embarrassing. You threw every wrench you could at me yet still I am top 3 and I do nothing to you and still you are in the bottom 6. anyway, prayer circle for renee to go back to the fissure where she came from.
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Okay soooo i did something bad LMAO I told Nehe I wanted to work with him and then I told madison/Jacob I wanted to work with them and then I told Timmy/trace I wanted to work with them hehe so my plan was to vote Stephen/Taylor or maybe go for renee but..... Nehe wants to vote anyone BUT Stephen taylor/ and madison+trace both don’t want to do maynor/renee.... fuck my life 
So basically I have to either turn on Nehe which would kinda suck or somehow convince madison and jacob to do renee or maynor but I feel like they might even go for Nehe and ughhh how did I put myself between this ALREADY My horoscope was right I am dying today
I can feel my fangs coming in...tail growing...literally about to snake someone tonight and Idk who it should be. I THINK that right now it’s: Timmy/Trace/Madison going for Taylor, Nehe/Stephen/Taylor going for Renee, Maynor going for Stevie. I have no clue what renee and jacob want. Theoretically if stevie and I vote for renee it could be 5-4-2 if renee did stevie but I also think that madison could try to get renee to do taylor.... ugh. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lie to Nehe, he was the one who told me that Maynor wanted Stevie out. But I can’t screw over madison/Jacob/Trace/Timmy.... Maybe I could vote renee but Stevie could vote taylor,???? And then I tell madison and jacob that Stevie did renee? But I tell Nehe that I did renee??? Idk this is all just too complicated and some people like Stevie and jacob won’t ANSWR ME
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Jshdia I am dying how messy this vote is getting. The names that have been thrown out are Renee, Doodle, Stephen, and Stevie. Hopefully we can have the votes stay on Stevie but im worried about Renee. I just hope Im safe tbh. It is a single games after all.
I am dying right now. Its either gunna be doodle or stevie tonight. Me and Renee are hearing mix signals. Ugh I just hope it isnt me or Renee going. It would totally suck if i leave and it would be bad if Renee left. Its gunna be a crazy tribal thats for sure.
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Ok so today has been interesting. It's been such a back and forth between Taylor and Stevie going but at this point it's going to be Taylor. I know I said I wanted Stevie earlier, but honestly it's not me going so I don't care too much tbh. Stevie's name has already gone around once now so it's not going to be too difficult to bring it up again in the future. I'm just hoping for a twist tonight honestly. Something needs to change about this game.
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Ooo i dont know if anyone caught that in the warzone chat but Stevie posted he was pushing for Taylor then removed it. I was dying if this was an accident. 😂 but im just crossing my fingers that its Stevie tonight. Doodle seems like they wants to work with me so I want to keep them around.
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I ACTUALLY CANNOT HANDLE THIS RN DSAKFJHFSKJD UIGHHHHHHHHHHHH okay so madison tells me jacob and timmy want stevie out and then shes like "wait maybe not" and im like ok and she's like "taylor it is" NNNN OK SO FUCK JACOB AND TIMMY FOR CONSIDERING STEVIE BEHIND MY BACK?????? now I feel extra bad for betraying nehe... but stevie wants to do taylor 100% and renee is seeming to do taylor too? idk if I should just vote taylor and do damage control with nehe/stephen or ifi  should vote renee and try to pin it on stevie idek anymore. im worried ppl are being sketch with me and voting me??? but I think if they were votin for me they wouldnt be trying to tell madison stevie or taylor or all this. and idk if taylor/stephen are rlly doing renee like nehe says....or if theyre doing stevie with maynor???? ugh idk. and renee I have no clue about this is just too much but whatever ill make up my mind when tribal comes and pray it isnt me
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The Oasis was nice as a change of pace from the warzone definitely!! Sad I missed the movie tho
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one good thing about the warzone.... i dont have to deal with nehe yelling at me tonight
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I had a really good time at Oasis! It feels good to succeed at something and I’m glad I got to talk to new people, but it also really reminded me that there is so much game left to be played and so many new alliances that need to be made. Thor Ragnarok was good but I was literally waiting for Chris Hemsworth to yell an idol clue or something... and now there’s a swap so I can shit my pants about that
Pants have been shat. This war zone thing AND being on a tribe with any of the 3 people I’ve talked to is freaking me out like sauerkraut. I just gotta keep showing up enough for these challenges!
