#i’ve been in philippines for a few days now
goldensatellite · 1 year
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miyamiwu · 2 months
Last updated: Aug. 8, 09:30pm GMT+8
I first posted about this 2 days ago, but only now did I have the time to sort out how much I exactly need and… it’s a lot
Dorm rent: 1,624 PHP (~29 USD)
Laptop credit bill: 4,000 PHP (~70 USD)
Consultation fee on different psychiatrist: P1,500 (26 USD) 3,000 PHP (~52 USD)
College tuition: 5,000-7,500 PHP (86-130 USD)
Passport: 1,200 PHP (~21 USD)
Total: 13,000-16,000 PHP (225-280 USD) 14,824 - 17,324 PHP (258 - 300 USD)
But the college tuition one is just a rough estimate! Enrollment is still ongoing, so I don’t know yet exactly how much I have to pay for.
If you have any spare cash, please consider helping me out by donating to my Ko-fi:
Or, you can also avail of my alpha reading service on my Ko-fi commissions page. It’s only $5 right now!
Breakdown and explanation of the amounts under the cut
In the post linked above, I mentioned struggling on the June-July dorm payment, but that’s okay now. My mom was able to find a way, but now I have another problem and that’s the August payment and the December deposit. It will be the start of a new semester, and as always, I have to pay for the first month and the last month of the semester upfront. That would be P1,624 (~$29).
I really don’t want to also ask my mom for this, as my youngest sibling just told us in the sibling group chat that she’s been having suicidal thoughts (everyone in this family has mental health issues 😔). And apparently, she also just had an argument with her boyfriend (I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend…)
With that, I will also need P4,000 (~$70), to pay for my laptop’s monthly dues. My mom bought it on credit and she has to pay for it monthly… but seeing as how she’s already depressed over her multitude of debts, I really couldn’t bring myself to burden her with this as well.
Then yesterday, I started my sessions with a new therapist, and she’s telling me to get a second opinion on ADHD.
Remember how a few months back I went to see a psychiatrist? Well, that doctor turned out to be a traumatic experience. She gaslighted me, then denied me having ADHD on the basis of my mom saying that I was a “quiet child who kept to herself.”
Current therapist asked me if I have been considered for ADHD/OCD before, and when I brought up the previous diagnosis, she was unconvinced coz she thinks I may have the inattentive type of ADHD. Now, she’s referring me to a psychiatrist she knows that specializes in my case, but the consultation won’t be free.
Update: I initially thought she’d refer me to someone from the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA), where the consultation fee is only P1,500 ($26) since that’s what she mentioned during our session and the PMHA is also on our uni’s list of recommended mental health services. But earlier, she emailed me the three doctors she recommends, and all of them turned out to be from private hospitals/clinics with fees of around P3,000 (~$52) per session… which is twice the amount charged by the PMHA
Next, my college tuition.
I go to a state university, and in my country, tuition should be free for up to 5 years in my course. But due to mental health issues, I’ve had to retake several classes because I could never complete them on time. I also took a leave twice so uhh… I’ve used up my free tuition rights and now have to pay.
I don’t know the exact amount yet, as we are charged by the number of units we are enrolled for… and well, enrollment is still ongoing, and I’m not guaranteed any units as slots are extremely limited. But going from previous receipts, it should be around P25,000 (~S434).
I’m not gonna ask for help on that full amount, though! Because, god, it really is too much. I plan to apply for tuition loan in my uni, and apparently I can get up to 70-80% discount once approved, so after deduction, I’ll only have to pay P5,000-7,500 ($86-130)
Lastly, the passport. I really need to apply for a passport already. I posted about my valid ID woes a while back, but I really can’t find the post again, but long story short, I don’t have a single, valid government ID at the moment, and it’s hindering my access to a lot of services.
I used to have a postal ID, but it expired last year and I can’t renew it because postal ID issuance has been suspended throughout the country for maintenance.
I also applied for a national ID last year, but until now I still haven’t received it. That’s just how fucking inefficient my country is.
The one ID left that’s easy to apply for without a pre-existing valid ID is the passport, so yeah, I really have no choice but to apply for it now. The regular passport fee is 950 PHP, but I listed the price for the expedited one because I need it urgently. That would be P1,200 (~$21).
I need a valid ID to open an account at this one bank that my uni requires for all those aspiring to be student assistants. And in the case my uni scholarship application gets approved, I will also need the account to receive any stipend I may get as they only do it via that bank.
I will also be needing the account to encash stipend cheques I get from a government-funded scholarship (they still haven’t given me my stipend for the previous semester, though). The bank teller has already been lenient with me three times in the past by allowing me to use an expired ID along with my student ID, the latter which they don’t even accept. I really can’t bear to do it again.
Aside these, I will definitely be needing a valid ID and a bank account should I get accepted in any of the jobs I’m applying for… so yeah, I really need the ID 😭
No pressure at all, but if you have a little extra cash, I would be eternally grateful if you donate
USD to PHP conversion is high, so a little goes a long way for me
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Heads Under Water IV
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Summary: Things get better before they get worse. Character: K'uk'ulkan/Namor x Atlantean Descendant! Filipino! Female Reader. Word Count: 1,893 Chapter Warnings: None.
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Part IV
It’s been a week since your arrival in Wakanda, five days since your first encounter with one King of an underwater kingdom, and well over a few hours since you found out you were to be watched like a hawk by one of the King’s most trusted warriors—Namora (who you later learned was the King’s younger cousin too, so extra intimidation on that front) while you begin creating the machine that would be helping out in fixing their little problem.
You, for the most part, have finally agreed to help Shuri in fixing the pathway to Talokan. But you had made the agreement with her that you will not be personally making your way to the water to oversee it, which Shuri had agreed on her part to do herself with the help of some of her warriors as guard. So, there wasn’t anything else for you to do but build.
“You are not from Wakanda—nor are you like the Colonizers.” In what felt like hours of silence aside from the metals clanking in the lab, Namora had spoken—out of boredom or out of curiosity, you were not so certain.
“I’m from the Philippines.” You answered nonchalantly. “And like what I have said to your cousin, my people had been colonized instead of the other way around.” You added hoping to defend your case from a few days back.
“You said three hundred and thirty-three years?”
“Yup.” You said popping the p with a smile. “Our people have never been the same since.” You continued before turning your attention back to the main frame of the machine.
“The Spanish?” She inquired to which you turned your attention back to her now. You nodded and take a good look at her now—aside from the far too unnerving blue tint on her skin, she was for the most part just like you and like everyone else, nothing to truly be scared of—if a weapon wasn’t pointed right at you.
“I sometimes want to think of what my great great grandparents would live like if they didn’t live in a time like that. Maybe we’d be like Wakanda too.” You shrugged at the thought.
You never truly enjoyed learning about History growing up, more with the fact that it made you sad of the lost culture of your people, angrier at how everyone now depends so solely on the nations that wasn’t your own as an aftermath and just how Westernization truly broke everything beautiful of what could be.
“Just like us.” Namora said under her breath before her attention had now turned away from you, looking around.
You were now back to making all the needed calculations to the program, fingers typing away and the time never truly mattered to you while you were deep in your work until you felt a hand resting on top of your shoulders and you realize it wasn’t just you and Namora anymore.
Blinking and realizing the never ending ache of your hands, you come to face Shuri, who wasn’t alone. With her was the King, Namor and his other (much larger and even scarier) warrior Attuma.
“Your Highness.” You spoke subtly bowing towards the man whose piercing browns were resting on you. The frown still marring his surprisingly handsome features. You could admit at much that he was a handsome man, if he showed any other emotions other than anger directed at you.
“What is the progress of your machine?” He inquired far too straight forward for pleasantries.
You gave Shuri a knowing look to which she simply gave you a defeated shrug.
“I’ve finished making the necessary programing to help with the repairs and input the coordinates to the damaged walls, the only problem I have now is the materials.”
“You can use our supplies.” He spoke.
“If it’s Vibranium, then I can’t use it.” You pointed out.
“And why not?” A single brow had rose, arms crossed against his chest and you were welcomed with a far too lean but strong arms.
