#i hope this isn't too spammy
wozzlehere · 2 years
Me @ Darkstone Digital:
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fayzart136 · 25 days
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Run, rabbit, run!
[This is a repost, since I accidentally deleted my old blog! I'll be reposting my favorite works so that they're not impossible to find. It might be a bit spammy, so I'll tag them with "repost". I thought I'd start with my personal favorite drawing, to my recollection.]
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subhumanselflover · 4 months
HELLO! Is it too early for me to come back and request more romeo? I just think he's the cutest thing ever hfhfh I'd like some cute hcs like giving him a sheep plush or something If this is spammy of me you can disregard this rq dw ^^ - Bedman Anon
note: bedman anon no it is not too early!!! you can request whenever you want. anyway im taking this as an excuse to curate some of my personal bedman hcs for you because i’m kind of crazy abt him. i’m currently getting off of a two week period of listening to the circle obsessively and telling anyone who would listen abt romeo lore. also, please assume these hcs are in an au where bedman is awake because.. that part of canon is very difficult to write with like 90% of the time. anyway!
A Handful of Bedman (Romeo F. Neumann) Headcanons for one Bedman Anon!
First of all I love the sheep plushie idea. That is canon to me now.
Actually.. perhaps in addition to that, I think he might collect plushies. When the bed isn't in fighting mode, it is lined with his stuffed friends :]
Also, he seems like the type to name all of his plushies. Except because it's Bedman, they all have complicated and refined names.
Kind of canon, but his buckwheat pillow is his #1 comfort item.
A sweet older brother hc for you, I think Delilah struggles with sleep deprivation, which leads to Bedman throwing together warm milk with cinnamon and honey for her. He's been doing it since they were younger, and she still asks for it now. They both swear by it working.
Bedman has.. interesting music taste. While you'd expect him to mostly listen to something classical, that's a rare piece of his taste. I don't know why, but some part of me feels like he would love something like Love Live. I am chuckling at the mental image of Romeo listening to silly anime girl music.
On the topic of music, I think he knows how to play piano. It's a random thing he learned as a child that stuck with him.
Adding to both of those above. Rhythm game fiend. He's crazy good at stuff like Bandori, Taiko no Tatsujin, Osu!, etc etc.
Oh my gosh I almost forgot. I think, though part of me feels this is canon, that he is a huge cinema nerd. Google show me this guy's letterboxd account.
Additional thought, I think maybe he likes Studio Ghibli and Wes Anderson movies. They're sort of comforting to him.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
Smol Brainstorm: Poker with a Twist?
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Author's note: I hope I'm not spammy with these brainstorms although it's not the new chapter yet. Let this hold you while I work on the new chapter. Another smol idea I found! I'll probably modify it when I get there to add it in. Implied smutty stuff in this one. I'll make a masterlist of all these brainstorms soon too!
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz
Jennie checked her phone to see a text from Jungkook.
JK: Where are you?
Jen: My room. 
JK: I wanna play a game
Jen: Overwatch?
JK: A card game. The hyungs are staying out for a while. 
Jen: Cards?? Okay then. I'll be waiting 
When he arrived at the dorm he went straight into her room and shut the door, locking it.
"Is there a reason why you locked my door?" She laughed.
"Yes. You familiar with Poker?" He cut right to the chase.
"Yeah, are you?"
"I recently just learned how to play it. Namjoon and Hobi kind of talked about it."
"Oh God, what did they say?" she groaned, thinking something silly was about to go down.
"Never mind that." He got on her bed with her. "You and I are going to play Poker."
"All right, then. Prepare to lose."
"You didn't let me explain all the rules." He raised his eyebrow suggestively.
"I know the rules."
"Not to this special version of the game. This isn't just any poker game."
"Well, what type of game is it?"
"Strip poker."
She laughed nervously. "Come again?"
"If I win a game, you strip. If you win a game, I strip."
