#i hope you like the paci i found for you!!
regal-rosebuds · 5 months
ꔫHow to Voluntarily Age Regress
ꔫHi all! I wanted to post this, but I can't call it as much a "guide" as I usually would, since it is purely my anecdotal experience!
ꔫNonetheless, I hope this is helpful to you in your endeavors!
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ꔫTypically, when I am trying to regress, I start with age dreaming! This comes with a number of things, maybe it's:
Watching cartoons or another piece of media that I find comforting or that I've found puts me in the space
Coloring a picture or doing worksheets
Babytalking with my cgs, babysitters or other in-community friends
^Asking my cgs/babysitters to care for me as if I am already regressed
^^Generally interacting with other littles or friends I find comforting
Scrolling agere tags on here or ingesting other agere content
Using little gear like pacis, bottles, etc.
Playing with toys or playing video games that I've found put me in the space
Listening to a playlist that one of my cgs made me
Writing agere headcanons or making content of my ocs who regress
Daydreaming about agere outings, playdates, etc.
Going shopping and looking at toys
Cuddling, holding hands, getting my hair pet, etc.
ꔫThis is just a short list of things I've put together, there's a lot more that could be done, especially since it's extremely individual! This is just what works for me!
ꔫFrom there, I try to maintain this comforting and safe space by not taking on any work/responsibilities or really anything else not suitable for my small age.
ꔫAnd, it’s not like it’s a 100% success rate either! Sometimes, I’m just not feeling it; sometimes, I just continue age dreaming for the rest of the night! For me, you can’t really force it — it’s okay if it does happen, it’s okay if it doesn’t!
ꔫSome other helpful things:
I find it much easier to slip when I’m tired.
You might feel kinda silly being big and trying to do your small things, but that’s okay!
It’s not just a switch one can flip, so don’t be frustrated if it doesn’t come easily!
It’s different for everyone — for some people it comes really easily, for some people not so easily. Some people need to do a specific set of things and have a specific set of conditions to regress. Going further:
Not everyone can voluntarily regress, and that’s okay, but there’s no harm in trying it out!
ꔫWhile this isn’t as educational as my other posts, I still hope that you are able to find it helpful!
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angelbaby-fics · 6 months
Ur finally opend ur request again yayyyyyy
So I'm very sick rn and I thought of daddy stucky x little reader x little Peter where she is sick but they dont notice it until they are at the avenger tower and she fell asleep while playing with her stuffys and her friends and Peter goes to daddy buck and is like "daddy tiny fell asleep" and he is like huh again? And then they found out that she's sick 🥺
Daycare Dilemma
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Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: What a precious idea 🥺 I love older brother Peter & I love that you guys do too 💕 I changed up the request just slightly but I hope you still love it!! 💕
The day started just as well as any other day. You had breakfast with your family at the kitchen table, one of Steve’s records playing softly in the corner of the room while Bucky cut your pancake into bite-size pieces. Peter’s spoon chimed against his bowl as he shoveled sugary cereal into his mouth. The sun was a bit bright on your sleepy eyes, but aside from that you couldn’t complain. The mornings were your favorite part of the day anyways. 
Syrupy pancake bites scratched down your throat, but you chalked it up to having just woken up. Even Bucky could tell you were taking a bit longer than usual to perk up that morning, and he rubbed your back reassuringly as you took some sips from your water cup. You usually sat in your own chair, but today you ate breakfast in Bucky’s lap. He and Steve had some business to attend to at the compound so he soaked up every moment with you before he had to go to work. 
Thankfully, the compound had a daycare center not far from the meeting rooms, so they knew you and Peter would be in good hands while they were busy. Mr. Stark had spared no expense on all the amenities a kid could dream up and then some. There was a massive indoor playground with swirling slides that led outside the building into the courtyard garden, a motorized swing set that took you far higher than the swings at any park you’d been to, and a trampoline built right into the floor, surrounded by soft plush barriers to minimize injury. Staff members were always available for the kiddos that needed more hands on supervision, while F.R.I.D.A.Y. kept track of the more independant little ones. 
You often looked forward to getting to spend time there, but today, all you really wanted to do was stay curled up in Bucky’s arms. Steve could barely keep Peter’s hand in his as you all approached the daycare entrance, the boy’s excitement practically propelling him towards the door. Yours and Peter’s backpacks were slung over Steve’s shoulder, while Bucky focussed all his energy on carrying you. He could tell you were quiet, and clingier than usual; he assumed you were anxious about being separated from your daddies so soon after breakfast, and he wanted to drop everything and stay home with you. But it was a very important meeting, and a rather short one at that, and he whispered reassuringly in your ear that he’d be back before you knew it to snuggle on the couch for the rest of the day. 
Bucky sat you down in the younger kids area, correctly assuming that your lack of energy today was an indicator of a smaller headspace. This area had a big tent full of pillows and blankets, a big tv, and some soft toys and stuffies strewn around for you to crawl and find. Steve came over with the backpacks, puting Peter’s in a nearby cubby, and removing the pacifier and bottle from yours before putting it in the cubby as well. Peter was long gone already, climbing up the playscape as high as he could go. You took your things from Steve with a soft smile, immediately putting your paci in your mouth and leaning up to tap it against your daddy’s lips. Then you reached out for Bucky so you could do the same for him. 
“We’ll see you soon, okay lovebug?” Bucky said softly, tugging his thumb across your cheek. 
“We won’t be long, promise. Love you, babydoll.” Steve added, and the two stood up, leaving you in the baby room as they went back out into the main room towards the exit.
“Make sure to keep an eye on your sister,” Steve called up to Peter, who was perched on the top level of the playground with an arm stretched out towards the ceiling, “And no webs indoors!”
Peter lowered his arm dejectedly, rolling his eyes as your daddies turned to leave for their meeting. At the last minute he called out “Bye Daddy! Bye Baba!”
The tv was playing Winnie The Pooh, which you liked very much, so you gathered some of the pillows and blankets to make a little nest for yourself. You weren’t hungry for your bottle yet, so you set it aside as you got yourself comfortable. The daycare felt colder than usual, and your toes were feeling like little icicles in your socks, so you pulled as many blankets as you could over yourself, just your face peeking out to watch the tv screen. Your blinks got longer and longer until eventually you were snoring softly in the confines of the tent. 
It didn’t take very long for Peter to get bored of playing by himself, and soon climbed down from the playscape to look around for you. He might have missed you all hidden in your nest if his spidey sense hadn’t suddenly picked up your raised temperature and raspy breathing. Peter bounded into the tent and couched by your side, not sure if he should wake you up and ask what's wrong, or let you rest. He looked around the room for a daycare attendant or someone he could ask for help, but he saw a familiar face instead. 
“Hey, Angel!” Steve greeted, entering the baby area while Bucky signed you out at the entrance. “Are you checking on your little sister?” The meeting had been just as short as they’d promised. 
“Baby’s sleepin’,” Peter replied with a shrug, making Steve’s eyebrows furrow.
“Again? Did she sleep the whole time?” He asked, softly brushing aside the blankets so he could caress your face. He could tell from the moment he made contact with your skin that you were running a fever. 
“Everything alright in here?” Bucky asked, joining his family. He could feel Steve’s tenseness as he entered the room.
“Looks like we’re gonna have to give this one a little extra loving when we get home,” Steve answered, scooping you up with the blanket still wrapped around you so as not to disturb your slumber. He’d wash it and return it when you were better. 
“Oh? We have a sick baby on our hands?” Bucky asked nervously, mentally kicking himself for not noticing when he was feeding you breakfast. 
Bucky gathered yours and Peter’s things while Steve rocked you back and forth in his arms. Then the four of you made your way back towards the elevator up to your home floor. When the metal doors were within sight, Bucky gave Peter the ‘okay’ to run ahead and press the buttons for all of you, one of his favorite duties. When the kid was out of earshot, Bucky leaned over to whisper to Steve, hoping you were still asleep so you wouldn’t hear his insecurities. 
“I should have noticed, Steve. She sat in my lap all morning and I just thought she was tired.”
Steve shifted you over to one arm, your slumber undisturbed as you were pressed comfortably into the side of his chest. With his now free hand, Steve reached out to hold his husband’s.
“There’s no use worrying about it now, honey,” He rubbed a reassuring thumb against Bucky’s hand. “All we can do now is give her all the love she needs. And I happen to know you’re very good at that.” 
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buckys-little-belle · 6 months
Hi!! I love your story’s and am always looking for little and daddy Bucky story’s!! I was wondering if you could do insecure reader who’s bigger. She has bigger thighs a bigger tummy and face. Could you do reader is scared to sit on buckys lap or for him to pick her up and carry her around the house. She’s too scared she’s heavy and will crush him and his legs. or that he will drop her because she’s too big. She also never cuddles and sleeps with him in his room always sleeping in her room after he puts her to bed because she’s scared about her breathing or how she sleeps.
