#i hope you’re having a good weekend anon 🥺💕
ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Hi Mermie! I’m a longtime lurker, and I finally gathered the courage to let you know how much I love your writing! Thank you for sharing all your stories with us :)
If I may, can I ask your thoughts on something? I’ve been wanting to start my own writing blog for years now, but I also one day want to traditionally publish an original novel of my own. Do you think the risk of being found out as a “fanfic writer” is worth? A lot of popular authors these days got their start writing fanfic, but I’m curious what your think.
Thank you again! <3
This was the first of two asks I got within a day asking about the fanfic-writer-to-traditionally-published-author pipeline, lmfao, so I’m gonna answer them back-to-back! Like neat lil bookends. 📚
I think it can be! Are you embarrassed by the idea of your fics and your original writing being connected? 🥺 I know people like to weaponise the idea of the fanfic-to-pubbed-author pipeline against writers and books they don’t like, but to be honest I always see it as an inevitable next step for a lot of people LOL. People love the idea of telling stories! I have friends who aren’t writers naturally, that pine about wanting to publish a book—so the fact that so many fic writers find their way into publishing original content doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I do have mixed feelings about filing the serial numbers off of a fic, LOL, but I don’t think there’s any real risk to being discovered as a fic writer these days (unless someone is a plagiarist, of course, which case there is a very big risk and maybe that plan should then be reassessed LOL). It’s so popular! It’s getting normalised, or at least is taking up enough space that involvement in it doesn’t have to be career-ending. There might be legality problems, maybe, but I don’t have the qualifications to comment on that because I honestly have no idea about it. 😭
It just depends, I reckon! On several things! How comfortable you are with your fics and original writing being associated with each other. What genres you’re writing them in. How you write them. How you act on your fanfic blog, vs. how you eventually act online as a traditionally published writer. Like, if you wrote anime boyfriend smut and then write non-anime boyfriend smut, and acted the same on your tradpubbed accounts as you did your fic ones, I don’t see how being pinged for writing fanfic could be that bad. It’s more about consistency, I reckon, than what you’re doing. People love the excuse to be a hater, and under that mentality everything is fair game, so sure, maybe one day someone will try to use your fanfic against you—if you’ve been consistent with how kindly you treat people and the things you like to write, the most it will be is annoying.
And honestly? Unless you are absolutely zealous about keeping your identity private, you should always just assume that someone out there will eventually connect you and your fanfic account!! People are nosy and the internet is surprisingly shallow; it holds everything, just under the surface. You either have to make peace with the idea that your writing will be compared (and maybe used against you, because people can be jerks!), or you protect yourself and your future stories and keep a sparse presence, or go ao3 only. 🥺
Ultimately though?? I think it’s worth writing fanfic anyway. Even if you have to take a few extra, cautionary steps—being part of a healthy community is fun!! Especially a writing community. Being traditionally published seems like it can be quite lonely, really; it doesn’t seem to have the same kind of interaction, especially if you start off as a smaller author. In fandom we’re all apart of the same space—we exist as readers and writers together, and we talk to each other fittingly. In the published world that real-time feedback is limited. The spaces readers can gush about a book are reader-only spaces—they’re not for you, as a writer, because now you are separated from them (and rightfully so, tbh, so many authors are proving why the distance is necessary). I know social media now means that publishers like (and expect) their writers to be online and gather and maintain an audience, but that can backfire so easily. Look at how authors shoot themselves in the foot by lashing out a bad review on goodreads! There’s worse things to happen to a writing career than being outed for writing fanfic. As you said, so many popular authors got their start with fanfic! I mean, the Reylo community is thriving, for instance—and the Dramione kiddos are beginning their trickle over, with writers like Olivie Blake.
Even if you have to be vicious about protecting your identity, I reckon fanfic can teach you a lot. Like how to handle (or not, lmao) the rudes; how to refine what you’re writing, and what you’re good at—and what people will respond to, in your stories. The hard part for all writing, fic or original, is finding your people—your audience! Because they need time to learn to trust you and trust the stories you tell, and that can be hard when you’re trying to do it with the weight of a publisher’s expectations behind you, making you do little tiktok dances—or whatever—for attention. 🥺 If you start a fanfic blog and you get popular enough, you’re at the very least giving yourself options, because you’ll have people there that already like your writing, and you. People who might be interested in reading whatever original material you publish, beyond fic (people who might like watching the tiktok dances!!!).
I’m (very clearly lmao) not an expert in the publishing industry, or the general attitude to fanfic-writers-turned-authors. There very well might be an unspoken convention that means they’re more likely to be distrustful of a fanfic writer. Maybe there’s some really severe expectations in monetising that pre-existing readership that was originally there for the love of the story, and the fandom it came from. All this casual gluttony, when it comes to fanfic, might already be effecting (affecting? I can never remember) the industry, as more and more fanfic readers and writers hit adulthood and get Big People Jobs in imprints and as editors or agents.
The only thing you can do, Anon, is a) decide what you’re comfortable with, and b) how best to tell the stories you wanna tell. Whether that’s on AO3 or tumblr or a manuscript in an submissions inbox. I hope you get to write lots of stories, Anon—and that they find their people, no matter where or how you’re telling them. 💕
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
Fighting Fate
Request: Hiiii Sweetheart 💋 Hope you don't mind me sending you an Antonio idea for my bday this weekend ☺️ I'm also having a bad time at the moment, so I really hope this is okay 🥺 maybe where the reader and him are dating and she got undercover on a case but something goes wrong and they can't get there in time, so they have to see her get beaten and eventually shot and Antonio's world crashes when they find her barely hanging on. The team blames themselves for all this and they stay with her and also take care of Antonio who never leaves her site till she wakes up and then all fluff ? Thank you so much my love 💕
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, being beaten up, drugging, gunshot wound, hospitals, swearing
A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't get it out this weekend. Happy belated birthday to the anon that sent this and again I'm sorry.
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It was supposed to be a simple undercover case, get in and get out. Hank had promised that they were going to be there if anything went wrong and that was true but they weren’t fast enough. It was supposed to be easy but nobody was counting on you getting drugged and taken to the back of the house of the perp who was planning to do things. They weren’t planning on letting you get beaten up or shot but it had happened. None of this sat well with your boyfriend of 3 years, Antonio Dawson. Nobody expected you to be in the hospital fighting fate.
