#i hope this doesn't come off as dickish
lettersiarrange · 1 year
Kind of surprised I have to make this post, but as a PSA, I don't agree 100% with everything I reblog
Sometimes I reblog things because I think they're an interesting perspective I hadn't considered before, but want to think more about. Sometimes I reblog things because I agree with the overall point even if I disagree with the phrasing of some things or minor points. Sometimes I reblog things I'm still making up my mind about, but that I thought added value to a conversation. Sometimes I reblog things whose ideology I align with but that take a completely different approach than I would.
I'm not going to write out a whole thesis in the tags on every post about which sentences I agree with and which I don't. I think if you've been following me for a while you know my values and what I'm about, and it's fair to assume that perspectives that show up over and over again are things I really do fully agree with. I'm never going to reblog something I fully or mostly disagree with without commentary making that clear, but if I see a post that makes a good point but that I have some more nuanced feelings about during my Mindless Scrolling Time, I might reblog it without putting on my Academic Hat and deconstructing every bit of it in my reblog. Maybe I'll bring it up to a friend irl later if I have a lot of Thoughts.
The only thing you should assume I agree with 100% without question are posts I write myself. And even then, if the post is more than a year old, I may have grown and changed some of my opinions since then.
Just wanted to put that out there because I've gotten a few asks recently that say something to the effect of "I can't believe you really think x" (referring to a post I thought had an interesting perspective I hadn't seen articulated in that way before), or "wooww, [quotes a line from a post that's referring to a specific approach I wouldn't take, but respect the right of other people to]". Like sorry but if you have an issue with the way a post is written or the choices of the person writing the post, consider taking that to the OP??
If you want to come into my askbox and start a conversation in good faith abt something, that's fine. Please do definitely tell me if you feel like I've reblogged something that's part of a broader context that doesn't seem in line with my values but that you think I probably am not aware of. Ie, I reblogged a post with terfy undertones without realizing, or I reblog something that I think is just being critical of the government but is actually contextually part of an anti-voting strategy/discourse. It's ok to say "hey I was surprised to see that on your blog, I didn't think that aligned with your values"-- maybe I'm missing context or am still figuring out how I feel and would welcome other perspectives.
But I'm not going to take responsibility for how other people phrase things or the choices they make with regards to how they live their values/politics. People coming into my askbox mad about one sentence of a post I reblogged, assuming I agree with the post 100% and would say that myself, without making an effort to educate/discuss in good faith, will be ignored.
Surprise surprise, reading something and thinking it would be valuable for other people to read too is not the same thing as endorsing the entire text uncritically by default.
If you want to know how I actually feel about something, feel free to politely ask.
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st4rbe0m · 1 month
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PAIRING ▸ Nishimura Riki x fem!reader
SUMMARY ▸"Am I dating Y/N L/N? No thanks, I'd rather choke." Or in which you're clearly using some sort of spell to entice Riki, because why on earth would he suddenly start feeling this way about you?
GENRE ▸one-sided enemies to lovers, highschool au, she fell first but he fell harder, angst (lots of it), slow-ish burn.
WARNINGS ▸ swearing, featuring Eunchae from LeSserafim as your best friend and some additional cameos by other idols, some of dickish behaviour from Riki at the start :(, kissing, mentions of curses, occults knowledge, spells and witchcraft.
WC ▸ 7.1K
A/N ▸ Thank you for the immense support for this on the teaser!! I hope this lives up to your expectations, and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of my work as well :)
PLAYLIST ▸ Voodoo Doll by 5 Seconds of Summer, Kiss Me Kiss Me by 5 Seconds of Summer, Brought the Heat Back by Enhypen, Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction
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The air is a sweet smelling summer type, the day you first meet Nishimura Riki. He's a scrawny little thing of twig arms and downcast, shy eyes. Having moved to Korea from Japan only barely a month back, the number of words he can say in this newfound land in the foreign language can be counted on one hand. And this poses a problem to him right now, considering how his older sister had already gone off on her own despite their mother's strict orders to stay together at all times. You spot the boy, a sprightly little thing yourself, and the first thing you notice is his eyes. The most gorgeous, mesmerizing eyes. They looked like the black beetles you saw in the spring - lazing on the dark brown tree trunks, absolutely fascinating and captivating.
Nishimura Riki is six years old and scared. He's at a playground with kids his age, but he feels like an alien in his own skin. They're all either playing in groups or duos - but no dice for singles. It's times like this that makes him want to clutch on to the fabric of his mother's dress and be whisked away to safety. A place where he doesn't feel so out of place. His soft, trembling body stills in a bit of surprise as a gentle tap knocks on his shoulder, ever so slightly. Turning around fearful of being picked on, he only comes face to face with a girl. You're looking straight at him with owlish, unblinking eyes that make Riki shiver in your gaze - feeling smaller and smaller than before. He doesn't like how you're looking at him, not in the slightest. "Hi there! I'm Y/N L/N. Are you new here?" You're quite articulate for a kid, he thinks, as if he's not one himself. He's barely managed to string together the meaning of what you said through his broken understanding of the language, but it's the general environment about you that makes him hesitate. His lack of a response doesn't deter you apparently, as suddenly you're latching on to his wrist, trying to pull him to the sand pit, babbling on and on about being his new friend and offering to show him around town. He doesn't know how to get out of your vice-like grip, but he doesn't mind your company either. But it's just all too much. There's too many things going on around him, and you're too loud.
Suddenly, he's wrenching his hand out of yours, a scowl on his youthful features. It's a frown directed right at you like a bullet, but it leaves you unscathed. You still look at him with a complete look of innocence, completely boring into his own eyes. There's something about the way you look at him, and he hates it. He notices the way you hold no precise expression on your face, only a peaceful and serene look coupled with the way one would gaze when they felt curious and fascinated. He decides at that moment, with all the iron resolve of a six year old boy, that he hated this girl. He hated you and he wanted absolutely nothing to do with you.
But this was in no way similar to the way you were feeling currently. With the way that inky void in his eyes were pulling you in like a siren song, you decided that you loved Nishimura Riki. 
11 years later
"Riki! Riki!". Your chants are loud even amongst the bustling crowd of attendees, all mingling about on the bleachers, eyes trained on the orange basketball as the squeaking sound of shoes against the polished wooden floor accentuated the tension of this cut-throat game. Jersey number 9, tallest on the team and jet black hair that had everyone reeling in his subtle aura, Riki's eyes are piercing as his focus solely stays on two things - the first being how to get past the rival team's defense, and the second being how annoying your cheering was to him.
Their opposing team is not letting them cut through this bottle neck tie easily, and the red timer with its robotic, digital numbers clocking down to the game's end was not really helping either. It was right now, or never. And Riki never let a game get to the tie-breaker, ever. He's quick and sharp witted, and he's got the athletic skill to get past the crowding defense team, and with a crisp swish of the white net hanging on the post, the ball is swiftly sent through the basket. The whistle is loud, but the rest of his teammates are louder, wasting no time in running on the court to aggressively smother their prodigal player in affection and sweat, with Riki glaring away at them in faux irritation, but clearly preening in their pride. This was an important game after all, because it would be the game that would help team captain, Lee Heesung, who was graduating this spring, to choose the next in line to his legacy. And anyone with two eyes, who wasn't even on the team could easily say it belonged to Riki.
Your voice is back, louder again this time, and it has Riki grimacing amongst the celebrations, and Sunoo and Taki, his friends who had descended from the stands themselves, gave each other a knowing look of what was about to occur.
You're singing praises and it has him glowing, regardless of the frown marrying his sharp features. "God, that was so cool! You're so, so tall, it must have been an advantage for sure, but wow I mean that basket? Crazy!"
He's still glaring at you and his teammates have wry smiles on their faces. Your praises quieten down when you, and Riki, notice Lee Heesung walking over to Riki with a championing grin that only means one thing. Ushering Riki away, you just gazed at him at raw adoration as the boy's face lit up with the news Heesung was breaking him.
"By the way dude, are you dating that girl there? Y/N L/N?"
The question has him coughing slightly from the water he was chugging down. Sunoo and Taki are cackling violently at his expression, like Heesung had performed the most blasphemous act in front of him. "Heesung, what the hell dude. I'm not dating her, at all. I'll only date Y/N when pigs start flying."
He looks back to where you stood before, now gone from that spot. You always waited a bit before you left, usually, trying to catch him and make conversation with him, so this was new. A different kind of feeling he wasn't sure he was used to. It was strange, how he felt a bit different from the absence of you.
"Look, oh my god!" Taki cries out, pointing vaguely at the air. "What?" "I just saw a pig fly." “Shut the fuck up man.”
You were a curse sent from hell to torment him, that much was sure. He wasn’t sure what penance he was due to pay in this life for his previous actions that caused you to appear in his life, considering how since that moment on the playground, you’ve done nothing to actually make his life any better. And while he was explaining this very situation to Heesung, who was now sporting an amused grin at the way the normally nonchalant Riki’s mouth seemed to fly a mile a minute, Sunoo interrupted with a gasp at a particularly harsh tease. “She isn’t even doing anything bad you prick! I’d kill to have someone crush on me that long!”
“Oh you can have her then, Sun. I do not want to see her in my life ever again once we’re out of here.” He huffs.
The various examples of the ways you’d managed to make things bad for him seemed to resurface to his mind almost immediately, souring his mood. Like when in middle school, when he bagged the hottest girl of their grade, Choi Ri-ah, to go out with him. It was magical to Riki, that eighth grade relationship - mainly because him being in it meant having you off his back. Your displeasure with his newfound relationship status was not a secret either, no your distaste was very clear, with the way you’d frown when they would walk in the hallways together holding hands, which in eighth grade, was a very big deal. It didn’t help that Ri-ah was also your quote unquote, sworn enemy. The two of you had hated each other's guts since almost preschool, and the sickening punch in the stomach was how she’d managed to be with the only guy you’d ever loved. But Riki didn’t know any of that. And frankly, he didn’t care much about his and Ri-ah’s conversations or dates, where he would nod along as she talked his ears off about getting new earrings or the summer holiday her father was planning, where she was going to get the most outrageous tan. Sure, he liked her. But he liked not hearing your voice constantly bugging him more. 
“Dude she didn’t end your relationship with Ri-ah! Ri-ah was already going after another guy from that prep school, she just needed an excuse to end the relationship and made Y/N the scapegoat.” Taki told him exasperatedly, which just fell on deaf ears, because Riki was still convinced that you were the reason for the demise of his juvenile dating plan. Ri-ah had broken up with him seemingly out of the blue, over text, claiming that she felt uncomfortable dating a boy who was so coveted by another girl. And when fourteen year old Riki read that heartbreaking message curled up in his duvet at 10PM on a Tuesday, he just felt a bitter pill of hatred for you. Nothing had changed in the six years since that fateful meeting at the playground, no. You still made Riki shudder.
“I hate Y/N L/N. I wish she just left my life, because she’s what makes it worse.”
“He’s absolutely phenomenal.” You breathe out in a sigh, full of awe as you watch Riki skirt across the court with lightning speed. The dreamy looks and the lovestruck sounds was like routine to Eunchae, who had honestly even given up on rolling her eyes at you, because with the way she’d spent the last 10 years doing the same, she was afraid her eyes would get stuck at the back of the skull due to routine. It was truly a wonder how you hadn’t given up immediately after the first few tries - when he was extremely stubborn in denouncing the “Y/N’s boyfriend” title he’d earned. But you had your justification ready to go - that he never outright rejected you. Sure, he politely declined some invitations, but never a word against your feelings as such. It still raised the question, as to how you could chase a guy around this long. Because to you, the reason was quite fundamental - his eyes were still beautiful, and most importantly, they held no hate. Not an ounce of it, no matter how hard he tried to emulate it, which gave you hope. 
