#i just get informed by accident via social media sometimes
spookberry · 5 months
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I like when this happens
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aulistings · 2 years
Do I Have The Correct Wheels For My Roller Skates
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I'm sure you've seen some of the amazing videos of people roller skating and doing all kinds of tricks. It looks so fun! But, if you're like me, then it's also intimidating—I don't know how to do any of those things. When I mentioned this to a friend who does roller skate wheels Australia regularly, she told me that learning how to do tricks on skates came with practice and that buying the right wheels and bearings would make my first experiences better. That got me wondering: What size wheels should I get? How many should I buy? What hardness are they? So many questions!
Why should I change my wheels?
The wheels on your roller skates wear down over time. They also get dirty, and can be damaged by things like breaking glass or being stepped on by a heavy person.
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 The same thing applies to wheels that are too small or large for your roller skates: they're just not going to work as well as they could. Wheels of different hardness than the floor of your roller skate rink, gymnasium or other place where you roll around is also something you'll want to consider if it's an issue for you.
How do I know what size wheels to get?
When it comes to skates, wheels are one of the most important parts. The size of your wheels will have an effect on how well you can skate, so you'll want to make sure that you're getting them sized correctly. To find out what size wheel is appropriate for your roller skates, look at their sizing guide and use a ruler or measuring tape. Measure from where the top part of the boot begins (also known as its "cuff") all the way down to where it meets with the bottom part of your foot in one straight line — this measurement is called "toe-to-heel." Once you've taken this measurement and double checked that it's accurate using another measuring device (you don't want a mistake like this!), compare it to what's listed in their guide. If there's no information available online about sizing, call up customer service or reach out directly via social media channels such as Instagram or Facebook Messenger if they're open 24 hours a day (because everyone knows accidents happen).
How many wheels should I buy?
You need to buy as many wheels as you think you'll need. Sometimes, it's hard to know how many sets of wheels you'll go through in one year. For example, if you skate once or twice a week, then a set of 4-wheeled inline skates will cost more than they should since they're designed for use by people who skate at least three times per week.  However, if you only skate once every few months (or once or twice a month), then those same inline skates would probably last for years without needing new ones—and that would be money well spent! It's best not to buy too many pairs at first because there are other costs associated with roller skating: such as buying new knee pads and wrist guards when yours wear out; purchasing new laces when the old ones break; and replacing any broken parts on your skates such as wheels or bearings. Conclusion Wheels are one of the most important parts of a roller skate wheels, so choosing the right ones is crucial. If you have any questions about which size wheels will work best for your skates, feel free to contact the experts and they'll help answer them! Read the full article
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] College!AU Zoom University Headcanons
For the 7 Demon Brothers + Solomon
Scenario: Headcanons about how you interact with the demon brothers online during online lectures via Zoom (an online video platform that universities have been using to teach classes) and their habits using it
Notes: gn!MC, Considering most universities (including mine) are all online AGAIN fall quarter and we’re going to be using Zoom forever……. i kinda wish i DID have online classes with the demon boys (and Solomon) 
Video off, mic off, no profile pic just the typical first and last name, so you don’t really talk to him but you do see his name pop up in the Zoom chat to ask clarification questions
Accidentally has his mic on sometimes
First time you interact with him is when you private message him “hey, I think your mic is still on” because everyone can hear his brothers arguing in the background
The mic is soon turned off and you get a response back “thanks. Sorry you had to hear all of that”
“Yeah no prob. How many brothers do you have anyways?”
“Too many.” 
Thus starts your relationship with him as zoom buddies, asking each other privately what the professor just said and some clarification questions
If you’re shy about asking stuff, he has no problems asking for you; never makes you feel dumb about your questions
first time you hear his voice during midterm season when the professor doesn’t see your messages (“you’d expect them to know how this all works by now” he messages you dryly) and he asks his question out loud before the professor can move on
(lowkey think he’s hot just from his voice) 
Then highkey finds out he’s hot when his video is accidentally on for a few seconds when he’s distracted with Asmo or Mammon in the background 
Bonus points if you tease him about it 
Shows up at office hours when the TA is late and you just talk to him, exchange emails and numbers ;) y’know for homework help
If you’re going to do group projects, he seeks you out first-- god forbid he’s stuck with someone who doesn’t do the work ONLINE
Mic is ALWAYS accidentally on until the professor mutes him or tells him to mute himself 
“Oh, sorry prof!!! My b!!”
Private messages you on purpose to ask a clarification question because he doesn’t want to seem dumb asking it to everyone or to the professor
You wonder why he chose you but then you realize it’s because you had asked a question yourself earlier in the lecture or answered a question 
It becomes a recurring thing-- like EVERY lecture
If you’re not annoyed at him, then you might suggest that the two of you share a document for notes or tease him about just having you teach the lecture if he’s confused
“Actually, that sounds great!” he types to you before you could say jk “that’d help me a lot, thanks!!”
Smh why did you sign up for more work for yourself but oh well, he seems like a nice guy
Is also a very attractive guy, you realize, when you schedule a zoom meeting with him and actually see his face
Realizes why he keeps asking questions is because he plays card games on a split screen instead of paying attention to lecture (same tho)
Invites you to join him by private messaging you a link to join (and you do eventually when lectures gets boring)
Sometimes sends the invite link to the whole class by accident 
He admits he wouldn’t even attend lecture and would just watch the recording but you’re always there so he goes 
Which means you suppose you should keep going to lecture if anything to have him go as well 
Already the master of online classes tbh and has no problem with the format
Finds it kind of annoying when there’s technical difficulties, but he just quickly switches to a tab to watch anime 
Probably is just watching anime on another tab if the lecture gets boring or slow anyways
He’s always the first one to answer forum/discussion posts because he’s just very tech-savvy and good at replying to people
First interaction is probably him answering one of your questions on the discussion question and from then on after you start messaging him privately during lecture when you have a question you think he can help with
A little hesitant on helping you, but you’re also just really nice to him so he’s okay with helping you, I guess 
Give him your email? Why? So he can send you the book pdfs and previous practice tests of course, why else?? 
O-Oh, you want to add him on social media? Just to ask for homework questions right? Okay, yeah, sure! o////o 
If video is on, you see the reflection of anime in one of his mirrors and casually ask him which episode he’s on
Has never been so shook or attentive in his LIFE 
He is a godsend during every breakout room because he ACTUALLY TALKS instead of leaving you in a quiet room alone with three other strangers
You think you’re lowkey in love with him when he has no problems volunteering to present to the professor and putting his thoughts into words so eloquently
He also appreciate you talking during discussion too, and enjoys the conversations the two of you have while you’re not even sure the other blank profile pics are even there anymore 
He’s the one to suggest making a shared doc to share notes and study together-- the man is productive and efficient about this, what can I say?
Manages to convince you to go to office hours with him and meet up for studying hours and ooooh he’s hot 
He’s actually a very good study buddy, especially when he’s teaching you something you’re confused about, but also just good to study together with (when you’re not too busy staring at him) 
The only reason why you’re focused during class because he’d look disappointed at you if you weren’t-- that’s on you for caring about what he thinks, but he’s just so PUT TOGETHER how do you NOT look up to him?
Finds out that he’s actually just a mess like everyone else when his brothers come in during one of your study session and he says “excuse me,” mutes the mic and goes off screen; you can see some shadows in the back as satan shoves his brothers out of the room and manhandles them till they leave
Is kind of embarrassed he forgot to turn of video too but you just think it’s funny because you relate to the lack of privacy of online classes (and perhaps annoying siblings)
How the hell does he look awake and lively at a 9am lecture class????
Is that make up??? Is he… wearing PANTS??? (you don’t remember the last time you put on actual pants)
The most functional-looking person in the entire zoom lecture, asides from the professor 
Has video on all the time-- because honestly why wouldn’t he? He actually looks good
Definitely not paying attention most of the time, and you see it on his face 
Messages you first when you actually wear something nice for once because you’re going to go to the supermarket afterwards
“Ooh, where’d you get that accessory??”
The two of you end up not paying attention AT ALL and instead just gush about each other’s outfits
Definitely is not afraid to ask for your social media so you can follow each other and ask for homework help I guess but MAINLY to talk to each other because online classes can get sooooo tedious 
Really really wants to be able to meet you in person someday when it’s safe (“we’d look so cute together!!!”) but settles for facetime or zoom meet-ups 
Really does not hesitate to make friends and make the best out of social situations despite remote format bless him 
The only time he doesn’t turn on video is after a night of drinking with his brothers (“it was mammon’s birthday” he types into the chat with you, “ugh i’m probably going to go lie down, let me know how lecture goes”)
Always eating-- even if this wasn’t online, he’d also be the one to bring snacks-- his whole LUNCH to class to eat so this isn’t too surprising 
You think it’s hilarious when he actually brings his laptop or phone (whatever he’s using zoom with) to the kitchen and literally makes dinner during the lecture
Sometimes you watch his tiny video of him putting stuff into the oven than the lecture slides and you bet your entire class is doing that too 
Sometimes you ask him jokingly what he’s cooking and you’re surprised when he pauses and answers your question mid-dinner making
“Lasagna. You want some?” 
“Yeah send it over through mail bro”
You don’t actually know if he’s actually retaining any lecture information, but apparently he’s doing decent enough-- still, if you offer to share your notes, he’d be so grateful
“Where do you live?”
“Ldfjalskjd why are you going to send me food?” 
“Yeah. What’s your address? I’ll send you a box of cookies or something.” 
Basically he just does NOT care what the entire class sees him doing; he could be cooking, eating, working out-- he’s listening to the lecture out loud but he’s giving you a show (whether it’s a cooking show or a work out video depends on the time of day)
If the lectures are recorded, you’ll never see him, especially if the class is early in the morning LOL
If you do see him during lecture and video is on, he’s always in his pajamas or sleep clothes, a pillow in front of him 
During discussion, if video is required, he probably has a screenshot of himself awake as a profile picture so he can snooze away pretending like he’s actually there 
You definitely notice because he’s the first video to show up in your gallery and his video is like never moving HAHA
You finally message him when the TA splits you all into breakout rooms when you’re all supposed to be finding the answer or discussing something to be shared later
Kind of awkward at first because he’s like… asleep, but when he wakes up blearily, he does participate-- if only for your sake and for discussion points 
“Hey… wake me up if the TA or professor asks us any questions, will ya?” he says as he puts his head down and sleeps 
Since you and him are now officially breakout room buddies, you message him when you have a question and know that he’ll probably respond to you by the end of class because he actually knows the material despite sleeping through half of the class
Is actually very appreciative of you that you volunteer to speak on behalf of your breakout room if no one else does because that means HE doesn’t have to do it
The one to make the groupchat/slack link and send it to everyone in the class so we could actually help each other in the class
Shares a link to a google folder with resources
Highkey more useful than a TA sometimes 
Super helpful, efficient, and charismatic… but suspiciously so
Like where did he get all these pdfs? Where did he get all these 100% test from previous years? And-- is that an answer key??? To what???
Video isn’t on ever, so you have no clue what he looks like… until you’re in the same discussion as him and he turns on his video for breakout rooms
He always, ALWAYS sits at the island in the kitchen and sips coffee whenever you have discussion with him 
Responds back to you almost immediately if you ask him questions during lecture (because honestly, why not-- he seems smart and has his life together) but if anyone messages him in the groupchat, surprisingly takes a while to reply… maybe he’s busy?
Anyhow you’re not gonna question it; you’re gonna pass this class and Solomon is carrying everyone to an A+
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: How the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Influenced Anime Over the Past Decade
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Image via Netflix
  In a single moment, everything changed; after one great shake of the earth, the world was never the same again. Today marks the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, also known as 3.11 in Japan. At a magnitude of 9.0, it was the biggest earthquake to ever hit the island. The earthquake, and the subsequent tsunami that followed, also killed an estimated 15,899, injured 6,157, and was the most expensive natural disaster in history. The meltdown of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant followed — rendering parts of Japan uninhabitable to this day — with many still unable to go back to their home even ten years on.
  The shaking was felt all the way in Tokyo and beyond, leaving physical scars on the world’s biggest metropolitan area. This was nothing compared to the devastation seen in the prefectures of Miyagi, Fukushima, and Iwate. For those who lived through the event, whether that be in Tohoku or Tokyo, the feelings of that day have left psychological scars that have influenced their daily lives. 
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  Image via Netflix
  Aftershocks from the seismic event can still be felt even today: a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the region a little under a month ago, raising fears that another big quake could shake Japan at any time in the near future. 
  For creators living in Japan, these overwhelming emotions have manifested in their works. Creators such as Hayao Miyazaki, Masaaki Yuasa, Hideaki Anno, and Makoto Shinkai have internalized the events that transpired in their backyard and used 3.11 to help spread awareness, unravel some of the hanging threads, or even try and bring hope and happiness to fans. 
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  Hayao Miyazaki looking at the debris leftover from 3.11 in an NHK documentary 
Image via NHK
  Hayao Miyazaki isn’t one to mince words and always just gets on with the job. A few weeks after 3.11, the Studio Ghibli director introduced his son’s latest work at the time, From Up on Poppy Hill. While Miyazaki tried to keep the press focused on the film, inevitably the topic of the tragedy from two weeks ago arose. Responding to why he felt it was okay to hold a press conference after the earthquake, Miyazaki spoke about his local bakery, explaining that “the old man at the bakery where I always buy dumplings and sweets has continued to make bread. That's why I think we should keep making movies.”
  At the time, Miyazaki dismissed the thought that 3.11 would affect how he made his next work. But in a 2013 interview with Jiji upon the release of his then “final work” The Wind Rises, the director said the film “has not been affected by the earthquake or the nuclear accident. [The idea] was there from the beginning. I think that the times have caught up with us and overtaken us.” The Wind Rises contains a very realistic – almost chilling – interpretation of the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake.
  The earthquake scene from The Wind Rises
  For Japan Sinks 2020, Masaaki Yuasa used some of his own experiences to highlight how characters would be feeling in the moment. In multiple scenes, the main characters are left worrying about what is going on without a clear line of communication – in fact, sometimes getting misinformation from sources not fully aware of the situation. 
  Yuasa himself explained in an interview in AnimeAnime that he felt like he didn’t know what was the “correct information” when he felt the quake in Tokyo in 2011. As he looked for information online, he heard rumors that Tokyo was in imminent danger. He was scared. Reflecting, Yuasa knew in his “heart” that he wasn’t as scared as those in the Tohoku region, but was “horrified” by what he saw on the news. Yuasa used a lot of those emotions he felt at the time to aid in telling the Japan Sinks 2020 story.
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  Image via Netflix
  But it wasn’t just anime creators who were affected by 3.11. The 8th part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series, JoJolion, debuted only a few months after the quake in 2011. Set in a town called Morioh (similar to the town in Diamond is Unbreakable), the location is based on manga creator Hirohiko Araki’s hometown of Sendai. The manga was being conceptualized when the earthquake occurred and Araki felt that he “couldn't avoid” touching on the subject in the series, he said in an Asashi Shimbun interview in 2014.
  Araki’s family home, which had been around for 14 generations, was also swept away in the tsunami. He added that was shocked at the loss of his childhood home and felt that he should draw manga to bring entertainment to readers and fans.
  Araki wasn’t the only manga creator to touch on the events of 3.11 in their long-running series. Tetsu Kariya’s long-running series Oshinbo touched on some controversial aspects of the aftermath of the tragedy, with one of the characters in the series suffering from a nosebleed after being in the town of Futaba – a town that is still not open to the public.