You and Antonio had gotten up together bright and early due to both of your internal alarm clocks. You were the first to wake up to the sun hitting you. Your eyes fluttered open and you were looking at Antonio still soundly sleeping and you smiled. You brought your hand up to run your hand through his hair and when you did the motion of it woke him up. He smiled at you. “Good morning, gorgeous.” He said in the rough still filled with a sleep voice, the voice that made you shutter and do things to you.
“Hi, handsome.” You said you just wanted to lay there in his embrace and not move but you knew that wasn’t possible. Antonio started to get up and you groaned and he just smirked.
“I know you don’t want to but Hank will have our heads if we are late.” He said and leaned over to kiss you nose which made you scrunch it up. You sighed when he pulled away.
“Fine, but you’re making it up to me when we get home tonight.” You said and he chuckled.
“Of course, my dear.” He said and headed into the bathroom where he began doing his morning routine and then you followed suit. You both gently shoved each other around and played around which ended up in kisses.
When you were finally done in the bathroom you both headed off into the kitchen. You both grabbed your to-go mugs and filled them with coffee and then ate a little bit of something and then you both were on your way. You hoped for an easy case but you knew from working in Intelligence that there was no such thing as easy cases and if there were then count yourself lucky. As you both arrived, having decided to take one car, Antonio parked the car and killed the engine and you both were heading into the building. Everyone knew that you were a couple and you even had paperwork done because of it. Trudy greeted you both and then you were heading up the stairs to the bullpen. Most of everyone was there and everyone greeted you both. 
You barely even had time to sit down and put your stuff when Hank walked into the bull-pen. "Ok everyone! Listen up! I just got intel from my CI saying that the person we have been chasing is going to be at an art show and will be making a bust. I want someone undercover to meet him and two additional people in there and the rest on standby. This will be taking place at 4 PM." He said and then Adam spoke up.
"Who is going to be the one interacting with him?" He asked 
"I'm gonna have Y/N be interacting with him." Hank said and you tensed and so did Antonio but didn't dare challenge it. "Ok. Everyone back to work." He said and everyone nodded and he left for his office. You walked back to your desk with Antonio hot on your heels.
"I don't like this." He said and you turned to look at him.
"I don't like it either but it's what we signed up for." You said and he nodded and you gave him a quick kiss and then he was walking back to his desk. Everyone was silent focusing on their work and what will have to be done for this operation. 
30 minutes to 4 PM Hank was having you get ready with the help of the girls. You were nervous. "How are you holding up?" Hailey asked and you looked at her.
"Not well." You said and they looked at you sympathetically. 
"You'll be ok. You've done this countless times." Kim said and you looked at them.
"I just have a feeling that something is going to happen and it's not going to be like other times." You said as they placed the wire on you. 
"You'll be great. You got this." Kim said and you nodded and then the three of you were heading out to the bull-pen. Antonio was stunned at your beauty and knew why he fell in love with you. and then you were headed to the art gallery. 
Antonio stopped you before getting out. "Remember. If anything happens, use the code word and we'll get you out." He said and you nodded and then he kissed you and you kissed back. You made sure that your mic was working and you, Adam, and Jay were heading inside. You all scattered and waited. 
Nothing happened in the next 10 minutes and you were about to call it off when he caught your eye. This was it so you started to flirt with him and the next thing you knew he was walking over to you smirking. "Well hello there beautiful." He said with a dazzling smile. You felt no attraction to him only for Antonio but had to play the game.
"Hey there, handsome. This is some awesome work you have here." You said and just continued to smirk.
"Why thank you. I noticed you needed another drink so I brought you one." He said and took your empty glass and put a full one in your hand. You smiled and tipped it towards him.
"Thank you." He said and took a drink and he continued to smirk. You continued to talk to each other but everything seemed to start to become blurry. You could hear the others talk but everything felt so heavy.
"Hey you ok?" He asked and when you tried to shy away from his touch you knocked over glasses. This got Adam's and Jay's attention. 
He led you outside and into his truck and then you passed out. 
"Hey, something is wrong." Jay said into the comm and he started to walk toward you with Adam but the perp was already leading you out. You were stumbling and he was holding you up.
"Guys we need to move in." Adam said 
"What? What's going on?" Hank said
"I think Y/N has been drugged." Jay said and Antonio’s world stopped.
"Move in." Hank said and when they stormed the building and Jay and Adam reached the spot you were at. You and the perp were gone
When they gathered, commotion was going on behind them. Other officers were arresting dealers and buyers. "Do we know where he would've taken her?" Antonio asked and nobody answered but your yelps came through their comms and they rushed to the van. 
"I think he may have taken her back to his house." Jay said 
"Let's get a move on then!" Hank shouted and they did just that. They listened to your struggle and took a beating but you were fighting back. 
"You bitch." The perp said as he grabbed your hair and pulled you back. The second you both were inside the house you had woken up.
"Stay away from me." You said taking a swing but you were still weak. 
"I'm not done with you." He said and ripped your shirt. “You’re wearing a fucking wire?!” He shouted and then gunshots went off and Antonio’s heart stopped and his world came crashing down once again.
Antonio couldn't listen but he couldn't bear to take the comm out of his ear. "20 minutes out." Hank said.
"20 minutes is too long." Antonio said practically growled. They continued to listen and when they pulled up to the house before vehicles were stopped everyone was rushing out just as the perp was taking off and storming the house. When Antonio walked in, his heart stopped.
They ran in and the perp had just begun running so Adam and Kevin took off after him. Antonio ran over to you and knelt down. The perp had shot you in the stomach. "Baby." He said and got no answer and that worried him your eyes were closed and breathing was sallow. He began putting pressure on your wound which made you yelp and your hands came to his you coughed and blood came with it."'Onio." You slurred your words, drugs still running through your system. Eyes still closed.
"Don't try to talk." He said to you and looked up. "I need a fucking medic in here!" He shouted and Sylvie and Gabby came rushing in and Gabby gasped. She loved you like a sister even before you began dating her brother.
"Hey Y/N/N." Gabby said they both began working on you.
"Gabby?" You asked still slurring and eyes cracked open and Sylvie looked over to Antonio.
