#is this spam or genuine anon hate?
swagging-back-to · 3 months
not sorry. i extend very little sympathy and patience towards tras who are underage, and the only ones who do get said sympathy are TIFs. but again. it's MICROSCOPIC levels of sympathy.
#i was also a tra as a minor (~10yo to 14yo)#and yet i never said even half the shit a lot of these kids are spewing with their whole chests.#i never hated on terfs; made rape jokes; made death threats.#I barely ever even argued with terfs bc i AGREED WITH THEM even as a tra. the only thing i disagreed on was how they went about it#(i felt like they were 'too mean'. now that i am a radfem i see we arent mean enough.)#i never in my life shared countless anti terf memes. never had a DNI.#never spammed terf tags and spaces.#never sent hate anons.#so yeah#i do genuinely judge kids who do this because i WAS ALSO A CHILD and i NEVER did this shit even at the height of the trans ideology#worming its way into the government and law.#people need to understand that children can and SHOULD have morals. just like adults.#you shouldnt need to be told 'hey this is bad' to know thats bad. if you have morals then you simply just know.#i tried to go vegan my entire life. would refuse to eat animals even when i was 4 years old. went officially vegan at 11 when i realized i#wouldnt die without animal protein (and even if i did i was sick of funding animal murder)#no one NEEDED to tell me to do that.#my morals simply did not agree with killing and eating other living beings.#so kids who are willing to do all this shit? yeah. thats ust a reflection of their innate morals. not even joking here either.#i work with kids.#i know how downright cruel they can be and not just in a 'im socially inept and have no filter yet'#but intentionally cruel.#intentionally heinous. and tiktok exposure only makes it so much worse.#so yeah if you are a minor and i go on your account and i see dozens of terf-hate posts?#i AM judging you and i feel zero sympathy for anything coming your way#and i do genuinely hope they wither away in shame and regret when they get older#I didnt even do any of this shit and yet i still feel ashamed and remorseful for the stupid tra shit i spewed (mostly about how#sex and gender arent the same. that was the HEIGHT of my trans rights activism. that's barely 1% of what these kids are saying.)#like i understand where theyre coming from and i get why theyd buy into the trans cult; but that does NOT excuse their behavior.#rudefem
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incensuous · 7 months
hey hey! last message about that naruto oc but but :,)) she calls itachi ita //DIES//
wait wait you can keep sending me messages about the naruto oc!!! ;;
and aIEEEEEE THAT'S SO CUTE ;; i LOVE when siblings call each other PET NAMES
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taegularities · 1 year
i will be so sad if you don’t continue cmi🥺
babe oh gosh lemme smooch 😭 i would be so sad, too.. there are so many amazing things left that they'll experience and that i wanna share :( don't worry though, let's see how cmi10 goes <3
(actually, the full truth is.. i've said this here before, but these days i've been so unmotivated to write bc whenever i drop an update, my mind stupidly goes "ppl don't care about you or your content anymore" 🤧 which also ties in with the fact that i barely have time to write and then hope even more that the effort's worth it when i post.. and that sucks so much bc i love these two to bits. it's also odd how much cmi interaction has changed and lessened since like cmi6/7, when it was at its peak. the notes are still there and i'm so thankful for them (and to those who still interact!!), but i promise you any kind of convo means more than any like 🥺)
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eviltothecore13 · 1 year
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
You fit the definition of bigot exactly
I...don't know what it is I said or did that prompted this. I don't see myself as hating any ethnic group (and I'm queer and trans and very much against any kind of discrimination or hate based on gender or sexuality), but I'm white and so not necessarily always aware of what unconscious prejudices I might have, and I am generally willing to try and learn and improve in that regard, so if anything I said was bigoted, hateful or intolerant--just tell me what it was and I'll try and make sure not to do such a thing again. If there was a particular post I made that was offensive or bigoted I can edit it or take it down.
Unfortunately there isn't much I can do if you don't actually tell me what I did wrong, though.... I genuinely want to be anti-racist (anti-sexist, anti-homophobe, anti-transphobe, anti-ableist etc, I don't know which group I might have harmed here...) and I'm sorry that I've apparently failed to do so.
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solesommerso · 2 years
getting told to pray my panic attacks & anxiety away was not what I needed today at all
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
I don’t think I’ll ever understand this unprompted aggression shown towards male insert writers
Male insert fics or fem insert fics are fics- fan fiction. Majority of fanfiction you read on ao3 twitter tumblr are written by queer people. Just because majority of self insert fics are targeted towards a female audience does not mean that a male audience doesn’t exist and it doesn’t mean that self insert fics should solely be targeted for straight people. That is a very privileged take to make.