“Efficiently wise, I can use Vibranium as it is the strongest metal still known to man but ethically speaking, if I am allowed to be frank with you, I am afraid that once the project is done, in the small chance that this machine will be placed in the wrong hands it would be used to detect Vibranium that is still located under water.” You spoke honestly and it was one thing keeping you from truly making the necessary machine at the moment.
You learned of the war they had waged on each other and you were damn sure not to be placed in the middle of it all if you could avoid it. The memory of being grilled for your life’s works by numerous nation leaders still a sore topic you did not want to elaborate on right now.
“We have other precious metals in our inventory, take your pick then.” He brushes off nonchalantly.
“Yes, your highness.” You nodded.
“Call me by my name. K'uk'ulkan.” He insist.
You tested the name but the question spurted out before you could stop yourself. “Why Namor then?”
“My enemies call me Namor. Will you be my enemy, Doctor Y/N?” He questioned.
“I hope not.” You responded not certain how to answer him now.
“Good. We will have the metals you would need delivered as soon as possible. Namora is to your disposal.”
You nodded.
“Thank you, K'uk'ulkan.” You said before hesitating again with your next words. “Ka Kexi' ka páajtal sa'asik in yo'olal le ba'ax tin wa'alaj ti' k yáax múuch'tambale'.” (And I hope you can forgive me for what I had said during our first meeting).
The three Talokanil had blinked at your sudden use of their language before the King himself had chuckled. You winced probably speaking the words wrong.
“Tuláakal u perdonado. Teene' kun wa'alik k'ek'eno'.” He smiled, the first genuine smile on his lips you have seen since the first time you’ve met him. (All is forgiven. I should say the same).
You nodded, smiling now at least you’ve handled that part as you continued on with working in this situation. Eventually the King and Attuma had left leaving you under the playful scrutiny of Shuri and even Namora that was all but curious and surprised about the small interaction with her King.
“So not Agent Ross, but it’s fine with Namor?” Shuri teased with a shit eating grin on her face turning to Namora that was nodding in faux agreement. “The flirting right in front of all of us. Who are you and what have you done to Doctor Y/N?”
“Last time I’ve checked flirting and apologizing are quite different from each other.” You muttered turning back to the computer to continue on with your programming.
“K'uk'ulkan does not apologize and he did so openly with you. Consider yourself special.” Namora supplied making Shuri cackle and for you hoping for the ground to swallow you up in the moment. ~ Once again you found yourself in the beach watching the waves move by. It was Shuri that had pushed you away from the confinements of the lab and you truly had nowhere else to go but here. This little spot in the near pitch black darkness had now become your favorite spot in Wakanda, a remnant of what was your home when you were still with your family.
It was also the little moment you had to talk to your mother back home as you were now in a much needed conversation with her after a few weeks of not talking to her.
‘Kumain ka na ba? (Have you ate?)’ Trust your mother to always open the call with your wellbeing. A smile was on your face as you nestled the phone against your ears and shoulder.
“I did.” You confirmed—though eating meant being practically force fed by Shuri or at one point Namora that refused to let you touch the computer until after you have eaten.
‘Kamusta ka naman dyan sa New York, binubuwisit ka pa rin ba ng boss mo? (How are you doing in New York, is your boss still annoying you?)’.
You giggled at your mother’s next question. She had learned about Tony and the potential danger of working under him from the get-go. But nothing truly prepared her when it was the least of your worries compared to the ever loving control you had not to kill the man for annoying you every single day of working for him. Your mother knew as much, it was the only consolation of working for the man knowing the dangers truly rested behind the scene on a day-to-day basis.
“Hindi na rin, busy kasi sya. (Not really, he’s busy.).” You answered. You loved your mother, trusting her with your life’s work, but this little project you had in Wakanda and now with the people of Talokan, it was better to make her believe that you were still in New York working with the man instead of this.
‘Masyado kang pinapagod ng boss mong yan! Kelan ba ang huling bisita mo dito sa Pilipinas. Sabihin mo nga dyan sa boss mo na dito ka na muna kahit ilang linggo lang. (Your boss is overworking you! When was the last time you were in the Philippines? Tell that boss of yours you should say here even for just a few weeks).’
“Ma, busy ako. Pag natapos ako sa ginagawa ko, lilipad ako pauwi. Promise. (Ma, I’m busy. Once I finish with what I’m doing, I’ll fly back home).”
You doubt if you could keep such a promise. There was always something stopping you from going home. You’d prefer having them come to you instead of the other way around—more than just the fact that you were scared of the waters. It was always something about the life you once left behind keeping you from coming back home. All the pain and all of the constant need to prove yourself in your career stopping you from coming home. It breaks your heart each day and more and more it hindered in ever talking to your mother at some point.
‘Pangako mo sakin, Y/N. Baka hindi na ko magtatagal sa edad kong to’, sige ka. (Promise me, Y/N. I’m not gonna live long at my age.).’
“Ma naman! Wag ka nang nagloloko ng ganyan. Pag natapos ako dito, kukuha ako agad ng flight pauwi. (Come on, Ma! Don’t make a joke like that. Once I’m done here, I’ll get the first flight back home).” You assured slowly relenting that maybe you truly didn’t have long left to be with your mother as you hope you did.
‘Baka anong oras na dyan, Anak? Magpahinga ka na. Mahal na mahal ka namin ng papa mo, lagi mong tatandaan yan. (What time is it there, Baby? You should get some sleep. Me and your father love you so much, always remember that).’
“Love you too, Mama.” Finally ending the call, all you could do was sigh and slump further into the tree stump you sat.
Your eyes focusing on the waters and once again you’ve seen the head by the waters—but only now did you come to recognize the head to be that of one King, K'uk'ulkan. He was watching you by the waters all this time.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Hello Sophia,
I’ve been curious about any relationships and linkages between SMA title, Alba and Jinx. Finally, I’ve managed to discover Chris’ influencer profile on one marketing platform (note: Carbons Dating The Web estimated creation date: 2023-06-01).
There are some interesting facts and figures in the case study:
Premium US dog superfood brand, Jinx is redefining dog nutrition and is sold at Walmart stores across the country. Its audience are 71% female, typically single or married and aged in their thirties. English-speaking, Jinx’s followers are 84% US-based, with India, The Philippines, Indonesia and Brazil as secondary markets. Top cities for its customers include New York, LA, San Francisco and Chicago.
Looking at celebrity influences, Chris Evans does not appear in the list.
Media-wise, Buzzfeed, Betches Media, The New York Times, HGTV, The New Yorker, People Magazine, Vice and Bon Appetit come out on top for consumption.
Chris’ audience is 67% female, typically single and aged 25-34. English-speaking, his followers are typically based in the US, with Brazil, India, Italy and Mexico as other territories. Top cities include São Paulo, New York and LA. On basic demographics, Chris Evans and Jinx are rather well matched, particularly if the brand is hoping to reach a slightly younger customer base.
Diving into likes and interests, Film & TV rank highly, as well as music, dance, sport, college, poetry, Mexican food and spirituality. Pets is present, with 1.5% of the share, which is 1.3x the platform average, putting Chris Evan’s profile in the top 20% of all Instagram accounts for pets.
Looking at media consumption, Buzzfeed, BBC, CNN, 9GAG, New York Times, TIME Magazine, The New Yorker, GQ and Hugo Gloss dominate. Crucially, Jinx isn’t listed as one of Chris Evan’s follower’s main brand affinities. Instead, the likes of Marvel, Disney, NASA, Starbucks, Google, PlayStation and Sephora lead. That being said, no other pet food brand appears.
It is important to note that Chris Evans is one of a few celebrity investors in Jinx. However, he is still quite an organic brand ambassador, being known for his relationship with his dog. Overall, it’s a smart match for brand and talent that taps into authentic interests and with the addition of Evans as creative director for campaigns, it appears to be a more substantial collaboration than a simple awareness-based sponsorship.
November 2020 – Chris followed Alba.
16 November 2021 – Pooch loving celebs Trevor Noah, Chris Evans, NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. and CAA co-founder Michael Ovitz are among the latest high-profile investors in Jinx.
PageSix: Chris Evans and more A-listers invest in healthy dog food brand.