"What happened?" She asked
"It was supposed to be an easy undercover get in and get out. The bastard drugged her and then brought her here. She fought and then he shot her." He said and they nodded, they spoke and everything sounded underwater. Your eyes began rolling into the back of your head and you started convulsing.
"Get her into the recovery position." Gabby said and Sylvie along with Antonio helped and when you stopped, they moved quickly and onto the gurney and outside to the ambulance. Antonio rode in the back with you and Gabby. "Her stats are dropping." She said when the beeping of the machine started going off frantically.
"2 minutes out." Sylvie said and just as she said that a flatline sounded through the entire ambulance and Antonio's heart stopped for the third time that day. Gabby began doing compression and pushing fluids until she got you back and they pulled up to Chicago Med.
Sylvie parked and got out and opened the back. Where Will and Connor were standing. You were completely out of it. They rattled off what was wrong as they headed into the ED. Antonio was just silent and when Will and Connor took you back to where he wasn't allowed Gabby stopped him and hugged him. She comforted her brother. "She's going to be ok." She said when she released him but he just kept looking at his bloodstained hands.
"She's going to make it right?" He asked, looking at her.
"She's a strong woman. She can get through anything. She's putting up with your ass." Gabby tried to joke but he wasn't having it. "Text me updates." She said and hugged him one more time before leaving. He went to the waiting room where the rest of them were. Everyone comforted him but he just sat down looking at his hands.
6 hrs into waiting he got up abruptly and went into the bathroom and began scrubbing his hands. Trying to get rid of the blood, your blood. Jay walked in after seeing him rush off. “Antonio.” He said but he didn’t respond by now all the blood was gone but he still kept scrubbing. Jay put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s gone.” He said and turned the water off.
“Did we catch him?” He asked, turning to Jay and he nodded.
“Yes, Adam took him down. He’s going to jail for a long time.” Jay said and Antonio nodded “Ready to head out to the waiting room?” He asked his best friend and he nodded. They walked out into the waiting room just as soon as Will and Connor came out. Everyone walked over to them.
“She’s in critical care. She convulsed a second time on the table and then her heart stopped. We got her back. The bullet hit some pretty major arteries and organs, both Will and I worked on her at the same time to quickly get her out and off anesthesia. She’s being monitored and will continue to be monitored.” Connor said.
“Will she be allowed to have visitors?” Hank asked
“Yes.” Will said “We’ll take you to her now.” He finished and both of the doctors led the team to your room. When they got there Antonio was immediately at your side in the blue chair too scared to hold your hand. “If you need anything, she starts crashing or wakes up. Let us know or a nurse.” Will said and everyone nodded and took a position around your room. Will and Connor had left and it was just them, it was silent except for the beeping of your heart monitor letting them know that you were alive.
“It’s our fault she’s here. Jay and I should’ve been faster at getting to her.” Adam said and nobody said a word they knew was true.
“If everybody would’ve just moved then we would’ve gotten to her in time.” Jay said, really blaming himself. He loved you like a sister and treated you like a sister but also one of the guys.
“She said she had a bad feeling about this one but we didn’t listen.” Kim said tears were falling and Adam slung an arm around her shoulder.
“It shouldn’t have been her. She’s the nicest person I know.” Hailey said, curling herself into Jay.
“I would do anything to go back in time and be there on time.” Kevin said
Neither Hank or Antonio had said anything and they didn’t know what to say. They shouldn’t have let it happen.
A week that is how long you had been out and how long the team had been coming in and out checking on you. One person didn’t dare to leave, your boyfriend. Everyone would come and bring clothes and food to him but he didn’t feel like moving not wanting to be gone if you woke up.
It wasn’t until another week had passed that you started to show signs of waking up. The team never stopped visiting you and Antonio hadn’t left your side. It was just him in the room. It started out as a rustle of sheets and a groan; Antonio had fallen asleep but when the commotion started, he woke up. He saw your nose scrunch up and he stood up. “Hold on baby. I’m gonna go and grab someone.” He said and quickly stepped out of the room and yelled for the closest person which just so happened to be both Will and Connor. They came running along with some nurses.
“What happened?” Will asked moving to stand beside your bed.
“She started to move around and wake up.” Antonio said and stepped back while Connor and Will took care of everything. Once you were fully awake and questions were answered they left and now it was just you and Antonio.
“Antonio. Baby.” You said and he walked over to you when you reached out your hand.
“I was so worried about you. When you were bleeding out and looked like you weren’t breathing it scared me half to death. I should’ve said something to make sure it wasn’t you going in.” He said blaming himself and you shook your head.
“And let Hailey or Kim get hurt or in the same position that I’m in? I don’t think so. I could’ve stopped it but didn’t because I didn’t want them to get hurt.” You said and he knew you were right.
“I promise to take care of you when you get out of here. I’m at your beck and call.” He said and you smiled and then yawned. “Go to sleep baby. I’m gonna be right here when you wake up.” He said and walked over and kissed your forehead and your eyes closed. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” You said as you drifted off to sleep. 
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sakuraspoke · 1 month
Hiya 💚
Just popping by off anon today to say I hope you’re having a good weekend. What’s something that’s made you smile recently? Have you been watered, fed, and provided some sunlight today?
You’re amazing, don’t forget that 🤘
jimothy 🥺 you're an absolute gem, do you know that?
thank you, friend. my weekend has so far been very uneventful (thankfully) after a chaotic, sorta stressful week. i didn't get out today but that's ok, i rested, ate a great dinner and drank my water (in a new bottle i got recently, because for whatever reason it helps me remember to hydrate. you gotta do what you gotta do!)
and besides this sweet message, the pictures and very excited messages i got from my niece after she dyed her hair pink yesterday made me smile 🥲 she's 7 and the coolest person i know, and seeing her so excited and just so happily herself makes me so happy.
i hope your weekend is going well too, and that it is filled with all the same goodness you put out into the universe. thank you for being you 💕
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celestie0 · 4 months
HALLOOOO ELLIE!!!! it’s the weekend right now and I finally get to catch up with your posts. hope you managed to give yourself breaks! no rush in editing kickoff as you are top priority toooo! I SAW THE KICKOFF TEASERRR AND IVE BEEN GIGGLING LIKE SOME IDIOT. it reminded me of this one fanart https://x.com/yunonoaii/status/1660975312350642176 🫣 honestly thank u for being here and writing. your blog brings me joy I love u so much take care of urself too! may your laptop never die may your charger works at every angle may all good things come to uuu!