I think I can count on two hands the male insert writers that are actively posting right now compared to the countless of fem insert writers that exist and majority of my mutuals have received a nasty comment or two about us as male insert writers or about our male insert fics
And even though a lot of us delete the hateful asks or make a joke out of the hate it’s genuinely concerning the blatant homophobia that we face. Sure it’s just fics but homophobia very much exists in the real world and today I basically got called a predator for writing fanfiction.
That is not okay.
You can be annoyed if you feel that a tag is being spammed by male insert fics (even though I doubt that even is a thing since it’s like 10 of us writing)
You can have your own opinion about male insert blogs who don’t want fem aligned people to interact with their fics.
But something that is absolutely disgusting is going into peoples inboxes and cowardly doing so through anon to call them predators gross etc
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frownyalfred · 3 months
quick little psa on asks
I'm making a quick little post about my ask inbox since I've been getting a lot of questions/concerned inquiries. I'm not currently able to answer every single ask I receive, for a variety of reasons.
This doesn't mean I didn't read your ask, that I don't care about what you sent, or that I have you blocked/etc. I promise I'm not upset, I'm just physically unable to answer everything I receive. Some days there are hundreds -- hundreds -- of asks in my inbox, and I have to triage 1) what I have an easy answer for and 2) what I ultimately want on my blog.
I'm really sorry if I'm unable to answer your ask. Sometimes I truly do not have anything to add to them, they're not questions, or they're not quite appropriate for my blog. Please don't take it personally if I don't answer yours. I genuinely try to read every single one, including significant hate messages and spam every week.
If you have a really cool headcanon, I'd love to read it, but I can't promise it'll always end up answered. I highly encourage you to post those to your own blogs, so you can get credit and see that idea thrive without having to wait on me! I want to follow you and reblog those ideas. Because they're awesome!
I don't want anyone to worry and stop sending all anon/asks because of this post, because I genuinely enjoy answering asks about my opinion/fics/etc. But I also wanted to give some context since a lot of my asks lately have been questions/demands about why I haven't answered a previous ask.
If you have an idea you want to chat about, feel free to message me! I'm also in all the Batfamily/Superbat discord servers and happy to chat over there too.
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rrcenic · 3 months
sorry for posting so much about the neil gaiman thing im very opinionated but heres my general take on neil gaiman (TW FOR S/A AND SU1C1D3!!!!)
good omens fandom please read this. yall need it
i wanna start with: believe victims. it might not be as bad as it was claimed to be bc the reporter was an anti bdsm terf who considers all bdsm 🍇 (including the bdsm w neil), but there was still clearly manipulation, weaponized power imbalance, and dubious consent. even if it wasnt s/a, it was fucked up. neil did some fucked up things
while we dont know if he actually s/ad those women, neil gaiman is clearly flawed
ive seen time and time again that his fans (specifically the good omens fandom) can get so viciously defensive of him that they refuse to see any flaws he has
as someone who was ruthlessly attacked because of neil, i hesitate to give him the benefit of the doub
when i had just turned 13, id just gotten on tumblr. i was thrilled that good omens season 2 was coming out. i was even more thrilled to see neil gaiman on tumblr. so i sent him an ask where i asked if crowley and aziraphale would kiss. i get why that was annoying. he probably got those asks all the time. but i worded it respectfully, and i was genuinely unaware that he was annoyed by this question
he responded to my ask with a multi paragraph callout post talking about how sick of this question he was. harsh, but not necessarily nefarious
the response wasnt the problem. it was that i got so many hate comments and death threats and people telling me i didnt deserve joy and i was ruining neils life and so many fucking anon "kys" asks that i had to quit tumblr. i tried to apologize to neil, i sent him countless apology asks where i begged him to ask people to stop cyber bullying me, but he never responded. it took years before i was able to communicate to him all the hate id received. his response was a basic "sorry for the miscommunication" and that he wished there was a way to convey tone on the internet (someone said "there is! tonetags!!" and he responded with "i dont like those"). the SAME COMMUNITY who told me to kms was suddenly saying "oh neil your such a saint" (THE TERM SAINT WAS USED MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!) and "this poor ignorant child"
i was a kid and i was bullied off the internet and neil didnt respond to my pleas for forgiveness for almost 2 years. i was also in the most unstable time of my life. i was EXTREMELY suicidal. people telling me to kms deeply affected me
plus he reblogs a ton of "vote blue no matter who" stuff. i dont agree w that statement but i think its okay for people to say if they actively support palestine. but neil gaiman doesnt post about palestine ever other than reblogging posts that say "sure maybe the stuff in palestine is bad but if you dont support biden 100% democracy will crumble!!!" also im pretty sure he never apologized for some older zionist posts
ive seen a lot of stuff where people are saying "hey shhh its okay i see good omens fans getting sad bc of the stuff with neil but its ok!! youre still a good person even if you ignore this issue!!" and like. huh??? i dont think ignoring it makes you evil but its certainly fucked up to not be critical of the media you consume. pretending nothings going on is immature. you all sound like jk rowling fans smh
his general attitude towards fans makes me uncomfortable. ive seen people bare their souls in his asks (all of them start with something along the lines of "oh sir mister gaiman sir i am nothing but a disgusting peon compared to you you saved my life id die for you!!!") and he gives rude cold responses. i mean of course he gets annoyed and of course he gets spam but no one is forcing him to respond to asks. he doesnt seem to care very much??? this doesnt make him a bad person ofcourse but it does give me the ick
summary: even if he didnt s/a those women his fans need to grow up. he is not a pure perfect person. he might not be evil but he makes some extremely damaging choices. hes not a saint and never has been. at the end of the day, hes a rich cishet white man
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lemotmo · 2 months
Okay it has a bit more of their lunacy but more importantly it looks like we also got one of the reasons why some people are jumping ship, and it makes sense. Also we should all totally start saying that is who these people really are, haha. They would die.
