#hopefully the rest of my trip is fun and safe
goldensatellite · 1 year
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bittybeanie · 2 years
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brain,,,, p l esase,,,, work with m e,,,,
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4ln-stay8 · 10 months
A ski trip to remember
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>sumarry: Lando went to a ski trip with you, Max and P but it doesn’t turn out the way he expected
>author’s note: not my best work but hopefully not my worst
>warnings: none i think
In the picturesque snowy mountains, you and Lando joined Max and Pietra for a ski trip. You were not familiar with skiing, opting to play in the snow while trying to persuade Lando into tubing.
You couldn't help but marvel at the snow-covered landscape. Lando, Max, and Pietra were eager to hit the slopes, but you were hesitant, having never skied before.
"I think I'll just enjoy the snow here, guys. Skiing seems a bit daunting." you said nervous
Lando, was always up for an adventure, he was always in for the adrenaline. You were the complete opposite. You loved adrenaline when you were confident in your safety, but skiing doesn’t feel that safe to you.
"Come on, baby! It's not that hard. You'll love it once you get the hang of it." said Lando trying to persuade you
"I'd rather stay on solid ground, thanks. But hey, how about we go tubing together? It's fun and way less intimidating." you exclaimed trying to find other winter activities you could do together
Lando rolled his eyes, dismissing the idea. He just wanted to enjoy the things he loved to do while he was on the well deserved break from his job and you suggesting to do other things even for once didn’t seem pleasing at this point.
The season was stressful for him, starting at the lowest point possible and fighting with whatever he had to be as close to the top as he could. He just wanted to recharge and relax and have fun, but he was too eager to enjoy the trip that he forgot to include you in it.
"Tubing? Seriously? That's so childish. You should've stayed home if you're not going to participate. Who comes on a ski trip if they don’t even ski?" He said annoyed
Feeling a bit hurt, you decided to stay back at the hotel and enjoy the snow on your own while the others had fun skiing together.
“Yeah well… uh… I’m gonna stay here while you guys enjoy the skiing” you said, your voice barely above a whisper
Lando just nodded and left with your friends up the mountain as you stood there thinking of ways to make the time pass.
You decided to take a leisurely walk, capturing the winter wonderland with Lando’s camera. However, your excitement turned to dismay when you found yourself slipping on ice.
"Ouch! This wasn't part of the plan." you said trying to cope with the pain
Unable to stand up, you called the hotel reception for help. An employee came to your rescue in short time asking you about your situation.
“Bonjour madame, what is the problem?” said the employee in a french accent
“I slipped on ice and my leg hurts. I can’t get up!” You said as tears slowly fell on your cheeks
“I’ll have a look” he said and started to check on your leg
The concerned employee arranged for you to be taken to a nearby hospital. At the hospital, you learned that your leg was lightly broken. With a cast on your foot, you returned to the hotel, hoping that Lando wasn’t at the hotel yet.
Meanwhile, Lando, Max, and Pietra returned to the room, oblivious to your misadventure.
“Today was epic babe! You should've joined us, Y/N. You don’t even know what you’ve missed” exclaimed Lando enthusiastically as he walked in the room
You appeared from the corner with crutches, and gave them a small and embarrassed weak smile.
“Well, I’m glad at least one of us had fun.” You whispered loud enough for them to hear
Lando's eyes widened as he met your body. He rushed to your side, concern evident in his eyes. You looked at him then at your friends who were just as worried as your boyfriend.
"What happened baby? Are you okay?" said Lando trying to check if the rest of you was fine
“How did you manage to injure yourself?” Asked Max concerned
You started to explain the mishap, Lando and your friends listening carefully to your story. “I went to look around trying to make some photos and I slipped on ice. Apparently I broke my leg a little” you said avoiding everyone’s eyes
"I should've been there with you. I'm sorry for calling you childish. This is all my fault. Let me help you, okay? I’ll make it up to you!” Exclaimed Lando, his voice a mix of regret and concern
“Hey, it’s not your fault that I slipped. It wasn’t nice of you to speak to me like that but this isn’t your fault.” You reassured him
“I’ll stay in tomorrow so I can take care of you” said Lando, a serious expression present on his face
“You don’t have to. I can take care of myself! Well… mostly!” You exclaimed not wanting Lando to spend the rest of the trip looking after you
“No baby! You are hurt and it’s my job to take care of you!” He tried to make a point but you disagreed
“You’re not wasting the trip just because I’m clumsy! Do that and I’ll never forgive you!’ You said firmly
“But…” he got interrupted by you before he could properly begin his sentence
“No but! It’s enough that I made the trip less fun because I’m afraid to try skiing. I refuse to make this even worse by having you take care of me! You guys go have fun while I get some nice time inside” you said smiling softly knowing that whatever you will do inside will be boring as hell
“You didn’t made things less fun Y/n! We were just to excited to ski that we made this trip less fun for you” said P with a sympathetic voice
For the rest of the trip you stayed inside while Lando and you friends would go outside and have fun. Lando was on the phone with you as much as he could try to involve you in the fun activities.
The trip was filled with a mix of laughter, concern, and a newfound appreciation for each other's choices. The unexpected turn of events brought the group closer, making the ski trip a memorable experience for everyone, especially for you.
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
we're BACK!
the sun-burned beauty updates we've been waiting to read were... certainly NOT what we were expecting, but... i mean... i'm not complaining!
also DESERT DUO??? the desert duo content has finally arrived! and im already SO excited!!!
but now i'm home, and i can create all the fanart i want! ...hopefully. my motivation is as bad as ever.
for the rest of this ask, a bit random, but here are my silly thoughts about what would happen if the TTSBC pairings (and some extra friends) went kayaking together!
Desert Duo: Naturally, the obvious way would be for Scar to sit in the back. And at first, they tried that, but he kept getting distracted and losing rhythm over and over again. Eventually, Grian got mad and moved him to the front. Apart from that... hurdle, I think they would do really well at this type of exercise. Scar wouldn't have to use his braces, and both probably have great muscles and condition from their side hustle. That is, if they can stay awake from how little sleep they get.
Flower Husbands: Scott really didn't want Jimmy to do this with his back pain, but he insisted he would be fine, and Scott eventually relented. He still wouldn't let him sit in the back, though. I think they would be one of the most coordinated pairings in here - when Scott is not trying to splash Martyn, which he totally takes the chance at every time they get near.
Zedango: Tango SHOULD NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be on a kayak. But it sounded so fun, and Zed really wanted to try kayaking for the first time, and if he stayed he would've drowned himself in work again, so they just wrapped him up in waterproof clothing and rowed very, VERY carefully. He ended up getting wet multiple times, underplaying the damage EVERY SINGLE TIME. They're dead last, and Tango's hands are water-burned all over by the time they get to the end, but they insist it was still a fun time. Zed's in the back - yes, it's his first time, but he quickly figured it out.
Treebark: Ren's got it. He totally can push the kayak on his own, Martyn doesn't have to do anything. But he still wanted to feel helpful, so he got an oar himself. It still got used mostly for the arbitrary splash war between him and Scott, and not for actual rowing.
Jizzie: Joel sits in the back, if only to satiate his own ego. Lizzie would probably be more competent than him, hunting clan and all. But they both are putting in the work, and enjoying the break from running a bakery as much as they can. Of course, Joel had to get some modifications made. The kayak is not butterfly friendly. 0/10.
Doctho: Unlike Martyn, Etho doesn't bother with false illusions of actually contributing anything. Doc's biotech can do it just fine, no sweat, so Etho's just going to enjoy the ride. They're closer to the back, keeping an eye on all of their 'little ones' - ESPECIALLY Tango.
Nature Wives: I like to think Katherine is the one who came up with the whole kayaking idea. She invited everyone, got the kayaks sorted, and found a suitable place (surely there are decent lakes in the under-city - Katherine herself fell in one). She's probably also sitting in the back and teaching Shelby how to row.
Gem & Pearl: My Shiny Duo heart wants to put them on a kayak so bad! They're not together, but would totally make short work of all these couples and their coordination. I can see them both in the back or front, but I'll put Pearl in the back just because as an avian, she definitely has a lot of back and arm strength. They're menaces, going in circles and splashing everyone. Nobody's safe from them! (Except Zedango)
Impulse: What's a kayaking trip without a nice lunch at the end? And for that to happen, someone has to give up one space on their kayak just for the supplies. I think Impulse would be great here. He's got the stamina needed to push a kayak on his own. As for the supplies... him, Gem and Pearl volunteered, so it may be just soup. (It totally is just soup.)
If someone wants to draw this, be my guest!
A bonus thought: isn't it wild how TTSBC!Scar would most likely be a Gryffindor, but TT!Scar a Slytherin?
I perhaps spent a little too long rolling around laughing about this 😆
Especially the image of Martyn getting paddled along faster than a speedboat because REN and meanwhile Zed and Tango are like going as slow as possible and Tango just keep going 'ouch! ow! ah!' because of the little droplets hitting him 😅 And Impulse just paddling along by himself with the big old picnic baskets stacked up in his boat, that's so cute! What a lovely outing for the group!