Bucky gets her to tell him why and then comfort. Just fluff fluff fluff. If your not comfortable writing this I totally understand!!! If you do could you ad paci use? Thank you!!! Sorry for the rambling…
Strongest Man Alive
Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized!Little!Reader (She/Her Pronouns Used)
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Notes - This is not my best work, and has been in my drafts for MONTHS, it's something cute, and a little angsty at the beginning, but it does get super fluffy at the end. It's a little bit different than my usual writting style, so I apologize for that, but I do hope you like it and if not I'm so sorry! I hope I did this ask justice, and I hope everyone is having a good week!!! <3
Warnings - Talks of reader being self conscious for being 'bigger', kept very vague as she uses the words "heavy" and "squishy" to describe her body type instead of more concrete descriptions, the use of a pacifier is very brief as it's something I'm not used to writing, though I would be willing to continue, mentions of reader eating food "snacks" and "sandwich" though never specified, FLUFF at the end, but there is a moment of angst, I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS A COHEARANT STORY, it's from the drafts and I gave it a once over and I think it's 'good enough' so I apologize if it's terrible <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW.
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Y/n often spent their time at the Avengers tower sitting, standing, lingering around Bucky Barnes. It wasn't on purpose, the man just seemed to be the other half of some magnet imbedded deep in Y/n's heart. He just had some ability to pull her towards him.
Maybe it was the way he cut her sandwiches into perfect triangles, or the way his hand always found hers when she got scared. Maybe it was the way he seemed to be reserved around anyone but her that made her feel so connected to him.
He never sulked but always seemed to walk around with a frown stuck on his face, only ever changing it to a smile when she walked by his office or stopped by his room.
As much as Y/n felt like she was pulled to him, Bucky felt it multiplied by 100. His hands always aching to hold hers, his chest always feeling heavy when he began to think about her needing something and him not being around to help her.
The whole tower knew about Y/n's regression. Wanda and Peter often joined in, hanging out in little space and colouring in books Tony had provided, watching whatever new animated movie had just come out and sleeping over in makeshift tents in the living room.
Often other Avengers would help supervise activities, Steve loved playing action fighters in the common areas, Nat loved cuddle puddle on the couch, and Thor was always ready for a park day. Bucky on the other hand liked to stay in the shadows, buying stickers for the group of littles, making them lunch and dropping it off.
Bucky only stuck around if Y/n asked him to hang out with her. "Bucky can you hold my hand?" She had asked him when at the park, he of course grabbed her hand and helped her up the jungle gym.
"Bucky can you open this please?" She had whispered during a movie, her baggie full of snacks too difficult to manage on her own. He opened the baggie and held it in his own grasp, handing her a piece of candy anytime she had finished the previous one.
"Bucky will you colour with me?" She had yelled her ask one day when he was passing by the kitchen, Y/n sat at the island with markers scattered across the marble. He silently sat down and diligently coloured the page she had given him, helping her chase markers that had fallen.
He knew she was comfortable asking for what she wanted, and he knew she wasn't afraid of him ... so, it made his chest tighten every time she asked him to grab something from the top shelf instead of asking to be lifted like Wanda and Peter often asked.
He also felt off every time a little would come running out of their room after a nightmare, rushing into someone's room for a cuddle, yet Y/n's door never opened and neither did his.
Bucky was sure it was his fault she didn't seek him out for cuddles, he thought he had done something wrong when she never asked for a hug. Was it his arm? Was she scared he would turn on her? He couldn't figure it out.
That is until he realised she never asked anyone for a cuddle, or a hug. Nat, Wanda, and Peter would be all comfy on the couch and Y/n would be sat on the chair, a small frown on her face yet she never tried to find a spot next to her friends. And when she scraped her knee on the playground she declined Thor's offer of a "healing" hug.
"Y/n?" His voice was quiet but direct as he called out into the playroom, Y/n sat on the softly coloured rug, her stuffed animals scattered about.
"Hi Bucky!" She smiled, her pacifier tumbling out of her mouth and onto the ground.
"Hi." He sat down across from her, quickly pocketing the fallen pacifier before sought out the, now, dirty thing. "What are you playing?" His hands brushed a stuffed teddy, Y/n tilting her head in confusion as she looked around her.
"'m just dressen 'm up." She smiled at him, grabbing a stuffed unicorn and brushing it's fur back into place, shuffling closer to Bucky as she gathered a few other stuffed animals.
The moment her knees hit his she shifted back, so Bucky shifted his towards her again. Like clockwork she moved and left a small gap between them. "Y/n?"
"Mhm." She looked back at him, her smile one he could easily read through.
"Am I scary?" He asked calmly, not once loosing eye contact as she shook her head 'no'. "Do I smell?" He asked, this time with a laugh.
"No!" She giggled.
"Then why do you run every time I touch you." Instead of answering she bowed her head, hands running over the stuffed animal anxiously. "Why don't you hug Wanda or Peter?" He was worried that all the questions would make her want to run, but as she huffed and leaned into his space slightly he continued. "I know Thor was pretty sad when you declined his hug the other day." That one wasn't a lie, the man had gone on a rant about how he thought he had done something wrong, how he was sure Y/n hated him.
"I jus', I don' want them t' be mad." She admitted, huffing at the end of her sentence. "'m jus', 'm heavy, an' squishy. Wanda and Pete aren't heavy an' squishy." She admitted, eyes locked on the wall, the stuffed unicorn held a little closer to her body.
"What do you mean Baby?" Bucky asked, confused as to what she was alluding to.
"It's harder t' pick me up." She finally looked back at him, tears beginning to gather along her waterline. "And cuddling wif me wouldn' be th' same." She shrugged, trying to play it off like she wasn't bothered by her own words.
The tightness in Bucky's chest didn't ease up with his answer, his worry only growing. He had hoped it was an easy thing to fix, yet knowing Y/n didn't hug her friends, or him, because she felt too big made him hurt. "Baby," He began, not giving Y/n a second to doubt him, he picked her up and sat her in his lap. "you aren't 'too heavy' to pick up." He hated how quickly she curled into his chest, how clear it was that she was missing human connection. "I'm the strongest man alive, and you saying that you're too heavy is going to bruise my ego a bit, Baby." They both laughed, a few of Y/n's tears hitting the fabric of Bucky's shirt.
"I thought Steve was th' strongest man alive?"
"I let him win when we arm wrestle." Bucky admitted, causing Y/n to break out into a fit of giggles.
"'m gonna tell him!" She stood up, bolting for the door.
"Oh no you don't!" Bucky ran after her, lifting her off her feet in the middle of the hallway, Y/n pausing with a gasp, bracing for the two of them to fall, yet laughing along with Bucky as jostled her around, threatening to take her new colouring page off the fridge if she told anyone his secret.
After a pinky promise and some juice Y/n began to trust Bucky a little bit more. She let him pick her up at the playground, and gave him a hug before bed every night. She still worried her hugs were 'bad', that maybe no one would want to hug her because she wasn't 'little' but Bucky never once complained, instead asking for hugs in the morning too.
It took her a while to truly trust that Bucky wasn't lying when he said his back didn't hurt after picking her up, but eventually she became comfortable enough to run and jump into his arms, something she had always dreamed of doing.
It wasn't until a month later that Bucky woke up at 4 am to the sound of Y/n's hurried footsteps rushing to his door. Light creeping in from the opened door she didn't close as she ran to his bed. The sound of soft cries and whispers of "Nightmare" filling the usually quiet space.
Instead of letting her think too much about how she 'should' be cuddling, Bucky just scooped her up and tucked her into his bed, letting her know he'd protect her, and her stuffed animal. He liked having her in his room, it made him feel at ease knowing she was close.
After a few months of staying in Bucky's room, Y/n began to get out of her shell a bit more, hugging Wanda and Peter, and eventually accepting Thor's 'healing' hugs. She finally joined in during the weekly cuddle puddle, laughing along side Nat and her friends as they all got cozy on the couch. And for the first time ever she let someone else, the second strongest man alive, Steve Rogers pick her up. A pride filled movement the man would never forget.
Even though it took her a little longer than everyone else to be comfortable hugging and snuggling, she was happy to finally be apart of the group in ways she wasn't before. Bucky, the man who still often stayed in the shadows, helping from a distance, couldn't help but feel a little lighter every time he saw his girl get over her worries, knowing if anything got to be 'too much' she'd come running to him.
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marvelfanfics1 · 6 months
Hi! Could you do a Rafe x Little!Reader where it is the readers first time being little around Rafe and the reader is very shy and emotional and it’s just all cute and fluffy please?
I totally get it if you can’t!
Btw, I absolutely loved your Moody Princess one shot, thank you so much for writing it!
Baby's Safe Space
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Pairing: daddy!rafe x pogue!little!reader
Warnings: age regression, small mentions of past abuse, soft!rafe, fluff
A/n: Thank you lovely! I hope I made the request justice and that you like how it came out 🫣🫶🏻
It took Rafe some time to understand the aspects of regressing but after you explained it to him he started to do more research on his own, and maybe buying some stuff online he thought you would like, to show his support.
You told Rafe that regressing is just how you cope with past trauma you endured during your childhood.
He understood how important it is for your little self to feel safe and protected, knowing it's not for everyone to see and felt honored that you finally got the courage to talk about it with him. That you feel safe enough in his presence to show your most vulnerable side.
Growing up at the cut with abusive parents took quite a tool on you and as you found out about the term age regression it was clear to you it's what you needed to cope or what you deserved to have.
Rafe was beyond anxious that he somehow mess things up by saying or doing the wrong thing that it results in you being little by yourself again.
He felt bad knowing you probably were only little when he would have busy work days or a business trip.