9 March – Pet Age: Walmart Partnership Expands Distribution of Premium Dog Food Brand Jinx.
10 March – Pet Product News: Jinx Pet Food Now Available at Walmart.
21 May – People Mag: Chris Evans celebrates National Rescue Dog Day with adorable photo of himself and pet Dodger.
2 June – Buzzfeed announces Puppy interview.
18 June – Buzzfeed releases Puppy interview.
24 June – Alba’s first like in 2022 (iPhone post).
15 July – Laser focused interview.
16 July – Chris liked Alba’s MHGP post.
17 July – JustJared, Daily Mail and Buzzfeed report Chris Evans is laser focused on finding a partner (no mention of Alba).
18 July – People Mag: Chris Evans Says He's 'Laser-Focused on Finding a Partner' to Spend His Life With.
20 July – Chris’ Dating Poll by Buzzfeed.
27 July – Entertainment Tonight meet Chris Evans' 'Long-Term Partner': His Adorable Dog Dodger!
Forbes: Chris Evans Partners With Jinx Premium Dog Food.
Adweek: Chris is Future Jinx Ad Star.
CNN: Talking dog parenting with Chris Evans.
People: Chris Evans Says His Pet Dodger Is 'a Cut Above the Average Dog,' But Admits 'I'm Probably Biased'.
26 August – People Mag: Chris Evans Celebrates National Dog Day with Pup Dodger: 'In My House, Every Day.
27 August – E! news tweet: When Captain America found his perfect sidekick. ❤️ Happy #InternationalDogDay to Chris Evans & Dodger.
October – Alba deactivated her IG account.
6 October – People mag: the actor and his beloved rescue dog Dodger star in a new ad spot for dog food company Jinx.
11 October – Alba reactivated her account. Chris liked 2 WN posts.
7 November – SMA announcement on Monday's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
Chris Evans Is PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive.
Entertainment Tonight: Chris Evans Reacted to Getting 'People' Magazine's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive (editor Julie Jordan: “If he is dating someone he will talk about it or you will see him with the person”.
10 November – People: Chris Evans Is Dating Actress Alba Baptista: 'It's Serious,' Says Source — He's 'Never Been Happier'.
OK! Mag: Chris Evans & Actress Alba Baptista's Relationship Confirmed Months After Packing On The PDA At 'Super Affectionate' Date Night.
PageSix: Chris Evans and girlfriend Alba Baptista hold hands in first PDA photos.
12 November – Daily Mail: 'World's Sexiest Man' Chris Evans, 41, is seen holding hands with Alba Baptista, 25, for the FIRST time on a romantic stroll in Central Park.
E! News: Chris Evans & Alba Baptista Confirm Romance With PDA Stroll.
14 November – E! News tweet: The strongest bond in the universe (Dodger).
10 December – Alba deactivated her IG account.
10 March – Alba reactivated her IG account.
18 April – Alba at Ghosted Premiere in NY.
26 April – People: Jinx to bring "The Dog Dream Box" to dog lovers nationwide.
28 April – Pet Food Processing: To celebrate Pet Month in May, Jinx launched a new limited-edition “The Dog Dream Box” collaboration with celebrity Chris Evans, brand ambassador at Jinx, and his dog Dodger.
J2 June – 40/29 News: 2023 Walmart Associates' Celebration.
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hazygrains · 9 days
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September 7, 2024
The day finally came—I’d been looking forward to Bruno Major’s concert here in the Philippines. I thought this would be my last concert for the year, but 2NE1 just announced their comeback concert here in the PH this November. So, I’m hoping, praying, and manifesting that I’ll be able to secure tickets for me and my husband. *keeping my fingers crossed*
Back to Bruno Major’s concert: it was held at PICC, Manila, and hosted by Karpos. This was the first Karpos event I’ve been to, and I have to say, it was really well-organised.
I was a bit stressed beforehand because the organiser and venue required semi-formal/formal attire. As a laid-back gal with only a few slacks and polos (most of which are too tight now), I had no clue what to wear. I dug through my closet and tried on a few ancient clothes that didn’t quite work. In the end, I settled on comfy slacks, a white shirt, a blazer borrowed from my sister, and my white Vans. Semi-formal casual-ish.
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jeremiethrough · 4 months
in the past few days, i feel like i’m not on track anymore. after everything in school, what’s next? i’ve been thinking a lot about this because i don’t have a sense of goal anymore. should i take the RMP boards or enroll in a bootcamp to learn data science? i don’t know what to do. i love my job and where i am because i always meet different people from various regions for site visits, but there’s always a void in me and i don’t know what will fill it.
maybe it’s about earning more? it’s really hard to save here in the philippines. yet, i’m still very thankful because i see my family weekly and do church stuff, which is fulfilling.
anyway, i have time to write this because i’m already done with my work and have nothing else to do at the moment. tonight is miss universe PH coronation night! are you excited to see who will win?
back to my thoughts, i don’t know what i’m feeling right now. maybe the answer is having someone in my life again to add some thrill? i really want that, just like with LBB. i miss that person. i wish them well. deep down, they have a special place in my heart. hoping to see them again this year.
i’ll stop here for now. i’ll be back.
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akocomyk · 4 months
Fearless Forecast, 2024 edition
With just a few hours before the coronation night, and having less than a day to prepare. ‘Coz I’m busy at work and... Empire PH just can’t finish a damn edition without f*cking something up.
Anyway. Keeping with my tradition, here are my top picks for the crown of Miss Universe Philippines 2024.
And can I just say… This year’s competition is an epic bardagulan. The quality of candidates have leveled up since the past years—which is actually good for us pageant fans and quite disheartening from the point of view of the candidates, knowing that only one woman would earn the right to wear the Philippine sash in the Miss Universe stage later this year. There are many candidates who deserve to win the crown, and many candidates who deserve at least a spot on the Top 20. And yeah, I know there are four other titles at stake, but only one will be MUPH.
My Top 5
If any of them wins the crown, I won’t question it.
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Quezon Province • Taguig • Bacoor • Bulacan • UK
Quezon Province was the front-runner from the beginning and she did not disappoint. If Miss Universe is happening tomorrow, we can send her and we would still have high chances of winning our 5th crown. My only concern with her is her communication skills because other contenders could eat her up in this round.
Taguig. The veteran. And it shows. This can both be negative or positive, but it’s so evident that she’s a pro at what she’s doing and she exudes a queenly aura without having to do as much as the other candidates do.
I liked Bacoor back in 2021, and I like her even more now. When everyone’s performance feels so manufactured, she has this easy and genuine glow about her and it’s so beautiful to witness. I never thought that she’d be dangerous, but she is.
Bulacan is the black girl that deserves more attention. Really. I’ve noticed her since the pre-pageant activities, and I don’t know why people haven’t been talking about her as much. Now it feels like everyone just saw her for the first time.
United Kingdom is the best candidate from a Filipino community abroad. She speaks and performs well, and if she can’t win a crown, she at least deserves to be on the top. I never expected to put her up this high, seeing how she did in the previous activities, but I saw her growth and she now has a fighting chance for the crown.
The Next Five
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Cainta • Palawan • Iloilo • Florida • Cavite
Any of these five can pull a surprise come finals night.
Iloilo is in the Top 5 of all challenges—she has the biggest fanbase, from the looks of it—so she’s definitely a shoo-in for the finals, and though I like that she toned down her walk on her preliminary performance, I still feel like it’s bordering Miss Grand.
Cainta is the beautifully manufactured barbie doll. She did well on all segments of the competition, but I kinda feel it’s not authentic.
Palawan, Florida, and Cavite are the very pleasant surprises and I don’t see any reason for them not to be in the finals.
Yet Another Five
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Australia • Bantayan Island • Cebu • Baguio • Naic
Cebu and Baguio are the most popular girls here, and I was expecting a lot from them, but I was let down. Still, I think they’ve done enough to be in the finals.
Australia, Bantayan Island, and Naic are the darkhorses. People should pay more attention to them.