So glad you're back and enjoyed the end of Sun-Burned Beauty!
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writingduhh · 1 year
Drunk Ted Nivison (HC)
This is my first HC without a real ‘prompt’ so hopefully I got this right 😩
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▷ Ted's cheeks flush a rosy hue when he's had a few drinks, making him even more adorable. You can't resist pinching his cheeks and teasing him about how cute he looks.
▷ When Ted gets a bit tipsy, he becomes even more affectionate than usual. He constantly pulls you into warm, tight hugs throughout the night whenever his arm isn’t already wrapped around your waist. He showers you with kisses, giggling all the while.
▷ Ted gets a little clumsy when he's drunk, which leads to adorable mishaps like spilling drinks or tripping over his own feet. You find his clumsiness rather endearing, always ready to help him.
“Watch out for that last step.” You advise, pointing out the hidden decline to your drunken boyfriend.
“Thank you babe but I got it.” He grins. As if on cue his foot met the corner of the step, causing him to fall the small distance to the ground.
“Shit.” He mutters.
“Ted! Are you ok?” You exclaim, rushing to his side in order to help him up.
“Yeah I’m ok. Just a bit dizzy. Hold on to me?” He softly asks, slinging his arm around your waist.
“Of course.”
(Another little after party scenario I thought of for this HC just bear with me plz I know someone out there will like it 😩)
“Ok, arms up.” You kindly command, looking down at where Ted sat on your shared bed. He gazed lovingly back at you, making your heart face.
“Yes ma’am/sir.” He agrees, standing up from the bed with his arms held above his head.
“No, Teddy, I can’t reach you up there.” You giggle, holding his pj shirt in your hands.
“Oh yeah, duh.” He grumbles, sitting back down with his arms up. Gently you pulled his shirt over his head before replacing it with a new one.
“Ok, now let’s get you into some pants.” You say, holding out his pj pants ready for him to step inside.
Smiling he rested his hands on your wrists, lifting his leg up into the pants. To your dismay he lost his balance falling flat onto his butt, pulling you down onto him. You both erupted in laughter, tears forming in your eyes.
▷ He's adamant about snapping spontaneous, candid photos together to seize the moment, resulting in a delightful collection of comical snapshots.
▷ He's always just a few drinks away from treating the entire party to a show of his karaoke skills. To the amusement of everyone in attendance, they loudly cheer him on.
“Guys look, a karaoke machine!” Ted exclaims to your group of friends.
“You should totally go up there!” One of your friends encouraged. Their response was followed up by agreement from the rest of the group, including yourself.
Happily he made his way up to the machine, Cueing up a familiar song. It was your favorite song.
“This song goes out to my beautiful partner, y/n.” He smirks, raising the microphone in your direction.
Your friends basically began screaming as he started his song, starting to gather an audience. By the end of the song the entire bar was watching, everyone cheering as he made his way back to the table where everyone praised him.
“That was amazing! I think you’re the new singer of my favorite song.” You smirk.
▷ He becomes a big softy, to you at least. Rather than his usual goofy antics, he's more focused on making sure you feel loved and safe. He'll often whisper sweet nothings into your ear, or making sure you’re feeling comfortable with the party around you.
▷ He becomes the ultimate dance partner, pulling his significant other onto the dance floor (or living room) for impromptu, goofy dance sessions. You share fits of laughter as you dance the night away.
“Ted, No! I cant dance!” You exclaim, dragging your feet as he pulled you onto the half filled dance floor.
“Cmon y/n, it’ll be fun. Here, I’ll help you.” He grins, holding out both his hands for you to grab.
Together you both began to dance and let loose, letting the music take control of your bodies. You and Ted’s enthusiastic dancing seemed to wear off as the once half filled dance floor was now packed with party goers.
▷ Ted becomes a chatterbox when he's tipsy, his words flowing freely as he becomes the life of the conversation. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he effortlessly keeps everyone engaged with his animated storytelling, quick wit, and a touch of humor. His tipsy chatter adds an undeniable liveliness to the gathering.
▷ He's a firm believer in late-night adventures, so he takes this opportunity to suggest going for a moonlit walk, stargazing, or even a spontaneous road trip (he’s not driving of course), wanting to create even more cherished memories together.
▷ He's also the type to surprise you with late-night snacks or their favorite comfort food, ensuring they're well taken care of and comfortable.
▷ Despite the alcohol, Ted remains incredibly considerate and respectful of your boundaries, always checking in to make sure you’re comfortable with everything that's happening.
▷ After the party/gathering he becomes the ultimate cuddle bug. Ted insists on cuddling up with you on the couch or in bed. He becomes the designated "pillow talk" expert, sharing his deepest thoughts and feelings with you, having heart-to-heart conversations that strengthen your emotional connection. He absolutely refuses to fall asleep unless you’re in his arms or at the very least beside him.
Opening the door of your apartment you let out a sigh of relief as you finally took of your cute but uncomfortable shoes. As you did this you felt arms sneak around your torso, making you smile.
“Y/n can we go cuddle and watch a movie?” He asks, placing a kiss on the back of your neck.
“Of course we can.”
Suddenly you were lifted off the ground, making you squeal. “Hey! Be careful please.”
“I’ll be careful, I’d never drop you.” He assures, holding you close until he collapsed onto the couch.
The next morning, he'll wake up with a hangover but a heart full of love and gratitude for you, thanking you for putting up with his drunken sweetness.
The sound of Ted groaning caught your attention from where you stood in the kitchen. Looking up you saw him standing in the doorway of your room, his large stature filling up most of the door frame.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," you greet with a grin, carefully placing the fresh breakfast you've prepared on the table. You eagerly open your arms as you spot him making his way toward you.
“Morning.” His voice was muffled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his arms slung over you.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Hungover. I don’t even remember changing into my pjs.” He admits, letting out a small laugh.
“I helped you get into them last night, I hope that’s ok.”
“Of course. It’s not something you haven’t seen already.” He smirked, placing a kiss on your cheek.
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spaceacealex · 5 months
Trip report!!
For those that have been waiting, sorry! I got home and immediately had to go help with a family thing. But here it is!
First, was the obvious. We had to drop off the baby boy with my parents. He had a great time with the family and was very dirty, stinky, and sleepy when we got back.
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So where were we? We went to see the eclipse! As many of you know, My wife proposed to me under totality in the 2017 solar eclipse. So she surprised me with time off to travel to this last one on 4/8!
We flew to Nashville, TN and rented a car so I could scratch my road trip itch. We visited her family in KY, then went up to Cairo, IL for the event.
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THIS is the public library in Cairo. It's an absolutely darling building, built originally to be a library and still proudly serving that purpose. The gals who were manning the counter were sweet, knowledgeable, and so welcoming. They had goodie bags with moon pies and starbursts and collected the eclipse glasses when we were done with them so they could be sterilized and sent down to Mexico for the next eclipse. So lovely to talk with and they welcomed us to spend the eclipse on their lawn with some local families. So we did!
We had a little picnic, chatted with some of the families, and got to watch totality in a tiny little town with so much character I still smile just thinking about it.
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Hopefully you don't expect us to have top tier eclipse photography lol, but these are great for us! I got to kiss my wife under totality and it was hella romantic.
Then I got to drive more....then Kara got to drive because there were a ton of accidents and the three hour drive back to Nashville took more than six hours. So uh, my motion-sick self was struggling with the stop and go traffic.
But when we got there, we had a great night and then day walking around Eastside Nashville and pointing out the arcades I was going to take Kara to that evening.
That didn't quite happen.
Because the first stop we made in the arcade crawl is where we stayed all night.
No Quarter, the pinball arcade I now have a hat for because it's so friggin cool. We got to do many cool things there. 1)They had excellent drinks and in true Oregonian fashion I got to try the local cider and judge it. (it was good!) 2) I kicked Kara's ass at pinball. Very important. 3) I got MY ass kicked at pinball by literally every other person in the building. Also very important. Because 4) I got to play in a pinball tournament hosted by Belles and Chimes, specifically for women and non binary folks!
How did I, notorious nerves-haver and not a multiplayer pinball player join this?
5) I got to meet Quinn Hills. You know, @quinnhills ? Yeah. I'm still so giggly about it.
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Hi. This pic is me, many drinks in, just absolutely giddy getting to meet (and hug!!) one of my favorite artists.
She's so sweet, so kind, and asked if I wanted to join the tournament.
Remember: do what beautiful women ask of you.
I am still kicking myself because I dropped the cliche, "your music has helped me through some really hard stuff." I mean, its absolutely true!! But I had told myself I was gonna be more eloquent than that. Oh well. I would blame the cider, but I was super excited and nervous before that, so I think I'm just a little goofy.
Kara also was happy to meet the woman who's music I had been blaring for that whole six plus hour car ride back to Nashville, and she's agreed to play pinball with me at our home bar! Major win!