Q. What does it feel like to ship a couple of playground bullies? You must be so proud.
Q. Wow Oliver's true colors are so disappointing. What an utter lap dog he is to Ryan. Hope they enjoy one another because no one will want anything to do with either one of them when Lou comes out and says how awful they are to him.
Q. I just feel so bad for Lou. He tried so hard to fit in with them and be friends and they went out of their way to exclude him and make fun of those of us who genuinely love and appreciate him. They can have each other. I'm all for the show giving Tommy a different love interest. He deserves better than Oliver/Buck.
Q. So I was a B/T shipper because it was the canon ship. But I was there for Buck and those psychos wanted us to start going around and bashing Oliver and spamming Twitter and Instagram with how awful he is. Yeah they can keep their crazy. I'll go back to happily waiting for Buddie. What a brunch of losers.
Q. Current canon ship or not, I'm out. I don't play about Oliver/Buck. I was happy to ship the current canon but I draw the line at openly hating on Oliver. They're crazy.
Q. You come for my boy and the other boy I have loved for 6 years and I'm out. I shipped it because it was the current canon. You want to try and force me to turn on Oliver and Ryan you're sadly mistaken. You freaks can have each other. What a complete waste of my time.
A. Once again this has all resulted from a mustache Instagram filter. I cannot make sense of you people at all. So I've decided that you are not actually Lou/Tommy fans. I think Lou got together with a couple of his friends and decided he wanted some attention. So he asked his friends to go online and pretend to be massive Tommy fans to see if he could force the show's hands. Only no one cared so you all double drowned and decided to try and prove that the audience actually prefers Tommy to Buck. But that has backfired spectacularly and now you and Lou are stuck because he can't come out and say he made all of you up for attention because that would be pathetically embarrassing. So instead you all just have to pretend to become more and more detached from reality. I hope he paid you all well for this because yikes. Don't try to convince me that you're not actually Lou and his friends. I've decided that makes sense in my head so it is now fact, and you're all bigots if you try and disagree with me (did I do that right, guys?).
Anyway, to the Oliver anons, that was always going to be the problem for the Lou diehards. The majority of you were going to be there for Buck. And the more obvious it became, especially with Oliver, that it isn't anything to really invest in most of you were always going to walk away. That's why they were so desperate to start a fandom war. Their only hope was to try and turn people against Oliver and Ryan. It was the dumbest of dumb strategies and watching it completely fall apart for them over an Instagram filter Oliver and Ryan were having fun with is absolutely fitting. They deserve their demise to be this utterly ridiculous.
I know I'm repeating myself over and over again, but still-- thank you so much Nonny for dropping this into my inbox.
A bit of a follow up to the previous ask and-- yeah, I just. No. I promised myself to not lose anymore brain cells to this lunacy. I can't anymore with these people.
But I am so thankful and happy to see that a lot of the more mainstream BT shippers who love the show, who were mostly in it for Buck and because they enjoyed the BT dynamic (Nothing wrong with that by the way. Ship and let ship!) have seen how this small subset of Tommy fans is behaving towards the cast. I know that some of the shippers weren't sure about the stories and rumours going around about Tommy stans being blocked and things like that. Today we have seen enough proof of that kind of behaviour to leave no doubt.
Anyway, on to better things I hope.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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kirain · 8 months
oh God I hope, those ‘how dare you pick Gale?!’ anons, don’t annoy you too much or sour Astarion for you. Both are great romances and I’m glad Gale gets some love as well.