My Other Notable Favorites
When I tabulated my scores for the preliminary competition, I kept saying, “Oh my god,” on repeat because there were some fan-favorite girls who were left out. And then… those on 18th to 25th places were on a tie. 😅
Hawaii, Pasig, Tacloban, Zambales and Laguna all gave memorable performances. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d also see Southern California, Northern California, Mandaue and Davao City in the finals.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Good News
Iiiiiiii’m going to MCM Comic Con! And if the stars align and everybody’s on the ball, Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m finally getting autographs from the cast of Critical Role! As soon as I heard they were coming back, I was emailing my mother being like, “Hey, remember about three years ago when I asked for an early Christmas / birthday present in the form of tickets to the event and autographs? And then Covid happened and the whole thing had to be scrapped and I was very sad? Well, they’re finally coming back so could we do that deal again, please?” And she said yes and I just now got the ticket confirmation and I think I’m pretty clear on how to get an accessibility badge and while I’m not relaxing until I have autograph bookings for the cast, I am still at least going!
But no, I’m not going to see them run live at Wembley. I did try, but they got sold out way too fucking fast. Which is disappointing not just because I wanted to see that once-in-a-lifetime thing, but also because my bestie threw money at me for the tickets pretty much ten seconds after I squeed about it, because he so wanted me to be able to go because I wanted it so much. But I think in the end it’s just as well. The accessibility options for Wembley are a little ... complicated if you’re not straight-up in a wheelchair, apparently.
(Bestie would not let me give the money back. I asked repeatedly. He said no. So I thought long and hard about something he would really want me to have and did that instead. I’ll show you later.)
Anyway, insofar as the convention goes, there is one tiny bummer. See, when I asked for this as my combination Christmas / birthday gift three years ago, I asked my mother to maybe come with me on the Friday. I really want her to see a convention, at least a little bit, on the least busy day so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. So obviously when the opportunity came around again, I asked her to come with me on the Friday. Unfortunately she’s going to be in Montreal so she won’t be able to make it. So I’ve said maybe we can make a day trip of it in May 2024 and I’ll buy her ticket that time. Because gods know this is almost certainly going to be the last convention I attend in full. It’s going to be rough enough as it is.
There is one plus point to Mum not being able to make it, though, and it comes back to yet another previous convention - one that actually happened. When the CR crew came to London five years ago, they had to arrange a separate smaller panel on Sunday because it was standing room only and still hundreds of people couldn’t get in. Seriously, because the UK is easier to reach for people in Europe and other parts of the world than the US is, we got people from all over Europe and beyond. Furthest away I heard about was the Philippines. (Though in fairness it’s going to be slightly more complicated for Europeans this time around because Brexit is in full swing and Freedom of Movement is a thing of the past. Still easier than flying to San Diego, and probably cheaper too.)
Anyway, Sunday panel, I was in the queue, and I’d made it a point to say something nice to people I came across because I wanted them to have as many good memories of the day as possible. So I told the young woman in the queue just ahead of me that I liked her T-shirt. She reciprocated the compliment, we got to talking, and she was saying how she’d really love to find a campaign and that mine sounded fun but wasn’t it a shame she lives in France but I live here in London? At which I had to explain that my party spanned three countries and four time zones at that point. So, two weeks later, we had a new Monster Hunter Ranger in the party, and she’s been a source of delight ever since.
She’s trying to arrange to come back to get pictures with the cast members she missed (Travis and Laura were on paternity leave at the time, and Ashley had Blind Spot to finish), and if she can come, I have offered my sofa for a few days and the possibility of getting a carer badge so that she can help me if I’m in too much pain or hit with a dizzy spell or something. We’ve discussed it and I just told her that if she really feels like she needs to contribute, she can toss me £20 for groceries while she’s here (because you know I am going to take every opportunity to cook for people I care about). I haven’t seen her in person in years and I hope she can come. (I mean, I’d love it if all of my players could come but it’s an expensive trip and I only have so much sofa.)
So yeah, if all plays out according to plan, I’m finally getting those autographs. I do need to decide once and for all whether I want them to sign my copy of Tal’Dorei Reborn or the original Green Ronin Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting. I’m leaning towards the latter just because ... I mean, it’s where they started, and look at them now! Plus I want them to sign something sturdy because while I have kept them in good condition, I do occasionally fear for my small collection of autographs from the likes of Courtenay Taylor, Mark Meer, Ali Hillis, Alix Wilton Regan, Raphael Sbarge (his in particular, honestly), and Troy Baker calling me ‘Rebel Scum’ because I mained a Jedi Consular in SW:TOR.
(Okay, I originally mained a Smuggler in SW:TOR but then my RP guild wanted a healer for Ops so ... yeah. Republic anyway.)
So ... fun D&D session yesterday, and now good news today, and the added gloriousness of, “A bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors are going to sell out Wembley fucking Arena".
Sometimes life is good.
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freehawaii · 9 months
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    Honolulu Civil Beat - December 6, 2023 - By Naka Nathaniel
On the eve of the most solemn day at Pearl Harbor, I’d like us to look ahead 18 years from now. 
Last week, I closed my column with a call to change the trajectory of the Navy, and the military at large, in Hawaii after a few years of terrible headlines. Today, I offer not precise solutions but something that will motivate us to act: A deadline. 
We need to make Dec. 7, 2041, the most significant date in Hawaii in the 21st century. 
The past few years have not been good for the Navy’s reputation in Hawaii. It’s remarkable to see how the botched handling of the Red Hill catastrophe unified so many varied groups in Hawaii against the Navy. 
Those on Oahu who aren’t upset with the Navy yet will be when they see the rate increases in their water bills.
In conversation after conversation I’ve had about the military’s future in Hawaii, the end of the military’s multiple leases were repeatedly called “the elephant in the room.” 
The elephant is also an opportunity that courageous leaders in Hawaii have to shape the future, instead of having it shaped for them. 
For the first time in a long, long time, the people of Hawaii have the opportunity to have a say in what has traditionally been a one-way relationship.
In addition to being better partners and long-term guests and stewards, the military also has an opportunity to modernize its approach to national security here.
Gen. Mark Milley, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned in a report that the military’s current decision-makers are too connected to conventional tank and aircraft carrier warfare. 
Hawaii’s strategic importance as the gas station of the Pacific has waned in the age of digital and drone warfare. It’s hard to conceive what warfare will look like in the age of hypersonic missiles and AI, but it’s possible that Hawaii’s geography can be used in more innovative and inspiring ways.
“The American homeland has almost always been a sanctuary during conflict, but this will not be the case in a future war,” Milley wrote.
Since the nature of national defense is changing, Hawaii needs to take advantage of this sea change. 
Pearl Harbor served its purpose for the Navy and now it’s time for it to follow a proud tradition of hand off. Our memories don’t have to stretch too far back to think about the return of Hong Kong, the return of the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, the bases in the Philippines and the dynamic change brought to many communities in the ‘90s when American military bases were reimagined in the wake of the Cold War.
We need to envision what a Pearl Harbor reintegrated into the fabric of Oahu would be like. For too long, Pearl Harbor has been off-limits for most Hawaiians. 
What if the Navy returned significant parts of Pearl Harbor to Hawaii?
Would it make Hawaii more or less vulnerable? I would argue that it minimizes our exposure. We need to recalibrate what the Navy, and military presence at large, means here in the Pacific.
The people of Hawaii should be the beneficiaries of generously hosting the military for dozens of decades. Sites like Pearl Harbor have the infrastructure to solve myriad problems facing Hawaii. 
It’s not too hard to see how a reimagined Ford Island could become the epitome of sensible 21st century living. 
Or, with the threat of climate change being a menace at least as equal to security threats, some of Pearl Harbor could be converted into a hub for climate mitigation and resiliency efforts.  
In 18 years, instead of only wreath-laying and somber remembrances, let’s envision a day that includes hope for the future. 
Let’s envision a day, Dec. 7, 2041, when a partial handover occurs and a new dawn begins for a better Hawaii and a redeemed and reimagined military.
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Online influence
Shoto slams his hands on Izuku's desks: IZUKU!
Izuku jumped and tosses his notebook in the air, almost falling off his seat as he fumbles to catch it while the rest of the people in the library eye them angrily
Izuku catches his notebook and pulls Shoto down: Ssshhh!
Shoto: This is important!