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Haha i am dying. Both times o switched my target. This one tho might have not beed good but i think it was because me being able to adapt is part of this game and willing to sacrifce someone is 🤷‍♂️. Now lets hope i can get something out of this search i have hit 3 slots with tonight at 11:11pm will be my 4th hit. Cross your fingers for me. This swap is good and bad. But i just need to stay away from the bottom 5.
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Lmfao. I swap with the one person that i don't want to associate myself with, like at all. which means that my road to getting 15th is already settled. which i literally hate because i do not want to do anything with Nehe and he has the audacity of messaging me: "we good or nah?" like.... you do the fucking math. you screwed me over and you ask that? like ofc we're not good. like im gonna make it my mission to screw you and your allies that you have made over the course of the past 4 rounds. you are a fucking little snake and im here with a vendetta. and that is to get you OUT!
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Honestly Nehemiah is so full of shit. Him telling me the move is Renee when he knows there are no numbers there. I want his ass OUT
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imjohnnydora · 7 years
1-117 :))))
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reasonyou are confused right now? well now i’m confused bc i’m trying to figure out why this question thinks im confused
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? lol no
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? i would?? care if they smoked often yes but not like every once in a while yknow
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? LOL NO
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? watching scandal i think
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is withyou? pal i dont get drunk but if i did i’d??? be with whoever i trusted to get drunk with i mean
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheatedon? ngl i’d call up all my friends bc i know they’d form a lil army to fight back for me
8: Are you close with your dad? im not rly close with either of my parents tbh
10: What are you listening to? uh my happy spotify playlist
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life- what is it? answered here
12: Do you like hickeys? no
13: What time do you go to bed? .....5am-ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? i mean not to vague or anything,,,
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? no
16: Do you always answer your texts? lol no
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? answered here
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? like talk in person or message bc 6 hrs ago to the former
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you seethem? yes
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed lastnight? do people like actually remember that i mean who
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? i hope not
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? uh sure
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? yes?
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? YES
25: In the past week, have you cried? haha yes
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? blue w yellow flowers
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? no
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so
29: Do you have a best friend? @katxedisons
31: Who was your last call/text message from? my dad lol
32: Are you mad at anyone? nah
35: How many more days until your birthday? 227 (thanks google)
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? there are literally 11 days left of summer and,,, no i dont have plans for any of them fuck off
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? no
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? noooooooooo
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? dont think so
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? um yes dont be a pedophile
42: Are you available? answered here
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings forsince high school ended? ....one
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would youget? nose i guess
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? idk i have no experience in this
46: Do you regret anything? every moment since birth
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? this question i mean
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? yes
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? LET’S NOT DISCUSS THAT
53: What was the last thing you ate? granola bar
54: Did you get any compliments today? yes
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? los angeles!!!
56: Do you own anything from other countries? um yeah the things i purchased in japan and australia and the things my friends have gifted me from??? too many places to list
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls
58: Where have you lived most of your life? california
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? like i personally drove or was just in a car and also what is “long” and okay basically no i dont go on long drives anyway so
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? what do u think
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? no
62: Who do you text the most? my dad probably,,, listen i dont text people
63: What was the last movie you saw? spiderman??
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend fromgoing back to their ex? my who
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? i was 12yo
67: Do you curse around your parents? no
68: Are you happy with where you live? ehhhhhhh no
69: Picture of yourself? why is this question 69 that makes it so sketchy and also no im too lazy to add a photo if you’ve read this far ur probs my friend and know anyway so
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe inopen-ended relationships? monogamy
71: Have you ever been dumped? that would require a gf
75: What part of a person’s body do you find mostattractive? idk their face??