Admittedly, Astarion fans have kind of been souring his character for me, but I'm trying very hard not to let that happen. My friend and I were actually talking about this yesterday, funny enough. She's an Astarion fan, but she admits the hateful energy people have for Gale is pretty hypocritical, because everything people hate about him also blatantly applies to Astarion. The insecurity, the emotional outbursts, the trauma, the arrogance—they're literally two sides of the same coin, and liking them shouldn't be a competition.
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When I first met Astarion, we didn't really vibe, but I was content with his character ... until I started getting anons and comments on Tumblr, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube from people bashing Gale; calling him an incel, possessive, selfish, etc., and all in comparison to Astarion, for some reason. It seems like every time I write a nice comment or analysis of Gale, I'm challenged by Astarion fans who berate me for liking Gale more. Or for romancing him at all. I've received the weirdest comments, from people saying Gale supposedly abused Mystra (even though he's the victim in an unfair power dynamic) to someone telling me his grooming "isn't a big deal" because he was probably in his late teens to early twenties the first time Mystra "slept" with him. 😕
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Someone even told me he's like an alcoholic who can't stop drinking, and as someone who grew up with an alcoholic father, that's both insulting and completely incorrect. You can't just walk away from an addiction after one conversation, the way Gale can. I know it's just a game and normally I enjoy a good debate, but some of the comments I've received are downright feral, to the point that I'm hit with ad hominems and accusations. I like Gale, therefore I must be a horrible person, stupid, an incel-lover, a glutton for abuse, etc.
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There are entire subreddits and YouTube videos dedicated to hating on Gale, as if he's the main villain of the game or something. And even more scary, some fans have taken their discourse to the actors directly. Apparently when Tim Downie was on Neil Newbon's podcast, people in the comments were calling him an incel and telling Neil not to give him a platform. Tim is just a nerdy British guy with a wife and kids, he probably doesn't even know what an "incel" is. Luckily the mods caught most of it and banned a lot of users, but the comments were getting spammed with Gale hate.
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But I'm trying not to take it out on Astarion, as I know it's not really fair for me to do so. I also know this is probably just a vocal minority of vicious fans that don't represent the community as a whole. Plus, I think Neil Newbon did an incredible job and he seems like a genuinely nice person. I don't want to hate his character, especially since I know Astarion can change. In fact, I just finished his personal quest and found his little "thank you for saving me" speech to be quite sweet and heartfelt. And thank you for your kindness. You're the first person who's told me you enjoy both characters and that you appreciate both of their romances, so that restores some of my faith. ❤
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chuluoyi · 8 months
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back to pinned » about the host
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not spoilers-free. contains sfw and nsfw content—so pick your poison. i’m not your police and therefore, not responsible for what you see. read warnings !
this is also my personal blog in which i post my thoughts so don't expect it to be fully about fics. there are tags for you to block if necessary
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of basic dni criteria (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.)
porn link posters
subposting often and disguising it as “shitposts” or “opinions”
haters of my works/opinions
for subposting: i do not subpost. but i’m also no pushover. if you dare to subpost about me first then i won’t hesitate to respond to it, so don’t whine after blocking and say that i’m subposting back — you started it
this is my safe space and also intended for those who genuinely want to have fun too, so if you intend to spoil it, please just reflect hard on yourself and begone for both our sakes
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please be respectful. i don’t appreciate swear words being used in asks sent to me (or targeted to my anons). anything remotely close to unpleasantries will go straight to trash bin on sight
do not rant about or bring discourse into my askbox
do not spam like or i’ll block you. tumblr will think i have a bot and shadowbans me. if you want to show support, please reblog instead. rule of thumb: mass like + mass reblog = OK // mass like = NO // mass reblog = OK
do not send questions about other writers to my askbox. i don’t appreciate being compared to others. this is a space to have fun, not a race for notes. i also don’t tolerate anonymous messages with alleged claims without any proof. if you want to clarify something, then ask it in my dms or off-anon. but if your intent is to start discourse, then do your worst because i won’t entertain you
i put reblogs, asks and (sometimes) posts on queue, so if i haven’t replied to your asks or messages and you see me reblogging or posting answers, that’s because they've been queued—i’m not ignoring you! i will get back to you asap! and my askbox has like 100+ messages, so it’s taking me a while to answer them too
you can talk to me outside my fics! you can randomly drop by my askbox but no trauma dumping (because i'm not a professional) and be nice!
do not ask me to become mutuals. i follow on my own accord. we can always be friends even if we are not though!