The Librarian shushes them
Izuku gives an apologetic wave and pulls his friend to sit, whispering under his breath: Shoto-Kun what's going on? Is there trouble? Do I need to-
Shoto: you're trending on TikTok
Librarian: SSSHHHH! Izuku covers his mouth and looks at Shoto wide eyed and whispers: What?!
Shoto nods, face blank as he pulls out his phone: Technically it's spiderman that's trending but I checked the account and they've got several high viewing videos. The best ones are of you Izuku looked confused. He knew spiderman was getting more popular but he never thought he'd go viral. But what for?
Shoto shows him the first video
Izuku's face heats up: o-oh.. that's why...
And low and behold... Right on screen is spiderman himself buttoning up a suit shirt he had borrowed from Shoto
He remembers this
It was the deal between him and Ochako
The video proceeds with pop music playing in the background, the editing done to make it seem more dramatic. The next few videos were 'proof' that it was spiderman and not just some cosplayer. Izuku watches his hero alter-ego climb up the wall, shoot webs, and hang upside down on said webs like he usually did
And god he wanted to throw himself off a cliff hearing his own voice. The camera focused on spiderman's face, big lenses blinking confused as the owner of the account spoke
He remembers it clearly: Could you tell me why you decided to become a hero?
Spiderman: o-oh um, I don't think I really need a reason to want to help people in need
The awkward posture softened into genuine confidence as he spoke: I found myself with these powers one day. They make aspects of my life easier and have given him physical and reflexive advantages beyond anything I could've ever imagined. Spiderman seems to smile: And I want to use these powers to benefit others. Save people from the growing dangers that have been popping up recently. I want to save those who can't save themselves and protect people with a smile! Well, I hope people know I'm smiling Spiderman laughs. Izuku cringed hearing his own laughter but it seemed the comments thought otherwise: I wanna give people hope that there's someone out there ready to protect them and keep them safe. Just like All Might Izuku covers Shoto's phone and pulls his hoodie over his head: I can't.. I can't watch that anymore
Shoto: you haven't even seen the most viewed video. The one actually trending
Izuku: I'd rather stay ignorant for once
Shoto: Are you sure?
Izuku didn't respond Shoto sighs and turns off his phone: I think this is a good thing
Izuku: what, people knowing I did a photoshoot with a random civilian?
Shoto: people getting to hear from you directly. I've done my research-
Izuku: you asked for Shinso-San help-
Shoto: I did my research Shoto turns on his phones again and goes to twitter: And I've found several accounts trying to impersonate you and trying to pass themselves off as the real Spiderman. Spiderm4n. Spoodermn. SMOfficial which is a mall in the Philippines. SmashMeSpidey. And so many more
Izuku sunk into his seat: Nobody actually believes that.. right?
Shoto: No. Especially since Deadpool has been insulting them off the site
Izuku: oh great. He upgraded from homicide to cyber bullying Shoto: He seems to be unforgiving-
Izuku: he usually is
Shoto: -to people who try to pass off as you. One of his tweets-
Izuku: Please don't
Shoto: -reads "You shitty extra think you can even compare to my BubBabe? I hope your cat eats your ears and pisses on your eyes" Izuku: Great. His threats are getting grosser and involving animals now
Shoto: I like to think of this as protecting your honor
Izuku: I don't need him to protect my honor! I don't do it for honor!
Librarian: Midoriya. Todoroki. If you can't keep quiet then leave the library Izuku sinks lower in his seat and pulls up his notebook, trying to cover his and Shoto's faces as he whispers: I don't care what people think of me or do with my image as long as I can give them hope and save them at the end of the day Shoto whispers back: then get online and let's market you
Izuku: that's the exact opposite of what I want
Shoto: hear me out
Izuku: I have been. And so far all I got is that we need an intervention about Shinso-San's influence on you
Shoto: trust me as your man in the chair Izuku pouts at that and groans softly: fine
Shoto gives a half smile
This was gonna be a bad idea
• • •
Hitoshi: You know this is pretty creepy, right?
Ochako: Not creepy if this was part of a deal and he consented to it
Hitoshi: I thought you only needed pictures?
Ochako: I did but I asked if I could film him too and he agreed
Hitoshi: because you're blackmailing him Ochako: I didn't use the photo against him! I asked and he just said I could
Hitoshi: Oh so it's not you being a secret super villain. It's him being an idiot hero who can't say no to a cute civilian
Ochako: you think I'm cute?
Hitoshi: Shut your mochi hole Ochako waves it off and holds up her phone: I already got what I needed and I'm making more money then just selling my photographs. Plus, I'm helping him gain a bigger fanbase! Technically he should be thanking me
Hitoshi: you got him simps
Ochako: which are also fans Hitoshi takes Ochako's phone and opens the comments: Fans who want Spiderman to web them to the ceiling and get choked out by his thighs
Ochako: Those aren't ALL the comments!
Hitoshi: But it's most of them. I'm not telling you to stop though. I'm honestly proud Ochako: that we've hung out so much that you've become a bad influence?
Hitoshi: they learn so fast
Ochako: I swear you're gonna influence the wrong person one day
Hitoshi smirks: And I'll have my feet up watching it all go to shit
Denki: Damn Kats. I get it
Mina is leaning over Denki's shoulder: Oh definitely
Kirishima is on his other shoulder giving a low whistle: So manly bro!
Katsuki throws a middle finger at all of them, keeping his eyes on his own phone: All of you shut the FUCK UP He watches the video reply and feels his ears turn red. He watches spiderman in the same dark blue suit, doing a perfect one handed hand stand. Legs stretched and posed in a way that showed off his flexibility
Then he pushes up and throws himself  into a spin onto his feet His fancy shoes clicking against the wooden floor as he stands and adjusts his jacket
His voice was nervous but held a happy tone: How's that?
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jasfhercallejo · 2 years
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After more than two years of lockdown, we’re no strangers to wishing for a change of view and having a breath of fresh air. I saw really good clamping sites in El Nido and in Siargao (my top 2 local destinations lol) and I’ve been meaning to go back to these provinces once the restrictions are lifted. One time, I was looking for a place to spend the long weekend on Airbnb, and I stumbled upon Cavinti, Laguna. It was tagged as the “Glamping capital of the Philippines”. It was only a few hours drive from our place in Makati, so I thought, why not?
“Glamping” is a portmanteau of two words: glamorous and camping. It is an outdoor getaway which combines the benefits of spending time in nature with the ease of staying in a hotel. As I grew older (well not that old), now that I have started to work, and my back is slightly aching (that’s a joke okay haha), these recharge places are starting to get interesting to me.
Lake Lumot in Cavinti, a next-door neighbor of the bigger Caliraya Lake, is a place where a wonderful set of nature converges to form the perfect great outdoor getaway. It is a freshwater lake that catches the water streaming from the mountains of Laguna and Quezon, a variety of colorful bird species, swaying trees, and lush greens blooming with vibrant flowers. It is also a place where dozens of charming lake houses and resorts can be found.
We did some kayaking in the afternoon (literal arm day), some fishing at sunset, and a luscious candle lit dinner in the night (some wild midnight fun, if you know what I mean *wink). The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
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jessicafurseth · 1 year
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Reading List, Spring Sap double edition.
"You begin with what you know, and what you know changes." - Cheryl Strayed
[Image by Katie Benn]
"On the first day of spring I would forgive anything; the air ...  smells like forgiveness wide-armed enough to raise up all of history’s beloved dead. No one who ever went outside on a spring afternoon could really believe that there aren’t second acts in everyone’s lives." Helena Fitzgerald
"Awe has always been available to us. It’s an artefact of our own attention, rather than a force that emanates from magnificent things. It is perpetually nearby, but we like to imagine that it’s far away, a place that we visit on once-in-a-lifetime holidays, rather than a practice that we can foster across a lifetime. I’ve tended to see it as a frippery, an unnecessary decoration on the edges of experience that I can safely afford to ignore most of the time. I no longer think that’s true. Instead, I think that those vulnerable, ground-shifting encounters like awe, wonder, fascination and mystery are crucial to our survival." [Katherine May, The Guardian]
"I now kindly understand that a world which tells me not to mark my own skin is the world where outside opinion is more important than my choice, and prejudice has been carelessly applied. I believe that a body cannot be deemed inappropriate." [Corrie Foreman]
The Indelible Marks Of Apo Whang-Od, still tattooing at age 106  [Audrey Carpio, Vogue Philippines] ... and her apprentice, Grace Palicas, on Instagram.