— frank ocean anon 💗
oh my sweet sugar plum frank ocean anon u never fail to make me cheek to cheek smile
OK FIRST OFF ALL IM FUCKING SCREAMING AT THAT FANART (link) THATS EXACTLY HOW I PICTURE HIM FOR CH10 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 lord have merthy for im about to BUST
thanks my loveee for the patience 🥺💕 yes i have been taking breaks :) plenty of them actually LOL but. this weekend is chill so imma 👁️ imma lock in. i’m so glad you enjoyed the teaser!!! hehehehe
OMG YOURE THE ONE THAT BRINGS ME JOY your words make my day n you’re just so cute i want to eat u im sorry i have cuteness aggresiom ✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼😭😭😭 yea omg im nervous ab my laptop i have to troubleshoot it today 😖😅🥲…i pray it works too cuz uhh i kinda need that thing
love u!!! hope you’re doing well bb
- ellie ☁️
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brandycranby · 1 year
hello, sweet brandy 👋🏼💕 ‘tis I, your raccoon anon 🦝🥰 I come bearing more thoughts 😌 I know you said that out sweet raccoon reader has some coping mechanisms like gardening and baking and so on to compensate for her wild unhinged raccoon side 🌿 but I was wondering if she had certain tells where steve knows it’s time for a lil getaway weekend in a cabin in the woods for her to reset and recharge? on wikipedia (insert henry cavill: you’re using wikipedia as your source of information??? tsk tsk tsk…) it says that the dousing of food is a pattern of behaviour associated with captive raccoons so maybe our reader has a similar thing she starts doing when she hasn’t been able to get out much? ☀️🥺
hehe imagine all the shenanigans steve would have to put up with when he whisks her away to a cozy lil cabin! 🫣 reader covered in dirt and leaves and grass 24/7 and bringing home berries and shiny rocks and flowers 🌸
hope you’re doing well, brandy! I love your cute little potatoes 🥔🥰 sending the most positiv vibes to you for the rest of the week!!!
(here’s a link to the henry cavill thing I referenced, just in case you don’t know it so I don’t look like a complete crazy person haha: https://youtu.be/pBiU7zf2N1o)
my dearest sweetest angel!! my raccoon nonnie!! 🥺 i've hoarded this far too long!! i do know the henry cavill thing and if i ever meet him i will kick him in the shins bc!!! wikipedia is a good beginner's source!!! he's just a pretentious knobhead 😤 source: i had to edit a stub article for a college course and there are a ton of requirements and quality control to ensure that the information there is up to date and accurate. sources have to be listed for each line, they have to be checked, etc. etc.
steve knows it's time for a "return to the wild" trip when she starts sniffing things she usually likes, poking at food she usually goes nuts for. something about being cooped up indoors too long leaves her far too understimulated. so he packs up his camping gear, her necessities in his bag, and drives them out to the cabin. raccoon hybrid reader gets a long weekend to go berry picking, bird hunting (more like stalking and missing), river wading, and parsnip digging.
do you think steve knows how to camp properly lol i'm sure he's made camp with bucky and the howlies but... men... soldiers... i bet he gets dirt mixed in with his campfire beans and still eats em. never hurt nobody. this is why raccoon hybrid reader likes him.
AND TY IM SENDING U ONE OF MY LITTLE POTATOES 😖🤲🏻🥔✨ i love and appreciate u so much, ur asks are the sweetest things ever
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lyranova · 1 year
Hey, I am such a big fan of your work, especially on AO3! You introduced me to Vanzel and now I can’t stop shipping them! Vanessa is definitely my favorite character from BC, she’s just amazing!
Can I request a Nacht x Vanessa x Nozel love triangle story/one shot whatever you prefer? 💗
Hiya anon! Aww thank you so much, I’m so glad you’re a fan of my work 🥺💕! Gawkjwhw I’m glad I introduced you to Vanzel/Nozessa, one of my mutuals actually introduced me to it too and it’s a ship that I enjoy 🥰! Ooo a love triangle 👀? I’ll be honest I don’t write very many of these (mostly because I’m terrible at them) and this came out more like a Vanessa and Grey friendship fic with Nozel and Nacht in the background 😅. But I still hope you enjoy~!
Word Count: 867
Warnings: None
Vanessa groaned a bit as she flopped down onto her bed, she really found herself in a dilemma now. Why on earth did she do it? She could have easily said no, but for some reason didn’t want to hurt their feelings, now she found herself in a really tight spot.
What’s her dilemma? Trying to decide who she was going to go on vacation with. Her choices were; Nozel Silva or Nacht Faust.
Nozel had asked her earlier that morning what she was doing this weekend, and when she responded with ‘nothing’ he asked if she would like to go on a small vacation with him. She had been surprised by the invitation but gladly accepted it and the two made plans to go away for the weekend.
But when she returned to the Hideout, Nacht walked up to her and asked what she was planning to do for the weekend. She was confused and was about to answer when he suddenly, and bluntly, asked if she would like to go away with him for the weekend. It wouldn’t be far in case they were called out on a mission, but it would still be far enough that they wouldn’t be bothered.
Before she could stop herself she agreed to the vacation, and before she could back peddle or tell him that she would ‘think about it’ Nacht had smiled a bit and said ‘great, it’s a date then.’ before walking away.
Now…she was stuck between deciding who to pick.
“ I mean, Nozel did ask me first so he’s the obvious choice. But when Nacht asked he looked so shy that I couldn’t say no. Ugh, why did I freaking say yes to both of them?!” She groaned as she rolled to stare at the ceiling.
Vanessa knew both men had feelings for her, and sooner or later she would have to choose between them but…how could she choose when she had feelings for both?
She turned as someone knocked on her bedroom door, it opened slightly and she saw Grey poke her head in.
“ V-Vanessa…are you okay?” The shy woman asked as she looked at her friend, Vanessa sat up with a small smile and nodded.
“ Yeah I’m fine, just kinda got myself into a bit of a jam.” She admitted sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head, Grey frowned before walking into the room, closing the door behind her, and sitting on the witches bed.
“ What’s going on? Did…did something happen?” She asked in concern, and Vanessa shook her head.