Jennie began to think about a shirtless Jungkook in front of her and decided to nod in approval. "So, how far are we taking this?"
"As far as we want. It could end up with one of us naked. The winner gets to take off the loser's underwear if we want to go that far."
"Ooh, okay." She smiled at the idea. "Now, what happens if I win the whole game and you've taken off everything."
"I can do whatever you want."
"Hm...okay. I think I want you...to give me a lap dance."
He let out a chuckle. "I can do that. If I win, I want you to be on top."
"On top?"
He nodded. "I want you to ride me."
"But I-I uh, never actually done that, before." She nervously chuckled at his bold request.
"I know. And that's why I'll guide you and get a front row seat at watching you become undone. We'll experience it together."
"I don't become undone, Kook." She waved his comment away.
"Oh really? Last time we were in bed, I remember you trying to keep quiet as you struggled to hold on to me while I made love to you,"
"I-I do not recall that!"
"What was that you whimpered, that night? Oh yeah, 'Kookie, please don't stop.'"
He hit the nail right on the wall with that statement as Jen began to feel her face heat up even more. She didn't want to admit that she was salty, but he was telling the truth. That was a passionate night. Somehow some way they had time to be alone together with no one around and he decided to go at a faster pace. Curse his hips. He made her feel so good so effortlessly, that night. 
"I mean, I could do it again..." He suggested. "This time with you on top."
The thought of him watching her as if she was on top of him caused her to feel flushed. Ever since their first time, he's gained the confidence to ask to try new and bolder things.
"I'll lift you up and down. Don't worry. You'll probably enjoy it way more than me." He guaranteed.
"Y-you haven't even won the game and you're getting confident."
"Even if I lose, I know you still wanna ride me. I saw that look in your eyes." He smirked. 
"Let's play." She snatched the deck of cards from him.
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theequeerstrian · 2 years
Hey folks, it's been a hot minute since I posted about this, so I hope this isn't too spammy. But I'd really appreciate it if we could get this spread around?
I'm really hoping 2023 might be the year I finally get to yeet the teets
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lucss21a · 8 months
The Blue Pages: Yellow Pages for the Old Web
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Go there now!
Hello there again! As you know, this site directory is now turned into it's own very site. Why? Because that's more cooler and somehow intuitive.
As I explain on the title, The Blue Pages serves as an old web counterpart to Yellow Pages, an item from the bygone era of traditional telephone where you open the book to find local businesses and services in your are to call in.
The Blue Pages serves as a much niche complement to both the White and Yellow Pages, instead of either providing a residential directory or a directory for local businesses, it's a directory of old web (and sometimes modern web) sites or platforms that you could visit or use nowadays.
But wait, isn't this Google?
Yes... and no. Yes, we are listing websites to search for just like Google, and no because I will do things differently.
See, even during it's 25 year old lifespan as a big tech company, Google slowly is becoming an advertising powerhouse and not only just only search engines. Google, Bing and other modern search engines rely too much on the algorithms, which is horribly being abused by mostly spammy websites, AI generated bullcrap and more than more often than not, Reddit is added to suffixes of most tech related search queries.
The Blue Pages differs by mimicking real life yellow pages. While yellow pages sites exists, it mimics the directories for something like hotels, so I decided to go with the same style as the physical yellow pages.
In this layout, while it is only alphabetical and categorized, it doesn't rely on algorithms, as it is already relevant to a particular audience. Much of the listings on the page are included by me or from submissions I saw on Mastodon, Discord or SpaceHey.
But how do I use it?
Easy! Go to the Blue Pages site, choose a category, and find which website do you want to visit!
How about putting my own site or my friend's?
Submit them to me! I'll review it myself and would put it there within days! You can send submissions on Mastodon, Discord, SpaceHey or Email, but I can\'t guarantee that I could read it immediately.
What if I put ads on it?