It was a little into the afternoon and you just got out of the bathroom after doing your skincare and Rafe instantly noticed the pastel colored jammies that had little bunnies printed all over them.
He smiled at you softly, internally excited as hell to finally see that side of you and even curious as to how different your behavior is now in this state.
He noticed at the way you fiddled with the hem of your shirt that you're probably even more nervous than him right now, which is totally understandable.
It was already a hard challenge for you to even tell him about it.
Putting his phone aside he waved you over to him.
"Come here, baby. Promise I won't bite ya." He smirked and to see you smile a little was already a triumph to him.
Shyly you shuffled over to the bed, climbing your way up to snuggle into Rafe's side and grasping his shirt in one of your hands.
He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head when suddenly he remembered what he had hidden under the bed. "Ah- wait a second..."
He reached beside under the bed to pull out a white box with a rather big red ribbon on top of it. You sat up straight when he placed it between you both. "I- uh...thought you might like it and if not that's totally fine."
You haven't even opened it yet but Rafe certainly knew you cherish absolutely anything he gifted you.
He was just afraid he would go too far with what he bought you but the sparkle in your eyes already eased his nerves a little.
You slowly took of the lid and gasped. There was a lamb stuffie, color books with crayons, and some obviously custom made pacis in your favorite colors you had been dreaming of getting for yourself for a while now.
You instantly teared up, scaring Rafe beyond belief. "Hey, hey...what's wrong kid?" He asked reaching out to cup your face in his large palms, his thumb swiping away the tears that slipped before asking. "Was it too much at once?"
You quickly shook your head which was a little hard with him holding your face. You placed your hands over his, smiling at him. "Dey are happy tears."
"Really? You don't have to say that just to-" you silenced him by leaning forward to peck his lips.
"fank you, Rafey..." You whispered and he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Not for that, baby. I'd do anything to make you happy."
After your sweet moment you only pulled out the stuffie and a paci, placing the box on the ground beside the bed and snuggled back into Rafe's side. You popped in your paci and had the lamb held snugly under your chin while he turned on the TV and looked through Netflix for a movie that suited your headspace, yet he had some difficulty.
"Can you tell me how old you're feeling right now?" He asked and you held up three fingers. After a moment of looking through the kids section he stopped when you squealed quietly and pointed your finger at the screen at seeing your favorite cartoon making Rafe chuckle slightly. "Alright, guess it's gonna be this one."
He put the cartoon on play, an arm wrapping around you to keep you close and kissing your head.
You sighed contently, mumbling sleepily from behind your paci. "Lub you Rafey..."
"I love you more, baby."
for everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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paddedbabiesfw · 8 months
A Regressors Age Guide
1 Year edition! (Baby baby)
Traits and Behaviors
These teeny babies are often dependent on their cgs as they may struggle with getting things done on their own.
-They may crawl and roll instead of walking
-They may be non or semi-verbal
-Often very sensitive to tone
-At this stage, these babies may prefer to cuddle up to their cg and have a nice nap
-They may enjoy reaction games like peek-a-boo instead of bigger kid activities like climbing trees and playing video games
-These little ones may enjoy being coo'd at and sung to as it can be hard for them to contribute much to a verbal conversation
-They may cry to communicate instead of using words
-These babies may find it hard to see what's wrong with them (They may be hungry, thirsty, tired, they may need a diapy change)
-These tiny babies may need diapies or reminded to go use the potty
-They may need help doing most tasks, feeding themselves, picking out clothes, showers or baths, most things biological babies would need help with, these tinies will need help with
Paying Attention to Your Baby's Non-verbal Ques
You need to make sure that when your baby is regressed to such a dependent age like this that you're paying attention to their non-verbal ques. If their body language indicates that they're uncomfortable then take that as a sign.
Take notice of your baby's schedule, that may be easier to tell what they need. If it's their lunch time and they're expressing discomfort, they may be hungry. If it's close to bedtime and they're a bit fussy, maybe it's time to get them ready for bed.
Another thing to take notice of is their body language, if they're rubbing their eyes then they may be tired and need a nap, if their tummy is growling, they may need to use the potty or they may be hungry.
If in doubt, asking your baby yes or no questions could help a lot and all they need to do is nod or shake their head.
Some babies in this age range may wear dipies! It's So important that you as their caregiver know how to diaper safely (if you do their diapy Changes)
Always communicate with your tiny! Tell them what you're doing and ask if they're okay with it
Ex: "You need a diapy change, sweet baby, do you want me to change you or do you want to do it yourself?"
"You need a diapy change, little one, is it okay if I change your diapy?"
And make sure your tiny is comfortable during their diapy change, make sure they have their favorite paci and stuffie and make sure to have a blankie on hang in case they get uncomfortable or cold!
Make sure you're changing frequently if they're using their diapies and make sure you're using baby powders and barrier creams to stay safe
A extremely helpful post I found here, goes over a bunch of important information and tips on diapering!
Here is an extremely helpful video on how to diaper an adult using a variety of different diapers, how to keep them comfortable and hope to dispose of used diapies as well as a bunch of other helpful information!
Please note that this video is filmed by a creator who uses "abdl" and other terms that often refer to the nsfw community in their title. This video does not have anything nsfw in it, and is extremely helpful to learn how to diaper someone(or yourself) comfortably but still watch at your own discretion.
Activities and Fun Things to do With Your Baby
So you may be finding it harder to find some fun activities to do with a baby so young but I'm here to help!
Sensory play is always great fun to a baby this age, babies are super curious and always looking for something to keep their attention so playing with toys together like rattles, fluffy toys, toys that make noise can be great stimulation for your baby's mind and it can also help them maintain their regressed state better. Playing games together like match making games is always good. Reaction games are also great for Regressors this age as well like peek-a-boo and patty cake
Bath time is always great fun and binding time for any regression age, having these little ones splash and play in some shallow bath water is so fun, make sure to put some bubbles in the bath for your baby to enjoy
A great way to get in some quality time is watching a movie together too! Bright colors and the voices from the characters from a movie of your choosing is a great way to keep your little one entertained.
Usually baby regressors want soft foods! So foods like mashed potatoes, oatmeal, grits and yogurt, soft foods like that can be great for baby regressors cause they don't have to chew or think super hard about what they want to eat. Another thing you can do is blend up some of your favorite fruits and add some yogurt into the mixture to make sure your blend is nice and smooth. Bananas and steamed vegetables are also great because they can be soft and easy for your little one to eat!
Shows Movies and More!
Some great shows are shows aimed towards a younger crowd
You can find some great shows for younger kids on sites like Nick Jr, Disney Jr, and pbs kids!
Personally, I like shows like Octonauts, Gabby's doll house, baby einstein and Thomas the tank engine
Some movies I like to watch are actually Disney movies when I regress to an age so so tiny! I like Winnie the pooh, I like toy story and Cars but I also have been trying to lean away from Disney recently due to their political stances and I've found some great movies on Netflix Instead!
Know Your Baby!
Know your baby before they regress around you, ask them what they like to do and like to watch well Before they end up being so itty bitty with you! I know it's tough to have the awkward conversations but it's so important to know how your baby expresses themself Before you're in a situation where you don't know what to do. Each and every regressor has a different experience regressing so I may love something while someone else may not.
I hope this helped! Feel free to reblog with any questions or feel free to write a comments asking any questions!
My main is @pumpkinheadspacestation so feel free to send in questions there too!
The first post to this thread of posts is Here, it's on my main blog, there will also be a link to a post with All the age guides, ages 1-13, on my main page which I will edit all the age guide posts and create a link to that post when I've made it!
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romanestuffsposts · 5 months
can you please do a daddy!bucky playtime where the little!reader is jumping on his bed and he tickles them and the little!reader starts to get sleepy so he feeds them a bottle/changes their diaper and has a nap with them???
Hi there love! 💜
Of course I can that’s so lovely!! 🩷
I’m so sorry it took times to be out but I hope you like how I write your beautiful request ☀️
Lot’s of loveeee 🎀💕
Warnings : tickles, laughters, giggles, pet names, playful, tease, bottle, paci, cuddles, kisses, happy morning
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Little!Reader
Summary : A playful but sleepy morning with Daddy
It’s rare that you’re up before your Daddies. You always sleep until one of them come to wake you up. But apparently, today is different.
It’s been two days now that your Papa is on a mission in Poland so it’s just you and your Daddy for the whole week end- well now for one more day.
Your Daddy probably didn’t closed the curtain all the way down like you usually do so the morning sun woke you up because of that.
No matter how hard you tried to fall back asleep you couldn’t because of the sun, so now you’re walking toward your Daddy’s room. You hate being up when everyone else is asleep.
You quietly open his bedroom door and walk toward his bed as discreetly as you can- which means not discreetly at all. Your Daddy heard you coming when you were still in the hallway, he patiently wait with a small smile on his lips as he hears your little footsteps on the floor.
He feels you claiming in the bed and seconds later you’re jumping on his bed with all the strength you have. Your jumping right beside him with loud laughters as you keep screaming that it’s time to wake up because the sun is there.
Your Daddy fakes a groan ‘’baby it’s not because the sun is there that it’s the time to wake up’’ he fakes whine to play along.