“ No, nothing happened, at least not yet.” She muttered and when the concern in Grey’s eyes only grew she explained the entire situation to her.
“ So,” Grey started slowly as Vanessa concluded her tale. “ You accidentally said ‘yes’ to both of them and now you can’t decide who to go with?”
“ Exactly.”
“ Why not…just go with both? Or lie and say you’re sick that day and just stay here? Or say you forgot and you made plans to go away with Finral?” Grey threw out suggestions left and right and that’s when Vanessa realized Grey was a pro at getting out of plans due to her shyness.
“ I don’t feel good about lying to them, and they’d both figure it out easily and would both probably want to come take care of me if I said I was sick.” She muttered. “ And while going on vacation with both sounds like a good idea at first, but then you realize both Nacht and Nozel can’t stand each other so it wouldn’t really be a vacation.” She added with a sigh.
“ But maybe…maybe the two of them would put aside their differences to make you happy? Since they both know just how much you n-need a vacation, maybe they’ll call a t-truce?” Grey suggested nervously and Vanessa frowned in thought.
It was true that she needed a vacation, and both men knew that which was why they had even suggested going away together, so maybe, just maybe, they would call a truce for this one weekend for her sake?
“ I dunno, but I guess…it’s worth a shot.” Vanessa admitted and Grey smiled.
“ True, if not then you can always lie and say you’re sick and very contagious so neither one can try to take care of you. Or maybe you could say you and I were called away on a m-mission?” Grey said, throwing out a few more suggestions, causing Vanessa to laugh before wrapping the woman in a hug.
“ Thanks for suggestions Grey, and if this doesn’t work out, then I’ll just tell them that you and I went on vacation together instead.” Vanessa told her with a wink, which made the other woman blush.
The next day Vanessa got both Nacht and Nozel together in one room and explained what happened and offered for the three of them to go on vacation together. At first both of them refused and threw snarky comments at each other, but once Vanessa told them that if they refused then she’d be going on vacation with Grey the two immediately stopped bickering and begrudgingly agreed that the three of them could all go on vacation together.
Thank you all so much for reading and i hope you all have a good day~!
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moodywyrm · 1 year
hi, sweetie! i just discovered you a few days ago and i haven’t been ‘round the parts of your blog very much, but i saw you were sad and feeling down, so i wanted to drop by 🥺 you are beautiful, i promise (and i always keep my promises)!
i don’t know if there’s something in the air, or has been in the air recently, but i’ve been having some bad body image days, too. i’m only now feeling a little better while on this roadtrip my family has taken. a friend of mine has been feeling not-so pretty either, but you both are GORGEOUS! i assure you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
you are strong, you are worthy, you are loved (by several people, i’m sure, and me as well! i love you, even if we barely know each other. your presence and spirit are beautiful and i’m happy you’re sharing your existence with this lil plot of internet land you have here). i’ll be around and i think i sent you something on anon about mechanic!abby but tumblr might’ve ate it because my reception was terrible 😭 ain’t gotta worry about that, though! i’ll be around to send more things rest assured 🥰😙
i hope my words help you feel better and more confident cause every word, letter, and space is 100% truth. have a good night, honeybunny MWAH 💕 — 🫧 (i’ll use the bubble emoji so you can know its me whenever i pop in lol)
the 60+ hour road-trip nonnie!! I did get and I really wanna write it, I’m just busy rn 💔
I’m glad you like it here, I try to make my lil corner a happy spot but sometimes I just need to be sad 💔 I try not to be, but it is very hard to be confident all the time and especially after a weird weird weekend 💔 also honeybunny is such a cute nickname I’ll literally kiss your forehead
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seiwas · 11 months
helloooo sel!!♡
I hope you had a wonderful day today or so far or about to!! and omg you’re majoring in psych😆?!?!? that’s so cool🤩 I have so much respect and love for your career choice🫶
and yes! the fact that things end amicably but it just opens up all kinds of doors and brings up more questions is like bonkers😭 and I agree, reading the trope is one thing but like how healthy can it be for both parties irl like idk😭
And if I were given another to be with him I… tbh I want to say yes that I would go for it, but I also want to say no because I feel weak if I were to cave in that easily LMAO😭 like you know how when reading the exes to lovers trope the two are always kinda like “no! we broke off for a reason, I can’t just go back to them! I have to stay strong!” I feel like I would kinda act like that because I don’t want to be swept up that easily….but then there are the scenes with these tropes that are like “this isn’t right, I can’t be with them! unless👀…” AND I FEEL LIKE I WOULD ALSO ACT THIS WAY🤦‍♀️ like if they’re charm starts sneaking it’s way into the conversation BYE IM GONE💀 I would go WEAK in the knees and fall HARD all over again💀 knee caps GONE🤦‍♀️ (of course this all depends on the fact that if he’s still the same person he was and he hasn’t like drastically changed and become a horrible person or something lol💀 but those are my current thoughts on this topic thank you for coming to my Ted talk🧍‍♀️)
and AW OMG THE WAY YOU SEE YOUR BF IS SO CUTE😭 like all the little things that you see in him and how you interpret them is wholesome🥹 like these characters are just the best and that fact that you see him with all of their best qualities is so endearing like🥹💖🫶😆
and the way he teases you is so funny too (like his teasing is definitely at a atsumu+gojo level lmao), like his eyebrows waggling and the looks like that’s so silly😂 and your relationship is so sweet like the way you guys can still be silly besties but also love one another is so amazing! I just always feel like relationships that have started on the foundation of a great friendship are always so beautiful🥹
And thank you! my day did go well! I actually had a psych class that I had to go to and my professor had started giving us a lecture on sleep stages and dreams so it was really interesting! afterward, I went to this random event that my school was doing with a friend and we got these free air brush shirts and they were pretty cool!