You can! But it's purely limited. I don't allow heavy use of JavaScript, server-side scripting or malicious code injected in the ad. Please send your code to me on a pastebin or in Codepen, as well as where to put it.
Available types
Inline - Put your ad as a listing only! Only uses text.
Single column - Occupy a single column.
Multi-column - More columns, more fun!
All columns - More^2 columns, more fun!
Why do this?
Because search engines are designed with a broader audience and this only aims an obviously smaller one.
It's cool and much more elaborate than a list only with descriptions.
Because I can.
To have something from the physical world to the digital, literally.
And, I could procrastinate for longer periods.
So what now?
The Blue Pages is open source, in fact I made it a specification so everyone could use it.
I wanted everyone to embrace it, and adapt it for their communities. The Blue Pages will connect sites together as the directory is relevant to your niche interests, but without the invasive stuff in it.
If you are wondering about the old site directory, then it would be archived but unlinked except for the sitemap.
By this, I hope that you could reflect onto what the internet was in ye olden days, and also to have fun browsing.
With the Blue Pages, you can Let Your Fingers Walk on Water. Quite literally. Yes, we literally downgraded from actual search engines but, do you even mind that? You are in your own anyways, so why not check out the directory.
As for those curious, you can see the directory here.
And as always, see you next time!
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(Original post)
Sorry for the repost, but I realized I forgot his chin stripe but didn't have time to fix it until after work. ToT Didn't want to delete or try to edit the original post when it'd been up so long. Hope this way isn't too spammy :x
I was so proud of myself for finally remembering his eyeliner too. Alas. =w=;;
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hope this isn't too spammy of me, but I needed to come here and let you know that I'm absolutely obsessed with your abbyxreader fic, and it was only natural I made my roommate sit through the tlou2 game play with me during the last few days lololol and now she's reading your fic too. ty for ur service
🫡 pleased to provide my service. Bringing more into The Last of Us/Abby Anderson fold. I don’t have a degree in English + Creative Writing for nothing lol.
If you’re looking for a long-form Abby Anderson X reader fic with angst, smut, violence, and whatnot, so was I. So I wrote it.
Link To the Fic
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"[KRIS] I... I was too late to cut my strings... but I believe you can free yourself of your own."
hehehe, L O R E. Anyways, really felt like going all out on something, and this is the result! ^D^ Obviously, there isn't a NEO fight in this AU, at least, not in the neutral route anyway (I have ideas on three different 'routes' btw. Neutral, Snowgrave, and then a 'true' route. Also the "attack Spam and literally skip this entirely" but we don't count that one-) So Spamton says this before the fountain is sealed, or maybe after they finish the puzzle and fix the switch. Well, either way he says it lol. Also, yep. Butler Spammy has weird eyes, and it's actually part of what moved the this universe into the direction it's in. It'll be revealed in due time >:]c
Hope you guys like it!
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TF2 Summer 2023 Map Tier List*
*Not including the VSH maps because I've only gotten to try a couple of them on community servers, since it still doesn't work in Casual
S Tier-
Taking the top of the list, it should be no surprise to see Phoenix here. The map is GORGEOUS and incredibly unique in its art style while fitting perfectly into TF2, and it plays incredibly smoothly. Every point offers something slightly different, and overall the map always plays incredibly well. This is one of the best maps I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
Do you have any idea how long I've waited for another map that plays like cp_steel? Sulfur was a map I'd been very much hoping to see in this update, and here it is! It's aesthetics are beautiful and expand upon the same visual style we see in Suijin, and though its layout and unique objective takes a minute to figure out, it's incredibly fun and feels overall quite balanced.
A Tier-
LOOK AT THE SEAL GO LOOK AT THE SEAL IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN HIM! Cuteness aside, this is the first Player Destruction map that isn't season-locked that we've gotten since the mode was first added with pd_watergate, which is absurd because there's 7 total maps in the gamemode. It plays well enough, with shorter buildings that you can traverse atop, but the real draw of this map is the seals and how damn cute they are. In terms of gameplay, though, it can be a bit lacking. It feels very cramped at times with how small the map is, and this makes certain classes feel disproportionately powerful, especially Gunslinger Engie. Regardless, though, it's not a bad experience, and it remains at the top of A Tier. Mainly because of the seals.