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night beforeyou went to bed? my god dont make me check timestamps i think @katxedisons
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesysmile to your face? CUTE GIRLS
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a childalready? i mean i wouldnt count it against them
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed toyou? not like,, directly
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? like,,, do i tell the crush or do i tell my friends about the crush altho tbh neither
83: Do you miss your last sweetie? who says sweetie
84: Last time you slow danced with someone? prom
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? n oooo oo
86: How can I win your heart? be a cute girl tbh
87: What is your astrological sign? taurus
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? still watching scandal i think
89: Do you cook? i bake
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flameafter a time of more than 3 months of no communication? no
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in arelationship? YEAH
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you prettymuch fall into monogamous relationships quickly? latter
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potentialinterest? not that i have a type but,,, long dark hair is a good bonus (also if ur??? amy santiago)
94: Name four things that you wish you had! a girlfriend, a corgi, $1 million, and dammit thats all i can come up with thats the dream tbh
95: Are you a player? no
97: Are you a tease? no
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? not yet
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? ehhh no
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? i mean??? i dont see why not
101: Hugs or Kisses? ngl i’d like to kiss a cute girl
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? i mean i havent yet so
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? gross
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? YES
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/shewas in relationship, would you go for it? NAH
106: Do you flirt a lot? ahaha i mean sometimes
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? amy santiago
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? IF U KNOW PLS TELL ME
112: Does someone like you currently? sounds fake
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? yes
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or justflings? former
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? i mean im rly happy with either
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Justwrite it. dammit emmeline u had one job
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chickenfetus · 7 years
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people (has anyone actually tagged that many thats wild)
tagged by: @softshouyous​ thank u faln love u
name: megan!!! blood type: im type A too!!!!! buds nickname(s): moonshine (falen), egg, nut (irl ppl bc of my ig being nutfucker69) r/s: im in a r/s with denki atm do not distrub zodiac sign: capricorn!! pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: spongebob squarepants OR the fairly oddparents but i just realized these r cartoons..whatever…. i havent watched a proper tv show in years lmao long or short hair: like preference or rn bc if its rn its longish?? above my chest still but not above my shoulders height: 154 cm (i grew one cm ha) / i think its still 5′0 LOL do you have a crush on someone: heck.. idk if its a crush or just me being delusional and obsessive but iw ant it gonE what do you like about yourself: i get motivated when ppl do better @ smth im supposed to b good :-) right or left handed: right!!!! list of three favourite colors: sky blue, mint green (wow) and uhM, yellow the pastel kind 
right now: eating: my saliva  drinking: waht r the odds of drinking something right as u see this qn i’m about to: idk i gotta do hw but we’ll see listening to: anywhere but here by mayday parade kids: i have enough fictional ones thanks get married: but i already have lnace? career: tbh im just hoping i mysteriously die b4 i have 2 think abt this
most recent:
drink: water.,, i deadass dont drink anything else phone call: no one,,, i delet my chats + calll history a lot but i dont think ive actually had a conversation on the phone with someone this year lmao song you listened to: the one i said above but right now im listening to this by haniwa its good i promise
have you ever: dated someone twice: i havent even dated once lol been cheated on: no?? kissed someone and regretted it: listn ei am young  lost someone special: literally or just?? friendship wise because friendship wise ya… but if u mean like someone special died then no been depressed: the feeling or the actual thing  been drunk and thrown up: alcohol is not 4 me kissed a stranger: n o had glasses or contacts: ive had glasses since i was 6 lmao wild had sex on the first date: gee i hope not broken someone’s heart: who knows turned someone down: no cried when someone died: im actually p heartless fallen for a friend: who hasnt
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yeah,,,  fallen out of love: i actually ahve no idea what this means laughed until you cried: have i?? probably met someone who changed you: mmm mm found out who your true friends were: im still skeptical  found out someone was talking about you: i hate the end of last year + the start of this year kissed someone on your fb list: i dont even use fb anymore
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes? if i had 2 choose  hugs or kisses: huGSss  shorter or taller: i also prefer taller but shorter is fine too  romantic or spontaneous: ?????? sensitive or loud: anything???? hookup or relationship: relationship  troublemaker or hesitant: thes questions make no snese to me im laughning
first: best friend: jana ruined my life but she was a good friend  surgery: never had one sport i joined: either golf (fucking golf can u believe) or swimming im praying it was the latter vacation: probs 2 malaysia