Unfortunately hope was a wonderful thing for sure, but also dangerous. It was quite the cycle you’d found yourself stuck in, and you weren’t honestly sure how long you could afford to linger as nothing but a mandatory footnote to him. It was eating away at you. But hope, hope made you hold on.
Only Eunchae knew about the firm decision you’d taken last night. After all, she was your closest friend. And she even held you, as you solemnly promised to yourself, on the eve of the 11th anniversary of the day you first met Riki, to leave him behind forever, if there wasn’t any improvement in his behavior, or general perception of you. It was shocking, and honestly a huge decision. But firm in its promise, that last hook of hope would be gone soon by tomorrow. 
“You know he ignored you again, right?” Eunchae points out for the nth time, and like always that doesn’t deter you, as you gaze lovingly upon where the soon-to-be former captain Heesung was talking to Riki about leading the team, a position quite coveted which you were very proud of Riki for acquiring. The pride that swelled in your heart was immense, but the cold words you heard Riki utter were like a small pin-prick on your heart. He was tense from the game, and let’s be honest, you’d always managed to survive the weight of his brash words. But why did this one hurt so much? Were you reaching your breaking point, finally? No wonder you’d tipped and already decided to get over him last night.
Snapping yourself out of these negative emotions, you decided to busy yourself a bit away from the bleachers and Heesung and Riki, focusing on Eunchae as she tried to decide where to grab a snack before you both went off to your own houses. 
“I hate Y/N L/N. I wish she just left my life, because she’s what makes it worse.”
The sound of his voice has always been melodious to you. It had a deep timbre and was almost soothing. But right now, you felt anything far from soothed. Your throat was closing up into a lump, and you huffed slightly as you blinked away tears. Eunchae’s eyes were blown wide in shock, and were slowly beginning to narrow in anger. Your movements were almost automatic as your hand reached out to stop Eunchae from storming out from your hiding spots’, the fuming girl looking like she was ready to punch Nishimura across the face immediately. The tears were burning into your lower lash line like furious embarrassment, making you more and more smaller, wishing now more than ever that the ground swallowed you whole. You kept telling yourself over and over again, that this wasn’t the first time you’d heard words of this type uttered against you by him. But it was like a disenchanting spell on you, the way a veil lifted off your eyes. A crack in the rose tinted looking-glass you always stared at him through. 
“Y/N”, Eunchae’s voice is a careful whisper, sensing your vulnerability as your best friend. She knew you long enough to tell that those extremely cruel, mean words did more than just a regular rebound on your thick skin. She was cooling down in an attempt to comfort you, rubbing your arm in support. Your lower lip was wobbling, and you felt like someone had slapped you hard across the cheek. You weren’t that annoying to put up with, were you?
Your heart felt stomped on at that point, and you wanted nothing more than to get away. As shocking as it was, you couldn’t stomach being around Riki right now, and hastily grabbing Eunchae and making a beeline towards the exit, your downtrodden expression morphed to anger as your shoulder harshly bumped against Riki’s, who’s expression you couldn’t tell with the way you could only see red. Your decision was ironclad now, if it wasn’t firm already. This was the moment you’d decided to get over Nishimura Riki. 
The touch of your shoulder against his was like a static current being passed through his skin, in the most pleasant way possible. Like he craved it. Riki was baffled, and even more so when he realized it was you, and your usually ever-present adoration from him being blatantly missing, even in this short interaction, if it even be called that. He felt a twinge of concern for you, which he suppressed easily. This was the Y/N he was talking about. Any emotion for you rather than disgust? No thank you!
However, it was strange. For the first time in your life, you felt almost nothing for Nishimura Riki. And for the first time in his life, he felt something for you. 
It’s been a week since the fateful basketball game. You’ve been through the stages of grief quite quickly, storming through each of them with Eunchae helping you along, although your headstrong need to get better did worry her, that you weren’t actually processing your pain to heal. But to hell with all that. No, you wanted to eviscerate any remaining thought of Riki from your head immediately. The school day seems to be quite regular, with spring break just a mere two weeks away, that had people buzzing with low energy in the hallways, all in the state of deciding their spring break plans. Your spring break plans weren’t anything fancy, or anything at all rather - with the main idea being that you’d while away the time with your best friend, doing all the fun activities you could possibly do. And a break that you were sure would be the final nail in the coffin that contained the corpse of your feelings for Riki, the dark haired boy who up till now kept an iron grip on your heart.
The boy in question, like you, had also spent the previous week raging through some emotions. But in his case, rather he found them very confusing and very out of character. Of course, he wasn’t self actualised enough to work through them, and that led him to create a stubborn mindspace - that you, Y/N L/N were messing with his head by purposely ignoring him. He just couldn’t stop thinking about you, your presence and the recent lack of. Your voice wasn’t greeting him in the homeroom every morning anymore, and it was a change many had noticed, but not yet commented on. He found this pit in his stomach from the first week, the immediate day after the match, when he saw you sitting in class - head bent, hair falling over your face messily. And for a fleeting second, his hand had to fight off the urge to get up and brush them away. Your eyes looked slightly swollen, with a faint bloodshot look, like you’d spent the night crying rather than sleeping. It made his chest ache and his head spin slightly. What the hell? When the hell did he feel sorry for Y/N L/N? When the hell did he feel anything for Y/N L/N?
That was about three days ago, and that same pit in his stomach has been growing ever since. He, for whatever reason, missed you. Instead of coming face to face with this fact, he turned his back on it, and it was killing him. Pinpricks of pain would shoot through him whenever he noticed you deliberately changing your path on noticing him walk towards your way. God, it’s like he was a hostage to your feelings all these years, and automatically he felt guilty of thinking about you that way. You just liked him right? Why was he even so rude to you?
His behavior, and his demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by all of his friends, even the basketball team, who were more than aware of your absence at practice anymore. Whatever you were doing to remove Riki from your life might be working in your favor, but it was ruining him. 
His brain felt like someone was swirling its contents around with a spatula, making a mess of his thoughts and his emotions. He hadn’t wasted a moment in spilling his dilemma to Sunoo, and invariably the guys he was closest to on the basketball team - Jake, Sunghoon, Jay and Heesung. The team itself were all in all pretty much aware of how the youngest was going through quite the mind-boggling series of epiphanies (if it could even be called that. Jay liked to refer to it as just a dumbass waking up from his stupidity sleep). 
“Dude, I just don’t know anymore. Her not being there is very odd to me? I just can’t get used to it.” Riki sighs, shaking his head as he thumbs around his packet of Cheetos, slumping against the cafeteria wall, while the rest of his group gathered around him like a pack, eagerly listening in. “But isn’t that what you wanted? So there must be something else then? Maybe you didn’t mind her as much as you let on?” Jake inquired, his head tilting like a confused puppy. That had Riki scratching his head again. He saw you this morning by your locker. You were catching up with Eunchae, both of you laughing boldly to whatever Eunchae had just said, and there was a glow on your face as your eyes crinkled in amusement, which made a heartbeat skip in his chest. He was staring longingly at you, and it seemed like you noticed, because your eyes met his in scrutiny - your single glance making him feel like that six year old at the playground again. 
When you were in freshman year, you had developed a fascination with reading horror novels and mangas and watching horror movies very frequently. Something about spirits and the occult had interested you very much, and many people around you knew about this hobby of yours. If anyone had any doubts about the intricacies of rituals and possessions, spells and witchcraft, they’d just go to you. Right now, Riki thinks that’s exactly what’s happening to him - you’d used your occult knowledge to put a spell on him. Of course, he knew how ridiculous he sounded. But he felt like he was bound to you, and couldn’t shake off your spell no matter how much he tried. And it was purely on him. This was just all so,so confusing, which he decided not to voice out to his friends until he himself had gotten a grip on what was happening to him. How he kept thinking about your little habits. Day before yesterday, he found himself soaked in sweat and thirsty beyond comparison after practice. Parched and defeated, he stumbled along to the locker room to find his flavored water that one of his teammates usually kept in his locker for him, only to come up empty handed. 
“Jake, have you seen my flavored water? I figured you usually put one in my locker.” He asked nonchalantly, only to find Jake, and the rest of the team that entered the room in a state of sly smiles, stifled giggles and shock. 
“Dude, we never did any of that. Y/N did that, she’d purchase the fancy water for you and put it in your locker before we came for practice.” 
It made him feel different. He was blinking slow, and his brain was sluggish. You did that for him? God, you were so sweet, weren’t you. He already felt a bit sad about not seeing your bright grin that you directed to him in the morning (even though he always dismissed it with ignorance), but this was the cherry on top. You had loved him to death, and now he was a dead man walking without you. 
“He looked at you, you know.” Eunchae is careful in her observation, but she knows you noticed too. Your pupils seem narrowed, and your lips are drawn in a tight line as you contemplate that look he gave you. You still couldn’t fight off the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you met his eyes - those gorgeous, beetle-black eyes that had a magnetic pull to them. But within the haze of your flusteredness, you’d managed to catch the slight look of misery in them. He was looking at you like he was an injured puppy, lost without you. But your resolve was stronger. With the utmost focus, you managed to drive away the maddening thoughts of the possibility of him missing you away, and walked away with Eunchae. 
Over the weekend, Riki had realized that being away from you was driving him insane. So on Monday, he was pulling his chair close to yours in the classroom, the metallic screech against the wooden flooring making everyone turn their heads to the scene, their eyes widening in shock at what was unfolding in front of their eyes. How on Earth was Nishimura Riki sitting next to Y/N L/N? Your thoughts were also very similar to the rest of your classmates, because what was happening right now? Riki, the boy you’d put your heart dangerously on the line for was right here, sitting next to you. His movements were awkward and he was fiddling with his fingers while casting shy glances towards you, reminding you of the scared six year old version of him you’d met at the playground. There is a faint red crawling up his pale ears, and he clears his throat roughly, before saying “Is it alright if I sit here?”
Your all consuming feelings seemed to come back like a crashing wave on the shore the moment he uttered those words to you, and you just nodded wordlessly, too shocked to say anything.
You look too pretty this morning, and it’s messing with his head. Riki’s beating himself up internally, because this wouldn’t be so difficult if you weren’t so goddamn beautiful for some reason. He nods when you do, and then gets to his work. His proximity feels dizzying to you, and the scent of his cologne makes it harder for you to focus on the work in front of you. He’s biting into his lip hard, to suppress the urge to just hold your hand. The smell of your shampoo, the warmth of your thigh being barely centimeters next to you. You’re both so horribly blind and it is just painful to you both, unbeknownst to each of you. 
Nishimura Riki liked you. He really, really liked you. And as he turned his head to see your face, accented by the golden sunlight and eyes sparkling like dewdrops in the early morning, he knew that even if he wanted to run, he couldn't. He was trapped under your spell, and the thought of it made him smile. 
The following days are filled with such odd interactions with Riki. He always found an excuse to find you first in classrooms, or walk you to the cafeteria. You suddenly found yourself back at basketball practices again, but this time forcefully dragged to the court by Riki, and an amused Eunchae in tow. He was there to offer you snacks and drinks from the vending machine. He helped you with homework and you helped him with his. Whatever diabolical game he was playing was working wonders on you, because suddenly all you could see behind your closed eyes was his gorgeous face. 
The rest of the student body isn’t blind to his newfound affection for you. It’s all they’ve been talking about the entire time. His teammates slap his back in teasing jests while he shoos them all away, all the while that smile never leaving his face. 