We stayed until one in the morning, Kara ordered pizza to the hotel, and we had safe flights back home the rest of the day.
It was such a fun trip and I'm still losing my mind at all the little bits of it.
When I stream next (soon) I'm sure you'll hear about all this again. Along with my breakdown of eclipse conspiracies I've spent far too much time analyzing. <3
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So helpless...
Here it is, the platonic yandere older brother Jade! (Alien Azul next!)
Hopefully this isn't a disappointment to those who read my summary. lol.
Warning(s): Jade's really controlling, mentions of violence, platonic yandere stuff, probably non-canon info, not proofread
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You were something of a miracle.
You hatched later than the rest of your siblings. And because of that, you were not killed like all the rest of them were.
Of the many many children your parents had, only three survived. One of them being you.
Your parents treated you like the miracle you were. They kept you close to them no matter the cost. They wanted to keep their baby safe always...
And... so did your older brother, Jade.
Jade was a special kind of over-protective. He insisted that, because you barely survived being hatched, there was simply no way you could survive on your own out in the dangerous real world. And as such, he needed to be with you every moment of the day to make sure you were safe.
When he left for Night Raven College with his twin brother Floyd, you realized how... odd... the way he treated you was. If he truly just wanted you to be safe, then wouldn't he have wanted you to have your own life...?
You realized you actually didn't like all the things he convinced you to like. You didn't like the food, the sports, the music... you were an entirely different person than you thought you were.
And then, the carriage came for you.
The carriage came to take you to the school your brothers went to.
At orientation, you tripped over your own feet and fell to the ground while walking to the mirror. And then, you heard a very familiar voice.
"I apologize for my younger sibling, Headmage. They've always been quite... helpless. I assure you, nothing like this will happen again."
And thus once again began Jade's vice grip on your life.
Surprise surprise, you were placed in Octavinelle.
Nearly all day every day, Jade was with you.
Your only moments without him were when you had classes.
And one day, you tried to confide in your other older brother about what was happening.
"I think Jade hates me..." You sighed.
"What makes you say that?" Floyd asked. "He literally smothers you with attention every chance he gets."
"But that's the problem... I don't think he wants me to have my own life." You confessed. "I-I don't get it...! Why is he like this?"
"I mean, I have the answer to that." Floyd told you. "I just don't think you want to know."
"What? You know why he's been doing this my whole life?!" You asked.
"Yep. But, like I said, I don't think you want to know. It's not like it'll change how he treats you..."
...he's right. Even if you know why Jade treats you the way he does, it won't change anything-
"Actually! I think it'd be kinda fun to tell ya! Alright, buckle up (Y/N)! You're in for a ride of a story, ehehe!"
"Alrighty. So, mom and dad basically thought you were dead before you even hatched. Mom still had hope, though, and kept your squishy little egg self safe in a box! And as a result, you were kept safe from Jade's little... purge."
"Purge...?" You asked. "What do you mean by that...?"
"Welllllll~ I'm sure you know mom and dad had tons o' kids and only us three survived. And well, a looooot of our siblings were killed by Jade." Floyd told you. "He thinks he was doing the right thing, pre-emptively gettin' rid of the weaker ones to... I dunno, prevent grief or something? In my opinion, he just did it because he wanted to be the only survivor. He spared me for some reason, though. Not too sure why. Aaaaaaanyways, if you'd hatched when everyone else did, Jade woulda killed you."
"He would have... killed me...?" You asked. You didn't even know what to think. You've always viewed Jade as your protective older brother... and sure, he took it a bit far, but... he wanted you dead...?
"I barely remember the day you hatched, ehe... mom wanted to give you a name right off the bat like a human would! Dad was able to convince her to wait, though. But you still got you name sooner than us two. You got your name a year after you were hatched! Can ya believe that? Jade and I were six when we got ours." Floyd patted you on your head. "Anyways yeah Jade wanted you dead in the ground. In his mind, you weren't meant to survive, and he had to do something about that. But he couldn't bare to put mom through that... so he decided that controlling your every move would let him feel, I don't know. Superior? Who knows. And you know, even though he wanted you to die for virtually no reason when he was a kid, he cares about you a lot! He clearly doesn't want you to die anymore."
You didn't want to be anywhere near Jade after finding this out.
You need something. Anything.
You need to eat.
You need to convince yourself this is real life.
You feel like you're about to vomit.
Your older brother, your precious over-protective older brother...
He wanted you to die?
That can't be true, right?
You stumble your way to the kitchen of Octavinelle. You need to eat something, you forgot to have dinner tonight... meat, any kind of meat... when you eat it, surely you'll find out whether or not this is real...
The hallways of the dorm were dark, painfully so. It was so dark, too dark...
...you've always been scared of the dark, but it's never been this bad. You were actually shaking, you were absolutely... terrified. And it was because of Jade. Whenever you were scared, Jade was the one who assured you everything would be ok, and that there's nothing to be scared of. Whenever you were swimming through the darkness, Jade would hold your hand to let you know he's there for you and can protect you...
You remember, one of the only times you were outside alone, someone attacked you. You remember that day so vividly in your mind... you remember screaming for help and sobbing uncontrollably, seeing your blood floating in the water in front of you. Then, your brother came for you. He saved you.
While your attacker was receiving a thorough beating from your brother, they said something. You didn't think anything of it at the time, since you were focused more on how much pain you were in, but... looking back on it... "WHAT THE HELL, LEECH?! I THOUGHT YOU ASKED ME TO HURT THIS KID! WHAT IS WITH YOU?!"
...whenever you looked back on that day as a child, you rationalized that in whatever way you could. But now, you realize what was really going on back then.
That must have been the beginning. That must have been when you began to think that you can't defend yourself, that you can't survive on your own, that you will die without him.
Oh, you're at the kitchen.
...better get that food you wanted.
You got the food, and thought about your childhood in this new context.
It's been this way the whole time, hasn't it...?
"You're so helpless, (Y/N). I swear, it's almost like you can't survive on your own. But don't worry. You have your big brother here to protect you."
Jade has always been this way.
You continued eating your food and thinking about your childhood, until... you heard a certain someone's voice.
"Ah, (Y/N), there you are. What are you doing in the kitchen this late at night?"
Jade stared at you, his eyes almost glowing.
"I-I was just... hungry..." You timidly responded.
"(Y/N), please don't lie to me." Jade said to you. "Did Floyd tell you something you weren't supposed to know?"
"No, h-he didn't..." You tried looking away from him. Jade grabbed your face and made you look at him.
"(Y/N), look into my eyes." He told you. "You know I don't want to have to do this. So please tell the truth, don't make me use it on you. What did Floyd tell you, (Y/N)."
He's threatened to use his unique spell on you before. He's threatened to use it on you many times before.
"Like I said, I don't want to use it on you, so it would be better if you just-"
"H-he told me everything...!" You started crying at that exact moment. "He t-told me how you killed everyone, a-and wanted me dead as well!"
Jade just stared at you, a completely blank expression on his face.
"I see." Jade smiled. "Well, as unfortunate as it is... that is completely true, (Y/N). There was a point in my life where I wanted you to die in the most agonizing way possible, and I think a part of me still does... but (Y/N), I assure you, most of me loves you and wants to protect you!"
You were completely petrified. What do you do? What do you feel?
"You have no idea how many times I've considered carving apart your body while you sleep, or choking you to death, drowning you while you're stuck in a human form..." Jade laughed to himself. "I even considered snapping your neck just earlier today~!"
You couldn't stop crying. Your entire world was crashing down around you.
"Oh dear, what's with that face? There's no need to cry." He wiped your tears. "As I've said, there's no need to worry! I would never hurt you, you know that. I'll do everything in my power to protect you."
He pressed a finger to your lips.
"Just promise me you'll never tell mother and father~"
The few friends you'd made at NRC have realized that you've been growing more distant recently.
You're hanging out with your brothers more often, too.
You're also never alone anymore. Except for during class, your older brother Jade is always following you around.
Jade was always really controlling.
From what you ate to who your friends were, he controlled your life entirely.
But now moreso than ever, he made sure your every action was determined by him.
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
re: internet speed: hang in there!! your update will save me🙏🏻
I just got done with a long road trip (Massachusetts to North Carolina; about a 12 hour trek!) to visit family, and am physically drained but mentally wide awake- which is why I am up at 3:15am, excited to start a new save when it drops!!
to bring this back to the game- if you don't mind- would the RO's (poly included) ever do a road trip of this length with MC, while dating? would anyone overprepare, or outright refuse, perhaps unless MC genuinely couldn't fly for some reason?