do you believe in: yourself: lol no im so negative god i need 2 stop bc i think more and more ppl r leaving me bc of that, which is like understandable?? but i wanna change w/o becoming someone im not uHHGHHh hh  miracles: sometimes,, gotta see it 2 believe it love at first sight: nah heaven: maybe
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: uh all probs except for my first online friend  do you have any pets: i want  a d og or cat. .. . do you want to change your name: yeah do u guys think its possible 2 chnage it to nutfcuker69 what did you do for your last birthday: chilled at home, panicked abt holiday hw since.. my birthday is on fcuking 26 decemeber what time did you wake up today: 7:42 am kinda disappointed it wasnt earlier but wtv at least its not as bad as falen’s what were you doing last night at midnight: sleepiing like the good child i am something you can’t wait for: MAKI’S BIRHDAY SO I CAN FINALLY SCOUT i currently have 420 gems saved last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: boy howdy there r alot of things.. maybe my attitude towards my irl friends??  have you ever talked to a person named tom: no i go to a girls school but im surprised there wasnt anybody named tom in my old primary school what’s getting on your nerves: atm its my inability to focus and how im such a sucker for this one person who i ? shoudlnt be thinking abt//? and yet!!! when willi ufckign rEALIZE its embarrassing how mcuh effort i put lmao 
tagging: lena, kacchan, andy, and anyone else (not gonna tag them rly bc idw yknow b a bother sO.. ….) (ps yall dont have to do it, if u somehow manage 2 see this and get this far lmao) 
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(1) Happy birthday first of all, I hope your day was good!! There's essentially nothing wrong in what you're saying, but there is a difference in sharing culture and appropriating it. Cornrows, hiphop etc, have a important role in black history and it's just been often enough that kpop artists have used these prospects of our culture as a 'costume' as well as other cultures. Of course that doesn't justify just entering the industry but auditioning when you already have
(2) a label doesn’t really make sense right? Despite that, it won’t exactly be easy for non-asians to receive a lot of attention over there, since the tastes in music are also very different. Exp edition will most likely go down like a lead balloon either way but let’s just see. Kpop doesn’t have the reputation it had before anymore and although some stuff may shift around the essential will be the same. It’s just people singing Korean after all, wether Koreans will take it
(3) offensively is still unclear. Wether it’s a Chinese person or someone Nigerian singing Korean shouldn’t really matter right? It’s an attempt to spread a little more awareness, so let’s just see how it goes. Maybe it’ll backfire horribly, maybe not, but it’s worth a try. I hope I didn’t offend you in any way, but got my point across ;u;
aaa thank you!! my day is just getting started tbh lmao its 4:15pm but i just finished an exam sO NOW IM FREE BLESS
(this got a little long sry gdkslgj)
thank you for your input and letting me know!! i know theres a difference between sharing and appropriating culture. its rly hard to teach ppl that too but gskdljgd i guess we all have different ways to process info we’re given and have diff beliefs n unfortunately some ppls beliefs are so set in stone that theyre 2 ignorant 2 care :((
what i kinda just wanted to say is that theres this rly… blurred and undefined line as to who can and who cant join kpop. imo i think anyone who wants to be a kpop star should be…. asian?? cuz like we’re constantly being flushed and ignored in hollywood n western stuff, same w black people. so as minorities we all have something we want to keep to ourselves and hold on to, so that others dont get to it, yknow?? so with kpop, its just something i think is a place for us to,, like,,, shine ????? idk how else to better phrase it so that people dont misunderstand gkdlsgd im really bad with words so its hard for me to explain some things i wanna say, so i hope im making a bit of sense n that i didnt say anything offensive or problematic ;; 
but i guess on one side there are people who say “let anyone who works hard no matter what ethnicity into the kpop industry!!” bc yes while thats a valid argument you cant help but see others say “theyre not asian and its not their place??” and im more of the latter. i hope i dont sound too confusing o my goodness 
also dw you didnt offend me in any way at all its ok!! 
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
Well no offense but C****** and her fake quirkiness are just as annoying as Kindles privileged ass so I get why they're both annoying in their own ways, they're both also fake woke white feminists so, lol
Anonymous said: So Louis is gonna go onstage in a tragic suit struggling to sing basic notes where Bebe leads the entire song and people still gonna call him a legend….IM hurt by this
Anonymous said: its literally all twitter starting these rumor shit, i dont trust anything that comes from there unless there is proof
twitter can be so funny but most of its demons
Anonymous said: I’m gonna be honest with your anons. Maybe y'all are new Harry fans so you think Camille is revolutionary or special or some shit, but she’s not. She’s like an older version of Paige in every way. Her being in London means fuck all lmao. Harry always does this before he tours or has work. He did it with Nadine before OTRA, he did it with Kendall before he went to the studio to make his album, he did it with Snapchat girl when she flew to London to see him. This shit ain’t new y'all, get a life.
literally lmao
Anonymous said: Harry was seen in Shoreditch in the middle of the afternoon anons lmao that outfit Harry’s wearing in the picture was exactly the same thing he wore with Mitch last week.