You giggle louder ‘’of couse it is’’ You keep jumping while your Daddy had his back toward you. In one seconds, he turns around, grabs your ankle and make you fall.
He hold your legs in his arm and suddenly runs his fingers up your legs toward your belly ‘’you wanna laugh ? I’ll give you something to laugh about’’ He attacks your ticklish belly with all he can. Your laughters got louder again and you try to squirm away from him but can’t because of him.
‘’What baby ?’’ He chuckles ‘’what’s wrong ? I thought we were having fun here’’ he smirks at your reactions.
He moves toward your sides and change between your sides and ribs ‘’where are your ticklish spot ?’’ He wonders ‘’huh ?’’ He tilts his head
Your try to move his hands away and he takes that opportunity to attacks your underarms that were exposed for a second ‘’you don’t wanna help me finding out ?’’ He questions ‘’alright, i’m a big guy, I can find by myself’’
‘’You were laughing pretty hardly when I was on your little belly here’’ he says while wiggling the tip of his fingers on your belly. He hummed while looking at you ‘’where didn’t I try ?’’
‘’Oh! Here’’ he squeezes your thigh, taking you by surprise, causing you to yell. He chuckles at your reaction ‘’waaa look at that! That was pretty deep’’
He go down on your knee, he doesn’t have the same reaction but is still happy of what he got. Even if you’re less ticklish at some spots you’re still are in general.
He lightly wiggles his fingers down your legs until he reaches you little feet that are trapped by him. ‘’Oh! Found another one ?’’
You try to kick your foot away as he spiders your sole and toes like never. ‘’I’m happy with what I found out. I often forgot how ticklish you are until Papa and I tickle you again’’ he chuckles ‘’it’s so much fun, really. Love it’’ he winks ‘’and love you of course’’ he says stopping his attacks to kiss your little nose.
You take deep breath making him chuckle ‘’you wanted to wake me up, you paid for it’’
‘’A little sleepy now, aren’t we ?’’ He notices your eyes and guess by himself. You never wake up that early so you didn’t had all your hours of sleep, it was just minutes before you start to get sleepy. Your Daddy just accelerated the process.
He grabs the bottle of milk he has in his nightstand- in case you ever need one at night, and once it’s warm enough, he gave it to you. He lies back down and you rest against his arm, by his side while you drink calmly. Your Daddy stroke your belly while he waits.
He ended up holding the bottle for you because it start to get heavy with the sleepiness that takes over. Once it’s empty, he drops it beside the bed and roll the cover above you. When he looks down at you he sees your eyes close and sleepy breath leaving your sweet lips.
He smiles and kisses your forehead before sliding your paci in your mouth ‘’sweet dreams, my beautiful girl’’
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
Three Hearts Beat as One
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❀ WandaNat x Little!Reader (f)
❀ MD/LG dynamics, soft smut, fingering, established relationship with an introduction to MD/LG, body worshiping/just worshiping lol, lots of fluff, soft bondage (just a little bit of physical holding in an exposing position), there is an explanation of skin but nothing specific in race or ethnicity, insecurities, poly!relationship, WOMEN, use of a vibrator, squirting, overstimulation, sucking on a paci, use of sensitivity cream, (if there is anything else please let me know!!)
❀ Request: Maybe it could be out first time with them while little and they’re so nice and just worshiping reader? Have fun with it and feel free to change anything you want! (With fluff and Smut)(You got it!)
❀ A/N: Requested by @boredandneedfanfics :) Thank you for the request! I hope this turned out ok!!:)
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You were the third piece to the puzzle of Wanda and Natasha Romanoff. In the midst of chaos and turmoil, you, Wanda, and Natasha found security in each other's presence. The relationship blossomed unexpectedly like untouched land suddenly blooming with flowers. With Wanda's warm personality, Natasha's need to protect, and your vulnerability and honesty, the three of you were united in a trinity of love and adoration for each other. 
It wasn’t odd that the pair of Avengers were looking for a third person for their relationship. They had dated other people as well but became infatuated with you. You said you would try anything at least once, and a three-way relationship was something you had never tried. Now that you have, you have never felt more loved and adored. You, Wanda, and Natasha were made for each other. The past behind each of the characters the three of you possessed may have been different, but being together made you realize that you needed them. 
It had been a couple of weeks since you defined what the relationship was, whether that be just a fling or a for-sure thing. You were so happy that they had chosen you to be their girlfriend, and when you were intimate with them it got even better. Not that sex is everything, but the way they make you feel during sex is definitely a plus. (Sorry that was self-indulgent)
It had become known to Wanda and Nat that you loved to be held by them. Not only during movie night when you lay in the middle of both of them, your head in Wanda's lap and your legs draped over Natasha's lap. But also, when your legs were being held wide open by Natasha's strong hands while Wanda devoured your pussy with her tongue, pulling you through orgasm after orgasm until you couldn’t take it anymore. In a way, you felt secure and safe even if you were constricted. 
When you felt insecure, they would be all over you telling you how beautiful and loved you are. Or how each little line, curve, blemish, or freckle on your body was just perfect. How your skin shone in the sun and glowed in the moonlight. On hard days when you felt like a shell of yourself, they were there to hold you until you felt better or read to you when you felt tired or needed a break. 
One thing the three of you loved to do was bathe together. Whether that be showering together in the morning before you all went to work, or at night when Wanda sat out on the floor while Natasha held you in the warm water filled in the clawfoot bathtub. While Natasha washed your body, Wanda's hands worked wonders in your [enter hair length and color] hair, suds filling the tub as they helped you rinse off the soap. 
While getting to know you throughout this whole relationship was such a joy, and they could not wait to propose to you when they got the chance. They felt confident and felt they knew you like the back of their hands, better than yourself. But you knew just a little bit more than them. You had planned never to tell your lovers what lies beneath the inner layer of your mind; a second personality that made its way into your head before you joined the pair.
You would become a smaller version of yourself, becoming more. Your parents were never there for you when you were younger, so having the control to become little again felt like a good option. You kept stuffed animals at the top of your closet, coloring books in a drawer by your bed, and a small chest of clothes that you feel comfortable yet young in again. Your favorite? The onesie that makes you look like you a teddy bear!
You vowed to never show the two most important women in your life this side of you in fear that they would abandon you. Some days you you felt like it would be the perfect time to tell them, but other days they would joke with Bucky and Steve about things they do with Peter who has already come out to them as a little. There was not anyone who knew about this mindset you had, and you feared that you would have to keep it like that. 
One morning as the three of you were lying in bed, you smiled as Natasha threw one of her arms over your waist as you lay against Wanda's chest. No one had to work today, and you felt today may be a perfect time to tell them. 
“Wanda? Natasha?” You whisper, wanting to slowly wake them up and not startle them. You felt a little bit of movement behind you from Nat, and you smiled as you felt her lips press small kisses along the nape of your neck. 
“Good morning, ангел (angel), how did you sleep?” Natasha asks in a small whisper, gently tickling your arm as you roll over, careful not to wake Wanda up as you do so. You shrug at Nat's question, starting to feel your little self take over. But you push her back, keeping your big mindset still. 
“I always sleep so well with you two holding me.” You quickly cover up your shyness, and smile up at her. She kisses your head and tears begin to prick at your eyes. The small gestures pulling the little girl in your head closer and closer to the surface. 
Without wanting to wait any longer, you sigh and say quickly, “I'm a little,” You cover your face, not wanting to be confronted yet. Tears spilled from your eyes and into your hands, and Natasha gently shook Wanda awake. You realize what you said and you quickly shake your head. “I'm sorry, I- I don’t mean to push anything, I just got nervous, and I just c-cant hide this from you anymore. I understand if you want to break up, or- or if you want to leave me and never come back.” 
Wanda sits up during your little rant, and she immediately pulls you into her arms. She looks to Natasha and mouths water and she nods, getting up from the bed to get you a well-needed drink. As she returns, she gently turns you around and puts the glass of water to your lips. Gratefully you take a sip and let out a soft breath. 
“Can we talk about this, ангел?” Nat asks, rubbing your back softly. You nod and sniffle as more tears begin to fall. 
“You aren’t mad, a-are you?” You ask, Wanda, shaking her head while looking at Nat. 
“No, bábätko (Slovak for Baby)  of course we are not mad. Just a little unsuspecting of such a statement. We will never leave you, baby, I promise. What made you think of something like that?” Wanda answers, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
You sigh softly and look at the two of them. “I- I just didn’t know if you would want t-to, to- I don’t know… I just don’t want to be abandoned, especially by you two. Y-you mean the world to me and I don’t want to ruin that for some stupid feeling I have about myself.” You look down at your lap, fiddling with the strings of your pajama bottoms. 
Wanda kisses your forehead and holds you to her chest. “Angel, how about you tell us about it? Why don’t we learn about it and help you?” She looks up at Nat and she happily agrees. “We can learn how to do this with you.” 
Looking up at them again, you feel a wave of relief washes over you. “R-really? Do you want to do that with me? I- I don’t- I don’t want it to be weird…” You whisper, knowing that Natasha can’t have kids. As you roll the string around your thumb, it unravels and the two women take both of your hands. 
“We would love nothing more, baby girl. We want to be here for you in every aspect of your life.” Natasha smiles down at you, careful of her words as she observes your reactions. Wanda agrees and gives your hand a squeeze. 