  This caused an outcry with government officials on the national and prefectural level, with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe saying that “the government will make the best effort to take action against baseless rumors” in reference to the manga. These protests saw the collected volume version of the arc change some of the wording slightly as to “clarify the intention of what was said," and that "some of the characters' lines have been altered.” The series has been on hiatus after the arc ended two chapters later in May 2014.
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  Image via Netflix
  The Japanese government was also at the forefront of Hideaki Anno’s 2016 film Shin Godzilla, with many reviewers noting the similarities between the government in the film and what had occurred in the aftermath of 3.11. As Godzilla walks the neighborhoods of Kanagawa, waters rise, boats come ashore, and people are fleeing en-masse, meanwhile, the government is claiming that everything will be okay.
  This sharp social satire of the events may be skin deep as the film goes on, but exposes the fact that Japan has a recent event that is very real and emotive to reference. Shin Godzilla Producer Akihiro Yamauchi explained in a 2016 Nippon.com interview that 3.11 “changed Japan more than anything else in the past 12 years.” He went on to say that the film had the option of “escaping into fantasy...but Anno-san and I talked it over and we both agreed that an approach like that would be meaningless.” 
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  Image via Netflix
  Makoto Shinkai’s 2016 movie Your Name, was directly influenced by the 2011 earthquake and the change in the psyche of the Japanese people. Taki, the male protagonist, at one moment in the movie says “You will never know when Tokyo could become like this,” vocalizing the fear that festers away in many people living in Japan. 
  Genki Kawamura, a producer on both Your Name and Weathering with You, explained at a discussion at the Aoyama Shachu think tank in 2019 that “Your Name is aware of the Great East Japan earthquake.” Shinkai later explained in a 2017 interview with Huffington Post Japan that the disaster aspect of Your Name is only the underlying layer of the film, and the film had to end the way it did for it to feel complete to both him and the audience.
  In a 2018 Makoto Shinkai Exhibition in Sendai, the first prototype sketch drawn of Your Name by Shinkai was shown to the public. It depicted the area of Yuriage in Natori City, Miyagi prefecture, which was completely wiped out in the tsunami. The population of the area only had 30 minutes to evacuate before waters overtook the town. There weren’t many survivors.
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  Image via Asahi Shimbun
  Shinkai visited the area of Yuriage in July 2011 and drew the sketch shortly after, which later became the springboard for what then became Your Name. He said solemnly in a TBS program “This could have been my town.” 
  Shinkai explained in the Huffington Post interview that 3.11 changed the way people in Japan thought about the world. "Before they’d think that “somehow...Japanese society will continue as it is," he said. "But since 2011, I think that idea has collapsed. The town does not remain a town forever.” 
  Because of this, Shinkai decided to focus on the little things that made up life: A late train, cutting up food, texting. Shinkai thought it was “necessary to draw meaning from the monotony of daily life.” Nowadays these beautifully crafted moments from Shinkai’s works are shared online as some sort of social media anime ASMR. 
  In the end, Shinkai’s main driving factor for the film was to make the audience “happy.” And it struck a chord with a wide audience, as the film would later go on to become the third highest-grossing anime film of all time worldwide.
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  Image via Netflix
  As we look back at how one event changed the world view of many, it’s good to know that despite the hardships faced in the unexpected, the desire to create and bring smiles to audiences perseveres. Many creators have used 3.11 as a chance to reflect, and it's only to be seen how the long tail of 3.11 continues to impact creators and their works.   
  The Tohoku region is still feeling the effects of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, with families torn apart and homes unable to be returned to. Japan NPO Center has a website set up with ways to donate to local charities and not-for-profit organizations within the Tohoku region that has been set up to serve affected communities.
    Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
By: Daryl Harding
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Taking in the sights of Golden City
The Golden City sure is bright! Everything about it is so fascinating - the architecture, the roads, the trees - the place doesn't seem real. From traveling via whale taxi to the floating buildings and crystalline gazebos, it's no wonder Golden City is on top of many people's must see places before they die - mine included.
Seeing that Golden City seems to be in a world of its own, I never expected to run across a familiar face there - especially one who's currently in the process of renovating an old building to turn into her very own company. I've heard rumors but to see it actually happen - it seems so unreal.
Who would've thought that Ginko Okabe, director of a big marketing company, would start her own thing? And her business partner happens to be Benji Yoshino, a big hotshot tech genius. They crossed paths when Benji met up with the higher ups at Ginko's old workplace and at the time he happened to be acquainted with Manaka. Throw in Shiran then you've got three unlikely people who somehow ended up being friends with such a high profile figure.
Ginko's been super busy with the move from the metropolitan, strictly business city of Hailstorm Bay to the glowing, almost otherworldly place of Golden City. Now that her apartment's all set, the next step is getting the office building ready. So she and her friends have been busy with that for the past week.
With things moving smoothly, Ginko figured that they could all use a break. After all, it's not easy taking an hour long train to Golden City after a 9 to 5 shift to help clean up an old building as well as move furniture. She didn't expect her former coworkers to step up like that but they wouldn't let her hire a bunch of strangers to put her office together. With her giving them an opportunity to leave their monotonous, unfulfilling, (and sometimes toxic) work environment to be a part of her team, doing the heavy lifting was their way of thanking her.
Before heading out to meet up with Benji and Shiran, Ginko gave us a tour of the office. It's one thing to see snippets of the renovation on social media, it's another to see how much progress has been made in a week. What was once an old, run down building will soon be bustling with activity.
After seeing the office, we headed to the cafe and caught up with Benji and Shiran. They've been dating for a while but it wasn't until recently they were open about it. We all kinda suspected it so it wasn't a surprise when they made it official. First Manaka, now Shiran, what is it about diligent working class accountants that would draw in a wealthy, head in the clouds, tech genius like Benji?
How the former accountant and the eccentric millionaire came to be together is one of those stories where it all came down to chance. Benji first met Manaka through skydiving classes. Then they ran into each other again by chance on the streets around the same time he was installing a new security system for the company. Eventually word got out about their relationship, forcing Manaka to lay low for a while - which is partly why he and Shiran kept things under wraps for a long time. While they got along well, they didn't always meet eye to eye, especially about their futures. Manaka wanted stability while Benji jumped from one thing to another - it wasn't meant to be.
Running into Shiran was also a chance encounter. Shiran was interested in Manaka but the feeling wasn't mutual. The two met in college and ended up working in the same place, but aside from the office, they rarely saw each other outside of that. It took a while but Shiran was able to accept that while he and Manaka grew to become good friends, a romance wasn't in the cards for them.
Shiran and Benji literally bumped into each other on the streets and from there an unlikely friendship came about. Shiran was in awe of Benji at first because of his achievements, then slightly jealous when he found out he was dating Manaka, and then cool with him after the mutual breakup. Ginko was surprised to find them causally hanging out together. Soon the duo became a trio.
Things haven't been the same since Manaka's death. A series of workplace safety violations resulted in an explosion that injured many, even killing a few. Manaka, Shiran, and three other people were trapped in the basement, which was on the verge of collapsing, complicating the rescue. All five were rescued and taken to the hospital, where Manaka later died of her injuries. It happened suddenly, totally unexpected as she was fully conscious, alert, and walking when they found her.
Shiran fell into a deep depression for a while, leading to other problems. Ginko struggled a lot too but did her best to not let that affect her work. She later admitted that trying to do damage control over what happened was the hardest thing she ever did, one that made her completely disillusioned with the company. Benji, Ami and Karrie were grieving as well but kept a brave face in public.
Benji was the one who helped Shiran get back on his feet. He said that his biggest regret was not reaching out to Manaka after the breakup. While they were cool with each other and wanted to stay friends, they didn't do a good job of keeping in contact. Benji was out of town when the explosion happened and flew in as soon as he heard, planning to visit Manaka and Shiran at the hospital the next morning.
Just when all of that was behind them, an investigation of Manaka's death reopened the pain and grief for all of them. Apparently the doctor who treated her is on trial as several of his patients have died due to negligence in the past few years. In other words, the deaths of Manaka and many others could've been easily prevented if they had proper medical care. It's already bad enough that she died in a freak accident that shouldn't have happened, and now we find out that her death could've been avoided all together.
Just thinking about all that - damn. Manaka was sweet and spunky, a bit on the obedient and passive side, but always one to go out and try new things. I never understood why she always got the short end of the stick at work - and she certainly never deserved to have her life cut so short like this. Whenever I think about her, I can't help but wonder why the universe can be so unfair at times.
So with the thing going on with the doctor, people are being questioned and such, like Manaka's parents and Shiran for example. Thankfully Shiran doesn't have to testify or anything but the whole thing brought back painful memories for everyone. Shiran admitted that he's still a bit shaken up but he'll be fine. Benji's been like a rock for him, which is good.
Ginko said that since [redacted], Benji has come down to earth, or so others like to say. He's still got his head in the clouds, though no longer floating aimlessly in the sky - Manaka gave him some much needed perspective. He may be an eccentric billionaire with too much free time on his hands who is constantly daydreaming, but when he wants to make an effort, to make a change, to help a friend, he gives it his all.
It's clear how much he still loves Manaka, how she helped him shape up after spending most of his time doing whatever without much of a care. It's also clear how much he loves Shiran - the dedication it took to get him out of a bad place, he didn't have to put himself out there but he chose to. And from what I heard, it was a rough time all around - blackouts, alcohol, sleepless nights, listlessness, apathy - a continuous downward spiral for Shiran.
Since everyone was so busy with the move, Ginko and the guys didn't really have the chance to really explore Golden City. So I figured that now's a good time since we're all here and can experience the wonders of the city together.
First of all, riding the whale taxis is like floating on a cloud. We can choose to have our taxi act as a tour guide - which we did - and that made things a lot more fun! With public transportation as reliable and entertaining as this, who needs to spend extra money on cars? Our whale taxi was so sweet and informative - I can easily spend a day listening to them ramble on about Golden City - not that we haven't already! Because we enjoyed the tour so much, Benji had us booked with them for tomorrow so we have that to look forward to.
The floating gazebos are a must see in Golden City according to many reviews. Made from the finest environmentally safe materials, these gazebos were all built by hand, created to be enjoyed by all, whether it's to appreciate the architecture, hang out with friends, have some time to yourself or to gaze into the horizon. I think my favorite is the Prosperity Cliff gazebo, which overlooks the ocean, giving you a clear view of the mountains and islands. Prosperity Cliff isn't as busy this time of year because it's kinda chilly so it's nice to have the place to ourselves.
Maybe someday when we make another trip during the fall or spring we can take a trip up to the mountains. We probably won't be able to go far since it's kinda rough up there but I've heard there's some good spots for a picnic, a short hike, and maybe a swim depending on the time of day.
Of course, in between sightseeing and shopping we stopped by to enjoy the local cuisine. There's a lot of Japanese fusion places - including a Japanese-Cambodian one, which is one of Ginko's go-to restaurants for takeout because the sushi is top notch along with the soups - so that was an adventure as well!
Our plan was to get back to the hotel by eleven but of course we got distracted and spent an hour at the park watching the fireworks show. Shiran ended up missing the last train, though it's not a big deal as he usually crashes at Benji's place. By the time Daisy Jane and I got back to the hotel it was past one, which isn't too late by our standards. Good thing we won't be meeting up with the others until eleven tomorrow as that's morning for all of us.
Totally looking forward to more sights and wonders to enjoy tomorrow!
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thisolddag · 5 years
Our Family Unplugged For 24 Hours. Here’s What Happened.
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Back in September, our thirteen-year-old son finally got his own room. We converted the playroom by dragging in his bed and desk from the room he used to share with his little brother. The new “bedroom” still has bins of Legos and Thomas trains and action figures hidden in drawers, and it’s still painted a cheery bright teal, and he let me keep yesteryear scribbly artwork up, and it doesn’t quite fit his current cool, detached teenager image - but it’s got a TV and it is His Own Personal Space. 
From which he hardly ever retreats.
This is the first thing. The fact that we have for all intents and purposes, momentarily “lost” contact with him. It’s normal, I know this - normal to want to burrow away and figure things out in solace, normal for someone who is 13 and looks 16 and is wracked with evolving feelings and changing body. I get it.
But this new room, and this new kid (who is now taller than me) got me missing things. Missing how things used to be before we walked around with devices in our hands. Because the truth is we are - all four us in this house - burrowed away in our own Personal Spaces. Eyes down, time wasted, hours spent scrolling, clicking, forwarding, deleting. Even the ten-year-old who doesn’t have a phone, has an iPad and access to a computer - and so while we still play board games, and eat dinner as a family, watch movies together sometimes - the cold, hard truth is that any leisure time to spare is time spent alone, in some corner, staring down at a screen.
So when I came across Tiffany Shlain’s new book “24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week” it was like a plea, a dare, and an answer all rolled into one. The next day, I called a family meeting. 
“We’re going to implement a Tech Shabbat. We are going to unplug for twenty-four hours. No iPhones, no iPads, no computers. ALL of us. We will have a landline, a list of phone numbers to call people if we want, and one TV to share, in the family room.”
The ten year old was excited.
The thirteen year old cried.
He shed actual tears, and his reaction - fear, confusion, desperation, fury - further cemented my decision. 
Yesterday was our first unplugged Sunday.
And here are my take-aways.
1. Teenagers are resistant and reluctant to use phones for anything other than texting. I had to implore my 13 yr old to pick up the house phone and call his friends (they were supposed to meet up for Superbowl hangout that evening.) “Nobody calls anybody! Nobody leaves voice messages. Nobody checks voicemail!” “They won’t know this number. They won’t pick up.” He was correct on all accounts. I had to call parents and inform them that it was, in fact, our son calling from a landline, that this was no prank. The kids who ended up calling back didn't know to how to greet me. They stammered and hemmed and hawed. The idea that reaching out to a friend did not guarantee a direct connection with said friend, was foreign and stupid and strange. This all blew my mind.
2. The day felt incredibly long and languid. It unfolded slowly. When we get on a device, time is sucked up so quickly. I liken it to being in a casino. Minutes fly by, the whole concept of time is warped, thwarted, eradicated. Many times a day, I take my phone out of my pocket and there I am - Instagram, Facebook, Flipboard, Twitter, Matchington Mansion - and when I slip it back into my pocket, I’m unaware of how much time has passed. An hour? Twenty minutes? I don't register it, and yet, it’s gone in a flash.
3. I didn’t miss the things I thought I would. I didn’t miss social media, I didn't miss news notifications popping up, I didn't even miss the Marco Polos I love exchanging with a group of close friends. I didn’t miss getting emails. I didn’t miss looking around for my phone or “alone time.” I still had my alone time except it was quieter - an aloneness with my thoughts, observing things instead of being distracted by them. I didn’t miss being available and connected to an outside world. When I started wondering about how someone was doing, I picked up the house phone and gave them a ring. I left a message and hoped they’d call back. It felt freeing. It felt authentic. My husband felt the same. However, our oldest son’s biggest worry was missing out. He still got dropped off at his friend’s house for the SuperBowl party (the only kid there without a phone, I'm sure) and he still had loads of fun. In fact, when I called the kid’s house later that night to check up on him, he sounded energetic and happy and even ended the conversation with “I love you, mom.” But later he mentioned experiencing anxiety - feeling like he was missing out on “something important” by not having access to his phone. To him, having his phone nearby means having his friends nearby. Without it, he feels lost, unmoored. That admission made me think about how hard it is for our kids, who have grown up used to being “connected” all the time.
4. Landlines are FUN. My friends called a few times, and I would slightly thrill at the sound of a phone ringing throughout the house, and I’d run downstairs to pick up the receiver in time, smiling. As we talked, one friend commented how it felt like we were sixteen, hanging off our beds, twirling our hair, talking about our crushes. 