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i write female reader only, for: ⟡ jujutsu kaisen: gojo, megumi, nanami ⟡ love & deepspace: sylus, zayne
do not rush me to write. i’m an adult with 8-5 office job. i can write/post as soon as the next day, next month, or never
askbox open for suggestions and especially for love entries! share your thoughts, give me prompts/anything to work with, it'll be more helpful!
i mainly write fluff, angst, crack and occasionally, smut i don’t write: bimbo reader/dumbification, degradation, hate sex, period sex, poly, dark content (rape, incest, stepcest, non/dubcon, etc), vulgar kinks (vomit, scat, piss, sex toys, etc)
please do not ask me to write specific traits/attributes (e.g skin tones/weapon/cursed technique) for the reader and by default, she is always described as smaller/shorter than the characters i'm writing. i try my best to keep the reader as inclusive as she can possibly be but if you still have any problem with this/don’t feel presented by my writings, then please kindly just block me and move on—any preaching/hate comments will not be appreciated, they will be deleted on sight and you will be blocked immediately
do not use my headers, headcanons, plagiarize my fics for your blog/send it to another blog to write it. i will call you out for plagiarism—and it’s not going to end pretty, so just don’t
i do not allow translations or reposts in other platforms such as wattpad or tiktok. should i ever catch you, i’ll call you out as well
i have no qualms with aging up so if you’re a bigot who can't separate fiction and reality then my blog isn’t for you. do not interact or just block me, and do not bring discourse about this to my askbox. you’ll get ridiculed/ignored, blocked and reported
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porn links poster. there’s no justification for it—porn links are not writings!
spam liking without reblogging. there’s no reason for you to mass like my posts if you’re just mindlessly liking it. please at least reblog instead to show support!
leaving rude comments. i don't tolerate rudeness in my blog
plagiarists. pretty self-explanatory, these shits must be driven out of here
subposting often. mutuals or not, i’m blocking you. vaguely spreading hate about me/other creators in the form of “rambles” or “shitposts” just because you don’t like someone is peak children behavior. i don’t want that in my dash!
a bigot, problematic individual, or instigating discourses. i neither have the time to deal with these shits nor do i want to partake in them, so goodbye. and if you’re affiliated with them, i’ll block you too
making me uncomfortable. i’m curating my own experience too here so if i see you posting or venting things i don’t want to see in my dash, i’m going to block you—this also applies to mutuals. no hard feelings, i just want to keep my peace
for mutuals: if you want to break the mutual, feel free to do so—but please hard-block so i won’t refollow you by accident
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i believe this goes without saying, but if you disagree with any of my rules above, then my blog is obviously not for you
thank you for those who have made it this far! i don't mean to sound harsh — i'm just establishing boundaries. if you have any further questions or unsure about certain topics i can write, feel free to send me an ask, i promise i don't bite :)
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kiame-sama · 2 months
For those who think it is a joke to tell folks to kill themselves on anon; DON'T FUCKING DO THAT YOU DAMN WALNUT.
If you can't handle the idea of someone actually killing themselves because you thought it was "just a joke" to spam hate at them, then maybe you shouldn't say shit. You have no clue how fucked up someone's life may be and how some things they post could be a coping mechanism for the trauma they have endured (like me), telling someone to kill themselves for giggles and shits just makes you a genuinely shitty person. If you can't sleep at night over the idea someone actually killed themselves because you just wanted to be a shit human-being and play a 'little joke', you shouldn't say shit like that.
For those who say "oh, well people shouldn't take things so seriously on the internet" fuck you too. Do you know every little section of that person's life and the hardships they struggle with? No? Then you shouldn't "joke" like that.
It's not even a joke to be shitty in that way! A joke should confuse/astound or be genuinely funny, not abuse. If the person you are making the joke about isn't (genuinely) laughing too, it is not a joke; it is bullying.
Humiliating someone is not a joke.
Telling someone to kill themselves is not a joke.
Being shitty to people is not a joke.
'Pranks' where you just scream at someone or jump out at them and laugh when they get upset; not a joke.
Intentionally upsetting someone over something little is not a joke.
Mocking a person for their skin-color/nationality/gender-identity/sexual-orientation/ect is NOT A JOKE.
