#i just get so overwhelmed and overstimulated way too fast here but luckily my family gave me a room i can hide in 😇
goldensatellite ¡ 1 year
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imagineddworld ¡ 4 years
Dangerous confrontation
pairing: Isaac Lahey x Reader
summary: Isaac finally agrees to study at his house, but his abusive dad interrupted your peaceful hangout. But neither of them ever expected your reaction
Warning(s): slight mention of abuse, but no one actually gets hurt
word count: 1,9 k (1980)
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You and Isaac weren’t always so close. He used to pick on you whenever he could, but one time you had to put him back in his place. Ever since that day he had grew fond of you. So much so that you became best friends. You knew nearly everything about him. You were so close that you even had helped him with his changes, to get adjust to his new werewolf abilities. He also found out about your supernatural powers. But he still kept something hidden from you, his abusive dad. Every time you saw bruises on him, which was rare for being a werewolf, you questioned him. You often could sense his anxiety and panicked state whenever he had spend a night at home. Every time he made up the weirdest excuses for his wounds and his behavior. Also, the fact that he never wanted you to meet up at his home, made it even more questionable. He always asked to hang out at yours, making excuses why you couldn’t go to his. He was very mysterious about his family. This only confirmed your suspicions even more. 
Only this time was an exception. You were failing a class, but knew Isaac was actually great at it. Usually you would meet at yours for study sessions, but one of your annoying aunts came to visit. They always criticizes every little detail of you. Wasn’t it your clothes, then it was your hair, your lack of hobbies, your study choices, your friends. Or one of your favorites, the fact you still were single.  So after lots of pleading and a little help of your puppy eyes, Isaac agreed. But you could sense his nerves from miles away. The whole day of school, you could feel the anxiety radiating from him. He bounced his leg uncontrollable during all your classes. He took his sweet time with packing his back at the end of the day. The whole walk back home he was looking everywhere around him. It really seemed as if all his senses were getting overstimulated. “Are you okay?”, you questioned him carefully. “Yeah, yeah. Why.. why wouldn’t I be?”, he replied breathy, still continuing his previous actions. You frowned, but let it be. You were patient with him. If the time was right, he would tell you. Just on his own pace. 
When you stood on his porch, you saw Isaac hands shaking while he opened his door with his key. You softly rubbed your little hand over his tense shoulder. Luckily for him, his dad wasn’t home. Probably out drinking in a pub. If you weren’t paying so much attention to his every move, you probably would have missed his small sight of relieve due to find out his dad was gone. “Should we go upstairs?”, he asked a bit unsure. He was still tense, not knowing whenever his dad would arrive. “Sure”, you smiled sweetly. 
It took him a little while to get a bit more comfortable. He still was anxious, but at least he wasn’t as tense anymore. You both sat on his small bed, books spread open in front of you. “Could you explain this part again?”, you asked pointing to your book, while you browsed a bit through your notes. You had your eyes fixed on the papers just below your nose, but as you received no answer you glanced over to him. His eyes were trained on the pages, but in his mind he was clearly somewhere else. Probably still waiting for any sign of his dad return. “Isaac?”, you asked in a quiet voice, reaching your hand out to softly touch his arm. His head snapped up a little too fast. A confused look spread over his face. “What’s.. What’s up?” You let it slip, knowing he will probably avoid the topic again. You just repeated your question. He happily explained you the topic once again. He would keep explaining it until you fully understood it. 
You often took small breaks were you laughed, told stories and teased one another. As tickling, messing up the others hair or play fighting. It made Isaac forget about his dad for a little while. He loosened up and finally could be himself again. Like how he always acts, whenever he is around you. His sweet laughter filled the air, making you feel warm inside. It brought true joy to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling your closer to him. This made you nearly fall onto him, since that you both were sat with your legs crossed. This made him chuckle softly, as he adored the sight in front of him. He lightly pressed a kiss on top of your hair. You felt your cheeks get hot, while you tried to avoid his stares. His armed wrapped around your waist, making you snuggle a little closer into his side. The room grew a bit quiet, as you both enjoyed the feeling of being close to one another. Just when he was about to say something, the moment got ruined. 
His dad bursted through the door, with a rage filled expression. As soon as the door flew open, creating a loud thud as it hit the wall, Isaac immediately flinch back. Only the sight of his dad was enough to frighten the poor guy. “Who is that?! What are they doing here?!”, his dad yelled sternly, a drunken slur clearly lingering in his voice. “You know good enough not to invite anyone in my home!” The way he spoke made you feel uncomfortable. He tried to belittle him, tried to take away his worth, and replace it with a constant feeling of uselessness. Isaac opened his mouth slightly, but was too frozen up to let any words escape. He shook terribly, but tried to shield you a bit with his body. He was much taller and muscular than you, so that task wasn’t too hard to accomplish. 