5. My husband and I worked on a crossword puzzle over coffee and breakfast. I also finished a jigsaw puzzle in one afternoon, which I’d been working on for weeks. I read a lot. My boys lay together on the couch and agreed on what to watch on the one TV we could use. They hung out more than they had in a long, long time. We all felt relaxed. I ended up watching the Superbowl because by 9pm, I was too tired to start another jigsaw puzzle, too tired to read, so what else was there to do? I laid on the couch and learned about fumbles, and touchdowns, and cheered for the Chiefs and I kind of got into it. Who the fuck would have thunk. 
1. I couldn’t take pictures. That sucked. 
2. Traveling was unsettling. When the boys went to SkyZone, I didn't like not being able to get in touch with them. Granted, my sister and her husband and kid were there too, and I called her, but still. I thought about car accidents or something random and awful happening while they were out, and I worried about when they’d get home. That kinda sucked too. It felt like an old yet unfamiliar sensation - not knowing what was going on at every single moment. 
3. We couldn't order anything online. We couldn't use GrubHub or DoorDash, or GoogleMaps. We couldn’t just like check the weather with a swipe of one finger. Not having the everyday convenience of being online was a bit of a bother, but we survived. It made me realize that we have gotten lazy about daily tasks, and that part of our brain has BECOME our iPhone. 
4. I snacked a lot. Without my calorie counting and fitness apps to log my food intake, I suddenly found myself snacking on junk. I did work out, but eating that day became a sort of time filler, and the feeling reminded me of quitting cigarettes and turning to food. That was unforeseen, and I did not like it.
1. All day, we felt like we were together in the same space. We retreated less often. We felt serene, light on our feet. We settled into feeling bored, or lazy, or inspired. We gave each other more attention but somehow felt less encumbered upon. It was really, really lovely and soothing. Putting away our devices felt like going on vacation. When we went to bed, I felt closer to my husband. I felt like we had truly shared the day. And both us were not exactly looking forward to Monday, because it felt like going back to the grind. Already there was a bubble of anxiety in our chests, a feeling of weight on our shoulders. Also, I had 127 emails waiting for me this morning and not a one of them was something that desperately should have been answered yesterday. So there was that realization too. The world won’t fall apart if you check out for one day.
2. Twenty-fours can change you. It is a small amount of time, yet our 24 hours unplugged felt so incredibly substantial and so behavior-altering that it made me pause and realize just how addicted we have become to always being connected to the outside world via technology. It’s fucking bizarre, if you think about it. 
3. Unplugging and reaping the benefits will only work when the adults in the house do it too. We already have a Device Free day and have had it for years, but it only applied to the kids. It has never felt as pure, and as important and GOOD, as yesterday, when the rules applied to all of us. Taking electronic away from the kids, while being allowed ourselves because “we didn't grow up with this, so we’re not addicted to it” - is like telling someone to go on a diet and eating cake in front of them all day, because well, you personally don't have an issue with weight. Suddenly, it became clear: to be together, we have to do this together.
Moral of the story: this was a pretty amazing experience, as trivial as it seemed to some. If you are feeling burdened, stressed out, fractured, cranky with your kids, your partner - I highly recommend investing in a landline, writing down phone numbers, picking a weekend day, and trying it out. It will feel new and beautiful, and reassuring somehow. Because while there were moments when obviously we went our own ways, did our own thing, we still felt as one. There were no walls, no apps, no texts getting in the way of figuring out and enjoying the day. We were fully present with each other, with ourselves - aware of time but not panicked or confined by it. 
In her book, Tiffany Shlain writes that her family has been unplugging one day a week for ten years now. I don’t know how long we’ll last, but all I know is this - we can’t wait for next Sunday.
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brooke-schafer3 · 5 years
Top SEO Practices For 2020 | Search Recon
Why SEO Is Important For 2020?
The hardest part about managing your SEO is the new developments that come with advancing technology. Social media, Google updates, website tool development, user platforms all change and develop over time. This requires all website development teams to keep a sharp eye on their SERPs and what they need to do to stay relevant, reliable, trusted, and popular.
It isn’t just about keyword density or meta tags anymore. Yes, all of the prior tools are still relevant. However, you need to look beyond your current practices and adopt new skills. Going from page one to the sand box or from the sand box to page one can mean all the difference in the world. If you are serious about how your potential clients find you via a search engine then you must be serious about your SEO every year and after every major development.
What Is On-Page SEO?
On-page or on-site SEO has become much easier to optimize, particularly with the number of tools on the web available. This article won’t dive into them too much as the assumption is that you have them under control. However, there is movement in the use of websites as a whole. Current on-page SEO isn’t just focused on tags and meta data. Google ranks based on what it perceives as a high-quality site as a whole.
This means you need to take a holistic approach to web development for maximum on-page SEO potential. Low click through rates and high bounce rates will kill your rankings. No matter how easy a key word is to rank, how you utilize your information is key. Classic on-page SEO practices will unlock the door but a high quality experience and adaptive structure will get your site through the door.
What Is Off-Page SEO?
Similarly, off-page or off-site SEO is built on a solid foundational idea that back
linking can raise your trust factor and worthiness to rank higher in Google. But what does that mean when how people use digital platforms change? It means that you need to evolve with the times and change your strategies as society changes how it interacts with the digital world.
The most significant example is social media. Profile links are trash in 2020. Some social media sites are worthless for as the sites themselves are no longer popular to draw an audience or click through rates. Google knows this and knows where people get their information.  Thinking about Facebook? Start a Facebook Group on your niche. Thinking about Instagram? Get influencers to grow your traffic. Thinking about TikTok? Again, it is all about the influencers.
What SEO Practices Should I Be Focusing On?
There are probably 10s if not 100s of things that you could be doing to maximize your SEO potential. But that doesn’t really mean anything if you don’t have content and authority to back it up. If you are ready to SEO optimize your website the best thing you can do is plan, plan, and plan again.
Write out your strategy from large groupings to individual actions. Make multiple checklists and an accounting of all of the costs for those actions. Make sure that each of your actions is either: 1) common and basic SEO necessity like meta tags and meta data; or 2) industry specific to your nice like influencer marketing for fashion dropshippers. Below are the items you will need to think about.
BERT And Optimized Experience
Is there a running tally for the number of Google updates? There have been too many to count. The BERT update was a major update. It knocked the breath out of a lot of people that use spun articles. Why? BERT affected most spun articles because BERT uses natural language algorithms to score the quality of your articles.
Regardless of the keyword density or the keyword stuffing or the quality of the spun article, BERT can weed out the ruffians based on the context of the conversation. So, you don’t have to use the same keyword over and over. You can talk natural, and must talk naturally. Instead of using “car accident attorney in Chicago” 10 times in a 1000 word article you can use any type of synonym for attorney and talk about accidents in general. BERT can recognize this.
Google made this change because it recognized that the reader wants engaging text. The reader doesn’t want a list of facts in sentence form repeated 50 times. The reader wants a narrative that supplies useful and diverse information from word 1 to word 1000.
High Quality Content
Content is king. Content will always be king. If you want to dominate your niche, you need to dominate your content. This isn’t particularly new. However, the trend for Google is to continually focus on the ability of your site to deliver content that is useful and authoritative to the world. Wikipedia ranks because it is useful and authoritative. Make your site the Wikipedia of your niche. Give the reader something unique and important. Google will reward your effort.
Google EAT Criteria
For Google, your web reputation comes down to 3 things, E-A-T. You can E-A-T the bear, or the bear can E-A-T you. (Hint: Google is the bear) E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If you can promote these three qualities on your website then you will be light-years ahead of your competition. Start to increase the length of your articles. Start to use proper English and subdivisions.
Start to answer questions in your articles. For example say you are writing on widgets. The article body could be divided up into subcategories that all started with a question: 1) What type of widget should I use for X application? 2) What size widget yields the best results? 3) Where can I get the best and cheapest widgets? It is completely industry and niche dependent. However, the point is to show Google that your articles answer important questions and provide the expertise and authoritativeness to be very trustworthy (E-A-T).
Mobile First Development
How many people still use there desktop at home? A lot, sure. But how many people use their phone to brose? Literally everyone! Google is quickly moving to a mobile first indexing pattern. This means you need to develop your site as if the mobile experience is the only worthwhile experience. Soon it might be, at least as far as Google thinks.
Desktop or laptop browser optimization is secondary to the experience of the mobile user. This means that you need to focus on the utility of a smaller screen, no mouse, and near instantaneous load times. Super easy, right? Don’t worry, everyone is in the same boat.
Secured Websites
If your website isn’t protected by a SSL then you don’t need to worry about much else, you won’t be ranked soon anyway. SSL is the standard of the industry. Accept it, own it, and use it. Not only has Google started to enforce this standard but the users are becoming more aware of their own privacy concerns and navigating away from sites that aren’t secure.
Diversified Knowledge Portfolio
This is a fancy word for the fact that your off-site SEO needs to focus on your social media profiles. This includes YouTube. Your digital content is no longer just articles. Google will start to rank videos as the first listing for certain searches. Why? First, it does because it owns YouTube. Second, people use YouTube as a search engine. They don’t necessarily want to read something. Sometimes they want to be told something and shown it in motion. Think about all of the platforms your service or product could be on, not as an advertisement, but as useful content.
Keyword Search Importance
If your website isn’t protected by a SSL then you don’t need to worry about much else, you won’t be ranked soon anyway. SSL is the standard of the industry. Accept it, own it, and use it. Not only has Google started to enforce this standard but the users are becoming more aware of their own privacy concerns and navigating away from sites that aren’t secure.
Website Voice Search
As mentioned earlier, your content needs to answer questions. This is growing in importance due to smart home devices. Sure, people still physically type into Google things like: “how do I hot wire my car.” However, if they can just get Siri, Alexa, or Google’s Assistant to tell them how to do something, they will just verbally ask. “Hey, Siri, what is the weather out today?”
Start optimizing your content to make it friendly for voice searches. Start to answer the Who, What, When, Where, and Why questions related to your niche. For example, for SEO you could ask: Who provides the best SEO help? What is SEO? Where on my website is on-page SEO? When was the last Google update? Why is SEO important?
Final Takeaway
SEO may seem daunting. There are countless ways to either screw up or forget and miss something important. However, don’t forget that each item you do to maximize your SEO the better you are making your website. SEO is all about the long game, not the short game. Go into it with a plan, execute that plan, and then add or modify as the digital world evolves and changes.
Need help with SEO or marketing? Contact us or use a Free SEO Analysis button.
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The post Top SEO Practices For 2020 | Search Recon appeared first on Search Recon.
source https://search-recon.com/seo-top-practices-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=seo-top-practices-2020
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kmp78 · 5 years
These are the UPDATED directions/guidelines for all who want to participate/contribute to this blog. Our topics of conversation revolve mostly around 30 Seconds to Mars/the Leto Bros, but we have been known to also discuss various other current events around the world.
By reading, and especially by contributing, on what goes on around this blog, you are willingly agreeing with all guidelines and directions I have mentioned below - no exceptions.
I am willing to give a space to those who wish to discuss Mars (or other topics), and I am washing my hands from any and all fuckery that may ensue from other people´s opinions.
Also worth mentioning: I am fully aware that some people who publicly and very vocally denounce any interest in either this blog or Mars gossip lurk around this blog and then spread shit elsewhere on the internet. 
By doing that, you are essentially outing yourself as a quiet kmp78 admirer, so to speak. 
Or a fangirl, if that suits better. 🤗
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Alright then... READ.
1.  This blog is laced with sarcasm, jokes, stupid and often very dark humor and PERSONAL OPINIONS - both mine and the people who participate in our conversations. This is not CNN, BBC or even Fox News - this is a personal blog run by a (sort of) fan. Not someone with inside information, and not someone whose opinions and views should be taken too seriously, and definitely not as gospel. I have no direct access to anyone in the Mars organization, and I do not work for them.
2. Nor do I work for YOU. This may be a blog which is mainly used for discussions about all things Mars and all opinions and topics are welcome, but the only one in charge is ME. I decide if a message gets published, if a message gets edited, if a message gets deleted - and if the sender gets blocked.
And not that it really needs to be said, but here goes anyway: I do not work for any Leto troll either.
3. And speaking of blocking: 
those who send threats or offensive messages will be blocked, as will anyone who I deem block-worthy. Rest assured, I never block anyone without a reason, so if you should discover that you have been blocked, that means I had a reason. I may or may not inform publicly when a person has been blocked, depends on my mood.
4. Everyone who sends messages is responsible for their own words - I do not accept any blame for other people´s opinions. Misunderstandings by accident or on purpose are not my headache. If I suspect a message will potentially cause unnecessary problems or annoyance for me, I will not post it (or will edit it), and  I don´t owe anyone any explanations as to why I´m not posting it. I may explain, or not - that´s up for me to decide. 
In any case, as I said: I will not take responsibility for anyone else´s words other than mine, and screaming at me over here or elsewhere online regarding comments someone else made and I posted...
Well, that´s just infantile. 🙄
5. All opinions are welcome, positive AND negative. A positive opinion does not automatically make you a sheep, and a negative opinion does not automatically make you a hater. 
Readers to this blog should be adult enough to handle both sides.
6. Calling women sluts or whores is not ok here. 
You also need to be able to tell the difference between calling a woman a whore and calling a Leto a whore. If you can´t understand the difference, then get out immediately.
the term “YACHT GIRL” when used in connection with an actually legit model who YOU ARE JEALOUS OF BECAUSE SHE GETS TO BONE A MAN YOUR FLABBY LOINS BURN FOR, actually is the equivalent of you calling her a whore, so kindly DO NOT.
Use whatever brain cells your parents genes bestowed upon you and make them at least somewhat proud. That should hopefully partially make up for the disappointment they most probably are already feeling knowing you actually read and participate in this shit.
7. What is also not ok is accusing people of crimes, calling them psychopaths, or threatening others with physical violence etc. - not even sarcastically or as jokes.
Think of it this way: 
when typing your message, if at any point you think that what you are writing might come across differently or more seriously to the person reading it than to you while writing it - then do not write it. Any innuendo about people´s potential “social diseases” is not welcome either, and neither are accusations of “obsessions” and people “stalking” the men this blog is focused on. Be VERY careful when using these terms. 
YOU are responsible for your own words. I cannot stress that enough.📣
8. We use a lot of initials and nicknames in our conversations - for a reason. 
Do not use people´s real names in messages. 
If you do not know who a particular person is, please come ask via chat (directions on how to use the chat feature can be found here). I may or may not blur out a name in a message if I think it´s necessary.
9. I post a lot of pics, gifs - and most of them are found from Google using various search terms, and sadly have no tags or indications as to who is the owner/maker. I don´t own any of the pics or gifs, or videos for that matter either (except the ones I have made and labeled as my own). If you find something of yours posted and prefer not to have it up or to have your name added as credits, please let me know and I will remove it.
As for links to either newspaper articles, IG accounts, other blogs or the like: you can find credits to the sources by either clicking on the links, or if I have decided to post screen caps, in the pics themselves. Again, I do not write articles or make videos and very, very rarely post anything other than other people´s comments - after all, this is prominently a discussion blog now. Opinions/messages from other people represent THEIR views and thoughts, my views/thoughts can be seen in my answers (in case of submits or multi-part messages, you will find my contributions to the message after this sign: ***).
To make this very clear: we don´t make news here, we discuss them.
10. When sending submits, if you are unsure of others potentially seeing your “ID”, please mention in your message that you want to remain anon and I will post it anon. Also please remember tho that there is no such thing as complete anonymity - so be careful when writing down your thoughts. Censor yourself if necessary - don´t make problems for me or others, or yourself.