(... dare I even consider what chaos would unfold if they managed to get like, a party bus for a group trip lmao)
Hi sorry to the prompts in my inbox the past week, got obviously sidetracked by the update lol I hope you got some rest after that trip!
also imagine all the ROs+MC going on a road trip together? 52 killed and 138 injured
Rook: He would thrive on a roadtrip, even if you threw him in the most cramped car imaginable and made him drive (pro tip: don't let him drive). He is chronically under prepared but he manages anyway. Hopefully MC is better prepared then he is
Beck: Over packs as a "just in case" type of thing. Stops maybe a little too frequently for gas as a just in case kind of thing. Is pretty comfortable throughout the trip and knows when to rotate driving as needed so neither of you feel too awful
Rhea: She would do her best but I don't think she'd fair well lol she hasn't ever driven so long so she has no idea how to prepare for it and would be asking you constantly before the trip. This is one of the few planning things you'd have to be in charge of
Zoe: They might be reluctant at first, especially since they're not the most comfortable driving and have really only driven locally. I imagine they'd accidentally get you both lost at one point and you're both just bent over the phone like "??? Where are we???" Very stressful but it kinda becomes a funny memory later
Lars: This has got to be the most serious roadtrip you've ever been on. He's focused only on point a to point b. You'll stop to grab food or gas, but doesn't spare a moment for sight seeing unless you pull out the Annoying Tactic (or just look really sad about it lmaO). At least you're guaranteed to get there safely
???: They have no idea how to drive or what a roadtrip even is so that's all on you lol. I think they'd make so many comments throughout that it makes the time go by fast though, and they'd probably be playing like word games with you or things similar periodically throughout the trip
Rook/Beck: Beck makes up for Rook's carelessness. There's the occasional bickering along the way (kinda like a married couple lol) but it all feels light hearted and goofy and time goes by surprisingly fast.
Rook/???: This is the most chaotic roadtrip you'll ever be on. A whole lot of detours and distractions and wondering how you made it to your destination alive (it was because of you, probably). Despite the chaos it's also very fun and like an adventure
Rhea and Zoe: The two actually figure out the roadtrip thing a lot better together then they do apart. It's a very cozy trip with the occasional stop and sight seeing, with conversations that ebb and flow. It's a fine time
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wist-eri · 11 months
an entire blog post dedicated to Haru Allegro, her forte, and her dynamics with the rest of the NDA cast
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will contain implied spoilers for the main game. hopefully nothing that’s too spoiler-y though, so read at your own risk i guess??
how Haru’s forte works:
as i’ve disclosed before, Haru’s forte is soundproofing. meaning, she can select a space and configure it so:
anyone outside of that space would not be able to hear anything within that space, or:
anyone inside of that space would not be able to hear anything outside that space
or both.
in visuals, it looks like a faint, glowing line that either hovers around the space where her forte is activated, or makes a line around the interior of a room where her forte is activated. depends on what space she uses.
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the line vanishes after a few seconds. when deactivating, it reappears again only to “break away” and fade out.
other than that, it’s pretty straightforward.
Haru doesn’t have many opportunities to use her forte in an investigation setting; technically, she could use it for stealth or for eavesdropping, but those are for very rare cases.
which actually leads me into my next point: her main job is freelance arbitration. she really only takes cases if the WDO assigns them to her. though, with the assistance of her forte and her general expertise in negotiation, she’s very talented at her job and has gained a lot of recognition within the field.
not only that, if she’s genuinely investigating a case, she can sometimes take advantage of her connections to gather more information.
alright, now that i have that set aside, here’s her dynamic with each individual member of the NDA:
Yuma Kokohead - they’re on good terms with each other, and are always willing to [talk to / exchange information with] each other on a daily basis. Haru finds herself surprised by Yuma a couple of times, both with his amount of intelligence and how often he gets into trouble. like, how.
while Yakou tells Yuma the most about Amaterasu Corporation, Haru is the one that provides the most information / background context about the WDO. interestingly enough, she seems to know more about the inner workings of the organization than the average member—for example, the process for scouting other detectives, the examinations during the training period, and much more.
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though for some reason, Haru has never disclosed any information about her personal experience with the WDO—especially how she got recruited. but that should be the least of our worries, we have Kanai Ward’s greatest mystery to solve!
fun fact: Haru has tried to assist Yuma with his (disastrous) cooking once. But after realizing the only thing she could really help with was telling him when a shrimp was perfectly cooked, she decided to not get into that territory again. it’s not even like she likes shrimp that much; why is it the only thing she can work with, though? some sort of curse? (/j)
Fubuki Clockford: at first, Haru was a little worried since Fubuki seemed a little naive and almost too optimistic to be a detective. however, she slowly turned to appreciating this optimism; it was definitely a nice turn from the professional atmosphere that naturally comes with her arbitration work.
meanwhile, Fubuki has somewhat designated Haru as her “detective-adventuring sidekick,” and often takes her on random trips around the city. though Haru usually has no idea where the hell Fubuki is about to take her, she ends up going anyways. besides, she honestly likes Kanai Ward’s scenery; it wouldn’t hurt to see it.
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fun fact: Fubuki will end up saving Haru’s life at one point. :)
Vivia Twilight: really not much to say here as it’s basically just Vivia being Vivia™️ and Haru being Haru™️. but it’s safe to say they definitely don’t mind each other’s presence. Haru surprisingly appreciates the aura of calm that Vivia gives off, and sometimes just sits close by if they find each other alone in the agency. on the other hand, Vivia finds Haru a bit chaotic at times (especially with a character i’ll be getting to in a few moments), but personally doesn’t mind it too much, thinking of it as an added accent to the “peace and quiet” of the NDA.
also, Haru sometimes understands Vivia’s metaphors. they seem to be very specific ones though
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fun fact: Vivia once saw Haru dying her hair while in spectral projection form, and dropped in a hint about it when they were talking about a case later that day. Haru got really defensive about it for some reason
Halara Nightmare: Haru was slightly intimidated by Halara upon introduction; to her, they seemed to be a “no-nonsense” type person (though not like she hasn’t worked with those types of people before). but over a few days, Haru begins to notice their level of sympathy and care for others, which changes her opinion of them. meanwhile, Halara finds Haru a bit dense at times—but is always surprised by how quickly she pieces certain methods/tricks together the moment she clears her original misconceptions. though, Haru’s still slightly trailing behind Halara in her processing speed.
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(yakou’s probably even further behind somewhere in the back /j)
fun fact: one time, Halara asked for a relatively large sum of money for one menial task (probably like 20k shien) when they were solving a case together, and Haru almost paid on the spot as if it was nothing. Halara was taken back for a moment, especially since Haru seemed so nonchalant about it (she wasn’t). eventually they sighed and gave Haru a 75% discount.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt: okay, this is their entire dynamic:
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story over. thank you for coming to my tedtalk
but yeah—Desuhiko and Haru have unrivaled amounts of “argumentative sibling” energy towards each other. in this storyline i decided to tone down Desuhiko’s behavior towards women a tiny bit, in exchange for upgrading his superstar complex—which worked perfectly. Desuhiko grabs at any attempt to pull out his electric bass and start playing, but Haru has to mute him to prevent him from blasting music throughout the entire agency.
they constantly banter any time they’re in the same space. Desuhiko is often the first to begin raising his voice during their arguments. but it takes a while for Haru to get to that point; she often sticks to small (and very blunt) retorts for most of the time. at times, their arguments escalate to full-on competitions—though surprisingly, both of them are relatively smart and don’t do anything that would cause serious harm.
but past their argumentative banter, Desuhiko and Haru are actually the closest compared to the other pairings i talked about. one is usually the first to notice when the other seems off.
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(this may be foreshadowing)
and as the narrative develops, we see the bond between them strengthen (though they still won’t stop arguing). if the game were in japanese Desuhiko would start calling Haru “aibou” (which is partner,, but like,, with a more familial connotation in some contexts??) by the end of the story. but they still won’t stop arguing :)
fun fact: Haru actually still keeps one of Desuhiko’s voice changers after they had an entire unhinged competition about “who can act like Yakou in front of Yuma for longer” (which stemmed from an entire conversation between the two that i may talk about at one point 😭). she uses it to scare Desuhiko from time to time
okay, finally:
Yakou Furio: despite being “superior” and “subordinate” in work terms, they seem to be pretty close with each other (in more of a familial context). at first, Haru genuinely wonders how the hell this guy got certified by the WDO, but soon notices his emotional intelligence / empathy and goes “oh. yeah that makes sense” (even when it comes to Haru, who’s a talented negotiator and supposedly knows how to act in a way that satisfies both parties, it’s hard to really grip that emotional aspect for her and being able to understand how others truly feel. Yakou does this as if it’s second nature; which is quite unique for a detective and something Haru really appreciates). (i have evidence for this. i swear)
Haru sometimes works at the agency until late with Yakou (+ other coworkers); and after a long day, sometimes they all just throw everything and head to the bar together.
though, the outing is really just a few hours of Yakou complaining about his subordinates while drunk.