Also I hope you were satisfied with the way your cookies turned out and that it brought you some smiles🥹🫶you’ve also reminded that I’ve been wanting to do some Halloween themed cookies so thank you teehee!! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა
AND YES!! ALL THE IDEAS FROM KOI ARE SO GOOD LIKE🤯 koi’s really cooking it up and serving us WHOLE MEALS over here❤️‍🔥
I’ve actually recently picked up hq bc I started watching it for shits and giggles when all the depressing satosugu stuff was happening in the summer and people were talking about how hq is so wholesome and how others should start watching it now that jjk is about to go through an emotional roller coaster and then…well… I now have another love of my life🧎‍♀️whenever something bad starts happening in the anime or manga for jjk now I just sigh and open up a new tab to watch another episode of hq teehee🤭 (I was VERY happy when we all started talking about hq and jjk on here lol)
IM SORRY SEL I RAMBLED TOO MUCH THIS TIME😭 and I saw that you were wondering whether col had regressed ever since tell me about love and I swear to you it has not😭🫶💖 you’re writing is so beautiful sel like there are so many lines that you have written that feel so poetic to me like omg you’re amazing ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
I hope this weekend is treating you well tho sel🥺🫶💕
⭐️ anon!
hello ⭐️ anon!! welcome back 💓 so sweet of you to swing by!! 🥺
my day has been great so far! had an early start and was able to go to the gym after weeks of skipping!! (actually can't believe how much i missed it 🥹 starting smth again after stopping for a while can be so intimidating but i'm glad i pushed myself to do it!!) & i'm graduated already!! hehe but i'm glad you seem to like psych!! what's yours?
i agree!! an exes to lovers can be so messy if not done carefully 🤧 but i completely get what you mean abt not caving in!! but that's so true!! a lot of time has passed and both of you could be very different people!! and whether that compatibility is still there is a very valid thing to consider!! 🥹
and you're so cute nonie omg 😭 i think i describe him w these characters bc it's the only way i can paint a good picture of him for people on here to understand 🥹 but i'm giggling at how you find it wholesome 🥹 + yes!! omg his teasing rlly is at atsumu/gojo level 😭 he makes fun of me a lot too but it never goes too far 😭 like it's always up until the point that i'm still hiding a smile abt it 🥹 and i do love that abt our relationship too nonie!! that he's my bestfriend and bf in one!! i feel like this is why everything i write is a friends to lovers tbh 😭
ohhh!!! sleep stages and dreams is an interesting topic!! im glad you found it cool!! and the event you went to with your friend too!! im happy you enjoyed 💗
omg i just baked a batch after making it rest overnight and i think i messed smth up in the recipe 😭 it didn't turn out good 😭 but i guess it's bc i tinkered around w it so much 😭 i hope your halloween cookies turn out amazing tho!! ive been seeing a lot of snickerdoodle recipes on my youtube lately!!
YES shoutout to you koi @dear-koi omg you're doing god's work feeding the iwa nation over here 🥹
AND YOU PICKED UP HQ??? OMG THAT'S SO EXCITING!! TELL ME MOREEEE!! hq is really wholesome 😭 you only lose games not lives 😭 (but it's still pretty heartbreaking 😭 hq!! is my bf's fave anime and it made him cry like 2 times 😭😭😭) who are your faves so far?? and who's your team!!! aAAAH
and please don't apologise for rambling omg?? i think it's so sweet that you're continually dropping by to chat and share about your day!! 🥹 and oh gosh my ramblings omg you are so sweet for noticing and for coming in here to reassure me 🥺 i think i just think about it from time to time and worry about it ykno! but i'm glad that you feel that way 🥹 i appreciate it so much and am so touched that you still enjoy the way i've been writing the recent additions!!
i hope this weekend is amazing for you nonie, you are so incredibly sweet!
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moonlightcrusader · 2 years
hellllp i was so inspired by 'Baby Redhead' i wrote this little scenario i thought you'd enjoy. Annie is maybe 4 or 5 in this :)
Annie, holding Otto's hand as they cross the street: Why did that man look at you funny?
Otto: Sweetheart…before I had you and your mom and dad, I did some bad things. Some people are still mad at me for that, but that’s ok. It doesn’t bother me.
Annie, latching on to Flo like a koala and looking up at him adoringly: Well, I think you’re awesome :)
Otto *picks her up and kisses her hair*: Thank you, sweetheart *gets a little misty-eyed*
Sorry you didn't have a good weekend, i hope this makes you smile :)
OOOOH ANON THIS IS ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS 😭😭💕💕 I’m so glad you got inspired by Baby Readhead I loved writing that drabble 🤧 and thank you it made my day!!
Aww imagine when Otto is trying to wipe his tears Larry grabs like a lil handkerchief and wipes his eyes & glasses discreetly 🥺
*suddenly thinks of Annie making Otto a bead bracelet that says best grandpa*
*cries happily*
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milkybunbuns · 3 years
Hi there~! I'm the anon from way back then that requested how the guys would propose hehe I'm back! Silently reading all you guys have wrote tbh 🙊
But it's my birthmonth...is it ok to request for a weekend trip to the beach with Tendou or Noya whichever of the two really hehe you can make as fluffy or as crack as you want I don't mind as long as at some point we look for seashells and relax on the shore 🙊❤️
I hope this is OK 🙈thank you so much!!
Hii!! I'm glad to see you're still around <33 and happy birthday!! ofc you can request this, thank you for it,,, hope you enjoy :))
beach trip w/ tendou
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- You guys set up the picnic area and pull out the grill and everything
- There’s a wide variety of food and then while you’re searching through the bags yall brought to the beach, you realised there’s no cooking utensils 😀😀😀
- “TENDOUUU, WE DIDN’T BRING A PLATE OR ANYTHING!!!”, your just there panicking while he panics right back at you (nah he was just mimicking hehe)
- “It’s all fine, because I, your only and THE best boyfriend in this universe,, can just go and buy some! There’s a convenience store right there!”
- insert dramatic movements ✨✨
- If you want to sunbath with him er have fun :D
- he’ll be very fidgety and keep rolling around in the sand, trying to bury you lol
- but if you do tell him off to let you sunbathe in peace, he’ll respect your wishes and sit by your side, throwing a beach volley ball up and down while he waits
- speaking of beach volleyball,,, he’ll ask you to play and if you refuse, well-
- “Y/n~~, come on, lets play volleyball!! Or are you too scared, don’t worry though, your brave and tough boyfriend will protect you from harm!!”
- proud uwu face <3333
- splashing in the sea is a must
- like just the idea of like splashing each other with water in the sea and then tendou just out of nowhere whips out a water gun and sprays you in da face makes me feel all warm and squiggly(??)