11. I use Statcounter on this blog, which means I can see IP addresses from people visiting this site. However I choose to use that information is up to me, so if you are scared shitless of being outed due to your own actions/words, then DO NOT COME HERE.
If I out your IP, then there is a reason for it.
Don´t give me reasons if you want to remain in the shadows.
(And same goes for chat messages btw: don´t pretend to be my friend in private, but then turn your back and stab me in it in public. More often than not I WILL find out, and if I choose to then out your bullshit by posting private messages, THAT´S ALL YOUR OWN DOING, KIDDOS.
Play nice with me and you have nothing to worry about.
Start kicking dirt in my face and...🤷‍♀️
12. If you are addressing your message directly to someone (= other than me), please say so CLEARLY in your message, for example by starting your message with “For anon who said...”, or something along those line. I have had it with misunderstandings and unnecessary messes due to unclear messages! BE SPECIFIC!
13. ONLY write either in English or Finnish. I won´t waste my time on Google Translate, I have enough on my plate as it is and your weirdo mongrel lingos are boring as hell anyway.
15. I won´t post content from so-called private/non-celeb accounts such as Leto trolls (= VK for example IS a celeb so whatever she posts is most deffo getting posted, but anything posted by Lesser´s harem probs won´t be).
I´m beyoooooooond bored answering the same questions over and over again, sometimes in the space of just a few hours! The archives and search option are available on my blog for a reason! USE THEM. 😠
17. When sending messages containing info or “receipts” or whatever it may be that you think we should be made aware of, either clearly state WHERE that info can be found and WHO you are talking about. Do not simply send a message a´la “VK can be seen on Monica´s/Richard´s/Beatrice´s IG”. We don´t know who these people are! You may, but we don´t! I do not follow a single model or fashion industry creeper on social media so FIRST NAMES mean fuck all to me. GIVE FULL DETAILS OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. 
19. I usually try to post messages in the same order they have been sent - with a few exceptions: 
If a situation arises which calls for “immediate attention” (new troll pics or other sudden Mars-related activity, for example), I may leave older messages for later and focus on newer ones first. Also when I am operating on my mobile, I am often unable to post certain messages (videos etc.), so those will be left for later when I am back to an actual computer. 
20. More often than not, tumblr fails to deliver messages to my inbox. If you suspect that yours has not been delivered, please send it again. I don´t mind getting duplicates.
21. If I feel that a message offers no relevant or needed content, I won´t post it. For example, a message such as “JL & XX in Japan bang bang” is unnecessary and pointless and not worth posting. I only have 250 allowed posts per day, and on busy days I have to make judgments on what is worthy of posting and what is not. I apologize if I therefore have to skip some messages. 
When I run out of allowed posts here, I will let everyone know that I am switching over to use the secondary blog which can be found at @kmp78secondaryblog
(PLEASE NOTE: That blog is ONLY used when we run out of room here, and I never go there unless I have to so please don´t send any messages to that blog unless I inform we have to move there!)
Creating hater accounts dedicated to POSTING PICTURES OF MY BLOODY EYEBALL (that btw actually happened because of course it did! This is the echeLOOOOOON after all! 👍) won´t make me quit this blog, so...
Anyway, for further information, please contact me via private message here, on my IGs, or at [email protected].
Thank you. 🙏
PS: In case you run into accounts/comments made under my tumblr “identity”, or otherwise unauthorized “kmp78″ activity outside of tumblr which you recognize as being linked to this blog in any way (such as my posts being tagged with JL´s tags etc.), please report them immediately, both to the admins of the sites you found these accounts on, and to me directly so I can take appropriate action, thanks.
Any of my personal pics taken from this blog have been taken without permission and I have never and will never give permission to post them anywhere. And when I say I “appropriate action”, I mean just that. If need be, I will be contacting the authorities, like I did when I received public death threats. 
Be very aware that my tolerance for that is less than zero - and also be aware that these guidelines and my rules may change whenever I feel the need to change them.
#DEAL ✌️
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femmociraptor · 6 years
I literally jusf realized I was a lesbian. For the longest time I thought I was bi, then I realized it was just because my mom was always pressuring me to be with men. I’m 19. I feel like a lot of my peers came to this realization sooner. Is that just me? I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. Also I feel like I’m surrounded by straight girls and I wonder if I’ll ever meet anybody...
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[via Pew Research]
The age that people come out can be a very personal thing. It’s affected by a lot of factors, such as class, race, sex, gender, educational access, religion, region, family dynamics, and so on. There are averages to be had for every generation, sure, but the thing with averages is that they don’t tell a meaningful story. A lesbian from a working class family of lapsed Catholics is going to have a different experience from a lesbian from a middle class family of observant Muslims and a Butch lesbian coming from an educated WASP background is going to have a different experience from a Femme lesbian coming from an immigrant family kept intentionally functionally illiterate. You really can’t compare these stories with an eye towards assigning value judgments of who should be doing what and by when without doing a disservice to all the people involved here.
The Pew Research survey said that on the whole, young lesbians today tend to come to terms with their sexuality later than both gay men and bisexuals, with an average age of 18 for knowing and 21 for actually telling someone. There are a lot of reasons for this (compulsory heterosexuality being a major one). At 19, I’d say you’re actually right on track for your age group, despite how it may seem. The thing is, you don’t know how many of your peers are currently wrestling with these topics at the moment and just not talking about it. If you and I had been peers at 19, you would have thought I was one of those straight girls you find yourself surrounded by right now… and yet… :-) These things take time. The nature of coming out being what it is (and now in combination with social media), it can seem like everyone else is hitting those milestones way before you, that you’re a late bloomer, but I promise you, they aren’t and you’re not. You’re a lesbian, full stop, and for the great majority of us, the path to realizing that is not an easy one to take. Given what some of us have had to deal with, it’s a miracle any of us get there at all.
A lot of people (gay and straight) make the mistake of thinking that because so many Western countries have marriage equality right now that most of the work towards eradicating “real” homophobia is done. It’s not. Attitudes are slow to change and family dynamics persist. Lesbian is still a dirty word to many (in every sense of the word) and the cultural expectation of being quiet about your sexuality only works to keep gay people (especially gay women) in the dark and in the closet, purposefully separated from others who may be like them and kept away from that intimate knowledge about themselves. The fact that it takes so many of us so long to realize who we are is not an accident.
As for your mum, I empathize. I am in my 30’s and my mother still points out attractive men to me as potential romantic interests or half-jokingly encourages me to consider this man or that. It’s frustrating and it has gradually lessened over the years but given our starting point, I suspect it will never fully go away. The relationship a gay child has with their straight same-sex parent is often a complicated one. They’re projecting a lot of their own dreams onto you and often can’t separate who they are from who you are. Even the most progressive, pro-marriage equality parent has issues. Supporting something in the abstract is quite different from sitting across from it at the breakfast table or seeing it on display at Aunt Helen’s wedding. A lot of us have had to parent ourselves as a result so if you feel like you are in this category, just know that your path is a well travelled one and there are others like you who can help you. Seek out your local older lesbians and make friends. They are out there waiting to be found and if you go out with kindness and an open heart, more often than not that is what you will receive in turn.
Amongst my friend group, we’ve talked at length about the phenomenon where it feels like, when compared to our straight peers, most gay people are about 10 years behind. So many (out) gay people I know are off by a good 10 years or more compared to their straight peers on their educational goals, their careers, their relationship milestones, family relationships, financial goals (oh so massively behind…), family goals, and so on. It happens so much it’s almost a running joke now. “She’s in her early 30’s which is early 20’s in gay years, so she’s just wrapping up university now”… or how about finally getting the relationship with your parents in your 30s that your siblings had in their 20’s… or seeing lesbians in their 40’s and 50’s finally buying their first home and then seeing the awkward arm pats and “I don’t know why you didn’t do this sooner”’s from their straight friends and family contrasted with the glee and support (and envy) of their gay friends who just get it. To be quite honest, if you weren’t 10 years behind, based on my experience you would be the exception rather than the rule.
I won’t lie to you. You absolutely do have some catching up to do. You have some catching up to do with yourself. Every gay person does. This is a pretty big aspect of who you are that you’re just coming to terms with now and it’s going to change your relationship with yourself and your conception of who you are both in your past and going forward. You also are figuring out some pretty fundamental things about what you like and how you feel and that’s information which your straight peers have had access to their whole lives. And you won’t have the relative protection of adolescence and the legal protection of being a minor as you figure these things out… You won’t have the generally supportive parent who tells you that Jess is a nice girl but honey, you shouldn’t make your university decisions around her… or you will but you won’t be sure whether you can truly trust the motives behind their advice. You will deny and deny that your first bad relationship is actually bad because the other person will become a living stand-in for your gayness and a rejection of them is a rejection of you. And the “I told you so”’s in the aftermath when you finally end it will feel personal in a way you can’t quite describe… and the decisions you made during that relationship to keep it afloat will have greater and longer lasting consequences than the ones you might have made at 16. No one tells lesbians what safe lesbian sex is in health class and so you will fumble through your first few encounters and have to cobble together a bunch of broken and vague resources to try to construct your own understanding of how it works and you will find that when you first go to get tested, 9 times out of 10 that shitty About.com article you read at 2am will have more useful information to give you than the person sitting in front of you with a healthcare degree and sensible shoes. You will be tempted to get wrapped up in the celebratory nature of marriage equality (as will the good people around you), will feel yourself wanting something positive and good and unapologetic in your sometimes positive and sometimes good but often apologetic gay life, will find yourself seduced by the promise of legitimacy for who you are and the person you love, and will want to get married to the first healthy long term girlfriend you have… and if that relationship ends (as many, many do), you will have to decide amidst the grief whether you will mourn its demise in private or brave the disappointment and almost inappropriate investment your community had in your (very personal) life while also being a Bad Gay in the eyes of both the straight and sometimes gay people around you. As a gay person and specifically as a gay woman, you will have to learn to be your own biggest advocate. You will have to develop a spine of steel. You will have to go forward and forge a life for yourself with few role models and even fewer mentors. You’re blazing a path and it won’t be easy.
But it will be rewarding… especially compared with the alternative.
Be gentle with yourself. It’s hard and you’re just getting started but the payoff is a life well lived and (hopefully) well loved. You will meet someone, several someones if you’re lucky, and the more you live your life, the more you will notice a young lesbian coming into her own, growing up and finding out just who and what she is and being surprised time and time again at just how strong she really can be when all is said and done. You have the promise of an entire life stretching out in front of you. What do you want to do with that promise?
Never forget that you are a gay woman who was formed in a culture that was not meant for women and or for gays and would deny the agency and humanity to both. The fact that you are even at this point at all is a testament to your strength and the resiliency of your human spirit. Don’t dismiss that. It’s a hell of a thing and it will carry you a long way. Coming out to yourself as a lesbian is a massive achievement and I know first hand just how hard you’ve had to struggle and I want to say that I’m proud of you. There is a reason it’s called pride… because you’ve had to fight like hell (and you had to win) to get here.
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thanatophobix-blog · 5 years
🖊 + all do it coward
Yelling about my OCs // ACCEPTINGRabbit, you are a fool and so am I. I’m just gonna, like… give a headcanon per OC on this blog under the cut.
Achilles - His semblance is called Disconsolate. It makes others able fully feel what he is feeling, from absolute sorrow, blind rage, to pure joy, right down to the last ounce of pain he gets from a paper cut. It can take over other people’s rational thinking processes and make them react as he would, which is often never good (and leads to his death).
Alexus - She doesn’t have any real senses, even if she says its a simulated thing, she has none. She’s a cpu program! HOWEVER, she can still smell charred flesh from when her girlfriend shocked & burned to death. It’s burned into her mind even though her mind can no longer comprehend what a sense is.
Artharrachadh - Doesn’t actually like 7/11 or gas stations, they just give off the vibe he strives for in life. The mystery, the scandals, the robberies. It’s so out in the middle of nowhere that its perfect. Although, thanks to 7/11 he developed an addiction to slushies. Cherry/blue raspberry, for our god of liminal spaces, baby!!
Cas - Her powers have limits. Without her power retaining equipment (essentially, a choker, two bracelets, and two ankles), she would have ripped herself into shreds after a few usages of her powers. Her speed could send her cells into different dimensions, her ‘pyrokinesis’ could set herself on fire since she is not impervious to fire, and if she uses her luck too much, karma returns the favor with brain bleeds.
Cephriel - As angelic as they are, they are more monstrous and demonic than they’d like to admit. They eat sinners alive for nourishment, but it is all for the holy conquest. Plus, the more souls they consume, the stronger they get. The stronger they get, the quicker they can accomplish the holy conquest.
Dolores - She really wanted to get back in touch with her son but she could never find him. She went back to LA looking for him only to find that he’d been adopted and shipped off to Germany. She felt so, so horrible. It’s her fault that he was sent off to a totally abusive household and she lives with that guilt so, so horribly.
Dominique - Has never once acted like a true criminal, more like a robin hood type figure. He doesn’t kill, he doesn’t hurt, he doesn’t do anything like that, the worst he does is steal from the rich and give to the poor. Either through charity donations or through mysterious wads of cash showing up at people’s houses. However, since he steals from the rich and not the poor, that makes him evil for the media.
Eirian - Has never been one for conflict. Avoided school drama all throughout high school (minus his tiff with Lizzie which was created by him being an idiot). Now he’s running from town to town with an eldritch being chasing after him with so many guns in the back seat of his truck its almost fucking criminal. He’s learned, so, so much combat things that it scares him. He’s practically a weapon himself.
Erik - Has the hardest time keeping the ‘we’re all monsters or demons’ secret a secret out of all of Clearfall’s citizens, and he’s the one that made the whole thing happen. Lucky for him, Corey Booker, the human reporter, is kinda dense. Unlucky for Erik, he thinks that Corey is hot shit and would gladly sell him his soul to stay in Clearfall. But, for Corey to stay in Clearfall, he’d have to be turned into either a werewolf or a vampire but he doesn’t want to do that because Erik’s both a wimp and doesn’t wanna hurt
Eva-Marie - In Hell, everyone wears the sign of how their died. People shot have their bullet wounds, knife wounds, the blood loss makes you incredibly lethargic and cold, sickness makes you permanently sick and tired, burning makes you always feel like you’re on fire, and maybe you are! But Eva-Marie doesn’t show signs of her death, or at least, not if you’re not paying attention. She has perfect posture and never lowers her head, the thick choker on her neck is blood red, sometimes she starts choking and coughing up blood. She was killed via beheading, and she takes perfect care to make sure that her head never falls off.
Fane - Has extreme commitment and attachment issues because of how many loved ones he has lost. He couldn’t save… anyone. When one of his last surviving relatives, his great great great great hella fucking great nephew, Lucas, died, he was there. Fane was teaching him how to drive and they got in an accident because Lucas couldn’t take his fucking foot off the gas because he was scared shitless and they got whacked by a semi and Fane has never, ever forgiven himself for that. Or any other of the deaths.
Florian - Is destined to become fully evil, and will thrive in that evil. He was never meant to be a florist, to live and survive off of cuddles on couches and cheap pays for a good job well done. At the end of the day, he has a strong sadistic streak that was never fulfilled as a child. Florian is all smiles and no substance on the inside, and was going to kill himself if he ever had to live another second in that flower shop doing nothing, that’s what the explosion was, an attempt to end it. Now? He’s soft and sweet on  the outside as a cover, and on the inside, he’s ready to seduce your husband and blow up your house.