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she can still tell that Yakou really cares about the other detectives, though. i mean, although she doesn’t actually listen to his advice and goes on to directly run into the Peacekeepers regardless, the chief has assisted Haru in more ways than one.
fun fact: Yakou is somewhat confused with Haru’s food preference, especially with how much it contrasts with her appearance. in fact, they had an entire moment where Haru admitted she didn’t like meat buns in general because the buns were always too sweet for her and Yakou was just like “????? what is going on with your tongue”
• • •
also, another fun fact.
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…they’re narrative foils.
oh my god that was a lot of info. whoops. sorry
but yeah uhhh that’s it from me for now—my inbox is open if you want to ask and/or theorize about her 🫠
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osleeplessflowero · 8 months
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// i love merfolk, so i figured..why not write a skeleton oneshot with a merman blue? 💙 As always, gender neutral Reader. Their soul is up for interpretation! 💜 Ao3 link will be provided once it's posted there! (I am so sorry for my fic readers that get a bunch of oneshots instead of updates..) 💛 bonus points if somebody gets the barbie reference in here
🫧 Into The Sea 🌊
The ocean waves sway beneath you, the sound all too familiar. Your hair blows gently in the breeze, that salty ocean air filling your senses. You smile, comforted by the atmosphere.
In truth, you hadn't expected to come out here to begin with. But since your friend had an extra ticket for a popular cruise line in the area..how could you refuse? Plus, it's a great opportunity to see the sea life you're normally not that close to.
Speaking of said friend, they walk over to you and lean their arms on the rail beside you.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" They ask, grinning. "I'm glad I could ask you to come with me. Sights like these just wouldn't be the same alone." "Thanks for asking me to. Beats staying at home by myself, right?" "Couldn't have said it better. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll see some of the Mer." "Mer? As in merfolk? I thought those were myths?" You turn to them, a brow raised. "Oh no, they're very real. I've asked a few people around and they said they've caught glimpses of tails moving through the water out here at night. They must be looking for food or something." They shrug. "Huh..how unusual. I wonder what they look like.." You look back to the water, a bunch of ideas flowing through your head as you wonder about these unfamiliar creatures you'd only heard about in tales. "Me too. Maybe we'll spot one."
If there were merfolk out here, would they even approach? Surely they would be curious about this large structure during the water. But then again, they may have experience with these sort of things and wish to stay away. Which, of course, you'd completely understand should you be in their situation. Who knows how many hunters have gone out here to try and catch them for fame?
"It'd definitely be a sight." You lean on them, trying to spot any unusual colors in the water. For a moment you perk up at the sight of a tail, but it just turns out to be a dolphin.. you still say hello to it, though.
Things are peaceful for a bit, before you look up to notice that there are dark grey clouds forming in the sky; a storm's coming. Better get inside before something happens.
"Let's go in. I don't want to get caught in this rain." You suggest, pointing at the nearest door leading into the ship. Your friend agrees, walking inside with you and grouping up with several other passengers on board. An announcement is said over the intercom:
"Attention to all of our passengers, please remain calm. A storm is currently approaching us and should be moving out of this area shortly. Please remain indoors at all times and near a safe space until the coast is clear. Thank you."
"I wonder how bad of a storm it'll be?" You ask no one in particular, looking outside at the increasingly growing darker sky and the waves. Your friend perks up, having been focused on something else. "Hopefully not bad enough to end our trip early. It's been so fun here!" They comment, holding up their phone to check the weather and showing you.
It seems a big thunderstorm is arriving, lightning along with it. The winds will be moving like crazy.. You silently hope it doesn't knock out the ship's power somehow. Your friend rests their hand on your shoulder, a reassuring gesture but also to get your attention as you're snapped out of your thoughts.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get us some drinks. You gonna be alright on your own? I can stay or you can go with me if not." They offer, gesturing to a room nearby that leads to the dining area.
You nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine. You go on ahead, I'll wait here."
"Okay! Be back in a sec!" They run off, quickly dodging anybody that walks too close to them. You feel around in your pocket for your phone so you can watch something to pass the time, but..it isn't there. You were sure you placed it there earlier!
..That's right. You brought it outside with you. It must still be out there, you hope it hasn't already gotten wet!
You contemplate leaving your friend before deciding you'll just walk right back in, so you rush outside out of anyone's view to go and retrieve your phone. The wind harshly blows your hair behind you as well as your clothes, the rain gently hitting you from above and falling from the sky like thousands of tears.
Sure enough, your phone's exactly where you left it, beside the chair you'd been sitting in while getting some sun earlier. You carefully walk over to it, dodging the wind as you move as best you can to grab it. Once you finally have it in your hands, you're relieved that somehow it remained untouched.
Your friend rushes out, presumably having looked out the window and saw you, running over and almost slipping.
"Hey! Be careful out here, the wind's insane! What are you even doing?" They shout, holding onto the railing beside the two of you.
"I was just getting my phone, I left it out here and really did not want to lose it."
"Okay, well, just give it to me for now. I don't want you to lose it again and throw yourself into more danger." They hold out their hand, and you place it in their hand before the two of you begin walking back to the door you came out here from.
The wind picks up, much stronger than before. The ship slightly tilts due to the power of it, causing you to fall right onto the rail.
Your friend calls out your name as you reach out to them, before you're abruptly shoved back again, falling over the rail. They try their hardest to pull you back up, but in the end you ultimately fall into the water.
"Someone help! My friend just fell overboard!" You can hear them shout as they rush back inside. You hit the water abruptly, struggling to swim back up.
You fight, swimming as hard as you can, trying to reach the surface without running out of breath. Yet it seems the water keeps somehow pulling you back down.. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you continue to try, before you eventually fall unconscious from the lack of air..
A brief flash of bright blue fills your vision before your eyes shut. You sink slowly down into the sea..
Someone swims up to you. You can't see him, because you're out cold. He's beautiful; a mer-skeleton that had seen you fighting before you fainted, wanting to help you. His bright blue tail glistens beneath the water, his arms having tattoo-like blue markings along them as well as his ribcage. His bright blue eyelights dart over you in a worried manner as he finally reaches your sleeping form. He looks up to the surface before realizing you need air, holding you in his big strong arms as he swims up to the surface.
He pops his head out of the water before pulling you out with him. There's no response from you..
His eyelights dart around before he spots a set of rocks, swimming over and lying you down before pressing down on your chest. He repeats this process a few times, before saying distressed words in a language you probably wouldn't understand, were you awake to hear.
He apologizes, closing your nose and lifting your chin before pressing his teeth to your lips and blowing air in.. somehow, leaning up to take a breath before doing it one more time.. the moment he raises his head again, you spit out water, coughing as your eyes slowly blink open, filled with tears. You take deep breaths as you sit up, the skeleton resting his hand on your back as he supports you.
You look over your savior..a beautiful skeleton merman, who's greeting you with a warm smile. He seems to be relieved that you're okay. So they really do exist.. that's..crazy. And to think one just saved your life..
"Thank you." You say, hoping that somehow he'll understand if there's a language barrier. He pauses for a second, before letting out a quiet gasp and nodding, seeming to have understood.
You turn your head towards the ship, pointing to it. "Can you take me back? My friend is waiting."
He tilts his head a little, so out of curiosity, you try signing the words out to him. His eyelights widen a little bit, and he signs back.
'You Can Sign?' 'Yeah, learned how.' 'That's Great! I Should Take You Back Now Before Your Ship Leaves.' 'Thank you!'
He picks you up in a bridal carry of sorts, motioning for you to hold on before quickly swimming up to the boat. A ladder is quickly dropped down by some staff members for you to climb. You grab onto it, turning to the stranger.
'Thank you again. What's your name?' 'Blue! And You're Welcome, Human!'
You smile at him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, causing his face to flush a bright shade of blue.
'I hope I'll see you again!' You climb up, hugging your friend who makes sure you're okay.
He gives you a wave, before disappearing into the sea.
"You have to tell me EVERYTHING." Your friend states, wrapping a towel around your shoulders as you walk inside.
"Yeah..let me get some time to think, first."
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redwolf17 · 11 months
Cake-pocalypse: Return of the Frosting-ing
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Some of you may recall I've mentioned being busy with a cake-pocalypse. Well, here's the end result. I made both of these cakes, from scratch, for my parents' 50th anniversary party last weekend. Now that it's over, I thought it'd be fun to do a post about it, because while there's tons of popular baking shows, it's not a topic everyone necessarily knows about.
So, what goes into making cake for approximately 100 people?
Step 1) Baking the wedding cakes
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A) The tiered cake was based on a photo of my parents' original wedding cake. To replicate it, I needed four tiers of vanilla cake, which meant eight layers of cake, two for each tier.
Fun fact: I learned how to bake from my mom, who is a talented home baker. I made my first cake by myself at age 9, and then gradually expanded my skills through years of practice. And when I say my mom is talented, I mean it; she's made wedding cakes for at least half a dozen friends and family over the years. It was only right that I use my mom's favorite wedding cake recipe for the batter; I think I ended up using 6 batches to make all the tiers, plus 2 dozen cupcakes to use up extra batter.