“There’s no way!” You’re laughing hard, and yours and Riki’s shared giggles are quite audible over the soccer field. You’re both sitting on the grass just after practice, where Riki’s cooling off in the gentle breeze blowing across the grass. He’s telling you about some antics he had put up in class to get away from not turning in assignments, which involved a fake rubber rat and a very scared Calculus teacher. You’re wiping tears from your eyes from the laughter while Riki shakes his head in amusement. The breeze blows a single leaf to land right on top of your head, and it makes you giggle harder. 
He shuffles a bit closer to you, arm raising up to remove the leaf from your head. His breath is warm as it fans across your warming cheeks, the narrowed distance between you both not being lost on either of you. His eyes meet yours, and you’re still a goner for them. He gulps, Adam’s apple bobbing in nervousness, yet he makes no attempt to move away. Instead, he feels a bold surge in him. His finger loops around the bow on your school uniform, tugging the ribbon and invariably, you, forward towards him, making the breath in your throat hitch, and your eyes becoming wide as saucers. His eyes dip to your cupid’s bow, and scan over your lips and how they’re parted. Riki spends not a second more pressing his lips to yours, and you’re in heaven. 
The walk back to your house is full of shy touches, and the warmth of your hand in his. Riki’s lips are still tingling where yours were just moments ago. He can’t even begin to fathom how he ended up here - from loathing you to wanting to kiss you again. He was addicted to you and wanted more of you. But these things needed to be paced, and Riki wanted it done right. Bidding you goodbye in front of your house, where you left him with another giggle-pressed kiss to his cheek and a warm buzz filling his body, he was absolutely enamored by Y/N L/N.
The next day, he wakes up and it’s a good day. It’s a good day because he’s going to ask you out finally. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, just because of the implausibility of the situation. There was a brightness surrounding the boy all throughout, a contrast to his regular attitude. Sunoo and Taki had been updated already, and he was planning to tell the team, the rest of his friends during practice, after which he would ask you on a date during your regular after-practice hangouts. Except for the life of him he couldn’t find you, at all. It was unfortunate that today was the day of the announcement of the student council election results, for which classes were mostly halted, since the student council was quite a big deal 
He’s scanning around to find you amongst the crowd of the assembly where the results were to be announced - only to spot you a bit later. Also, he notices that you’re not alone. You’re grinning (a bit too much for his liking, if he's being honest) at Yang Jungwon, the boy who was the sure-shot winner of the President position. You’re too close to him, and it makes his heart clench. He’s biting his tongue until it almost bleeds. He doesn’t get an opportunity to speak to you, as the event commences. He just decides to wait till later, ignoring the pain in his chest he got from seeing you with another guy. 
“The President of this year’s student council is Yang Jungwon.” There’s a smattering of loud applause, and even Riki joins in half-heartedly, still wounded over what he was previously. “The position of Vice President goes to his running mate, Y/N L/N!”. 
He’s still in his place, though his heart bursts with pride and joy for you, his eyes drinking in your excited run up to the stage, shaking hands with the Principal of the school. Your face is broken into the biggest smile ever, and your eyes are shining from pure happiness. Why didn’t you tell him? Why didn’t he know you were going for it? Or that Jungwon was your running mate?”
But all in all he’s very, very happy and proud of you, so he squishes down that ugly feeling of jealousy in him, and focuses on how you somehow look directly right at him. Your smile drops a little when you notice he isn’t clapping, a fact Riki himself didn’t realize, too busy staring in awe at you. It takes Eunchae’s loud hollering in the crowd to break you out of your stupor and your return to your regular state. 
He’s changing out of his practice clothes, feeling a bit down from the events that actually happened today and how he’d expected it to go. He hadn’t been able to catch a moment alone with you after the ceremony, and four of the older members of the team were missing from practice today too, since Jay was the treasurer of the previous session, he had to oversee the handing over of the duties to the newer batch. Practice, because of that, ended up being him, and the benchwarmers and people he didn’t really know all that well. It was something he had to get used to as the new captain, so he figured this would serve as a good preview. He was talking to another benchwarmer of his grade, Junhee, while changing. Junhee wasn’t necessarily a good person, if Riki was honest. He always hung out with the rash crowd and got into fights because of his crass nature. He placed the small box of chocolates he’s managed to quickly buy for you from a store outside school, a sticky note with your name and a congratulation scrawled on it, down on the metallic bench as he gathered up the rest of his things. This doesn’t escape Junhee’s notice, who smirks lazily as he spots the name on the post-it. 
“No way, Nishimura. She did it, huh?”
Riki already doesn’t like the way he refers to you as just someone, and it sets his skin aflame. “Hmm?” he responds half-heartedly, not at all interested in maintaining a conversation with Junhee of all people. “Well, doesn’t it make sense, Nishimura? She’s into that horror shit right? Clearly she’s made a voodoo doll of you and forced you to love her. Manifestation shit, am I right?”
Riki’s blood is boiling as he hears what Junhee is saying, but for some reason he says nothing back. It’s like he’s trapped in this vortex in his mind fueled by the insecurity he felt from seeing you with Jungwon, or how he felt out of the loop about your co-curricular adventure. Staying mum, he just grabbed the chocolate box, and turned around, only to gasp in shock to see you standing right there. Your mouth is twisted downwards in disappointment, and you’re staring at him with absolute loathing in your eyes right now. He rushed forward towards you, ready to explain, and also wanting desperately to punch the snickering Junhee behind him, who was now slinking away from the scene. 
It feels like there is a knife in your back and twisting itself in your flesh all over again. There is a panic rising in your throat, suffocating you overwhelmingly. It’s jarring and mind-boggling. So before Riki gets to you, you run.
Eunchae is gathering you up in her arms as your inconsolable state renders you helpless, slumping on the floor of your bedroom, finding it harder to breathe as the sadness keeps washing over you in painful crashes, making you feel weaker and weaker as the time goes. 
“Why does he hate me, Eun? He kissed me, didn’t he? So why is he so cruel?”
The six boys in Riki’s room are trying their best with damage control, as they all had rushed over to his house when Riki had texted them in a panic and explained what had gone down. “But why didn’t you defend yourself in front of Junhee in the first place man?”, Taki asks frustratedly, tugging at his hair. Riki frowns, trying to ignore the flashes in his head of your heartbroken face while his chest aches. “I kept thinking about her and Jungwon. I treated her terribly before all this, didn’t I? I just kept thinking how she might like Jungwon now.” His eyes are downcast in sadness, and his voice is broken. Pulling up a chair right in front of Riki, Heesung plops down and holds Riki up by the shoulders, squaring him up. “Riki. Go. Go right now and apologize, before you lose her even more.” Riki is crying harder now, and wiping his tears, he breaks and finally tells them. “I don’t think I want to be without her, Heesung. I want her love, no matter if it drives me to my end.”
Riki sees how Eunchae slipped out of your house to walk towards the supermarket, no doubt to get you both some consolation food. He takes this moment to approach your front door, knocking furiously in nervousness and apprehension. It’s now or never. 
You open the door, assuming it’s Eunchae who left something behind before she left, so seeing Riki - messy hair, lips bitten to the extreme and bloodshot eyes standing on your front porch knocked the wind out of your lungs. Ready to slam the door on his face, his long hand stops you from doing so, pleading “Y/N please, please just listen to me. It wasn’t how it happened. I didn’t agree with Junhee at all. I like you, Y/N L/N, like it’s breathing. Being away from you makes me lose my mind, and I know I haven’t been the best to you in the past. But please, Y/N. I need you to give me a chance. I need you.”
There’s warm tears flowing down your face, and even in this state Riki thinks you’re beautiful. The porch light shines on your face and you look angelic. He hopes it showed in your mercy as well.
“Why didn’t you disagree?” you sniffle, sweater paws raising up to wipe away some of the tears on your face. The dejected tone with which you ask him makes him feel a deep tug in his heart, aching and sad. “I felt. Jealous. And angry, that Jungwon was so close to you, and that you hadn’t told me about being his running mate. And I know that doesn’t excuse my actions. I just felt, I don’t know. Out of the loop.”
“I wanted to surprise you with the vice president's news.” You mumbled, head down. Riki hesitantly moved toward you, and slowly patting your head, he said “I was surprised, baby, and so, so proud of you. I felt so proud of my girl up there.” He says hoarsely, hoping that his sincerity is as evident as much as he feels it. 
The breath gets knocked out as he groans through his mouth with the impact of your crushing hug. You have your face burrow into his chest, crying softly but also laughing slightly, wetting his shirt. He doesn’t spare a moment to wrap his arms around you tightly, fearing that letting go would mean that he’d lose you again. He sniffs in the soothing and familiar scent of your shampoo and mumbles into your hair, “I don’t know what spell you’ve casted on me, Y/N L/N. But I want to be under it forever.”
The sunlight, Riki thinks, just manages to make you so beautiful that it makes Riki speechless every single time. A lot has changed since the playground and the years after that. And a lot more changed within the last year too. You and Riki are midway through your senior year now. He was sad when he had to bid farewell to the older members of the basketball team, who were practically like brothers to him now. You continued your duties as vice president, though the shared activities you had with Jungwon, still a sore spot for Riki, made him pout adorably, which you always kissed away with a laugh. Riki was the basketball captain now, which added new responsibilities to his shoulder, which he carried excellently. The evidence of which was the recent basketball game that he’d just won with the team. The pep rally, and most of the team was still loitering around the court (Junhee was out. It was one of the first things Riki did as captain, in fact). Riki had sneaked you out to that fateful soccer field where you both had first kissed, and a beautiful sense of deja vu hit him as he looked at you in wonder - how you’d managed to put up with all of him was still a mystery to the boy. But, when you looked to meet his eyes - those dazzling, black eyes that glittered under the setting sun, you both realized - you were both enchanted by each other.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
do you think that a lot of s4 critique (esp on tumblr) is coming from the tomgreg “field”? bc i mean - they all seem very disappointed with the way this season is playing out and, without meaning to be patronizing, i’d say unmet expectations like that can cloud (or at least colour) one’s general opinion on a piece of media immensely. we’ve all had it happen to us in some way at some point, so i get it but also…don’t shit in everyone’s müsli just bc a specific relationship didn’t happen in the way you’d envisioned :( alsooo tomshiv is much gayer than tomgreg could have ever hoped to be idc idc
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it's something i've been avoiding saying directly, because it feels slightly dickish, but We Can All See With Our Eyes that there is a correlation between people heavily invested in tomgreg and people who are expressing dissatisfaction with s4. it's also fairly obvious that i stopped giving a shit about tomgreg over the course of the year+ of getting harrassed and finally getting my blog terminated for expressing mild criticism wrt patterns of misogyny in fandom. which i think entitles me to a little bit of dickishness.
the thing is, you can have whatever opinion on a show you want for whatever reason you want. it's fine to say you're disappointed in the relative lack of tom and greg this season, because that's what you were personally invested in. your emotional response to the season is your emotional response. full stop. a big part of why i've been enjoying this season so much is because i started watching this show after my dad died, and it's very cathartic for me to watch such a realistic and thoughtful depiction of grief in all its messiness and complexity. i'm connecting to these characters more than ever because i've been there. that's personal! that's subjective! that's okay!
what irritates me is: a) being disingenuous about the reason you dislike the season, b) in a way that implies disliking the season is the 'correct' opinion to have, either on a moral basis or because this season is objectively and uniquely bad writing/directing/editing, c) to the extent that it creates a noxious and unpleasant fan environment to participate in.
i understand where the urge comes from to defensively say "no, it's not just about my businessman yaoi, there is actually a high-minded, intellectual reason for me to spend all my time bitching." because yeah, there are people who are delighted to go fuck you anyone who cared about tom and greg, you were watching the show wrong, and that's aggravating.
deliberately misrepresenting your opinion as something with a more "rational" basis doesn't make you any better off, because it's laughably obvious when that's what you're doing, and it undermines your initial position, which was not inherently invalid in the first place. it's fine to be sad that the thing you personally wanted to happen did not happen. you can say that. you can call people dicks for being rude about it. it's fine. it's literally okay. we are all just saying shit online.
but you are just not going to be able to convince me that season 4 is overall badly written, or that it suffers from unique mechanical issues that were not already present throughout the show. it's not going to happen! d*sha redscare was literally in s3! the fact is that in a season where logan dies in episode 3, and if anybody tries to say that was a bad writing decision you know they're pulling it out of their ass, it simply Is Not Possible for tom and greg (who barely had a relationship with logan and so has fuck all to do in the wake of his death) to spend 15 minutes an episode engaging in slapstick routines. is it an awkwardly truncated storyline? maybe! but succession is littered with those, and that's because it makes the choice to prioritize its main story, which in s4 is more focused and thoughtfully written than ever.
i won't even touch on the queerbait discourse because i do not think queerbait has ever been a useful term and the idea of trying to apply that kind of analysis to succession is too idiotic to even bother engaging with. the virgin representationcel vs the chad [i will not talk about my politics on tumblr but i am a trans fag of color deeply disillusioned with most of the discourse on 'representation']. representation win! the chair of fictional fox news cheated on his wife with her cousin #gayrights. Be serious.