Fritz - Doesn’t need to sleep and doesn’t sleep. You see, on his home planet, people move so fast that sleeping was essentially something of a social death sentence. Entire empires would rise and fall while one of them was asleep, your wife could start another family and leave you behind because you would be out cold for another millennia. SO! To bypass that, they engineered a serum that would alter their chemical makeup so they’d be constantly producing energy to replace sleep.
Henri - Does not miss being a royal. She knows that the second she gets back, she’ll be forced into an arranged marriage with a guy who a) she will never love because she is a lesbian to every degree and b) she hates anyway, the guy’s a fuckin’ douchebag to every degree. She just wants to stay in NYC with the punk rock and the grunge and the Crownweaver gig with her punk gf, Dex, and never look back.
Jack - Used to be a Team Spectre Admin. Dated Salem for years, was there when the whole team got launched under Salem’s reign. They were really, really into the whole thing too, believed that the world would be better if they could just wipe everyone’s memory clean and start over with the same people, but have everyone listen to a group ‘concerned about their health, their sanity and their well-being’. Eventually realized that it was all bullshit, all of it, shit, bullshit, and that Salem? Asshole! Shit boyfriend, shit person, shit… just shit. Left, went legit, went good.
Julia - Knows everything about you. She has no clairvoyance or telepathy or omniscience or anything like that, but she knows everything about you. She has connections, her connections have connections, she’s met practically everyone in town and if she doesn’t know everything about you when you first meet? You can be sure that she’s going to hunt down someone who at least knows something. She’s incredibly well informed, scarily well informed, and also good at social cues.
Kennedy - Killed a man in university. It was her first kill and by far, her favorite. The rush she felt, the understanding of why people murder for fun, it made her understand. She had a knife on hand, took it out of the restaurant she was eating at just beforehand and completely forgot about it, but she was glad she had it. She gutted him, top of the chest all the way down to the lower stomach, and she hanged him from a fire escape by his own intestines. He was coming onto her and she was not about that life, rest in peace, fucker.
Klaus-Michael - Has a really hard time hiding his job from his father, aka the Spider-Gold job. Yes, his father is in Germany and Klaus-Michael himself is in NYC, however, it is a requirement between the two that they have a video call once a week. He comes home after fighting off an army of bad guys with so many bruises and so many cuts and dings and busted lips and broken bones and casts and oxygen tanks that his dad should be suspicious, especially since his dad is a genius. But, Klaus-Michael always seems to have some sort of excuse tucked up his sleeve.
Liz - Finds Atlantis. She does! With help, she arrives, and, unlike the dis.ney movie, there is no one alive. Skeletons line the streets of the drowned city, the location is crumbling, and she is horrified. The haunted location gives her the creeps the second she is in there, and for good reason, because something  is watching her. Not something living, but machinery, and once it catches up to her, it brands her on her side for the rest of her life. A marking, a warning.
Lizzie - Has slight celestial heritage. Didn’t think Arhkangelskaya was chosen as her last name for a reason? It was! While she doesn’t have archangel blood per say, she has guardian angel blood, and that’s what brings her back (her ghost back) from the dead to look after Eirian’s dumb fucking ass. The guardian angel blood comes from her great grandfather who was her great grandmother’s guardian angel, ever since then, the arhkangelskayas have returned as ghosts to the person they feel needs the most help.
Lori - Is destined to die at the age of twelve. In a way, she feels invincible because who in their right mind would kill a child? She thinks, that, because she’s so young, nobody is gonna raise a finger against her when she walks in to kill them, because she thinks that they don’t think that she’s going to kill them! And then, one day, she realizes that everyone is an assassin and assassins don’t have rules, assassins just want money. And, on that day, that is when she dies.
Lukas - Is not out for anyone but himself and his town. If you die, and it’s his fault, it’s not on his conscience. He’s not here to fix your problems, even though he fixes way too many of them anyway, he’s here to get the money and go. He’s here to get enough cash to either buy enough medicine to last him and his hometown years and years and years, essentially ridding them of their poisoning, or, he is going to use that money to entice scientists to search for a cure. He’s tired of having slag course through his veins, it hurts, more than he likes to admit.
Lux -  Is not impervious to fire. If she emits it from her body, she only does so from her hands for this reason, she’s not some hum.an tor.ch lookin’ chick, she’s completely human to every regard and her powers are created by machines. She can use her powers of vibrating molecules to a frequency on objects that she is not holding that are within close range, but she can also ‘set the air on fire’ (more like oxidation). She doesn’t realise this, but its how she makes her fireballs. The palms of her hands are incredibly scarred.
Madeleine - Killed a man in self defense and nobody will ever, ever know about it. Or, at least, she hopes so. She doesn’t want anybody to find out about it, because she knows that she’d be sent to jail. Sure, it started out as self defense when the main pulled out a gun at her at semi-close range in an alley way after a case where she sent a criminal away for life and she stabbed him through the heart with her rapier. It was when she took the gun and the sword and started going overkill with panic that it became less about self defense and more like making sure that that guy would never come back. She got an old friend with connections to clean the scene.
Marque - Isn’t trying to provide chaos to provide the world with equal opportunity to rise from the ashes and anarchy as a new, better evolved race, he’s doing it so he can control Giratina and take over the Reverse World. If he takes control of the pokemon, then he is also, by default, the master of the Reverse World. If he allows other to live within the other dimension, he will become their leader by default. And, by causing chaos in Kalos, Sinnoh and the other regions, he will have more and more people wanting to move into the Reverse, gaining more and more subjects and more and more power.
Matthew - Will not be able to survive if he ever leaves the Entity’s realms. His body is emaciated beyond what should be humanly possible (not like the hag is, more like he’s 6′4″ and 90lbs) and he’s surviving based on the Entity alone. His blood is complete and utter drugs at this point and he’s fragile. He’s skeletal, but in the same way that b.ane works, the drugs kind of give him a boost? They give him the strength to keep moving, but he will die if all of them ever get out because he was only a little better than this before he got into the realms.
Myles - Is suffering from unknown internal damage thanks to the facial scar that he is unaware of. The deal with this is, the scar pushed the outer layer of metal inward and, while it hasn’t damaged any of his inner workings yet, if anything happens to his face… welp! A good hit to the cheek, falling head first, anything like that will push the sharp metal further inward and damage his internal wiring. This could potentially be fatal depending on how hard the hit is, or how many times he gets hit. He is very stunned after a good head injury.
Ollie - Is a little hypocrite His whole episode is about the importance of not doing drugs, but in itself, the episode really leans towards how ‘some drugs are good’. Big companies will gladly sponsor a tv show into corrupting the minds of children to think that certain drugs are alright to take by hiding information about them, just like the tobacco industry in the past with cigarettes. Ollie, the pill bottle filled with prescription drugs, may say that some are bad, but he himself offers the pills he contains to the members of the show, getting them addicted, like a fucking hypocrite.
Richard - Wants to move onto news reporting on television, but is held back by Thomas. Their personalities are incredibly similar thanks to the method of their creation, but Richard’s has always been a little bit louder and more personable and much, much more suited for news reporting. He’s always taken to celebrity incidents more, so he’d be suited for something like…. eta.lk or en.tertainment toni.ght. Plus, wouldn’t it be fun to report a death on tv that you caused?
Salem - Does not understand that he is in the wrong. Like, you know how some villains understand that to do some good things, you need to break a few eggs? And they deal with that guilt?? LIke uh, shit, like Negan had guilt on cheating on his wife and all that, like they can realize that they’ve done bad shit? Salem is so insecure that he projects all guilt and anger and anything wrong onto other people. World falling apart? People losing their families to memory loss? Not his fault, all yours.
Shae - Never wanted to be the hero. She’s watched too many superhero movies to see how it all turns out. Metr.oman? From Meg.amind? Yeah, she doesn’t wanna turn out like that, but she knows that she’ll burnout from all the people saving and all the heroics and that one day she might just have to kill her best friend so as sunshine-y as she is she’s always dealing with this black cloud that hangs over her head and heart and it hurts her that the world is always so in danger and she can only do so much. She wants to have a break.
Sinclair - Has never lived for himself. He only ever helps others. When Jack disappeared, he took it upon himself to defeat the Team Spectre residing within the League. He took over so that people could still experience the League even though he didn’t actually technically become the champion. After all that happens, he leaves to go help others because he has nothing else to live for, he doesn’t know what to do but help. Even as a child, he poured himself into others rather than building himself up.
The Boys - Used to travel the world to sate their hunger before fully settling in their new home, a now dead, formerly economically booming, rural town that still sees some people coming in. When they travelled, they were not known as the boys, more as The Figure, as they did not hivemind as much. It is only thanks to their new setting where they take place in the high school like to eat teenagers that they hivemind as seven different boys (the most they can manage with having separate personalities and appearances while still being connected).
Thomas - Once tried to have a family outside out of Richard without Richard knowing to see what it was like. They aren’t connected other than their purpose, so they share no hivemind, just basic personality. He soon realised that a family would not be for someone like him, as they would always die before him, leading him to fake his death so it’d make human sense. He lost track of where his descendants are now, however, he doesn’t care because he’s dependant on Richard.
Virgil - In Agents of Mayhem, Virgil becomes M. Squelette, the title gained when becoming the leader of the Ivory Skeletons. Either way, his Saints Row verse, he still was a member of that gang, but he left the gang life there to move to Stilwater and then got rescooped into it. He has a lot of Saints ink, the fleur de lis and all that shit, one on his neck, y’know. However, he has a piece of Skeletons ink that he refuses to blot out because its… really nice. Like the tattoo artist obviously worked really hard on it and as loyal as he is to the Saints, he also has a large respect for the arts so there is no way in hell he’ll blot out something so nice looking. Besides, he can just pass it off as something he got when he was drunk considering that he never talks about his time as a Skeleton to anyone.
Woodland - Learned how to ‘speak English’ thanks to the dying screams of the people she killed and ate alive. Some people would try and bargain with her, others would just string together a stream of ‘shit’s and ‘no’s. Of course, this doesn’t help when learning English, as you only learn certain words and all their connotations are fucked and disjointed. She tries her best though. Also, she doesn’t actually have a name. Woodland is just a term.
Xander - Found out that he was a god when he didn’t die when he should have. By all means, he should have died. He was in a car accident with some sorta not really friends (all his other friends were in the other car, thank gods) and all the other ones died horrifically. Someone got flung out the windshield and into a tree, someone stepped out of the crash and got hit by a passing truck, when the car caught on fire, two people were stuck inside. Only Xander lived, but he was in a hospital with wounds that should have never healed, but they did. He then got a message from his fathers telling him about his true parentage.
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 5 - Clash of Sidekicks (2)
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“This is the worst movie I’ve watched since ‘The Wizard of Monomi’!”
"The fact that you can admit to watching that says a lot about you.”
Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial. 
Trial: 1
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That is a PERFECTLY REASONABLE REACTION to a snuff film. All the new sprites we’re getting this chapter are so brutal, jeez... D:
... with the sole exception of hangover!Shuichi which must be protected at all costs.
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Kokichi is just going over all of the important parts of this evidence and Monokuma is not about it. Well you know, Monokuma, maybe if you had given us something to work with in the Monokuma file we wouldn’t be relying on good ol’ K over here!
Anyway, it just has play, record and pause... I was wondering if it had some sort of ‘speed up’ function to explain why the press suddenly went faster at that one point but apparently not, huh. I guess if pause/play was activated by accident or purpose it would make it seem artificially fast, like the way they cut frames in animation? that would be a lot of cut frames though, hm...
Anyway, hard to know if I should be questioning this or not but wow way to come in partway through the trial and throw up like an updated autopsy report. Who do you think you are, Miles Edgeworth? >3>
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Confirmation is a bitch.
Then... if I’m going to take this as is which, for now, I guess I should... then the suspect part is the act that Kaito just lay there, not moving, right? And the fact that the press went down with no problems (unless that’s why the press seemed to halt for a second)... doesn’t that mean he was already dead?
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ryukishi07 is that you
Actually for that matter it could be Uchikoshi - his description of a certain 999 scene got pretty detailed. >>
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RIGHT?! There was nothing for him! He ended everything! The game was over, and I’m still sure he wasn’t the mastermind! The only thing I can think of is that it was an accident as a result of Kaito getting that crossbow and attacking him right under his nose! He knows if Kaito wound up dead he’d be the obvious culprit, and he’s made it incredibly clear that not only does he wanted to win the whole game, he has the intelligence to do it! Also the fact that he brought it here in the first place seems more like he’s making a point than confessing his guilt -
So... was it someone else? Or was it illness after all, and Kokichi taking advantage of the opportunity presented to him?
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... hoo boy.
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“You wrote ‘Kokichi Ouma killed Kaito Momota’ on the back of the exisal, you took a selfie with the press and uploaded it onto all of your social media counts with #oops #madeamess #galaxyprinthydraulicpress -”
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“Don’t you do it -”
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well actually I guess he’s ‘confessed’ like, 10 times to various things over many trials so who even knows anymore
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Not that I think he killed Kaito, but I do wonder if he conspired with Monokuma at all to set up an ‘unknown victim’ trial and if he did, what the extent of that collaboration was. If he did, he just went out of his way to deliberately undermine Monokuma... again. There is definitely no love lost between those two, huh. 8′D
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I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!! also nice use of the word space there sob sob
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“You don’t understand guys, I’ve played so many courtroom games and murder mystery visual novels. So many. I’m an authority on this sort of game-based killing stuff, believe you me!”
finally, a place where Shuichi and Tsumugi can coexist in peace
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.... BAH BUT THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH IT BEING KOKICHI (in the exisal, not the killer obis) IS THAT IT MESSES WITH THE WHOLE ‘MAKI WAS AN ACCOMPLICE THEORY’ and I just can’t get around the fact that she had to have been involved somehow! But other than mercy-killing Kaito, I can’t think of a reason why she would do anything to hurt him - and she certainly wouldn’t leave his body to be messed with so terribly by Kokichi!
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Also, I’ve been treating her this whole time like she’s hiding Kaito actually being alive and that she’s pressing hard as Kokichi as an act but, unless my genuine-meter is off, she seems far too genuine about everything she’s said up to this point? Does she really think Kokichi is the one in the exisal, then?
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damn it Junko can’t you leave v3 alone even when you’ve been dead for hundreds of years
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Oh shit he doesn’t know about Junko does he? Amazing. Wonderful. Fantastic.
Disclaimer here that I actually liked Junko as the villain of DR1 and I thought she had fantastic presence as well as a rocking’ cosplayable outfit but I really feel like she has no place here... though ugh, the fact that Monokuma exists is just something I can’t ignore, so I guess she was something that would need to be addressed down the line at some point. But not here, damn it!
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Shuichi is finally stepping in to the protagonist!shoes long enough to curse out Kokichi or K or whoever it is in there for breaking classic mystery protocol. 
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.... Kokichi has some sort of plan, huh. Trying to ‘trap’ us. Shuichi isn’t wrong for sure - and this is a very ‘Kokichi’ thing to do...
Man, it’s really looking more and more unlikely that Kaito is in there, huh? disregarding the fact that we literally just watched a video of him being crushed to death Shuichi is right - there definitely is method behind the madness, and that’s exactly the problem - we got a brief glimpse of Kaito (SERIOUSLY WHY DID HIS VOICE COME OUT) but everything after has been all Kokichi, not just by voice but by personality, cadence, speech... even the way he’s presenting information to us. I’m not saying Kaito isn’t smart - I know the game keeps trying to present him as dumb at some points, via Kokichi himself sometimes, but I’ve never agreed with that at all - but is he capable of mimicking Kokichi to this degree? That would require an incredible insight  on who Kokichi is as a person, and while Kaito has been incredibly perceptive on an emotional level, this is pretty next-level, right?
And other than survival, what could Kaito gain from doing this? 