Tattoos are about change [Rachel Jepsen, The Cut]
"I agreed that something needed to give. I disagreed that the something needed to be my work." Excerpt from 'You Could Make This Place Beautiful' [Maggie Smith, The Cut] ... and in response, this incredible Twitter thread solicited by Isabel Kaplan, with stories of relationships which are the opposite.  
Pet-Custody Agreements Are a Bad Idea [Ines Bellina, The Cut]
"I had sought permission my entire life to make choices; I had been well-behaved and studious as a youth, jumped through all the required hoops – academic, extracurricular and otherwise. But freedom was to be explored and exploited, I had now decided. These travels taught me that moving around wherever I liked was possible. And that I was always at home as long as I had a few necessary items: a journal, some blue jeans, a few ducats and, most of all, a sharp mind." Lessons from a life on the move [Jami Attenberg, The Guardian]
"'I think there’s probably a misconception that the more you plan, the less joy you get from something,' Johnson said. Sure, some of her favorite days are the unplanned ones, she said. But she’s found that those sorts of days can only be fully appreciated if you’re already created the space — and gotten the things done — to enjoy them." The case for planning your free time" (at least a little) [Madeleine Aggeler, The New York Times - this is a free link]
PSA: Some airlines will sell you a "couch" on long haul flights - that's three seats in a row in Economy at a price that's actually affordable, so you can sleep flat. This is potentially game-changing.
Why are we so fascinated by super-organised homes? [Amelia Tait, The Guardian] 
“I don’t know what I think except that I don’t think any of us has to have a firm opinion about what it means to be a woman.” On a hysterectomy [Anna Holmes, The New Yorker]
To Accept My Chronic Condition, I Needed to Grieve the Life That Could Have Been [Carolyn Todd, SELF]
"Elements of my character I used to think of as my personality are gone: intense sentimentality, worrying about everything, moroseness. So what is personality, and what is symptom?" Who Am I Without My Depression? [Imogen West-Knights, Vogue]
Name and shame, a column by Emma Forrest [The Guardian]
Shades of grey in Bilbao [Juan Navarro, The London Review of Books]
The people who still use a London A-Z map [The Londonist]
"I always felt [Nemesis] was a missed opportunity to create a story and play a story line that had a fitting and proper conclusion to it. None of us knew that was going to be our last outing. So there was always, at least for me, a sense of a missed opportunity, something unfulfilled. That ship had sailed. Two decades have passed. I had long since given up on any hope of a conclusion as satisfying as this one is." - LeVar Burton ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Gets the ‘Next Generation’ Band Back Together [Sopan Deb, The New York Times]
Patrick Stewart will look great forever [Caity Weaver, GQ]
The peerless Natasha Lyonne on what surprises her, at 43: "The only surprise is how false the bill of goods is that we’re sold as young women. We’re supposed to be terrified of anything after 17 or 21. So it’s a revelation to discover what a lie that was. The truth of the matter is, it’s way better over here. I’m sure any woman in her 40s is gonna tell you, that’s when it all starts clicking, because you get to let go of so much concern about what other people think, and you get to focus on what you care about. And, of course, life being that funny karmic beast that it is, as soon as you let go of certain things, those are the very same things that come to you."
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What are three names you like that start with the same letter as your fist name? Just any variation of Rose, really. Rose, Rosie, Rosalie, Rosalia...I’m not so big on other R names.
How old will you turn on your next birthday? I’ll be 26 but I’ve got around nearly a whole year to go til then.
What are three things you like about your birth month (besides it being the month your birthday is in)? It’s the month I became ARMY, it’s Cooper’s birth month, and the Holy Week lets us have 5-6 days off work.
...and what are three things you dislike about it? IT’S HOT and I can’t think of any other reason. It just gets so unfairly hot.
List three celebrities that are the same height as you. Google tells me Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Reese Witherspoon. The first two I’ve kind of known for a while, but I didn’t know Reese is so tiny?????????
Are you happy with your height, or do you wish you were shorter or taller? Why? I’m fine with being 5′1″. It’s pretty average (for girls) where I’m from, and in fact tall people are such a rarity that people would end up staring at you and pointing out how tall you are every chance they get as if you don’t already know – and I don’t want tallness to be a personality trait of mine hahahaha.
List three celebrities who have the same natural hair color as you. Idk man all the Filams, they’ve all got black hair. Vanessa Hudgens, Darren Criss, Bruno Mars.
Is your hair color natural right now, or is it dyed? It’s dyed but it looks gross now. I’ll dye it back to purple a few days before my trip so my vacation photos can turn out cute.
Which family member did you inherit your hair color from? Doesn’t really work that way with Filipino DNA. You get one choice – black, lol.
List three things in nature that are the same color as your eyes. 👀 Soil, tree trunks, mud.
Are you happy with your current weight, or do you wish you weighed more or less? I’m okay with it, I find it pretty proportionate to my height though I am prone to falling underweight every now and then.
If applicable, how many pounds do you want to lose? I’ve never wanted or striven to lose weight.
How many years has it been since you were last a student enrolled in school? 🏫 It’ll be three years this year.
What was your favorite class in high school? History :)
Section 2 - Family 
(A/N: What was Section 1...?)
Do you have kids, and if so, what are their names? No kids.
Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Dad. He’s away more, but he’s also the easier to talk and relate to.
How many sisters do you have? One.
How many brothers do you have? Also one.
If you had a twin sister, what would she be named? No idea but that’s a good question; I’d love to get my parents’ thoughts on that. How many dogs have you had in your lifetime? 🐶 We’ve had three, including the two we currently have. :)
How many cats have you had in your lifetime? 🐈 One, Arlee.
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs.
How many dogs have you had that probably would have been diagnosed with ADHD had they been human? What a random question, lol. Idk probably Cooper, but only in certain scenarios. He’s considerably chilled out over the last year.
What is your favorite dog breed? Aspin, if they count.
Who in your family is or was the same height as you? Not sure. Everyone is ever so slightly taller than me LOL
Where was your dad born? The Philippines, I’m not specifying where.
Where was your mom born? ^ Same.
Where were you born? Manila.
Using a flag emoji, which country were you born in? 🇵🇭
...and which country do you currently live in? 🇵🇭
Using flag emojis, what is your nationality? 🇵🇭
Using a flag emoji, what is the origin of your last name? 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Have you ever met anyone unrelated to you that had the same last name as you? Yes. It’s not a super popular surname, but it does come around every once in a while. It’s not entirely obscure.
How many sister-in-laws do you have? Well in an arbitrary sense, one. She’s technically going to be a cousin-in-law as she’s my cousin’s fiancée, but that cousin is much like an older brother so I usually consider and mention her as a future sister-in-law.
How many brother-in-laws do you have? None.
How many nieces do you have? None.
How many nephews do you have? Also none. My generation of siblings and cousins is taking it super slow haha.
How many of your grandparents are still living? Three of them. I lost my maternal grandpa in 2015.
As far as you know, what types of cancer are in your family? No clue. My family doesn’t like talking about the disease and just refers to it as ‘c-word,’ and never goes into specifics, so I don’t actually know if it runs in the family and if it does, what type/s.
Section 3 - Talents
What are three things you are good at? Writing, researching, reading people.
Can you touch your nose to your tongue? 👅👃 Nope. I’ve tried too many times to try it again just now, but I know I can’t.
Can you wiggle your ears? 👂 No and I’ve only ever known one person who can – my uncle.
Can you lick your elbow? I can’t.
Can you do the splits? Nah. I tried to be able to do it as a kid, but the skill isn’t for me.
Can you bend over and touch your toes? I also can’t, unless they’re far enough apart.
Are you double-jointed? I’m not.
Can you bend your tongue into a clover? ☘️ 👅 No. I can do the U-shape but that’s it, no other shapes.