This one's been around a while. Never heard of it by name, but I had heard of its unique winding second point before, which is interesting, though in my experience the real gameplay comes in the choke immediately afterward. In terms of looks, it's quite nice, though not the most distinctive of this update. In terms of gameplay, it's also quite nice, though it tends to get very chokey as Payload often does. This may just be everyone still needing to learn the map, though. Also there was that day-1 bug where RED could just walk right into BLU spawn, which was interesting.
I mainly like this map because you can ride the train, I'll be real. That's not to say it isn't a great map in other regards as well, I just really like the trains. But regardless, this map has a stunning visual aesthetic, and I'd be shocked if it weren't the map with the most trains in all of TF2, which is certainly a proud accomplishment. The dilapidated train depot turned doomsday device storage facility is visually striking, and hiding around the McGuffin on the center point to capture it is interesting gameplay-wise, though it tends to get very spammy and the walls around the point combined with Engineers being able to set up within them means some very nasty and annoying nests can be made. It's also a very inviting map for projectile spam onto the point, with plenty of space above and an open roof to facilitate this. Gameplay-wise it's a mixed bag, but it's so visually interesting it can't go any lower than this.
B Tier-
Remember when we all knew this map was being added way beforehand because Valve slipped up? Yeah, good times. This map has some neat, unique stuff going for it. The control point is a fishing boat, it has shark tanks in spawn, there's the sharks, obviously, and there's even a new kill icon for them. Pretty neat. While I love how this map looks, it tends to go very one-sided in terms of how it plays. I have yet to have a solid back-and-forth on this map, and one team usually rolls the other, though admittedly it has just released, and it may get better with time.
It's a solid 5cp map. The aesthetics are fairly unique. Doesn't really have anything too interesting about it, though, at least in terms of gameplay. I don't have much to complain about with Reckoner, but there isn't much that stands out about it to me. Comes with all the rolls and stalemates of any 5cp map.
Rounding out the bottom of B Tier we have Hardwood. It's a pretty good map. It generally plays fine in my experience. Three full points to capture give it a decent bit of length without stretching on like multi-stage Attack/Defend maps do. Visually, it's quite nice, but it doesn't really strike me as anything too special. It's well-done, but it isn't the most unique. Not much to really complain about, of course, but I can't lump all the good maps into S and A Tier, so here it sits, the lowest of the maps that I actually really like.
C Tier-
Pelican Peak
For a Capture the Flag map, Pelican Peak is great. A tad small, but it has a nice visual aesthetic with the fog and the alpine setting and the bridge over the center. Unfortunately, it's Capture the Flag, and it really doesn't do anything to remedy the usual problems the gamemode has, especially with only a couple routes into a frankly rather small intel room with a briefcase you have to climb up a small structure to get to. If Capture the Flag were a good mode, this map would be much higher. Unfortunately, it isn't.
D Tier-
Aesthetically, this map is fine. It's unique, taking place in, of course, Venice, Italy. However, there's a lot that's just a bit off about this map and makes it easily the weakest of the entire update. For one, the texturing feels a bit weird. Maybe it's just me, but in a lot of spots the textures just look off, particularly on the corners of buildings. I'd love to be more descriptive, but I am running on very little sleep and this is hard to describe. Love to see if anyone else sees it the same way or if I'm just losing my marbles. Also the floating cart on the first point looks really really weird. It doesn't look like it should be buoyant, and it doesn't have a custom model that would suggest it is nor anything guiding it along a track, so it doesn't look like it's floating in the water as much as levitating in it. But visuals aside, this map is hell to play on. It's chokey, has absolutely ridiculous sightlines without much cover, and if BLU doesn't roll, they're probably not making it to the final point. Aside from Pelican Peak which is only not-great because it's Capture the Flag, this is the only map in the entire update that I find frankly disappointing.