This was what Isaac feared for. He never wanted you to witness such a hell. A hell he needed to go through every time he went home. He was scared his dad would hurt you. You were too sweet and innocent to be traumatized like this. He cared too much about you. No one should ever get a change in harming you. Even if he feared his dad to death, he would try anything to keep you safe. 
“Answer me boy?!”, his dad raised his hand in the air, threatening to hit him if he disobeyed him any longer. Your shock soon faded as your protectiveness kicked in. You felt terrible for Isaac. He deserved protection, love and care, not this abusive crackhead. “He was helping me study. Is there something wrong with your son being polite and respectful towards other people?”, you replied, unsure if you even should say anything. But one glance at the petrified boy next to you, sparked your confidence. Starting with a soft approach wouldn’t help, so you just went for it. One way or another, the disgusting man in front of you wouldn’t hesitate to hit you whenever he felt like it.  Isaac looked at you as if you were going mental. No one dared to talk back to his dad. Even his dad was caught off guard. “Excuse me?!”, the man tried to say in a warning manner. But you were already too far into it. Someone needed to step in and put him into his place. So why not take the given opportunity.
“Your son is being responsible and working for school. Even sharing his knowledge with someone else to help them. I don’t think that is a justifiable reason to get mad about”, You stated back, trying to sound as calm as possible. But he wasn’t pleased with your answer. “You little brat shouldn’t disrespect an adult like that!!” You scoffed at his comment. By this time you had already stood up from your place on the bed. Slowly starting to step towards him. “Well, as an adult you should take the responsibility of being a parent, which you are clearly failing at”, you clenched your hands into fists, already feeling the anger overtake you. The furious feeling triggering your powers. Your nails started to dug into your palm, as you tried to hold in your overwhelming emotions.  “What did you say?!!”, he yelled, slowly nearing you. He pointed a stern finger in your face. “How dare you?! Inviting such a psycho bitch into my home!”, he said towards Isaac, aiming to hit him. But your powers kicked in. An invisible force pushed the man backwards, sending him flying in the air. He landed hard into the wall. He groaned a little, trying to sit up against the wall. The impact of the rough landing, had weakened him. 
“You monster!!”, he yelled on the top of his longes. “The same could be said about you”. Your eyes started to glow its rare glowing neon green. He wanted to make is way over to the both of you, but you threw him back immediately. “One more move, and I will tell everything I witnessed to my dad. Who is known as the best FBI agent of the state”, you threatened, while shooting the disgusting man in front of you the deathliest glare. “So excuse us, but we’re going to leave. Don’t dare to stop us”, You said while lightly lifted him above the floor with your invisible force. Your grip just enough for him to have a little difficulty to breath, but not too hard so he would choke. You kept him hanging there for a few seconds, watching him struggle with a stone cold expression. Once you turned away from him, he fell down onto the floor. You quickly packed your stuff, adding some necessary things for Isaac; seemingly that you pretty much forced him to flee with you. 
You felt the furious man run towards Isaac, who still was frozen in place. But already had you created a sort protective bubble around the both of you. You clearly didn’t trust him, expecting his attack as soon as your back was turned to him. As he made contact with the invisible bubble, his body went flying again. This time the impact made him lose consciousness. It felt wrong to harm someone with your powers, which made you feel bad. But he truly deserved it. No one should be treated as badly as Isaac had been.  You swung the backpack over your shoulder, took Isaac’s bigger hand into your smaller one. You softly pulled him to stand, making him walk closely behind you. “Sorry”, you whispered to him as you passed his dad’s unconsciousness body. He knew deep down this was well deserved, but it still was his dad. The only person he had left. Even if he never acted like family. Isaac was still too shocked to realize this, but soon he would. It was for the better. Your family happily would take him in without any questions. They all adored him, and acted like he was their actual son. In the year you have known him, your parents had showed him more love and care than his actual dad had shown in his whole life. 
You closed the door behind you, softly caressing his hand with your thumb. He squeezed it in response. He slowly returned back from his frozen state. “It will be alright. The living hell is finally over”, you whispered to him, while pulling him softly into your side. To your surprise he stopped in his tracks, turned you around so you were facing him, before he held you in a tight embrace. “Thank you”, he breathed into your hair, still slightly shaking from the previous event. He knew he was safe. That you cared about him. He knew his misery was finally over. 
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