What are three of your favorite creative hobbies? Can past hobbies count? I used to do embroidery and coloring :) These days I’ve been making bracelets – I plan to give them out as freebies during the Yoongi concert and it’s been more fun than I expected! I’ve currently made 45 bracelets but I’ve got a ways to go since I actually plan on giving out 100. Maybe even more if I happen to have some time (and beads) left. But with only around a little over two weeks left before the show, we’ll have to wait and see. Are you good at taking pictures? 📸 My camera is good at taking photos, but I’m not. I never did get the hang of angles and photo editing and such.
What are three things you've been complimented on? Writing, work ethic, speaking skills.
What are three of your favorite things to do? WRITING, watching documentaries and vlogs, going to coffee shops.
What is your dream job? Doing PR for a company/brand I admire.
...and are you currently working in your dream job? Not exactly, no. It’s the same job, just not *where* I particularly want to be.
Section 4 - Religion and Spirituality
Do you consider yourself spiritual? No.
Do you consider yourself religious? Not at all.
What do you think of when you hear the word "religious"? Rules.
What do you think of when you hear the word "spirituality"? Those people who are into yoga and crystals.
Do you have a positive or negative view of the word "religion"? Mostly negative. Then again my experience has been largely around Christianity which is the main contributor to the way I view religion. I can’t really speak for how I view other religions; the topic in general is just so broad.
Do you have a positive or negative view of the word "spiritual"? Neutral with a dash of, “I really don’t buy it.” Who is the most spiritual person you know? Some celebrity I got to work with for one of my previous accounts. I once had dinner with her and she went on and on about her crystals and meditation and getting in touch with her soul, and I just had to politely nod my head and go “Ooh” and “Ahh” for like 3 hours. Don’t get me wrong lol it was a genuinely good conversation but not nearly enough to convince me still.
When was the last time you stepped foot inside of a church? ⛪️ Two Sundays ago. We attend church weekly, but I say two Sundays ago because I happened to be at a work event last weekend.
Do you regularly attend church? Why or why not? ⛪️ Yes. My mom is religious and takes the whole family to church. On my part though I ditched religion and stopped listening to the service since I was 10.
Have you ever been to a mosque? 🕌 I haven’t, but when I went to Malaysia which I believe is largely Muslim, I learned about the concept of prayer rooms and found it very fascinating. That was my biggest takeaway when we went to Legoland hahahaha it wasn’t even any of the rides or the LEGO exhibits :((
Have you ever been to a synagogue? 🕍 Nope. Judaism is relatively weak in this part of the world, so haven’t had a lot of exposure besides its ties to Christianity.
What is the symbol for the religion or spirituality that you practice, if applicable? I don’t practice Christianity but considering it’s my religion at the very least in the legal sense – cross.
What is your favorite religious holiday? I don’t have any.
If applicable, does your faith mean a lot to you? Not applicable.
Do you ever feel embarrassed or hesitant to tell others what you believe, for fear of being judged? No, I’ve never found it difficult to say I’m atheist.
Do you have the same worldview as your parents? Probably not.
If applicable, what is your favorite version of the Bible to read? 📖 Idk I never paid attention to the different versions.
Have you ever read the entire Bible? I tried when I was much younger but I got bored a few books into the Old Testament. My memory of the four Gospels is pretty sharp, though, considering we read them daily throughout elementary and high school.
...and if so, how many times have you done it? I’ve never read the Bible in its entirety but as for the Gospels I went over those every single day for like 10 years.
If applicable, what are three of your favorite Christian songs? I don’t have any particular favorites but I remember liking those where you can do a second voice just because they’re fun to do and makes you feel like you’re good at singing hahaha.
Have you ever attended a Christian school? 🏫 I went to Catholic school for 14 years, yes.
How often do you pray? 🙏 Never.
Do you own a set of prayer beads? 📿 You mean like a rosary? No.
Have you ever danced in church? 💃 I have not.
Have you ever been baptized, and if so, where and how were you baptized? 🌊 Yup, I received a Catholic baptism when I was a little over a month old.
For a church, what is your favorite denomination? I don’t have a favorite denomination. Do people have favorites for this sort of thing?
Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? Uh...
Do you believe that speaking in tongues is a real thing? No. I never did know what that means.
Do you have any art on your walls that has a Scripture on it, and if so, which one? No, but we have a portrait of the Last Supper in the kitchen and a crucifix in each room.
Section 5 - Politics
How many presidential elections have you voted in? 🗳️ Twice! First in 2016, then in 2022.
Do you support the First Amendment? (The First Amendment gives us the freedom of religion and freedom of speech). The what?
What is your country's flag? The Philippine flag. White side triangle, three yellow stars and a sun, blue over red.
Would you ever consider going into politics? Kind of. I very briefly considered becoming a lawyer before I realized how much I hate debating and how I’m not likely to survive recitals and regular humiliation from law professors.
Do you engage in political discussions on social media? If I absolutely give a shit about whatever issue is at hand, yes. I’ve gotten into discussions with cousins with whom I didn’t necessarily agree.
Are you happy with the current state of your nation? The current president is the son of That Dictator, I could never be happy about it. But apart from him, the country has long been rampant with corruption anyway so there was never anything to be happy about in the first place.
I have a friend who thinks the government is going to kill us all. Do you believe the government is going to kill us all? I believe they are very well capable of doing so. They have done it in the past, what’s going to stop them from doing it again?
Section 6 - Health
How many different medications do you normally take daily? 💊 I don’t take any.
What is the worst side effect or withdrawal effect that you've ever experienced from a medication? Feeling like death after each of my Covid vaccine doses and boosters. I felt like my skin was glass so I couldn’t move for like 12 hours.
Which medication(s) do you hate the most, and why? I never really hated any that I’ve had to take.
Which medication(s) do you feel have helped you the most, and why? I remember when I had my UTI in 2020 and the first doctor I went to (also a family friend) prescribed me medicine that did not do JACK SHIT, and I continued feeling like a corpse in the 2-3 days I was taking the medication. Angela’s mom who’s a pediatrician was worried sick about me and went ahead and gave me a different prescription, which worked in LITERALLY like half an hour. That was the closest to magic I’ve ever felt lmao; I continue to feel so grateful to her for the help.
What health conditions (that you know of) do you have? Scoliosis.
What are you allergic to? Grass, if anything. My skin feels irritated by it in the most random scenarios.
How many different primary care doctors have you had in your lifetime? None. I always go to different ones.
Have you ever received a dismissal letter from a doctor's office? Nope.
Is your current doctor a male or female? I don’t have a main one.
Do you prefer male or female doctors? Why? I don’t care for the most part.
Have you ever been refused treatment at a doctor's office or hospital? 🏥 No.
What is the most significant health issue you are dealing with right now? Probably my scoliosis.
What, if any, are some health issues you've had in the past that you don't deal with anymore? None. Most of my issues have been short-term, like when I had low platelet count and had to be admitted overnight.
How is your mental health? How has it been lately? It’s stable, to be generous about it. I’m just relieved to be no longer experiencing breakdowns and panic attacks which used to be an everyday thing.
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eriellesudario · 7 years
The Idea of Watermarking (and how to do it)
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As an aspiring photographer, there is a small (and optional) rule that we follow and that is to watermark your work. This is so that people will know who originally took it (if the logo is identifiable) and to prove that you own the photo.
I’ve done it a few times and you can see them mostly the events gallery because those pictures were hard to take as they require me to go outside and talk to people (and I’m introverted af!).
But what if there is a photo you took and you need to post it immediately? How will you watermark it? Is it even worth watermarking?
This post will answer that!
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If you follow me on social media and you’re part of the Phandom, then ya’ll should have seen this photo being circulated all over Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram during the last two days.
This my fellow readers is my meet and greet photo with Dan and Phil during the Cool For Summer Festival in Sydney Olympic Park in 2017. I got a Platinum VIP pass so it means not only I get to meet Dan and Phil but I also get first priority entry. I was supposed to be second in line but I swapped places with my friend Tani and I became third in line.
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This is basically what happened during the meet and greet:
So I walked in and gave Dan and Phil a hug. But before that, I played Hello Internet and Dan wanted to walk away. Yup… I actually had bluetooth speakers on me and blasted Dan’s first video before hugging them. But Dan wasn’t upset, he laughed. He said that playing that was ‘iconic’ then we hugged. (And if you’re concerned, I only played ‘Hi my name is Dan’ then stopped the video).