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wozzlehere · 2 years
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Hope this isn't too spammy, but I think Ben is the only one who understands/likes/defends Matt's clothing choices. Mello on the other hand vehemently denies that Matt has any style.
Mello whenever Matt dresses himself
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cobra-in-singapore · 3 years
Hello hello I hope I’m not bothering you! I’ve got a request for our Spammy boi. Okay so I get really flustered easily. Like is someone were to innocently flirt, give me a compliment, or dumb pickup lines I freeze and just squeal. Anybody who sort of like corners me regardless of height or uses a deeper voice make me melt. Sooo, how would Spamton use this information?
Sorry for the delay, I don't have much time with studying for Tambler. Thanks for the question!
Spamton x Easily embarrassed Reader Headcanons Request
And so, you're easily embarrassed. Although you may look like someone who isn't that type, you really are very much in love and you melt with romance. So Spamton discovered that very quickly.
It was okay from the beginning, he only occasionally used affectionate nicknames but still stayed at a professional distance. After all, who's a successful businessman without a proper reputation?
However, when you became on a more friendly, relaxed relationship he became more proactive about it. When he really needed something or you told him not to, he would resort to flirting tactics. In fact, you lost to him very often. All this turned into a kind of small war. You flirt and flirt with each other, if not constantly then very often, because you have also found that Spamton is quite easy to embarrass.
"HEY BABY, ARE YOU FREE [Lonely Night] TODAY? BECAUSE MY MICROSHEMS AND [merchandise catalog only tonight!] ARE SHIFTING FROM YOU"
"Oh, I don't even know, sweetie. I don't usually do gymnastics, but I can show you a few tricks in my room"
It's hilarious to watch. Do you also find it mildly amusing? You and Spamton are pretty close, because he wouldn't act like that with his old friends or just his buddies. After all, he really liked you. And when I say "a lot" that's what I mean, because Spamton secretly keeps a diary of your flirtatious and pick-up lines, trying to use something newer and more original every time.
And you actually keep one too! Your heart wasn't indifferent to this little Darkner, honestly you've thought about asking him more than once about starting to date him, but every time you get flushed and can't stand the ideas for too long, they're too embarrassing.
Still, when you celebrate Christmas together, you'll hang mistletoe and casually stand under it or walk by the moment Spampton is under it, too. To tell you the truth, you both stood under it on purpose, pretending it was an accident, yet your faces glowed as brightly as Christmas lights.
"S-so, um...y-you know the tradition? This kind of w-whatever?" your heart fluttered in your chest, you tried to hide your excitement and casually leaned against the doorjamb with your arms crossed over your chest. Typical bad girl.
"YES, I'VE HE HEARD OF T-THIS" Spamton was totally copying your actions. What kind of lovesick fools, "WHAT, A-AH, I [ratings are up!!!] THAT WOULD G-G-GET [[KISS]] FRO FROM YOU?" His voice quavered and glitched slightly, Spamton's face pouring redder and redder.
Only after a minute did you pull yourself together and take the first step, lifting the petite salesman up to eye level and slowly, very awkwardly, touching his lips with yours. Were you surprised at the fact that he has lips at all because he's a robot? At least you thought so. Well until Spamton hesitated to deepen your kiss, making you explode inside with emotion.
You stood there like two lovebirds until you ran out of air and let go of Darkner, nearly dropping him. Well, both of you confessed your feelings, and that same day you officially started dating Spamton. Your pickup war had come to an end, the hatchet was buried! Well, almost. You're still embarrassed as your lover drowns you in compliments and tirades of love for you, and you in turn shower him with kisses and hugs, making the steam go off a heated Spamton
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anisaanisa · 3 years
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Chapter 35: Fingertips Summary: Sometimes, all it takes is one word. A love story told in 100-word drabbles. Rating: T (For Now) Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Romance, Fluff, Slice of Life, Meet Cute, They’re Both Idiots Your Honour
Inuyasha hoped she got the message because he sure as shit wasn't going to explain it. Even if he tried, he would fail, no hesitation.