B) Once the cakes had cooled, I wrapped them in plastic wrap and put them in the freezer overnight. This firms up the cake's "crumb" or structure, making it easier to work with. By this point, it was late Sunday night; baking the cakes had taken almost all day. What with work and errands, I didn't resume work on the cakes until Thursday night. After partially thawing the cakes, I leveled each one by cutting off the tops where the cake had domed. This is a crucial step to make sure the cakes will stack properly; you don't want them tilting or toppling over.
C) Now that the cakes are leveled, they need their base coat of frosting. I used SO MUCH buttercream for these cakes CRY The trick is to frost them while they're still cold from the freezer, so the crumbs don't get into the frosting as much. Even so, every cake needed two coats of frosting, first the crumb coat, then, after a trip back to the freezer to set the frosting, a second coat to hide the crumbs stuck in the first coat. At this point, I was done (for now) with the wedding cakes, because I was NOT going to try to transport a completed four tier cake, which meant I couldn't stack/decorate them until the day of the party.
Step 2) Making the sheet cake
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A) My entire day Saturday was spent baking, and it began with making the 12x18 chocolate sheetcake. It took three batches of cake batter; my favorite chocolate cake recipe is from Sally's Baking Addiction. I used the sour cream version, which is sturdier and thus would hopefully travel better.
B) Once the cake was baked, it took a loooong time to cool. You NEVER frost a warm cake, because the icing will melt and make a huge mess. Side note, this cream cheese frosting recipe is the best I've ever seen, and the coffee version I made by adding espresso powder turned out delicious.
C) After carefully chilling the cake in the fridge (it barely fit), I covered the entire cake with a chocolate glaze. The combination of chocolate cake + coffee cream cheese frosting + glaze comes from the Yule logs my mom makes every year, and which my dad and the rest of my family really love.
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D) I draw a lot of practice grids and decoration ideas when I was first planning the cakes. I ended up deciding to do a pattern of frosting swirls with espresso beans, plus piping the message in the center. Since it is VERY hard to fix fuck ups, I practiced my calligraphy and my balloons on a piece of parchment paper before I put a piping bag anywhere near the cake. Once the buttercream had set, I painted it with a mixture of edible gold-colored pearl dust and vodka. Amazing stuff, a friend who has a home bakery recommended it. It was around 1am when the chocolate cake was done, and went back in the fridge to keep safe until the next day.
Step 3) Piping roses
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While the chocolate cake was baking and cooling, it was time to work on decorations for the wedding cake. Buttercream roses are a pain in the ass, but since the original cake had them, this cake needed them too. Bless my niece, who served as my assistant for about 3 hours. My initial attempts at dyeing the frosting came out way too garish, but she tweaked them into the lovely shades of crimson and green you see here. She also held the flower nail so I could make my first 20 or so attempts at the roses using the Wilton technique. The buttercream was NOT cooperating at first; we had to add more powdered sugar to stiffen it, and then we had to keep putting the piping bags in and out of the fridge to get them to just the right consistency for piping. After my niece left, my bf held the flower nail for another 30+ roses. My hand and my arm were killing me by the end, but I was really worried about not having enough to cover the cake. Also, more practice meant better roses.
Step 4) Assembling the tiered cake
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A) Sunday morning was D-Day. We got to the venue 3 hours early because I knew I'd need every minute to assemble and decorate the tiered cake. Each tier sits on a cardboard cake board, but that's not enough support. To counteract the inevitable peril of gravity, the center of each tier is filled with straws. These hold up the tiers above so they don't smush the cake below.
B) Once the tiers were stacked, I piped a swirl of vines, as close to the original cake as I could manage.
C) Then, very, very carefully, I stuck the buttercream roses on using a dab of fresh frosting. You have to work quickly; the buttercream roses are firm when you first take them out of the freezer or fridge, which means you can pick them up, but if you take too long, your fingers will melt the petals. I was terrified about placing roses on the vertical sides of the cake, but thank god, none of them fell off. Once the roses were in place, I added leaves to the vines and beneath the roses.
D) A close up of the final result. I finished literally 1 minute before the party was supposed to start, at which point I had to carry this from the venue's kitchen to the table where it would sit; my bf went in front of me to shoo people out of the way.
Step 5) Dealing with leftovers
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a) Oh god, leftovers! The chocolate cake got demolished, as did the vanilla cake, once we sent some slices home, but there were still leftovers. Why? Because the way a tiered cake is served, you cut slices from the outside ring, but NOT from the center round which is stuffed full of straws. So... what to do with all that extra cake?
b) Well, if you pull the straws out and re-frost, then you've got three perfectly nice cakes. I already had plenty of extra frosting and roses, lol. My students were quite happy to take all this cake off my hands, though I only had enough slices for the first half of my classes.
c) However, I also still had SIX CUPS of cake crumbs from the offcuts which I'd cut off the cakes when I leveled them. Crumbs + frosting+ a dip in chocolate = cake pops! Massive, massive cake pops, lol, I used my biggest cookie scoop. The second half of my classes got these beauties, and a couple coworkers finished off the extras.
And that's it! God willing I won't make a cake again for quite a while, lol, this was exhausting.
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that-gothickitty · 8 months
Gender identity and Pronouns ofc: Male, he/him, fae/faeself
Mbti type: INFP-T
A detailed description of your personality: Kind to everyone I meet but fiercely protective of those I care about, quick to give grace but strong sense of justice, can be vulgar/silly but know when to be quiet/pay attention, help my loved ones even to my own detriment
Likes: Writing, singing, theatre, reading, ASMR roleplays (obvi)
Dislikes: phone calls, spiders
Things you look for in a friend and/or partner: Honesty, open communication, sense of humor, kindness, showing interest in my interests
Thinks that are a deal breaker: Making fun of someone for something they can't change in 5 minutes, unnecessary lying, guilt tripping, manipulation, rude to servers, yah know murder *side eyes Tumblr Mother*
Pet peeves (When it comes to things and people): Dog earing books
A list of characters you relate to and why: Huxley's kindness and willingness to help, Damien's dislike of stereotypes and passion for making the world better than he found it, Sam's caring heart, Vincent, William, and Porter's flair for the dramatic, Guy's humor, David sense of justice, Gavin, just Gavin, Geordi's thought process,
Here's some stuff that isn't compulsory but definitely helps!
A physical description of yourself: Chin length brown hair, hazel eyes, 5', round face
Listener(s) you feel most connected to: Darlin', Freelancer Prime only please
Yippee! Okay, you're gonna get a giggle out of this one. This match was meant to be and it's just so perfect jsjshshsjh
Your match is:
Drumroll please 🥁
Our strong, loving, down to earth himbo...
Oho I guess this man definitely has a thing for Damiens, and you, my friend, are no exception.
You really hit the jackpot here, this man can literally do no wrong and will MAKE SURE no does any wrong around you. He admires your equal inclination to protect those you care about and your helpful nature. But don't get things twisted here, he will not stand by and let you neglect your needs. He will haul your ass in a fireman's carry and plop you on your couch to rest. And God help you if you try to protest, this man can and WILL sit on you.
He'd make a playlist about you. THERE I SAID IT! And knowing you, you already have one for him. I can see it being a cute lil thing where y'all go on a roadtrip to visit his moms and he puts it on and afterwards you play his and HEHGSHSHSHSHS IM GETTING CUTENESS AGGRESSION.
Speaking of his moms, they absolutely adore you! In a lot of ways, they see their son in you and it warms their hearts to see how you parallel each other so well. I hope you have a large appetite because these ladies can cook up a storm! Be prepared to be included in the process, and hopefully, you brought a change of clothes 'cause once the first handful of flour is thrown, you're in for a massive food fight ;>
PLEASE let this man put lil flowers in your hair. He'll get so goddamn happy at the prospect of decorating you with the finest blooms. Bro will giggle. He can't help it. You just look so handsome he can't contain himself.
Man is just whipped. He doesn't have to tone down around you or explain himself when he does something that makes him happy. You just get how he operates. He's so thankful that you understand his humor, his quips, his protective nature, everything. He's grateful that he can share so much with you and that you feel comfortable enough to do the same with him. And, he loves the fact that you two are so similar. It's what started your friendship in the first place.
At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that you're both safe, happy, and protected. Deep down, he's so immensely grateful he's not the only one keeping things together.
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meraki24601 · 1 year
Burned Meatloaf
This one is for @hillscapecity! Burn wounds was a good idea, though this didn’t go where I thought it would. I may do another later with this topic. Try it a different way. 
Let me know if you like it! :)
Caretaker knew Whumpee was fine. They had promised Caretaker they would be fine by themselves while Caretaker went to work. It was only 8 hours. Nothing was going to happen to them in that short of time. Surely not. 
Not again. 
Boss sighed deeply bringing Caretaker’s thoughts back to the meeting. They had been out for 2 months taking care of Whumpee. Caretaker had a lot to catch up on. They couldn’t afford not to pay attention. “Sorry, Boss.” They whispered, sitting up in their chair and preparing to take notes.