I hugged Dan first then Phil. After hugging they signed my book and talked about TATINOF then told them about my journalism assignment that I used the tour for it and got a B+ on it and they told me to give a shout out to the journalism teacher.
Then came the pose. I told them ‘well, since you’ve been talking about Lazytown in your previous live streams, I want to do the iconic sportarobbie pose from season 3’
I showed the the pose on my iPod and Dan then asked who is robbie rotten. He first suggested me but i said i wanted dan to do it. We did the pose i wanted and surprisingly, that pose was reposted multiple times on Instagram and Tumblr.
I told them about the Philippine phandom and they also told me to give them a shout out well. Sadly couldn’t be recorded.
I then said thank you and left happy.
As stated above, the photo was reposted multiple times on social media and spread like wildfire, gaining 3k+ likes as I’m writing this post right now. TBH, I pretty much expected that to happen since the pose is just soo good!
Since I knew that this photo will eventually spread, I’ve decided to watermark my image. I was reading a few comments about this in both Twitter and Instagram about my decision and only a few people were butt hurt over my decision. They think its problematic and just a stupid of me to do it. But I don’t care since it’s my photo + I told my family and friends about my decision and they think it was a good idea, that it was smart of me to do so.
I’ve seen my fair share of mass repost of meet and greet photos and they were used in edits, videos and etc that it’s a thing in the phandom to crop the fan out. TBH, I don’t care if I get cropped out but I do care when they claim the photo as theirs without crediting the original owner. I’ve seen people who were literally upset when this happened to them (from m&g pics to art edits) and it sucks.
I didn’t want to watermark my pictures in the first place but unfortunately I posted a pic from TATINOF last year and people used it, making it look like its their photo. I wasn’t credited whatsoever (and it was a hard photo to take btw).
The photo I’m talking about is this:
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It was a scene from TATINOF Sydney that I took using my iPad and not only people were mad at me for taking this photo, but used it in their ‘oh it’s been x months since TATINOF’ and stuff like that. And I needed this photo for my journalism assignment btw!
So after I took my meet and greet photo, I went to sit somewhere less hectic  and began to watermark my photo. I posted it and the jokes just keeps on flying about the idea of me watermarking it. Despite most of the comments were about how cute the pic was, how I was a genius for doing this and how Dan is falling towards Phil is just phan goals, but the messages about the watermark hurt me a bit… like 1% damage.
My pose, people can easily crop me out, I’ve seen a few that did and once again… more comments about my decision. Most common is something around the lines off ‘Can’t crop this b*tch out anymore’ and something related to that. So I’ve released a statement on Instagram (where I first shared the pic) and there was lots of support about my choice and people understood why I did it.
Some have also told me that thanks to what I did, they also intend to watermark their future meet and greet pictures as well if they know it will go viral.
The purpose of the watermark is to show/prove that the photo is yours and no one can claim it’s theirs. Its permanent and unless you’re really good with photoshop, it’s hard to get rid off.
When it comes to my professional work, I usually watermark the bottom part of my photo as I want a clear shot of my pic as well as to easily identify that I took it.
Normally, I use Adobe Lightroom to watermark my works but when it comes to meet and greets, you need to upload them fast… Like the first 1 hour fast!
So how did I do it?
A few people asked what app I used to create my watermark. For those who ask, it’s called Enlight and it’s like Photoshop on your phone. It cost $5.99 AUD (but I got it for free when it was App of the Week 2 years ago)
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It’s a really good app! I love to play around with it from time to time and IS REALLY USEFUL to fix really bad selfies like this one:
​(Hi Pat if you’re reading this… sorry if this selfie is being used for a blog post about watermark advice)
I needed to edit that on the spot! I didn’t want to do it at home! Also this was two selfies, just layered on top of each other and made it black and white cuz the coloured version looked like shit and made it obvious that it was edited.
But asides its use for fixing bad selfies, it’s also good for watermarks. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the PNG file of my logo on my phone so I just wrote my username.
Enlight is really handy and is good for last min edits or quick access to watermarking on the go. It’s also good with edits but that for another post.
Please note I’m not being sponsored by Lightricks Ltd. (the makers of Enlight). I just love the app. Glad I got it for free during App of the Week.
Now, every repost of my pose has my username at least spotted in the photo. You can crop me out but my name will still be seen… unless you’re a fan of Dan’s legs… then I have no control over that one.
But yeah… that’s my reason why I will now watermark my phan meet and greets and how you can do it on your mobile!
Happy watermarking!
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nakadoo · 2 years
durarara!! oc talk again. i actually have a lot to say about him, and have been considering writing a fic with him in it but idk we’ll see. it might just end up being a bunch of snippets instead of something with actual plot
but yeah i’ve mentioned he’s a fortune teller (tarot boy fr fr) and his readings are pretty accurate--- and a handful of occasions he has foretold the passing of some people but he didnt realize that he did until weeks later
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an example: his client asks about love and Kao is absolutely befuddled because all he can see is that his client is going to run into a lot of money very suddenly. He’ll pull out cards again, but still it’s all about money, about things going too fast. he apologizes to his client because it doesn’t seem like he helped at all. A few days later he finds out his client’s father has passed and how unfortunate that was-- a few weeks later he realizes thats what his cards meant when it would be quick money
another thing: i mention that he freaks out a little bit when he sees 22 repeating numbers. it is technically a good thing by all means but it unnerves him and he always thinks that something bad is going to happen and he tries to distract himself from it--- because if he thinks too hard, he manifests bad things by ACCIDENT. he could hypothetically manifest good things instead, but he’s an anxious boy and will always think of the worst despite his relatively positive outlook on life
is he a supernatural being? he doesn’t know honestly. when he first picked up the cards, that was all for funsies but now he’s not too sure lol. sometimes, he’s not sure if he’s imagining it or not, but it feels like his cards are tingling when he touches them and that also freaks him out a little bit but he goes with it because his cards are usually correct. he doesn’t do his readings for himself though, because he knows he’s going to be biased when he does.
rambly now: maybe, upon living in ikebukuro in the durarara universe, being exposed to actual magical beings (like celty and even saika) attunes him to his own idk magical energy. idk about u guys but in the philippines magic and mythical stuff is still pretty predominant. you’ll still hear a bunch of stories of people seeing ghosts, or getting bad omens when they look into the mirror. dhfkdhakf i’ve personally experienced it once myself and it was Terrifying(TM). I have no idea what the hell it was, but im sure that Something was there one night when my friends and I went camping. I like to stick by logic, but there truly was no logical explanation i can think of to explain what happened to me lol.
anyway ye thats it for now Kao suffers in many different ways, and the gift of prophecy is one of them
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kilosch · 16 hours
Journal Date: 09/22/2024
Morning Thoughts: I woke up today thinking about life. Reflecting on how the last few months went, I realized that today marks the beginning of my journaling habit. Nothing too dramatic has happened so far this year that I need to catch up on, so from now on, it's about recording everything fresh.
Yesterday's Highlights: Yesterday was my 26th birthday. It wasn’t a big deal to me; just another day, but the original plan was to camp somewhere alone for the weekend. Unfortunately, that got canceled because my grandma needed me to sign as a witness for her land notary documents back in the Philippines.
On the upside, I ended up spending time with my extended family. We went out to a Japanese restaurant in El Monte, and one of my closest friends, Robert, was nearby and able to stop by. He was in his LASD uniform, which made things a bit awkward because my family has mixed feelings about cops—even though I’m in the process of becoming one myself.
It was a special moment, though, seeing Robert, and I was glad he came. Besides that, I had a few video calls from friends across the globe, wishing me a happy birthday. Nate, my best friend, called, and we caught up, as usual. I always appreciate his wisdom and the fact that he knows what I’m going through with everything happening in his life.
Things I Realized: Talking to my parents back home in the Philippines reminded me that I need to visit sometime soon—preferably before I start the police academy with the State of California. It's been too long since I’ve seen them in person.
Current Thoughts & Goals:
I want to get back to journaling regularly and capture everything from now on so I can look back at these memories.
Visiting the Philippines is a priority before the academy.
Stay connected with Nate and Robert, who continue to be great friends.
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