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Shuichi it’s true and you should say it
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Is it bad that I wanted a new sprite of Shuichi grabbing the platform and just, leaning forward to yell, “SERIOUSLY?!” at the top of his lungs.
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togami on steroids
I’m feeling confused and lost and it’s fantastic.
If Kaito really is out of the running as the culprit, the game really seems to be pointing at Maki as an option? I don’t know how I feel about that - while it does seem to fit in a lot of ways it just... doesn’t feel right to me either? But then the only other options are Tsumugi, Himiko and K1-b0 and I really can’t imagine them being the right answer....
Kokichi is definitely not the culprit. I mean, there’s always that 1% chance I guess, but... 
And Shuichi - well, we haven’t had any indications of them pulling a second Kaede, right? I swear I’ve been paying attention this time... ;A;
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Beatrice would be proud
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Oh good, finally something I actually know how to deal with! The footage shows him being crushed, but that doesn’t mean it’s the time of death...
Once again, I’m so glad Shuichi is on the same wavelength as me. 8′D
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Damn, it just switched to Maki standing quietly and staring daggers at us. Yikes.
Also it’s quite nice that K1-b0 can put his feelings about the press aside and stay on-point for this trial. 8′D I’m sure he’ll have a lot to say later, though - it can’t be nice to think you’re on the same level as a corpse.
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oh thanks for showing us the video again, I really wanted to see that.
that acceleration is weird though! It’s really weird!!!
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Wait, really?! It’s not built-in? I thought if the sensor was disabled then the press would be too!
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I know Shuichi’s thinking about this from an immediate defensive tactical POV (aka Kokichi being able to protect himself), but I imagine losing control over the exisals guarding Monokuma would be a huge blow to Kokichi, too.
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I do love the fact that he just casually throws in little comments to try and confuse the matter further. ‘D
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Mm, Maki, you really shouldn’t be bringing something like this up. weeeeh I thought the answer was ‘Kaito’s coat’ aka the hole in it but I was wrong boo it was the bloodstain on the floor
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Man it really seemed like it was lining up to match with Kokichi’s clothes...
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Wait why are you bringing that up??? You’re the one fighting for Kokichi being in the exisal!
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THERE’S THE HOLE IN THE COAT!!! Finally!!! I’ve been anxious to get to the crossbow and poison - oh suddenly Himiko’s getting upset. Yeah... yeah, considering the fact that she brought the crossbow, I can see why.
Sorry, stepping back for a sec. Komaeda’s death was ruled Nanami’s fault because she technically killed him via throwing the poisoned canister, right? So if Maki applied the poison to one of the crossbow bolts Himiko delivered but never fired it herself - in fact, if Kokichi fired back in self-defense after wrestling it from Kaito in a fight - would that make Kokichi the accidental culprit? Could... that be where this is going? Or is this going to be a ‘different game, different ruling’ type situation where Maki becomes the blackened for setting things up so that someone would die? I was wondering why it would just be one, but maybe the ‘small amount of poison was used’ is the key to that - she tried to use just enough that the difference wouldn’t be obvious in order to fool Shuichi (but, well, failed in that regard).
That... could be interesting, right? Maki sends Himiko with one of the bolts being poisoned, Kaito and Kokichi struggle over the crossbow, Kokichi accidentally uses one of the poisoned ones and Kaito dies despite Kokichi’s best efforts... (antidote search? maybe? but he doesn’t find it - and Kaito is weakened from disease already, so...) So in order to attempt to survive an unwinnable trial that he tried to prevent by cancelling the game, he throws one loop after another - obscuring the body’s identity but then showing up because he had no choice anyway, but still in an exisal, taping himself crushing Kaito’s body with the clue of him being absolutely still hidden in there but then giving the video to them anyway, and then leading them to the answer that he was ‘set up’ as the killer against his best efforts?
This could be a narratively satisfying way of ending his journey with Shuichi - “Please solve this last riddle here at the very end, dearest detective. It’s been a pleasure.” nothing wrong with throwing a bit of saiouma in here at the very end, right?
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Anyway while I was going off on a weird tangent Himiko created what may very well be the most terrifying non-lethal curse I’ve ever heard of in my entire life.
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Gosh Himiko may actually be a worse liar than K1-b0 and that’s really saying something???
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“That’s right, Himiko, I’ve got your number right down to that really, really weird quirk of yours.” no seriously why is ‘Himiko has to go to the bathroom a lot’ a thing
Also Himiko I’m pretty sure you only delivered it, so why are you freaking out so badly???
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Maybe... I’m onto something with the revised theory...??? I don’t know why he would cover for anyone else???
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“Guys, I spent a whole trial hammering the importance of lies and truth as the theme of the game into your skulls and you’re just chucking that out the window because I was gone for a few days? Seriously?”
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It’s interesting that they’re bringing up being able to shoot Kaito from the outside because, I mean, the crossbow was found inside the hangar and I really don’t think it could have been tossed in through the window fully assembled, but I guess it’s a way to confuse the matter even further?
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Oh hey, you included yourself for once!
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Honestly though, she’s being incredibly vicious and, once again, I highly doubt it’s just because Shuichi accusing everyone, herself included. Even if Kaito is the victim...
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I     S T A N D     O N     T H E     S I D E     O F     H O P E 
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Kokichi chooses funny times to be helpful, huh. 8′D
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also LMAO Kokichi just declared Himiko the culprit
never change, kiddo
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I feel like being scared should be the least of your worries right now.
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You just want an Ace Attorney-style breakdown, don’t you???
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~one of these things is not like the other~
Also the fact that Kokichi yelling about how he’s the most suspicious being the dialogue blocking the actual right answer is kind of amazing.
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“And please don’t ask him to prove it, I’m not really over the last time he printed something from his memory.”
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“AND ANOTHER THING! I wouldn’t even cosplay as you if you were a fictional character!”
this trial is tearing our family apart
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So, uh, did Shuichi just whip out the actual crossbow case or just a spare one he grabbed from Maki’s lab -
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Thank you for summing it up so succinctly, Tsumugi!
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That might be the longest one yet!
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I actually believe that!
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It was worth messing up for this -
k1-b0, honey, you were doing so well and I believe you I swear -
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We’re starting to circle around the next big answer, methinks...
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Oooh man, you shouldn’t have talked about her like that earlier, Himiko!
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AAAAAAAAAAW damn it okay that is actually really cute
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She sounds so sad, aaaaaah D:
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Implying that you aren’t lying about anything this trial? I don’t think so -
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- but with that said, how sweet of you to come to her aid like this when you could have also thrown her under the bus! You really are starting to come along, Maki!
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whispers why does Tsumugi voice my thoughts so often
But of course, we can’t avoid it. Someone asked Himiko to bring the crossbow there - I never was under the illusion that it was her idea. As for who it was that asked...
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Yeah, I thought so. I wonder if it was Shuichi’s talk with him that spurred him to make that request. As soon as he thought the others were going to stick their necks out for him he decided to make his own plan of action, huh...
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I’m taking this random opportunity to address the fact that I adore this particular sprite of K1-b0′s which practically screams, “I am so sick of your human nonsense” or perhaps more specifically, “Kokichi, why are you the way you are -”
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what is happening right now
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Het-ship potential? For Kokichi Ouma? The world must be endin - ohwait
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I hate to put it in these terms, and I hope dearly that Shuichi doesn’t make the same connection as me, but does this not imply that Shuichi was catalyst leading to his close friend’s death for the second time?!
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Man, I can hardly imagine the panic she was in when she saw Kaito’s sleeve amongst all that blood. She probably feels incredibly responsible, and from the point of view of someone who thinks Kokichi is the mastermind, the obvious conclusion to draw would have been, “Kaito tried to rebel against Kokichi and this is the result!” And it wouldn’t have been too hard to go to, “I’m going to punish everyone who helped him” for that matter...
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Yeah, so it was definitely after Shuichi talked to Kaito. K1-b0 only caught her going into the hangar the second time though?
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Why in the world would you go there by yourself with the exisals wandering around? Kaito’s voice wouldn’t be able to reach you unless you were far into the hangar, so exactly what were you thinking???
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Just... why. Why.
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I’m so glad I have you here, Tsumugi.
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Good. 8′\
I guess we’re not addressing why Himiko decided to take a nighttime stroll into the hangar before the request made then??? O... Okay???
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Man, if it turns out that Kokichi was actually able to disarm Kaito of the crossbow despite being shot twice, one time in the back, that would be pretty damn impressive.
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Wouldn’t it be funny if after all of this, Maki’s straightforward determination to hang this all up on Kokichi actually turned out to be correct? And by the time we all come around to point the finger at him, Kokichi is revealed to not be the mastermind or morally responsible despite accidentally killing Kaito and Maki ends up getting him killed like she always wanted, but at that point actually regrets it - and Kaito’s life is lost in the crossfire as well?
Oh did I say funny? I meant extremely fucked up and tragic, whoops.
I think the one thing that I can stand by until the end is the fact that Maki was responsible for the introduction of poison to this whole wild affair. The electrohammer is obvious, sure - but the poison? They’ve been dancing around that the way I thought they would have been dancing around other things this whole time. 
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Yeah, what??? You’re supposed to be acting as the moderator, aren’t you?
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It’s not like he called it off or anything when he visibly took the reins of the game OH WAIT....
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how dare you point out the issues I’ve been having without my consent, bear
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That’s it I hope Rantaro steps out of the exisal at the end of the trial and just ascends to the heavens without a word -
actually if it has a voice changer could you do anyone because that could be hella interesting
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“There’s a bit of a situation going on” you are the most casual guy every -
Okay so if there’s a voice changer and DR isn’t going to pull out a whopper on us with both of them hiding in the exisal somehow, Kokichi is either having a hell of a time doing some low-key satire by portraying Kaito as the most relaxed, casual dude ever who thinks he can just handwave his mistakes via pure charisma, or Kaito is doing the most goddamn amazing Kokichi impression known to mankind and is also actually the Ultimate Improv Actor. The inflection difference alone between the two of them and the completely different way they address people - ‘Kaito’ has shown up briefly so it wouldn’t be too hard for Kokichi, but ‘Kokichi’ has been here for most of the trial and responded pretty effortlessly without slipping up once!
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Maki is Not Having this shit anymore.
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Also if it is Kokichi in there then, uh, yeah, point proven about needing to stay in the exisal.
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Damn it, both of them have a plausible reason as to why they can’t come out of the exisal!!! And yikes, I wonder if I underestimated the severity of his injury from his run in with the exisal at the end of the escape tunnel? He didn’t break his ankle or something, did he? That would explain why he would rely on a long-ranged weapon like a crossbow to fight Kokichi!
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WILL DO! .....
I... I had a brief, faint glimmer of hope but -
apparently choosing Kokichi as the answer to ‘who is the victim’ is the wrong choice
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How terrifying would it be to have that gatling gun-style arm waving around behind your back while you’re forced to think on your feet... >> Shuichi, I don’t envy you for even a second.
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Really???? After all that, I thought... I really thought... we were leading into a flip of the script. Is - is it official then??? Man, was I just completely wrong the whole time then?
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Look Kai - uh, Kokichi, K, whoever, look. Look. I was confident. I had a whole damn chart and notes written out, and even managed to work out a decent motive to go along with it, one with enough heart to make Will H Wright proud. BUT IT WAS ALL FOR NAUGHT, APPARENTLY, BECAUSE I GUESS I FUCKED UP THIS TRIAL PRETTY BADLY FROM THE GET-GO.
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It.... It’s really saying that it’s Kaito, then....??? Damn....
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My heart is actually aching for Shuichi right now. I understand he’s not literally in the audience POV, staring at the exisal behind his portrait with his voice encouraging him the way it always did in the last few trials - but maybe that’s what makes it worse for him?
Rather than standing at his side, ‘Kaito’ is behind him, where he can’t see him. Shuichi can imagine him though - imagine Kaito’s voice is actually coming from him, just outside of his peripheral vision, and Kaito is just about to clap him on the back and congratulate him on another well-made deduction. After the last trial, it’s so nice to have Kaito on his side again. They had finally just made up - !
..... but.
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38 notes · View notes
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12 Free Ways To Earn Money From Internet Without Any Investment
I am sure you know at least one friend or family member or colleague earning handsome money online.  You might have thought, it’s easy peasy money. You can make it too. But either you got trapped in an online scam or failed.
Have you ever wondered why?
It’s because either you didn’t know where to look at and where to start from or you wanted a shortcut to earn tons of money. Let me tell you, there is no shortcut to earn money. You have to work hard.
Let me tell you a story. One of my friends went for a digital festival sometime back. There he saw a guy sitting with a big board saying “Earn money fast: simple and easy form and survey filling job”.
The offer seemed attractive to him. He approached the counter and signed up for the job. The deal was he has to pay an initial amount of $40 to complete the registration. Once that is done, he will receive some survey forms and will get paid for it.
After a few days, he received some more online surveys which he gladly filled and sent. This continued for a month until one day the communication channel (email) was not reachable. All his emails bounced back and the guy who hired my friend was nowhere to be found.
This is just one of the stories that is happening online. There are millions of scams out there.  The reason I am telling you this story is not to scare you, but to show you the reality.
Do a proper verification before signing up for some work.  Check about the brand or the person behind the brand. Otherwise, you might end up working for hours for zero money.
Today, I’m going to share some of the simple and legitimate ways to earn money online that anybody can do. Be it a 40-year-old homemaker, a 15-year-old school kid or a retired person, you can pick your options and start working online.
While you are creating your big money blog, you need to keep earning some money in order to pay your bills and get through the period of struggle.
Therefore, to help you with making money, here are six ways to earn money online without paying for anything besides an internet connection, and well, a computer!
These methods can make you earn a decent income, depending on the amount of time and effort you put in.
Page Contents
·         How To Make Money Online without investment (Sitting at home)
o    1. Sell your skills on Fiverr
o    2. Become a Virtual Assistant:
o    3. Offer Article Writing Service
o    4. Freelancing:
o    5. Start a profitable blog
o    6. Create YouTube Videos or a channel :
o    7. Guest Posting For Your Clients
o    8. Affiliate Marketing
o    9. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
o    10. Online Paid Surveys
o    11. Become A Broker For Webmasters And Website Owners
o    12. Become a Transcription freelancer
How To Make Money Online without investment (Sitting at home)
Honestly, there are hundreds of ways. When you look online, you will find legit sources along with and many that are scams. I highly recommend you to stay away from programs that ask you to make the initial investment to start using their money-making formula.
Here, I’m sharing how to earn money online, which is easy to use and legit at the same time. Few of them will require you to have certain skills like good communication, good writing abilities, etc.
Without any delay, let’s get to it:
1. Sell your skills on Fiverr
Fiverr is the best place to make money online for free. This website lets you offer any kind of services that you are good at and earn money from it. Getting started with Fiverr is easy, and it is designed for users like you who are willing to work from home and make money.
There are many success stories on Fiverr, and once you browse their marketplace, you could find a lot of ideas that would help you get started. The best part, this is absolutely free, and one of the killer ways to make money online without any investment.
Join Fiverr for free
2. Become a Virtual Assistant:
This is another best way to earn money by sitting at home. As the number of solopreneurs are increasing, so is the demand for a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant job is just like a personal assistant, but done virtually.
The job could be like:
·         Doing research work
·         Replying to emails
·         Writing content or ad copies
·         Moderating comments
On an average, a virtual assistant job could help you earn anywhere between $2-30 every hour.
For anyone who can’t move out of the house, and needs an earning source sitting at home, becoming a VA is a lucrative option. We have published a few guides earlier on becoming a VA, and you could read more about it by clicking on the links below.