Anonymous said: This is like NYC all over again lmao Everyone saying there’s no proof and then out of nowhere they square danced surrounded by hellfire. I hate this shit.
i cant believe this
Anonymous said: Why is everyone so obsessed with Camille?????? We’ve only seen them together twice at a concert. I swear I’ve seen more people talking about her than any of the other girls in the past wtf. Harry could be fuckig someone else for all we know. I’m just tired of this bs 😩
i don’t know but i wish people would stop messaging me about it
Anonymous said: I’m just curious if this account was around before they got pictured at the concert or if it just started up after cos if it’s the latter then that’s vry transparent lol
it wasn’t as far as i know lmao
Anonymous said: Idc about Camille and that’s the deadass truth. Whether Harry’s in the picture or not. Very few people know how she is she’s not well known at all. There are a million girls on IG exactly like her. Like I’m am dead fucking tired of people pretending to be interested in these girls because of Harry. Y'all don’t have to pretend to care you know, you can just not give a shit like a normal person.
Anonymous said: this is like when people were freaking out about Harry and Kendall hanging out or being seen just bc they were both in la and it was all for nothing
for real
Anonymous said: Anons my GOD what is the bloody fixation on Shoreditch!? That’s doesn’t even look like Shoreditch to me lol
i have no idea
Anonymous said: The pic are your anos talking about its from 06.08 Harry wans’t with Camille yesterday
Anonymous said: it’s so sad that someone feels the need to tweet at someone who took the pic with him asking if he was with a blonde girl like it’s so embarrassing
i know……….
Anonymous said: Knowing these people starting these Camille rumors, Harry’s going to be on tour and pictures of the audience are going to come out and they’ll pick some skinny blonde in the audience that you can see the back of her head and they be making tweets like “omg Camille is at Harry’s tour supporting her baby! What a great girlfriend.” They’re reaching at straws at this point hoping something happens so they can unclench.
efjnbfhubfghu bye ik
Anonymous said: I never thought I’d dislike anyone more than Kendall but there’s something about camille…. I just get the creepiest vibes from that girl tbh
Anonymous said: Someone referred to Kendall as Pepsi Cola and I knew who they were talking about before they even said her name 😂
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Ep. #11- “This Game Is Crackedt” - Sam
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After a 10 day break for the holidays, the game started back up again and the players were presented with their next  immunity challenge, Tile Flip.  In the challenge Tommy claims he threw it to let Sam get the largest section of the grid to himself and Sam won immunity.  By this point everyone in the game knew that Jay was the biggest threat but Jay was trying to round people up to take out Tommy.  She had some success actually convincing Leah to vote for Tommy.  Jay made a mistake though trying to cause paranoia by telling Tommy that Leah brought up his name.  This caused Tommy to go back to Leah with this information which made Leah flip out and change her vote to Jay.  Jay was sent home in a 7-1 vote.
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Well, I've never been on the bottom in an ORG before, so that's a fun development. If nothing else, losing all my allies except for one (Linus, shout out to you for not being a giant bag of small dicks) means I'll get to really flex my game skills. I'm going hard as fuck on the next challenge because if I lose, it's probably the end of me. But if I make it to the end, assholes, then thank you for putting someone who loves me on the jury.
You know what sucks? Still being in the game but feeling like people are already campaigning for your jury vote.
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since i promised this I MADE THE CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! what kind of survivor magic you know as much as playing on the bottom sucked, I needed to figure out how to play the game differently. I used to just have this rogue-esque style of gameplay that never put me on the "bottom" because I was usually just thinking about myself and not my allies. now, I'm back in a majority (that is still very fluid), but I safely feel like I'm no longer at the bottom of a specific group. I feel like I've refined my game and made it more social, and I needed the experience of bottom-feeding to do that. I need momentum for when we come out of the break; it's time for me to start winning this thing.