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
have any Colin and Michael headcanons or predictions about how they are gonna play out?
Anon idk who you are but I love you. Get ready for a long reply.
Okay, as I spent a while yelling about to my wife, I am not sure if Colin and Michael are a formed relationship or just friends with benefits. On one hand, the texts such as "thirst much?" seem very hookup like, but do you bring a hookup to a celebration with your closest friends? I don't know and it frustrates me. But I pretend they are canonically partners because I think it's so cute.
First off, a random headcanon is that Michael is a nerd. He loves Star Wars and the MCU and Colin knows fuck all about such universes. Colin, as we know, is not one to make use of the Richmond Braincell, but he'll listen to Michael rant with a completely blank mind.
Secondly, while Michael doesn't know anything about football he will turn the news on if he knows Colin's playing or doing an interview or something. Colin gets pretty flustered when he finds out Michael was watching. One of the reasons he goes out with Michael is his lack of football knowledge, but Michael's just sweet.
Another thing is Michael's schtick when he met Dani and Isaac and Zorreux; "May I spend all night talking to your cross-eyed friend while [Colin] hits on you...poorly". The pointed look at Colin, Colin's bashful laughter. This is what they tell straight people because this is what happened. Colin has zero swag and spent an entire night chatting up Michael's girl friend just to get to him.
I think these two cretins are adorable. Colin is obviously calmer and freer around Michael. On top of this, Colin already hates himself for making those comments and jokes. This is why I hope think they won't break up. I say this because I've heard people saying Michael will out Colin. No, I think he will be outed by two of Shandy's comments-
"Do something scandalous and go viral."
"Oi, don't be a dick, show some love on your socials."
(I quoted these from memory not sure if the first one is correct)
-and the fact that Zava left Sam's restaurant minutes after Colin and Michael.
Shandy is clearly an advocate of no press is bad press. She would think that a story like Colin's is a good thing. And so far, Zava has shown no outwardly dickishness, but he persists in taking over the team. So consider this - it was Zava's headlights that hit Colin and Michael in the alley. He saw them and took a picture. Sent it to Shandy, who prompted him to/agreed he should put it online.
The synopsis of the next episode is "With their season in a tailspin, Richmond try to right the ship against the mighty Manchester City. Off the pitch, everyone faces their own setbacks." If Zava and Shandy both act like dicks, this is a segway to resolving two issues - the issue of Zava taking over the team and the issue of Shandy ultimately hurting Keely's company. I also think, of course, Trent will get involved in the whole thing, and Keely will try to help as a bisexual woman in PR. So anyway. I don't think Michael and Colin will break up but I do think Colin will be outed. Why? Because he has been given no reason to think he's safe to come out.
Okay, I diverged a bit, but you get the gist.
OH also Colin will get angry at Isaac for the comments and will get to swear a lot it's what he deserves.
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birbycakes · 21 days
saw some stuff I really didn't agree with and wanted to rant so yeah
basically it was someone trying to defend AI (this is the second time I've seen this) by saying if you hate AI you love copyright laws. Like... okay. IDK how to elaborate this clearly but my main point is: this is such black and white thinking
One of them brought up like, "So do you think Anne Rice had a right to ban people from making fanfiction" like fanfic is comparable to having your work reposted without credit or art traced/stolen/etc. I'd say a more comparable instance would be, in art terms, someone making fanart or fanfics of someone's OCs. Most people like that? You'd be hard-pressed to find people who'd be angry at getting fanart of their OCs. However if someone had their entire novel stolen, and the person who stole it claimed it as theirs, and then made money off it, far more than the person who actually made it did/the person who made it never made ANY money. Well. You Know. that's incredibly dickish of them. Like leave law out of it, that would be a morally reprehensible thing to do. So what, you just... let the thief run off and suffer no consequences, not even social ones? is this our Glorious Land of Communism we are hoping for? Fuck the petit bourgeois artists and creatives steal from them all you want you aren't allowed to feel like you've earned a level of ownership on the ideas you make anyone is allowed to take it and wipe their ass with it and profit off it and you can just sit there in the dirt and cry.
And I'm not even saying all this as a "make copyright stronger" standpoint I don't think copyright should be a thing! But I get the weird feeling the people I've seen arguing this are more like... getting mad that people dare to get mad at their work getting stolen or ripped off. Not even from a law standpoint just "well why would you be mad someone stole your art and profited of it, in either attention or money. What are you some capitalist bourgeois oppressor? The REAL enlightened people like us know that your work has no personal value and anyone should be able to chew it up and spit out and you should just sit there and smile because that's a Good Thing. Anyways please stop getting mad at us when we use AI we should be allowed to do whatever we want without getting any consequences."
Like sure in this ideal land where no one has to make money to survive, I guess Who Cares, but we don't live in a fantasy land where artists don't need to make money so who cares if their work gets stolen, by AI or otherwise. Unless you think people are bad people or the "petit bourgeois" if they dare to use a skill they've developed to make a living (the anti-working class bastards that they are). So yeah, in Reality where we are living, this is an issue and people are right to be upset about it. Like personally I think the lawsuit around it is gonna fuck shit over SO bad (and also I just hate the main mouthpiece for it, she shilled for nft shit too she's just money grubbing and out-for-herself and doesn't really care about helping other artists)
Like it feels like people are coming up with the most annoying ass-pulls for why Generative AI is Good and Fine and Okay, actually! You're ableist if you don't like it (an incredibly ableist statement in of itself), or you're a copyright-loving capitalist shill if you don't like it (just clearly a bad-faith argument).
OH AND ANOTHER THING. There is also an argument to be made about like... it's one thing for a person to say, make art (they drew it themselves or wrote it themselves and put in real human effort and creativity) that is transformative of someone's work, and profit off of it. It's another for someone to lift someone's work completely to make profit off of it (because usually if someone is doing that and is a full grown adult who should know better, it's for profit). There's no effort no creativity just a money grubbing asshole. Same can be said for people who use genai for profit (There are. SO MANY.) there is no effort no creativity just "hey robot make me a thing" *robot chews up a bunch of existing artwork and spits out some sub par garbage* "here is thing" "sweet thanks. anyways this is akin to me creating something and I deserve money for it and respect. treat me like a real artist." ITS JUST. HOW CAN YOU SEE THAT AND BE LIKE "Yeah that's fine people should be allowed to do that. it's okay who cares :)" that's just fucking stupid.
Anyways like I said I just wanted to rant and this is word vomit but whatever.
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marmett · 5 months
hi this is a genuine question so i hope it doesn't come off as dickish through text but if "hetship" is the wrong term then what do you think it should be called? because i feel like people generally call same gender pairings "gay" even if one or more parties are bisexual so it looks like it just kinda went the opposite way for different gender pairings or sth? but honestly i don't know
i use m/f usually. its not perfect but like. its the best i got lol. im also personally not bothered by calling ships with one or more bisexual characters gay, but ive known ppl who are. for me, im just bothered by ppl calling ships w/ bisexuals het or straight bc its done in a derogatory way, and bisexuals are already treated like we're only conditionally part of the lgbt community.
anyway u dont sound dickish at all, thanks for asking uwu.
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producermokyo · 4 years
Hi everyone! 
I appreciate everyone asking me about updates to stories on AO3. I’ve just been busy lately with work, and other things so I haven’t got to write as much. I’ve just been trying to write things I wanna write when I do have time to write. 
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Hiiiiii 🤩 …. So i am back with another request 🙈 can you recommend me some good high school aus, with Derek being a jock and nerdy Stiles, and there is a bet involved that Derek can make Stiles fall in love with him and in the end he falls in love 😈 ( I would prefer happy ending) thankkk youuuuuu
Let's see what I can find, @mysneakylife.
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fascinating new thing (you delight me) by magique
(1/1 I 911 I Teen)
“Did you really eat a live duck?”
Derek bares his teeth, a smirk teasing the corners of his mouth, and asks, “Are you sure you want to know?”
I burn, I pine, I perish. by MyseryLuvsCompany
(2/? I 3,342 I Teen)
When Allison Argent moves to Beacon Hills, she falls hard for Scott McCall— resident brown-eyed sweetheart— immediately. Her dreams of going to junior prom with him are cut short, however, when her friend Lydia Martin mentions that Scott McCall doesn’t date. Not until his best friend does too.
"Wait, that's his best friend?"
"Yep. All 147 sarcastic pounds of him. No dating until Stilinski dates; McCall policy. See your problem?"
I burn, I pine, I perish by everysundoesntrise
(1/1 I 6,972 I Teen)
Lydia just wants to date Jackson Whittemore, but her father forbids her from dating at all, unless, of course, her new brother Stiles could also get a date. Lucky for her, Derek Hale is single and always in the need for extra cash.
i'll take it, it'll do by CallicoKitten
(2/? I 8,684 I Not Rated)
So the girl of Scott's dreams won't date him unless her brother has a date too, that might be insane but Stiles is totally willing to help out with that because hey, he's a great friend, okay? Now if only that were the only problem in his life.
I Want You To Want Me by allyasavedtheday
(1/1 I 11,898 I Teen)
Laura sighs, coming to a stop in front of them, and Derek feels her eyes on him. He can almost see the cogs turning in her head before she nods decisively. “Fine. You can date…when Derek does.”
* Dating Derek is supposed to be a one-time thing. Just a sacrificed evening so Isaac can go out with Cora. Stiles should know by now his life never goes according to plan.
You Say Your Love Is Bona Fide by suchfun
(1/1 I 14,299 I Teen)
It's like the stars have finally aligned, and Laura doesn't think she has ever had, or will ever have, another parenting moment this pure in her whole life.
"Okay fine," she says, cutting Cora off just as she's opening her mouth to complain some more. "You can date."
Cora's mouth drops open. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, sure, why not, you can totally date." She pauses, letting the moment build, letting the hope build in Cora's eyes, before qualifying, "When Derek does."
The look on Cora's face makes every parenting crisis Laura's ever had (of which there have been many over the past three years) worth it.