·         How to become a virtual assistant
·         5 Websites To Get Hired For Remote Virtual Assistant Jobs
3. Offer Article Writing Service
·         Sitting at home kind of work: ✅
Bloggers and webmasters are always looking for new and unique content for their blogs and websites. To become an article writer, all you need to good writing skills and you should be able to scout the internet to find the right information.
This is one of the best ways to make money online without paying anything.
Here is the list of websites which pays for writing:
·         Outsourcely
·         Problogger Job-board
·         Freelancer
·         Constant-Content
·         Upwork
·         Craiglists
You will be paid $2-$100 per article depending on the word requirement and quality. You’ll be instructed on the quality of articles, niche, number of words, etc. while making a deal.
·         8 websites to start your paid writing career
4. Freelancing:
Earn money from home: Yes
Whether you are a graphic designer or a finance manager, a writer or a homemaker, freelancing is for you. You just need to think about what you are good at, and you can make your living.
You can be your boss, can work from anywhere you like, and work according to your time schedule. Simply, Sign Up for freelancing jobs on sites like Guru, UPWork, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr, etc. Apply for a relevant category and that’s it. You are good to go.
Of course, different sites have different payment schedules and terms of conditions; you just need to pick the site according to your needs.
Tip: Make a good profile and mention your strengths and previous work. Ask people to leave a review after work. This will establish you as a reputed freelancer on freelancing sites.
If freelance writing options fit your requirement, you should read: Websites to get freelance writing gigs.
5. Start a profitable blog
If you are passionate about writing and want to share your thoughts, emotions or learnings with people, blogging is a great option for you.
You don’t have to be tech-savvy or a computer geek to start your journey online.
Here is an important story, the founder of this blog “Harsh Agrawal” met with an accident, and he was unable to move out of bed for 6 months.
It is that time, he made blogging his full-time career, and now he is earning more than $40000 every month.
You can read about his journey here, and you would be surprised to learn about the scope of blogging. You can learn a lot about profitable blogging, by reading ShoutMeLoud.
Here are some popular ways to earn money from blogging.
Getting started with blogging is easy, and all you need is a domain and hosting to get started for the self-hosted WordPress.  
You can start earning within 2-3 months. It all depends on how much time, hard work and dedication are you willing to give.
Read the below guides on blogging
·         How to Start a Blog
6. Create YouTube Videos or a channel :
·         You can work from home.
·         Investment required: Minimal
How many times have you spotted advertisements on YouTube videos? Until I got to know about money-making opportunities via YouTube, I never knew a normal user like you and I can earn income by uploading videos on YouTube.
It doesn’t have to be a technical video; it could be anything from funny to a serious one.
However, the video needs to be original. You can simply upload videos on YouTube and monetize it using Adsense.
Here are some articles which will help you to get started.
·         How To Make Money on YouTube (With or Without Huge Subscriber Base)
You need not need to spend a lot or buy a professional camera or any such gadgets. A good smartphone video recorder can do magic. Just be ready to capture some crazy moments.
Homemakers can consider starting a cookery show or similar stuff. If you are good with yoga, pilates or any other form of exercise you can create your DIY videos and upload it on YouTube and enable ads on them.
7. Guest Posting For Your Clients
·         Skills required: Writing & Client interaction
·         Can be done from home: ✅
It can help you make a lot of money. Guest posting has great benefits regarding traffic, exposure, credibility, and recognition from search engines. Just imagine the amount you can charge if you have the caliber to get a guest post approved on ShoutMeLoud!
Your clients will pay you thousands of dollars.
For this, you need to have writing skills and you can find a list of high authority blogs that allow guest posting here.
8. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the best way for anyone to start earning money online. This requires zero investment & you can use your blog or even your social media platform like Twitter, Facebook to promote and earn money.
Learn about Affiliate marketing here.
I know of bloggers earning thousands sitting at home just with affiliate marketing. Here is a post where you can see how much a person like you and me is earning from affiliate marketing.
For further reading:
·         Affiliate marketing eBook for beginners (This is a complete book that you need for affiliate marketing)
·         How to start with affiliate marketing
·         5 Affiliate marketing myths uncovered
·         How to choose affiliate programs for your blog
9. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
It’s 2020 and there is no doubt that cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Just like the dot com boom, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are at a very basic stage but if you spend some time working hard, you will end up earning a lot of money.
The best part is, you can find most of the information online and I recommend you to spend the first few days learning about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as much as you can before you start investing in it. Since the market is new and a lot of people are getting in, you can expect a lot of growth in the coming months or years.
You can browse Harsh’s website CoinSutra to educate yourself in the field of cryptocurrencies.
Here are some of the best tools and resources you need to get started with cryptocurrencies:
·         Coinbase: Get free $10 when you buy/sell Cryptos for $100
·         Binance: An exchange where you can deposit Bitcoin and Ethereum to start buying other low cap and high probability crypto coins.
·         Cex: An international website to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few other popular Cryptocurrencies using credit/debit cards.
I can’t really explain how you can earn money from cryptocurrencies in a few lines but here are few suggestions:
·         Cryptocurrency investment (buying good coins)
·         Cryptocurrency trading
Like I stated above, read Harsh’s CoinSutra.com to learn everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies.
10. Online Paid Surveys
This is the most common method for earning quick bucks. Now let me explain, how these online surveys work.
There are many survey companies that usually pay internet users for their opinion or views on their popular products and services. They send out free products or services to contestants for trying their products.
If you are searching for an entertaining method to make money online, think about registering with a trustworthy survey company and go ahead.
Here are a few working websites for getting paid surveys:
1.    Swagbucks
2.    Prizerebel
However, before you register for any online survey program, make sure you read their TOS as many programs accept participants from specific countries like U.S or Canada and thus on.
Personally, I highly recommend it to be the last way to earn money, as finding a good site which pays for surveys is tough, and there are many scams involved with paid surveys.
11. Become A Broker For Webmasters And Website Owners
Earn commission by getting them clients who pay for advertisement. Join webmasters forums and contact itraders to get this kind of work. These are all free ways to make money online and survive while you work on taking your blog to greater heights. Personally, I won’t recommend anything other than points 1, 2 and 4.
Another popular way to earn money is by helping someone sell their website or domain. This is a big business and with every successful sale, you can earn anywhere from $20-$20,000.
·         Join Flippa for free
The commission is usually 10% of the selling price of website or domain.
For further reading:
·         5 Websites to Buy Or Sell Websites & Domains
·         How To Start Selling Website on Flippa: A Beginner’s Guide To Success
Also, remember to strike a balance between time spent on your main money blog and doing odd jobs online. Odd jobs must not divide your attention and cut-in the time needed to work on your main blog.
12. Become a Transcription freelancer
As the number of podcasts and video content is increasing, so is the demand of workforce for transcribing the audio into text format. There are services like Rev, that let you work from home, and make money with Transcription freelancing gigs.
Benefit of this work from home gig:
1.    Rev freelancing jobs allow you to work as much or as little as you want, whenever you want.
2.    Enjoy selecting from a variety of projects that actually interest you. Our vast network of customers means a steady stream of freelancing jobs to choose from.
3.    Receive weekly payouts via PayPal for all work completed. Rev is on-time and dependable.
This is another do at your own pace kind of work, and easily doable by anyone who understands, and can write in English.
Join Rev affiliate
There are endless opportunities and options which you can select and make easy money online. Try to stick to one for some time and see which work and which doesn’t work for you. One of the most common mistakes which people do is, try multiple options at one go, and in this process, they never explore the power of one.
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manandvannow-blr · 4 years
Motorcycle Recovery London by motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. we've been an insurance approved recovery company for motorcycles, scooters and mopeds for over 12 years!
Call us now: +44800 6226 839 / +4420 7515 9347 / +4420 8216 9909
What to try to to once you break down?
Call us together with your location, to form sure its correct, share Your location on Google Maps or via What’s App. Tell us about how you broke as we could also be ready to fix it at the side of the road once we arrive.
We are wont to repairing flat batteries and punctures at the side of the road. In many cases it’s often something simple sort of a blown fuse or loose battery terminal.
Wrong Fuel?
If you set the incorrect fuel in we will get you back to our workshop we are the best Motorcycle Recovery London, drain the wrong fuel and replace it with clean petrol. It can happen to all or any folks , we all have those sort of day sometimes.
Tire problems and punctures are a really common problem, Our super fast tubeless repair system can have you ever rolling again in but 10 minutes. We inject a rubber mushroom into your Tyre then re-inflate it fast! No hassle, clean with no chemicals or glue! Yes without glue!
Broken down? Stuck at the side of the road? No problem. With Rates as low we will get you going again with our insurance approved break down service.
If you would like your bike, moped or motorcycle moved don’t worry inspect our transportation services too Motorcycle Recovery London alwase with you. >>>>
We always aim to urge to you during a timely manner when things just aren’t going right! We use modern, fully equipped recovery vehicles, fitted with wheel chocks, soft straps and straps specially designed for motorcycles to stay your Bike safe and secure in transit. Our vehicles also are fitted with full-width built-in ramps so we will transport anything, from a Quad, Babushka.
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Here we are provide answer Which are People also ask from google Question :
Q- Is it safe to ride a motorcycle in London?
Ans- motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk is safe to ride a motorcycle in London. It's reasonably safe, though after all the traffic affects motorcyclists too. you'll filter where safe, but that does not offer you priority on roundabouts and at busy junctions. it'll be quicker than driving, but likely slower than tubes and trains, Bicycle and motorbike can easily be quicker.
Q-How much does a motorbike service cost UK?
Ans- According to Money Advice Service, the typical cost of a basic car service is affordable, which you'll expect to pay once a year (or more often, consistent with what percentage miles you clock up). Service costs for a motorcycle range at reasonable price on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk
Q-How do I recover my stolen motorcycle?
Ans - You can find your accepted bike or missing bicycle as fast as time grants on cruiser recuperation london.co.uk.
Way 1. Check Craigslist.
Way 2. go to Flea Markets.
Way 3. Register Your Stolen Bike.
Way 4. Endeavor Your Social Media.
Q-How often should a motorcycle be serviced?
Ans. every year As for a way often a motorcycle should be serviced, this factor will vary supported the model. We always recommend pertaining to the owner's manual to urge the manufacturer's recommendation but, on the average , most motorcycles require service per annum or 3,000-5,000 miles.For more details of Motorcycle service visit on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-How much does a full service cost on a motorcycle?
Typical Cost of Annual Servicing
Ans-You can anticipate that standard bike support should cost may vary  every year or up. For premium cruisers, for example, Ducati, upkeep will (true to form) be higher.on reasonable price on  motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-What does a full motorcycle service include?
Ans- motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. give you full assistance will incorporate a street test to guarantee the motorbike is running true to form.The administration will probably incorporate an oil constantly channel change, just as checks to slow down calipers, cylinders, links, switches, turns, wheel orientation, headlights, chain capacity and tire pressure, among others
Q-How much does an oil change cost on a motorcycle?
Ans-The expense of a normal oil change at affordable price, however numerous more current, elite cruisers utilize manufactured oil, which can also on affordable price on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-How do you completely service a motorcycle?
Ans- We do completely service a motorcycle on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.we can also replace The Oil. to stay your motor running appropriately, you will need to exchange the oil after a couple of thousand miles—look at the proprietor's manual to get how regularly.
Supplant The air cleaner . ...
Keep up Tire Pressure And Tread. ...
Change The Coolant. ...
Keep A Clean Chain
Q-Can you service your own motorbike?
Ans-Some motorcyclists prefer buying their bikes while still within service plan. If your budget and busy schedule don't allow, you'll always service your motorcycle yourself. ... we do not recommend this if your bike remains under warranty,for more details visit on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
.Q-What are the chances of recovering a stolen motorcycle?
Ans-When it involves getting a stolen motorcycle returned to its original owner, the success rate isn't nearly as high because it is for vehicles.
Q-Is it worth reporting stolen bike?
Ans-Always report bike theft to the police
Ans-Even if you do not think you're likely to urge your bicycle back, it's worth reporting the theft so decision-makers know the extent of the matter , and that we can push for a greater police response. Provide the maximum amount information as you'll , including: The frame number. motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. give you the best security and best services.so you can find your stolen bike as soon as possible
Question: How do I take the benefits of motorcycle recovery in London?
Answers: https://motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk/motorcycle-recovery-services/ givest very low pricxe and grate service.
Question: Which is the motorbike recovery services in London?
Answers: motorbike recovery services in London to provide service in london motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk to recovery  bicks
Question: Is London traffic motorcycle-friendly for beginners?
Answers: yes
Question: Where can I find the best motorcycle accident lawyers in London?
Answers: Connect with motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk and get Solution
Question: Is 63 getting too old to ride a motorcycle in London?
Answers: yes
0 notes
dinesh220189 · 4 years
Motorcycle Recovery London by motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. we've been an insurance approved recovery company for motorcycles, scooters and mopeds for over 12 years!
Tumblr media
Call us now: +44800 6226 839 / +4420 7515 9347 / +4420 8216 9909
What to try to to once you break down?
Call us together with your location, to form sure its correct, share Your location on Google Maps or via What’s App. Tell us about how you broke as we could also be ready to fix it at the side of the road once we arrive.
We are wont to repairing flat batteries and punctures at the side of the road. In many cases it’s often something simple sort of a blown fuse or loose battery terminal.
Wrong Fuel?
If you set the incorrect fuel in we will get you back to our workshop we are the best Motorcycle Recovery London, drain the wrong fuel and replace it with clean petrol. It can happen to all or any folks , we all have those sort of day sometimes.
Tire problems and punctures are a really common problem, Our super fast tubeless repair system can have you ever rolling again in but 10 minutes. We inject a rubber mushroom into your Tyre then re-inflate it fast! No hassle, clean with no chemicals or glue! Yes without glue!
Broken down? Stuck at the side of the road? No problem. With Rates as low we will get you going again with our insurance approved break down service.
If you would like your bike, moped or motorcycle moved don’t worry inspect our transportation services too Motorcycle Recovery London alwase with you. >>>>
We always aim to urge to you during a timely manner when things just aren’t going right! We use modern, fully equipped recovery vehicles, fitted with wheel chocks, soft straps and straps specially designed for motorcycles to stay your Bike safe and secure in transit. Our vehicles also are fitted with full-width built-in ramps so we will transport anything, from a Quad, Babushka.
Here we are provide answer Which are People also ask from google Question :
Q- Is it safe to ride a motorcycle in London?
Ans- motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk is safe to ride a motorcycle in London. It's reasonably safe, though after all the traffic affects motorcyclists too. you'll filter where safe, but that does not offer you priority on roundabouts and at busy junctions. it'll be quicker than driving, but likely slower than tubes and trains, Bicycle and motorbike can easily be quicker.
Q-How much does a motorbike service cost UK?
Ans- According to Money Advice Service, the typical cost of a basic car service is affordable, which you'll expect to pay once a year (or more often, consistent with what percentage miles you clock up). Service costs for a motorcycle range at reasonable price on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk
Q-How do I recover my stolen motorcycle?
Ans - You can find your accepted bike or missing bicycle as fast as time grants on cruiser recuperation london.co.uk.
Way 1. Check Craigslist.
Way 2. go to Flea Markets.
Way 3. Register Your Stolen Bike.
Way 4. Endeavor Your Social Media.
Q-How often should a motorcycle be serviced?
Ans. every year As for a way often a motorcycle should be serviced, this factor will vary supported the model. We always recommend pertaining to the owner's manual to urge the manufacturer's recommendation but, on the average , most motorcycles require service per annum or 3,000-5,000 miles.For more details of Motorcycle service visit on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-How much does a full service cost on a motorcycle?