"Why an arrow?"
"Well…y-you mentioned archery in high school." He was already sweating. "And Eros’ weapon of choice was an arrow…"
Her brow furrowed. "Eros? As in Cupid?" She glanced at the little arrow pinched between her fingertips, and he wished she would just get it.
Because he wasn't good at this, and maybe the metaphor was stupid, and he could probably still return it–
A smile curved her lips. “He got you, huh?”
Read it on AO3 ▶
Schedule update below the cut 👇
We’re back to 3 times a week - Mon/Wed/Fri 📆
I did the math. With the number of chapters I have and the frequency of posting I’m currently working with, I would be uploading this thing until June 2022, and honestly?
Fuck that.
So, I’ve figured out a system that works well for me to fit it around Life™ and hopefully isn't too spammy. Forehead kisses for you I love you the most.
Ttyl bbs <3
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
As a Swatchton propaganda spreader I must do what I must
Prompt: it's a special night for the Addisons, going to such a high-quality place like Color Cafe is something they don't do very often. They're all amazed at different things about it, and Spamton in particular is intrigued by a certain bird taking care of the establishment.
Hell yes! I love that promt!
Alright here we go!
As always keep sending in prompts ^^ I'll keep answering them whenever I'm free and as many as you guys like
They have all been working really hard and have made alot of money this week and thought that maybe they should treat themselves a bit
So they decided to go to the Colorcafé for the first time, well, that didn't involve fighting in the alley
Let's hope no one saw that
And it would also help the little addison get accustomed to the place and might help with his sales more
All in all it was a great idea, so when they finished heir shift off they headed to the new café in town
"Wait, where are we going? Cybergrill is over there"
Ah right, they wanted to surprise Spamton to where they were going so they didn't exactly told him before hand
"Don't worry Spammy, today we decided to try something knew and I think you will like it" Orange said with a wink
That definitely got him excited to see where they were going, but no one would tell him no matter how much he asked. "It's a surprise" they would reply
Didn't matter though, it was a special place and they rarely got to go out so Spamton was more then happy to go
Once they reached the place his puppet jaw dropped. It's the Colorcafé one of the most expensive stores in town
"Ta-da!" All of the addisons said in Union showing off the place
"This... this is the place we are going to!? Isn't it super expensive!" The little one said in shock
"Well, we thought that maybe, since we all worked so hard, we deserved a little treat" said pink with a slight blush
"And it would help you with your sales, to see what people liked and would buy" added Yellow with a smiled, to wich all the addions nodded too
Spamton's eyes started to water a bit "You guys..." he managed to choke out, quickly drying his eyes before any tears could dare to fall
"C'mon big shot, let's go inside" Pink said, putting a hand behind his back and leading him inside with the rest
Once seated, Spamton took a look around. The place was so well put together, the mixture of warm colours and monochrome ones fit perfectly with the aesthetic and was so pleasing to the eyes
The waiters all dressed nicely, each had different colours on them
One waiter that came to their table caught his eye though. They had a black and white suit with a pink tie, there was a pink circle on the black side of the suit and a blue, green and yellow squares on the white side of it
They wore a orange and yellow tinted glasses and their feathers were very well groomed
He hadn't even noticed he was staring until one of his brothers caught his attention
"-ammy, heeey have you picked your order yet?"