I get it is hard to be a decent human in today's society, but if you don't even try, that's on you. Don't be sorry, be better. Do better.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
@staff after thoroughly reading and examining tumblr's terms of service and community guidelines, i can say with absolute certainty that @theinkbunny has done nothing at all that's worthy of being banned.
you claim that tumblr is not for:
Hate Speech
Harm to minors
Promotion or glorification of self-harm
Sexually explicit material
Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation
Non-Genuine Social Gesture Schemes
Deceptive or Fraudulent Links
Misattribution or Non-Attribution
Username/URL Abuse or Squatting
Account Dormancy
Mass Registration or Automation
Illegitimate Promotions
Themes Distributed by Third Parties
Copyright or Trademark Infringement
Impersonation and Non-Genuine Behavior
Privacy Violations
Disruptions, Exploits, or Resource Abuse
Unlawful Uses or Content
Election Interference
Human Trafficking and Prostitution
i understand this, and agree wholeheartedly. and that is precisely why it is impossible to understand why @theinkbunny's blog has been suspended.
inky is one of the sweetest people on here, and has never once promoted terrorism or hate speech. he is himself a minor and has done nothing to harm anyone else on here, underage or adult. any mention of self-harm on his page is treated with the seriousness it warrants, and is appropriately tagged to prevent users from viewing it where they have no desire to.
he has been harrassed for months by anonymous askers intent on sending him sexually explicit material despite the fact that he is a minor. he has never once posted any of those asks as he is aware that it is against the community guidelines, and despite reporting it, the abuse has continued. his blog is entirely sfw, and i am certain that it is in no way whatsoever disobeying the terms of this site.
again: any mention of violence or threats he's posted has been frustration and upset over the stream of vicious anons intent on sending such things to him. it is by no means his intention to expose violent material such as gore to those who do not wish to see it, especially as he too does not want to see it in the slightest.
his asks are infrequent and sent to people he already follows/is mutuals with. there are no "follow trains" or excessive asks, and as his blog is oc and fandom based, there are very few sources needed to be provided (those which are are reliable, and with no malicious intent). his posts are original & he consistently reblogs rather than reposts.
he has one username (excluding side blogs with very different handles) and has not done anything as ridiculous as hoarding those similar to it. i find that he posts almost every single day, as well as using tumblr as a way to message those he has befriended here by being such a genuinely wonderful presence here.
ink's blog has never been used as a platform to promote anything, his tags are accurate and relevant. his ocs are his own, he gives fandom content full recognition & appreciation to its owners/creators. he has never claimed to be anyone other than his brilliant self, even posting occasional pictures of himself on here. there is no imitation involved, and there is nothing about him or his content that would incur a ban.
i reiterate: all and any harassment on his blog is the result of others (hiding behind anonymity) harassing him. he has no ill intent and has continuously proved himself to be a respectful individual. he makes use of tumblr to befriend and encourage people & to share his phenomenal artwork: all of which is firmly within community guidelines and completely legal.
he is too young to vote and is a canadian citizen with no intent or attempt to interfere with u.s. elections. finally, it goes without saying that he has never once promoted sex trafficking or illegal prostitution. his blog content is wonderful, innocent and obeys every rule put in place by your staff.
your terms of service say directly, and i quote, "If we conclude that you are violating these guidelines, you may receive a notice via email. If you don't explain or correct your behavior, we may take action against your account. Repeat violations of our Community Guidelines may result in permanent blog or account suspension. We do our best to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our services, infrastructure, users, and community. We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforc, these guidelines in our sole discretion, and these guidelines don't create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act in any particular manner".
despite having absolved yourself of the obligation to justify your decisions in banning without notice, you have also stated that it is for "any reason". however, for this to apply, it is necessary that there must be a reason in the first place. ink has not received any notice, nor has he violated any guidelines; let alone on repeat occurances. you claim to ban blogs to protect your users, and yet situations such as this are arising more and more frequently- in which said users are being suspended for seemingly no reason and with no explanation.
i, among many others, have begun to notice a disturbing pattern in the banning of transgender individuals on tumblr who have done nothing that would even imply that they have violated this site's guidelines. tumblr is supposed to be a platform open to everyone, not only cisgender users.
having read the terms of service in full, i understand that users are able to "report violations of these guidelines to [you] directly". however, having taken into account the persistent influx of hateful asks inky receives on a regular basis, presuming that those transphobic, discriminatory anons were the ones to report him is a more than reasonable conclusion to make. they do violate the community guidelines due to their persistent harassment, hate speech, sexually explicit material and violent content & threats.
i am aware that you most likely receive many reports per day, and that it must take a while to go through them all. on the other hand, there is far more harm than good done when not even the most basic of fact-checking is done to ensure that reports are valid and warranted. i'm sure the tumblr staff placed in charge of such matters possess enough rational thought to understand how jumping to conclusions about whether or not a trans minor may have violated the terms of service without even checking their blog would create the wrong impression.
i am appalled, disappointed and shocked at what is demonstrably unfair and unwarranted condemnation towards a user who has done nothing in violation of your terms. i urge you to rectify your mistake and focus more on suspending those who are actually causing harm than on causing undue stress and dismay to people who are just trying to enjoy using your platform. a reputation of suspending people with no due cause is hardly going to make for a welcoming site, i promise you.
restore inky's account (@theinkbunny if you needed a reminder) and return it to him lest further action be taken. it is the only correct and reasonable response here, and as you have assured in your TOS that your intention is to make users' experiences here enjoyable, i am sure that you will be eager to fix this issue before it becomes even more prominent. tumblr ought to be a safe place for people everywhere to connect over topics they enjoy. as conditions are at the moment, it seems like nothing more than a cesspool of discrimination, ignorance and unreliability.
i thank you in advance for taking my words into account and returning ink's blog to him.