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"The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry" -Robert Burns Well, that tribal sucked. What's running through my head right now is I must be considered such a non factor in the game to people that they just aren't attempting to play the social game with me. My reason for thinking this is because unless they are actually jury threats somehow, this vote was absolutely moronic for Leah, Amanda (and Ting if she's lying about her reasoning for the vote). The only person this helps at all is Ashley from my perspective, which means either I'm playing with idiots, or my perspective is way off. I feel from a strategy perspective for myself I have to assume the latter. Leah, Amanda and Ting need to get to the end with a goat from what I see, so why cut a goat when the goats could have formed a majority in the alliance once Tommy and Sam are gone? Ting's reasoning is that the vote was already in Christian and she just wanted to be in the majority (which is reasonable, I did the same on the Brett vote), and Ashley claims she heard about the vote 10 minutes before tribal. I am more prone to believe Ting on a logical level, but Ashley's story actually does kind of check out too since she was gone all day. The problem now is figuring out h approach to move forward. I feel like if I play my cards right I can stay safe, but I have to figure out if Amanda and Leah secretly are some social beasts or something and I need to appeal to a strategic mind, or if I need to make a serious call out post in the main chat and maybe wake some people up to their position in the game.
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Linus is not funny but I'm not funnIER
i just typed a huge game confession and my internet went out happy 2017... i'll try again tomorrow
oh wow i won something! i'm not really sure how this vote is going to work out; i'm expecting that jay will have something to offer me tomorrow. that, or she'll try to blindside me so that i'm at the point at which i have to win immunity. anyway, it's dope to at least make it back to 7th again. but i'm not done. time to go to work.
okay apparently people are paranoid that tommy is gonna play an idol like I WANNA SEE THE CHAOS
this game crackedt.
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[1/4/2017 10:50:34 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: How are you feeling on the vote? [1/4/2017 10:51:27 PM] Ashley Hudson: Ummmm I am really not sure because I dont really know where anyone's head is at [1/4/2017 10:53:15 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: Yeah, people have been quiet :( . You're kinda the one calling the shots right now though so I was hoping you'd maybe heard something. [1/4/2017 10:53:31 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: (Thats not meant as an attack on you for being in the power position in any way, sorry it was worded badly ahdfjlhads) Well... This is new. A power position?! Me?! How?! I guess people have been assuming Leah, Amanda and I are a thing but I odn't quite see how that would make me in a powerful position. Help.
So Tommy called with Amanda and I and told us that Leah ran to Jay before the last vote and told her that the plan was majority on Christian. Thankfully Leah didn't flip or anything, but just the fact that she told Jay about it before tribal is annoying as heck. Like idek if I can trust her anymore. She is in an alliance chat with Tommy, Amanda, Sam, and myself. So I have been trying to not talk much in the chat and work more with Tommy and Amanda. Amanda and I are tight still, I guess you could call it a F2. My second person I would say is Tommy. I really want to trust Ting Ting but all she is saying to me is that she will go with whatever I say which is kinda sketchy so I will be cautious with that one. For tribal tonight I have no idea what is happening, so that is cool. I think if people play their idols I might too. Might as well be safe rather than sorry. Jay is supposedly trying to pull in the ranks because she thinks that it will be her tonight, so if she does that, and if people fall for it, she could get a group together unfortunately. I however, don't think I will be the initial target they choose. Jay has suggested Amanda before and unfortunately she might again. So we really need to be careful. I can't go losing my biggest ally tonight. But I also need to keep an eye out for myself.
People I trust?: Amanda Tommy People I am unsure about: Sam Leah Ting Ting People I will be looking out for anything, and I mean anything sketchy: Jay Linus Maybe we will see a split vote tonight? Tommy Amanda and I were talking about it. maybe a 4 and 2? Like our most trustworthy people on the 4, and then the 2 could be like Leah and Ting Ting. In case they flip, it would be 4 and 4. However, we may have to make it seem as if Leah and Ting Ting are voting in the majority so they don't feel any urge to switch. So possibly lie to them and say Linus, then have the majority vote Jay? That could be messed up if Ting Ting or Leah flip, and Jay plays an idol... So tbh our ideas have cons and pros and I am not sure what is going to happen tonight.
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My kink is being on the bottom, knowing I'm on the bottom, and still having to play nice. Like, I wish people would stop bullshitting me. Don't campaign for my jury vote before you murder me. Assholes. At least if I go tonight, it won't be a blindside.
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okay uh now jay is brewing up some bubble bubble toil and trouble shit and saying that ashley is some kind of strategic mastermind?? I agree that ashley is in a good spot but I'm not sure she's the one calling all the shots over there. then again, I could be very wrong. I've been wrong before.