I Want You To Want Me by sweetbutterbliss
(7/7 I 15,940 I Explicit)
Derek scrubs his hands across his face before crossing his arms over his chest and furrowing his eyebrows at the two idiots standing in front of him. Well, Scott is an idiot. Stiles is...luminescent, and all jerky movement, with big, golden brown eyes. And he always has a plan. Derek is fucked and, it turns out, unable to say no to him.
Living a Teenage Dream by Lissadiane
(1/1 I 19,862 I Teen)
Rumor has it that Sheriff Stilinkski won't let his stepson Scott date until his other son Stiles does, so when Allison makes the mistake of falling for Scott, her well-meaning (and dickish) friends hatch a scheme to hire someone to take Stiles to homecoming.
10 Things I Hate (love) About You by catsteww
(1/1 I 31,153 I Teen)
When Kate Argent hires Stiles to date Derek and get paid for it, Stiles obviously agrees and sets out to win his heart. Except Stiles wasn't expecting Derek to actually have layers underneath his tough exterior, and he certainly wasn't expecting to develop pesky little feelings for him. And everything gets a little messed up along the way.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get Hit-listed by a Stonehide Lawachurl (High School AU!)
Part 6 of the highschool au
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s a menace to everyone when playing dodgeball. Even as his new girlfriend, you’re no exception to his affinity for raising hell during the most tranquil of circumstances.
Warnings: Swearing, bad humor, and absolutely horrid spelling mistakes.
Words: 5.3k
Note: Longest chapter yet sheeeesh 🗿
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Negotiation is an art.
Childe, or "Tartaglia" has utilized the art of negotiations in his daily life. Whether that be scamming the ninth graders with fake weed, or convincing the teachers why he doesn't deserve detention for injecting random fluids from the chem department into the school's resident pet frog.
All in all, by becoming an expert in the field of negotiations, Childe is nothing if not a master, tongue silver and smooth as he takes on a new opponent.
Which is why he dutifully negotiates with you on this Monday morning in front of the History classroom, getting down on one knee and pulling out a—
"I hope to Barbatos you aren't proposing Childe," You hiss, panicked eyes landing on the velvet box he's pulling out. "Considering that we're sixteen and still in highschool."
As if remembering those meagre details, Childe gulps and shoves the box back into his pocket. "Uhhh yeah, I was just, tying my shoelaces?" It comes out as a question.
You let out a sigh of relief, overlooking how he undoes his shoe laces just to do them all over again.
The ring burns in his pocket as he gets back up.
"Why did you call me here?" You ask, hand on your hip, foot impatiently tapping. The tap tap tap isn't because of impatience though, it's because you need something to cover the nervous palpitations of your heart.
He gives you a vicious smile, sinister enough to shake the bones of anyone who's observing, opens his daring mouth to show the imaginary sharpness of his teeth. Then with the confidence of about a hundred shirtless tiktok boys, he finally demands:
"If you don't become my girlfriend, I will kill—"
"Yeah sure thing." You answer before he can finish, soft smile growing.
Childe chuckles evilly, "I knew you'd say that, but I've come prep—wait a minute." He snaps out of his villain origin phase, stumbles back a bit, then his eyebrows are furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say yes?"
You nod, cheeks flaring up. "Don't make me repeat it." Then you look away, too embarrassed to see his reaction.
For a second, Childe's internal conflict following the chain of this event causes him to temporarily malfunction, and all he can do it stare at you in amazement.
It's only when you tell him to stop staring and jump off the school roof is when he snaps out of his daze, a grin festering on his face.
He lunges straight at you, giving you no time to deflect him as he wraps his bone crushing arms around you, then lands a soft smooch on your forehead.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You barely wheeze out, light headed not only because of your lungs being squeezed like oranges, but also because of the sloppy kiss he's delivered so ungracefully.
He does so reluctantly, and you're unamused, wiping the stickiness off your forehead with a sleeve as he steps back.
"Ew what the fuck?" You say, glaring at him. "What's wrong with you?"
He completely ignores you, giddy with excitement. "Ah girly, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I can't wait to introduce you to my parents and eat lunch together and kiss each other during break—"
"Slow down." You tell him, as red as a tomato towards all his suggestions. "We've barely started dating."
"Oh," Childe stops momentarily, then nods in agreement. "You're right. We should start small. How about I walk you to class?"
"We're already in front of class." You nudge your head towards the classroom, and catch Zhongli and Venti peeking from the side of the door, trying not to be obvious.
You narrow your eyes at them threateningly.
Childe tugs your arm, lovingly looking you up and down. "Let's walk to class together anyways. In a circle."
A complete waste of time, yet it's impossible to say no to the face he's making.
Before you guys depart he suddenly stops, gasping loudly, remembers something important. "I have to make a quick phone call."
Childe speed dials Scaramouche, and the latter picks up annoyed, answers the phone with muffled sounds in the back. Something that sounds a bit like pleading and whimpering.
He then mutters something that forces dread into your system. "You can release the hostages."
You hear Scaramouche groan on the other end, muttering a "such a pain in my ass", but choose not to question it immediately.
As soon as the phone call is done and you're back by his side, you point at his phone questioningly. "What hostages Childe?"
He gives you a close eyed smile, taking the fifth.
"What hostages Childe?" You repeat again weakly.
First period goes by smoothly for the most part. Lisa, your so called best friend, once again is bought off like a corrupted politician by your new boyfriend. She sits far away from you, leaving you without any defences against the menace that dotes on you a bit too much.
Throughout class, all Childe does is score Venti's colourful pens, and then writes you annoying little love notes, using the expert origami skills he's learnt from Anthon to deliver them to you.
Despite the threat of distraction these notes pose, the corners of your lips can't help but tug upwards at his enthusiasm and attempt at poetry.
Zhongli makes sure not to ask you two any questions the entire class, leaving you to your own accord.
Lunch comes around soon enough, and your usual table of Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, and Lisa is disturbed by the torpedo that is Childe, and he brings collateral with him.
Kaeya whole-heartedly ceases the opportunity to sit near his stoic statue of a brother purely with the intention to annoy the premature crap out of him, but one look from the redhead sends the chicken-shit right back where he came from.
When Childe forcefu—lovingly feeds you the smiley fries and dinosaur nuggets his stunning mom packed him, Diluc looks just about ready to hurl.
Lisa winks at you two, Kazuha doesn't even bother looking, and Jean tries with upmost effort to keep Diluc from launching himself at the whipped fatui boy basking in your attention.
"Quit embarrassing me." You whisper-exclaim sharply, noticing how Jean passes Diluc—all green in the face, a puke bag discreetly. "Shouldn't you be doing something illegal right now? Or vaping in the stalls?"
"I quit vaping for you girlie." Childe boops your nose with his finger. "Well, at least full time. I still need a puff when I'm around Signora, to like, get rid of her awful vibes."
While it is endearing how he quit vaping for you, it doesn't lessen the need for you to bury yourself alive right here and now.
Then you sigh, pick up a Dino nuggie, and shove it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking your finger. You die inside.
"There, you happy?" The action of feeding him is so...intimate, it sets your heart aflame.
Childe's a lovesick puppy when he chews, imaginary tail wagging a hundred times a second. "Can I have a kiss too?"
Diluc slams his hands on the table and stands up, hurriedly picks up his grape juice and makes a break for it. You don't blame him.
"I'll kill you." You smack him with a napkin, blazing red. "I'll end your pathetic little life right here and now."
By the end of lunch, Lisa and Jean have to restrain you so you don't break the world record for the maximum amount of mutilations that can be done on a single body.
Fourth period is a break. A break from Childe you mean. It's expected of the school's resident bad boy aka menace to skip classes in order to skip over the bodies of his victims.
You bask in the momentary peace, until it's disrupted by a tap on the window. Reckon it's nothing, maybe a bird flew into it, because intentional taps are impossible from the third floor. Except your conviction is hindered yet again by another tap.
What a nuisance.
You finally turn to look outside the window, face down, and spot Childe waving incessantly, rocks in hand, oozing with excitement that can't be concealed and a grin that nearly takes you into cardiac arrest. Without meaning to, you send him a small smile, waving back as Baal drones on about quantum superposition.
Successful in gaining your attention, he moves aside to reveal the hefty corpse of a stonehide lawachurl with a destructive path in its wake. The ridges and bumps of its hide are enough to do a number on the road, ruining the school's playing field.
Your smile drops down into a horrified frown in the span of a few seconds.
"Wow." Albedo, your lab partner whispers from next to you, for the first time distracted in class.
"Yeah," Kaeya whistles from behind you two, one hand supporting his head. "What a gesture."
"Y/N, I'd be grateful if you could possibly obtain a black crystal horn for me from the specimen." The blonde asks, entranced by the corpse that your boyfriend is flaunting off to you with pride.
"Aren't those things endangered cutie?" Lisa makes sure to butt in, as per usual.
Yes. Your boyfriend with several issues and an affinity for chaos brought you the corpse of an endangered geo-infused creature that's five times the size of him. During school hours too, the fiend. Like a cat dragging the corpse of a dead mouse to its owner.
You groan into your hands, heart racing while the fire is coursing through your veins.
That idiot.
Childe is exceptional at a lot of things, like the switch and making weapons out of seemingly harmless things (e.g shiv out of a toothbrush), but what he prides in the most is physical education. With washboard abs, uber tall height, and a dickish smile to top it all, he has everything it takes to showcase his top tier athletic abilities.
He pounces at the opportunity to show off in front of you, wanting nothing more than to have you fawn over his strength. He's sure it'll be enough to have you all over him, wrapping your cute little arms around his muscled ones, passing him his water bottle and dabbing away at the sweat on his forehead. Most of all, he daydreams you planting your soft lips on his to congratulate him after a big game.
Physical education, for you, is a pain. You may be good with your brain, but games exert more energy than necessary, and coordination that lacks logic entirely. You're just here for the credit. The over-achiever part of you walks the extra mile to ensure a grade in the high nineties.
Although witnessing Childe clad in the school shorts and matching polo shirt is enough to make this worth your while, you'll die before admitting it. Especially when he gawks at you as if it's the first time you're wearing the sports uniform yourself. It has you fidgeting with your fingers and tugging your shorts down nervously.
You try not to flip him off like you usually do, especially since it's not even been twenty four hours since he's asked you out.
Mr.Zhongli blows a whistle, calling all the students over to surround him. It's odd that he teaches most of the subjects at this school, seemingly the only adult present, but no one questions it in fear of genshin logic. Moving on, he explains that you have a dodge ball game today.
Lisa groans beside you. She hates anything that requires the exertion of energy, oftentimes bringing a book to read while everyone else screams in the background.
You're relieved, mainly because Childe and Tohma are usually captains, and Childe always picks you to be on his team as a means to flex his skills. For you, it means sitting back and watching him carry your team towards a straight A.
However, all your dreams are crushed when Zhongli announces the team leaders.
"Y/N, I trust that you'll lead the blue team to the upmost of your ability. Childe, prepare to lead the opposing red team."
Your knees shake as you stare at him in disbelief. "But Sir—"
"No buts Y/N." He scolds you lightly, checking off your names on the clip board. "I'd like to witness your exceptional leadership skills."
In reality, Zhongli just wants to reenact a lovers-on-opposing sides trope, wanting to see how the two of you crack under the pressure. In a way, it is an exercise of leadership.
Instead of picking teams, Zhongli assigns teams for the both of you according to his own judgement, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Lisa pats your back after your teammates are assigned, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay. You guys are dating now, so he'll go easy on you."
You look up to meet Childe's eyes from across the court. He gives you a charming smile, which turns downright barbaric as he lifts up a thumb and motions to slash his neck with it. Then he wickedly mouths "I'm going to destroy you."