- it’s on, this means war man.
- feet and hands all come into the fight and like ya’ll just thrashing in the water getting the other person as wet as possible 💅😌
- but ofc after all that, poor bby is out of energy :(( and quite frankly, so are you--
- he’ll do his best to help out with your seashell collecting <33, something nice and calm to come towards the end of the day
- “BUT Y/N, THIS SHELL IS SO PRETTY!!”, proceeds to bring the crab closer to you-
- “Aww :((”, he tries his best, I swear, but it’s like luck ain’t on his side. he’ll present slightly chipped shells, unique strange coloured shells and other sorts
- ofc you all accept them lovingly, how could you not >:((
- but when he does find a really good shell, it’s actually one of the curly shells that like you can hear the sea in or smthing and you praise him his eyes will like light up
- precious 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕
- “wowie! we collected so many!”, he’ll say in awe as the two of you lay down on the shore after a long day
- “yeah we did, thank you for today <33″
- “your welcome, i’ll always love you y/n <33″
- he’ll gently hook his pinky around yours as the two of you gaze at the orange sky <333
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
heyyy good morning callie!!💓
i hope your sunday went well and overall had a great weekend and i wish you a wonderful new week ahead🥰
just wanted to say that seeing your message made me tear up a bit, you're just soo sweet and kind!! thanks for all the good luck wishes, university is really stressing me out but all this love and support really helps me to keep going, so thank you from the bottom of my heart💞💞💞
can't wait to see the fic you're working on, it will brighten up my day even more, i just know it kahshjajkahs.
honestly seeing so many people just chatting, sobbing, screaming and simping for oscar and the moon boys makes my heart warm and kinda feels like family. it's so great and i'm so glad to be a part of it🥺🤍
jagshsjadhkak don't be critical of your writing calliee!! you're truly amazing and i'm not the only one saying this, cause it's the fricking truth!! i'll always support you through this wonderful journey and can't wait to see the growth of this blog (which i already see has reached another big followers milestone, congratsss, i'm so incredibly happy for you💓💓)
<3 anon your message legitimately made me cry, you are just so incredibly sweet and caring🥺 thank you so much for your kind words, for the motivational message and for the good luck wishes, ilysm and i hope you're having a wonderful day💞
also 🌻 anon thanks to you too for the good luck wishes, it means so much🥺 i hope you're having a great day/night as well and i can't wait to be done with this exam so that we can obsess a bit more over men's oscar's hands🤭
again i just have to stress how much i appreciate this blog, you callie, and overall the book club i can proudly say to be part of🥺🤎
seeing 🌻, <3 and you wishing me luck and saying all these great, comforting and warm things just made me melt away. seriously i feel like i'm at home in this blog, so many wonderful souls getting to know each other and being there for one another. it's just SO beautiful, i never wanna leave. you guys are the best, for real. love you to the moon and back, 🌻, <3 and callie you made my day infinity times better🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
is this a big soppy, sentimental, full of love ask? absolutely it is and i stand by every single thing i said🤺💓
heyyya teddy !!! 🤎🖤🤎
my weekend was actually pretty great :) it’s nice having the day off today too and i’m pretty sad that i go back to work tomorrow haha. i wish i can have a whole entire week off and just do nothing, you know what i mean sjksksk ??? but i hope you’re doing well and that this week turns out great for you ☺️
how did your exam go if you don’t mind me asking? don’t worry, i feel you on that. i graduated from college last year and it was honestly so relieving not having to be in school anymore 😭 it was especially tough that year because of covid but having an amazing support system really helped me through it! that being said, me and the rest of of the book club are rooting for you sweetie!! finish off the semester strong, we believe in you :))
ugh i cannot get over how much i really really love our little circle here 😩 i’ve probably said this a thousand times already but it makes my heart so full seeing a message from all of you friends. i seriously go about my day thinking about each of you and hoping that you’re doing alright. it’s just been tons of fun crying about oscar and moon knight with you that it’s always something i look forward to every day :))
okie okie before i start crying again, i shall end with that lolol. talk to you soon, teddy! ily 💕
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maybege · 3 years
facts i have learned about May
1 you love good fruit
2 you also love sunflowers
3 you are kind to your very core, and a good friend
4 you are so very brave, an inspiration to anyone you meet
5 even when you're not writing, you're writing. stringing together stories in your imagination, sure, but also in asks - sharing bite-sized worlds
6 I love you 💕
That’s … that’s very kind, I don’t know what to say 🥺 Thank you, anon (I even have an inkling as to who you are 👀) ♥️ I hope you’re having an a amazing day and a very relaxing weekend!
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what facts have you learned about me since following me?
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
Hi Chris!
How are you? I hope you're fine ☺
I'm kinda really curious about two titles, I hope you don't mind 👀
🍊 heart;run
🍊 vincencheol
well, my main question would be what to expect and who it's about 🙈
I also wanted to let you know that I listened to some of your recs and they're quite good, I like your music taste :D
And I've been talking to a friend about kdramas coming to Netflix and apparently Vincenzo is among them so that's definitely on my plan to watch too now!
Thank you sm for the recs <3
Have a nice day and stay healthy :)
🌙 anon hiiiii~
always so lovely seeing you in my inbox <33 i’m doing well, bit stressed with school and life (lowkey having an almost quarter-life crisis trying to figure out what i want to do w my life LOL but y’know pretty normal i guess???), but other than that, not too bad. i hope you’re doing well, too!