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Well this is quite the yikes fest. I literally don't even know how to describe what's hopefully going to happen. So the overall plan is to vote Jay out. So I definitely know that we have me, Tommy, Sam, Amanda, and Ashley which is good enough to have a majority. But let me tell you, there are fireworks. Like it's the 4th of July out here. Bc first, Jay wanted to get me out, because apparently she doesn't trust me anymore, which is totally understandable, but like she thinks that I'm cocky and act above her and like always expect her trust, which I don't. But like sorry i lied to you, i know that sucks, but you've done it to me so... Anyways, everyone's worried I have something from the cave but like all i've gotten is scuba gear WHICH ISN'T EVEN HELPFUL ANYMORE, LIKE THANKS A LOT TREVOR AND OWEN. I just have the stupid legacy advantage which i don't even know what it is yet but like anyway Leah helped to get Jay to not vote me hopefully, so like go her love you. And then Leah and Jay were like let's go vote Tommy. And I was kinda like well shit how about not bc he's like my numero uno. So then Tommy like outed Jay to Leah and then Leah got paranoid so hopefully she changed her vote to Jay. So yeah. Also Linus' name was thrown in there by someone (idk who) so I kinda convinced him to vote Jay to keep himself safe in the upcoming votes. So hopefully all goes well. I mean if she has an idol then we're kinda fucked but you know life also kinda fucks you up too. It's all about the challenge brochachos.(also like i'm the only asian left. plz keep me in. all the asians of the entire world will love you 5ever)
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okay so now jay is coming around saying "hey i've only heard linus and ting ting" like WHAT????? you were just taking to me about how you think you're going and ALSO you're pushing for tommy and you aren't even throwing out either name! i feel kinda bad for everyone they seem really like stressed and shit because jay has literally thrown out everyone as a possible target. i'm kinda lucky that i'm immune and i guess it couldn't have come at a better time but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i still got the feels
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Back from the break... I threw immunity to Sam so he owes me like A LOT! Like he owes me his life in this game. Amanda/Ashley/Myself talked about a target and we all agreed on Jay and I gave them tea that Jay was after them. So it's been a crazy turn of events Leah tried to vote me out by telling Jay to vote for me then Jay told Linus and Ting Ting. Jay also mentioned Ting Ting's name and I told her. Also Linus was messaging me about hearing my name and it all turned crazy af. Basically I went back to Leah and told her Jay told me that she was after me and Leah went bizerk, Ting Ting ended up helping me by using her paranoia (or so I think) to get Leah to think Jay was after her. Basically this tribal is just a train wreck and the only people I kind of trust are Sam and Ting Ting. If all 3 of us can survive until Final 6 I think we'll be good for a majority of the game if that's what they want to do as well. This game is crazy af and I have a huge possibility of going home tonight.... I really need Jay out this vote so everything falls into place. I'm just hoping nobody plays an idol on her and I hope I don't go home.
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okay this is a call out confession trevor these tribal questions have such an ATTITUDE like WHAT??? i'm ready to fight
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"Nothing to win and; Nothing left to lose" -U2 Well damn. It looks like the run of Linus may be coming to it's end, or at best I may be losing my number 1 closest ally in the game :( . If I go home, than Ill be disappointed I never made my big callout move, but I gotta go with the info I have and it looks like laying low is my best chance at not going. If Jay goes and is reading this after, know that I'm sorry and this isn't personal in the slightest.
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I dont remember the last thing i wrote so i might be backtracking-- - Ashley told me she has an idol - People think me Ash and Leah are a trio...yikes - Me Ash and Tommy actually have a trio chat....and another chat with Sam included lmfao Now to the vote, this shit is confusing as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK So me Ashley and Tommy want to vote for Jay, and Ting Ting and Leah came to me wanting to vote for Jay but then Ash heard Ting say Tommy and Jay wants Tommy and IDK WHATS GOING ON ugh i'm so confused I have a really bad feeling that a ton of powers and shit are gonna get played and i'm gonna end up going home. I know Ashley's most likely playing her idol cause she's nervous and that might spark shit and UGH. MY ASS IS PROB GONNA LEAVE CAUSE OF THE CAVE AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET MY DAMN CHICKEN. Im gonna die. I have a gut feeling. Its the same feeling I had the week Steffen left and its not a good feeling.
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