You smile up at them and nod softly. “O-ok, thank you… I love you both so much!” You exclaim, and you begin telling them everything about your little space. From your favorite Disney movies to the things you color, the clothes you wear, to each name you have given your stuffed animals. They were thrilled when you asked them to be your Mommies. 
Mommy Wanda and Mama Nat. Those were titles they could get used to. It made them smile when you said their mommy titles, to get their attention or to just say hi. You say them just to say them sometimes because it makes the two women so happy and makes them smile. 
You explained that you and Peter were a lot alike, liking the same colors and coloring pages and other things. Once Wanda and Natasha told Steve and Bucky about you, they told Peter that he has another friend in the compound. He was ecstatic to say the least! And so were you. 
What happened more often than not was ‘tingling in my princess parts’. That's what you called them at least. But your mommies knew exactly what to do. When these little episodes occurred, they helped you through it and made you feel so good, inside and out. Never in their life had they thought they would be something like this to you, but it made them feel so important. 
On one occasion, you were watching a movie with Peter and you sat back against a pillow, making your princess parts slightly tingle. You whimper and pick up your stuffed bear named Bubbles and went to find one of your mommies. You found them talking in the kitchen, and you kneeled down and tugged on Nat's long sleeve shirt. She looked down at you with a smile, “What’s going on, baby? Is everything ok?” 
You whimper and hide your face in her thigh, holding your bear over your nether regions trying to hint to them that you were tingly. Wanda took notice and kneeled down with you. “Oh, is our little angel feeling a little tingly down there?” She asks in a high voice, cupping your cheek as you nod desperately. “Let's go take care of you.”
She gently picks you up, and you nuzzle your face into her cheek. As you reach the bedroom, Nat walks around getting everything they need to take care of you. She grabs your paci, some towels, a small vibrator, and your blanket. Wanda lays you down on the bed, setting a pillow up behind your head, and smiles down at you. She gently kisses your lips, and then to your nose, smiling as you giggle softly. 
“Alright baby, let's take care of you,” Nat says as she kneels next to you, gently unzipping your onesie. As your skin becomes more exposed, you get a little shy and hide your face behind your stuffy. The women above you chuckle and Wanda pulls the stuffy down from your face. 
“There’s our girl!” She says, smiling brightly as you giggle and kick your legs lightly. As Wanda distracts you up top, Natasha is pulling your onesies pants off of your legs, and gently removing your panties. 
“Oh baby, you’re so wet down here, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Nat coos, gently caressing your folds that quiver and wait in anticipation for any type of friction. With a whimper, you listen to Nat and shrug. 
“Was watchin’ movie wif Peet,” You say softly, and sniffle as a pulsing need for touch aches within your core. 
Your two mommies look at each other, and sigh. “You’ve gotta tell us baby, or we can’t help you. Good job telling us when you did, or we would have had a little problem.” She says, gently sliding her fingers into your quivering hole. You let out a small whimper as she enters your pussy, and you squeeze your bear tightly. 
“Oh? You made such a mess down here, love. What are we going to do?” Wanda frowns softly, placing her hand on your belly to keep you still for Natasha, her thumb rubbing gently against your skin. “Looks like we have to make up for the time you didn’t tell us, love. How long did you wait?” 
You think about it for a second and you hold up two fingers. “Two movies, mommy… a-and a coloring page wif Peet…” You say, feeling like you did something wrong. 
“That's ok baby, we are gonna get rid of these tingles, but we gotta give you two cummies to make sure we’ve got allllll the tingles. Ok, angel?” Wanda says, making you whimper. Two cummies? M’gonna be so sensitive… you think to yourself. You nod in response to your Mommy, hugging your stuffy impossibly tighter. 
Natasha kneels between your legs, spreading them so she has enough room to work. “Are you ready baby? We’re gonna take such good care of you.” She smiles, her fingers tickling soft circles on your inner thighs. She spreads your folds and presses her finger to your little button, making you jolt in reaction to her. “Oh, someone's sensitive today, aren’t we? Is that cream helping you, baby?” You nod, remembering the sensitivity cream they put on your clit every morning when they help you get dressed. 
Wanda smiles and reaches for the vibrator, turning it on to a higher setting. “Alright, angel. Let's get started.” She says and as Nat holds your pussy open to both of them, Wanda presses the vibrator to your clit lightly. Humming at your reaction, she presses her hand down on your belly to keep you still. “Hold still baby, we don’t want to ruin anything, ok?” She says, rubbing the vibrating bulb in circles around your puffy clit. 
“M-mommy…” You whimper, closing your eyes as the vibrations take over your sensations. Everything feels so, so good, and your mommies take notice. Wanda pushes the vibrator straight on the head of your clit, and Natasha pushes her fingers in and out of you in a steady rhythm. 
Already you can feel your orgasm start to form, and Natasha can tell just by the way your cunt squeezes around her fingers. “Mmmm, does that feel good baby? Does Mama’s fingers feel so good inside of you?” All you can do is nod and bite down on the paci that Wanda puts to your lips. You nod over and over again, a small squeak leaving your mouth as you cum. Your walls pulse around Nat's fingers and you whine as Wanda does not move the vibrator from your oh-so-sensitive clit. 
“Remember baby? You didn’t tell us when you were feeling tingly, so we have to give you two cummies. Be good for us, ok?” Wanda says, turning up the vibrator to its max setting. Natasha adds one more finger, making it three full fingers inside of you, making you arch your back and your legs shake. 
Wanda holds you in place so they can make you cum one more time before you lay down for your nap. They smile as you squeeze Bubbles, the bear looking as if the fluff is going to pop out of its seams. The two women above you continue to play with your cunt, and you can’t contain the tears of pleasurable pain as your sensitive clit is played with. 
Natasha pumps her fingers in and out of your wet hole, smiling as your walls start to pulse again letting her know of your second orgasm. With the help of her fingers, your second orgasm comes within seconds, and your legs shake around Natasha's body. Your juices flow from your body and onto the towels placed beneath you. You pant in exhaustion, sighing as you calm down from your orgasm. 
Wanda pulls the vibrator away from your clit, and smiles as she turns it off. “You did so good baby girl, so good for your mommies.” She says, giving your forehead a small kiss. Natasha pulls her fingers from you and begins wiping you clean of the mess you made. You hum in content as the pair helps you get dressed again, helping you crawl under the blankets. Natasha lays down with you as Wanda finishes cleaning up. You suck on your paci as Nat tickles your back with a smile.
As Wanda comes to lay down next to you both, you grab her hand and pull her to you with sleepy excitement. As you lay on her chest, she kisses your forehead along with Nat's lips and sighs. “You did so well for us today, little angel. Such a good girl.” She says, smiling at your soft breaths. 
You were their best girl, and when you finally felt comfortable in your own skin, the three of your hearts could beat as one at last. 
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angelicribbons · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for Vox and Alastor with a fussy baby regressor?
Vox and Alastor with a fussy baby regressor
While he does thinks your little tantrums are cute, you won’t be getting anything out of them. He’s dealt with the Vees much too long for that.
He’ll get you a distraction, instead. Although he will probably put you down for a nap once you get more settled. “Hey hey hey- shhh.. let’s let those tears rest for a sec, doll. Shhh…. Do you want your paci? Open your mouth, baby. Good.”
Although he won’t give you exactly what you want, he is a sucker for you, and a pretty easily annoyed one too, so would sometimes offer you candy just to stop crying for a little while. “fucking hell.. okay, little spark? Just- hush for dada right now, i cannot work with this fucking headache you’re giving me…come here, love. Do you want the lollipop? Mhm? Then be quiet. At least for a moment.” He’s not always the best at comfort.. but he’ll try for you.
If you’re whining about something you want, he’s not sure what to do and usually just picks you up and cradles you until you’re too sleepy to fuss. He doesn’t want to keep encouraging you to cry more with sweets, that was a last resort because he was fed up.
Sometimes if it’s really bad, he’ll try to have you asleep almost all day. He’s.. still working through your attitude. He’s slowly found out then when he does, you just get sleepier and more whiny each time you wake up. He eventually just makes you a bottle, and feeds you while your favorite show is playing. “Come here, sweetheart. I set out your toys up here and your favorite little animal friends. Let’s just, rest, please, pup?” (pup as in baby shark)
You’re both still learning together, and he’s trying his best for you. (He dealing with a difficult little one kinda reminds me of the Steven universe song “I could never be ready”)
Alastor does find the antics of a whiny little one amusing at first, ..until you start crying. He doesn’t immediately baby you, in case you’re overreacting but he is worried. “Oh, darling.. come here. Do you need to cry?” He lets you fuss a bit, curled up on his chest. Although he is a little bothered by his suit being wet, it’s alright, you’re worth some damp clothes. “Look at me, my fussy fawn. Let’s see that pretty smile! You know that you’re never fully dressed without one, little love.”
You usually come on his strolls when he wants to show off a bit, but now you’re coming since he feels like a breath of fresh air might calm you a little. He tried the stroller, but you clearly squirmed a lot in there, so he just opted to carry you.
“Dearie, you know there is only so much I’ll give you when you pout like that.” Alastor had replied when you squirmed in his arms and pointed frustratedly to a store. He kissed your cheek and patted your head. “I’ve told you. That store isn’t safe for little ones like you. If you want to shop, we’ll have to get out of cannibal town, my fussy fawn.”