heh before i get into the wips, i’m glad you liked the songs 🥺 lmk if you want more bc i am always happy to share my music or recs of any kind :) and yes ugh vincenzo is ending this weekend *tears* but i’ve loved it all the way up until this point so lmk if you end up watching bc i’d be more than happy to discuss 💕
okay, now for the wips!! i just answered another ask on heart;run that i’ll link here ^^
but vincencheol hahahaha okay so this one might be a bit of a misleading title bc basically it’s a fluff abt watching vincenzo w seungcheol and just how cute and domestic it would be to cuddle w him while you watch it (based on that vlive he did a few weeks ago where he mentioned it was a drama he was watching currently)
BUT given how things go, i might change the title and make a fic based off the actual drama??? so then that means you’d have to watch it for sure! so yeah, idk if that answered your question hahaha but thank you for the ask, and again, love seeing you in my inbox <3 hope everything is well and that you’re staying safe and healthy, too! 💖
part of the WIPs spoiler game! send me an orange and a title you’re curious about (✿ ♥‿♥)
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celestie0 · 6 months
OMG ELLIE BAEE !! YOU THINK OF ME ??? im actually sobbing ilysm 😭💗💗
but omg my trip was good !! honestly the ride down was a nightmare like i wanted to sob 😭 we left at around 8:30 and then got to were we were staying at about 9:00 then we went to dinner and stayed out until 11:00 which honestly wasnt that bad except for the fact that i had a RAGING HEADACHE like once we got to the hotel i basically passed out 🫠 and that was only the first night 😭 the second day was good,, until i lost my voice🧍‍♀️my voice has been gone since like last friday 😭 i’ve been living off of honey lemon ginger tea and chicken noodle soup for the past 5 days and im getting sick of it 😭
honestly the whole trip was so chaotic 😭 I ALMOST BURNED DOWN THE FUCKING HOTEL IM BEING SERIOUS. i also almost flooded our room but um lets not talk about that 😆😆 AND THEN I ALMOST GOT LOST !! (im not very responsible)
anyway I JUST HAVE TO SAY THAT PEOPLE DOWN HERE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO WALK WHAT THE FUCK??? (the people in disneyland anyway 😭) as a city girl i was getting so irritated like these people were walking so slow and WAY too close to me 🫠 LIKE GET AWAY DO I KNOW U???
but anyway the trip was pretty good except for when it rained on Saturday bc i was NAWT prepared for the rain 🫠 BUT OTHER THAN THAT I LIKED IT ‼️‼️ also bae omg i missed u so much i kept thinking “i wonder if my bae ellie has posted anything” LIKE BAE I AM NOT EVEN JOKING I MISSED U SO MUCH ??? (tumblr crush is crushing 😆😆) HONESTLY WHEN I SAW YOU MADE A POST ABT ME MY JAW DROPPED I WAS LIKE “omg ellie was thinking about me ?!?!?!” and then i exploded ❤️
omg this is all so like jumbled up and stuff like i feel like whatever im saying makes no sense im so sorry bae 😭 but anyway ily and i missed u 💗💗
- 🦌 anon
HIII bb yes i was thinking of uuu 🫶🏼💕
nooo not the headache and also losing your voice omgg are you sick? or is it just an isolated symptom? could make sense tho since you were traveling, maybe you caught something? :”)
PLS BURN DOWN THE HOTEL?? FLOOD THE HOTEL?? GOT LOST?? 😖😭 YOU’re GIVING ME SM ANXIETY RN HAHAH im like the designated mom friend in most of my friend groups so if i was w you on that trip i wldve been so worried ab you 🤣 i’d never take my eyes off of you bahhaha sounds so chaotic
omggg u went to disneylanddd hehehe 🥰 we were so close by!! i was also in anaheim this past weekend so if u guys went to disneyland on sunday then we were like ACTUALLY very close by 😳🤭 hope u enjoyed it there, i think the weather rn is perfect for amusement parks. and BHAHAHA REALLY?? i mean ppl inside disneyland are a whole different breed pls but yea i dont think ppl down here are as city-coded and in a rush (other than in traffic lmaoo) most ppl here are suburban 🤣 we be strollin. so a norcal girlie like u were probs STRUGGLIN. i think true socal city gorls probs only live in like downtown LA haha
and YEAAA it raineddd i think for us it rained on friday idk why we’ve been having like random thunderstorms?? i’m so glad you enjoyedd itt all things considered lmao im sure your concert went well too 🫶🏼💕 hope u feel better soon bb 🥺 get lots of rest
awwieeee missed u too n love u too <33
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wolfes · 2 years
hi <3 hope you’re having a good weekend so far :) u have excellent taste in colors and food 😌 i listened to the song u recommended and it was magical thank u <3 (i’ve been discovering a lot of hindi songs through kathony fancams LMAO) what’s your favorite season?? i’ve been out soaking up the sun as much as i can and dreading the colder weather but many of my friends prefer winter 💀
mwah thank u anon 💕 my weekend has been great and i hope yours is too! also AAH u listened to pehli nazar mein i’m 🥺🥺 IT’S SO GOOD ISN’T IT 😭😭 i could go ON about hindi songs cause english does NOT hit the same if u need more recs hmu cause i have emotional romantic ones and the party bangers too.
also i regret to inform you i’m a winter girlie but where i live winter is very mild and summer is hotter so like we don’t have all 4 seasons and winter’s a vibe! plus i was born in winter so i’m naturally biased LMFAO
have a great day and week ahead of u 😚😚
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sukirichi · 2 years
Hiii suki! I don’t know if my previous ask got eaten up, but I wanted to drop by and introduce myself to you and say a couple of things:
- your blog is super super pretty and I love it 🥰
- i was directed to your blog ‘cause you’d written violet with kento nanami and it’s honestly set a standard for me to write royalty au stuff (until dusk till dawn raised the bar higher), because it was so so good and I’m so in love with it and I find myself still reading the story again and again.
- I’ve completed your broken records series and I’m following your dusk till dawn series and I just wanted to thank you. Your writings are so so so beautiful that they inspired me to come back to tumblr and start writing all over again.
- through your interactions with your moots and anons, I can clearly say that you’re really really nice and I hope I’d get to interact with you more ✨🤍
Hope you’re having a great weekend so far ^_^
omg hi, sorry about the late reply but i actually received your previous asks and i’ve read them, thank you so much!
AND AHSJAK YOU THINK MY BLOG IS PRETTY 🥺 thank you!! i actually suck a bit at putting together themes since i’m not the most aesthetic person but i love my lil blog anyways, so thank you!
oooh violet, the nanami fic! i remember that and wow i’m actually growing nostalgic... it’s been a year since i wrote that and i still remember how excited i was to always to try out new genres and just go ham with writing aaahh that makes me feel warm 🥺 and you read my other works too, thank you!! LIKE BROKEN RECORDS??? oh that series holds a really special place to my heart <33
i look forward to interacting with you more, too, i really do appreciate you taking the time to send me this and for supporting me and my works! its readers like you that make my time here really fun and i’m always so grateful you guys are so kind aaah 💕
i hope you're having a great weekend too!
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