You blink and turn away as fast as you can in fear. "We're fucked."
Lisa, witnessing the entire ordeal nods alongside you, doing nothing to reassure you because she herself has given up.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder gripping you tightly. "Let's wipe the floor with that g*nger." The voice is ice cold, threatening enough to send a shiver down your bones.
You turn to meet Rosaria, who frowns at you. Most of the time she doesn't really put an effort in dodgeball, but she must've seen your crestfallen expression, trying to comfort you in her own detached way.
Rosaria is the other school nurse in training, alongside Barbara, but somehow her patients end up more injured, sick, or mentally defiled than before they entered the room. She also spends after hours beating up Chads in the school parking lot. Also runs a blog with her booby co-author Kaeya that emphasizes mostly on the dark knight hero.
Spotting the rest of your team behind her, you begin to criticize them one by one.
Standing against the wall is Kaeya, pushing both his biddies up with his crossed arms like an absolute whore. He's breaking about several dress code rules right now. Venti is next to him, drunk off his butt as he beat boxes with Tohma.
Eula mutters under her breath, on and on about seeking revenge on Zhongli for putting her beloved Amber on the opposing team, promising him an unfortunate fate. Xiao is miserably squatting on the floor, sharp eyes observing everyone in the gym, scowl not ready to dissipate anytime soon.
Then you look over at Childe's team in the distance. Jean with a determined look on her face as she listens to Childe's game plan, and Diluc crossing his arms with his brows furrowed in concentration. Even Amber, the best baller in the school, is stretching out her arms, assisted by the gifted princess of the school, Ayaka.
Not only that, but Childe has the king of dodging on his team—Kaedehara goddamn Kazuha. Beidou shoots you a wicked smirk, winking at you until she's disrupted by Ningguang's shove.
"Oh my god." You cry out when the realization hits you, falling to your knees in despair. "We're completely fucked!"
"No we aren't." Rosaria mutters lowly. "You're only fucked if you want to be. Don't you dare throw in the towel before the fight has even begun."
"But I—"
"Stop it." She grumbles again, rolling her eyes. "You're being annoying now. If you lose the game, that makes him the dom. Don't you want to be the dom?"
She's right. You do want to be the dom.
Her words of encouragement, and not at all veiled insults somehow allow you to find motivation deep within yourself. You get up and stomp towards the rest of your team, calling their attention with your newfound confidence.
"Listen here soldiers!" You shout out, determination clear as day. "I know I am not capable of leading. I know that I barely have the physical capabilities needed to defeat the opposite team."
You take a deep breath, pointing at your cutie patootie boyfriend across the gym as you seethe. "But that man, that harbinger of chaos, that instrument of war, is nothing but a tyrant. And I cannot let such a tyrant be a victor in this battle. Not when innocent lives are at stake."
Tohma speaks up, sending you a bewildered look. "What lives—"
"Shut the fuck up soldier!"
"Yessir!" He immediately stiffens, saluting you.
"Are you ready soldiers?" Your voice booms, and everyone reinforces their priorities, except for Kaeya though. He just lazily smirks.
After Zhongli places the balls in the middle, everyone prepares for the battle of the century.
'Gods, please let us win this war' you pray to the archons above, closing your eyes in concentration.
'Give me the strength to flex my superior skills' Childe wishes, then adds on quickly 'also I want to dominate this world.'
'Give me the strength to make it to Friday.' Rosaria prays for nobody but herself, rolls her eyes at all the unnecessary dramatics of this dodgeball game.
"3..." "2..." "1..."
Zhongli ends the countdown by blowing hard into a whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
Not even two seconds later a ball whooshes past a few of you at the speed of light, followed by a tail of fire. The ball of death kisses Kaeya square in the nose, sending him reeling back into a wall with enough sheer force to cause an indent.
Everyone winces.
Before you all can reel in from the initial shock and make sense out of wherever the hell that asteroid came from, Zhongli's voice booms throughout the gymnasium.
"Mr. Ragnvindr, headshots are strictly forbidden. You are out!"
With a scoff, Diluc, satisfied with his work, leaves the court with no apparent qualms. He accepts his defeat with the upturned corners of his lips.
Rosaria pokes Kaeya's body with the tip of her heels, then cringes when he shakes awake, up from his short lived knockout and sends a wink her way.
"Getting handsy when I'm unconscious? I didn't think you'd be one to partake in such vulgar activities." His eye twinkles in mischief, and if his momentary defeat at the hands of brother has him fuming, he doesn't show it one bit.
The only thing that keeps Rosaria from knocking him out for real is the blood that trails down onto his lip. She doesn't want to clean blood off her shoes, especially since it's a pain in the ass to get off.
You're about to tell them to get up and take this seriously, but a softball does your job for you when it darts straight at Rosaria. With pristine accuracy, the girl manages to pitch herself away last minute.
You swivel in Childe's direction, who wears a remorseless grin, which only grows wider once you pick up a blue softball next to your feet.
The glare that he receives has him shaking in exhilaration. More so than the elation he'd felt when he took down that Stonehide Lawachurl for you, as a gift of promise.
You begin to bark out orders. "Eula, Xiao, and Rosaria cover the front and act as decoys."
They nod immediately, but Xiao still clicks his tongue in distaste as he starts following orders.
Then you offer Kaeya a hand. "Get up princess. You're on sniper duty."
With Diluc out of commission, the battle is fair and square now considering both sides have the same amount of people. Ergo, no one's at a disadvantage.
That is—until Lisa fake trips over pure air, landing on the floor in a dramatic slow motion.
You roll your eyes.
"Oh dear! I think I've twisted something." She cries out, crawling away from the battle field, acting as if she's paralyzed completely. "Don't worry about me. I'll cheer you on from afar. The battle has begun, and it seems as if I've become the first casualty."
You don't let the countless amount of Lisa's betrayals get to you, even this one. It's just her personality to flake out on anything and everything that requires her to do more than below the bare minimum.
Focusing on the match, your eyes are only on Childe, just as his are on you.
You aim the ball straight at his ribs, step back a bit, then propel the ball in the air with as much energy as you can, using your entire body as a power outlet. The ball spins in the air, reaching the awaiting victim.
Childe, unbothered, dodges the ball with perfect precision, the ball not even grazing his clothes at the least.
Your jaw drops open, and you're about to move for another ball until he grabs the same ball you threw at him. With the sharpness of a predator locking in on its pray, he focuses on you like a missile locks on its target, launching the ball in the air for power that has you trembling, second to the powerful ball that was thrown by Diluc.
With your pupils dilated at your impeding doom, it's Xiao that grabs you and thrusts away.
The ball lands on the floor, smoke rising.
"Holy shit!" You shriek over everyone else's grunts and shuffles. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Isn't it poetic?" Childe shouts back while he slides away from the balls being thrown. "Lover against lover. Either you're by my side, or in my way. And right now, you're in my way." He narrows his eyes dangerously. "Albeit reluctantly, I will take the victory babe. Even if we are on opposing sides."
"There was zero reluctance in that throw asshole!"
You thank Xiao, who wipes his hands on his pants in disgust. "Filthy humans. So pathetic and weak."
Mildly offended, you roll your sleeves up and begin to fight with everything you've got as soon as he walks away.
The dodgeball game goes as expected for the most part, Eula carrying for most of it with the flow of her skills.
Tohma actually tries like the presumptuous asshole he is, aims straight for his girlfriend Ayaka, and takes her out completely. His only justification for that is "I ain't no simp!"
He shelves his cocky attitude when facing Childe with a sense of dignity and prestige you didn't think he had in him.
The two one of a kind fuckbois puff out their chests so that they look more hefty than they are, having some kind of an Alpha match. The 'me stronger than you. me dominant. me get all the women' type beat.
Unfortunately, Childe manages to fence him with his throws, and lo and behold, the square off ends with a dejected Tohma dragging his feet to the nearest bench.
Eula oversees that Ningguang and Beidou meet a quick end, taking their slower dodging to her advantage. You're actually rooting for her, tasting a sliver of victory that you haven't reached yet. So close, yet so far.
Amber trips on herself in the middle of throwing a what should've been coordinated ball, and it loses most of its momentum. Xiao is directly in front of it, and will probably be able to catch it with ease.
Ah, another short victory.
If Childe loses his expert baller, he's only left with Kazuha and Jean, whom's lack in the art of throwing is made up by their ability to dodge most of the fastballs.
However, all your plans and hopes are crushed when Eula slides in front of Xiao last minute, sticks out her foot, and let's the pathetic product of Amber's would-be downfall hit her on the leg with the total force of about 0.0000001 newtons.
Your chances of winning have just went down by a staggering 60%.
"Eula!" You cry out, collapsing on the ground. "How could you?"
Tohma cups his mouth and bellows obnoxiously from the bench. "SIMP!"
"I cannot avenge my clan if I win a false victory." Eula crosses her arms, casting her gaze down in visible uncomfortableness. "Amber will pay her dues in two business days. Mark my words."
It all a load of cap. She's sleeping with the enemy and you know it.
You grit your teeth. Fuming with an abundance of rage, you pick up three balls and throw them all back to back, taking out Amber and Kazuha simultaneously.
Childe's heart flutters in another kind of delight when you pluck out his team members one by one with no hints of remorse.
In retaliation, Jean and Childe work in sync to swiftly take care of a distracted Rosaria.
"Shit." You hiss underneath your breath.
It's Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, and you who are the only remainders of your short-lived team. It's still two more people than Childe and Jean, giving you the upper hand briefly.
It's a mystery to everyone how Venti is still standing. You reckoned you would've lost him as collateral during the beginning of the match, but it seems he's able to hold his own.
When you squint hard enough, you realize that Xiao has been t-posing in front of the nonchalant SoundCloud rapper that's about as high as a kite. He must've been defending him throughout the entire round.
His defenses are all in vain once Childe correlates another attack with Jean, sharp-shooting four rapid balls that are secured on their targets.
Xiao swerves to the side, avoiding most of them, until one is about to reach a nonchalant as shit Venti.
You scream at him, eyes widening as you run towards them in slow motion. "NOoOoOOOo-"
The yaksha doesn't waste a moment, shifting so that he's covering Venti's body with his own, which to be honest is a pretty heartwarming sight.
The ball hits his lean back, a sharp thud following when it hits the floor.
Xiao is out. But his sacrifice is so inspiring that it brings tears to Zhongli's eyes, makes everyone in the gym go silent in awe.
Even the sadistic Childe melts, cerulean eyes gaining back their light, halting his fire.
When Xiao finally uncovers Venti's body, he speaks from the bottom of his dead heart. "I'd do anything for you..."
Venti shakes out of his baked state, blinking at him stupidly with a nervous chuckle. "Ehe~? I don't even know who you are."
The entire class sweat drops. Whatever slip of compassion on Childe's face earlier has become nothing but a memory. Even your eyes dim.
The next time Childe aims and locks at Venti, it's not with malicious intent. It's a favour, for you. In a way it adds dimension to who he is and the lengths he's willing to go for you, even at war.
Venti steps away with a bounce in his gait, hands behind his head.
Kaeya and you are the only ones left standing now, and the game becomes too tight knit to tell which side's going to win. It becomes utter chaos, balls being launched every second, stamina slowly decreasing as everyone lurches away from their demise.
As laid-back  and charming as the boy presents himself to be in front of the ladies, he's not very patient when it comes to facing circumstances like these. He's side lined for most of the match, finding it boring. And when Kaeya gets bored, the intensity of the tide changes, and everyone knows they're going to get a run for their money.
Kaeya coasts a hand around your hips, pulls you real close, purposefully leaning his bust into the side your innocent arm.