If things get bad, he sets up what he calls ‘the comfort corner’ Similar to Vox’s last approach. He softly sets you on his shoulders as he makes your bottle, and puts a couple of your favorite activities on his bed. He puts your favorite stuffies on his bed as well, accompanied by your pacifier. “There, my little deer. Your own play place.” He said as he turned on the radio. He gently sat on the bed and just watched you play.
I wouldn’t call Alastor the best at taking care of little ones, he’s still learning to not encourage when you get into some trouble and hold in his laughs. But he certainly knows how to soothe you.
Hope you liked this!! Vox’s was frustrating for me to write but that’s just personally how i feel like he’d deal with kiddos like that. Not well, basically. Alastor just doesn’t get mad as easily, I think that’s where they differ.
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salem-starlight · 7 months
little alastor headcanons?
Ohh! I've been wanting to do this for a while! Hope you don't mind if I include Niffty!
Alastor's Age Regression I would HC at ages 2-6
He didn't have a Caregiver and was very very careful of hiding it. After all, The ALL Might Radio Demon couldn't be found as an Age Regressor, now could he?
Until Niffty cleaned his room one day and found his paci's, coloring books and crayons, bottles, a few onesie's and soft sweaters and pants.
You know she asked what all of this was and if he had a secret kid she didn't know about. But a breakdown and a half later Niffty tunrs "Nanny Mode TM" on and instantly goes into Caregiver mode.
Alastor likes to color while listening to the radio. He's not a fan of tvs or movies. He listens to old softer music, and Niffty managed to introduce him to Agere Playlists from Helltube! Since they have no visuals and Baby Deer can just Listen an Color.
Him and Niffty make Bug crowns together that's canon already.
Alastor and Niffty have a code for when Alastor is feeling little, it's, "Hello Niffty, my room need tidying up, would you mind deer?" Because manners and he wants to keep it discreet. "Sure Boss!" With a little saulte from Niffty.
She's small and fast I bet she can make angels milk in the kitchen and get in and out without a crime scene or an eye witness.
Niffty give him a deer plushy which he promptly names Bambi
That's all for now! I might add!
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
Could I request a Pocoyo moodboard with stuff like play dough please? Gender neutral and any paci is fine.
Thank you!
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small-river · 4 months
curious george moodboard !
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a/n: hello hello! I’ve been on a curious george streak for a bit and I wanted to make a moodboard yet never ended up posting it so! I hope you like it and my inbox is open!
paci credit: tbd (I found it on Pinterest and have been searching for the credits)
taglist: @aliceloveschris @littlesakura-anon @blahbel668 (if you want to be added, send me an ask, dm, or comment on this post!)
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silent-littles-blog · 4 months
Hi hi hi! I’m melatonin! Do you wanna be friends?
I have a request if you don’t mind could you do Cg pomni x fem baby regressor reader? Maybe with mentions of stuffys playtime packs and baby bottles
Only if you want to ofc!
Thanks a lot!
Cg Pomni x Fem baby regressor
Theme: Stuffies, playtime, baby bottles
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I am using more broad tags, if this isn't your tea, just skip this and continue to other posts
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[ Prologue ]
I hope I did well! Ive never done fanfics before, so this might suck. I am better at writing casual things with characters I know (preferably OCs)
It's been a long time since the Digital Circus welcomed a new member with open arms, so your sudden appearance shook everyone up. For a moment, everyone remembered that despite the saturated colors of the circus, the infinite dimensions they could explore, it never made up for the life they had before.
Pomni had a horrible time adapting to the circus, which eventually graduated into an argument with Caine. Though, after the harsh exchange of arguments, Caine decided to study human behavior closely, but very secretly without admitting it upfront.
You found yourself in the circus about a month ago and so far it's been traumatizing. A new name has been picked for you, ‘[name]‘, a silly one at that. You've been introduced to new activities and new people, but your memories have been taken away. You knew something was missing, you don't belong here, but you can't do anything about it.
Frankly, Pomni had the same issue. She's been here for six months, Ragatha introduced her to age regression, as Gangle showed signs of that first. Pomni adapted the coping mechanism quickly and it helped her on her journey to recover. She's been a flip now.
Pomni has noticed your strange behavior, the sudden anxiety and stress that plagues your mind whenever you seem to get deja vu. It feels like you've been uncomfortable when approached with childish things. Being offered toys, or even confronting attractions around the circus yourself.
She introduced you to age regression a month ago, but so far, it's been no help. Only today, Pomni stumbles upon you regressed as she enters your room.
[ Story begin ]
"[name]?" A silent squeak escapes Pomni's mouth, a tone that makes her worries clear. Her eyes dance around your room, with no sign of your presence. Only when Pomni sets her foot in, her ears capture soft giggling coming from beneath your bed. She cocks her eyebrow as she keeps the door open, assuming the worst, has the anxiety got to you? Did you finally abstract?
She keeps herself on high guard, "[name], I- I can hear you. Where are you?" she speaks as she advances further into the room, closer to the bed where you dwell. Suddenly, you crawl out fast, striking her feet with a soft grasp. Pomni gasps and almost allows a scream to escape her throat. Her eyes are wide open as she stares at you in shock, suddenly noticing the hand-made paci she's made you a week ago.
"Oh my... hello little one!" Her eyes sparkle with the sudden surprise, she kneels down and gently tucks her hand under your arms, lifting you up and pulling you on her lap. "You scared me! Such a scary little thing you are." You giggle under your pacifier, hands put together as you let her embrace you. Pomni slowly stands up with you in her arm and she coos at you, she can't contain the excitement about finding you regressed by yourself.
"You must feel pretty bored, no? Hiding under the bed, let's take you outside, yeah [name]?" You squeal silently and clap your hands together, and off to the door you go. Pomni carried you into the main hall, finding Ragatha and Zooble enjoying some tea time together. They both face you in Pomni's arms, Ragatha gasps, covering her mouth with her soft hands. "[name]!" She happily crows.
Pomni sets you down on the ground to let her arms rest and stretches a little. In instance, you crawl to Zooble and Ragatha as you notice the colorful blanket they are sitting on. You get yourself comfortable in their presence, Zooble coos at you and Pomni quickly rushed away and you stared at her with a whine, but in a moment, she was back with some blocks and stuffies in her arms. She set the stuff on the blanket, showing you a cute, fluffy teddy bear, a stuffed kitty and a stim toy with a variety of textures made from different materials. She took the teddy bear into her hands, "Hello [name], would you care for a snack!", she imitated the bears voice and pulled out a chocolate bar from her pocket. You squealed in excitement and took the chocolate bar with no hesitance.
For the time being, you spent the time playing with the three. Mainly snug to Pomni while Ragatha took care of snacks and food. Later, you began to be hungry, it hinting at your sudden shift in behavior. Pomni stood by your side while Ragatha disappeared to prepare you warm milk. She handed the bottle to Pomni, who then proceeded to bottle feed you, your eyes began to feel heavy gradually.
You finished your bottle and cuddled into Pomni, tugging at her hat for comfort as you liked how the bells ring. She picked you up and walked you to your room where she placed you upon your bed.
"Goodnight, [name]." She pecked your forehead with a kiss and let you rest.
· ─────────꒰🎪꒱───────── ·
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curtsycream · 8 months
Favorite blankie.
Cg kiribakudeku x little reader (headspace around 2) where she has a favorite blankie and kiri accidently destroyed it bc he washed it wrong and when she found out she just cries and her caregivers try to comfort her and after bakugou found out what happened he take her to a store and buys her like 10 blankie, New suffies, New pacis and ice cream and kiri is so sorry about it 🥺🥺🥺
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Favorite Blankets
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Is it obvious I love kirishima as a character? But I hope you enjoy thank you for the request <333. I’m still doing one request a day so I won’t burn myself out but yeah!
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He knew how much the blanket meant to her, it was a gift from them after all. The first blanket she had ever received from them when they found out she was a little.
Holding the now red blanket in one hand and a pair of his red socks in the other he groaned. “What am I going to-”
“Is that what I think it is?”
The sound of Midoriya’s voice caused him to hide the blanket behind his back. “What do you think you saw?”
“That’s Y/N’s blanket, Eiji this bad!”
Having a panicking Midoriya along with a ruined blanket wasn’t helping Kirishima at all. “I know it’s bad what am I going to-”
“Blankie,” she let out the second she crawled into the laundry room. Her eyes focused on what used to be her brown blanket with teddy bears on it. Now red and in the hands of one of her caregiver’s.
If there was one thing Kirishima hated it was seeing her cry. Never had he ever been a cause for her tears before it left him frozen in place. Even as Bakugou entered the room and Midoriya explained what happened he didn’t move. Even as Bakugou and Midoriya led her out of the laundry room to try and cheer her up. He hated the feeling.
It took her hours to calm down and the only reason she did was because Bakugou and Midorya was taking her to the store. Even in her headspace she always remembered to be on her best behavior. With dry eyes she sits in the cart as Bakugou and Midorya point out different blanks, toys, and treats to her.
As she was nodding to the many things they were getting her she felt sad. Her blanket meant a lot to her but she wanted Kirishima. She didn’t feel whole when it was just three of them. She wondered if he was just as sad as her.