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
Here's the thing and I'm not saying it's ok, it's obviously not in any way, shape or form, but since I'm assuming you have all the tags of bucktommy filtered perhaps you haven't seen it. Most of the bucktommy blogs (including ones that also ship buddie) have gotten many many hate asks, insulting them, accusing them of something, and just being incredibly disgusting. You literally can't go to the bucktommy tag without finding many posts of buddie fans who tag bucktommy saying shit about the ship, the actors, and the people who ship them. Saying that bucktommy shippers must feel threatened by buddie going canon and that's why they are rude is absolutely crazy (though there might be some that do, who knows?). Now, I'm sure that going to the buddie tag is also hard to do and there must be people who post shit about buddie and I know there are many blogs that are anti the extreme buddie fans. So, what I'm trying to say is that both ships have people that are purposely posting things to make the others mad, that are actively trying to continue this -frankly- stupid ship war. And they are being racist (on both sides, not just bucktommy shippers, I saw a bucktommy blog from a POC person get an ask calling them the n* word) and just plain awful. So, assuming that buddie blogs are better and do nothing wrong is incorrect, and it goes the other way as well. I really don't understand how people can be so mean, and so self-centered over two ships that who even knows what's going to happen? Everyone, absolutely everyone should do better. No one is better than the other one.
Hi anon!
Okay in case you don’t know my blog here is my usual warning that I will be bullet pointing but I promise I’m not trying to be curt/rude (cos you genuinely don’t seem to be on the attack or anything) I just can like explain my thought process better when I can like break it down into chunks 🫡
• I’m assuming you saw either this post which I do end with saying “Like we get it some buddie fans were dicks to you or you disagree or they did something or whatever the fuck but dont start being dicks to an entire fandom???” (Which I feel like it kinda gets the point across of like in general what people shouldn’t do but also it was in the context of me saying that that day there was a surge in the anti buddie fans in the tag, but I also do acknowledge that there will have been buddie fans who have been dicks to them, so I never “assumed that buddie fans are better and never did anything wrong”) Or this one which is just a whole post about why people shouldn’t be misusing tags rather than making people block them and obviously I’m talking in both posts about what I’ve personally seen which is the anti buddie accounts but the principle applies for both and I agree 100% and I did actually make a post earlier than that here where I do talk about both ends and misusing tags as well as not using discourse tags and I talk about both the anti bucktommy/ toxic buddie fans and anti buddie/toxic bucktommy fans so while I understand that you may not have seen that post and out of context it may seem like I only view one side as being better than the other I actually have pointed out before that it’s both and I urge both to just be respectful in fandom spaces, that’s why I even mentioned in the post where I’m complaining about people spamming the buddie tag that I always just politely ask whichever one I see (which again based off what I engage with happens to be the people spamming the buddie tag) but I did make a whole three parter post about how people can improve fandom spaces and how everyone should be doing better
• I actually don’t have the bucktommy tags filtered because as I’ve mentioned before I genuinely don’t dislike them and enjoy seeing their scenes and dynamic they’re just not endgame for me
• okay the racism is a more complicated topic so I do wanna preface this with saying I’m a poc before I have any toxic fans jumping into my inbox calling me a “dumb white bitch” again 😭😭- I don’t know how the racism toward the bucktommy fandom has been -not that any amount of racism is fine obviously like genuinely to those blogs that got shit said I genuinely hope you’re fine- but the toxic bucktommy fans have become a wholeass section of the fandom being racist, which is why I point it out because it’s not one or two incidences but rather an entire subset pushing racist narratives or just posting shit that’s racist u(and again my heart fully goes out to the bucktommy fans who had to deal with people being racist to them I am just personally going based off what I’ve seen and it’s the fact that there are SO MANY racist anti buddie accounts if that makes sense so it’s more widespread in that case)
• as for the comment about toxic bucktommy fans feeling threatened and that’s why there was a rise, i actually didn’t say that but it was pointed out to me by people in my comments and I was like that makes sense and honestly it does because it absolutely tracks that when one side of the fandom is feeling optimistic about something that hints at their ship the other side’s toxic fans will want to put a damper on that, just like I can probably guess that toxic buddie fans probably hounded the bucktommy tag around the time the hospital kiss happened, like it just makes sense
Thanks anon for the ask because I genuinely do agree with most of what you said, and you were respectful with it which I appreciate, but I genuinely urge you in the politest way I can to just check out people’s accounts before sending an ask like this because context is genuinely key and people aren’t gonna be reiterating that it happens on either end when talking about something in the context of one end if that makes sense? And I personally do try to acknowledge it as much as possible even in the posts that I assume you were referring to🫶🫶🫶
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nitunio · 5 months
How would IDOLiSH7 cast mantain/use their undercover* Tumblr blogs!!! (pt 1)
* - so undercover that their fans/friends interact with them without knowing!!!