When Childe's smile drops, and the glint in his eyes reads 'DANGER' in full caps, you know it's time to be properly scared.
Your blood runs cold, mouth opening briefly and then clamping shut immediately.
"I'm so glad to be on your team Y/N. Maybe this'll give us the chance to become...closer." His hot breath fans against your ear, voice loud enough to be heard by onlookers.
Suddenly everything stops, falling into an unsettling silence.
You attempt glance at Childe, being met with a glare that's directed at the Captain of the Skating team. The ball in the orange-haired boy's hand deflates from the sheer intensity of the squeeze.
The tension becomes unreadable. Even Zhongli is caught mid-sip with his tea.
Quickly, you shrug off Kaeya's arm. "Childe, he's just fucking with you—"
Childe cuts you off by hurling a ball with nothing but the objective of cold blooded murder.
Kaeya whizzes past you, successfully ducking to avoid the hit, and his amused laugh rings through your ears. He rolls away from the following attacks, chucking his own series of colourful balls.
The events that unfold are blood-curdling enough to make even Satan boil his pants with diarrhea.
You take the clear opportunity presented by their concurrent dumbassery to take out Jean, the ace of the other team.
Childe's rage blows over when Kaeya eventually loses interest and takes the L, playfully winking at you while walking backwards to the rest of your team.
Now that all the distractions are dealt with, Childe's eyes flicker to you, and you share a murderous glance.
"Finally," He slaps the softball with a free hand, lips thinning into a homicidal smile. "I've been waiting for this. You better not disappoint me."
While Childe may be a violent anarchist who's only aspiration in life is to become a government contracted killer, he's also supposed to be your sweet boyfriend.
Slowly, you inch towards the front. "We don't have to do this Childe. We can coexist peacefully."
"Peace was never an option Y/N." He sighs, cracking his neck. "Besides—how else can I prove myself in your eyes? You may be my greatest weakness, but you are also my greatest adversary."
"I don't know, maybe start with not trying to obliterate me?"
"I'm obliterating you out of respect." He counters with a playful pout.
"Well I'll be paying my respects to your grave!" You lurch ahead into a sudden assault, yeeting as many balls as you can his way.
"That's my girl!" Childe whistles, grin widening psychotically when he goes all out, leaving you with an absence in favorable openings.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarms start going haywire, along with a beep in the PA system, which stops you two in your tracks.
A panicked voice of who you assume to be Yanfei shrieks through the comms. "CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, THERE'S A STONEHIDE LAWACHURL ON THE PREMISES."
As if on cue, the ground starts rumbling and a Stonehide Lawachurl bursts through the halls and into the gym, looking around for something. Or rather, someone. It's sharp bumps and ridges make an indent on the floor, cracking it in.
Everyone falls into a state of panic, Zhongli trying his best to evacuate the class from the emergency back door as quickly as possible. "Settle down class, we have to follow protocol."
You, devoid of any emotion or sense of fear, turn to your boyfriend in such a calm manner it strikes an ominous dread in his stomach.
You stare.
Childe stares harder.
“I thought you killed it."
"I did." He retorts slowly, switching to gaze at the raging beast in amazement.
"Then why is it in the school!" You seethe, glaring daggers at his side profile.
Childe chuckles sheepishly, scratches the back of his neck. "I may or may not have stuffed the body in the boys washroom. Y'know, for safe keeping?"
The Lawachurl locks it's gaze on you, the prey, and then roars furiously. Turning into its geo-enhanced state, it begins charging at you with all its might, the target being solely Childe.
Leave it to your boyfriend to get on the hit list of an endangered beast.
"Fear not my vibrant girlfriend. Our first date can be surviving this." Childe cheekily kisses the top of your trembling hand before grasping it tightly and making a run for it.
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princesstillyenna · 3 years
i really hope tk doesn't go back to patty :( what he did was so awful and destroyed months of their relationship. it seems like patty would be better off with howdy, since they're already sleeping together, living together, calling each other babe, and are fine with cheating. tk can find someone who can deal with how difficult adhd can make relationships without sleeping with other people.
NGL nonnie, and please don't take this personally, because it's not @you, but this comment (and other comments saying the same thing on the actual fic) was hard to read.
I wrote the chapter the way I did because I had hoped to show some nuance into the relationship. I've been all three people in this situation (TK, Howdy, Patty) and yeah, some people are doing something more dickish than others, but I think in this scenario there were no truly innocent parties.
As for the ADHD thing, whilst I have been putting in some ND coding for some of the characters in GC, because like everything else, neurodiversity needs more representation, but I'm not sure I've ever said explicitly in GC that TK HAS adhd, and if he does, he's certainly not aware of it.
That being said, as someone who likely DOES struggle with relationships due to neurodiversity, there are work arounds, there are compromises, and again, I've seen this situation from both sides, I've been someone who has to make calendar reminders in order to make my relationships, who has to put people in her diary in order to make relationships function... and I've also been told flat out by partners "no, I won't 'schedule' my time with you, that takes all the romance out of a relationship' and you know what? That sucks ass.
BUT that being said, this is at the end of the day, about a piece of writing... and it's rare that I feel like I "fail" with my writing. Often there are people who hate my writing and who disagree with my stances, but I stand by my "this was the story I was trying to tell and I've told it, whether you like it or not is another matter" however this time round, idk, I had a handful of "fuck nolan" comments and I feel like I've failed. Because the story I was TRYING to tell was a story of naunce. Was a story of EVERYONE fucking up. Was a story of sometimes, relationships fail, and everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else, there's no clear 'bad guy' and I clearly failed at that.
So, unlike most of the GC, I am open to concrit on this chapter. CONcrit (emphasis on the constructive part of that). What do you feel, as readers, I could have done to more effectively get across Nolan's side of the story? (please note, "not have him cheat" is not concrit here, the idea is that he didn't feel that he WAS cheating, TK thought he was, neither of them fucking communicated)
Here's the cliffnotes of what I WANTED that chapter to be about.
Nolan, having grown up around hockey players a LOT, and honestly, not knowing anyone without a road agreement (HONESTLY, and yes I've got another anon about that coming) just assumed that, like many of the players he knows, they would have a 'monogamy doesn't count if you're in different cities' rule.
TK having had a VERY different upbringing, obviously assumed monogamy until discussed otherwise.
They never had an "exclusivity" conversation. Ever. (or any conversation for that matter)
So what could I have changed, to have better shown the nuance to this story? Honestly, I would love feedback on this one. (Unless the feedback is "stop writing hockey rpf, get out of hockey fandom tilly we hate you here, I've been hearing that again recently, and honestly, I hear you, I'm just chosing not to LISTEN to you)
I'll hear your criticism best if you phrase it as questions "Have you considered doing xyz" or as I statements, "I felt xyz because you said XYZ" and specifics "This line here made me think that Patty was a dick because XYZ" Obviously you can write your concrit however you choose, but this is the way I am most receptive to concrit.
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digglesgiggless · 4 years
Hey, same anon that the "idk if i love you or hate you", I'm still on anon because I'm a coward and people in the UTMV community aren't usually nice (but you knew that)
I didn't mean 'selfish', actually, but I'm not a native english speaker and I didn't know how to explain that feeling. It was more of... Well, especially in the jokeblog drama (just to clarify: I obviously hate joku), sometimes it just seemed like you were mean to her just to be mean and saying nothing actually constructive (I have no exemple in mind rn, sorry). And I just felt like you would never even care about other's arguments and you're always so convinced you're right, sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Like, that time joku said D&N were nb and you were angry because she was "rewriting the story", like... Makes sense. The story isn't fixed and she CAN still change stuff. And tbh that was a headcanon of mine for a while already. Ofc that doesn't change the fact that she's a terrible and awful person, but what you said about this just didn't make sense. Like you're so convinced she's always wrong, sometimes it just sounds weird. (Maybe it's just me, idk)
Tbh most of the time I absolutely adore you, you seem like a genuinely amazing person and I look up to you for a lot of stuff. Like I said, whenever there's a discourse (and oh my there are a LOT of discourses in this fandom) I'm always looking forward to hearing your opinion because I belive it's going to be the right one everytime. (I mean, not exactly 'the right one' but you understand what I mean, I think? Skdhkshs linguistic struggles)
I'm really sorry if my ask made you anxious, I wanted it very very focused on the 'I would litteraly listen to your every word most if the time' part more than anything else :(... I wouldn't be following you otherwise sldhlsjs
So yeah here the "apology letter" for my message earlier, I would've apologized much earlier but it was late in my time zone so I was sleeping. I'm sorry I'm still on anon, but I'm a bit too scared- And sorry for the extra-long-ass apology, I never know how to write these short ><
I hope you have a good day! :)
Thank you I appreciate it,
Okay so I really should stress, I don't hate Joku for clout or smth. I genuinely, legitimately dislike and unappreciate Joku as a person, when I dropped my bags at Joku changing NM and D to nonbinary it was because it was a really sudden change, and I know Joku would absolutely either just forget what NB meant and refer to one of them as he again(constantly) or go up someone else's ass for referring to them as he. Low hanging fruit but I don't see Joku as a person that has good intentions. Especially since Joku hasn't done anything significant with her AU except get angry when people do it better.
And I am sorry about the heat your ask caught btw, I would've just dmed you but, yanno. Anon and stuff.
I really only partake in the drama because uh, one, ADHD feeds off the social stimulation for all that crap and two, I like to make it known where I stand without showing any hesitation about it.
aka, yes I'm gonna come off dickish sometimes, especially if the drama has personally irritated me. so yeah i definitely would just be mean to be mean sometimes to joku to get whatever frustration was in my system.
don't get me wrong, I'd never doxx her or some shit but I'm definitely not gonna NOT use the "jokeblog" tag for her since I think it's funny. that kinda thing if it makes sense.
(and yeah take it from me, i agree this community do be kinda crazy 😳)
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
Chek and heartache- part III
Tw⚠️:swearing, referring of dark themes such as suicide attempt and mental illness.
The morning rays hit your eyes gently, tangible by their warmth,as you forced yourself from another dream of nothing but blank.
You groaned as your cat,Didi, comes running towards you: purring, meowing and chirping in pure happiness. You knew the reason she does this; your previous cat, Martha or Dildo- your roommate Sergiu called her that because of her dickish attitude with him- used to do this everytime so the little one, Didi, just followed her mother's lead.
Everytime she does that is like a small needle stabs at your heart especially when just 2 weeks passed since Martha died of old age- the black cat was adopted when she was senior, abused and malnourished, your heart knew you couldn't leave her to be laid to rest like a nothing. You adopted her, she bit you and you petted her, she hissed you hugged her, you did everything you could think of to show love even brush her fur with a wet toothbrush end to mimic sweet kisses coming from her mom. The cat soon realized that and started living again. Cautious of your other 3 roommates, cuddly with you.
Anyway, you got sidetracked with reminiscing. You heard your friends in the kitchen, Sabrina throwing away the take out boxes and Sergiu preparing some tea, probably to calm his stomach after all the spicy curry he ate last night.
You fixed the oversized white t-shirt and pull the marine blue shorts out of your bottoms, Didi already waiting you by the door.
You all, Sabrina,Sergiu,Ace and you, live in a quaint apartment, turned from campus housing, right next to one of the malls of the city. It had two small bathrooms, a living room , three petite bedrooms ,a tiny kitchen, a rounded balcony and a hallway. It was much smaller than your family home but it was in a central zone where your family home was outside the city's boundaries. You chose it not only because you wanted to spare your family from driving you to university but also because you needed your freedom, your space. Your parents were very understanding of that.