When they got back home she had a ton of new blankets, toys, and even snacks. Her favorite out of all of her new things was a blanket with little red sharks on it. When she saw it in the store she automatically thought of her red haired caregiver.
It had been an hour since they had gotten back from the store and she couldn’t find him. That was until she crawled into the laundry room with her blanket clutched in her hand.
There he was sitting on the floor of the laundry room with her old favorite blanket in his lap. His eyes were closed as she crawled into his lap.
Opening his eyes he felt a weight on his lap which he noticed was Y/N. Blinking he wrapped his arms around her, “hey-”
He was cut off by her raising up her new blanket with a smile, “blankie..”
The pattern caught his attention leaving him with tears in his eyes, “it’s really pretty..” he whispered with a smile.
She then pointed at him then the Blankie, “love both.”
The feeling of love swelling within him, “I love you too…I’m sorry about your other blankie. I just wanted to wash it for you and I didn’t focus on the fact that I had my socks in there and it was cold wa-”
A hands covered his lips as she continued to smile, “okay.”
It was simple but it was enough to get him to pull her closer. The new blanket wrapped around her as he rocks her back and forth.
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nostalgiclittlespace · 2 months
request: CG!Rosie and Little!Alastor
Plot: Rosie's trying to get Alastor to sleep but Al's being a cranky lil baby (Alastor's little age is newborn)
Hope you enjoy! Sorry if it’s scatter brained, I wrote this late at night 😅
Title: A Fussy Fawn
Pairing: CG! Rosie x Little! Alastor
Word count: 940
Description: Despite Alastor’s insistence (and by that I mean his fussing) he definitely needs a nap. Good thing Auntie Rosie is always there for her fawn (fluff, hurt/comfort-ish)
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A Fussy Fawn
Alastor was not tired.
He had made that clear on several occasions—first when Rosie suggested they have some quiet storytime, then when she tried cradling him with a bottle, and again when she offered him a pacifier.
Rather than the polite words or violent displays Alastor usually would have used to convey his thoughts, the upper rooms of Rosie’s Emporium were filled with fusses and shrieks at her attempts.  Though his powers had diminished to near nothing when he regressed, the radio sitting on the nightstand randomly switched channels and crackled with static and interrupted songs.  His shadows did not attack him or Rosie; instead, they too tried to soothe him by offering toys and gear at random.  Like Rosie, they had no success.
Yet, despite Alastor’s insistence, he definitely needed a nap.
The Radio Demon sat criss-cross on the red quilted blanket Auntie Rosie had made him many years before.  Cast aside plushies and toppled wooden blocks littered the ground around him, attesting to his displeasure as he whined once again.
“Young man,” Rosie said, soothing yet serious, “you know you will feel much better if you just take your paci.  Look, I even got your favorite one!”
Indeed she had.  The red plastic and its matching silk clip shone softly under the low nursery lights.  A small deer had been painted onto the center.  It even had his name on the handle!  
Nonetheless, Alastor showed no interest in the comfort item.
Rosie attempted to push the pacifier into his mouth, but to no luck.  As soon as the pacifier reached his lips, he popped it out of his mouth with a miserable screech.  He threw it away from himself, as if the silicone soother had somehow offended him.
“Alrighty then, no paci,” Rosie sighed, reaching across the play area for his plush alligator and offering that instead.  “How about this one?  Would you like to play with him?”
Alastor shook his head vehemently before flopping over onto his stomach in silent protest.  Well, actually it wasn’t all that silent.  Grumpy fussing emitted from his frame as he laid there like a slug.
After only a few seconds, his chest only took heavy breaths, his frame shaking slightly, and his ears pinned back against his skull.  As he cried miserably, Rosie sighed softly, feeling a loss for ideas.  Normally, Alastor would accept quiet time without question.  In fact, he preferred it to some of the noisier or messier activities they had tried.  So, what could have possibly interrupted their usual schedule?
Nonetheless, Rosie didn’t question his moodiness, nor scold him for his lack of manners.  Instead, she scooted a little closer and placed a hand on his back.  She found a soothing rhythm, tracing small circles like it was second nature.  To be fair, it most likely was.  
Despite being a cannibal, an Overlord, and having lived a life sinful enough to condemn her for eternal damnation, Rosie never lost her kindness nor her maternal instincts.  She took anyone under her wing, especially the children living in Cannibal Town.  Alastor was no exception.
The Radio Demon finally seemed ready to accept some form of comfort; Auntie Rosie’s comforting presence finally making some difference.  Unsteady as a newborn fawn, Alastor crawled a grand total of two steps before planting his face in Rosie’s skirt.  The dress’s soft fabric provided a gentle pillow, undoubtedly even more comforting than the blanket beneath them.
His fawn ears twitched as Rosie scratched them gently.  Gradually, they relaxed from where they had pinned backward and returned to their usual perked state.  His whines diminished too–instead replaced by soft sighs of contentment when Rosie pet his head just right.  Finally, he seemed ready to settle down.    
My, he certainly is one for dramatics, Rosie thought affectionately.  Even when this young, he must make a fuss about the little things.
  As Rosie’s fingers mused with his tufts of hair, Alastor’s body grew steadily limp.  As his blinks grew slower and his breaths deeper, his Caregiver carefully lifted him into her arms so he was no longer half-draped across the floor.  With motherly precision, she guided him into a strong yet gentle cradle.
With equal heed, she slowly stood up, then carried him over to the rocking chair.  Alastor stirred, blinking blearily as the movement disturbed his half-asleep state.  He whined sharply, threatening to undo all the work in soothing him.  However, Rosie eased away the baby’s complaint with practiced care.  Whispered hushes, a gentle rocking motion as she carried him, which continued as they lowered onto the wooden chair.  It glided back and forth, slow but sure.  
Rosie reached over to the radio sitting on the nightstand beside them, careful not to jostle Alastor’s delicate slip back into dreamland.  A couple dial turns later, the nursery’s smooth jazz resumed drifting through the air.  This time, Alastor’s powers did not disrupt the lulling notes.  He simply blinked slowly up at Rosie, who smiled back down at him.
“I think you’ve fought sleep for long enough, darling,” she chuckled.  “Rest now.  We’ll have plenty of play time later.”
Whatever had disturbed him, she could find out later.  For now, getting him to sleep was a much higher priority.
Thankfully, Alastor seemed to agree as his doe eyes drifted closed again.  He curled up, tucking his body closer to his caregiver’s.  Rosie, smiling fondly, reached for the spare blanket they kept on the rocking chair’s back, and draped it over him.   The peace enveloped the scene, Rosie’s worries melting away with Alastor’s miniature snores. Even if he is a bit cranky, Rosie thought, amused, he still is an adorable fawn.
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romanestuffsposts · 5 months
Oksy so it's a very random start rn but last week I was with a friend and she gave me a speacial cookie but didnt told me what in it was so i ate it and started to feel fuzzy and later I was vomiting and had a head ache and stuff and than she told me that it was a space cookie with weed in it. I was so scared when I start to notice that I dont feel good but she just made fun of me. Now i cut the contact and need comfort (when I noticed that I was not feeling good I was walking home and when I was home I was still so scared and crying that I cried in my dads arms crying myself to sleep)
Daddy stucky x little reader where she was in the same Situation and they found her crying, scared and throwing up with much comfort ❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
First of all I’m so so sorry that it happened to you. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, if you want to take a space cookie then it has to come from you and no one else ! It’s just respect. It made me so mad when I read what you send me, not mad at you but mad at your friend (who is really not a good friend btw). I can totally understand how you felt afterward and how betrayed you must have felt.
I once took a space cookie at a party at my cousin’s house and I saw everyone laughing and running everywhere while I was on my chair, completely lost. I moved my eyes from left to right and I had the feeling that the world was spinning. It wasn’t really fun because I didn’t enjoy my night because of that (two hours after I ate it I was in bed imao). But it was my choice, I was with people I trust and I wanted to take it. That’s the difference. I felt sick too (probably because it’s was the fist time I ate weed- I already smoke it but not eating it) but it was my decision.
Those kind of experience can’t come from anyone else but you. That’s just how it is and nothing else is acceptable.
I hope you recover from that horrible experience sweetie, you’re so strong and I’m so happy for you that you had your dad to comfort you. Be careful my love <3
I hope you like how I wrote this fic, lots of love babe ❤️
warnings : mention of drugs, taking drugs against your will, feeling dizzy and sick, comfort, reassurance, trust issues, pet names, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn’t chose your friends correctly
You always had a hard time making friends. Not because you’re a bad person or because you’re mean to everyone that look at you but because you’re discreet, you’re shy and you’re scared to go to people.
But once you make a friend, you’re ready to do everything for that person. You’re that kind of friend, the one who gave the half of your meal if your friend doesn’t have anything to eat. Your the kind of friend that will sleep on the floor so the other sleep in your bed. You’re the kind of friend that pardon everyone because for you, everyone can have a second chance. Mistakes happen
You wouldn’t call it a mistake this time tho.
You were enjoying a sleepover at your friend’s house, everything went good, you were having fun and you even made new friends that were also invited. One of them came with a plate of cookies and you can’t lie and say you hadn’t thought of them all evening.