“That’s alright, Caretaker.  As I was saying, I think this project will be perfect for you. You have proven time and time again to have a strong grasp on this concept. It will be a great opportunity for the company to make strong connections with ‘Important Company’.”
Wait. ‘Important Company?’ Their headquarters is two states away. There’s no way this project will take fewer than 3 months. Whumpee can’t be alone that long! Caretaker isn’t even sure they’re going to make it to the end of the day without seeing Whumpee is safe. They can’t leave them for a business trip for 3 whole months!
Boss’ voice broke through Caretaker’s panicked train of thought, “If you need to borrow a company laptop for the days you’re working from home you are more than welcome to do so. Obviously, we will be providing ‘Important Company’ your work cell phone number so they can easily contact you at your house.”
“Wait.” Caretaker said, “My house? I’m not going to travel to them?”
“No, Caretaker. You will be staying here for this project. You will be dividing your time between working here and working from home so you can stay up to date with the other projects happening simultaneously. Do you understand?” 
“Yes! Thank you so much, Boss. I’ll be sure to make sure this project goes over without a hitch. I promise I’ll work harder than I ever have before!”
Boss laughed softly, “How about you promise that if I let you go home early, you’ll get some rest. I need you to focus fully on this project. Tell Whumpee I said hello and get out of here.”
Caretaker barely contained their relief as they thanked Boss and gathered their stuff. They made it home in record time. The new project was going to make working so much easier. Hopefully, Whumpee would be as excited about it as they were.
With barely contained excitement, Caretaker burst into their and Whumpee’s house. Complete silence greeted them. 
“Whumpee?” They called. “I’m home.” 
No answer.
“Whumpee!” Caretaker dashed through the house. Nothing in the living room. Nothing in the bathroom, the bedroom, or even in the greenhouse. Their breath caught in their chest and pressed heavily on their stomach in a way that threatened to force Caretaker’s lunch back up. 
The kitchen door slammed against the wall as Caretaker burst into the room. Whumpee, who had fallen asleep at the kitchen table nearly fell out of their chair at the noise. Caretaker fell to their knees at the sight of Whumpee blinking up at them confused and panicking. 
Recovering their voice faster than Caretaker, Whumpee jumped up and skittered around the kitchen, “I’m so sorry! I fell asleep. I meant to have dinner done before you got home. I set an alarm for the stuff in the oven. I hope it didn’t burn since it didn’t wake me up. How was your first day back? Did everything go well?” 
Caretaker pulls themselves up into the chair Whumpee had been sitting in and watches them as they scramble around the room. Pulling dishes out of the cabinet and food items out of the fridge. “I hope everything tastes alright. It didn’t take me near as long to put it together as I thought it would. Making the meatloaf was actually really fun and relaxing. I tried that old recipe I found in that book. I might have messed it up a bit at first but that was on a mini-test run and it still tasted okay. I’ll start the sides heating and we should be able to eat soon. I’m sorry I fell asleep. I didn’t mean to. I just didn’t sleep well last night and I was tired from suddenly being on my feet since I’m still not used to that and I really wanted to make this meal good so I’m sorry it’s kinda a mess.”
Whumpee’s ramble cut off when the kitchen timer went off. Their eyes widened as they looked at Caretaker and then at the clock. “Oh. You’re home early.” Whumpee’s face fell as they looked down at their shoes. “You didn’t leave early because of me, did you? I had hoped that this dinner would prove I could take care of myself so you wouldn’t worry so much. Here I am proving I can’t even stay awake or stop long enough to look at the time. Isn’t that just silly? I’m sorry. This is just ridiculous. Look at me! The timer just went off and here I am apologizing as your dinner burns!” 
Caretaker dropped their face into their hands to hide the small smile on their face as Whumpee continued to talk. Whumpee had been so quiet after they had been rescued. It was nice to hear their voice again, even if it was self-deprecating. They carefully schooled their expression and looked up to see Whumpee reaching into the oven to pull out the meatloaf. 
Their hand gripped the pan tightly while their oven mitt sat forgotten on the counter. 
Whumpee went deadly silent as they quickly set the pan down on the stove. Caretaker knew they would beat themselves up later for the moment they stared at Whumpee in disbelief before they jumped into action. The moment Caretaker’s hand touched Whumpee’s shoulder, Whumpee curled in on themselves. A harsh whine that almost cut off before it began echoed through the room. 
Softly humming a random tune, Caretaker pulled Whumpee into their chest. One hand pressed Whumpee’s head to the side of their neck and the other turned off the stove. With clear, careful steps, Caretaker pulled Whumpee toward the sink. 
Making sure to keep Whumpee steady, Caretaker grabbed a large bowl from the drying rack and filled it with cool water. Ideally, they would hold Whumpee’s hand under the flowing water, but that might send them over the edge, so the bowl would have to do. Water ready and clean towels nearby, Caretaker took a deep breath and reached between them to take Whumpee’s wrist. 
They didn’t resist. Though Caretaker was watching carefully for any signs they needed to stop. A true testament to Whumpee’s steady recovery. Miraculously, the burns were only minor with light blistering here and there. Their arm was stiff but relaxed slightly as Caretaker swirled their hand slowly in the bowl of water. 
The slow tick of the clock, Caretaker’s soft humming, and the gentle swirling of the water as Caretaker moved Whumpee’s hand were the only things that mattered. Whumpee stayed quiet, only occasionally sniffling through the pain. They were lucky this time. They’d had much worse burns only 2 months ago. 
When the water turned warm, Caretaker pulled Whumpee’s hand out and started to change the water. Whumpee hesitated, but cautiously stopped Caretaker and put their hand under the running water instead of the bowl. “I’m sorry.” They whispered.
Caretaker didn’t respond. Telling them it wasn’t their fault wouldn’t mean anything to Whumpee right now. Instead, they pulled Whumpee’s back against their chest and slid their hand under Whumpee’s shaking hand. They didn’t grab Whumpee’s hand or try to move it so the water covered the burn better. Only provided support. 
A few minutes later, Caretaker took a deep breath. “I’m going to get the first aid kit. Do you want to go with me or are you comfortable staying here?”
“Stay here,” Whumpee whispered.
“I’ll be right back.” Caretaker was true to their word. They ran as fast as they could to the bathroom without scaring Whumpee and returned with bandages and burn cream. Caretaker was slow and methodical, explaining every action as they applied the burn cream to Whumpee’s damaged palm and wrapped it in gauze.
As they secured the gauze, Caretaker couldn’t help but smile. “I’m so proud of you, Whumpee.”
Their words broke the dam and Whumpee collapsed against them in tears. Stuttering apologies fell from Whumpee’s lips between sobs. Caretaker knew they would be alright though. They were getting better. Before, Caretaker wouldn’t have been able to treat the injury for hours if not days. Whumpee might not have seen it yet, but that was okay. Caretaker would show them as many times as it took. 
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lesbiandanhowell · 7 months
It's been a week now since I got back from my London trip to see We're All Doomed and while I don't know if anyone still wants to read my thoughts, here it goes!
Anyone who's talked to me in the past few months knows that I said, not getting to see the show live the first time around might be something I might just regret for the rest of my life. So this chance to not only see the show but meet Dan felt like a sign and something I wouldn't have missed for the world.
Something that floored me was the absolutely honesty of the show, Dan standing up on stage and talking so vulnerable about so many things, thought processes and worries. I think it's why the show resonated so well with us, because we were able to see what usually isn't talked about much and see you're not alone with it. It felt like a show made for people who want to believe in the world and the future, but who are struggling to do so because of the path the world is heading down. It felt like looking into Dan's thoughts and seeing so much of what I worry about, what makes me anxious and what I try to avoid being reflected back at me. I think especially the second half made me sob both nights, knowing the way he reflects back on his past with compassion and seeing how far he's some filled me with so much pride. The way he talked to us in the audience, letting us know we matter, we're important and not just as 'the audience' but as people, was something so many of us need to hear so much. There is so much more I could say, but I will save some of it for the premiere next weekend.
I also was lucky enough to have a m&g and there is so much I didn't get to say because I blanked but I got to thank Dan for everything he's done for me and I will always be grateful for that. He was such a warm person, it's the thought I keep coming back to because truly it's how he felt. Someone warm and comforting and safe, just like his videos he felt like that in person and despite me being tiny and him being tall af I wasn't intimidated even for a moment. He was funny and kind and I can't wait to hopefully meet him again but for now I'll add this here because I can.
Thank you for everything @danielhowell <3
Let's appreciate for a second how much he had to kneel down to take a photo with me.
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Thank you to @personthattoleratesme for not only getting us the tickets but also doing this wild trip with me! I can't believe we've only been talking for a few weeks and already met Dan together haha. I apologize for being chaotic af and stressing us both out sometimes.