-Y/n e trează? ( "Is Y/n awake?") Ace asked as he sipped on his black cofee.
Without, he would pretty much be a grumpy hedgehog with spiky tealish mohawk. And who wouldn't love that?
-Nu încă, ah! Uite-o! ("Not yet,ah! There she is") Sabrina exclaimed, getting up to hug you and leaving the smoking tea cup by the window.
"Hello." You said ,voice grungy and eyes shut from the light.
You felt the warm hands of your Arabic friend on your face filled with moles and couple of marks from recently popped pimples, you let yourself be engrossed into it ,the touch starvation you carry like a cross chosing for you.
You hear her laugh, she always had a pretty laugh and a prettier smile . She was the beauty of the group, with big puffy sand yellow curls, brown skin with red undertones and black eyes who glow in pure happiness. She was stunning and a sweetheart with an obsession on the colour red and butterflies.
"Someone is needy." Ace teased.
"Shut up or I will staple those hair triangles on your scalp. "
You wanted to say something better but Sabrina then started massaging your lower face in a circular manner with her thumb. You knew you couldn't do anything anymore except melt.
-Anyway ,unde e Sergiu? ("Anyway, where is Sergiu?")
-Ți-o făcut ceai, cane e pervaz. S-o dus până sus să o ajute pe Florentina.("He made you tea, the cup is on the windowsill. He went upstairs to help Florentina.") He said, taking another sip of his cup.
-Ooooh, Florentina. You two began as Ace shook his head in amusement.
You and Sabrina were known to be ruthless in your teasing of the guitarist with long brown locks and beard.
Florentina was a crush of his, a freshman in the University of Arts who played the violin beautifully. Small,with olive skin, long red hair keept in a 1960s hairstyle and green petite with a triangular shaped face. She was a sweetie with a love for fantasy book ,autumn and ferrets.
-Oh, yeah?
-Dup, iubitul ei se mută cu ea. ("Yup, her boyfriend moves in with her")
Ace sucked in his lip ,his face filled with disappointment just like theirs now.
-That sucks.
-Numai spune,Sabrina.("You don't say,Sabrina")
Just then, the door clicked shut. Sergiu is back, this will be awkward.
-Ce vă uitați așa la mine?("Why are you looking at me like that?")
Neither of them could properly looked into the warm brown eyes of the man whose glow seemed to fade a bit, Sergiu was a stubborn man who shut his feelings deep inside, only through his song you could tell he was suffering. Just like you, I suppose.
-Am auzit...("We heard...")
You bit your lips as your long fingers played with each other, twisting and tugging while your nerves grew. Last thing you wanted was another fight where you all force the man to open up. He had suicidal tendencies, sometimes he came too close to actually do it but you were there and you needed to be there now too, even if he doesn't like being taking care of.
Sergiu rolled his eyes at you, his heart hurt from how rigid your posture was, eyes were worried about him but also scared, teeth grinding themselves not out of anger but out of care and fear.
He knew you hated arguments and shouts with dying passion. You always cried when someone raised their voice in less than friendly manner, you hated this reaction of complete terror, you hated looking weak but now you hated letting your friend burn himself because of an unfortunate love triangle. So you swallowed your nerves and braved on, it's about him ,not you.
Sergiu wanted to protect you all from this negativity, especially you and Ace. You had a big event to organise , Ace's sex reassignment surgery is coming up soon. You both have your own problems to dwell ,you didn't need to have him as one too.
However somewhere in his head, a voice telling him that he was wrong ,that voice that took the shape of you in the night of July.
You were crying, your grey hoodie wet from the rain as you cling desperately to him, not daring to move.
He was the reason why you crying, why you yelled profanities our of worry for what he was about to do. He...He tried to throw himself off a bridge ,the same bridge you two first shared your kiss.
That dark episode still irked your minds in the darker moments, late in the night nothing but your mind to keep you company and that's torture in itself.
You thought you could help him, change whatever hurts him and make it go away. That was your biggest mistake, you can't change a person that's not your duty , your duty was to support them through tough times and help them see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. A duty you solemnly swore to uphold even if he didn't liked you to. There's no fucking way you let him do that again,not if you can be there for him. Like he was always there for you, your big guardian with a guitar that spews flames in shape of songs.
-Te rog, Sergiu. Nu ascunde. ("Please, Sergiu. Don't hide.")
Your eyes were desperate for him to talk it out in any shape or form. They implore for him to vent, to not hid between fake lies like " I am okay" or "I'm fine."
-Bine,bine. Tu ești șefa. ("Fine,fine. You're the boss.")
They talked and talked and cried and laughed and cried again. A never ending circle of venting ,small earthquakes which instead of fracturing the friendship , it onlyakes it stronger as it should.
-Te simți mai bine?("You feeling better?") Your voice ran timidly on the top of your apartment building, watching over the brutalist styled architecture.
-Un pic, doare știi dar asta îmi arată cât de îndrăgostit sunt de ea. Iubirea adevărată pentru mine nu se referă doar la a iubi doar dacă te iubește reciproc, nu , să iubești fără să forțezi persoană să te iubească înapoi. Să îi porți de grijă, să o protejezi, să o ajuți fără să fi un egoist, fără să te aștepți să fi iubit înapoi. ("A little, it hurts you know but this shows how much I love her. True love for me doesn't mean to love just so they will love you back, no, to love someone without forcing them to love you back. To care for them, to protect them, to help them without being an egotistic, to love without expecting to be loved back.")
He laughed at that , starring at the setting sun ,his lit cigar forgotten fumed between his painted fingers. His hair blown gently by the wind , he looked like a masterpiece.
-Scuze..pentru tot.("Sorry...for everything. ")
-N-ai de ce. Mi-ai făcut chec până la urmă așa că balanța eternă este restabilită.("You don't have a reason to be. You made me chek in the end and thus the eternal balance is restored.") You joked, munching quietly on the piece of cake, his jacket keeping you warm.
-Haha. Cine ar fi crezut că checul are fi o gustare bună când îți dai vent.("Haha. Who would have thought that chek will be a good snack when you vent.")
Indeed, who would have thought of that but one who cried in the sore days filled with heart ache.
Hope you like the third part of the serie, I wanted to focus on "your life" and your friends backgrounds this time. The translations are not 100% word to word but enought to give you context.
Anyway, I hope you like it. Stay safe!
Tagged 💗💗:@moolujk @gaysludge @simonsbluee @yoyoanaria @cherry-piee @magenta-skyline @yikesyikesyikes95
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tswwwit · 7 years
i just reread raised spirits because its one if my favorites and im curious how the next chapter is going (this isn't a push for you to work on it faster or anything, and i hope it doesn't come off as such, im just genuinely curious. take as much time as you need if your having trouble with it ;w; )
I…..  haven’t touched it in so long, due to writing slump.
That being said, I started working on it again today! Take a Sampler.
Dipper should probably get up. He rolls his shoulders, and sighs.
But… there’s nothing he’s supposed to do today, as far as he can think of. And it’s comfortable here. He could just wrap himself up in this feeling and sleep forever.
The covers are so fluffy and warm, keeping in tons of heat. Which might have been stifling, but there’s this full-length cool-side-of-the-pillow feeling pressed against his back, and draped over his side - one part of it even tucked between his legs.
This bed is awesome.
He shuffles in place, scooting backwards against that solid weight. The contrast between cool and warm -
Yes. Staying here is great, and comfortable. Best option.
Dipper rolls his face against his pillow, squeezes the cool weight between his thighs. It flexes, briefly, in between his legs, before relaxing itself-
Dipper snorts himself awake, and tries to sit up.
The bedroom is dark. He can’t see anything.
And that’s an arm around his waist. A leg between his own. A face smooshed into his hair.
Bill. Again.
Invading Dipper’s space. Again.
Bill doesn’t move any air when he breathes, but his occasional snoring is still audible. Dipper doesn’t groan in frustration, but only because it might get Bill’s attention.
So much for ever having nice things.
There’s a window in the bedroom, somewhere, Dipper saw that earlier - but not even the faintest bit of light is coming through the curtains. Still late - slash - early, nowhere near morning yet.
He shifts in place, eyes shut. 
And this absolute asshole had the sheer dickishness to crawl in bed with him. Greedy bastard wants everything he can get from -
Dipper darts his eyes around. Looking for a catch. If Dipper - reluctantly - shifts in place, he can feel Bill’s shirt against his back. When he pats this spirit’s arm, it’s visibly-slash-invisibly still clad in his suit jacket. He trails a foot down Bill’s leg…  
Crap, Bill still even has his shoes on.
Bill’s closer than he should be, and it’s awkward as hell, but Bill’s only touching Dipper, not. Touching Dipper. Both of them are still fully dressed, with two full layers of clothes between them. Four at the important bits.
Dipper still needs to get out of here.
And if he’s very careful -
He can slowly slides his legs away from Bill’s. Then inch away from his chest, pushing at the arm around his waist as carefully as possible. Dipper makes his way to the edge of the bed, slowly, slowly sliding out of this ghost’s grasp-
When he finally drops off the edge of the bed, Dipper whirls around, backing up against the wall, ready for anything.
Bill makes a soft, almost disappointed sound, and rolls over. Snorts, and relaxes.
Dipper slides down to sit on the floor. He almost wants to laugh.
There have been a lot of incidents in the Cipher mansion. They’d also been so erratic that it’d been reasonable to blame them on accidents, instead of ghosts.
But there is a ghost here. A poltergeist. An insane, powerful spirit.
Dipper watches Bill turn over again. Bill’s unsettled now, frowning - when he moves, some of the blankets seem to touch him. Only intermittently. It has no rhyme or reason, or physics. Bill’s ‘body’ doesn’t act like a normal one. The blankets move when he does. Somewhat. Most of the time, they fall through him. He’s not consciously moving them.
Dipper watches this spirit for a while. His breathing slows.
Then he laughs, very quietly. No wonder the sheets were disturbed before.
Bill sleeps.
Or - he goes dormant. Or something. Hibernates, maybe?
Knowing what Dipper does now, he can’t tell how ghosts work, or what happens when a ‘mind impression’ sleeps. But Bill hasn’t faded over… however long it’s been.
No matter how Dipper looks at it, Bill’s weird.
Before Dipper wandered in here, all the supernatural events were old enough to be stories. All that was left was that aura of fear. Maybe Bill caused other things, too. Dipper doesn’t know what a conscious ghost can do compared to an unconscious one…
But Bill was asleep. For a while.
Dipper’s fairly certain that’s part of why this place has been so calm. Barely anything’s happened, beyond the intermittent, excusable type of accident, and that aura making this place intrinsically terrifying.
Then, after all those years, something woke Bill up.
Dipper has a pretty good idea of what that was.
For the first time in a long time Bill was active, and aware. Full of all his power. When he’s awake to control it…
Dipper stands up, back dragging against the wall, drawing his shirt back down. He darts forward enough to snag the book Bill gave him. It’d fallen off the bed, while he was napping, but he’s not letting it go now.
Whatever caused all of this. Whatever’s going on. Right now Bill is, temporarily, asleep. Dormant.
This is Dipper’s absolute best chance of getting out of here, while Bill’s… napping, or whatever the heck it is he’s doing. He clutches the book to his chest. 
Sound may or may not alert Bill to what’s going on, but there’s no way in hell Dipper’s taking any chances.
He tiptoes, very carefully, out of the room. Pushes the door open slowly. very slowly - winces when it creaks. 
Bill’s still passed out.
Dipper backs out of the room on silent, unshoed feet.
The second he gets the door shut again, Dipper takes off down the hall as quickly and silently as he can, jogging for the exit, but trying to not thump the floorboards too hard.
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