all under cut, i plan to do more because there's too many of them already!!!
organised blog with hashtags for Everything
has a sideblog for cute things, keeps main blog sharp and minimalistic
rare long media analysis posts
reblogs and posts whenever feels like distracting himself
add tags to the post? No. (releases post into the wild)
the type to reblog with (PENIS TYPO) and such just to joke on others (namely Mitsuki)
(turns off reblogs on a banger post)
mitsuki: "yeah so i went to visit my frien—" | the rest of pytag: "the visiterrrr"
always reblogs with an engaging reply /wall of tags
spams reblogs at odd times of day
following game update blogs, messages everyone about them
textposts about small things that he saw during the day or king pudding
most intricately made pinned post with outstanding blog decor
makes gifsets and collages, posts scans and HD image uploads of indie bands, reviews albums whenever possible
is up to date with tumblr heritage posts and inside jokes
main blog is fully dedicated to magicona (lots of textposts about merch, figurines, new releases etc.)
liveblogging about the new magicona episode rn!
adds a reply / wall of tags to reblogs but in a more endearing, nonsensical way (keymashes and such)
enjoys scrolling through "for you" section
mostly likes stuff, instead of reblogging sends directly to group chats and msgs
tags Tenn in tag games (to which the other always engages)
another post about how great soba is
the author of the cringiest inspirational reblog additions you've ever read
shows memes from tumblr to everybody who's in his vicinity at the time of seeing the meme
doesn't spend much time on tumblr, scrolls through blogs he's following to give likes/reblogs to
participates in tag games Riku tagged him in (Gaku tried tagging him too but he ignored)
allowed riku to pick out a url for him (for better or for worse)
genuinely fascinated about all the kinds of talented creators on the website, reblogs all
had his aroace awakening reading The Posts and going. Ohh.
texposts about things in his life he can't talk about on public accounts (keeps real names and faces out of it to not get identified)
gushes about Yuki. the married couple act is up to a 1000% except nobody knows its him, so he gets dubbed the toxic re:vale stan instead
vents out frustration by sending anon asks/hate to Ryou's blog
reblogs memes, cute images n gifs (fancams/fanart of Yuki too) sometimes also reblogging latest football news
does lots of (embarrassing) tag games and polls
showed Momo the aforementioned toxic re:vale stan to which Momo was mortified
isn't on tumblr much, prefers the usual group chat, uses the website as his bookmark (for recipes, music, stuff to show Momo, etc)
sometimes catches himself scrolling through Banri's blog
the mutual that suddenly went off the radar after months of consistent posting
left a very organised blog with old re:vale posts (with a bit of other reblogs and personal text posts sprinkled in)
isn't on tumblr anymore (manages TakanashiPro's accounts on other sites, keeps it simple but professional)
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stormywinter42 · 6 months
I made a comment on a post about how it’s impossible to be 100% straight or gay with no exceptions (never said you cant use those labels i literally use one for myself) and I’m getting hate comments in anon asks so that’s cool
Basically I have a simple opinion. Straight men or lesbian women will most likely have some hint of attraction towards feminine men. Gay men or straight women will have some hint of attraction towards masculine women. Everyone will be attracted to some non-binary people in some way (this is all assuming you feel attraction based on physical appearance)
If you’re attracted to people based on appearance that means you’re attracted to them based on how they present their gender not how they identify im a woman and I identify as such but i appear masculine if a gay guy finds me attractive that means he’s attracted towards a woman but that doesn’t mean he’s not gay. If a straight woman finds me attractive it means the same for her. Gay straight lesbian and bi are labels we use to define ourselves and there’s no “correct” way to be any of them.
Finally this is all based on my experience and opinions. Different people will define their labels in different ways and have different experiences with attraction. If anyone experiences attraction in different ways or defines their labels differently I’d genuinely love to hear about it to understand how different people see the world better. However I will be turning anon asks off to keep the same person from spamming me with hate comments. Kind of odd I’ve gotten several anonymous asks back to back.
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