Typical Cost of Annual Servicing
Ans-You can anticipate that standard bike support should cost may vary  every year or up. For premium cruisers, for example, Ducati, upkeep will (true to form) be higher.on reasonable price on  motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-What does a full motorcycle service include?
Ans- motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. give you full assistance will incorporate a street test to guarantee the motorbike is running true to form.The administration will probably incorporate an oil constantly channel change, just as checks to slow down calipers, cylinders, links, switches, turns, wheel orientation, headlights, chain capacity and tire pressure, among others
Q-How much does an oil change cost on a motorcycle?
Ans-The expense of a normal oil change at affordable price, however numerous more current, elite cruisers utilize manufactured oil, which can also on affordable price on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
Q-How do you completely service a motorcycle?
Ans- We do completely service a motorcycle on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.we can also replace The Oil. to stay your motor running appropriately, you will need to exchange the oil after a couple of thousand miles—look at the proprietor's manual to get how regularly.
Supplant The air cleaner . ...
Keep up Tire Pressure And Tread. ...
Change The Coolant. ...
Keep A Clean Chain
Q-Can you service your own motorbike?
Ans-Some motorcyclists prefer buying their bikes while still within service plan. If your budget and busy schedule don't allow, you'll always service your motorcycle yourself. ... we do not recommend this if your bike remains under warranty,for more details visit on motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk.
.Q-What are the chances of recovering a stolen motorcycle?
Ans-When it involves getting a stolen motorcycle returned to its original owner, the success rate isn't nearly as high because it is for vehicles.
Q-Is it worth reporting stolen bike?
Ans-Always report bike theft to the police
Ans-Even if you do not think you're likely to urge your bicycle back, it's worth reporting the theft so decision-makers know the extent of the matter , and that we can push for a greater police response. Provide the maximum amount information as you'll , including: The frame number. motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk. give you the best security and best services.so you can find your stolen bike as soon as possible
Question: How do I take the benefits of motorcycle recovery in London?
Answers: https://motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk/motorcycle-recovery-services/ givest very low pricxe and grate service.
Question: Which is the motorbike recovery services in London?
Answers: motorbike recovery services in London to provide service in london motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk to recovery  bicks
Question: Is London traffic motorcycle-friendly for beginners?
Answers: yes
Question: Where can I find the best motorcycle accident lawyers in London?
Answers: Connect with motorcycle-recovery-london.co.uk and get Solution
Question: Is 63 getting too old to ride a motorcycle in London?
Answers: yes
0 notes
dailynewswebsite · 4 years
How to be a good digital citizen during the election – and its aftermath
You’re a key participant in efforts to curb misinformation on-line. John Fedele/The Picture Financial institution through Getty Pictures
Within the runup to the U.S. presidential election there was an unprecedented quantity of misinformation in regards to the voting course of and mail-in ballots. It’s virtually sure that misinformation and disinformation will enhance, together with, importantly, within the aftermath of the election. Misinformation is wrong or deceptive info, and disinformation is misinformation that’s knowingly and intentionally propagated.
Whereas each presidential election is crucial, the stakes really feel notably excessive given the challenges of 2020.
I examine misinformation on-line, and I can warning you in regards to the sort of misinformation you may even see on Tuesday and the times after, and I can give you recommendation about what you are able to do to assist stop its unfold. A quick-moving 24/7 information cycle and social media make it extremely simple to share content material. Listed here are steps you possibly can take to be digital citizen and keep away from inadvertently contributing to the issue.
Election misinformation
Current experiences by disinformation researchers spotlight the potential for an unlimited quantity of deceptive info and disinformation to unfold quickly on Election Day and the times following. Folks spreading disinformation could also be making an attempt to sway the election in some way or just undermine confidence within the election and American democracy normally.
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U.S. intelligence companies have reported that the Russian authorities is orchestrating disinformation campaigns aimed on the U.S. elections and pandemic response. AP Photograph/Pavel Golovkin
This report by the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) particulars narratives meant to delegitimize the election and present how uncertainty creates alternatives for misinformation to flourish.
Specifically, chances are you’ll find yourself seeing deceptive info shared about voting in particular person, mail-in ballots, the day-of voting expertise and the outcomes of the election. You may even see tales on-line circulating about coronavirus outbreaks or infections at polling places, violence or threats of intimidation at polling places, misinformation about when, the place and methods to vote, and tales of voting suppression via lengthy strains at polling stations and other people being turned away.
We seemingly gained’t know the outcomes on Election Day, and this delay is each anticipated and bonafide. There could also be misinformation in regards to the winner of the presidential election and the ultimate counting of ballots, particularly with the rise in mail-in ballots in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Will probably be necessary to know that not each state finalizes their official poll depend on Nov. 3, and there could also be narratives that threaten the legitimacy of the election outcomes, like individuals claiming their vote didn’t get counted or saying they discovered discarded accomplished ballots.
What if the supply of misinformation is … you?
There’s a lot you are able to do to assist scale back the unfold of election misinformation on-line. This will occur each by accident and deliberately, and there are each overseas and home actors who create disinformation campaigns. However in the end, you might have the facility to not share content material.
Sharing mis/disinformation provides it energy. No matter your demographic, you could be inclined to misinformation, and typically particularly focused by disinformation. One of many largest steps you possibly can take to be digital citizen this election season is to not contribute to the sharing of misinformation. This may be surprisingly tough, even with the perfect of intentions.
One sort of misinformation that has been fashionable main as much as the election – and is more likely to stay fashionable – is “good friend of a good friend” claims. These claims are sometimes unverified tales with out attribution which can be rapidly unfold by individuals copy and pasting the identical story throughout their networks.
You may even see these claims as social media statuses like a Fb submit or an Instagram Story, and even as a little bit of textual content forwarded to you in a gaggle chat. They’re usually text-based, with no identify connected to the story, however as an alternative forwarded alongside by a “good friend of a good friend.”
Such a misinformation is fashionable to share as a result of the tales can heart across the good intentions of wanting to tell others, and so they usually present a social context, for instance my good friend’s physician or my brother’s co-worker, that may make the tales appear respectable. Nonetheless, these usually present no precise proof or proof of the declare and shouldn’t be shared, even when you consider the data is beneficial. It could possibly be deceptive.
Easy methods to keep away from spreading misinformation
Many helpful sources can be found about methods to determine misinformation, which may information you on what to share and to not share. You’ll be able to enhance your potential to identify misinformation and study to keep away from being duped by disinformation campaigns.
Suggestions for recognizing misinformation on-line.
A key strategy is the Cease, Examine, Discover and Hint (SIFT) approach, a fact-checking course of developed by digital literacy skilled Mike Caulfield of Washington State College Vancouver.
Following this method, whenever you encounter one thing you need to share on-line, you possibly can cease and examine to see if the web site or supply of the data. Then examine the supply and discover out the place the story is coming from. Then discover trusted protection to see if there’s a consensus amongst media sources in regards to the declare. Lastly, hint claims, quotes and media again to their authentic contexts to see if issues have been taken out of context or manipulated.
Lastly, chances are you’ll need to share your personal expertise with voting this yr on social media. Following the advice of Election Integrity Challenge, it’s a good suggestion to share optimistic experiences about voting. Go forward and share your “I voted” sticker selfie. Sharing tales about how individuals socially distanced and wore masks at polling places can spotlight the optimistic experiences of voting in-person.
[Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter.]
Nonetheless, EIP cautions about posting about detrimental experiences. Whereas detrimental experiences warrant consideration, a heavy give attention to them can stoke emotions of disenfranchisement, which might suppress voter turnout. Additional, when you submit one thing on social media, it may be taken out of context and used to superior narratives that you could be not help.
Most individuals care in regards to the upcoming election and informing individuals of their networks. It’s only pure to need to share necessary and significant details about the election. Nonetheless, I urge you to apply warning in these subsequent few weeks when sharing info on-line. Whereas it’s in all probability not attainable to cease all disinformation at its supply, we the individuals can do our half to cease its unfold.
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Kolina Koltai's funding comes from the Middle for an Knowledgeable Public on the College of Washington, the Knight Basis, and The College of Washington's Inhabitants Well being Initiative.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/how-to-be-a-good-digital-citizen-during-the-election-and-its-aftermath/ via https://growthnews.in
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echoesintoeternity · 5 years
A Perspective & Practice During the Coronavirus
Anyone need some encouragement? How about some peace? How do we maintain inner peace in the midst of outer turmoil?
This is a long-read. I want to help anyone struggling right now - with a perspective & a practice.
A couple of mornings ago, I was studying a commentary on the biblical book of Lamentations. Now don’t let me lose you here, stick with me.
It’s a book that both mourns the fall of the city of Jerusalem and offers reproof, instruction, and hope to its survivors. Lamentations is associated with the word "how" - a characteristic cry of lament or exclamation. 
Isn't this right? "How" is a question we ask. It's circumstantial, looking for answers to a specific situation. 
Truthfully, sometimes there aren't simple or easy answers for specific situations. Thankfully, there are bigger truths we can look to and hold onto - truths that overcome circumstances or situations, regardless of how dark & heavy they may be.
Here's what was happening leading up to the writing of the book of Lamentations (and notice what they invoked):
Jerusalem's defenses were taken down. Uncertainty & fear settled in for its people.
Her allies had been vanquished in battle & any vain attempts of rescue had not been successful.
The cities around them were crushed.
A siege on the city was ever-tightening. The infiltrating armies unraveled the very fabric of society.
The people cried out to any & everything for deliverance.
Paranoia gripped the people until they turned on God Himself.
Their walls of protection were tore down & the city was left in smoldering rubble.
The once-proud city was trampled in dust. Her people had been devastated by a cruel taskmaster.
Tyler, I thought you were aiming at peace & encouragement? Once again, stick with me.
Most scholars point out that the book of Lamentations attempts to show the fulfillment of what was stated in the biblical book of Deuteronomy. In Deuteronomy, heartaches & hardships had been predicted. But God also promised restoration for repentance. Thus, in Lamentations, the author Jeremiah offers hope in the midst of despair.
Currently, a lot of our personal defenses - who & what we look to for security - are being challenged. A lot of the allies we rely on are trying to figure this out just like us. The world around us is being crushed. Society seems to be unraveling. We are looking for any & everything - information, products, distraction, etc - to deliver us at best or settling for numbing at worst. We are anxious, paranoid, and slowly pointing fingers at any and everything we can to make sense of this. The "walls" we've trusted for protection & infrastructure are being left in a smoldering rubble. We feel scared, unprotected, caught off guard, and upset that something like this could happen to us. The plans we hear don't seem to be able to truly & fully protect us & prevent harm. We’re unsettled, unnerved, and on edge. If we’re honest, it is both an interruption & inconvenience to our lives in trivial ways and simultaneously a big-picture epidemic & life-threatening scenario. This confuses us and we don’t know quite how we’re supposed to feel. No one seems to be responding to this particularly well. We feel trampled in dust, being devastated by a cruel taskmaster. Day after day, we echo “My God…”, for a difference reason...and at a deeper level.
I'm not here to offer you an extensive look into answering the questions of "how" or "why". Only God knows these intricacies. But there is a big-picture question that aims at our current state of mind, but goes beyond just today's circumstance - “What now?”. Let me point you to the one thing bigger than this present circumstance - God Himself, and specifically, God’s truths. If you desire internal peace regardless of external circumstance, if you need hope in the midst of despair, if you need good news today - we must turn to God. Any & everything else we look to, even good things, will fail us ultimately.
Listen to this commentary on the book of Lamentations & let this encourage you:
At the climax of Lamentations, God’s covenant faithfulness is affirmed and celebrated. “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases” (3:22). God “will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love” (3:32).
Just as pain is a global and ever-present experience, however, so too is God’s mercy for those who trust him through Christ. Although it recounts suffering as bluntly and awfully as anywhere in the Bible, the high point of Lamentations is its spelling out of a steady trust that “the LORD is good to those who wait for him” (3:25), for “the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end” (3:22). As surely as judgment awaits the faithless, mercy awaits the faithful—those who look to God, waiting on him, trusting in his Son, and yielding themselves to him.
Here is the greatest hope of all: God’s unfailing, unstoppable mercy toward his beloved people. The Lord himself sovereignly oversees all that his children go through, yet “he does not afflict from his heart or grieve the children of men” (3:33). “For the Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love” (3:31-32).
God draws near to his suffering saints. Indeed, in Jesus Christ, God has drawn closer to us than could have been imagined—he has become one of us, sharing in all that we suffer in this fallen world (Heb. 2:14-18; 4:14-16). Remembering him and his cross, and the glory into which he entered and into which we too shall enter (Rom 8:17), we trustingly submit to him and his fatherly governance of our lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters around the world today.
This sums up an empowering perspective to guide us through everyday life. But what about some things we can do practically, things we can practice? I’m shifting gears a bit, but I feel it is extremely important to have practical practices to live out the perspective you’ve just been armed with.
I hope these points help you and give you a strategic focus during this season. Please note, do not zoom past these points just because they seem so obvious or cliche. It’s not if you agree that they are true, but are you actually doing them?
Read the Bible. It’s important to set your mind on the things that will contribute to a right mindset & perspective. That does not happen passively or by accident.
Create quiet time to pray & meditate. There’s going to be a lot of “noise” in the next couple of months. Make sure your soul is at rest, you are bringing your fears, concerns, requests to God, and take time to listen to His response.
Journal. If you’re anything like me, your mind can be an overwhelming place. I have to take a proactive approach in sifting through it, collecting my thoughts, and cleansing it. If I don’t, it ends up an overgrown garden, a vicious cycle of more stress. Every day I take 5-10 minutes to answer questions like “3 things I’m grateful for (in the morning & afternoon), one big focus for the day, 3 big things I need to accomplish, lessons learned & opportunities to improve, if I owe anyone amends or need to forgive anyone, wins, patterns, affirmations & reminders. Try it out.
Connect with your family. Have you ever wondered in what ways the most important things in life could have been simpler way back when? This season is an opportunity. Do not get sucked into everything else when a primary opportunity is right in front of you. Spend quality time with your family.
Stay physically fit. Not focusing on this for months can lead to mental, emotional, & physical atrophy. There’s something to be said about the science behind getting the bad stuff out of your system. Don’t let it just sit & accumulate. That’s not going to be fun for your state or others around you. Stay active & eat as well as possible. You may be doomsday grocery shopping and stocking up. Your doomsday may be putting on 20+ lbs the next couple of months. Even if it’s from home, do workouts - look some up if you need to. Walk together as a family.
Keep an inventory of your intake. Yes, it’s a nice opportunity to catch up on your favorite show. Yes, you may have more time to check out social media. Just make sure your intake is balanced. If you go full entertainment, well, see above for my thoughts on junk accumulating in your system.
Connect with healthy relationships, even if it’s via technology. Don’t let hunkering down lead to loneliness, isolation, and depression. You need relationships, maybe now more than ever. Get creative in this.
Don’t neglect your responsibilities. The state of your environment influences your mood. Yes, those stacking dishes can create some anxiety for you or others.
Be wise, taking into account the recommendations of health professionals.
Serve others. Is there anything you can do to help the world or your key relationships right now? Sometimes the best medicine is offering some to someone else!
Listen to the Holy Spirit. Keep all of the general guidelines & recommendations in mind. And be led by the Holy Spirit. He is a personal relationship, living inside of you - your counselor, your helper.
Turn back to God. For your inner state, regardless of outer circumstances. Be wise. Get ahead of this. Have a plan. Connect. Ask for help. 
Love you guys & I’m praying for you.
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