It was also so much fun to meet people from tumblr @danrifics @pseudophan @ahappyphjl @dnphobe. Thank you for welcoming me so warmly over the last few months and it was great to get to chat with you guys! Even more I am laughing about everyone I realized was there afterwards but didn't meet, but guess it's all the more reason to manifest another tour!
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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I feel slightly better today. Still fragile. My tummy feels a little off. But I am not as horrible as I was yesterday. I am mostly just tired and dehydrated. But it just doesn't feel like I can get enough water.
I slept okay last night. Had a weird dream where I had a baby with a shrunken head named Scotty and James accidently gave him away. It was a whole thing and was pretty distressing. I would text James and they apologized for their dream representative. And I felt a little better.
I got up and dressed and felt cute. I love this little jumpsuit. And this is my favorite big shirt. I would have breakfast. James made a loaf of bread and asked me to move that to the microwave for safe keeping. Which is where they left my breakfast. Much appreciated.
I would eat. Which was a slight struggle but I knew if I didn't eat I would feel worse. So I ate. And had my glass of milk. And would leave for work.
It was such a lovely temperature outside. It's going to go back to the 90s next week. But the last few days has been just the perfect temperature. Like a little peak at fall.
And it made my hikes way easier. But that was a couple hours away.
When I got to camp I would spend a little time organizing and cleaning out the car. Why I always have a million things in the car drives me nuts but also I can't help myself. Everything becomes a doom box. But I at least did some organizing and got rid of trash. I need to organize the center console and the glove box still but I was glad it was mostly better. James promises to clean the whole inside of the car if all the camp dirt soon. Which will be really nice because it's gross in there. Honestly I would love to get the car detailed but I know that's expensive and I will end up trashing it again because my life is very dirty!! So maybe we'll just go to a car wash place and vacuum it real good.
When I got inside Elizabeth and Sarah were in there. We chatted for a bit. And I got on my laptop to work on reorganizing my Native American field trip stuff. I wanted to take out a few duplicate mistakes and stream line everything, including the schedule, so it will be easier to send out to schools. Hopefully Elizabeth can just send the folder so it isn't all on me, which lead to a lot of mistakes and confusion but also a lot of schools can't receive attachments so having it as a link should help us out. I spent most of the next hour and a half editing and working on that.
And then it was basically time to head home to get my group. I would sit in the art building for a little bit to charge my phone and get my walkie. And then I was off.
I had girl groups today. Younger girls first and then older girls. And it was a pretty nice hike. The girls would squabble a bit until I spoke strongly to them. Keep your hands to yourself, if they are always touching you why are you purposely standing next to them??? Make better choices.
We would see a deer and a chipmunk. It was a good animal day. We also found bugs and worms and frogs. Even saw a salamander. I think they enjoyed slowing down and looking and searching. I enjoyed their questions and observations.
I got them back to their cabin and said goodbye. I had really enjoyed their chaperone and her questions too. And I told them I hoped they have fun and learned something and they said they had. And I told them to have a good rest of the day.
I would go back down to the office. I had my leftover chipotle chips and queso. Which was excellent. I also had a fruit roll up and Elizabeth thought that was great and we talked about the gummy snacks we liked as kids. I remembered that I used to put the tongue tattoos on my hand and tell my friends that it was a snack for later. Which is so silly.
I would have some interesting conversations about some changes and pauses for programing this fall. About where the horses are going for the winter. And I let Elizabeth know I would like to help with maiden choice and other rentals. We also went over my September schedule. I am going to try to commute to Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and possibly Fridays. There are a few of those days I already know I don't be available but there will be Mondays I will be. We are being flexible.
My afternoon groups didn't go poorly. But it did start really late. Like 20 minutes late. I was early but the girls were struggling to get themselves together. But it was fine. I let their chaperone know I could just cut stuff and would have them back on time. And I did exactly that. Got them back at exactly 245. I'm the best.
The one chaperone seemed annoyed with me when I wouldn't go back for the other who had stopped at the bathroom without telling me. I would have stopped and waited with the group but I'm not stopping our hike, going all the way back, and walking up a hill. Isn't going to happen. I had the girls engaged at the stream, you can just come down the hill. And eventually she did but they were acting like I was being outrageous but I'm not stopping and searching for an adult. You can follow instructions.
It was a nice hike though and I was having fun explaining plants and bugs and telling stories. They were funny asking when we would be done. And when I said this was the end of my two hours of hiking they were like. What!! It was real silly.
I dropped them off and walked to the office. Checked in about tomorrow. Tomorrow we're going through lost and found and I'm going to work on the NAFT supplies. It'll be a busy day.
I was starting to not feel amazing. But I had to muster as much strength as I could to go to peeps and get my steamer trunk. The first half of the walk wasn't so bad, but the second half I was dying. But I got it to the car without throwing up. I was just huffing really hard.
I gave myself a minute to catch my breath. Changed my shoes. Drank some water. And headed home.
When I got back here I was just so happy to be back. Me and James had plans to go get pizza and go to the organic market. And so I was just waiting for my love to come home.
I did my nails. I haven't painted them in forever but they have all grown weird. Flat and misshapen. And I thought maybe if I cleaned them up and painted them it would make them a little stronger and a more normal shape. It mostly worked.
I would also cut sweetp's nails. Who was very sweet letting me hold him and only cried a little but never wiggled. He's a good boy.
James would come home soon. And after they changed their shirt we were off.
We went to the Rotunda. We would go to mod pizza. James got the "mad dog" and I got a cheese with ricotta and hot honey. The woman making the pizza did not know what ricotta was which was very funny. But the pizza was really good, and the company was better.
I have been finding looking at my phone to much has been giving me motion sickness. I was glad that we were just being very present with each other.
We would go to the organic supermarket next. No luck finding vegan shrimp but we got vegan fish fillets. It seems that the company doesn't make the shrimp anymore which is pretty disappointing. I'll have to find a new brand. I did get vegan pepperoni though which is always a fun treat. James would also get vanilla extract for a really good price.
I was starting to not feel amazing. And so we headed home. I would get into jammies and lay down. James would play a new game of Monster of the Week (similar to DND) with their friends. They are hoping it will be a 6 month campaign. I am glad they have friends to play with.
I would eventually take an Epsom salt bath. And it helped me feel a little better but my stomach just feels fragile. I am just sipping beverages and trying to be hydrated. Thankfully water doesn't taste so bad anymore. But it is still tough for some reason.
James is done their game now. And I am just really tired.
I hope tomorrow is really productive. And I can just get through my tasks and have fun. I hope you all have a good day. Sleep well. I love you all. Goodnight!
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suvidrache · 11 months
beach time
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 580 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: to the beach with kung lao
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Kung Lao was down to just about anything with you. He didn't like to train and would rather spend his time somewhere else. He had no problems with skipping training to hang out with you.
When you mentioned a vacation, he wanted to know where to go and wanted to go with you. Of course, you were going to take him with you. You didn't want to leave him behind, and it wouldn't be a very fun vacation without him. Aside from the fact that it would be rude as you are his significant other.
You planned the trip, and he recommended several beaches. Some he had been to. Others he hadn't but thought that they sounded beautiful. You decided to pick one he had never heard of to surprise him.
He packed up while you planned and booked the hotel. When you finished, you headed up and packed your things while Kung Lao thought of some things he wanted to do during vacation. He took his time thinking everything over and making sure it would be fun for you both before he put it on the list. He knew you well enough to know what you liked and what you didn't. When you finished, you came downstairs with your bags before heading up and grabbing his. He hadn't been paying attention until he heard your bags hit the ground. He looked up and saw your bags. He stood up and was about to head up and help you when you came back down.
"Sorry, I didn't know we were leaving now. I would have helped."
"It's alright." You said as you handed him his bags before grabbing yours.
He took his bags and pocketed the list. He made sure everything was turned off and things were ready to go before he followed you out of the house. He didn't pack much as he liked to carry lightly, but he still had everything that he needed for the trip.
It was a long walk as you led him to the airport. You arrived slightly late, which was fine as the plane had been delayed. It gave both you and Kung Lao time to sit and rest before getting up and walking again. When the plane arrived, you and Kung Lao headed over and got on. It was night by the time you arrived at your destination. You didn't want to wander around in the dark in an unfamiliar location, so you called a cab. Thankfully, the cab was still up and running by this hour. You put your bags in the trunk and got in. When you arrived at your hotel, you wouldn't be surprised if you were late. Hopefully, they will still allow you to check in. You arrived, and you let the secretary know what had happened. They understood and allowed you to check in just fine. You gathered your bags and headed up to your hotel room. You set them down, got ready for bed, and almost fell asleep before making it to the bed. Kung Lao joined you several minutes afterward, but you were already asleep.
When morning came, you both ate breakfast at the hotel and got ready for the beach before heading out.
Kung Lao left his towel behind on the beach as he ran to the water and began playing in it. You smiled and looked around, finding a safe place to keep your towel from thieves. You joined him not long after.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @queendeeshorrorimagines, @sunmoongoddess, @phantomheiko / Join my tag list here!
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