Spamton shook his head out his daze, realizing everyone was now staring at him waiting for an answer
"A-ah yes! Yes! I would like ah uuuh" he quickly looked through the menu and picked a random food as he, in fact, did not pick anything yet
"Butler Juice!" He said maybe a bit to loud
The waiter blinked a few times in surprise by how loud he saided but soon composed himself "alight, I'll be back with your orders soon enough" he said walking away
One they were gone Spamton slid down his chair face pinker then Pink's
"Awww does our little spamton have a crush?" Yellow teased
"N-no!" He denied, but his stutter and burning face was a hot giveaway and no matter how much he denied, it was obvious wich only prompted his brothers to teas him more
"Awww he does have a crush!"
"How cute"
"Let's come here more often then so you can have a shot with him"
At the last one Spamton seemed to shrink more, if that was even possible, but more of sadness them embarrassment
"Oh who are you kidding, I'm a nobody. What makes you think that somone as rich and gorgeous as them will want a salesman that can't even make a sale!"
The teason quickly stopped and the addions looked at him worriedly "Spammy, don't say something like that. Just cus you gut unlucky on some sales doesn't mean you're not likable, quite the opposite actually. Just give it a shot" Pink tried to comfort putting a hand over his shoulder
"Yeah, you tried the impossible before and even when you failed you kept trying" Orange added
"Ajd besides, there are plenty of fish in the sea, so even if it doesn't work out it's quite alright" Yellow said with a small smile
"Yeah, we can be your wing mans!" Banner said cheerfully
Spamton lightened up a bit "Thanks guys, but really, it's just a silly little crush I should be fine"
While he worked on the orders, they couldn't help but keep staring over to a particular table he was serving
They couldn't help but smile when a certain little white puppet would laugh
"Uh, boss? Boss the order, it's ready" one of the swatchlings said snapping swatch out of his thoughts
"Oh goodness graciouse, I apologise. Just got a bit distracted" Swatch said grabbing the servings
"Yeah, I'm sure you were" the swatchling said with a small smirk and his eyebrows lifted glancing over their shoulders to the table where the addisons resided in
"Oh, shut it you" Swatch said to them before walking away to give out the food
They couldn't help but smile when he walked over to their table and the little addison became all nervouse, he was kinda cute, no, he was really cute
He walked back to the their place to wait for more customers to greet
"Isn't those guys the ones from the alley way?" One of the swatchlings asked the eldest
"Oh, yeah they are" Swatch smiled "it's good to see he's ok"
"Yeah, he seemed pretty shaken up before"
Swatch nodded. When he heard commotion happening in the back they had went there to check what was going on and when they saw the man punching the poor salesman he was ready to jump in and help
But it seemed his help was not needed as the other addisons had come to help, but they'd be a liar is he said he wasn't worried after the whole ordeal
Soon the addisons left, delighted by the experience. The food was as good, maybe even better, then they had expected and it was definitely worth the price
Before they left Spamton walked up to Swatch "Excuse me"
Swatch turned and looked down to the source of the voice "Oh, hello there. How may I help you?"
Spamton cleared his throat "I just wanted to compliment you on your work here, it is truly amazing" he said face flushed, he was surprised he wasn't stuttering every word that came out of his mouth
They smiled, a small blush forming "Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay here"
"Spammy! Where are you? We are leaving" one of the addisons called out
Spamton turned around then back at swatch "I- well, I should go" he quickly said
"Yeah, have a good rest of your day"
"Y-you as well!" And with that Spamton was off
As they watched the group walk away he smiled
They hopped he'd come here more often
Hope you enjoyed it ^^
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me: i hate this quiz it bring me pain also me: lets do this quiz for all my da ocs
couldn't help myself and did the "why do you hurt" quiz for everyone else too because it's not like I've had enough hurt for one day
below the cut so it isn't as spammy lol
Neira: you were meant to
it was built into you. designed for you. there is pain here because it was meant for you, and how fucking dare they. your suffering is not their right. you hurt because they gave you ways to suffer and carved it into you when you could not breathe, because the intention always was that they could weaponize your pain against you. it is Yours. You are Yours. How fucking dare they. they cannot make you theirs; do not let them try.