Apparently they knew each others for years and at first that scared you but once you met them your nerves actually relax a bit. They’re used to do things together and lived plenty life experience together while you did it alone but that’s fine, you’re here now, you’re with them so everything is good.
Around 11pm, the one that came with the cookies open the box and give one to everyone. Everyone seemed excited and you didn’t question it because you were too, not for the same reasons tho.
You ate that cookie so fast that your stomach isn’t really happen. You went to grab another one when your friend stop you ‘’wait just a few minutes before taking another, trust me’’ she winks
Trust me
You shrug it off and went back to playing, you were enjoying the night when all of a sudden, everyone start to be a little bit weird, too weird to your liking.
The more you try to understand why one of the guy is laughing hard just because he has a fly on his drink, or why your friend has a hard time opening her red eyes that you start to feel weird too.
You stand up thinking you needed water but soon realised that mistake. Once your butt leave the seat, it feels like the world start spinning around you. You look around you, scared and lost, everyone were enjoying their time while you just wanted to crawl in bed and recover.
You tried to go to your friend but when she wasn’t ghosting you she was just telling you that it was fine that you didn’t needed to worry about anything and just enjoying the feeling.
You didn’t felt listen or understood at all and that alone make you feel even more sick. With all the strength you can get, you pick up your bag and leave the house.
You live a few blocks away from your friend- ex friend, so you decide to walk home, not really knowing what to do else. You don’t know if your Daddies are home or if they took advantage of the fact that you were away to do something together.
While walking home you start crying, you felt betrayed, you may not be the most thoughtful girl but you’re definitely not stupid, you know there was something in the cookie, you just didn’t realised it on time.
You’re relieved to see your door’s house and has a warm feeling in your chest once you close it behind you. As the click of the door closing is heard, your back fall onto it and you slide down the door, until your touching the ground.
You soon hear footsteps coming toward where you are ‘’baby ?’’ Your Papa walk toward you and kneels down ‘’what are you doing here ?’’
‘’is everything okay, baby girl ?’’ Your Daddy asks as well. You shake your head, tears sliding down your face.
Your Papa rests his hand against your cheek ‘’take deep breath, love. You’re at home, with us, nothing can harm you here’’
You take shaky breathes and squeeze your hands ‘’baby tell us what’s wrong’’
‘’I- I didn wanted to. I just wanted cookie, I promise I didn k-know’’ you cry harder.
‘’Hey hey shhh, it’s okay little one, keep taking deep breathes we won’t get mad at you’’ your Daddy reassures you.
‘’I feel bad’’ you cry and wipe your eye with the back of your hand
‘’How do you feel bad ?’’ Your Papa asks, taking your hand away from your eye. He hates when you do that because you’re always too harsh with yourself and he doesn’t want you to get hurt ‘’explain to us’’
You sob ‘’I don know i-‘’ you breath out ‘’everything is spinning and- and i tired’’ you whine.
Your Daddies look at each other, it doesn’t take them a long time to connect about what had happened. You talked about cookies and then feeling bad and finally everything is spinning. They immediately understood.
Your Daddy stand up and lifts you up in his arms, you immediately roll yourself around him. He waits until your Papa finishes removing your shoes and sockets before going to the couch. He sits down and rests you on his laps ‘’it’s okay my love, you went through something you shouldn’t have to without your consent but you’ll be fine’’
‘’nothing will happen to you, you’ll feel bad for a few more hours but that’s all’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’papa will be back soon with a glass of water, it’ll make you feel better’’
‘’Close your eyes babydoll, the world will not spinning as much as it does when your eyes are open’’ he quietly says, his fingers sliding down your hair to calm you down
‘’Here princess’’ your Papa sits on the couch and help you drinking the water. The fresh liquid that slide down your throat help at making you feel more relax and calm, just like your Daddy said it would.
He takes your feet on his laps and gently rubs them while speaking softly to you. Your eyes are still close but your other senses are multiplying, the touches of your Daddies help at calming your nerve and the reassurance behind the truth your Daddy said earlier about you closing your eyes and the water thing is really good at relaxing you.
‘’How about you sleep with us tonight ?’’
They know you’re not in a big danger but it reassure them too if you were with them for the night.
You nod your head and before you can put your finger in your mouth, your Daddy slides your paci in it.
‘’We won’t let her hang out with these people, right ?’’ Your Daddy asks as his eyes wonder around your sleepy face.
‘’As if she would want to hang out with them again’’ your Papa scoffs as his hands still rubs your cold feet
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
The boy who cried wolf
Cg! Dino x Cg! Dali x Cg! Henrique x Cg! Gerhart x Little! YN.
tw: mention of pullup, story of boy who cried wolf
(disclaimer, all of my agere yn stories are PLATONIC!!)
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You were the newest addition to the nursery! Gerhart found it odd, since were young mentally. He didn't understand the idea of littlespace like your other caregivers did. You were a small one, a little toddler! today you had on a cute little pair of shorts and a ruffled shirt, with pullups underneath. As you chewed on your pacifier, you heard the voice of one of your caregivers:
It was Dino. He was as bubbly as ever and ran over to you, immediately scooping you up in the air and tossing you up and down repeatedly.
"Up! down! up! down! Up goes the little one, down goes the little one!" He laughed, watching you squeal and giggle, your limbs flying around in the air.
"That's enough, Dino! We have work to do, If you haven't forgotten." A sharp, loud voice cut from behind.
It was Gerhart. You immediately pouted, knowing that Gerhart was there to stop the fun and make all your caregivers go back to working on the case. Henrique and Dali came in, ready to work. However you weren't having it. As the four began to work, you tried getting their attention.
"I wanna pway! Pway!" You tugged on Dali's sleeve, knowing he was definetely going to give in to you... Right? "Sorry sweetie... papa's got to get some work done. You can't always play, work is important. Don't worry, we'll play with you later, okay treasure?" Dali replied, rubbing your soft head. You were upset to say the least. and so you went around to each caregiver, struggling to get a response back. They all either apologetically, or not so apologetically, denied your request to play with them. You were frustrated, to say the least. 'I'm just a little one! How could they deny such a request??' You thought to yourself. So while they worked, you tried getting their attention, only to be shushed. After awhile, you had a new idea to get attention....
You just needed a boo boo. So you went to where they were working, and made a show of tripping and falling on your knee. You began yelling out 'ow!' loudly, in hopes at least one would pity you. Almost immediately, Dino and Dali turned to you and fussed over you.
"What happened?" "Are you hurt?"
They both cooed over you and stroked your hair as you made your best crocodile tears for them. Henrique left to grab some ice and your stuffy and paci. However Gerhart gave a knowing scoff.
"Do you honestly think they'd be crying over something so small? They've fallen from trees they've climbed and haven't cried so! What makes you think such a small trip would induce these tears?" Gerhart snapped at the two caregivers. The two looked down at you. Uh oh.
Dali kept smiling as usual, however his eyebrows furrowed a bit.
"Darling, is that true? Did you cry so you could get our attention?" He asked softly, while Dino held your hand. You looked down, knowing you'd gotten caught in the act.
"Yus...." You mumbled softly. Henrique came in and noticed the tense atmosphere and your look of guilt.
"Might I ask what happened?" Henrique asked, rasing a grey eyebrow. Gerhart explained, before Henrique let out a deep sigh. He went over to you and kneeled down.
"Little one... I understand we were busy and you wanted attention. However what you did was quite wrong. Have you heard of the story, the little boy who cried wolf?"
Henrique was stern, but in a loving way. He was not like Gerhart, who simply yelled. No, Henrique wanted you to understand. You shook your head no.
"The little boy who cried wolf... it's a classic." And then, Henrique began reciting the story to you:
"There once was a young boy, who was a shepard. He kept watch over the sheep, but quickly grew bored. So he yelled out to the villagers,
'wolf! There's a wolf!' and all the villagers ran up in a hurry to help. But what did they see?" Henrique asked you. You thought for a minute.
"no wolf?" You answered cautiously. Henrique nodded.
"There was no wolf. As the boy laughed at their anger, the villagers scolded him, before leaving. Soon the boy grew bored yet again, and what did he do?" He asked you, waiting for your answer. You thought hard again.
"Right again." Henrique nodded, offering a soft yet subtle smile.
"The villagers once again rushed, finding no wolf. They left, angry once again. However soon, there was a REAL wolf. So what did the little boy do? He cried 'wolf! wolf!' What do you think the villagers did?" Henrique asked.
You answered quickly.
"they help?" you answered hopefully. However Henrique shook his head.
"No. The villagers didn't come. Because no one believes a liar, even when he speaks the truth. And what do you think happened to the boy?" Henrique asked you. You looked down and thought.
"he wen' bye?
"No. The wolf ate him. The end." Henrique bluntly answered. Your eyes widened in fear, and tears sprouted. You had DEFINITELY learned your lesson. You began crying, feeling upset you'd done something wrong, (as well as the not so savory story ending), and hugged Henrique, Dali, and Dino.
" 'm sowwy!" you wailed into their arms, guilt written over your face. Even Gerhart softened up, but just a tiny bit. Henrique let out a sigh and stroked your hair.
"That's alright, little one. We forgive you. Here..." He put your pacifier in and stroked your back lovingly.
"Now let's see about that game, shall we, little treasure?" Dino chirped happily to you.
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(Sorry it took so long! here's the promised story!!)
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