(the "because the intention always was that they could weaponize your pain against you" part fits painfully well with how the Circle indoctrinated her with the fear of herself and her magic, which something she never really gets rid of even after getting more comfortable with and accepting of herself and her nature (so the "how fucking dare they" is sadly not an attitude she ever arrives at))
June: this isn't enough for you
the words creep into your head in the dead of night one night and you cannot get rid of them. 'this isn't enough for me anymore'. you thought this was enough for you at some point, or maybe you hoped that it would be, but it isn't, and it hurts. you need to change something, or die trying. this - life like this - does not make life worth living. there is a lump in your throat that demands attention every waking moment of the day. there is pain in your body like a cavernous maw you cannot keep balance over. this is not what you wanted. you need to change. you can't stay here. it is not a character flaw you want more.
(fits really well for her kinda snapping and deciding to go feral when she was still living with her family when she was done trying and failing so hard to live up to all the "you have to" and "you need to" and only being met with disapproval and disappointment, and like her entire rebellious attitude that comes from that. Does take her a while to learn that she doesn't have to prove to everyone that she's allowed to be herself by defying them...)
Kalagna: because you cannot hold freedom
the sky is only air. the ocean is only water. the only freedom you will ever have is breathing, drawing this air again & again & again & again. You have to exhale, and it costs you something - you have to quench your thirst and it comes back again - there is nothing solid in being free, it is not a status to be achieved but an action to do. Free is an active status, and you worry you'll somehow forget. there are people who would control you. there are orders you could obey. you keep coming back to take this next breath, your own part of the forever-freedom of the sky, but sometimes you think to hold your breath. it is deceptively peaceful underwater. you don't know if you would notice it if you started drowning.
(wow okay this one sounds a lot more profound than I think fits Kala lmao but in it's essence it's suits her incredibly well, because she basically believes that there is no "real freedom", but not in a nihilistic or depressing sort of way? More in a "it's just the way it is, you decide what you make of it" kind of way, if that makes sense? It's a mindset that's carried her through her life in Dusttown and that made her really strong I think, but also the "free is an active status and you worry you'll somehow forget" fits her to a t)
Lilian: this isn't enough for you
the words creep into your head in the dead of night one night and you cannot get rid of them. 'this isn't enough for me anymore'. you thought this was enough for you at some point, or maybe you hoped that it would be, but it isn't, and it hurts. you need to change something, or die trying. this - life like this - does not make life worth living. there is a lump in your throat that demands attention every waking moment of the day. there is pain in your body like a cavernous maw you cannot keep balance over. this is not what you wanted. you need to change. you can't stay here. it is not a character flaw you want more.
(got this one for her as well but it fits her too. After a few years in Kirkwall passively witnessing the oppression and after a lifetime of hiding away she is sick of suppressing part of her identity and silently lurking in the shadows, instead deciding to openly oppose and challenge the system -- loudly, boldly and fully ready to face any and all consequences head on)
Arari: you're choking on how much you have to try
you have tried. you have carried the weight of the world on your shoulders and accepted more responsibilities than you have ever wanted, even intended to gain. it isn't crushing - you are strong enough to hold it - but you are choking. you don't know what to do with it. you don't know where it goes, how to move this weight everyone knows you can hold onto, and do you even want to get rid of it? Never. You would not give this to - force this on - anyone else. but you /can't/. but you are choking on it. your body will hold it up even when you lose all the air in your lungs, and your footing, and your courage. it does not mind choking you. it seems almost designed to do so. if you weren't wrung out you wouldn't be doing this thing properly.
(oof this is another one that fits painfully well :') the "it isn't crushing - you are strong enough to hold it - but you are choking"? 100% him. He doesn't even fully realise just how much everything strains him but it most certainly does. And he is definitely the "I'd rather it's me than anybody else" type, so, yea.....)
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